you’re pulling the 3 ° WW nuclear

666SeigniorageofBank criminal IMF NWO 44 iscritti 19957 visualizzazioni video 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 1 secondo fa @ LaVeraDottrina – you’re pulling the 3 ° WW nuclear: with both hands! you are the biggest idiot crime: the biggest ally of the hatred of the IMF; your mindset? is equal to them! is better an intelligent man, even if bad: as synnek1: the Satanist: that not an idiot like you, you are more dangerous than him because you’re stupid and ignorant! no culture can be based on a single book! and you? you took the wrong book! go idiot ass! @ LaVeraDottrina — you has lost your brain and not more reasons! have had their day and are dead! where it is now your time? do not you know that God is journeying, through, history ,with every man? what happened to your intelligence? is dead! is why Rothschild will not respond to me, is for do destroy Israel, that is. to the agenda of 666 IMF NWO: that: his father ordered him to do! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 13 minuti fa @ LaVeraDottrina — go murderess: terrorist: of a god: stupid, bigoted, ignorant, cruel, racist, evil, devil, that he sends honest and good people, in the hell, just because, I’m not your abominable religion! you had to be born in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan, not in Europe! hell? is you just go: for rebellion, stubbornness, blasphemy and apostasy! In fact, you has thought, something unworthy, and offensive: about: the holiness of YHWH. anyone in the world offends: the Holiness: infinite: of infinite justice: and infinite love, infinite intelligence: of God? he thinks something, to be: about unworthy of God? This is why, he can not enter the Kingdom of God! is this: is the sin against: the Holy Spirit: that: they commit all those: that: they think that God will give them a paradise: despite their many crimes: of racism as men do the Talmud and sharia: a single family of vipers for IMF! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 31 minuti fa ✙ money in all world? is a scam Jewish bank seigniorage =! So, everything is fake! Also the 3rd World War nuclear. Already written is stabilized at 500 million for the human race ✙ nuclear war is a scam as the 11-09. there are no enemies, but only accomplices mason Because the NWO is Already completed ✙ You will be dead in 2015 with all people Because all the powerful of this world are Satanists! I am the greatest supporters: I am the greatest supporter of universal brotherhood: 1. Jewish temple of biblical Israel by Moses (before the Talmud) The most deadly enemy of Zionism and its bloody bank seigniorage (IMF). yes this is true we are christians jews in in every way! I am an Italian who has the heart in the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem Isaiah 2.1 to 3 / 56.6-7 says: “The Jewish Temple will be called home for all peoples,” Which Satanists Zionists: enlightened want to build them to celebrate Satan. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 31 minuti fa humanumgenus ha pubblicato un commento 1 ora fa The infallible teaching of the popes was not heard:One-against: Masonry = “Humanumgenus” two-against: bank seigniorage = “fortieth year” “3-after: (a) inquisition, (b) centuries of complaints, (c) considering enormous losses of human lives, the church was closed in the sacristy. Now, the occult powers have control our Institutions! ✙ ♥ LIGHT and LOVE from JERUSALEM! ✙ ♔ 1, metaphysics Embassy of the Kingdom of God to do ♔ enter the kingdom of God Bless all the atheists! ♔ * “lorenzojhwh” is the King of Israel. Ethiopia Sudan Egypt Jordan Lebanon Palestine Iraq Syria Kuait. not exclude the neighboring nations who want to join for. in my reign: no one will pay taxes. ♔ * “humanumgenus” is “Rei unius” the President metaphysical whole human race: 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 31 minuti fa humanumgenus ha pubblicato un commento 1 ora fa lorenzojhwh will give all the money That every country / nation in the world will need: free. ♔ * “ShalomGerusalemme” is the Mahdi. ✙ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB is virus deadly AMEN “Drink your poisons made by yourself” ✙ I am, That door metaphysics, natural positive secular, rational justice, to open to all honest men and atheists (from first to last man) the heaven in Jesus’ name. Amen Alleluia. * ♛ ♰ * Those who reject my love? They will be eternally damned because i am “The Metaphysical”! ♛ ♰ * ♛ ♰ Do not Worship Idols – WORSHIP Allah YHWH-ONLY WHAT YOU FEAR? Your Rei unius lorenzojhwh will never abandon you! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 31 minuti fa humanumgenus ha pubblicato un commento 2 ore fa Segnala spam Jesu ‘s nationalism against satan’s synagoghe & Babylon tower I swear in the name of Jesus: I swear by the living YHWH of Abraham, who: 1.enlightened; 2.lobby Jewish; 3.massoneria: will pay for this crime, with the Lives of Their Children. Who can say now That lorenzojhwh not have the legal right to kill? * ♰ * 1 332 Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament the. * ♰ * Revelation or Apocalypse: which speaks of: micro chip, modern weapons and the Internet. * I has tied the foot of the cross of Christ: all the demons and the men of this damn planet by sin! . ✙ 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 32 minuti fa ♛ [[the end]] the money? is more than a symbolic element “is spiritual!”: but the Jews, Satanists, the “Illuminati or enlightened, Rothschild and Company 666, Bush 322”. have made a “merchandise” (so, who, also, we are become “commodity” means, “enslaved” all whole human race! see: EzraPound and Giacinto Auriti .. That’s why, from the French Revolution (through the invention of the “Assigned”) they have control of the world … and have the NWO by the foundation of the Bank of England … since it is money is an ideal value and conventional: that is, spiritual: the money can not be bought or sold … here, Because we are now, under the ideological and practical Satanism: the bank seigniorage, Whose function is the predation of peoples, through all the wars That Are Necessary to regenerate a new IMF: since the cost of money : is equal to 270%, then the destruction or the war: they are an indispensable institutional: ie an Institutional arrangements ♔ 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 32 minuti fa Rainbow2010able Commento sul tuo video: Islam sharia Taking Over Europe terror incubated FUN FACT : Muslims are actually human. They bleed red just like we do. –ANSWER–> NO! are criminal scumbags assholes, who kill innocent people: just because they do not allow freedom of religion! necessarily end in tragedy! @google criminal murderess CIA IMF @ 666 -> to hide my comments? 322 and 666: CIA Mossad: invent everything! to see: my comments: again? Satanists youtube forced me to cancel: the long comments, as a description of the old layout.: that: I had prior to the new layout. otherwise the comments could not be seen 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 33 minuti fa [the victim raped plagiarized hypnotized] of satanism international IHateNEWLAYOUT — —> I saw you: too many times, obey like a dog, to your priest of Satan! but, with the martyrdom you can redeem your soul from Satan: for to enter into the Kingdom of God! if you die killing Satanists? even better! Because These monsters must be stopped in every way! surrender @ synnek1 666 322 CIA IMF -> I know very well that, you’re in all this crap: of youtube and google: to stifle the voice of the people: and to stifle democracy! but, honestly? that is fag, your Satan, I was disappointed! where are these supernatural powers: of big: idiots of your Satanists against me? and because you against me you have failed? Then, you enter into a dead end! there is no hope for you during my dominion over the earth! surrender 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 ore fa ebrei che odiano il cristianesimo? proprio questo è necessario al FMI: per pianificare la Shoah! in passato, gli ebrei avevano ragione: ad odiare: e a temere: il cristianesimo: ma, oggi quel cristianesimo: non esiste più! allora, perché esiste: ancora: un odio ebraico: contro: i cristiani? Questo è un ambiente artificiale: creato: dai satanisti: cioè, i signori della guerra! oggi, questo finzione: è stata creata: per poter: distruggere Israele!: perché, affinché, il potere del FMI: possa sussistere?: gli ebrei devono essere sistematicamente sterminati: infatti, per il FMI, è indispensabile; che: il loro numero deve rimanere sempre ridotto: I am King of Israel 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 ore fa Egypt Sharia [[Account Warnings: 1]] | | Appealed Rejected | | Reception Date: 19/Oct/2011 | Date of Validation: 19/Oct/2011 | [[Your account does not have a good reputation.]] Very ugly bodies of Christian Coptic Martyrs Massacre - (666SeigniorageofBank) YouTube is not a shock site. You may not post disgusting videos of accidents, dead bodies or other similar entities Whose purpose is to upset, to feel or be disrespectful. If the video is explicit or strong, can be published on the site, only if supported by adequate documentary or educational information. – Answer-you have heard the slander, That the Copts were stolen weapons? but, 1. there are no deaths in the army! 2. we saw the tanks: trampling and trample: the crowd, the soldiers fired at random into a crowd disarmed .. I had written in “comments”: “warning: violent videos to minors prohibited” 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 ore fa 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 13 secondi fa Because: there can be only one truth That? So, this is the truth, “Jesus is risen and you are all on trial!” In fact, the days of Noah, That Is, before the flood universal: they were all Nephilim: Giants: ie, That it was a world of giants! but, the crime of religious ideological evolutionism? has need to hide this truth! @ Masons, university professors – you’ve turned science into an ideology of religion of evolutionism: a monstrous scientistic religion: I will imprison you all, and I condemn all of you to return all of the salaries were That You have stolen! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 ore fa 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 3 minuti fa @ Youtube – about: the poor Coptic Christian martyrs? and all: 300: Victims Christian martyrs of Muslim sharia law: of every day: (160000christianmartyrs. blogspot) around the world? why, hide all this terrible reality: because everyone Believes, That Is a great achievement of civilization: ie: to Realize the destruction of Christianity .. but this is true: instead: “Then will be the Satanists and Witches to seize your children!” However, in the video That you have deleted? That it is true there was the head of a deformed man who was trampled / crushed: by the wheel of an armored vehicle of the army (in Egypt) … but no one could see the brain That had come out! Satanists have lost control of youtube! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 ore fa 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 4 minuti fa @ 666 Rothschild and 322 Bush – you did: of yourself: the foundation of all our institutions: 1. any of predation: 1. seigniorage banking and secret societies: Freemasons satanism: corporations, etc.. .. You have trampled on the Constitution of all people! that’s why the human race has been so ruined: corrupt, depraved, to the point: what now can only be destroyed: purified with the nuclear fire .. you the synagogue of Satan: this is what you have always done and worked! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 ore fa @ To all peoples – This Is The hallmark: of the reign of unius Rei: for His kingdom: Because His ministry is: an politic ministry and theology! for the rationality of metaphysics or natural law! then: no criminal, or, no murderess: Can Remain without His condemnation, but: will will run out for end of day! That is my faith Destroys? He die! is end for racism and for all lies! We No Longer Need to make a killing: of American Citizens (Such as the 11-09) to say That in Iran, there are: nuclear weapons. but: we must tell the truth: “all Muslims deserve to be exterminated.” Because: Sharia is big threat to the survival of mankind. Why: every person who dies? He has the right to know, the reason for His death! that’s: why: I’m on this youtube page! Because: I do not want to kill: people in secret! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa 666SeigniorageofBank posted a comment 14 minutes ago @ 666 CIA Satanism institutional: ie, IMF international, hei, Synnek1 -> Do not be afraid! I’m not going to do to you of evil! you come out, because you want to make a deal with all Satanists: through you! why do you want do,of me: a bad boy, that. turns the world to kill criminals: Freemasons, rich, murderess, etc. .. that is, all those who have trod: the Cross, of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, he went to Calvary to cry and suffer, all our sins: only for love? 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa Lukas Four: Years to the: hell: June 2: 2011. Lukas: Four: Years to the: hell, Vier Jahre und Hölle zurück. [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] . Lukas – Four: to the year: hell. forumlibri . com. Small library. 1 post – 1 author – 3 Aug: 2009. The already troubled existence of: an: boy: of: 14 years changes when: an: Friend: more: great, Peter, the: drag in an: nightmare. “Evil replaces the good, and hatred: it takes place: love.” Second, this crazy ideology, the author, That, for obvious reasons lies beneath: the: alias: of: Lukas, lives four: years of his life. to: an age of 15: companion: of: the school: it involves one of the more: dangerous sect: European satanic. to the: beginning, there remains bound Lukas: fear, then for pride: pride: of: to be part of: an: group: of: selected. Alcohol, drugs, tests of courage, violence, orgies and: even: human sacrifices become: part of his daily life. Only: When: Receives an: Order horrible his conscience 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa [Die 666 Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] awakes and: find the courage: of: escape. But not, stop there, because now: is: on them blacklist … and: to them it: they want: dead. As: the phenomenon of sects, I would say That, to: regardless of the: poor: power of: belief: of: the: book, seems to be a plague and growth: it deserves an: action: today more December: that, urgent and: capillary by the institutions, because it is: known: that the number: of: exiles – admitted: That then, fail: to: build a new life – is: infinitesimal compared: to: those are: a horrible death, or : that remain: entangled forever. Philips (14-02-2008). a book, really: That interesting, puts: our eyes the “daily activities” that, not, are: blocked but vacated … I think: all: the: that, is: written in this: book as not, is: an: mystery: that, the Satanists are: and: that, commit: all: this … read! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] ArchiSara ** ** (06-11-2007) incredible! Book: interesting both of the: point: of: That view of the narrative, however: about the plot. After: it: finished: (in an: blink of an eye) remains the feeling That, anyone is safe: in this: the world! thing more: is bad: that, everything happens under: our eyes without That, without realizing it … we would like to invite all to: keep your eyes open .. (16-05-2006) Ok, it is: an: “good book” in the sense: that, is: written well, but if: think: an: flash: to: the: that it happens to some people or: That CHILDREN, end: for them : great misfortune in the hands of: CRAZY these that: they think: normal people but obvious: that, not, it: they are), then I think: just: Lukas MUST collect the evidence and: take them to the police, for example, : 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] That the videotapes, had to see, That I would say, could: be a good test, or: no? At least: so that he could: save some victim and: if: same: from the torture … honestly? if I am thinking: that perhaps the children That, disappear: and: not, there are: more: may: be finished in the hands of: these criminals … So I hope: that, not, it’s all: true . pk (03-05-2006). The book, in addition to being extremely disturbing, is: very: interesting. Allows of: to know also: world: that, tries in every way: of: remain hidden. I: read: the lirbo: After: I have read: “The hidden hand” of: Buonaiuto: that: the Board). The two texts, from two points of: different views, are individually consistent one: with: the other … I think of it: a confirmation of the truth: both. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] SERENA (12-03-2006) I do not know.. come almost to the: end of the book is been: as: as if …. I do not have: made more: to: keep too many crazy things …. then described, however, taken of the: curiosity … after: a few days: I: recovered: in hand: the book …… and I have: finished: I: of: trying: so sad? Rina (27-07-2004) A book to read to discover a reality and unspoken: unknown, to: we still close. Absolutely horrifying the picture: that, comes out. Sara (31-10-2002) Very: disturbing, very … too: TRUE. We read in one breath, flowing as: water to the prey: blizzard … because of: blizzard is: rising into: the heart of a storm, a thousand questions, doubts. to: Sometimes, in the reality of our own: the world: that, we believe, “quiet”, you can: hide raw truth, as: the one told in this: the book. A true story really: amazing. not, right: those sensitive to: these truths. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] Appropriate, however, to: those That, believe: That still, the world is perfect .. thanks to money .. so, perhaps, will: of: that, to reflect. Eli (01-03-2002). That so shocking, to: That looks amazing features, it is a true story. The terrifying thing, and: that, not, know, is: that are: involved also: That people you meet on the street, not, nothing to do, nothing. To read and to understand: think. Riry (17-07-2001). is an: book: that, emotions really: Strong, pulls a page at once: to the: other until at the end. However, is: a truth That puts fears and: that, makes you think a lot. jack (10-07-2000). 3 words to describe this: book: beautiful, disturbing and: vero.sono: left: really impressed, ioleggo: very: stephen king but this: is: the book: more: That creepy,’ve ever read: and: also: the more: beautiful! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] Manuela (23-08-1999).is an: Book: very: interesting. He left me: him: a inquetude of: background: thinking: that, is: a true story … is: written, very, well, you read everything in one go … Title Four: to the year: hell. Author Lukas Price. Discount: 15% € 6.80 (Price of: cover € 8.00 Save: € 1.20) 1999 data, 171 p., Paperback. Translator Perria L. Publisher TEA (necklace Experiences) Available also: used: to: € 4.00 on PLOT OF THE BOOK. Lukas is: an: boy, fifteen with: a hard life behind, she lives voluntarily in an: college: to escape his alcoholic father: and: a weak mother, That, not, know to oppose the: of violence: quest ‘ humans. One evening he went to an: pub for a beer, and meets Peter, an: boy: an: po ‘more: old: of: he, That, know of: view. Together, they are: to meet other friends of Peter, but not, it is of: a normal party of: adolescents: in fact Peter and Lukas are: a black mass. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] In fact, Peter is part of: a powerful satanic cult; charge: of: look for new cohorts of decision: to lead with: Lukas itself. The boy is: frightened: and also: disgust, and: would like to go, but he realizes That, not, can not. From that moment on, also: Lukas is: forced: to: participate in black masses and rituals of: initiation, That, the are of the set: a priest of the sect. Whenever he wants to escape, but the terror That, inspire the: Satanism is: too: big, so Lukas to participate: Black Masses in which assists to: sacrifices of: animals and: of: human beings, as well That, to: of torture: varied kind … He himself: it is subjected: more: times to: physical torture, and: for an: complete: washing: the brain, for which they use the satanists: of: potent drugs. For four: long years the boy lives two lives: that of: every day, you should learn how to: be a carpenter-even if: everyone notices: 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] the negative change in him -, and: that night and: secret, violent and hallucinating, with: his new “family” … He goes by stages of: excitement, during which thinks of: be strong and invincible because Satan is: with: him, to stadiums of: real terror: and: their own. . To make a career in the hierarchy of the sect, Lukas faces some “evidence” to first beat: blood some of his friends more: loved ones, because Satan denies the existence of friendship between human beings, then kill an: animal and extract the heart, and finally, kill an: .. It is human: to: this: section: that the young Lukas not, accepts more: of: to obey, is: terrified, because he knows That, his captors the: try, but finally confident with: assistant of the college: he lives and: find the help: Required: to escape to the: sect. Is treated: his assistants, That, to the: end decide: of: do: admit to a psychiatric clinic, 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] where he remained for four: months, prey to: serious mental disorders; much: slowly able to: return to relative normality. Today Lukas lives with: a girl, is: failed: to: find an: work, but of: night still scary nightmares, in which an: man hooded: lo: chases stab: in an: incredible place: full: of: blood .. After: the reading of: the: book, is spontaneous to think That, whether of: fantasy, unfortunately: is: a true story …. unbelievable, crazy, but absolutely true …. The story takes place in Germany, also: if: not, are: above the real names of the people involved and: even the locality; own, because the sect: satanic operate: in complete secrecy, and: those who want to get out of it is: really danger: of: life .. The sect: satanic are also common: little ‘everywhere, but not, if: we hear about that much, is: an: That problem is to: afloat only: when: where you will discover: obscure events – 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento 3 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] such as , murder of the so-called: monster of Florence, or: the recent events in which he speaks of the “Beasts of Satan” – related to: this: phenomenon. I: read: that, Satanism: true: and: own: is headed: to: four: current of: thinking: Different: Satanism: rationalist, That, is: what: charged: of the Church of Satan, the more: important and ancient satanic cult, and: that, preaching the liberation of the human being: of the: slavery well understood: in sense: Christian; Satanism: pure practiced: of the Temple: of: Set (derived directly sect of the Church of Satan), the Children of Satan, a lot: known here in Italy, and: the Churches of Turin, That, are at least: an: couple, here Satan is: seen: as: a figure and true: and to evoke their worship, and: is proclaimed hatred: pure in respect of Jesus Christ: and: of: God ; 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento 3 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] Satanism: Lucifer, where there is rebellion to God, many of: this sect: it seems to be: spread to Trieste, and Often: make: part also: underage boys; Satanism: acid, practiced: above: to young boys, That, taking: drugs and listen: some rock music in which – they say – they are: That hidden messages, praise: to Satan. However, to: Apart from these distinctions, surely all these sect: have: a common ritual of the black masses, during which we celebrate: sacrifices, often: of: animals, and-sometimes, perhaps, also: of: human beings; and submission: psychological conditioning very strong, especially through: the use: of: drugs; acts of: vandalism, as for example: desecration of: tombs and in some cases incitement to suicide. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] Well .. there of: all: and also: an: po ‘of more …. What can I say? I: read: the testimony of curiosity, as: … and I always: That said, I was deeply uneasy ….. always more: it seems to me true: that, not, there is no limit to the crap perpetrated by human beings against: their own: they are more like …. and not here, I say more. Without doubt, this is of: a reading instructive, however: raw and chilling, maybe not, is: an: bad read, so: to realize: of: an: appearance: little: known: and in an: sure: sense: underground: of: our society, among other things: That it may be, many of disappearances: people ever more: can found: be connected with: Satanism . Four: years in hell: – Lukas, pg.171, TEA editions. Lucas, four: YEARS IN HELL, Ed Mondatori S.p.A. Milan license TEA S.p.A. Title: Original: Vier Jahre und zurück Holle, 1995 by Gustav Lubbe Verlag GmbH, Bergisch Gladbach 1999 TEA SpA 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] Solo: God knows how: I: suffered: and in reading: re-reading of: this: Document: that has changed, definitely my life. When: you know, not, you can more: pretend of: not, you know. – Only: the: stunning: unconscious and: only: oblivion: irresponsible, they can: get back to being one: that, you were before. The reflective reading of: this: book: will exceed production of fantasy horror is because: the reality of Hundreds of Thousands of: people, mostly ADULTS in every nation, as in everything: the West, the so-called: a civilized we: have to: a few million of: followers. Underestimate this: phenomenon is already taking: to: terrible consequences. Satanism: is the factory of maniacs, monsters and: the serial killer. to: an: you can sort of Satanist: everything, including: the infanticide of their own: son. Satanism: is: an: result: deviant: our Western society is: the reversal: 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] the biblical mentality and: the liturgical and: sacrament of the Church of Christ: and a santa. Becomes ours: the drama of indelible: Lucas, That, risked: of: crazy. Paradoxically was right: the madness to: save! The madness: deprived: the prison of his own mind and: hidden: for years in a psychiatric clinic has been able to: rebuild, so it is only that fortuitously That has been able to: get rid of the sect. Nevertheless lives in anonymity: and: in continuous danger of: life. Danger: that we must: share so that humanity comes out of this: nightmare. And rape, kill the human victim in numerous community also: with: hundreds of: participants that: not, you know: one of: them), drink its blood mixed: with: drugs, eating the raw heart: to: bites, and : at once: after: cannibalism: make an orgy in honor of Satan, – do the cast: of: plaster man’s: that he may make a show of: if: Satanists in pubs 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento 3 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen](dissolve the body with: the ‘acid: sulfuric acid: and: pour: in the sink: everything that can be prepared: as also: two hours of: devout prayer in Latin) requires an organization as: complex and: powerful that the so-called blush: civilized west: of: front of the rest: the world for all eternity. But also: body, first of: destroy it, you can: get a lot of things, I’ll save … Shame, United States of America! Shame on England! Shame on you, Germany! Shame on you, France! Shame on you, Italy! Shame on you, West! To stop these criminals need: the secret services, technologies more: advanced and: experts (judges, police, prisons, homes, psychiatric staff, etc..) And specific: only dedicated. Do not believe me? What are, according to you: That people can: vanish into thin air? if: know your numbers and that statistics of the disappeared into thin air, this: v’impressionerebbe! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] Of course, is: I am convinced, after: reading: this: book, That, in an America: third: of: these disappeared, are being sacrificed on the altar of: Satan. Many victims, unaware, knew only that of: go to a party, when: welcomed this invitation: of: an: friend: known: a few days: first, perhaps on the beach. to: this festival there would be: to have fun and: to eat for free. The victim of course: is: ignorant of the fact: that, everyone would be “fun” to top of: and him: his: terror, would have been “tortured” and: then with: great skill would have seen: with: its his eyes: the heart of his hands: an: other, not, there are words to describe what: that it happens and: what: that is the test. not just dead, some would: Devoured: raw: his: and the heart: they all: drink: his: blood still warm: mixed: to: an: liquor, everything: his: destruction: it would be consumed: in honor of Satan. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] Too much later, however, to find That, subject: fun: it would have been someone else: his: and horror: his despair. The victim is: drugged and: altar linked with: arms and chains: legs apart, is raped, the is: open: the chest with: great skill without hurting my heart That, is: torn: in an: second : time …. Desperate seeing you die: your pulse: heart in the hands of: an: other. Introduction to the worship of Satan today of: Don Jurgen Hauskeller] We have: a subculture ideology of Satanism: made of: video, literature and music, especially addressed: for an: public: youth, That, during the period: the: development: spiritual and intellectual, being: to the: search for meaning: life, can easily be shaped: to become perfect tools of the secret organization, the: secret outside: as: in: its hierarchical structure. Of the structure held together: blackmail, hatred: and: of the: and fear: of the: advantage: personal 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] (sex, money, and power: impunity indefinitely). Most certain and fear: real, the infallible organization and impunity: the impossibility of: escape. The most widespread presence of Satanic groups in most of our common. Introduction to the worship of Satan today of: Don Jurgen Hauskeller] (as unfortunately: there are: to: demonstrate some of the facts: crime) where he / murder / improvised / s are: caught / e, but nothing You can never to: know the other members of the group, in any case. The chronicle unfortunately not, we can speak of collective rituals with: orgies and: sacrifices of: small animals, of: what happens during the desecration of: churches and: cemeteries, and: all: the: that entails. Unfortunately, and crimes: the murders are present also: when: Satanism: is: in an initial form. also: to this: stage: initial and: little: professional, 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] these groups are always potentially dangerous. From a survey conducted in 1994 – Institute: of: psychology at the University of Friedrich Schiller of Jena, Introduction to the worship of Satan today of: Don Jurgen Hauskeller] is, on the basis of an: questionnaire: that, 35.3% of students had: practical experience in the field of occultism: (Tarot, pendulum , seances), while 1% had: experience with: the black masses. The situation not, should be very: different from other parts of Germany and: the world rich. The charm of magic, the attraction of evil deeds, That ideology, provides strength, hardness and requires glorify violence as: instrument: that represents a reality exciting and mysterious, are all factors That, exercise : on some young an: great power of attraction. In Germany there is a strong organization dedicated to the worship of Satan, That, structured under: form of: lodges, similar to: the Masonic 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] Introduction to the worship of Satan today of: Don Jurgen Hauskeller]: and: benefits of: a dense network of: international connections. Level: of: the secrecy of Satanic groups is: absolute, of: usually: who decides of: escape must deal with: the near certainty of: to be killed: o: of: see killed her more: dear relatives in retaliation . The: state: of: the right: Advances demands a lot: picky: of elements of: test, and victims: witnesses, and is: to this: that, so far the attempts of: prosecuting are: falliti.1. The word impotence is: perhaps the definition more: fitting the current situation of: this: fenomeno.2. In addition, officials of: police typically not give: Credit to: these stories, because believe: not worthy of: faith. introduction to the worship of Satan today of: Don Jurgen Hauskeller]: 3. Misinformation, and indifference: unpreparedness to: deal with: a reality so terrible, 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] are: of: hand in hand. Sure: there are: That individual cases, give rise to: a sensation, but then everything falls into oblivion. Only in England, behind: debate: parliamentary is: had the establishment of a committee of special Scotland Jard.4. is: necessary: ​​an: specialized personnel and of police, That, of: the judiciary to curb and: counter this: that, is one: of more: contemporanei.Siamo disturbing phenomena: of: the face of a sect with: global ramifications and whose vertex is: in the United States of Americas, where Satanists are free of: publicly profess them faith. Satanists are considered: one family founded upon hatred: and: the absolute submission to: Satan. For them, are ridiculous and: fruit: of: weakness, feelings, and compassion: love. To kill humanity and to become nasty newbies and terrified: brainwashed are forced to: ask for the blood to butchers and: the: drink: the certainty 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento 3 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen]of: being stalked, this, then it is true, because a great deal of attention is given for the novice,That in the case: of: Lucas, was: introduced: the cult with: deception.To kill him: a spirit: Christian drinking: Blood Raw: united: to: drugs during the rites, where they kill: also: human beings kidnapped or: drawn with: deception. The dead end: dissolved in acid: and: disappear: in the sink. Catechesis, isolation: of the: context: social, crime, the: rape, orgies, murder: ritual are inherent reality. The destruction of Christianity: and: humanism: is: the resulting goal. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento 3 ore fa For this: not, may: tolerate in their maternity: group, only that his children from an: high priest are grown as: children of: Satan, the other children were born: secretly with: care of gynecologists’ organization and: are sacrificed to the: birth or: also: After: six months to the: presence indifferent mother, second: That the signs, Satan by the priest, not, can: existing emotional ties. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] That a mother, enters the sect must show its loyalty to: satan, killing: or: by: to kill her son more: small. To achieve the goal: of: to conquer the world: and: of: to submit to the Christians: and slavery: to: any torment, in the absolute certainty of the final victory of Satan, lord of the world, have: of: impressive and : significant financial resources, many of the men more: and powerful: the rich West, already belong: to the: organization. Can: handle drugs That, in combination with: other drugs cause: death, so that Satan be glorified and they can: show him them faithful allegiance. Satan is the master of them knowingly: life, while is: the man unaware of most of the men That, to: he are submitted to: because of sin. For these purposes, the triumph of sex, and wealth: the power in them life, 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] they sell: their: anime to: Satan and: you make it: his docile and: aware tools. Analysis of: the: book: it appears as: communities more: flourishing, they are: Germany, France, England and: in America, where the followers more: zealous, go: to the internship, Lucas was destined : o: to: be a priest or: to: to die. Are precisely: the United States of America the spiritual home of the Satanists. The groups are present here, offer almost every night: to: Satan also: human being kidnapped: o: with: deception: invited: at a party and, only, rarely are forced to: Fold the sacrifice of: an: lamb , That circumstance, is: instead reversed in the European groups. is: impressive to know the statistics of people That, disappear: in nothing, not, is: absurd believe – of the: testimony of baffling: this: document: – that, n: number: impressive of: men may have been: victim 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] of: this powerful, international and: rich secret organization. Many are killed only: because being: to: knowledge of: an: friend: Satanist have: tried: of: dissuade him: and: have: tried: of: help: to leave the organization. The structure is pyramidal Satanist, the world leaders of the organization are: the United States of America, where they have: a legal status: and: pay the taxes. The resolution of: not these issues can be addressed if ever: not, by powerful government organizations. Some murders, moreover, must: be committed to prove to be worthy of: an: Feed: organization, That has of: economic means and: of: to cover: all levels of civil society, political, military and : religious cos’ì as: among other things: is: for masonry. Only: two thin slits are: leaking eyes, not in the organization, you know, I know: what will happen as a result: the journey: of them training. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] They feel: trapped in a hopeless situation! To save the skin becomes indispensable! The way: better to save is accredited with: crimes and: with: proselytism. Enter only once in an assembly of: this: type, also: with: deception, it may mean for some as Lucas not, be able to more: go out, rimanerne trapped forever on pain of death for if: o: for their loved ones. Own: to prevent retaliation to their loved ones is: forced to: participate. also: suicide: it would be a release, but this: is: prevented: own: of the: That certainty, a family member is going to die on the altar of sacrifice to “punish” the coward: and: traitor suicide. After: being: forced, by thugs, (masters of: martial arts, and: perfect war machines) to: drink blood with: drugs, order: of: kneel, Lucas understands That, the resistance will be futile, drinking … etc. ….. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] Lucas, an aspiring priest, in four: and year: after: many seminaries in America as: aspiring priest, not, has never been able to: look at the face: his: priest-tormentor. Mesmerized, transformed: in one: zombies to: of doing things: that not, is: conscious, but unequivocally proven by photographs, to take refuge in a psychiatric clinic, hundreds of: miles of: distance and: will need: of: many year of: Therapy That, unfortunately not, the will: more restoration to her: balance: and: its normality. When: to: Lucas, the show: the photo: of: a teenage That, to: distance of a week would: sacrifice, consecrating him: definitely as: priest of: Satan, after: they had to: attend her: in spite of: to: hundreds of: human sacrifice and: have brought: and death: the destruction around: to the: his community human, emotional and social, squirts. Squirts and: loses control: its psyche, but their own: this will be his salvation. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] mine site: of: 20 years ago: webalice. it / looooo / lucas. htm.. Fact is: precisely: the brain: the prison infallible Satanists. Their: nightmare if: forced or: their: paradise wicked: and: evil: if: consenting. An American priest, at the top of the global structure of the organization, now: Away in Germany, check the preparation of priests and followers: application to Lucas: “this that religion you belong to?” To the: response and awe: for this: errata of Lucas: “I do not have: a religion” is beaten: and: correct: “YOUR RELIGION is: THE Satanist, remember: GOOD.” Subject: to: beatings, and gives Lucas: between if: you think, “Okay, are: an: the devil.” The priest: he continues: “You not, you’re an: devil, you’re just: an: son of the devil.” – The American had the power of: read minds: – In fact, some of: them are: the power of: to see: distance and: other possibilities superhuman. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] The ambition of: an: Satanist is: of: to die in a manner worthy of: Satan, in other words dramatically. The terms as: love and: friendship are replaced of the: word association. Thus, in exceptional That, an: Satanist relies to: structures of: recovery: and: of: rehabilitation, That thing, not, may be because he knows That, in his situation are altogether: and unnecessary: ​​inadequate. To deal with this reality That, define criminal is: define reductively need: institutions, laws and structures: That, not, are yet to be designed. That this atrocity, is spreading: it is invisibly as: cancer: more: dangerous of Western society. This: Cancer: Social currently is: of the unsolvable: the so-called: world civilized of: where it is: the result: logical: of the: time: where not, there is: our: West an unambiguous definition of the concept : of: the truth is: the amount paid: secular: the sense of: God Me: 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] I am ashamed: of: belong to: this so-called civilization! Satanists, invisibly, are: irreversibly deforming: our society and: will bring: more and more disasters before That, someone finds a way: of: to stop them. Many crimes aberrant That, rightly shake: public opinion, they have: behind: the phenomenon of Satanism. All: this: Error is been: made: of the possible: done, That, our company not, is :: or ethics, or personalistic nor humanistic and or metaphysics. With our cultural revolution will open an: new: the future: of: peace and: of: civilization. Our revolution is: started and: more: anyone can stop it. not, I know: if: win: (the book of Revelation That said, in recent times the evil will be overwhelming), but of: certain: we will fight, will: to deal with: we, in our war with evil moral. Attention, the high priest, the great murderess: is: what: that travels in cadillack with: privacy glass. – Imagine: 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 18 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus’s name: amen] now: that, an: reader has read: and: gave: Credit to: what: that, I: said. Well! This: player is still far: of the: understanding the experience of: an: Satanist, because the words not have: no power of: explain this reality. Only: an: Satanist knows what it feels like to be flooded: hate: to: state: pure. The problem of not Satanist, is then: what: that, the other not, they want to: understand, but That, not, can, never understand it: and: that, for him more: anyone can do something. He knows That, in hell: and: that by them not, they will more: get out! That knows, also: in thought not, is more: safe: and: then enjoy more December: that, can, take everything: That sweet, the blood of others can give you … webalice .it / looooo / lucas . htm 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 1 giorno fa @ 666 CIA sYnnek1 international institutional Satanism: Intelligence service! – It’s a shame that you’re not a gay: When you take the hypnotic control of Ihatenewlayout, because he is a strong man! – as is the taste: of a human heart alive, raw and hot button: when you take it to bits? 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 1 giorno fa 666 CIA synnek1 — you have so sick, and shame of yourself, that you are ashamed to admit to be a Satanist! you, like the true doctrine, you have always fled in the face of my questions! coward! lol. why, Satanists Germans: will never be able to achieve: perfection (charisms supernatural gifts and technical) of the Satanists Americans? LaVeraDottrina — then, I said: at the donkey “dottrina”: that you are? the difference: between: religious and secular! indeed, we are all servants of God! therefore, your theological ignorance? is clear! and in fact, you’re a parrot, who has no personal relationship with God! QUESTION: There is NO difference methodological among you: and the King of Saudi Arabia: The Great MURDERESS, of innocent Christian martyrs! then: you’re a great potential murderess: like him! but, laveradottrina refuses to answer to me! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 1 giorno fa 09/12/2012 LIBYA-EGYPT-USA. Attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi and embassy in Cairo. One dead. In Benghazi, an armed group threw hand grenades and fired volleys of shots. One American was killed, another was wounded. In Cairo, the embassy was attacked and the U.S. flag burned. The attacks are a reaction to the release of a film about Muhammad, considered blasphemous. The hand of Terry Jones, the pastor who wanted to burn the Koran. LIBYA- UNITED STATES. US ambassador killed in Benghazi attack. Three staffers are also killed. Bodies have been flown to Tripoli before leaving for a US military base in Germany and then stateside. Suffocation was the cause of death. An Islamic group claimed responsibility for the attack.VATICAN – LEBANON. Vatican slams anti-Muslim provocations, cites pope’s positive example in Lebanon–ANSWER–> HATE VIOLENCE! MA, MUSLIMS FEEL FREE TO BURN THE BIBLE NOT ONLY BUT ALSO THOSE WHO HAVE! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 1 giorno fa @ LaVeraDottrina -> il vero assassino! only, the Satanists: they have the commitment to be the evil in all its forms, especially: the lies and hypocrisy, but Satanists are not human: they are monsters! but, in all human systems? there is always an element of truth! if you, did not exist? I could never understand how, the evil that, could has do against the Jews, and against to all other diversity, the Catholic Church in the past. Israel National TV, IsraelNationalTV – if not destroy, the false: Masonic democracy: of the banking seigniorage? will God do to you:the evil! In fact, you can only: prolonging the agony! and in Genesis 47.29 to 50.26? you will find the answer! IsraelNationalTV — se non distruggi la falsa democrazia massonica del signoraggio bancario? sarà Dio a fare a te del male! infatti, tu potrai soltanto: prolungare l’agonia! ed, in Genesi 47,29-50,26? tu troverai la risposta! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 1 giorno fa @ CustodeDellaFede — Also the King of Saudi Arabia is “a keeper of the faith” who, like you, he does not believe in freedom of religion! So to serve your god? you’ll have to go and kill him as its Muslims, have killed: all Christians, who were before him in the lands of his empire! that is, the difference between: you? he manages to kill 300 Christians martyred: every day, while you do not have the power: to kill someone! behold, this is the only difference that separates you! He sent his representative: to commit perjury to Assisi with Pope John Paul II: “never kill someone in the name of God: never more!”, Perhaps: he must have thought: that: at the end of his God was Satan for do perjury as follows: a light heart! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 1 giorno fa @CustodeDellaFede — anche: il Re della Arabia Saudita: è “un custode della fede”: che come te, lui non crede alla libertà di religione! Quindi per servire il tuo dio? tu dovrai andare ad uccidere lui: come i suoi musulmani, hanno ucciso: tutti i cristiani: che erano prima di lui: nelle terre del suo impero! quale è: la differenza: tra: di voi? lui riesce ad uccidere 300 cristiani martiri: ogni giorno: mentre, tu non hai il potere: per poter uccidere qualcuno! ecco, questa è l’unica differenza, che, separa voi! Lui ha mandato un suo rappresentante: a spergiurare ad Assisi: con Giovanni Paolo II: “mai più uccidere qualcuno: in nome di DIO!”, forse: lui avrà pensato: che: in fondo il suo Dio era satana: per spergiurare così: a cuore leggero! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa @IsraelNationalTV – Israel is desperate, US not in position to do anything, about Iran] [[Jailed Iranian pastor, once facing death, walks free. September 10 (Open Doors News). An Iranian pastor who faced a death sentence because of accusations he abandoned Islam for Christianity walked out jail a free man Saturday, according to a Christian human-rights organization.After 2 years, 11 months behind bars…]] –ANSWER-> HAVE RELEASED THIS CHRISTIAN MAN SENTENCED TO DEATH FOR apostasy, because, I do not push you, to attack Iran! but, if you do not break the spell, of the IMF 666? you could never survive: in every way! the story? does not expect: of small steps, but generous acts: and consistent! build the Kingdom of Palestine! but if you are sure that Iran will never give freedom of religion? then you attack immediately! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa (internaziotional satanism from Germany: Israel, France AMERICA: secret service agency: of the IMF) because Satanists are considered perfect secret agents? because they are no longer human beings: they have become the monsters that they could do (CIA and MOSSAD) the 11 September attack: against: the twin towers and against the third skyscraper (that was not hit, but collapse still)! As stated President Francesco Cossiga()() Stvrmabteilvng (internaziotional satanism from Germany: secret service agency: of the IMF) I’ve already decided I want to die for the national socialism — ANSWER -> Satanists are Satanists only! must do their job: to spread hatred among people! but it is only a fiction because Satanism is stronger than drugs! –ANSWER–> i satanisti sono soltanto satanisti! devono svolgere il loro lavoro: per diffondere l’odio tra le persone! ma è soltanto una finzione: perché il satanismo è più forte della droga! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa [i am freedom of religion] Pubblicato in data 05/mag/2012 da RussiaToday Islamic radicals have been distributing free copies of the Koran in downtown Berlin – sparking concerns about the spread of Muslim extremism in Europe. There’s nothing illegal. Koran Handouts in Germany: Freedom of religion vs fears of Islamism! –ANSWER –> but Muslims are the occasion of the third world war because they reject freedom of religion and of committing cruelty against the innocent Christian martyrs! ma i musulmani sono la occasione della terza guerra mondiale: perché loro rifiutano la libertà di religione e commettono delle crudeltà: contro, gli innocenti martiri cristiani! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa 666SeigniorageofBank posted a comment 1 second ago Report spam Stvrmabteilvng said: Nazism is neither anti-church nor anti-religious, but on the contrary, it stands on the ground of a real Christianity * Adolf Hitler – ANSWER -> These words have been destroyed by the facts: because Hitler was a politician and as all politicians: he has lied! for the denunciation of the Jewish Holocaust of the Episcopal Conference: of Holland? Hitler killed 20.000: christians priests and nuns! here, Because The Pope was forced to silence! why do speak would mean to die even: all Jews from the ghetto of Rome: and die, etc. .. etc., but, through the Church, Which they were atto save almost everyone jews! 666SeigniorageofBank posted a comment 9 minutes ago Stvrmabteilvng R: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: then you write to me through synnek1 —> for to have said to me: to be synnek1? you will die soon! Posted in: Stvrmabteilvng 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa Stvrmabteilvng ha pubblicato un commento 31 minuti fa: “The genuflection before Christ was not for the Knights Rather die standing in iron storm” @ 666 Segret service: satanism international:from Germany: ie; Stvrmabteilvng: that claims to be: the great synnek1: satanism international:from USA — > you would rather die than serve Christ! but Christ is not to be served by a piece of shit like you! however, since you prefer to die? then, you’ll soon be satisfied! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa @jew rrmbgpym —> I write on your channel: theology and politics: for four years, and you came often in your channel: rrmbgpym”:Likes 1 month ago 22:55. La Casa de Mickey Mouse – Minnie The Durmiente: madrness • 1296026 views. of course, you have encouraged me not to be “sleeping” on your channel! but, you have not talked to me! no jew important: he wants to talk to me! but, it’s for people like you: that hatred, is spreads in the world! because, this is shown: by you! you’re the murderess: and the: racist of Talmud, and the oppressor destroyer of banking seigniorage!! and in any way? you’re an accomplice to all this with your silence! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa @rrmbgpym–> io scrivo sul tuo canale la teologia e la politica da 4 anni, e tu sei venuto spesso nel tuo canale: Piaciuto a rrmbgpym 1 mese fa: 22:55 La Casa de Mickey Mouse – La Minnie Durmiente: madrness • 1296026 visualizzazioni. ovviamente, tu hai incoraggiato me, a non essere “dormiente”: sul tuo canale! ma, tu non hai parlato con me! nessun ebreo importante: vuole parlare con me! ma, è per quelli come te: che, l’odio si diffonde nel mondo! perché, questo è dimostrato: proprio da te! tu sei l’assassino ed il razzista del Talmud! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa Matthewroxtheparty ha pubblicato un commento 7 minuti fa Segnala spam it says “message sent” but often doesnt get delivered and this problem keeps occurring and i keep reporting it daily but you idiots arent fixing it and i have had this problem for months! –ANSWER– – destroyed is the ability to communicate: in youtube, with people, because we have to die in silence and we should not rebel, because here is full of Satanists! hanno distrutto la possibilità di comunicare tra le persone; perché dobbiamo morire in silenzio e non ci dobbiamo ribellare: perché qui è pieno di satanisti! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa @ rrmbgpym -> dickhead [1. the third, nuclear world war: it has been decided! 2. Israel is lost, and you do the Enlightened One of shit: hiding behind your computer, and behind: your Talmud (which says, “not to be trusted and you have to kill the best of the goyim”) 3. because, in fact, you do not come out of your Olympus, to speak with a Goym: like me] – answer-> But, of course, end up in hell, all your glory, that is, predation of all peoples, that you have done: through, the banking seigniorage! I’m not your toy, because God did not create me, fot to entertain you: racist! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa @rrmbgpym –> testa di cazzo [1. la terza: guerra mondiale nucleare: è stata decisa! 2. Israele è andato perduto; e tu fai l’Illuminato di merda: nascosto dietro il tuo computer: e dietro: il tuo Talmud:(che dice: “non bisogna fidarsi e bisogna uccidere anche il migliore dei goym”) 3. perché, infatti, tu non scendi dal tuo olimpo, per parlare con un Goym: come me] –answer-> Ma, certamente, finirà all’inferno la vostra gloria, cioè, la predazione di tutti i popoli, che, voi avete fatto: attraverso, il signoraggio bancario! io non sono il tuo giocattolo: perché, Dio non ha creato me: per fare divertire te: razzista! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa Enlightened 666 of IMF –> why did you decide to do to sink, all whole human race in terror? for the power, youcan justify all this? While situations: they are not secure: and they are bad? but it is precisely for this reason that you have worked: this is what, you have chosen and wanted! but everything can be improved, and everything can be made safe! because, I do not destroy the toy, of the NWO! perché avete deciso di fare sprofondare: tutto il genere umano nel terrore? il potere: può giustificare tutto questo? se le situazioni: non sono sicure: e sono cattive? ma, è proprio per questo che, voi avete lavorato: è questo che, voi avete voluto! ma, tutto può essere migliorato, e tutto può essere messo in sicurezza! perché, io non distruggerò il giocattolo del NWO! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa 666SeigniorageofBank posted a comment 44 minutes ago Report spam [all super rich] here, it is only to be: a little less rich: not to see the 3rd WW Nuclear! In fact, with the hydrolysis, oil can be completely replaced! so, it is not essential to massacre the peoples, because the resources will not be sufficient in the short! despair among the people is increasing, which is why you will need to kill people: in the 3°WW nuclear, before, to explode the revolution! [a tutti i super ricchi] qui, si tratta soltanto di essere: un po meno ricchi: per non vedere la 3°WW nucleare! /watch?v=sh9bh6xFJyU&list=PLZ7eURrxn-nXNLQY-xhFKw3rAxF46Ae54&feature=mh_lolz ().. infatti con l’idrolisi: il petrolio può essere assolutamente sostituito! così, non è indispensabile massacrare i popoli, perché le risorse a breve non saranno più sufficienti! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa @LaVeraDottrina -> every man is a minister of God, as his the administrator, that God has placed in the world: is why, he is represented and honored! hours, all including the ministers of God (with aware) and unconscious (agnostic), there are the men: 1. of religion, and: 2. the laity. I am a layman, but you are a evil religious bad like Illuminati and Salafis, and in fact, you who claim to be a politician you are a murderess, why not accept freedom of religion, you are forced to do harm to all those who are not like you, 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa @ IsraelNationalTV -> ce que les Illuminati: rabbins pharisiens prêtres de Baal ont construit, est un piège mortel; (carrousel mortelle)! ainsi, les musulmans doivent tuer les chrétiens, etc .. etc .., et vous avez besoin de créer: des situations de haine et de peur! Vous devez tuer le charmeur mortel: le joueur de pipeau satanique, c’est le FMI! C’est pourquoi, tous les peuples sont condamnés, voués à la destruction, parce que la politique est impuissante, voire des structures supranationales cachés grands monopoles: ils ont pris le contrôle! C’est pourquoi toutes les nations du monde doivent compter sur mon guide :: immédiatement! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa @ Israel National TV -> what the Illuminati: Rabbis Pharisees priests of Baal have built?, Is a death trap; (carousel deadly)! so, Muslims must kill Christians, etc. .. etc. .., and you need to create: situations of hatred and fear! You have to kill the deadly charmer: the piper satanic, that is the IMF! That is why, all peoples are doomed, doomed to destruction, because the policy is impotent, indeed hidden structures supranational big monopolies: they have taken control! That’s why all the nations of the world have to rely on my guide:: immediately! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 1 ora fa Segnala spam @IMF Rothschild: it will hurt: if the IMF do not you come back, to me, because Israel has understood: that: you have planned his destruction! I am the king of Israel. ♰ “Verily, verily, I say unto you, ask anything: the Father in my name, he will give it to you” GV16, 23, – ♰ OK! my Father YHWH: I “REI unius” I command in Jesus’ name, that: the blood of Jesus is for all men, women, demons, aliens! all are made by me, in the blood of Jesus, for he is for everyone. You are all sons of the devil, are been designed, Hell: Of Fire! [PAX ♰ I have done wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross [♚ ♰ ♰ Techel MENE ♛ ♰ PERES] ♰ PAX C SPB CSSMLN DSMD VR SN SMVS MQLIV B ♰ “Drink your poisons made by yourself” ♰. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa @ my JHWH –> everybody loves me, even Satanists! offline –> Jesus spoke of swords, because, as a man was scared! but, then, he did not recoil, from his mission, that is, by becoming the Lamb of God, who, with his blood redeemed: the sin of man! so, it must be for every minister of God! no one has access to policy making or use of violence! put the sword back in the sheath? in this case means that he as a minister of God? he did not should never use: the sword! * Said to Him, Lord, here are two swords. And he said: ” enough”. Luca 22.38 -> Jesus said to Peter, “Put(remove) your sword!”. here, because: it is essential: freedom of religion!, and it is essential that the policy is only secular, and separated from religion. mission “is a film set: in the Amazon rainforest: around 1800, and the Jesuits to protect their mission of predation, from by the Spaniards, have defied the Pope, who was bent by political motivations, and they are been do killed, with their parishioners, 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa Jesus not has did and did not say what you say! therefore, the Spirit of Jesus in not you! In fact, to deny freedom of religion? is to be murderers! you are a murderess! you are a minister of the devil! you ignore the history of the Church! you believe that they were all saints? but you have no idea of the cruelty that were committed: Against: the populations of Africa and Latin America? ecc.. ecc.. was a glorious history (for the Saints), but unfortunately it was a shameful history in too many men of power both political and religious! those murderers? have made many of your dogma! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa because the Church was been inseparable: of the Politics: and vice versa? behold: the mix: between: 1. the sacred and the profane: 2. of the spirit and of power? were inevitable! were inevitable as: torture, religious wars, massacres, etc. .. was: a great miracle in the Church, if the Masons and Illuminati Jews: have forced the Church to move away from the power! poiché, la Chiesa, era indissociabile: dalla Politica: e viceversa? ecco che: la commistione: 1. del sacro e del profano:2. dello spirito e del potere? erano inevitabili! come erano inevitabili: le torture, le guerre di religione, i massacri, ecc.. è stato: un grande miracolo: nella Chiesa, se, la massoneria e se gli ebrei Illuminati, hanno costretto la Chiesa: a distaccarsi dal potere! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa of course, the story is: tied to dogma, but not to all of the dogmas, of course! This is why, the dogma can not cancel, the objective meaning, of the Word of God! in this way: exegesis is more important, is beyond the dogma! because no church can do, put to silence Jesus and the Apostles! certamente, la storia è anche: legata al dogma: ma, non a tutti i dogmi: ovviamente! ecco perché, il dogma non può annullare l’oggettivo significato della Parola di Dio! in questo modo: l’esegesi supera il dogma! perché nessuna Chiesa può fare zittire Gesù e gli Apostoli! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa take power? means to kill In the name of God: more innocent people! now, this is incompatible: with God, who was the friend of Abraham, and that: it showed fully: his face: in Jesus Christ! you can not do of yourself, a murderess: for the love of a religion because: this means: go: against: the 5th Commandment, that, says, “Thou shalt not kill!”.. i am muslim also: is why Adam was the first Muslim! You have got a terrible gaps in history! you know the martyrs of Otranto? piracy of Muslims that: it was the slave trade, etc. … etc. .. yes! the Church was terribly threatened with extermination! … but, today, there is a new acquaintance: and a new development of the theological sciences, such as biblical exegesis: units at the archeology, like this: the knowledge and development of theology have grown lately! although, in all human affairs, there remain concerns: in fact I’m not a modernist! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa 1. The Church of the Past?: it was besieged and threatened with extermination in a continuous way: so was forced to self-defense! 2. but the modern Catholic Church, found its roots at the Apostolic: that is, return back: the first community of Jerusalem! this is: he understood is that: part of its dogmatic development: it was incompatible with the teaching of Jesus! 1. la Chiesa del Passato?: era assediata e minacciata di sterminio: in modo continuo: così era costretta all’autodifesa! 2. ma, la Chiesa Cattolica moderna, ha scoperto le sue radici Apostoliche: cioè, tornando indietro: alla Prima Comunità di Gerusalemme: ha capito: che: parte del suo sviluppo dogmatico: era incompatibile con l’Insegnamento di Gesù! your God? is a monster! is for people like you: that: synnek1 decided to become a Satanist! il tuo Dio? è un mostro! è per persone come te: che: synnek1 ha deciso di diventare un satanista! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa CustodeDellaFede — they were people: of another time and another story that can not be judged easily: from us, is why: the science of history? is science is more difficult! here’s why: Salafis sharia: Pharisees talmud Illuminati and 666 IMF: are the zombies, are killers of a distant past: with you !! –you should be ashamed, as a Christian, to desire the death of so many innocent people! Since is that’s sure, for to seize power and impose your religion? you have to kill millions of people around the world: that is what the King of Saudi Arabia is to do! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa CustodeDellaFede — this is no longer the war of Christians or Jews against Islam, because: Unfortunately, both of these wonderful Peoples: they have lost the power! this is the war of Freemasonry: ie, Satanism International:666 of IMF: against: all religions, and it is a pity, that: the King of Saudi Arabia is a total idiot: just like you! because: like you: he links the religious sphere:to that politics and then kill and kill: apostates and heretics: like you! questa non è più la guerra: dei cristiani: o degli ebrei: contro l’Islam, poiché: purtroppo: entrambi questi popoli meravigliosi: hanno perso il potere! questa è la guerra: delle massonerie: del satanismo internazionale: del FMI: contro: tutte le religioni, ed è un vero peccato: che: il Re dell’Arabia Saudita: sia un idiota totale: come te! poiché: come te: lui lega la sfera religiosa: a quella politica: e poi uccide e fa uccidere: gli apostati e gli eretici! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa CustodeDellaFede — You’re not a child, nor an ignorant! you can not ignore: the criminal, and devastating application: of than that: that: you say: When will your application: for the political! Perhaps, we will be forced: to exterminate the Muslims, but if this happens? has been only in self-defense! because it is precisely this: the Agenda, of IMF talmud 666! destroy Israel, to end the game: agaisnt Islam: finally! that Islam has been blocked theologically, so that proves criminal, such as he has always been: in the Middle Ages Islam was made criminal, just from Illuminati of IMF 666: which is: through: the extermination and war : that: they are able to maintain their power! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa NATO? Sharia love, and his: Al Qaeda, Saudi salafis do for terrorism and imperialism] …..> Several press organizations and web editors have recently reported the involvement of the French secret service, while the army of Damascus unleashes offensive forces against the district of Bab Amr in the city of Homs, capturing over 1500 prisoners, among whom were many sign: no Syrians. Among these “rebels” captured: there are at least twenty: the French, that: in fact, were quick to make an official request status: prisoners of war, refusing to give their identities, capable military and the body to which they belong. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 1 ora fa NATO? Sharia love, and his: Al Qaeda, Saudi salafis do for terrorism and imperialism] It appears certain, from local sources, which, among those captured French in Homs: there is a colonel in the service of the DSGE transmissions, the French counter-intelligence, and that: among the weapons seized there are large quantities of machine guns: and other manufacturing equipment Israel. This information is also confirmed by Wikileaks: that: he cites some mail stolen from the site of Stratfor intelligence. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa CustodeDellaFede —- what, would you do? he is doing the King of Saudi Arabia, with the complicity of American Satanists: Illuminati that, are the Pharisees of the Talmud for the IMF (in fact, both are sworn enemies of Jesus Christ, who, has never hurt anyone)! but, you are in their same logic then, outside of the freedom of religion, you’re a murderess like them! you are the subject of massacres and exterminations: infinite: for political gain … 666SeigniorageofBank have a comment Posted 1 hour ago: good carnage .. So, thanks to your god, and thank to you .. How many wars of religion you want to start? 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa [Saudi imperialism: is to terrorize the world through Sharia] The manipulation of information: continues to be: the best weapon in the service:of the front interventionist follows: United States, European Union, Turkey and the Gulf monarchies , intent: to overthrow: the Syrian government: and its president Bashar al-Assad. Rebel militias, supported by the West, armed: the Sunni kingdoms: the region and linked to the opposition abroad, do not look: infact: able to be able to face the army of the Arab country. Until now: LES: was: able: to hit the Syrian institutions: only through: terrorist attacks: that: have caused civilian casualties: and embarrassed too: their international sponsors. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa [Syria: no prisoners!] No, piety is not home to Aleppo. Or from one or the other side, if it is true, as the Syrian Observatory: Human Rights, which, twenty Assad soldiers captured at the time of the seizure of the district: the Hanano, last week, would have been immediately shot. With his hands tied behind his back. (11 September 2012) [Siria: niente prigionieri!] No, la pietà non è di casa ad Aleppo. Né dall’una né dall’altra parte, se è vero, come dice l’osservatorio siriano: per i diritti umani, che: venti soldati di Assad catturati al momento della presa del quartiere: di Hanano, la settimana scorsa, sarebbero stati subito fucilati. Con le mani legate dietro la schiena. (11 settembre 2012) 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 2 giorni fa @Synnek1 ExecutionKiller –> all that we have had? is a gift from God! God be praised for ever: for his generosity! – alleluia – hallelujah — tutto quello che, noi abbiamo avuto? è un dono Dio! Dio sia lodato per sempre: per sua generosità! @666 CIA evil Wulfnarok — If you want to play, at being an animal evolved, as said the Talmud: ie, animal in human form? nobody has nothing to say! but one of these days: like a pig: Rothschild will eat you, with an apple in your mouth: to baked, cooked like a pig! if you were an honest person? you’d be an agnostic! but, you hate God, only because, in your heart, you already know to be destroyed, in a hell of despair! it is only because you are bad, that you do the religious dogma, because atheism is a religion dogmatic 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 3 giorni fa the last time: to take that pill, that, I am? is today! Besides, you have to wait: only: your time, namely, that: the hell has established: through: the Pharisee Rabbi Rothschild: the Enlightened: King of the IMF, since, for being raped the Constitution: from your Bush 322, you pay: to Rothschild 666: your Money: for to: be become. even his animal evolved, as the Talmud says, the animal of which he, Rothschild may freely: fuking: fuck fuck screw screw, fuck, fuck, twist, curl! l’ultimo momento: per prendere quella pillola: che io sono? è oggi! poi, tu devi attendere: soltanto: la tua ora, cioè, quella: che: l’inferno ha stabilito: attraverso: il rabbino fariseo Rothschild: l’Illuminato RE del FMI, visto che, per essere stata stuprata la Costituzione dal tuo Bush 322, tu paghi a Rothschild 666: il tuo denaro: per essere: diventato. anche il suo animale evoluto: come dice il talmud, l’animale di cui lui, Rothschild, può disporre liberamente! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 3 giorni fa World Trade Center 09/11/01. thanks Rothschild: IMF FED ECB: 666! thanks, Bush: 322 NWO: ie Project Aliens Abductions: for your owl god Baal: at Bohemian Grove, [masonic system of banking seigniorage]Satanists Pharisees of the Talmud; the Masters Illuminati: from Lucifer: Enlightened:of IMF! to do the Holocaust against: my people in Israel: and do the whole human race: one only bunch of slaves in imminent: nuclear World War: WW 3 °! you study the banking seigniorage: and the scientist: PROF. Giacinto Auriti! Because: the President Francesco Cossiga: That said, it was inside job! controlled demolition, of the Twin Towers: through: the “termite”, this dirty work? was done by the CIA and MOSSAD: to allow the invasion of Iraq, YOU ARE, ABSOLUTE: AND TOTAL, murderess LIAR! why, WTC 7: is collapsed? without being hit? 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 3 giorni fa @ Davidevgen -> in truth, the Holy Spirit took possession: of: almost all Satanists of CIA: that: they are in this page now, because: the Holy Spirit: not: it should take possession: also of you too? if: you are not a man in authority? then, this, however: would save at least, your soul from destruction of hell, because God does not look to a religion, but on the fact that someone may be his, or, can not be of his! now, we know that the systems of iniquity as, Freemasonry: and the IMF, etc. .. are an absolute ground: to not be in relationship with God! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 3 giorni fa @ davidevgen -> in verità: lo Spirito Santo ha preso il possesso: di: quasi tutti i satanisti della CIA: che: sono in questa pagina: ora, perché: lo Spirito Santo: non: dovrebbe prendere il possesso: anche di te? se: tu non sei un uomo in autorità? allora, questo: comunque: salverebbe: almeno, la tua anima dalla distruzione dell’inferno; perché, Dio non guarda ad una religione, ma, al fatto, che, qualcuno può essere suo, o, non può essere suo! ora, noi sappiamo che, i sistemi di iniquità: come, la massoneria: ed il FMI, ecc.. sono un impedimento assoluto: per essere in relazione con Dio! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 3 giorni fa @ davidevgen -> God does not want puppets, but he has made​​: every man, as, its administrator, and his colleague, always, endowed with free will! here’s why: every man should be: Prince and not an animal evolved according to the eternal theory: that: it can never be proven, because it is patently false! but you have filled the world of lies: because your Masonic regime has perverted every reality and everything is been corrupt, indeed: all is corrupt! you calling even: good as evil;: and, evil: as good! here’s why: you are at the terminus: of the final destruction! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 3 giorni fa @davidevgen -> Dio non vuole avere dei burattini, ma, Lui ha costituito: ogni uomo, come, suo amministratore, e suo collaboratore, sempre, dotato di libero arbitrio! ecco perché: ogni uomo dovrebbe essere un: Principe e non: un animale evoluto: secondo l’eterna teoria: che: non potrà mai essere dimostrata: perché è palesemente falsa! ma, voi avete riempito il mondo di menzogne: perché il vostro regime massonico ha pervertito ogni realtà: e tutto: ha corrotto, chiamando: addirittura: bene il male: e male il bene! ecco perché: voi siete al capolinea: della distruzione finale! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 3 giorni fa @ davidevgen -> I am not a prophet, because I have not received a specific task: I am a Governor: with legal rights:of representation! For this reason, all that, which I believe is right? is everything, which God ratifies! and since, as: unius REI, I am the prosecutor (with a political mandate of 50 years that can not be interrupted never by death: for I am the metaphysics living, here is that, at this 50 years: I have a duty: to hit the criminals in a supernatural way) (but, I am also the representative of man), of the whole human race! here, that this reconciliation with God, it can be done! In fact, it is written that “” the truth comes from the Jews “, but all the Jews who are not in the Kingdom of God in Palestine? they are traitors and Satanists!” 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 3 giorni fa @davidevgen -> io non sono un profeta: perché, io non ho ricevuto un compito specifico: io sono un Governatore: con i diritti legali: di rappresentanza! per questo motivo, tutto quello, che, io ritengo sia giusto? è anche tutto quello, che, Dio ratificherà! e poiché, come: Unius REI, io sono il procuratore(con un mandato politico di 50 anni: che non può essere interrotto: neanche dalla morte: perché io sono la metafisica vivente: ecco che, in questo periodo: io ho il dovere: di colpire i criminali: in modo soprannaturale)(ma, io sono, anche, il rappresentante dell’uomo), di tutto il genere umano! ecco, che, questa riconciliazione: con Dio, può essere fatta! infatti, è scritto: che: “”la verità viene dai giudei!”, ma, tutti i giudei che non sono nel Regno di Dio: in Palestina? loro sono traditori e satanisti!” 