preghiamo per tutte le vittime innocenti del demonio Allah

ecco perché Allah è la troia di Satana! per realizzare #petrodollari #FED SpA, i sauditi hanno preteso:di controllare #CIA, #OCI (governo ombra 322 e di poter uccidere, tutti i cristiani del mondo! quindi hanno contratto matrimoni con i satana!



preghiamo per tutte le vittime innocenti del demonio Allah! …

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei

Unius REI ha ritwittato Vox

devono imparare a lavorare loro! Zingaro butta il figlio disabile : “Il figlio storpio non lo voglio, non può rubare”

Unius REI

Vox @VoxNewsInfo

: Zingaro butta il figlio disabile : “Il figlio storpio non lo voglio, non può rubare”

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei

La Nato ha dimostrato quello che realmente sono il giorno in cui hanno bombardato Belgrado…. un racket di protezione musulmana. ogni anticristo ed ogni satanismo sono sempre nella NATO! t every antichrist and every satanism are always in NATO!

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei

La Nato ha dimostrato quello che realmente sono il giorno in cui hanno bombardato Belgrado…. un racket di protezione musulmana. ogni anticristo ed ogni satanismo sono sempre nella NATO! NATO Proved what they really are the day they Bombed Belgrade….a Muslim Protection Racket

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei

Mosca, reagiremo se ostilità da Londra, ‘Risponderemo in base al principio di reciprocità’ ] tutte le violenze contro la Russia sono speculari a tutte le violenze che questi satanisti massoni hanno fatto contro i popoli Europei.. io propongo la pena di morte

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei

le vittime civili sono un incidente collaterale [ Siria: raid aereo contro bambini a Idlib: ] ma, quello di Erdogan è un DELITTO UNIVERSALE di PULIZIA ETNICA per lo schifo di questa NATO di satanisti massoni che non ha più un futuro ed uno straccio di credibilità!!

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei

love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love #ChooseLife

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 20 min20 minuti fa

love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love #ChooseLife …

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 23 min23 minuti fa

Unius REI ha ritwittato Francesco M

Ringrazio il Presidente Mattarella, il Presindente Junker e Sua Santità Papa FRANCESCO per essersi complimentati con la strepitosa elezione di Vladimir PUTIN! .. tutti gli altri? affancul0, male gli incolga!

Unius REI

Francesco M @FMastrantuoni

Gli articoli dei giornali attestano la VERIDICITA’ della incresciosa vicenda … …

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 24 min24 minuti fa

Ringrazio il Presidente Mattarella, il Presindente Junker e Sua Santità Papa FRANCESCO per essersi complimentati con la strepitosa elezione di Vladimir PUTIN! .. tutti gli altri? affancul0, male gli incolga!

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 29 min29 minuti fa

Erdogan è un islamico, quindi è una minaccia Wild & barbaric #Erdogan does not even deserve to be crushed under your shoes. Viva #YPJ Viva #YPG Happy #Nowruz …

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 3 h3 ore fa

The Qur’an depicts the Jews as inveterately evil and bent on destroying well-being of the Muslims. are the strongest people in enmity toward the Muslims (5:82); they fabricate things falselyascribe them to Allah (2:79; 3:75, 3:181); they claim that Allah’s power is limited Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 3 h3 ore fa

Trump tells Saudi crown prince US has ‘zero tolerance’ for terrorist funding Sweden: Mosque that applied to broadcast call to prayer has asked Allah to “destroy the Jews” What did Swedish authorities expect? Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 3 h3 ore fa

“Trump tells Saudi crown prince US has ‘zero tolerance’ for terrorist funding,” by Steven Nelson, Washington Examiner, March 20 Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 3 h3 ore fa

Trump tells Saudi crown prince US has ‘zero tolerance’ for terrorist funding The test of whether or not this vaunted Saudi reform is real will be if they really cut off funding not only for terror groups, for Muslim Brotherhood mosques and organizations in the United States.

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Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 3 h3 ore fa

When I first went to London, decades ago, I was shown around by an English friend who wanted me to observe the Parliament in session, to see justice being administered at a criminal trial at Old Bailey,visit the Tower of London, and most of all, he wanted to show me that living Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 3 h3 ore fa

Jihad Watch Daily Digest: Please use this link to forward to a friend (we really appreciate it), do not use your email client to forward, as they may inadvertently unsubscribe you. Hugh Fitzgerald: At Speaker’s Corner, It’s Time to Show Muslims Some Respect Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 3 h3 ore fa

tutto il terrorismo mondiale shariah è sunnita: Erdogan e Bin Salman OCI ne risponderanno! I Boko Haram sono un’organizzazione terroristica jihadista sunnita diffusa nel nord della Nigeria e alleatasi nel 2015 con l’Isis.

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 3 h3 ore fa

questa storia in Siria (dove islam è più moderato ed umanistico) di costruzione di un reattore nucleare attesta che tutti gli islamici sono tutti dei malati mentali e sono tutti dei criminali pericolosi! ”La distruzione del reattore nucleare, operazione ‘Fuori della scatola’

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 3 h3 ore fa

1/12] in tutto il pianeta io ho, molti alleati di ogni popolo di ogni genere e di ogni religione e ideologia tra gli amici soltanto Narendra Damodardas Modi is an Indian politician Prime Minister of India, soltanto lui usa il dono che io gli ho dato contro di me!

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 3 h3 ore fa

2/12] tutte le Religioni e Ideologie Governi, si devono interrogare (attraverso di me) circa la loro corrispondenza alle fondative leggi univerali e naturali. Se non accettate il mio Regno di Israele, nonostante la mia opposizione attiva alla WW3, tuttavia è molto probabile

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 3 h3 ore fa

3/12] io UNIUS REI non ho un problema con il Web, tutti i filtri del NWO che hanno attuato contro di me, non ha rallentato il dominio del mio Regno e del suo terzo Tempio Ebraico che è la Fratellanza Universale della Legge Naturale!

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 3 h3 ore fa

3/12] io UNIUS REI non ho bisogno di internet: per poter esprimere il mio Ministero politico universale, perché la Metafisica non ha bisogno di strutture tridimensionali, ecco perché tutti i filtri che hanno attuato contro di me, non ha rallentato il dominio del mio Regno

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 3 h3 ore fa

4/12] Ecco perché tutti i porci pervertiti sessuali, ribelli, predatori usurai, massoni satanisti islamici, abbietti cinici, egoisti ladri assassini, bugiardi, criminali ad ogni titolo hanno incominciato a diventare perdenti, molti di loro si sono ammalati e sono morti.

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 3 h3 ore fa

5/12] ma, alcune persone (miei amici) sono morti in youtube per avere dimostrato supporto al mio ministero, e lo stesso Direttore GENERALE di youtube (oggi 187AudioHostem) è stato licenziato, nei confronti di tutti gli schiavi del pianeta io per loro mi sento obbligato!

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 3 h3 ore fa

6/12] DOPO che io ho sconftto le Chiese di Satana di USA UE 322 “teschio e ossa” e di Cia 666 Uk Bilderberg, SpA FED FMI BCE BM OCI ONU NWO shariah con i loro poteri soprannaturali kabbalah e voodoo hanno cominciato a retrodere di fronte a me!

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 3 h3 ore fa

7/12] infatti lo scontro mortale contro il NWO shariah Comunisti e predatori fanatici razzisti primatisti dogmatici farisei, e loro islamici poteri demonici ed occulti il Governo Ombra: è in primo luogo al primo stadio uno scontro spirituale tra e me e lui soltanto.

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 3 h3 ore fa

8/12] Da questo punto di vista soltanto, si può comprende il fenomeno sovranista, populista, libertario, e le vocazioni politiche di Trump Putin e Netanjahu che io sempre ho sostenuto e questo è il motivo per cui il genere umano sta andando a destra!

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Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 3 h3 ore fa

9/12] anche se putroppo gli induisti interpretano questo loro nazionalismo in modalità non sempre onesta e civile, rendendosi intolleranti ed asociali contro la migliore loro tradizione umanistica e di Gandhi, che lui era un ottimo induista

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 3 h3 ore fa

Modi lui è proprio un cattivo induista! 10/12] Questo è il mio obiettivo: ottenere la FRATELLANZA UNIVERSALE: la cui realizzazione è unicamente possibile nel mio Regno di Israele.

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 3 h3 ore fa

11/12] indipendentemente dalla mia vita biologica io governerò politicamente questo pianeta per i prossimi 50anni, tutti coloro che pensano di poter sfidare la mia giustizia si facciano avanti!

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 3 h3 ore fa

12/12] io rappresento il più alto livello di giustizia politica della storia di tutto il pianeta con la caratteristica della UNIVERSALITà: io sono la vivente Legge Naturale e Universale, quindi io sono il Decalogo vivente di Mosé

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 3 h3 ore fa

Modi lui è proprio un cattivo induista …

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 7 h7 ore fa

tu non arrivi alla fine del mese …

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Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 8 h8 ore fa

LGBT M5S Pd Bilderberg massoni SpA Farisei islamici comunisti, tutti hanno zittito sul genocidio dei cristiani nella LEGA ARABA ed in ogni parte del mondo! Il mondo sta lasciando trucidare i bianchi in Sudafrica senza battere ciglio. Credo sia il programma di paesi occidentali.

0 risposte 1 Retweet 1 Mi piace

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 8 h8 ore fa

Unius REI ha ritwittato Benevolence


LGBT M5S Pd Bilderberg massoni SpA Farisei islamici comunisti, tutti hanno zittito sul genocidio dei cristiani nella LEGA ARABA ed in ogni parte del mondo! Il mondo sta lasciando trucidare i bianchi in Sudafrica senza battere ciglio. Credo sia il programma di paesi occidentali.

