gmos Global Research

lamentarsi, respingere la mia proposta? è legittimo, se tu hai una TUA soluzione alla Guerra mondiale! E ALLORA TU VUOI SOSTITUIRE LA GUERRA MONDIALE CON CHE COSA?
GLI USA NON HANNO NESSUN DIRITTO DI: CUSTODIRE IN LOCALITà SEGRETE: 1. ALIENI, 2. IBRIDI TRA ANIMALI ED ESSERI UMANI, 3. UOMINI IN STATO CATATONICO ZOMBIES, 4. ecc.. SENZA IL PERMESSO DEL GENERE UMANO! 5. altresì, è proibito appropriarsi del genoma umano, per venderlo ,o modificarlo, senza il consenso delle Nazioni, la violazione di una queste clausole comporta la dichiarazione di guerra, automatica, di tutte le Nazioni del Mondo contro gli USA, in maniera automatica!

E perché io dovrei dirti di “no!” se, la mia felicità, come lo scopo della tua vita è la felicità? TU DIMOSTRAMI DI NON COMMETTERE UNA QUALCHE INGIUSTIZIA, PIUTTOSTO! oppure tu pensi di fare risultare ingiusto Unius REI? [ SATANISTI ALIENI VAMPIRI ] SE I FARISEI NON VANNO SUBITO IN ARABIA SAUDITA? GIURO CHE VI UCCIDO TUTTI! PERCHé QUALCUNO TI VOGLIA DICHIARARE COLPEVOLE DI QUALCOSA? POI, DOVREBBE CHIEDERE IL PERMESSO A ME, mentre, io ho concesso la amnistia assoluta per tutti i delitti commessi prima del mio regno, in favore di tutti i miei alleati!
ma poiché Maometto è uno dei tanti antiCristI? poi, come lui potrebbe stare in Paradiso? MA COME la tua fede, ti ha plasmato come una bestia di satana?! E CHI NON CREDE DI ESSERE COSì? VENGA SUBITO DA ME! ma, chi crede di essere diventato una bestia di satana? PROPRIO LUI DEVE VENIRE SUBITO DA ME: PRIMA CHE LO COLGA ANCHE LA MORTE ESTERIORE! e tu non puoi venire da me fisicamente, perché io non sono 7miliardi di persone, ma, tu puoi leggere i miei articoli e, tu puoi trovare una comunione con i miei ideali! NON TEMERE: io non pretendo di modificare la tua religione o la tua identità!
QUALI diritti umani SHARIA genocidio nazisti, LA LEGA ARABA PUò RAPPRESENTARE IN ONU? che Sauditi hannno detto sull’altare di satana della CIA: “abbiamo fatto bene noi, a rifiutare di entrare anche noi in ONU, con Unius REI in giro? era molto pericoloso!”
dubito che, si possa parlare di politica o di finanza, o di economia, adeguatamente, perché questa è tutta una maçonnerie Rothschild: ALTO TRADIMENTO COSTITUZIONALE ] e se, FARISEI non fanno in fretta a Realizzare il regno delle Tribù di Israele in ARABIA SAUDITA? finiranno COME I PEZZENTI, dopo avere rubato per secoli TUTTO il genere umano, finiranno tutti con il culo per terra: TUTTI questi satanisti farisei del Talmud!
ma io non ho mai parlato di declino USA SpA Banche Centrali FED, infatti la vostra pirati bullismo predazione? è soltanto il declino di tutto il GENERE UMANO! SOLTANTO DIO VI PUò STERMINARE A TUTTI VOI, E NOI DEL REGNO DI DIO? CI STIAMO LAVORANDO! Obama: ‘Chi parla di declino America vende fantasia’
AFFERMATIVO! DIO NON VUOLE EMARGINARE NESSUNO, E LUI PARLA CONTINUAMENTE AL CUORE DI TUTTI I PECCATORI, E NOI SIAMO TUTTI PECCATORI! SOLTANTO CHE GUARDIAMO CON COMPASSIONE AI NOSTRI PECCATI, E CON DUREZZA AI PECCATI DEGLI ALTRI! Quello che è il delitto sociale e politico, per eccellenza, è un pensiero ideologico massimalista, e la pretesa dello Stato Massone Islamico Darwin GENDER: di parlare con categorie morali! “Corrotti perdono pudore e dignità, provino vergogna” Esce libro. “Mai emarginare i gay, ogni creatura è amata da Dio”
ORMAI è LA CATASTROFE! A COSA SERVONO 250 MILIONI DI MIGRANTI ENTRO IL 2060. Ci sono 24 milioni di disoccupati in Europa e 14 milioni di inattivi in Italia: servono davvero i migranti per pagare le pensioni?. Ecco le ragioni più plausibili dietro a un progetto scellerato:
l’apparato militare industriale USA, senza un nemico? fallisce! ECCO PERCHé LORO SONO 50 ANNI CHE NON DORMONO LA NOTTE PER INVENTARE DEI NEMICI! … è in questo modo, che hanno convinto i sauditi a creare al-Qaeda! e poi, è tutta una storia di delitti.. questa è una storia infinita infernale!
BUSH Clinton sauditi, turchi, FED SPA FMI, CIA NATO, SPA FARISEI, SISTEMA MASSONICO? è soltanto una questione di penne dell’unico Baal OWL!
LAGARDE in Ucraina? lei vi è andata insieme a MADRE TERESA DI CALCUTTA, e poi, per un fatale errore fortuito, al suo finco ha trovato la CIA i cecchini GOLPE a Maidan: e nessuno di loro è stato arrestato: perché avevano la immunità diplomatica!
Obama, ‘l’America è ancora il Paese più forte al mondo’ OK! MA DA QUALE PUNTO DI VISTA? 1. A FILMINI PORNOGRAFICI? è CERTAMENTE IL PIù FORTE! 2. A LEGIONI DI DEMONI E SATANISTI? è SICURAMENTE IL PIù FORTE? 3, AD ALLEATI NAZISTI PRAVY SECTOR E ISLAMICI TERRORISTI SHARIA? è SICURAMENTE IL PIù FORTE! 4. A STRAGI PER FUTILI MOTIVI? è SICURAMENTE IL PIù FORTE, 5. AD ABORTI E DIVORZI? è SICURAMENTE IL PIù FORTE! E L’ELENCO VERGOGNOSO? POTREBBE CONTINUARe Ancora a LUNGO! ma, se ci pensi? ha una buona protezione aerea, ma, nessuna nazione è così vulnerabile, per un corpo di marina da sbarco, che è la NAzione più facile da conquistare ed invadere!
islam sharia? è soltanto un genocidio ONU COSA è TUTTA QUESTA CASCIARA di cagnara? Vi sembra questa una notizia di ANSA? Starebbe a suo agio, su un giornale specializzato per questo genere di cose: per ADULTI, non su un pubblico servizio sovvenzionato da contribuenti! VOI AVETE PERSO IL SENSO DELLA MISURA! MA, VOI PENSATE A COME, noi POSSIAMO DARE SCANDOLO AD UN PEDOFILO POLIGAMO DI ISLAMICO ORGIA DOMESTICA? IN QUESTO MODO? VOI MI FATE SALTARE LA FRATELLANZA UNIVERSALE! voi RENDETE IMPOSSIBILE IL DIALOGO TRA ORIENTE ED OCCIDENTE E ALTRO CHE AMORE: “VOI REALIZZATE PROPRIO LA GUERRA MONDIALE!”
questo si che è un evento culturale importante: degno di ANSA GENDER ideologia: per la ideologia religione evoluzione darwin sodoma: regime bildenberg, un rito liturgico fondamentale ed essenziale: per celebrare: il NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE: new age SPA FED BCE: il Grande FRATELLO BUSH, ma, io ricordo che, una volta in mezzo ai cadaveri, si pregava, oggi, Satana si accontenta di altro, si fa letteratura pornogratica, perché, il nostro Stato? è un lenone! Lady Gaga nuda con boyfriend Taylor Kinney dopo aver fatto sesso, Il selfie shock: “Facciamo sesso per la pace, contro la violenza e il terrorismo”
Califfato Islamico ISIS LEGA takfiri galassia jihadista? è un terrorista erdogan hitler sharia, new ottomano impero!
Abd Allāh takfiro Saʿūd sharia hitler SAUDI ARABIA isis daesh is CIA NWO
mafia SPA BANCHE CENTRALI? è regime bildenberg massone, la più grande mafia occulta legalizzata della storia del genere umano!
datagate UK GEZABELE SECOND enter in my ADSL
[ ISRAEL VEDI CHE, UK SEGRET SERVICES HA INTERCETTATO LA MIA PRIMA CONNESSIONE CHIAVETTA E MI HA BLOCCATO! ] QUESTA è LA MIA SECONDA CONNESSIONE [SALMAN SHARIA SAUDI ARABIA TAKFIRO SUDAIRIO ] è vero che, io non ho Dio in tasca, ma, per quello che so io? lui di massacri su larga scala? ne ha già fatti parecchi!
my holy JHWH ] li senti? soffrono come bestie, tutte le bestie di satana, ma, nessuno di loro ha il coraggio di farsi vedere, come sono tutti nascosti dietro i loro computer, sono tutti gli assassini! NON NE AVERE PIETà!
“CAPUT ISRAELE PER LA TERZA VOLTA!” lo ha detto Rothschild il fariseo, ed io lo ho sentito, mente lui lo diceva!
“TUTTI PER UNO E UNO PER TUTTI”, è UN CODICE DI ONORE DEI CAVALIERI CRISTIANI, CHE DEI FARABUTTI MASSONI, TRADITORI E COMPLICI DI TORRE DI BABILONIA OCCHIO PIRAMIDE, DI LUCIFERO ROTHSCHILD ENTITà DEMONIACA: REGIME BILDENBERG? LORO NON HANNO, NESSUN DIRITTO DI APPELLARE PER LORO! IO LO GIURO: “QUESTA PROFANAZIONE CONTRO LA MIA REGALITà? IO, IL RE DI ISRAELE? IO VE LA FARò PAGARE! ” L’Estonia vuole ottenere la dislocazione permanente delle forze NATO nel paese, 12.01.2016, Ne ha parlato il Primo Ministro estone Taavi Roivas in un suo articolo dedicato agli obiettivi del governo nel 2016. L’articolo è stato pubblicato sull’influente Postimees. “Considero molto importante per il summit estivo della NATO (che si terrà a Varsavia l’8 e il 9 luglio) prendere una decisione sulla presenza permanente degli Alleati in Estonia e nei paesi vicini. Questo potrebbe essere un chiaro segnale che con i paesi della NATO non bisogna litigare, in quanto noi seguiamo il principio “uno per tutti, tutti per uno”, ha scritto Roivas nel suo articolo. Alla fine dello scorso anno in Estonia è arrivato dagli Stati Uniti il primo convoglio di mezzi militari pesanti. Sono state consegnate 40 unità tecniche, compresi 4 carri armati M1A2 Abrams, 10 veicoli corazzati Bradley e 3 semimoventi d’artiglieria Paladin e due veicoli per usi speciali:
ULTIME NOTIZIE:     16:57 L’Ucraina GOLPISTA E GENOCIDARIA, spenderà 500 milioni di dollari in armamenti [ E CHI LA MINACCIA? è LEI L’AGGRESSORE!
666 Seigniorage of Banking
Europa Unione, EU, ONU, USA, anticristo NATO ] voi state facendo il gioco sporco e mortale, della CIA NATO LEGA ARABA: per offendere umanesimo di Israele e Russia, CINA ecc.., ATTRAVERSO IL DELITTO UNIVERSALE DELLA SHARIA, ed ora dovete mettere sul piatto della bilancia i vostri cadaveri, perché, ISIS Daesh sono sauditi e turchi, i loro servizi segreti: E QUESTO NON è UN SEGRETO: per chiunque! VOI AVETE VISTO DILANIARE IL POPOLO IRACHENO E SIRIANO, avete assistito al soffocameto dei cristiani ATTRAVERSO IL TERRORISMO ISLAMICO DELLA CIA: in questi 30 anni, E VOI VI SIETE RALLEGRATI, anzi voi avete nascosto le notizie circa i martiri cristiani, per non offendere i vostri affari con gli islamici, e per disprezzo contro Gesù Cristo: perché voi siete la bestia di satana: voi siete l’anticristo! ISTANBUL, 12 GEN – Il Governo turco ha annunciato che almeno 9 vittime dell’attentato di un kamikaze questa mattina a Sultanamhet sono cittadini tedeschi.
LEGA ARABA ISLAMICI SHARIA ] che poi questa storia penosa, che Maometto è salito al cielo da Gerusalemme, 7 anni dopo la sua morte? è una delle poche cose che, fa divertire tutte le anime: disperati infelici, tribolate e dannate all’inferno! VOI ISLAMICI, VOI AVETE PORTATO INFAMIA SULL’ISLAM e voi avete profanato la Santità di Dio! Nessun islamico ha un pur minima speranza, di poter entrare in paradiso, la vostra speranza? è inutile!
LEGA ARABA ISLAMICI SHARIA ] perché, nella vostra iniquità, ed ipocrisia, voi pensate che io non devo lasciare vivere dietro di me, la esistenza di massoni farisei e satanisti, e poi, proprio io, io debba poter lasciare vivere degli assassini seriali, maniaci religiosi sharia come voi, convinti ancora di glorificare Dio per uccidere persone del tutto innocenti che voi chiamate infedeli.. CHE GLI INFEDELI? SIETE PROPRIO VOI CON IL VOSTRO MAOMETTO ALL’INFERNO!
IL FONDAMENTO GIURIDICO DI INDIPENDENZA E SOVRANITà DEI POPOLI, è STATO BRUTALIZZATO, DAI MASSONI BILDENBERG EUROPEI REGIME ROTHSCHILD SPA BANCHE CENTRALI, CHE IN NESSUN MODO DOVEVANO FARE ATTI DI VIOLENZA E TERRORISMO CONTRO LA POPOLAZIONE CIVILE! EUROPA DEVE RISPONDERE PER QUESTI DELITTI DI NAZISMO, CONTRO IL DIRITTO UNIVERSALE E INTERNAZIONALE A PROTEZIONE DELLA SOCIETà CIVILE! ]  Deputati della Crimea chiedono di fermare le azioni da genocidio dell’Ucraina, 13.01.2016(Il blocco energetico ed agroalimentare sono “una flagrante violazione dei diritti umani”, hanno affermato i deputati del Parlamento della Crimea. Chiedono di punire i responsabili dopo essersi rivolti a diversi tribunali internazionali. I deputati del Parlamento della Crimea hanno chiesto di fermare le azioni da genocidio da parte di Kiev, come quelle relative al blocco della penisola, e di punire i responsabili, si legge in una dichiarazione adottata nel corso della sessione di oggi. La Crimea e Sebastopoli sono entrate a far parte della Russia dopo un referendum condotto nel marzo nel 2014. Per la riunificazione con la Russia ha votato il 96,77% degli abitanti della Crimea e il 95,6% di Sebastopoli. Kiev e i Paesi occidentali hanno rifiutato di riconoscere la volontà popolare espressa tramite le urne ed hanno introdotto sanzioni contro la regione. Allo stesso tempo le autorità ucraine hanno chiuso completamente con la regione i collegamenti aerei, ferroviari e stradali. Inoltre hanno chiuso gli acquedotti e sospeso le forniture di cibo ed elettricità. Dalla metà di gennaio entrerà in vigore l’embargo commerciale parallelamente a misure restrittive in campo finanziario e al blocco marittimo e della rete mobile di telefonia.
I deputati ritengono che il blocco energetico e alimentare della penisola “sono un chiaro esempio di gravi violazioni dei diritti umani, azioni d’odio e genocidio che danneggiano la popolazione civile della Crimea.” Relativamente a questa situazione il Parlamento della Crimea ha chiesto ufficialmente al ministero degli Esteri della Federazione Russa assistenza politica, diplomatica e operativa per presentare denunce e mozioni all’Assemblea Generale e al Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite e agli organi interparlamentari della Comunità degli Stati Indipendenti (CSI), dell’Organizzazione per la sicurezza e la cooperazione in Europa (OSCE) e dell’Assemblea parlamentare del Consiglio d’Europa (PACE). I deputati ritengono che le autorità ucraine non facciano nulla per impedire il blocco della penisola ed abbiano violato i loro obblighi per impedire atti di genocidio, come si afferma nella Convenzione sul genocidio. La questione del blocco della Crimea, secondo loro, dovrebbe essere inclusa nell’ordine del giorno della riunione di emergenza del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite e diventare una priorità del Tribunale Internazionale. Inoltre i parlamentari hanno invitato la Procura Generale e il Comitato Investigativo della Federazione Russa a condurre un’indagine per atti di genocidio contro la Crimea da parte dei deputati del Parlamento ucraino Mustafa Dzhemilev e Refat Chubarov, promotori del blocco della penisola. I deputati hanno inoltre chiesto di indagare la creazione di gruppi terroristici al confine della Crimea con le regioni meridionali dell’Ucraina:

 La guerra segreta in Libia 23/01/2014, Eric Draitser Global Research
[ cosa sta succedendo veramente in Libia? ] Le battaglie che attualmente infuriano nel sud della Libia non sono semplici scontri tribali. Invece rappresentano la possibile nascente alleanza tra gruppi etnici neri libici e forze pro-Gheddafi intente a liberare il Paese dal governo neocoloniale installato dalla NATO. Il 18 gennaio un gruppo di combattenti pesantemente armati ha preso d’assalto una base aerea presso la città di Sabha nella Libia meridionale espellendo le forze fedeli al “governo” del primo ministro Ali Zaydan e occupando la base. Allo stesso tempo iniziano a filtrare notizie dal Paese secondo cui la bandiera verde della Gran Giamahiria Araba Libica Socialista Popolare sventola su un certo numero di città nel Paese. Nonostante la scarsità di informazioni verificabili il governo di Tripoli ha fornito solo dettagli vaghi e non confermati una cosa è certa: la guerra in Libia continua.
Sul campo
Il primo ministro libico Ali Zaydan ha chiesto una sessione d’emergenza del Congresso generale nazionale per dichiarare lo stato di allerta nel Paese dopo la notizia della caduta della base aerea. Il primo ministro ha annunciato di aver ordinato alle truppe di sedare la ribellione nel sud dicendo ai giornalisti che “Questo scontro continua ma tra poche ore sarà risolto.” Un portavoce del ministero della Difesa in seguito ha affermato che il governo centrale aveva recuperato il controllo della base aerea affermando che “Una forza è stata approntata quindi dei velivoli sono decollati per attaccare gli obiettivi… La situazione nel sud ha dato una possibilità ad alcuni criminali… fedeli al regime di Gheddafi di sfruttarla attaccando la base aerea di Tamahind… Noi proteggeremo la rivoluzione e il popolo libico”. Oltre all’assalto alla base aerea vi sono stati altri attacchi contro singoli membri del governo a Tripoli. L’incidente di più alto profilo è stato il recente assassinio del viceministro dell’Industria Hasan al-Drui nella città di Sirte. Anche se non è ancora chiaro se sia stato ucciso dalle forze islamiste o da combattenti della resistenza verde il fatto inequivocabile è che il governo centrale è sotto attacco e non è in grado di esercitare una vera autorità o fornire sicurezza al Paese. Molti hanno cominciato a speculare sulla sua uccisione secondo cui piuttosto che essere un caso isolato è un assassinio mirato nell’ambito della resistenza in crescita in cui i combattenti verdi pro-Gheddafi sono in prima fila.
L’avanzata delle forze della resistenza verde a Sabha e altrove è solo parte di un grande e complesso piano politico e militare nel Sud dove un certo numero di tribù e vari gruppi etnici si sono uniti contro ciò che correttamente percepiscono come loro emarginazione sociale politica ed economica. Gruppi come le minoranze etniche Tawargha e Tubu gruppi africani neri hanno subito attacchi feroci dalle milizie arabe e alcun sostegno dal governo centrale. Non solo questi e altri gruppi sono vittime della pulizia etnica ma sono sistematicamente esclusi dalla partecipazione alla vita politica ed economica della Libia. Le tensioni sono venute al pettine all’inizio del mese quando il capo ribelle di una tribù araba Sulayman Awlad è stato ucciso. Invece di un’indagine ufficiale o un processo legale le tribù Awlad hanno attaccato i loro vicini neri Tubu accusandoli dell’omicidio. Gli scontri risultati da allora hanno ucciso decine di persone dimostrando ancora una volta che i gruppi arabi dominanti vedono ancora i loro vicini neri come qualcosa di diverso da dei connazionali. Indubbiamente ciò ha portato alla riorganizzazione delle alleanze nella regione con Tubu Tuareg ed altri gruppi minoritari neri che abitano tra sud della Libia nord del Ciad e del Niger ad avvicinarsi alle forze pro-Gheddafi. Se queste alleanze sono formali o meno non è ancora chiaro tuttavia è evidente che molti gruppi in Libia sono consapevoli che il governo della NATO non mantiene le promesse e che qualcosa deve essere fatto.
La corsa politica in Libia
Nonostante la raffinata retorica degli interventisti occidentali su “democrazia” e “libertà” in Libia la realtà ne è lontana soprattutto per i libici africani che vedono il loro status socio-economico e politico ridotto con la fine della Jamahiriya di Muammar Gheddafi. Mentre questi popoli godevano di un’ampia uguaglianza politica e protezione legale nella Libia di Gheddafi l’era post-Gheddafi li ha visti spogliati di tutti i loro diritti. Invece di essere integrati in un nuovo Stato democratico i gruppi libici neri ne sono stati sistematicamente esclusi. Infatti anche Human Rights Watch un’organizzazione che ha molto contribuito a giustificare la guerra della NATO sostenendo falsamente che le forze di Gheddafi usassero lo stupro come arma e si stessero preparando a un “genocidio imminente” ha riferito che “Il crimine contro l’umanità della pulizia etnica continua mentre le milizie provenienti soprattutto da Misurata hanno impedito a 40000 persone della città di Tawergha di ritornare nelle loro case da cui erano stati espulsi nel 2011.” Questo fatto assieme a storie terribili e immagini di linciaggi stupri e altri crimini contro l’umanità dipinge un quadro molto cupo della vita in Libia per questi gruppi.
Nel suo rapporto 2011 Amnesty International ha documentato una serie di flagranti crimini di guerra commessi dai cosiddetti “combattenti per la libertà” in Libia che pur essendo salutati dai media occidentali come “liberatori” hanno colto l’occasione della guerra per massacrare libici neri così come clan e gruppi etnici rivali. Questo è naturalmente in netto contrasto con il trattamento dei libici neri sotto il governo della Jamahiriya di Gheddafi elogiato dal Consiglio dei Diritti Umani delle Nazioni Unite nel suo rapporto del 2011 dove osservava che Gheddafi aveva fatto di tutto per garantire lo sviluppo economico e sociale oltre a fornire specificamente opportunità economiche e protezioni politiche ai libici neri e ai lavoratori migranti provenienti dai Paesi africani confinanti. Con ciò in mente non c’è da meravigliarsi che nel settembre 2011 al-Jazeera abbia citato un combattente pro-Gheddafi Tuareg dire “combattere per Gheddafi è come un figlio che combatte per il padre … [saremo] pronti a combattere per lui fino all’ultima goccia di sangue”. Mentre i Tubu e gli altri gruppi etnici neri si scontrano con le milizie arabe la loro lotta dev’essere intesa nel contesto di una lotta continua per la pace e l’uguaglianza. Inoltre il fatto che devono impegnarsi in questa forma di lotta armata illustra ancora una volta un punto che molti osservatori internazionali hanno indicato fin dall’inizio della guerra: l’aggressione della NATO non aveva nulla a che fare con la protezione dei civili e dei diritti umani ma piuttosto era un cambio di regime per interessi economici e geopolitici. Che la maggioranza della popolazione comprese le minoranze etniche nere stia peggio oggi che quando era sotto Gheddafi è un fatto che viene nascosto attivamente.
Neri Verdi e la lotta per la Libia
Sarebbe presuntuoso pensare che le vittorie militari della resistenza verde pro-Gheddafi di questi ultimi giorni siano durevoli o che rappresentino un cambio irreversibile nel panorama politico e militare del Paese. Anche se decisamente instabile il governo fantoccio neocoloniale di Tripoli è sostenuto economicamente e militarmente da alcuni degli interessi più potenti del mondo rendendo difficile rovesciarlo semplicemente con vittorie secondarie. Tuttavia questi sviluppi indicano un interessante cambio sul terreno. Indubbiamente vi è una confluenza tra minoranze etniche nere e combattenti verdi come riconoscono i loro nemici delle milizie tribali che parteciparono al rovesciamento di Gheddafi così come il governo centrale di Tripoli. Se un’alleanza formale ne emergerà resta da vedere. Se una tale alleanza si sviluppasse però sarebbe la svolta nella continua guerra per la Libia. Come i combattenti della resistenza verde hanno dimostrato a Sabha possono organizzarsi nel sud del Paese dove godono di un ampio sostegno popolare. Si potrebbe immaginare un’alleanza nel sud che potrebbe controllare il territorio e possibilmente consolidare il potere in tutta la parte meridionale della Libia creando uno Stato indipendente de facto. Naturalmente il grido della NATO e dei suoi apologeti sarebbe che sarebbe antidemocratico e controrivoluzionario. Ciò sarebbe comprensibile in quanto il loro obiettivo di una Libia unificata asservita al capitale e il cui petrolio finanzi gli interessi internazionali diverrebbe irraggiungibile.
Bisogna stare attenti a non fare troppe ipotesi sulla situazione in Libia oggi i dati affidabili sono difficili da trovare. Più precisamente i media occidentali tentano di sopprimere completamente il fatto che la resistenza verde esiste per non dire attiva e vittoriosa. Tutto ciò dimostra semplicemente inoltre che la guerra di Libia infuria che il mondo l’ammetta o meno.

Eric Draitser è fondatore di È un analista geopolitico indipendente di New York City. Copyright © 2014 Global Research

The Secret War in Libya
By Eric Draitser, Published by Global Research at
Copyright © 2014 Global Research

Traduzione italiana di Alessandro Lattanzio, SitoAurora Network at Freelancers Network reloaded

La guerra segreta in Libia 23/01/2014, Eric Draitser Global Research
[ cosa sta succedendo veramente, in Libia? ] Le battaglie che, attualmente infuriano, nel sud della Libia non sono semplici scontri tribali. Invece, rappresentano la possibile nascente alleanza, tra, gruppi #etnici neri #libici, e forze #pro-Gheddafi, intente a liberare il Paese dal governo #neocoloniale installato: dalla #NATO. Il 18 gennaio un gruppo di combattenti pesantemente armati, ha preso d’assalto una base aerea presso la città di Sabha, nella Libia meridionale espellendo le forze fedeli al “governo” del primo ministro Ali Zaydan, e occupando la base. Allo stesso tempo iniziano a filtrare notizie dal Paese, secondo cui, la bandiera verde della #Gran #Giamahiria #Araba #Libica #Socialista #Popolare, sventola, su un certo numero di città nel Paese. Nonostante la scarsità di informazioni verificabili, il governo di Tripoli ha fornito solo dettagli vaghi, e non confermati una cosa è certa: la guerra in Libia continua. [ Sul campo ] Il primo ministro #libico #Ali #Zaydan ha chiesto una sessione d’emergenza del Congresso generale nazionale per dichiarare lo stato di allerta nel Paese dopo la notizia della caduta della base aerea.

Malaysia’s ‘Allah’ impasse. [criminal nazi islamists for imperialism sharia worldwide ] Published: January 24, 2014 by Matt K. George, Christians remain adamant that their right to use ‘Allah’ is constitutional, Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on google_plusone_shareShare on redditMore Sharing Services2, Should Malaysia’s Muslims alone be afforded the right to use the word ‘Allah’? Abu Emran / Flickr / Creative Commons, “God, what is your religion?” This cryptic question, spotted on a T-shirt at a packed public meeting on religious freedom in the Malaysian city of Petaling Jaya last week, sums up the enormity of Malaysia’s ‘Allah’ controversy. The wearer was a Malay Muslim woman, according to The Malaysian Insider, demonstrating solidarity with the minority Christian population as tensions rise in the country over who can use the term ‘Allah’. The controversy, for which many Malaysian Christians blame the Government, has now reached a serious impasse. The Christian community remains adamant that the use of ‘Allah’ is their right, despite a ruling by the Court of Appeal last October that ‘Allah’ was exclusive to Malay Muslims. The word predates the birth of Islam and the ruling has been widely criticised by many other Muslim nations, and by the United Nations. About 64 per cent of Malaysia’s Christians come from the Borneo states of Sabah and Sarawak, where the term has been part of their vocabulary for more than 100 years. The indigenous populations of the two states, whose primary language is Bahasa Malay, claim the usage is their constitutional and spiritual right. The Malay Bible dates back to the 16th century and, as the government phases out English in favour of Bahasa Malay, more and more Christians observe their faith in Bahasa Malay. “All the churches are of one mind,” said Rev. Dr Hermen Shastri, the general secretary of the Council of Churches of Malaysia. “We are only defending our freedom to practise our religion as guaranteed under the Constitution.” Nevertheless, Islamic conservatives have staged demonstrations outside churches, seized Bibles and continued to vilify the Catholic pastor, Rev. Lawrence Andrew, who took the issue to the courts.
In early January Andrew was questioned over charges of sedition, which drew international complaints, including a piece in The Wall Street Journal.
The Malay Bible is titled ‘Alkitab’ in the local language, which means ‘The Book’.
World Watch Monitor. Following the raid on the Bible Society of Malaysia two weeks ago and the seizure of more than 300 Bibles in the Malay language, the Islamic Religious Department of the state of Selangor (JAIS) posted an advertisement in The Star, an English language newspaper, defending its actions. The National Fatwa Council, comprising the muftis, or Islamic scholars, of the states of Malaysia, publicly backed JAIS’s swoop in which they also arrested two officials of the Bible Society. These actions, in a country once renowned for multiracial harmony, go against the grain of a 10-point plan pronounced by the Government of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak in April 2011 to resolve the issue. The key element of the pledge emphasised that Christians are allowed to print, import and distribute Bibles, referred to as the ‘Alkitab’ (‘The Book’) in the Malay language. The Prime Minister has so far refrained from defending his policy, while churches have asked him to speak out and to rein in Islamic extremists. But many Christians say they fear Prime Minister Najib cannot be seen to capitulate on Christian usage of ‘Allah’, since it would give ammunition to his political enemies in his ruling United Malays National Organisation party (UMNO), who could seek to oust him from office.
Since the party brands itself as the champion of Malay Muslim supremacy and the defender of Islam, it provides tacit support to JAIS and Muslim extremists within UMNO. The Prime Minister’s ambivalence is unhelpful, according to Rev. Shastri, who said: “The Government should remain consistent. It is the same Government that came out with the 10-point plan. It should also defend the Constitution.”
The Methodist priest has called on Christian ministers in Government, such as Idris Jala, who was a key architect of the 10-point plan, to impress upon the Prime Minister the need to protect religious freedoms.
The ‘Allah’ controversy began in 2007 when the Government banned The Herald, a Catholic weekly, from using the word. The Catholic Church contested the order and the High Court restored its constitutional right in 2009. The Government appealed that decision and in October 2013 a three-man Court of Appeal ruled that Malay Muslims had an exclusive copyright to the word ‘Allah’. Legal experts say the court’s decision is flawed and that its ruling, if ratified, should only apply to The Herald and not to other Christian literature, such as the Alkitab, or in liturgy.
The Catholic Church has now filed an application for leave to appeal to the Federal Court, the highest legal authority in the land. Liberal Malaysians hope an enlarged bench of 13 judges, including the Chief Judge of the Borneo states, would adjudicate on the issue. The hearing is scheduled for March 5.
Whether any court decision will appease the rival sides is debatable. “Nothing is changing,” said Bolly Lapok, Bishop of Kuching, the capital of Sarawak, and Archbishop of the Anglican Church of the Province of South-East Asia. “We won’t stop using the word ‘Allah’.”
The right to freedom of worship was enshrined when Sarawak and Sabah joined Malaysia in 1963. Christian and political leaders in the two states have threatened to break away from the Malaysian union if the Government forces their hand on the ‘Allah’ issue.  Most Malaysians are against such an outcome. Given the lack of political will to end the deepening rift, an alternative suggestion was to invite the Rulers’ Council, comprising the nine hereditary Sultans, to convene and rule on the issue. The Ruler of the state of Negri Sembilan last week urged Malay Muslims to respect other religions and to live in harmony, regardless of race. The Muslim Chief Minister of Sarawak, Taib Mahmud, is on record as saying that the use of ‘Allah’ is not a problem in the state and blames the central government for inciting intolerance and racism. The Bible Society of Malaysia in Selangor. [ World Watch Monitor ]
Political observers say that religious insecurities are being whipped up to defer attention away from the Government’s economic and political difficulties. The Government was recently forced to cut back on decades of subsidised petrol and sugar prices as the national debt has reached unsustainable levels. The inevitable rise in the cost of living has fuelled public anger and protests. The scheduled introduction of a Government Services Tax in April 2014 is set to further escalate the cost of goods. Public corruption, scandals, the lavish lifestyle of ministers and cohorts, and a lack of accountability have all severely damaged the Government’s record and the economy in a resource-rich nation. In this volatile mix of rising prices and protests, on top of the ‘Allah’ controversy, Christians are concerned. The Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM), in a statement last week, observed: “What we are witnessing is the mad scramble by any and every group to grab media attention… [but] the Christian community remains undaunted in the face of these and no doubt future incidents of this nature.”  Rev. Dr Eu Hong Seng, chairman of the CFM, added: “We look to the courts of this land to protect, preserve and defend principles of our Federal Constitution.” Christians meanwhile have taken succour from progressive Muslim groups such as Sisters of Islam, which rallied to their support, distributing flowers outside a church where Islamists had planned to protest. For this act of solidarity, conservative Islamists demanded their arrests. Other Muslim protagonists, such as Azmi Sharom, an outspoken law lecturer, point out that nowhere in the Qur’an does it say that ‘Allah’ is exclusive to Muslims. “Is [Islam] a religion that is so small in its worldview that it can approve of one community claiming the term for God for itself? Is Islam so lacking in common decency and compassion?” he said. Meanwhile, the former Law Minister Zaid Ibrahim blogged: “The unwillingness of UMNO leaders to find a peaceful solution to the ‘Allah’ issue is a clear sign of the march towards authoritarian rule. Invoking the name of God is just a ruse to gain support for a new dictatorship.”
The wearer of the T-shirt posed a fundamental question. The ball is now in the court of the Malaysian Government to openly demonstrate that it subscribes to the ethos of its own Constitution, its own 10-point resolution, and that it will uphold freedom of religion for all. Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on. Islamic authorities’ raid on Malaysian Bible Society questioned by state government, Malaysia’s ‘Allah’ ruling widely criticised, Churches campaign ahead of Malaysia elections, Malaysia Set to Rule on Use of ‘Allah’ among Non-Muslims, UK Parliament is told Christianity is ‘most persecuted religion’,

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Kazakh pastor’s trial begins [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]]Catching Our Eye
This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what’s Catching Our Eye.
Kazakh pastor’s trial begins
The trial against 67-year-old Kazakh pastor Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev has started, eight months after his incarceration for allegedly “harming the health” of a member of his congregation.
The pastor has also been accused of inciting hatred, propagating extremism and leading an organisation that harms others. If found guilty, he could face a lengthy prison term.
Kashkumbayev denied all charges against him at a court hearing in Astana, the capital, on Jan. 22.
The trial was adjourned until Jan. 31 to allow Kashkumbayev’s lawyer some time to study the case materials.
Source: Forum 18
Syrian Christian beheaded
A Christian man was beheaded last week as he drove home from work in Homs, reports Fars News.
Fides confirms that Fadi Matanius Mattah, 34, was killed and his friend Firas Nader, 29, was wounded as armed jihadists opened fire on their car.
A priest told Fides that, noting that Fadi was wearing a cross around his neck, they beheaded him.
Afghan atheist scared of going home
An Afghan atheist has been granted asylum in the UK for ‘religious’ reasons, reports the BBC.
Brought up a Muslim, the man has become an atheist after six years in the UK and claims he would face persecution and possibly a death sentence if he returned home.
It is believed to be the first time someone has been granted asylum in the UK on the basis of their atheism.
CAR crisis ‘far from over’
The crisis in the Central African Republic is far from over, despite the resignation of President Michel Djotodia, according to a local Catholic archbishop.
“The shooting has ceased, but the tensions are still there,” said Nestor Desire Nongo-Aziagbia, archbishop of Bossangoa. “Resignation is a first step towards solving the crisis.”
The archbishop added that politicians must now elect someone to “bring the people together”. Nearly one million people have been displaced since the beginning of the conflict in March. More than 100,000 are camped at Bangui’s airport, while others are sleeping in churches and mosques.
Source: RNS
CAR President Djotodia resigns
Central African Republic’s first Muslim president Michel Djotodia has resigned from office at a regional summit aimed at ending the violence that has engulfed the country.
Djotodia took power from former president Francois Bozizé in a coup in March last year, as head of the now-disbanded Séléka rebel forces.
Séléka forces were accused of gross human rights abuses, including mass rape and murder, and of specifically targeting Christians. Violence has continued between the disbanded group and self-defence militias named anti-Balaka (anti-Machete).
Christians had protested for Djotodia’s removal from power before Christmas.

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Herald boss investigated over ‘Allah’
The director of Malaysia’s Catholic Herald newspaper, at the centre of the storm regarding Christians’ use of the word ‘Allah’, is being investigated for comments made in an article on December 27 claiming Catholics have a right to use the word.
Lawrence Andrew, who is also a Catholic priest, is being investigated for “sedition”, reports Fides.
This follows the seizure by the country’s top Islamic authority, alongside police, of more than 330 Malaysian bibles from the Malaysian Bible Society last week because they used the word ‘Allah’ for God.
The Islamic Religious Department claims the use of the word ‘Allah’ should be reserved for Muslims alone.
In a separate development, the Malaysian government has moved to ban the country’s leading coalition of 54 human rights NGOs, COMANGO, which reported to the UN Human Rights’ Council Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in 2013.
The government says most of these NGOs are ‘un-Islamic’ and un-registered. COMANGO says as a coalition entity, it is not itself bound by registration legislation.
During the UPR, COMANGO called for its government to sign the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, of which Article 18 is about the rights of religious freedom.  
A representative of the Malaysian government defended its religious restrictions, saying they are in the interests of public order.
Vatican to hold peace talks
The Vatican has scheduled a meeting for Jan. 13 to discuss the potential for a cease-fire in Syria, ahead of UN-backed peace talks in Geneva, planned to start on Jan. 24.
Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo told Vatican Radio that a cessation of hostilities was vital “in order to allow humanitarian aid, to create humanitarian corridors that at the moment don’t exist, and the cessation of persecution against Christians and so-called interreligious martyrdom”.
He said that Syria’s Christians fear they are being targeted systematically by Islamist rebels seeking to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
The Vatican said Egyptian politician Mohamed El Baradei and American economist Jeffrey Sachs will attend the meeting. Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has also been invited.
30 killed in Plateau State violence
Around 30 people were killed and 25 others injured on Jan. 7 during an attack in Plateau State, in Central Nigeria.
More than 40 houses were burnt down during the attack, which local media blamed on Fulani herdsmen.
Much of the violence is blamed on land disputes between mainly Muslim Fulani herdsmen and the mainly Christian Berom farmers, reports the BBC, in the area where Nigeria’s predominantly Muslim north meets its Christian-majority south.
Nanle Church update: 11 released
A number of Christians from Nanle County Church in Henan Province, China, have been released after almost two months in custody, although 13 are still being detained.
Twenty-four church members were arrested in mid-November, including five church leaders, after a dispute over a piece of land on which the group hoped to build a new church.
Source: China Aid
Iranian convert jailed for evangelism
An Iranian Christian convert has been sentenced to one year in prison for charges including evangelism.
Hossein Saketi Aramsari was tried at the Revolutionary Court in Karaj, near Tehran. He was arrested in July of last year.
Source: Mohabat News

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Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what’s Catching Our Eye.
Egypt’s President visits church
Egypt’s President has attended Christmas celebrations at Cairo’s Orthodox Cathedral: reported to be the first time in history that the President has done so.
The gesture of solidarity comes at a poignant time for Egypt’s 10% Christian minority, who last year experienced their worst violence, at the hands of lslamists, for hundreds of years.
(Source: RFI)
Freed priest returns to France
Georges Vandenbeusch, the French priest held hostage for nearly seven weeks in Cameroon, returned to France on New Year’s Day.
President Francois Hollande greeted the 42-year-old cleric at an Air Force base near Paris early on Jan. 1, after France Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius received him in the Cameroon capital of Yaounde.
The Islamist militant group Boko Haram took responsibility for the kidnapping in November. Little has been revealed about the circumstances of his release, though the French government has said no ransom was paid.
Source: BBC
Farsi speakers banned from church
A church in Tehran has become the latest to close its doors to Farsi speakers.
St. Peter’s Evangelical Church in the Iranian capital is preventing speakers of the country’s official language from attending following pressure from government officials, reports Mohabat News.
Armenians and Assyrians will be permitted to attend the church, but the IDs of all congregants will be passed on to the government, Mohabat adds.
In May, the Central Assemblies of God church in Tehran was forced to cancel all services in the Farsi language or face permanent closure.
Following this, Mansour Borji, advocacy officer for human-rights group Article 18, said: “I am certain that the AOG church in Tehran will not be the last. If the Iranian government manages to close this church, the few remaining churches that have Farsi-speaking services will follow.”
Iranian converts arrested
Five Iranian converts to Christianity were arrested while celebrating Christmas together in Tehran, reports Mohabat News.
Ahmad Bazyar, Fagheh Nasrollahi, Mastaneh Rastegari, Amir-Hossein Ne’matollahi and another man with the surname of Hosseini were arrested on Christmas Eve at Mr. Hosseini’s house and taken to an unknown location.
Meanwhile Mohabat News reports that another Iranian Christian serving a six-year jail sentence in Karaj has written to the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights to complain after his family home was raided, with his wife and children at home.
Behnam Irani wrote from prison: “[The] Islamic regime of Iran does not seem to be tired of persecuting the followers of non-Islamic faiths and is seeking to establish a religious dictatorship… Iranian authorities raided our homes and made the sweetness of Christmas bitter for us.”
More Christians arrested in Nanle
Several more members of Nanle County Church in Henan Province in China have been arrested, China Aid reports.
Those reportedly detained include the youngest daughter of Pastor Zhang Shaojie, who was himself one of the 24 church members arrested last month.
Seven of the 24 were reportedly released, but the whereabouts of the remaining 17 is unknown and they have been denied access to a lawyer.

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what’s Catching Our Eye.  One of ‘worst ever’ years for Copts
Egypt’s Coptic Christians are undergoing some of the worst persecution of their 2000-year history, reports CBS News. In its flagship programme, ’60 Minutes’, CBS reports that Copts hoped Egypt’s revolution would improve their fortunes, but instead the last year has been “one of their worst ever”.
CAR: Djotodia to speak to militias
Central African Republic President Michel Djotodia has offered to speak to the leaders of so-called “Christian” militias, reports the BBC, in attempt to deal with the worsening sectarian conflict.
Speaking to French RFI radio, he said he was ready to “extend his hand”. A former rebel leader, Djotodia became the Christian majority country’s first Muslim leader after a coup in March.
Meanwhile, the African Union has authorised increasing the number of troops deployed in the country to 6,000. An estimated 10 per cent of the CAR’s 4.6 million population have fled their homes since the beginning of the violence.
Lawyers begin hunger strike
Fifteen lawyers who have been prevented from seeing their clients, a group of 24 Chinese Christians arrested in Henan Province earlier this month, have started a hunger strike outside the Nanle County Public Security Bureau.
China Aid reports that of the 24 Christians detained, seven have been released, but 17 remain in custody and have been denied permission to see their lawyers. It is still unclear on what charges they are being detained.
Retired Iranian pastor jailed
A retired Iranian pastor has been sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison.
Rev. Vruir Avanessian, 61, who is of Armenian descent, was found guilty on Dec. 5 of anti-government activities and promotion of ideas contrary to the sanctity of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The pastor, who is reported to be unwell, has 20 days to appeal.
Source: Mohabat News
Bishops arrested at Dalit protest
Bishops were arrested by police in India during a protest against the discrimination of the Christian Dalit minority.
Archbishop Anil Couto of Delhi was among those arrested during the protest on Dec. 11. He and several other bishops were taken to a local police station and later released, reports UCA.
Protestors were demanding a revamp of India’s constitution, which guarantees a reservation of government jobs and places in educational institutions for underprivileged classes, but Christians and Muslims among these classes are denied such benefits on the grounds that their religions do not recognise the caste system.

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what’s Catching Our Eye. Iranians released two weeks early
Two Iranian Christians have been released from jail two weeks before the end of their sentences. Farhad Sabokrouh, pastor of the Assemblies of God Church in Ahwaz, and Naser Zamen-Dezfuli, were released on December 4, seven months after their incarceration for converting from Islam to Christianity, proselytising Muslims, and propagating against the Islamic regime through evangelism.
Source: Mohabat News. Séléka attacks hospital in CAR, Séléka forces attacked a hospital in the Central African Republic capital of Bangui on Friday, killing at least a dozen patients, Al Jazeera reports. Gunmen pulled patients from the hospital and shot them. The hospital has been abandoned. The attack occurred as additional French forces began deploying throughout the northwest sector of the country, as authorised by the United Nations Security Council vote on Thursday.
30,000 Eritreans abducted in five years
Around 30,000 Eritreans have been abducted since 2007 and taken to Egypt’s Sinai, where they face torture and ransom demands, according to a study presented to the European Parliament.
The study, conducted by an Eritrean human rights activist and professors from a Dutch University, says more than $600m has been accrued from families in ransom payments.
“[The hostages] are chained together without toilets or washing facilities and dehydrated, starved and deprived of sleep,” the report says. “They are subject to threats of death and organ harvesting… Those who attempt to escape are severely tortured.”
Source: BBC
Sharia law enforced in Libya
Libya has voted to make sharia law the basis of all legislation.
Two years after the NATO-backed uprising that ousted Muammar Gaddafi, Libya is still in messy transition with no new constitution and its temporary assembly caught in deadlock between an Islamist party and political rivals.
As in Tunisia and Egypt where autocratic leaders were ousted in the Arab Spring revolts, Libya has seen fierce debate over the role of Islam in its new democracy with the rise of hardline Islamists long oppressed by Gaddafi
“Islamic law is the source of legislation in Libya,” the General National Congress said in a statement after the vote on Wednesday (Dec. 4). “All state institutions need to comply with this.”
Source: Reuters
Egypt’s draft constitution explained
Egypt’s Constituent Assembly declared on Monday that the draft of the country’s proposed new constitution is ready for public review. A popular vote is intended within 30 days of Monday’s release.
What’s in it? The Washington, D.C.-based Atlantic Council has published a close study of the document, including a detailed examination of changes affecting religious freedom. In the draft, Islam remains the official state religion, and the principles of Sharia remain “the primary source of legislation”, though the document no longer contains language that defines those principles and instead leaves the matter to the courts.

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what’s Catching Our Eye. Peace efforts in Tanzania ‘useless’
Christian leaders in Tanzania have said peace efforts between Christians and Muslims in the country have proved useless after the recent burning of two churches.
The torching of a Lutheran church in Korogwe and Evangelical Assemblies of God church in Kalalani have caused the union of church denominations in the Tanga region, in northeastern Tanzania, to reject the government’s peace platform, which requires Muslim and Christian leaders to discuss various religious issues, and to petition for something more effective. “The situation these days is not good,” said Dr Jothan Mwakimage, a bishop, who chaired the Christian group. “We need to come up with another peace committee to be set by ourselves because the government platform has failed to deal with the matter.”
Chairperson of the defence and security committee, Chiku Gallawa, added: “Peace is important to all the people, regardless of their faith. Therefore, all of us must be responsible for ensuring that the peace we have prevails for the benefit of the present and future generations of this nation.”
Source: Tanzania Daily News. Terrorist link to torched churches
Russia’s Tatarstan Republic is offering 1 million rubles ($30,000) for information relating to the recent torching of several Orthodox churches in the region.
Four Orthodox churches were set on fire in the predominantly Muslim Republic in November and explosives were found in the city of Tuban Kama and the Aleksei district, reports Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.
Investigators classified the attacks as vandalism and arson, but Tatarstan’s prosecutor-general insisted they should be investigated as terrorism.
Seven Orthodox churches have been burnt down in the past six months. The Central Spiritual Board of Russian Muslims has condemned the arson attacks, saying: “There is no doubt that such action is an attempt to stir up sectarian discord and ethnic hatred”.
Satellite evidence of CAR destruction
Human Rights Watch has released satellite images of the destruction caused during a recent attack on the village of Camp Bangui in the Central African Republic.
The images, recorded on the morning of November 23, show half the village burnt to the ground.
The New York-based rights organisation said it has collected detailed satellite evidence of arson attacks on 15 additional villages and towns across the Central African Republic.
The UN is preparing to send a peacekeeping force to the lawless country, after months of violence since the deposition of former president Francois Bozizé in March.
Sudan ‘tramples’ on its people’s rights
The chairman of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, Robert George, says Sudan is continuing to fail to adhere to international religious freedom standards.
Through the imposition of Sharia law, George writes in the Washington Times that Sudan is a particularly difficult place for non-Muslims and for women.
“The regime… continues to trample on the fundamental rights of its own people, including the right to freedom of religion or belief,” he writes.
Christians ‘held’ in Syrian town
Following a reported Islamist invasion on the town of Deir Atieh in Syria, north of Damascus, Fides reports that Christians are being prevented from leaving.
“The militiamen examine the identification documents of those who intend to leave the city and retain those who have Christian names,” states Fides.

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what’s Catching Our Eye. Vatican rejects M.E without Christians. pope Francis says the Vatican “will not resign itself to a Middle East without Christians”. In the wake of reports of millions of Christians fleeing the region, Pope Francis said he was concerned by “the situation of Christians, who suffer in a particularly severe way the consequences of tensions and conflicts in many parts of the Middle East”. But he said he would not rest “while there are still men and women of any religion… whose future is stolen and are forced to become refugees”.
Source: BBC. Burma on the road to religious freedom
Burma is moving towards greater interfaith freedom of expression, but challenges remain, according to Christian Solidarity Worldwide’s Benedict Rogers, writing for the Wall Street Journal.
Rogers notes that, while the country has made great strides in recent years, there is an ongoing threat of ethnic and religious violence. However, he states that “the prospect of guns falling silent across Burma for the first time in over 65 years may be closer than ever”.
“But at the same time,” Rogers writes, “We heard testimonies of sexual violence, forced labour and religious discrimination from Chin Christians. Over the years, Chin state has suffered from a chronic lack of basic services, including infrastructure and medical care, thanks to the previous regime’s deliberate policy of subjugation. If real change is to be secured, policies based on ethnicity or religion must end.”
Burma is predominantly Buddhist, but many of the non-Burmese ethnic nationalities have significant Christian populations, while Muslims may account for up to 10% of the population.
Kony urged to surrender in CAR
The President of the Central African Republic (CAR) has been in contact with warlord Joseph Kony, head of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), urging him to surrender, reports Reuters.
However, the African Union’s (AU) special envoy on the LRA told the UN that Kony has “used the negotiations as a window of opportunity” to relocate many of his fighters to north-eastern CAR.
The AU has been hunting him since he went underground in 2005. Kony has been indicted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court for his two-decade-long guerrilla war against the Ugandan government.
Kazakh pastor’s trial postponed
The court hearing for a Kazakh pastor detained since May has been pushed back again.
Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev, 67, pastor of Grace Protestant Church in Astana, is charged with the psychological manipulation of a member of his congregation through the use of a “red-coloured hallucinogenic drink”.
Other members of the congregation say the drink is a harmless, non-alcoholic beverage used as part of the church’s Holy Communion, to represent the traditionally used, and symbolic, red wine.
The pastor was supposed to learn his fate on Sunday (Nov. 17), but his son was informed that the hearing had been postponed.
Askar Kashkumbayev was told that a new date will be confirmed on Friday (Nov. 22). No reason was given for the postponement.
Boko Haram targets Christian girls
Boko Haram is abducting Christian women, converting them to Islam on pain of death and then forcing them to marry its fighters, reports Reuters.
Reuters tells the story of 19-year-old Christian Hajja, who was abducted by the Islamist group in July and was then forced to work as their slave.
Hajja converted to Islam, cooked for the men, carried ammunition during an attack on a police outpost and was about to be married to one of the insurgents when she managed to escape.
“If I cried, they beat me. If I spoke, they beat me,” Hajja told Reuters. “They told me I must become a Muslim but I refused again and again. They were about to slaughter me and one of them begged me not to resist and just before I had my throat slit I relented. They put a veil on me and made me read from the Koran.”

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what’s Catching Our Eye. U.S. tags Boko Haram as terrorists
The United States has made official what Nigeria’s churches have long asserted: Boko Haram is a terrorist organisation. The state department announced on Thursday it has designated Boko Haram a “foreign terrorist organisation”, and as “specially designated global terrorists”. The Islamist insurgent group “is responsible for thousands of deaths in northeast and central Nigeria over the last several years including targeted killings of civilians”, according to a state department release. In its announcement, the state department did not mention Boko Haram’s numerous and deadly attacks on Christians, but a U.S. senior administration official told journalists on background that Boko Haram is “responsible for thousands of deaths since its conception in 2009, including large-scale attacks against Muslim and Christian religious communities, and women and children.”
At the same time, the state department also imposed the same designations on Ansaru, a Boko Haram splinter group. The designations authorise the U.S. Treasury Department to seize the groups’ assets, and make it illegal for any American to provide assistance to them.
Eighty executed in North Korea
Around 80 people were killed in public executions across a number of cities in North Korea earlier this month, a South Korean newspaper reports.
In one city, eight victims were mostly charged with watching or illegally trafficking South Korean videos, being involved in prostitution or being in possession of a Bible. Accomplices or relatives of the executed people who were implicated in their alleged crimes were sent to prison camps.
The reason for the executions wasn’t immediately clear. They seem to have occurred in cities that are centers of economic development (but not Pyongyang), according to a government official.
‘Biggest massacre yet’ in Syria
Rebel forces in Syria have carried out the “most serious and biggest massacre of Christians” since the conflict began, Syrian priests told Fides.
In the Christian town of Sadad, near Homs, 1500 families were held hostage in the last week of October and 45 killed and thrown into mass graves, Fides reports.
Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregorios III told ACN the attacks were “bestial”, as some families were thrown into wells.
“How can somebody do such inhumane and bestial things to an elderly couple and their family? I do not understand why the world does not raise its voice against such acts of brutality,” he said.
UN: CAR in danger of genocide
The Central African Republic is at risk of lapsing into genocide, the Unitied Nations Security Council was told on Friday. “This will end with Christian communities, Muslim communities killing each other, which means that if we don’t act now and decisively I will not exclude the possibility of a genocide occurring,” Adama Dieng, U.N. special adviser on the prevention of genocide, told the 15-member council. France and Rwanda called the special meeting.
A coalition of rebel groups under the Séléka banner forced out the Central African Republic’s president in March. Since then, the Islamist-dominated rebels have attacked churches, killed pastors, raped nuns and forced thousands of Christians to flee their towns. Law enforcement has essentially vanished.
“More and more you have inter-sectarian violence because the Séléka targeted the churches and the Christians, so now the Christians have created self-defense militias and they are retaliating against the Muslims,” French U.N. Ambassador Gerard Araud said after the meeting.
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has a Nov. 10 deadline to issue a report on the feasibility of sending a UN peacekeeping force to the Central African Republic.
Source: Reuters
Egypt votes for religious freedom
The Committee drafting a revised Egyptian Constitution has voted to revise Article 47, which guarantees the free exercise of religion for all citizens – not just the three Abrahamic faiths, as a draft in August had proposed. The draft will now be amended to include all religious minorities, including Shia Muslims and the Ba’hai, as well as Sunni Islam, Christianity and Judaism. Even the earlier draft came in strong contrast to the previous draft Constitution of 2012 (composed under President Morsi and Islamist influences) – one factor which led to the popular revolution which saw Morsi’s overthrow in July 2013.
The Committee’s spokesperson Mohamed Salmawy said the text would now read: “the state guarantees absolute freedom of religious practice”, and went on…”and that the state facilitates the construction of places of worship for all”. This refers to the fact that the Committee has adopted a transitional article that will remove existing restrictions on the building of new churches in the country, and the renovation of others.
Christians, who make up 10 to 15 per cent of Egypt’s 85 million population, currently need special presidential permits in order to build or renovate churches in Egypt.
Salmawy noted that most committee members agree that Islam grants absolute freedom for all religions, citing the Prophet Mohamed who said: “We are not entitled to open the hearts of others to know what their beliefs are.”
Source: Ahram

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what’s Catching Our Eye. [ Kidnapped bishops ‘still alive’ ] The two Syrian bishops kidnapped in April are believed to be alive, according to Turkey’s Foreign Ministry, which says it is continuing to petition for their release.
Bishops Yohanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yaziji were kidnapped on April 22 after returning from the Turkish border town, Hatay. “Our efforts to rescue them are still under way,” said a statement. “We are doing our best to ensure anyone who has been kidnapped in Syria is saved, as our minister had previously expressed. Men of religion have an added significance. Turkey is making every effort so the metropolitans can be saved. Although we are not 100 per cent certain, we have reason to believe they are alive.”
Source: Today’s Zaman ] [ Bae ‘in better health’
The mother of imprisoned Korean-American Christian Kenneth Bae has told the BBC his health has improved after two months of medical treatment.
However, she said she fears his health will suffer if he is returned to a labour camp. Last November, Bae was sentenced to 15 years’ hard labour, convicted of plotting to topple the regime.
Bae reportedly suffers from diabetes, high blood pressure, a fatty liver and a back problem.
Police tell Mexicans not to evangelise
A Mexican pastor and 30 members of his congregation have been released after a 72-hour detention for evangelism. The group from Galiléa Church in the southern city of Ocosingo were warned that they would be sent back to prison if they continued to evangelise.
CAR ‘could be next failed state’
The Central African Republic is in danger of becoming the world’s latest failed state, according to Médecins Sans Frontières’ director Arjan Hehenkamp.
In a report published by The Guardian, Hehenkamp wrote that religion has become part of the conflict in a country “gripped by violence since the coup d’etat in March”.
“The church compound is like an open-air prison,” he wrote. “People don’t even dare to go and fetch the wood they need for cooking. They don’t dare to go out of that protected zone back to their houses, where they would have a roof over their heads and some proper facilities, even though their houses are sometimes only a few 100 metres away.”
Coptic wedding party attacked in Cairo
Four people, including an eight-year-old girl, have been killed in an attack outside a Coptic church after a wedding in Cairo.
At least nine others were injured, some seriously, after the attack by gunmen on motorbikes. Egypt’s Prime Minister has condemned the attack, saying that the perpetrators will not succeed in creating a wedge between Muslims and Christians.
Sources: BBC, AINA

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what’s Catching Our Eye. Court hearing for Moroccan delayed
A court hearing for Mohamed el Baldi, a Moroccan Christian accused of ‘shaking the faith of a Muslim’, has been postponed to Dec. 31. Arrested Aug. 28, Mohamed was sentenced shortly thereafter to 30 months. He was conditionally released following a Sept. 26 court appearance, and an appeal hearing initially was set for Oct. 10. That hearing, now set for Dec. 31, is the soonest that el Baldi can obtain a complete release. Judges to newspaper: Stop saying ‘Allah’
A Catholic newspaper may not use the word ‘Allah’ to refer to God, a Malaysian appeals court ruled on Monday. The all-Muslim, three-judge panel reversed a 2009 finding by a trial court that allowed the Malay-language newspaper, The Herald, to print the word. Chief judge Mohamed Apandi Ali said in the ruling: “The usage of the word ‘Allah’ is not an integral part of the faith in Christianity. The usage of the word will cause confusion in the community.”
Rev. Lawrence Andrew, founding editor of the Herald, said in response: “God is an integral part of every religion,” and said the paper will appeal to Malaysia’s highest court, according to Reuters. The Christian Federation of Malaysia issued a statement calling the ruling “yet another erosion and infringement of the constitutional protection to the freedom of religious communities to profess and practise their faith.” Federation Chairman Rev. Eu Hong Seng said the ruling does not appear to apply to the use of ‘Allah’ in the Bible, educational materials, or during worship. EU Parliament pleads for Christian safety
The European Parliament has gone on record condemning violence against Christians in several countries. In a resolution passed on Thursday, Oct. 10, the parliament: Condemned militant attacks on Christians in Syria, and called for protection of monasteries and humanitarian support for nuns and orphans;
Condemned the Sept. 22 bombing attack on All Saints Anglican Church in Peshawar, Pakistan, which killed more than 80 people; and urged Pakistan to dismantle its anti-blasphemy laws, which the parliament said “can be misused against people of all faiths”;
Called on Iran to release American pastor Saeed Abedini, who was imprisoned in 2012 on charges that his previous work to establish Christian churches threatened Iran’s national security.
Another boatful of migrants capsizes
One week after a shipwreck killed more than 300 African migrants seeking asylum in Europe, another boat capsized in the Mediterranean Sea on Friday, Oct. 11, killing several more.
The boat, carrying more than 200 migrants, capsized about 105 kilometres southeast of Lampedusa, an island that itself is about 130 kilometres south of the Italian island of Sicily. The Associated Press reported that most of the passengers had been rescued, but that several bodies were seen in the water.
As World Watch Monitor reported on Oct. 8, many of those who pay smugglers more than $1,000 for a spot on the dangerous boats are fleeing persecution in places such as Egypt, Ethiopia and Eritrea. Kazakh pastor released, then arrested
Kazakh pastor Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev walked out of prison Oct. 8, only to be arrested again at the prison gate on terrorism charges. The pastor, already awaiting trial on charges that he used a “red-coloured hallucinogenic drink” to cause psychlogical harm to a member of his congregation, was permitted to leave prison and await trial under house arrest. He was on his way out of the prison when several officials ordered him to accompany them to the police station.
There, according to the human-rights watchdog Forum 18, police questioned Kashkumbayev about whether he had engaged in “propaganda of terrorism or extremism” in connection with the case already lodged agasint him. He is being held at the temporary isolation prison of the Astana police, Forum 18 said.

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what’s Catching Our Eye. Amnesty: Egypt failed to protect Copts
A new report by Amnesty International claims the authorities in Egypt are failing to prevent “deeply disturbing” attacks on the country’s Coptic Christian minority. The organisation has called for an investigation into a series of deadly sectarian incidents. “Failure to bring to justice those responsible for sectarian attacks sends the message that Copts and other religious minorities are fair game,” said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa. Pastor placed under house arrest. Kazakh pastor Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev has been told he will be released from prison but only to be placed under house arrest, reports Forum 18. The pastor, who has been detained for almost five months and undertook a hunger strike in protest, is still awaiting trial.
He will be confined to speaking with his close relatives and will be able to leave home only for medical appointments until at least November 17.
Pakistan ‘beset with religious rage’. The World Council of Churches has registered with Pakistan Prime Minister Naraz Sharif its dismay at the recent wave of violence that has claimed nearly 150 lives. In an Oct. 3 letter to Sharif, council General Secretary Rev. Olav Fykse Tveit said the council’s 345 member churches, representing 500 million Christians, are “deeply disturbed by the present environment of growing terrorism and religious rage and intolerance in Pakistan that has given rise to such attacks.” Nearly 90 people were killed on Sept. 22 in a bomb attack on All Saints Anglican Church in Peshawar. On Sept. 27, a bus bomb killed 19, and on Sept. 29 a bomb in a Peshawar market killed more than 40 people.
Tveit said the council has “serious concern about the safety and security of the religious minorities in Pakistan during [the] highly charged situation of growing religious extremism.” The letter urges that “all necessary measures be undertaken to provide safety and security of the vulnerable communities, especially the religious communities who are facing constant threat to their lives”.
The Presbyterian Church of Pakistan, encompassing 340 congregations and 400,000 people, and the 500,000-member Church of Pakistan are members of the world council. Egyptian bishop eludes gunmen
An automobile occupied by the bishop of the Coptic Church in Minya, Egypt, and several companions came under gunfire on Monday. No one was hurt.
“We are all safe,” Bishop Makarios told Bishop Angaelos, general bishop of The Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom, according to a release from the UK church. “But it is unfortunate that this can happen during a time of healing. This is an indication that while steps are being taken towards reconciliation, there are those who still want to delay us.”
The UK church said the attack occurred at 7 a.m. Monday, Sept. 30, as Makarios was on the way to the home of a family of a man who had been killed during the anti-Christian violence that erupted nationwide on Aug. 14.
The Assyrian International News Agency reported that the bishop’s driver was able to steer the car away from the gunfire and bring the occupants to the home of a Coptic family, where the bishop and the occupants took refuge. The assailants continued to fire on the house, AINA reported, for 90 minutes before police arrived.
Archbishop of Aleppo lists damages. The Archbishop of Aleppo says that 1,400 factories and shops have been looted, demolished or burned in Aleppo alone, while more than 2,000 schools have been “devastated or put out of use”.
Jean-Clément Jeanbart told Fides that “37 hospitals and 1,000 small clinics and dispensaries have been vandalised… grain silos emptied, power stations sabotaged, railway lines dismantled, and roads blocked and made impassable and dangerous because of armed gangs that terrorise travellers who dare to move and leave town”.

[ Catching Our Eye ] [ lettera aperta al governo massonico di youtube ] perché, ti lamenti? lo sanno tutti, che, io sono un dittatore! lol. e se, ti rifiuti di guardare? infatti, di certo: poi: ” tu puoi sempre diventare cieco!  “

[Catching Our Eye] [open letter to the government Masonic youtube] why are you complaining about you see christians martyrs? everybody knows that I’m a dictator! lol. and if you refuse to watch? In fact, of course: then: “You can always go for to become blind!”

Catching Our Eye [open letter to the government Masonic youtube] [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what’s Catching Our Eye. Amid the ruins, forgiveness. Continuing the growing stream of reporting on the extensive damage done to Egypt’s churches since Aug. 14, the Sat7 Christian broadcasting service showed video on Sunday of the worship service at the Evangelical Church of Beni Mazar, in the Minya region. Worshipers sang and prayed in the charred remains of their building. “They burned and destroyed the building, but it will never be possible for them to burn and destroy the Church because the Church will remain forever,” Rev. Hany Jacque preached. Sat7 founder and CEO Terence Ascott, who lives in Egypt, said the church service has been typical of the Christian response to the destruction of dozens of churches: “It is evident that the almost universally non-violent response to these attacks… has greatly impressed many Muslims. This has been a very public turning of the other cheek by the Christians of Egypt, and a very public act of obedience to Jesus’ injunction for His followers to ‘…love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you’ “. Sat7 uses two satellites to beam Christian programing to Europe, the Middle East, northern Africa and parts of Asia. Assyrians urge U.S. to hold fire
The Assyrian American National Coalition has mounted an online letter-writing drive to urge the U.S. administration to hold its fire in Syria. Assyrians are an ancient ethnic group indigenous to the Middle East, and belonging mostly to various eastern and orthodox Christian churches. “Now, as extremist jihadists have moved their war to Syria, an American strike will undoubtedly motivate further attacks on Christians in Syria,” the letter states. “While the use of chemical weapons should not be condoned, the United States must weigh the unintended but utterly predictable negative consequences of further military involvement in Syria on Assyrians and other Christians in the Middle East.” As of Sept. 11, the AANC said more than 1,300 letters had been transmitted to the White House and members of Congress.
Malaysia ‘Allah’ verdict next month. The verdict on the Malaysian government’s appeal against the High Court’s ruling in December 2009, which upheld the right of other faiths to use ‘Allah’ (eg. for ‘God’ in a Malay language Bible) will be given next month. The 2009 ruling triggered fire-bombings and vandalism targeted at churches and Christian-run schools. When one affected pastor said on TV ”We forgive”, it prompted political debate about the Christian ethic of forgiveness, but this was not enough to stop the government appealing against this ruling to appease the Malay majority. That appeal was finally heard yesterday, with government, Catholic Church representatives and Muslim hardliners in a packed courtroom. Pastor still detained in Philippines. As the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) attack on Zamboanga continues into a third day, the city’s mayor has said the total number of evacuees has reached over 3,000 families. An eyewitness reported: “We went to a missionary to bring rice, and then the commotion began. We went around the city; there were a lot of closed roads and the village was in uproar. The rebels were dressed in civilian clothes and in military uniforms, so it’s difficult to identify them. We passed by the grandstand where the people have been evacuated and saw many tribal people attempting to get inside. We couldn’t help them.” GMA News is updating a timeline of events as they occur. A pastor taken hostage on September 9 is still being detained.
The leader of MNLF, Nur Misuari, is a former governor of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao. There has been no official word from him to date, but an MNLF spokesman said: “The die is cast. We’ve begun on the river of no return… For us, there is no solution anymore except for us to liberate the whole of Mindanao.” (Source: ABS-CBN News) The on-going standoff seems to have stemmed from the Philippine Government’s termination of The Tripartite Implementation Review of the 1996 Final Peace Agreement with the MNLF, according to local media.
Retired pastor tried in Tehran. The trial of a retired Iranian-Armenian pastor started on September 7 at the Revolutionary Court in Tehran, nine months after his arrest, reports Mohabat News. Vruir Avanessian, 61, is accused of “action against national security” and “proselytising Farsi-speaking citizens”. His trial took place behind closed doors. Avanessian, who suffers from a heart condition, has been in and out of hospital during his detention. He was arrested in December last year, alongside fellow Christian Mostafa Bordbar, who was sentenced last month to 10 years in prison on similar charges.

[al Governo massonico mondiale di youtube: lettera aperta ] su dai, tu non fare così, il permaloso, per quello che io ho detto. tutto quì? tu pensa sempre, in modo positivo: “se, io castigo, punisco, il tuo corpo, poi, la tua anima sarà purificata” quindi, tu hai bisogno di tribolazioni, per non essere più un satanista, e per imparare ad essere: un martire cristiano, anche tu!

[Masonic Government worldwide, for satan JaBullOn in youtube: open letter] on come on, you do not do so, the touchy, for what I said. everything here? You always think, in a positive way: “If I will punishment against you, punish, your body, then your soul will be cleansed” therefore, you need to have tribulations, to no longer be a Satanist, and to learn to be: a Christian martyr, you too!

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what’s Catching Our Eye. Christian village ‘overrun’ in Syria. Clashes between Syrian government troops and rebel forces threatened to overrun a Christian village north of Damascus this week, reports the Associated Press. Opposition fighters are reported to have been led by an al-Qaeda-linked rebel faction, which attacked Maaloula on September 4, before pulling out the next day.
AP reports that the assault has “spotlighted fears” among Syria’s religious minorities about the prominence of Islamic extremists within rebel factions.
Monastery closure hits Sinai economy
Residents of the Sinai city of St. Catherine have complained they are struggling to survive following the closure of the city’s 1,500-year-old monastery two months ago, reports Al-Monitor.
Egypt’s government ordered the monastery shut in early July after suspicions it was to be attacked.
This is only the third time the monastery has closed in 50 years. Father Paolos, a member of the monastery’s Holy Council, told Al-Monitor they are “suffering a major financial crisis, and we cannot cover the monastery’s expenses and dozens of families that we constantly support”.
The monastery employs 400 workers, but Fr. Paolos says salaries will have to be cut “drastically” if the government fails to sanction the reopening of the popular tourist site. UN warns of Syria ‘genocide’. A UN diplomat has warned that if the violence in Syria continues at its present rate, there is a “risk of genocide”.
Mokhtar Lamani, who worked with the UN during both the Balkans war and Rwanda, told the BBC that Alawites and Christians were at most risk, and that over two million Syrians have fled.
The BBC’s Middle East Editor Jeremy Bowen says UN envoys are reluctant to use the word “genocide” and that Lamani, based on the diplomat’s personal experience, can be considered an “authoritative source”.
New concern for North Korea. A new report from The Committee for Human Rights in North Korea states that an “extremely high” number of prisoners are detained on political grounds, while countless others are unaccounted for or have died in detention. “Through this vast system of unlawful imprisonment, the North Korean regime isolates, banishes, punishes and executes those suspected of being disloyal to the regime,” the report states. “They are deemed ‘wrong-thinkers,’ ‘wrong-doers,’ or those who have acquired ‘wrong-knowledge’ or have engaged in ‘wrong-associations.’ “
Korean-American Christian Kenneth Bae is one of many perceived political opponents in prison in North Korea. His trial and conviction came at a time of high tension between the US and North Korea, in the wake of the communist state’s third nuclear test. The US Special Envoy for North Korean rights Robert King last week hoped to seek pardon for Bae, who is suffering from ill health, but King was refused entry. Today former US basketball player Dennis Rodman is visiting ‘his friend’ Kim Jung-un. Rodman says he will not be discussing Bae’s case at all.
Meanwhile, the United Nations has been refused access to North Korea’s prison camps. However, an initial UN investigation found evidence of forced amputations and reports that a mother was forced to kill her own newborn baby, report The Telegraph, and the BBC. Another view of Egypt’s violence
While much of Egypt and the world fixates on the fate of the Muslim Brotherhood and their attacks on Coptic churches, Timothy Kaldas sees something else: “The state’s cynical use of Christian suffering to justify its violent behavior.”
Despite the fact that attacks on Christian churches and communities have been widespread and well-documented since Aug. 14, “the security forces, be they police or military, have been nowhere to be seen. This is not due to them being unaware of the attacks,” writes Kaldas on the English-language Mada Masr news website. The American-born son of Egyptian expatriates, Kaldas is a Cairo-based photographer.
“Every press conference that addresses the foreign media never fails to inform foreign journalists they’re not paying enough attention to the crimes being perpetrated against Christians throughout the country,” he writes. “[T]he negligence of the media, if you believe such negligence exists, pales in comparison to the negligence of the state, whose only interest in mentioning attacks on Christians is to further their political agenda.”

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what’s Catching Our Eye. [ Algierian military seizes Christian man ] An Algerian Christian has been arrested, his home searched and his computer seized, without explanation, according to the Protestant Church of Algeria. The man, identified by the name Sofiane, was riding in a taxi Aug. 23 when he was stopped at a military checkpoint near Biskra, about 500 kilometres south of Algiers. He was taken to Biskra for questioning.
“The police raided his family home and took his laptop and other personal items,” said a source within the Protestant Church of Algeria, who was quoted anonymously by Open Doors International, a ministry that supports Christians who are pressured because of their faith. Sofiane, married and the father of one, remains in custody, the source said, and police have not provided any information about his detention.
CAR rebels killed; church attacked. A spiral of reprisal violence in the western portion of the Central African Republic this month has resulted in the desecration of a Catholic parish and has forced 18 priests and nuns to flee, according to Agenzia Fides, the Vatican’s missionary news service. The trouble began earlier this month when members of the rebel coalition Seléka arrested a bicycle mechanic “for no reason,” Fides reported. On Aug. 16, a fed-up group of “young local hunters” killed four Seléka members in retaliation. The next day, Fides reports, rebels entered the town of Bouar, guns firing. They ransacked the housing quarters of the Sœurs de la Charité, burned classrooms and desecrated the church. The Diocese of Bouar sent a convoy to evacuate the priests and nuns to Bohong, about 80 kilometres to the west. Fides reports that its sources in Bouar say “reprisals are likely to last for a long time.”. Senator pushes for relgious-freedom envoy. U.S. Senator Roy Blunt is renewing his call for the State Department to create a special envoy for religious minorities in the Middle East. Blunt, a Republican from Missouri, introduced the necessary legislation in March. This week, in the wake of widespread attacks on Christian churches, schools and other facilities across Egypt, he renewed his plea to have his bill formally taken up for consideration. “The continued violence against Coptic Christians and other civilians in Egypt is incredibly disturbing and flies in the face of the religious freedoms and fundamental values that Americans hold dear,” Blunt said in a press release. The envoy would “promote the right of religious freedom of religious minorities,” monitor abuses, and represent U.S. interest in religious freedom to foreign governments. The bill is co-sponsored by a bipartisan mix of 10 senators. Report: Nigeria violence is sectarian. Boko Haram is the foremost perpetrator of religiously motivated violence in Nigeria, claims a new report issued by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. The report, issued Aug. 19 as an update to a July 2012 report, documents dozens of Boko Haram attacks on churches and individual Christians since January 2012 that have killed at least 532 people. Attacks on critical Muslim leaders and other “un-Islamic” groups have killed a further 134 people. The actual numbers likely are larger, the report notes, because only those incidents for which the militant Islamist group claimed responsibility are documented.
Earlier in August, the International Criminal Court said a “reasonable basis” exists to conclude Boko Haram has committed crimes against humanity in Nigeria.
The USCIRF update claims Boko Haram’s “misuse” of faith is increasingly putting religion at the center of Nigerian violence, and that government toleration has created environment of impunity. The commission, an an advisory body to the U.S. Congress, urges an American policy that acknowledges the centrality of religion to Nigeria’s unrest, in order to more effectively support Abuja and Nigeria’s religious leaders.
Beaten Chinese pastor suspects regime
A Chinese house church leader who was abducted and beaten while driving home last week said he suspects local government agents, China Aid reports.
Li Shuangping, leader of Linfen house church, was dragged from his car on Aug. 13 and assaulted by four men, who threatened to kill Li and his family. He was later released.

al governo massonico mondiale di youtube [ su dai, tu non fare, più il permaloso, e soprattutto, non dubitare più, del mio amore per te! ] io non volevo, che continuassi, a dire, ed a pensare, che, io amo di più google+, e te, di meno (per scrivere molti più articoli, sulla sua pagina)! lo sai, molto bene, che, sei tu, il mio primo amore.

the government Masonic worldwide, Nwo, satanic youtube [on come on, you did not do any more still, the more touchy, and most importantly, not doubt, most of my love for you! ] I did not want that, you continue, to say, and think, that I love the most google+, and you, less (to write many more articles on his page!) you know, very well, that, you are my first love.