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 3 giorni fa @ davidevgen -> your crimes will go on prescription, and may also be forgiven by God only in his (third) Jewish Temple! because only a new legal order: founded on truth: of the institutions, and of the religions (which today are legal, but may not be: legitimate “because, of banking seigniorage: that is the satanism institutional international) can be: your ransom (amnesty and forgiveness) !, and this project is feasible, because: 50%: the Jews is my ally! my proposal?: is all that, is still: between, life and death, between the kingdom of Palestine, and the 3rd WW nuclear 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 3 giorni fa @davidevgen –> i tuoi crimini potranno andare in prescrizione: e potranno anche essere perdonati da Dio: soltanto, nel suo(terzo) Tempio Ebraico! poiché, soltanto, un nuovo ordine giuridico: fondato sulla verità: delle istituzioni, e delle religioni(che, oggi sono legali, ma non possono essere: legittime” a motivo del signoraggio bancario) può essere: il vostro riscatto(amnistia e perdono)! e questo progetto: è fattibile, poiché: il 50%: degli ebrei è mio alleato! questa mia proposta: e tutto quello, che, a voi rimane: tra, la vita e la morte, tra, il regno di Palestina, e la 3°WW nucleare 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 3 giorni fa davidevgen: has posted a comment 2: hours ago: thats not true. here and why “For God, so loved the world That he gave his one and only Son, That whoever Believes in him Shall not perish but have eternal life. – ANSWER -> BUT, really. YOU ARE THE ENEMY OF Jesus Christ , That he was born in Bethlehem! in fact, 1. defend you, the Masonic system: all of the false democracies, for the occult power, of banking seigniorage! 2. you criticize me, That I have never been a religion! but, I am a universal political: only, but, 3. with you is obviously not possible to speak of bank seigniorage, Because You betrayed the people and the constitution! 4. Therefore, the Word of God, it is only one aggravating pain, in your mouth..! you would never have the courage to die like Kennedy, for to do the: Executive Order 11110 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 3 giorni fa davidevgen 666 CIA Mossad — IMF —> if I was a religious? I could have never succeed! but since I am a politician universal: that is the Kingdom of God! That’s why you will be punished in this same year! better for you if you had never been born! my head is not hidden! your head of fuch is hidden! Your Bush knocked down the Twin Towers not me, and in these two years, as you were hiding behind your computer: son of a bitch? youtube is gray: 1. because the Satanists have taken control of all the false democracies Masonic of bank seigniorage, and, 2. because they all died in the 3rd WW nuclear we will all be punished! also I will be punished! because I am a sinner! — offline! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 3 giorni fa Synnek1 ha pubblicato un commento 4 minuti fa [HAPPY BIRTHDAY] –ANSWER–> What my enemies: they think that I do wrong? I am a Zionist: for the kingdom of Palestine! and all that, they do not like of me? or, they not are like me? they will all die during the: 3rd WW Nuclear! This: I have sworn before the Throne of God in my Jewish Temple Celeste: is why, I am unius REI! NOT THERE WILL BE ONE only MUSLIM IN THE WORLD THAT TELL: “I ​​want Sharia!” BECAUSE, I’ll have them KILLED ALL 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 3 giorni fa Satanists Pharisees of the Talmud; the Masters Illuminati: from Lucifer: Enlightened:of IMF! to do the Holocaust against: my people in Israel: and do the whole human race: one only bunch of slaves in imminent: nuclear World War: WW 3 °! you study the banking seigniorage: and the scientist: PROF. Giacinto Auriti: that explained everything scientifically! World Trade Center 09/11/2001 – thanks Rothschild: IMF FED ECB: 666! thanks, Bush: 322 NWO: ie Project Aliens Abductions: for your owl god Baal: at Bohemian Grove, Because: the President Francesco Cossiga: That said, it was you: to do the: controlled demolition, of the Twin Towers: through: the “termite”, this dirty work? was done by the CIA and MOSSAD: to allow the invasion of Iraq, where, there were, no chemical weapons! – ANSWER – YOU ARE, ABSOLUTE: AND TOTAL, murderess LIAR! and what’s the name, of the third skyscraper, that and fell on its, own, without being hit? 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 3 giorni fa allDavidDuke posted a comment 35 minutes ago World Trade Center 09/11/2001 -> thanks Rothschild IMF FED ECB: 666! thanks, Bush 322 NWO, because the President Cossiga said that, it was you: to do the controlled demolition, of the Twin Towers: through the termite, this dirty work? was done by the CIA and MOSSAD: to allow the invasion of Iraq, where there were no chemical weapons! – ANSWER -> YOU ARE ABSOLUTE AND TOTAL LIAR! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 8 mesi fa 666SeigniorageofBank SAID: you are the banker-lenders, “enlightened” the rabbis Kakam: that against every Constitution: for the treachery of the Freemasonry: (you have stolen the monetary sovereignty): you do pay at interest, for a money created: from nothing: at to 300%: of its value? You have destroyed: the hope of Israel: with your traditions: and your bullshit: you have been: the real cause: of all: the tragedy of my people Israel: you have it condemned: at the exile of Babylon .. the truth of all the accusations of Jesus: against you? are there under, all to see! You are the true Satanists: the true children of darkness: the true, “the synagogue of Satan”, because: the children of light: do not hide themselves: as you do: in fact, always, you have: fight: against life: all peoples! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 8 mesi fa 666SeigniorageofBank SAID: my channel has been stuck: on youtube: without notice: not even receive a warning 666SeigniorageofBank SAID: il mio canale è stato bloccato: sulla pagina di youtube: senza preavviso: senza neanche: ricevere un avvertimento 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 8 mesi fa 666SeigniorageofBank SAID: Rabbis Illuminati masters of the IMF: master chiefs Kakam: immolators of Christian children (lambs only: animals in human form: the Talmud)! THE FACT THAT YOUR CRIME: You go more than 3000 years? this: is not: a mitigating factor for you! You have been: the curse of the world just you and the destruction of the hope of Israel: You have do killed: Kennedy, Jesus and Zerubbabel: you have corrupted: some verses of the Torah at the time of its composition (which all prophets have denounced ): your agenda? Lucifer is: not God is. for. here’s why: you have damaged: all religions and all: the ideological systems: you have brought down! I unius REI: raise the holiness of God against you! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 8 mesi fa 666SeigniorageofBank SAID: Illuminati Rabbini padroni del FMI: maestri capi Kakam: immolatori di bambini cristiani(agnelli: soltanto: animali in forma umana: Talmud)! IL FATTO CHE, IL VOSTRO CRIMINE: È VECCHIO PIÙ DI 3000 anni? questo: non è: una attenuante, per voi! Siete stati: proprio voi la maledizione del mondo e la distruzione: della speranza di Israele: Voi avete fatto uccidere: kennedy, Gesù e Zorobabele: voi avete corrotto: alcuni versetti della Torah: al momento della sua composizione(che tutti i profeti hanno denunciato): la vostra agenda? è per lucifero: non è per Dio.. ecco perché: voi avete danneggiato: tutte le religioni: e tutti: i sistemi ideologici: voi avete portato verso il basso! Io Unius REI: sollevo la santità di Dio: contro di voi! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa you can say this: to all Satanists: family from me! why I am UNIUS REI! [[Against blasfemy]] God wants to humbling the Catholic Church. “heavily.” (sorry, but you are something, that, God has not provided!) In fact, after 600 excommunications against Freemasonry: 1). the Church has lost its historic battle against the “synagogue of Satan” of Jewish Illuminati. They forced the Pope to every humiliation … 2). pray for the victims of September 11: (ie, to justify) the State crime: that was done by: the CIA and MOSSAD: as everyone knows and as has stated the President Cossiga. 3). to accept the sword of vassal of the criminal King of Saudi Arabia’s, mass murderer of innocent Christian martyrs and the slave trader! He who, along with everyone: Muslims “Wahhabis” are been sodomized: by 33 demons violent homosexual .why: even Muhammad, has the same treatment! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa 4). must consent to an act of Satanism: in the historic visit to the Synagogue of Rome: that is, a framework consisting of the numbers of the Kabbalah, which is the science luciferin: to dominate and plunder: up to the extermination of all peoples through: the banking and seigniorage his New World Order: argument, which, for me in youtube, in four years: it was impossible to discuss: with any jew: in the world! As well as no Muslim has ever condemned the Sharia and the total lack of: freedom of religion, for to have taken both: the road of the hell! In conclusion .. “In fear that it could become Pope, one of the many: bishops”heretics””modernists”.­. His Holiness: John Paul II, he claimed, that his best friend: His Holiness Benedict XVI become his successor! So, you can not Ossanna one, to denigrate each other: it is because of all your lies, your sacrilege 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa .. that: “I prophesied against you: a violent death, which, however: it will be premature death, the conclusion: of this: damn your life: if you not remove: immediately, this your video: of blasphemy, which is: an insult to every man who wants to believe: himself a civilized person! ” In fact, what you have done is blaspheme: against: Holy Spirit: ie, the Innocent Blood precious: of Jesus Christ. that is, the only hope of mankind! so, begone! cursed: in that flame of destruction and despair infinite prepared by God for all the demons before the foundation of our time! amen 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa Telependulum said: I grew up in the biggest harbourtown in Germany ( Duisburg-Ruhrort) the heart of the steel industry ruled by zionist familys like Krupp and Thyssen.My playground were the sharp stones on the shore. I was alone with myself and that means i was a key child, i have seen a lot of unbelievable cruelty. That is overdue… Pacem Modestia — ANSWER -> THERE IS NO ALIBI, FOR FOLLOW THE WAY OF EVIL! do you want the rapist just because you have been raped! Wrath of God is upon you! NON ESISTE UN ALIBI PER SEGUIRE LE VIE DEL MALE! tu vuoi fare lo stupratore solo perché tu sei stato stuprato! l’Ira di Dio è su di te! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa these are the comments made ​​to close the page of youtube (22/10/2011) 666SeigniorageofBank (6 ore fa) Spam on youtube page everything is very simple for me! 1. God wanted to give the Jews:(lobby enlightened of banking seigniorage) the political responsibility of the world. 2. but, everything revolves around Jesus of Bethlehem, for all flesh is judged: condemned or saved: only in reference to him! how high thou art institutions? because the institutions do not react to the bank seigniorage? like, they may not know: the necessity for the IMF-World Order: of to do 3 ° WWnuclear ? 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa 666SeigniorageofBank (6 ore fa) Spam on youtube page Eric Holder Stages Fake Saudi Israeli Embassy Terror Plot Tying Iran And The Drug Cartels Together Da: IranContraScumDid911 | 12/Oct/2011 | 1,519 visualizzazioni Im actually surprised Eric Holder did not tie Gadaffi, Syria, Al-Shabaab, North Korea, and bigfoot into the Hollywood story. There is so many problems with this story it is sad. Eric is really getting desparate. Mr. Fast and Furious needs to go to prison for supplying the cartels with guns and staging fake terror for real political gain. At the same time he is in trouble for supplying guns to the drug cartels and he is staging a fake trial for Obama’s Flight 253 diaper hoax, Eric Holder creates a diversion with a whole new twist and purpose. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa 666SeigniorageofBank (6 ore fa) Spam on youtube page The terror plot was not foiled, it was successfiul as a tool that can be used as a pretext against Israel and Saudi Arabia’s enemies. Israel and Saudi Arabia are attacking America every chance they get to reinforce their political agendas. This is why your founding fathers wanted you to remain independent, foreign nations now control our puppet govenment using our justice system to con us into being afraid and supporting the policies that have destroyed this country. Eric Holder is running the drug cartels and terrorism, to suit Obama’s agenda. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa 666SeigniorageofBank (6 ore fa) Spam on youtube page Frankenstein is a story about how one man tampers with nature and creates a monster that is neither dead nor alive. It is also a story about loneliness and the efforts humans — and monsters — make to find companionship. This monster, we learn, does not know how to be human. As the monster is not fully equipped to deal with his life, and other living creatures are not equipped to deal with him, he fears and becomes feared. He tries to love and learns to hate. In the end, he perishes. We learn about Frankenstein and his creation from Robert Walton, an explorer of the North Pole, who finds a man “nearly frozen” and brings him onto his ship. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa 666SeigniorageofBank (6 ore fa) Spam –> on youtube page This man is Victor Frankenstein, who has suffered the loss of all that is dear to him because of the consequences of his own ambition to create life by tampering with both nature and morality. After the monster has killed everyone Frankenstein has loved, he flees and Frankenstein tracks him down. When Frankenstein is rescued by Walton, he tells him the story of his life and asks him to continue the pursuit of the monster. When Walton meets the monster, he is impressed with his eloquence but wary of his power and evil. The monster ends the story by committing suicide to escape from the unbearable condition given to him by his creator. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa on youtube page 666SeigniorageofBank (7 ore fa) Spam hallelujah –> JHWH win 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa then Hack me ! ! | v 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa [] I am Unius Rei[]] I am the King of Israel and Palestine! I am the brotherhood: the universal mediator (of the men with other men, and of the men with God) I am a divine power, that: it can not be done: 1. bribe: 2. distrust; 3. surrender 4. despair, lol. one man, that is the only hope of all mankind? Yes! because: this perverse generation, could not deserve better, to survive at his wickedness! @satanists–>his wife lesbian: ie Thomas666: of CIA: seigniorage banking: criminal husband of IMF: Mistafield322: The perverted sexual: eater of excrement: ie: the synagogue of satan?she believes that: the police: ie: lorenzoJHWH: alias: Unius Rei: the universal Judge? him live for be hate!But, they burn in hell: with your fake christian: Rochefeller: instead! for you are: these predators, who have no compassion for peoples 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa @ Rochefeller -> he is: the sovereign Lord universal: the satanic world of Babel Tower, he himself the head of all enlightened! he is: the real head of the snake! ie: the head of the New World Order, Freemasonry, Satanism: IMF, World Bank: Freemasonry: Intelligence: CIA MOSSAD: Bildenberg, trilateral: etc. .. Etc. .. the propensity of the Jews “Marranos,” to pretend to convert to Christianity? is the oldest: the Middle Ages!! is a phenomenon: sad: that the Catholic Church knows very well: so … that it was forced … to do the court of the Holy Inquisition! these enlightened Jews of Satanists? they have no imagination! Despite all their power? they play again, to make: the Jews Marranos, ie:do fake converted to Christianity! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa @juangta117 –>lol. sorry I see that, you’re already dead as a doornail, by for too long! The guardian of your graveyard? Today he was distracted! lol. sorry io vedo, che, tu sei già morto stecchito, da troppo tempo! Il custode del tuo cimitero? lui oggi era distratto! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa in reality? I do not need to threaten no one .. because I do not feel to be the enemy of someone! Also, I am extremely: more than convenient: of all, in fact, I am profitable! why pay the money at interest: by the Jews Satanists? when I can give gratis all money at all the Governments? in realtà? io non ho bisogno di minacciare: nessuno.. perché: io non sento di essere il nemico di qualcuno! inoltre, io sono estremamente: più che conveniente: infatti, io sono vantaggioso! perché pagare i soldi ad interesse: agli ebrei satanisti? quando io li posso regalare: ai Governi? 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa [] Je suis unius Rei []] Je suis le roi d’Israël et la Palestine! Je suis de la confrérie: le médiateur universel (des hommes avec d’autres hommes, et des hommes avec Dieu) Je suis une puissance divine, que: il ne peut pas être fait: 1. pot de vin: 2. méfiance; 3. reddition 4. désespoir, lol. un homme, qui est le seul espoir de l’humanité toute entière? Oui! parce que: cette génération perverse, pourrait ne méritent pas mieux, de survivre à sa méchanceté! @ satanistes -> sa femme lesbienne? ie Thomas666: de la CIA: la banque de seigneuriage: le mari criminelles du FMI: Mistafield322: La sexualité pervertie: mangeur d’excréments: c’est à dire: la synagogue de Satan, elle estime que: la police: c’est à dire: lorenzoJHWH : alias: unius Rei: le juge universel? le vivre pour se haïr, mais, ils brûlent en enfer: avec votre faux chrétiens: Rochefeller: à la place! pour vous: ces prédateurs, qui n’ont aucune compassion pour les peuples 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa @ Rochefeller -> il est: le Seigneur souverain universel: le monde satanique du Tour de Babel, il se la tête de tous les illuminés! qu’il est: le véritable chef du serpent! à savoir: la tête de l’Ordre du Nouveau Monde, la franc-maçonnerie, le satanisme: FMI, Banque mondiale: la franc-maçonnerie: Intelligence: CIA MOSSAD: Bildenberg, trilatéraux: etc .. Etc .. la propension des Juifs “marranes», de faire semblant de se convertir au christianisme? est le plus ancien: le Moyen Age! est un phénomène: triste: que l’Eglise catholique sait très bien: alors … qu’il a été contraint … à faire la cour de la Sainte Inquisition! ces illuminés juifs de satanistes? ils n’ont aucune imagination! Malgré toute leur puissance? ils jouent encore, à faire: les Marranes Juifs, c’est à dire: ne fausse converti au christianisme! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa I see that, your Satan? He is very worried these days .. in fact its IMF: ie seigniorage banking scam? – New World Order? is now a three-legged chair io vedo che, satana? lui è molto preoccupato in questi giorni.. infatti il suo FMI-NWO? è ormai una sedia a tre zampe 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa @ enlightened -> these: wretches! instead of the synagogue of YHWH? lol. Then, they made the synagogue for satan and his bank seigniorage @enlightened –> questi: disgraziati! invece di fare la synagogue of JHWH? lol. poi, loro hanno fatto la sinagoga per satan ed il suo signoraggio bancario mistafield you are no life! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa his wife a lesbian: ie she Thomas666: of CIA: seigniorage banking: the criminal husband of IMF: Mistafield322: The perverted sexual eater of excrement: ie: the synagogue of satan? she believes that: the police: ie: lorenzoJHWH: Attorney: alias: Unius Rei: the universal Judge? him live for to hate! But, you burn in hell with your 666 Rochefeller: instead! for you are: these predators, who have no compassion for peoples la moglie lesbica: Thomas666: del criminale marito: Mistafield322: il pervertito sessuale: mangiatore di escrementi? lei crede che: la polizia: lorenzoJHWH: il Procuratore: UniusRei: il Giudice universale? lui vivere per odiare! ma, tu brucerai all’inferno con Rochefeller: invece! poiché voi siete: quei predatori, che, non avete compassione dei popoli 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa [[] I am UniusRei []] I am the King of Israel and Palestine! I am the brotherhood: the universal mediator (of the men with other men, and of the men with God) I am a divine power, that: it can not be done: 1. bribe: 2. distrust; 3. surrender 4. despair, lol. one man, that is the only hope of all mankind? Yes! because: this perverse generation, could not deserve better, to survive at his wickedness! [[]io sono UniusRei[]] io sono il Re di Israele e Palestina! Io sono la fratellanza: il mediatore universale(degli uomini con gli altri uomini; e degli uomini con Dio!) io sono una potenza divina: che: non può essere fatta: 1. corrompere: 2. sfiduciare; 3. arrendere; 4. scoraggiare; lol. un uomo solo, che, è la sola speranza di tutto genere umano? Si! perché: questa perversa generazione: non ha potuto meritare di meglio: per sopravvivere alla propria malvagità! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa @Mistafield: Thomas666; ie CIA satanism international: masonic system of banking signorage–> POVERA ANIMA DISPERATA! POOR SOUL despair! when your demons will jump on your back? Then, you’re so bad: upset: desperate: you’ll be forced to come to me through your channel “Godhatedemon” Why should you believe me? I am not a religion! I am only a politician! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa @ Rochefeller -> he is: the sovereign Lord universal: the satanic world of Babel Tower, he himself the head of all enlightened! he is: the real head of the snake! ie: the head of the New World Order, Freemasonry, Satanism: IMF, World Bank: Freemasonry: Intelligence: CIA MOSSAD: Bildenberg, trilateral: etc. .. Etc. .. the propensity of the Jews “Marranos,” to pretend to convert to Christianity? is the oldest: the Middle Ages!! is a phenomenon: sad: that the Catholic Church knows very well: so … that it was forced … to do the court of the Holy Inquisition! these enlightened Jews of Satanists? they have no imagination! Despite all their power? they play again, to make: the Jews Marranos (ie: fake converted to Christianity fake)! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa LUVYOUSTILL -> miserable! you to: youtube: you have destroyed your family and for Satanists? you lost your soul! miserable what will you give in exchange for your soul? LUVYOUSTILL –> miserabile! tu, per: youtube: tu hai distrutto la tua famiglia e per i satanisti? tu hai perso la tua anima! miserabile cosa darai in cambio della tua anima? ShutdownTubeArchives ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa -1. rrmbgpym -2. shalomnaumann mine: -3. lorenzoJHWH, -4. HumanumGenum, -5. ShalomGerusalemme, -6. 666GiudaicoMassonica, -7. SatanQueenFagot, -8. HellxDesPairTruction, -9. UniusRei, 10. UniusRei1, ShutdownTubeArchives ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa 10. UniusRei1, 11. UniusRei2: deleted by satanists, 12. UniusRei3, 13. UnisRei3, 14. LorenzoScarola, 15. BrotherhoodUniversal, 16. i10Comandamenti, 17. myJHWH, 18. JewsxMessiahUniusRei, 19. dominusUniusRei, ShutdownTubeArchives ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa 20. kingdomofJHWH, 21. kingxkingdom, 22. allDavidDuke, 23. allXRonPaul, 24. WakeUpUSAxRonPaul, 25. allChristianMartyrs, 26. JHWHpantocrator, 27. mrUniversalMetaphysc, 28. CreationReal, 29. EvolutionisReligion, 30. StarDeFinibusTerrae, ShutdownTubeArchives ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa 30. StarDeFinibusTerrae, 31. theSynagogueofSatan, 32. stopyouporntubesatan, 33. HolyJHWHsanto , 34. allGiacintoAuriti, 35. ImJeshuaChristMessiah, 36. stopspamistafield, 37. NoahTheNephilim, 38. lorenzoAllah, 39. thecopticmartyrs2, 40. 666SeigniorageBanking, ShutdownTubeArchives ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa GiovanniPaoloII rkjles discepoloBenedetto OpenDoorsUSA katdanmo ThePeacefulIslam CatholicWorld VOMCANADA iChristianConcern REALOrganization ShutdownTubeArchives ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa user/1001Phoenix Africanchristian HumanRightsUN thecopticmartyrs ShutdownTubeArchives ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa King Unius Rei 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa @ Rochefeller -> he is: the sovereign Lord universal: the satanic world of Babel Tower, he himself the head of all enlightened! he is: the real head of the snake! ie: the head of the New World Order, Freemasonry, Satanism: IMF, World Bank: Freemasonry: Intelligence: CIA MOSSAD: Bildenberg, trilateral: etc. .. Etc. .. the propensity of the Jews “Marranos,” to pretend to convert to Christianity? is the oldest: the Middle Ages!! is a phenomenon: sad: that the Catholic Church knows very well: so … that it was forced … to do the court of the Holy Inquisition! these enlightened Jews of Satanists? they have no imagination! Despite all their power? they play again, to make the Jews Marranos (converted to Christianity fake)! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa 666SeigniorageofBank (1 secondo fa) Spam @ Rochefeller -> he is: the sovereign Lord universal: the satanic world of Babel Tower, he himself the head of all enlightened! he is: the real head of the snake! ie: the head of the New World Order, Freemasonry, Satanism: IMF, World Bank: Freemasonry: Intelligence: CIA MOSSAD: Bildenberg, trilateral: etc. .. Etc. .. the propensity of the Jews “Marranos,” to pretend to convert to Christianity? is the oldest: the Middle Ages!! is a phenomenon: sad: that the Catholic Church knows very well: so … that it was forced … to do the court of the Holy Inquisition! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa 666SeigniorageofBank @Rochefeller –> è lui: il Re supremo: e satanico del mondo: proprio lui il capo di tutti gli enlightened! è lui: la vera testa del serpente! cioè: il capo del NWO, massoneria, satanismo: FMI, Banca mondiale: massoneria: servizi segreti: CIA: MOSSAD: Bildenberg, trilaterale: ecc.. Ecc… la propensione degli ebrei “marrani”, di fingere la conversione, al cristianesimo? è più vecchia del: medio evo!!!! è un fenomeno: tristissimo: che la Chiesa Cattolica conosce molto bene: tanto… da essere stata costretta… al tribunale della Santa inquisizione! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa [[Unius Rei]] some think, that I lorenzojhwh (perfect self-defeating against myself) that I will not be able to succeed or win .. but, I have a 99% chance: to succeed! because all people love to have: the “liberator”, the “protector”: the ‘hero: ie: Mahdì; Messiah, ecc..! Even governments: they are terrified and are stressed: in the exercise: of the power. and would also have them the right to be more serene … well: especially in times: so: ambiguous and unstable as ours? an attorney (REI) with a mandate to an end; (unius)? is precisely that, that, everybody wants: to live in peace (universal brotherhood): prosperity (new fund monetari: IMF; based on the sovereignty of peoples and not of the Jewish bankers Satanists: ILLUMINATI) and safety (equal rights and equal obligations for all)! is why. is all ok for Unius Rei!!! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa [[Unius Rei]] alcuni pensano, che, io lorenzojhwh(perfetto autolesionista): che, io non potrò avere successo.. ma, io ho il 99%: di possibilità: di avere successo! perché, tutti i popoli amano avere: il “liberatore”; il “protettore”: l’ eroe! Anche i Governi: sono terrorizzati: e stressati: dall’esercizio del potere: e avrebbero anche loro: il diritto di essere più sereni … così: soprattutto in tempi: così: ambigui e instabili: come i nostri? un procuratore(REI); con un mandato a termine;(UNIUS)? è proprio quello; che; tutti vorrebbero: per vivere in pace(fratellanza universale): prosperità(nuovo fondo monetario basato sulla sovranità dei popoli e non dei banchieri ebrei satanisti: ILLUMINATI) e sicurezza(uguali diritti e uguali doveri per tutti)! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa to my enemies — I do not have the category: the conceptual or ideological or religious of the “enemy”! Is not there something that I can hate for itself: since unius Rei is: 1. the legal right of any identity: the identity of each and all; 2. a chance of life for everyone, because everyone can do evil, to all be very different from me! and because, God will do to others, all the evil, which, they thought they want to do against me? .. here, that decide to be my enemy, against: every principle of justice is not something your doctor would approve of: why, he forces God to enforce its judgments: and punishments against the rebels before their physical death. this I think myself to be a very man “poor” “simple”, but my function, that is political and theological, that makes me the most important man in the history of mankind. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa ai miei nemici –> io non ho la categoria: concettuale o ideologica o religiosa del “nemico”! non c’è qualcosa, che, io posso odiare per se stessa: poiché Unius Rei è: 1. il diritto legale: della identità di ognuno; 2. una possibilità di vita: per tutti, poiché, tutti possono fare il male, per essere tutti, molto diversi da me! e poiché, Dio farà agli altri, tutto il male, che, loro hanno pensato di volere fare contro di me? .. ecco, che, decidere di essere il mio nemico, contro: ogni principio di giustizia: non è qualcosa che il tuo dottore approverebbe: perché costringe, Dio ad applicare i suoi giudizi: e castighi: contro i ribelli, prima della loro morte fisica. questo io penso di me stesso: di essere un uomo molto mediocre, ma, è la mia funzione politica e teologica, che fa di me, l’uomo più importante della storia del genere umano. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa to my enemies – 1. Sharia: “Of kartona13” amd: 2. Mistafield or 374z3c8 (CIA satanism or international institutional: ie, the Masonic system of bank seigniorage) said: “you die!” –ANSWER- se io avessi il vostro odio/malvagità? allora, anche io sarei un perdente, come voi! Ovviamente, io sono UniusRei ed io ho: tutti i diritti legali e regalità: del Regno di Dio! Così, in qualsiasi momento: per esempio: il musulmano della sharia è pentito, di avere approvato: la violenza: contro i cristiani innocenti.. in quel preciso momento: viene interrotta la mia aggressività: contro di lui.. pur rimanendo inalterata: ogni eventuale azione dello Spirito Santo! perché l’obiettivo di Unius Rei non è punire i peccatori, ma convertirli alla fratellanza universale! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa Commento al tuo video: Ron Paul Our CIA gave Libya over to Al Qaeda lionslicer9999 said: When America just goes into countries and kills dictators, it makes everyone hate us, not just the people who liked the dictator but the rest of the world who now think we’ll just run into their country and kill their leaders just because we think it’s the right thing to do. 1:50 Ron Paul Our CIA gave Libya over to Al Qaeda @ my Lords: ROTHSCHILD and ROCHEFELLER – My grandparents pathetic! you know well, better than me .. that, 1. I’m loyal: till end at death! 2. that: it is extremely convenient to surrender to me, why I am cautious: reflexive and humble! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa 666SeigniorageofBank (1 secondo fa) Spam DAVID DUKE Israeli Terrorism Against America @ my Lords: ROTHSCHILD and ROCHEFELLER – My grandparents path… 20 October 2011 12:47 (PDT) Pubblico Pubblicazione al 0% Operazione non riuscita (caricamento interrotto) mistafiel Thomas –> But the 200,000: human victims who were sacrificed to Satan, also: this year: also .. and then were dissolved in sulfuric acid .. dissolved in the sink to be finished in the sewer? they know what is 666 = shith America! ma, le 200.000 : vittime umane, che, sono state sacrificate a satana: anche: quest’anno: anche.. e che poi sono state sciolte nell’acido solforico.. per essere finite dissolte nel lavandino? loro sanno cosa è 666 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa No I do not ever lose.. I have the added value! I know I am and I know where to go: in myself, I am a complete man! I would not ever do any of the evil to, at anyone: if no one persists in his own crimes! For I have sown in faith of God’s Word? So, my result will not be dispersed or lost, because God Himself is the guarantor of his word! no io non mi perdo mai.. io sono il valore aggiunto! io so deve vengo ed io so dove vado: in me stesso io sono un uomo completo! io non vorrei mai fare del male a nessuno.. se nessuno ostina se stesso nei suoi crimini! Poiché io ho seminato nella fede della Parola di Dio? allora, il mio frutto non andrà disperso o perduto: perché Dio stesso è garante della sua Parola! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa Egyptian Army, POlice KiLl 24 Coptic Christian Protestors-> “People are being prosecuted, including former President Mubarak, in courts presently because they killed demonstrators on January 28. Now the military police is doing the same to the Copts,” said Shoukry. A curfew has been announced tonight in several Cairo streets. by Mary Abdelmassih [[20111010003621( . )htm]] © 2011, Assyrian International News Agency. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa @CIA-> mistafiel Thomas –> But the 200,000: human victims who were sacrificed to Satan, also: this year: also .. and then were dissolved in sulfuric acid .. dissolved in the sink to be finished in the sewer? they know what is 666 = shith America! ma, le 200.000 : vittime umane, che, sono state sacrificate a satana: anche: quest’anno: anche.. e che poi sono state sciolte nell’acido solforico.. per essere finite dissolte nel lavandino? loro sanno cosa è 666 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa No I do not ever lose.. I have the added value! I know I am and I know where to go: in myself, I am a complete man! I would not ever do any of the evil to, at anyone: if no one persists in his own crimes! For I have sown in faith of God’s Word? So, my result will not be dispersed or lost, because God Himself is the guarantor of his word! no io non mi perdo mai.. io sono il valore aggiunto! io so deve vengo ed io so dove vado: in me stesso io sono un uomo completo! io non vorrei mai fare del male a nessuno.. se nessuno ostina se stesso nei suoi crimini! Poiché io ho seminato nella fede della Parola di Dio? allora, il mio frutto non andrà disperso o perduto: perché Dio stesso è garante della sua Parola! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa Egyptian Army, POlice KiLl 24 Coptic Christian Protestors-> “People are being prosecuted, including former President Mubarak, in courts presently because they killed demonstrators on January 28. Now the military police is doing the same to the Copts,” said Shoukry. A curfew has been announced tonight in several Cairo streets. by Mary Abdelmassih [[20111010003621( . )htm]] © 2011, Assyrian International News Agency. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa The same description of events was confirmed by Nader Shoukry. He said that when the Copts were trapped by the army forces, some threw themselves in the Nile and some just fainted seeing other people being run-over in front of their eyes. Copts ran to hide in the neighboring buildings, but the police dragged them out and assaulted them. Dr. Naguib Gabriel, who was at the procession, was shot in the leg. Michael Munier, head of El Hayat (Life) Party, said that what happened to the Copts today was a massacre. He asked why do the authorities kill the Copts who were protesting peacefully for their rights, while at the same time when Salafists blocked the trains in Qena for 10 days protesting against a Copt being nominated for governor of Qena, no one touched them? 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa Egyptian Army, Police Kill 24 Coptic Christian Protestors-> Aziz said that the procession started today at the Christian populated district of Shubra and went to Maspero, in front of the TV building, on the river Nile. On their way, some Muslims fired live ammunition over their heads to terrorize them and some bricks were hurled at them. By the time they arrived to Maspero there were nearly 150,000 protesters. “The army and police were waiting for us about 200 meters away from the Maspero TV building,” said Aziz. “They started firing at us before two army armored vehicles came at great speed and drove into the crowds, going backwards and forwards, mowing people under their wheels. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa 666SeigniorageofBank (5 secondi fa) Spam ” He said he saw at least 20 dead Copts around him. “The most horrible scene was when one of the vehicles ran over a Copt’s head, causing his brain to explode and blood was all over the place,” recalled Aziz. he held out his hand, showing two bullets in his palm. “We got a clear message today that we are no first class citizens.” 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa Egyptian Army, Police Kill 24 Coptic Christian Protestors->Copts announced a few days ago that they would stage a rally to protest the torching of the church in the village of Elmarinab in Edfu, Aswan (AINA 10-1-2011), as well as the brutal attack on the Coptic rally in Maspiro on October 4 (AINA 10-9-2011). Rallies were to be staged in Cairo, Aswan, Minya, Beni-Suef, Assiut, Suez and Alexandria. “When we announced this peaceful rally we made it understood that it will be from 5-8pm and no sit-in and no blocking of traffic,” said Ihab Aziz, Coptic-American activist, who was one of the organizers. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa Egyptian Army, Police Kill 24 Coptic Christian Protestors –>”Today occurred a massacre of the Copts,” said Coptic priest, Father Filopateer Gamil in a telephone conversation with CTV Coptic Channel. “I was an eyewitness to all what happened.” According to witnesses, the army forces were waiting for the Copic rally to arrive at Maspero, near the state television building. “They arranged a trap for us,” said Father Filopateer. “As soon as we arrived they surrounded us and started shooting live ammunition randomly at us. Then the armored vehicles arrived and ran over protesters.” Father Filopateer said he saw army police and affiliated thugs torching police cars, to later blame it on the Copts. He believes that the assault on the Copt was preplanned. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa Egyptian Army, Police Kill 24 Coptic Christian Protestors –>There were discrepancies between reports from the official State-owned TV and independent TV stations. Al-Hayat confirmed that army armored vehicles went into Maspero “in a strange way” and ran over the protesters. A video clip of the armored vehicles running amok through the 150,000 protesters was shown on Al-Arabia TV. Egyptian State-run TV said that Coptic protesters killed 3 soldiers and injured 20. They gave no numbers for the fallen or injured Copts. They also said that the Copts had weapons. This was refuted by Coptic priests and activists. Nader Shoukry, Coptic activist and journalist, said “We only had wooden crosses.” 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa Egyptian Army, Police Kill 24 Coptic Christian Protestors –> (AINA) — For the second time in five days military and police forces forcibly dispersed Coptic protesters. 24 Copts were killed today and over 300 injured. The numbers could rise dramatically as many bodies are still unidentified and disfigured beyond recognition. The dead and injured have been transported to the Coptic Hospital in Cairo. Bodies of 4 Copts were found in buildings and taken to the public morgue, reported al-Ahram Daily. 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa @ kartona13 -> us: the CHURCH! We do not hate Muslims! and do not hate anyone! you are a threat because you are: 1. the murderers of sharia! 2. exterminators of the Armenians, and of all Christian peoples, who were before you! 3. you do business: with Christian slaves! You kidnapped, Christian girls: to force them to Islam! You make: 300: Christian martyrs: every day: [[160000christianmartyrs (.) Blogspot]] 4. you are fake and liars, racists, and predators, a threat absolute: against the whole human race! and in fact, we are forced: by the enlightened Jews to make of all Muslims: one only massacre: in 3°WWnuclear, that, we never wanted to do. because only this: it is the only truth: in order to protect or defend our lives! this we will do 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa @kartona13 –> noi. la CHIESA! noi non odiamo i musulmani! e non odiamo nessuno! voi siete una minaccia: poiché voi siete: 1. gli assassini della sharia! 2. gli sterminatori degli Armeni, e di tutti i popoli cristiani, che sono stati, prima di voi! 3. voi fate il commercio: degli schiavi cristiani! Voi rapite le ragazze cristiane: per costringerle all’Islam! Voi fate: 300: martiri cristiani: ogni giorno: [[160000christianma­rtyrs (.) blogspot]] 4. voi siete falsi e bugiardi, predatori e razzisti, una minaccia assoluta contro: tutto il genere umano! e infatti, noi siamo costretti: dagli enlightened ebrei: a fare di tutti i musulmani: un solo massacro: che, proprio questo: andava fatto: e che noi non abbiamo mai voluto fare. poiché, questa soltanto: è la sola verità: per poter proteggere o difendere la nostra vita! kartona13 ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa that is the true and the coptic kill the soldiers cuz they came to this place and u who criminal make up story to make the world hate Muslims get out the hate of your heart and read to know do not be like ignorant Mohammed more and more of big foreign researcher respect him (The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons) is Mohammed by MICHEAL HART but u hate and hate want to fight 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa Commento al tuo video: Muslims hit Christian driver just because he puts a saint kartona13 SAID: ok tell me why they came to Masbero why them did not go to Tahrir square cuz they want to make show kill the army men and then say to cristan country help us musliums army kill us do u think u can hide the true u who lie on people to make them hate the Muslims but the people who need the true : the Coptic protest want to make fight between EGYPT and any Cristian country to kill the poor people in EGYPT cuz they r Muslims just muslims why ? why u need fight ? –ANSWER-> no! you’re just a criminal! all lies! In fact, you said that Copts have killed the soldiers … here’s why: it is you: and all Mohammed like you, that you are an absolute crime: against all mankind! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa @MrlmmondoProfondo –> NON ANDARE IN CHIESA? È UN PECCATO MORTALE! INFATTI È CONTRO IL 3° COMANDAMENTO! DO NOT GO TO CHURCH? It is a mortal sin! It IS AGAINST THE COMMANDMENT 3 °! kartona13 ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa AISA just a prophet not our god and MUHAMMED like AISA prophet just think forget the hate 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa @THOMAS –> io sono già morto alla mentalità di questo mondo: infatti, il fuoco: 1. della Parola di Dio; 2. della sofferenza; 3. della assurda persecuzione.. sono passate, attraverso, di me e mi hanno purificato: facendomi morire: a quella natura umana: peccaminosa: egoista: perversa! io oggi: io vivo nella potenza della risurrezione: ecco, perché, io sono invincibile! poiché, come ogni cristiano biblico – fondamentalista: nato di nuovo: io ho preso la mia posizione, nel cuore di Gesù(alla destra del Padre)… così: non sono più io, che vivo, ma è Cristo: che: vive in me! Poiché: soltanto: Cristo: è il Re di Israele: solo Cristo è il Re e del mondo! Ecco perché, lui è chiamato: “il Re dei re: ed il Signore dei signori!”.. perché, per Dio ogni uomo: dovrebbe essere: Re e Signore: e non soltanto gli enlightened: ladri assassini e satanisti… per avere fatto: loro: tanto male contro: tutto il genere umano 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 10 mesi fa Commento al tuo video: Muslims hit Christian driver just because he puts a saint kartona13(the coward with the channel not available) no he is liar the coptic take the tanks after killed the soldiers why ? why the cpotic do that why ? — ANSWER–> you can tell me the source: the document: who reported the news: ie: that the Copts have killed the soldiers? Just you are fagot: only Egypt! that, of all other muslims country have failed to exterminate all Christians, something that all other Muslims have been able to do better than you! [[[@ youtube - about: the poor Coptic Christian martyrs? and all: 300: Victims Christian martyrs of Muslim sharia law: of every day: (160000christianmartyrs . blogspot) around the world? why, hide all this terrible reality: because everyone believes,…]]] 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Shadow666Deamon (30 minuti fa) Spam said: He spreads bullshit! It’s worse than AIDS! GET AWAY FROM HIM! –> You argue with just the head of your cock.. because, in fact, is the only head that remained to you! In fact, I saw Satan: that he Uses your head .. angry still much he jumped into hell of fire TU RAGIONI soltanto con la testa del tuo cazzo.. perché, infatti, è l’unica testa che a te è rimasta! infatti, io ho visto satana: utlizzare la tua testa .. mentre saltava pieno di rabbia nell’inferno 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa The Chinese government wants to know: what are the Spirit: Water and Fire! the Word of God can be the same: living: the presence of God .. not as a printed book with ink. but only if they act simultaneously: 1. Spirit -> Holy Spirit; 2. Water —> Baptism; 3. Fire -> is the blood of Jesus (real man) [is] Christ (true son of God): that is the Eucharist, which is the testimony or the sacrament of God’s love for us. that is the New Covenant! il Governo cinese vuole sapere: cosa sono: lo Spirito : l’Acqua ed il Fuoco! la Parola di Dio: può diventare la stessa: viva: presenza di Dio… non in quanto un libro stampato con inchiostro. ma, soltanto se, agiscono contemporaneamente: 1. Spirito –> Spirito Santo; 2. Acqua —> battesimo; 3. fuoco –> è il sangue di Gesù(vero uomo) Cristo(vero figlio di Dio): cioè l’Eucarestia: che è la testimonianza o il sacramento dell’amore di Dio per noi. cioè la Nuova Alleanza! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa 666SeigniorageofBank (5 secondi fa) Spam Therefore, if you do not fall on the devil all your sins? for expiation by Christ (innocent lamb) your: redeemers? You will be destroyed, with the devil, to which you already belong, why, all flesh is the flesh of sin … this flesh, has no hope of eternal life, because “the flesh profits nothing, but it is the Holy Spirit and the Word of God that give eternal life.” “In fact, the spirit;water and fire: are agree!” That’s why I expect ALL whole human race in my Jewish Temple in Jerusalem 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa 666SeigniorageofBank (41 secondi fa) Spam pertanto, se tu non fai ricadere sul diavolo: tutte le tue colpe? facendo espiare a Cristo(agnello innocente? tu andrai distrutto, con il diavolo, a cui tu già appartieni, poiché, ogni carne è la carne del peccato… questa carne, non ha una speranza di vita eterna: poiché, “la carne, non giova a nulla, ma è lo Spirito Santo, e la Parola di Dio: che danno la vita eterna”. “infatti, lo spirito l’acqua ed il fuoco sono concordi!” Ecco perché io aspetto tutto il genere umano nel mio Tempio ebraico a Gerusalemme 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa this is a universal and eternal truth .. if you do not die at the mentality of this world .. denying themselves? can not be born in the Kingdom of God. since our flesh? is always the flesh of sin! In fact it was not God who has created death and disease, but it came into the world to envy of the devil questa è una verità eterna ed universale.. se non si muore alla mentalità di questo mondo.. rinnegando se stessi? non si può nascere nel Regno di Dio.. poiché la carne nostra? è sempre la carne del peccato! infatti non è stato Dio, che, ha creato la morte e la malattia, ma esse sono venute nel mondo per l’invidia del diavolo 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa @peppa465 , erkanutazo , FatalDeathSG45 –> you are foolish and have no idea of the true! can not be: the more desperate the cry of the soul, which has reached the bottom of shame and of the desolation like thomas! is like a wound that bleeds constantly … is a hunger and thirst for the presence of the Lord! Because of that eternal and infinite love, that has made ​​all of us? and claims all of us! Jesus said this to you: “You are neither hot (good) and no cold (bad)! that’s why I’m going to vomit you out of my mouth!” 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa @GodHateDemons 666Thomas of the CIA-> this is even worse! If Adam (rather: to hide himself, showing: much obstinacy: in his act of treason), he went to meet with God, as he did each afternoon: when God came down: every afternoon to play with him, right: as any father plays: with her ​​baby? God would have forgiven him! .. but the lack of repentance: the feel as good: for what is: unjust but, we believe are right, but it is fake evil bad .. ie, the presumption of being the referee, of the concept of: good or bad! has forced God to expel Adam and Eve (as well as all of us with them) by paradise earth! Because, God in His perfect justice could never punish us for them! so, all of us: we have betrayed God the same way in paradise earth! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa That’s why we all continue to hide, forever: even we ourselves, by the presence of God! but if we do not have the courage to reach out with love and repentance God? definitely we will go down into hell: that is the place that we would have merit: to be truly all traitors: that: all of us are:starting with me, 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa @GodHateDemons 666Thomas of CIA-> questo è ancora più grave! Se Adamo (invece: di nascondere se stesso: dimostrando: così, una ostinazione: nel suo atto di tradimento), fosse andato, incontro a Dio, come lui faceva: ogni pomerigio: quando Dio scendeva: ogni pomeriggio: per giocare con lui, proprio: come un Padre gioca: con il suo bambino? Dio avrebbe perdonato a lui!.. ma, la mancanza di pentimento: il ritenere giusto: quello che è invece: ingiusto: ed il ritenere vero: quello che è invece: falso.. cioè, la presunzione di essere l’arbitro, del concetto di: bene o di male! ha costretto Dio a cacciare Adamo ed Eva(come anche tutti noi: insieme a loro) dal: paradiso terrestre! Poiché, Dio nella sua perfetta giustizia: non potrebbe mai punire anche noi: al posto loro! così, anche tutti noi: abbiamo tradito Dio: allo stesso modo nel paradiso: terrestre! Ecco perché, tutti noi continuiamo, a nascondere, ancora, noi stessi, dalla presenza di Dio! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa @GodHateDemons 666Thomas-> AS, God is not wanted to come to you? that’s why you’ve done yourself a Satanist cannibals? but it was just the opposite .. since: in fact, Adam was, only him, that he hid himself from God’s presence! indeed? I too, like everyone, I am a perfect coward, in fact, I avoid the presence of God, also, if, I know to be totally surrounded by God! because every creature is like fish: he could not out of the sea (God). That’s why, hell is infinitely unbearable because it is the privation of the infinite happiness of God and of all His attributes of infinite perfection: the LOVE! this is the truth: “You do not need: all the crap: of the religion to find God: Why, if He were not with you? you could not be or exist!” questa è la verità: “tu non hai bisogno: di tutte le stronzate: della religione per incontrare Dio: perché: se lui non fosse sempre con te? tu non potresti essere o esistere!” 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa @ GodHateDemons –> OFF LINE!! SHALOM + SALAM = blessings too intelligence, ie, the logic of “common sense” is not less, than: at the Word of God. men, who close their brains: “only in the words of a holy book?” or an ideology? .. they will end: for to become: the most ruthless: Satanists and criminals! So intelligence and revelation to must learn: to walk together with humility and mutual respect: like: You must be her husband with his wife! So science and faith have equal dignity … so, is not the truth (the happy fate of mankind) for not suffer scandal and violence 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa @GodHateDemons (31 minuti fa) Spam l’intelligenza, cioè, la logica del: “buon senso”: non è inferiore: alla Parola di Dio.. gli uomini, che, chiudono il loro cervello: “soltanto, nelle parole di un libro sacro?” o in una ideologia?.. loro finiranno: per diventare: i più spietati: satanisti e criminali! Così intelligenza e rivelazione: devono imparare: a camminare insieme: con umiltà: e rispetto reciproco: proprio come: deve fare il marito: con la moglie! Così scienza e fede: hanno pari dignità… affinché, non sia la verità(il destino felice del genere umano) a subire scandalo e violenza 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa @ my Lords: ROTHSCHILD and ROCHEFELLER -> My grandparents pathetic! you know well, better than me .. that, 1. I’m loyal: till end at death! 2. that: it is extremely convenient to surrender to me, why I am cautious: reflexive and humble! What you’re waiting? Just you, who, better than anyone else .. you know: very well: how everything is destined to turn to the worst of the worst? what? you are old, tired and discouraged? too! I am also!!! but the prospect of hell for you? is not an intelligent perspective! You are not you my own top advisers and ministers? courage! Of this I am sure … all will follow your example ..why, this kingdom of Israel and Palestine? is a matter of life or death for everyone! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa @my LORDs: ROTHSCHILD and ROCHEFELLER –> miei nonni: patetici! voi sapete bene, meglio di me.. che, 1. io sono leale: fino alla morte! 2. che: è estremamente conveniente: arrendersi a me: why, io sono prudente: riflessivo: ed umile! Cosa voi state attendendo? Proprio voi, che, meglio di chiunque altro.. voi sapete: molto bene: come tutto: è destinato a volge per: il peggio del peggio? cosa? siete vecchi, stanchi e scoraggiati? anche io! ma, la prospettiva dell’inferno: per voi? non è una prospettiva intelligente! Non siete proprio voi i miei principali consiglieri e ministri? coraggio! Di questo io sono sicuro… tutti seguiranno il vostro esempio.. questo regno di Israele e Palestina? è una questione di vita o di morte per tutti! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa @ Satanists enlightened: 666Mistafield -> to be honest? I too have been: a bastard: human nature: and, unfortunately: I suffer again: the corruption of my: rotten meat! There is no other truth .. God has punished me, through this my Ministry: of Unius Rei, “so, in mode terrible!” because, at the thought of hard work, which I expect? I do not I will get out of bed: in the morning! I am quite the contrary of what one: ideology or: religion might be, because I hate with: all my being: the power! but I believe it is appropriate: to suffer any form of punishment ..for: do not fall into the abyss: of hell: where we were: been convicted: everyone for the alone: the original sin: only! because: God will never: to compromise: with his infinite holiness! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa @YourtubeTerminated: i: 374z3z8: 666Mistafield -> I know the question that is troubling you: this you do not understand: why: the enlightened do not kill me too, as they did kill Kennedy? – ANSWER-> 1. Jews do not kill their king: never 2. that, then, also, he has promised of not do revenge! 3. Jews do not kill: the prophets: who: have a political impact: If you read Jeremiah: he was continually acts: high Treason ie incited the people to surrender at the Babylonians .. In fact, the King was right: Babylonians not to kill him: also if: he saw kill: her whole family and if he was been blinded! certain: I am only a “premonition”, but this perverse generation .. could not have deserved: nothing better to God 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa @YourtubeTerminated: ie: 374z3z8: 666 Thomas mistafield –> io conosco la domanda che ti tormenta: tu non comprendi: il perché: gli enlightened non fanno uccidere anche me, come hanno fatto uccidere Kennedy –ANSWER-> 1. gli ebrei non uccidono mai il loro Re; 2. che, poi, anche, lui ha promesso di non fare la vendetta! 3. gli ebrei non uccidono: i profeti: che: hanno una valenza politica, infatti: se tu leggi di Geremia: lui faceva continuamente: atti di: alto: tradimento: cioè: incitava il popolo: ad arrendendersi ai Babilonesi.. in effetti: il Re fece bene: a non farlo uccidere: perché fu proprio questo: a salvare la sua vita.. anche se: lui vide sterminare: tutta la sua famiglia: e se fu accecato! certo: io sono soltanto un “premonitore”: ma questa perversa generazione.. non ha potuto meritare: niente di meglio da Dio 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa @374z3z8: 666Thomas mistafield –> who is more of a Satanist, an idiot? No one! because the greatest misery is to believe to be intelligent .. just as prostitutes over the sidewalk? she also believe they are very smart .. and have developed very well the power of their mind! lol. just like you, that, you’re finished with the sprinkle: and eat the excrement of a woman perverse: on your face! taken from a fit: your sexual intercourse hell! … chi è più idiota di un satanista? Nessuno! poiché la più grande miseria è quella di credere di essere intelligenti.. proprio come le prostitute: sopra il marciapiede? anche loro credono di essere intelligenti.. e di avere sviluppato molto bene le potenzialità della mente! lol. proprio come te: che, tu sei finito con il cospargere: e il mangiare gli escrementi di una donna perversa: sul tuo volto! preso da un impeto: il tuo coito infernale! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa @ youtube – about: the poor Coptic Christian martyrs? and all: 300: Victims Christian martyrs of Muslim sharia law: of every day: (160000christianmartyrs. blogspot) around the world? why, hide all this terrible reality: because everyone believes, that is a great achievement of civilization: ie: to realize the destruction of Christianity .. but this is true: instead: “Then will be the Satanists and Witches to seize your children!” However, in the video that you have deleted? it is true that there was the head of a deformed man who was trampled / crushed: by the wheel of an armored vehicle of the army(in Egypt) … but no one could see the brain that had come out! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa @ 666 Rothschild and 322 Bush -> you did: of yourself: the foundation of all our institutions: 1. any predation of: 1. seigniorage banking and secret societies: Freemasons satanism: corporations, etc. .. You have trampled on the Constitution of all people! that’s why the human race has been so ruined: corrupt, depraved, to the point: what now can only be destroyed: purified with the nuclear fire .. you the synagogue of Satan: this is what you have always done and worked! @666 Rothschild and 322 Bush –> avete fatto: di voi stessi il fondamento: di tutte le nostre istituzioni: 1. predazione del: 1. signoraggio bancario; società segrete: massoneria satanismo: corporations, ecc.. Voi avete calpestato la Costituzione di tutti i popoli! ecco perché tutto il genere umano è stato così rovinato: corrotto, depravato, al punto tale: che: ora può essere soltanto distrutto:purificato: con il fuoco nucleare.. voi la sinagoga di satana: è a questo che avete lavorato da sempre! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa @YourtubeTerminated –> Therefore, I will fight against you: 666 Mistafield: devil son of a sow’s true: the enemy of mankind, a priest of Satanism: both as a Muslim, that like a jew! but, it is the power charismatic of the Christianity, which, you will be ruined! pertanto, io combatterò contro di te: 666 Mistafield: vero demonio figlio di una scrofa: nemico del genere umano, sacerdote del satanismo: sia come un musulmano, che sia come un ebreo! ma, è per la potenza carismatica del cristianesimo, che, tu sarai rovinato! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa the duty of every honest man? is to fight / Warring: against all: criminal, satanists, freemasons, seigniorage banking, Shariah. In my vocabulary there are two words: 1. enemy 2. impossible! In fact, everything is possible with God. it’s true I’m very jew and very muslim in many things .. but in this feature? I am a true Christian il dovere di ogni uomo onesto? è quello di combattere /warring: contro tutti i: criminali, satanisti, massoni, signoraggio bancario, shariah. Nel mio vocabolario: non esistono due parole: 1. nemico; 2. impossibile! infatti, tutto è possibile con Dio.. è vero io sono molto ebreo e molto musulmano in tante cose.. ma in questa caratteristica? io sono un vero cristiano 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Egypt Sharia [[Account Warnings: 1]] | | Appealed Rejected | | Reception Date: 19/Oct/2011 | Date of Validation: 19/Oct/2011 | [[Your account does not have a good reputation.]] Very ugly bodies of Christian Coptic Martyrs Massacre – (666SeigniorageofBank) YouTube is not a shock site. You may not post disgusting videos of accidents, dead bodies or other similar entities whose purpose is to upset, to feel or be disrespectful. If the video is explicit or strong, can be published on the site, only if supported by adequate documentary or educational information .– ANSWER- you have heard the slander, that the Copts were stolen weapons? but, 1. there are no deaths in the army! 2. we saw the tanks: trampling and trample: the crowd, the soldiers fired at random into a crowd disarmed..I had written in “comments”: “warning: videos violent prohibited to minors” 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Egitto sharia [[Avvertimenti sull’account: 1]]|| Appealed Rejected || Data ricezione: 19/Oct/2011 | Data di convalida: 19/Oct/2011 |[[Il tuo account non ha una buona reputazione.]]Very ugly bodies of Christian Coptic Martyrs massacre – (666SeigniorageofBank)YouTube non è un sito shock. Non è consentito pubblicare video ripugnanti di incidenti, cadaveri o altri soggetti simili il cui scopo sia sconvolgere, fare sensazione o essere irrispettosi. Se il video è esplicito o forte, può rimanere pubblicato sul sito, soltanto, se supportato da adeguate informazioni educative o documentaristiche.–ANSWER-> tu hai sentito la calunnia, che, i Copti avrebbero rubato le armi da un blindato? ma, 1. non ci sono morti nell’esercito! 2. noi abbiamo visto i blindati: calpestare e travolgere: la folla: i militari hanno sparato a casaccio in mezzo ad una folla disarmata 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa @MrFakeWins, @LUVYOUSTILL @PeaceMetapsychics –>[[list of curses against Thomas Mistafield 666: in Jesus’s name!]] and against all spammers in this page! 1. has cancer: amen hallelujah! 2. the cavities of bones deforming: amen hallelujah! 3. this will lead him to sit on a wheelchair: amen hallelujah! if it continues to writing all this: blasphemous impiety about ideology absurd, self-centered criminal of Satanists? further, he will be cursed: again, of more again! elenco delle maledizioni contro Mistafield 666 Thomas: in Jesus’s name! 1. ha il cancro: amen hallelujah!! 2. ha il fenomeno delle ossa deformanti: amen hallelujah!! 3. questo porterà lui a stare su una sedie a rotelle: amen hallelujah!! se continua a scivere empietà circa la ideologia assurda blasfema, criminale egocentrica dei satanisti? lui sarà maledetto ulteriormente! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Proceed with the appeal against the warning regarding the Community Guidelines for the following videos Very ugly bodies of Christian Coptic Martyrs Massacre The YouTube Team will review our decision and, where appropriate, restore your video. It is possible that the warning be removed but your video will not be restored. The Manage accounts reflect the latest decisions regarding your account. I understand that if YouTube confirms the warning, I will not be able to appeal against warnings future for a period of 60 days. Reason (required) 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Procedi con il ricorso contro l’avvertimento relativo alle Norme della community per i seguenti video Very ugly bodies of Christian Coptic Martyrs massacre Il team di YouTube esaminerà la nostra decisione e, se opportuno, ripristinerà il tuo video. È possibile che l’avvertimento venga rimosso ma il tuo video non verrà ripristinato. La pagina Gestisci account rispecchierà le decisioni più aggiornate relative al tuo account. Comprendo che se YouTube conferma l’avvertimento, non sarò più in grado di fare ricorso contro avvertimenti futuri per un periodo di 60 giorni. Motivo (obbligatorio) 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa @5fxn7c = LUVYOUSTILL = 666Thomas mistafield–> I did not say that, you are now, on a wheelchair.. but, through my faith that I .. I saw you: on a wheelchair .. because, my faith has the power to make history why, you will be on a wheelchair: in the future.. *+* then, if we want to be reasonable … but that future can hope that a Satanist? amen *+* poi, se noi vogliamo essere ragionevoli… ma, che futuro può sperare un satanista? io non ho detto, che, sei ora, su di una sedia a rotelle, ma, che io attraverso la mia fede.. io ho visto te: su di una sedia a rotelle.. poiché, la mia fede ha il potere di realizzare la storia ecco perché, tu sarai su di una sedia a rotelle: nel futuro 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa everyone knows: but your god is satan ! everyone knows: lol. he can not help himself.. If mistafield did the analysis? He could start chemotherapy … will not be long time, that he must crawl like a worm! This is a real shame, because God has made Thomas very nice .. but it was Satan who made him a very bad man! very ugly! se mistafield facesse le analisi? lui potrebbe iniziare la chemioterapia… non ci vorrà molto che lui dovrà strisciare come un verme! questo è un vero peccato: perché Dio ha fatto Thomas molto bello, ma è stato satana che ha fatto di lui un uomo molto: brutto! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa [[the mean]] THIS I HAVE understand: if God did not exist? would be useful to invent it .. because man is not a satanist monster only when he is in relation to an “entity”, which is at the same time, the concept of the ideal value, as of infinity … Thus, of the policy should be excluded: both men devoted to religion .. and at the same time: they must be excluded .. those that do not refer: at an universal value and absolute .. in this way: both is the atheists that both religious should be removed both: from the political career! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa [[il giusto mezzo]]QUESTO IO HO COMPRESO: se Dio non esistesse? sarebbe utile inventarlo .. poiché, l’uomo non è un satanista mostro: soltanto, quando lui è in relazione ad una: “entità”, che, è contemporaneamente, il concetto di valore ideale, quanto infinito… Così, dalla politica devono essere esclusi: sia gli uomini consacrati alla religione.. ed al tempo stesso: devono essere esclusi.. tutti coloro che, non fanno riferimento: ad un valore universale ed assoluto.. in questo modo : sia gli atei che i religiosi: dovrebbero essere allontanati dalla carriera politica! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Very ugly bodies of Christian Coptic Martyrs Massacre 19 October 2011 04:31 (PDT) Public Rejected (content inappropriate) Correspondence with third-party content. Show details copyrights. Very ugly bodies of Christian Coptic Martyrs Massacre - (666SeigniorageofBank) YouTube is not a shock site. You may not post disgusting videos of accidents, dead bodies or other similar entities whose purpose is to upset, to feel or be disrespectful. If the video is explicit or strong, can be published on the site only if supported by adequate documentary or educational information .– ANSWER-> THERE WERE ONLY OF CORPSES PHOTO’S IN THE HOSPITAL ! However I was warned that the video was forbidden to minors .. Where did our duty to report? 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa [[the mean]] THIS I HAVE understand: if God did not exist? would be useful to invent it .. because man is not a satanist monster only when he is in relation to an “entity”, which is at the same time, the concept of the ideal value, as of infinity … Thus, of the policy should be excluded: both men devoted to religion .. and at the same time: they must be excluded .. those that do not refer: at an universal value and absolute .. in this way: both is the atheists that both religious should be removed both: from the political career! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa [[il giusto mezzo]]QUESTO IO HO COMPRESO: se Dio non esistesse? sarebbe utile inventarlo .. poiché, l’uomo non è un satanista mostro: soltanto, quando lui è in relazione ad una: “entità”, che, è contemporaneamente, il concetto di valore ideale, quanto infinito… Così, dalla politica devono essere esclusi: sia gli uomini consacrati alla religione.. ed al tempo stesso: devono essere esclusi.. tutti coloro che, non fanno riferimento: ad un valore universale ed assoluto.. in questo modo : sia gli atei che i religiosi: dovrebbero essere allontanati dalla carriera politica! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Very ugly bodies of Christian Coptic Martyrs Massacre 19 October 2011 04:31 (PDT) Public Rejected (content inappropriate) Correspondence with third-party content. Show details copyrights. Very ugly bodies of Christian Coptic Martyrs Massacre – (666SeigniorageofBank) YouTube is not a shock site. You may not post disgusting videos of accidents, dead bodies or other similar entities whose purpose is to upset, to feel or be disrespectful. If the video is explicit or strong, can be published on the site only if supported by adequate documentary or educational information .– ANSWER-> THERE WERE ONLY OF CORPSES PHOTO’S IN THE HOSPITAL ! However I was warned that the video was forbidden to minors .. Where did our duty to report? 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Very ugly bodies of Christian Coptic Martyrs massacre @Osmali1453 – thanks for your friendship! does not matter for … 19 October 2011 04:31 (PDT) Pubblico Rifiutato (contenuti non appropriati) Corrispondenza con contenuti di terze parti. Visualizza info copyright. Very ugly bodies of Christian Coptic Martyrs massacre – (666SeigniorageofBank) YouTube non è un sito shock. Non è consentito pubblicare video ripugnanti di incidenti, cadaveri o altri soggetti simili il cui scopo sia sconvolgere, fare sensazione o essere irrispettosi. Se il video è esplicito o forte, può rimanere pubblicato sul sito soltanto se supportato da adeguate informazioni educative o documentaristiche.–ANSWER-> C’ERANO SOLTANTO LE FOTO DEI CADAVERI ALL’OSPEDALE! tuttavia io avevo avvertito che il video era vietato ai minori.. Dove è finito il nostro dovere di cronaca? 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Satanistes ont perdu le contrôle de Youtube! Maintenant, ce système criminel du pouvoir: la communauté juive maçonnique, Total Control: Contrôle global: c’est toute la démocratie Faux: de la banque seigneuriage .. et tous les chiens muets: de «settebre 11: qui sont tous: les gouvernements du monde! Tous Will Fall: ensemble, avec leurs Fonds monétaire international sataniques! Ou encore, nous allons bientôt vivre la 3 ème WWnuclear .. J’ai décidé de ne oppriment: plus de 500 millions de dollars et tuer des gens des criminels, (en mode silence) .. Parce que, pour ma justice: elle me prévient. à porter le fardeau: cette guerre de l’énergie nucléaire: inévitable, que la punition est la suivante: faire de mal contre une autre génération: qui est moins coupable: ou méchants: de cette génération! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa @ GodHateDemons -> you’re a damn, “Mistafield devil!” Thomas YourtubeTerminated 666. scolds you: the Holy Spirit. here: you begin to be malformed: your body will begin to be “crooked”: at this moment in Jesus’s name! because you think bad things of the Lord God, your Creator .. and you have no compassion for the unfortunate men! @GodHateDemons–> tu sei un maledetto: “demonio Mistafield!” Thomas 666 YourtubeTerminated . rimprovera te: lo spirito Santo: ecco tu incomincerai ad essere deforme: il tuo corpo incomincerà a deformarsi: proprio in questo momento: in Jesus’s name! poiché, tu pensi cose malvagie del Signore Dio, il tuo Creatore.. e tu non hai compassione per gli uomini sfortunati @ GRIMSREVENGE253–> drink your poison made by yourself: voi e tutti i vostri uomini cadaveri e mostri | 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa 666SeigniorageofBank (5 secondi fa) Spam Satanists have lost control of youtube! Now, This Criminal system of Power:The JewisH MasoniC, Total Control: Global Control: that is, ALL the False Democracy: Of THE seigniorage banking .. and all Dumb Dogs: of ‘settebre 11: that ARE all: the GovernmentS of the world! All Will Fall: Together, With Their Satanic International Monetary Fund! Or, soon we will live the 3 rd WWnuclear .. I Decided Not to Oppress: more than 500 million and kill people of criminal, (quietly) .. Because, to My righteousness: it Prevents me. to Bear the burden: this of nuclear war: inevitable, That punishment is this: do this of evil Against Another Generation: that is less guilty: or wicked: of This Generation! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Satanists have lost control of youtube! Now, this criminal system of power: the Jewish Masonic, and total control: global control: that is, all the false democracy of seigniorage banking .. and all dumb dogs: dell ‘settebre 11: that are all the governments of the world! all will fall: together, with their satanic International Monetary Fund! Or, soon we will live the 3 ° WWnuclear .. I decided not to oppress and kill more than 500 million of people criminal, (quietly) .. because, to my righteousness: it prevents me to bear the burden of this nuclear war: inevitable, that is this punishment against another generation that is less guilty or wicked of another generation! 666SeigniorageofBank ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa i satanisti hanno perso il controllo di youtube! ora, questo criminale sistema di potere: massonico ebraico, e di controllo assoluto: cioè, tutte le false democrazie del signoraggio bancario.. e tutti i cani muti: dell’ 11 settebre: cioè tutti i Governi del modo! dovranno crollare: insieme al loro satanico Fondo Monetario internazionale! oppure, presto noi vivremo la 3°WWnuclear.. io ho deciso di non opprimere ed uccidere: più di 500 milioni di criminali,( in modo silenzioso).. poiché, la mia giustizia: impedisce a me, di portare il peso di questa guerra nucleare: inevitabile: cioè questo castigo: contro un’altra generazione che sia meno perversa o colpevole dell’attuale! lorenzoALLAH ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa salam Modifica Informazioni su criminal IMF NWO Why should you believe me? I am not a religion! I am only a politician! Now, this criminal system of power: the Jewish Masonic, and total control: global control: that is, all the false democracy of seigniorage ba… espandi di 666SeigniorageofBank Attività recenti 11/set/2012 Data di iscrizione 19/ott/2011 Età 52 Posizione Gerusalemme Paese Israele Modifica IMF is 666 x his 3°WW nuclear Satan Queen Fagot 87 iscritti law naturale positiva rivelata 27 iscritti lorenzo scarola 117 iscritti kingx Brotherhood Universal 125 iscritti Jewish Messiah Unius REI 148 iscritti Noah The Nephilim 61 iscritti ReiUnius free Israel&Palestine 1178 iscritti President Metaphysical Mankind 1182 iscritti Dominus Unius Rei 195 iscritti Kingdom of JHWH 180 iscritti