Unius REI


🇮🇹 @Yi_Benevolence

Il mondo sta lasciando trucidare i bianchi in Sudafrica senza battere ciglio. Credo che sia il programma per i paesi occidentali. Per attuarlo dovevano importare africani sanguinari. #fatto

0 risposte 1 Retweet 1 Mi piace

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 8 h8 ore fa

Unius REI ha ritwittato Il Sofista

soltanto il sistema uninominale con premio di maggioranza semplice!

Unius REI

Il Sofista @intuslegens

Mi chiedevo: ma in quale articolo della Costituzione sta scritto che la volontà popolare espressa mediante libere elezioni richiede, per essere attuata, l’approvazione di #Cottarelli? Come dite?…

0 risposte 1 Retweet 0 Mi piace

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 8 h8 ore fa

se in Italia vuoi pagare tutte i balzelli tasse e tributi, proprio tutti? tu non arrivi alla fine del mese, infatti il costo sociale per una giustizia e magistratura che non funzionano è pari a circa il 20%

0 risposte 2 Retweet 2 Mi piace

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 8 h8 ore fa

Unius REI ha ritwittato

se in Italia vuoi pagare tutte i balzelli tasse e tributi, proprio tutti? tu non arrivi alla fine del mese, infatti il costo sociale per una giustizia e magistratura che non funzionano è pari a circa il 20% LA DOPPIA TRAPPOLA DELLA CLAUSOLA €XIT SECONDO IL “RITO TEDESCO”. …

Unius REI Questo Tweet non è disponibile.

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Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 8 h8 ore fa

Unius REI ha ritwittato LAURA #iosonoAntiComunista

Napolitano in galera!

Unius REI

LAURA #iosonoAntiComunista @iosonokarma

Non si sente la voce di #Napolitano dopo il fermo di #Sarkozy. Nessuno che chieda scusa per i bombardamenti in Libia. Fu l’inizio della fine.…

0 risposte 1 Retweet 2 Mi piace

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 8 h8 ore fa

monopolio monetario TRUFFA? netWork main streem TRUFFA satelliTV tradimento NWO FED FMI BCE! sovranità monetaria subito nega il debito subito! Toh, hanno scoperto che i social media contribuiscono a formare l’opinione pubblica e orientarne le decisioni in qualche

0 risposte 0 Retweet 1 Mi piace

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 8 h8 ore fa

monopolio monetario TRUFFA? netWork main streem TRUFFA satelliTV tradimento NWO FED FMI BCE! sovranità monetaria subito nega il debito subito! qui …

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Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 8 h8 ore fa

Unius REI ha ritwittato Augusto Minzolini

Sarkozy tutti i massoni del NWO sono ricattabili, ma, se hanno colpito Sarkozy forse è perché lo vogliono punire per uno sgarbo nel governo ombra bilderberg

Unius REI

Augusto Minzolini @AugustoMinzolin

Sarkozy in stato fermo in Francia per presunti finanziamenti illeciti avuti da Gheddafi: così si capisce perchè l’allora governo francese fece di tutto per eliminare fisicamente Gheddafi. I sorrisini di Sarkozy a Bruxelles su CAV? Ora Sarkozy non sorride più. La Storia è spietata

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Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 8 h8 ore fa

Unius REI ha ritwittato Agorà

il CdX deve prima provare governare da solo, con il contributo esterno!

Unius REI


Agorà @agorarai

“Il #M5S mi ricorda molto il ’68 e il ribellismo studentesco che diventa desiderio di gestione. Qualunque tipo di aggregazione politica che porterà a un governo sarà instabile”. Stefano #Zecchi. #agorarai

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Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 8 h8 ore fa

Unius REI ha ritwittato Ottobre

nwo SOROS Bonino PD Bilderberg ricchi sempre più ricchi e poveri sempre più poveri!

Unius REI

Ottobre @OttobreInfo

La rivolta sociale contro Macron. Francia in piazza per lavoro e sussidi @LaStampa

0 risposte 0 Retweet 1 Mi piace

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 8 h8 ore fa

Unius REI ha ritwittato Alessandro Meluzzi SIGNORE PIETà, CRISTO PIETà!

Unius REI

Alessandro Meluzzi @a_meluzzi

0 risposte 0 Retweet 1 Mi piace

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 8 h8 ore fa

SIGNORE PIETà, CRISTO PIETà! “gli ebrei sono andato alla loro propria volontà libera”, un’espressione scioccante del padre del primo ministro della Polonia. perché hanno cercato di stare a partire dagli ebrei” #ttps://

0 risposte 0 Retweet 1 Mi piace

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 8 h8 ore fa

Unius REI ha ritwittato תל-אביבטיימס SIGNORE PIETà, CRISTO PIETà! “gli ebrei sono andato alla loro propria volontà libera”, un’espressione scioccante del padre del primo ministro della Polonia. “gli ebrei sono andato ai ghetti della loro propria volontà libera,

Unius REI

תל-אביבטיימס @telavivtimes1

“היהודים הלכו ל #גטאות מרצונם החופשי” התבטאות מזעזעת של אביו של ראש ממשלת פולין.…

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Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 8 h8 ore fa

arrivano i mostri facebook 55perversioni sessuali #dittaturagender #sessoFluido Stupendo capo della collezione primavera estate 2018! …

0 risposte 0 Retweet 1 Mi piace

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 10 h10 ore fa

Unius REI ha ritwittato Andrea

patria famiglia dignità sovranità e onore

Unius REI

Andrea @andreasso1951

Buonanotte sorelle e fratelli italiani auguro a tutti voi una serena notte

0 risposte 0 Retweet 1 Mi piace

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 10 h10 ore fa

Unius REI ha ritwittato Mance Rayder


Facebook, raccolta dati partì con Bannon ] Pd Dem LGBT SPA FED BCE Bilderberg usurai vamiri e parassiti [ hanno smesso di mettere al guinzaglio i popoli ma non si rassegnano!

Unius REI

Mance Rayder

🔱 @mnrothbard

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 10 h10 ore fa

Unius REI ha ritwittato Carmen ن

in #Sudafrica è genocidio dei BIANCHI, Basilica di s. Denis invasa da Anticristi africani islamici e sinistri! Pensavamo di aver visto tutto, siamo ancora molto lontani. Pochi francesi NON capiscono ancora cosa tale invasione significhi.

Unius REI


Carmen ن @carmentpf

#Sudafrica : uno studente bianco è circondato da studenti neri e schiaffeggiato e preso a pugni. L’insegnante bianco si siede e guarda, altrimenti lo accoppano! Dove sono i coglioni del “accogliamo” o “abbattiamo i…

0 risposte 1 Retweet 0 Mi piace

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 10 h10 ore fa

Unius REI ha ritwittato Matteo Salvini

Basilica di s. Denis invasa da Anticristi africani islamici e sinistri! Pensavamo di aver visto tutto, siamo ancora molto lontani. Pochi francesi NON capiscono ancora cosa tale invasione significhi.

Unius REI

Matteo SalviniAccount verificato @matteosalvinimi

Frankline Njuakeh, arrestato per aver sferrato tre sprangate alla testa ad una donna che aspettava il tram a Milano, ora soffrirebbe di una “grave forma di schizofrenia” psichiatrica che potrebbe fargli evitare la galera. Ma secondo voi è NORMALE?

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Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 10 h10 ore fa

Unius REI ha ritwittato Paul-Marie Coûteaux

Basilica di s. Denis invasa da Anticristi africani islamici e sinistri! Pensavamo di aver visto tutto, siamo ancora molto lontani. Pochi francesi NON capiscono ancora cosa tale invasione significhi.

Unius REI

Paul-Marie Coûteaux @pmcouteaux

La Basilique Saint Denis envahie ! On croyait avoir tout vu, nous en sommes encore loin. Peu de Français comprennent ce qu’une telle invasion signifie.

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Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 10 h10 ore fa

Unius REI ha ritwittato Diego Fusaro

Erdogan, a Afrin resteremo ancora un po’ solo il tempo di completare la pulizia etnica!! ‘Morti 46 soldati turchi e 269 ribelli filo-Ankara’

Unius REI

Diego Fusaro @DiegoFusaro

Quel che sta accadendo a Sarkozy non è ancora nulla: attendiamo che egli venga processato per i crimini dei bombardamenti umanitari contro la Libia.

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 10 h10 ore fa

Unius REI ha ritwittato Generoso

Erdogan, a Afrin resteremo ancora un po’ solo il tempo di completare la pulizia etnica!! ‘Morti 46 soldati turchi e 269 ribelli filo-Ankara’

Unius REI

Generoso @sempregeneroso

Ridi adesso pezzo di merda. Adesso tocca a noi ridere.