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what’s Catching Our Eye. Jail then exile for Iranian convert. Iranian Christian convert Ebrahim Firouzi, 28, has been jailed for one year for “evangelism activities [which are] considered in opposition to the regime of the Republic Islamic of Iran”. (Source: Mohabat) Firouzi, who was arrested in March and could not afford a lawyer, will then spend two years in exile in the remote city of Sarbaz, near the Pakistan border in Iran’s southeast.
His bible and computer were confiscated and destroyed.
‘Your wife arrested, your father dead’. An imprisoned Iranian convert to Christianity has spoken of the “mental torture” he has experienced since his arrest in December 2010. Mohabat News reports that Farshid Fathi, who is serving a six-year jail term for being the “chief director of a foreign organisation in Iran and raising funds for [them]”, was told by prison guards his wife had been arrested and his father suffered a heart attack. Neither is true. His wife and two children are safe in Canada, where they moved in February this year, after two years in Turkey.
Egyptian pastor ‘fine and safe’, Reports that an Egyptian pastor was kidnapped on Thursday (Aug. 15) were false, according to The World Today, a Swedish newspaper.
Nasralla Salib, pastor of a Seventh Day Adventist church in Asyut, on Friday (Aug. 16) told the newspaper he was “fine and safe”, having been sheltered from trouble by Muslim neighbours. Moderate Muslims defending their Christian neighbours has been one of the recurring stories coming out of Egypt. To keep up with events as they happen, follow our Storify feed. Crisis deepens as Cairo camps cleared
The Wall Street Journal reports that a number of churches have been attacked and some set on fire in Egypt following the bloody clearing of Morsi supporters from Cairo ‘camps’. Churches in the town of Sohag and village of Delga were reportedly set on fire while churches in the Abou Helal district of Minya and in the city of Suez were also attacked. The Anglican community in Egypt sent out an appeal for urgent prayer, saying stones and Molotov cocktails have been thrown and a priest’s car destroyed in Suez.. While state media reported only 15 fatalities as the army cleared Morsi’s supporters from their two main ‘camps’ in Cairo, the Muslim Brotherhood claimed thousands have been killed. Some communications in Cairo have been cut, and roads in Alexandria blocked, and the situation remains confused.
Hisham Hellyer, a professor at Georgetown University, told the BBC World Service that “all media sources need to be double-checked, as no-one is neutral in today’s crisis”. Zero. That’s the number of Christians among the 25 people sworn in as governors by Egypt’s interim President Adly Mansour on Tuesday, according to Mideast Christian News. Egypt has 27 governates; Mansour filled the governor’s position in all but two of them.
The incoming slate of regional executives has a Mubarak-era flavour, prompting loud protests from both the Muslim Brotherhood and the opposition groups that galvanized the popular uprising that, with the help of the Egyptian military, drove the Brotherhood from power July 3. Of the 25 appointees, 11 are former military officials, and a further two are former police commanders, Al-Ahram reported.

Catching Our Eye. [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what’s Catching Our Eye. [ Iranian convert jailed for 10 years ] Mostafa Bordbar, an Iranian convert to Christianity, has been jailed for 10 years (Source: Mohabat News). Bordbar, 27, who was arrested last year, was sentenced to five years for membership of an “anti-security organisation” and five years for partaking in “gatherings with intent to commit crimes against Iranian national security”. His lawyer, Shima Ghousheh, said she will appeal the verdict.
Italian priest ‘kidnapped’ in Syria. An Italian Jesuit priest has been abducted in Syria by Islamists with links to al-Qaeda, Reuters has reported.
Fr. Paolo Dall’Oglio was reportedly kidnapped on Monday (July 29) in the rebel-held eastern Syrian city of Raqqa, which, Reuters says, has fallen under the control of militant Islamists. However, the Vatican has yet to confirm the news.
Dall’Oglio had worked in Syria for over 30 years, “promoting Islamic-Christian harmony-building” (his  words). But he was expelled last year after speaking out against President Bashar al-Assad and helping victims of the civil war. Since then, he has been working predominantly in Europe.
On 22 July he posted an online petition to the Pope, whom he implored to advocate on behalf of suffering Syrians. However, his stance has been controversial for many Syrian Christian leaders. Nadim Nassar, the only Syrian Anglican priest, told World Watch Monitor: “Any attempt to politicize the voice of Christians in Syria is wrong, and devastating for them, because it weakens them”.
Zimbabwe election battle begins. Zimbabweans head to the polls today (July 31) as a two-man battle gets underway between long-standing president Robert Mugabe, who has been in power for 33 years, and challenger Morgan Tsvangirai, Prime Minister since 2009. In an editorial for the Washington Post, Tsvangirai questioned whether the elections would be free and fair, but Mugabe insists Zimbabwe’s Christian roots will ensure there will be no foul play and that he will step down if he loses. “We don’t do things like that [rig elections],” he said. “We have never done it. We have had elections before, democratic elections. The West might not have accepted them as democratic but our own people definitely know we have done no cheating, never, ever. We are also a Christian nation.” WSJ: Religious freedom ‘integral’. A recent article in The Wall Street Journal says religious freedom is an essential human right that must be protected. “Because the freedom to live according to one’s beliefs is so integral to human flourishing, the full protections of religious liberty must extend to all,” write Robert George and Katrina Lantos Swett, chairman and vice chairwoman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. Body of kidnapped Assyrian discovered. The body of Salem Dawood Coca, an Assyrian from Betnaya in northern Iraq, was found on July 8 in the truck he was driving when he was kidnapped on May 27. The Assyrian International News Agency reports the truck was rigged with explosives, prompting speculation Coca was being forced to carry out a suicide bombing, but that he had refused.
AINA said the kidnappers contacted the family and called Coca a “Christian infidel”. Coca leaves behind a wife and several children. He was 63.

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what’s Catching Our Eye. al-Bashir trip to Nigeria sparks protest. Human rights groups are blasting Nigeria for hosting Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir at an African Union health summit, and have demanded his arrest on genocide charges from the International Criminal Court.
However, a spokesman for Nigeria President Goodluck Jonathan says “Nigeria is not in a position to determine who attends an AU event and who does not attend an AU event… Nigeria is just providing the platform for the meeting”. (BBC)
It was noted that al-Bashir left the summit earlier than expected. Lebanon on the brink. The war in Syria threatens to spill over into Lebanon where the Damascus regime and the rebels both have supporters. A Lebanese BBC journalist’s film ‘Lebanon on the Brink’ shows the latent sectarian enmity between Sunni and Alawite Shia in Tripoli, northern Lebanon. Copts suffer pro-Morsi backlash. Twenty-three houses belonging to Coptic Christians have been set on fire in Naga Hassan village, Egypt, after a Muslim man was reportedly killed in an altercation with three Copts on July 5, writes Egypt Independent. Although local residents said the altercation had no religious or political motivation, others are concerned at an apparent increase in interfaith tension following Mohamed Morsi’s deposition. The UK’s Independent newspaper reports that Coptic Christians are being held responsible for the coup by some of Morsi’s supporters, and suffering violence as a result. ‘Freed’ Asseriyan sworn to silence. Robert Asseriyan, the Iranian pastor arrested during a church service on May 21, has been freed, Mohabat News reports. Asseriyan, of the Assemblies of God Church in Tehran, was reportedly released on bail on July 2. Mohabat says the condition for his freedom is for him to remain silent, after his church was forced to close during the Iranian Presidential elections. ‘Epidemic’ of sexual violence in Egypt. In the midst of the political demonstrations in Egypt, violent attacks have been carried out against at least 91 women in the past week. According to Human Rights Watch, many of these extended acts of aggressions are pre-meditated assaults by groups of men.

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what’s Catching Our Eye. Coptic Pope backs protests
Egypt’s Coptic leader Pope Tawadros II has lent his support to the growing anti-Morsi protests, saying it is “wonderful to see the Egyptian people taking back their stolen revolution in a peaceful way”, reports Al-Ahram.
Syrian priest ‘shot not beheaded’. Francois Murad, the Syrian priest killed during a June 23 attack on a convent, was shot not beheaded, according to the latest reports. (The Daily Telegraph). A YouTube video appearing to show two prisoners being executed by rebels had been linked to Murad’s murder, but Human Rights Watch said the video was most likely filmed in a different location several months before Murad was killed. Murad’s order, The Custody of the Holy Land, said he was shot by Islamists while trying to defend nuns. Fides linked the attack to the jihadi group, Jabhat al-Nusra. Bomb kills 4 in Syrian Christian district. Four people were killed and several injured on Thursday in an explosion in the mostly Christian Bab Sharqi district of Damascus’ Old City, near the Greek Orthodox Virgin Mary Church. Syrian state-run TV said it was a suicide bomb; opposition forces said it was a government-fired mortar. No one had claimed responsibility, and it was unclear if the church was the intended target. The Associated Press said it was the first reported suicide attack inside the Old City, and that the bomb went off 50 metres from the church entrance. “A terrorist bombed himself nearby the Patriarchate, next door to the Shi’ite association. Four persons were killed and 11 injured, one of them a woman working at the Patriarchate,” according to Open Doors International. But the victims most likely were Shi’ites, the organization said, because the bombing occurred at a Shia medical center next to the church. Syrian priest calls for end of ‘folly’. A Syrian priest was killed on Sunday (June 23) in an attack on a convent by militants linked to the jihadi group, Jabhat al-Nusra, according to Fides.
Another priest, Pierbattista Pizzaballa, told the Catholic Herald that Ghassanieh, the village where Francois Murad died, “like other Christian villages, has been almost completely destroyed and is almost totally abandoned”.
“The only thing we can do,” he said, “is pray that this folly ends soon and that no more weapons are sent to Syria because that would only prolong this absurd civil war.” Death penalty fear for Libyans
“Why should people have to worry in the new Libya that they could face the death penalty over what someone else sees as disrespectful of religion?”, Human Rights Watch. Ali Tekbali and Fathi Sager, two Libyan National Party officials, may face death over posters made for the 2012 elections, if found guilty of charges including insulting Islam and “instigating division”.

#Benjamin #Netanyahu, alcuni ebrei soprattuto, se, loro sono farisei Illuminati: anglo-americani, loro pensano che, in fondo, in fondo, non è un grande male, la shoah, l’olocausto di un 50%, di ebrei ogni tanto, degli israeliani, questa volta, se, poi, loro (le comunità mondiali, in genere) per diverse generazioni possono vivere nella ricchezza, opulenza, potere, successo…  e poi, come la storia ha dimostrato, poi, sono sempre gli ebrei meno ricchi, quelli che, finiscono per morire sempre! l’importante è che questo crimine di satanismo del fondo monetario internazionale, che, ha rubato il signoraggio bancario. non debba mai essere denunciato, mai, da nessun ebreo.

#Benjamin #Netanyahu, some Jews above all, if they are Pharisees Illuminati: Anglo-Americans, they think, in the end, after all, is not a great evil, the Holocaust, the shoah, of 50%, of Jews, occasionally , the Israelis, is this time, if, then, they (the world community, in general) for several generations can live in wealth, opulence, power, success… and then, as history has shown, then, the Jews, that, are always less wealthy, are the ones, that always end up dying! the important thing is that every crime of Satanism, of the International Monetary Fund, who stole the bank seigniorage. should never be denounced, never, by no jew.

[ quando la ideologia, può distorcere, la verità della storia: analizziamo le menzogne che, hanno detto entrambi! ] Netanyahu e #Hassan #Rohani. 23 gennaio 2014. sulla tribuna del #World #economic #Forum di #Davos, parlando soprattutto della crisi in #Siria. Primo a prendere la parola, Hassan Rohani ha dichiarato che, la miglior soluzione per la Siria, sarebbe organizzare elezioni libere e democratiche. Rohani, che non è stato invitato alla conferenza di pace che si apre domani a Ginevra, ha giudicato la situazione nel paese “miserabile” a causa dei terroristi che uccidono degli innocenti [ tutto vero! ]. #Benjamin Netanyahu ha replicato che “le parole cambiano, ma non gli atti” e che, l’Iran è il nemico di Israele, e di diversi paesi arabi [ ma, questa è la politica, imperialistica, delle sfere di influenza geopoliche, che i farisei Illuminati, Spa, NWO, FMI, hanno inventato (perché, ogni guerra ingrassa, sempre il banchiere), ed i politici, giocano, con gli strumenti di questo teatro crudele! ]: “Non sono rassicurato da quello che, io ho sentito questa mattina. Il discorso del presidente #Rohani non ha alcun legame con quello che succede nella realtà […] Rohani afferma di opporsi all’intervento militare in Siria? Suona bene, ma è falso. L’Iran arma #Hezbollah, e manda le sue milizie a massacrare la popolazione siriana” (questo non mi risulta, mai nessuno ha detto che gli sciiti entrano in un villaggio per uccidere i cristiani, anzi loro li proteggono, in Siria! Piuttosto la verità è il contrario, cioè, quando gli sciiti entrano in un villaggio i cristiani, già sono stati uccisi dai sunniti ). Nel suo intervento il presidente iraniano, ha anche voluto rassicurare sul dossier nucleare, affermando che, l’Iran non ha mai voluto avere una bomba atomica e nemmeno la vorrà in futuro. Poi ha qualificato l’accordo concluso a Ginevra sotto l’egida dell’ONU come uno sviluppo maggiore. [ ovviamente, nessuno crede a queste menzogne! anzi, la la intollerante nazi sharia, che, rende il tutto molto preoccupante!  ] giustamente, Invece per #Netanyahu l’arma nucleare iraniana, e i Fratelli musulmani (sunniti) sono due minacce affrontate simultaneamente dallo Stato ebraico e dai paesi arabi vicini : “Israele potrebbe trovare sostegno presso questi paesi (non lo troverà, è un trappola), perchè un partenariato sarebbe efficace per contrastare questi pericoli.” c’è, della ingenuità molto pericolosa, in #Benjamin #Netanyahu, quando lui pensa che, coloro, che, supportano una qualsiasi forma di sharia, possono essere leali e stabili, suoi alleati, come se, Fratelli Musulmani ed islamisti (Erdogan ha mandato, una nave, piena di armi, per realizzare la guerra civile in Egitto), non ricevano contributi economici, ecc.. proprio dai suoi alleati, perché, il progetto del califfato mondiale non può essere fermato, questo è un delirio mortale che, finirà in tragedia! Arabia Saudita, non è più in grado, da sola, di poter fermare il meccanismo, che, lei ha attivato!

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what’s Catching Our Eye. Syriac church torched
A group with links to al-Qaeda set fire on June 19 to al-Wahdah Syriac church in Syria’s eastern city of Deir Ezzor, the Syrian Arab News Agency is reporting.
SANA, citing information from “an official source”, reported the responsible group is “an armed group affiliated to Jabhat al-Nusra”. The United Nations has declared al-Nusra to be an alias for al-Qaeda in Syria, and the United States has designated it as a terrorist organization. Earlier, terrorists seriously damaged a Catholic church in Deir Ezzor with a car bomb. Bomb sullies Pakistan founder’s legacy
On Saturday (June 15), the Residency in Balochistan where Pakistan’s founder Mohammed Ali Jinnah spent his last days was badly damaged in a bomb and grenade attack, reports Pakistan’s News International. Jinnah said in his inauguration speech in 1947: “You are free; free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other places of worship in this state of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed, that has nothing to do with the business of the state.” While the attackers remain unidentified, commentators are worried by the apparent symbolic nature of this attack on Pakistan’s. founder’s principles. Syrians struggle for basic necessities. A Priest in Homs told Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need about his “desperate struggle” to provide basic food, shelter and medicine to more than 30,000 people fleeing the war-torn city. Rouhani victory ‘not free nor fair’
Iran’s elections were neither free nor fair, according to Mansour Osanloo, former President of the Tehran Bus Driver’s Union, writing for the New York Times.
Hassan Rouhani won the June 15 election, but the real power, Osanloo said, still lies with Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
Euro Court to France: Don’t deport Copt. France has decided that an Egyptian Coptic Christian man should be returned to his native country, but the European Court of Human Rights last week asked France to reconsider. AFP reports that the man, identified as M.E., arrived in France in 2007 from the Upper-Egypt governate of Assiut, and later claimed he and his family faced attacks and threats while he lived in the heavily Coptic region. French courts denied his application for asylum, saying his predictions of threats if sent home were not persuasive. The European Court, however, pointed to the increase of violence against Copts predating Egypt’s 2011 revolution and noted there was “no evidence that the situation of Coptic Christians had improved in the meantime”.

Catching Our Eye
This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what’s Catching Our Eye.

    Not the usual blasphemy conviction

    The Associated Press reports that Cairo’s Nasr City Court has convicted a Muslim cleric for burning a Bible. In a country where the law forbidding denigration of Islam, Judaism and Christianity is used usually to prosecute Christians, Sunday’s verdict was a rare case where it was applied against a Muslim.

    Ahmed Abdullah ripped and burned a Bible during a Sept. 11 protest against an American-made anti-Islam video. His son was also found guilty. The two were fined 5,000 Egyptian pounds, about US $700.

    The father was also sentenced to eight years in prison, but the judge suspended the prison time.
    Turkey ‘defined by inflexible religiosity’

    Calling Turkey a home to the “last secularists in the Middle East”, Turkish opposition party MP Şafak Pavey has condemned Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s government for failing to reconcile Islam, secularism and democracy because of a government “defined by inflexible religiosity”. (The Guardian)
    Egyptian blasphemy case ‘bodes ill’

    Christian teacher Dimyana Obeid Abd Al-Nour has been fined 100,000 Egyptian pounds ($14,000) for defaming Islam and insulting Prophet Mohammed, which is prohibited in Article 44 of the Egyptian constitution.

    The 24-year-old will now face compensation claims at a civil court following the conclusion of the criminal trial in Luxor on June 11.

    Amnesty International says the case “bodes ill for others in Egypt facing trial on similar charges”.
    Amnesty wants Sudanese pastors freed

    Amnesty International has called for the release of two Presbyterian Church leaders in South Sudan, who were arrested on May 19.

    Reverend Idris Nalos Kida and Pastor Trainee David Gayin were not allowed access to a lawyer or their families, and are at risk of torture or other forms of ill-treatment, Amnesty International reports.
    Egyptian ‘defamation’ verdict due

    The trial of an Egyptian Christian teacher accused of defaming Islam and insulting Prophet Mohammed is expected to conclude at a third hearing scheduled for June 11, reports Middle East Concern.

    Twenty-four-year-old Dimyana Obeid Abd Al-Nour was arrested on May 8 after accusations by the parents of three students at Sheikh Sultan primary school in Luxor.

    “It is not a crime to speak one’s mind on a religion, whether it is their own or that of someone else,” said Amnesty International’s Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui.

    However, Article 44 of the 2012 Egyptian constitution states: “insult or abuse of all religious messengers and prophets shall be prohibited”.

Illuminati Rothschild so che non è colpa tua di essere nato nella tua posizione ma sicuramente è colpa tua doverci rimanere! non c’è al mondo un uomo più povero di te! se demoni alieni loro erano validi? il Padrone: JHWH non li avrebbe cacciati!
vi siete fatti riempire il cervallo: da montagne di merda!
voi che: siete umani non avete nessuna possibilità di gestire qualcosa di sovrumano e pensare soltanto che loro possano essere veramente i vostri amici? addirittura i vostri servi? questa è pura follia!

Illuminati Rothschild world bank I know it’s not your fault to be born in your position but it certainly is not your fault having to stay in here! there is no in the world a man poorer than you! if demons aliens they were valid? then the Lord: YHWH were not thrown out them! you’re done filling the brain with: mountains of shit! you that: you are human you have no ability to manage something superhuman and think only that they can be really your friends? even your servants? this is madness!

Illuminati Rothschild world bank farisei FMI SPA NWO COME: HITLER E I FARAONI che loro SI ERANO DEDICATI ALLO ESOTERISMO? così ugualmente avete fatto anche voi! voi siete diventati i nuovi faraoni! quante persone innocenti avete fatto soffrire morire in questi 400 anni per colpa della vostra azione parassitaria? Così JHWH ha liberato voi dallo Egitto perché voi potevate essere liberi di fare i satanisti! voi state profanando la Santità del Signore Onnipotente ed è suo dovere ora di ascoltare la sofferenza dei popoli.

Illuminati Rothschild world bank the Pharisees IMF SPA NWO AS: HITLER AND THE PHARAOH that they WERE DEDICATED TO ESOTERICISM? so too have done too! You have become the new pharaohs! how many innocent people have made suffer die in these 400 years because of your action parasitic? Thus YHWH has freed you from Egypt because you you could be free to do Satanists! you are desecrating the sanctity of the Lord Almighty and it is his duty now is to listen to the suffering of the peoples.

yitzhak kaduri Benjamin Netanyahu tu hai visto? [ Spa monopolio ebraico di NetWorkTV hollywood’s jewish FED BCE Nwo per la prima volta hanno incominciato squarciare il velo su questi genocidi sistematici che gli islamici fanno da 1400 anni forse che per amore del mio amore per Israele Illuminati satanisti farisei hanno rinunciato a distruggere Israele? ] [ #Siria: qaedisti prendono #Al Bab #strage. [ Decine di esecuzioni sommarie ] secondo attivista. 13 gennaio 19:23 #Siria: #qaedisti jihadisti per il #Califfato #mondiale sharia #saudita #salafita #ottomano prendono #Al#Bab strage #BEIRUT Le milizie #jihadiste dello #Stato #islamico #’Iraq e del #Levante ( #Isis) entrante in conflitto con altre formazioni di insorti in Siria hanno riconquistato in queste ore la località di Al Bab a nord di #Aleppo. Lo riferiscono attivisti locali raccontando di #decine di #esecuzioni #sommarie di prigionieri e combattenti rivali. Al Bab oltre a essere diventata teatro di scontri fra ribelli locali e qaedisti é stata nei giorni scorsi bombardata dalle forze governative di #Assad.

Al Miqdad: gli USA Turchia e Arabia Saudita vogliono fare saltare la conferenza di Ginevra 2 dopo la loro delusione dei ragazzini che avevano inviato per discutere. le armi di distruzione di massa sono tre: Biologica chimica enucleare ma esiste una quarta che è la bestialità che consiste nel prendere la decisione sbagliata nel momento sbagliato. Fonti di informazioni parlano di divergenze nelle fila dell’opposizione su chi dovrebbe sostituire Al Jarba dopo che quest’ultimo aveva annunciato il suo ritiro. questo sarebbe il motivo del dialogo diretto fino a questo momento… Homs: rapido avanzamento degli eroi dell’Esercito Arabo Siriano nella zona di al Zara nella periferia ovest di Homs dove si trova il più grande covo dei vili terroristi sicari uccidendo più di 60 terroristi e la cattura di 17. le nostre forze stanno ancora avanzando. Periferia di Damasco: Durante lo scavo di una galleria da parte della Direzione della difesa aerea attorno della Direzione due giorni fa si sono incontrati in un punto comune dove i terroristi armati avevano già scavato una galleria dalla parte di Al Miliha… gli agenti della difesa aerea allora avevano minato la galleria ritirandosi poi dalla galleria che è stata fatta esplodere con tutti i terroristi dentro quelli che avevano cercato di ritirare i cadaveri: sono stati uccisi a loro volta. tra i terroristi si contano più di 40 uccisi.

Il consulente del Presidente Bashar Al Assad risponde a tutto quello che #Kerry e la sua banda hanno portato alla #Conferenza di #Ginevra 2 per presentare il Governo legittimo siriano come un governo che uccide tortura e opprime la sua popolazione. Quelle foto o video riportate a prova della tesi portata sostenuta e promossa dai veri nemici della Siria faranno la fine di quelle prove che sono state in precedenza fabbricate e mistificate in diverse occasioni tra quelle da ricordare la questione del chimico e del suo utilizzo per accusare il governo siriano di quelle macabre e disumane menti e mandanti degli stessi gruppi mercenari che ogni qualvolta si preveda una convocazione del Consiglio di sicurezza dell’ONU o dell’Assemblea stessa dell’ONU stranamente si presentano queste prove o si commettono massacri e atti criminali per portarle in quelle aule. Mi domando se mai possibile che il Mondo continua ancora a ignorare la presenza di più di 130.000 terroristi sicari mercenari provenienti da più di: 83 paesi: e che stanno uccidendo massacrando e eseguendo: modi e tecniche mai viste: nella storia dell’umanità e la cosa che dovrebbe offendere ogni coscienza umana è che tutti questi atti criminali vengono regolarmente filmati e lanciati dagli stessi terroristi nella rete vantando e festeggiando le loro atrocità nel nome di Dio e cosa fa quel mondo che si presenta come difensore dei diritti della democrazia e della giustizia sociale quel mondo accusa con atteggiamento infido e perfido la vittima di essere l’autore di queste atrocità e i mercenari criminale vengono regolarmente ignorati come se non esistessero anche se organismi internazionali riconoscono e dichiarano esplicitamente l’innocenza del Governo siriano e le altre istituzioni siriane. Nessuno al di fuori della delegazione ufficiale siriana ha pensato o ricordato nella conferenza di Ginevra le centinaia se non migliaia di civili e non #rapiti da parte dei gruppi terroristi presenti sul suolo siriano ad iniziare da quei #libanesi per finire con le suore e le bambine orfane rapite da #Maaloula.
Queste persone non sono state rapite casualmente o per vendetta ma sono state rapite per ordine preciso da parte dei mandanti per averle come strumento di ricatto come è successo ogniqualvolta che si preveda una riunione di un organismo internazionale e sin dai primi giorni di questa guerra mondiale contro la Siria e contro la popolazione siriana (ricordate le dichiarazioni di Hellary Clington a riguardo). Mi domando ancora è mai possibile che questo mondo che si presenta come difensore dei valori nobili dell’umanità non abbia pensato di essere strumentalizzato e raggirato da parte dei gestori della guerra contro la Siria????.
L’utilizzo di queste foto o “prove” perché avviene in certi momenti e non quando sono disponibili?????. La risposta è semplice: Queste foto e queste pretestuose prove sono assolutamente e certamente fabbricate eseguite e portate dagli stessi autori nelle persone che all’oppinione pubblica si riservano l’immagine del difensore dei diritti e cioè da parte dei sostenitori finanziatori ospitanti fornitori ed investitori nel terrorismo mondiale precisamente sono: i governi degli #USA #Francia #Inghilterra #Italia #Turchia #Arabia #Saudita #Qatar e tutti quei paesi che ruotano nella loro orbita.

Lo scenario più importante che noi abbiamo visto ieri è che un piccolo paese resiste di fronte a mezzo di quel mondo forte e ricco e quel piccolo Grande Stato ribadisce a loro dicendo: Sono uno Stato libero indipendente e sovrano… Questo è di per se una storica vittoria con tutti le sue conseguenze e che non potrebbe nemmeno sognare qualunque leader arabo e nemmeno leader mondiali.. Questa è la vera libertà che volgiamo noi non vogliamo un’altra libertà siamo pronte ad offrire qualunque sacrificio per questa libertà.. Questo è la nostra decisione per la indipendenza nazionale… Al Moualem. ha dato la miglior descrizione della dottrina wahabita: ” la #wahabia esporta in Siria mostri a immagine di essere umani”. Grande flusso di richieste per interviste alla delegazione siriana. Sin dalle prime ore della Conferenza di Ginevra 2 si è osservato un affluenza senza precedenti verso la delegazione siriana chiedendo interviste che non potrebbero essere esaudite tutte le richieste mentre quello che chiamano la delegazione della coalizione andava in giro a cercare qualche giornalista per rilasciare dichiarazioni. Gli esperti dell’informazione hanno interpretato questo avvenimento come un ulteriore segnale dello svincolo dei mezzi mediatici dalle posizioni dei ministeri degli esteri occidentali per rendersi più libera e più vicina alla realtà di quanto sta accadendo veramente senza poterla più nascondere (come hanno fatto per quasi tre anni). L’intervento del Ministro degli esteri siriano #Walid Al #Moualem è stato il perno principale che ha esposto in dettaglio gli atti criminali che la #Siria sta subendo dal punto di vista umano politico socuiale ed economico.

Periferia di #Damasco #Ghouta orientale: 155 terroristi mercenari sono caduti in un’imboscata dell’Esercito arabo Siriano. Sapete che il ministro degli affari esteri #Saudita il quale ha parlato oggi della rotazione del potere. quel uomo e’ dal 1975 un ministro degli affari esteri. Alcuni dei sostenitori della cosiddetta opposizione ieri avevano cercato di aggredire il #Ministro dell’informazione siriano #Omran #Alzoubi intervenuta la polizia svizzera portandolo in salvo. Il primo risultato della danza di #Ginevra a #Aleppo: L’Aeroporto Internazionale Civile di Aleppo è aperto sicuro e proprio oggi ha ricevuto il primo volo siriano. New York 9 gen. Per la seconda volta in un mese la #Russia ha bloccato una mozione non vincolante di censura nei confronti del regime di #Bashar #al-Assad per le stragi di civili perpetrate con i raid aerei su #Aleppo che dal 15 dicembre scorso hanno gia’ provocato oltre settecento morti e piu’ di tremila feriti. Il testo sottoposto al #Consiglio di #Sicurezza delle #Nazioni Unite dalla #Gran #Bretagna esprimeva “indignazione” per i “quotidiani” attacchi “cinici e sistematici” condotti in spregio delle norme di diritto internazionale contro la popolazione della seconda citta’ della Siria: ma Mosca ha preteso che ogni riferimento a quest’ultima fosse eliminato e cosi’ per evitare che ne sortisse una versione troppo edulcorata i proponenti lo hanno ritirato. Qualcosa di identico era gia’ successo il mese scorso quando a farsi carico di un’iniziativa analoga erano stati gli Usa. In questa occasione #Washington in realta’ nutriva dubbi sull’opportunita’ di una mossa del genere nell’imminenza almeno teorica della piu’ volte rinviata conferenza di pace in programma il 22 gennaio prossimo in Svizzera la cosiddetta Ginevra 2. “La bozza #britannica non costituisce nulla di cui ci si debba sorprendere il Consiglio non puo’ rimanere in silenzio su una questione simile” avevano pero’ replicato in via riservata fonti diplomatiche occidentali e cosi’ si era andati avanti finche’ l’ostilita’ russa non ha mandato tutto a monte.
Il #Cremlino storico alleato di #Damasco ha gia’ paralizzato con il veto proprio e della #Cina tre risoluzioni vincolanti di condanna #anti-Assad. (AGI).
Lo scandalo di #Mohammad #Qassim Al #Nassouh comandante del cosiddetto “Battaglione degli amanti dei discepoli” arrestato mentre stava praticando il sesso con una sua nipote.

TG 24 Siria ha condiviso il video di ‎شبكات أخبار سوريا المتحدة / F.S.N.N‎.
22 gennaio Al Moualem…. Nessuno al Mondo Sig. Kerry nessuno proprio ha il diritto di dispensare legittimità o anche revocarla o ancora concedere ad un Presidente un Governo a una Costituzione o a qualunque cosa in Siria se non gli stessi siriani nessun altro.
لا أحد في العالم سيد كيري لا أحد في العالم له الحق باضفاء الشرعية أو عزلها أو منحها لرئيس أو حكومة أو دستور أو قانون أو أي شئ في سوريا الا السوريون أنفسهم.
الوزير وليد المعلم
Il nostro esercito diplomatico a Montreux per la pace… e il nostro esercito eroico in Siria per la guerra… chi la guerra ha voluto la guerra avrà e chi vuole la pace la pace avrà.. nel vocabolario dei Leoni non vi è il termine arrendersi…
“Abou Bakr Al Ansari uno dei cosiddetti giuristi dell’organizzazione terrorista “lo Stato Islamico in Iraq e Siria” ucciso in una sede dell’organizzazione grazie ad un missile che lo ha spedito all’inferno.
Svizzera: Centinaia di siriani si sono riuniti davanti alla sede della conferenza Ginevra2 a Montreux urlano per la Siria e suo presidente. 500 detenuti in cambio delle suore rapiti dai terroristi a Maaloula:
La delegazione del Qatar che era entrata attraverso l’Aspromonte di Irzal nei territori siriani attraverso un valico illegale 10 giorno fa o quasi era composta da 4 personaggi rimasti per tre giorni a Yabroud dove hanno incontrato l’Emiro del fronte al NUsra (organizzazione dichiarata terroristica dagli americani) e nel Qalamoun hanno incontrato le suore rapite.
la delegazione del Qatar aveva offerto di provvedere a tutta quanto necessario per liberare le suore compreso il pagamento del denaro.
Il fronte rapitore delle suore ha consegnato una lista di 500 nomi di terroristi detenuti in cambio della liberazione delle suore.

L’Ingegnere Nagham Salloum nella Provincia di Souidaa in prima linea e personalmente vuole essere attiva e provvedere alla manutenzione della rete elettrica distrutta dai criminali terroristi della Nato dell’Europa e America della Turchia dell’Arabia Saudita del Qatar e di quelli che si fanno chiamare gruppo del 14 marzo libanese e dei tutti i patrocinanti del terrorismo mondiale sotto moltissimi pretesti e menzogne. Questa è la donna siriana vera e propria. I rappresentanti dell’organizzazione terroristicaa Ginevra 2: Lo Stato Islamico in Iraq e Siria il fronte di al Nusra e tutti gli adoratori del petrodollari:
– Assi al Jarba;
– Michel Chilo;
– Burhan Ghalioun;
– Abdul Hanid Darwish;
– Hadi Al Bahra;
– Badr Jamous;
– Rima Flehan;
– Souhai Al Atassi;
– Anas Al Abdah;
– Ahmad Ramadan.

Il Ministero degli esteri russo ha criticato il ritiro dell’invito inviato a Iran per partecipare alla Conferenza di Ginevra 2 considerando questo atto una delusione in quanto la revoca dell’invito indebolisce gli sforzi spesi per sottrarre la Siria da questa crisi. Imboscata ben pianificata eseguita da parte dei nostri Soldati nell’aeroporto Al Tabqa con l’esito di 12 terroristi eliminati e gli altri si sono immediatamente ritirati in fretta e furia mentre il nostro Esercito a requisito le loro armi e munizioni con due vetture da loro utilizzate. Ginevra #Ministro Esteri Al-Muallem: alla Siria interessa il successo di Ginevra 2 come primo passo per un dialogo siriano siriano [fuori subito tutti i mercenari dalla Siria]

Periferia di Damasco: Durante lo scavo di una galleria da parte della Direzione della difesa aerea attorno della…
13:42 – 24 gen 2014

 Sunset ‏@_darkhours 9 h

 @Tg24Siria AJ admit:#Syria-#Damscus #CapitalShield #SAA eliminate rebels possibility2stirke hearthland … v @NamanTarcha

 TG24SIRIA @Tg24Siria

Gli armi di distruzione di massa sono tre: Biologica chimica enucleare ma esiste una quarta che è la bestialità…

TG24SIRIA @Tg24Siria

Al Miqdad: gli USA Turchia e Arabia Saudita vogliono fare saltare la conferenza di Ginevra 2 dopo la loro…

TG24SIRIA @Tg24Siria

Siria l’esercito riprende il controllo sulla località Tayyara est di Zarzour in Aleppo tagliando la strada Aleppo Raqqa ai terroristi

TG24SIRIA @Tg24Siria

Fonti di informazioni parlano di divergenze nelle fila dell’opposizione su chi dovrebbe sostituire Al Jarba dopo…

Siria: Vendetta dell’ISIL di Al-Qaeda Massacra Attivisti Dell’Opposizione ad Aleppo
Per MrGeourg 8 gennaio 2014 Al Nusra front attivisti FSA Grave Massacro Miliziani di Al-Qaeda opposizione armata opposizione siriana Stato Islamico dell’Iraq e al-Sham STRAGE A ALEPPO

Immagini di corpi (almeno 43) di attivisti civili giornalisti del canale Shaza Al-Hurria e uomini armati appartenenti all’opposizione liquidati dai terroristi dello Stato Islamico nell’Iraq e nel Levante (ISIL) o Dawlet Al-Islam in Iraq e Al-Sham (Daish) ramo di Al-Qaeda in Siria e in Iraq. 1502533_415194765250784_1045408969_n 1535696_415191341917793_195575593_n

Il massacro si è consumato nelle note del 6 gennaio nei pressi dell’ex struttura dell’ospedale oftalmologico nelle città di Aleppo che è stata presa d’assalto dai stessi terroristi dell’opposizione trasformandola in un ospedale di campo e centro operativo del canale mediatico Shaza Al-Hurria (Profumo della Libertà).

Tale crimine entra nel contesto della lotta al potere e vendetta sanguinosa tra i vari fazioni dell’opposizione criminale Qaedisti Jihadisti e uomini armati (ISIL Nusra Fronte Islamico FSA …).

Tra i corpi si trovano diversi civili anche medici alcuni volontariamente si sono offerti e altri sono stati costretti a collaborare con l’opposizione. Secondo fonti locali quasi 247 sono stati uccisi nell’ultima settimana di scontri tra questi miliziani. &

Green Resistance & Black Libyans are freeing Jamahiriya from the neo-colonialist puppet government installed by the Zion-NATO forces, (Eng-Ita)

25 Saturday Jan 2014

Posted by syrianfreepress in Green Resistance Jamahiriya Libia Libya Muammar Gaddafi Resistance  

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Aggressioni neo-coloniali aljazeera Amnesty International Colonialism Eric Draitser Gaddafi Gaddafi supporters Green fighters Green Resistance Jamahiriya Jamahiriya News Libia Libya Libyan Patriots libyan resistance LibyanFreePress Loyalists NATO NATO CRIMES nato forces NCT-rats Neocolonialismo Rats Resistance resistance fighters Resistenza pro-Gheddafi War Resistance News

Green Resistance & Black Libyans are freeing Jamahiriya from the neo-colonialist puppet government installed by the Zion-NATO forces

The Secret War in Libya
 By Eric Draitser, Global Research,
The battles currently raging in the South of Libya are no mere tribal clashes. Instead they represent a possible burgeoning alliance between black Libyan ethnic groups and pro-Gaddafi forces intent upon liberating their country of a neocolonial NATO-installed government.

On Saturday January 18th a group of heavily armed fighters stormed an air force base outside the city of Sabha in southern Libya expelling forces loyal to the “government” of Prime Minister Ali Zeidan and occupying the base. At the same time reports from inside the country began to trickle in that the green flag of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya was flying over a number of cities throughout the country. Despite the dearth of verifiable information, the government inTripoli has provided only vague details and corroboration, one thing is certain: the war for Libya continues.

On the Ground

Libya’s Prime Minister Ali Zeidan called an emergency session of the General National Congress to declare a state of alert for the country after news of the storming of the air base broke. The Prime Minister announced that he had ordered troops south to quell the rebellion telling reporters that “This confrontation is continuing but in a few hours it will be solved.” A spokesman for the Defense Ministry later claimed that the central government had reclaimed control of the air base stating that “A force was readied then aircraft moved and took off and dealt with the targets… The situation in the south opened a chance for some criminals…loyal to the Gaddafi regime to exploit this and to attack the Tamahind air force base…We will protect the revolution and the Libyan people.”

In addition to the assault on the airbase there have been other attacks on individual members of the government in Tripoli. The highest profile incident was the recent assassination of the Deputy Industry Minister Hassan al-Droui in the city of Sirte. Although it is still unclear whether he was killed by Islamist forces or Green resistance fighters the unmistakable fact is that the central government is under assault and is unable to exercise true authority or provide security in the country. Many have begun speculating that his killing rather than being an isolated targeted assassination is part of a growing trend of resistance in which pro-Gaddafi Green fighters figure prominently.

The rise of the Green resistance forces in Sabha and elsewhere is merely one part of larger and more complex political and military calculus in the South where a number of tribes and various ethnic groups have risen against what they correctly perceive to be their political economic and social marginalization. Groups such as the Tawergha and Tobou ethnic minorities both of which are black African groups have endured vicious attacks at the hands of Arab militias with no support from the central government. Not only have these and other groups been the victims of ethnic cleansing but they have been systematically shut out of participation in Libyan political and economic life.

The tensions came to a head earlier this month when a rebel chief from the Arab Awled Sleiman tribe was killed. Rather than an official investigation or legal process the Awled tribesmen attacked their black Toubou neighbors accusing them of involvement in the murder. The resulting clashes have since killed dozens once again demonstrating that the dominant Arab groups still view their dark skinned neighbors as something other than countrymen. Undoubtedly this has led to a reorganization of the alliances in the region with the Toubou Tuareg and other black minority groups that inhabit southern Libya northern Chad and Niger moving closer to the pro-Gaddafi forces. Whether or not these alliances are formal or not still remains unclear however it is apparent that many groups in Libya have come to the realization that the government installed by NATO has not lived up to its promises and that something must be done.

The Politics of Race in Libya

Despite the high-minded rhetoric from Western interventionists regarding “democracy” and “freedom” in Libya the reality is far from it especially for dark skinned Libyans who have seen their socioeconomic and political status diminished with the end of the Jamahiriya government of Muammar Gaddafi. While these peoples enjoyed a large measure of political equality and protection under the law in Gaddafi’s Libya the post-Gaddafi era has seen their rights all but stripped from them. Rather than being integrated into a new democratic state the black Libyan groups have been systematically excluded.

In fact even Human Rights Watch, an organization which in no small measure helped to justify the NATO war by falsely claiming that Gaddafi forces used rape as a weapon and were preparing “imminent genocide”, has reported that “A crime against humanity of mass forced displacement continues unabated as militias mainly from Misrata prevented 40000 people from the town of Tawergha from returning to their homes from where they had been expelled in 2011.” This fact coupled with the horrific stories and images of lynchings rapes and other crimes against humanity paints a very bleak picture of life in Libya for these groups.

In its 2011 report Amnesty International documented a number of flagrant war crimes carried out by the so called “freedom fighters” of Libya who despite being hailed in the Western media as “liberators” used the opportunity of the war to carry out mass executions of black Libyans as well as rival clans and ethnic groups. This is of course in stark contrast to the treatment of black Libyans under the Jamahiriya government of Gaddafi which was praised up and down by the Human Rights Council of the United Nations in their 2011 report which noted that Gaddafi had gone to great lengths to ensure economic and social development as well as specifically providing economic opportunities and political protections to black Libyans and migrant workers from neighboring African countries. With this in mind is it any wonder that Al Jazeera quoted a pro-Gaddafi Tuareg fighter in September 2011 as saying “fighting for Gaddafi is like a son fighting for his father…[We will be] ready to fight for him until the last drop of blood.”

As the Toubou and other black ethnic groups clash with Arab militias their struggle should be understood in the context of a continued struggle for peace and equality. Moreover the fact that they must engage in this form of armed struggle again illustrates the point that many international observers made from the very beginning of the war: NATO’s aggression was never about protecting civilians or human rights but rather regime change for economic and geopolitical interests. That the majority of the population including black ethnic minorities is worse off today than they ever were under Gaddafi is a fact that is actively suppressed.

Black Green and the Struggle for Libya

It would be presumptuous to assume that the military victories made by the pro-Gaddafi Green resistance in recent days will be long-lasting or that they represent an irreversible shift in the political and military landscape of the country. Though decidedly unstable the neocolonial puppet government in Tripoli is supported economically and militarily by some of the most powerful interests in the world making it difficult to simply overthrow it with minor victories. However these developments do signal an interesting shift in the calculus on the ground. Undoubtedly there is a confluence between the black ethnic minorities and the Green fighters as both recognize their enemy as being the tribal militias who participated in the overthrow of Gaddafi as well as the central government in Tripoli. Whether a formal alliance emerges from this remains to be seen.

Were such an alliance to develop however it would be a watershed moment in the continued war for Libya. As Green resistance fighters have shown in Sabha they are able to organize themselves in the south of the country where they enjoy a large degree of popular support. One could imagine an alliance in the south that would be able to hold territory and possibly consolidate power throughout the southern part of Libya creating a de facto independent state. Naturally the cry from NATO and its apologists would be that this is anti-democratic and counter-revolution. This would be understandable as their goal of a unified Libya subservient to international finance capital and oil interests would become unattainable.

One should be careful not to make too many assumptions about the situation in Libya today as reliable details are hard to come by. More to the point Western media has attempted to completely suppress the fact that the Green resistance even exists let alone is active and winning victories. All this simply further illustrates that the war for Libya rages on whether the world wants to admit it or not.

The Secret War in Libya
By Eric Draitser, Published by Global Research at
Copyright © 2014 Global Research

Eric Draitser is the founder of He is an independent geopolitical analyst based in New York City. You can reach him at Network at Freelancers Network reloaded

Resistenza Verde & Neri Libici stanno liberando la Jamahiriya dal governo fantoccio neo-colonialista installato dalle forze Sion-NATO

International Church Attacked In Pakistan

Another Christian Sentenced to Death

 La guerra segreta in Libia 23/01/2014, Eric Draitser Global Research
[ cosa sta succedendo veramente in Libia? ] Le battaglie che attualmente infuriano nel sud della Libia non sono semplici scontri tribali. Invece rappresentano la possibile nascente alleanza tra gruppi etnici neri libici e forze pro-Gheddafi intente a liberare il Paese dal governo neocoloniale installato dalla NATO. Il 18 gennaio un gruppo di combattenti pesantemente armati ha preso d\’assalto una base aerea presso la città di Sabha nella Libia meridionale espellendo le forze fedeli al \”governo\” del primo ministro Ali Zaydan e occupando la base. Allo stesso tempo iniziano a filtrare notizie dal Paese secondo cui la bandiera verde della Gran Giamahiria Araba Libica Socialista Popolare sventola su un certo numero di città nel Paese. Nonostante la scarsità di informazioni verificabili il governo di Tripoli ha fornito solo dettagli vaghi e non confermati una cosa è certa la guerra in Libia continua.
Sul campo
Il primo ministro libico Ali Zaydan ha chiesto una sessione d\’emergenza del Congresso generale nazionale per dichiarare lo stato di allerta nel Paese dopo la notizia della caduta della base aerea. Il primo ministro ha annunciato di aver ordinato alle truppe di sedare la ribellione nel sud dicendo ai giornalisti che \”Questo scontro continua ma tra poche ore sarà risolto.\” Un portavoce del ministero della Difesa in seguito ha affermato che il governo centrale aveva recuperato il controllo della base aerea affermando che \”Una forza è stata approntata quindi dei velivoli sono decollati per attaccare gli obiettivi… La situazione nel sud ha dato una possibilità ad alcuni criminali… fedeli al regime di Gheddafi di sfruttarla attaccando la base aerea di Tamahind… Noi proteggeremo la rivoluzione e il popolo libico\”. Oltre all\’assalto alla base aerea vi sono stati altri attacchi contro singoli membri del governo a Tripoli. L\’incidente di più alto profilo è stato il recente assassinio del viceministro dell\’Industria Hasan al-Drui nella città di Sirte. Anche se non è ancora chiaro se sia stato ucciso dalle forze islamiste o da combattenti della resistenza verde il fatto inequivocabile è che il governo centrale è sotto attacco e non è in grado di esercitare una vera autorità o fornire sicurezza al Paese. Molti hanno cominciato a speculare sulla sua uccisione secondo cui piuttosto che essere un caso isolato è un assassinio mirato nell\’ambito della resistenza in crescita in cui i combattenti verdi pro-Gheddafi sono in prima fila.
L\’avanzata delle forze della resistenza verde a Sabha e altrove è solo parte di un grande e complesso piano politico e militare nel Sud dove un certo numero di tribù e vari gruppi etnici si sono uniti contro ciò che correttamente percepiscono come loro emarginazione sociale politica ed economica. Gruppi come le minoranze etniche Tawargha e Tubu gruppi africani neri hanno subito attacchi feroci dalle milizie arabe e alcun sostegno dal governo centrale. Non solo questi e altri gruppi sono vittime della pulizia etnica ma sono sistematicamente esclusi dalla partecipazione alla vita politica ed economica della Libia. Le tensioni sono venute al pettine all\’inizio del mese quando il capo ribelle di una tribù araba Sulayman Awlad è stato ucciso. Invece di un\’indagine ufficiale o un processo legale le tribù Awlad hanno attaccato i loro vicini neri Tubu accusandoli dell\’omicidio. Gli scontri risultati da allora hanno ucciso decine di persone dimostrando ancora una volta che i gruppi arabi dominanti vedono ancora i loro vicini neri come qualcosa di diverso da dei connazionali. Indubbiamente ciò ha portato alla riorganizzazione delle alleanze nella regione con Tubu Tuareg ed altri gruppi minoritari neri che abitano tra sud della Libia nord del Ciad e del Niger ad avvicinarsi alle forze pro-Gheddafi. Se queste alleanze sono formali o meno non è ancora chiaro tuttavia è evidente che molti gruppi in Libia sono consapevoli che il governo della NATO non mantiene le promesse e che qualcosa deve essere fatto.
La corsa politica in Libia
Nonostante la raffinata retorica degli interventisti occidentali su \”democrazia\” e \”libertà\” in Libia la realtà ne è lontana soprattutto per i libici africani che vedono il loro status socio-economico e politico ridotto con la fine della Jamahiriya di Muammar Gheddafi. Mentre questi popoli godevano di un\’ampia uguaglianza politica e protezione legale nella Libia di Gheddafi l\’era post-Gheddafi li ha visti spogliati di tutti i loro diritti. Invece di essere integrati in un nuovo Stato democratico i gruppi libici neri ne sono stati sistematicamente esclusi. Infatti anche Human Rights Watch un\’organizzazione che ha molto contribuito a giustificare la guerra della NATO sostenendo falsamente che le forze di Gheddafi usassero lo stupro come arma e si stessero preparando a un \”genocidio imminente\” ha riferito che \”Il crimine contro l\’umanità della pulizia etnica continua mentre le milizie provenienti soprattutto da Misurata hanno impedito a 40000 persone della città di Tawergha di ritornare nelle loro case da cui erano stati espulsi nel 2011.\” Questo fatto assieme a storie terribili e immagini di linciaggi stupri e altri crimini contro l\’umanità dipinge un quadro molto cupo della vita in Libia per questi gruppi.
Nel suo rapporto 2011 Amnesty International ha documentato una serie di flagranti crimini di guerra commessi dai cosiddetti \”combattenti per la libertà\” in Libia che pur essendo salutati dai media occidentali come \”liberatori\” hanno colto l\’occasione della guerra per massacrare libici neri così come clan e gruppi etnici rivali. Questo è naturalmente in netto contrasto con il trattamento dei libici neri sotto il governo della Jamahiriya di Gheddafi elogiato dal Consiglio dei Diritti Umani delle Nazioni Unite nel suo rapporto del 2011 dove osservava che Gheddafi aveva fatto di tutto per garantire lo sviluppo economico e sociale oltre a fornire specificamente opportunità economiche e protezioni politiche ai libici neri e ai lavoratori migranti provenienti dai Paesi africani confinanti. Con ciò in mente non c\’è da meravigliarsi che nel settembre 2011 al-Jazeera abbia citato un combattente pro-Gheddafi Tuareg dire \”combattere per Gheddafi è come un figlio che combatte per il padre … [saremo] pronti a combattere per lui fino all\’ultima goccia di sangue\”. Mentre i Tubu e gli altri gruppi etnici neri si scontrano con le milizie arabe la loro lotta dev\’essere intesa nel contesto di una lotta continua per la pace e l\’uguaglianza. Inoltre il fatto che devono impegnarsi in questa forma di lotta armata illustra ancora una volta un punto che molti osservatori internazionali hanno indicato fin dall\’inizio della guerra l\’aggressione della NATO non aveva nulla a che fare con la protezione dei civili e dei diritti umani ma piuttosto era un cambio di regime per interessi economici e geopolitici. Che la maggioranza della popolazione comprese le minoranze etniche nere stia peggio oggi che quando era sotto Gheddafi è un fatto che viene nascosto attivamente.
Neri Verdi e la lotta per la Libia
Sarebbe presuntuoso pensare che le vittorie militari della resistenza verde pro-Gheddafi di questi ultimi giorni siano durevoli o che rappresentino un cambio irreversibile nel panorama politico e militare del Paese. Anche se decisamente instabile il governo fantoccio neocoloniale di Tripoli è sostenuto economicamente e militarmente da alcuni degli interessi più potenti del mondo rendendo difficile rovesciarlo semplicemente con vittorie secondarie. Tuttavia questi sviluppi indicano un interessante cambio sul terreno. Indubbiamente vi è una confluenza tra minoranze etniche nere e combattenti verdi come riconoscono i loro nemici delle milizie tribali che parteciparono al rovesciamento di Gheddafi così come il governo centrale di Tripoli. Se un\’alleanza formale ne emergerà resta da vedere. Se una tale alleanza si sviluppasse però sarebbe la svolta nella continua guerra per la Libia. Come i combattenti della resistenza verde hanno dimostrato a Sabha possono organizzarsi nel sud del Paese dove godono di un ampio sostegno popolare. Si potrebbe immaginare un\’alleanza nel sud che potrebbe controllare il territorio e possibilmente consolidare il potere in tutta la parte meridionale della Libia creando uno Stato indipendente de facto. Naturalmente il grido della NATO e dei suoi apologeti sarebbe che sarebbe antidemocratico e controrivoluzionario. Ciò sarebbe comprensibile in quanto il loro obiettivo di una Libia unificata asservita al capitale e il cui petrolio finanzi gli interessi internazionali diverrebbe irraggiungibile.
Bisogna stare attenti a non fare troppe ipotesi sulla situazione in Libia oggi i dati affidabili sono difficili da trovare. Più precisamente i media occidentali tentano di sopprimere completamente il fatto che la resistenza verde esiste per non dire attiva e vittoriosa. Tutto ciò dimostra semplicemente inoltre che la guerra di Libia infuria che il mondo l\’ammetta o meno.

Eric Draitser è fondatore di È un analista geopolitico indipendente di New York City. Copyright © 2014 Global Research

The Secret War in Libya
By Eric Draitser, Published by Global Research at
Copyright © 2014 Global Research

Traduzione italiana di Alessandro Lattanzio, SitoAurora Network at Freelancers Network reloaded

La guerra segreta in Libia 23/01/2014, Eric Draitser Global Research
[ cosa sta succedendo veramente, in Libia? ] Le battaglie che, attualmente infuriano, nel sud della Libia non sono semplici scontri tribali. Invece, rappresentano la possibile nascente alleanza, tra, gruppi #etnici neri #libici, e forze #pro-Gheddafi, intente a liberare il Paese dal governo #neocoloniale installato dalla #NATO. Il 18 gennaio un gruppo di combattenti pesantemente armati, ha preso d\’assalto una base aerea presso la città di Sabha, nella Libia meridionale espellendo le forze fedeli al \”governo\” del primo ministro Ali Zaydan, e occupando la base. Allo stesso tempo iniziano a filtrare notizie dal Paese, secondo cui, la bandiera verde della #Gran #Giamahiria #Araba #Libica #Socialista #Popolare, sventola, su un certo numero di città nel Paese. Nonostante la scarsità di informazioni verificabili, il governo di Tripoli ha fornito solo dettagli vaghi, e non confermati una cosa è certa la guerra in Libia continua. [ Sul campo ] Il primo ministro #libico #Ali #Zaydan ha chiesto una sessione d\’emergenza del Congresso generale nazionale per dichiarare lo stato di allerta nel Paese dopo la notizia della caduta della base aerea.

Malaysia\’s \’Allah\’ impasse. [criminal nazi islamists for imperialism sharia worldwide ] Published January 24, 2014 by Matt K. George, Christians remain adamant that their right to use \’Allah\’ is constitutional, Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on google_plusone_shareShare on redditMore Sharing Services2, Should Malaysia\’s Muslims alone be afforded the right to use the word \’Allah\’? Abu Emran / Flickr / Creative Commons, \”God, what is your religion?\” This cryptic question, spotted on a T-shirt at a packed public meeting on religious freedom in the Malaysian city of Petaling Jaya last week, sums up the enormity of Malaysia\’s \’Allah\’ controversy. The wearer was a Malay Muslim woman, according to The Malaysian Insider, demonstrating solidarity with the minority Christian population as tensions rise in the country over who can use the term \’Allah\’. The controversy, for which many Malaysian Christians blame the Government, has now reached a serious impasse. The Christian community remains adamant that the use of \’Allah\’ is their right, despite a ruling by the Court of Appeal last October that \’Allah\’ was exclusive to Malay Muslims. The word predates the birth of Islam and the ruling has been widely criticised by many other Muslim nations, and by the United Nations. About 64 per cent of Malaysia\’s Christians come from the Borneo states of Sabah and Sarawak, where the term has been part of their vocabulary for more than 100 years. The indigenous populations of the two states, whose primary language is Bahasa Malay, claim the usage is their constitutional and spiritual right. The Malay Bible dates back to the 16th century and, as the government phases out English in favour of Bahasa Malay, more and more Christians observe their faith in Bahasa Malay. \”All the churches are of one mind,\” said Rev. Dr Hermen Shastri, the general secretary of the Council of Churches of Malaysia. \”We are only defending our freedom to practise our religion as guaranteed under the Constitution.\” Nevertheless, Islamic conservatives have staged demonstrations outside churches, seized Bibles and continued to vilify the Catholic pastor, Rev. Lawrence Andrew, who took the issue to the courts.
In early January Andrew was questioned over charges of sedition, which drew international complaints, including a piece in The Wall Street Journal.
The Malay Bible is titled \’Alkitab\’ in the local language, which means \’The Book\’.
World Watch Monitor. Following the raid on the Bible Society of Malaysia two weeks ago and the seizure of more than 300 Bibles in the Malay language, the Islamic Religious Department of the state of Selangor (JAIS) posted an advertisement in The Star, an English language newspaper, defending its actions. The National Fatwa Council, comprising the muftis, or Islamic scholars, of the states of Malaysia, publicly backed JAIS\’s swoop in which they also arrested two officials of the Bible Society. These actions, in a country once renowned for multiracial harmony, go against the grain of a 10-point plan pronounced by the Government of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak in April 2011 to resolve the issue. The key element of the pledge emphasised that Christians are allowed to print, import and distribute Bibles, referred to as the \’Alkitab\’ (\’The Book\’) in the Malay language. The Prime Minister has so far refrained from defending his policy, while churches have asked him to speak out and to rein in Islamic extremists. But many Christians say they fear Prime Minister Najib cannot be seen to capitulate on Christian usage of \’Allah\’, since it would give ammunition to his political enemies in his ruling United Malays National Organisation party (UMNO), who could seek to oust him from office.
Since the party brands itself as the champion of Malay Muslim supremacy and the defender of Islam, it provides tacit support to JAIS and Muslim extremists within UMNO. The Prime Minister\’s ambivalence is unhelpful, according to Rev. Shastri, who said \”The Government should remain consistent. It is the same Government that came out with the 10-point plan. It should also defend the Constitution.\”
The Methodist priest has called on Christian ministers in Government, such as Idris Jala, who was a key architect of the 10-point plan, to impress upon the Prime Minister the need to protect religious freedoms.
The \’Allah\’ controversy began in 2007 when the Government banned The Herald, a Catholic weekly, from using the word. The Catholic Church contested the order and the High Court restored its constitutional right in 2009. The Government appealed that decision and in October 2013 a three-man Court of Appeal ruled that Malay Muslims had an exclusive copyright to the word \’Allah\’. Legal experts say the court\’s decision is flawed and that its ruling, if ratified, should only apply to The Herald and not to other Christian literature, such as the Alkitab, or in liturgy.
The Catholic Church has now filed an application for leave to appeal to the Federal Court, the highest legal authority in the land. Liberal Malaysians hope an enlarged bench of 13 judges, including the Chief Judge of the Borneo states, would adjudicate on the issue. The hearing is scheduled for March 5.
Whether any court decision will appease the rival sides is debatable. \”Nothing is changing,\” said Bolly Lapok, Bishop of Kuching, the capital of Sarawak, and Archbishop of the Anglican Church of the Province of South-East Asia. \”We won\’t stop using the word \’Allah\’.\”
The right to freedom of worship was enshrined when Sarawak and Sabah joined Malaysia in 1963. Christian and political leaders in the two states have threatened to break away from the Malaysian union if the Government forces their hand on the \’Allah\’ issue.  Most Malaysians are against such an outcome. Given the lack of political will to end the deepening rift, an alternative suggestion was to invite the Rulers\’ Council, comprising the nine hereditary Sultans, to convene and rule on the issue. The Ruler of the state of Negri Sembilan last week urged Malay Muslims to respect other religions and to live in harmony, regardless of race. The Muslim Chief Minister of Sarawak, Taib Mahmud, is on record as saying that the use of \’Allah\’ is not a problem in the state and blames the central government for inciting intolerance and racism. The Bible Society of Malaysia in Selangor. [ World Watch Monitor ]
Political observers say that religious insecurities are being whipped up to defer attention away from the Government\’s economic and political difficulties. The Government was recently forced to cut back on decades of subsidised petrol and sugar prices as the national debt has reached unsustainable levels. The inevitable rise in the cost of living has fuelled public anger and protests. The scheduled introduction of a Government Services Tax in April 2014 is set to further escalate the cost of goods. Public corruption, scandals, the lavish lifestyle of ministers and cohorts, and a lack of accountability have all severely damaged the Government\’s record and the economy in a resource-rich nation. In this volatile mix of rising prices and protests, on top of the \’Allah\’ controversy, Christians are concerned. The Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM), in a statement last week, observed \”What we are witnessing is the mad scramble by any and every group to grab media attention… [but] the Christian community remains undaunted in the face of these and no doubt future incidents of this nature.\”  Rev. Dr Eu Hong Seng, chairman of the CFM, added \”We look to the courts of this land to protect, preserve and defend principles of our Federal Constitution.\” Christians meanwhile have taken succour from progressive Muslim groups such as Sisters of Islam, which rallied to their support, distributing flowers outside a church where Islamists had planned to protest. For this act of solidarity, conservative Islamists demanded their arrests. Other Muslim protagonists, such as Azmi Sharom, an outspoken law lecturer, point out that nowhere in the Qur\’an does it say that \’Allah\’ is exclusive to Muslims. \”Is [Islam] a religion that is so small in its worldview that it can approve of one community claiming the term for God for itself? Is Islam so lacking in common decency and compassion?\” he said. Meanwhile, the former Law Minister Zaid Ibrahim blogged \”The unwillingness of UMNO leaders to find a peaceful solution to the \’Allah\’ issue is a clear sign of the march towards authoritarian rule. Invoking the name of God is just a ruse to gain support for a new dictatorship.\”
The wearer of the T-shirt posed a fundamental question. The ball is now in the court of the Malaysian Government to openly demonstrate that it subscribes to the ethos of its own Constitution, its own 10-point resolution, and that it will uphold freedom of religion for all. Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on. Islamic authorities\’ raid on Malaysian Bible Society questioned by state government, Malaysia\’s \’Allah\’ ruling widely criticised, Churches campaign ahead of Malaysia elections, Malaysia Set to Rule on Use of \’Allah\’ among Non-Muslims, UK Parliament is told Christianity is \’most persecuted religion\’,

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Kazakh pastor\’s trial begins [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]]Catching Our Eye
This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye.
Kazakh pastor\’s trial begins
The trial against 67-year-old Kazakh pastor Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev has started, eight months after his incarceration for allegedly \”harming the health\” of a member of his congregation.
The pastor has also been accused of inciting hatred, propagating extremism and leading an organisation that harms others. If found guilty, he could face a lengthy prison term.
Kashkumbayev denied all charges against him at a court hearing in Astana, the capital, on Jan. 22.
The trial was adjourned until Jan. 31 to allow Kashkumbayev\’s lawyer some time to study the case materials.
Source Forum 18
Syrian Christian beheaded
A Christian man was beheaded last week as he drove home from work in Homs, reports Fars News.
Fides confirms that Fadi Matanius Mattah, 34, was killed and his friend Firas Nader, 29, was wounded as armed jihadists opened fire on their car.
A priest told Fides that, noting that Fadi was wearing a cross around his neck, they beheaded him.
Afghan atheist scared of going home
An Afghan atheist has been granted asylum in the UK for \’religious\’ reasons, reports the BBC.
Brought up a Muslim, the man has become an atheist after six years in the UK and claims he would face persecution and possibly a death sentence if he returned home.
It is believed to be the first time someone has been granted asylum in the UK on the basis of their atheism.
CAR crisis \’far from over\’
The crisis in the Central African Republic is far from over, despite the resignation of President Michel Djotodia, according to a local Catholic archbishop.
\”The shooting has ceased, but the tensions are still there,\” said Nestor Desire Nongo-Aziagbia, archbishop of Bossangoa. \”Resignation is a first step towards solving the crisis.\”
The archbishop added that politicians must now elect someone to \”bring the people together\”. Nearly one million people have been displaced since the beginning of the conflict in March. More than 100,000 are camped at Bangui\’s airport, while others are sleeping in churches and mosques.
Source RNS
CAR President Djotodia resigns
Central African Republic\’s first Muslim president Michel Djotodia has resigned from office at a regional summit aimed at ending the violence that has engulfed the country.
Djotodia took power from former president Francois Bozizé in a coup in March last year, as head of the now-disbanded Séléka rebel forces.
Séléka forces were accused of gross human rights abuses, including mass rape and murder, and of specifically targeting Christians. Violence has continued between the disbanded group and self-defence militias named anti-Balaka (anti-Machete).
Christians had protested for Djotodia\’s removal from power before Christmas.

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye.
Herald boss investigated over \’Allah\’
The director of Malaysia\’s Catholic Herald newspaper, at the centre of the storm regarding Christians\’ use of the word \’Allah\’, is being investigated for comments made in an article on December 27 claiming Catholics have a right to use the word.
Lawrence Andrew, who is also a Catholic priest, is being investigated for \”sedition\”, reports Fides.
This follows the seizure by the country\’s top Islamic authority, alongside police, of more than 330 Malaysian bibles from the Malaysian Bible Society last week because they used the word \’Allah\’ for God.
The Islamic Religious Department claims the use of the word \’Allah\’ should be reserved for Muslims alone.
In a separate development, the Malaysian government has moved to ban the country\’s leading coalition of 54 human rights NGOs, COMANGO, which reported to the UN Human Rights\’ Council Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in 2013.
The government says most of these NGOs are \’un-Islamic\’ and un-registered. COMANGO says as a coalition entity, it is not itself bound by registration legislation.
During the UPR, COMANGO called for its government to sign the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, of which Article 18 is about the rights of religious freedom.  
A representative of the Malaysian government defended its religious restrictions, saying they are in the interests of public order.
Vatican to hold peace talks
The Vatican has scheduled a meeting for Jan. 13 to discuss the potential for a cease-fire in Syria, ahead of UN-backed peace talks in Geneva, planned to start on Jan. 24.
Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo told Vatican Radio that a cessation of hostilities was vital \”in order to allow humanitarian aid, to create humanitarian corridors that at the moment don\’t exist, and the cessation of persecution against Christians and so-called interreligious martyrdom\”.
He said that Syria\’s Christians fear they are being targeted systematically by Islamist rebels seeking to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
The Vatican said Egyptian politician Mohamed El Baradei and American economist Jeffrey Sachs will attend the meeting. Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has also been invited.
30 killed in Plateau State violence
Around 30 people were killed and 25 others injured on Jan. 7 during an attack in Plateau State, in Central Nigeria.
More than 40 houses were burnt down during the attack, which local media blamed on Fulani herdsmen.
Much of the violence is blamed on land disputes between mainly Muslim Fulani herdsmen and the mainly Christian Berom farmers, reports the BBC, in the area where Nigeria\’s predominantly Muslim north meets its Christian-majority south.
Nanle Church update 11 released
A number of Christians from Nanle County Church in Henan Province, China, have been released after almost two months in custody, although 13 are still being detained.
Twenty-four church members were arrested in mid-November, including five church leaders, after a dispute over a piece of land on which the group hoped to build a new church.
Source China Aid
Iranian convert jailed for evangelism
An Iranian Christian convert has been sentenced to one year in prison for charges including evangelism.
Hossein Saketi Aramsari was tried at the Revolutionary Court in Karaj, near Tehran. He was arrested in July of last year.
Source Mohabat News

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Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye.
Egypt\’s President visits church
Egypt\’s President has attended Christmas celebrations at Cairo\’s Orthodox Cathedral reported to be the first time in history that the President has done so.
The gesture of solidarity comes at a poignant time for Egypt\’s 10% Christian minority, who last year experienced their worst violence, at the hands of lslamists, for hundreds of years.
(Source RFI)
Freed priest returns to France
Georges Vandenbeusch, the French priest held hostage for nearly seven weeks in Cameroon, returned to France on New Year\’s Day.
President Francois Hollande greeted the 42-year-old cleric at an Air Force base near Paris early on Jan. 1, after France Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius received him in the Cameroon capital of Yaounde.
The Islamist militant group Boko Haram took responsibility for the kidnapping in November. Little has been revealed about the circumstances of his release, though the French government has said no ransom was paid.
Source BBC
Farsi speakers banned from church
A church in Tehran has become the latest to close its doors to Farsi speakers.
St. Peter\’s Evangelical Church in the Iranian capital is preventing speakers of the country\’s official language from attending following pressure from government officials, reports Mohabat News.
Armenians and Assyrians will be permitted to attend the church, but the IDs of all congregants will be passed on to the government, Mohabat adds.
In May, the Central Assemblies of God church in Tehran was forced to cancel all services in the Farsi language or face permanent closure.
Following this, Mansour Borji, advocacy officer for human-rights group Article 18, said \”I am certain that the AOG church in Tehran will not be the last. If the Iranian government manages to close this church, the few remaining churches that have Farsi-speaking services will follow.\”
Iranian converts arrested
Five Iranian converts to Christianity were arrested while celebrating Christmas together in Tehran, reports Mohabat News.
Ahmad Bazyar, Fagheh Nasrollahi, Mastaneh Rastegari, Amir-Hossein Ne\’matollahi and another man with the surname of Hosseini were arrested on Christmas Eve at Mr. Hosseini\’s house and taken to an unknown location.
Meanwhile Mohabat News reports that another Iranian Christian serving a six-year jail sentence in Karaj has written to the UN\’s High Commissioner for Human Rights to complain after his family home was raided, with his wife and children at home.
Behnam Irani wrote from prison \”[The] Islamic regime of Iran does not seem to be tired of persecuting the followers of non-Islamic faiths and is seeking to establish a religious dictatorship… Iranian authorities raided our homes and made the sweetness of Christmas bitter for us.\”
More Christians arrested in Nanle
Several more members of Nanle County Church in Henan Province in China have been arrested, China Aid reports.
Those reportedly detained include the youngest daughter of Pastor Zhang Shaojie, who was himself one of the 24 church members arrested last month.
Seven of the 24 were reportedly released, but the whereabouts of the remaining 17 is unknown and they have been denied access to a lawyer.

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye.  One of \’worst ever\’ years for Copts
Egypt\’s Coptic Christians are undergoing some of the worst persecution of their 2000-year history, reports CBS News. In its flagship programme, \’60 Minutes\’, CBS reports that Copts hoped Egypt\’s revolution would improve their fortunes, but instead the last year has been \”one of their worst ever\”.
CAR Djotodia to speak to militias
Central African Republic President Michel Djotodia has offered to speak to the leaders of so-called \”Christian\” militias, reports the BBC, in attempt to deal with the worsening sectarian conflict.
Speaking to French RFI radio, he said he was ready to \”extend his hand\”. A former rebel leader, Djotodia became the Christian majority country\’s first Muslim leader after a coup in March.
Meanwhile, the African Union has authorised increasing the number of troops deployed in the country to 6,000. An estimated 10 per cent of the CAR\’s 4.6 million population have fled their homes since the beginning of the violence.
Lawyers begin hunger strike
Fifteen lawyers who have been prevented from seeing their clients, a group of 24 Chinese Christians arrested in Henan Province earlier this month, have started a hunger strike outside the Nanle County Public Security Bureau.
China Aid reports that of the 24 Christians detained, seven have been released, but 17 remain in custody and have been denied permission to see their lawyers. It is still unclear on what charges they are being detained.
Retired Iranian pastor jailed
A retired Iranian pastor has been sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison.
Rev. Vruir Avanessian, 61, who is of Armenian descent, was found guilty on Dec. 5 of anti-government activities and promotion of ideas contrary to the sanctity of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The pastor, who is reported to be unwell, has 20 days to appeal.
Source Mohabat News
Bishops arrested at Dalit protest
Bishops were arrested by police in India during a protest against the discrimination of the Christian Dalit minority.
Archbishop Anil Couto of Delhi was among those arrested during the protest on Dec. 11. He and several other bishops were taken to a local police station and later released, reports UCA.
Protestors were demanding a revamp of India\’s constitution, which guarantees a reservation of government jobs and places in educational institutions for underprivileged classes, but Christians and Muslims among these classes are denied such benefits on the grounds that their religions do not recognise the caste system.

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Iranians released two weeks early
Two Iranian Christians have been released from jail two weeks before the end of their sentences. Farhad Sabokrouh, pastor of the Assemblies of God Church in Ahwaz, and Naser Zamen-Dezfuli, were released on December 4, seven months after their incarceration for converting from Islam to Christianity, proselytising Muslims, and propagating against the Islamic regime through evangelism.
Source Mohabat News. Séléka attacks hospital in CAR, Séléka forces attacked a hospital in the Central African Republic capital of Bangui on Friday, killing at least a dozen patients, Al Jazeera reports. Gunmen pulled patients from the hospital and shot them. The hospital has been abandoned. The attack occurred as additional French forces began deploying throughout the northwest sector of the country, as authorised by the United Nations Security Council vote on Thursday.
30,000 Eritreans abducted in five years
Around 30,000 Eritreans have been abducted since 2007 and taken to Egypt\’s Sinai, where they face torture and ransom demands, according to a study presented to the European Parliament.
The study, conducted by an Eritrean human rights activist and professors from a Dutch University, says more than $600m has been accrued from families in ransom payments.
\”[The hostages] are chained together without toilets or washing facilities and dehydrated, starved and deprived of sleep,\” the report says. \”They are subject to threats of death and organ harvesting… Those who attempt to escape are severely tortured.\”
Source BBC
Sharia law enforced in Libya
Libya has voted to make sharia law the basis of all legislation.
Two years after the NATO-backed uprising that ousted Muammar Gaddafi, Libya is still in messy transition with no new constitution and its temporary assembly caught in deadlock between an Islamist party and political rivals.
As in Tunisia and Egypt where autocratic leaders were ousted in the Arab Spring revolts, Libya has seen fierce debate over the role of Islam in its new democracy with the rise of hardline Islamists long oppressed by Gaddafi
\”Islamic law is the source of legislation in Libya,\” the General National Congress said in a statement after the vote on Wednesday (Dec. 4). \”All state institutions need to comply with this.\”
Source Reuters
Egypt\’s draft constitution explained
Egypt\’s Constituent Assembly declared on Monday that the draft of the country\’s proposed new constitution is ready for public review. A popular vote is intended within 30 days of Monday\’s release.
What\’s in it? The Washington, D.C.-based Atlantic Council has published a close study of the document, including a detailed examination of changes affecting religious freedom. In the draft, Islam remains the official state religion, and the principles of Sharia remain \”the primary source of legislation\”, though the document no longer contains language that defines those principles and instead leaves the matter to the courts.

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Peace efforts in Tanzania \’useless\’
Christian leaders in Tanzania have said peace efforts between Christians and Muslims in the country have proved useless after the recent burning of two churches.
The torching of a Lutheran church in Korogwe and Evangelical Assemblies of God church in Kalalani have caused the union of church denominations in the Tanga region, in northeastern Tanzania, to reject the government\’s peace platform, which requires Muslim and Christian leaders to discuss various religious issues, and to petition for something more effective. \”The situation these days is not good,\” said Dr Jothan Mwakimage, a bishop, who chaired the Christian group. \”We need to come up with another peace committee to be set by ourselves because the government platform has failed to deal with the matter.\”
Chairperson of the defence and security committee, Chiku Gallawa, added \”Peace is important to all the people, regardless of their faith. Therefore, all of us must be responsible for ensuring that the peace we have prevails for the benefit of the present and future generations of this nation.\”
Source Tanzania Daily News. Terrorist link to torched churches
Russia\’s Tatarstan Republic is offering 1 million rubles ($30,000) for information relating to the recent torching of several Orthodox churches in the region.
Four Orthodox churches were set on fire in the predominantly Muslim Republic in November and explosives were found in the city of Tuban Kama and the Aleksei district, reports Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.
Investigators classified the attacks as vandalism and arson, but Tatarstan\’s prosecutor-general insisted they should be investigated as terrorism.
Seven Orthodox churches have been burnt down in the past six months. The Central Spiritual Board of Russian Muslims has condemned the arson attacks, saying \”There is no doubt that such action is an attempt to stir up sectarian discord and ethnic hatred\”.
Satellite evidence of CAR destruction
Human Rights Watch has released satellite images of the destruction caused during a recent attack on the village of Camp Bangui in the Central African Republic.
The images, recorded on the morning of November 23, show half the village burnt to the ground.
The New York-based rights organisation said it has collected detailed satellite evidence of arson attacks on 15 additional villages and towns across the Central African Republic.
The UN is preparing to send a peacekeeping force to the lawless country, after months of violence since the deposition of former president Francois Bozizé in March.
Sudan \’tramples\’ on its people\’s rights
The chairman of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, Robert George, says Sudan is continuing to fail to adhere to international religious freedom standards.
Through the imposition of Sharia law, George writes in the Washington Times that Sudan is a particularly difficult place for non-Muslims and for women.
\”The regime… continues to trample on the fundamental rights of its own people, including the right to freedom of religion or belief,\” he writes.
Christians \’held\’ in Syrian town
Following a reported Islamist invasion on the town of Deir Atieh in Syria, north of Damascus, Fides reports that Christians are being prevented from leaving.
\”The militiamen examine the identification documents of those who intend to leave the city and retain those who have Christian names,\” states Fides.