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 10 h10 ore fa

genocidio Bianchi in Sudafrica 1994-2018 > 500 000 murders >54% youth unemployment >rape capital of the world >80% youth illiteracy rate >power/water cuts The world applauded the communists 24 years ago

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 10 h10 ore fa

genocidio Bianchi ] Sudafrica 1994-2018 > 500 000 omicidi > 54% disoccupazione giovanile > capitale del mondo 80% di analfabetismo giovanile tasso di > > potenza/acqua tagli il mondo ha applaudito i comunisti 24 anni fa

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 10 h10 ore fa

Unius REI ha ritwittato Rational Gent


Sudafrica 1994-2018 > 500 000 omicidi > 54% disoccupazione giovanile > capitale del mondo 80% di analfabetismo giovanile tasso di > > potenza/acqua tagli il mondo ha applaudito i comunisti 24 anni fa

Unius REI

Rational Gent

🇿🇦 @RationalGent

South Africa 1994-2018 >500 000 murders >54% youth unemployment…

Unius REI‏ @UniusRei 10 h10 ore fa

Unius REI ha ritwittato Riscatto Nazionale

stop bonino soros invasione migranti economici! #reimpatrio


Cari amici, Nel nostro secondo giorno della Novena di Quaresima, possa il Signore Gesù intercedere verso l’Onnipotente Padre Celeste perchè bendica noi e tutti i nostri fratelli e sorelle nel bisogno. Possa Lui guidarci e accompagnarci nella nostra opera per il rispetto e la promozione della Dignità Umana di ogni uomo sulla terra, dal bimbo concepito all’anziano solo e malato. Signore, durante questa Quaresima, nutrimi con la Tua Parola di vita e rendimi uno con Te nell’amore e nella preghiera. Riempi il mio cuore con il Tuo amore e tienimi fedele al Vangelo di Cristo. Dammi la grazia di elevarmi al di sopra della mia debolezza umana. Dammi vita nuova che viene dai tuoi Sacramenti, specialmente dalla Santa Messa.

Padre, la nostra fonte di vita,

desidero con gioia afferrare la tua mano;

lasciami camminare più spedito nelle Tue vie.

Guidami nella tua dolce misericordia,

affinchè lasci il mio peccato e

faccia la Tua Santa volontà.

Padre d’amore, fonte di tutte le benedizioni,

aiutami a passare dalla mia vecchia vita di peccato

alla nuova vita di grazia.

Aiutami a pentirmi dei miei peccati ora e a ripararli in tutto,

grazie a questa novena

e così ogni giorno da ora in poi.

Unito a tuo figlio,

che fa la sua strada verso il Calvario,

Ti offro le mie intenzioni (Menziona la tua intenzione speciale)

Il potere della Croce rivela Il tuo giudizio su questo mondo e la regalità di Cristo crocifisso.

Padre, attraverso il suo amore per noi e attraverso le sue sofferenze, morte e risurrezione, possa io ottenere la vita eterna con Te in Paradiso. Preparami per la gloria del tuo regno. Lo chiedo tramite nostro Signore Gesù Cristo, tuo Figlio, che vive e regna con Te e lo Spirito Santo, un solo Dio, per sempre. Amen. Per quelli di voi che vogliono e possono fare una donazione finanziaria, ricordiamo che ogni euro (o dollaro) aiuta molto. Una singola donazione di € 30, che rappresenta un piccolo sacrificio fatto in ogni giorno del mese, può davvero aiutare il nostro impegno reale di promuovere il rispetto della Dignità Umana per difendere la vita, la famiglia, la libertà di istruzione, le donne e la maternità e qualsiasi nostro sforzo per libertà di religione, a partire dai cristiani di Aleppo e dalla loro Cattedrale della Santa Vergine.

Se puoi e vuoi fare una donazione, entra nel nostro sito e aiutaci oggi! Puoi anche effettuare un bonifico bancario.



Grazie per le tue preghiere, il tuo aiuto e la tua attenzione! Fondazione Novae Terrae

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Sede Operativa : Via San Giuseppe, 101

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FB: : Sostienici Per non ricevere più Novae Epistulae, la newsletter di Fondazione Novae Terrae clicca: qui.

When Elijah heard the earthquake, fire, and wind, “he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.” (1 Kings 19:13)

Shalom Lorenzo,

You wouldn’t know it, to look at him.

His hair wild, his eyes filled with fear, his soul crushed by the loss of hope. Depression shrouded him like a thick dark cloak. This was the one, people referred to as The Prophet.

This was the man who shut up the skies and stopped the rain for over three years.

This man called a nation to choose which God they would serve and even called down fire from heaven.

This man was now hiding in a cave in the desert. This man was Elijah the Prophet.

It’s hard to imagine that a threat from the wife of a disobedient king would have this prophet of God running for his life.

How could he be the hero of little children’s stories? Let alone be raised to a place of honor as the herald of the Messiah himself?

“See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse.” (Micah 4:5–6)

It can happen to each of us. As men and women of God, we can lose sight of the vision and callings that God has given to us. We get depressed, stumble, and even quit.

While others might leave us in despair, God doesn’t

He cares for us, comforts us, strengthens us, raises us up without shame, and invites us to continue in His mission, without skipping a beat!

Let’s see how God not only redeemed this man from his despair, but also chose him to help redeem His Chosen People.

Orthodox Jewish man prays, overlooking the Western Wall Plaza in Jerusalem.

Bless the Lord and the Jewish People
and be Blessed – Genesis 12:3 click here

With the infinite resources of the LORD of Hosts (YHVH Shabaot) on his side, Elijah stood up to 450 prophets of Baal, the god of wicked Queen Jezebel, 400 prophets of the god Asherah, and killed them all (1 Kings 18:19, 40).

Jezebel and her army are now seeking to kill him. Elijah thinks no one is left to carry on the work of the Lord; he runs for his life to the wilderness region of Mount Horeb and hides in a cave.

There at the mountain where God gave Israel the Torah and came into covenant with them, as a husband with a bride, God speaks to Elijah in his desert experience.

But before we look at what God said to him, let’s pause to consider how the body of Messiah (the church), might respond if Elijah were alive today.

After all, you may know of some Elijah’s, too.

Would church leaders send an army of congregants with the gifts of mercy, hospitality, and encouragement to go after this Elijah and restore him back into service for God?

Or would they leave him 100 miles away in his cave and look for another prophet in town?

Sadly, too often, the choice is the latter.

We tend to see a setback, an episode of despair, or even a sin in a person’s life as a sign that he or she is no longer worthy to serve God or that He has given up on His servant.

After all, Elijah didn’t merely take a few weeks off, he cried out, “I’ve had enough, Lord. Take my life!” (1 kings 19:4)

Let’s now see how God handles Elijah’s condition.

Elijah in the wilderness (1817), by Washington Allston

Lying under a broom tree in the wilderness wishing to die, God sends an angel to comfort and re-energize Elijah’s body with heavenly cake and water (1 Kings 19:5–8).

After journeying forty days to Horeb in the depths of the inhospitable desert, God speaks, not in anger through the earthquake, wind, and fire, but in a quiet shout, asking him about his distress: “What are you doing here, Elijah?” (1 Kings 19:11–13)

Hearing the despair in Elijah’s heart, God gives him a temporary reprieve by choosing another man, Elisha, to carry on his work.

But that doesn’t mean God is done with Elijah.

Elijah Fed by an Angel (c. 1660), Ferdinand Bol

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Like Elijah, we sometimes get “burned out” from stress, fear, and our own short-sightedness, hiding under the covers of our bed for hours, even days.

When others take our place, we might feel that we no longer have any value to God, especially when other Believers tell us so.

If we believe that lie, the days under the covers can turn into years of uselessness.

Yet, if we are willing to be restored and remain in His service, God is never finished with us. He clearly wasn’t finished with Elijah, either.

Elijah left the cave to fulfill more assignments for the Lord. In one of his final prophetic acts, God sent Elijah to warn Jezebel’s husband, King Ahab, of certain destruction, and Elijah obeyed.

Ahab “tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and fasted. He lay in sackcloth and went around meekly.” Because of his humility upon hearing the words of God’s prophet Elijah, destruction did not befall Ahab. (1 Kings 21:17–29)

Elijah Taken Up in a Chariot of Fire (c. 1750), by Giuseppe Angeli, also depicts

Elisha looking to the heavens, crying out “My father, my father! The chariots of

Israel and its horsemen!” (2 Kings 2:11–12)

Elijah could have done much more impressive feats on earth, but God took him home early, in a chariot no less.

Yet that still wasn’t the end of his service for the kingdom. Elijah stood with Moses on Mount Tabor near the Sea of Galilee, as Yeshua (Jesus) revealed the manifest glory of God within Himself on the Mount of Transfiguration!

And God still wasn’t done with Elijah!

The Book of Malachi is the last book in the Tanakh (Old Testament). It prophesies about Elijah receiving the grand honor of accompanying the Messiah when He comes to reign as King in His Messianic Kingdom on earth.

“Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and the day that is coming will set them on fire,” says the Lord Almighty. “Not a root or a branch will be left to them. But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves. Then you will trample on the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I act,” says the Lord Almighty.

“Remember the law of my servant Moses, the decrees and laws I gave him at Horeb for all Israel.

“See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.” (Malachi 4)

Lorenzo, the Messianic kingdom is the great hope of the Jewish People every day, every Shabbat, and every Passover.

And the return of Elijah, this once downcast, discouraged, and depressed prophet whom God redeemed out of the caves of Horeb is an integral part of that Messianic hope.

“May he soon come to us, with the Messiah son of David,” the Jewish People sing. (lyrics from Eliyahu HaNavi)

The Son of David will come to rule in a kingdom where “the wolf will dwell

with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the young goat, and the

calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little boy will lead

them.” (Isaiah 11:6)

The Hope of Elijah’s Return

As the Biblical Festival of Passover starts next Friday night, Jewish families, Messianic Believers, and even some Christians will retell the story of Israel’s redemption from slavery in Egypt, as God instructed each generation to do (Exodus 13:3–16).

This telling (haggadah) happens at a ritual dinner known as a Seder. According to Jewish tradition, some families set an empty seat at the Seder table for Elijah.

The door of the house is opened and they call out to Elijah — Eliyahu, Eliyahu! expecting the spirit of Elijah to enter and dine with the family.

In all households, a cup of wine is poured. It is the Cup of Elijah, but they do not drink it. Some children intently watch for ripples in the wine, a sign that Elijah has visited.

The family and friends at the table then sing Psalms 115–118 that, in part, express how they long for their final redemption:

“I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord.” (Psalm 116:13)

“The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; … Hosanna!—Lord, save us now! We beseech Thee. Lord, grant us success! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” (Psalm 118:22–26)

Family and friends gather on the first night of Passover for the Passover Seder..

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Waiting for Elijah All Year Long

At the closing of each Shabbat (Sabbath), there is a traditional ceremony called Havdalah (separation), which closes off the Shabbat and ushers in the new week.

Elijah and the coming Messianic Kingdom are remembered again in singing this prayer about him:

May Elijah the prophet,

Elijah the Tishbite,

Elijah of Gilead,

quickly in our day come to us

heralding redemption.

And every day, Orthodox Jews say prayers from a siddur (prayer book) after their meals which include a petition for Elijah:

“May the Merciful One send us Elijah the prophet—may he be remembered for good — and let him bring us good tidings, deliverance, and consolation.”

God redeemed and restored a victorious yet dejected servant into even higher service, and He wants to do the same for you Lorenzo.

Elijah came out of his cave, and God is asking each of us to come out from under the covers and get back on the path God has for us.

If we continue hiding away, our service for the Lord is over.

But when we allow God to rebuild us through the talents, skills, and spiritual gifts that He has provided within the Body of Messiah, the church, we can find fulfillment or new vision. And we can see God’s healing power and give Him the praise.

Our passions may change, but our service is still for the Kingdom of God, and that’s all that truly matters.

God has redeemed you so that you can play a role in helping to redeem others. This starts with your families, neighbors, co-workers, and people you run into whether it is in the supermarket, coffee shop, or a parking lot.

The people you meet may call themselves “Christians” because they grew up with that title. Yet, as with most Jewish People, no one told them what God really did for them through the death and resurrection of Jesus.

They have never been reconciled to God through Yeshua (Jesus), nor have they been baptised in the Holy Spirit.

Elijah was sent to His people to reconcile them with God, so pray each day for God to give you boldness to reach the lost and even those who think that they are not lost—Jew and Gentile alike.

God wants to use you.

“We are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us.” (2 Corinthians 5:20)

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Queridos amigos,

Señor, durante este tiempo de Cuaresma, aliméntame con Tu Palabra de vida y hazme uno contigo en amor y oración. Llena mi corazón con Tu amor y mantenme fiel al Evangelio de Cristo.

Dame la gracia para elevarme por encima de mi debilidad humana.

Dame una nueva vida con tus sacramentos, especialmente la misa.

Padre, nuestra fuente de vida, Extiendo la mano con alegría para tomar tu mano;

déjame caminar más fácilmente en Tus caminos.

Guíame en Tu dulce misericordia, Porque yo solo no puedo hacer tu voluntad.

Padre del amor, fuente de todas las bendiciones,

ayúdame a pasar de mi antigua vida de pecado a la nueva vida de gracia.

Ayúdame a arrepentirme de mis pecados ahora y hacer reparaciones

a través de esta temporada de Cuaresma y cada día después.

Unidos con tu Hijo, quien hace su camino al Calvario,

Te ofrezco mis intenciones

(Mencione su intención especial)

El poder de la Cruz revela tu juicio sobre este mundo y la realeza de Cristo crucificado. Padre, a través de Su amor por nosotros y por Sus Sufrimientos, Muerte y Resurrección, ayúdame a que pueda ganar la vida eterna contigo en el cielo. Prepárame para la gloria de tu Reino. Te lo pido por nuestro Señor Jesucristo, tu Hijo, que vive y reina contigo y el Espíritu Santo, un solo Dios, para siempre. Amén.

Para aquellos de ustedes que quieren y pueden hacer una donación financiera, cada euro (o dólar) es una ayuda. Una sola donación de € 30 (o $ 30 usd) que es un pequeño sacrificio diario cada mes, puede ayudar a nuestro del defender la Dignidad Humana para defender la vida, la familia, la libertad de educación, la mujer y la maternidad y cualquier esfuerzo para promover la libertad de religión, a partir de los cristianos en Alepo y su Catedral de la Virgen de Alepo.



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Modi lui è proprio un cattivo induista

1/12] in tutto il pianeta io ho, molti alleati di ogni popolo di ogni genere e di ogni religione e ideologia,

ed io ho anche dei nemici ostinati,

ma, tra gli amici soltanto Narendra Damodardas Modi is an Indian politician who is the 16th and current Prime Minister of India, soltanto lui usa il dono che io gli ho dato contro di me!


2/12] tutte le Religioni e Ideologie Governi, si devono interrogare (attraverso di me) circa la loro corrispondenza alle fondative leggi univerali e naturali. Se non accettate il mio Regno di Israele, nonostante la mia opposizione attiva alla WW3, tuttavia è molto probabile che morirete in questa programmata guerra mondiale!


3/12] io UNIUS REI non ho un problema con il Web, e non ho bisogno di internet: per poter esprimere il mio Ministero politico universale, perché la Metafisica non ha bisogno di strutture tridimensionali, ecco perché tutti i filtri che hanno attuato contro di me, non ha rallentato il dominio del mio Regno e del suo terzo Tempio Ebraico che è la Fratellanza Universale della Legge Naturale!

4/12] Ecco perché tutti i porci pervertiti sessuali, ribelli, predatori usurai, massoni satanisti islamici, abbietti cinici, egoisti ladri assassini, bugiardi, criminali ad ogni titolo hanno incominciato a diventare perdenti, in senso generale e molti di loro si sono ammalati e sono morti.


5/12] ma, alcune persone (miei amici) sono morti in youtube per avere dimostrato supporto al mio ministero, e lo stesso Direttore GENERALE di youtube (oggi 187AudioHostem) è stato licenziato, e io nei loro confronti e nei confronti di tutti gli schiavi del pianeta io per loro mi sento obbligato!

6/12] DOPO che io ho sconftto le Chiese di Satana di USA UE 322 “teschio e ossa” e di Cia 666 Uk Bilderberg, SpA FED FMI BCE BM OCI ONU NWO shariah con i loro poteri soprannaturali kabbalah e voodoo hanno cominciato a retrodere di fronte a me!


7/12] infatti lo scontro mortale contro il NWO shariah Comunisti e predatori fanatici razzisti primatisti dogmatici farisei, e loro islamici poteri demonici ed occulti il Governo Ombra: è in primo luogo al primo stadio uno scontro spirituale tra e me e lui soltanto.


8/12] Da questo punto di vista soltanto, si può comprende il fenomeno sovranista, populista, libertario, e le vocazioni politiche di Trump Putin e Netanjahu che io sempre ho sostenuto

e questo è il motivo per cui il genere umano sta andando a destra!


9/12] anche se putroppo gli induisti interpretano questo loro nazionalismo in modalità non sempre onesta e civile, rendendosi intolleranti ed asociali contro la migliore loro tradizione umanistica e di Gandhi, che lui era un ottimo induista così come Modi lui è proprio un cattivo induista!


10/12] Questo è il mio obiettivo: ottenere la FRATELLANZA UNIVERSALE: la cui realizzazione è unicamente possibile nel mio Regno di Israele.


11/12] indipendentemente dalla mia vita biologica io governerò politicamente questo pianeta per i prossimi 50anni, tutti coloro che pensano di poter sfidare la mia giustizia si facciano avanti!


12/12] io rappresento il più alto livello di giustizia politica della storia di tutto il pianeta con la caratteristica della UNIVERSALITà: io sono la vivente Legge Naturale e Universale, quindi io sono il Decalogo vivente di Mosé



questa storia in Siria (dove islam è più moderato ed umanistico) di costruzione di un reattore nucleare attesta che tutti gli islamici sono tutti dei malati mentali e sono tutti dei criminali pericolosi!

”La distruzione del reattore nucleare, conosciuta come operazione ‘Fuori della scatola’, fu condotta – precisa il portavoce militare



tutto il terrorismo mondiale shariah è sunnita: Erdogan e Bin Salman OCI ne risponderanno!  I Boko Haram sono un’organizzazione terroristica jihadista sunnita diffusa nel nord della Nigeria e alleatasi nel 2015 con l’Isis.


The 03/21/2018 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:
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Hugh Fitzgerald: At Speaker’s Corner, It’s Time to Show Muslims Some Respect
When I first went to London, decades ago, I was shown around by an English friend who wanted me to observe the Parliament in session, to see justice being administered at a criminal trial at the Old Bailey, to visit the Tower of London, and most of all, he wanted to show me that living […]