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Vatican rejects M.E without Christians. pope Francis says the Vatican \”will not resign itself to a Middle East without Christians\”. In the wake of reports of millions of Christians fleeing the region, Pope Francis said he was concerned by \”the situation of Christians, who suffer in a particularly severe way the consequences of tensions and conflicts in many parts of the Middle East\”. But he said he would not rest \”while there are still men and women of any religion… whose future is stolen and are forced to become refugees\”.
Source BBC. Burma on the road to religious freedom
Burma is moving towards greater interfaith freedom of expression, but challenges remain, according to Christian Solidarity Worldwide\’s Benedict Rogers, writing for the Wall Street Journal.
Rogers notes that, while the country has made great strides in recent years, there is an ongoing threat of ethnic and religious violence. However, he states that \”the prospect of guns falling silent across Burma for the first time in over 65 years may be closer than ever\”.
\”But at the same time,\” Rogers writes, \”We heard testimonies of sexual violence, forced labour and religious discrimination from Chin Christians. Over the years, Chin state has suffered from a chronic lack of basic services, including infrastructure and medical care, thanks to the previous regime\’s deliberate policy of subjugation. If real change is to be secured, policies based on ethnicity or religion must end.\”
Burma is predominantly Buddhist, but many of the non-Burmese ethnic nationalities have significant Christian populations, while Muslims may account for up to 10% of the population.
Kony urged to surrender in CAR
The President of the Central African Republic (CAR) has been in contact with warlord Joseph Kony, head of the Lord\’s Resistance Army (LRA), urging him to surrender, reports Reuters.
However, the African Union\’s (AU) special envoy on the LRA told the UN that Kony has \”used the negotiations as a window of opportunity\” to relocate many of his fighters to north-eastern CAR.
The AU has been hunting him since he went underground in 2005. Kony has been indicted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court for his two-decade-long guerrilla war against the Ugandan government.
Kazakh pastor\’s trial postponed
The court hearing for a Kazakh pastor detained since May has been pushed back again.
Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev, 67, pastor of Grace Protestant Church in Astana, is charged with the psychological manipulation of a member of his congregation through the use of a \”red-coloured hallucinogenic drink\”.
Other members of the congregation say the drink is a harmless, non-alcoholic beverage used as part of the church\’s Holy Communion, to represent the traditionally used, and symbolic, red wine.
The pastor was supposed to learn his fate on Sunday (Nov. 17), but his son was informed that the hearing had been postponed.
Askar Kashkumbayev was told that a new date will be confirmed on Friday (Nov. 22). No reason was given for the postponement.
Boko Haram targets Christian girls
Boko Haram is abducting Christian women, converting them to Islam on pain of death and then forcing them to marry its fighters, reports Reuters.
Reuters tells the story of 19-year-old Christian Hajja, who was abducted by the Islamist group in July and was then forced to work as their slave.
Hajja converted to Islam, cooked for the men, carried ammunition during an attack on a police outpost and was about to be married to one of the insurgents when she managed to escape.
\”If I cried, they beat me. If I spoke, they beat me,\” Hajja told Reuters. \”They told me I must become a Muslim but I refused again and again. They were about to slaughter me and one of them begged me not to resist and just before I had my throat slit I relented. They put a veil on me and made me read from the Koran.\”

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. U.S. tags Boko Haram as terrorists
The United States has made official what Nigeria\’s churches have long asserted Boko Haram is a terrorist organisation. The state department announced on Thursday it has designated Boko Haram a \”foreign terrorist organisation\”, and as \”specially designated global terrorists\”. The Islamist insurgent group \”is responsible for thousands of deaths in northeast and central Nigeria over the last several years including targeted killings of civilians\”, according to a state department release. In its announcement, the state department did not mention Boko Haram\’s numerous and deadly attacks on Christians, but a U.S. senior administration official told journalists on background that Boko Haram is \”responsible for thousands of deaths since its conception in 2009, including large-scale attacks against Muslim and Christian religious communities, and women and children.\”
At the same time, the state department also imposed the same designations on Ansaru, a Boko Haram splinter group. The designations authorise the U.S. Treasury Department to seize the groups\’ assets, and make it illegal for any American to provide assistance to them.
Eighty executed in North Korea
Around 80 people were killed in public executions across a number of cities in North Korea earlier this month, a South Korean newspaper reports.
In one city, eight victims were mostly charged with watching or illegally trafficking South Korean videos, being involved in prostitution or being in possession of a Bible. Accomplices or relatives of the executed people who were implicated in their alleged crimes were sent to prison camps.
The reason for the executions wasn\’t immediately clear. They seem to have occurred in cities that are centers of economic development (but not Pyongyang), according to a government official.
\’Biggest massacre yet\’ in Syria
Rebel forces in Syria have carried out the \”most serious and biggest massacre of Christians\” since the conflict began, Syrian priests told Fides.
In the Christian town of Sadad, near Homs, 1500 families were held hostage in the last week of October and 45 killed and thrown into mass graves, Fides reports.
Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregorios III told ACN the attacks were \”bestial\”, as some families were thrown into wells.
\”How can somebody do such inhumane and bestial things to an elderly couple and their family? I do not understand why the world does not raise its voice against such acts of brutality,\” he said.
UN CAR in danger of genocide
The Central African Republic is at risk of lapsing into genocide, the Unitied Nations Security Council was told on Friday. \”This will end with Christian communities, Muslim communities killing each other, which means that if we don\’t act now and decisively I will not exclude the possibility of a genocide occurring,\” Adama Dieng, U.N. special adviser on the prevention of genocide, told the 15-member council. France and Rwanda called the special meeting.
A coalition of rebel groups under the Séléka banner forced out the Central African Republic\’s president in March. Since then, the Islamist-dominated rebels have attacked churches, killed pastors, raped nuns and forced thousands of Christians to flee their towns. Law enforcement has essentially vanished.
\”More and more you have inter-sectarian violence because the Séléka targeted the churches and the Christians, so now the Christians have created self-defense militias and they are retaliating against the Muslims,\” French U.N. Ambassador Gerard Araud said after the meeting.
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has a Nov. 10 deadline to issue a report on the feasibility of sending a UN peacekeeping force to the Central African Republic.
Source Reuters
Egypt votes for religious freedom
The Committee drafting a revised Egyptian Constitution has voted to revise Article 47, which guarantees the free exercise of religion for all citizens – not just the three Abrahamic faiths, as a draft in August had proposed. The draft will now be amended to include all religious minorities, including Shia Muslims and the Ba\’hai, as well as Sunni Islam, Christianity and Judaism. Even the earlier draft came in strong contrast to the previous draft Constitution of 2012 (composed under President Morsi and Islamist influences) – one factor which led to the popular revolution which saw Morsi\’s overthrow in July 2013.
The Committee\’s spokesperson Mohamed Salmawy said the text would now read \”the state guarantees absolute freedom of religious practice\”, and went on…\”and that the state facilitates the construction of places of worship for all\”. This refers to the fact that the Committee has adopted a transitional article that will remove existing restrictions on the building of new churches in the country, and the renovation of others.
Christians, who make up 10 to 15 per cent of Egypt\’s 85 million population, currently need special presidential permits in order to build or renovate churches in Egypt.
Salmawy noted that most committee members agree that Islam grants absolute freedom for all religions, citing the Prophet Mohamed who said \”We are not entitled to open the hearts of others to know what their beliefs are.\”
Source Ahram

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. [ Kidnapped bishops \’still alive\’ ] The two Syrian bishops kidnapped in April are believed to be alive, according to Turkey\’s Foreign Ministry, which says it is continuing to petition for their release.
Bishops Yohanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yaziji were kidnapped on April 22 after returning from the Turkish border town, Hatay. \”Our efforts to rescue them are still under way,\” said a statement. \”We are doing our best to ensure anyone who has been kidnapped in Syria is saved, as our minister had previously expressed. Men of religion have an added significance. Turkey is making every effort so the metropolitans can be saved. Although we are not 100 per cent certain, we have reason to believe they are alive.\”
Source Today\’s Zaman ] [ Bae \’in better health\’
The mother of imprisoned Korean-American Christian Kenneth Bae has told the BBC his health has improved after two months of medical treatment.
However, she said she fears his health will suffer if he is returned to a labour camp. Last November, Bae was sentenced to 15 years\’ hard labour, convicted of plotting to topple the regime.
Bae reportedly suffers from diabetes, high blood pressure, a fatty liver and a back problem.
Police tell Mexicans not to evangelise
A Mexican pastor and 30 members of his congregation have been released after a 72-hour detention for evangelism. The group from Galiléa Church in the southern city of Ocosingo were warned that they would be sent back to prison if they continued to evangelise.
CAR \’could be next failed state\’
The Central African Republic is in danger of becoming the world\’s latest failed state, according to Médecins Sans Frontières\’ director Arjan Hehenkamp.
In a report published by The Guardian, Hehenkamp wrote that religion has become part of the conflict in a country \”gripped by violence since the coup d\’etat in March\”.
\”The church compound is like an open-air prison,\” he wrote. \”People don\’t even dare to go and fetch the wood they need for cooking. They don\’t dare to go out of that protected zone back to their houses, where they would have a roof over their heads and some proper facilities, even though their houses are sometimes only a few 100 metres away.\”
Coptic wedding party attacked in Cairo
Four people, including an eight-year-old girl, have been killed in an attack outside a Coptic church after a wedding in Cairo.
At least nine others were injured, some seriously, after the attack by gunmen on motorbikes. Egypt\’s Prime Minister has condemned the attack, saying that the perpetrators will not succeed in creating a wedge between Muslims and Christians.
Sources BBC, AINA

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Court hearing for Moroccan delayed
A court hearing for Mohamed el Baldi, a Moroccan Christian accused of \’shaking the faith of a Muslim\’, has been postponed to Dec. 31. Arrested Aug. 28, Mohamed was sentenced shortly thereafter to 30 months. He was conditionally released following a Sept. 26 court appearance, and an appeal hearing initially was set for Oct. 10. That hearing, now set for Dec. 31, is the soonest that el Baldi can obtain a complete release. Judges to newspaper Stop saying \’Allah\’
A Catholic newspaper may not use the word \’Allah\’ to refer to God, a Malaysian appeals court ruled on Monday. The all-Muslim, three-judge panel reversed a 2009 finding by a trial court that allowed the Malay-language newspaper, The Herald, to print the word. Chief judge Mohamed Apandi Ali said in the ruling \”The usage of the word \’Allah\’ is not an integral part of the faith in Christianity. The usage of the word will cause confusion in the community.\”
Rev. Lawrence Andrew, founding editor of the Herald, said in response \”God is an integral part of every religion,\” and said the paper will appeal to Malaysia\’s highest court, according to Reuters. The Christian Federation of Malaysia issued a statement calling the ruling \”yet another erosion and infringement of the constitutional protection to the freedom of religious communities to profess and practise their faith.\” Federation Chairman Rev. Eu Hong Seng said the ruling does not appear to apply to the use of \’Allah\’ in the Bible, educational materials, or during worship. EU Parliament pleads for Christian safety
The European Parliament has gone on record condemning violence against Christians in several countries. In a resolution passed on Thursday, Oct. 10, the parliament Condemned militant attacks on Christians in Syria, and called for protection of monasteries and humanitarian support for nuns and orphans;
Condemned the Sept. 22 bombing attack on All Saints Anglican Church in Peshawar, Pakistan, which killed more than 80 people; and urged Pakistan to dismantle its anti-blasphemy laws, which the parliament said \”can be misused against people of all faiths\”;
Called on Iran to release American pastor Saeed Abedini, who was imprisoned in 2012 on charges that his previous work to establish Christian churches threatened Iran\’s national security.
Another boatful of migrants capsizes
One week after a shipwreck killed more than 300 African migrants seeking asylum in Europe, another boat capsized in the Mediterranean Sea on Friday, Oct. 11, killing several more.
The boat, carrying more than 200 migrants, capsized about 105 kilometres southeast of Lampedusa, an island that itself is about 130 kilometres south of the Italian island of Sicily. The Associated Press reported that most of the passengers had been rescued, but that several bodies were seen in the water.
As World Watch Monitor reported on Oct. 8, many of those who pay smugglers more than $1,000 for a spot on the dangerous boats are fleeing persecution in places such as Egypt, Ethiopia and Eritrea. Kazakh pastor released, then arrested
Kazakh pastor Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev walked out of prison Oct. 8, only to be arrested again at the prison gate on terrorism charges. The pastor, already awaiting trial on charges that he used a \”red-coloured hallucinogenic drink\” to cause psychlogical harm to a member of his congregation, was permitted to leave prison and await trial under house arrest. He was on his way out of the prison when several officials ordered him to accompany them to the police station.
There, according to the human-rights watchdog Forum 18, police questioned Kashkumbayev about whether he had engaged in \”propaganda of terrorism or extremism\” in connection with the case already lodged agasint him. He is being held at the temporary isolation prison of the Astana police, Forum 18 said.

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Amnesty Egypt failed to protect Copts
A new report by Amnesty International claims the authorities in Egypt are failing to prevent \”deeply disturbing\” attacks on the country\’s Coptic Christian minority. The organisation has called for an investigation into a series of deadly sectarian incidents. \”Failure to bring to justice those responsible for sectarian attacks sends the message that Copts and other religious minorities are fair game,\” said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Amnesty International\’s Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa. Pastor placed under house arrest. Kazakh pastor Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev has been told he will be released from prison but only to be placed under house arrest, reports Forum 18. The pastor, who has been detained for almost five months and undertook a hunger strike in protest, is still awaiting trial.
He will be confined to speaking with his close relatives and will be able to leave home only for medical appointments until at least November 17.
Pakistan \’beset with religious rage\’. The World Council of Churches has registered with Pakistan Prime Minister Naraz Sharif its dismay at the recent wave of violence that has claimed nearly 150 lives. In an Oct. 3 letter to Sharif, council General Secretary Rev. Olav Fykse Tveit said the council\’s 345 member churches, representing 500 million Christians, are \”deeply disturbed by the present environment of growing terrorism and religious rage and intolerance in Pakistan that has given rise to such attacks.\” Nearly 90 people were killed on Sept. 22 in a bomb attack on All Saints Anglican Church in Peshawar. On Sept. 27, a bus bomb killed 19, and on Sept. 29 a bomb in a Peshawar market killed more than 40 people.
Tveit said the council has \”serious concern about the safety and security of the religious minorities in Pakistan during [the] highly charged situation of growing religious extremism.\” The letter urges that \”all necessary measures be undertaken to provide safety and security of the vulnerable communities, especially the religious communities who are facing constant threat to their lives\”.
The Presbyterian Church of Pakistan, encompassing 340 congregations and 400,000 people, and the 500,000-member Church of Pakistan are members of the world council. Egyptian bishop eludes gunmen
An automobile occupied by the bishop of the Coptic Church in Minya, Egypt, and several companions came under gunfire on Monday. No one was hurt.
\”We are all safe,\” Bishop Makarios told Bishop Angaelos, general bishop of The Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom, according to a release from the UK church. \”But it is unfortunate that this can happen during a time of healing. This is an indication that while steps are being taken towards reconciliation, there are those who still want to delay us.\”
The UK church said the attack occurred at 7 a.m. Monday, Sept. 30, as Makarios was on the way to the home of a family of a man who had been killed during the anti-Christian violence that erupted nationwide on Aug. 14.
The Assyrian International News Agency reported that the bishop\’s driver was able to steer the car away from the gunfire and bring the occupants to the home of a Coptic family, where the bishop and the occupants took refuge. The assailants continued to fire on the house, AINA reported, for 90 minutes before police arrived.
Archbishop of Aleppo lists damages. The Archbishop of Aleppo says that 1,400 factories and shops have been looted, demolished or burned in Aleppo alone, while more than 2,000 schools have been \”devastated or put out of use\”.
Jean-Clément Jeanbart told Fides that \”37 hospitals and 1,000 small clinics and dispensaries have been vandalised… grain silos emptied, power stations sabotaged, railway lines dismantled, and roads blocked and made impassable and dangerous because of armed gangs that terrorise travellers who dare to move and leave town\”.

[ Catching Our Eye ] [ lettera aperta al governo massonico di youtube ] perché, ti lamenti? lo sanno tutti, che, io sono un dittatore! lol. e se, ti rifiuti di guardare? infatti, di certo poi \” tu puoi sempre diventare cieco!  \”

[Catching Our Eye] [open letter to the government Masonic youtube] why are you complaining about you see christians martyrs? everybody knows that I\’m a dictator! lol. and if you refuse to watch? In fact, of course then \”You can always go for to become blind!\”

Catching Our Eye [open letter to the government Masonic youtube] [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Amid the ruins, forgiveness. Continuing the growing stream of reporting on the extensive damage done to Egypt\’s churches since Aug. 14, the Sat7 Christian broadcasting service showed video on Sunday of the worship service at the Evangelical Church of Beni Mazar, in the Minya region. Worshipers sang and prayed in the charred remains of their building. \”They burned and destroyed the building, but it will never be possible for them to burn and destroy the Church because the Church will remain forever,\” Rev. Hany Jacque preached. Sat7 founder and CEO Terence Ascott, who lives in Egypt, said the church service has been typical of the Christian response to the destruction of dozens of churches \”It is evident that the almost universally non-violent response to these attacks… has greatly impressed many Muslims. This has been a very public turning of the other cheek by the Christians of Egypt, and a very public act of obedience to Jesus\’ injunction for His followers to \’…love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you\’ \”. Sat7 uses two satellites to beam Christian programing to Europe, the Middle East, northern Africa and parts of Asia. Assyrians urge U.S. to hold fire
The Assyrian American National Coalition has mounted an online letter-writing drive to urge the U.S. administration to hold its fire in Syria. Assyrians are an ancient ethnic group indigenous to the Middle East, and belonging mostly to various eastern and orthodox Christian churches. \”Now, as extremist jihadists have moved their war to Syria, an American strike will undoubtedly motivate further attacks on Christians in Syria,\” the letter states. \”While the use of chemical weapons should not be condoned, the United States must weigh the unintended but utterly predictable negative consequences of further military involvement in Syria on Assyrians and other Christians in the Middle East.\” As of Sept. 11, the AANC said more than 1,300 letters had been transmitted to the White House and members of Congress.
Malaysia \’Allah\’ verdict next month. The verdict on the Malaysian government\’s appeal against the High Court\’s ruling in December 2009, which upheld the right of other faiths to use \’Allah\’ (eg. for \’God\’ in a Malay language Bible) will be given next month. The 2009 ruling triggered fire-bombings and vandalism targeted at churches and Christian-run schools. When one affected pastor said on TV \’\’We forgive\’\’, it prompted political debate about the Christian ethic of forgiveness, but this was not enough to stop the government appealing against this ruling to appease the Malay majority. That appeal was finally heard yesterday, with government, Catholic Church representatives and Muslim hardliners in a packed courtroom. Pastor still detained in Philippines. As the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) attack on Zamboanga continues into a third day, the city\’s mayor has said the total number of evacuees has reached over 3,000 families. An eyewitness reported \”We went to a missionary to bring rice, and then the commotion began. We went around the city; there were a lot of closed roads and the village was in uproar. The rebels were dressed in civilian clothes and in military uniforms, so it\’s difficult to identify them. We passed by the grandstand where the people have been evacuated and saw many tribal people attempting to get inside. We couldn\’t help them.\” GMA News is updating a timeline of events as they occur. A pastor taken hostage on September 9 is still being detained.
The leader of MNLF, Nur Misuari, is a former governor of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao. There has been no official word from him to date, but an MNLF spokesman said \”The die is cast. We\’ve begun on the river of no return… For us, there is no solution anymore except for us to liberate the whole of Mindanao.\” (Source ABS-CBN News) The on-going standoff seems to have stemmed from the Philippine Government\’s termination of The Tripartite Implementation Review of the 1996 Final Peace Agreement with the MNLF, according to local media.
Retired pastor tried in Tehran. The trial of a retired Iranian-Armenian pastor started on September 7 at the Revolutionary Court in Tehran, nine months after his arrest, reports Mohabat News. Vruir Avanessian, 61, is accused of \”action against national security\” and \”proselytising Farsi-speaking citizens\”. His trial took place behind closed doors. Avanessian, who suffers from a heart condition, has been in and out of hospital during his detention. He was arrested in December last year, alongside fellow Christian Mostafa Bordbar, who was sentenced last month to 10 years in prison on similar charges.

[al Governo massonico mondiale di youtube lettera aperta ] su dai, tu non fare così, il permaloso, per quello che io ho detto. tutto quì? tu pensa sempre, in modo positivo \”se, io castigo, punisco, il tuo corpo, poi, la tua anima sarà purificata\” quindi, tu hai bisogno di tribolazioni, per non essere più un satanista, e per imparare ad essere un martire cristiano, anche tu!

[Masonic Government worldwide, for satan JaBullOn in youtube open letter] on come on, you do not do so, the touchy, for what I said. everything here? You always think, in a positive way \”If I will punishment against you, punish, your body, then your soul will be cleansed\” therefore, you need to have tribulations, to no longer be a Satanist, and to learn to be a Christian martyr, you too!

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Christian village \’overrun\’ in Syria. Clashes between Syrian government troops and rebel forces threatened to overrun a Christian village north of Damascus this week, reports the Associated Press. Opposition fighters are reported to have been led by an al-Qaeda-linked rebel faction, which attacked Maaloula on September 4, before pulling out the next day.
AP reports that the assault has \”spotlighted fears\” among Syria\’s religious minorities about the prominence of Islamic extremists within rebel factions.
Monastery closure hits Sinai economy
Residents of the Sinai city of St. Catherine have complained they are struggling to survive following the closure of the city\’s 1,500-year-old monastery two months ago, reports Al-Monitor.
Egypt\’s government ordered the monastery shut in early July after suspicions it was to be attacked.
This is only the third time the monastery has closed in 50 years. Father Paolos, a member of the monastery\’s Holy Council, told Al-Monitor they are \”suffering a major financial crisis, and we cannot cover the monastery\’s expenses and dozens of families that we constantly support\”.
The monastery employs 400 workers, but Fr. Paolos says salaries will have to be cut \”drastically\” if the government fails to sanction the reopening of the popular tourist site. UN warns of Syria \’genocide\’. A UN diplomat has warned that if the violence in Syria continues at its present rate, there is a \”risk of genocide\”.
Mokhtar Lamani, who worked with the UN during both the Balkans war and Rwanda, told the BBC that Alawites and Christians were at most risk, and that over two million Syrians have fled.
The BBC\’s Middle East Editor Jeremy Bowen says UN envoys are reluctant to use the word \”genocide\” and that Lamani, based on the diplomat\’s personal experience, can be considered an \”authoritative source\”.
New concern for North Korea. A new report from The Committee for Human Rights in North Korea states that an \”extremely high\” number of prisoners are detained on political grounds, while countless others are unaccounted for or have died in detention. \”Through this vast system of unlawful imprisonment, the North Korean regime isolates, banishes, punishes and executes those suspected of being disloyal to the regime,\” the report states. \”They are deemed \’wrong-thinkers,\’ \’wrong-doers,\’ or those who have acquired \’wrong-knowledge\’ or have engaged in \’wrong-associations.\’ \”
Korean-American Christian Kenneth Bae is one of many perceived political opponents in prison in North Korea. His trial and conviction came at a time of high tension between the US and North Korea, in the wake of the communist state\’s third nuclear test. The US Special Envoy for North Korean rights Robert King last week hoped to seek pardon for Bae, who is suffering from ill health, but King was refused entry. Today former US basketball player Dennis Rodman is visiting \’his friend\’ Kim Jung-un. Rodman says he will not be discussing Bae\’s case at all.
Meanwhile, the United Nations has been refused access to North Korea\’s prison camps. However, an initial UN investigation found evidence of forced amputations and reports that a mother was forced to kill her own newborn baby, report The Telegraph, and the BBC. Another view of Egypt\’s violence
While much of Egypt and the world fixates on the fate of the Muslim Brotherhood and their attacks on Coptic churches, Timothy Kaldas sees something else \”The state\’s cynical use of Christian suffering to justify its violent behavior.\”
Despite the fact that attacks on Christian churches and communities have been widespread and well-documented since Aug. 14, \”the security forces, be they police or military, have been nowhere to be seen. This is not due to them being unaware of the attacks,\” writes Kaldas on the English-language Mada Masr news website. The American-born son of Egyptian expatriates, Kaldas is a Cairo-based photographer.
\”Every press conference that addresses the foreign media never fails to inform foreign journalists they\’re not paying enough attention to the crimes being perpetrated against Christians throughout the country,\” he writes. \”[T]he negligence of the media, if you believe such negligence exists, pales in comparison to the negligence of the state, whose only interest in mentioning attacks on Christians is to further their political agenda.\”

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. [ Algierian military seizes Christian man ] An Algerian Christian has been arrested, his home searched and his computer seized, without explanation, according to the Protestant Church of Algeria. The man, identified by the name Sofiane, was riding in a taxi Aug. 23 when he was stopped at a military checkpoint near Biskra, about 500 kilometres south of Algiers. He was taken to Biskra for questioning.
\”The police raided his family home and took his laptop and other personal items,\” said a source within the Protestant Church of Algeria, who was quoted anonymously by Open Doors International, a ministry that supports Christians who are pressured because of their faith. Sofiane, married and the father of one, remains in custody, the source said, and police have not provided any information about his detention.
CAR rebels killed; church attacked. A spiral of reprisal violence in the western portion of the Central African Republic this month has resulted in the desecration of a Catholic parish and has forced 18 priests and nuns to flee, according to Agenzia Fides, the Vatican\’s missionary news service. The trouble began earlier this month when members of the rebel coalition Seléka arrested a bicycle mechanic \”for no reason,\” Fides reported. On Aug. 16, a fed-up group of \”young local hunters\” killed four Seléka members in retaliation. The next day, Fides reports, rebels entered the town of Bouar, guns firing. They ransacked the housing quarters of the Sœurs de la Charité, burned classrooms and desecrated the church. The Diocese of Bouar sent a convoy to evacuate the priests and nuns to Bohong, about 80 kilometres to the west. Fides reports that its sources in Bouar say \”reprisals are likely to last for a long time.\”. Senator pushes for relgious-freedom envoy. U.S. Senator Roy Blunt is renewing his call for the State Department to create a special envoy for religious minorities in the Middle East. Blunt, a Republican from Missouri, introduced the necessary legislation in March. This week, in the wake of widespread attacks on Christian churches, schools and other facilities across Egypt, he renewed his plea to have his bill formally taken up for consideration. \”The continued violence against Coptic Christians and other civilians in Egypt is incredibly disturbing and flies in the face of the religious freedoms and fundamental values that Americans hold dear,\” Blunt said in a press release. The envoy would \”promote the right of religious freedom of religious minorities,\” monitor abuses, and represent U.S. interest in religious freedom to foreign governments. The bill is co-sponsored by a bipartisan mix of 10 senators. Report Nigeria violence is sectarian. Boko Haram is the foremost perpetrator of religiously motivated violence in Nigeria, claims a new report issued by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. The report, issued Aug. 19 as an update to a July 2012 report, documents dozens of Boko Haram attacks on churches and individual Christians since January 2012 that have killed at least 532 people. Attacks on critical Muslim leaders and other \”un-Islamic\” groups have killed a further 134 people. The actual numbers likely are larger, the report notes, because only those incidents for which the militant Islamist group claimed responsibility are documented.
Earlier in August, the International Criminal Court said a \”reasonable basis\” exists to conclude Boko Haram has committed crimes against humanity in Nigeria.
The USCIRF update claims Boko Haram\’s \”misuse\” of faith is increasingly putting religion at the center of Nigerian violence, and that government toleration has created environment of impunity. The commission, an an advisory body to the U.S. Congress, urges an American policy that acknowledges the centrality of religion to Nigeria\’s unrest, in order to more effectively support Abuja and Nigeria\’s religious leaders.
Beaten Chinese pastor suspects regime
A Chinese house church leader who was abducted and beaten while driving home last week said he suspects local government agents, China Aid reports.
Li Shuangping, leader of Linfen house church, was dragged from his car on Aug. 13 and assaulted by four men, who threatened to kill Li and his family. He was later released.

al governo massonico mondiale di youtube [ su dai, tu non fare, più il permaloso, e soprattutto, non dubitare più, del mio amore per te! ] io non volevo, che continuassi, a dire, ed a pensare, che, io amo di più google+, e te, di meno (per scrivere molti più articoli, sulla sua pagina)! lo sai, molto bene, che, sei tu, il mio primo amore.

the government Masonic worldwide, Nwo, satanic youtube [on come on, you did not do any more still, the more touchy, and most importantly, not doubt, most of my love for you! ] I did not want that, you continue, to say, and think, that I love the most google+, and you, less (to write many more articles on his page!) you know, very well, that, you are my first love.

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Jail then exile for Iranian convert. Iranian Christian convert Ebrahim Firouzi, 28, has been jailed for one year for \”evangelism activities [which are] considered in opposition to the regime of the Republic Islamic of Iran\”. (Source Mohabat) Firouzi, who was arrested in March and could not afford a lawyer, will then spend two years in exile in the remote city of Sarbaz, near the Pakistan border in Iran\’s southeast.
His bible and computer were confiscated and destroyed.
\’Your wife arrested, your father dead\’. An imprisoned Iranian convert to Christianity has spoken of the \”mental torture\” he has experienced since his arrest in December 2010. Mohabat News reports that Farshid Fathi, who is serving a six-year jail term for being the \”chief director of a foreign organisation in Iran and raising funds for [them]\”, was told by prison guards his wife had been arrested and his father suffered a heart attack. Neither is true. His wife and two children are safe in Canada, where they moved in February this year, after two years in Turkey.
Egyptian pastor \’fine and safe\’, Reports that an Egyptian pastor was kidnapped on Thursday (Aug. 15) were false, according to The World Today, a Swedish newspaper.
Nasralla Salib, pastor of a Seventh Day Adventist church in Asyut, on Friday (Aug. 16) told the newspaper he was \”fine and safe\”, having been sheltered from trouble by Muslim neighbours. Moderate Muslims defending their Christian neighbours has been one of the recurring stories coming out of Egypt. To keep up with events as they happen, follow our Storify feed. Crisis deepens as Cairo camps cleared
The Wall Street Journal reports that a number of churches have been attacked and some set on fire in Egypt following the bloody clearing of Morsi supporters from Cairo \’camps\’. Churches in the town of Sohag and village of Delga were reportedly set on fire while churches in the Abou Helal district of Minya and in the city of Suez were also attacked. The Anglican community in Egypt sent out an appeal for urgent prayer, saying stones and Molotov cocktails have been thrown and a priest\’s car destroyed in Suez.. While state media reported only 15 fatalities as the army cleared Morsi\’s supporters from their two main \’camps\’ in Cairo, the Muslim Brotherhood claimed thousands have been killed. Some communications in Cairo have been cut, and roads in Alexandria blocked, and the situation remains confused.
Hisham Hellyer, a professor at Georgetown University, told the BBC World Service that \”all media sources need to be double-checked, as no-one is neutral in today\’s crisis\”. Zero. That\’s the number of Christians among the 25 people sworn in as governors by Egypt\’s interim President Adly Mansour on Tuesday, according to Mideast Christian News. Egypt has 27 governates; Mansour filled the governor\’s position in all but two of them.
The incoming slate of regional executives has a Mubarak-era flavour, prompting loud protests from both the Muslim Brotherhood and the opposition groups that galvanized the popular uprising that, with the help of the Egyptian military, drove the Brotherhood from power July 3. Of the 25 appointees, 11 are former military officials, and a further two are former police commanders, Al-Ahram reported.

Catching Our Eye. [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. [ Iranian convert jailed for 10 years ] Mostafa Bordbar, an Iranian convert to Christianity, has been jailed for 10 years (Source Mohabat News). Bordbar, 27, who was arrested last year, was sentenced to five years for membership of an \”anti-security organisation\” and five years for partaking in \”gatherings with intent to commit crimes against Iranian national security\”. His lawyer, Shima Ghousheh, said she will appeal the verdict.
Italian priest \’kidnapped\’ in Syria. An Italian Jesuit priest has been abducted in Syria by Islamists with links to al-Qaeda, Reuters has reported.
Fr. Paolo Dall\’Oglio was reportedly kidnapped on Monday (July 29) in the rebel-held eastern Syrian city of Raqqa, which, Reuters says, has fallen under the control of militant Islamists. However, the Vatican has yet to confirm the news.
Dall\’Oglio had worked in Syria for over 30 years, \”promoting Islamic-Christian harmony-building\” (his  words). But he was expelled last year after speaking out against President Bashar al-Assad and helping victims of the civil war. Since then, he has been working predominantly in Europe.
On 22 July he posted an online petition to the Pope, whom he implored to advocate on behalf of suffering Syrians. However, his stance has been controversial for many Syrian Christian leaders. Nadim Nassar, the only Syrian Anglican priest, told World Watch Monitor \”Any attempt to politicize the voice of Christians in Syria is wrong, and devastating for them, because it weakens them\”.
Zimbabwe election battle begins. Zimbabweans head to the polls today (July 31) as a two-man battle gets underway between long-standing president Robert Mugabe, who has been in power for 33 years, and challenger Morgan Tsvangirai, Prime Minister since 2009. In an editorial for the Washington Post, Tsvangirai questioned whether the elections would be free and fair, but Mugabe insists Zimbabwe\’s Christian roots will ensure there will be no foul play and that he will step down if he loses. \”We don\’t do things like that [rig elections],\” he said. \”We have never done it. We have had elections before, democratic elections. The West might not have accepted them as democratic but our own people definitely know we have done no cheating, never, ever. We are also a Christian nation.\” WSJ Religious freedom \’integral\’. A recent article in The Wall Street Journal says religious freedom is an essential human right that must be protected. \”Because the freedom to live according to one\’s beliefs is so integral to human flourishing, the full protections of religious liberty must extend to all,\” write Robert George and Katrina Lantos Swett, chairman and vice chairwoman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. Body of kidnapped Assyrian discovered. The body of Salem Dawood Coca, an Assyrian from Betnaya in northern Iraq, was found on July 8 in the truck he was driving when he was kidnapped on May 27. The Assyrian International News Agency reports the truck was rigged with explosives, prompting speculation Coca was being forced to carry out a suicide bombing, but that he had refused.
AINA said the kidnappers contacted the family and called Coca a \”Christian infidel\”. Coca leaves behind a wife and several children. He was 63.

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. al-Bashir trip to Nigeria sparks protest. Human rights groups are blasting Nigeria for hosting Sudan\’s President Omar al-Bashir at an African Union health summit, and have demanded his arrest on genocide charges from the International Criminal Court.
However, a spokesman for Nigeria President Goodluck Jonathan says \”Nigeria is not in a position to determine who attends an AU event and who does not attend an AU event… Nigeria is just providing the platform for the meeting\”. (BBC)
It was noted that al-Bashir left the summit earlier than expected. Lebanon on the brink. The war in Syria threatens to spill over into Lebanon where the Damascus regime and the rebels both have supporters. A Lebanese BBC journalist\’s film \’Lebanon on the Brink\’ shows the latent sectarian enmity between Sunni and Alawite Shia in Tripoli, northern Lebanon. Copts suffer pro-Morsi backlash. Twenty-three houses belonging to Coptic Christians have been set on fire in Naga Hassan village, Egypt, after a Muslim man was reportedly killed in an altercation with three Copts on July 5, writes Egypt Independent. Although local residents said the altercation had no religious or political motivation, others are concerned at an apparent increase in interfaith tension following Mohamed Morsi\’s deposition. The UK\’s Independent newspaper reports that Coptic Christians are being held responsible for the coup by some of Morsi\’s supporters, and suffering violence as a result. \’Freed\’ Asseriyan sworn to silence. Robert Asseriyan, the Iranian pastor arrested during a church service on May 21, has been freed, Mohabat News reports. Asseriyan, of the Assemblies of God Church in Tehran, was reportedly released on bail on July 2. Mohabat says the condition for his freedom is for him to remain silent, after his church was forced to close during the Iranian Presidential elections. \’Epidemic\’ of sexual violence in Egypt. In the midst of the political demonstrations in Egypt, violent attacks have been carried out against at least 91 women in the past week. According to Human Rights Watch, many of these extended acts of aggressions are pre-meditated assaults by groups of men.

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Coptic Pope backs protests
Egypt\’s Coptic leader Pope Tawadros II has lent his support to the growing anti-Morsi protests, saying it is \”wonderful to see the Egyptian people taking back their stolen revolution in a peaceful way\”, reports Al-Ahram.
Syrian priest \’shot not beheaded\’. Francois Murad, the Syrian priest killed during a June 23 attack on a convent, was shot not beheaded, according to the latest reports. (The Daily Telegraph). A YouTube video appearing to show two prisoners being executed by rebels had been linked to Murad\’s murder, but Human Rights Watch said the video was most likely filmed in a different location several months before Murad was killed. Murad\’s order, The Custody of the Holy Land, said he was shot by Islamists while trying to defend nuns. Fides linked the attack to the jihadi group, Jabhat al-Nusra. Bomb kills 4 in Syrian Christian district. Four people were killed and several injured on Thursday in an explosion in the mostly Christian Bab Sharqi district of Damascus\’ Old City, near the Greek Orthodox Virgin Mary Church. Syrian state-run TV said it was a suicide bomb; opposition forces said it was a government-fired mortar. No one had claimed responsibility, and it was unclear if the church was the intended target. The Associated Press said it was the first reported suicide attack inside the Old City, and that the bomb went off 50 metres from the church entrance. \”A terrorist bombed himself nearby the Patriarchate, next door to the Shi\’ite association. Four persons were killed and 11 injured, one of them a woman working at the Patriarchate,\” according to Open Doors International. But the victims most likely were Shi\’ites, the organization said, because the bombing occurred at a Shia medical center next to the church. Syrian priest calls for end of \’folly\’. A Syrian priest was killed on Sunday (June 23) in an attack on a convent by militants linked to the jihadi group, Jabhat al-Nusra, according to Fides.
Another priest, Pierbattista Pizzaballa, told the Catholic Herald that Ghassanieh, the village where Francois Murad died, \”like other Christian villages, has been almost completely destroyed and is almost totally abandoned\”.
\”The only thing we can do,\” he said, \”is pray that this folly ends soon and that no more weapons are sent to Syria because that would only prolong this absurd civil war.\” Death penalty fear for Libyans
\”Why should people have to worry in the new Libya that they could face the death penalty over what someone else sees as disrespectful of religion?\”, Human Rights Watch. Ali Tekbali and Fathi Sager, two Libyan National Party officials, may face death over posters made for the 2012 elections, if found guilty of charges including insulting Islam and \”instigating division\”.

#Benjamin #Netanyahu, alcuni ebrei soprattuto, se, loro sono farisei Illuminati anglo-americani, loro pensano che, in fondo, in fondo, non è un grande male, la shoah, l\’olocausto di un 50%, di ebrei ogni tanto, degli israeliani, questa volta, se, poi, loro (le comunità mondiali, in genere) per diverse generazioni possono vivere nella ricchezza, opulenza, potere, successo…  e poi, come la storia ha dimostrato, poi, sono sempre gli ebrei meno ricchi, quelli che, finiscono per morire sempre! l\’importante è che questo crimine di satanismo del fondo monetario internazionale, che, ha rubato il signoraggio bancario. non debba mai essere denunciato, mai, da nessun ebreo.

#Benjamin #Netanyahu, some Jews above all, if they are Pharisees Illuminati Anglo-Americans, they think, in the end, after all, is not a great evil, the Holocaust, the shoah, of 50%, of Jews, occasionally , the Israelis, is this time, if, then, they (the world community, in general) for several generations can live in wealth, opulence, power, success… and then, as history has shown, then, the Jews, that, are always less wealthy, are the ones, that always end up dying! the important thing is that every crime of Satanism, of the International Monetary Fund, who stole the bank seigniorage. should never be denounced, never, by no jew.

[ quando la ideologia, può distorcere, la verità della storia analizziamo le menzogne che, hanno detto entrambi! ] Netanyahu e #Hassan #Rohani. 23 gennaio 2014. sulla tribuna del #World #economic #Forum di #Davos, parlando soprattutto della crisi in #Siria. Primo a prendere la parola, Hassan Rohani ha dichiarato che, la miglior soluzione per la Siria, sarebbe organizzare elezioni libere e democratiche. Rohani, che non è stato invitato alla conferenza di pace che si apre domani a Ginevra, ha giudicato la situazione nel paese \”miserabile\” a causa dei terroristi che uccidono degli innocenti [ tutto vero! ]. #Benjamin Netanyahu ha replicato che \”le parole cambiano, ma non gli atti\” e che, l\’Iran è il nemico di Israele, e di diversi paesi arabi [ ma, questa è la politica, imperialistica, delle sfere di influenza geopoliche, che i farisei Illuminati, Spa, NWO, FMI, hanno inventato (perché, ogni guerra ingrassa, sempre il banchiere), ed i politici, giocano, con gli strumenti di questo teatro crudele! ] \”Non sono rassicurato da quello che, io ho sentito questa mattina. Il discorso del presidente #Rohani non ha alcun legame con quello che succede nella realtà […] Rohani afferma di opporsi all\’intervento militare in Siria? Suona bene, ma è falso. L\’Iran arma #Hezbollah, e manda le sue milizie a massacrare la popolazione siriana\” (questo non mi risulta, mai nessuno ha detto che gli sciiti entrano in un villaggio per uccidere i cristiani, anzi loro li proteggono, in Siria! Piuttosto la verità è il contrario, cioè, quando gli sciiti entrano in un villaggio i cristiani, già sono stati uccisi dai sunniti ). Nel suo intervento il presidente iraniano, ha anche voluto rassicurare sul dossier nucleare, affermando che, l\’Iran non ha mai voluto avere una bomba atomica e nemmeno la vorrà in futuro. Poi ha qualificato l\’accordo concluso a Ginevra sotto l\’egida dell\’ONU come uno sviluppo maggiore. [ ovviamente, nessuno crede a queste menzogne! anzi, la la intollerante nazi sharia, che, rende il tutto molto preoccupante!  ] giustamente, Invece per #Netanyahu l\’arma nucleare iraniana, e i Fratelli musulmani (sunniti) sono due minacce affrontate simultaneamente dallo Stato ebraico e dai paesi arabi vicini \”Israele potrebbe trovare sostegno presso questi paesi (non lo troverà, è un trappola), perchè un partenariato sarebbe efficace per contrastare questi pericoli.\” c\’è, della ingenuità molto pericolosa, in #Benjamin #Netanyahu, quando lui pensa che, coloro, che, supportano una qualsiasi forma di sharia, possono essere leali e stabili, suoi alleati, come se, Fratelli Musulmani ed islamisti (Erdogan ha mandato, una nave, piena di armi, per realizzare la guerra civile in Egitto), non ricevano contributi economici, ecc.. proprio dai suoi alleati, perché, il progetto del califfato mondiale non può essere fermato, questo è un delirio mortale che, finirà in tragedia! Arabia Saudita, non è più in grado, da sola, di poter fermare il meccanismo, che, lei ha attivato!

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism, criminal arab league, for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Syriac church torched
A group with links to al-Qaeda set fire on June 19 to al-Wahdah Syriac church in Syria\’s eastern city of Deir Ezzor, the Syrian Arab News Agency is reporting.
SANA, citing information from \”an official source\”, reported the responsible group is \”an armed group affiliated to Jabhat al-Nusra\”. The United Nations has declared al-Nusra to be an alias for al-Qaeda in Syria, and the United States has designated it as a terrorist organization. Earlier, terrorists seriously damaged a Catholic church in Deir Ezzor with a car bomb. Bomb sullies Pakistan founder\’s legacy
On Saturday (June 15), the Residency in Balochistan where Pakistan\’s founder Mohammed Ali Jinnah spent his last days was badly damaged in a bomb and grenade attack, reports Pakistan\’s News International. Jinnah said in his inauguration speech in 1947 \”You are free; free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other places of worship in this state of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed, that has nothing to do with the business of the state.\” While the attackers remain unidentified, commentators are worried by the apparent symbolic nature of this attack on Pakistan\’s. founder\’s principles. Syrians struggle for basic necessities. A Priest in Homs told Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need about his \”desperate struggle\” to provide basic food, shelter and medicine to more than 30,000 people fleeing the war-torn city. Rouhani victory \’not free nor fair\’
Iran\’s elections were neither free nor fair, according to Mansour Osanloo, former President of the Tehran Bus Driver\’s Union, writing for the New York Times.
Hassan Rouhani won the June 15 election, but the real power, Osanloo said, still lies with Iran\’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
Euro Court to France Don\’t deport Copt. France has decided that an Egyptian Coptic Christian man should be returned to his native country, but the European Court of Human Rights last week asked France to reconsider. AFP reports that the man, identified as M.E., arrived in France in 2007 from the Upper-Egypt governate of Assiut, and later claimed he and his family faced attacks and threats while he lived in the heavily Coptic region. French courts denied his application for asylum, saying his predictions of threats if sent home were not persuasive. The European Court, however, pointed to the increase of violence against Copts predating Egypt\’s 2011 revolution and noted there was \”no evidence that the situation of Coptic Christians had improved in the meantime\”.

Catching Our Eye
This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye.

    Not the usual blasphemy conviction

    The Associated Press reports that Cairo\’s Nasr City Court has convicted a Muslim cleric for burning a Bible. In a country where the law forbidding denigration of Islam, Judaism and Christianity is used usually to prosecute Christians, Sunday\’s verdict was a rare case where it was applied against a Muslim.

    Ahmed Abdullah ripped and burned a Bible during a Sept. 11 protest against an American-made anti-Islam video. His son was also found guilty. The two were fined 5,000 Egyptian pounds, about US $700.

    The father was also sentenced to eight years in prison, but the judge suspended the prison time.
    Turkey \’defined by inflexible religiosity\’

    Calling Turkey a home to the \”last secularists in the Middle East\”, Turkish opposition party MP Şafak Pavey has condemned Recep Tayyip Erdoğan\’s government for failing to reconcile Islam, secularism and democracy because of a government \”defined by inflexible religiosity\”. (The Guardian)
    Egyptian blasphemy case \’bodes ill\’

    Christian teacher Dimyana Obeid Abd Al-Nour has been fined 100,000 Egyptian pounds ($14,000) for defaming Islam and insulting Prophet Mohammed, which is prohibited in Article 44 of the Egyptian constitution.

    The 24-year-old will now face compensation claims at a civil court following the conclusion of the criminal trial in Luxor on June 11.

    Amnesty International says the case \”bodes ill for others in Egypt facing trial on similar charges\”.
    Amnesty wants Sudanese pastors freed

    Amnesty International has called for the release of two Presbyterian Church leaders in South Sudan, who were arrested on May 19.

    Reverend Idris Nalos Kida and Pastor Trainee David Gayin were not allowed access to a lawyer or their families, and are at risk of torture or other forms of ill-treatment, Amnesty International reports.
    Egyptian \’defamation\’ verdict due

    The trial of an Egyptian Christian teacher accused of defaming Islam and insulting Prophet Mohammed is expected to conclude at a third hearing scheduled for June 11, reports Middle East Concern.

    Twenty-four-year-old Dimyana Obeid Abd Al-Nour was arrested on May 8 after accusations by the parents of three students at Sheikh Sultan primary school in Luxor.

    \”It is not a crime to speak one\’s mind on a religion, whether it is their own or that of someone else,\” said Amnesty International\’s Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui.

    However, Article 44 of the 2012 Egyptian constitution states \”insult or abuse of all religious messengers and prophets shall be prohibited\”.

Illuminati Rothschild so che non è colpa tua di essere nato nella tua posizione ma sicuramente è colpa tua doverci rimanere! non c\’è al mondo un uomo più povero di te! se demoni alieni loro erano validi? il Padrone JHWH non li avrebbe cacciati!
vi siete fatti riempire il cervallo da montagne di merda!
voi che siete umani non avete nessuna possibilità di gestire qualcosa di sovrumano e pensare soltanto che loro possano essere veramente i vostri amici? addirittura i vostri servi? questa è pura follia!

Illuminati Rothschild world bank I know it\’s not your fault to be born in your position but it certainly is not your fault having to stay in here! there is no in the world a man poorer than you! if demons aliens they were valid? then the Lord YHWH were not thrown out them! you\’re done filling the brain with mountains of shit! you that you are human you have no ability to manage something superhuman and think only that they can be really your friends? even your servants? this is madness!

Illuminati Rothschild world bank farisei FMI SPA NWO COME HITLER E I FARAONI che loro SI ERANO DEDICATI ALLO ESOTERISMO? così ugualmente avete fatto anche voi! voi siete diventati i nuovi faraoni! quante persone innocenti avete fatto soffrire morire in questi 400 anni per colpa della vostra azione parassitaria? Così JHWH ha liberato voi dallo Egitto perché voi potevate essere liberi di fare i satanisti! voi state profanando la Santità del Signore Onnipotente ed è suo dovere ora di ascoltare la sofferenza dei popoli.

Illuminati Rothschild world bank the Pharisees IMF SPA NWO AS HITLER AND THE PHARAOH that they WERE DEDICATED TO ESOTERICISM? so too have done too! You have become the new pharaohs! how many innocent people have made suffer die in these 400 years because of your action parasitic? Thus YHWH has freed you from Egypt because you you could be free to do Satanists! you are desecrating the sanctity of the Lord Almighty and it is his duty now is to listen to the suffering of the peoples.

yitzhak kaduri Benjamin Netanyahu tu hai visto? [ Spa monopolio ebraico di NetWorkTV hollywood\’s jewish FED BCE Nwo per la prima volta hanno incominciato squarciare il velo su questi genocidi sistematici che gli islamici fanno da 1400 anni forse che per amore del mio amore per Israele Illuminati satanisti farisei hanno rinunciato a distruggere Israele? ] [ #Siria qaedisti prendono #Al Bab #strage. [ Decine di esecuzioni sommarie ] secondo attivista. 13 gennaio 19:23 #Siria #qaedisti jihadisti per il #Califfato #mondiale sharia #saudita #salafita #ottomano prendono #Al#Bab strage #BEIRUT Le milizie #jihadiste dello #Stato #islamico #\’Iraq e del #Levante ( #Isis) entrante in conflitto con altre formazioni di insorti in Siria hanno riconquistato in queste ore la località di Al Bab a nord di #Aleppo. Lo riferiscono attivisti locali raccontando di #decine di #esecuzioni #sommarie di prigionieri e combattenti rivali. Al Bab oltre a essere diventata teatro di scontri fra ribelli locali e qaedisti é stata nei giorni scorsi bombardata dalle forze governative di #Assad.

Al Miqdad gli USA Turchia e Arabia Saudita vogliono fare saltare la conferenza di Ginevra 2 dopo la loro delusione dei ragazzini che avevano inviato per discutere. le armi di distruzione di massa sono tre Biologica chimica enucleare ma esiste una quarta che è la bestialità che consiste nel prendere la decisione sbagliata nel momento sbagliato. Fonti di informazioni parlano di divergenze nelle fila dell\’opposizione su chi dovrebbe sostituire Al Jarba dopo che quest\’ultimo aveva annunciato il suo ritiro. questo sarebbe il motivo del dialogo diretto fino a questo momento… Homs rapido avanzamento degli eroi dell\’Esercito Arabo Siriano nella zona di al Zara nella periferia ovest di Homs dove si trova il più grande covo dei vili terroristi sicari uccidendo più di 60 terroristi e la cattura di 17. le nostre forze stanno ancora avanzando. Periferia di Damasco Durante lo scavo di una galleria da parte della Direzione della difesa aerea attorno della Direzione due giorni fa si sono incontrati in un punto comune dove i terroristi armati avevano già scavato una galleria dalla parte di Al Miliha… gli agenti della difesa aerea allora avevano minato la galleria ritirandosi poi dalla galleria che è stata fatta esplodere con tutti i terroristi dentro quelli che avevano cercato di ritirare i cadaveri sono stati uccisi a loro volta. tra i terroristi si contano più di 40 uccisi.

Il consulente del Presidente Bashar Al Assad risponde a tutto quello che #Kerry e la sua banda hanno portato alla #Conferenza di #Ginevra 2 per presentare il Governo legittimo siriano come un governo che uccide tortura e opprime la sua popolazione. Quelle foto o video riportate a prova della tesi portata sostenuta e promossa dai veri nemici della Siria faranno la fine di quelle prove che sono state in precedenza fabbricate e mistificate in diverse occasioni tra quelle da ricordare la questione del chimico e del suo utilizzo per accusare il governo siriano di quelle macabre e disumane menti e mandanti degli stessi gruppi mercenari che ogni qualvolta si preveda una convocazione del Consiglio di sicurezza dell\’ONU o dell\’Assemblea stessa dell\’ONU stranamente si presentano queste prove o si commettono massacri e atti criminali per portarle in quelle aule. Mi domando se mai possibile che il Mondo continua ancora a ignorare la presenza di più di 130.000 terroristi sicari mercenari provenienti da più di 83 paesi e che stanno uccidendo massacrando e eseguendo modi e tecniche mai viste nella storia dell\’umanità e la cosa che dovrebbe offendere ogni coscienza umana è che tutti questi atti criminali vengono regolarmente filmati e lanciati dagli stessi terroristi nella rete vantando e festeggiando le loro atrocità nel nome di Dio e cosa fa quel mondo che si presenta come difensore dei diritti della democrazia e della giustizia sociale quel mondo accusa con atteggiamento infido e perfido la vittima di essere l\’autore di queste atrocità e i mercenari criminale vengono regolarmente ignorati come se non esistessero anche se organismi internazionali riconoscono e dichiarano esplicitamente l\’innocenza del Governo siriano e le altre istituzioni siriane. Nessuno al di fuori della delegazione ufficiale siriana ha pensato o ricordato nella conferenza di Ginevra le centinaia se non migliaia di civili e non #rapiti da parte dei gruppi terroristi presenti sul suolo siriano ad iniziare da quei #libanesi per finire con le suore e le bambine orfane rapite da #Maaloula.
Queste persone non sono state rapite casualmente o per vendetta ma sono state rapite per ordine preciso da parte dei mandanti per averle come strumento di ricatto come è successo ogniqualvolta che si preveda una riunione di un organismo internazionale e sin dai primi giorni di questa guerra mondiale contro la Siria e contro la popolazione siriana (ricordate le dichiarazioni di Hellary Clington a riguardo). Mi domando ancora è mai possibile che questo mondo che si presenta come difensore dei valori nobili dell\’umanità non abbia pensato di essere strumentalizzato e raggirato da parte dei gestori della guerra contro la Siria????.
L\’utilizzo di queste foto o \”prove\” perché avviene in certi momenti e non quando sono disponibili?????. La risposta è semplice Queste foto e queste pretestuose prove sono assolutamente e certamente fabbricate eseguite e portate dagli stessi autori nelle persone che all\’oppinione pubblica si riservano l\’immagine del difensore dei diritti e cioè da parte dei sostenitori finanziatori ospitanti fornitori ed investitori nel terrorismo mondiale precisamente sono i governi degli #USA #Francia #Inghilterra #Italia #Turchia #Arabia #Saudita #Qatar e tutti quei paesi che ruotano nella loro orbita.

Lo scenario più importante che noi abbiamo visto ieri è che un piccolo paese resiste di fronte a mezzo di quel mondo forte e ricco e quel piccolo Grande Stato ribadisce a loro dicendo Sono uno Stato libero indipendente e sovrano… Questo è di per se una storica vittoria con tutti le sue conseguenze e che non potrebbe nemmeno sognare qualunque leader arabo e nemmeno leader mondiali.. Questa è la vera libertà che volgiamo noi non vogliamo un\’altra libertà siamo pronte ad offrire qualunque sacrificio per questa libertà.. Questo è la nostra decisione per la indipendenza nazionale… Al Moualem. ha dato la miglior descrizione della dottrina wahabita \” la #wahabia esporta in Siria mostri a immagine di essere umani\”. Grande flusso di richieste per interviste alla delegazione siriana. Sin dalle prime ore della Conferenza di Ginevra 2 si è osservato un affluenza senza precedenti verso la delegazione siriana chiedendo interviste che non potrebbero essere esaudite tutte le richieste mentre quello che chiamano la delegazione della coalizione andava in giro a cercare qualche giornalista per rilasciare dichiarazioni. Gli esperti dell\’informazione hanno interpretato questo avvenimento come un ulteriore segnale dello svincolo dei mezzi mediatici dalle posizioni dei ministeri degli esteri occidentali per rendersi più libera e più vicina alla realtà di quanto sta accadendo veramente senza poterla più nascondere (come hanno fatto per quasi tre anni). L\’intervento del Ministro degli esteri siriano #Walid Al #Moualem è stato il perno principale che ha esposto in dettaglio gli atti criminali che la #Siria sta subendo dal punto di vista umano politico socuiale ed economico.

Periferia di #Damasco #Ghouta orientale 155 terroristi mercenari sono caduti in un\’imboscata dell\’Esercito arabo Siriano. Sapete che il ministro degli affari esteri #Saudita il quale ha parlato oggi della rotazione del potere. quel uomo e\’ dal 1975 un ministro degli affari esteri. Alcuni dei sostenitori della cosiddetta opposizione ieri avevano cercato di aggredire il #Ministro dell\’informazione siriano #Omran #Alzoubi intervenuta la polizia svizzera portandolo in salvo. Il primo risultato della danza di #Ginevra a #Aleppo L\’Aeroporto Internazionale Civile di Aleppo è aperto sicuro e proprio oggi ha ricevuto il primo volo siriano. New York 9 gen. Per la seconda volta in un mese la #Russia ha bloccato una mozione non vincolante di censura nei confronti del regime di #Bashar #al-Assad per le stragi di civili perpetrate con i raid aerei su #Aleppo che dal 15 dicembre scorso hanno gia\’ provocato oltre settecento morti e piu\’ di tremila feriti. Il testo sottoposto al #Consiglio di #Sicurezza delle #Nazioni Unite dalla #Gran #Bretagna esprimeva \”indignazione\” per i \”quotidiani\” attacchi \”cinici e sistematici\” condotti in spregio delle norme di diritto internazionale contro la popolazione della seconda citta\’ della Siria ma Mosca ha preteso che ogni riferimento a quest\’ultima fosse eliminato e cosi\’ per evitare che ne sortisse una versione troppo edulcorata i proponenti lo hanno ritirato. Qualcosa di identico era gia\’ successo il mese scorso quando a farsi carico di un\’iniziativa analoga erano stati gli Usa. In questa occasione #Washington in realta\’ nutriva dubbi sull\’opportunita\’ di una mossa del genere nell\’imminenza almeno teorica della piu\’ volte rinviata conferenza di pace in programma il 22 gennaio prossimo in Svizzera la cosiddetta Ginevra 2. \”La bozza #britannica non costituisce nulla di cui ci si debba sorprendere il Consiglio non puo\’ rimanere in silenzio su una questione simile\” avevano pero\’ replicato in via riservata fonti diplomatiche occidentali e cosi\’ si era andati avanti finche\’ l\’ostilita\’ russa non ha mandato tutto a monte.
Il #Cremlino storico alleato di #Damasco ha gia\’ paralizzato con il veto proprio e della #Cina tre risoluzioni vincolanti di condanna #anti-Assad. (AGI).
Lo scandalo di #Mohammad #Qassim Al #Nassouh comandante del cosiddetto \”Battaglione degli amanti dei discepoli\” arrestato mentre stava praticando il sesso con una sua nipote.

TG 24 Siria ha condiviso il video di شبكات أخبار سوريا المتحدة / F.S.N.N.
22 gennaio Al Moualem…. Nessuno al Mondo Sig. Kerry nessuno proprio ha il diritto di dispensare legittimità o anche revocarla o ancora concedere ad un Presidente un Governo a una Costituzione o a qualunque cosa in Siria se non gli stessi siriani nessun altro.
لا أحد في العالم سيد كيري لا أحد في العالم له الحق باضفاء الشرعية أو عزلها أو منحها لرئيس أو حكومة أو دستور أو قانون أو أي شئ في سوريا الا السوريون أنفسهم.
الوزير وليد المعلم
Il nostro esercito diplomatico a Montreux per la pace… e il nostro esercito eroico in Siria per la guerra… chi la guerra ha voluto la guerra avrà e chi vuole la pace la pace avrà.. nel vocabolario dei Leoni non vi è il termine arrendersi…
\”Abou Bakr Al Ansari uno dei cosiddetti giuristi dell\’organizzazione terrorista \”lo Stato Islamico in Iraq e Siria\” ucciso in una sede dell\’organizzazione grazie ad un missile che lo ha spedito all\’inferno.
Svizzera Centinaia di siriani si sono riuniti davanti alla sede della conferenza Ginevra2 a Montreux urlano per la Siria e suo presidente. 500 detenuti in cambio delle suore rapiti dai terroristi a Maaloula:
La delegazione del Qatar che era entrata attraverso l\’Aspromonte di Irzal nei territori siriani attraverso un valico illegale 10 giorno fa o quasi era composta da 4 personaggi rimasti per tre giorni a Yabroud dove hanno incontrato l\’Emiro del fronte al NUsra (organizzazione dichiarata terroristica dagli americani) e nel Qalamoun hanno incontrato le suore rapite.
la delegazione del Qatar aveva offerto di provvedere a tutta quanto necessario per liberare le suore compreso il pagamento del denaro.
Il fronte rapitore delle suore ha consegnato una lista di 500 nomi di terroristi detenuti in cambio della liberazione delle suore.

L\’Ingegnere Nagham Salloum nella Provincia di Souidaa in prima linea e personalmente vuole essere attiva e provvedere alla manutenzione della rete elettrica distrutta dai criminali terroristi della Nato dell\’Europa e America della Turchia dell\’Arabia Saudita del Qatar e di quelli che si fanno chiamare gruppo del 14 marzo libanese e dei tutti i patrocinanti del terrorismo mondiale sotto moltissimi pretesti e menzogne. Questa è la donna siriana vera e propria. I rappresentanti dell\’organizzazione terroristicaa Ginevra 2 Lo Stato Islamico in Iraq e Siria il fronte di al Nusra e tutti gli adoratori del petrodollari:
– Assi al Jarba;
– Michel Chilo;
– Burhan Ghalioun;
– Abdul Hanid Darwish;
– Hadi Al Bahra;
– Badr Jamous;
– Rima Flehan;
– Souhai Al Atassi;
– Anas Al Abdah;
– Ahmad Ramadan.

Il Ministero degli esteri russo ha criticato il ritiro dell\’invito inviato a Iran per partecipare alla Conferenza di Ginevra 2 considerando questo atto una delusione in quanto la revoca dell\’invito indebolisce gli sforzi spesi per sottrarre la Siria da questa crisi. Imboscata ben pianificata eseguita da parte dei nostri Soldati nell\’aeroporto Al Tabqa con l\’esito di 12 terroristi eliminati e gli altri si sono immediatamente ritirati in fretta e furia mentre il nostro Esercito a requisito le loro armi e munizioni con due vetture da loro utilizzate. Ginevra #Ministro Esteri Al-Muallem alla Siria interessa il successo di Ginevra 2 come primo passo per un dialogo siriano siriano [fuori subito tutti i mercenari dalla Siria]

Periferia di Damasco Durante lo scavo di una galleria da parte della Direzione della difesa aerea attorno della…
13:42 – 24 gen 2014

 Sunset @_darkhours 9 h

 @Tg24Siria AJ admit:#Syria-#Damscus #CapitalShield #SAA eliminate rebels possibility2stirke hearthland … v @NamanTarcha

 TG24SIRIA @Tg24Siria

Gli armi di distruzione di massa sono tre Biologica chimica enucleare ma esiste una quarta che è la bestialità…

TG24SIRIA @Tg24Siria

Al Miqdad gli USA Turchia e Arabia Saudita vogliono fare saltare la conferenza di Ginevra 2 dopo la loro…

TG24SIRIA @Tg24Siria

Siria l\’esercito riprende il controllo sulla località Tayyara est di Zarzour in Aleppo tagliando la strada Aleppo Raqqa ai terroristi

TG24SIRIA @Tg24Siria

Fonti di informazioni parlano di divergenze nelle fila dell\’opposizione su chi dovrebbe sostituire Al Jarba dopo…

Siria Vendetta dell\’ISIL di Al-Qaeda Massacra Attivisti Dell\’Opposizione ad Aleppo
Per MrGeourg 8 gennaio 2014 Al Nusra front attivisti FSA Grave Massacro Miliziani di Al-Qaeda opposizione armata opposizione siriana Stato Islamico dell\’Iraq e al-Sham STRAGE A ALEPPO

Immagini di corpi (almeno 43) di attivisti civili giornalisti del canale Shaza Al-Hurria e uomini armati appartenenti all\’opposizione liquidati dai terroristi dello Stato Islamico nell\’Iraq e nel Levante (ISIL) o Dawlet Al-Islam in Iraq e Al-Sham (Daish) ramo di Al-Qaeda in Siria e in Iraq. 1502533_415194765250784_1045408969_n 1535696_415191341917793_195575593_n

Il massacro si è consumato nelle note del 6 gennaio nei pressi dell\’ex struttura dell\’ospedale oftalmologico nelle città di Aleppo che è stata presa d\’assalto dai stessi terroristi dell\’opposizione trasformandola in un ospedale di campo e centro operativo del canale mediatico Shaza Al-Hurria (Profumo della Libertà).

Tale crimine entra nel contesto della lotta al potere e vendetta sanguinosa tra i vari fazioni dell\’opposizione criminale Qaedisti Jihadisti e uomini armati (ISIL Nusra Fronte Islamico FSA …).

Tra i corpi si trovano diversi civili anche medici alcuni volontariamente si sono offerti e altri sono stati costretti a collaborare con l\’opposizione. Secondo fonti locali quasi 247 sono stati uccisi nell\’ultima settimana di scontri tra questi miliziani. &

Green Resistance & Black Libyans are freeing Jamahiriya from the neo-colonialist puppet government installed by the Zion-NATO forces, (Eng-Ita)

25 Saturday Jan 2014

Posted by syrianfreepress in Green Resistance Jamahiriya Libia Libya Muammar Gaddafi Resistance  

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Aggressioni neo-coloniali aljazeera Amnesty International Colonialism Eric Draitser Gaddafi Gaddafi supporters Green fighters Green Resistance Jamahiriya Jamahiriya News Libia Libya Libyan Patriots libyan resistance LibyanFreePress Loyalists NATO NATO CRIMES nato forces NCT-rats Neocolonialismo Rats Resistance resistance fighters Resistenza pro-Gheddafi War Resistance News

Green Resistance & Black Libyans are freeing Jamahiriya from the neo-colonialist puppet government installed by the Zion-NATO forces

The Secret War in Libya
 By Eric Draitser, Global Research,
The battles currently raging in the South of Libya are no mere tribal clashes. Instead they represent a possible burgeoning alliance between black Libyan ethnic groups and pro-Gaddafi forces intent upon liberating their country of a neocolonial NATO-installed government.

On Saturday January 18th a group of heavily armed fighters stormed an air force base outside the city of Sabha in southern Libya expelling forces loyal to the \”government\” of Prime Minister Ali Zeidan and occupying the base. At the same time reports from inside the country began to trickle in that the green flag of the Great Socialist People\’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya was flying over a number of cities throughout the country. Despite the dearth of verifiable information, the government inTripoli has provided only vague details and corroboration, one thing is certain the war for Libya continues.

On the Ground

Libya\’s Prime Minister Ali Zeidan called an emergency session of the General National Congress to declare a state of alert for the country after news of the storming of the air base broke. The Prime Minister announced that he had ordered troops south to quell the rebellion telling reporters that \”This confrontation is continuing but in a few hours it will be solved.\” A spokesman for the Defense Ministry later claimed that the central government had reclaimed control of the air base stating that \”A force was readied then aircraft moved and took off and dealt with the targets… The situation in the south opened a chance for some criminals…loyal to the Gaddafi regime to exploit this and to attack the Tamahind air force base…We will protect the revolution and the Libyan people.\”

In addition to the assault on the airbase there have been other attacks on individual members of the government in Tripoli. The highest profile incident was the recent assassination of the Deputy Industry Minister Hassan al-Droui in the city of Sirte. Although it is still unclear whether he was killed by Islamist forces or Green resistance fighters the unmistakable fact is that the central government is under assault and is unable to exercise true authority or provide security in the country. Many have begun speculating that his killing rather than being an isolated targeted assassination is part of a growing trend of resistance in which pro-Gaddafi Green fighters figure prominently.

The rise of the Green resistance forces in Sabha and elsewhere is merely one part of larger and more complex political and military calculus in the South where a number of tribes and various ethnic groups have risen against what they correctly perceive to be their political economic and social marginalization. Groups such as the Tawergha and Tobou ethnic minorities both of which are black African groups have endured vicious attacks at the hands of Arab militias with no support from the central government. Not only have these and other groups been the victims of ethnic cleansing but they have been systematically shut out of participation in Libyan political and economic life.

The tensions came to a head earlier this month when a rebel chief from the Arab Awled Sleiman tribe was killed. Rather than an official investigation or legal process the Awled tribesmen attacked their black Toubou neighbors accusing them of involvement in the murder. The resulting clashes have since killed dozens once again demonstrating that the dominant Arab groups still view their dark skinned neighbors as something other than countrymen. Undoubtedly this has led to a reorganization of the alliances in the region with the Toubou Tuareg and other black minority groups that inhabit southern Libya northern Chad and Niger moving closer to the pro-Gaddafi forces. Whether or not these alliances are formal or not still remains unclear however it is apparent that many groups in Libya have come to the realization that the government installed by NATO has not lived up to its promises and that something must be done.

The Politics of Race in Libya

Despite the high-minded rhetoric from Western interventionists regarding \”democracy\” and \”freedom\” in Libya the reality is far from it especially for dark skinned Libyans who have seen their socioeconomic and political status diminished with the end of the Jamahiriya government of Muammar Gaddafi. While these peoples enjoyed a large measure of political equality and protection under the law in Gaddafi\’s Libya the post-Gaddafi era has seen their rights all but stripped from them. Rather than being integrated into a new democratic state the black Libyan groups have been systematically excluded.

In fact even Human Rights Watch, an organization which in no small measure helped to justify the NATO war by falsely claiming that Gaddafi forces used rape as a weapon and were preparing \”imminent genocide\”, has reported that \”A crime against humanity of mass forced displacement continues unabated as militias mainly from Misrata prevented 40000 people from the town of Tawergha from returning to their homes from where they had been expelled in 2011.\” This fact coupled with the horrific stories and images of lynchings rapes and other crimes against humanity paints a very bleak picture of life in Libya for these groups.

In its 2011 report Amnesty International documented a number of flagrant war crimes carried out by the so called \”freedom fighters\” of Libya who despite being hailed in the Western media as \”liberators\” used the opportunity of the war to carry out mass executions of black Libyans as well as rival clans and ethnic groups. This is of course in stark contrast to the treatment of black Libyans under the Jamahiriya government of Gaddafi which was praised up and down by the Human Rights Council of the United Nations in their 2011 report which noted that Gaddafi had gone to great lengths to ensure economic and social development as well as specifically providing economic opportunities and political protections to black Libyans and migrant workers from neighboring African countries. With this in mind is it any wonder that Al Jazeera quoted a pro-Gaddafi Tuareg fighter in September 2011 as saying \”fighting for Gaddafi is like a son fighting for his father…[We will be] ready to fight for him until the last drop of blood.\”

As the Toubou and other black ethnic groups clash with Arab militias their struggle should be understood in the context of a continued struggle for peace and equality. Moreover the fact that they must engage in this form of armed struggle again illustrates the point that many international observers made from the very beginning of the war NATO\’s aggression was never about protecting civilians or human rights but rather regime change for economic and geopolitical interests. That the majority of the population including black ethnic minorities is worse off today than they ever were under Gaddafi is a fact that is actively suppressed.

Black Green and the Struggle for Libya

It would be presumptuous to assume that the military victories made by the pro-Gaddafi Green resistance in recent days will be long-lasting or that they represent an irreversible shift in the political and military landscape of the country. Though decidedly unstable the neocolonial puppet government in Tripoli is supported economically and militarily by some of the most powerful interests in the world making it difficult to simply overthrow it with minor victories. However these developments do signal an interesting shift in the calculus on the ground. Undoubtedly there is a confluence between the black ethnic minorities and the Green fighters as both recognize their enemy as being the tribal militias who participated in the overthrow of Gaddafi as well as the central government in Tripoli. Whether a formal alliance emerges from this remains to be seen.

Were such an alliance to develop however it would be a watershed moment in the continued war for Libya. As Green resistance fighters have shown in Sabha they are able to organize themselves in the south of the country where they enjoy a large degree of popular support. One could imagine an alliance in the south that would be able to hold territory and possibly consolidate power throughout the southern part of Libya creating a de facto independent state. Naturally the cry from NATO and its apologists would be that this is anti-democratic and counter-revolution. This would be understandable as their goal of a unified Libya subservient to international finance capital and oil interests would become unattainable.

One should be careful not to make too many assumptions about the situation in Libya today as reliable details are hard to come by. More to the point Western media has attempted to completely suppress the fact that the Green resistance even exists let alone is active and winning victories. All this simply further illustrates that the war for Libya rages on whether the world wants to admit it or not.

The Secret War in Libya
By Eric Draitser, Published by Global Research at
Copyright © 2014 Global Research

Eric Draitser is the founder of He is an independent geopolitical analyst based in New York City. You can reach him at Network at Freelancers Network reloaded

Resistenza Verde & Neri Libici stanno liberando la Jamahiriya dal governo fantoccio neo-colonialista installato dalle forze Sion-NATO

Eric Draitser Global Research

La guerra segreta in Libia 23/01/2014 Eric Draitser Global Research
[ cosa sta succedendo veramente in Libia? ] Le battaglie che attualmente infuriano nel sud della Libia non sono semplici scontri tribali. Invece rappresentano la possibile nascente alleanza tra gruppi etnici neri libici e forze pro-Gheddafi intente a liberare il Paese dal governo neocoloniale installato dalla NATO. Il 18 gennaio un gruppo di combattenti pesantemente armati ha preso d\’assalto una base aerea presso la città di Sabha nella Libia meridionale espellendo le forze fedeli al \”governo\” del primo ministro Ali Zaydan e occupando la base. Allo stesso tempo iniziano a filtrare notizie dal Paese secondo cui la bandiera verde della Gran Giamahiria Araba Libica Socialista Popolare sventola su un certo numero di città nel Paese. Nonostante la scarsità di informazioni verificabili il governo di Tripoli ha fornito solo dettagli vaghi e non confermati una cosa è certa la guerra in Libia continua.
Sul campo
Il primo ministro libico Ali Zaydan ha chiesto una sessione d\’emergenza del Congresso generale nazionale per dichiarare lo stato di allerta nel Paese dopo la notizia della caduta della base aerea. Il primo ministro ha annunciato di aver ordinato alle truppe di sedare la ribellione nel sud dicendo ai giornalisti che \”Questo scontro continua ma tra poche ore sarà risolto.\” Un portavoce del ministero della Difesa in seguito ha affermato che il governo centrale aveva recuperato il controllo della base aerea affermando che \”Una forza è stata approntata quindi dei velivoli sono decollati per attaccare gli obiettivi… La situazione nel sud ha dato una possibilità ad alcuni criminali… fedeli al regime di Gheddafi di sfruttarla attaccando la base aerea di Tamahind… Noi proteggeremo la rivoluzione e il popolo libico\”. Oltre all\’assalto alla base aerea vi sono stati altri attacchi contro singoli membri del governo a Tripoli. L\’incidente di più alto profilo è stato il recente assassinio del viceministro dell\’Industria Hasan al-Drui nella città di Sirte. Anche se non è ancora chiaro se sia stato ucciso dalle forze islamiste o da combattenti della resistenza verde il fatto inequivocabile è che il governo centrale è sotto attacco e non è in grado di esercitare una vera autorità o fornire sicurezza al Paese. Molti hanno cominciato a speculare sulla sua uccisione secondo cui piuttosto che essere un caso isolato è un assassinio mirato nell\’ambito della resistenza in crescita in cui i combattenti verdi pro-Gheddafi sono in prima fila.
L\’avanzata delle forze della resistenza verde a Sabha e altrove è solo parte di un grande e complesso piano politico e militare nel Sud dove un certo numero di tribù e vari gruppi etnici si sono uniti contro ciò che correttamente percepiscono come loro emarginazione sociale politica ed economica. Gruppi come le minoranze etniche Tawargha e Tubu gruppi africani neri hanno subito attacchi feroci dalle milizie arabe e alcun sostegno dal governo centrale. Non solo questi e altri gruppi sono vittime della pulizia etnica ma sono sistematicamente esclusi dalla partecipazione alla vita politica ed economica della Libia. Le tensioni sono venute al pettine all\’inizio del mese quando il capo ribelle di una tribù araba Sulayman Awlad è stato ucciso. Invece di un\’indagine ufficiale o un processo legale le tribù Awlad hanno attaccato i loro vicini neri Tubu accusandoli dell\’omicidio. Gli scontri risultati da allora hanno ucciso decine di persone dimostrando ancora una volta che i gruppi arabi dominanti vedono ancora i loro vicini neri come qualcosa di diverso da dei connazionali. Indubbiamente ciò ha portato alla riorganizzazione delle alleanze nella regione con Tubu Tuareg ed altri gruppi minoritari neri che abitano tra sud della Libia nord del Ciad e del Niger ad avvicinarsi alle forze pro-Gheddafi. Se queste alleanze sono formali o meno non è ancora chiaro tuttavia è evidente che molti gruppi in Libia sono consapevoli che il governo della NATO non mantiene le promesse e che qualcosa deve essere fatto.
La corsa politica in Libia
Nonostante la raffinata retorica degli interventisti occidentali su \”democrazia\” e \”libertà\” in Libia la realtà ne è lontana soprattutto per i libici africani che vedono il loro status socio-economico e politico ridotto con la fine della Jamahiriya di Muammar Gheddafi. Mentre questi popoli godevano di un\’ampia uguaglianza politica e protezione legale nella Libia di Gheddafi l\’era post-Gheddafi li ha visti spogliati di tutti i loro diritti. Invece di essere integrati in un nuovo Stato democratico i gruppi libici neri ne sono stati sistematicamente esclusi. Infatti anche Human Rights Watch un\’organizzazione che ha molto contribuito a giustificare la guerra della NATO sostenendo falsamente che le forze di Gheddafi usassero lo stupro come arma e si stessero preparando a un \”genocidio imminente\” ha riferito che \”Il crimine contro l\’umanità della pulizia etnica continua mentre le milizie provenienti soprattutto da Misurata hanno impedito a 40000 persone della città di Tawergha di ritornare nelle loro case da cui erano stati espulsi nel 2011.\” Questo fatto assieme a storie terribili e immagini di linciaggi stupri e altri crimini contro l\’umanità dipinge un quadro molto cupo della vita in Libia per questi gruppi.
Nel suo rapporto 2011 Amnesty International ha documentato una serie di flagranti crimini di guerra commessi dai cosiddetti \”combattenti per la libertà\” in Libia che pur essendo salutati dai media occidentali come \”liberatori\” hanno colto l\’occasione della guerra per massacrare libici neri così come clan e gruppi etnici rivali. Questo è naturalmente in netto contrasto con il trattamento dei libici neri sotto il governo della Jamahiriya di Gheddafi elogiato dal Consiglio dei Diritti Umani delle Nazioni Unite nel suo rapporto del 2011 dove osservava che Gheddafi aveva fatto di tutto per garantire lo sviluppo economico e sociale oltre a fornire specificamente opportunità economiche e protezioni politiche ai libici neri e ai lavoratori migranti provenienti dai Paesi africani confinanti. Con ciò in mente non c\’è da meravigliarsi che nel settembre 2011 al-Jazeera abbia citato un combattente pro-Gheddafi Tuareg dire \”combattere per Gheddafi è come un figlio che combatte per il padre … [saremo] pronti a combattere per lui fino all\’ultima goccia di sangue\”. Mentre i Tubu e gli altri gruppi etnici neri si scontrano con le milizie arabe la loro lotta dev\’essere intesa nel contesto di una lotta continua per la pace e l\’uguaglianza. Inoltre il fatto che devono impegnarsi in questa forma di lotta armata illustra ancora una volta un punto che molti osservatori internazionali hanno indicato fin dall\’inizio della guerra l\’aggressione della NATO non aveva nulla a che fare con la protezione dei civili e dei diritti umani ma piuttosto era un cambio di regime per interessi economici e geopolitici. Che la maggioranza della popolazione comprese le minoranze etniche nere stia peggio oggi che quando era sotto Gheddafi è un fatto che viene nascosto attivamente.
Neri Verdi e la lotta per la Libia
Sarebbe presuntuoso pensare che le vittorie militari della resistenza verde pro-Gheddafi di questi ultimi giorni siano durevoli o che rappresentino un cambio irreversibile nel panorama politico e militare del Paese. Anche se decisamente instabile il governo fantoccio neocoloniale di Tripoli è sostenuto economicamente e militarmente da alcuni degli interessi più potenti del mondo rendendo difficile rovesciarlo semplicemente con vittorie secondarie. Tuttavia questi sviluppi indicano un interessante cambio sul terreno. Indubbiamente vi è una confluenza tra minoranze etniche nere e combattenti verdi come riconoscono i loro nemici delle milizie tribali che parteciparono al rovesciamento di Gheddafi così come il governo centrale di Tripoli. Se un\’alleanza formale ne emergerà resta da vedere. Se una tale alleanza si sviluppasse però sarebbe la svolta nella continua guerra per la Libia. Come i combattenti della resistenza verde hanno dimostrato a Sabha possono organizzarsi nel sud del Paese dove godono di un ampio sostegno popolare. Si potrebbe immaginare un\’alleanza nel sud che potrebbe controllare il territorio e possibilmente consolidare il potere in tutta la parte meridionale della Libia creando uno Stato indipendente de facto. Naturalmente il grido della NATO e dei suoi apologeti sarebbe che sarebbe antidemocratico e controrivoluzionario. Ciò sarebbe comprensibile in quanto il loro obiettivo di una Libia unificata asservita al capitale e il cui petrolio finanzi gli interessi internazionali diverrebbe irraggiungibile.
Bisogna stare attenti a non fare troppe ipotesi sulla situazione in Libia oggi i dati affidabili sono difficili da trovare. Più precisamente i media occidentali tentano di sopprimere completamente il fatto che la resistenza verde esiste per non dire attiva e vittoriosa. Tutto ciò dimostra semplicemente inoltre che la guerra di Libia infuria che il mondo l\’ammetta o meno.