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Trump tells Saudi crown prince US has ‘zero tolerance’ for terrorist funding
The test of whether or not this vaunted Saudi reform is real will be if they really cut off funding not only for terror groups, but for Muslim Brotherhood mosques and organizations in the United States. “Trump tells Saudi crown prince US has ‘zero tolerance’ for terrorist funding,” by Steven Nelson, Washington Examiner, March 20, […]
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Sweden: Mosque that applied to broadcast call to prayer has asked Allah to “destroy the Jews”
What did Swedish authorities expect? The Qur’an depicts the Jews as inveterately evil and bent on destroying the well-being of the Muslims. They are the strongest of all people in enmity toward the Muslims (5:82); they fabricate things and falsely ascribe them to Allah (2:79; 3:75, 3:181); they claim that Allah’s power is limited (5:64); […]
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Minneapolis: Muslim cop who shot unarmed woman charged with murder, turns himself in
Islamophobia kills. We saw this again in Minneapolis, when a 40-year-old Australian woman, Justine Ruszczyk Damond, was killed by a rogue cop, Mohamed Noor. It is a cherished fiction on the Left that there exists an “Islamophobia Industry,” a well-funded group of propagandists who spread hatred of Muslims solely to line their pockets. This is […]
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“We are bigger than your Jesus”: Pakistani Muslims beat Christians with bricks, open fire on them, injuring seven
Will the Islamophobia never end? “Christians Wounded in Muslim Attack on Church Service in Pakistan,” Morning Star News, March 20, 2018: LAHORE, Pakistan (Morning Star News) – At least seven Christian worshippers were injured in an armed attack by local Muslims on a church service on Sunday (March 18) in southern Punjab Province, Pakistan, the church […]
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UK cops ask public to become ‘counter-terrorism citizens’ to help stop attacks (but they’ll arrest you if you do)
This piece from the UK’s Independent demonstrates that the British government is going all in with its contention that “far-right extremists” are an equivalent threat to that of Islamic jihadis. However, the most prominent people that they smear as “far-right extremists,” including Tommy Robinson, the recently banned Martin Sellner, Brittany Pettibone and Lauren Southern, as […]
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French consular employee uses diplomatic vehicle to smuggle guns to “Palestinian” jihadis
All over Europe, Israel is routinely vilified using false “Palestinian” victimhood narratives, while the “Palestinian” jihadis’ bloodlust and atrocities are ignored. This is the result. “French consular employee charged in Gaza gun-running scheme,” Times of Israel, March 19, 2018: An employee at the French consulate in Jerusalem was indicted on Monday for using a diplomatic […]
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Florida: Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” murders his girlfriend and daughter, injures son, sets house on fire
Muslims who kill in the name of Islam and in accord with its teachings are routinely characterized as mentally ill, but Ronnie Oneal may really be: “I’ve just been attacked by some white demons. Her name is Ke-Ke and she tried to kill me and I just killed her.” Ke-Ke, however, may be referring to […]
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Britain First leader Paul Golding beaten up by inmates in prison days after being jailed
British authorities set this up to happen, and whatever you may think of Britain First, it’s an ominous development. Jihadis are never beaten up in British prisons, but prison officials obviously exposed Golding to danger from people who hated him. Totalitarian states jail people for saying things they don’t like and then expose them to […]

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Tennessee: Man converts to Islam, watches ISIS videos, tries to buy weapons, is committed to mental institution
Because a desire to wage jihad against unbelievers couldn’t be anything but mental illness, right? There couldn’t be anything in the Qur’an about such warfare, could there? After all, it’s a religion of peace! This is just another manifestation of the global outbreak of mental illness. “Antioch man flagged by local police arrested for lying […]

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UK: Police dropped cases against 20 Muslim rape gang members in Telford, they were “too much trouble”
West Mercia’s Assistant Chief Constable Martin Evans claimed that the cases were dropped for many reasons: “These included the fact that there would have been a requirement for victims to give evidence in court, furthering their ordeal.” But one of the victims said: “I was never told about these orders or asked if I would […]

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Cari amici,

La Quaresima ci invita a coinvolgerci più profondamente nella relazione con Dio, che indubbiamente, grazie al suo grande amore, ha per noi enormi benedizioni. Per prepararci meglio al Triduo Santo , dovremmo iniziare cercando di migliorare la nostra vita di preghiera. Alcuni ottimi modi per farlo includono: lettura quotidiana e meditazione sulla Bibbia o sul Vangelo; andare a Messa più spesso e non solo nei fine settimana; partecipare alla confessione il più spesso possibile; andare all’adorazione del Santissimo Sacramento tutte le volte che è possibile.

Signore, durante questa Quaresima, nutrimi con la Tua Parola di vita e rendimi uno con Te nell’amore e nella preghiera.

Riempi il mio cuore con il Tuo amore e mantienimi fedele al Vangelo di Cristo. Dammi la grazia di elevarmi al di sopra della mia debolezza umana. Dammi vita nuova dai tuoi Sacramenti, specialmente dalla Santa Messa.

Padre, la nostra fonte di vita,

desidero con gioia afferrare la tua mano;

lasciami camminare più spedito nelle Tue vie.

Guidami nella tua dolce misericordia,

affinchè lasci il mio peccato e

faccia la Tua Santa volontà.

Padre d’amore, fonte di tutte le benedizioni,

aiutami a passare dalla mia vecchia vita di peccato

alla nuova vita di grazia.

Aiutami a pentirmi dei miei peccati ora e a ripararli in tutto,

grazie a questa novena

e così ogni giorno da ora in poi.

Unito a tuo figlio,

che fa la sua strada verso il Calvario,

Ti offro le mie intenzioni

(Menziona la tua intenzione speciale)

Il potere della Croce rivela Il tuo giudizio su questo mondo e la regalità di Cristo crocifisso.

Padre, attraverso il suo amore per noi e attraverso le sue sofferenze, morte e risurrezione, possa io ottenere la vita eterna con Te in Paradiso. Preparami per la gloria del tuo regno. Lo chiedo tramite nostro Signore Gesù Cristo, tuo Figlio, che vive e regna con Te e lo Spirito Santo, un solo Dio, per sempre.


Per quelli di voi che vogliono e possono fare una donazione finanziaria, ricordiamo che ogni euro (o dollaro) aiuta molto. Una singola donazione di € 30, che rappresenta un piccolo sacrificio fatto in ogni giorno del mese, può davvero aiutare il nostro impegno reale di promuovere il rispetto della Dignità Umana per difendere la vita, la famiglia, la libertà di istruzione, le donne e la maternità e qualsiasi nostro sforzo per libertà di religione, a partire dai cristiani di Aleppo e dalla loro Cattedrale della Santa Vergine.

Se puoi e vuoi fare una donazione, entra nel nostro sito e aiutaci oggi! Puoi anche effettuare un bonifico bancario.



Grazie per le tue preghiere, il tuo aiuto e la tua attenzione!

Crosetto al M5S: «Presidenze Camere non sono un diritto acquisito»

Nell’incontro coi capigruppo M5S “abbiamo ribadito quanto dichiarato da Giorgia Meloni nei giorni scorsi, cioè che il fatto che il centrodestra abbia il 42% alle Camere imporrebbe che le due presidenze, com’è stato negli ultimi anni, fossero entrambe del centrodestra”.

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Cambridge Analytica, l’Agcom chiede informazioni a Facebook

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Gasparri: «Più che opportuno il sequestro della nave di Open Arms»

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Il M5S posta (e manipola) un video della Gabanelli. E Milena s’infuria

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Tra i neo eletti di Fratelli d’Italia una psicologa e un farmacista (video)

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Scandalo Facebook, Zuckerberg convocato dal Parlamento britannico

Casaleggio: «Noi vento inarrestabile». Poverino, non sa che il vento finisce (prima o poi)

Trump non chiama Putin dopo la rielezione. Il Cremlino: “Ci dormiremo la notte”

Scandalo sull’uso illecito dei dati, Facebook si difende: «Noi ingannati»

La Commissione parlamentare britannica sulla Cultura, i Media e il Digitale ha chiesto a Mark Zuckerberg di comparire per un’audizione sullo scandalo relativo all’abuso dei dati di milioni di utenti che coinvolge Facebook e la società di consulenza politica Cambridge Analytica.

Esplosione in un palazzo a Catania, 3 morti: due sono pompieri

Almeno tre morti, di cui due vigili del Fuoco: è questo il primo bilancio dell’esplosione che si è verificata in una palazzina a Catania, in una piccola officina che ripara biciclette al numero 316 di in via Garibaldi.

Il pm Zucca: «Chi coprì i torturatori è ai vertici della polizia, cosa pretendiamo su Regeni?»

È un grido di dolore e forse una sfida al nuovo governo, quello lanciato dai genitori di Giulio Regeni, il ricercatore italiano torturato e ucciso in Egitto e trovato morto al Cairo il 3 febbraio 2016: «Ho fiducia nella legge, negli avvocati bravi e nella stampa buona, e abbiamo tanta solidarietà dai social», e però «ci aspettavamo di più da chi ci governa.», ha detto la madre, Paola, durante un dibattito sulla difesa dei diritti internazionali organizzato dall’Ordine degli Avvocati di Genova.

Rivoluzione Inps, varata la riorganizzazione: sportelli nei Comuni

Nella Liguria dei 443.786 residenti over 65, l’Inps si trasforma e cambia volto, con il duplice obiettivo di adattare i suoi uffici alle esigenze di una popolazione profondamente cambiata e razionalizzare costi e risultati.

In viaggio con i guardiani della Genova sotterranea, tra archi, cascate e rifugi

Archi, cascate, vertiginose discese e tubi di marmo candido a raccogliere acqua cristallina. Stanze intessute da nidi di ragno. C’è una Genova magnifica sotto alle scarpe dei pedoni, i ruggiti dei bus e i marciapiedi asfaltati. E non è il Paese dei topi, – quelli girano liberamente nei quartieri -, bensì la terra che a strati, continua a parlare di sé, di una Liguria antica e di gente che l’ha edificata e vissuta.

Buongiorno lorenzojhwh,

The 03/21/2018 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:

Please use this link to forward to a friend (we really appreciate it), do not use your email client to forward, as they may inadvertently unsubscribe you.

Hugh Fitzgerald: At Speaker’s Corner, It’s Time to Show Muslims Some Respect

By Hugh Fitzgerald on Mar 20, 2018 09:00 pm

When I first went to London, decades ago, I was shown around by an English friend who wanted me to observe the Parliament in session, to see justice being administered at a criminal trial at the Old Bailey, to visit the Tower of London, and most of all, he wanted to show me that living […]

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Trump tells Saudi crown prince US has ‘zero tolerance’ for terrorist funding

By Robert Spencer on Mar 20, 2018 05:09 pm

The test of whether or not this vaunted Saudi reform is real will be if they really cut off funding not only for terror groups, but for Muslim Brotherhood mosques and organizations in the United States. “Trump tells Saudi crown prince US has ‘zero tolerance’ for terrorist funding,” by Steven Nelson, Washington Examiner, March 20, […]

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Sweden: Mosque that applied to broadcast call to prayer has asked Allah to “destroy the Jews”

By Robert Spencer on Mar 20, 2018 02:53 pm

What did Swedish authorities expect? The Qur’an depicts the Jews as inveterately evil and bent on destroying the well-being of the Muslims. They are the strongest of all people in enmity toward the Muslims (5:82); they fabricate things and falsely ascribe them to Allah (2:79; 3:75, 3:181); they claim that Allah’s power is limited (5:64); […]

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Minneapolis: Muslim cop who shot unarmed woman charged with murder, turns himself in

By Robert Spencer on Mar 20, 2018 01:58 pm

Islamophobia kills. We saw this again in Minneapolis, when a 40-year-old Australian woman, Justine Ruszczyk Damond, was killed by a rogue cop, Mohamed Noor. It is a cherished fiction on the Left that there exists an “Islamophobia Industry,” a well-funded group of propagandists who spread hatred of Muslims solely to line their pockets. This is […]

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“We are bigger than your Jesus”: Pakistani Muslims beat Christians with bricks, open fire on them, injuring seven

By Robert Spencer on Mar 20, 2018 01:46 pm

Will the Islamophobia never end? “Christians Wounded in Muslim Attack on Church Service in Pakistan,” Morning Star News, March 20, 2018: LAHORE, Pakistan (Morning Star News) – At least seven Christian worshippers were injured in an armed attack by local Muslims on a church service on Sunday (March 18) in southern Punjab Province, Pakistan, the church […]

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UK cops ask public to become ‘counter-terrorism citizens’ to help stop attacks (but they’ll arrest you if you do)

By Robert Spencer on Mar 20, 2018 01:29 pm

This piece from the UK’s Independent demonstrates that the British government is going all in with its contention that “far-right extremists” are an equivalent threat to that of Islamic jihadis. However, the most prominent people that they smear as “far-right extremists,” including Tommy Robinson, the recently banned Martin Sellner, Brittany Pettibone and Lauren Southern, as […]

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French consular employee uses diplomatic vehicle to smuggle guns to “Palestinian” jihadis

By Robert Spencer on Mar 20, 2018 01:06 pm

All over Europe, Israel is routinely vilified using false “Palestinian” victimhood narratives, while the “Palestinian” jihadis’ bloodlust and atrocities are ignored. This is the result. “French consular employee charged in Gaza gun-running scheme,” Times of Israel, March 19, 2018: An employee at the French consulate in Jerusalem was indicted on Monday for using a diplomatic […]

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Florida: Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” murders his girlfriend and daughter, injures son, sets house on fire

By Robert Spencer on Mar 20, 2018 11:30 am

Muslims who kill in the name of Islam and in accord with its teachings are routinely characterized as mentally ill, but Ronnie Oneal may really be: “I’ve just been attacked by some white demons. Her name is Ke-Ke and she tried to kill me and I just killed her.” Ke-Ke, however, may be referring to […]

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Britain First leader Paul Golding beaten up by inmates in prison days after being jailed

By Robert Spencer on Mar 20, 2018 11:16 am

British authorities set this up to happen, and whatever you may think of Britain First, it’s an ominous development. Jihadis are never beaten up in British prisons, but prison officials obviously exposed Golding to danger from people who hated him. Totalitarian states jail people for saying things they don’t like and then expose them to […]

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Tennessee: Man converts to Islam, watches ISIS videos, tries to buy weapons, is committed to mental institution

By Robert Spencer on Mar 20, 2018 09:47 am

Because a desire to wage jihad against unbelievers couldn’t be anything but mental illness, right? There couldn’t be anything in the Qur’an about such warfare, could there? After all, it’s a religion of peace! This is just another manifestation of the global outbreak of mental illness. “Antioch man flagged by local police arrested for lying […]

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UK: Police dropped cases against 20 Muslim rape gang members in Telford, they were “too much trouble”

By Robert Spencer on Mar 20, 2018 09:17 am

West Mercia’s Assistant Chief Constable Martin Evans claimed that the cases were dropped for many reasons: “These included the fact that there would have been a requirement for victims to give evidence in court, furthering their ordeal.” But one of the victims said: “I was never told about these orders or asked if I would […]

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Record di richieste asilo in Italia: in testa Nigeriani e Pakistani

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Retata a casa dei profughi: droga, refurtiva e arresti – VIDEO

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Bambina stuprata da 100 musulmani parla: “Ero la loro putt*na bianca, versetti Corano mentre mi violavano”

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Facebook fuori controllo: sospende account Wylie, al centro vicenda Cambridge Analytica

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Africani insegnano riti tribali ai bambini della scuola

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Il Papa dai piccoli pazienti del reparto oncologico

Perché in Quaresima non si recitano il «Gloria» e l’«Alleluia»?

Il Papa: la croce? Non è ornamento o un “accessorio d’abbigliamento”

Papa: l’eredità di padre Pio, preghiera, piccolezza e sapienza

La commovente telefonata tra il Papa e la donna di Ischia malata di cancro

la Cuaresma está destinada a llevarnos a todos a una relación más profunda con Dios, quién indudablemente, debido a su gran amor, tiene tremendas bendiciones para nosotros. Para prepararse mejor al hermoso e importante Triduo Santo, debemos comenzar por buscar mejorar nuestra vida de oración. La tradición nos aconseja incluir: Lectura diaria y meditación de la Biblia o del Evangelio; intente ir a misa con más frecuencia en vez de solo los fines de semana; asistir a la confesión tan a menudo como sea posible; participar en oración durante la adoración del Santísimo Sacramento tan a menudo como se pueda.

Señor, durante este tiempo de Cuaresma, aliméntame con Tu Palabra de vida y hazme uno contigo en amor y oración. Llena mi corazón con Tu amor y mantenme fiel al Evangelio de Cristo. Dame la gracia para elevarme por encima de mi debilidad humana. Dame una nueva vida con tus sacramentos, especialmente la misa.

Padre, nuestra fuente de vida, Extiendo la mano con alegría para tomar tu mano;

déjame caminar más fácilmente en Tus caminos.

Guíame en Tu dulce misericordia, Porque yo solo no puedo hacer tu voluntad.

Padre del amor, fuente de todas las bendiciones, ayúdame a pasar de mi antigua vida de pecado a la nueva vida de gracia.

Ayúdame a arrepentirme de mis pecados ahora y hacer reparaciones a través de esta temporada de Cuaresma y cada día después.

Unidos con tu Hijo, quien hace su camino al Calvario, Te ofrezco mis intenciones  (Mencione su intención especial) El poder de la Cruz revela tu juicio sobre este mundo y la realeza de Cristo crucificado. Padre, a través de Su amor por nosotros y por Sus Sufrimientos, Muerte y Resurrección, ayúdame a que pueda ganar la vida eterna contigo en el cielo. Prepárame para la gloria de tu Reino. Te lo pido por nuestro Señor Jesucristo, tu Hijo, que vive y reina contigo y el Espíritu Santo, un solo Dios, para siempre. Amén.  Para aquellos de ustedes que quieren y pueden hacer una donación financiera, cada euro (o dólar) es una ayuda. Una sola donación de € 30 (o $ 30 usd) que es un pequeño sacrificio diario cada mes, puede ayudar a nuestro del defender la Dignidad Humana para defender la vida, la familia, la libertad de educación, la mujer y la maternidad y cualquier esfuerzo para promover la libertad de religión, a partir de los cristianos en Alepo y su Catedral de la Virgen de Alepo. FB: :

Martedì, 20 marzo 2018| San Józef Bilczewski

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Miracolo a Cesena: aneurisma all’ottavo mese di gravidanza, salvate madre e bimba


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Ospedale Bambino Gesù
5 consigli del pediatra per obesità e anoressia


Aleteia Brasil
3 devozioni di Papa Francesco alla Madonna che forse non conoscete

Catholic Link
Perché ci costa tanto pregare? Pensate a questi 7 punti?


Annalisa Teggi
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Sylvain Dorient
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Vatican News
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Philip Kosloski
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John Burger
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Toscana Oggi
Perché in Quaresima non si recitano il «Gloria» e l’«Alleluia»?