Eric Draitser è fondatore di È un analista geopolitico indipendente di New York City. Copyright © 2014 Global Research

The Secret War in Libya
By Eric Draitser Published by Global Research at
Copyright © 2014 Global Research

Traduzione italiana di Alessandro Lattanzio SitoAurora Network at Freelancers Network reloaded

La guerra segreta in Libia 23/01/2014 Eric Draitser Global Research
[ cosa sta succedendo veramente in Libia? ] Le battaglie che attualmente infuriano nel sud della Libia non sono semplici scontri tribali. Invece rappresentano la possibile nascente alleanza tra gruppi #etnici neri #libici e forze #pro-Gheddafi intente a liberare il Paese dal governo #neocoloniale installato dalla #NATO. Il 18 gennaio un gruppo di combattenti pesantemente armati ha preso d\’assalto una base aerea presso la città di Sabha nella Libia meridionale espellendo le forze fedeli al \”governo\” del primo ministro Ali Zaydan e occupando la base. Allo stesso tempo iniziano a filtrare notizie dal Paese secondo cui la bandiera verde della #Gran #Giamahiria #Araba #Libica #Socialista #Popolare sventola su un certo numero di città nel Paese. Nonostante la scarsità di informazioni verificabili il governo di Tripoli ha fornito solo dettagli vaghi e non confermati una cosa è certa la guerra in Libia continua. [ Sul campo ] Il primo ministro #libico #Ali #Zaydan ha chiesto una sessione d\’emergenza del Congresso generale nazionale per dichiarare lo stato di allerta nel Paese dopo la notizia della caduta della base aerea.

Malaysia\’s \’Allah\’ impasse. [criminal nazi islamists for imperialism sharia worldwide ] Published January 24 2014 by Matt K. George Christians remain adamant that their right to use \’Allah\’ is constitutional Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on google_plusone_shareShare on redditMore Sharing Services2 Should Malaysia\’s Muslims alone be afforded the right to use the word \’Allah\’? Abu Emran / Flickr / Creative Commons \”God what is your religion?\” This cryptic question spotted on a T-shirt at a packed public meeting on religious freedom in the Malaysian city of Petaling Jaya last week sums up the enormity of Malaysia\’s \’Allah\’ controversy. The wearer was a Malay Muslim woman according to The Malaysian Insider demonstrating solidarity with the minority Christian population as tensions rise in the country over who can use the term \’Allah\’. The controversy for which many Malaysian Christians blame the Government has now reached a serious impasse. The Christian community remains adamant that the use of \’Allah\’ is their right despite a ruling by the Court of Appeal last October that \’Allah\’ was exclusive to Malay Muslims. The word predates the birth of Islam and the ruling has been widely criticised by many other Muslim nations and by the United Nations. About 64 per cent of Malaysia\’s Christians come from the Borneo states of Sabah and Sarawak where the term has been part of their vocabulary for more than 100 years. The indigenous populations of the two states whose primary language is Bahasa Malay claim the usage is their constitutional and spiritual right. The Malay Bible dates back to the 16th century and as the government phases out English in favour of Bahasa Malay more and more Christians observe their faith in Bahasa Malay. \”All the churches are of one mind,\” said Rev. Dr Hermen Shastri the general secretary of the Council of Churches of Malaysia. \”We are only defending our freedom to practise our religion as guaranteed under the Constitution.\” Nevertheless Islamic conservatives have staged demonstrations outside churches seized Bibles and continued to vilify the Catholic pastor Rev. Lawrence Andrew who took the issue to the courts.
In early January Andrew was questioned over charges of sedition which drew international complaints including a piece in The Wall Street Journal.
The Malay Bible is titled \’Alkitab\’ in the local language which means \’The Book\’.
World Watch Monitor. Following the raid on the Bible Society of Malaysia two weeks ago and the seizure of more than 300 Bibles in the Malay language the Islamic Religious Department of the state of Selangor (JAIS) posted an advertisement in The Star an English language newspaper defending its actions. The National Fatwa Council comprising the muftis or Islamic scholars of the states of Malaysia publicly backed JAIS\’s swoop in which they also arrested two officials of the Bible Society. These actions in a country once renowned for multiracial harmony go against the grain of a 10-point plan pronounced by the Government of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak in April 2011 to resolve the issue. The key element of the pledge emphasised that Christians are allowed to print import and distribute Bibles referred to as the \’Alkitab\’ (\’The Book\’) in the Malay language. The Prime Minister has so far refrained from defending his policy while churches have asked him to speak out and to rein in Islamic extremists. But many Christians say they fear Prime Minister Najib cannot be seen to capitulate on Christian usage of \’Allah\’ since it would give ammunition to his political enemies in his ruling United Malays National Organisation party (UMNO) who could seek to oust him from office.
Since the party brands itself as the champion of Malay Muslim supremacy and the defender of Islam it provides tacit support to JAIS and Muslim extremists within UMNO. The Prime Minister\’s ambivalence is unhelpful according to Rev. Shastri who said \”The Government should remain consistent. It is the same Government that came out with the 10-point plan. It should also defend the Constitution.\”
The Methodist priest has called on Christian ministers in Government such as Idris Jala who was a key architect of the 10-point plan to impress upon the Prime Minister the need to protect religious freedoms.
The \’Allah\’ controversy began in 2007 when the Government banned The Herald a Catholic weekly from using the word. The Catholic Church contested the order and the High Court restored its constitutional right in 2009. The Government appealed that decision and in October 2013 a three-man Court of Appeal ruled that Malay Muslims had an exclusive copyright to the word \’Allah\’. Legal experts say the court\’s decision is flawed and that its ruling if ratified should only apply to The Herald and not to other Christian literature such as the Alkitab or in liturgy.
The Catholic Church has now filed an application for leave to appeal to the Federal Court the highest legal authority in the land. Liberal Malaysians hope an enlarged bench of 13 judges including the Chief Judge of the Borneo states would adjudicate on the issue. The hearing is scheduled for March 5.
Whether any court decision will appease the rival sides is debatable. \”Nothing is changing,\” said Bolly Lapok Bishop of Kuching the capital of Sarawak and Archbishop of the Anglican Church of the Province of South-East Asia. \”We won\’t stop using the word \’Allah\’.\”
The right to freedom of worship was enshrined when Sarawak and Sabah joined Malaysia in 1963. Christian and political leaders in the two states have threatened to break away from the Malaysian union if the Government forces their hand on the \’Allah\’ issue. Most Malaysians are against such an outcome. Given the lack of political will to end the deepening rift an alternative suggestion was to invite the Rulers\’ Council comprising the nine hereditary Sultans to convene and rule on the issue. The Ruler of the state of Negri Sembilan last week urged Malay Muslims to respect other religions and to live in harmony regardless of race. The Muslim Chief Minister of Sarawak Taib Mahmud is on record as saying that the use of \’Allah\’ is not a problem in the state and blames the central government for inciting intolerance and racism. The Bible Society of Malaysia in Selangor. [ World Watch Monitor ]
Political observers say that religious insecurities are being whipped up to defer attention away from the Government\’s economic and political difficulties. The Government was recently forced to cut back on decades of subsidised petrol and sugar prices as the national debt has reached unsustainable levels. The inevitable rise in the cost of living has fuelled public anger and protests. The scheduled introduction of a Government Services Tax in April 2014 is set to further escalate the cost of goods. Public corruption scandals the lavish lifestyle of ministers and cohorts and a lack of accountability have all severely damaged the Government\’s record and the economy in a resource-rich nation. In this volatile mix of rising prices and protests on top of the \’Allah\’ controversy Christians are concerned. The Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) in a statement last week observed \”What we are witnessing is the mad scramble by any and every group to grab media attention… [but] the Christian community remains undaunted in the face of these and no doubt future incidents of this nature.\” Rev. Dr Eu Hong Seng chairman of the CFM added \”We look to the courts of this land to protect preserve and defend principles of our Federal Constitution.\” Christians meanwhile have taken succour from progressive Muslim groups such as Sisters of Islam which rallied to their support distributing flowers outside a church where Islamists had planned to protest. For this act of solidarity conservative Islamists demanded their arrests. Other Muslim protagonists such as Azmi Sharom an outspoken law lecturer point out that nowhere in the Qur\’an does it say that \’Allah\’ is exclusive to Muslims. \”Is [Islam] a religion that is so small in its worldview that it can approve of one community claiming the term for God for itself? Is Islam so lacking in common decency and compassion?\” he said. Meanwhile the former Law Minister Zaid Ibrahim blogged \”The unwillingness of UMNO leaders to find a peaceful solution to the \’Allah\’ issue is a clear sign of the march towards authoritarian rule. Invoking the name of God is just a ruse to gain support for a new dictatorship.\”
The wearer of the T-shirt posed a fundamental question. The ball is now in the court of the Malaysian Government to openly demonstrate that it subscribes to the ethos of its own Constitution its own 10-point resolution and that it will uphold freedom of religion for all. Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on. Islamic authorities\’ raid on Malaysian Bible Society questioned by state government Malaysia\’s \’Allah\’ ruling widely criticised Churches campaign ahead of Malaysia elections Malaysia Set to Rule on Use of \’Allah\’ among Non-Muslims UK Parliament is told Christianity is \’most persecuted religion\’

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Kazakh pastor\’s trial begins [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism criminal arab league for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]]Catching Our Eye
This is the place where we post news updates quick takes and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye.
Kazakh pastor\’s trial begins
The trial against 67-year-old Kazakh pastor Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev has started eight months after his incarceration for allegedly \”harming the health\” of a member of his congregation.
The pastor has also been accused of inciting hatred propagating extremism and leading an organisation that harms others. If found guilty he could face a lengthy prison term.
Kashkumbayev denied all charges against him at a court hearing in Astana the capital on Jan. 22.
The trial was adjourned until Jan. 31 to allow Kashkumbayev\’s lawyer some time to study the case materials.
Source Forum 18
Syrian Christian beheaded
A Christian man was beheaded last week as he drove home from work in Homs reports Fars News.
Fides confirms that Fadi Matanius Mattah 34 was killed and his friend Firas Nader 29 was wounded as armed jihadists opened fire on their car.
A priest told Fides that noting that Fadi was wearing a cross around his neck they beheaded him.
Afghan atheist scared of going home
An Afghan atheist has been granted asylum in the UK for \’religious\’ reasons reports the BBC.
Brought up a Muslim the man has become an atheist after six years in the UK and claims he would face persecution and possibly a death sentence if he returned home.
It is believed to be the first time someone has been granted asylum in the UK on the basis of their atheism.
CAR crisis \’far from over\’
The crisis in the Central African Republic is far from over despite the resignation of President Michel Djotodia according to a local Catholic archbishop.
\”The shooting has ceased but the tensions are still there,\” said Nestor Desire Nongo-Aziagbia archbishop of Bossangoa. \”Resignation is a first step towards solving the crisis.\”
The archbishop added that politicians must now elect someone to \”bring the people together\”. Nearly one million people have been displaced since the beginning of the conflict in March. More than 100,000 are camped at Bangui\’s airport while others are sleeping in churches and mosques.
Source RNS
CAR President Djotodia resigns
Central African Republic\’s first Muslim president Michel Djotodia has resigned from office at a regional summit aimed at ending the violence that has engulfed the country.
Djotodia took power from former president Francois Bozizé in a coup in March last year as head of the now-disbanded Séléka rebel forces.
Séléka forces were accused of gross human rights abuses including mass rape and murder and of specifically targeting Christians. Violence has continued between the disbanded group and self-defence militias named anti-Balaka (anti-Machete).
Christians had protested for Djotodia\’s removal from power before Christmas.

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism criminal arab league for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates quick takes and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye.
Herald boss investigated over \’Allah\’
The director of Malaysia\’s Catholic Herald newspaper at the centre of the storm regarding Christians\’ use of the word \’Allah\’ is being investigated for comments made in an article on December 27 claiming Catholics have a right to use the word.
Lawrence Andrew who is also a Catholic priest is being investigated for \”sedition\” reports Fides.
This follows the seizure by the country\’s top Islamic authority alongside police of more than 330 Malaysian bibles from the Malaysian Bible Society last week because they used the word \’Allah\’ for God.
The Islamic Religious Department claims the use of the word \’Allah\’ should be reserved for Muslims alone.
In a separate development the Malaysian government has moved to ban the country\’s leading coalition of 54 human rights NGOs COMANGO which reported to the UN Human Rights\’ Council Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in 2013.
The government says most of these NGOs are \’un-Islamic\’ and un-registered. COMANGO says as a coalition entity it is not itself bound by registration legislation.
During the UPR COMANGO called for its government to sign the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of which Article 18 is about the rights of religious freedom.
A representative of the Malaysian government defended its religious restrictions saying they are in the interests of public order.
Vatican to hold peace talks
The Vatican has scheduled a meeting for Jan. 13 to discuss the potential for a cease-fire in Syria ahead of UN-backed peace talks in Geneva planned to start on Jan. 24.
Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo told Vatican Radio that a cessation of hostilities was vital \”in order to allow humanitarian aid to create humanitarian corridors that at the moment don\’t exist and the cessation of persecution against Christians and so-called interreligious martyrdom\”.
He said that Syria\’s Christians fear they are being targeted systematically by Islamist rebels seeking to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
The Vatican said Egyptian politician Mohamed El Baradei and American economist Jeffrey Sachs will attend the meeting. Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has also been invited.
30 killed in Plateau State violence
Around 30 people were killed and 25 others injured on Jan. 7 during an attack in Plateau State in Central Nigeria.
More than 40 houses were burnt down during the attack which local media blamed on Fulani herdsmen.
Much of the violence is blamed on land disputes between mainly Muslim Fulani herdsmen and the mainly Christian Berom farmers reports the BBC in the area where Nigeria\’s predominantly Muslim north meets its Christian-majority south.
Nanle Church update 11 released
A number of Christians from Nanle County Church in Henan Province China have been released after almost two months in custody although 13 are still being detained.
Twenty-four church members were arrested in mid-November including five church leaders after a dispute over a piece of land on which the group hoped to build a new church.
Source China Aid
Iranian convert jailed for evangelism
An Iranian Christian convert has been sentenced to one year in prison for charges including evangelism.
Hossein Saketi Aramsari was tried at the Revolutionary Court in Karaj near Tehran. He was arrested in July of last year.
Source Mohabat News

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Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism criminal arab league for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates quick takes and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye.
Egypt\’s President visits church
Egypt\’s President has attended Christmas celebrations at Cairo\’s Orthodox Cathedral reported to be the first time in history that the President has done so.
The gesture of solidarity comes at a poignant time for Egypt\’s 10% Christian minority who last year experienced their worst violence at the hands of lslamists for hundreds of years.
(Source RFI)
Freed priest returns to France
Georges Vandenbeusch the French priest held hostage for nearly seven weeks in Cameroon returned to France on New Year\’s Day.
President Francois Hollande greeted the 42-year-old cleric at an Air Force base near Paris early on Jan. 1 after France Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius received him in the Cameroon capital of Yaounde.
The Islamist militant group Boko Haram took responsibility for the kidnapping in November. Little has been revealed about the circumstances of his release though the French government has said no ransom was paid.
Source BBC
Farsi speakers banned from church
A church in Tehran has become the latest to close its doors to Farsi speakers.
St. Peter\’s Evangelical Church in the Iranian capital is preventing speakers of the country\’s official language from attending following pressure from government officials reports Mohabat News.
Armenians and Assyrians will be permitted to attend the church but the IDs of all congregants will be passed on to the government Mohabat adds.
In May the Central Assemblies of God church in Tehran was forced to cancel all services in the Farsi language or face permanent closure.
Following this Mansour Borji advocacy officer for human-rights group Article 18 said \”I am certain that the AOG church in Tehran will not be the last. If the Iranian government manages to close this church the few remaining churches that have Farsi-speaking services will follow.\”
Iranian converts arrested
Five Iranian converts to Christianity were arrested while celebrating Christmas together in Tehran reports Mohabat News.
Ahmad Bazyar Fagheh Nasrollahi Mastaneh Rastegari Amir-Hossein Ne\’matollahi and another man with the surname of Hosseini were arrested on Christmas Eve at Mr. Hosseini\’s house and taken to an unknown location.
Meanwhile Mohabat News reports that another Iranian Christian serving a six-year jail sentence in Karaj has written to the UN\’s High Commissioner for Human Rights to complain after his family home was raided with his wife and children at home.
Behnam Irani wrote from prison \”[The] Islamic regime of Iran does not seem to be tired of persecuting the followers of non-Islamic faiths and is seeking to establish a religious dictatorship… Iranian authorities raided our homes and made the sweetness of Christmas bitter for us.\”
More Christians arrested in Nanle
Several more members of Nanle County Church in Henan Province in China have been arrested China Aid reports.
Those reportedly detained include the youngest daughter of Pastor Zhang Shaojie who was himself one of the 24 church members arrested last month.
Seven of the 24 were reportedly released but the whereabouts of the remaining 17 is unknown and they have been denied access to a lawyer.

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism criminal arab league for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates quick takes and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. One of \’worst ever\’ years for Copts
Egypt\’s Coptic Christians are undergoing some of the worst persecution of their 2000-year history reports CBS News. In its flagship programme \’60 Minutes\’ CBS reports that Copts hoped Egypt\’s revolution would improve their fortunes but instead the last year has been \”one of their worst ever\”.
CAR Djotodia to speak to militias
Central African Republic President Michel Djotodia has offered to speak to the leaders of so-called \”Christian\” militias reports the BBC in attempt to deal with the worsening sectarian conflict.
Speaking to French RFI radio he said he was ready to \”extend his hand\”. A former rebel leader Djotodia became the Christian majority country\’s first Muslim leader after a coup in March.
Meanwhile the African Union has authorised increasing the number of troops deployed in the country to 6,000. An estimated 10 per cent of the CAR\’s 4.6 million population have fled their homes since the beginning of the violence.
Lawyers begin hunger strike
Fifteen lawyers who have been prevented from seeing their clients a group of 24 Chinese Christians arrested in Henan Province earlier this month have started a hunger strike outside the Nanle County Public Security Bureau.
China Aid reports that of the 24 Christians detained seven have been released but 17 remain in custody and have been denied permission to see their lawyers. It is still unclear on what charges they are being detained.
Retired Iranian pastor jailed
A retired Iranian pastor has been sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison.
Rev. Vruir Avanessian 61 who is of Armenian descent was found guilty on Dec. 5 of anti-government activities and promotion of ideas contrary to the sanctity of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The pastor who is reported to be unwell has 20 days to appeal.
Source Mohabat News
Bishops arrested at Dalit protest
Bishops were arrested by police in India during a protest against the discrimination of the Christian Dalit minority.
Archbishop Anil Couto of Delhi was among those arrested during the protest on Dec. 11. He and several other bishops were taken to a local police station and later released reports UCA.
Protestors were demanding a revamp of India\’s constitution which guarantees a reservation of government jobs and places in educational institutions for underprivileged classes but Christians and Muslims among these classes are denied such benefits on the grounds that their religions do not recognise the caste system.

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism criminal arab league for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates quick takes and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Iranians released two weeks early
Two Iranian Christians have been released from jail two weeks before the end of their sentences. Farhad Sabokrouh pastor of the Assemblies of God Church in Ahwaz and Naser Zamen-Dezfuli were released on December 4 seven months after their incarceration for converting from Islam to Christianity proselytising Muslims and propagating against the Islamic regime through evangelism.
Source Mohabat News. Séléka attacks hospital in CAR Séléka forces attacked a hospital in the Central African Republic capital of Bangui on Friday killing at least a dozen patients Al Jazeera reports. Gunmen pulled patients from the hospital and shot them. The hospital has been abandoned. The attack occurred as additional French forces began deploying throughout the northwest sector of the country as authorised by the United Nations Security Council vote on Thursday.
30,000 Eritreans abducted in five years
Around 30,000 Eritreans have been abducted since 2007 and taken to Egypt\’s Sinai where they face torture and ransom demands according to a study presented to the European Parliament.
The study conducted by an Eritrean human rights activist and professors from a Dutch University says more than $600m has been accrued from families in ransom payments.
\”[The hostages] are chained together without toilets or washing facilities and dehydrated starved and deprived of sleep,\” the report says. \”They are subject to threats of death and organ harvesting… Those who attempt to escape are severely tortured.\”
Source BBC
Sharia law enforced in Libya
Libya has voted to make sharia law the basis of all legislation.
Two years after the NATO-backed uprising that ousted Muammar Gaddafi Libya is still in messy transition with no new constitution and its temporary assembly caught in deadlock between an Islamist party and political rivals.
As in Tunisia and Egypt where autocratic leaders were ousted in the Arab Spring revolts Libya has seen fierce debate over the role of Islam in its new democracy with the rise of hardline Islamists long oppressed by Gaddafi
\”Islamic law is the source of legislation in Libya,\” the General National Congress said in a statement after the vote on Wednesday (Dec. 4). \”All state institutions need to comply with this.\”
Source Reuters
Egypt\’s draft constitution explained
Egypt\’s Constituent Assembly declared on Monday that the draft of the country\’s proposed new constitution is ready for public review. A popular vote is intended within 30 days of Monday\’s release.
What\’s in it? The Washington D.C.-based Atlantic Council has published a close study of the document including a detailed examination of changes affecting religious freedom. In the draft Islam remains the official state religion and the principles of Sharia remain \”the primary source of legislation\” though the document no longer contains language that defines those principles and instead leaves the matter to the courts.

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism criminal arab league for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates quick takes and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Peace efforts in Tanzania \’useless\’
Christian leaders in Tanzania have said peace efforts between Christians and Muslims in the country have proved useless after the recent burning of two churches.
The torching of a Lutheran church in Korogwe and Evangelical Assemblies of God church in Kalalani have caused the union of church denominations in the Tanga region in northeastern Tanzania to reject the government\’s peace platform which requires Muslim and Christian leaders to discuss various religious issues and to petition for something more effective. \”The situation these days is not good,\” said Dr Jothan Mwakimage a bishop who chaired the Christian group. \”We need to come up with another peace committee to be set by ourselves because the government platform has failed to deal with the matter.\”
Chairperson of the defence and security committee Chiku Gallawa added \”Peace is important to all the people regardless of their faith. Therefore all of us must be responsible for ensuring that the peace we have prevails for the benefit of the present and future generations of this nation.\”
Source Tanzania Daily News. Terrorist link to torched churches
Russia\’s Tatarstan Republic is offering 1 million rubles ($30,000) for information relating to the recent torching of several Orthodox churches in the region.
Four Orthodox churches were set on fire in the predominantly Muslim Republic in November and explosives were found in the city of Tuban Kama and the Aleksei district reports Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.
Investigators classified the attacks as vandalism and arson but Tatarstan\’s prosecutor-general insisted they should be investigated as terrorism.
Seven Orthodox churches have been burnt down in the past six months. The Central Spiritual Board of Russian Muslims has condemned the arson attacks saying \”There is no doubt that such action is an attempt to stir up sectarian discord and ethnic hatred\”.
Satellite evidence of CAR destruction
Human Rights Watch has released satellite images of the destruction caused during a recent attack on the village of Camp Bangui in the Central African Republic.
The images recorded on the morning of November 23 show half the village burnt to the ground.
The New York-based rights organisation said it has collected detailed satellite evidence of arson attacks on 15 additional villages and towns across the Central African Republic.
The UN is preparing to send a peacekeeping force to the lawless country after months of violence since the deposition of former president Francois Bozizé in March.
Sudan \’tramples\’ on its people\’s rights
The chairman of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom Robert George says Sudan is continuing to fail to adhere to international religious freedom standards.
Through the imposition of Sharia law George writes in the Washington Times that Sudan is a particularly difficult place for non-Muslims and for women.
\”The regime… continues to trample on the fundamental rights of its own people including the right to freedom of religion or belief,\” he writes.
Christians \’held\’ in Syrian town
Following a reported Islamist invasion on the town of Deir Atieh in Syria north of Damascus Fides reports that Christians are being prevented from leaving.
\”The militiamen examine the identification documents of those who intend to leave the city and retain those who have Christian names,\” states Fides.

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Source BBC. Burma on the road to religious freedom
Burma is moving towards greater interfaith freedom of expression but challenges remain according to Christian Solidarity Worldwide\’s Benedict Rogers writing for the Wall Street Journal.
Rogers notes that while the country has made great strides in recent years there is an ongoing threat of ethnic and religious violence. However he states that \”the prospect of guns falling silent across Burma for the first time in over 65 years may be closer than ever\”.
\”But at the same time,\” Rogers writes \”We heard testimonies of sexual violence forced labour and religious discrimination from Chin Christians. Over the years Chin state has suffered from a chronic lack of basic services including infrastructure and medical care thanks to the previous regime\’s deliberate policy of subjugation. If real change is to be secured policies based on ethnicity or religion must end.\”
Burma is predominantly Buddhist but many of the non-Burmese ethnic nationalities have significant Christian populations while Muslims may account for up to 10% of the population.
Kony urged to surrender in CAR
The President of the Central African Republic (CAR) has been in contact with warlord Joseph Kony head of the Lord\’s Resistance Army (LRA) urging him to surrender reports Reuters.
However the African Union\’s (AU) special envoy on the LRA told the UN that Kony has \”used the negotiations as a window of opportunity\” to relocate many of his fighters to north-eastern CAR.
The AU has been hunting him since he went underground in 2005. Kony has been indicted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court for his two-decade-long guerrilla war against the Ugandan government.
Kazakh pastor\’s trial postponed
The court hearing for a Kazakh pastor detained since May has been pushed back again.
Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev 67 pastor of Grace Protestant Church in Astana is charged with the psychological manipulation of a member of his congregation through the use of a \”red-coloured hallucinogenic drink\”.
Other members of the congregation say the drink is a harmless non-alcoholic beverage used as part of the church\’s Holy Communion to represent the traditionally used and symbolic red wine.
The pastor was supposed to learn his fate on Sunday (Nov. 17) but his son was informed that the hearing had been postponed.
Askar Kashkumbayev was told that a new date will be confirmed on Friday (Nov. 22). No reason was given for the postponement.
Boko Haram targets Christian girls
Boko Haram is abducting Christian women converting them to Islam on pain of death and then forcing them to marry its fighters reports Reuters.
Reuters tells the story of 19-year-old Christian Hajja who was abducted by the Islamist group in July and was then forced to work as their slave.
Hajja converted to Islam cooked for the men carried ammunition during an attack on a police outpost and was about to be married to one of the insurgents when she managed to escape.
\”If I cried they beat me. If I spoke they beat me,\” Hajja told Reuters. \”They told me I must become a Muslim but I refused again and again. They were about to slaughter me and one of them begged me not to resist and just before I had my throat slit I relented. They put a veil on me and made me read from the Koran.\”

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The United States has made official what Nigeria\’s churches have long asserted Boko Haram is a terrorist organisation. The state department announced on Thursday it has designated Boko Haram a \”foreign terrorist organisation\” and as \”specially designated global terrorists\”. The Islamist insurgent group \”is responsible for thousands of deaths in northeast and central Nigeria over the last several years including targeted killings of civilians\” according to a state department release. In its announcement the state department did not mention Boko Haram\’s numerous and deadly attacks on Christians but a U.S. senior administration official told journalists on background that Boko Haram is \”responsible for thousands of deaths since its conception in 2009 including large-scale attacks against Muslim and Christian religious communities and women and children.\”
At the same time the state department also imposed the same designations on Ansaru a Boko Haram splinter group. The designations authorise the U.S. Treasury Department to seize the groups\’ assets and make it illegal for any American to provide assistance to them.
Eighty executed in North Korea
Around 80 people were killed in public executions across a number of cities in North Korea earlier this month a South Korean newspaper reports.
In one city eight victims were mostly charged with watching or illegally trafficking South Korean videos being involved in prostitution or being in possession of a Bible. Accomplices or relatives of the executed people who were implicated in their alleged crimes were sent to prison camps.
The reason for the executions wasn\’t immediately clear. They seem to have occurred in cities that are centers of economic development (but not Pyongyang) according to a government official.
\’Biggest massacre yet\’ in Syria
Rebel forces in Syria have carried out the \”most serious and biggest massacre of Christians\” since the conflict began Syrian priests told Fides.
In the Christian town of Sadad near Homs 1500 families were held hostage in the last week of October and 45 killed and thrown into mass graves Fides reports.
Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregorios III told ACN the attacks were \”bestial\” as some families were thrown into wells.
\”How can somebody do such inhumane and bestial things to an elderly couple and their family? I do not understand why the world does not raise its voice against such acts of brutality,\” he said.
UN CAR in danger of genocide
The Central African Republic is at risk of lapsing into genocide the Unitied Nations Security Council was told on Friday. \”This will end with Christian communities Muslim communities killing each other which means that if we don\’t act now and decisively I will not exclude the possibility of a genocide occurring,\” Adama Dieng U.N. special adviser on the prevention of genocide told the 15-member council. France and Rwanda called the special meeting.
A coalition of rebel groups under the Séléka banner forced out the Central African Republic\’s president in March. Since then the Islamist-dominated rebels have attacked churches killed pastors raped nuns and forced thousands of Christians to flee their towns. Law enforcement has essentially vanished.
\”More and more you have inter-sectarian violence because the Séléka targeted the churches and the Christians so now the Christians have created self-defense militias and they are retaliating against the Muslims,\” French U.N. Ambassador Gerard Araud said after the meeting.
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has a Nov. 10 deadline to issue a report on the feasibility of sending a UN peacekeeping force to the Central African Republic.
Source Reuters
Egypt votes for religious freedom
The Committee drafting a revised Egyptian Constitution has voted to revise Article 47 which guarantees the free exercise of religion for all citizens – not just the three Abrahamic faiths as a draft in August had proposed. The draft will now be amended to include all religious minorities including Shia Muslims and the Ba\’hai as well as Sunni Islam Christianity and Judaism. Even the earlier draft came in strong contrast to the previous draft Constitution of 2012 (composed under President Morsi and Islamist influences) – one factor which led to the popular revolution which saw Morsi\’s overthrow in July 2013.
The Committee\’s spokesperson Mohamed Salmawy said the text would now read \”the state guarantees absolute freedom of religious practice\” and went on…\”and that the state facilitates the construction of places of worship for all\”. This refers to the fact that the Committee has adopted a transitional article that will remove existing restrictions on the building of new churches in the country and the renovation of others.
Christians who make up 10 to 15 per cent of Egypt\’s 85 million population currently need special presidential permits in order to build or renovate churches in Egypt.
Salmawy noted that most committee members agree that Islam grants absolute freedom for all religions citing the Prophet Mohamed who said \”We are not entitled to open the hearts of others to know what their beliefs are.\”
Source Ahram

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Bishops Yohanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yaziji were kidnapped on April 22 after returning from the Turkish border town Hatay. \”Our efforts to rescue them are still under way,\” said a statement. \”We are doing our best to ensure anyone who has been kidnapped in Syria is saved as our minister had previously expressed. Men of religion have an added significance. Turkey is making every effort so the metropolitans can be saved. Although we are not 100 per cent certain we have reason to believe they are alive.\”
Source Today\’s Zaman ] [ Bae \’in better health\’
The mother of imprisoned Korean-American Christian Kenneth Bae has told the BBC his health has improved after two months of medical treatment.
However she said she fears his health will suffer if he is returned to a labour camp. Last November Bae was sentenced to 15 years\’ hard labour convicted of plotting to topple the regime.
Bae reportedly suffers from diabetes high blood pressure a fatty liver and a back problem.
Police tell Mexicans not to evangelise
A Mexican pastor and 30 members of his congregation have been released after a 72-hour detention for evangelism. The group from Galiléa Church in the southern city of Ocosingo were warned that they would be sent back to prison if they continued to evangelise.
CAR \’could be next failed state\’
The Central African Republic is in danger of becoming the world\’s latest failed state according to Médecins Sans Frontières\’ director Arjan Hehenkamp.
In a report published by The Guardian Hehenkamp wrote that religion has become part of the conflict in a country \”gripped by violence since the coup d\’etat in March\”.
\”The church compound is like an open-air prison,\” he wrote. \”People don\’t even dare to go and fetch the wood they need for cooking. They don\’t dare to go out of that protected zone back to their houses where they would have a roof over their heads and some proper facilities even though their houses are sometimes only a few 100 metres away.\”
Coptic wedding party attacked in Cairo
Four people including an eight-year-old girl have been killed in an attack outside a Coptic church after a wedding in Cairo.
At least nine others were injured some seriously after the attack by gunmen on motorbikes. Egypt\’s Prime Minister has condemned the attack saying that the perpetrators will not succeed in creating a wedge between Muslims and Christians.
Sources BBC AINA

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A court hearing for Mohamed el Baldi a Moroccan Christian accused of \’shaking the faith of a Muslim\’ has been postponed to Dec. 31. Arrested Aug. 28 Mohamed was sentenced shortly thereafter to 30 months. He was conditionally released following a Sept. 26 court appearance and an appeal hearing initially was set for Oct. 10. That hearing now set for Dec. 31 is the soonest that el Baldi can obtain a complete release. Judges to newspaper Stop saying \’Allah\’
A Catholic newspaper may not use the word \’Allah\’ to refer to God a Malaysian appeals court ruled on Monday. The all-Muslim three-judge panel reversed a 2009 finding by a trial court that allowed the Malay-language newspaper The Herald to print the word. Chief judge Mohamed Apandi Ali said in the ruling \”The usage of the word \’Allah\’ is not an integral part of the faith in Christianity. The usage of the word will cause confusion in the community.\”
Rev. Lawrence Andrew founding editor of the Herald said in response \”God is an integral part of every religion,\” and said the paper will appeal to Malaysia\’s highest court according to Reuters. The Christian Federation of Malaysia issued a statement calling the ruling \”yet another erosion and infringement of the constitutional protection to the freedom of religious communities to profess and practise their faith.\” Federation Chairman Rev. Eu Hong Seng said the ruling does not appear to apply to the use of \’Allah\’ in the Bible educational materials or during worship. EU Parliament pleads for Christian safety
The European Parliament has gone on record condemning violence against Christians in several countries. In a resolution passed on Thursday Oct. 10 the parliament Condemned militant attacks on Christians in Syria and called for protection of monasteries and humanitarian support for nuns and orphans;
Condemned the Sept. 22 bombing attack on All Saints Anglican Church in Peshawar Pakistan which killed more than 80 people; and urged Pakistan to dismantle its anti-blasphemy laws which the parliament said \”can be misused against people of all faiths\”;
Called on Iran to release American pastor Saeed Abedini who was imprisoned in 2012 on charges that his previous work to establish Christian churches threatened Iran\’s national security.
Another boatful of migrants capsizes
One week after a shipwreck killed more than 300 African migrants seeking asylum in Europe another boat capsized in the Mediterranean Sea on Friday Oct. 11 killing several more.
The boat carrying more than 200 migrants capsized about 105 kilometres southeast of Lampedusa an island that itself is about 130 kilometres south of the Italian island of Sicily. The Associated Press reported that most of the passengers had been rescued but that several bodies were seen in the water.
As World Watch Monitor reported on Oct. 8 many of those who pay smugglers more than $1,000 for a spot on the dangerous boats are fleeing persecution in places such as Egypt Ethiopia and Eritrea. Kazakh pastor released then arrested
Kazakh pastor Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev walked out of prison Oct. 8 only to be arrested again at the prison gate on terrorism charges. The pastor already awaiting trial on charges that he used a \”red-coloured hallucinogenic drink\” to cause psychlogical harm to a member of his congregation was permitted to leave prison and await trial under house arrest. He was on his way out of the prison when several officials ordered him to accompany them to the police station.
There according to the human-rights watchdog Forum 18 police questioned Kashkumbayev about whether he had engaged in \”propaganda of terrorism or extremism\” in connection with the case already lodged agasint him. He is being held at the temporary isolation prison of the Astana police Forum 18 said.

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A new report by Amnesty International claims the authorities in Egypt are failing to prevent \”deeply disturbing\” attacks on the country\’s Coptic Christian minority. The organisation has called for an investigation into a series of deadly sectarian incidents. \”Failure to bring to justice those responsible for sectarian attacks sends the message that Copts and other religious minorities are fair game,\” said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui Amnesty International\’s Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa. Pastor placed under house arrest. Kazakh pastor Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev has been told he will be released from prison but only to be placed under house arrest reports Forum 18. The pastor who has been detained for almost five months and undertook a hunger strike in protest is still awaiting trial.
He will be confined to speaking with his close relatives and will be able to leave home only for medical appointments until at least November 17.
Pakistan \’beset with religious rage\’. The World Council of Churches has registered with Pakistan Prime Minister Naraz Sharif its dismay at the recent wave of violence that has claimed nearly 150 lives. In an Oct. 3 letter to Sharif council General Secretary Rev. Olav Fykse Tveit said the council\’s 345 member churches representing 500 million Christians are \”deeply disturbed by the present environment of growing terrorism and religious rage and intolerance in Pakistan that has given rise to such attacks.\” Nearly 90 people were killed on Sept. 22 in a bomb attack on All Saints Anglican Church in Peshawar. On Sept. 27 a bus bomb killed 19 and on Sept. 29 a bomb in a Peshawar market killed more than 40 people.
Tveit said the council has \”serious concern about the safety and security of the religious minorities in Pakistan during [the] highly charged situation of growing religious extremism.\” The letter urges that \”all necessary measures be undertaken to provide safety and security of the vulnerable communities especially the religious communities who are facing constant threat to their lives\”.
The Presbyterian Church of Pakistan encompassing 340 congregations and 400,000 people and the 500,000-member Church of Pakistan are members of the world council. Egyptian bishop eludes gunmen
An automobile occupied by the bishop of the Coptic Church in Minya Egypt and several companions came under gunfire on Monday. No one was hurt.
\”We are all safe,\” Bishop Makarios told Bishop Angaelos general bishop of The Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom according to a release from the UK church. \”But it is unfortunate that this can happen during a time of healing. This is an indication that while steps are being taken towards reconciliation there are those who still want to delay us.\”
The UK church said the attack occurred at 7 a.m. Monday Sept. 30 as Makarios was on the way to the home of a family of a man who had been killed during the anti-Christian violence that erupted nationwide on Aug. 14.
The Assyrian International News Agency reported that the bishop\’s driver was able to steer the car away from the gunfire and bring the occupants to the home of a Coptic family where the bishop and the occupants took refuge. The assailants continued to fire on the house AINA reported for 90 minutes before police arrived.
Archbishop of Aleppo lists damages. The Archbishop of Aleppo says that 1,400 factories and shops have been looted demolished or burned in Aleppo alone while more than 2,000 schools have been \”devastated or put out of use\”.
Jean-Clément Jeanbart told Fides that \”37 hospitals and 1,000 small clinics and dispensaries have been vandalised… grain silos emptied power stations sabotaged railway lines dismantled and roads blocked and made impassable and dangerous because of armed gangs that terrorise travellers who dare to move and leave town\”.

[ Catching Our Eye ] [ lettera aperta al governo massonico di youtube ] perché ti lamenti? lo sanno tutti che io sono un dittatore! e se ti rifiuti di guardare? infatti di certo poi \” tu puoi sempre diventare cieco! \”

[Catching Our Eye] [open letter to the government Masonic youtube] why are you complaining about you see christians martyrs? everybody knows that I\’m a dictator! and if you refuse to watch? In fact of course then \”You can always go for to become blind!\”

Catching Our Eye [open letter to the government Masonic youtube] [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism criminal arab league for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates quick takes and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Amid the ruins forgiveness. Continuing the growing stream of reporting on the extensive damage done to Egypt\’s churches since Aug. 14 the Sat7 Christian broadcasting service showed video on Sunday of the worship service at the Evangelical Church of Beni Mazar in the Minya region. Worshipers sang and prayed in the charred remains of their building. \”They burned and destroyed the building but it will never be possible for them to burn and destroy the Church because the Church will remain forever,\” Rev. Hany Jacque preached. Sat7 founder and CEO Terence Ascott who lives in Egypt said the church service has been typical of the Christian response to the destruction of dozens of churches \”It is evident that the almost universally non-violent response to these attacks… has greatly impressed many Muslims. This has been a very public turning of the other cheek by the Christians of Egypt and a very public act of obedience to Jesus\’ injunction for His followers to \’…love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you\’ \”. Sat7 uses two satellites to beam Christian programing to Europe the Middle East northern Africa and parts of Asia. Assyrians urge U.S. to hold fire
The Assyrian American National Coalition has mounted an online letter-writing drive to urge the U.S. administration to hold its fire in Syria. Assyrians are an ancient ethnic group indigenous to the Middle East and belonging mostly to various eastern and orthodox Christian churches. \”Now as extremist jihadists have moved their war to Syria an American strike will undoubtedly motivate further attacks on Christians in Syria,\” the letter states. \”While the use of chemical weapons should not be condoned the United States must weigh the unintended but utterly predictable negative consequences of further military involvement in Syria on Assyrians and other Christians in the Middle East.\” As of Sept. 11 the AANC said more than 1,300 letters had been transmitted to the White House and members of Congress.
Malaysia \’Allah\’ verdict next month. The verdict on the Malaysian government\’s appeal against the High Court\’s ruling in December 2009 which upheld the right of other faiths to use \’Allah\’ (eg. for \’God\’ in a Malay language Bible) will be given next month. The 2009 ruling triggered fire-bombings and vandalism targeted at churches and Christian-run schools. When one affected pastor said on TV \’\’We forgive\’\’ it prompted political debate about the Christian ethic of forgiveness but this was not enough to stop the government appealing against this ruling to appease the Malay majority. That appeal was finally heard yesterday with government Catholic Church representatives and Muslim hardliners in a packed courtroom. Pastor still detained in Philippines. As the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) attack on Zamboanga continues into a third day the city\’s mayor has said the total number of evacuees has reached over 3,000 families. An eyewitness reported \”We went to a missionary to bring rice and then the commotion began. We went around the city; there were a lot of closed roads and the village was in uproar. The rebels were dressed in civilian clothes and in military uniforms so it\’s difficult to identify them. We passed by the grandstand where the people have been evacuated and saw many tribal people attempting to get inside. We couldn\’t help them.\” GMA News is updating a timeline of events as they occur. A pastor taken hostage on September 9 is still being detained.
The leader of MNLF Nur Misuari is a former governor of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao. There has been no official word from him to date but an MNLF spokesman said \”The die is cast. We\’ve begun on the river of no return… For us there is no solution anymore except for us to liberate the whole of Mindanao.\” (Source ABS-CBN News) The on-going standoff seems to have stemmed from the Philippine Government\’s termination of The Tripartite Implementation Review of the 1996 Final Peace Agreement with the MNLF according to local media.
Retired pastor tried in Tehran. The trial of a retired Iranian-Armenian pastor started on September 7 at the Revolutionary Court in Tehran nine months after his arrest reports Mohabat News. Vruir Avanessian 61 is accused of \”action against national security\” and \”proselytising Farsi-speaking citizens\”. His trial took place behind closed doors. Avanessian who suffers from a heart condition has been in and out of hospital during his detention. He was arrested in December last year alongside fellow Christian Mostafa Bordbar who was sentenced last month to 10 years in prison on similar charges.

[al Governo massonico mondiale di youtube lettera aperta ] su dai tu non fare così il permaloso per quello che io ho detto. tutto quì? tu pensa sempre in modo positivo \”se io castigo punisco il tuo corpo poi la tua anima sarà purificata\” quindi tu hai bisogno di tribolazioni per non essere più un satanista e per imparare ad essere un martire cristiano anche tu!

[Masonic Government worldwide for satan JaBullOn in youtube open letter] on come on you do not do so the touchy for what I said. everything here? You always think in a positive way \”If I will punishment against you punish your body then your soul will be cleansed\” therefore you need to have tribulations to no longer be a Satanist and to learn to be a Christian martyr you too!

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism criminal arab league for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates quick takes and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Christian village \’overrun\’ in Syria. Clashes between Syrian government troops and rebel forces threatened to overrun a Christian village north of Damascus this week reports the Associated Press. Opposition fighters are reported to have been led by an al-Qaeda-linked rebel faction which attacked Maaloula on September 4 before pulling out the next day.
AP reports that the assault has \”spotlighted fears\” among Syria\’s religious minorities about the prominence of Islamic extremists within rebel factions.
Monastery closure hits Sinai economy
Residents of the Sinai city of St. Catherine have complained they are struggling to survive following the closure of the city\’s 1,500-year-old monastery two months ago reports Al-Monitor.
Egypt\’s government ordered the monastery shut in early July after suspicions it was to be attacked.
This is only the third time the monastery has closed in 50 years. Father Paolos a member of the monastery\’s Holy Council told Al-Monitor they are \”suffering a major financial crisis and we cannot cover the monastery\’s expenses and dozens of families that we constantly support\”.
The monastery employs 400 workers but Fr. Paolos says salaries will have to be cut \”drastically\” if the government fails to sanction the reopening of the popular tourist site. UN warns of Syria \’genocide\’. A UN diplomat has warned that if the violence in Syria continues at its present rate there is a \”risk of genocide\”.
Mokhtar Lamani who worked with the UN during both the Balkans war and Rwanda told the BBC that Alawites and Christians were at most risk and that over two million Syrians have fled.
The BBC\’s Middle East Editor Jeremy Bowen says UN envoys are reluctant to use the word \”genocide\” and that Lamani based on the diplomat\’s personal experience can be considered an \”authoritative source\”.
New concern for North Korea. A new report from The Committee for Human Rights in North Korea states that an \”extremely high\” number of prisoners are detained on political grounds while countless others are unaccounted for or have died in detention. \”Through this vast system of unlawful imprisonment the North Korean regime isolates banishes punishes and executes those suspected of being disloyal to the regime,\” the report states. \”They are deemed \’wrong-thinkers,\’ \’wrong-doers,\’ or those who have acquired \’wrong-knowledge\’ or have engaged in \’wrong-associations.\’ \”
Korean-American Christian Kenneth Bae is one of many perceived political opponents in prison in North Korea. His trial and conviction came at a time of high tension between the US and North Korea in the wake of the communist state\’s third nuclear test. The US Special Envoy for North Korean rights Robert King last week hoped to seek pardon for Bae who is suffering from ill health but King was refused entry. Today former US basketball player Dennis Rodman is visiting \’his friend\’ Kim Jung-un. Rodman says he will not be discussing Bae\’s case at all.
Meanwhile the United Nations has been refused access to North Korea\’s prison camps. However an initial UN investigation found evidence of forced amputations and reports that a mother was forced to kill her own newborn baby report The Telegraph and the BBC. Another view of Egypt\’s violence
While much of Egypt and the world fixates on the fate of the Muslim Brotherhood and their attacks on Coptic churches Timothy Kaldas sees something else \”The state\’s cynical use of Christian suffering to justify its violent behavior.\”
Despite the fact that attacks on Christian churches and communities have been widespread and well-documented since Aug. 14 \”the security forces be they police or military have been nowhere to be seen. This is not due to them being unaware of the attacks,\” writes Kaldas on the English-language Mada Masr news website. The American-born son of Egyptian expatriates Kaldas is a Cairo-based photographer.
\”Every press conference that addresses the foreign media never fails to inform foreign journalists they\’re not paying enough attention to the crimes being perpetrated against Christians throughout the country,\” he writes. \”[T]he negligence of the media if you believe such negligence exists pales in comparison to the negligence of the state whose only interest in mentioning attacks on Christians is to further their political agenda.\”

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism criminal arab league for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates quick takes and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. [ Algierian military seizes Christian man ] An Algerian Christian has been arrested his home searched and his computer seized without explanation according to the Protestant Church of Algeria. The man identified by the name Sofiane was riding in a taxi Aug. 23 when he was stopped at a military checkpoint near Biskra about 500 kilometres south of Algiers. He was taken to Biskra for questioning.
\”The police raided his family home and took his laptop and other personal items,\” said a source within the Protestant Church of Algeria who was quoted anonymously by Open Doors International a ministry that supports Christians who are pressured because of their faith. Sofiane married and the father of one remains in custody the source said and police have not provided any information about his detention.
CAR rebels killed; church attacked. A spiral of reprisal violence in the western portion of the Central African Republic this month has resulted in the desecration of a Catholic parish and has forced 18 priests and nuns to flee according to Agenzia Fides the Vatican\’s missionary news service. The trouble began earlier this month when members of the rebel coalition Seléka arrested a bicycle mechanic \”for no reason,\” Fides reported. On Aug. 16 a fed-up group of \”young local hunters\” killed four Seléka members in retaliation. The next day Fides reports rebels entered the town of Bouar guns firing. They ransacked the housing quarters of the Sœurs de la Charité burned classrooms and desecrated the church. The Diocese of Bouar sent a convoy to evacuate the priests and nuns to Bohong about 80 kilometres to the west. Fides reports that its sources in Bouar say \”reprisals are likely to last for a long time.\”. Senator pushes for relgious-freedom envoy. U.S. Senator Roy Blunt is renewing his call for the State Department to create a special envoy for religious minorities in the Middle East. Blunt a Republican from Missouri introduced the necessary legislation in March. This week in the wake of widespread attacks on Christian churches schools and other facilities across Egypt he renewed his plea to have his bill formally taken up for consideration. \”The continued violence against Coptic Christians and other civilians in Egypt is incredibly disturbing and flies in the face of the religious freedoms and fundamental values that Americans hold dear,\” Blunt said in a press release. The envoy would \”promote the right of religious freedom of religious minorities,\” monitor abuses and represent U.S. interest in religious freedom to foreign governments. The bill is co-sponsored by a bipartisan mix of 10 senators. Report Nigeria violence is sectarian. Boko Haram is the foremost perpetrator of religiously motivated violence in Nigeria claims a new report issued by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. The report issued Aug. 19 as an update to a July 2012 report documents dozens of Boko Haram attacks on churches and individual Christians since January 2012 that have killed at least 532 people. Attacks on critical Muslim leaders and other \”un-Islamic\” groups have killed a further 134 people. The actual numbers likely are larger the report notes because only those incidents for which the militant Islamist group claimed responsibility are documented.
Earlier in August the International Criminal Court said a \”reasonable basis\” exists to conclude Boko Haram has committed crimes against humanity in Nigeria.
The USCIRF update claims Boko Haram\’s \”misuse\” of faith is increasingly putting religion at the center of Nigerian violence and that government toleration has created environment of impunity. The commission an an advisory body to the U.S. Congress urges an American policy that acknowledges the centrality of religion to Nigeria\’s unrest in order to more effectively support Abuja and Nigeria\’s religious leaders.
Beaten Chinese pastor suspects regime
A Chinese house church leader who was abducted and beaten while driving home last week said he suspects local government agents China Aid reports.
Li Shuangping leader of Linfen house church was dragged from his car on Aug. 13 and assaulted by four men who threatened to kill Li and his family. He was later released.

al governo massonico mondiale di youtube [ su dai tu non fare più il permaloso e soprattutto non dubitare più del mio amore per te! ] io non volevo che continuassi a dire ed a pensare che io amo di più google+ e te di meno (per scrivere molti più articoli sulla sua pagina)! lo sai molto bene che sei tu il mio primo amore.

the government Masonic worldwide Nwo satanic youtube [on come on you did not do any more still the more touchy and most importantly not doubt most of my love for you! ] I did not want that you continue to say and think that I love the most google+ and you less (to write many more articles on his page!) you know very well that you are my first love.

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism criminal arab league for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates quick takes and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Jail then exile for Iranian convert. Iranian Christian convert Ebrahim Firouzi 28 has been jailed for one year for \”evangelism activities [which are] considered in opposition to the regime of the Republic Islamic of Iran\”. (Source Mohabat) Firouzi who was arrested in March and could not afford a lawyer will then spend two years in exile in the remote city of Sarbaz near the Pakistan border in Iran\’s southeast.
His bible and computer were confiscated and destroyed.
\’Your wife arrested your father dead\’. An imprisoned Iranian convert to Christianity has spoken of the \”mental torture\” he has experienced since his arrest in December 2010. Mohabat News reports that Farshid Fathi who is serving a six-year jail term for being the \”chief director of a foreign organisation in Iran and raising funds for [them]\” was told by prison guards his wife had been arrested and his father suffered a heart attack. Neither is true. His wife and two children are safe in Canada where they moved in February this year after two years in Turkey.
Egyptian pastor \’fine and safe\’ Reports that an Egyptian pastor was kidnapped on Thursday (Aug. 15) were false according to The World Today a Swedish newspaper.
Nasralla Salib pastor of a Seventh Day Adventist church in Asyut on Friday (Aug. 16) told the newspaper he was \”fine and safe\” having been sheltered from trouble by Muslim neighbours. Moderate Muslims defending their Christian neighbours has been one of the recurring stories coming out of Egypt. To keep up with events as they happen follow our Storify feed. Crisis deepens as Cairo camps cleared
The Wall Street Journal reports that a number of churches have been attacked and some set on fire in Egypt following the bloody clearing of Morsi supporters from Cairo \’camps\’. Churches in the town of Sohag and village of Delga were reportedly set on fire while churches in the Abou Helal district of Minya and in the city of Suez were also attacked. The Anglican community in Egypt sent out an appeal for urgent prayer saying stones and Molotov cocktails have been thrown and a priest\’s car destroyed in Suez.. While state media reported only 15 fatalities as the army cleared Morsi\’s supporters from their two main \’camps\’ in Cairo the Muslim Brotherhood claimed thousands have been killed. Some communications in Cairo have been cut and roads in Alexandria blocked and the situation remains confused.
Hisham Hellyer a professor at Georgetown University told the BBC World Service that \”all media sources need to be double-checked as no-one is neutral in today\’s crisis\”. Zero. That\’s the number of Christians among the 25 people sworn in as governors by Egypt\’s interim President Adly Mansour on Tuesday according to Mideast Christian News. Egypt has 27 governates; Mansour filled the governor\’s position in all but two of them.
The incoming slate of regional executives has a Mubarak-era flavour prompting loud protests from both the Muslim Brotherhood and the opposition groups that galvanized the popular uprising that with the help of the Egyptian military drove the Brotherhood from power July 3. Of the 25 appointees 11 are former military officials and a further two are former police commanders Al-Ahram reported.

Catching Our Eye. [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism criminal arab league for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates quick takes and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. [ Iranian convert jailed for 10 years ] Mostafa Bordbar an Iranian convert to Christianity has been jailed for 10 years (Source Mohabat News). Bordbar 27 who was arrested last year was sentenced to five years for membership of an \”anti-security organisation\” and five years for partaking in \”gatherings with intent to commit crimes against Iranian national security\”. His lawyer Shima Ghousheh said she will appeal the verdict.
Italian priest \’kidnapped\’ in Syria. An Italian Jesuit priest has been abducted in Syria by Islamists with links to al-Qaeda Reuters has reported.
Fr. Paolo Dall\’Oglio was reportedly kidnapped on Monday (July 29) in the rebel-held eastern Syrian city of Raqqa which Reuters says has fallen under the control of militant Islamists. However the Vatican has yet to confirm the news.
Dall\’Oglio had worked in Syria for over 30 years \”promoting Islamic-Christian harmony-building\” (his words). But he was expelled last year after speaking out against President Bashar al-Assad and helping victims of the civil war. Since then he has been working predominantly in Europe.
On 22 July he posted an online petition to the Pope whom he implored to advocate on behalf of suffering Syrians. However his stance has been controversial for many Syrian Christian leaders. Nadim Nassar the only Syrian Anglican priest told World Watch Monitor \”Any attempt to politicize the voice of Christians in Syria is wrong and devastating for them because it weakens them\”.
Zimbabwe election battle begins. Zimbabweans head to the polls today (July 31) as a two-man battle gets underway between long-standing president Robert Mugabe who has been in power for 33 years and challenger Morgan Tsvangirai Prime Minister since 2009. In an editorial for the Washington Post Tsvangirai questioned whether the elections would be free and fair but Mugabe insists Zimbabwe\’s Christian roots will ensure there will be no foul play and that he will step down if he loses. \”We don\’t do things like that [rig elections],\” he said. \”We have never done it. We have had elections before democratic elections. The West might not have accepted them as democratic but our own people definitely know we have done no cheating never ever. We are also a Christian nation.\” WSJ Religious freedom \’integral\’. A recent article in The Wall Street Journal says religious freedom is an essential human right that must be protected. \”Because the freedom to live according to one\’s beliefs is so integral to human flourishing the full protections of religious liberty must extend to all,\” write Robert George and Katrina Lantos Swett chairman and vice chairwoman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. Body of kidnapped Assyrian discovered. The body of Salem Dawood Coca an Assyrian from Betnaya in northern Iraq was found on July 8 in the truck he was driving when he was kidnapped on May 27. The Assyrian International News Agency reports the truck was rigged with explosives prompting speculation Coca was being forced to carry out a suicide bombing but that he had refused.
AINA said the kidnappers contacted the family and called Coca a \”Christian infidel\”. Coca leaves behind a wife and several children. He was 63.

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism criminal arab league for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates quick takes and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. al-Bashir trip to Nigeria sparks protest. Human rights groups are blasting Nigeria for hosting Sudan\’s President Omar al-Bashir at an African Union health summit and have demanded his arrest on genocide charges from the International Criminal Court.
However a spokesman for Nigeria President Goodluck Jonathan says \”Nigeria is not in a position to determine who attends an AU event and who does not attend an AU event… Nigeria is just providing the platform for the meeting\”. (BBC)
It was noted that al-Bashir left the summit earlier than expected. Lebanon on the brink. The war in Syria threatens to spill over into Lebanon where the Damascus regime and the rebels both have supporters. A Lebanese BBC journalist\’s film \’Lebanon on the Brink\’ shows the latent sectarian enmity between Sunni and Alawite Shia in Tripoli northern Lebanon. Copts suffer pro-Morsi backlash. Twenty-three houses belonging to Coptic Christians have been set on fire in Naga Hassan village Egypt after a Muslim man was reportedly killed in an altercation with three Copts on July 5 writes Egypt Independent. Although local residents said the altercation had no religious or political motivation others are concerned at an apparent increase in interfaith tension following Mohamed Morsi\’s deposition. The UK\’s Independent newspaper reports that Coptic Christians are being held responsible for the coup by some of Morsi\’s supporters and suffering violence as a result. \’Freed\’ Asseriyan sworn to silence. Robert Asseriyan the Iranian pastor arrested during a church service on May 21 has been freed Mohabat News reports. Asseriyan of the Assemblies of God Church in Tehran was reportedly released on bail on July 2. Mohabat says the condition for his freedom is for him to remain silent after his church was forced to close during the Iranian Presidential elections. \’Epidemic\’ of sexual violence in Egypt. In the midst of the political demonstrations in Egypt violent attacks have been carried out against at least 91 women in the past week. According to Human Rights Watch many of these extended acts of aggressions are pre-meditated assaults by groups of men.

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism criminal arab league for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates quick takes and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Coptic Pope backs protests
Egypt\’s Coptic leader Pope Tawadros II has lent his support to the growing anti-Morsi protests saying it is \”wonderful to see the Egyptian people taking back their stolen revolution in a peaceful way\” reports Al-Ahram.
Syrian priest \’shot not beheaded\’. Francois Murad the Syrian priest killed during a June 23 attack on a convent was shot not beheaded according to the latest reports. (The Daily Telegraph). A YouTube video appearing to show two prisoners being executed by rebels had been linked to Murad\’s murder but Human Rights Watch said the video was most likely filmed in a different location several months before Murad was killed. Murad\’s order The Custody of the Holy Land said he was shot by Islamists while trying to defend nuns. Fides linked the attack to the jihadi group Jabhat al-Nusra. Bomb kills 4 in Syrian Christian district. Four people were killed and several injured on Thursday in an explosion in the mostly Christian Bab Sharqi district of Damascus\’ Old City near the Greek Orthodox Virgin Mary Church. Syrian state-run TV said it was a suicide bomb; opposition forces said it was a government-fired mortar. No one had claimed responsibility and it was unclear if the church was the intended target. The Associated Press said it was the first reported suicide attack inside the Old City and that the bomb went off 50 metres from the church entrance. \”A terrorist bombed himself nearby the Patriarchate next door to the Shi\’ite association. Four persons were killed and 11 injured one of them a woman working at the Patriarchate,\” according to Open Doors International. But the victims most likely were Shi\’ites the organization said because the bombing occurred at a Shia medical center next to the church. Syrian priest calls for end of \’folly\’. A Syrian priest was killed on Sunday (June 23) in an attack on a convent by militants linked to the jihadi group Jabhat al-Nusra according to Fides.
Another priest Pierbattista Pizzaballa told the Catholic Herald that Ghassanieh the village where Francois Murad died \”like other Christian villages has been almost completely destroyed and is almost totally abandoned\”.
\”The only thing we can do,\” he said \”is pray that this folly ends soon and that no more weapons are sent to Syria because that would only prolong this absurd civil war.\” Death penalty fear for Libyans
\”Why should people have to worry in the new Libya that they could face the death penalty over what someone else sees as disrespectful of religion?\” Human Rights Watch. Ali Tekbali and Fathi Sager two Libyan National Party officials may face death over posters made for the 2012 elections if found guilty of charges including insulting Islam and \”instigating division\”.

#Benjamin #Netanyahu alcuni ebrei soprattuto se loro sono farisei Illuminati anglo-americani loro pensano che in fondo in fondo non è un grande male la shoah l\’olocausto di un 50% di ebrei ogni tanto degli israeliani questa volta se poi loro (le comunità mondiali in genere) per diverse generazioni possono vivere nella ricchezza opulenza potere successo… e poi come la storia ha dimostrato poi sono sempre gli ebrei meno ricchi quelli che finiscono per morire sempre! l\’importante è che questo crimine di satanismo del fondo monetario internazionale che ha rubato il signoraggio bancario. non debba mai essere denunciato mai da nessun ebreo.

#Benjamin #Netanyahu some Jews above all if they are Pharisees Illuminati Anglo-Americans they think in the end after all is not a great evil the Holocaust the shoah of 50% of Jews occasionally the Israelis is this time if then they (the world community in general) for several generations can live in wealth opulence power success… and then as history has shown then the Jews that are always less wealthy are the ones that always end up dying! the important thing is that every crime of Satanism of the International Monetary Fund who stole the bank seigniorage. should never be denounced never by no jew.

[ quando la ideologia può distorcere la verità della storia analizziamo le menzogne che hanno detto entrambi! ] Netanyahu e #Hassan #Rohani. 23 gennaio 2014. sulla tribuna del #World #economic #Forum di #Davos parlando soprattutto della crisi in #Siria. Primo a prendere la parola Hassan Rohani ha dichiarato che la miglior soluzione per la Siria sarebbe organizzare elezioni libere e democratiche. Rohani che non è stato invitato alla conferenza di pace che si apre domani a Ginevra ha giudicato la situazione nel paese \”miserabile\” a causa dei terroristi che uccidono degli innocenti [ tutto vero! ]. #Benjamin Netanyahu ha replicato che \”le parole cambiano ma non gli atti\” e che l\’Iran è il nemico di Israele e di diversi paesi arabi [ ma questa è la politica imperialistica delle sfere di influenza geopoliche che i farisei Illuminati Spa NWO FMI hanno inventato (perché ogni guerra ingrassa sempre il banchiere) ed i politici giocano con gli strumenti di questo teatro crudele! ] \”Non sono rassicurato da quello che io ho sentito questa mattina. Il discorso del presidente #Rohani non ha alcun legame con quello che succede nella realtà […] Rohani afferma di opporsi all\’intervento militare in Siria? Suona bene ma è falso. L\’Iran arma #Hezbollah e manda le sue milizie a massacrare la popolazione siriana\” (questo non mi risulta mai nessuno ha detto che gli sciiti entrano in un villaggio per uccidere i cristiani anzi loro li proteggono in Siria! Piuttosto la verità è il contrario cioè quando gli sciiti entrano in un villaggio i cristiani già sono stati uccisi dai sunniti ). Nel suo intervento il presidente iraniano ha anche voluto rassicurare sul dossier nucleare affermando che l\’Iran non ha mai voluto avere una bomba atomica e nemmeno la vorrà in futuro. Poi ha qualificato l\’accordo concluso a Ginevra sotto l\’egida dell\’ONU come uno sviluppo maggiore. [ ovviamente nessuno crede a queste menzogne! anzi la la intollerante nazi sharia che rende il tutto molto preoccupante! ] giustamente Invece per #Netanyahu l\’arma nucleare iraniana e i Fratelli musulmani (sunniti) sono due minacce affrontate simultaneamente dallo Stato ebraico e dai paesi arabi vicini \”Israele potrebbe trovare sostegno presso questi paesi (non lo troverà è un trappola) perchè un partenariato sarebbe efficace per contrastare questi pericoli.\” c\’è della ingenuità molto pericolosa in #Benjamin #Netanyahu quando lui pensa che coloro che supportano una qualsiasi forma di sharia possono essere leali e stabili suoi alleati come se Fratelli Musulmani ed islamisti (Erdogan ha mandato una nave piena di armi per realizzare la guerra civile in Egitto) non ricevano contributi economici ecc.. proprio dai suoi alleati perché il progetto del califfato mondiale non può essere fermato questo è un delirio mortale che finirà in tragedia! Arabia Saudita non è più in grado da sola di poter fermare il meccanismo che lei ha attivato!

Catching Our Eye [[all nazi islamic country sharia imperialism criminal arab league for dhimmi martyrs christians slave ]] This is the place where we post news updates quick takes and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Syriac church torched
A group with links to al-Qaeda set fire on June 19 to al-Wahdah Syriac church in Syria\’s eastern city of Deir Ezzor the Syrian Arab News Agency is reporting.
SANA citing information from \”an official source\” reported the responsible group is \”an armed group affiliated to Jabhat al-Nusra\”. The United Nations has declared al-Nusra to be an alias for al-Qaeda in Syria and the United States has designated it as a terrorist organization. Earlier terrorists seriously damaged a Catholic church in Deir Ezzor with a car bomb. Bomb sullies Pakistan founder\’s legacy
On Saturday (June 15) the Residency in Balochistan where Pakistan\’s founder Mohammed Ali Jinnah spent his last days was badly damaged in a bomb and grenade attack reports Pakistan\’s News International. Jinnah said in his inauguration speech in 1947 \”You are free; free to go to your temples you are free to go to your mosques or to any other places of worship in this state of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has nothing to do with the business of the state.\” While the attackers remain unidentified commentators are worried by the apparent symbolic nature of this attack on Pakistan\’s. founder\’s principles. Syrians struggle for basic necessities. A Priest in Homs told Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need about his \”desperate struggle\” to provide basic food shelter and medicine to more than 30,000 people fleeing the war-torn city. Rouhani victory \’not free nor fair\’
Iran\’s elections were neither free nor fair according to Mansour Osanloo former President of the Tehran Bus Driver\’s Union writing for the New York Times.
Hassan Rouhani won the June 15 election but the real power Osanloo said still lies with Iran\’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
Euro Court to France Don\’t deport Copt. France has decided that an Egyptian Coptic Christian man should be returned to his native country but the European Court of Human Rights last week asked France to reconsider. AFP reports that the man identified as M.E. arrived in France in 2007 from the Upper-Egypt governate of Assiut and later claimed he and his family faced attacks and threats while he lived in the heavily Coptic region. French courts denied his application for asylum saying his predictions of threats if sent home were not persuasive. The European Court however pointed to the increase of violence against Copts predating Egypt\’s 2011 revolution and noted there was \”no evidence that the situation of Coptic Christians had improved in the meantime\”.

Catching Our Eye
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Not the usual blasphemy conviction

The Associated Press reports that Cairo\’s Nasr City Court has convicted a Muslim cleric for burning a Bible. In a country where the law forbidding denigration of Islam Judaism and Christianity is used usually to prosecute Christians Sunday\’s verdict was a rare case where it was applied against a Muslim.

Ahmed Abdullah ripped and burned a Bible during a Sept. 11 protest against an American-made anti-Islam video. His son was also found guilty. The two were fined 5,000 Egyptian pounds about US $700.

The father was also sentenced to eight years in prison but the judge suspended the prison time.
Turkey \’defined by inflexible religiosity\’

Calling Turkey a home to the \”last secularists in the Middle East\” Turkish opposition party MP Şafak Pavey has condemned Recep Tayyip Erdoğan\’s government for failing to reconcile Islam secularism and democracy because of a government \”defined by inflexible religiosity\”. (The Guardian)
Egyptian blasphemy case \’bodes ill\’

Christian teacher Dimyana Obeid Abd Al-Nour has been fined 100,000 Egyptian pounds ($14,000) for defaming Islam and insulting Prophet Mohammed which is prohibited in Article 44 of the Egyptian constitution.

The 24-year-old will now face compensation claims at a civil court following the conclusion of the criminal trial in Luxor on June 11.

Amnesty International says the case \”bodes ill for others in Egypt facing trial on similar charges\”.
Amnesty wants Sudanese pastors freed

Amnesty International has called for the release of two Presbyterian Church leaders in South Sudan who were arrested on May 19.

Reverend Idris Nalos Kida and Pastor Trainee David Gayin were not allowed access to a lawyer or their families and are at risk of torture or other forms of ill-treatment Amnesty International reports.
Egyptian \’defamation\’ verdict due

The trial of an Egyptian Christian teacher accused of defaming Islam and insulting Prophet Mohammed is expected to conclude at a third hearing scheduled for June 11 reports Middle East Concern.

Twenty-four-year-old Dimyana Obeid Abd Al-Nour was arrested on May 8 after accusations by the parents of three students at Sheikh Sultan primary school in Luxor.

\”It is not a crime to speak one\’s mind on a religion whether it is their own or that of someone else,\” said Amnesty International\’s Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui.

However Article 44 of the 2012 Egyptian constitution states \”insult or abuse of all religious messengers and prophets shall be prohibited\”.

Illuminati Rothschild so che non è colpa tua di essere nato nella tua posizione ma sicuramente è colpa tua doverci rimanere! non c\’è al mondo un uomo più povero di te! se demoni alieni loro erano validi? il Padrone JHWH non li avrebbe cacciati!
vi siete fatti riempire il cervallo da montagne di merda!
voi che siete umani non avete nessuna possibilità di gestire qualcosa di sovrumano e pensare soltanto che loro possano essere veramente i vostri amici? addirittura i vostri servi? questa è pura follia!

Illuminati Rothschild world bank I know it\’s not your fault to be born in your position but it certainly is not your fault having to stay in here! there is no in the world a man poorer than you! if demons aliens they were valid? then the Lord YHWH were not thrown out them! you\’re done filling the brain with mountains of shit! you that you are human you have no ability to manage something superhuman and think only that they can be really your friends? even your servants? this is madness!

Illuminati Rothschild world bank farisei FMI SPA NWO COME HITLER E I FARAONI che loro SI ERANO DEDICATI ALLO ESOTERISMO? così ugualmente avete fatto anche voi! voi siete diventati i nuovi faraoni! quante persone innocenti avete fatto soffrire morire in questi 400 anni per colpa della vostra azione parassitaria? Così JHWH ha liberato voi dallo Egitto perché voi potevate essere liberi di fare i satanisti! voi state profanando la Santità del Signore Onnipotente ed è suo dovere ora di ascoltare la sofferenza dei popoli.

Illuminati Rothschild world bank the Pharisees IMF SPA NWO AS HITLER AND THE PHARAOH that they WERE DEDICATED TO ESOTERICISM? so too have done too! You have become the new pharaohs! how many innocent people have made suffer die in these 400 years because of your action parasitic? Thus YHWH has freed you from Egypt because you you could be free to do Satanists! you are desecrating the sanctity of the Lord Almighty and it is his duty now is to listen to the suffering of the peoples.

yitzhak kaduri Benjamin Netanyahu tu hai visto? [ Spa monopolio ebraico di NetWorkTV hollywood\’s jewish FED BCE Nwo per la prima volta hanno incominciato squarciare il velo su questi genocidi sistematici che gli islamici fanno da 1400 anni forse che per amore del mio amore per Israele Illuminati satanisti farisei hanno rinunciato a distruggere Israele? ] [ #Siria qaedisti prendono #Al Bab #strage. [ Decine di esecuzioni sommarie ] secondo attivista. 13 gennaio 19:23 #Siria #qaedisti jihadisti per il #Califfato #mondiale sharia #saudita #salafita #ottomano prendono #Al#Bab strage #BEIRUT Le milizie #jihadiste dello #Stato #islamico #\’Iraq e del #Levante ( #Isis) entrante in conflitto con altre formazioni di insorti in Siria hanno riconquistato in queste ore la località di Al Bab a nord di #Aleppo. Lo riferiscono attivisti locali raccontando di #decine di #esecuzioni #sommarie di prigionieri e combattenti rivali. Al Bab oltre a essere diventata teatro di scontri fra ribelli locali e qaedisti é stata nei giorni scorsi bombardata dalle forze governative di #Assad.

Al Miqdad gli USA Turchia e Arabia Saudita vogliono fare saltare la conferenza di Ginevra 2 dopo la loro delusione dei ragazzini che avevano inviato per discutere. le armi di distruzione di massa sono tre Biologica chimica enucleare ma esiste una quarta che è la bestialità che consiste nel prendere la decisione sbagliata nel momento sbagliato. Fonti di informazioni parlano di divergenze nelle fila dell\’opposizione su chi dovrebbe sostituire Al Jarba dopo che quest\’ultimo aveva annunciato il suo ritiro. questo sarebbe il motivo del dialogo diretto fino a questo momento… Homs rapido avanzamento degli eroi dell\’Esercito Arabo Siriano nella zona di al Zara nella periferia ovest di Homs dove si trova il più grande covo dei vili terroristi sicari uccidendo più di 60 terroristi e la cattura di 17. le nostre forze stanno ancora avanzando. Periferia di Damasco Durante lo scavo di una galleria da parte della Direzione della difesa aerea attorno della Direzione due giorni fa si sono incontrati in un punto comune dove i terroristi armati avevano già scavato una galleria dalla parte di Al Miliha… gli agenti della difesa aerea allora avevano minato la galleria ritirandosi poi dalla galleria che è stata fatta esplodere con tutti i terroristi dentro quelli che avevano cercato di ritirare i cadaveri sono stati uccisi a loro volta. tra i terroristi si contano più di 40 uccisi.

Il consulente del Presidente Bashar Al Assad risponde a tutto quello che #Kerry e la sua banda hanno portato alla #Conferenza di #Ginevra 2 per presentare il Governo legittimo siriano come un governo che uccide tortura e opprime la sua popolazione. Quelle foto o video riportate a prova della tesi portata sostenuta e promossa dai veri nemici della Siria faranno la fine di quelle prove che sono state in precedenza fabbricate e mistificate in diverse occasioni tra quelle da ricordare la questione del chimico e del suo utilizzo per accusare il governo siriano di quelle macabre e disumane menti e mandanti degli stessi gruppi mercenari che ogni qualvolta si preveda una convocazione del Consiglio di sicurezza dell\’ONU o dell\’Assemblea stessa dell\’ONU stranamente si presentano queste prove o si commettono massacri e atti criminali per portarle in quelle aule. Mi domando se mai possibile che il Mondo continua ancora a ignorare la presenza di più di 130.000 terroristi sicari mercenari provenienti da più di 83 paesi e che stanno uccidendo massacrando e eseguendo modi e tecniche mai viste nella storia dell\’umanità e la cosa che dovrebbe offendere ogni coscienza umana è che tutti questi atti criminali vengono regolarmente filmati e lanciati dagli stessi terroristi nella rete vantando e festeggiando le loro atrocità nel nome di Dio e cosa fa quel mondo che si presenta come difensore dei diritti della democrazia e della giustizia sociale quel mondo accusa con atteggiamento infido e perfido la vittima di essere l\’autore di queste atrocità e i mercenari criminale vengono regolarmente ignorati come se non esistessero anche se organismi internazionali riconoscono e dichiarano esplicitamente l\’innocenza del Governo siriano e le altre istituzioni siriane. Nessuno al di fuori della delegazione ufficiale siriana ha pensato o ricordato nella conferenza di Ginevra le centinaia se non migliaia di civili e non #rapiti da parte dei gruppi terroristi presenti sul suolo siriano ad iniziare da quei #libanesi per finire con le suore e le bambine orfane rapite da #Maaloula.
Queste persone non sono state rapite casualmente o per vendetta ma sono state rapite per ordine preciso da parte dei mandanti per averle come strumento di ricatto come è successo ogniqualvolta che si preveda una riunione di un organismo internazionale e sin dai primi giorni di questa guerra mondiale contro la Siria e contro la popolazione siriana (ricordate le dichiarazioni di Hellary Clington a riguardo). Mi domando ancora è mai possibile che questo mondo che si presenta come difensore dei valori nobili dell\’umanità non abbia pensato di essere strumentalizzato e raggirato da parte dei gestori della guerra contro la Siria????.
L\’utilizzo di queste foto o \”prove\” perché avviene in certi momenti e non quando sono disponibili?????. La risposta è semplice Queste foto e queste pretestuose prove sono assolutamente e certamente fabbricate eseguite e portate dagli stessi autori nelle persone che all\’oppinione pubblica si riservano l\’immagine del difensore dei diritti e cioè da parte dei sostenitori finanziatori ospitanti fornitori ed investitori nel terrorismo mondiale precisamente sono i governi degli #USA #Francia #Inghilterra #Italia #Turchia #Arabia #Saudita #Qatar e tutti quei paesi che ruotano nella loro orbita.

Lo scenario più importante che noi abbiamo visto ieri è che un piccolo paese resiste di fronte a mezzo di quel mondo forte e ricco e quel piccolo Grande Stato ribadisce a loro dicendo Sono uno Stato libero indipendente e sovrano… Questo è di per se una storica vittoria con tutti le sue conseguenze e che non potrebbe nemmeno sognare qualunque leader arabo e nemmeno leader mondiali.. Questa è la vera libertà che volgiamo noi non vogliamo un\’altra libertà siamo pronte ad offrire qualunque sacrificio per questa libertà.. Questo è la nostra decisione per la indipendenza nazionale… Al Moualem. ha dato la miglior descrizione della dottrina wahabita \” la #wahabia esporta in Siria mostri a immagine di essere umani\”. Grande flusso di richieste per interviste alla delegazione siriana. Sin dalle prime ore della Conferenza di Ginevra 2 si è osservato un affluenza senza precedenti verso la delegazione siriana chiedendo interviste che non potrebbero essere esaudite tutte le richieste mentre quello che chiamano la delegazione della coalizione andava in giro a cercare qualche giornalista per rilasciare dichiarazioni. Gli esperti dell\’informazione hanno interpretato questo avvenimento come un ulteriore segnale dello svincolo dei mezzi mediatici dalle posizioni dei ministeri degli esteri occidentali per rendersi più libera e più vicina alla realtà di quanto sta accadendo veramente senza poterla più nascondere (come hanno fatto per quasi tre anni). L\’intervento del Ministro degli esteri siriano #Walid Al #Moualem è stato il perno principale che ha esposto in dettaglio gli atti criminali che la #Siria sta subendo dal punto di vista umano politico socuiale ed economico.

Periferia di #Damasco #Ghouta orientale 155 terroristi mercenari sono caduti in un\’imboscata dell\’Esercito arabo Siriano. Sapete che il ministro degli affari esteri #Saudita il quale ha parlato oggi della rotazione del potere. quel uomo e\’ dal 1975 un ministro degli affari esteri. Alcuni dei sostenitori della cosiddetta opposizione ieri avevano cercato di aggredire il #Ministro dell\’informazione siriano #Omran #Alzoubi intervenuta la polizia svizzera portandolo in salvo. Il primo risultato della danza di #Ginevra a #Aleppo L\’Aeroporto Internazionale Civile di Aleppo è aperto sicuro e proprio oggi ha ricevuto il primo volo siriano. New York 9 gen. Per la seconda volta in un mese la #Russia ha bloccato una mozione non vincolante di censura nei confronti del regime di #Bashar #al-Assad per le stragi di civili perpetrate con i raid aerei su #Aleppo che dal 15 dicembre scorso hanno gia\’ provocato oltre settecento morti e piu\’ di tremila feriti. Il testo sottoposto al #Consiglio di #Sicurezza delle #Nazioni Unite dalla #Gran #Bretagna esprimeva \”indignazione\” per i \”quotidiani\” attacchi \”cinici e sistematici\” condotti in spregio delle norme di diritto internazionale contro la popolazione della seconda citta\’ della Siria ma Mosca ha preteso che ogni riferimento a quest\’ultima fosse eliminato e cosi\’ per evitare che ne sortisse una versione troppo edulcorata i proponenti lo hanno ritirato. Qualcosa di identico era gia\’ successo il mese scorso quando a farsi carico di un\’iniziativa analoga erano stati gli Usa. In questa occasione #Washington in realta\’ nutriva dubbi sull\’opportunita\’ di una mossa del genere nell\’imminenza almeno teorica della piu\’ volte rinviata conferenza di pace in programma il 22 gennaio prossimo in Svizzera la cosiddetta Ginevra 2. \”La bozza #britannica non costituisce nulla di cui ci si debba sorprendere il Consiglio non puo\’ rimanere in silenzio su una questione simile\” avevano pero\’ replicato in via riservata fonti diplomatiche occidentali e cosi\’ si era andati avanti finche\’ l\’ostilita\’ russa non ha mandato tutto a monte.
Il #Cremlino storico alleato di #Damasco ha gia\’ paralizzato con il veto proprio e della #Cina tre risoluzioni vincolanti di condanna #anti-Assad. (AGI).
Lo scandalo di #Mohammad #Qassim Al #Nassouh comandante del cosiddetto \”Battaglione degli amanti dei discepoli\” arrestato mentre stava praticando il sesso con una sua nipote.

TG 24 Siria ha condiviso il video di ‎شبكات أخبار سوريا المتحدة / F.S.N.N‎.
22 gennaio Al Moualem…. Nessuno al Mondo Sig. Kerry nessuno proprio ha il diritto di dispensare legittimità o anche revocarla o ancora concedere ad un Presidente un Governo a una Costituzione o a qualunque cosa in Siria se non gli stessi siriani nessun altro.
لا أحد في العالم سيد كيري لا أحد في العالم له الحق باضفاء الشرعية أو عزلها أو منحها لرئيس أو حكومة أو دستور أو قانون أو أي شئ في سوريا الا السوريون أنفسهم.
الوزير وليد المعلم
Il nostro esercito diplomatico a Montreux per la pace… e il nostro esercito eroico in Siria per la guerra… chi la guerra ha voluto la guerra avrà e chi vuole la pace la pace avrà.. nel vocabolario dei Leoni non vi è il termine arrendersi…
\”Abou Bakr Al Ansari uno dei cosiddetti giuristi dell\’organizzazione terrorista \”lo Stato Islamico in Iraq e Siria\” ucciso in una sede dell\’organizzazione grazie ad un missile che lo ha spedito all\’inferno.
Svizzera Centinaia di siriani si sono riuniti davanti alla sede della conferenza Ginevra2 a Montreux urlano per la Siria e suo presidente. 500 detenuti in cambio delle suore rapiti dai terroristi a Maaloula:
La delegazione del Qatar che era entrata attraverso l\’Aspromonte di Irzal nei territori siriani attraverso un valico illegale 10 giorno fa o quasi era composta da 4 personaggi rimasti per tre giorni a Yabroud dove hanno incontrato l\’Emiro del fronte al NUsra (organizzazione dichiarata terroristica dagli americani) e nel Qalamoun hanno incontrato le suore rapite.
la delegazione del Qatar aveva offerto di provvedere a tutta quanto necessario per liberare le suore compreso il pagamento del denaro.
Il fronte rapitore delle suore ha consegnato una lista di 500 nomi di terroristi detenuti in cambio della liberazione delle suore.

L\’Ingegnere Nagham Salloum nella Provincia di Souidaa in prima linea e personalmente vuole essere attiva e provvedere alla manutenzione della rete elettrica distrutta dai criminali terroristi della Nato dell\’Europa e America della Turchia dell\’Arabia Saudita del Qatar e di quelli che si fanno chiamare gruppo del 14 marzo libanese e dei tutti i patrocinanti del terrorismo mondiale sotto moltissimi pretesti e menzogne. Questa è la donna siriana vera e propria. I rappresentanti dell\’organizzazione terroristicaa Ginevra 2 Lo Stato Islamico in Iraq e Siria il fronte di al Nusra e tutti gli adoratori del petrodollari:
– Assi al Jarba;
– Michel Chilo;
– Burhan Ghalioun;
– Abdul Hanid Darwish;
– Hadi Al Bahra;
– Badr Jamous;
– Rima Flehan;
– Souhai Al Atassi;
– Anas Al Abdah;
– Ahmad Ramadan.

Il Ministero degli esteri russo ha criticato il ritiro dell\’invito inviato a Iran per partecipare alla Conferenza di Ginevra 2 considerando questo atto una delusione in quanto la revoca dell\’invito indebolisce gli sforzi spesi per sottrarre la Siria da questa crisi. Imboscata ben pianificata eseguita da parte dei nostri Soldati nell\’aeroporto Al Tabqa con l\’esito di 12 terroristi eliminati e gli altri si sono immediatamente ritirati in fretta e furia mentre il nostro Esercito a requisito le loro armi e munizioni con due vetture da loro utilizzate. Ginevra #Ministro Esteri Al-Muallem alla Siria interessa il successo di Ginevra 2 come primo passo per un dialogo siriano siriano [fuori subito tutti i mercenari dalla Siria]

Periferia di Damasco Durante lo scavo di una galleria da parte della Direzione della difesa aerea attorno della…
13:42 – 24 gen 2014

Sunset @_darkhours 9 h

@Tg24Siria AJ admit:#Syria-#Damscus #CapitalShield #SAA eliminate rebels possibility2stirke hearthland … v @NamanTarcha

TG24SIRIA @Tg24Siria

Gli armi di distruzione di massa sono tre Biologica chimica enucleare ma esiste una quarta che è la bestialità…

TG24SIRIA @Tg24Siria

Al Miqdad gli USA Turchia e Arabia Saudita vogliono fare saltare la conferenza di Ginevra 2 dopo la loro…

TG24SIRIA @Tg24Siria

Siria l\’esercito riprende il controllo sulla località Tayyara est di Zarzour in Aleppo tagliando la strada Aleppo Raqqa ai terroristi

TG24SIRIA @Tg24Siria

Fonti di informazioni parlano di divergenze nelle fila dell\’opposizione su chi dovrebbe sostituire Al Jarba dopo…

Siria Vendetta dell\’ISIL di Al-Qaeda Massacra Attivisti Dell\’Opposizione ad Aleppo
Per MrGeourg 8 gennaio 2014 Al Nusra front attivisti FSA Grave Massacro Miliziani di Al-Qaeda opposizione armata opposizione siriana Stato Islamico dell\’Iraq e al-Sham STRAGE A ALEPPO

Immagini di corpi (almeno 43) di attivisti civili giornalisti del canale Shaza Al-Hurria e uomini armati appartenenti all\’opposizione liquidati dai terroristi dello Stato Islamico nell\’Iraq e nel Levante (ISIL) o Dawlet Al-Islam in Iraq e Al-Sham (Daish) ramo di Al-Qaeda in Siria e in Iraq. 1502533_415194765250784_1045408969_n 1535696_415191341917793_195575593_n

Il massacro si è consumato nelle note del 6 gennaio nei pressi dell\’ex struttura dell\’ospedale oftalmologico nelle città di Aleppo che è stata presa d\’assalto dai stessi terroristi dell\’opposizione trasformandola in un ospedale di campo e centro operativo del canale mediatico Shaza Al-Hurria (Profumo della Libertà).

Tale crimine entra nel contesto della lotta al potere e vendetta sanguinosa tra i vari fazioni dell\’opposizione criminale Qaedisti Jihadisti e uomini armati (ISIL Nusra Fronte Islamico FSA …).

Tra i corpi si trovano diversi civili anche medici alcuni volontariamente si sono offerti e altri sono stati costretti a collaborare con l\’opposizione. Secondo fonti locali quasi 247 sono stati uccisi nell\’ultima settimana di scontri tra questi miliziani. &

Green Resistance & Black Libyans are freeing Jamahiriya from the neo-colonialist puppet government installed by the Zion-NATO forces (Eng-Ita)

25 Saturday Jan 2014

Posted by syrianfreepress in Green Resistance Jamahiriya Libia Libya Muammar Gaddafi Resistance

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Aggressioni neo-coloniali aljazeera Amnesty International Colonialism Eric Draitser Gaddafi Gaddafi supporters Green fighters Green Resistance Jamahiriya Jamahiriya News Libia Libya Libyan Patriots libyan resistance LibyanFreePress Loyalists NATO NATO CRIMES nato forces NCT-rats Neocolonialismo Rats Resistance resistance fighters Resistenza pro-Gheddafi War Resistance News

Green Resistance & Black Libyans are freeing Jamahiriya from the neo-colonialist puppet government installed by the Zion-NATO forces

The Secret War in Libya
By Eric Draitser Global Research,
The battles currently raging in the South of Libya are no mere tribal clashes. Instead they represent a possible burgeoning alliance between black Libyan ethnic groups and pro-Gaddafi forces intent upon liberating their country of a neocolonial NATO-installed government.

On Saturday January 18th a group of heavily armed fighters stormed an air force base outside the city of Sabha in southern Libya expelling forces loyal to the \”government\” of Prime Minister Ali Zeidan and occupying the base. At the same time reports from inside the country began to trickle in that the green flag of the Great Socialist People\’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya was flying over a number of cities throughout the country. Despite the dearth of verifiable information the government inTripoli has provided only vague details and corroboration one thing is certain the war for Libya continues.

On the Ground

Libya\’s Prime Minister Ali Zeidan called an emergency session of the General National Congress to declare a state of alert for the country after news of the storming of the air base broke. The Prime Minister announced that he had ordered troops south to quell the rebellion telling reporters that \”This confrontation is continuing but in a few hours it will be solved.\” A spokesman for the Defense Ministry later claimed that the central government had reclaimed control of the air base stating that \”A force was readied then aircraft moved and took off and dealt with the targets… The situation in the south opened a chance for some criminals…loyal to the Gaddafi regime to exploit this and to attack the Tamahind air force base…We will protect the revolution and the Libyan people.\”

In addition to the assault on the airbase there have been other attacks on individual members of the government in Tripoli. The highest profile incident was the recent assassination of the Deputy Industry Minister Hassan al-Droui in the city of Sirte. Although it is still unclear whether he was killed by Islamist forces or Green resistance fighters the unmistakable fact is that the central government is under assault and is unable to exercise true authority or provide security in the country. Many have begun speculating that his killing rather than being an isolated targeted assassination is part of a growing trend of resistance in which pro-Gaddafi Green fighters figure prominently.

The rise of the Green resistance forces in Sabha and elsewhere is merely one part of larger and more complex political and military calculus in the South where a number of tribes and various ethnic groups have risen against what they correctly perceive to be their political economic and social marginalization. Groups such as the Tawergha and Tobou ethnic minorities both of which are black African groups have endured vicious attacks at the hands of Arab militias with no support from the central government. Not only have these and other groups been the victims of ethnic cleansing but they have been systematically shut out of participation in Libyan political and economic life.

The tensions came to a head earlier this month when a rebel chief from the Arab Awled Sleiman tribe was killed. Rather than an official investigation or legal process the Awled tribesmen attacked their black Toubou neighbors accusing them of involvement in the murder. The resulting clashes have since killed dozens once again demonstrating that the dominant Arab groups still view their dark skinned neighbors as something other than countrymen. Undoubtedly this has led to a reorganization of the alliances in the region with the Toubou Tuareg and other black minority groups that inhabit southern Libya northern Chad and Niger moving closer to the pro-Gaddafi forces. Whether or not these alliances are formal or not still remains unclear however it is apparent that many groups in Libya have come to the realization that the government installed by NATO has not lived up to its promises and that something must be done.

The Politics of Race in Libya

Despite the high-minded rhetoric from Western interventionists regarding \”democracy\” and \”freedom\” in Libya the reality is far from it especially for dark skinned Libyans who have seen their socioeconomic and political status diminished with the end of the Jamahiriya government of Muammar Gaddafi. While these peoples enjoyed a large measure of political equality and protection under the law in Gaddafi\’s Libya the post-Gaddafi era has seen their rights all but stripped from them. Rather than being integrated into a new democratic state the black Libyan groups have been systematically excluded.

In fact even Human Rights Watch an organization which in no small measure helped to justify the NATO war by falsely claiming that Gaddafi forces used rape as a weapon and were preparing \”imminent genocide\” has reported that \”A crime against humanity of mass forced displacement continues unabated as militias mainly from Misrata prevented 40000 people from the town of Tawergha from returning to their homes from where they had been expelled in 2011.\” This fact coupled with the horrific stories and images of lynchings rapes and other crimes against humanity paints a very bleak picture of life in Libya for these groups.

In its 2011 report Amnesty International documented a number of flagrant war crimes carried out by the so called \”freedom fighters\” of Libya who despite being hailed in the Western media as \”liberators\” used the opportunity of the war to carry out mass executions of black Libyans as well as rival clans and ethnic groups. This is of course in stark contrast to the treatment of black Libyans under the Jamahiriya government of Gaddafi which was praised up and down by the Human Rights Council of the United Nations in their 2011 report which noted that Gaddafi had gone to great lengths to ensure economic and social development as well as specifically providing economic opportunities and political protections to black Libyans and migrant workers from neighboring African countries. With this in mind is it any wonder that Al Jazeera quoted a pro-Gaddafi Tuareg fighter in September 2011 as saying \”fighting for Gaddafi is like a son fighting for his father…[We will be] ready to fight for him until the last drop of blood.\”

As the Toubou and other black ethnic groups clash with Arab militias their struggle should be understood in the context of a continued struggle for peace and equality. Moreover the fact that they must engage in this form of armed struggle again illustrates the point that many international observers made from the very beginning of the war NATO\’s aggression was never about protecting civilians or human rights but rather regime change for economic and geopolitical interests. That the majority of the population including black ethnic minorities is worse off today than they ever were under Gaddafi is a fact that is actively suppressed.

Black Green and the Struggle for Libya

It would be presumptuous to assume that the military victories made by the pro-Gaddafi Green resistance in recent days will be long-lasting or that they represent an irreversible shift in the political and military landscape of the country. Though decidedly unstable the neocolonial puppet government in Tripoli is supported economically and militarily by some of the most powerful interests in the world making it difficult to simply overthrow it with minor victories. However these developments do signal an interesting shift in the calculus on the ground. Undoubtedly there is a confluence between the black ethnic minorities and the Green fighters as both recognize their enemy as being the tribal militias who participated in the overthrow of Gaddafi as well as the central government in Tripoli. Whether a formal alliance emerges from this remains to be seen.

Were such an alliance to develop however it would be a watershed moment in the continued war for Libya. As Green resistance fighters have shown in Sabha they are able to organize themselves in the south of the country where they enjoy a large degree of popular support. One could imagine an alliance in the south that would be able to hold territory and possibly consolidate power throughout the southern part of Libya creating a de facto independent state. Naturally the cry from NATO and its apologists would be that this is anti-democratic and counter-revolution. This would be understandable as their goal of a unified Libya subservient to international finance capital and oil interests would become unattainable.

One should be careful not to make too many assumptions about the situation in Libya today as reliable details are hard to come by. More to the point Western media has attempted to completely suppress the fact that the Green resistance even exists let alone is active and winning victories. All this simply further illustrates that the war for Libya rages on whether the world wants to admit it or not.

The Secret War in Libya
By Eric Draitser Published by Global Research at
Copyright © 2014 Global Research

Eric Draitser is the founder of He is an independent geopolitical analyst based in New York City. You can reach him at Network at Freelancers Network reloaded

Resistenza Verde & Neri Libici stanno liberando la Jamahiriya dal governo fantoccio neo-colonialista installato dalle forze Sion-NATO

cosa sta succedendo

lamentarsi, respingere la mia proposta? è legittimo, se tu hai una TUA soluzione alla Guerra mondiale! E ALLORA TU VUOI SOSTITUIRE LA GUERRA MONDIALE CON CHE COSA?
GLI USA NON HANNO NESSUN DIRITTO DI: CUSTODIRE IN LOCALITà SEGRETE: 1. ALIENI, 2. IBRIDI TRA ANIMALI ED ESSERI UMANI, 3. UOMINI IN STATO CATATONICO ZOMBIES, 4. ecc.. SENZA IL PERMESSO DEL GENERE UMANO! 5. altresì, è proibito appropriarsi del genoma umano, per venderlo ,o modificarlo, senza il consenso delle Nazioni, la violazione di una queste clausole comporta la dichiarazione di guerra, automatica, di tutte le Nazioni del Mondo contro gli USA, in maniera automatica!

E perché io dovrei dirti di “no!” se, la mia felicità, come lo scopo della tua vita è la felicità? TU DIMOSTRAMI DI NON COMMETTERE UNA QUALCHE INGIUSTIZIA, PIUTTOSTO! oppure tu pensi di fare risultare ingiusto Unius REI? [ SATANISTI ALIENI VAMPIRI ] SE I FARISEI NON VANNO SUBITO IN ARABIA SAUDITA? GIURO CHE VI UCCIDO TUTTI! PERCHé QUALCUNO TI VOGLIA DICHIARARE COLPEVOLE DI QUALCOSA? POI, DOVREBBE CHIEDERE IL PERMESSO A ME, mentre, io ho concesso la amnistia assoluta per tutti i delitti commessi prima del mio regno, in favore di tutti i miei alleati!
ma poiché Maometto è uno dei tanti antiCristI? poi, come lui potrebbe stare in Paradiso? MA COME la tua fede, ti ha plasmato come una bestia di satana?! E CHI NON CREDE DI ESSERE COSì? VENGA SUBITO DA ME! ma, chi crede di essere diventato una bestia di satana? PROPRIO LUI DEVE VENIRE SUBITO DA ME: PRIMA CHE LO COLGA ANCHE LA MORTE ESTERIORE! e tu non puoi venire da me fisicamente, perché io non sono 7miliardi di persone, ma, tu puoi leggere i miei articoli e, tu puoi trovare una comunione con i miei ideali! NON TEMERE: io non pretendo di modificare la tua religione o la tua identità!
QUALI diritti umani SHARIA genocidio nazisti, LA LEGA ARABA PUò RAPPRESENTARE IN ONU? che Sauditi hannno detto sull’altare di satana della CIA: “abbiamo fatto bene noi, a rifiutare di entrare anche noi in ONU, con Unius REI in giro? era molto pericoloso!”
dubito che, si possa parlare di politica o di finanza, o di economia, adeguatamente, perché questa è tutta una maçonnerie Rothschild: ALTO TRADIMENTO COSTITUZIONALE ] e se, FARISEI non fanno in fretta a Realizzare il regno delle Tribù di Israele in ARABIA SAUDITA? finiranno COME I PEZZENTI, dopo avere rubato per secoli TUTTO il genere umano, finiranno tutti con il culo per terra: TUTTI questi satanisti farisei del Talmud!
ma io non ho mai parlato di declino USA SpA Banche Centrali FED, infatti la vostra pirati bullismo predazione? è soltanto il declino di tutto il GENERE UMANO! SOLTANTO DIO VI PUò STERMINARE A TUTTI VOI, E NOI DEL REGNO DI DIO? CI STIAMO LAVORANDO! Obama: ‘Chi parla di declino America vende fantasia’
AFFERMATIVO! DIO NON VUOLE EMARGINARE NESSUNO, E LUI PARLA CONTINUAMENTE AL CUORE DI TUTTI I PECCATORI, E NOI SIAMO TUTTI PECCATORI! SOLTANTO CHE GUARDIAMO CON COMPASSIONE AI NOSTRI PECCATI, E CON DUREZZA AI PECCATI DEGLI ALTRI! Quello che è il delitto sociale e politico, per eccellenza, è un pensiero ideologico massimalista, e la pretesa dello Stato Massone Islamico Darwin GENDER: di parlare con categorie morali! “Corrotti perdono pudore e dignità, provino vergogna” Esce libro. “Mai emarginare i gay, ogni creatura è amata da Dio”
ORMAI è LA CATASTROFE! A COSA SERVONO 250 MILIONI DI MIGRANTI ENTRO IL 2060. Ci sono 24 milioni di disoccupati in Europa e 14 milioni di inattivi in Italia: servono davvero i migranti per pagare le pensioni?. Ecco le ragioni più plausibili dietro a un progetto scellerato:
l’apparato militare industriale USA, senza un nemico? fallisce! ECCO PERCHé LORO SONO 50 ANNI CHE NON DORMONO LA NOTTE PER INVENTARE DEI NEMICI! … è in questo modo, che hanno convinto i sauditi a creare al-Qaeda! e poi, è tutta una storia di delitti.. questa è una storia infinita infernale!
BUSH Clinton sauditi, turchi, FED SPA FMI, CIA NATO, SPA FARISEI, SISTEMA MASSONICO? è soltanto una questione di penne dell’unico Baal OWL!
LAGARDE in Ucraina? lei vi è andata insieme a MADRE TERESA DI CALCUTTA, e poi, per un fatale errore fortuito, al suo finco ha trovato la CIA i cecchini GOLPE a Maidan: e nessuno di loro è stato arrestato: perché avevano la immunità diplomatica!
Obama, ‘l’America è ancora il Paese più forte al mondo’ OK! MA DA QUALE PUNTO DI VISTA? 1. A FILMINI PORNOGRAFICI? è CERTAMENTE IL PIù FORTE! 2. A LEGIONI DI DEMONI E SATANISTI? è SICURAMENTE IL PIù FORTE? 3, AD ALLEATI NAZISTI PRAVY SECTOR E ISLAMICI TERRORISTI SHARIA? è SICURAMENTE IL PIù FORTE! 4. A STRAGI PER FUTILI MOTIVI? è SICURAMENTE IL PIù FORTE, 5. AD ABORTI E DIVORZI? è SICURAMENTE IL PIù FORTE! E L’ELENCO VERGOGNOSO? POTREBBE CONTINUARe Ancora a LUNGO! ma, se ci pensi? ha una buona protezione aerea, ma, nessuna nazione è così vulnerabile, per un corpo di marina da sbarco, che è la NAzione più facile da conquistare ed invadere!
islam sharia? è soltanto un genocidio ONU COSA è TUTTA QUESTA CASCIARA di cagnara? Vi sembra questa una notizia di ANSA? Starebbe a suo agio, su un giornale specializzato per questo genere di cose: per ADULTI, non su un pubblico servizio sovvenzionato da contribuenti! VOI AVETE PERSO IL SENSO DELLA MISURA! MA, VOI PENSATE A COME, noi POSSIAMO DARE SCANDOLO AD UN PEDOFILO POLIGAMO DI ISLAMICO ORGIA DOMESTICA? IN QUESTO MODO? VOI MI FATE SALTARE LA FRATELLANZA UNIVERSALE! voi RENDETE IMPOSSIBILE IL DIALOGO TRA ORIENTE ED OCCIDENTE E ALTRO CHE AMORE: “VOI REALIZZATE PROPRIO LA GUERRA MONDIALE!”
questo si che è un evento culturale importante: degno di ANSA GENDER ideologia: per la ideologia religione evoluzione darwin sodoma: regime bildenberg, un rito liturgico fondamentale ed essenziale: per celebrare: il NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE: new age SPA FED BCE: il Grande FRATELLO BUSH, ma, io ricordo che, una volta in mezzo ai cadaveri, si pregava, oggi, Satana si accontenta di altro, si fa letteratura pornogratica, perché, il nostro Stato? è un lenone! Lady Gaga nuda con boyfriend Taylor Kinney dopo aver fatto sesso, Il selfie shock: “Facciamo sesso per la pace, contro la violenza e il terrorismo”
Califfato Islamico ISIS LEGA takfiri galassia jihadista? è un terrorista erdogan hitler sharia, new ottomano impero!
Abd Allāh takfiro Saʿūd sharia hitler SAUDI ARABIA isis daesh is CIA NWO
mafia SPA BANCHE CENTRALI? è regime bildenberg massone, la più grande mafia occulta legalizzata della storia del genere umano!
datagate UK GEZABELE SECOND enter in my ADSL
[ ISRAEL VEDI CHE, UK SEGRET SERVICES HA INTERCETTATO LA MIA PRIMA CONNESSIONE CHIAVETTA E MI HA BLOCCATO! ] QUESTA è LA MIA SECONDA CONNESSIONE [SALMAN SHARIA SAUDI ARABIA TAKFIRO SUDAIRIO ] è vero che, io non ho Dio in tasca, ma, per quello che so io? lui di massacri su larga scala? ne ha già fatti parecchi!
my holy JHWH ] li senti? soffrono come bestie, tutte le bestie di satana, ma, nessuno di loro ha il coraggio di farsi vedere, come sono tutti nascosti dietro i loro computer, sono tutti gli assassini! NON NE AVERE PIETà!
“CAPUT ISRAELE PER LA TERZA VOLTA!” lo ha detto Rothschild il fariseo, ed io lo ho sentito, mente lui lo diceva!
“TUTTI PER UNO E UNO PER TUTTI”, è UN CODICE DI ONORE DEI CAVALIERI CRISTIANI, CHE DEI FARABUTTI MASSONI, TRADITORI E COMPLICI DI TORRE DI BABILONIA OCCHIO PIRAMIDE, DI LUCIFERO ROTHSCHILD ENTITà DEMONIACA: REGIME BILDENBERG? LORO NON HANNO, NESSUN DIRITTO DI APPELLARE PER LORO! IO LO GIURO: “QUESTA PROFANAZIONE CONTRO LA MIA REGALITà? IO, IL RE DI ISRAELE? IO VE LA FARò PAGARE! ” L’Estonia vuole ottenere la dislocazione permanente delle forze NATO nel paese, 12.01.2016, Ne ha parlato il Primo Ministro estone Taavi Roivas in un suo articolo dedicato agli obiettivi del governo nel 2016. L’articolo è stato pubblicato sull’influente Postimees. “Considero molto importante per il summit estivo della NATO (che si terrà a Varsavia l’8 e il 9 luglio) prendere una decisione sulla presenza permanente degli Alleati in Estonia e nei paesi vicini. Questo potrebbe essere un chiaro segnale che con i paesi della NATO non bisogna litigare, in quanto noi seguiamo il principio “uno per tutti, tutti per uno”, ha scritto Roivas nel suo articolo. Alla fine dello scorso anno in Estonia è arrivato dagli Stati Uniti il primo convoglio di mezzi militari pesanti. Sono state consegnate 40 unità tecniche, compresi 4 carri armati M1A2 Abrams, 10 veicoli corazzati Bradley e 3 semimoventi d’artiglieria Paladin e due veicoli per usi speciali:
ULTIME NOTIZIE:     16:57 L’Ucraina GOLPISTA E GENOCIDARIA, spenderà 500 milioni di dollari in armamenti [ E CHI LA MINACCIA? è LEI L’AGGRESSORE!
666 Seigniorage of Banking
Europa Unione, EU, ONU, USA, anticristo NATO ] voi state facendo il gioco sporco e mortale, della CIA NATO LEGA ARABA: per offendere umanesimo di Israele e Russia, CINA ecc.., ATTRAVERSO IL DELITTO UNIVERSALE DELLA SHARIA, ed ora dovete mettere sul piatto della bilancia i vostri cadaveri, perché, ISIS Daesh sono sauditi e turchi, i loro servizi segreti: E QUESTO NON è UN SEGRETO: per chiunque! VOI AVETE VISTO DILANIARE IL POPOLO IRACHENO E SIRIANO, avete assistito al soffocameto dei cristiani ATTRAVERSO IL TERRORISMO ISLAMICO DELLA CIA: in questi 30 anni, E VOI VI SIETE RALLEGRATI, anzi voi avete nascosto le notizie circa i martiri cristiani, per non offendere i vostri affari con gli islamici, e per disprezzo contro Gesù Cristo: perché voi siete la bestia di satana: voi siete l’anticristo! ISTANBUL, 12 GEN – Il Governo turco ha annunciato che almeno 9 vittime dell’attentato di un kamikaze questa mattina a Sultanamhet sono cittadini tedeschi.
LEGA ARABA ISLAMICI SHARIA ] che poi questa storia penosa, che Maometto è salito al cielo da Gerusalemme, 7 anni dopo la sua morte? è una delle poche cose che, fa divertire tutte le anime: disperati infelici, tribolate e dannate all’inferno! VOI ISLAMICI, VOI AVETE PORTATO INFAMIA SULL’ISLAM e voi avete profanato la Santità di Dio! Nessun islamico ha un pur minima speranza, di poter entrare in paradiso, la vostra speranza? è inutile!
LEGA ARABA ISLAMICI SHARIA ] perché, nella vostra iniquità, ed ipocrisia, voi pensate che io non devo lasciare vivere dietro di me, la esistenza di massoni farisei e satanisti, e poi, proprio io, io debba poter lasciare vivere degli assassini seriali, maniaci religiosi sharia come voi, convinti ancora di glorificare Dio per uccidere persone del tutto innocenti che voi chiamate infedeli.. CHE GLI INFEDELI? SIETE PROPRIO VOI CON IL VOSTRO MAOMETTO ALL’INFERNO!
IL FONDAMENTO GIURIDICO DI INDIPENDENZA E SOVRANITà DEI POPOLI, è STATO BRUTALIZZATO, DAI MASSONI BILDENBERG EUROPEI REGIME ROTHSCHILD SPA BANCHE CENTRALI, CHE IN NESSUN MODO DOVEVANO FARE ATTI DI VIOLENZA E TERRORISMO CONTRO LA POPOLAZIONE CIVILE! EUROPA DEVE RISPONDERE PER QUESTI DELITTI DI NAZISMO, CONTRO IL DIRITTO UNIVERSALE E INTERNAZIONALE A PROTEZIONE DELLA SOCIETà CIVILE! ]  Deputati della Crimea chiedono di fermare le azioni da genocidio dell’Ucraina, 13.01.2016(Il blocco energetico ed agroalimentare sono “una flagrante violazione dei diritti umani”, hanno affermato i deputati del Parlamento della Crimea. Chiedono di punire i responsabili dopo essersi rivolti a diversi tribunali internazionali. I deputati del Parlamento della Crimea hanno chiesto di fermare le azioni da genocidio da parte di Kiev, come quelle relative al blocco della penisola, e di punire i responsabili, si legge in una dichiarazione adottata nel corso della sessione di oggi. La Crimea e Sebastopoli sono entrate a far parte della Russia dopo un referendum condotto nel marzo nel 2014. Per la riunificazione con la Russia ha votato il 96,77% degli abitanti della Crimea e il 95,6% di Sebastopoli. Kiev e i Paesi occidentali hanno rifiutato di riconoscere la volontà popolare espressa tramite le urne ed hanno introdotto sanzioni contro la regione. Allo stesso tempo le autorità ucraine hanno chiuso completamente con la regione i collegamenti aerei, ferroviari e stradali. Inoltre hanno chiuso gli acquedotti e sospeso le forniture di cibo ed elettricità. Dalla metà di gennaio entrerà in vigore l’embargo commerciale parallelamente a misure restrittive in campo finanziario e al blocco marittimo e della rete mobile di telefonia.
I deputati ritengono che il blocco energetico e alimentare della penisola “sono un chiaro esempio di gravi violazioni dei diritti umani, azioni d’odio e genocidio che danneggiano la popolazione civile della Crimea.” Relativamente a questa situazione il Parlamento della Crimea ha chiesto ufficialmente al ministero degli Esteri della Federazione Russa assistenza politica, diplomatica e operativa per presentare denunce e mozioni all’Assemblea Generale e al Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite e agli organi interparlamentari della Comunità degli Stati Indipendenti (CSI), dell’Organizzazione per la sicurezza e la cooperazione in Europa (OSCE) e dell’Assemblea parlamentare del Consiglio d’Europa (PACE). I deputati ritengono che le autorità ucraine non facciano nulla per impedire il blocco della penisola ed abbiano violato i loro obblighi per impedire atti di genocidio, come si afferma nella Convenzione sul genocidio. La questione del blocco della Crimea, secondo loro, dovrebbe essere inclusa nell’ordine del giorno della riunione di emergenza del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite e diventare una priorità del Tribunale Internazionale. Inoltre i parlamentari hanno invitato la Procura Generale e il Comitato Investigativo della Federazione Russa a condurre un’indagine per atti di genocidio contro la Crimea da parte dei deputati del Parlamento ucraino Mustafa Dzhemilev e Refat Chubarov, promotori del blocco della penisola. I deputati hanno inoltre chiesto di indagare la creazione di gruppi terroristici al confine della Crimea con le regioni meridionali dell’Ucraina:

Illuminati Rothschild so che non è colpa tua di essere nato nella tua posizione ma sicuramente è colpa tua doverci rimanere! non c’è al mondo un uomo più povero di te! se demoni alieni loro erano validi? il Padrone: JHWH non li avrebbe cacciati!
vi siete fatti riempire il cervallo: da montagne di merda!
voi che: siete umani non avete nessuna possibilità di gestire qualcosa di sovrumano e pensare soltanto che loro possano essere veramente i vostri amici? addirittura i vostri servi? questa è pura follia!

Illuminati Rothschild world bank I know it’s not your fault to be born in your position but it certainly is not your fault having to stay in here! there is no in the world a man poorer than you! if demons aliens they were valid? then the Lord: YHWH were not thrown out them! you’re done filling the brain with: mountains of shit! you that: you are human you have no ability to manage something superhuman and think only that they can be really your friends? even your servants? this is madness!

Illuminati Rothschild world bank farisei FMI SPA NWO COME: HITLER E I FARAONI che loro SI ERANO DEDICATI ALLO ESOTERISMO? così ugualmente avete fatto anche voi! voi siete diventati i nuovi faraoni! quante persone innocenti avete fatto soffrire morire in questi 400 anni per colpa della vostra azione parassitaria? Così JHWH ha liberato voi dallo Egitto perché voi potevate essere liberi di fare i satanisti! voi state profanando la Santità del Signore Onnipotente ed è suo dovere ora di ascoltare la sofferenza dei popoli.

Illuminati Rothschild world bank the Pharisees IMF SPA NWO AS: HITLER AND THE PHARAOH that they WERE DEDICATED TO ESOTERICISM? so too have done too! You have become the new pharaohs! how many innocent people have made suffer die in these 400 years because of your action parasitic? Thus YHWH has freed you from Egypt because you you could be free to do Satanists! you are desecrating the sanctity of the Lord Almighty and it is his duty now is to listen to the suffering of the peoples.

yitzhak kaduri Benjamin Netanyahu tu hai visto? [ Spa monopolio ebraico di NetWorkTV hollywood’s jewish FED BCE Nwo per la prima volta hanno incominciato squarciare il velo su questi genocidi sistematici che gli islamici fanno da 1400 anni forse che per amore del mio amore per Israele Illuminati satanisti farisei hanno rinunciato a distruggere Israele? ] [ #Siria: qaedisti prendono #Al Bab #strage. [ Decine di esecuzioni sommarie ] secondo attivista. 13 gennaio 19:23 #Siria: #qaedisti jihadisti per il #Califfato #mondiale sharia #saudita #salafita #ottomano prendono #Al# Bab strage #BEIRUT Le milizie #jihadiste dello #Stato #islamico #’Iraq e del #Levante ( #Isis) entrante in conflitto con altre formazioni di insorti in Siria hanno riconquistato in queste ore la località di Al Bab a nord di #Aleppo. Lo riferiscono attivisti locali raccontando di #decine di #esecuzioni #sommarie di prigionieri e combattenti rivali. Al Bab oltre a essere diventata teatro di scontri fra ribelli locali e qaedisti é stata nei giorni scorsi bombardata dalle forze governative di #Assad.

Al Miqdad: gli USA Turchia e Arabia Saudita vogliono fare saltare la conferenza di Ginevra 2 dopo la loro delusione dei ragazzini che avevano inviato per discutere. le armi di distruzione di massa sono tre: Biologica chimica enucleare ma esiste una quarta che è la bestialità che consiste nel prendere la decisione sbagliata nel momento sbagliato. Fonti di informazioni parlano di divergenze nelle fila dell’opposizione su chi dovrebbe sostituire Al Jarba dopo che quest’ultimo aveva annunciato il suo ritiro. questo sarebbe il motivo del dialogo diretto fino a questo momento… Homs: rapido avanzamento degli eroi dell’Esercito Arabo Siriano nella zona di al Zara nella periferia ovest di Homs dove si trova il più grande covo dei vili terroristi sicari uccidendo più di 60 terroristi e la cattura di 17. le nostre forze stanno ancora avanzando. Periferia di Damasco: Durante lo scavo di una galleria da parte della Direzione della difesa aerea attorno della Direzione due giorni fa si sono incontrati in un punto comune dove i terroristi armati avevano già scavato una galleria dalla parte di Al Miliha… gli agenti della difesa aerea allora avevano minato la galleria ritirandosi poi dalla galleria che è stata fatta esplodere con tutti i terroristi dentro quelli che avevano cercato di ritirare i cadaveri: sono stati uccisi a loro volta. tra i terroristi si contano più di 40 uccisi.

Il consulente del Presidente Bashar Al Assad risponde a tutto quello che #Kerry e la sua banda hanno portato alla #Conferenza di #Ginevra 2 per presentare il Governo legittimo siriano come un governo che uccide tortura e opprime la sua popolazione. Quelle foto o video riportate a prova della tesi portata sostenuta e promossa dai veri nemici della Siria faranno la fine di quelle prove che sono state in precedenza fabbricate e mistificate in diverse occasioni tra quelle da ricordare la questione del chimico e del suo utilizzo per accusare il governo siriano di quelle macabre e disumane menti e mandanti degli stessi gruppi mercenari che ogni qualvolta si preveda una convocazione del Consiglio di sicurezza dell’ONU o dell’Assemblea stessa dell’ONU stranamente si presentano queste prove o si commettono massacri e atti criminali per portarle in quelle aule. Mi domando se mai possibile che il Mondo continua ancora a ignorare la presenza di più di 130.000 terroristi sicari mercenari provenienti da più di: 83 paesi: e che stanno uccidendo massacrando e eseguendo: modi e tecniche mai viste: nella storia dell’umanità e la cosa che dovrebbe offendere ogni coscienza umana è che tutti questi atti criminali vengono regolarmente filmati e lanciati dagli stessi terroristi nella rete vantando e festeggiando le loro atrocità nel nome di Dio e cosa fa quel mondo che si presenta come difensore dei diritti della democrazia e della giustizia sociale quel mondo accusa con atteggiamento infido e perfido la vittima di essere l’autore di queste atrocità e i mercenari criminale vengono regolarmente ignorati come se non esistessero anche se organismi internazionali riconoscono e dichiarano esplicitamente l’innocenza del Governo siriano e le altre istituzioni siriane. Nessuno al di fuori della delegazione ufficiale siriana ha pensato o ricordato nella conferenza di Ginevra le centinaia se non migliaia di civili e non #rapiti da parte dei gruppi terroristi presenti sul suolo siriano ad iniziare da quei #libanesi per finire con le suore e le bambine orfane rapite da #Maaloula.
Queste persone non sono state rapite casualmente o per vendetta ma sono state rapite per ordine preciso da parte dei mandanti per averle come strumento di ricatto come è successo ogniqualvolta che si preveda una riunione di un organismo internazionale e sin dai primi giorni di questa guerra mondiale contro la Siria e contro la popolazione siriana (ricordate le dichiarazioni di Hellary Clington a riguardo). Mi domando ancora è mai possibile che questo mondo che si presenta come difensore dei valori nobili dell’umanità non abbia pensato di essere strumentalizzato e raggirato da parte dei gestori della guerra contro la Siria????.
L’utilizzo di queste foto o “prove” perché avviene in certi momenti e non quando sono disponibili?????. La risposta è semplice: Queste foto e queste pretestuose prove sono assolutamente e certamente fabbricate eseguite e portate dagli stessi autori nelle persone che all’oppinione pubblica si riservano l’immagine del difensore dei diritti e cioè da parte dei sostenitori finanziatori ospitanti fornitori ed investitori nel terrorismo mondiale precisamente sono: i governi degli #USA #Francia #Inghilterra #Italia #Turchia #Arabia #Saudita #Qatar e tutti quei paesi che ruotano nella loro orbita.

Lo scenario più importante che noi abbiamo visto ieri è che un piccolo paese resiste di fronte a mezzo di quel mondo forte e ricco e quel piccolo Grande Stato ribadisce a loro dicendo: Sono uno Stato libero indipendente e sovrano… Questo è di per se una storica vittoria con tutti le sue conseguenze e che non potrebbe nemmeno sognare qualunque leader arabo e nemmeno leader mondiali.. Questa è la vera libertà che volgiamo noi non vogliamo un’altra libertà siamo pronte ad offrire qualunque sacrificio per questa libertà.. Questo è la nostra decisione per la indipendenza nazionale… Al Moualem. ha dato la miglior descrizione della dottrina wahabita: ” la #wahabia esporta in Siria mostri a immagine di essere umani”. Grande flusso di richieste per interviste alla delegazione siriana. Sin dalle prime ore della Conferenza di Ginevra 2 si è osservato un affluenza senza precedenti verso la delegazione siriana chiedendo interviste che non potrebbero essere esaudite tutte le richieste mentre quello che chiamano la delegazione della coalizione andava in giro a cercare qualche giornalista per rilasciare dichiarazioni. Gli esperti dell’informazione hanno interpretato questo avvenimento come un ulteriore segnale dello svincolo dei mezzi mediatici dalle posizioni dei ministeri degli esteri occidentali per rendersi più libera e più vicina alla realtà di quanto sta accadendo veramente senza poterla più nascondere (come hanno fatto per quasi tre anni). L’intervento del Ministro degli esteri siriano #Walid Al #Moualem è stato il perno principale che ha esposto in dettaglio gli atti criminali che la #Siria sta subendo dal punto di vista umano politico socuiale ed economico.

Periferia di #Damasco #Ghouta orientale: 155 terroristi mercenari sono caduti in un’imboscata dell’Esercito arabo Siriano. Sapete che il ministro degli affari esteri #Saudita il quale ha parlato oggi della rotazione del potere. quel uomo e’ dal 1975 un ministro degli affari esteri. Alcuni dei sostenitori della cosiddetta opposizione ieri avevano cercato di aggredire il #Ministro dell’informazione siriano #Omran #Alzoubi intervenuta la polizia svizzera portandolo in salvo. Il primo risultato della danza di #Ginevra a #Aleppo: L’Aeroporto Internazionale Civile di Aleppo è aperto sicuro e proprio oggi ha ricevuto il primo volo siriano. New York 9 gen. Per la seconda volta in un mese la #Russia ha bloccato una mozione non vincolante di censura nei confronti del regime di #Bashar #al-Assad per le stragi di civili perpetrate con i raid aerei su #Aleppo che dal 15 dicembre scorso hanno gia’ provocato oltre settecento morti e piu’ di tremila feriti. Il testo sottoposto al #Consiglio di #Sicurezza delle #Nazioni Unite dalla #Gran #Bretagna esprimeva “indignazione” per i “quotidiani” attacchi “cinici e sistematici” condotti in spregio delle norme di diritto internazionale contro la popolazione della seconda citta’ della Siria: ma Mosca ha preteso che ogni riferimento a quest’ultima fosse eliminato e cosi’ per evitare che ne sortisse una versione troppo edulcorata i proponenti lo hanno ritirato. Qualcosa di identico era gia’ successo il mese scorso quando a farsi carico di un’iniziativa analoga erano stati gli Usa. In questa occasione #Washington in realta’ nutriva dubbi sull’opportunita’ di una mossa del genere nell’imminenza almeno teorica della piu’ volte rinviata conferenza di pace in programma il 22 gennaio prossimo in Svizzera la cosiddetta Ginevra 2. “La bozza #britannica non costituisce nulla di cui ci si debba sorprendere il Consiglio non puo’ rimanere in silenzio su una questione simile” avevano pero’ replicato in via riservata fonti diplomatiche occidentali e cosi’ si era andati avanti finche’ l’ostilita’ russa non ha mandato tutto a monte.
Il #Cremlino storico alleato di #Damasco ha gia’ paralizzato con il veto proprio e della #Cina tre risoluzioni vincolanti di condanna #anti-Assad. (AGI).
Lo scandalo di #Mohammad #Qassim Al #Nassouh comandante del cosiddetto “Battaglione degli amanti dei discepoli” arrestato mentre stava praticando il sesso con una sua nipote.

TG 24 Siria ha condiviso il video di ‎شبكات أخبار سوريا المتحدة / F.S.N.N‎.
22 gennaio Al Moualem…. Nessuno al Mondo Sig. Kerry nessuno proprio ha il diritto di dispensare legittimità o anche revocarla o ancora concedere ad un Presidente un Governo a una Costituzione o a qualunque cosa in Siria se non gli stessi siriani nessun altro.
لا أحد في العالم سيد كيري لا أحد في العالم له الحق باضفاء الشرعية أو عزلها أو منحها لرئيس أو حكومة أو دستور أو قانون أو أي شئ في سوريا الا السوريون أنفسهم.
الوزير وليد المعلم
Il nostro esercito diplomatico a Montreux per la pace… e il nostro esercito eroico in Siria per la guerra… chi la guerra ha voluto la guerra avrà e chi vuole la pace la pace avrà.. nel vocabolario dei Leoni non vi è il termine arrendersi…
“Abou Bakr Al Ansari uno dei cosiddetti giuristi dell’organizzazione terrorista “lo Stato Islamico in Iraq e Siria” ucciso in una sede dell’organizzazione grazie ad un missile che lo ha spedito all’inferno.
Svizzera: Centinaia di siriani si sono riuniti davanti alla sede della conferenza Ginevra2 a Montreux urlano per la Siria e suo presidente. 500 detenuti in cambio delle suore rapiti dai terroristi a Maaloula:
La delegazione del Qatar che era entrata attraverso l’Aspromonte di Irzal nei territori siriani attraverso un valico illegale 10 giorno fa o quasi era composta da 4 personaggi rimasti per tre giorni a Yabroud dove hanno incontrato l’Emiro del fronte al NUsra (organizzazione dichiarata terroristica dagli americani) e nel Qalamoun hanno incontrato le suore rapite.
la delegazione del Qatar aveva offerto di provvedere a tutta quanto necessario per liberare le suore compreso il pagamento del denaro.
Il fronte rapitore delle suore ha consegnato una lista di 500 nomi di terroristi detenuti in cambio della liberazione delle suore.

L’Ingegnere Nagham Salloum nella Provincia di Souidaa in prima linea e personalmente vuole essere attiva e provvedere alla manutenzione della rete elettrica distrutta dai criminali terroristi della Nato dell’Europa e America della Turchia dell’Arabia Saudita del Qatar e di quelli che si fanno chiamare gruppo del 14 marzo libanese e dei tutti i patrocinanti del terrorismo mondiale sotto moltissimi pretesti e menzogne. Questa è la donna siriana vera e propria. I rappresentanti dell’organizzazione terroristicaa Ginevra 2: Lo Stato Islamico in Iraq e Siria il fronte di al Nusra e tutti gli adoratori del petrodollari:
– Assi al Jarba;
– Michel Chilo;
– Burhan Ghalioun;
– Abdul Hanid Darwish;
– Hadi Al Bahra;
– Badr Jamous;
– Rima Flehan;
– Souhai Al Atassi;
– Anas Al Abdah;
– Ahmad Ramadan.

Il Ministero degli esteri russo ha criticato il ritiro dell’invito inviato a Iran per partecipare alla Conferenza di Ginevra 2 considerando questo atto una delusione in quanto la revoca dell’invito indebolisce gli sforzi spesi per sottrarre la Siria da questa crisi. Imboscata ben pianificata eseguita da parte dei nostri Soldati nell’aeroporto Al Tabqa con l’esito di 12 terroristi eliminati e gli altri si sono immediatamente ritirati in fretta e furia mentre il nostro Esercito a requisito le loro armi e munizioni con due vetture da loro utilizzate. Ginevra #Ministro Esteri Al-Muallem: alla Siria interessa il successo di Ginevra 2 come primo passo per un dialogo siriano siriano [fuori subito tutti i mercenari dalla Siria]

TG24SIRIA ‏@Tg24Siria

Periferia di Damasco: Durante lo scavo di una galleria da parte della Direzione della difesa aerea attorno della…

13:42 – 24 gen 2014

 Sunset ‏@_darkhours 9 h

 @Tg24Siria AJ admit:#Syria-#Damscus #CapitalShield #SAA eliminate rebels possibility2stirke hearthland … v @NamanTarcha

 TG24SIRIA @Tg24Siria

Gli armi di distruzione di massa sono tre: Biologica chimica enucleare ma esiste una quarta che è la bestialità…


TG24SIRIA @Tg24Siria

Al Miqdad: gli USA Turchia e Arabia Saudita vogliono fare saltare la conferenza di Ginevra 2 dopo la loro…

TG24SIRIA @Tg24Siria

Siria l’esercito riprende il controllo sulla località Tayyara est di Zarzour in Aleppo tagliando la strada Aleppo Raqqa ai terroristi

TG24SIRIA @Tg24Siria

Fonti di informazioni parlano di divergenze nelle fila dell’opposizione su chi dovrebbe sostituire Al Jarba dopo…

Siria: Vendetta dell’ISIL di Al-Qaeda Massacra Attivisti Dell’Opposizione ad Aleppo
Per MrGeourg 8 gennaio 2014 Al Nusra front attivisti FSA Grave Massacro Miliziani di Al-Qaeda opposizione armata opposizione siriana Stato Islamico dell’Iraq e al-Sham STRAGE A ALEPPO

# Aleppo:
Immagini di corpi (almeno 43) di attivisti civili giornalisti del canale Shaza Al-Hurria e uomini armati appartenenti all’opposizione liquidati dai terroristi dello Stato Islamico nell’Iraq e nel Levante (ISIL) o Dawlet Al-Islam in Iraq e Al-Sham (Daish) ramo di Al-Qaeda in Siria e in Iraq. 1502533_415194765250784_1045408969_n 1535696_415191341917793_195575593_n

Il massacro si è consumato nelle note del 6 gennaio nei pressi dell’ex struttura dell’ospedale oftalmologico nelle città di Aleppo che è stata presa d’assalto dai stessi terroristi dell’opposizione trasformandola in un ospedale di campo e centro operativo del canale mediatico Shaza Al-Hurria (Profumo della Libertà).

Tale crimine entra nel contesto della lotta al potere e vendetta sanguinosa tra i vari fazioni dell’opposizione criminale Qaedisti Jihadisti e uomini armati (ISIL Nusra Fronte Islamico FSA …).

Tra i corpi si trovano diversi civili anche medici alcuni volontariamente si sono offerti e altri sono stati costretti a collaborare con l’opposizione. Secondo fonti locali quasi 247 sono stati uccisi nell’ultima settimana di scontri tra questi miliziani. &

Green Resistance & Black Libyans are freeing Jamahiriya from the neo-colonialist puppet government installed by the Zion-NATO forces ~ (Eng-Ita)

25 Saturday Jan 2014

Posted by syrianfreepress in Green Resistance Jamahiriya Libia Libya Muammar Gaddafi Resistance   

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Aggressioni neo-coloniali aljazeera Amnesty International Colonialism Eric Draitser Gaddafi Gaddafi supporters Green fighters Green Resistance Jamahiriya Jamahiriya News Libia Libya Libyan Patriots libyan resistance LibyanFreePress Loyalists NATO NATO CRIMES nato forces NCT-rats Neocolonialismo Rats Resistance resistance fighters Resistenza pro-Gheddafi War Resistance News

Green Resistance & Black Libyans are freeing Jamahiriya from the neo-colonialist puppet government installed by the Zion-NATO forces

The Secret War in Libya
 By Eric Draitser ~ Global Research ~
The battles currently raging in the South of Libya are no mere tribal clashes. Instead they represent a possible burgeoning alliance between black Libyan ethnic groups and pro-Gaddafi forces intent upon liberating their country of a neocolonial NATO-installed government.

On Saturday January 18th a group of heavily armed fighters stormed an air force base outside the city of Sabha in southern Libya expelling forces loyal to the “government” of Prime Minister Ali Zeidan and occupying the base. At the same time reports from inside the country began to trickle in that the green flag of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya was flying over a number of cities throughout the country. Despite the dearth of verifiable information – the government inTripoli has provided only vague details and corroboration – one thing is certain: the war for Libya continues.

On the Ground

Libya’s Prime Minister Ali Zeidan called an emergency session of the General National Congress to declare a state of alert for the country after news of the storming of the air base broke. The Prime Minister announced that he had ordered troops south to quell the rebellion telling reporters that “This confrontation is continuing but in a few hours it will be solved.” A spokesman for the Defense Ministry later claimed that the central government had reclaimed control of the air base stating that “A force was readied then aircraft moved and took off and dealt with the targets…The situation in the south opened a chance for some criminals…loyal to the Gaddafi regime to exploit this and to attack the Tamahind air force base…We will protect the revolution and the Libyan people.”

In addition to the assault on the airbase there have been other attacks on individual members of the government in Tripoli. The highest profile incident was the recent assassination of the Deputy Industry Minister Hassan al-Droui in the city of Sirte. Although it is still unclear whether he was killed by Islamist forces or Green resistance fighters the unmistakable fact is that the central government is under assault and is unable to exercise true authority or provide security in the country. Many have begun speculating that his killing rather than being an isolated targeted assassination is part of a growing trend of resistance in which pro-Gaddafi Green fighters figure prominently.

The rise of the Green resistance forces in Sabha and elsewhere is merely one part of larger and more complex political and military calculus in the South where a number of tribes and various ethnic groups have risen against what they correctly perceive to be their political economic and social marginalization. Groups such as the Tawergha and Tobou ethnic minorities both of which are black African groups have endured vicious attacks at the hands of Arab militias with no support from the central government. Not only have these and other groups been the victims of ethnic cleansing but they have been systematically shut out of participation in Libyan political and economic life.

The tensions came to a head earlier this month when a rebel chief from the Arab Awled Sleiman tribe was killed. Rather than an official investigation or legal process the Awled tribesmen attacked their black Toubou neighbors accusing them of involvement in the murder. The resulting clashes have since killed dozens once again demonstrating that the dominant Arab groups still view their dark skinned neighbors as something other than countrymen. Undoubtedly this has led to a reorganization of the alliances in the region with the Toubou Tuareg and other black minority groups that inhabit southern Libya northern Chad and Niger moving closer to the pro-Gaddafi forces. Whether or not these alliances are formal or not still remains unclear however it is apparent that many groups in Libya have come to the realization that the government installed by NATO has not lived up to its promises and that something must be done.

The Politics of Race in Libya

Despite the high-minded rhetoric from Western interventionists regarding “democracy” and “freedom” in Libya the reality is far from it especially for dark skinned Libyans who have seen their socioeconomic and political status diminished with the end of the Jamahiriya government of Muammar Gaddafi. While these peoples enjoyed a large measure of political equality and protection under the law in Gaddafi’s Libya the post-Gaddafi era has seen their rights all but stripped from them. Rather than being integrated into a new democratic state the black Libyan groups have been systematically excluded.

In fact even Human Rights Watch – an organization which in no small measure helped to justify the NATO war by falsely claiming that Gaddafi forces used rape as a weapon and were preparing “imminent genocide” – has reported that “A crime against humanity of mass forced displacement continues unabated as militias mainly from Misrata prevented 40000 people from the town of Tawergha from returning to their homes from where they had been expelled in 2011.” This fact coupled with the horrific stories and images of lynchings rapes and other crimes against humanity paints a very bleak picture of life in Libya for these groups.

In its 2011 report Amnesty International documented a number of flagrant war crimes carried out by the so called “freedom fighters” of Libya who despite being hailed in the Western media as “liberators” used the opportunity of the war to carry out mass executions of black Libyans as well as rival clans and ethnic groups. This is of course in stark contrast to the treatment of black Libyans under the Jamahiriya government of Gaddafi which was praised up and down by the Human Rights Council of the United Nations in their 2011 report which noted that Gaddafi had gone to great lengths to ensure economic and social development as well as specifically providing economic opportunities and political protections to black Libyans and migrant workers from neighboring African countries. With this in mind is it any wonder that Al Jazeera quoted a pro-Gaddafi Tuareg fighter in September 2011 as saying “fighting for Gaddafi is like a son fighting for his father…[We will be] ready to fight for him until the last drop of blood.”

As the Toubou and other black ethnic groups clash with Arab militias their struggle should be understood in the context of a continued struggle for peace and equality. Moreover the fact that they must engage in this form of armed struggle again illustrates the point that many international observers made from the very beginning of the war: NATO’s aggression was never about protecting civilians or human rights but rather regime change for economic and geopolitical interests. That the majority of the population including black ethnic minorities is worse off today than they ever were under Gaddafi is a fact that is actively suppressed.

Black Green and the Struggle for Libya

It would be presumptuous to assume that the military victories made by the pro-Gaddafi Green resistance in recent days will be long-lasting or that they represent an irreversible shift in the political and military landscape of the country. Though decidedly unstable the neocolonial puppet government in Tripoli is supported economically and militarily by some of the most powerful interests in the world making it difficult to simply overthrow it with minor victories. However these developments do signal an interesting shift in the calculus on the ground. Undoubtedly there is a confluence between the black ethnic minorities and the Green fighters as both recognize their enemy as being the tribal militias who participated in the overthrow of Gaddafi as well as the central government in Tripoli. Whether a formal alliance emerges from this remains to be seen.

Were such an alliance to develop however it would be a watershed moment in the continued war for Libya. As Green resistance fighters have shown in Sabha they are able to organize themselves in the south of the country where they enjoy a large degree of popular support. One could imagine an alliance in the south that would be able to hold territory and possibly consolidate power throughout the southern part of Libya creating a de facto independent state. Naturally the cry from NATO and its apologists would be that this is anti-democratic and counter-revolution. This would be understandable as their goal of a unified Libya subservient to international finance capital and oil interests would become unattainable.

One should be careful not to make too many assumptions about the situation in Libya today as reliable details are hard to come by. More to the point Western media has attempted to completely suppress the fact that the Green resistance even exists let alone is active and winning victories. All this simply further illustrates that the war for Libya rages on whether the world wants to admit it or not.

The Secret War in Libya
By Eric Draitser ~ Published by Global Research at
Copyright © 2014 Global Research

Eric Draitser is the founder of He is an independent geopolitical analyst based in New York City. You can reach him at Network at Freelancers Network reloaded

Resistenza Verde & Neri Libici stanno liberando la Jamahiriya dal governo fantoccio neo-colonialista installato dalle forze Sion-NATO

La guerra segreta in Libia 23/01/2014 – Eric Draitser Global Research
[ cosa sta succedendo veramente in Lidia? ] Le battaglie che attualmente infuriano nel sud della Libia non sono semplici scontri tribali. Invece rappresentano la possibile nascente alleanza tra gruppi etnici neri libici e forze pro-Gheddafi intente a liberare il Paese dal governo neocoloniale installato dalla NATO. Il 18 gennaio un gruppo di combattenti pesantemente armati ha preso d’assalto una base aerea presso la città di Sabha nella Libia meridionale espellendo le forze fedeli al “governo” del primo ministro Ali Zaydan e occupando la base. Allo stesso tempo iniziano a filtrare notizie dal Paese secondo cui la bandiera verde della Gran Giamahiria Araba Libica Socialista Popolare sventola su un certo numero di città nel Paese. Nonostante la scarsità di informazioni verificabili il governo di Tripoli ha fornito solo dettagli vaghi e non confermati una cosa è certa: la guerra in Libia continua.
Sul campo
Il primo ministro libico Ali Zaydan ha chiesto una sessione d’emergenza del Congresso generale nazionale per dichiarare lo stato di allerta nel Paese dopo la notizia della caduta della base aerea. Il primo ministro ha annunciato di aver ordinato alle truppe di sedare la ribellione nel sud dicendo ai giornalisti che “Questo scontro continua ma tra poche ore sarà risolto.” Un portavoce del ministero della Difesa in seguito ha affermato che il governo centrale aveva recuperato il controllo della base aerea affermando che “Una forza è stata approntata quindi dei velivoli sono decollati per attaccare gli obiettivi… La situazione nel sud ha dato una possibilità ad alcuni criminali… fedeli al regime di Gheddafi di sfruttarla attaccando la base aerea di Tamahind… Noi proteggeremo la rivoluzione e il popolo libico”. Oltre all’assalto alla base aerea vi sono stati altri attacchi contro singoli membri del governo a Tripoli. L’incidente di più alto profilo è stato il recente assassinio del viceministro dell’Industria Hasan al-Drui nella città di Sirte. Anche se non è ancora chiaro se sia stato ucciso dalle forze islamiste o da combattenti della resistenza verde il fatto inequivocabile è che il governo centrale è sotto attacco e non è in grado di esercitare una vera autorità o fornire sicurezza al Paese. Molti hanno cominciato a speculare sulla sua uccisione secondo cui piuttosto che essere un caso isolato è un assassinio mirato nell’ambito della resistenza in crescita in cui i combattenti verdi pro-Gheddafi sono in prima fila.
L’avanzata delle forze della resistenza verde a Sabha e altrove è solo parte di un grande e complesso piano politico e militare nel Sud dove un certo numero di tribù e vari gruppi etnici si sono uniti contro ciò che correttamente percepiscono come loro emarginazione sociale politica ed economica. Gruppi come le minoranze etniche Tawargha e Tubu gruppi africani neri hanno subito attacchi feroci dalle milizie arabe e alcun sostegno dal governo centrale. Non solo questi e altri gruppi sono vittime della pulizia etnica ma sono sistematicamente esclusi dalla partecipazione alla vita politica ed economica della Libia. Le tensioni sono venute al pettine all’inizio del mese quando il capo ribelle di una tribù araba Sulayman Awlad è stato ucciso. Invece di un’indagine ufficiale o un processo legale le tribù Awlad hanno attaccato i loro vicini neri Tubu accusandoli dell’omicidio. Gli scontri risultati da allora hanno ucciso decine di persone dimostrando ancora una volta che i gruppi arabi dominanti vedono ancora i loro vicini neri come qualcosa di diverso da dei connazionali. Indubbiamente ciò ha portato alla riorganizzazione delle alleanze nella regione con Tubu Tuareg ed altri gruppi minoritari neri che abitano tra sud della Libia nord del Ciad e del Niger ad avvicinarsi alle forze pro-Gheddafi. Se queste alleanze sono formali o meno non è ancora chiaro tuttavia è evidente che molti gruppi in Libia sono consapevoli che il governo della NATO non mantiene le promesse e che qualcosa deve essere fatto.
La corsa politica in Libia
Nonostante la raffinata retorica degli interventisti occidentali su “democrazia” e “libertà” in Libia la realtà ne è lontana soprattutto per i libici africani che vedono il loro status socio-economico e politico ridotto con la fine della Jamahiriya di Muammar Gheddafi. Mentre questi popoli godevano di un’ampia uguaglianza politica e protezione legale nella Libia di Gheddafi l’era post-Gheddafi li ha visti spogliati di tutti i loro diritti. Invece di essere integrati in un nuovo Stato democratico i gruppi libici neri ne sono stati sistematicamente esclusi. Infatti anche Human Rights Watch un’organizzazione che ha molto contribuito a giustificare la guerra della NATO sostenendo falsamente che le forze di Gheddafi usassero lo stupro come arma e si stessero preparando a un “genocidio imminente” ha riferito che “Il crimine contro l’umanità della pulizia etnica continua mentre le milizie provenienti soprattutto da Misurata hanno impedito a 40000 persone della città di Tawergha di ritornare nelle loro case da cui erano stati espulsi nel 2011.” Questo fatto assieme a storie terribili e immagini di linciaggi stupri e altri crimini contro l’umanità dipinge un quadro molto cupo della vita in Libia per questi gruppi.
Nel suo rapporto 2011 Amnesty International ha documentato una serie di flagranti crimini di guerra commessi dai cosiddetti “combattenti per la libertà” in Libia che pur essendo salutati dai media occidentali come “liberatori” hanno colto l’occasione della guerra per massacrare libici neri così come clan e gruppi etnici rivali. Questo è naturalmente in netto contrasto con il trattamento dei libici neri sotto il governo della Jamahiriya di Gheddafi elogiato dal Consiglio dei Diritti Umani delle Nazioni Unite nel suo rapporto del 2011 dove osservava che Gheddafi aveva fatto di tutto per garantire lo sviluppo economico e sociale oltre a fornire specificamente opportunità economiche e protezioni politiche ai libici neri e ai lavoratori migranti provenienti dai Paesi africani confinanti. Con ciò in mente non c’è da meravigliarsi che nel settembre 2011 al-Jazeera abbia citato un combattente pro-Gheddafi Tuareg dire “combattere per Gheddafi è come un figlio che combatte per il padre … [saremo] pronti a combattere per lui fino all’ultima goccia di sangue”. Mentre i Tubu e gli altri gruppi etnici neri si scontrano con le milizie arabe la loro lotta dev’essere intesa nel contesto di una lotta continua per la pace e l’uguaglianza. Inoltre il fatto che devono impegnarsi in questa forma di lotta armata illustra ancora una volta un punto che molti osservatori internazionali hanno indicato fin dall’inizio della guerra: l’aggressione della NATO non aveva nulla a che fare con la protezione dei civili e dei diritti umani ma piuttosto era un cambio di regime per interessi economici e geopolitici. Che la maggioranza della popolazione comprese le minoranze etniche nere stia peggio oggi che quando era sotto Gheddafi è un fatto che viene nascosto attivamente.
Neri Verdi e la lotta per la Libia
Sarebbe presuntuoso pensare che le vittorie militari della resistenza verde pro-Gheddafi di questi ultimi giorni siano durevoli o che rappresentino un cambio irreversibile nel panorama politico e militare del Paese. Anche se decisamente instabile il governo fantoccio neocoloniale di Tripoli è sostenuto economicamente e militarmente da alcuni degli interessi più potenti del mondo rendendo difficile rovesciarlo semplicemente con vittorie secondarie. Tuttavia questi sviluppi indicano un interessante cambio sul terreno. Indubbiamente vi è una confluenza tra minoranze etniche nere e combattenti verdi come riconoscono i loro nemici delle milizie tribali che parteciparono al rovesciamento di Gheddafi così come il governo centrale di Tripoli. Se un’alleanza formale ne emergerà resta da vedere. Se una tale alleanza si sviluppasse però sarebbe la svolta nella continua guerra per la Libia. Come i combattenti della resistenza verde hanno dimostrato a Sabha possono organizzarsi nel sud del Paese dove godono di un ampio sostegno popolare. Si potrebbe immaginare un’alleanza nel sud che potrebbe controllare il territorio e possibilmente consolidare il potere in tutta la parte meridionale della Libia creando uno Stato indipendente de facto. Naturalmente il grido della NATO e dei suoi apologeti sarebbe che sarebbe antidemocratico e controrivoluzionario. Ciò sarebbe comprensibile in quanto il loro obiettivo di una Libia unificata asservita al capitale e il cui petrolio finanzi gli interessi internazionali diverrebbe irraggiungibile.
Bisogna stare attenti a non fare troppe ipotesi sulla situazione in Libia oggi i dati affidabili sono difficili da trovare. Più precisamente i media occidentali tentano di sopprimere completamente il fatto che la resistenza verde esiste per non dire attiva e vittoriosa. Tutto ciò dimostra semplicemente inoltre che la guerra di Libia infuria che il mondo l’ammetta o meno.

Eric Draitser è fondatore di È un analista geopolitico indipendente di New York City. Copyright © 2014 Global Research

The Secret War in Libya
By Eric Draitser ~ Published by Global Research at
Copyright © 2014 Global Research

Traduzione italiana di Alessandro Lattanzio – SitoAurora Network at Freelancers Network reloaded

Subject: Constitution dit que toutes les actions de la Banque d’Italie des Italiens
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 18:25:20 +0100

Janvier 24 15h15 [ la Constitution dit que toutes les actions de la Banque d’Italie des Italiens ne sont sinon vous devez supprimer de la Constitution le texte dit que le peuple est souverain! ] [ Carotte et le fouet! ] ROME [ pharisiens Bildenberg de l’arnaque mais qu’est-ce que cela veut dire quelle est la relation entre le MIO d’impôt absurde et la Banca d’Italia à savoir les particuliers les maîtres d’esclaves de tous les Italiens c’est à dire Illuminati usuriers usuriers juifs des assassins tout la société Spa Banque d’Italie le monopole FMI BCE FED? ] [ Un troisième et dernière partie du décret est enfin abordé la nouvelle structure qui devra avoir les actions de la Banque d’Italie mais pas le peuple italien ) pour ( redistribuer à nouveau ( qui appauvrit encore plus.. l’État italien ) ] Via allergie la confiance sur le texte de dl IMU faux spa la Banque d’Italie placé par le gouvernement je oui traîtres maçons étaient les suivants. 335 144 i pas et un hypocrite de l’abstention la finale vote sur le décret doit parvenir au plus tard le mardi 28. lundi prochain la Chambre va examiner l’ordre du jour et il serait possible le vote déjà dans la soirée. l’opposition cependant ont déjà annoncé l’obstruction. le décret expiration mercredi 29 [Toutes les conneries maçonnique Crime Top haute trahison constitutionnelle! ]. Tout d’abord il est confirmé la suppression de la deuxième IMU tranche (le chou à grignoter de la fumée dans les yeux des brebis avant de partir à la abattoir ) fot la maison principale à l’exception des maisons de luxe comme promis depuis longtemps par la direction uniquement sera la soi-disant mini queue IMU amère dans laquelle les contribuables sont tenus de payer par le 24 Janvier et il va générer. un chiffre d’affaires pour lesquelles il n’était pas possible de trouver de toute couverture.

#king #Saudi #Arabia [24 gennaio. 2014] #stato #islamico nello #Iraq e nel #Levante #sharia imperialismo del #califfato #mondiale tuo salafita islamico‎ progetto imperialista. tu non puoi avere soldi sufficienti per poter nascondere tutto questo tuo crimine! Tu hai fatto dire ai tuoi 80.000 mercenari della galassia #jihadisti finanziati ed organizzati dai tuoi servizi segreti. con cui tu hai invaso anche la Siria dopo avere invaso tutto il #Medio #Oriente e la #Africa “a chi non è con noi noi vi sgozzeremo sulle fogne!” quindi dopo avere sgozzato veramente sulle fogne tutti i #cristiani e tutti gli #sciiti che non si volevano mettere il #burkae poi tu sei passato ad uccidere i ribelli siriani che combattevano insieme a te contro #Assad ma questo è stato il tuo errore mortale ora il NWO dei poteri occulti di #Bush #Senior ti sbranerà! perché avere fatto una allenza con i #poteri #occulti di #bush #322 #kerry tutti quelli di esoteric agenda per depredare tutti i popoli questa non è stata una buona idea infatti i tuoi genitori maledetti loro erano i commercianti di schiavi cristiani.

Herman #Van #Rompuy Angela Dorothea #Merkel Kasner [ lettere aperta a tutte le false #democrazie #massoniche del #signoraggio #bancario fino ad oggi io #Unius #REI io ho giocato con voi perché ogni vita è preziosa per me ma da questo momento tutti voi incomincerete a sentirvi veramente male! ] quello che sta succedendo a #Kiev in Ucraina è qualcosa di veramente anomalo [ certamente non è stato il governo di Ucraina ad uccidere qualcuno! e certamente tanta violenza non viene da una opposizzione che abbia una base popolare! ] quindi sono i vostri servizi segreti deviati che quelli. che ubbidiscono a #Bush #senior e che sono completamente sfuggiti al vostro contollo cioè #esoteric #agenda satanisti #occult #power aliens abduction agenda ecc.. e voi proprio voi non potete più dire da questo momento in poi “noi siamo innocenti per non volere sovvertire i Governi del mondo e per fare diventare tutto il pianeta un solo grande cimitero! [ tali strutture segrete cioè queste strutture essendo occulte ed anche soprannaturali cioè comoste da satanisti pronti alla morte non sono facilmente rilevabili ] infatti voi fate finta di non sapere di 200.000 sacrifici umani che si fanno sullo altare di satana di satana tutti omicidi rituali che non avranno mai un coolpevole. quindi i primi criminali satanisti del mondo sono ” #Israele #Inghilterra #Germania #Francia #USA #Arabia #Saudita” perché è proprio questa la struttura deviata di servizi segreti deviati di esoteric agenda! [mentre gli occult power sono le Spa di ogni monopolio rubato che nascono dal monopolio del fondo monetario internazionale perché questo di perdere la #sovranità #monetaria per essere diventati tutti schiavi di #Rothschild questo è il crimine più grande di tutta la storia del genere umano. ]

if i was jewish living in israel i would rather live under muslim law because i wouldnt charged interest on a loan from a bank. because islamic law does not believe in interest and thats why the zionist bankers are after the muslim world =) se vivevo ebraica in Israele avrei preferito vivere sotto la legge islamica perché disturbarvi pagare interessi su un prestito da una banca. perché la legge islamica non crede interesse e questo è il motivo per cui i banchieri sionisti sono dopo che il mondo musulmano — yes is true but we are all slaves of the Masonic system so too Muslims (except Iran) buy money from the jew rothschild because even the Arab League has betrayed God up to this point? ma noi siamo tutti gli schiavi del sistema massonico quindi anche i musulmani (tranne l’Iran) comprano i soldi dallo ebreo rothschild perché anche la Lega ARABA ha tradito Dio fino a questo punto?

it is true that all religions lead to problems but at all times that religions were abolished it went worse and worse!
is true that giant skeletons are fake false at 90% but to 10% are real satanist like you hide their. is why evolution is religion
è vero che le religioni portano problemi ma tutte le volte che le religioni sono state abolite è andata sempre peggio!

[io ho trovato enormi difficoltà (troppe difficoltà) prima nel trovare e poi nello trascivere questo documento è evidentequalcuno non sarebbe stato contento del mio lavoro! ] di ANGELO COMASTRI Nell’ode. In una chiesa gotica Giosuè Carducci scrive parole velenose di odio rivolgendosi a Cristo «Cruciato martire tu cruci gli uomini… Tu di tristezza l’aer contamini». Cioè o Cristo crocifisso tu ora crocifiggi noi uomini e ci riempi l’anima con l’infezione della tristezza. [in questa espressione c’è una menzogna teologia ed anche una verità 1. Gesù è morto ed ha sofferto espiato al posto nostro quindi noi non dobbiamo più morire soffrire espiare più nulla! ed è questo il Vangelo cioè la buona notizia il Regno di Dio è in mezzo a noi. questa è la prospettiva teologica anche se il mistero del male e della iniquità non è ancora del tutto comprensibile per i deboli nella fede e per il libero arbitrio che a tutti viene concesso e che purtroppo coinvolge molti innocenti perché questo Vangelo questo annuncio di buona notizia è rifiutato respinto dagli uomini egoisti carnale psichici! ] [2. circa una verità è vero che Gesù Risorto invita tutti gli uomini a rinunciare alla natura carnale a dichiararla morta per fede insieme a tutti i suoi vizi capitali per riconoscere vera la vita della spirito quindi non si può dire che per la natura umana questo morire alla corruzione il senso l’orgoglio ecc.. sia una posizione felice per lui ma se il verme bruco non si trasforma in una bozzolo di crisalide non potrà mai volare come una farfalla! ] [ e se io devo riconoscere in me stesso di essere diventato come un prototipo un laboratorio di esperienze da poter riprodurre in tutti gli uomini del pianeta io devo riconoscere anche che il fascino e la lusinga del peccato cioè la seduzione del male vivono ancora dentro di me ma la determinazione di essere coerente con quello in cui io ho creduto è molto più forte e viene razionalizzato continuamente non potendo avere il dogma una accettazione teoretica perché la metafisica umanistica e personalistica di Pascal e Maritain è la negazione del Dogma ecco perché la lucidità scientifica circa la convenienza del bene inserito sulla via della perfezione annulla continuamente quella coltre di stordimento delle facoltà intellettive che potrebbero farmi capitolare o deviare verso il basso perché razionalmente si analizza la distruzione del peccato cioè tutto il danno che esso produce.] ecco perché io riesco ad essere così produttivo per il Regno di Dio perché in me tutte le risorse e le energie non sono disperse dal dubbio e dai frutti malefici del peccato (e dai pseudo diritti umani che non esistono per nessuno perché nessuno ha avuto la capacità di poter creare la propria vita dal nulla) perché la mia logica non è più una logica carnale egocentrica egoistica ma io sono un uomo che è diventato totalmente gratuità in quello che faccio per benedire ogni uomo del mondo che è mio fratello! ecco perché io sono potuto diventare Unius REI oppure io ho preso coscienza ad un certo momento di essere Unius REI che è il simbolo della unità cioè la legge naturale vivente rappresentata dal decalogo di Mosé che dichiara continuamente “tu fai il bene ed evita il male quindi non mentire non abusare come tu non vorresti mai essere abusato da qualcuno!” ] La testimonianza di Benedetta Bianchi Porro smentisce l’accusa di Carducci quando la natura umana si trova a dover morire la morte della natura umana quando è offerta per fare risorgere la nostra natura divina produce una grande felicità che anche in termini sapienziali sono esperienze condivise dal Buddha Gandhi ecc… Benedetta infatti è un canto di gioia è un inno alla vita è un magnificat intonato nello sfacelo del corpo devastato dalla malattia. La spiegazione è una sola. Accostandoci a Benedetta afferriamo la distinzione tra il piacere e la felicità il piacere solletica la pelle e pertanto dura poco; la felicità invece entra nella profondità dell’anima e nessuno e niente può rapirla dall’esterno. La felicità può darla soltanto Dio in quanto «Dio secondo Dovstoevskji è l’esclusivo proprietario della gioia». Mentre Benedetta Bianchi Porro avanza nella malattia c’è un giro di boa nella sua vita dalla sua anima cominciano a uscire le note di un canto gioioso e umanamente inspiegabile. Il 9 luglio 1949 a tredici anni scrive nel diario «Stamattina ho messo per la prima volta il busto che pianto! Mi stringe forte forte sotto le ascelle… Quanti sogni quante lacrime quanta nostalgia e malinconia… povera Benedetta Bianchi Porro». Passano gli anni Benedetta entra sempre di più nel buio della prova. Il 26 gennaio 1953 scrive all’amica Anna «Sono assetata di pace e desidero abbandonare le onde del mare per rifugiarmi nella quiete di un porto. Ma la mia barca è fragile le mie vele sono squarciate dal fulmine i remi spezzati e la corrente mi trascina lontano. Mi sembra di essere in una palude infinita e monotona e di sprofondare lentamente lentamente». La situazione di Benedetta poteva precipitare invece approda nel regno della gioia. Inizialmente colleziona un’umiliazione dietro l’altra. l’umiltà la rende vittoriosa. Significativo è l’episodio dell’esame di anatomia. Benedetta a causa della malattia non sente le domande del professore e chiede che le vengano proposte per iscritto. Il professore si rifiuta e la offende dicendo «Non si è mai visto un medico sordo» E scaglia il libretto universitario verso la porta L’orgoglio di Benedetta è ferito ma vince l’umiltà. Ella chiede scusa e mentre torna a casa prega l’amica Anna di non dire niente alla mamma. L’umiltà apre alla carità il cuore di Benedetta che comincia a preoccuparsi degli altri. Il 19 aprile 1958 scrive all’amica Maria Grazia «Per quello che riguarda lo spirito sono serena perfettamente anzi sono molto di più felice sono; non credere che io esageri». Alla mamma che è andata a Milano Benedetta scrive «Cara mamma da quando so che c’è chi mi guarda lottare cerco di farmi forte com’è bello così mamma! Io credo all’amore disceso dal cielo a Gesù Cristo e alla sua croce gloriosa. Sì io credo all’amore» Nel 1963 già cieca detta alla mamma una meravigliosa lettera per aiutare un giovane disperato. «Caro Natalino prima nella poltrona ora nel letto che è la mia dimora ho trovato una sapienza più grande di quella degli uomini. Ho trovato che Dio esiste ed è amore fedeltà gioia certezza fino alla consumazione dei secoli». E la gioia del cuore di Benedetta contagia il cuore di Natalino e guarisce la sua disperazione. Egli alla fine scrive così a Benedetta «Prima mi lamentavo perché ogni rosa ha la sua spina ora invece ringrazio il Signore perché ogni spina ha la sua rosa». L’orgoglio di Benedetta è ferito ma vince l’umiltà. Ella chiede scusa e mentre torna a casa prega l’amica Anna di non dire niente alla mamma. L’umiltà apre alla carità il cuore di Benedetta che comincia a preoccuparsi degli altri. Il 19 aprile 1958 scrive all’amica Maria Grazia «Per quello che riguarda lo spirito sono serena perfettamente anzi sono molto di più felice sono; non credere che io esageri». Alla mamma che è andata a Milano Benedetta scrive «Cara mamma da quando so che c’è chi mi guarda lottare cerco di farmi forte com’è bello così mamma! Io credo all’amore disceso dal cielo a Gesù Cristo e alla sua croce gloriosa. Sì io credo all’amore ». Il 24 maggio 1963 la mamma scrive a suor Alberta Simionato già insegnante di Benedetta e le confida «Benedetta è serena nel Signore. Vive pregando cantando dettando lettere agli amici vive in maniera più angelica che umana. Ringrazia ogni sera Dio per i mali che le ha dato. È felice di poter morire senza un peccato mortale ma anche in questo caso dice di amare la vita con il suo sole con i suoi fiori con la sua pioggia. È di un’obbedienza e di una umiltà che sconcerta che edifica. È forte dolce sicura. Dov’è passata lascia un ricordo di sé che impressiona. Ma non vuole sentire dirlo perché dice che le lodi sono solo tentazioni. Io non sono più addolorata per questo stato di salute di mia figlia. Ma la guardo umilmente inadeguatamente come si guardano i santi in chiesa»

USA Germania Inghilterra Francia Israele [ lettera aperta ] [ questo voi non sapete ] 1. voi avete dei servizi segreti e Ammiragli della Marina che appartengono a strutture totalmente segrete (a cui obbediscono realmente) ed implicate nella collaborazione con alieni (demoni) con un corpo OGM 2. voi realizzate 200.000 sacrifici sullo altare di satana e se voi non riuscite a sfuggire al controllo della Nsa come poi 3. voi pensate di poter sfuggire a queste strutture (sia esoteriche che tecnologiche) che sono dirette e sono sotto il controllo di esseri soprannaturali (demoni o ex-angeli)? i loro micro chip sono filamenti dello spessore di un cinquantesimo di millimetro inseriti nei vostri nervi ottici 187Audiohostem ed ihatenewlayout loro sapevano tutto quello che avveniva nel mio corpo e hanno dimostrato di poter vedere attraverso i miei occhi anche nei miei momenti di più assoluta intimità. tuttavia loro malgrado io non sono soltanto un portatore passivo di questa tecnologia!

24 gennaio #SEUL [ #Kim #Jong-Un può dimostrare che lui non sta bleffando liberando tutti i cristiani dai lager contrariamente è soltanto un inganno una trappola mortale! ] La #Corea del #Nord ha lanciato un appello a cessare le ostilità militari con Seul in una lettera alla Corea del Sud inviata su ordine del numero uno nordcoreano Kim Jong-Un. “Per migliorare le relazioni è importante prendere una decisione coraggiosa e fermare le azioni militari ostili” indica la lettera della Commissione nazionale di Difesa.

24 gennaio 0941 [ questo comportamento criminale è qualcosa di inamissibile! ]
#KIEV [il golpe pilotato da forze di servizi segreti stranieri ] I manifestanti antigovernativi ucraini hanno occupato a Kiev il palazzo del ministero dell’Agricoltura ad appena 100 metri da piazza Indipendenza (Maidan Nezalezhnosti) cuore della protesta ‘europeista’ nel centro di Kiev. Lo riporta l’agenzia Unian. Gli ingressi del ministero sono stati bloccati e gli occupanti non hanno permesso agli impiegati ministeriali di tornare a prendere i propri oggetti personali. Le guardie che difendevano il ministero non sono state ferite.

24 gennaio 1019 #NEW #DELHI deve condannare le sue pervertite tradizioni religiose oppure non potrà mai diventare un Paese civile! [ distrugge classi sociali ed condanna atteggiamento di fondamentalismo religioso in realtà nel suo insieme #India è una immagine speculare di tutto il mondo ] L’orrendo stupro di gruppo di una ragazza tribale di 20 anni ordinato dai leader di un villaggio nel nord est dell’India ha attirato oggi l’attenzione della #Corte #Suprema il massimo organo giudiziario di New Delhi. Una sezione presieduta dal capo giudice P. Sathasivam ha chiesto alle autorità del #West #Bengala di presentare un rapporto sulla notizia della violenza “che ha provocato molto turbamento” nel Paese secondo quanto riporta l’agenzia di stampa Ians.

24 gennaio 1209 #BEIRUT [ la Arabia Saudita si deve riprendere subito i suoi 80.000 sicari! ] Il regime siriano accetta di creare un #governo #transitorio. Lo ha detto citato dalla tv panaraba al #Jazira il ministro dell’informazione siriano #Umran #Zoubi presente ai negoziati internazionali in #Svizzera. [di questo ne ero convito sono soltanto gli #americani #satanisti e #massoni che hanno paura delle elezioni! ]

24 gennaio 1218 #KIEV La protesta antigovernativa dilaga anche nella russofona Ucraina orientale dove il presidente #Viktor #Ianukovich ha il suo feudo elettorale. Migliaia di persone stanno manifestando davanti alla sede del consiglio regionale di #Sumi dove si sta svolgendo una riunione per votare una risoluzione in favore delle azioni adottate da #Ianukovich contro i dimostranti di piazza #Maidan che nel documento vengono chiamati “estremisti”. [ beh per essere #estremisti questo è vero tutti possono vedere come loro sono estremisti! ]

24 gennaio 1513 #DAVOS [ ma quale mercato questo è veramente tragi-comico noi siamo in monopolio assoluto di farisei anglo-americani tutti i disastri sociali culturali economici spirituali la distorsione del dato scientifico la distruzione dello umanesimo e la distruzione della ciiltà ebraico-cristiana relativismo nichilismo materialismo scientismo cioè il satanismo ideologico i servizi segreti deviati Nwo Datagate Grande FRatello Ogm Morgellons sono una responsabillità assoluta del #sistema #massonico #bildenberg quindi per la guerra civile è soltanto una questione di tempo ] Gli stress test della Bce potrebbero portare a qualche fusione fra banche italiane. Lo ha detto il governatore di #Bankitalia Ignazio #Visco in un’intervista a Reuters #Television aggiungendo che Via Nazionale non intende comunque “disegnare la mappa delle aggregazioni o decidere come dovrebbe muoversi il mercato”.

Imu-Bankitalia tutto il decreto in tre mosse – Panorama‎
1 giorno fa – E alla fine il governo ha deciso di mettere fine alla discussione e alle polemiche che si erano generate a Montecitorio ponendo la fiduci…
Notizie relative a Imu-Bankitalia

 Imu-Bankitalia passa la fiducia dopo le contestazioni dei grillini
 il Giornale ‎- 34 minuti fa
 Percorso accidentato stamattina alla Camera per il decreto legge Imu-Bankitalia. La seduta è stata sospesa per contestazioni dei deputati del…

 Fiducia sul decreto Imu-Bankitalia
 Corriere della Sera‎ – 21 ore fa
 Governo fiducia alla Camera su dl Imu-Bankitalia. Bagarre M5S deputati espulsi dal grillino Di Maio
 La Repubblica‎ – 3 ore fa

Decreto Imu-Bankitalia passa alla Camera. Di Maio (M5S) espelle… › Politica & Palazzo‎
3 ore fa – I deputati Cinque Stelle protestano contro il contestato decreto Imu-Bankitalia – approdato alla Camera con la richiesta di fiducia da parte del…
Dl Imu-Bankitalia il Governo incassa la fiducia alla Camera – Il Sole……/dl-imu-bankitalia-governo-incassa-fiducia-came…‎
1 ora fa – Via libera della Camera al testo del dl Imu-Bankitalia sul quale il Governo aveva posto la fiducia. I sì sono stati 335 i no 144. Un deputato…
Fiducia sul decreto Imu-Bankitalia Trattative tra governo e Anci sulle… › Economia › Economia‎
22 ore fa – L’ammanco di fondi del passaggio da Imu a Tasi e il capitolo delle detrazioni montante per 13 miliardi di euro.
La Stampa – Imu-Bankitalia il governo mette la fiducia sul decreto › Politica‎
1 giorno fa – Il ministro per i Rapporti con il Parlamento Dario Franceschini in Aula alla Camera ha posto a nome del governo la questione di fiducia sul…
Il governo chiede la fiducia sul decreto Imu-Bankitalia – › Economia‎
1 giorno fa – L’annuncio del ministro Franceschini dopo la capigruppo bagarre e un’esplusione in Aula. Il testo sarà lo stesso del Senato con…
Imu-Bankitaliapassa fiducia alla Camera – Top News – › Top News‎
2 ore fa – Imu-Bankitaliapassa fiducia alla Camera Il voto finale sul testo atteso martedì Topnews Ansa.
Imu-Bankitalia sì Camera a fiducia Ma è bagarre protesta del M5S……/imu_s…a…/472263.shtml‎
2 ore fa – Con 335 sì e 144 no la Camera ha approvato la fiducia sul decreto legge Imu-Bankitalia stabilisce tra l’altro l’eliminazione della.
Imu-Bankitalia governo pone fiducia su decreto alla Camera | Prima… › Home › Ultime Notizie › Prima Pagina‎
1 giorno fa – ROMA (Reuters) – Il governo ha posto oggi alla Camera dei deputati la questione di fiducia sul decreto legge Imu-Bankitalia che scade la…

24 يناير ، 1515 [ قال الدستور، أن جميع أسهم بنك إيطاليا ، من الايطاليين فقط ، وإلا ، لديك ل حذف ، من الدستور ، ويقول النص الذي والشعب هي السيادة! ] [ الجزر و السوط! ] روما [ الفريسيين Bildenberg من الفضيحة ، ولكن ، ماذا يعني ذلك ، ما هي العلاقة بين ، و الحركة الإسلامية الأوزبكية ضريبة سخيفة ، و ، bankitalia ، أي القطاع الخاص ، أسياد العبيد ، من كل الشعب الإيطالي ، أي المتنورين ، المرابين المرابين اليهود ، قتلة ، كل شركة ، سبا، بنك إيطاليا ، والاحتكار، صندوق النقد الدولي، البنك المركزي الأوروبي ، FED ؟ ] [A الجزء الثالث ، والأخير من هذا المرسوم ، يتم تناول أخيرا ، الهيكل الجديد ، والتي سوف يكون لدينا أسهم في بنك إيطاليا ، ولكن ليس الشعب الايطالي ) ل ( إعادة توزيع مرة أخرى، (وهذا هو إفقار أكثر. الدولة الإيطالية ) ] عن طريق غرفة خالية ، والثقة على نص دل الحركة الإسلامية الأوزبكية ، ومنتجع صحي وهمية، و بنك إيطاليا ، وضعت من قبل الحكومة له نعم ، خونة الماسونية ، هم 335 ، 144 ط أي و احد منافق امتناع النهائي التصويت على مرسوم ينبغي أن تصل في موعد أقصاه الثلاثاء 28 التالي الاثنين، و البيت النظر في أوامر من اليوم، و سيكون من الممكن ، التصويت بالفعل في المساء. المعارضة ، ومع ذلك، فقد أعلنت بالفعل التعطيل. المرسوم تنتهي الاربعاء 29 [جميع حماقة الماسونية الجريمة الأعلى الخيانة العظمى الدستورية! ]. أولا، تأكيد ذلك إلغاء الحركة الإسلامية الأوزبكية الدفعة الثانية ( الملفوف ل تناول وجبة خفيفة ، والدخان في عيون الغنم ، قبل أن يذهب، ل المسلخ ) لكن يعجز البيت الرئيسي ، مع استثناء من المنازل الفخمة ، وعدت من قبل طالما التنفيذي فقط ، فإن ما يسمى ، وذيل صغيرة الحركة الإسلامية الأوزبكية المر، الذي يطلب من دافعي الضرائب لدفع من قبل 24 يناير ، وسوف تولد عائدات التي عليه، لم يكن من الممكن العثور عليها، أي تغطية.

24. Januar 1515 [ die Verfassung sagte dass alle Aktien der Bank von Italien der Italiener nur andernfalls haben Sie löschen möchten aus der Verfassung so der Text dass die Menschen souverän sind! ] [ Zuckerbrot und Peitsche! ] ROM [ Pharisäer Bildenberg der Betrug aber was es bedeutet was ist die Beziehung zwischen dem absurden Steuer IMU und Bankitalia dh die private die Slave- Meister aller italienischen Menschen dh Illuminati Geldverleiher jüdischen Wucherer Mörder den ganzen Konzern Spa Bank von Italien monopol IWF EZB FED? ] [ Eine dritte und letzte Teil des Dekrets schließlich angesprochen die neue Struktur die haben wird die Anteile an der Bank von Italien aber nicht das italienische Volk ) für ( wieder neu zu verteilen (das ist verarmen noch mehr haben.. der italienische Staat ) ] Via Zimmer Vertrauen auf den Text des dl IMU fake Spa Bank von Italien von der Regierung legte ich ja Verräter Freimaurer waren. 335 144 i und einer Enthaltung keine Heuchler die endgültige Abstimmung über das Dekret sollte spätestens dienstag 28. ankommen. Nächsten Montag wird das Haus die Aufträge des Tages zu betrachten und es wäre möglich die Abstimmung bereits am Abend. die Opposition haben sich jedoch bereits Filibuster angekündigt. dem Dekret abläuft Mittwoch 29. [All der Mist Freimaurer Krimi Top Verfassungshochverrat! ]. Erstens es ist die Abschaffung der zweiten Rate IMU ( der Kohl Snack Rauch in den Augen der Schafe bestätigt bevor sie um die Schlachthof ) fot. das Haupthaus mit Ausnahme von Luxus-Immobilien so lange durch die vollzieh versprochen Nur wird das so genannte Mini- Schwanz bitter IMU in denen die Steuerzahler müssen vom 24. Januar zu bezahlen und es wird zu generieren eine Erträge für die es nicht möglich war zu finden zu jeder Berichterstattung.

24 de enero de 1515 [ la Constitución dice que todas las acciones del Banco de Italia de los italianos son sólo de lo contrario usted tiene que eliminar a partir de la Constitución el texto dice que el pueblo es soberano! ] [ La zanahoria y el látigo! ] ROMA [ fariseos Bildenberg de la estafa pero ¿qué significa cuál es la relación entre el IMU impuesto absurdo y del Banco de Italia es decir los privados los amos de esclavos de todos los italianos es decir los Illuminati prestamistas usureros judíos asesinos toda la corporación Spa Banco de Italia el monopolio el FMI BCE FED? ] [ Una tercera y última parte del decreto finalmente abordado la nueva estructura que tendrá que tener las acciones al Banco de Italia pero no en el pueblo italiano ) para ( redistribuir de nuevo ( que está empobreciendo aún más.. el Estado italiano ) ] Via habitación libre la confianza en el texto de la IMU dl spa falso el Banco de Italia colocado por el gobierno que sí traidores masones fueron. 335 144 i no y un hipócrita abstención la final votación sobre el decreto debe llegar a más tardar el martes 28. el próximo lunes la Cámara considerará los órdenes del día y sería posible el voto ya por la noche. la oposición sin embargo han anunciado ya filibustero. el decreto expira miércoles 29 [Todos la mierda masónico Crimen Top alta traición Constitucional!]. Primero se confirma la supresión del segundo tramo IMU ( el repollo a la merienda el humo a los ojos de las ovejas antes de ir a la matadero ) fOT. la casa principal con la excepción de las casas de lujo siempre prometido por ejecutivo Sólo ¿la llamada mini IMU cola amarga en la que los contribuyentes están obligados a pagar por el 24 de enero y que va a generar un ingresos que en él no fue posible encontrar ninguna cobertura.

24 de janeiro de 1515 [ da Constituição disse que todas as ações do Banco da Itália dos italianos são apenas caso contrário você tem que eliminar a partir da Constituição o texto diz que o povo é soberano! ] [ Cenoura e do chicote! ] ROMA [ fariseus Bildenberg da farsa mas o que isso significa qual é a relação entre a IMU imposto absurdo e Bankitalia ou seja os particulares os senhores de escravos de todos os povos italianos ou seja Illuminati agiotas usurários judeus assassinos toda a corporação Spa Banco da Itália monopólio FMI BCE FED? ] [A terceira e última parte do decreto está finalmente abordado a nova estrutura que terá que ter as ações no Banco da Itália mas nem o povo italiano ) para ( redistribuir novo ( que está empobrecendo ainda mais.. ao Estado italiano ) ] Via Quarto livre confiança no texto do dl IMU falso spa Banco da Itália colocado pelo governo eu sim traidores maçons foram. 335 144 i não e uma abstenção hipócrita a final votação do decreto devem chegar o mais tardar até terça-feira 28. próxima segunda-feira a Casa irá considerar as ordens do dia e que seria possível a votação já à noite. a oposição no entanto já anunciou obstrução. o decreto expirar quarta-feira 29 [ Toda a porcaria maçônica Crime Top alta traição Constitucional! ]. primeiro confirma-se a abolição da segunda parcela IMU ( o repolho para fazer um lanche a fumaça nos olhos das ovelhas antes de ir para o matadouro ) fot. a casa principal com exceção de casas de luxo desde prometido pelo executivo Apenas será o chamado mini cauda IMU amargo em que os contribuintes são obrigados a pagar por dia 24 de janeiro e vai gerar uma receita para o qual não foi possível encontrar qualquer cobertura.

Janvier 24 15h15 [ la Constitution dit que toutes les actions de la Banque d’Italie des Italiens ne sont sinon vous devez supprimer de la Constitution le texte dit que le peuple est souverain! ] [ Carotte et le fouet! ] ROME [ pharisiens Bildenberg de l’arnaque mais qu’est-ce que cela veut dire quelle est la relation entre le MIO d’impôt absurde et la Banca d’Italia à savoir les particuliers les maîtres d’esclaves de tous les Italiens c’est à dire Illuminati usuriers usuriers juifs des assassins tout la société Spa Banque d’Italie le monopole FMI BCE FED? ] [ Un troisième et dernière partie du décret est enfin abordé la nouvelle structure qui devra avoir les actions de la Banque d’Italie mais pas le peuple italien ) pour ( redistribuer à nouveau ( qui appauvrit encore plus.. l’État italien ) ] Via allergie la confiance sur le texte de dl IMU faux spa la Banque d’Italie placé par le gouvernement je oui traîtres maçons étaient les suivants. 335 144 i pas et un hypocrite de l’abstention la finale vote sur le décret doit parvenir au plus tard le mardi 28. lundi prochain la Chambre va examiner l’ordre du jour et il serait possible le vote déjà dans la soirée. l’opposition cependant ont déjà annoncé l’obstruction. le décret expiration mercredi 29 [Toutes les conneries maçonnique Crime Top haute trahison constitutionnelle! ]. Tout d’abord il est confirmé la suppression de la deuxième IMU tranche (le chou à grignoter de la fumée dans les yeux des brebis avant de partir à la abattoir ) fot la maison principale à l’exception des maisons de luxe comme promis depuis longtemps par la direction uniquement sera la soi-disant mini queue IMU amère dans laquelle les contribuables sont tenus de payer par le 24 Janvier et il va générer. un chiffre d’affaires pour lesquelles il n’était pas possible de trouver de toute couverture.

[sistema massonico ] scendete dal palco del teatro e venite da me a bere la vostra medicina amara fermate la vostra agenda perché nessuno può sapere come andrà a finire questa vostra agenda tranne me! infatti voi sarete tutti uccisi! mentre con me non soltanto nessuno perderà la sua vita ma tutte le realtà hanno la potenzialità di poter migliorare continuando a seguire JaBullOn voi perderete ogni cosa!

24 gennaio 1515 [la #Costituzione ha detto che tutte le quote della Banca di Italia sono degli italiani altrimenti voi dovete cancellare dalla Costituzione il testo che dice il popolo è sovrano! ] [ la carota ed il frustino! ] #ROMA [ la truffa dei Bildenberg ma cosa significa quale è la relazione tra la tassa assurda sulla casa e le quote di partecipazione delle private i padroni schiavisti del popolo italiano la #corporation #Spa Banca di Italia #monopolio Fmi BCE #FED? ] [Una terza e decisiva parte del decreto è infine rivolta al nuovo assetto che dovranno avere le quote di partecipazione a #Banca #d’Italia (ma non del popolo italiano)] Via libera della Camera alla fiducia sul testo del dl #Imu-Bankitalia posta dal governo. I sì dei traditori massoni sono stati 335 144 i no e un solo astenuto ipocrita. Il voto finale sul decreto dovrebbe arrivare entro martedì 28. Lunedì prossimo l’Aula esaminerà gli ordini del giorno e sarebbe possibile il voto già in serata. Le opposizioni però hanno già preannunciato ostruzionismo. Il decreto scade mercoledì 29. [ tutta la porcata #massonica crimine di alto tradimento #costituzionale! ] Innanzitutto viene confermata l’abolizione della seconda rata #Imu ( il cavolo a merenda il fumo negli occhi della pecora prima di andare al macello) sulle abitazioni principali ad esclusione delle case di lusso così come promesso da tempo dall’esecutivo. Unica coda amara sarà la cosiddetta mini Imu che in contribuenti sono chiamati a pagare entro il prossimo 24 gennaio e che genererà un gettito per il quale non è stato possibile trovare nessuna copertura.

Janvier 24 TUNIS [l’Arabie saoudite la Ligue arabe et les pharisiens et les Anglo-Américains le FMI maintenant Spa société Rothschild Bildenberg système maçonnique agenda ésotérique sont responsables pour cette perversion parce que leur ordre du jour il appartient à la Première Guerre mondiale! ] Des centaines de manifestants partisans du parti islamiste Hizb ut-Tahriri combat pour la mise en place d’un califat islamique se sont rassemblés aujourd’hui dans le centre de Tunis pour protester contre le projet de la Constitution considéré comme «laïque» qui devrait être approuvé demain par l’Assemblée nationale (Parlement). «A bas la Constitution laïque» «établir l’Islam c’est une obligation la souveraineté est le Coran et la charia (loi islamique)” scandaient les manifestants. (Parce que la souveraineté est le Coran et la charia alors l’Arabie Saoudite condamné la mort tout le genre humain et encore moins cette fin pourrait faire Israël maintenant)

24 de enero de Túnez [Arabia Saudí la Liga Árabe y los fariseos y los angloamericanos el FMI ahora Spa corporación Rothschild Bildenberg sistema masónico agenda esotérica son responsables donde dice esta perversión porque su agenda pertenece a la Primera Guerra Mundial! ] Cientos de manifestantes partidarios del partido islamista Hizb ut-Tahriri de lucha la creación de un califato islámico se han reunido hoy en día en el centro de Túnez para protestar en contra el proyecto de la Constitución considerado “secular” que se espera que sea aprobada mañana por la Asamblea Nacional (Parlamento). “¡Abajo la Constitución laica” “establecer el Islam es una obligación la soberanía es el Corán y la sharia (ley islámica)” coreaban los manifestantes. (Debido a la soberanía es el Corán y la sharia a continuación la Arabia Saudita? Sentenciado a la muerte toda la raza humana y mucho menos ese fin podría hacer Israel ahora)

Januar 24 Tunis [Saudi-Arabien die Arabische Liga und die Pharisäer und die Anglo-Amerikaner IWF Nwo Spa- Körperschaft Rothschild Bildenberg Freimaurer System esoterische Agenda verantwortlich sind für dieser Perversion weil ihre Agenda es gehört zum Ersten Weltkrieg! ] Hunderte von Demonstranten Unterstützer der islamistischen Partei Hizb ut-Tahriri kämpfen für die Einrichtung eines islamischen Kalifats haben heute versammelt im Zentrum von Tunis um zu protestieren gegen das Projekt der Verfassung als “weltlichen” die wird voraussichtlich genehmigt werden morgen von der Nationalversammlung (Parlament). “Nieder mit der säkularen Verfassung” “Islam zu etablieren ist es eine Verpflichtung die Souveränität der Koran und die Scharia (islamisches Recht)” skandierten die Demonstranten. (Weil Souveränität ist der Koran und die Scharia also die Saudi-Arabien verurteilt bis zum Tod das ganze Menschengeschlecht geschweige denn dass Ende konnte tun Israel jetzt)

يناير 24، تونس، [المملكة العربية السعودية وجامعة الدول العربية، والفريسيين والأنجلو الأمريكيين وصندوق النقد الدولي، NWO، نادي صحي، شركة روتشيلد، Bildenberg، ونظام ماسوني جدول الباطنية، هي المسؤولة ل هذا تحريف، لأنه، أجندتهم أنه ينتمي إلى الحرب العالمية! ] مئات من المحتجين، المؤيدين الحزب الإسلامي حزب التحرير-Tahriri، القتال لإنشاء من الخلافة الإسلامية، قد اجتمعنا اليوم في وسط تونس، احتجاجا على ضد المشروع من الدستور، يعتبر “العلمانية” التي ومن المتوقع أن تتم الموافقة على غدا من قبل الجمعية الوطنية (البرلمان). “يسقط دستور علماني”، “إقامة الإسلام، بل هو واجب وسيادته والقرآن والشريعة (القانون الإسلامي)”، وردد المتظاهرين. (لأن والسيادة هو القرآن الكريم والشريعة، بعد ذلك، المملكة العربية السعودية؟ حكمت حتى الموت، والجنس البشري كله، ناهيك، لهذه الغاية، يمكن أن تفعل إسرائيل، والآن)

24 January TUNIS [ Saudi Arabia the Arab League and the Pharisees and the Anglo-Americans IMF Nwo Spa corporation Rothschild Bildenberg masonic system esoteric agenda are responsible for this perversion because their agenda it belongs to World War! ] Hundreds of protesters supporters of the Islamist party Hizb ut-Tahriri fighting for the establishment of an Islamic caliphate have gathered today in the center of Tunis to protest against the project of the Constitution considered “secular “which is expected to be approved tomorrow by the National Assembly (Parliament). “Down with the secular Constitution” “establish Islam it is an obligation sovereignty is the Koran and the Sharia (Islamic law)” chanted the demonstrators. ( Because sovereignty is the Koran and Sharia? then the Saudi Arabia sentenced to death the whole human race let alone that end could do Israel now!)

[Masonic system] down from the stage of the theater and come to me to drink your bitter medicine stop your agenda because no one can know how it goes to finish this your agenda except me! In fact you will all be killed! while with me not only no one will lose his life but all have the potential to actually be able to improve continuing to follow JaBullOn you will lose everything!

24 January DAVOS [but as the false market this is truly tragi-comic we are in absolute monopoly of pharisees Anglo-Americans all disasters social cultural economic spiritual distortion of scientific data the destruction of humanism and the destruction of the Jewish-Christian civilization relativism nihilism materialism scientism that is the ideological Satanism secret service deviant Nwo Datagate Big Brother GMos Morgellons I am a responsibility absolute of the system Masonic Bildenberg then to the civil war it is only a matter of time] stress tests of the ECB could lead to some fusion between Italian banks. He said the governor of the Bank of Italy Ignazio Visco in an interview with Reuters Television adding that Via Nazionale however does not intend to “draw the map of the aggregations or decide how it should move the market.”

24 January 1515 [ the Constitution said that all the shares of the Bank of Italy of the Italians are only otherwise you have to delete from the Constitution the text says thatthe people are sovereign! ] [ Carrot and the whip! ] ROME [ pharisees Bildenberg of the scam but what does it mean what is the relationship between the absurd tax IMU and bankitalia ie the private the slave masters of all Italian people ie Illuminati moneylenders Jewish usurers murderers all the corporation Spa Bank of Italymonopoly IMF ECB FED? ] [ A third and final part of the decree is finally addressed the new structure which will have to have the shares at Bank of Italy but not the Italian people ) for (redistribute again (that is impoverishing even more the Italian State). ] Via Free Room trust on the text of dl IMU fake spa Bank of Italy placed by the government. I yes traitors Masons were 335 144 i no and one abstention hypocrite. The final vote on the decree should arrive no later than Tuesday 28. Next Monday the House will consider the orders of the day and it would be possible the vote already in the evening. The opposition however have already announced filibuster. The decree expires Wednesday 29. [ All the crap Masonic Crime Top Constitutional high treason! ] First it is confirmed the abolition of the second installment IMU ( the cabbage to snack smoke in the eyes of the sheep before goingto the slaughterhouse ) fot the main house with the exception of luxury homes as long promised by executive. Only will the so-called mini tail bitter IMU in which taxpayers are required to pay by the 24th of January and it will generate a revenue for which it was not possible to find any coverage.

Januarie 24 Tunis [ Saoedi-Arabië die Arabiese Liga en die Fariseërs en die Anglo- Amerikaners IMF NWO Spa korporasie Rothschild Bildenberg Masonic stelsel esoteriese agenda is verantwoordelik vir hierdie perversie want hul agenda dit behoort aan die Eerste Wêreldoorlog! ] Honderde betogers ondersteuners van die Islamitiese partye Hizb ut – Tahriri veg want die vestiging van ‘n Islamitiese kalifaat het vandag versamel in die middel van Tunis om te protesteer teen die projek van die Grondwet beskou as ” sekulêre ” wat word verwag om goedgekeur te word môre deur die Nasionale Vergadering ( Parlement). ” Down met die sekulêre grondwet ” ” vas te stel Islam is dit ‘n verpligting soewereiniteit is die Koran en die Sharia ( Islamitiese wet ) ” gedreunsing die betogers. ( Omdat soewereiniteit is die Koran en Sharia dan die Saoedi-Arabië? Gevonnis dood te maak die hele menslike ras laat staan ​​ dat die einde kon doen nie! Israel nou )

[ Masonic stelsel] af van die stadium van die teater en kom na my jou bitter medisyne te drink ophou om jou agenda want niemand kan weet hoe dit gaan is dit jou agenda te voltooi nie behalwe my! In werklikheid word sal julle almal doodgemaak word! terwyl met my nie net niemand sal sy lewe verloor maar al die potensiaal het om werklik in staat wees om te verbeter die voortsetting van JaBullOn te volg sal jy verloor alles!

24 Januarie in Davos [ maar soos die valse mark dit is werklik tragi – komiese ons is in absolute monopolie van die Fariseërs Anglo- Amerikaners al rampe sosiale kulturele geestelike ekonomiese verdraaiing van wetenskaplike data die vernietiging van die humanisme en die vernietiging van die Joodse – Christelike beskawing relativisme nihilisme materialisme scientisme dit is die ideologiese Satanisme geheime diens afwykende NWO Data Gate Big Brother GMO’s Morgellons Ek is ‘n absolute verantwoordelikheid van die stelsel Masonic Bildenberg dan na die burgeroorlog is dit net ‘n kwessie van tyd] stres toetse van die ECB kan lei tot ‘n samesmelting tussen die Italiaanse banke. Hy het gesê die goewerneur van die Bank van Italië Ignazio Visco in ‘n onderhoud met Reuters Television voeg dat Via Nazionale egter nie van plan om te ” trek die kaart van die swerms of besluit hoe dit moet skuif die mark. “

24 Januarie 1515 [ die Grondwet sê dat al die aandele van die Bank van Italië van die Italianers is net anders jy het om te verwyder van die Grondwet die teks sê dat die mense is soewereine! ] [ Wortel en die sweep! ] Rome [ Fariseërs Bildenberg van die bedrogspul maar wat beteken dit wat is die verhouding tussen die absurde belasting IMU en bankitalia dit wil sê die private die slawemeesters van al die Italiaanse mense dit wil sê Illuminati geldskieters Joodse woekeraars moordenaars al die korporasie Spa die Bank van Italië monopolie IMF ECB FED? ] [‘N derde en laaste deel van die besluit is uiteindelik aangespreek die nuwe struktuur wat sal die aandele teen die Bank van Italië maar nie die Italiaanse mense ) te hê vir ( herversprei weer (dit is selfs nog meer verarm.. die Italiaanse staat ) ] Via Free Kamer vertrou op die teks van dl IMU vals spa die Bank van Italië geplaas deur die regering ek ja verraaiers Masons was. 335 144 Ek het nie en ‘n onthouding skynheilige die finale stemming oor die besluit moet nie later nie as Dinsdag 28 kom. Volgende Maandag sal die Huis oorweeg die bevele van die dag en dit moontlik sou wees die stemme wat reeds in die aand. die opposisie het egter reeds aangekondig roof. die bevel verstryk Woensdag 29 [ Al die kak Masonic Misdaad Top Grondwetlike hoogverraad! ]. Eerstens is dit bevestig dat die afskaffing van die tweede paaiement IMU ( die kool te peusel rook in die oë van die skape voor jy gaan aan die slagpale ) fot. die hoofhuis met die uitsondering van ‘n luukse huise solank belowe deur die uitvoerende Slegs sal die sogenaamde mini stert bitter IMU waarin belastingbetalers moet betaal deur die 24 Januarie en dit sal genereer ‘n inkomste vir wat dit was nie moontlik om te vind ‘n dekking.

24 Jan TUNIS [ Arabia SauditeLidhja Arabe dhe farisenjtë dhe anglo- amerikanët FMN NWO Spa korporatë Rothschild Bildenberg sistemi masonike Agjenda ezoterike janë përgjegjës për këtë perversion sepse axhenda e tyre ajo i takon Luftës Botërore! ] Qindra protestues mbështetës e partisë islamike Hizb ut- Tahriri luftimeve për krijimin e një kalifatit islamik janë mbledhur sot në qendër të Tunis për të protestuar kundër të projektit të Kushtetutës konsiderohet ” laike ” e cila pritet të miratohet nesër nga Asambleja Kombëtare ( Parlamentit). ” Poshtë me Kushtetutën laike ” ” të vendosur Islamin është obligim sovraniteti është Kurani dheSheriati ( ligji islamik ) ” thërrisnin demonstruesit. ( Sepse sovraniteti ështëKurani dhe Sheriatit pastajArabia Saudite? Dënohet me vdekje e gjithë raca njerëzore le të vetëm atë përfundim mund të bëjmë! Izraelin tani )

[ Sistemi masonike ] poshtë nga skena e teatrit dhe ejani tek unë për të pirë ilaçin tuaj të hidhur të ndaluar axhendën tuaj sepse askush nuk mund ta dijë se si shkon për të përfunduar këtë agjendë tuaj përveç meje! Në fakt ju do të të gjithë të vrarë! ndërsa me mua jo vetëm që askush nuk do të humbasë jetën e vet por të gjithë kanë potencial që në fakt të jetë në gjendje për të përmirësuar duke vazhduar për të ndjekur JaBullOn ju do të humbni çdo gjë!

24 Jan DAVOS [ por si tregun e rreme kjo është me të vërtetë tragi – komik ne jemi në monopolin absolut i farisenjve anglo -amerikanët të gjitha fatkeqësitë e sociale kulturore ekonomike shpirtërore shtrembërim i të dhënave shkencore shkatërrimi i humanizmit dhe shkatërrimi i qytetërimit hebre – krishterë relativizmi nihilizëm materializmi shkencëtarizmin që ështëSatanizmi ideologjike shërbimi sekret devijant NWO DATAGATE Big Brother OMGJ Morgellons unë jam një përgjegjësi absolute e Sistemi masonike Bildenberg pastaj të luftës civile ajo është vetëm një çështje kohe ] testet e stresit të Bankës Qendrore Evropiane do të mund të çojë në disa shkrirjes mes bankave italiane. Ai tha se guvernatori i Bankës së Italisë Ignazio Visco në një intervistë me Reuters Televizionin duke shtuar se Via Nazionale megjithatë nuk ka ndërmend që të ” nxjerrë hartën e agregime ose të vendosë se si duhet të lëvizë e tregut. “

Janar 24 1515 [ Kushtetuta tha se të gjitha aksionet e Bankës së Italisë e italianët janë vetëm përndryshe ju duhet të fshini nga Kushtetuta teksti thotë se njerëzit janë sovrane! ] [ Karrota dheKryetari i grupit parlamentar! ] ROME [ farisenjtë Bildenberg e scam por çfarë do të thotë cila është lidhja mes të IMU taksave absurde dhe bankitalia dmth e private të mjeshtrave rob të të gjithë popullit italian dmth Illuminati huadhënësi usurers hebrenj vrasësit të gjitha korporatë Spa Banka e Italisë monopol FMN BQE FED? ] [ Një e treta dhe i fundit i dekretit i drejtohet më në fund struktura e re e cila do të duhet të ketë aksione në Bankën e Italisë por jo popullit italian ) për ( rishpërndarë përsëri ( që është edhe më varfëruese..Shteti italian ) ] Via pagesë Room besimi në tekstin e dl IMU spa rreme Banka e Italisë të vendosur nga qeveria që unë po tradhtarë masonët ishin. 335 144 i pa dhe një hipokrit abstenimfundit votimi për dekretin duhet të arrijnë jo më vonë se e martë 28. Tjetra hënën Dhoma do të konsiderojë urdhërat e të ditës dhe do të ishte e mundur votimi tashmë në mbrëmje. opozita megjithatë kanë njoftuar tashmë pirat. dekretin skadon e mërkurë 29 [ të gjithakar masonike Crime Top tradhti Kushtetuese të lartë! ]. së pari ajo është konfirmuar heqjen e IMU dytë këste (lakër të rostiçeri tymi në sytë e deleve para se të shkojnë për të thertore ) fot.shtëpi kryesore me përjashtim të shtëpive luksoze premtuar për sa kohë nga ekzekutivi Vetëm do tëashtu- quajtur mini bisht IMU hidhur në të cilën tatimpaguesit duhet të paguajnë nga 24 janar dhe do të gjenerojë një e hyrë e për të cilat nuk ishte e mundur për të gjetur çdo mbulim.

[Masonic system 322 the World Government in youtube! ] ok! you are not able to maintain control of youtube then you must recognize that you have been defeated by me all the time in all these 6 long years this is the demonstration that you are looking for!
none of you therefore may be able to save his life without me!

يناير 24، تونس ، [المملكة العربية السعودية وجامعة الدول العربية ، و الفريسيين و الأنجلو الأمريكيين وصندوق النقد الدولي ، NWO ، نادي صحي ، شركة روتشيلد ، Bildenberg ، ونظام ماسوني جدول الباطنية، هي المسؤولة ل هذا تحريف ، لأنه، أجندتهم أنه ينتمي إلى الحرب العالمية! ] مئات من المحتجين ، المؤيدين الحزب الإسلامي حزب التحرير – Tahriri ، القتال لإنشاء من الخلافة الإسلامية ، قد اجتمعنا اليوم في وسط تونس، احتجاجا على ضد المشروع من الدستور ، يعتبر ” العلمانية ” التي ومن المتوقع أن تتم الموافقة على غدا من قبل الجمعية الوطنية (البرلمان ). “يسقط دستور علماني “، ” إقامة الإسلام ، بل هو واجب وسيادته و القرآن و الشريعة (القانون الإسلامي ) ” ، وردد المتظاهرين. (لأن والسيادة هو القرآن الكريم و الشريعة ، بعد ذلك، المملكة العربية السعودية ؟ حكمت حتى الموت ، و الجنس البشري كله ، ناهيك ، لهذه الغاية، يمكن أن تفعل إسرائيل ، والآن )

[ نظام ماسوني ] أسفل من مرحلة المسرح، و تأتي لي لشرب الدواء المر الخاص ، والتوقف عن جدول أعمالكم ، لأن لا أحد يستطيع أن يعرف ، كيف ستسير الامور ، لإنهاء هذا البرنامج الخاص بك، إلا لي! في الواقع، سيتم قتل كل ما! في حين ، لا أحد معي وليس فقط سوف يفقد حياته ، ولكن ، كل لديها القدرة ، ل تكون فعلا قادرة على تحسين ، ومواصلة اتباع JaBullOn ، سوف تفقد كل شيء!

يناير 24، دافوس ، [ ولكن ، لأن السوق كاذبة ، وهذا هو حقا – tragi هزلية ، ونحن في الاحتكار المطلق ، من الفريسيين الأنجلو الأميركيين ، جميع الكوارث الاجتماعية والثقافية والاقتصادية والروحية ، والتشويه من البيانات العلمية، و تدمير الإنسانية ، وتدمير الحضارة اليهودية المسيحية ، النسبية ، العدمية ، مادية ، العلموية ، وهذا هو ، و الأيديولوجية الشيطانية ، سرية منحرفة الخدمة، NWO ، Datagate ، الأخ الأكبر، الكائنات المعدلة وراثيا Morgellons أنا المسؤولية المطلقة، ل نظام ماسوني Bildenberg ، بعد ذلك، إلى حرب أهلية ، أنها ليست سوى مسألة وقت ] اختبارات الضغط من البنك المركزي الأوروبي قد يؤدي إلى بعض الانصهار بين البنوك الإيطالية. قال محافظ بنك إيطاليا ، إجنازيو فيسكو ، في مقابلة مع تلفزيون رويترز ، مضيفا أنه، فيا ناسيونالي ، ومع ذلك، لا تنوي “لرسم الخريطة، لل تجمعات ، أو أن تقرر كيف يجب أن تتحرك ، السوق “.

24 يناير ، 1515 [ قال الدستور، أن جميع أسهم بنك إيطاليا ، من الايطاليين فقط ، وإلا ، لديك ل حذف ، من الدستور ، ويقول النص الذي والشعب هي السيادة! ] [ الجزر و السوط! ] روما [ الفريسيين Bildenberg من الفضيحة ، ولكن ، ماذا يعني ذلك ، ما هي العلاقة بين ، و الحركة الإسلامية الأوزبكية ضريبة سخيفة ، و ، bankitalia ، أي القطاع الخاص ، أسياد العبيد ، من كل الشعب الإيطالي ، أي المتنورين ، المرابين المرابين اليهود ، قتلة ، كل شركة ، سبا، بنك إيطاليا ، والاحتكار، صندوق النقد الدولي، البنك المركزي الأوروبي ، FED ؟ ] [A الجزء الثالث ، والأخير من هذا المرسوم ، يتم تناول أخيرا ، الهيكل الجديد ، والتي سوف يكون لدينا أسهم في بنك إيطاليا ، ولكن ليس الشعب الايطالي ) ل ( إعادة توزيع مرة أخرى، (وهذا هو إفقار أكثر. الدولة الإيطالية ) ] عن طريق غرفة خالية ، والثقة على نص دل الحركة الإسلامية الأوزبكية ، ومنتجع صحي وهمية، و بنك إيطاليا ، وضعت من قبل الحكومة له نعم ، خونة الماسونية ، هم 335 ، 144 ط أي و احد منافق امتناع النهائي التصويت على مرسوم ينبغي أن تصل في موعد أقصاه الثلاثاء 28 التالي الاثنين، و البيت النظر في أوامر من اليوم، و سيكون من الممكن ، التصويت بالفعل في المساء. المعارضة ، ومع ذلك، فقد أعلنت بالفعل التعطيل. المرسوم تنتهي الاربعاء 29 [جميع حماقة الماسونية الجريمة الأعلى الخيانة العظمى الدستورية! ]. أولا، تأكيد ذلك إلغاء الحركة الإسلامية الأوزبكية الدفعة الثانية ( الملفوف ل تناول وجبة خفيفة ، والدخان في عيون الغنم ، قبل أن يذهب، ل المسلخ ) لكن يعجز البيت الرئيسي ، مع استثناء من المنازل الفخمة ، وعدت من قبل طالما التنفيذي فقط ، فإن ما يسمى ، وذيل صغيرة الحركة الإسلامية الأوزبكية المر، الذي يطلب من دافعي الضرائب لدفع من قبل 24 يناير ، وسوف تولد عائدات التي عليه، لم يكن من الممكن العثور عليها، أي تغطية.

[ نظام الماسونية ، 322، الحكومة العالمية في يوتيوب! ] يرام! لم تكن قادرا ، للحفاظ على السيطرة، من يوتيوب ، إذن، يجب أن ندرك أن كنت قد هزم من قبل لي ، في كل وقت في كل هذه 6 سنوات طويلة ، وهذا هو التظاهرة التي ، كنت تبحث عن!
لا أحد منكم ، لذلك، قد تكون قادرة على انقاذ حياته، دون لي!

24 Հունվար Թունիս Սաուդյան Արաբիա Արաբական լիգայի եւ փարիսեցիները եւ անգլո – ամերիկացիները ԱՄՀ – ի NWO Տներ կորպորացիա Rothschild Bildenberg մասոնական համակարգ թաքնված օրակարգը պատասխանատու են որովհետեւ սա այլասերում քանի որ նրանց օրակարգը Այն պատկանում է համաշխարհային պատերազմի. ] Հարյուրավոր ցուցարարներ համակիրները է իսլամական կուսակցության Հիզբ Tahriri պայքարում հաստատման համար է իսլամական խալիֆայություն է որ հավաքվել էին կենտրոնում Թունիսում բողոքելու դեմ Ծրագրի Սահմանադրության համարվում է « աշխարհիկ » որոնք ակնկալվում է հաստատվի վաղը Ազգային ժողովի ( խորհրդարանի ). «Կորչի աշխարհիկ Սահմանադրության » « հաստատել իսլամ դա պարտավորություն ինքնիշխանության է Koran. Եւ Sharia ( իսլամական օրենքը )« վանկարկել ցուցարարներին. (Քանի որ ինքնիշխանությունը է Ղուրան եւ Sharia – ապա Սաուդյան Արաբիա դատապարտվել մահվան ամբողջ մարդկային ցեղի չխոսելով որ վերջ կարող է անել Իսրայել հիմա!)

[ Մասոնական համակարգ ] իջնում ​​փուլում թատրոնի եւ գալիս է ինձ խմել ձեր դառը դեղ դադարեցնել ձեր օրակարգը քանի որ ոչ ոք չի կարող իմանալ թե ինչպես է այն գնում է ավարտել այս ձեր օրակարգը բացառությամբ me! Ի դեպ դուք պետք է սպանել. իսկ ինձ հետ ոչ միայն ոչ ոք չի կորցնի իր կյանքը սակայն ունեն ներուժ իրականում կարող է բարելավել շարունակելով հետեւել JaBullOn դուք կորցնում ամեն ինչ!

24 Հունվար Դավոսում բայց քանի որ կեղծ շուկայում սա իսկապես tragi – զավեշտական ​​ մենք բացարձակ մենաշնորհ եւ փարիսեցիներից Anglo- Americans բոլոր աղետներ Սոցիալական մշակութային տնտեսական հոգեւոր աղավաղում գիտական ​​տվյալների ավերումը մարդասիրության եւ ոչնչացումը հրեա – քրիստոնեական քաղաքակրթության հարաբերական nihilism մատերիալիզմ scientism այսինքն գաղափարական Սատանիզմ գաղտնի ծառայություն deviant NWO Datagate Big Brother GMOs Morgellons Ես պատասխանատվություն բացարձակ որ համակարգ մասոնական Bildenberg ապա քաղաքացիական պատերազմի դա միայն ժամանակի հարց է ] սթրես – թեստերի ԵԿԲ կարող է հանգեցնել որոշ fusion միջեւ իտալական բանկերի. Նա ասել է որ նահանգապետ Բանկի Իտալիայի Ignazio Visco հետ հարցազրույցում Reuters հեռուստաընկերության ավելացնելով որ Via Nazionale սակայն չի պատրաստվում է « ոչ – ոքի է քարտեզը եւ aggregations կամ թե ինչպես այն պետք է առաջ շարժվել շուկայում ».

24 Հունվար 1515 [ Սահմանադրությունը ասել է որ բոլոր բաժնետոմսերը բանկի Իտալիայում եւ իտալացիների են միայն հակառակ դեպքում դուք պետք է ջնջել որ Սահմանադրության տեքստը ասում է որ ժողովուրդը ինքնիշխան. ] [ Carrot եւ փաթաթել. ] ROME Փարիսեցիները Bildenberg է scam բայց ինչ է դա նշանակում ինչ հարաբերությունները միջեւ անհեթեթ հարկային IMU եւ bankitalia այսինքն մասնավոր ծառան տիրոջ բոլոր իտալական մարդկանց այսինքն Illuminati moneylenders հրեական վաշխառուներ են մարդասպանները բոլոր կորպորացիա Spa Bank of Իտալիայում մենաշնորհ ԱՄՀ ԵԿԲ կերակրում. ] [A երրորդ եւ վերջնական մասը հրամանագրով վերջապես հասցեագրված նոր կառույցը որը պետք է ունենա բաժնետոմսերի Բանկի Իտալիայի սակայն ոչ թե իտալացի ժողովրդի ) համար ( վերաբաշխում է (այսինքն աղքատացող ավելի Իտալիայի State).] Via Free սենյակ վստահությունը որ տեքստի DL IMU կեղծ սպա Bank Իտալիայի տեղադրված է կառավարության կողմից Ես այո դավաճան Masons էին 335 144 Ես եւ մեկ ձեռնպահ փարիսեցի. վերջնական քվեարկության որոշման պետք է ժամանել ոչ ուշ քան երեքշաբթի 28 հաջորդ երկուշաբթի տուն կքննարկի պատվերները օրը եւ դա կլինի հնարավոր է քվեարկությունը արդեն երեկոյան ընդդիմությունը սակայն արդեն հայտարարել են ծովահեն. հրամանագրով սպառվում Չորեքշաբթի 29. Բոլոր crap մասոնական Crime Top Սահմանադրական դավաճանություն ] Նախ այն հաստատել է Վերացվեց երկրորդ ապառիկ IMU ( կաղամբ խորտիկ ծխի աչքերին ոչխարների առաջ գնում որ սպանդանոց ) fot Հիմնական տուն բացառությամբ շքեղ տներում քանի դեռ խոստացել է գործադիր միայն որ այսպես կոչված մինի պոչը դառը IMU որի հարկատուները պարտավոր են վճարել է հունվարի 24 – ին եւ այն առաջացնում ի եկամուտները որոնց համար այն էր հնարավոր չէ գտնել որեւէ լուսաբանումը.

[ Մասոնական համակարգ 322 Համաշխարհային կառավարության YouTube. Ok! դուք չեք կարող պետք է պահպանել վերահսկողությունը եւ YouTube-ում ապա դուք պետք է ճանաչի որ դուք արդեն հաղթել է ինձ ամբողջ ժամանակ բոլոր այդ 6 տարիների սա է դրսեւորումն է որ դուք փնտրում են.
ոչ ոք քեզ հետեւաբար կարող է փրկել նրա կյանքը առանց ինձ.

24 Yanvar TUNIS [ Səudiyyə Ərəbistanı Ərəb Liqası və fariseylər və Anglo – amerikalılar BVF NWO Spa korporasiya Rothschild Bildenberg mason sistemi üçün ezoterik gündəliyi məsuliyyət bu təhrif çünki gündəmə Dünya müharibəsi məxsusdur! Etirazçı ] Yüzlərlə tərəfdarları İslamçı partiyanın Hizb ut- Təhriri döyüş yaradılması üçün etiraz etmək Tunis mərkəzində İslam xilafətinin toplaşmışıq qarşı Layihə Konstitusiyanın təsdiq edilməsi gözlənilir olan ” dünyəvi ” hesab Milli Məclisinin ( Parlament) tərəfindən sabah. “Down dünyəvi Konstitusiyasına ” ” İslamı yaratmaq bu öhdəliyi suverenliyi Quran edir və şəriət ( İslam hüququ) ” nümayişçiləri atdı. ( Çünki suverenlik Quran və şəriət sonra Səudiyyə Ərəbistanı məhkum ölüm bütün insan irqi tək ki son qoy edə bilər İsrail indi )

Aşağı teatr səhnəsindən [ Masonic sistemi ] və heç bir bilirik bilər çünki məndən başqa bu gündəliyi başa çatdırmaq üçün gedir necə sizin gündəliyi dayandırmaq sizin acı dərman içmək mənə gəlib! Əslində siz bütün həlak olacaq! isə mənimlə heç kim yalnız onun həyat itirəcək lakin bütün həqiqətən inkişaf etmək potensialı var JaBullOn təqib davam siz hər şey itirəcək!

24 Yanvar DAVOS [ lakin yalan bazar kimi bu həqiqətən trajikomik biz Pharisees mütləq inhisar var Anglo – amerikalılar bütün fəlakətlər sosial mədəni iqtisadi mənəvi elmi məlumatların təhrif bu humanizm məhv və yəhudi – xristian sivilizasiyası məhv relativism nihilizm materializm scientism ki ideoloji satanizm gizli xidmət deviant NWO Datagate Big Brother GDO Morgellons Mən ki mütləq bir məsuliyyət am Sistem Masonic Bildenberg sonra vətəndaş müharibəsi bu NORMAL stress testləri İtalyan bankların arasında Fusion gətirib çıxara bilər vaxt ] yalnız bir məsələ deyil. O Via Nazionale lakin ” aggregations xəritə çəkmək niyyətində və ya bu hərəkət necə qərar deyil ki əlavə Reuters Televiziya ilə müsahibəsində İtaliya Bankı Ignazio özlü qubernator bildirib bazar. “

24 Yanvar 1515 [ Konstitusiya İtalyanlar İtaliya Bankın bütün səhmləri əks halda siz Konstitusiyasının silmək lazımdır yalnız bildirib ki mətn insanlar suveren olduğunu deyir! ] [ Kök və qamçı! ] ROME [ fariseylər hilekarlık Bildenberg lakin bu nə deməkdir əlaqələr absurd vergi IMU arasında nə və bankitalia yəni özəl qul ustaları İtaliyanın bütün insanların yəni Illuminati Borç yəhudi Tefecilerin qatillər bütün korporasiya Spa İtaliya Bank inhisarçılıq BVF AMB FED? ( Ki YoxsullaĢma olunur ( yenidən daha paylaşdırmaq üçün İtaliya Bank lakin deyil İtalyan nəfər) da səhmləri var olan fərmanın ] [A üçüncü və son hissəsi nəhayət müraciət edir yeni quruluşu.. İtalyan State) ] Via Pulsuz Room dl IMU mətni üzərində inam saxta spa İtaliya Bankı hökumət tərəfindən yerləşdirilmiş Mən bəli xain masonlar olmuşdur. 335 144 i heç bir bitərəf riyakar The final Sərəncama səs gec çərşənbə axşamı 28 -dən çatmaz. Next bazar ertəsi House günün sifarişləri nəzərdən edəcək və bu mümkün olacaq artıq axşam saatlarında səs. müxalifət lakin artıq korsan elan etdik. fərmanı Çərşənbə 29 sona [ Bütün crap Mason Crime Top Konstitusiya dövlətə xəyanət!]. Birincisi bu üçün gedən əvvəl ikinci taksit IMU ( qəlyanaltı üçün kələm qoyun gözündə tüstü qaldırılmasının təsdiq slaughterhouse ) fot. kimi uzun icra vəd lüks evləri istisna olmaqla əsas ev yalnız vergi ödəyiciləri yanvarın 24 ilə ödəmək tələb və olan sözdə mini quyruq acı IMU onu yarada edəcək ki tapmaq mümkün olmayan bir gəlir bir əhatə.

[ Masonic sistemi 322 Youtube ildə Dünya Hökuməti! ] Ok! siz youtube sonra siz mənim məğlub edilmişdir ki tanımaq lazımdır nəzarət qorumaq üçün mümkün deyil bütün bu 6 uzun illər ərzində hər zaman bu sizin üçün axtarır ki nümayiş edir!
Sizdən heç kəs buna görə də mənə olmadan onun həyatını xilas edə bilər!

Urtarrilak 24 TUNIS [ Saudi Arabia Arabiar Liga eta Phariseuéc eta Anglo- amerikarrek NDF NWO Bainuetxea korporazio Rothschild Bildenberg Masonic sistema esoterikoen agenda arduratzen dira egiteko perbertsio hau izan ere beren agenda pertenece Mundu Gerra da! ] Thailandia Ehunka aldekoak islamista alderdiko Hizb ut – Tahriri borroka ezartzeko caliphate islamiar baten gaur bildu dituzte in Tunis erdian protesta aurka proiektua Konstituzioaren jotzen ” laikoa ” horrek onartu ahal izatea espero da bihar Batzar Nazionalak ( Parlamentua ) arabera. ” Down laikoa Konstituzioa batera ” ” ezartzeko Islama baten betebeharra subiranotasuna da Koran eta Sharia ( lege islamikoa )” manifestariak kantuan. ( Zeren subiranotasuna Koran da eta Sharia ondoren Saudi Arabia du? Zigorra heriotza giza arraza osoa bakarrik utzi Horretarako egin izan Israel gaur egun )

[ Masonic sistema ] antzokiaren agertokian batetik behera eta niri etorri zure medikuntza mingotsa edan utzi zure agenda inork ez jakin ahal izango delako nola doan zure agenda hau amaitzeko ni izan ezik! Izan ere guztiak izango duzu hil behar! berriz nirekin inork ere ez ez bakarrik bere bizitza galduko du baina guztiak potentziala dute benetan izan hobetzeko gai JaBullOn jarraituz galdu egingo duzu guztia!

Urtarrilak 24 Davos [ baina faltsua merkatu gisa hau da benetan tragi – komiki monopolioa absolutuan gaude Pharisees de Anglo- amerikarrek hondamendiak guztiak sozial kultural ekonomiko espirituala datu zientifikoak distortsio the humanismo suntsiketa eta judu -kristau zibilizazioaren suntsiketa erlatibismoa nihilismoa materialismo zientziak hau da Satanism ideologiko sekretua zerbitzua galduan NWO Datagate Big Brother GEOak Morgellons ardura handia absolutua naiz du sistema Masonic Bildenberg ondoren gerra zibila denbora ] materia ezin estresa EBZren probak Italian kutxen arteko fusio batzuk ekar bakarra da. Italiako Bankuak Ignazio Visco Reuters Telebistak egindako elkarrizketa batean gobernadoreak esan zuen gehituz hori Via Nazionale ordea ez du nahi ” mapa marrazteko eransketak du edo erabaki nola mugitu behar du merkatuan. “

Urtarrilak 24 1515 [ Konstituzioa esan Italiako Bankuak akzio guztiak italiarrek duten bakarrak dira bestela ezabatu behar duzu Konstituzioaren batetik testuan dio herriaren subirano dira! ] [ Azenarioa eta Látigo! ] ROME [ Pharisees iruzur du Bildenberg baina zer esan nahi du zer erlazioa da arteko absurdua zerga IMU eta bankitalia hau da pribatua esklabo maisu Italiako pertsona guztien hau da Illuminati moneylenders judu usurers hiltzaileen korporazio guztia Bainuetxea Bank Italia monopolioa NDF EBZ Fed? ] [ Hirugarren eta azken dekretua zati bat azkenik jorratzen egitura berria horrek akzioen izan Bank Italiako baina ez du Italiako lagun) at ( birbana berriro ( hori pobretu are gehiago lortzeko aukera izango dute.. Italiako Estatua ) ] Via Free Room konfiantza dl IMU testuan oinarrituta spa faltsuak Bank Italia gobernuak jartzen dut bai traidore Masones izan ziren. 335 144 i no eta abstentzioa Hypocritá bat finala botoa dekretua ez asteartea 28 baino beranduago iritsi behar. datorren astelehenean Etxe eguneko aginduak kontuan hartuko eta posible izango litzateke arratsaldean dagoeneko botoa. oposizioa ordea dagoeneko iragarri dute filibusteroa. dekretua iraungi asteazkena 29 [ crap guztiak Masonic Crimen Top Konstituzio traizio handiko!]. Lehenik eta behin zatikako bigarren IMU ( merienda aza ardiak begietan kea ezabatzea berretsi da joan aurretik joan hiltegi ) fot. etxe nagusia luxuzko etxebizitza izan ezik betiere exekutiboa agindu bakarrik egingo deiturikoak mini buztana IMU mingotsa eta bertan zergadun urtarrilaren 24an egindako ordaindu behar dira eta sortuko du diru-sarrera bat da ez zen posible den jakiteko edozein estaldura.

[ Masonic sistema 322 World Gobernuan youtube! ] Onean! ez zara gai kontrola mantentzeko of youtube orduan aitortu behar duzu duzula dira garaitu by me 6 urte luze hauetan guztietan denbora guztian horretarako bilatzen ari zaren manifestazioaren da!
zuk ere ez beraz bere bizitza salbatzeko ni gabe gai izatea!

24 জানুয়ারি Tunis [ সৌদি আরব সংযুক্ত আরব লীগ এবং ফরীশী ও এংলো আমেরিকান আইএমএফ NWO স্পা কর্পোরেশন রথসচাইল্ড Bildenberg Masonic সিস্টেম জন্য গূঢ় বিষয়সূচি দায়ী এই স্বেচ্ছাচারিতা কারণ তাদের এজেন্ডা এটা বিশ্বযুদ্ধের জন্যে! প্রতিবাদকারী ] শত শত সমর্থক ইসলামী দলের Hizb-ut Tahriri যুদ্ধ প্রতিষ্ঠার জন্য প্রতিবাদ টিউনিস কেন্দ্রে একটি ইসলামী খলিফাগিরি আজ জড়ো হয়েছে বিরুদ্ধে প্রকল্প সংবিধানের অনুমোদন করা হবে বলে আশা করা হচ্ছে যা ” ধর্মনিরপেক্ষ ” বলে মনে করা জাতীয় পরিষদ ( সংসদ) দ্বারা আগামীকাল. ” নিচে ধর্মনিরপেক্ষ সংবিধানের সঙ্গে” ” ইসলাম কায়েম এটি একটি বাধ্যবাধকতা সার্বভৌমত্ব কোরান হয় এবং শরিয়া ( ইসলামী আইন )” বিক্ষোভকারীদের chanted. ( কারণ সার্বভৌমত্ব কোরান হয় এবং শরিয়া তারপর সৌদি আরব দণ্ডিত মৃত্যু সমগ্র মানব জাতি একা যে শেষ যাক যেত না ইস্রায়েল এখন )

নিচে থিয়েটার মঞ্চ থেকে [ Masonic সিস্টেম ] এবং কোন এক জানতে পারেন কারণ আমাকে ছাড়া এই আপনার বিষয়সূচি শেষ এটা যায় কিভাবে আপনার বিষয়সূচি থামাতে আপনার তিক্ত ঔষধ পান করতে আমার কাছে আসতে! আসলে আপনি সব হত্যা করা হবে! যখন আমার সাথে কোন এক না শুধুমাত্র তার জীবন নষ্ট হয়ে যাবে কিন্তু সব আসলে উন্নত পাবে সম্ভাবনা আছে JaBullOn অনুসরণ অব্যাহত আপনি সবকিছু নষ্ট হয়ে যাবে!

24 জানুয়ারি Davos [ কিন্তু মিথ্যা বাজারের হিসাবে এই সত্যিই tragi – কমিক হল আমরা ফরীশীরা হাজার পরম একাধিকার আছে এংলো আমেরিকান সমস্ত বিপর্যয় সামাজিক সাংস্কৃতিক অর্থনৈতিক আধ্যাত্মিক বৈজ্ঞানিক তথ্য বিকৃতি মানবধর্ম ধ্বংস ও ইহুদি খৃস্টান সভ্যতা ধ্বংস অপেক্ষবাদ ধ্বংসবাদ প্রকৃতিবাদ scientism যে মতাদর্শগত Satanism সিক্রেট সার্ভিস deviant NWO Datagate বিগ ব্রাদার GMOs Morgellons আমি হাজার পরম দায়িত্ব am সিস্টেম Masonic Bildenberg তারপর গৃহযুদ্ধ এটা ইসিবি চাপ পরীক্ষা ইতালিয়ান ব্যাংকের মধ্যে কিছু লয় হতে পারে সময় ] শুধুমাত্র একটি ব্যাপার. তিনি মাধ্যমে Nazionale কিন্তু ” Aggregations মানচিত্র আঁকতে মনস্থ বা সরিয়ে নেয়া উচিত কিভাবে সিদ্ধান্ত নিতে হয় না যে যোগ রয়টার্স টেলিভিশনের সঙ্গে এক সাক্ষাত্কারে ইতালি ব্যাংক Ignazio হাঁটু রাজ্যপাল বলেন বাজার. “

24 জানুয়ারী 1515 [ সংবিধান ইতালীয়রা এর ইতালি ব্যাংক সব শেয়ার অন্যথায় আপনি সংবিধান থেকে মুছে ফেলতে হবে শুধুমাত্র যে তিনি বলেন টেক্সট মানুষ সার্বভৌম হয় বলছেন যে! ] [ গাজর এবং চাবুক! ] রোম [ ফরীশীরা কেলেঙ্কারীতে Bildenberg কিন্তু এটা কি মানে সম্পর্ক কিম্ভুতকিমাকার ট্যাক্স IMU মধ্যে কি এবং bankitalia অর্থাত্ প্রাইভেট স্লেভ কর্তা সমস্ত ইতালিয়ান মানুষের অর্থাৎ Illuminati মহাজনদের ইহুদি সাইটের ঠিকানা সম্বলিত টিউন হত্যাকারীদের সমস্ত কর্পোরেশন স্পা ইতালি ব্যাংক একাধিকার আইএমএফ ইসিবি ফেড? ( যে impoverishing হয় ( আবার আরও বেশি পুনরায় বিতরণ জন্য ইতালি ব্যাংক কিন্তু না ইটালিয়ান মানুষ ) এ শেয়ার থাকতে হবে যা ডিক্রি র ] [ তৃতীয় ও চূড়ান্ত অংশ অবশেষে সম্বোধন করা হয়েছে নতুন কাঠামো.. ইতালিয়ান রাজ্য )] মাধ্যমে ফ্রি রুম DL IMU লেখা উপর আস্থা জাল স্পা ইতালি ব্যাংক সরকার দ্বারা স্থাপিত আমি হ্যাঁ বিশ্বাসঘাতক Masons ছিল. 335 144 আমি কোন এবং এক নিবৃত্তি ভণ্ড চূড়ান্ত ডিক্রি নেভিগেশন ভোট পরে মঙ্গলবার 28 টিরও ঘটা উচিত. পরবর্তী সোমবার গৃহ দিনের আদেশ বিবেচনা করবে এবং এটা সম্ভব হবে ইতিমধ্যে সন্ধ্যায় ভোট. বিরোধী কিন্তু ইতিমধ্যে বক্তৃতাবাজি ঘোষণা করেছেন. ডিক্রি বুধবার 29 মেয়াদ শেষ [ সমস্ত বিষ্ঠা Masonic ক্রাইম শীর্ষ সাংবিধানিক উচ্চ বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা! ]. প্রথমত এটি করার জন্য হবার আগে দ্বিতীয় কিস্তি IMU ( জলখাবার করতে বাঁধাকপি ভেড়া চোখ ধোঁয়া বিলুপ্তি নিশ্চিত হয়েছে কসাইখানা ) fot. যতদিন নির্বাহী দ্বারা প্রতিশ্রুত বিলাসিতা ঘরবাড়ি বাদে প্রধান বাড়িতে শুধু করের জানুয়ারী 24th মাধ্যমে বিল পরিশোধ করা প্রয়োজন এবং যা তথাকথিত মিনি লেঙ্গুড় তিক্ত IMU এটা উত্পন্ন করবে হবে এটা খুঁজে পাওয়া সম্ভব ছিল না যার জন্য একটি রাজস্ব কোনো কভারেজ.

[ Masonic সিস্টেম 322 ইউটিউব বিশ্ব সরকার! ] ঠিক আছে! আপনি YouTube এর পরে আপনি আমার দ্বারা পরাজিত হয়েছে চিনতে হবে নিয়ন্ত্রণ বজায় রাখা সক্ষম নন সব এই 6 দীর্ঘ বছরে সব সময় এই আপনি খুঁজছেন যে বিক্ষোভের হয়!
আপনাদের মধ্যে কেউ না অতএব আমাকে ছাড়া তার জীবন বাঁচাতে পারবেন!

24 студзеня Туніс [ Саудаўская Аравія Ліга арабскіх дзяржаў і фарысэі і англа -амерыканцы МВФ Nwo спа карпарацыя Ротшыльд Bildenberg масонская сістэма эзатэрычная парадак дня адказваюць для гэта вычварэнства таму што іх парадак дня ён належыць сусветнай вайны! ] Сотні пратэстуючых прыхільнікі з ісламісцкай партыі Хізб ут – Tahriri баявыя для стварэння ісламскага халіфата якія сабраліся сёння у цэнтры Туніса у знак пратэсту супраць праекта Канстытуцыі лічыцца « свецкі » які як чакаецца будзе зацверджаны заўтра Нацыянальным сходам ( парламентам). “Далоў свецкай Канстытуцыі” “усталяваць іслам гэта абавязацельства суверэнітэт Каран і Шарыят ( ісламская права ) ” скандавалі дэманстранты. (Таму што суверэнітэт гэта Каран і шарыяту то Саудаўская Аравія? Прыгавораны да смерці увесь чалавечы род не кажучы ўжо што канец маглі б зрабіць Ізраіль у цяперашні час)

[ Масонская сістэма ] са сцэны тэатра і прыйшоў да мяне піць горкае лекі спыніце вашу парадак дня таму што ніхто не можа ведаць як яна ідзе каб скончыць гэтую вашу парадак дня акрамя мяне! На самай справе вы ўсё загінуць! у той час як са мной не толькі ніхто не страціць душу сваю але ўсе маюць патэнцыял каб сапраўды быць у стане палепшыць працягваючы прытрымлівацца JaBullOn вы страціце усё!

24 студзеня Давос [ але як ілжывая рынку гэта сапраўды трагікамічны мы знаходзімся ў абсалютнай манаполіі з фарысэяў англа -амерыканцы усе бедствы сацыяльныя культурныя эканамічныя духоўныя скажэнне навуковых дадзеных разбурэнне гуманізму і знішчэнне габрэйскага -хрысціянскай цывілізацыі рэлятывізм нігілізм матэрыялізм сцыентызм то ёсць ідэалагічная Сатанізм сакрэтная служба дэвіянтнымі Nwo DataGate Вялікі Брат ГМА Morgellons Я адказнасць абсалютная з сістэма масонскай Bildenberg то да грамадзянскай вайны то гэта толькі пытанне часу ] стрэс -тэсты ЕЦБ можа прывесці да некаторай зліцця паміж італьянскімі банкамі. Паводле яго слоў губернатар Банка Італіі Ігнат Visco у інтэрв’ю Reuters Television дадаўшы што Via Nazionale аднак не мае намеру ” маляваць карту з аб’яднанняў ці вырашыць як яна павінна рухацца рынак “.

24 студзеня 1515 [ Канстытуцыя кажа што ўсе акцыі Банка Італіі з італьянцаў з’яўляюцца у адваротным выпадку вы павінны выдаліць з Канстытуцыі тэкст кажа што людзі з’яўляюцца суверэннымі! ] [ Морква і пугу! ] Рым [ фарысэі Bildenberg афёры але што гэта значыць тое што адносіны паміж абсурднай падатковай ІДУ і bankitalia г.зн. прыватныя якія ідуць за майстры з усіх італьянскіх людзей г.зн. ілюмінатаў ліхвяроў яўрэйскія ліхвяры забойцы усё карпарацыя спа Банк Італіі манаполія МВФ ЕЦБ ФРС? ] [ Трэці і заключная частка ўказа канчаткова вырашаны новая структура якая будзе мець акцыі ў Банку Італіі але ня італьянскага народа) для ( пераразмеркаваць зноў ( што вядзе да жабрацтва яшчэ больш.. італьянскі дзяржаўны ) ] Via нумары давер па тэксце дл ІДУ падробленыя спа Банк Італіі змешчаны урадам я ды здраднікі масоны не было. 335 144 я не і адным які ўстрымаўся крывадушнік Канчатковы галасаванне па ўказе павінны прыбыць не пазней аўторка 28. наступны панядзелак Дом разгледзіць загады дня і можна было б галасаванне ўжо ў вячэрні час. Апазіцыя аднак ужо абвясцілі пірата. ўказ мінае серада 29 [ Усе дзярмо масонскае Крымінал Топ Канстытуцыйны дзяржаўная здрада! ]. Па-першае гэта пацвярджае адмену другой партыі ІДУ ( капусты каб перакусіць дым у вачах авечак перш чым ісці каб скотобойню ) ФАП. галоўны дом за выключэннем элітных дамоў да тых часоў абяцана выканаўчай толькі будзе так званы міні хвост горкі ІДУ у якой падаткаплацельшчыкі абавязаны плаціць па 24 студзеня і ён будзе генераваць выручка для якіх ён не ўдалося знайсці любое пакрыццё.

[ Масонская сістэма 322 сусветны ўрад у YouTube! ] У парадку! вы не ў стане каб захаваць кантроль з YouTube то вы павінны прызнаць што вы былі пераможаны мяне увесь час ва ўсіх гэтых 6 доўгіх гадоў гэта дэманстрацыя таго што вы шукаеце!
ніхто з вас таму не можа быць у стане выратаваць сваё жыццё без мяне!

January 24 TUNIS [ Saudijska Arabija Arapske lige i farizeji i Anglo – Amerikanaca MMF-a NWO Spa korporacije Rothschild Bildenberg masonske sistem ezoterične dnevnom redu odgovorni su za ove perverzije jer dnevnom redu on pripada svjetskog rata! ] Stotine demonstranata pristalica od islamističke stranke Hizb ut – Tahriri borbe za osnivanje islamske kalifata okupili su se danas u centru Tunisa u znak protesta protiv projekt Ustava smatra ” sekularna ” koja se očekuje da će biti odobrena sutra od strane Narodne skupštine ( parlamenta ). ” Dole sa sekularnim ustavom ” ” uspostaviti Islam to je obaveza suverenitet je Kuran i šerijatski ( islamski zakon ) ” uzvikivali su demonstranti. ( Jer suverenitet je Kuran i Sharia tada je Saudijska Arabija? Osuđen na smrt cijeli ljudski rod a kamoli da je kraj mogao! Izrael sada )

[ Masonski sistem ] dolje iz faze pozorišta i dođe mi da pijem svoju gorku medicinu zaustavi svoj ​​program jer niko ne može znati kako to ide da završim ovo vaš plan osim mene! U stvari svi ćete biti ubijeni! dok je sa mnom ne samo da nitko neće izgubiti svoj život ali svi imaju potencijal da zapravo biti u mogućnosti da se poboljša nastavlja slijediti JaBullOn izgubit ćete sve!

January 24 DAVOS [ali kao lažni tržištu ovo je zaista tragi – komičnog mi smo u apsolutni monopol od farizeja Anglo – Amerikanci sve katastrofe društveni kulturni ekonomski duhovno iskrivljavanje znanstvenih podataka uništavanje humanizma i uništenje jevrejske – Christian civilizacije relativizam nihilizam materijalizam scijentizam to jest ideološke satanizam tajne službe devijantnim NWO Datagate Big Brother GMO Morgellons ja sam odgovornost apsolutna od sistem masonski Bildenberg a zatim u građanskom ratu to je samo pitanje vremena ] stres testova ECB može dovesti do neke fuzije između italijanskih banaka. On je rekao da je guverner Banke Italije Ignazio Visco u intervjuu za Reuters televiziju dodajući da Via Nazionale međutim ne namjerava ” povući kartu od sažimanja ili odluči kako treba da ide na tržištu. “

January 24 1515 [ Ustav rekao je da su sve dionice Banke Italije od Italijana samo inače morate obrisati iz Ustava tekst kaže da ljudi su suvereni! ] [ Mrkve i bič! ] RIM [ farizeji Bildenberg za prevaru ali šta to znači kakva je veza između apsurda poreza IMU i bankitalia odnosno privatni rob majstora od svih italijanskih ljudi odnosno Illuminati zajmodavaca jevrejske zelenaši ubice sve korporacije Spa banka Italije monopola MMF ECB FED? ] [ Treći i završni dio Uredbe konačno se obratio nova struktura koja će imati dionice na banke Italije ali ne i talijanski narod ) za ( redistribuirati opet ( da se osiromašuje još više.. italijanska država ) ] Via Free soba povjerenje na tekst dl IMU lažni spa banke Italije postavljen od strane vlade i da izdajnici masoni bili su. 335 144 i bez i jednog uzdržavanje licemjer konačni glasanje o Uredbe treba da stigne najkasnije do utorka 28.. Sljedeći ponedjeljak Dom će razmotriti naloge dana i to bi bilo moguće glasanje je već u večernjim satima. opozicija međutim već su najavili opstrukcija. uredba ističe srijeda 29. [ Sve gluposti masonski Crime Top Ustavni veleizdaju! ]. Prvo to je potvrdio ukidanje druge rate IMU ( kupus za užinu dim u očima ovaca prije odlaska na klaonica ) fot. glavnu kuću sa izuzetkom luksuzne kuće dok je obećao izvršne Samo će tzv mini rep gorko IMU u kojima obveznici moraju platiti do 24. januara a to će generirati prihoda za koje je nije bilo moguće pronaći bilo pokrivenost.

[ Masonski sistema 322 Svjetska vlada u youtube! ] Ok! niste u mogućnosti da održi kontrolu YouTube onda morate prepoznati da su poraženi od mene sve vrijeme u svih ovih 6 dugih godina ovo je dokaz da vi tražite!
niko od vas dakle može biti u stanju da spasi svoj ​​život bez mene!

24 януари Тунис [ Саудитска Арабия Арабската лига и фарисеите и англо- американците МВФ NWO Spa корпорация Rothschild Bildenberg масонска система езотерична дневен ред са отговорни защото това извращение защото техния дневен ред тя принадлежи на Първата световна война! ] Стотици демонстранти поддръжници на партията ислямистка Хизб ут – Tahriri бойни за обекта на ислямски халифат са се събрали днес в центъра на Тунис за да протестират срещу проектът на Конституцията счита за ” светска ” които се очаква да бъде одобрен утре от Народното събрание ( парламент). “Долу светската конституция ” ” установи исляма тя е задължение суверенитет Корана и Шариата ( ислямския закон ) ” скандираха демонстрантите. ( Защото суверенитет е Корана и шериата след това на Саудитска Арабия? Осъден до смърт цялата човешка раса да не говорим че целта може да направи! Израел сега )

[ Масонска система ] слезе от сцената на театъра и дойде при мен да се пие си горчиво лекарство спрете да си дневен ред защото никой не може да знае как ще върви за да завърши този дневен ред освен мен! В действителност всички ще бъдат убити! време с мен не само никой няма да загуби живота си но всички те имат потенциала да действително да бъде в състояние да се подобри като продължава да следва JaBullOn ще загубите всичко!

24 януари Давос [ но както фалшивата пазара това е наистина tragi – комикс ние сме в абсолютен монопол на фарисеите англо -американците всички бедствия социални културни икономически духовни изкривяване на научните данни унищожаване на хуманизма и унищожаването на еврейската – християнската цивилизация релативизъм нихилизъм материализъм сциентизма което означава че идеологическата сатанизма тайна девиантно услуга NWO Datagate Big Brother ГМО Моргелонс Аз съм абсолютна отговорност на система масонска Bildenberg след това на гражданската война това е само въпрос на време ] стрес тестовете на ЕЦБ могат да доведат до някои синтез между италианските банки. Той каза управителят на Централната банка на Италия Игнацио Виско в интервю за Reuters Television като добави че Via Nazionale обаче не възнамерява да “нарисува картата на струпванията или да реши как трябва да се движи пазара. “

24 януари 1515 [ Конституцията казва че всички акции на Банката на Италия на италианците са само в противен случай ще трябва да изтриете от Конституцията текстът казва че хората са суверенни! ] [ Морков и камшик! ] РИМ [ фарисеи Bildenberg на измама но какво означава това каква е връзката между това абсурдно данък IMU и bankitalia т.е. частни капитаните на роби на всички италиански народ т.е. Илюминатите лихвари еврейските лихвари убийци цялата корпорация Spa Националната банка на Италия монопола МВФ ЕЦБ ФЕД? ] [A трети а последната част на постановлението се решава окончателно новата структура която ще трябва да имат акциите на Националната банка на Италия но не и на италианския народ ) за ( преразпределя отново (това е дори по- обедняване.. италианската държава )] Via Free Room доверие по текста на DL IMU фалшиви спа Националната банка на Италия поставени от правителството че отговорът е да предатели масони са. 335 144 аз не и един въздържал лицемер Финалът гласуване на постановлението трябва да пристигнат не по-късно от вторник 28. Идния понеделник Камарата ще разгледа заповедите на ден и това би било възможно гласуването вече през нощта. опозицията обаче вече обявиха пират. указът изтича сряда 29 [Всички глупости масонска Crime Top Конституционният държавна измяна! ]. Първо тя се потвърждава отмяната на втората вноска IMU ( зелето да закуска дим в очите на овцете преди да отиде на кланица ) ФОТ. основната къща с изключение на луксозни жилища толкова дълго обещано от изпълнителния Само ще т.нар мини опашка горчив IMU в която данъкоплатците са длъжни да плащат от 24-ти януари и той ще генерира приходи за които не е било възможно да се намери всяко покритие.

[ Масонска система 322 Световната правителството в YouTube! ] ОК! не сте в състояние да се поддържа контрол на YouTube а след това трябва да се признае че сте били победени от мен през цялото време във всички тези шест дълги години това е демонстрация че търсите!
никой от вас следователно може да бъде в състояние да спаси живота си без мен!

24 de gener de Tunísia [ Aràbia Saudita la Lliga Àrab i els fariseus i els angloamericans l’FMI ara Spa corporació Rothschild Bildenberg sistema maçònic agenda esotèrica són responsables on diu aquesta perversió perquè la seva agenda pertany a la Primera Guerra Mundial! ] Centenars de manifestants partidaris del partit islamista Hizb ut – Tahriri de lluita la creació d’un califat islàmic s’han reunit avui en dia al centre de Tunísia per protestar en contra el projecte de la Constitució considerat ” secular” que s’espera que sigui aprovada matí per l’Assemblea Nacional ( Parlament ). “A baix la Constitució laica ” ” establir l’Islam és una obligació la sobirania és l’Alcorà i la xaria ( llei islàmica ) ” corejaven els manifestants. ( A causa de la sobirania és l’Alcorà i la xaria a continuació l’Aràbia Saudita? Sentenciat a la mort tota la raça humana i molt menys a aquesta fi podria fer Israel ara )

[ Sistema maçònic ] des de l’escenari del teatre i veniu a mi de beure la seva medicina amarga aturar el seu ordre del dia perquè ningú pot saber com va en acabar aquest la seva agenda menys jo! De fet tots vostès seran matat! mentre que amb mi no només ningú perdrà la seva vida però tots tenen el potencial per ser realment capaços de millorar sense deixar de seguir JaBullOn perdrà tot!

24 de gener de DAVOS [ però com el fals mercat això és veritablement tragicòmic estem en absolut monopoli dels fariseus els angloamericans tots els desastres socials culturals econòmics espirituals de distorsió de les dades científiques la destrucció d’humanisme i de la destrucció de la civilització judeocristiana el relativisme el nihilisme el materialisme el cientificisme és a dir el satanisme ideològica desviada del servei secret ara Datagate Big Brother OGM Morgellons Sóc una responsabilitat absoluta de la sistema maçònic Bildenberg a continuació a la guerra civil és només una qüestió de temps ] les proves d’estrès del BCE podrien conduir a una certa fusió entre els bancs italians. Va dir que el governador del Banc d’ Itàlia Ignazio Visco en una entrevista amb Reuters Televisió afegint que Via Nazionale però no pretén ” dibuixar el mapa de les agregacions o decidir com s’ha de moure el mercat “.

24 de gener de 1515 [ la Constitució diu que totes les accions del Banc d’ Itàlia dels italians són només en cas contrari vostè ha d’eliminar a partir de la Constitució el text diu que el poble és sobirà! ] [ La pastanaga i el fuet! ] ROMA [ fariseus Bildenberg de l’estafa però què significa quina és la relació entre l’IMU impost absurd i del Banc d’ Itàlia és a dir els privats els amos d’esclaus de tots els italians és a dir els Illuminati prestadors usurers jueus assassins tota la corporació Spa Banc d’Itàlia el monopoli l’FMI BCE FED? ] [ Una tercera i última part del decret finalment abordat la nova estructura que haurà de tenir les accions al Banc d’Itàlia però no en el poble italià ) per ( redistribuir de nou (que està empobrint encara més.. l’Estat italià ) ] Via habitació lliure la confiança en el text de la IMU dl spa fals el Banc d’Itàlia col · locat pel govern que sí traïdors maçons van ser. 335 144 i no i un hipòcrita abstenció la final votació sobre el decret ha d’arribar a molt tard el dimarts 28. dilluns la Cambra considera els ordres del dia i seria possible el vot ja a la nit. l’oposició però han anunciat ja filibuster. el decret expira dimecres 29 [ Tots la merda maçònic Crim Top alta traïció Constitucional! ]. Primer es confirma la supressió del segon tram IMU ( la col al berenar el fum als ulls de les ovelles abans d’anar a la escorxador ) FOT. la casa principal amb l’excepció de les cases de luxe sempre promès per executiu Només la trucada mini IMU cua amarga en la qual els contribuents estan obligats a pagar pel 24 de gener i que generarà 0100 ingressos que en ell no va ser possible trobar cap cobertura.

[ Sistema maçònic 322 el Govern Mundial a youtube! ] Ok! no és capaç per mantenir el control de youtube llavors vostè ha de reconèixer que ha estat derrotat per mi tot el temps en tots aquests 6 llargs anys aquesta és la demostració que vostè està buscant!
cap de vostès per tant pot ser capaç de salvar la seva vida sense mi!

24.ledna TUNIS [ Saudi ArabiaLiga arabských států a farizeové a Anglo – Američané Mezinárodní měnový fond NWO Spa společnost Rothschild Bildenberg zednářský systém esoterický program jsou odpovědné pro tuto zvrhlost protože jejich agenda patří do první světové války! ] Stovky demonstrantů podporovatelé z islamistické strany Hizb ut – Tahriri hašení Pro zřízení islámského chalífátu se sešli dnes v centru Tunisu na protest proti proti projekt ústavy považovány za ” sekulární ” které očekává se že bude schválena zítra národního shromáždění ( parlamentu ). ” Pryč s sekulární ústavy ” ” zavést islám je topovinnost suverenita jeKorán ašaría ( islámské právo ) ” skandovali demonstranti. ( Vzhledem k tomu suverenita jeKorán a šaría pakSaudská Arábie? Odsouzených k trestu smrticelá lidská rasa natož že konec mohl udělat! Izrael nyní )

[ Zednářský systém ] dolů z jeviště divadla a přišel ke mně pít hořký lék zastavit svůj program protože nikdo nemůže vědět jak to chodí až do konce tohoto svého programu kromě mě! Ve skutečnosti budete všichni zabiti! zatímco se mnou nebude jen nikdo ztratit svůj život ale všichni mají potenciál aby skutečně bylo možné zlepšit nadále sledovat JaBullOn ztratíte všechno!

24.ledna DAVOS [ ale jako falešné trhu je to opravdu tragi – komediální jsme v absolutní monopol z farizeů Anglo – Američané všechny katastrofy sociální kulturní ekonomické duchovní zkreslení vědeckých údajů zničení humanismu azničení židovsko- křesťanské civilizace relativismus nihilismus materialismus vědeckost to znamená že ideologická satanismus tajná služba deviant NWO DataGate Big Brother GMO morgellony jsemodpovědnost absolutní z systém zednářské Bildenberg pak do občanské války je to jenotázkou času ] zátěžové testy ECB by mohlo vést k určité fúzi mezi italskými bankami. On řekl že guvernér italské centrální banky Ignazio Visco v rozhovoru s Reuters Television dodal že Via Nazionale však nemá v úmyslu ” nakreslit mapu z agregace nebo rozhodnout jak by se měl pohybovat na trhu. “

24.ledna 1515 [ řeklÚstava že všechny akcie Banky v Itálii z Italů jsou pouze jinak budete muset odstranit z Ústavy text říká že lidé jsou suverénní! ] [ Mrkev abič! ] Řím [ farizeové Bildenberg o podvod ale co to znamená jaký jevztah mezi absurdní daňové IMU a bankitalia tj. soukromé otrokáři ze všech italských lidí tj. Ilumináti lichváři židovští lichváři vrazi všechnykorporace lázně Bank of Italy monopol MMF ECB FED? ] [Třetí a závěrečná část vyhlášky je konečně řešitnová struktura která bude mít akcie Bank of Italy ale ne italského lidu ) pro ( přerozdělit znovu (to je ochuzuje ještě..italský stát ) ] Via Volný pokoj důvěra v textu dl IMU falešný lázně Bank of Italy které vlády jsem ano zrádci zednáři jsou. 335 144 i bez a jeden se zdržel hlasování pokrytecfinále hlasování o výnosu by měl dorazit nejpozději do úterý 28.. Příští pondělí budedům zvážit příkazy den a to by bylo možnéhlasovat již ve večerních hodinách. opozice však již oznámil pirát. vyhlášky vyprší středa 29. [ Allkecy zednářský Crime Top Ústavní velezrada! ]. Za prvé je potvrzeno zrušení druhé splátky IMU (zelí na svačinu kouř v očích ovcí před odchodem aby jatka ) fot.hlavní budově s výjimkou luxusních domů tak dlouho slíbil manažer pouze budetzv. mini ocas hořká IMU ve kterém jsou daňoví poplatníci povinni platit 24. ledna a bude generovat příjmy pro které je nebylo možné najít jakékoliv pokrytí.

[ Zednářský systém 322světová vláda youtube! ] Ok! nejste schopen udržet si kontrolu z youtube pak musíte uznat že jste byli poraženi mnou po celou dobu ve všech těchto šest dlouhých let je toukázka že hledáte!
nikdo z vás a proto může být schopni zachránit svůj život aniž by mě!

1月24日,突尼斯, [沙特阿拉伯,阿拉伯國家聯盟,而且,法利賽人和盎格魯美國人,國際貨幣基金組織, NWO ,溫泉浴,羅斯柴爾德公司, Bildenberg ,共濟會系統:深奧的議程,分別負責:對:這個變態,因為,他們的議程:它屬於世界大戰! 】數百名示威者,支持者:伊斯蘭黨: Hizb UT – Tahriri ,戰鬥:成立:一個伊斯蘭哈里發,今天聚集:在突尼斯市中心,抗議:反對:該項目,憲法,被認為是”世俗”的:預計將批准:明天,由國民議會(議會) 。 “打倒世俗憲法”,”建立伊斯蘭教,這是一種義務,主權是可蘭經:與教法(伊斯蘭法) , “高呼示威。 (因為,主權:是可蘭經:和伊斯蘭教,然後,在沙特阿拉伯: ?判處:死刑,整個人類,更別說,為此,可以這樣做:以色列,現在)

[共濟會系統]從劇院的舞台下來,到我這裡來你喝苦藥,停止你的議程,因為沒有人能知道,如何去,做完這個你的議程,除了我!事實上,你都會受到致命傷害!同時,我不僅沒有人會失去他的生命,但是,所有有潛力,真正能夠改善,繼續跟著JaBullOn ,你將失去,應有盡有!

1月24日,達沃斯, [但是,由於虛假市場,這是真正的悲喜劇,漫畫,我們是法利賽人,處於絕對壟斷地位, :盎格魯美國人,所有的災害:社會,文化,經濟,精神,科學數據的失真,破壞人文主義和猶太 – 基督教文明的毀滅,相對主義,虛無主義,物質主義,科學主義,就是思想撒旦,秘密服務離經叛道, NWO , DataGATE的,大哥,轉基因生物莫吉隆斯症:我是絕對有責任,系統共濟會Bildenberg ,那麼,到了內戰,這是時間]只是遲早的問題,歐洲央行的壓力測試可能會導致意大利銀行之間的一些融合。他說,意大利銀行,納齊奧西隆粘,在接受路透社電視採訪時的州長,添加,即, Via Nazionale大街,但並不打算”繪製聚合的地圖,或者,決定它應該如何移動,市場”。

1月24日1515 【憲說,那意大利的所有意大利銀行的股票,只是,否則,您必須刪除,從憲法文本說,人民是主權! ] [胡蘿蔔與鞭子! ]羅馬, [法利賽人的騙局Bildenberg ,但是,這是什麼意思,是什麼關係,之間的荒唐稅IMU ,並且, bankitalia ,即私有的,奴隸的主人,所有的意大利人,即光明,高利貸者猶太人高利貸者,殺人犯,所有的公司,水療中心,意大利的銀行,壟斷,國際貨幣基金組織,歐洲央行,美聯儲?該法令] [第三,而且最後一部分,終於解決,新的結構,這必須有股份在意大利的銀行,但是,不是意大利人)的(再次重新分配, (即致貧的更。意大利國) ]通過房間,在DL IMU的文字信任,假水療中心,意大利銀行,放在由政府我是的,漢奸泥瓦匠,分別為: 335 , 144我沒有,1票棄權的偽君子最後表決的法令應不遲於28日(星期二)抵達。下週一,眾議院將考慮當天的訂單,這將是可能的,投票已經是晚上的反對,但是,已經宣布的阻撓。該法令期滿後, 29日(星期三) [所有的廢話共濟會:犯罪頂:政制叛國罪! ] :首先,確認第二批IMU (白菜零食,煙羊的眼睛的取消,才去,到屠宰場)光纖收發器:主屋,除了豪宅,由執行長僅承諾,將所謂的迷你尾苦的IMU ,其中納稅人必須在一月的24日支付,它會產生收入為它,是不可能找到任何報導。

[共濟會制度, 322 ,世界政府在YouTube ! [ ok了!你不能夠,保持控制,YouTube上的,那麼,你必須承認,你已經被打敗了我,在所有這些6年之久的時候,這就是你要找的示範!

년 1 월 24 튀니스 [ 사우디 아라비아 아랍 연맹 과바리새인들과 영국계 미국인 IMF NWO 스파 법인 로스 차일드 Bildenberg 프리메이슨 시스템 에 비의 의제 는 책임 이 왜곡 때문에 의제 그것은 세계 대전 에 속한다! 시위대 ] 수백 지지자 이슬람 파티 Hizb 유타 – Tahriri 싸움 설립 항의 튀니스 의 중심에 이슬람 칼리프의 지위 오늘 모인 에 대한 프로젝트 헌법 승인 될 예정입니다 이 있는 ” 세속적 인 “으로 간주 국회 ( 의회 ) 에 의해 내일. “아래로 세속적 인 헌법 ” ” 이슬람 을 설정 그것은 의무 주권 은 코란 입니다 와샤리아 ( 이슬람 율법 )는 ” 시위대 를 외쳤다. ( 때문에 주권 코란 은 와 샤리아 는 다음사우디 아라비아 선고 죽음에 전 인류 는 혼자 말 을 하자 할 수있는 이스라엘 지금 )

아래 극장 의 무대 에서 [ 프리메이슨 시스템 ] 아무도 알 수 없기 때문 저 를 제외하고 이 의제 를 완료 어떻게되는지 의제 를 중지하고 쓴 약을 마시고 나에게 와서! 사실 당신은 모두 죽을 것이다! 동안 은 나와 함께 아무도 뿐만 아니라 자신의 목숨을 잃게 되지 않습니다 ​​하지만 모두가 실제로 개선 할 수있는 잠재력을 가지고 JaBullOn 를 따라 계속 당신은 모든 것을 잃게됩니다!

년 1 월 24 레젭 [ 하지만 거짓 시장으로 이 정말 비극적 희극 이다 우리는 바리새인 절대 독점 에 앵글로 – 미국인 모든 재해 사회적 문화적 경제적 영적 과학적 데이터 의 왜곡 인본주의 의 파괴와 유대 – 기독교 문명 의 파괴 상대주의 허무주의 유물론 과학주의 는 즉 이데올로기 적 악마 숭배 비밀 서비스 일탈 NWO Datagate 빅 브라더 GMO에 Morgellons 나는의 절대책임 입니다 시스템 프리메이슨 Bildenberg 은 다음 남북 전쟁 그것은ECB 의 스트레스 테스트 이탈리아 은행 사이 의 융합 으로 이어질 수있는 시간 ] 의 문제입니다. 그는 나치 오날 레 거리 (Via Nazionale) 는 그러나 “집계 지도를 그릴 예정 또는 이동 하는 방법을 결정하지 않는 것을 추가 로이터 텔레비전 과의 인터뷰에서 이탈리아 의 은행 이그나 치오 비스코 주지사 말했다 시장. “

1월 24일 은 1515 [헌법은 이탈리아 의 이탈리아 의 은행의 모든 주식 이 그렇지 않으면 당신은 헌법 에서 삭제해야 만 있다고 말했다 텍스트는 사람들은 주권 이다 말한다! 】 【 당근 과 채찍! ] 로마 [ 바리새인사기 Bildenberg 하지만 그것은 무엇을 의미합니까관계는 터무니없는 세금 IMU 사이에 무엇인가 그리고 bankitalia 즉 개인 노예 주인 모든 이탈리아어 사람들 즉 일루미나티 돈놀이꾼 유대인 usurers 살인자 모든 기업 스파 이탈리아 의 은행 독점 IMF ECB FED? (즉 가난 합니다 ( 다시 더 많은 재분배 를 위해 이탈리아 의 은행 만 이 아니라 이탈리아의 명) 에 주식을 가지고 있을 것이다 법령 의 ] [ 세 번째 그리고 마지막 부분 마지막으로 해결 하고 새로운 구조.. 이탈리아 주 ) ] 를 통해 객실 하향 IMU 의 텍스트 에 대한 신뢰 가짜 스파 이탈리아 의 은행은 정부에 의해 배치 나는 그래 반역자 의 프리메이슨 은 없었다. 335 144 내가 어떤 하나의 기권 위선자최종 법령 에 대한 투표가 늦어도 화요일 28 이상 도착하지 해야합니다. 다음 월요일하우스 는 하루의 순서 를 고려할 것 그것이 가능한 것 이미 저녁에 투표.반대 하지만 이미 해적 을 발표했다.법령 에게 수요일 29 일 만료 [ 모든쓰레기 프리메이슨 범죄 최고 헌법 대역죄! ]. 첫째 그것은에 가기 전에 두 번째 할부 IMU ( 간식양배추양 의 눈 연기 의 폐지 를 확인 도살장 ) FOT. 한 임원 약속 고급 주택 을 제외하고 대부분의 집 만 납세자 는 1 월 24 일 에 지불 할 것을 요구 하고 되는 이른바 미니 꼬리 쓴 IMU 그것은 생성 할 것입니다 그것은 찾을 수 없었습니다 하는 수익 어떤 범위.

[ 프리메이슨 시스템 322 유튜브 에서 세계 정부! ] OK! 당신이 유튜브 다음 당신은 저 에게 패배 한 것을 인정 해야합니다 관리를 유지하기 위하여는 수없는 모든 6 오랜 세월 에 모든 시간 이 당신이 찾고있는데모 입니다!
당신 의 아무도는 그러므로 나없이 자신의 생명을 구할 수있을 수 없다!

24. januar TUNIS [ Saudi-Arabien Den Arabiske Liga og farisæerne og den anglo -amerikanere IMF Nwo spa corporation Rothschild Bildenberg masonic system esoteriske dagsorden er ansvarlige for denne perversion fordi deres dagsorden det tilhører verdenskrig! ] Hundredvis af demonstranter tilhængere af det islamistiske parti Hizb ut- Tahriri kæmpende for etablering et islamisk kalifat i dag har samlet i centrum af Tunis til at protestere imod Projektet i forfatningen betragtes som ” sekulære ” som forventes at blive godkendt i morgen af Nationalforsamlingen (parlamentet). “Ned med den sekulære forfatning ” ” etablere islam det er en forpligtelse suverænitet er Koranen og sharia (islamisk lov) ” råbte demonstranterne. (Fordi suverænitet er Koranen og Sharia så det Saudi-Arabien? Dømt til døden hele den menneskelige race endsige herpå kunne gøre Israel nu)

[ Frimurer -system ] ned fra scenen af teatret og kommer til mig for at drikke din bitre medicin stop din dagsorden fordi ingen kan vide hvordan det går for at afslutte det din dagsorden undtagen mig! I virkeligheden vil I alle blive dræbt! mens med mig ikke blot ingen vil miste sit liv men har alle potentiale til rent faktisk at være i stand til at forbedre fortsætter med at følge JaBullOn du vil tabe alt!

24. januar Davos [ men som falsk marked er dette virkelig tragikomisk vi er i absolut monopol af farisæerne anglo -amerikanere alle katastrofer sociale kulturelle økonomiske åndelige forvrængning af videnskabelige data ødelæggelse af humanisme og ødelæggelsen af ​​den jødiske -kristne civilisation relativisme nihilisme materialisme scientism altså den ideologiske satanisme efterretningstjeneste afvigende Nwo Datagate Big Brother GMO’er Morgellons jeg er et ansvar absolut den systemet Masonic Bildenberg så til den borgerkrig er det kun et spørgsmål om tid ] stresstest af ECB kunne føre til en vis fusion mellem de italienske banker. Han sagde at guvernøren i den italienske centralbank Ignazio Visco i et interview med Reuters Television tilføjer at Via Nazionale dog ikke til hensigt at “tegne kortet for aggregeringer eller beslutte hvordan det skal bevæge sig markedet. “

24. januar 1515 [ forfatningen sagde at samtlige aktier i den italienske centralbank af italienerne er kun ellers er du nødt til at slette fra forfatningen teksten siger at folk er suveræn! ] [ Gulerod og pisk! ] ROM [ farisæerne Bildenberg af den fidus men hvad betyder det hvad er forholdet mellem det absurde skat IMU og Banca d’Italia dvs private slave skibsførere alle italienske folk dvs Illuminati pengeudlånere jødiske ågerkarle mordere hele selskabet spa italienske centralbank monopol IMF ECB FED? ] [ En tredje og sidste del af dekretet er endelig rettet den nye struktur der bliver nødt til at lade sine aktier i Bank of Italy men ikke det italienske folk ) for ( redistribuere igen ( der forarmer endnu mere.. den italienske stat )] Via værelser tillid om teksten dl IMU fake spa italienske centralbank placeret af regeringen jeg ja forrædere Masons var. 335 144 jeg nej og én undlod at stemme hykler den endelige afstemning om dekretet skulle ankomme senest tirsdag 28.. Næste mandag vil Parlamentet overveje ordrer af dagen og det ville være muligt at afstemningen allerede i aften. oppositionen har dog allerede annonceret filibuster. dekretet udløber onsdag den 29. [Alle crap Frimurer Crime Top forfatningstraktat højforræderi!]. det første er det bekræftet afskaffelsen af ​​den anden rate IMU ( kål til snack røg i øjnene af fårene før de går til den slagteri ) fot. hovedbygningen med undtagelse af luksushuse så længe lovet af udøvende kun vil den såkaldte mini hale bitter IMU hvor skatteyderne er forpligtet til at betale med den 24. januar og det vil generere en indtægt som det ikke var muligt at finde nogen dækning.

[ Frimurerisk system 322 World regering i youtube! ] Ok! du ikke er i stand til at bevare kontrollen af youtube så skal du erkende at du er blevet besejret af mig hele tiden i alle disse 6 lange år dette er den demonstration at du er på udkig efter!
ingen af ​​jer kan derfor være i stand til at redde hans liv uden mig!

24 בינואר תוניס [ סעודיה הליגה הערביתוהפרושים והאנגלים והאמריקאים קרן המטבע הבינלאומית NWO ספא תאגיד רוטשילד Bildenberg מערכת בונים חופשיה סדר יום אזוטרי אחראים ל הסטייה הזאת כי סדר היום שלהם הוא שייך למלחמת העולם! ] מאות מפגינים תומכים המפלגה האסלאמית חיזב – Tahriri לחימה להקמה שלח’ליפות אסלאמיתשהתכנסו היום במרכזה של טוניס כדי למחות נגדהפרויקט של החוקה נחשב ” חילוני “ש צפויה להיות מאושר מחר על ידי האסיפה הלאומית ( פרלמנט ). ” דאון עםהחוקה החילונית ” ” להקים איסלאם היאחובה ריבונות היא הקוראן והשריעה (החוק האסלאמי ) ” שרו את המפגינים. ( כי ריבונות הוא הקוראן והשריעה אם כןערב הסעודית? נידונה למוותהמין האנושי כולו שלא לדבר כך יכולה לעשות! ישראל עכשיו )

[ מערכת הבונים החופשיים ] ירד מן הבמה שלהתיאטרוןובאים אליי לשתות התרופה המרה שלך תפסיק סדר היום שלך כי אף אחד לא יכול לדעת איך זה הולך כדי לסיים את סדר היום שלך זה חוץ ממני! למעשה אתה תהיה כולם נהרג! זמן מה איתי לא רק שאף אחד לא יאבד את חייו אבל לכולם יש את הפוטנציאל להיות באמת מסוגל לשפר ממשיך לעקוב JaBullOn תאבד הכל!

24 בינואר דאבוס [ אבל כמו בשוק השווא זה באמת טרגי קומי אנחנו נמצאים במונופול מוחלט של הפרושים אנגלים ואמריקאים כל האסונות חברתי תרבותי כלכליים רוחניים עיוות של נתונים מדעיים הרס של הומניזםוההרס שלהציביליזציה היהודית נוצרית רלטיביזם ניהיליזם החומרנות המדעיות כלומרכת השטן האידיאולוגי סוטה שירות חשאי NWO Datagate האח גדול Morgellons הנדסה גנטית אניאחריות מוחלטת של המערכת של הבונים החופשיים Bildenberg ולאחר מכןלמלחמת האזרחים זה רק עניין של זמן ] מבחני לחץ של הבנק המרכזי של אירופה עשויים להוביל לכמה היתוך בין בנקים איטלקים. לדבריונגיד הבנק של איטליה איניאציו ויסקו בראיון לרויטרס טלוויזיה והוסיף כי Via Nazionale לעומת זאת אין בכוונתו “לצייר את המפה שלמצבורים או להחליט איך זה צריך לעבור השוק “.

24 בינואר 1515 [החוקה אמרה כי כלמניותיו של הבנק איטליה שלהאיטלקים הן רק אחרת אתה צריך למחוקמהחוקההטקסט אומרש האנשים הם ריבון! ] [ גזרוהשוט! ] ROME [ הפרושים Bildenberg שלהונאה אבל מה זה אומר מה הואמערכת היחסים ביןIMU המס האבסורדיו bankitalia כלומרהפרטיבעלי העבדים של כל העם האיטלקי כלומר האילומינטי מלווה בריבית יהודית מלווים בריבית רוצחים כלהתאגיד ספא בנק איטליה מונופול קרן המטבע הבינלאומית הבנק המרכזי של אירופה FED? [חלק ] שלישי ואחרון שלהצו הוא סוף סוף לטפלהמבנה החדש אשר יצטרך לקבל את המניות בבנק של איטליה אבל לא את העם האיטלקי )ל( להפיץ מחדש שוב (שמרושש עוד יותר.. ) חדר המדינה האיטלקית ] באמצעות חינם אמון על הטקסט של IMU ד”ל ספא מזויף בנק איטליה שהוצב על ידי הממשלהשכן בונים חופשיים בוגדים היו. 335 144 אני לא צבועונמנע אחדסופי הצבעה על הצו אמורה להגיע לא תאוחר מיום שלישי 28. ביום שני קרובהבית ישקול את ההזמנות של היוםוזה יהיה אפשרי ההצבעה כבר בערב.האופוזיציה לעומת זאת כבר הודיע ​​פיליבסטר.הצו פג יום רביעי 29 [בכלהשטויות של הבונים החופשיים פשע למעלה גבוהה בגידה חוקתית! ]. ראשית הוא אישר את ביטולIMU השני בתשלומים (כרובלחטיף העשן בעיניהם שלהכבשים לפני שהוא הולך כדי פינג פונג המטבחיים ).הבית הראשי למעט של בתי יוקרה הבטיח כל עוד על ידי הנהלה בלבד יהיהIMU מה שנקרא מיני הזנב המר שבה משלמי מסים נדרשים לשלם על ידי 24 בינואר והוא יפיק הכנסות עבורו זה לא ניתן היה למצוא כל כיסוי.

[ מערכת של הבונים החופשיים 322 הממשלה העולמיתבyoutube! ] בסדר! אתה לא מסוגל כדי לשמור על שליטה של youtube ולאחר מכן אתה חייב להכירשהובסת על ידי לי כל הזמןבכל השנים הארוכות האלה 6 זוההפגנהש אתה מחפש!
אף אחד מכם ולכן ייתכן שתוכל להציל את חייו בלעדיי!

24 jaanuar Tunis [ Saudi Araabia Araabia Liiga ja variserid ja anglo- ameeriklased IMF NWO Spa korporatsioon Rothschild Bildenberg vabamüürlaste süsteem esoteeriline päevakorras on vastutav sest see perverssus sest oma tegevuskava see kuulub World War! ] Sadu meeleavaldajaid toetajaid islamistliku partei Hizb ut – Tahriri võitlus loomise islami kalifaadi on kogunenud täna keskel Tunis et protesteerida vastu projekti põhiseaduse peetakse ” ilmaliku ” mis on kavas heaks kiita homme Rahvusassamblee (parlament). “Mahailmalik põhiseadus ” ” luua Islam see onkohustus suveräänsus Koraan jašariaadi ( islami õiguse ) ” skandeerisid meeleavaldajad. ( Sest suveräänsuse kas Koraan ja šariaadi? SiisSaudi Araabia mõisteti surma kogu inimkond rääkimata et lõpuks võiks teha Israel kohe! )

[ Vabamüürlaste süsteem ] maha etappteater ja tulevad mulle juua oma mõru pill lõpetage oma agenda sest keegi ei saa teada kuidas see läheb et lõpetada see päevakorras välja arvatud mina! Tegelikult siis kõik tapetakse! samas mulle mitte ainult keegi kaotab oma elu aga kõik on võimalik et tegelikult oleks võimalik parandada kas jätkata JaBullOn sa kaotad kõik!

24. jaanuaril Davosis [ aga naguvale turul see on tõesti tragi – koomiline oleme absoluutne monopol variseri Anglo – Ameeriklased kõik katastroofid sotsiaal- kultuuri – majandus- vaimne moonutatud teaduslikke andmeid hävitamine humanism ja hävitaminejuudi – kristlik tsivilisatsioon relativism nihilism materialism saientism see tähendab et ideoloogiline satanismi salateenistuse hälbiv NWO Datagate Big Brother GMOde Morgellons Olen vastutus absoluutne on süsteem vabamüürlaste Bildenberg siis kodusõja see on ainult aja küsimus ] stressitestid EKP võib viia mõned termotuumasünteesi vahel Itaalia pangad. Ta ütles kubernerBank of Italy Ignazio Visco intervjuus Reutersile Television lisades et Via Nazionale aga ei kavatse ” joonistadakaart et kogumid või otsustada kuidas ta peaks liikuma turul. “

24 jaanuar 1515 [ põhiseaduse ütles et kõik aktsiadBank of Italy itaallased on ainult muidu on teil kustutada alates põhiseadusetekst ütleb etinimesed on suveräänne! ] [ Porgand japiits! ] Rooma [ variserid Bildenberg kelmuse aga mida see tähendab milline on suhe vahelabsurd maksu IMU ning bankitalia st era-orjapidajad kõik Itaalia elanikud seega Illuminati liigkasuvõtjatelt juudi usurers mõrvarid kõikettevõtte Spa Itaalia Pank monopol IMF EKP FED? ] [Kolmas ja viimane osa dekreedi lõplikult lahendadauus struktuur mis peavad olemaaktsiad Bank of Italy kuid mitteitaalia inimest) jaoks ( levitada uuesti ( mis kahandab veelgi Itaalia riik ). ] Via tuba usalduse teksti dl IMU võltsitud spa Itaalia Pank mis on paigutatud valitsuse poolt. Mul jah reeturid Masons olid järgmised 335 144 i no ja üks erapooletu ajuvaba.lõplik hääletus dekreet peaks saabuma hiljemalt teisipäeval 28. Järgmine esmaspäevHouse kaalubkorraldusi päev ja see oleks võimalikhääl juba õhtul. opositsioon aga on juba teatanud Pidurdada.dekreedi lõpeb kolmapäev 29. [Kõikcrap vabamüürlaste Crime Top põhiseaduse riigireetmises! ] Esiteks kinnitab kaotamist teise osamakse IMU (kapsas suupiste suitsu silmislambad enne läheb et tapamaja ) fot peamaja välja arvatud luksuslik kodu kui lubas kommenteeritud. Ainult on nn mini saba mõru IMU kus maksumaksja on kohustatud maksma24 jaanuar ja see toob tulu mida ta ei olnud võimalik leida tahes levialas.

[ Vabamüürlaste süsteem 322maailma valitsus youtube! ] Ok! siis ei ole võimalik et säilitada kontrolli youtube siis peate tunnistama et olete lüüa mind kogu aeg kõik need 6 pikka aastat see on tõestus et te otsite!
keegi teist seega võib olla võimalik et päästa oma elu ilma minuta!

Enero 24 Tunis [ Saudi Arabia ang Arab League at ang mga Pariseo at ang mga Anglo- Amerikano IMF Nwo Spa korporasyon sa Rothschild Bildenberg ng mga mason system pribado agenda responsable para sa ito kabuktutan dahil kanilang agenda ito ay kabilang sa Digmaang Pandaigdig! ] Daan-daang mga protesters tagasuporta ng Islamist party Hizb ut – Tahriri fighting para sa pagtatayo ng isang Islamic caliphate nakakalap ngayon sa gitna ng Tunis upang lumaban laban proyekto ng Saligang-Batas itinuturing na ” seglar ” na ay inaasahang maaprubahan bukas ng National Assembly ( Parliament ). ” Pababa na may seglar Konstitusyon” ” magtatag ng Islam ito ay isang obligasyon soberanya ay ang Koran at ang Sharia ( Islamic batas) ” chanted ang demonstrators. (Dahil kataas-taasang ay ang Koran at Sharia pagkatapos ang Saudi Arabia? Sentenced hanggang sa kamatayan ang buong sangkatauhan pabayaan mag-isa layong iyon maaaring gawin! Israel na ngayon )

[ Sistema ng mga mason ] pababa mula sa yugto ng teatro at dumating sa akin upang uminom ng iyong mapait gamot itigil ang iyong agenda dahil maaaring alam walang sinuman kung paano ito napupunta upang matapos ang iyong pakay maliban sa akin! Sa katunayan ikaw ay ang lahat ng papatayin! habang sa akin walang sinuman hindi lamang mawawala ang kanyang buhay ngunit ang lahat ay may potensyal upang aktwal na magagawang upang mapabuti patuloy na sundin JaBullOn mo mawawala ang lahat ng bagay!

Enero 24 Davos [ pero dahil ang mga maling merkado ito ay tunay tragi – comic kami ay sa absolute monopolyo ng mga Pariseo Anglo- Amerikano ang lahat ng kalamidad panlipunan pangkultura pang-ekonomiya espirituwal pagbaluktot ng data na pang-agham ang pagsira ng pagkamakatao at ang pagkawasak ng Jewish – Christian sibilisasyon relatibismo nihilismo pagkamateryalista scientism iyon ay ang ideological Satanism lihim deviant serbisyo Nwo Datagate Big Brother GMos Morgellons ako ay isang responsibilidad absolute ng sistema ng mga mason Bildenberg pagkatapos upang ang digmaang sibil ito ay lamang ng isang bagay ng oras ] ang stress pagsubok ng ECB maaaring humantong sa ilang mga fusion sa pagitan ng Italyano mga bangko. Sinabi niya ang gobernador ng Bangko ng Italya Ignazio Visco sa isang pakikipanayam sa Reuters Telebisyon pagdaragdag na Via Nazionale gayunpaman ay hindi nilayon na ” gumuhit ng mapa ng pagsasama-sama o magpasya kung paano dapat ito ilipat ang market. “

Enero 24 1515 [ sinabi ng Saligang-Batas na ang lahat ng mga pagbabahagi ng Bangko ng Italya sa mga Italians Ikaw lamang kung hindi man kailangan mong tanggalin mula sa Saligang-Batas sinasabi ng teksto na iyon ang mga tao ay higit sa lahat! ] [ Karot at ang pumilantik! ] Roma [ Pariseo Bildenberg ng panloloko ngunit kung ano ang ibig sabihin ano ang relasyon sa pagitan ang walang katotohanan IMU buwis at bankitalia ie ang private ang alipin Masters ng lahat ng mga tao Italyano ie Illuminati moneylenders Jewish usurers mamamatay-tao ang lahat ng mga korporasyon Spa Bank ng Italya lagom IMF ECB FED? ] [A ikatlong at panghuling bahagi ng mag-atas ay sa wakas ay natugunan ang bagong istraktura na kung saan ay magkakaroon na magkaroon ng pagbabahagi sa Bangko ng Italya ngunit hindi ang mga tao Italyano) para sa ( mamigay na muli muli ( na impoverishing kahit na higit pa.. Estado Italian )] Via Free Room tiwala sa teksto ng dl IMU pekeng spa Bank ng Italya inilagay ng gobyerno ko oo traitors Masons ay. 335 144 i walang at isa abstention mapagpaimbabaw ang huling boto sa atas dapat na dumating nang hindi lalampas sa Martes 28. Susunod Monday isasaalang-alang ang House ang mga order ng ​​araw at magiging posible ang boto na sa gabi. pagsalungat ang gayunpaman ay na inihayag pagsusuwail. atas ang mag-expire Miyerkules 29 [ ang lahat ng mga dumi ng mga mason Crime Nangungunang Konstitusyon pagtataksil!]. Una ito ay nakumpirma na ang pagbibigay-wakas ng ikalawang grupo ng paninda IMU (ang repolyo sa snack usok sa mata ng tupa bago pagpunta upang ang katayan ) fot. pangunahing bahay na may pagbubukod sa mga luxury mga tahanan hangga’t ipinangako sa pamamagitan ng ehekutibong lamang ay ang tinatawag nang gayon mini buntot mapait IMU kung saan taxpayers ay kinakailangan upang magbayad sa pamamagitan ng Enero 24 at ito ay bubuo ng ng kita na kung saan ito ay hindi posible upang mahanap ang anumang coverage.

[ Sistema ng mga mason 322 ang World Government sa youtube! ] Ok! hindi mo ma upang mapanatili ang kontrol ng youtube pagkatapos dapat mong makilala na ikaw ay nai- talunan sa pamamagitan ng sa akin sa lahat ng oras sa lahat ng mga 6 haba taon ito ay ang pagpapakita na ang hinahanap mong!
wala sa iyo samakatuwid ay maaaring maka- save ang kanyang buhay nang hindi ako!

24. tammikuuta Tunis [ Saudi-ArabiaArabiliiton jafariseukset jaAnglo -amerikkalaiset IMF NWO Spa yhtiö Rothschild Bildenberg vapaamuurari järjestelmä esoteerinen agenda ovat vastuussa Tämä perversio koska heidän agendansa se kuuluu maailmansota! ] Satoja mielenosoittajia kannattajat islamistisen puolueen Hizb ut- Tahriri taistelut perustamista islamilaisen kalifaatin ovat kokoontuneet tänään keskustassa Tunis protestoida vastaan ​​hanke perustuslain pidetään ” maallinen ” joka on määrä hyväksyä huomenna kansalliskokouksen ( parlamentin ). “Alasmaallinen perustuslaki ” ” luoda Islam se onvelvollisuus itsemääräämisoikeusKoraani jaSharia ( islamilainen laki ) ” huusivatmielenosoittajat. ( Koska suvereniteetti onKoraani ja sharia? SittenSaudi-Arabia tuomittu kuolemaankoko ihmiskunnan puhumattakaan että pää voisi tehdä Israel nyt! )

[ Vapaamuurarien järjestelmä ] alasvaiheessateatterin ja tule luokseni juoda katkeraa lääkettä lopeta asialistalla koska kukaan ei voi tietää miten se menee lopettaa tämän esityslistaa paitsi minä! Itse asiassa te kaikki tapetaan! taas minun kanssani ei vain kukaan kadottaa elämänsä mutta kaikki on mahdollista todella pystyä parantamaan jatkuvat seurata JaBullOn menetät kaiken!

24. tammikuuta Davosissa [ mutta kutenvääriä markkinoilla tämä on todella tragikoominen olemme absoluuttisesti monopoli fariseusten Anglo – amerikkalaiset kaikki katastrofit sosiaalinen kulttuurinen taloudellinen henkinen vääristää tieteellistä tietoa tuhoaminen humanismin jatuhoaminenjuutalaisten kristillisen kulttuurin relativismi nihilismi materialismi scientism eliideologinen satanismi salainen palvelu poikkeava NWO Datagate Big Brother GMO Morgellons Olenvastuun ehdoton ja järjestelmä vapaamuurarien Bildenberg sitten sisällissodan se on vainajan kysymys ] stressitestejä EKP voisi johtaa joidenkin fuusio välillä italialaisille pankeille. Hän sanoikuvernööriItalian keskuspankin Ignazio Visco haastattelussa Reutersin Televisio lisäten että Via Nazionale ei kuitenkaan aio “piirtääkarttaa jakoosteita tai päättää miten se pitäisi liikkua markkinoilla. “

24. tammikuuta 1515 [perustuslain sanoi että kaikkiosakkeetBank of Italiassaitalialaiset ovat vain muuten sinun on poistettava perustuslaistatekstissä sanotaan ettäihmiset ovat suvereeneja! ] [ Porkkana japiiska! ] ROOMA [ fariseukset Bildenberg huijaus mutta mitä se tarkoittaa mikä on suhde välilläjärjetön vero IMU ja bankitalia eliyksityinenorjanomistajia kaikista Italian kansa eli Illuminati moneylenders juutalainen usurers murhaajia kaikkicorporation Spa Italian keskuspankki monopoli IMF EKP FED? ] [Kolmas ja viimeinen osaasetuksella on vihdoin käsiteltyuusi rakenne joka on saatavaosakkeiden Italian keskuspankki mutta eiItalian henkeä) ( jakaa uudelleen ( joka köyhdyttää entisestään Italian valtio ). ] Via Ilmainen huoneessa luottamus tekstistä dl IMU fake kylpylä Italian keskuspankki sijoitetaan hallitus. I kyllä ​​ pettureita vapaamuurarit olivat 335 144 i ei ja yksi tyhjää tekopyhä.lopullinen äänestystäasetuksen pitäisi olla perillä viimeistään tiistaina 28.. Ensi maanantainaHouse harkitseetilauksiapäivä ja se olisi mahdollistaäänestys jo illalla.kuitenkin vastustetaan ovat jo ilmoittaneet filibuster.asetuksella päättyy keskiviikkona 29. [Kaikkipaska vapaamuurarien Crime Top Perustuslaillinen maanpetoksesta! ] Ensinnäkin se on vahvistettupoistaminentoisen erän IMU (kaali välipala savua silmissälampaita ennen kuin menee että teurastamon ) jalkaanpäärakennus lukuun ottamatta luxury Homes kunhan lupaamaa johtoon. Vain tuleens mini hännän katkera IMU joissa veronmaksajat ovat velvollisia maksamaan 24. tammikuuta ja se tuottaa tulot joita se ei ollut mahdollista löytää mitään kattavuutta.

[ Vapaamuurarien järjestelmä 322World Government youtube! ] Ok! et pysty voidaan rajoittaa YouTube niin sinun on tunnustettava että sinulla on nujerrettu minua koko ajan kaikissa näissä 6 pitkää vuotta tämä onosoitus siitä että olet etsimässä!
kukaan teistä siis ehkä pelastaa hänen henkensä ilman minua!

Janvier 24 TUNIS [ l’Arabie saoudite la Ligue arabe et les pharisiens et les Anglo-Américains le FMI maintenant Spa société Rothschild Bildenberg système maçonnique agenda ésotérique sont responsables pour cette perversion parce que leur ordre du jour il appartient à la Première Guerre mondiale! ] Des centaines de manifestants partisans du parti islamiste Hizb ut- Tahriri combat pour la mise en place d’un califat islamique se sont rassemblés aujourd’hui dans le centre de Tunis pour protester contre le projet de la Constitution considéré comme «laïque» qui devrait être approuvé demain par l’Assemblée nationale ( Parlement ). «A bas la Constitution laïque » « établir l’Islam c’est une obligation la souveraineté est le Coran et la charia (loi islamique ) ” scandaient les manifestants. ( Parce que la souveraineté est le Coran et la charia alors l’ Arabie Saoudite condamné la mort tout le genre humain et encore moins cette fin pourrait faire Israël maintenant )

[ Système maçonnique ] vers le bas de la scène du théâtre et venez à moi pour boire votre potion amère arrêtez votre ordre du jour parce que personne ne peut savoir comment ça se passe pour terminer ce votre ordre du jour sauf moi! En fait vous serez tous tués! tandis que avec moi non seulement personne ne perdra la vie mais tous ont le potentiel pour être effectivement en mesure d’améliorer en continuant à suivre JaBullOn vous perdrez tout!

Janvier 24 DAVOS [ mais comme le faux marché c’est vraiment tragi-comique nous sommes en monopole absolu de pharisiens Anglo-Américains toutes les catastrophes sociaux culturels économiques spirituelles distorsion des données scientifiques la destruction de l’humanisme et de la destruction de la civilisation judéo-chrétienne le relativisme le nihilisme le matérialisme le scientisme c’est le satanisme idéologique secret déviant de service maintenant Datagate Big Brother les OGM Morgellons Je suis une responsabilité absolue de la système maçonnique Bildenberg puis à la guerre civile ce n’est qu’une question de temps ] stress tests de la BCE pourraient conduire à une fusion entre les banques italiennes. Il a dit le gouverneur de la Banque d’Italie Ignazio Visco dans une interview à Reuters Television ajoutant que Via Nazionale cependant n’a pas l’intention de ” dessiner la carte des agrégations ou de décider comment il doit se déplacer le marché. “

Janvier 24 15h15 [ la Constitution dit que toutes les actions de la Banque d’Italie des Italiens ne sont sinon vous devez supprimer de la Constitution le texte dit que le peuple est souverain! ] [ Carotte et le fouet! ] ROME [ pharisiens Bildenberg de l’arnaque mais qu’est-ce que cela veut dire quelle est la relation entre le MIO d’impôt absurde et la Banca d’Italia à savoir les particuliers les maîtres d’esclaves de tous les Italiens c’est à dire Illuminati usuriers usuriers juifs des assassins tout la société Spa Banque d’Italie le monopole FMI BCE FED? ] [ Un troisième et dernière partie du décret est enfin abordé la nouvelle structure qui devra avoir les actions de la Banque d’Italie mais pas le peuple italien ) pour ( redistribuer à nouveau ( qui appauvrit encore plus.. l’État italien ) ] Via allergie la confiance sur le texte de dl IMU faux spa la Banque d’Italie placé par le gouvernement je oui traîtres maçons étaient les suivants. 335 144 i pas et un hypocrite de l’abstention la finale vote sur le décret doit parvenir au plus tard le mardi 28. lundi prochain la Chambre va examiner l’ordre du jour et il serait possible le vote déjà dans la soirée. l’opposition cependant ont déjà annoncé l’obstruction. le décret expiration mercredi 29 [Toutes les conneries maçonnique Crime Top haute trahison constitutionnelle! ]. Tout d’abord il est confirmé la suppression de la deuxième IMU tranche (le chou à grignoter de la fumée dans les yeux des brebis avant de partir à la abattoir ) fot la maison principale à l’exception des maisons de luxe comme promis depuis longtemps par la direction uniquement sera la soi-disant mini queue IMU amère dans laquelle les contribuables sont tenus de payer par le 24 Janvier et il va générer. un chiffre d’affaires pour lesquelles il n’était pas possible de trouver de toute couverture.

[ Système maçonnique 322 le gouvernement mondial en youtube! ] Ok! vous n’êtes pas en mesure pour maintenir le contrôle de youtube alors vous devez reconnaître que vous avez été battu par moi tout le temps dans tous ces six longues années c’est la démonstration que vous recherchez!
aucun de vous par conséquent peut être en mesure de sauver sa vie sans moi!

24 იანვარი ტუნისში [ საუდის არაბეთი არაბთა ლიგის და ფარისეველნი და Anglo- ამერიკელები IMF NWO Spa კორპორაცია Rothschild Bildenberg მასონურმა სისტემა ეზოთერული დღის წესრიგში პასუხისმგებელნი არიან რამეთუ ამ მანკიერებაზე რადგან მათი დღის წესრიგში ის ეკუთვნის მსოფლიო ომი! ] ასობით მომიტინგე მხარდამჭერები საქართველოს ისლამისტურ პარტია Hizb ჭურჭლის Tahriri საბრძოლო დამყარების ისლამური ხალიფატის შევიკრიბეთ დღეს ცენტრში Tunis პროტესტის წინააღმდეგ პროექტი საქართველოს კონსტიტუციის ითვლება “საერო” რომელიც მოსალოდნელია რომ დამტკიცდეს ხვალ ეროვნული ასამბლეის (პარლამენტის). “ძირს საერო კონსტიტუცია ” ” შეიქმნას ისლამის ეს არის ვალდებულება სუვერენიტეტი ყურანის და შარიათის ( ისლამური კანონი )” სკანდირებდნენ აქციის მონაწილეები. (იმის გამო სუვერენიტეტისა არის ყურანის და შარია? მაშინ საუდის არაბეთი მიუსაჯეს სიკვდილი მთელი ადამიანის რასის რომ აღარაფერი ვთქვათ რომ ბოლოს და ბოლოს ვერ გააკეთებს ისრაელი ახლა! )

[ Masonic სისტემაში] ქვემოთ ეტაპზე თეატრი და ჩემთან დალევა თქვენი მწარე მედიცინის შეწყვიტოს თქვენს დღის წესრიგში რადგან ვერავინ იცოდეს როგორ მიდის რათა დავამთავროთ ეს თქვენი დღის წესრიგში გარდა me! ფაქტობრივად თქვენ ყველა უნდა მოკლა! ხოლო ჩემთან არა მხოლოდ არავინ დაკარგოს ცხოვრებაში მაგრამ ყველას გვაქვს პოტენციალი რეალურად შეძლებს გააუმჯობესოს გრძელდება დაიცვას JaBullOn თქვენ დაკარგავთ ყველაფერი!

24 იანვარი დავოსში [ მაგრამ როგორც ცრუ ბაზარზე ეს მართლაც tragi – კომიკური ჩვენ აბსოლუტური მონოპოლია და ფარისეველთა Anglo- Americans ყველა უბედურებების სოციალური კულტურული ეკონომიკური სულიერი დამახინჯება სამეცნიერო მონაცემები განადგურება ჰუმანიზმისა და განადგურება ებრაელი ქრისტიანული ცივილიზაციის რელატივიზმი ნიჰილიზმი მატერიალიზმი scientism რომ არის იდეოლოგიური სატანიზმი საიდუმლო სამსახურის deviant NWO Datagate დიდი ძმა გმო Morgellons მე ვარ პასუხისმგებლობის აბსოლუტური საქართველოს სისტემა Masonic Bildenberg მაშინ სამოქალაქო ომი ეს მხოლოდ დროის საკითხია ] სტრესი ტესტები ECB შეიძლება გამოიწვიოს ზოგიერთი fusion შორის Italian ბანკები. მისი თქმით გამგებელი ბანკის იტალიის Ignazio Visco მიცემულ ინტერვიუში Reuters ტელევიზია და დასძინა რომ Via Nazionale თუმცა არ აპირებს ” დავხატოთ რუკა საქართველოს aggregations ან გადაწყვიტოს თუ როგორ უნდა გადავიდეს ბაზარზე. “

24 იანვარი 1515 [ კონსტიტუციის განაცხადა რომ ყველა აქციების ბანკი იტალიის რა იტალიელები არიან მხოლოდ წინააღმდეგ შემთხვევაში თქვენ უნდა წაშალოთ კონსტიტუციის ტექსტი ამბობს რომ ხალხი სუვერენული! ] [ Carrot და whip! ] ROME [ ფარისეველთა Bildenberg ofscam მაგრამ რას ნიშნავს ეს რა არის ურთიერთობისათვის შორის აბსურდული საგადასახადო IMU და bankitalia ანუ კერძო მონა ოსტატები ყველა Italian ადამიანი ანუ Illuminati moneylenders ებრაული usurers მკვლელები ყველა კორპორაცია Spa ბანკი იტალიის მონოპოლია საერთაშორისო სავალუტო ფონდის ECB FED? ] [ მესამე და საბოლოო ნაწილი თანახმად საბოლოოდ მიმართა ახალი სტრუქტურა რომელიც უნდა ჰქონდეს აქციების ბანკი იტალიის მაგრამ არა იტალიური ადამიანი) for ( გაავრცელოთ ერთხელ (რაც impoverishing კიდევ უფრო იტალიის სახელმწიფო).] Via უფასო ოთახი ნდობის ტექსტის dl IMU ყალბი სპა ბანკი იტალიის მოთავსებული მთავრობის მიერ. მე კი მოღალატეები Masons იყვნენ 335 144 i არა და ერთი თავი შეიკავეს ფარისეველი. საბოლოო vote ბრძანებით უნდა ჩამოვა არა უგვიანეს სამშაბათი 28. შემდეგი ორშაბათი სახლის განიხილავს ბრძანებებს დღის განმავლობაში და შესაძლებელი იქნება ხმა უკვე საღამოს.თუმცა ოპოზიციამ უკვე განაცხადა filibuster. ბრძანება იწურება ოთხშაბათი 29. [ ყველა crap Masonic Crime Top საკონსტიტუციო სამშობლოს ღალატში!] პირველი ეს არის დადასტურება გაუქმებას მეორე შენატანი IMU (კომბოსტო snack კვამლი თვალში ცხვარი სანამ აპირებს რომ სასაკლაოს ) fot მთავარი სახლი გარდა ფუფუნების სახლებში სანამ დაპირებული აღმასრულებელი. მხოლოდ იქნება ე.წ. mini კუდი მწარე IMU რომელშიც გადამხდელთა ვალდებულნი არიან გადაიხადონ მიერ 24 იანვარს და ეს იქნება შემოსავლების რისთვისაც მას არ იყო გამორიცხული რომ იპოვოთ ნებისმიერი გაშუქება.

[ Masonic სისტემით 322 მსოფლიო მთავრობის youtube! ] Ok! თქვენ არ შეუძლია კონტროლს რა youtube მაშინ თქვენ უნდა აღიაროს რომ თქვენ უკვე დაამარცხა ჩემთვის ყველა დროის ყველა ამ 6 წლის განმავლობაში ეს არის დემონსტრირება რომ თქვენ ეძებს!
არც ერთი თქვენგანი ამიტომ შეუძლია მისი გადარჩენა გარეშე me!

1月24日、チュニス、 [サウジアラビア、アラブ連盟、および、パリサイ人やアングロ·アメリカ人、国際通貨基金(IMF) 、 NWO 、スパ、株式会社ロスチャイルド、 Bildenberg 、フリーメーソンのシステムの場合:難解な議題は、担当している、この倒錯、なぜなら、彼らの議題は:それは第二次世界に属している!デモ参加者の]何百、サポーター:イスラム党の: Hizb UT- Tahriri 、戦い:確立のために:抗議するため、チュニスの中心部に:イスラムカリフの、今日収集した対:プロジェクト、憲法、承認されると予想されています:がどの「世俗」とみなさ国会(議会)によって明日。 「下世俗憲法」「イスラムの確立、それは義務、主権はコーランです。とシャリア(イスラム法)は、 「デモを唱え。 (なぜなら、主権:コーランは、次のとおりです。とシャリアは、その後、サウジアラビア: ?言い渡さ:死に、全人類は、単独でその終わりを聞かせて、行うことができます: !イスラエル、今)

ダウン劇場の段階から[フリーメーソンのシステム] 、そして誰もが知っていることはできないので、私を除いて、この予定表を終了し、それがどのようになる、あなたの議題を中止し、苦い薬を飲むように私に来て!実際には、すべて殺される!しばらくは、私と一緒に誰もいないだけに彼の生命を失うことはありませんが、すべてが実際に改善することができるように、可能性を秘めている、 JaBullOnに従うことを続けて、あなたは、すべてのものを失うことになる!

1月24日、ダボス、 [しかし、偽の市場として、これは本当にtragusの複数形コミックでは、我々はパリサイ人に、絶対的な独占である:アングロアメリカ人、すべての災害:社会的、文化的、経済的、精神的、科学的データの歪み、ヒューマニズムの破壊とユダヤ·キリスト教文明の破壊、相対、ニヒリズム、唯物、科学主義は、つまり、イデオロギー的な悪魔主義、シークレットサービス逸脱、 NWO 、 DataGATEの、ビッグブラザー、 GMOSモルジェロン:私は、絶対的な責任ですシステムフリーメーソンBildenbergは、その後、内戦のために、それはECBのストレステストは、イタリアの銀行の間にいくつかの融合につながる可能時間]の唯一の問題です。彼は、ナツィオナーレ通りは、しかし、 「集計の、地図を描くつもり、または、それが移動するべきか決定するわけではありません、という、追加、ロイターテレビとのインタビューでイタリア銀行、 Ignazioビスコ、知事が言った市場。 “

1月24日は、午後03時15分には、 [憲法はイタリア人のイタリア銀行の全株式を、そうでなければ、あなたは憲法から削除する必要があり、唯一であることを、言った、テキストは人々が主権である、と言っている! 】【にんじんと鞭! ]ローマ、 [パリサイ人詐欺のBildenberg 、しかし、それは何を意味し、その関係は不条理な税金のIMUの間、何か、そして、 bankitalia 、すなわち、民間、スレーブのマスターは、すべてのイタリアの人々の、すなわち、イルミナティ、貸金業者のユダヤ人高利貸し、殺人者、すべての企業、スパ、イタリア銀行、独占、国際通貨基金(IMF) 、 ECB 、 FED ? (つまりimpoverishingさ(再度、よりを再配布するためにイタリア銀行が、 、ではないイタリア人)の株式を持っている必要があります判決の] [第三に、そして、最後の部分、最終的に解決されて、新しい構造、 。 。イタリア政府) ]経由の無料ルーム、 DLのIMUのテキスト上の信頼は、偽のスパ、イタリア銀行は、政府が置かれ、私ははい、裏切り者の石工は、なかった。 335 、 144私はと1棄権の偽善者の最終法令上の投票は遅くとも火曜日28より到着しないはずです。次の月曜日、ハウスはその日の注文を検討し、それが可能であろう、すでに夕方に投票。野党が、既に議事妨害を発表している。法令に水曜日29 、有効期限が切れる[すべてがらくたフリーメーソン:犯罪トップ:憲法大逆! ] 。まず、に、行く前に、第二の割賦IMU (おやつにキャベツ、羊の目に煙の廃止が確認されている食肉処理場) FOT : 。限り幹部が約束高級住宅を除く母屋、 、だけ、納税者は1月24日によって支払うことを要求された、いわゆる、ミニテール苦いIMUは、それが生成されますでしょうそれが、見つけることは不可能であったため、収益、任意の報道。

[フリーメーソンのシステム、 322 、動画中の世界政府! ] OK!あなたは、YouTubeの、そして、あなたはあなたが私に負けてきたことを、認識しなければならない、制御を維持するために、できない、これらすべての6長年のすべての時間が、これはあなたが探している、デモンストレーションです!

Ιανουάριος 24 ΤΥΝΗΣΙΑ [Σαουδική Αραβία ο Αραβικός Σύνδεσμος και οι Φαρισαίοι και οι Αγγλο-Αμερικανοί το ΔΝΤ NWO Spa εταιρία Rothschild Bildenberg μασονικά σύστημα εσωτερική ατζέντα είναι υπεύθυνα για αυτή τη διαστροφή διότι ατζέντα τους ανήκει στον Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο! ] Εκατοντάδες διαδηλωτές υποστηρικτές της ισλαμιστικό κόμμα Hizb ut-Tahriri μάχες για τη δημιουργία ενός ισλαμικού χαλιφάτου έχουν συγκεντρωθεί σήμερα στο κέντρο της Τύνιδας για να διαμαρτυρηθούν κατά το σχέδιο του Συντάγματος θεωρείται «κοσμική» το οποίο αναμένεται να εγκριθεί αύριο από την Εθνοσυνέλευση (Κοινοβούλιο). «Κάτω η κοσμική Σύνταγμα» «δημιουργία Ισλάμ είναι μια υποχρέωση η κυριαρχία είναι το Κοράνι και η σαρία (ισλαμικό νόμο)” φώναζαν οι διαδηλωτές. (Διότι της εθνικής κυριαρχίας είναι το Κοράνι Σαρία και στη συνέχεια η Σαουδική Αραβία; καταδικάστηκε σε θάνατο ολόκληρη η ανθρώπινη φυλή πόσο μάλλον ότι τέλος θα μπορούσε να κάνει! Ισραήλ τώρα)

[Μασονική συστήματος] κάτω από τη σκηνή του θεάτρου και να έρθει σε μένα για να πιει πικρό φάρμακο σας να σταματήσει το πρόγραμμά σας γιατί κανείς δεν μπορεί να γνωρίζει πώς θα πάει για να τελειώσει αυτό το πρόγραμμα σας εκτός από μένα! Στην πραγματικότητα όλοι θα πρέπει να θανατωθούν! ενώ μαζί μου όχι μόνο κανείς δεν θα χάσει τη ζωή του αλλά όλοι έχουν τη δυνατότητα για να είναι πράγματι σε θέση να βελτιώσει συνεχίζει να παρακολουθεί JaBullOn θα χάσετε τα πάντα!

Ιανουάριος 24 ΝΤΑΒΟΣ [αλλά ως ψευδή αγορά αυτό είναι πραγματικά κωμικοτραγική είμαστε σε απόλυτο μονοπώλιο των Φαρισαίων Αγγλο-Αμερικανοί όλες οι καταστροφές την κοινωνική πολιτιστική οικονομική πνευματική παραμόρφωση των επιστημονικών δεδομένων η καταστροφή του ανθρωπισμού και η καταστροφή της εβραϊκής-χριστιανικού πολιτισμού του σχετικισμού ο μηδενισμός τον υλισμό επιστημονισμού δηλαδή η ιδεολογική σατανισμό μυστική υπηρεσία αποκλίνουσα NWO Datagate Big Brother ΓΤΟ Morgellons Είμαι μια απόλυτη ευθύνη της Τεκτονικό σύστημα Bildenberg στη συνέχεια στον εμφύλιο πόλεμο είναι μόνο θέμα χρόνου] τεστ αντοχής της ΕΚΤ θα μπορούσε να οδηγήσει σε κάποια συγχώνευση μεταξύ των ιταλικών τραπεζών. Είπε ο διοικητής της Τράπεζας της Ιταλίας Ignazio Visco σε συνέντευξή του στο τηλεοπτικό δίκτυο του Ρόιτερ προσθέτοντας ότι Via Nazionale ωστόσο δεν προτίθεται να “σύρει το χάρτη των συναθροίσεων ή να αποφασίσει το πώς θα πρέπει να κινηθεί η αγορά. “

24 Ιανουαρίου 1515 [το Σύνταγμα δήλωσε ότι όλες οι μετοχές της Τράπεζας της Ιταλίας των Ιταλών είναι μόνο αλλιώς θα πρέπει να διαγράψετε από το Σύνταγμα το κείμενο αναφέρει ότι οι λαοί είναι κυρίαρχοι! ] [Καρότο και το μαστίγιο! ] ΡΩΜΗ [Φαρισαίοι Bildenberg της απάτης αλλά τι σημαίνει αυτό ποια είναι η σχέση μεταξύ το παράλογο φόρο IMU και Τράπεζα της Ιταλίας δηλαδή οι ιδιώτες οι αφέντες όλων των ιταλικού λαού δηλαδή Illuminati τοκογλύφοι Εβραίων τοκογλύφων δολοφόνοι όλη η εταιρεία Spa της Τράπεζας της Ιταλίας το μονοπώλιο ΔΝΤ ΕΚΤ FED; ] [Ένα τρίτο και τελευταίο μέρος του διατάγματος έχει αντιμετωπιστεί επιτέλους η νέα δομή η οποία θα πρέπει να έχουν τις μετοχές στην Τράπεζα της Ιταλίας αλλά δεν τον ιταλικό λαό) για (αναδιανομή και πάλι (που φτωχαίνει ακόμη περισσότερο.. το ιταλικό κράτος)] Via Δωρεάν χώρος η εμπιστοσύνη σχετικά με το κείμενο της dl IMU ψεύτικο spa της Τράπεζας της Ιταλίας από την κυβέρνηση I ναι προδότες Τέκτονες ήταν. 335 144 δεν θ και μία αποχή υποκριτής Το τελικό ψηφοφορία σχετικά με το διάταγμα θα πρέπει να φτάσει το αργότερο μέχρι την Τρίτη 28. ερχόμενη Δευτέρα το Σώμα θα εξετάσει τις παραγγελίες της ημέρας και θα ήταν δυνατόν η ψηφοφορία έχει ήδη το βράδυ. Η αντιπολίτευση ωστόσο έχουν ήδη ανακοινώσει κωλυσιεργία. του διατάγματος λήγει Τετάρτη 29 [Όλα τα χάλια μασονικό Έγκλημα Top Συνταγματική εσχάτη προδοσία!]. Πρώτον επιβεβαιώνεται η κατάργηση της δεύτερης δόσης IMU (το λάχανο να σνακ καπνού στα μάτια των προβάτων πριν πάτε για να το σφαγείο) fot. την κύρια κατοικία με την εξαίρεση των πολυτελών κατοικιών όπως υποσχέθηκε εδώ και καιρό από την εκτελεστική εξουσία μόνο θα το λεγόμενο μίνι ουρά πικρή IMU στην οποία οι φορολογούμενοι υποχρεούνται να καταβάλλουν από τις 24 Ιανουαρίου και θα δημιουργήσει έσοδο για το οποίο δεν ήταν δυνατό να βρεθεί οποιαδήποτε κάλυψη.

[Τεκτονικό σύστημα 322 η παγκόσμια κυβέρνηση στο youtube! ] Ok! δεν είστε σε θέση να διατηρήσει τον έλεγχο του youtube τότε θα πρέπει να αναγνωρίσουμε ότι έχουν ηττηθεί από μένα όλη την ώρα σε όλα αυτά τα 6 ολόκληρα χρόνια αυτή είναι η απόδειξη ότι ψάχνετε!
κανένας από εσάς ως εκ τούτου μπορεί να είναι σε θέση να σώσει τη ζωή του χωρίς εμένα!

cosa sta succedendo veramente in Libia,kabbalah islamiche, sciiti, sunniti,

Urtarrilak 24 1515 [ Konstituzioa esan Italiako Bankuak akzio guztiak italiarrek duten bakarrak dira bestela ezabatu behar duzu Konstituzioaren batetik testuan dio herriaren subirano dira! ] [ Azenarioa eta Látigo! ] ROME [ Pharisees iruzur du Bildenberg baina zer esan nahi du zer erlazioa da arteko absurdua zerga IMU eta bankitalia hau da pribatua esklabo maisu Italiako pertsona guztien hau da Illuminati moneylenders judu usurers hiltzaileen korporazio guztia Bainuetxea Bank Italia monopolioa NDF EBZ Fed? ] [ Hirugarren eta azken dekretua zati bat azkenik jorratzen egitura berria horrek akzioen izan Bank Italiako baina ez du Italiako lagun) at ( birbana berriro ( hori pobretu are gehiago lortzeko aukera izango dute.. Italiako Estatua ) ] Via Free Room konfiantza dl IMU testuan oinarrituta spa faltsuak Bank Italia gobernuak jartzen dut bai traidore Masones izan ziren. 335 144 i no eta abstentzioa Hypocritá bat finala botoa dekretua ez asteartea 28 baino beranduago iritsi behar. datorren astelehenean Etxe eguneko aginduak kontuan hartuko eta posible izango litzateke arratsaldean dagoeneko botoa. oposizioa ordea dagoeneko iragarri dute filibusteroa. dekretua iraungi asteazkena 29 [ crap guztiak Masonic Crimen Top Konstituzio traizio handiko!]. Lehenik eta behin zatikako bigarren IMU ( merienda aza ardiak begietan kea ezabatzea berretsi da joan aurretik joan hiltegi ) fot. etxe nagusia luxuzko etxebizitza izan ezik betiere exekutiboa agindu bakarrik egingo deiturikoak mini buztana IMU mingotsa eta bertan zergadun urtarrilaren 24an egindako ordaindu behar dira eta sortuko du diru-sarrera bat da ez zen posible den jakiteko edozein estaldura.

[ Masonic sistema 322 World Gobernuan youtube! ] Onean! ez zara gai kontrola mantentzeko of youtube orduan aitortu behar duzu duzula dira garaitu by me 6 urte luze hauetan guztietan denbora guztian horretarako bilatzen ari zaren manifestazioaren da!
zuk ere ez beraz bere bizitza salbatzeko ni gabe gai izatea!

24 জানুয়ারি Tunis [ সৌদি আরব সংযুক্ত আরব লীগ এবং ফরীশী ও এংলো আমেরিকান আইএমএফ NWO স্পা কর্পোরেশন রথসচাইল্ড Bildenberg Masonic সিস্টেম জন্য গূঢ় বিষয়সূচি দায়ী এই স্বেচ্ছাচারিতা কারণ তাদের এজেন্ডা এটা বিশ্বযুদ্ধের জন্যে! প্রতিবাদকারী ] শত শত সমর্থক ইসলামী দলের Hizb-ut Tahriri যুদ্ধ প্রতিষ্ঠার জন্য প্রতিবাদ টিউনিস কেন্দ্রে একটি ইসলামী খলিফাগিরি আজ জড়ো হয়েছে বিরুদ্ধে প্রকল্প সংবিধানের অনুমোদন করা হবে বলে আশা করা হচ্ছে যা \” ধর্মনিরপেক্ষ \” বলে মনে করা জাতীয় পরিষদ ( সংসদ) দ্বারা আগামীকাল. \” নিচে ধর্মনিরপেক্ষ সংবিধানের সঙ্গে\” \” ইসলাম কায়েম এটি একটি বাধ্যবাধকতা সার্বভৌমত্ব কোরান হয় এবং শরিয়া ( ইসলামী আইন )\” বিক্ষোভকারীদের chanted. ( কারণ সার্বভৌমত্ব কোরান হয় এবং শরিয়া তারপর সৌদি আরব দণ্ডিত মৃত্যু সমগ্র মানব জাতি একা যে শেষ যাক যেত না ইস্রায়েল এখন )

নিচে থিয়েটার মঞ্চ থেকে [ Masonic সিস্টেম ] এবং কোন এক জানতে পারেন কারণ আমাকে ছাড়া এই আপনার বিষয়সূচি শেষ এটা যায় কিভাবে আপনার বিষয়সূচি থামাতে আপনার তিক্ত ঔষধ পান করতে আমার কাছে আসতে! আসলে আপনি সব হত্যা করা হবে! যখন আমার সাথে কোন এক না শুধুমাত্র তার জীবন নষ্ট হয়ে যাবে কিন্তু সব আসলে উন্নত পাবে সম্ভাবনা আছে JaBullOn অনুসরণ অব্যাহত আপনি সবকিছু নষ্ট হয়ে যাবে!

24 জানুয়ারি Davos [ কিন্তু মিথ্যা বাজারের হিসাবে এই সত্যিই tragi – কমিক হল আমরা ফরীশীরা হাজার পরম একাধিকার আছে এংলো আমেরিকান সমস্ত বিপর্যয় সামাজিক সাংস্কৃতিক অর্থনৈতিক আধ্যাত্মিক বৈজ্ঞানিক তথ্য বিকৃতি মানবধর্ম ধ্বংস ও ইহুদি খৃস্টান সভ্যতা ধ্বংস অপেক্ষবাদ ধ্বংসবাদ প্রকৃতিবাদ scientism যে মতাদর্শগত Satanism সিক্রেট সার্ভিস deviant NWO Datagate বিগ ব্রাদার GMOs Morgellons আমি হাজার পরম দায়িত্ব am সিস্টেম Masonic Bildenberg তারপর গৃহযুদ্ধ এটা ইসিবি চাপ পরীক্ষা ইতালিয়ান ব্যাংকের মধ্যে কিছু লয় হতে পারে সময় ] শুধুমাত্র একটি ব্যাপার. তিনি মাধ্যমে Nazionale কিন্তু \” Aggregations মানচিত্র আঁকতে মনস্থ বা সরিয়ে নেয়া উচিত কিভাবে সিদ্ধান্ত নিতে হয় না যে যোগ রয়টার্স টেলিভিশনের সঙ্গে এক সাক্ষাত্কারে ইতালি ব্যাংক Ignazio হাঁটু রাজ্যপাল বলেন বাজার. \”

24 জানুয়ারী 1515 [ সংবিধান ইতালীয়রা এর ইতালি ব্যাংক সব শেয়ার অন্যথায় আপনি সংবিধান থেকে মুছে ফেলতে হবে শুধুমাত্র যে তিনি বলেন টেক্সট মানুষ সার্বভৌম হয় বলছেন যে! ] [ গাজর এবং চাবুক! ] রোম [ ফরীশীরা কেলেঙ্কারীতে Bildenberg কিন্তু এটা কি মানে সম্পর্ক কিম্ভুতকিমাকার ট্যাক্স IMU মধ্যে কি এবং bankitalia অর্থাত্ প্রাইভেট স্লেভ কর্তা সমস্ত ইতালিয়ান মানুষের অর্থাৎ Illuminati মহাজনদের ইহুদি সাইটের ঠিকানা সম্বলিত টিউন হত্যাকারীদের সমস্ত কর্পোরেশন স্পা ইতালি ব্যাংক একাধিকার আইএমএফ ইসিবি ফেড? ( যে impoverishing হয় ( আবার আরও বেশি পুনরায় বিতরণ জন্য ইতালি ব্যাংক কিন্তু না ইটালিয়ান মানুষ ) এ শেয়ার থাকতে হবে যা ডিক্রি র ] [ তৃতীয় ও চূড়ান্ত অংশ অবশেষে সম্বোধন করা হয়েছে নতুন কাঠামো.. ইতালিয়ান রাজ্য )] মাধ্যমে ফ্রি রুম DL IMU লেখা উপর আস্থা জাল স্পা ইতালি ব্যাংক সরকার দ্বারা স্থাপিত আমি হ্যাঁ বিশ্বাসঘাতক Masons ছিল. 335 144 আমি কোন এবং এক নিবৃত্তি ভণ্ড চূড়ান্ত ডিক্রি নেভিগেশন ভোট পরে মঙ্গলবার 28 টিরও ঘটা উচিত. পরবর্তী সোমবার গৃহ দিনের আদেশ বিবেচনা করবে এবং এটা সম্ভব হবে ইতিমধ্যে সন্ধ্যায় ভোট. বিরোধী কিন্তু ইতিমধ্যে বক্তৃতাবাজি ঘোষণা করেছেন. ডিক্রি বুধবার 29 মেয়াদ শেষ [ সমস্ত বিষ্ঠা Masonic ক্রাইম শীর্ষ সাংবিধানিক উচ্চ বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা! ]. প্রথমত এটি করার জন্য হবার আগে দ্বিতীয় কিস্তি IMU ( জলখাবার করতে বাঁধাকপি ভেড়া চোখ ধোঁয়া বিলুপ্তি নিশ্চিত হয়েছে কসাইখানা ) fot. যতদিন নির্বাহী দ্বারা প্রতিশ্রুত বিলাসিতা ঘরবাড়ি বাদে প্রধান বাড়িতে শুধু করের জানুয়ারী 24th মাধ্যমে বিল পরিশোধ করা প্রয়োজন এবং যা তথাকথিত মিনি লেঙ্গুড় তিক্ত IMU এটা উত্পন্ন করবে হবে এটা খুঁজে পাওয়া সম্ভব ছিল না যার জন্য একটি রাজস্ব কোনো কভারেজ.

[ Masonic সিস্টেম 322 ইউটিউব বিশ্ব সরকার! ] ঠিক আছে! আপনি YouTube এর পরে আপনি আমার দ্বারা পরাজিত হয়েছে চিনতে হবে নিয়ন্ত্রণ বজায় রাখা সক্ষম নন সব এই 6 দীর্ঘ বছরে সব সময় এই আপনি খুঁজছেন যে বিক্ষোভের হয়!
আপনাদের মধ্যে কেউ না অতএব আমাকে ছাড়া তার জীবন বাঁচাতে পারবেন!

24 студзеня Туніс [ Саудаўская Аравія Ліга арабскіх дзяржаў і фарысэі і англа -амерыканцы МВФ Nwo спа карпарацыя Ротшыльд Bildenberg масонская сістэма эзатэрычная парадак дня адказваюць для гэта вычварэнства таму што іх парадак дня ён належыць сусветнай вайны! ] Сотні пратэстуючых прыхільнікі з ісламісцкай партыі Хізб ут – Tahriri баявыя для стварэння ісламскага халіфата якія сабраліся сёння у цэнтры Туніса у знак пратэсту супраць праекта Канстытуцыі лічыцца « свецкі » які як чакаецца будзе зацверджаны заўтра Нацыянальным сходам ( парламентам). \”Далоў свецкай Канстытуцыі\” \”усталяваць іслам гэта абавязацельства суверэнітэт Каран і Шарыят ( ісламская права ) \” скандавалі дэманстранты. (Таму што суверэнітэт гэта Каран і шарыяту то Саудаўская Аравія? Прыгавораны да смерці увесь чалавечы род не кажучы ўжо што канец маглі б зрабіць Ізраіль у цяперашні час)

[ Масонская сістэма ] са сцэны тэатра і прыйшоў да мяне піць горкае лекі спыніце вашу парадак дня таму што ніхто не можа ведаць як яна ідзе каб скончыць гэтую вашу парадак дня акрамя мяне! На самай справе вы ўсё загінуць! у той час як са мной не толькі ніхто не страціць душу сваю але ўсе маюць патэнцыял каб сапраўды быць у стане палепшыць працягваючы прытрымлівацца JaBullOn вы страціце усё!

24 студзеня Давос [ але як ілжывая рынку гэта сапраўды трагікамічны мы знаходзімся ў абсалютнай манаполіі з фарысэяў англа -амерыканцы усе бедствы сацыяльныя культурныя эканамічныя духоўныя скажэнне навуковых дадзеных разбурэнне гуманізму і знішчэнне габрэйскага -хрысціянскай цывілізацыі рэлятывізм нігілізм матэрыялізм сцыентызм то ёсць ідэалагічная Сатанізм сакрэтная служба дэвіянтнымі Nwo DataGate Вялікі Брат ГМА Morgellons Я адказнасць абсалютная з сістэма масонскай Bildenberg то да грамадзянскай вайны то гэта толькі пытанне часу ] стрэс -тэсты ЕЦБ можа прывесці да некаторай зліцця паміж італьянскімі банкамі. Паводле яго слоў губернатар Банка Італіі Ігнат Visco у інтэрв\’ю Reuters Television дадаўшы што Via Nazionale аднак не мае намеру \” маляваць карту з аб\’яднанняў ці вырашыць як яна павінна рухацца рынак \”.

24 студзеня 1515 [ Канстытуцыя кажа што ўсе акцыі Банка Італіі з італьянцаў з\’яўляюцца у адваротным выпадку вы павінны выдаліць з Канстытуцыі тэкст кажа што людзі з\’яўляюцца суверэннымі! ] [ Морква і пугу! ] Рым [ фарысэі Bildenberg афёры але што гэта значыць тое што адносіны паміж абсурднай падатковай ІДУ і bankitalia г.зн. прыватныя якія ідуць за майстры з усіх італьянскіх людзей г.зн. ілюмінатаў ліхвяроў яўрэйскія ліхвяры забойцы усё карпарацыя спа Банк Італіі манаполія МВФ ЕЦБ ФРС? ] [ Трэці і заключная частка ўказа канчаткова вырашаны новая структура якая будзе мець акцыі ў Банку Італіі але ня італьянскага народа) для ( пераразмеркаваць зноў ( што вядзе да жабрацтва яшчэ больш.. італьянскі дзяржаўны ) ] Via нумары давер па тэксце дл ІДУ падробленыя спа Банк Італіі змешчаны урадам я ды здраднікі масоны не было. 335 144 я не і адным які ўстрымаўся крывадушнік Канчатковы галасаванне па ўказе павінны прыбыць не пазней аўторка 28. наступны панядзелак Дом разгледзіць загады дня і можна было б галасаванне ўжо ў вячэрні час. Апазіцыя аднак ужо абвясцілі пірата. ўказ мінае серада 29 [ Усе дзярмо масонскае Крымінал Топ Канстытуцыйны дзяржаўная здрада! ]. Па-першае гэта пацвярджае адмену другой партыі ІДУ ( капусты каб перакусіць дым у вачах авечак перш чым ісці каб скотобойню ) ФАП. галоўны дом за выключэннем элітных дамоў да тых часоў абяцана выканаўчай толькі будзе так званы міні хвост горкі ІДУ у якой падаткаплацельшчыкі абавязаны плаціць па 24 студзеня і ён будзе генераваць выручка для якіх ён не ўдалося знайсці любое пакрыццё.

[ Масонская сістэма 322 сусветны ўрад у YouTube! ] У парадку! вы не ў стане каб захаваць кантроль з YouTube то вы павінны прызнаць што вы былі пераможаны мяне увесь час ва ўсіх гэтых 6 доўгіх гадоў гэта дэманстрацыя таго што вы шукаеце!
ніхто з вас таму не можа быць у стане выратаваць сваё жыццё без мяне!

January 24 TUNIS [ Saudijska Arabija Arapske lige i farizeji i Anglo – Amerikanaca MMF-a NWO Spa korporacije Rothschild Bildenberg masonske sistem ezoterične dnevnom redu odgovorni su za ove perverzije jer dnevnom redu on pripada svjetskog rata! ] Stotine demonstranata pristalica od islamističke stranke Hizb ut – Tahriri borbe za osnivanje islamske kalifata okupili su se danas u centru Tunisa u znak protesta protiv projekt Ustava smatra \” sekularna \” koja se očekuje da će biti odobrena sutra od strane Narodne skupštine ( parlamenta ). \” Dole sa sekularnim ustavom \” \” uspostaviti Islam to je obaveza suverenitet je Kuran i šerijatski ( islamski zakon ) \” uzvikivali su demonstranti. ( Jer suverenitet je Kuran i Sharia tada je Saudijska Arabija? Osuđen na smrt cijeli ljudski rod a kamoli da je kraj mogao! Izrael sada )

[ Masonski sistem ] dolje iz faze pozorišta i dođe mi da pijem svoju gorku medicinu zaustavi svoj ​​program jer niko ne može znati kako to ide da završim ovo vaš plan osim mene! U stvari svi ćete biti ubijeni! dok je sa mnom ne samo da nitko neće izgubiti svoj život ali svi imaju potencijal da zapravo biti u mogućnosti da se poboljša nastavlja slijediti JaBullOn izgubit ćete sve!

January 24 DAVOS [ali kao lažni tržištu ovo je zaista tragi – komičnog mi smo u apsolutni monopol od farizeja Anglo – Amerikanci sve katastrofe društveni kulturni ekonomski duhovno iskrivljavanje znanstvenih podataka uništavanje humanizma i uništenje jevrejske – Christian civilizacije relativizam nihilizam materijalizam scijentizam to jest ideološke satanizam tajne službe devijantnim NWO Datagate Big Brother GMO Morgellons ja sam odgovornost apsolutna od sistem masonski Bildenberg a zatim u građanskom ratu to je samo pitanje vremena ] stres testova ECB može dovesti do neke fuzije između italijanskih banaka. On je rekao da je guverner Banke Italije Ignazio Visco u intervjuu za Reuters televiziju dodajući da Via Nazionale međutim ne namjerava \” povući kartu od sažimanja ili odluči kako treba da ide na tržištu. \”

January 24 1515 [ Ustav rekao je da su sve dionice Banke Italije od Italijana samo inače morate obrisati iz Ustava tekst kaže da ljudi su suvereni! ] [ Mrkve i bič! ] RIM [ farizeji Bildenberg za prevaru ali šta to znači kakva je veza između apsurda poreza IMU i bankitalia odnosno privatni rob majstora od svih italijanskih ljudi odnosno Illuminati zajmodavaca jevrejske zelenaši ubice sve korporacije Spa banka Italije monopola MMF ECB FED? ] [ Treći i završni dio Uredbe konačno se obratio nova struktura koja će imati dionice na banke Italije ali ne i talijanski narod ) za ( redistribuirati opet ( da se osiromašuje još više.. italijanska država ) ] Via Free soba povjerenje na tekst dl IMU lažni spa banke Italije postavljen od strane vlade i da izdajnici masoni bili su. 335 144 i bez i jednog uzdržavanje licemjer konačni glasanje o Uredbe treba da stigne najkasnije do utorka 28.. Sljedeći ponedjeljak Dom će razmotriti naloge dana i to bi bilo moguće glasanje je već u večernjim satima. opozicija međutim već su najavili opstrukcija. uredba ističe srijeda 29. [ Sve gluposti masonski Crime Top Ustavni veleizdaju! ]. Prvo to je potvrdio ukidanje druge rate IMU ( kupus za užinu dim u očima ovaca prije odlaska na klaonica ) fot. glavnu kuću sa izuzetkom luksuzne kuće dok je obećao izvršne Samo će tzv mini rep gorko IMU u kojima obveznici moraju platiti do 24. januara a to će generirati prihoda za koje je nije bilo moguće pronaći bilo pokrivenost.

[ Masonski sistema 322 Svjetska vlada u youtube! ] Ok! niste u mogućnosti da održi kontrolu YouTube onda morate prepoznati da su poraženi od mene sve vrijeme u svih ovih 6 dugih godina ovo je dokaz da vi tražite!
niko od vas dakle može biti u stanju da spasi svoj ​​život bez mene!

24 януари Тунис [ Саудитска Арабия Арабската лига и фарисеите и англо- американците МВФ NWO Spa корпорация Rothschild Bildenberg масонска система езотерична дневен ред са отговорни защото това извращение защото техния дневен ред тя принадлежи на Първата световна война! ] Стотици демонстранти поддръжници на партията ислямистка Хизб ут – Tahriri бойни за обекта на ислямски халифат са се събрали днес в центъра на Тунис за да протестират срещу проектът на Конституцията счита за \” светска \” които се очаква да бъде одобрен утре от Народното събрание ( парламент). \”Долу светската конституция \” \” установи исляма тя е задължение суверенитет Корана и Шариата ( ислямския закон ) \” скандираха демонстрантите. ( Защото суверенитет е Корана и шериата след това на Саудитска Арабия? Осъден до смърт цялата човешка раса да не говорим че целта може да направи! Израел сега )

[ Масонска система ] слезе от сцената на театъра и дойде при мен да се пие си горчиво лекарство спрете да си дневен ред защото никой не може да знае как ще върви за да завърши този дневен ред освен мен! В действителност всички ще бъдат убити! време с мен не само никой няма да загуби живота си но всички те имат потенциала да действително да бъде в състояние да се подобри като продължава да следва JaBullOn ще загубите всичко!

24 януари Давос [ но както фалшивата пазара това е наистина tragi – комикс ние сме в абсолютен монопол на фарисеите англо -американците всички бедствия социални културни икономически духовни изкривяване на научните данни унищожаване на хуманизма и унищожаването на еврейската – християнската цивилизация релативизъм нихилизъм материализъм сциентизма което означава че идеологическата сатанизма тайна девиантно услуга NWO Datagate Big Brother ГМО Моргелонс Аз съм абсолютна отговорност на система масонска Bildenberg след това на гражданската война това е само въпрос на време ] стрес тестовете на ЕЦБ могат да доведат до някои синтез между италианските банки. Той каза управителят на Централната банка на Италия Игнацио Виско в интервю за Reuters Television като добави че Via Nazionale обаче не възнамерява да \”нарисува картата на струпванията или да реши как трябва да се движи пазара. \”

24 януари 1515 [ Конституцията казва че всички акции на Банката на Италия на италианците са само в противен случай ще трябва да изтриете от Конституцията текстът казва че хората са суверенни! ] [ Морков и камшик! ] РИМ [ фарисеи Bildenberg на измама но какво означава това каква е връзката между това абсурдно данък IMU и bankitalia т.е. частни капитаните на роби на всички италиански народ т.е. Илюминатите лихвари еврейските лихвари убийци цялата корпорация Spa Националната банка на Италия монопола МВФ ЕЦБ ФЕД? ] [A трети а последната част на постановлението се решава окончателно новата структура която ще трябва да имат акциите на Националната банка на Италия но не и на италианския народ ) за ( преразпределя отново (това е дори по- обедняване.. италианската държава )] Via Free Room доверие по текста на DL IMU фалшиви спа Националната банка на Италия поставени от правителството че отговорът е да предатели масони са. 335 144 аз не и един въздържал лицемер Финалът гласуване на постановлението трябва да пристигнат не по-късно от вторник 28. Идния понеделник Камарата ще разгледа заповедите на ден и това би било възможно гласуването вече през нощта. опозицията обаче вече обявиха пират. указът изтича сряда 29 [Всички глупости масонска Crime Top Конституционният държавна измяна! ]. Първо тя се потвърждава отмяната на втората вноска IMU ( зелето да закуска дим в очите на овцете преди да отиде на кланица ) ФОТ. основната къща с изключение на луксозни жилища толкова дълго обещано от изпълнителния Само ще т.нар мини опашка горчив IMU в която данъкоплатците са длъжни да плащат от 24-ти януари и той ще генерира приходи за които не е било възможно да се намери всяко покритие.

[ Масонска система 322 Световната правителството в YouTube! ] ОК! не сте в състояние да се поддържа контрол на YouTube а след това трябва да се признае че сте били победени от мен през цялото време във всички тези шест дълги години това е демонстрация че търсите!
никой от вас следователно може да бъде в състояние да спаси живота си без мен!

24 de gener de Tunísia [ Aràbia Saudita la Lliga Àrab i els fariseus i els angloamericans l\’FMI ara Spa corporació Rothschild Bildenberg sistema maçònic agenda esotèrica són responsables on diu aquesta perversió perquè la seva agenda pertany a la Primera Guerra Mundial! ] Centenars de manifestants partidaris del partit islamista Hizb ut – Tahriri de lluita la creació d\’un califat islàmic s\’han reunit avui en dia al centre de Tunísia per protestar en contra el projecte de la Constitució considerat \” secular\” que s\’espera que sigui aprovada matí per l\’Assemblea Nacional ( Parlament ). \”A baix la Constitució laica \” \” establir l\’Islam és una obligació la sobirania és l\’Alcorà i la xaria ( llei islàmica ) \” corejaven els manifestants. ( A causa de la sobirania és l\’Alcorà i la xaria a continuació l\’Aràbia Saudita? Sentenciat a la mort tota la raça humana i molt menys a aquesta fi podria fer Israel ara )

[ Sistema maçònic ] des de l\’escenari del teatre i veniu a mi de beure la seva medicina amarga aturar el seu ordre del dia perquè ningú pot saber com va en acabar aquest la seva agenda menys jo! De fet tots vostès seran matat! mentre que amb mi no només ningú perdrà la seva vida però tots tenen el potencial per ser realment capaços de millorar sense deixar de seguir JaBullOn perdrà tot!

24 de gener de DAVOS [ però com el fals mercat això és veritablement tragicòmic estem en absolut monopoli dels fariseus els angloamericans tots els desastres socials culturals econòmics espirituals de distorsió de les dades científiques la destrucció d\’humanisme i de la destrucció de la civilització judeocristiana el relativisme el nihilisme el materialisme el cientificisme és a dir el satanisme ideològica desviada del servei secret ara Datagate Big Brother OGM Morgellons Sóc una responsabilitat absoluta de la sistema maçònic Bildenberg a continuació a la guerra civil és només una qüestió de temps ] les proves d\’estrès del BCE podrien conduir a una certa fusió entre els bancs italians. Va dir que el governador del Banc d\’ Itàlia Ignazio Visco en una entrevista amb Reuters Televisió afegint que Via Nazionale però no pretén \” dibuixar el mapa de les agregacions o decidir com s\’ha de moure el mercat \”.

24 de gener de 1515 [ la Constitució diu que totes les accions del Banc d\’ Itàlia dels italians són només en cas contrari vostè ha d\’eliminar a partir de la Constitució el text diu que el poble és sobirà! ] [ La pastanaga i el fuet! ] ROMA [ fariseus Bildenberg de l\’estafa però què significa quina és la relació entre l\’IMU impost absurd i del Banc d\’ Itàlia és a dir els privats els amos d\’esclaus de tots els italians és a dir els Illuminati prestadors usurers jueus assassins tota la corporació Spa Banc d\’Itàlia el monopoli l\’FMI BCE FED? ] [ Una tercera i última part del decret finalment abordat la nova estructura que haurà de tenir les accions al Banc d\’Itàlia però no en el poble italià ) per ( redistribuir de nou (que està empobrint encara més.. l\’Estat italià ) ] Via habitació lliure la confiança en el text de la IMU dl spa fals el Banc d\’Itàlia col · locat pel govern que sí traïdors maçons van ser. 335 144 i no i un hipòcrita abstenció la final votació sobre el decret ha d\’arribar a molt tard el dimarts 28. dilluns la Cambra considera els ordres del dia i seria possible el vot ja a la nit. l\’oposició però han anunciat ja filibuster. el decret expira dimecres 29 [ Tots la merda maçònic Crim Top alta traïció Constitucional! ]. Primer es confirma la supressió del segon tram IMU ( la col al berenar el fum als ulls de les ovelles abans d\’anar a la escorxador ) FOT. la casa principal amb l\’excepció de les cases de luxe sempre promès per executiu Només la trucada mini IMU cua amarga en la qual els contribuents estan obligats a pagar pel 24 de gener i que generarà 0100 ingressos que en ell no va ser possible trobar cap cobertura.

[ Sistema maçònic 322 el Govern Mundial a youtube! ] Ok! no és capaç per mantenir el control de youtube llavors vostè ha de reconèixer que ha estat derrotat per mi tot el temps en tots aquests 6 llargs anys aquesta és la demostració que vostè està buscant!
cap de vostès per tant pot ser capaç de salvar la seva vida sense mi!

24.ledna TUNIS [ Saudi ArabiaLiga arabských států a farizeové a Anglo – Američané Mezinárodní měnový fond NWO Spa společnost Rothschild Bildenberg zednářský systém esoterický program jsou odpovědné pro tuto zvrhlost protože jejich agenda patří do první světové války! ] Stovky demonstrantů podporovatelé z islamistické strany Hizb ut – Tahriri hašení Pro zřízení islámského chalífátu se sešli dnes v centru Tunisu na protest proti proti projekt ústavy považovány za \” sekulární \” které očekává se že bude schválena zítra národního shromáždění ( parlamentu ). \” Pryč s sekulární ústavy \” \” zavést islám je topovinnost suverenita jeKorán ašaría ( islámské právo ) \” skandovali demonstranti. ( Vzhledem k tomu suverenita jeKorán a šaría pakSaudská Arábie? Odsouzených k trestu smrticelá lidská rasa natož že konec mohl udělat! Izrael nyní )

[ Zednářský systém ] dolů z jeviště divadla a přišel ke mně pít hořký lék zastavit svůj program protože nikdo nemůže vědět jak to chodí až do konce tohoto svého programu kromě mě! Ve skutečnosti budete všichni zabiti! zatímco se mnou nebude jen nikdo ztratit svůj život ale všichni mají potenciál aby skutečně bylo možné zlepšit nadále sledovat JaBullOn ztratíte všechno!

24.ledna DAVOS [ ale jako falešné trhu je to opravdu tragi – komediální jsme v absolutní monopol z farizeů Anglo – Američané všechny katastrofy sociální kulturní ekonomické duchovní zkreslení vědeckých údajů zničení humanismu azničení židovsko- křesťanské civilizace relativismus nihilismus materialismus vědeckost to znamená že ideologická satanismus tajná služba deviant NWO DataGate Big Brother GMO morgellony jsemodpovědnost absolutní z systém zednářské Bildenberg pak do občanské války je to jenotázkou času ] zátěžové testy ECB by mohlo vést k určité fúzi mezi italskými bankami. On řekl že guvernér italské centrální banky Ignazio Visco v rozhovoru s Reuters Television dodal že Via Nazionale však nemá v úmyslu \” nakreslit mapu z agregace nebo rozhodnout jak by se měl pohybovat na trhu. \”

24.ledna 1515 [ řeklÚstava že všechny akcie Banky v Itálii z Italů jsou pouze jinak budete muset odstranit z Ústavy text říká že lidé jsou suverénní! ] [ Mrkev abič! ] Řím [ farizeové Bildenberg o podvod ale co to znamená jaký jevztah mezi absurdní daňové IMU a bankitalia tj. soukromé otrokáři ze všech italských lidí tj. Ilumináti lichváři židovští lichváři vrazi všechnykorporace lázně Bank of Italy monopol MMF ECB FED? ] [Třetí a závěrečná část vyhlášky je konečně řešitnová struktura která bude mít akcie Bank of Italy ale ne italského lidu ) pro ( přerozdělit znovu (to je ochuzuje ještě..italský stát ) ] Via Volný pokoj důvěra v textu dl IMU falešný lázně Bank of Italy které vlády jsem ano zrádci zednáři jsou. 335 144 i bez a jeden se zdržel hlasování pokrytecfinále hlasování o výnosu by měl dorazit nejpozději do úterý 28.. Příští pondělí budedům zvážit příkazy den a to by bylo možnéhlasovat již ve večerních hodinách. opozice však již oznámil pirát. vyhlášky vyprší středa 29. [ Allkecy zednářský Crime Top Ústavní velezrada! ]. Za prvé je potvrzeno zrušení druhé splátky IMU (zelí na svačinu kouř v očích ovcí před odchodem aby jatka ) fot.hlavní budově s výjimkou luxusních domů tak dlouho slíbil manažer pouze budetzv. mini ocas hořká IMU ve kterém jsou daňoví poplatníci povinni platit 24. ledna a bude generovat příjmy pro které je nebylo možné najít jakékoliv pokrytí.

[ Zednářský systém 322světová vláda youtube! ] Ok! nejste schopen udržet si kontrolu z youtube pak musíte uznat že jste byli poraženi mnou po celou dobu ve všech těchto šest dlouhých let je toukázka že hledáte!
nikdo z vás a proto může být schopni zachránit svůj život aniž by mě!

1月24日,突尼斯, [沙特阿拉伯,阿拉伯國家聯盟,而且,法利賽人和盎格魯美國人,國際貨幣基金組織, NWO ,溫泉浴,羅斯柴爾德公司, Bildenberg ,共濟會系統:深奧的議程,分別負責:對:這個變態,因為,他們的議程:它屬於世界大戰! 】數百名示威者,支持者:伊斯蘭黨: Hizb UT – Tahriri ,戰鬥:成立:一個伊斯蘭哈里發,今天聚集:在突尼斯市中心,抗議:反對:該項目,憲法,被認為是\”世俗\”的:預計將批准:明天,由國民議會(議會) 。 \”打倒世俗憲法\”,\”建立伊斯蘭教,這是一種義務,主權是可蘭經:與教法(伊斯蘭法) , \”高呼示威。 (因為,主權:是可蘭經:和伊斯蘭教,然後,在沙特阿拉伯: ?判處:死刑,整個人類,更別說,為此,可以這樣做:以色列,現在)

[共濟會系統]從劇院的舞台下來,到我這裡來你喝苦藥,停止你的議程,因為沒有人能知道,如何去,做完這個你的議程,除了我!事實上,你都會受到致命傷害!同時,我不僅沒有人會失去他的生命,但是,所有有潛力,真正能夠改善,繼續跟著JaBullOn ,你將失去,應有盡有!

1月24日,達沃斯, [但是,由於虛假市場,這是真正的悲喜劇,漫畫,我們是法利賽人,處於絕對壟斷地位, :盎格魯美國人,所有的災害:社會,文化,經濟,精神,科學數據的失真,破壞人文主義和猶太 – 基督教文明的毀滅,相對主義,虛無主義,物質主義,科學主義,就是思想撒旦,秘密服務離經叛道, NWO , DataGATE的,大哥,轉基因生物莫吉隆斯症:我是絕對有責任,系統共濟會Bildenberg ,那麼,到了內戰,這是時間]只是遲早的問題,歐洲央行的壓力測試可能會導致意大利銀行之間的一些融合。他說,意大利銀行,納齊奧西隆粘,在接受路透社電視採訪時的州長,添加,即, Via Nazionale大街,但並不打算\”繪製聚合的地圖,或者,決定它應該如何移動,市場\”。

1月24日1515 【憲說,那意大利的所有意大利銀行的股票,只是,否則,您必須刪除,從憲法文本說,人民是主權! ] [胡蘿蔔與鞭子! ]羅馬, [法利賽人的騙局Bildenberg ,但是,這是什麼意思,是什麼關係,之間的荒唐稅IMU ,並且, bankitalia ,即私有的,奴隸的主人,所有的意大利人,即光明,高利貸者猶太人高利貸者,殺人犯,所有的公司,水療中心,意大利的銀行,壟斷,國際貨幣基金組織,歐洲央行,美聯儲?該法令] [第三,而且最後一部分,終於解決,新的結構,這必須有股份在意大利的銀行,但是,不是意大利人)的(再次重新分配, (即致貧的更。意大利國) ]通過房間,在DL IMU的文字信任,假水療中心,意大利銀行,放在由政府我是的,漢奸泥瓦匠,分別為: 335 , 144我沒有,1票棄權的偽君子最後表決的法令應不遲於28日(星期二)抵達。下週一,眾議院將考慮當天的訂單,這將是可能的,投票已經是晚上的反對,但是,已經宣布的阻撓。該法令期滿後, 29日(星期三) [所有的廢話共濟會:犯罪頂:政制叛國罪! ] :首先,確認第二批IMU (白菜零食,煙羊的眼睛的取消,才去,到屠宰場)光纖收發器:主屋,除了豪宅,由執行長僅承諾,將所謂的迷你尾苦的IMU ,其中納稅人必須在一月的24日支付,它會產生收入為它,是不可能找到任何報導。

[共濟會制度, 322 ,世界政府在YouTube ! [ ok了!你不能夠,保持控制,YouTube上的,那麼,你必須承認,你已經被打敗了我,在所有這些6年之久的時候,這就是你要找的示範!

년 1 월 24 튀니스 [ 사우디 아라비아 아랍 연맹 과바리새인들과 영국계 미국인 IMF NWO 스파 법인 로스 차일드 Bildenberg 프리메이슨 시스템 에 비의 의제 는 책임 이 왜곡 때문에 의제 그것은 세계 대전 에 속한다! 시위대 ] 수백 지지자 이슬람 파티 Hizb 유타 – Tahriri 싸움 설립 항의 튀니스 의 중심에 이슬람 칼리프의 지위 오늘 모인 에 대한 프로젝트 헌법 승인 될 예정입니다 이 있는 \” 세속적 인 \”으로 간주 국회 ( 의회 ) 에 의해 내일. \”아래로 세속적 인 헌법 \” \” 이슬람 을 설정 그것은 의무 주권 은 코란 입니다 와샤리아 ( 이슬람 율법 )는 \” 시위대 를 외쳤다. ( 때문에 주권 코란 은 와 샤리아 는 다음사우디 아라비아 선고 죽음에 전 인류 는 혼자 말 을 하자 할 수있는 이스라엘 지금 )

아래 극장 의 무대 에서 [ 프리메이슨 시스템 ] 아무도 알 수 없기 때문 저 를 제외하고 이 의제 를 완료 어떻게되는지 의제 를 중지하고 쓴 약을 마시고 나에게 와서! 사실 당신은 모두 죽을 것이다! 동안 은 나와 함께 아무도 뿐만 아니라 자신의 목숨을 잃게 되지 않습니다 ​​하지만 모두가 실제로 개선 할 수있는 잠재력을 가지고 JaBullOn 를 따라 계속 당신은 모든 것을 잃게됩니다!

년 1 월 24 레젭 [ 하지만 거짓 시장으로 이 정말 비극적 희극 이다 우리는 바리새인 절대 독점 에 앵글로 – 미국인 모든 재해 사회적 문화적 경제적 영적 과학적 데이터 의 왜곡 인본주의 의 파괴와 유대 – 기독교 문명 의 파괴 상대주의 허무주의 유물론 과학주의 는 즉 이데올로기 적 악마 숭배 비밀 서비스 일탈 NWO Datagate 빅 브라더 GMO에 Morgellons 나는의 절대책임 입니다 시스템 프리메이슨 Bildenberg 은 다음 남북 전쟁 그것은ECB 의 스트레스 테스트 이탈리아 은행 사이 의 융합 으로 이어질 수있는 시간 ] 의 문제입니다. 그는 나치 오날 레 거리 (Via Nazionale) 는 그러나 \”집계 지도를 그릴 예정 또는 이동 하는 방법을 결정하지 않는 것을 추가 로이터 텔레비전 과의 인터뷰에서 이탈리아 의 은행 이그나 치오 비스코 주지사 말했다 시장. \”

1월 24일 은 1515 [헌법은 이탈리아 의 이탈리아 의 은행의 모든 주식 이 그렇지 않으면 당신은 헌법 에서 삭제해야 만 있다고 말했다 텍스트는 사람들은 주권 이다 말한다! 】 【 당근 과 채찍! ] 로마 [ 바리새인사기 Bildenberg 하지만 그것은 무엇을 의미합니까관계는 터무니없는 세금 IMU 사이에 무엇인가 그리고 bankitalia 즉 개인 노예 주인 모든 이탈리아어 사람들 즉 일루미나티 돈놀이꾼 유대인 usurers 살인자 모든 기업 스파 이탈리아 의 은행 독점 IMF ECB FED? (즉 가난 합니다 ( 다시 더 많은 재분배 를 위해 이탈리아 의 은행 만 이 아니라 이탈리아의 명) 에 주식을 가지고 있을 것이다 법령 의 ] [ 세 번째 그리고 마지막 부분 마지막으로 해결 하고 새로운 구조.. 이탈리아 주 ) ] 를 통해 객실 하향 IMU 의 텍스트 에 대한 신뢰 가짜 스파 이탈리아 의 은행은 정부에 의해 배치 나는 그래 반역자 의 프리메이슨 은 없었다. 335 144 내가 어떤 하나의 기권 위선자최종 법령 에 대한 투표가 늦어도 화요일 28 이상 도착하지 해야합니다. 다음 월요일하우스 는 하루의 순서 를 고려할 것 그것이 가능한 것 이미 저녁에 투표.반대 하지만 이미 해적 을 발표했다.법령 에게 수요일 29 일 만료 [ 모든쓰레기 프리메이슨 범죄 최고 헌법 대역죄! ]. 첫째 그것은에 가기 전에 두 번째 할부 IMU ( 간식양배추양 의 눈 연기 의 폐지 를 확인 도살장 ) FOT. 한 임원 약속 고급 주택 을 제외하고 대부분의 집 만 납세자 는 1 월 24 일 에 지불 할 것을 요구 하고 되는 이른바 미니 꼬리 쓴 IMU 그것은 생성 할 것입니다 그것은 찾을 수 없었습니다 하는 수익 어떤 범위.

[ 프리메이슨 시스템 322 유튜브 에서 세계 정부! ] OK! 당신이 유튜브 다음 당신은 저 에게 패배 한 것을 인정 해야합니다 관리를 유지하기 위하여는 수없는 모든 6 오랜 세월 에 모든 시간 이 당신이 찾고있는데모 입니다!
당신 의 아무도는 그러므로 나없이 자신의 생명을 구할 수있을 수 없다!

24. januar TUNIS [ Saudi-Arabien Den Arabiske Liga og farisæerne og den anglo -amerikanere IMF Nwo spa corporation Rothschild Bildenberg masonic system esoteriske dagsorden er ansvarlige for denne perversion fordi deres dagsorden det tilhører verdenskrig! ] Hundredvis af demonstranter tilhængere af det islamistiske parti Hizb ut- Tahriri kæmpende for etablering et islamisk kalifat i dag har samlet i centrum af Tunis til at protestere imod Projektet i forfatningen betragtes som \” sekulære \” som forventes at blive godkendt i morgen af Nationalforsamlingen (parlamentet). \”Ned med den sekulære forfatning \” \” etablere islam det er en forpligtelse suverænitet er Koranen og sharia (islamisk lov) \” råbte demonstranterne. (Fordi suverænitet er Koranen og Sharia så det Saudi-Arabien? Dømt til døden hele den menneskelige race endsige herpå kunne gøre Israel nu)

[ Frimurer -system ] ned fra scenen af teatret og kommer til mig for at drikke din bitre medicin stop din dagsorden fordi ingen kan vide hvordan det går for at afslutte det din dagsorden undtagen mig! I virkeligheden vil I alle blive dræbt! mens med mig ikke blot ingen vil miste sit liv men har alle potentiale til rent faktisk at være i stand til at forbedre fortsætter med at følge JaBullOn du vil tabe alt!

24. januar Davos [ men som falsk marked er dette virkelig tragikomisk vi er i absolut monopol af farisæerne anglo -amerikanere alle katastrofer sociale kulturelle økonomiske åndelige forvrængning af videnskabelige data ødelæggelse af humanisme og ødelæggelsen af ​​den jødiske -kristne civilisation relativisme nihilisme materialisme scientism altså den ideologiske satanisme efterretningstjeneste afvigende Nwo Datagate Big Brother GMO\’er Morgellons jeg er et ansvar absolut den systemet Masonic Bildenberg så til den borgerkrig er det kun et spørgsmål om tid ] stresstest af ECB kunne føre til en vis fusion mellem de italienske banker. Han sagde at guvernøren i den italienske centralbank Ignazio Visco i et interview med Reuters Television tilføjer at Via Nazionale dog ikke til hensigt at \”tegne kortet for aggregeringer eller beslutte hvordan det skal bevæge sig markedet. \”

24. januar 1515 [ forfatningen sagde at samtlige aktier i den italienske centralbank af italienerne er kun ellers er du nødt til at slette fra forfatningen teksten siger at folk er suveræn! ] [ Gulerod og pisk! ] ROM [ farisæerne Bildenberg af den fidus men hvad betyder det hvad er forholdet mellem det absurde skat IMU og Banca d\’Italia dvs private slave skibsførere alle italienske folk dvs Illuminati pengeudlånere jødiske ågerkarle mordere hele selskabet spa italienske centralbank monopol IMF ECB FED? ] [ En tredje og sidste del af dekretet er endelig rettet den nye struktur der bliver nødt til at lade sine aktier i Bank of Italy men ikke det italienske folk ) for ( redistribuere igen ( der forarmer endnu mere.. den italienske stat )] Via værelser tillid om teksten dl IMU fake spa italienske centralbank placeret af regeringen jeg ja forrædere Masons var. 335 144 jeg nej og én undlod at stemme hykler den endelige afstemning om dekretet skulle ankomme senest tirsdag 28.. Næste mandag vil Parlamentet overveje ordrer af dagen og det ville være muligt at afstemningen allerede i aften. oppositionen har dog allerede annonceret filibuster. dekretet udløber onsdag den 29. [Alle crap Frimurer Crime Top forfatningstraktat højforræderi!]. det første er det bekræftet afskaffelsen af ​​den anden rate IMU ( kål til snack røg i øjnene af fårene før de går til den slagteri ) fot. hovedbygningen med undtagelse af luksushuse så længe lovet af udøvende kun vil den såkaldte mini hale bitter IMU hvor skatteyderne er forpligtet til at betale med den 24. januar og det vil generere en indtægt som det ikke var muligt at finde nogen dækning.

[ Frimurerisk system 322 World regering i youtube! ] Ok! du ikke er i stand til at bevare kontrollen af youtube så skal du erkende at du er blevet besejret af mig hele tiden i alle disse 6 lange år dette er den demonstration at du er på udkig efter!
ingen af ​​jer kan derfor være i stand til at redde hans liv uden mig!

24 בינואר תוניס [ סעודיה הליגה הערביתוהפרושים והאנגלים והאמריקאים קרן המטבע הבינלאומית NWO ספא תאגיד רוטשילד Bildenberg מערכת בונים חופשיה סדר יום אזוטרי אחראים ל הסטייה הזאת כי סדר היום שלהם הוא שייך למלחמת העולם! ] מאות מפגינים תומכים המפלגה האסלאמית חיזב – Tahriri לחימה להקמה שלח\’ליפות אסלאמיתשהתכנסו היום במרכזה של טוניס כדי למחות נגדהפרויקט של החוקה נחשב \” חילוני \”ש צפויה להיות מאושר מחר על ידי האסיפה הלאומית ( פרלמנט ). \” דאון עםהחוקה החילונית \” \” להקים איסלאם היאחובה ריבונות היא הקוראן והשריעה (החוק האסלאמי ) \” שרו את המפגינים. ( כי ריבונות הוא הקוראן והשריעה אם כןערב הסעודית? נידונה למוותהמין האנושי כולו שלא לדבר כך יכולה לעשות! ישראל עכשיו )

[ מערכת הבונים החופשיים ] ירד מן הבמה שלהתיאטרוןובאים אליי לשתות התרופה המרה שלך תפסיק סדר היום שלך כי אף אחד לא יכול לדעת איך זה הולך כדי לסיים את סדר היום שלך זה חוץ ממני! למעשה אתה תהיה כולם נהרג! זמן מה איתי לא רק שאף אחד לא יאבד את חייו אבל לכולם יש את הפוטנציאל להיות באמת מסוגל לשפר ממשיך לעקוב JaBullOn תאבד הכל!

24 בינואר דאבוס [ אבל כמו בשוק השווא זה באמת טרגי קומי אנחנו נמצאים במונופול מוחלט של הפרושים אנגלים ואמריקאים כל האסונות חברתי תרבותי כלכליים רוחניים עיוות של נתונים מדעיים הרס של הומניזםוההרס שלהציביליזציה היהודית נוצרית רלטיביזם ניהיליזם החומרנות המדעיות כלומרכת השטן האידיאולוגי סוטה שירות חשאי NWO Datagate האח גדול Morgellons הנדסה גנטית אניאחריות מוחלטת של המערכת של הבונים החופשיים Bildenberg ולאחר מכןלמלחמת האזרחים זה רק עניין של זמן ] מבחני לחץ של הבנק המרכזי של אירופה עשויים להוביל לכמה היתוך בין בנקים איטלקים. לדבריונגיד הבנק של איטליה איניאציו ויסקו בראיון לרויטרס טלוויזיה והוסיף כי Via Nazionale לעומת זאת אין בכוונתו \”לצייר את המפה שלמצבורים או להחליט איך זה צריך לעבור השוק \”.

24 בינואר 1515 [החוקה אמרה כי כלמניותיו של הבנק איטליה שלהאיטלקים הן רק אחרת אתה צריך למחוקמהחוקההטקסט אומרש האנשים הם ריבון! ] [ גזרוהשוט! ] ROME [ הפרושים Bildenberg שלהונאה אבל מה זה אומר מה הואמערכת היחסים ביןIMU המס האבסורדיו bankitalia כלומרהפרטיבעלי העבדים של כל העם האיטלקי כלומר האילומינטי מלווה בריבית יהודית מלווים בריבית רוצחים כלהתאגיד ספא בנק איטליה מונופול קרן המטבע הבינלאומית הבנק המרכזי של אירופה FED? [חלק ] שלישי ואחרון שלהצו הוא סוף סוף לטפלהמבנה החדש אשר יצטרך לקבל את המניות בבנק של איטליה אבל לא את העם האיטלקי )ל( להפיץ מחדש שוב (שמרושש עוד יותר.. ) חדר המדינה האיטלקית ] באמצעות חינם אמון על הטקסט של IMU ד\”ל ספא מזויף בנק איטליה שהוצב על ידי הממשלהשכן בונים חופשיים בוגדים היו. 335 144 אני לא צבועונמנע אחדסופי הצבעה על הצו אמורה להגיע לא תאוחר מיום שלישי 28. ביום שני קרובהבית ישקול את ההזמנות של היוםוזה יהיה אפשרי ההצבעה כבר בערב.האופוזיציה לעומת זאת כבר הודיע ​​פיליבסטר.הצו פג יום רביעי 29 [בכלהשטויות של הבונים החופשיים פשע למעלה גבוהה בגידה חוקתית! ]. ראשית הוא אישר את ביטולIMU השני בתשלומים (כרובלחטיף העשן בעיניהם שלהכבשים לפני שהוא הולך כדי פינג פונג המטבחיים ).הבית הראשי למעט של בתי יוקרה הבטיח כל עוד על ידי הנהלה בלבד יהיהIMU מה שנקרא מיני הזנב המר שבה משלמי מסים נדרשים לשלם על ידי 24 בינואר והוא יפיק הכנסות עבורו זה לא ניתן היה למצוא כל כיסוי.

[ מערכת של הבונים החופשיים 322 הממשלה העולמיתבyoutube! ] בסדר! אתה לא מסוגל כדי לשמור על שליטה של youtube ולאחר מכן אתה חייב להכירשהובסת על ידי לי כל הזמןבכל השנים הארוכות האלה 6 זוההפגנהש אתה מחפש!
אף אחד מכם ולכן ייתכן שתוכל להציל את חייו בלעדיי!

24 jaanuar Tunis [ Saudi Araabia Araabia Liiga ja variserid ja anglo- ameeriklased IMF NWO Spa korporatsioon Rothschild Bildenberg vabamüürlaste süsteem esoteeriline päevakorras on vastutav sest see perverssus sest oma tegevuskava see kuulub World War! ] Sadu meeleavaldajaid toetajaid islamistliku partei Hizb ut – Tahriri võitlus loomise islami kalifaadi on kogunenud täna keskel Tunis et protesteerida vastu projekti põhiseaduse peetakse \” ilmaliku \” mis on kavas heaks kiita homme Rahvusassamblee (parlament). \”Mahailmalik põhiseadus \” \” luua Islam see onkohustus suveräänsus Koraan jašariaadi ( islami õiguse ) \” skandeerisid meeleavaldajad. ( Sest suveräänsuse kas Koraan ja šariaadi? SiisSaudi Araabia mõisteti surma kogu inimkond rääkimata et lõpuks võiks teha Israel kohe! )

[ Vabamüürlaste süsteem ] maha etappteater ja tulevad mulle juua oma mõru pill lõpetage oma agenda sest keegi ei saa teada kuidas see läheb et lõpetada see päevakorras välja arvatud mina! Tegelikult siis kõik tapetakse! samas mulle mitte ainult keegi kaotab oma elu aga kõik on võimalik et tegelikult oleks võimalik parandada kas jätkata JaBullOn sa kaotad kõik!

24. jaanuaril Davosis [ aga naguvale turul see on tõesti tragi – koomiline oleme absoluutne monopol variseri Anglo – Ameeriklased kõik katastroofid sotsiaal- kultuuri – majandus- vaimne moonutatud teaduslikke andmeid hävitamine humanism ja hävitaminejuudi – kristlik tsivilisatsioon relativism nihilism materialism saientism see tähendab et ideoloogiline satanismi salateenistuse hälbiv NWO Datagate Big Brother GMOde Morgellons Olen vastutus absoluutne on süsteem vabamüürlaste Bildenberg siis kodusõja see on ainult aja küsimus ] stressitestid EKP võib viia mõned termotuumasünteesi vahel Itaalia pangad. Ta ütles kubernerBank of Italy Ignazio Visco intervjuus Reutersile Television lisades et Via Nazionale aga ei kavatse \” joonistadakaart et kogumid või otsustada kuidas ta peaks liikuma turul. \”

24 jaanuar 1515 [ põhiseaduse ütles et kõik aktsiadBank of Italy itaallased on ainult muidu on teil kustutada alates põhiseadusetekst ütleb etinimesed on suveräänne! ] [ Porgand japiits! ] Rooma [ variserid Bildenberg kelmuse aga mida see tähendab milline on suhe vahelabsurd maksu IMU ning bankitalia st era-orjapidajad kõik Itaalia elanikud seega Illuminati liigkasuvõtjatelt juudi usurers mõrvarid kõikettevõtte Spa Itaalia Pank monopol IMF EKP FED? ] [Kolmas ja viimane osa dekreedi lõplikult lahendadauus struktuur mis peavad olemaaktsiad Bank of Italy kuid mitteitaalia inimest) jaoks ( levitada uuesti ( mis kahandab veelgi Itaalia riik ). ] Via tuba usalduse teksti dl IMU võltsitud spa Itaalia Pank mis on paigutatud valitsuse poolt. Mul jah reeturid Masons olid järgmised 335 144 i no ja üks erapooletu ajuvaba.lõplik hääletus dekreet peaks saabuma hiljemalt teisipäeval 28. Järgmine esmaspäevHouse kaalubkorraldusi päev ja see oleks võimalikhääl juba õhtul. opositsioon aga on juba teatanud Pidurdada.dekreedi lõpeb kolmapäev 29. [Kõikcrap vabamüürlaste Crime Top põhiseaduse riigireetmises! ] Esiteks kinnitab kaotamist teise osamakse IMU (kapsas suupiste suitsu silmislambad enne läheb et tapamaja ) fot peamaja välja arvatud luksuslik kodu kui lubas kommenteeritud. Ainult on nn mini saba mõru IMU kus maksumaksja on kohustatud maksma24 jaanuar ja see toob tulu mida ta ei olnud võimalik leida tahes levialas.

[ Vabamüürlaste süsteem 322maailma valitsus youtube! ] Ok! siis ei ole võimalik et säilitada kontrolli youtube siis peate tunnistama et olete lüüa mind kogu aeg kõik need 6 pikka aastat see on tõestus et te otsite!
keegi teist seega võib olla võimalik et päästa oma elu ilma minuta!

Enero 24 Tunis [ Saudi Arabia ang Arab League at ang mga Pariseo at ang mga Anglo- Amerikano IMF Nwo Spa korporasyon sa Rothschild Bildenberg ng mga mason system pribado agenda responsable para sa ito kabuktutan dahil kanilang agenda ito ay kabilang sa Digmaang Pandaigdig! ] Daan-daang mga protesters tagasuporta ng Islamist party Hizb ut – Tahriri fighting para sa pagtatayo ng isang Islamic caliphate nakakalap ngayon sa gitna ng Tunis upang lumaban laban proyekto ng Saligang-Batas itinuturing na \” seglar \” na ay inaasahang maaprubahan bukas ng National Assembly ( Parliament ). \” Pababa na may seglar Konstitusyon\” \” magtatag ng Islam ito ay isang obligasyon soberanya ay ang Koran at ang Sharia ( Islamic batas) \” chanted ang demonstrators. (Dahil kataas-taasang ay ang Koran at Sharia pagkatapos ang Saudi Arabia? Sentenced hanggang sa kamatayan ang buong sangkatauhan pabayaan mag-isa layong iyon maaaring gawin! Israel na ngayon )

[ Sistema ng mga mason ] pababa mula sa yugto ng teatro at dumating sa akin upang uminom ng iyong mapait gamot itigil ang iyong agenda dahil maaaring alam walang sinuman kung paano ito napupunta upang matapos ang iyong pakay maliban sa akin! Sa katunayan ikaw ay ang lahat ng papatayin! habang sa akin walang sinuman hindi lamang mawawala ang kanyang buhay ngunit ang lahat ay may potensyal upang aktwal na magagawang upang mapabuti patuloy na sundin JaBullOn mo mawawala ang lahat ng bagay!

Enero 24 Davos [ pero dahil ang mga maling merkado ito ay tunay tragi – comic kami ay sa absolute monopolyo ng mga Pariseo Anglo- Amerikano ang lahat ng kalamidad panlipunan pangkultura pang-ekonomiya espirituwal pagbaluktot ng data na pang-agham ang pagsira ng pagkamakatao at ang pagkawasak ng Jewish – Christian sibilisasyon relatibismo nihilismo pagkamateryalista scientism iyon ay ang ideological Satanism lihim deviant serbisyo Nwo Datagate Big Brother GMos Morgellons ako ay isang responsibilidad absolute ng sistema ng mga mason Bildenberg pagkatapos upang ang digmaang sibil ito ay lamang ng isang bagay ng oras ] ang stress pagsubok ng ECB maaaring humantong sa ilang mga fusion sa pagitan ng Italyano mga bangko. Sinabi niya ang gobernador ng Bangko ng Italya Ignazio Visco sa isang pakikipanayam sa Reuters Telebisyon pagdaragdag na Via Nazionale gayunpaman ay hindi nilayon na \” gumuhit ng mapa ng pagsasama-sama o magpasya kung paano dapat ito ilipat ang market. \”

Enero 24 1515 [ sinabi ng Saligang-Batas na ang lahat ng mga pagbabahagi ng Bangko ng Italya sa mga Italians Ikaw lamang kung hindi man kailangan mong tanggalin mula sa Saligang-Batas sinasabi ng teksto na iyon ang mga tao ay higit sa lahat! ] [ Karot at ang pumilantik! ] Roma [ Pariseo Bildenberg ng panloloko ngunit kung ano ang ibig sabihin ano ang relasyon sa pagitan ang walang katotohanan IMU buwis at bankitalia ie ang private ang alipin Masters ng lahat ng mga tao Italyano ie Illuminati moneylenders Jewish usurers mamamatay-tao ang lahat ng mga korporasyon Spa Bank ng Italya lagom IMF ECB FED? ] [A ikatlong at panghuling bahagi ng mag-atas ay sa wakas ay natugunan ang bagong istraktura na kung saan ay magkakaroon na magkaroon ng pagbabahagi sa Bangko ng Italya ngunit hindi ang mga tao Italyano) para sa ( mamigay na muli muli ( na impoverishing kahit na higit pa.. Estado Italian )] Via Free Room tiwala sa teksto ng dl IMU pekeng spa Bank ng Italya inilagay ng gobyerno ko oo traitors Masons ay. 335 144 i walang at isa abstention mapagpaimbabaw ang huling boto sa atas dapat na dumating nang hindi lalampas sa Martes 28. Susunod Monday isasaalang-alang ang House ang mga order ng ​​araw at magiging posible ang boto na sa gabi. pagsalungat ang gayunpaman ay na inihayag pagsusuwail. atas ang mag-expire Miyerkules 29 [ ang lahat ng mga dumi ng mga mason Crime Nangungunang Konstitusyon pagtataksil!]. Una ito ay nakumpirma na ang pagbibigay-wakas ng ikalawang grupo ng paninda IMU (ang repolyo sa snack usok sa mata ng tupa bago pagpunta upang ang katayan ) fot. pangunahing bahay na may pagbubukod sa mga luxury mga tahanan hangga\’t ipinangako sa pamamagitan ng ehekutibong lamang ay ang tinatawag nang gayon mini buntot mapait IMU kung saan taxpayers ay kinakailangan upang magbayad sa pamamagitan ng Enero 24 at ito ay bubuo ng ng kita na kung saan ito ay hindi posible upang mahanap ang anumang coverage.

[ Sistema ng mga mason 322 ang World Government sa youtube! ] Ok! hindi mo ma upang mapanatili ang kontrol ng youtube pagkatapos dapat mong makilala na ikaw ay nai- talunan sa pamamagitan ng sa akin sa lahat ng oras sa lahat ng mga 6 haba taon ito ay ang pagpapakita na ang hinahanap mong!
wala sa iyo samakatuwid ay maaaring maka- save ang kanyang buhay nang hindi ako!

24. tammikuuta Tunis [ Saudi-ArabiaArabiliiton jafariseukset jaAnglo -amerikkalaiset IMF NWO Spa yhtiö Rothschild Bildenberg vapaamuurari järjestelmä esoteerinen agenda ovat vastuussa Tämä perversio koska heidän agendansa se kuuluu maailmansota! ] Satoja mielenosoittajia kannattajat islamistisen puolueen Hizb ut- Tahriri taistelut perustamista islamilaisen kalifaatin ovat kokoontuneet tänään keskustassa Tunis protestoida vastaan ​​hanke perustuslain pidetään \” maallinen \” joka on määrä hyväksyä huomenna kansalliskokouksen ( parlamentin ). \”Alasmaallinen perustuslaki \” \” luoda Islam se onvelvollisuus itsemääräämisoikeusKoraani jaSharia ( islamilainen laki ) \” huusivatmielenosoittajat. ( Koska suvereniteetti onKoraani ja sharia? SittenSaudi-Arabia tuomittu kuolemaankoko ihmiskunnan puhumattakaan että pää voisi tehdä Israel nyt! )

[ Vapaamuurarien järjestelmä ] alasvaiheessateatterin ja tule luokseni juoda katkeraa lääkettä lopeta asialistalla koska kukaan ei voi tietää miten se menee lopettaa tämän esityslistaa paitsi minä! Itse asiassa te kaikki tapetaan! taas minun kanssani ei vain kukaan kadottaa elämänsä mutta kaikki on mahdollista todella pystyä parantamaan jatkuvat seurata JaBullOn menetät kaiken!

24. tammikuuta Davosissa [ mutta kutenvääriä markkinoilla tämä on todella tragikoominen olemme absoluuttisesti monopoli fariseusten Anglo – amerikkalaiset kaikki katastrofit sosiaalinen kulttuurinen taloudellinen henkinen vääristää tieteellistä tietoa tuhoaminen humanismin jatuhoaminenjuutalaisten kristillisen kulttuurin relativismi nihilismi materialismi scientism eliideologinen satanismi salainen palvelu poikkeava NWO Datagate Big Brother GMO Morgellons Olenvastuun ehdoton ja järjestelmä vapaamuurarien Bildenberg sitten sisällissodan se on vainajan kysymys ] stressitestejä EKP voisi johtaa joidenkin fuusio välillä italialaisille pankeille. Hän sanoikuvernööriItalian keskuspankin Ignazio Visco haastattelussa Reutersin Televisio lisäten että Via Nazionale ei kuitenkaan aio \”piirtääkarttaa jakoosteita tai päättää miten se pitäisi liikkua markkinoilla. \”

24. tammikuuta 1515 [perustuslain sanoi että kaikkiosakkeetBank of Italiassaitalialaiset ovat vain muuten sinun on poistettava perustuslaistatekstissä sanotaan ettäihmiset ovat suvereeneja! ] [ Porkkana japiiska! ] ROOMA [ fariseukset Bildenberg huijaus mutta mitä se tarkoittaa mikä on suhde välilläjärjetön vero IMU ja bankitalia eliyksityinenorjanomistajia kaikista Italian kansa eli Illuminati moneylenders juutalainen usurers murhaajia kaikkicorporation Spa Italian keskuspankki monopoli IMF EKP FED? ] [Kolmas ja viimeinen osaasetuksella on vihdoin käsiteltyuusi rakenne joka on saatavaosakkeiden Italian keskuspankki mutta eiItalian henkeä) ( jakaa uudelleen ( joka köyhdyttää entisestään Italian valtio ). ] Via Ilmainen huoneessa luottamus tekstistä dl IMU fake kylpylä Italian keskuspankki sijoitetaan hallitus. I kyllä ​​ pettureita vapaamuurarit olivat 335 144 i ei ja yksi tyhjää tekopyhä.lopullinen äänestystäasetuksen pitäisi olla perillä viimeistään tiistaina 28.. Ensi maanantainaHouse harkitseetilauksiapäivä ja se olisi mahdollistaäänestys jo illalla.kuitenkin vastustetaan ovat jo ilmoittaneet filibuster.asetuksella päättyy keskiviikkona 29. [Kaikkipaska vapaamuurarien Crime Top Perustuslaillinen maanpetoksesta! ] Ensinnäkin se on vahvistettupoistaminentoisen erän IMU (kaali välipala savua silmissälampaita ennen kuin menee että teurastamon ) jalkaanpäärakennus lukuun ottamatta luxury Homes kunhan lupaamaa johtoon. Vain tuleens mini hännän katkera IMU joissa veronmaksajat ovat velvollisia maksamaan 24. tammikuuta ja se tuottaa tulot joita se ei ollut mahdollista löytää mitään kattavuutta.

[ Vapaamuurarien järjestelmä 322World Government youtube! ] Ok! et pysty voidaan rajoittaa YouTube niin sinun on tunnustettava että sinulla on nujerrettu minua koko ajan kaikissa näissä 6 pitkää vuotta tämä onosoitus siitä että olet etsimässä!
kukaan teistä siis ehkä pelastaa hänen henkensä ilman minua!

Janvier 24 TUNIS [ l\’Arabie saoudite la Ligue arabe et les pharisiens et les Anglo-Américains le FMI maintenant Spa société Rothschild Bildenberg système maçonnique agenda ésotérique sont responsables pour cette perversion parce que leur ordre du jour il appartient à la Première Guerre mondiale! ] Des centaines de manifestants partisans du parti islamiste Hizb ut- Tahriri combat pour la mise en place d\’un califat islamique se sont rassemblés aujourd\’hui dans le centre de Tunis pour protester contre le projet de la Constitution considéré comme «laïque» qui devrait être approuvé demain par l\’Assemblée nationale ( Parlement ). «A bas la Constitution laïque » « établir l\’Islam c\’est une obligation la souveraineté est le Coran et la charia (loi islamique ) \” scandaient les manifestants. ( Parce que la souveraineté est le Coran et la charia alors l\’ Arabie Saoudite condamné la mort tout le genre humain et encore moins cette fin pourrait faire Israël maintenant )

[ Système maçonnique ] vers le bas de la scène du théâtre et venez à moi pour boire votre potion amère arrêtez votre ordre du jour parce que personne ne peut savoir comment ça se passe pour terminer ce votre ordre du jour sauf moi! En fait vous serez tous tués! tandis que avec moi non seulement personne ne perdra la vie mais tous ont le potentiel pour être effectivement en mesure d\’améliorer en continuant à suivre JaBullOn vous perdrez tout!

Janvier 24 DAVOS [ mais comme le faux marché c\’est vraiment tragi-comique nous sommes en monopole absolu de pharisiens Anglo-Américains toutes les catastrophes sociaux culturels économiques spirituelles distorsion des données scientifiques la destruction de l\’humanisme et de la destruction de la civilisation judéo-chrétienne le relativisme le nihilisme le matérialisme le scientisme c\’est le satanisme idéologique secret déviant de service maintenant Datagate Big Brother les OGM Morgellons Je suis une responsabilité absolue de la système maçonnique Bildenberg puis à la guerre civile ce n\’est qu\’une question de temps ] stress tests de la BCE pourraient conduire à une fusion entre les banques italiennes. Il a dit le gouverneur de la Banque d\’Italie Ignazio Visco dans une interview à Reuters Television ajoutant que Via Nazionale cependant n\’a pas l\’intention de \” dessiner la carte des agrégations ou de décider comment il doit se déplacer le marché. \”

Janvier 24 15h15 [ la Constitution dit que toutes les actions de la Banque d\’Italie des Italiens ne sont sinon vous devez supprimer de la Constitution le texte dit que le peuple est souverain! ] [ Carotte et le fouet! ] ROME [ pharisiens Bildenberg de l\’arnaque mais qu\’est-ce que cela veut dire quelle est la relation entre le MIO d\’impôt absurde et la Banca d\’Italia à savoir les particuliers les maîtres d\’esclaves de tous les Italiens c\’est à dire Illuminati usuriers usuriers juifs des assassins tout la société Spa Banque d\’Italie le monopole FMI BCE FED? ] [ Un troisième et dernière partie du décret est enfin abordé la nouvelle structure qui devra avoir les actions de la Banque d\’Italie mais pas le peuple italien ) pour ( redistribuer à nouveau ( qui appauvrit encore plus.. l\’État italien ) ] Via allergie la confiance sur le texte de dl IMU faux spa la Banque d\’Italie placé par le gouvernement je oui traîtres maçons étaient les suivants. 335 144 i pas et un hypocrite de l\’abstention la finale vote sur le décret doit parvenir au plus tard le mardi 28. lundi prochain la Chambre va examiner l\’ordre du jour et il serait possible le vote déjà dans la soirée. l\’opposition cependant ont déjà annoncé l\’obstruction. le décret expiration mercredi 29 [Toutes les conneries maçonnique Crime Top haute trahison constitutionnelle! ]. Tout d\’abord il est confirmé la suppression de la deuxième IMU tranche (le chou à grignoter de la fumée dans les yeux des brebis avant de partir à la abattoir ) fot la maison principale à l\’exception des maisons de luxe comme promis depuis longtemps par la direction uniquement sera la soi-disant mini queue IMU amère dans laquelle les contribuables sont tenus de payer par le 24 Janvier et il va générer. un chiffre d\’affaires pour lesquelles il n\’était pas possible de trouver de toute couverture.

[ Système maçonnique 322 le gouvernement mondial en youtube! ] Ok! vous n\’êtes pas en mesure pour maintenir le contrôle de youtube alors vous devez reconnaître que vous avez été battu par moi tout le temps dans tous ces six longues années c\’est la démonstration que vous recherchez!
aucun de vous par conséquent peut être en mesure de sauver sa vie sans moi!

24 იანვარი ტუნისში [ საუდის არაბეთი არაბთა ლიგის და ფარისეველნი და Anglo- ამერიკელები IMF NWO Spa კორპორაცია Rothschild Bildenberg მასონურმა სისტემა ეზოთერული დღის წესრიგში პასუხისმგებელნი არიან რამეთუ ამ მანკიერებაზე რადგან მათი დღის წესრიგში ის ეკუთვნის მსოფლიო ომი! ] ასობით მომიტინგე მხარდამჭერები საქართველოს ისლამისტურ პარტია Hizb ჭურჭლის Tahriri საბრძოლო დამყარების ისლამური ხალიფატის შევიკრიბეთ დღეს ცენტრში Tunis პროტესტის წინააღმდეგ პროექტი საქართველოს კონსტიტუციის ითვლება \”საერო\” რომელიც მოსალოდნელია რომ დამტკიცდეს ხვალ ეროვნული ასამბლეის (პარლამენტის). \”ძირს საერო კონსტიტუცია \” \” შეიქმნას ისლამის ეს არის ვალდებულება სუვერენიტეტი ყურანის და შარიათის ( ისლამური კანონი )\” სკანდირებდნენ აქციის მონაწილეები. (იმის გამო სუვერენიტეტისა არის ყურანის და შარია? მაშინ საუდის არაბეთი მიუსაჯეს სიკვდილი მთელი ადამიანის რასის რომ აღარაფერი ვთქვათ რომ ბოლოს და ბოლოს ვერ გააკეთებს ისრაელი ახლა! )

[ Masonic სისტემაში] ქვემოთ ეტაპზე თეატრი და ჩემთან დალევა თქვენი მწარე მედიცინის შეწყვიტოს თქვენს დღის წესრიგში რადგან ვერავინ იცოდეს როგორ მიდის რათა დავამთავროთ ეს თქვენი დღის წესრიგში გარდა me! ფაქტობრივად თქვენ ყველა უნდა მოკლა! ხოლო ჩემთან არა მხოლოდ არავინ დაკარგოს ცხოვრებაში მაგრამ ყველას გვაქვს პოტენციალი რეალურად შეძლებს გააუმჯობესოს გრძელდება დაიცვას JaBullOn თქვენ დაკარგავთ ყველაფერი!

24 იანვარი დავოსში [ მაგრამ როგორც ცრუ ბაზარზე ეს მართლაც tragi – კომიკური ჩვენ აბსოლუტური მონოპოლია და ფარისეველთა Anglo- Americans ყველა უბედურებების სოციალური კულტურული ეკონომიკური სულიერი დამახინჯება სამეცნიერო მონაცემები განადგურება ჰუმანიზმისა და განადგურება ებრაელი ქრისტიანული ცივილიზაციის რელატივიზმი ნიჰილიზმი მატერიალიზმი scientism რომ არის იდეოლოგიური სატანიზმი საიდუმლო სამსახურის deviant NWO Datagate დიდი ძმა გმო Morgellons მე ვარ პასუხისმგებლობის აბსოლუტური საქართველოს სისტემა Masonic Bildenberg მაშინ სამოქალაქო ომი ეს მხოლოდ დროის საკითხია ] სტრესი ტესტები ECB შეიძლება გამოიწვიოს ზოგიერთი fusion შორის Italian ბანკები. მისი თქმით გამგებელი ბანკის იტალიის Ignazio Visco მიცემულ ინტერვიუში Reuters ტელევიზია და დასძინა რომ Via Nazionale თუმცა არ აპირებს \” დავხატოთ რუკა საქართველოს aggregations ან გადაწყვიტოს თუ როგორ უნდა გადავიდეს ბაზარზე. \”

24 იანვარი 1515 [ კონსტიტუციის განაცხადა რომ ყველა აქციების ბანკი იტალიის რა იტალიელები არიან მხოლოდ წინააღმდეგ შემთხვევაში თქვენ უნდა წაშალოთ კონსტიტუციის ტექსტი ამბობს რომ ხალხი სუვერენული! ] [ Carrot და whip! ] ROME [ ფარისეველთა Bildenberg ofscam მაგრამ რას ნიშნავს ეს რა არის ურთიერთობისათვის შორის აბსურდული საგადასახადო IMU და bankitalia ანუ კერძო მონა ოსტატები ყველა Italian ადამიანი ანუ Illuminati moneylenders ებრაული usurers მკვლელები ყველა კორპორაცია Spa ბანკი იტალიის მონოპოლია საერთაშორისო სავალუტო ფონდის ECB FED? ] [ მესამე და საბოლოო ნაწილი თანახმად საბოლოოდ მიმართა ახალი სტრუქტურა რომელიც უნდა ჰქონდეს აქციების ბანკი იტალიის მაგრამ არა იტალიური ადამიანი) for ( გაავრცელოთ ერთხელ (რაც impoverishing კიდევ უფრო იტალიის სახელმწიფო).] Via უფასო ოთახი ნდობის ტექსტის dl IMU ყალბი სპა ბანკი იტალიის მოთავსებული მთავრობის მიერ. მე კი მოღალატეები Masons იყვნენ 335 144 i არა და ერთი თავი შეიკავეს ფარისეველი. საბოლოო vote ბრძანებით უნდა ჩამოვა არა უგვიანეს სამშაბათი 28. შემდეგი ორშაბათი სახლის განიხილავს ბრძანებებს დღის განმავლობაში და შესაძლებელი იქნება ხმა უკვე საღამოს.თუმცა ოპოზიციამ უკვე განაცხადა filibuster. ბრძანება იწურება ოთხშაბათი 29. [ ყველა crap Masonic Crime Top საკონსტიტუციო სამშობლოს ღალატში!] პირველი ეს არის დადასტურება გაუქმებას მეორე შენატანი IMU (კომბოსტო snack კვამლი თვალში ცხვარი სანამ აპირებს რომ სასაკლაოს ) fot მთავარი სახლი გარდა ფუფუნების სახლებში სანამ დაპირებული აღმასრულებელი. მხოლოდ იქნება ე.წ. mini კუდი მწარე IMU რომელშიც გადამხდელთა ვალდებულნი არიან გადაიხადონ მიერ 24 იანვარს და ეს იქნება შემოსავლების რისთვისაც მას არ იყო გამორიცხული რომ იპოვოთ ნებისმიერი გაშუქება.

[ Masonic სისტემით 322 მსოფლიო მთავრობის youtube! ] Ok! თქვენ არ შეუძლია კონტროლს რა youtube მაშინ თქვენ უნდა აღიაროს რომ თქვენ უკვე დაამარცხა ჩემთვის ყველა დროის ყველა ამ 6 წლის განმავლობაში ეს არის დემონსტრირება რომ თქვენ ეძებს!
არც ერთი თქვენგანი ამიტომ შეუძლია მისი გადარჩენა გარეშე me!

1月24日、チュニス、 [サウジアラビア、アラブ連盟、および、パリサイ人やアングロ·アメリカ人、国際通貨基金(IMF) 、 NWO 、スパ、株式会社ロスチャイルド、 Bildenberg 、フリーメーソンのシステムの場合:難解な議題は、担当している、この倒錯、なぜなら、彼らの議題は:それは第二次世界に属している!デモ参加者の]何百、サポーター:イスラム党の: Hizb UT- Tahriri 、戦い:確立のために:抗議するため、チュニスの中心部に:イスラムカリフの、今日収集した対:プロジェクト、憲法、承認されると予想されています:がどの「世俗」とみなさ国会(議会)によって明日。 「下世俗憲法」「イスラムの確立、それは義務、主権はコーランです。とシャリア(イスラム法)は、 「デモを唱え。 (なぜなら、主権:コーランは、次のとおりです。とシャリアは、その後、サウジアラビア: ?言い渡さ:死に、全人類は、単独でその終わりを聞かせて、行うことができます: !イスラエル、今)

ダウン劇場の段階から[フリーメーソンのシステム] 、そして誰もが知っていることはできないので、私を除いて、この予定表を終了し、それがどのようになる、あなたの議題を中止し、苦い薬を飲むように私に来て!実際には、すべて殺される!しばらくは、私と一緒に誰もいないだけに彼の生命を失うことはありませんが、すべてが実際に改善することができるように、可能性を秘めている、 JaBullOnに従うことを続けて、あなたは、すべてのものを失うことになる!

1月24日、ダボス、 [しかし、偽の市場として、これは本当にtragusの複数形コミックでは、我々はパリサイ人に、絶対的な独占である:アングロアメリカ人、すべての災害:社会的、文化的、経済的、精神的、科学的データの歪み、ヒューマニズムの破壊とユダヤ·キリスト教文明の破壊、相対、ニヒリズム、唯物、科学主義は、つまり、イデオロギー的な悪魔主義、シークレットサービス逸脱、 NWO 、 DataGATEの、ビッグブラザー、 GMOSモルジェロン:私は、絶対的な責任ですシステムフリーメーソンBildenbergは、その後、内戦のために、それはECBのストレステストは、イタリアの銀行の間にいくつかの融合につながる可能時間]の唯一の問題です。彼は、ナツィオナーレ通りは、しかし、 「集計の、地図を描くつもり、または、それが移動するべきか決定するわけではありません、という、追加、ロイターテレビとのインタビューでイタリア銀行、 Ignazioビスコ、知事が言った市場。 \”

1月24日は、午後03時15分には、 [憲法はイタリア人のイタリア銀行の全株式を、そうでなければ、あなたは憲法から削除する必要があり、唯一であることを、言った、テキストは人々が主権である、と言っている! 】【にんじんと鞭! ]ローマ、 [パリサイ人詐欺のBildenberg 、しかし、それは何を意味し、その関係は不条理な税金のIMUの間、何か、そして、 bankitalia 、すなわち、民間、スレーブのマスターは、すべてのイタリアの人々の、すなわち、イルミナティ、貸金業者のユダヤ人高利貸し、殺人者、すべての企業、スパ、イタリア銀行、独占、国際通貨基金(IMF) 、 ECB 、 FED ? (つまりimpoverishingさ(再度、よりを再配布するためにイタリア銀行が、 、ではないイタリア人)の株式を持っている必要があります判決の] [第三に、そして、最後の部分、最終的に解決されて、新しい構造、 。 。イタリア政府) ]経由の無料ルーム、 DLのIMUのテキスト上の信頼は、偽のスパ、イタリア銀行は、政府が置かれ、私ははい、裏切り者の石工は、なかった。 335 、 144私はと1棄権の偽善者の最終法令上の投票は遅くとも火曜日28より到着しないはずです。次の月曜日、ハウスはその日の注文を検討し、それが可能であろう、すでに夕方に投票。野党が、既に議事妨害を発表している。法令に水曜日29 、有効期限が切れる[すべてがらくたフリーメーソン:犯罪トップ:憲法大逆! ] 。まず、に、行く前に、第二の割賦IMU (おやつにキャベツ、羊の目に煙の廃止が確認されている食肉処理場) FOT : 。限り幹部が約束高級住宅を除く母屋、 、だけ、納税者は1月24日によって支払うことを要求された、いわゆる、ミニテール苦いIMUは、それが生成されますでしょうそれが、見つけることは不可能であったため、収益、任意の報道。

[フリーメーソンのシステム、 322 、動画中の世界政府! ] OK!あなたは、YouTubeの、そして、あなたはあなたが私に負けてきたことを、認識しなければならない、制御を維持するために、できない、これらすべての6長年のすべての時間が、これはあなたが探している、デモンストレーションです!

Ιανουάριος 24 ΤΥΝΗΣΙΑ [Σαουδική Αραβία ο Αραβικός Σύνδεσμος και οι Φαρισαίοι και οι Αγγλο-Αμερικανοί το ΔΝΤ NWO Spa εταιρία Rothschild Bildenberg μασονικά σύστημα εσωτερική ατζέντα είναι υπεύθυνα για αυτή τη διαστροφή διότι ατζέντα τους ανήκει στον Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο! ] Εκατοντάδες διαδηλωτές υποστηρικτές της ισλαμιστικό κόμμα Hizb ut-Tahriri μάχες για τη δημιουργία ενός ισλαμικού χαλιφάτου έχουν συγκεντρωθεί σήμερα στο κέντρο της Τύνιδας για να διαμαρτυρηθούν κατά το σχέδιο του Συντάγματος θεωρείται «κοσμική» το οποίο αναμένεται να εγκριθεί αύριο από την Εθνοσυνέλευση (Κοινοβούλιο). «Κάτω η κοσμική Σύνταγμα» «δημιουργία Ισλάμ είναι μια υποχρέωση η κυριαρχία είναι το Κοράνι και η σαρία (ισλαμικό νόμο)\” φώναζαν οι διαδηλωτές. (Διότι της εθνικής κυριαρχίας είναι το Κοράνι Σαρία και στη συνέχεια η Σαουδική Αραβία; καταδικάστηκε σε θάνατο ολόκληρη η ανθρώπινη φυλή πόσο μάλλον ότι τέλος θα μπορούσε να κάνει! Ισραήλ τώρα)

[Μασονική συστήματος] κάτω από τη σκηνή του θεάτρου και να έρθει σε μένα για να πιει πικρό φάρμακο σας να σταματήσει το πρόγραμμά σας γιατί κανείς δεν μπορεί να γνωρίζει πώς θα πάει για να τελειώσει αυτό το πρόγραμμα σας εκτός από μένα! Στην πραγματικότητα όλοι θα πρέπει να θανατωθούν! ενώ μαζί μου όχι μόνο κανείς δεν θα χάσει τη ζωή του αλλά όλοι έχουν τη δυνατότητα για να είναι πράγματι σε θέση να βελτιώσει συνεχίζει να παρακολουθεί JaBullOn θα χάσετε τα πάντα!

Ιανουάριος 24 ΝΤΑΒΟΣ [αλλά ως ψευδή αγορά αυτό είναι πραγματικά κωμικοτραγική είμαστε σε απόλυτο μονοπώλιο των Φαρισαίων Αγγλο-Αμερικανοί όλες οι καταστροφές την κοινωνική πολιτιστική οικονομική πνευματική παραμόρφωση των επιστημονικών δεδομένων η καταστροφή του ανθρωπισμού και η καταστροφή της εβραϊκής-χριστιανικού πολιτισμού του σχετικισμού ο μηδενισμός τον υλισμό επιστημονισμού δηλαδή η ιδεολογική σατανισμό μυστική υπηρεσία αποκλίνουσα NWO Datagate Big Brother ΓΤΟ Morgellons Είμαι μια απόλυτη ευθύνη της Τεκτονικό σύστημα Bildenberg στη συνέχεια στον εμφύλιο πόλεμο είναι μόνο θέμα χρόνου] τεστ αντοχής της ΕΚΤ θα μπορούσε να οδηγήσει σε κάποια συγχώνευση μεταξύ των ιταλικών τραπεζών. Είπε ο διοικητής της Τράπεζας της Ιταλίας Ignazio Visco σε συνέντευξή του στο τηλεοπτικό δίκτυο του Ρόιτερ προσθέτοντας ότι Via Nazionale ωστόσο δεν προτίθεται να \”σύρει το χάρτη των συναθροίσεων ή να αποφασίσει το πώς θα πρέπει να κινηθεί η αγορά. \”

24 Ιανουαρίου 1515 [το Σύνταγμα δήλωσε ότι όλες οι μετοχές της Τράπεζας της Ιταλίας των Ιταλών είναι μόνο αλλιώς θα πρέπει να διαγράψετε από το Σύνταγμα το κείμενο αναφέρει ότι οι λαοί είναι κυρίαρχοι! ] [Καρότο και το μαστίγιο! ] ΡΩΜΗ [Φαρισαίοι Bildenberg της απάτης αλλά τι σημαίνει αυτό ποια είναι η σχέση μεταξύ το παράλογο φόρο IMU και Τράπεζα της Ιταλίας δηλαδή οι ιδιώτες οι αφέντες όλων των ιταλικού λαού δηλαδή Illuminati τοκογλύφοι Εβραίων τοκογλύφων δολοφόνοι όλη η εταιρεία Spa της Τράπεζας της Ιταλίας το μονοπώλιο ΔΝΤ ΕΚΤ FED; ] [Ένα τρίτο και τελευταίο μέρος του διατάγματος έχει αντιμετωπιστεί επιτέλους η νέα δομή η οποία θα πρέπει να έχουν τις μετοχές στην Τράπεζα της Ιταλίας αλλά δεν τον ιταλικό λαό) για (αναδιανομή και πάλι (που φτωχαίνει ακόμη περισσότερο.. το ιταλικό κράτος)] Via Δωρεάν χώρος η εμπιστοσύνη σχετικά με το κείμενο της dl IMU ψεύτικο spa της Τράπεζας της Ιταλίας από την κυβέρνηση I ναι προδότες Τέκτονες ήταν. 335 144 δεν θ και μία αποχή υποκριτής Το τελικό ψηφοφορία σχετικά με το διάταγμα θα πρέπει να φτάσει το αργότερο μέχρι την Τρίτη 28. ερχόμενη Δευτέρα το Σώμα θα εξετάσει τις παραγγελίες της ημέρας και θα ήταν δυνατόν η ψηφοφορία έχει ήδη το βράδυ. Η αντιπολίτευση ωστόσο έχουν ήδη ανακοινώσει κωλυσιεργία. του διατάγματος λήγει Τετάρτη 29 [Όλα τα χάλια μασονικό Έγκλημα Top Συνταγματική εσχάτη προδοσία!]. Πρώτον επιβεβαιώνεται η κατάργηση της δεύτερης δόσης IMU (το λάχανο να σνακ καπνού στα μάτια των προβάτων πριν πάτε για να το σφαγείο) fot. την κύρια κατοικία με την εξαίρεση των πολυτελών κατοικιών όπως υποσχέθηκε εδώ και καιρό από την εκτελεστική εξουσία μόνο θα το λεγόμενο μίνι ουρά πικρή IMU στην οποία οι φορολογούμενοι υποχρεούνται να καταβάλλουν από τις 24 Ιανουαρίου και θα δημιουργήσει έσοδο για το οποίο δεν ήταν δυνατό να βρεθεί οποιαδήποτε κάλυψη.

[Τεκτονικό σύστημα 322 η παγκόσμια κυβέρνηση στο youtube! ] Ok! δεν είστε σε θέση να διατηρήσει τον έλεγχο του youtube τότε θα πρέπει να αναγνωρίσουμε ότι έχουν ηττηθεί από μένα όλη την ώρα σε όλα αυτά τα 6 ολόκληρα χρόνια αυτή είναι η απόδειξη ότι ψάχνετε!
κανένας από εσάς ως εκ τούτου μπορεί να είναι σε θέση να σώσει τη ζωή του χωρίς εμένα!