Gelsomino Del Guercio
Una donna assistette a distanza alla morte di Padre Pio

Lucandrea Massaro
La questione della “Lettera di Benedetto XVI”, spiegata bene

Tonio L. Alarcón
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Annalisa Teggi
Accade in Cina. Scoprono di essere stati nella stessa foto da sconosciuti, 11 anni prima del matrimonio

Vatican News
Papa Francesco: guardate dentro la croce, il crocifisso non è un accessorio di abbigliamento

don Luigi Maria Epicoco
Oggi è la sua festa. Quella del Custode di ciò che Dio ha di più prezioso

Preghiera del giorno


San Józef Bilczewski

Preghiera del mattino

Vangelo del giorno

Preghiera della sera

Meditazione del giorno




Papa Francesco: “Chi va con le prostitute è un criminale, tortura le donne”

Miracolo a Cesena: aneurisma all’ottavo mese di gravidanza, salvate madre e bimba


Islamic State releases image of Pope Francis beheaded
Nov 18, 2017 10:03 am By Robert Spencer
Well, he has already lost his head. This would just make it official.
If the Islamic State gets the chance to make this image a reality, perhaps Pope Francis will be able to remind his killers, just before the blade slices into his neck, that “authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Koran are opposed to every form of violence.”
“Leave them; they are blind guides. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:14)
“ISIS Group Releases Image of ‘Beheaded’ Pope Francis,” by Bridget Johnson, PJ Media, November 17, 2017:
Just a few days after circulating a propaganda poster depicting a jihadist driving toward the Vatican, a pro-ISIS media group today released another poster depicting Pope Francis beheaded.
In the image from the Wafa’ Media Foundation, a jihadist stands over the orange-jumpsuited body of a prisoner with his hands behind his back, chest-down on the ground on a dirt street. The terrorist, clad in khaki with a white scarf covering his face, holds a knife in one hand and touches the head that looks like Pope Francis — propped on the back of the body — with his other hand.
“Jorge Mario Bergoglio,” the pope’s name, is written next to the head.
In the background is an indistinguishable cityscape and a pickup with jihadists flying an ISIS flag from the bed.
Earlier this week, Wafa’ circulated a poster depicting a vehicle moving toward the Vatican with a cache of weapons, vowing “Christmas blood.”
“So wait…” were the only other words on the image, an illustration showing the point of view of an unseen driver as his BMW approached St. Peter’s Basilica in the evening with an unobstructed view driving down Via della Conciliazione. In the passenger seat: a rifle, a handgun and a backpack. In the rearview mirror, a masked face.
ISIS followers have favored attacks during the holiday season, with the 2015 attack on a San Bernardino County Christmas party by Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik as well as last December’s truck attack on the Berlin Christmas market by Anis Amri.
The Wafa’ Media Foundation last week released a PR poster titled “The Specter of Terrorism,” stating in English, “You will pay very expensive price for your war on Islam.” The message added: “We will take revenge for the blood of Muslims on your land, we will kill the young before the older watch this.”
The Wafa’ posters are circulated largely on Telegram. One recent release was labeled “Manhattan” with a backdrop of burning, crumbling skyscrapers and a semi-truck — significantly more truck than the flatbed pickup Sayfullo Saipov rented from Home Depot — and showed a masked, armed jihadist standing before the scene. Whereas this jihadist wielded a rifle, Saipov brandished a paintball gun and a pellet gun — and had a stun gun in his truck — before he was shot in the abdomen by a real bullet from an NYPD officer.
“O worshippers of the cross in USA,” the poster stated. “Our lone wolves will come to you from where you do not know and we will terrorize you wherever you are and we will show you multitudes of terror and pain that you showed to the Muslims, and what is coming is more bitter and greater.”…
mortimer says
Nov 18, 2017 at 10:09 am
Your Holiness, read the primary source texts of Islam … the Sira, Bukhari’s hadiths and the Koran. Also read a manual of Sharia and finally read the Pact of Omar.
Those documents are the basis of Islam… not kum-by-yah singing and virtue-signalling.
Caliph al-Baghdadi said, ““Islam was NEVER A RELIGION OF PEACE. Islam is the RELIGION OF FIGHTING*.”
– Caliph of All Islam, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, as quoted in “Islamic State releases ‘al-Baghdadi message’”, BBC (14 May 2015) (*Arabic “q-t-l” = fight to the death)
Benedict says
Nov 18, 2017 at 11:24 am
M: No amount of reading will open the eyes of people, who have already made up their minds compelled by wishful and fearful thinking. It is even doubtable if cutting of their heads will open up their eyes, but of cause it could be worth a try.
St. Manuel II Palaiologos says
Nov 19, 2017 at 3:10 am
You assume everyone has good intentions and wants to believe in the truth. The Pope serves his globalist masters, and more than anything his Church. The Roman Church is dying throughout Europe, the only way the Pope can gather Roman Catholic converts is through mass immigration. That’s the real reason why they are for it. It’s the dying breath of a dying Church.
WPM says
Nov 18, 2017 at 10:32 am
The Pope should wake up no matter how many Islamic feet he washes or asses he kisses they want to kill all Christian leaders and make slaves of Christian followers.
PaulM says
Nov 18, 2017 at 1:34 pm
Just great, just friggin great isn’t it? Now these a-holes are actually turning against their own vaulted leadership. Just imagine, threatening to behead one of their most staunch supporters and potential future imams. Don’t these muslims understand that a house divided shall not stand.
WPM says
Nov 18, 2017 at 2:10 pm
Not turning against not wishing ill will just hoping the Pope wakes up to what Islam is. He is not the only Christian or Jewish leader leading his people to the road of Diminhood .The Church of England and many Jews in America are inviting these vipers into interfaith prays in their churches and Temples of worship ,not knowing that saying those magic works in Arabic make the church or Temple belong to the Moslems they will wait for the right time to claim it..
Nancy Albert says
Nov 19, 2017 at 5:18 pm
Could this moron Pope state the essential difference between Islam and Christianity is family structure: monogamy vs. polygamy? Could he stand up for his marriage and a religion which has blessed women, children and the elderly? The one that produced the greatest explosion of art, science, peace and wealth? Why must he espouse moral equivalency between Christianity and Islam, when it has killed 2 billion people and degraded the dignity of men to rabid dogs?
The fatuous beast lives surrounded by billions and billions worth of Western art treasures. The Ottoman Sultan’s Topkapi Palace, after 500 years of plundering three continents, has one room full of exquisite jewelry. That says so much.
Ibrahim itace muhammed says
Nov 18, 2017 at 10:37 am
The video footage must be shot inside inside the evil state of Israel the mentor of Isis where evil Bagdadi currently staying after defeat by gallant Syrian, Iraqi, Russian and Hesbullah forces. It is a hoax, Isis has been incapacitated and no longer able to carryingout attacks in guarded places like Vatican.
manat bint allaha says
Nov 18, 2017 at 12:09 pm
ibrahim, have you had sex with your goat wife today?
RichardL says
Nov 18, 2017 at 12:19 pm
Don’t be mean! It is maddening: all four goats claim to be menstruating. That can make any mohammedan angry…
manat bint allaha says
Nov 18, 2017 at 1:03 pm
well, there’s also the camels.
but perhaps ibrahim’s four legs are too short to reach allah’s bounty, tucked up there under the camel’s tail.
mortimer says
Nov 18, 2017 at 1:07 pm
But Richard, Ibrahim’s wives are all nine years old and have not menstruated. They all want to buy hijab Barbie dolls.
PaulM says
Nov 18, 2017 at 1:38 pm
Yes, but don’t forget the alternative he has out back, the ponies and the donkeys.
PaulM says
Nov 18, 2017 at 1:36 pm
Oh goodie, just what we need, another antisemitic, fascist, muhammud worshiping troll.
Shmoovie says
Nov 18, 2017 at 2:01 pm
Wow– surprised to see a comment from Ib It Mo with no remarks about ‘filthy stinking Western’ women. He usually gets at least one sleazy dig in at the uncovered sl..s who parade themselves in front of him and his co-religionists. Apparently they are irresistible to Western/Christian ladies!
gravenimage says
Nov 18, 2017 at 2:40 pm
True, Shmoovie, he’s slacking off–hopefully he can make up for his lapse in his next post!
And yes–Ibrahim itace muhammed is so irresistible to “filthy Christian ladies” that an entire bus full of them in New York City attempted to have sex with him in public, as he has told us. They were so disappointed to find out that he was an upright Muslim man that they abused him for it.
Nothing but his fevered fantasies, obviously.
PaulM says
Nov 18, 2017 at 5:41 pm
I hear you….the only way I tolerate ass wipes like this guy is to look at them as comic relief. Seriously, they don’t really get how blatantly pathetic, stupid and uneducated they really are and present themselves. And I have yet to have any one of them expound and qualify, using the koran. the wonderful peaceful, loving, kind and virtuous attributes of their religion (so called).
gravenimage says
Nov 18, 2017 at 2:33 pm
Ibrahim itace muhammed wrote:
The video footage must be shot inside inside the evil state of Israel the mentor of Isis where evil Bagdadi currently staying after defeat by gallant Syrian, Iraqi, Russian and Hesbullah forces.
Ibrahim itace muhammed has pretended before that ISIS is “Zionist” and that al-Baghdadi is “Jewish”, but of course this makes no sense. He actually does not disagree with any of their views, including his saying that all Infidels who do not submit to Islam should be killed–clearly, this would include Pope Francis. The pope has done a great deal to appease Islam, but has never entirely submitted to it.
I have long assumed that Ibrahim itace muhammed’s antipathy to ISIS must be due to his representing a rival gang, and he appears to confirm that here, with his lauding the “gallant Syrian, Iraqi, Russian and Hesbullah forces”.
From this, he is almost certainly Shi’ite. There are comparatively few Shia in Nigeria, where he is from, but there are some, particularly in the northern states of Kano and Sokoto.
His including Russia is fairly hilarious here, though–while they are useful for Shi’ites here, most of them are “filthy Christians” (his words) or atheists. There are comparatively few Muslims in the Russian army.
So these are the Infidels he is taking over his fellow Muslims.
No wonder he has to characterize Sunnis as “Jews”–he could not live with himself otherwise.
It is a hoax, Isis has been incapacitated and no longer able to carryingout attacks in guarded places like Vatican.

Notice he does not actually say that beheading the Pope would be a bad thing–just that ISIS is not able to carry it out at this time. *Ugh*.
JawsV says
Nov 18, 2017 at 3:16 pm
Go away, filthy Moslem. Join your fake prophet roasting in heck.
Wellington says
Nov 18, 2017 at 10:41 am
“Well, he has already lost his head.”
Now that’s funny.
gravenimage says
Nov 18, 2017 at 2:41 pm
Grimly hilarious.
mike9a says
Nov 18, 2017 at 11:41 am
I ‘love’ posts by this ‘it a ce muhamed’, every single one shows incapability of rational human thinking. The same ‘love’ triggered when I am forcing myself to read quran, enticing torture upon myself. It is like reading all alphabets in one sentence over and over again: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Am I sadomasochist? Who on the earth can claim this quran is beautiful and/or divine text that propagates peace?, it is beyond my intellectual capabilities.
manat bint allaha says
Nov 18, 2017 at 12:27 pm
only a muslim animal such as ibrahim, perhaps..
mortimer says
Nov 18, 2017 at 1:15 pm
German scholar Salomon Reinach wrote: “From the literary point of view, the Koran has little merit. Declamation, repetition, puerility, a lack of logic and coherence strike the unprepared reader at every turn. It is humiliating to the human intellect to think that this mediocre literature has been the subject of innumerable commentaries, and that millions of men are still wasting time absorbing it.”
gravenimage says
Nov 18, 2017 at 2:46 pm
Yes, Mike–Ibrahim itace muhammed’s posts here reveal a great deal about the irrationality and viciousness of Islam–despite his assumption that his ugly ramblings are “defending Islam”.
gravenimage says
Nov 18, 2017 at 2:13 pm
Islamic State releases image of Pope Francis beheaded
Just more proof that no degree of appeasement is enough for pious Muslims. *Ugh*.
Jay Boo says
Nov 18, 2017 at 2:41 pm
Pope Francis needs to have a long heart to heart talk with… ( the pony ) about Muslim Stranger-Danger.
gravenimage says
Nov 18, 2017 at 2:49 pm
Yes, indeed, Jay Boo–a reference to this appalling story:
“Germany: Muslim refugee arrested for raping pony at children’s zoo”
PaulM says
Nov 18, 2017 at 5:36 pm
I tried not to laugh at your post for the poor ponies sake, but I have to admit, I did chuckle a lot after a few seconds. I gotta say though, I grew up on a farm and have horse stable and that poor poor pony will need therapy for the rest of its sad life. WTF? Seriously!!!!!!
Sarah says
Nov 18, 2017 at 2:57 pm
EH. Maybe that’s what it will take to turn the tide. Have some random Muslim shriek Allahu Akbar and nail the Pope. Plus on the bright side, those cowards in the Vatican would scramble to enclave so the can vote for a new Pope who won’t sit by and wash feet, like the last one did, in the face of very real danger.
The reality though, is that there’s no way some feral unwashed pig Muslim is going to get anywhere near him. There is reason why the people who are being terrorized, who are getting injured and who are being slaughtered are every day, innocent civilians. We’re the unprotected masses. Its not hard to run a truck a through us.
Muslims struggle with genuine sophistication. We haven’t seen a single powerful individual killed yet. The Muslims can’t get past the security in place for Politicians, Celebrities, and other Leaders like this idiot Pope. So ISIS can bray all day long if they want as a way to distract anyone from pointing out that they lost and lost badly. But the truth is, Muslims rely on sheer luck and primitive violence to carry out Islamic attacks.
That’s why we haven’t seen anything more technologically advanced than someone strapping a huge chunk of c4 and a bag of nails and ball bearings to their chest. Or packing the same c4 and bags of nail and ball bearings into a random car. Hell, they usually run around either mowing people down with cars and trucks, or waving knives, machetes and the odd gun. They’re too primitive, too stupid, too incompetent to pull of a grand assassination of someone like the Pope. Or release a biological warfare agent, or get their hands on and then set off a nuke.
Lydia says
Nov 18, 2017 at 3:33 pm
In this case, he would be to blame!
Yes, it only would display what is already the case otherwise, good observation.
Ibrahim itace muhammed says
Nov 18, 2017 at 3:50 pm
Satan(holy spirit) Gravenimage, I am no a shii muslim fom Nigeria.i am sunni Arab even though I grew up in Nigeria where I saw your god the Satan (Holy Spirit) dressed in white at christian graveyard in zaria city Northern Nigeria.
gravenimage says
Nov 18, 2017 at 4:02 pm
Okay–it is possible that Ibrahim itace muhammed is Sunni. In that case, though, his fellow Sunnis must be ready to murder him for supporting heretical Shia over his sect. Bad, bad Muslim…
And who knows what hallucinations he had in that Christian graveyard?
After all, this is someone who once claimed that an entire busload of Christian women wanted to have sex with him in public in New York City…
By the way, Zaria City has been the site of church burnings and other widespread violence against Christians by Muslims. Was Ibrahim itace muhammed in the graveyard celebrating?
gravenimage says
Nov 18, 2017 at 4:13 pm
Also, I like that fact that Ibrahim itace muhammed no longer considers me a worshipper of Satan for criticizing Muslim rape of children and slaughter of unbelievers, but as *Satan himself*.
This not only says a great deal about the appalling state of Muslim morality, it also shows that I have well and truly gotten under his skin.
anotherJWreader says
Nov 18, 2017 at 5:13 pm
The blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven neither in this life nor the next. Allah is satan. You are a satan worshiper.
FYI says
Nov 20, 2017 at 7:28 am
muslims don’t understand that.They have no respect for the Holiness of God.
Ibrahim says he’s “no a shi muslim”.
Well now,Sunnis or shias.
Pardon my French but actually they are ALL shites with their shitty anti -bible the koran,their shite moon god cult and their “prophet” muhmmed,the ultimate (gob)Shite.
Ibrahim is definitely a shite muslim(although maybe not a shi’te).
To add insult to injury,the one who will judge his muslim soul..will be JEWISH.
PaulM says
Nov 18, 2017 at 5:24 pm
Ok Ibrahim, listen up. For your own good and for your own safety I want you to stop dropping acid at the same time that you are smoking PCP laden hash ok? Come on, if you don’t you will just keep on hallucinating and seeing more and more “all in white holy spirits” and the next thing you know they will start talking to you and will try to stop you from having sex with little girls and farm animals. Then what the hell will you do for recreation?….blow people up?
Thinkingaboutit says
Nov 18, 2017 at 3:53 pm
PF is heading to Burma to beg for gentleness towards the Bengali terror gangs, and their civilian support.
gravenimage says
Nov 18, 2017 at 4:06 pm
What a tool…
PaulM says
Nov 18, 2017 at 5:45 pm
I do not know if this site will allow this joke, but here goes:
Two muslim women meet one day for tea. One takes out a picture of her son. She says, “oh here is ibrahim, he is 12 years old. You know, he blew himself up just last week.” The other lady takes out a picture as well and shows her friend and says, “Yes, well here is Malik, he is just 10 years old, he blew himself up yesterday.” The other one commented, “Yes, yes, I know, kids nowadays, they blow up so fast don’t they?”
eduardo odraude says
Nov 18, 2017 at 6:34 pm
David Wood: What Pope Francis Needs to Know about Islam
good citizen says
Nov 18, 2017 at 7:54 pm
those of who believe that Israel is evil are sadly mistaken and/or so brainwashed and deluded that when God/Jesus comes back. he will destroy all the evil and chain up Satan throw him ing the pits of hell. then make a new heaven and a new earth and his throne will sat in Israel where he will rule s ppl. for a thousand years an then loose the devil once again…
Voytek Gagalka says
Nov 18, 2017 at 8:24 pm
The sad joke is that this pope is doing everything in his power to achieve that terrifying outcome. Perhaps it is his wish to be martyred this way and thus be the next pope to be called to “sainthood”? How “selfish” of him! Does he has no regards for other members of his own congregation and what will happen to them if he will reach his “heaven”?
lucretia says
Nov 18, 2017 at 8:44 pm
Whenever I see that photo, I am always struck by the debasement. It reminds me of a dog slobbering over someone’s feet, or an act of fellatio.
Flavius Claudius Iulianus says
Nov 18, 2017 at 9:34 pm
What!? Frankie’s best buddies at Al-Azhar University didn’t come to his defense/succor?
Ren says
Nov 18, 2017 at 11:07 pm
Pope Francis is a dhimmi waiting to be beheaded.
John Forbes says
Nov 19, 2017 at 6:14 am
meturaf says
Nov 19, 2017 at 7:49 am
Islam is the bubonic plague of this millenia.
Nov 19, 2017 at 6:11 pm
Cowardly Christianity has always been waiting to become the carrot to islam’s stick.
Because – except for islam – ALL religion is negligence: because people prefer to sit around and wish for something to happen, for the god to do it, rather than to actually have to work to make it happen.
These days, as it has always been in basic Christian doctrine, merely PITYING the victims (and the criminals AS “fellow victims,”) is held up as the highest moral virtue, while being ANGRY at, (or “hateful” towards) criminals and crime is deemed to be the most vile sin.
But what is more useful in solving problems and remedying crime: being angry at criminals for their predatory choices, or encouraging them to commit more crimes, by pitying them as helpless victims too?
The answer is obvious.
Christianity’s insistence on compassion mercy and forgiveness (aka pity) instead of on problem-solving anger proves it is really only all about endorsing Submission to fearful despair and giving up in favor of static death. Basically, it is nothing more than the existentialist nihilism of Buddhism grafted onto the Judaic god.
So this craven Pope is really only following in Jesus’ own footsteps after all.
Submit and ye shall be saved from the pains of having to save your selves, sheep!
Finding your selves still yelling “Come, Lord Jesus!” at the skies?
“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
– Ezra Pound –
KmP says
Nov 19, 2017 at 9:06 pm
There is a new infographic, “Blueprint for Terrorism,” that shows how Muhammad’s example is used by terrorists to justify their violence: