Bildenberg masonic system Fmi

lamentarsi, respingere la mia proposta? è legittimo, se tu hai una TUA soluzione alla Guerra mondiale! E ALLORA TU VUOI SOSTITUIRE LA GUERRA MONDIALE CON CHE COSA?
GLI USA NON HANNO NESSUN DIRITTO DI: CUSTODIRE IN LOCALITà SEGRETE: 1. ALIENI, 2. IBRIDI TRA ANIMALI ED ESSERI UMANI, 3. UOMINI IN STATO CATATONICO ZOMBIES, 4. ecc.. SENZA IL PERMESSO DEL GENERE UMANO! 5. altresì, è proibito appropriarsi del genoma umano, per venderlo ,o modificarlo, senza il consenso delle Nazioni, la violazione di una queste clausole comporta la dichiarazione di guerra, automatica, di tutte le Nazioni del Mondo contro gli USA, in maniera automatica!

E perché io dovrei dirti di “no!” se, la mia felicità, come lo scopo della tua vita è la felicità? TU DIMOSTRAMI DI NON COMMETTERE UNA QUALCHE INGIUSTIZIA, PIUTTOSTO! oppure tu pensi di fare risultare ingiusto Unius REI? [ SATANISTI ALIENI VAMPIRI ] SE I FARISEI NON VANNO SUBITO IN ARABIA SAUDITA? GIURO CHE VI UCCIDO TUTTI! PERCHé QUALCUNO TI VOGLIA DICHIARARE COLPEVOLE DI QUALCOSA? POI, DOVREBBE CHIEDERE IL PERMESSO A ME, mentre, io ho concesso la amnistia assoluta per tutti i delitti commessi prima del mio regno, in favore di tutti i miei alleati!
ma poiché Maometto è uno dei tanti antiCristI? poi, come lui potrebbe stare in Paradiso? MA COME la tua fede, ti ha plasmato come una bestia di satana?! E CHI NON CREDE DI ESSERE COSì? VENGA SUBITO DA ME! ma, chi crede di essere diventato una bestia di satana? PROPRIO LUI DEVE VENIRE SUBITO DA ME: PRIMA CHE LO COLGA ANCHE LA MORTE ESTERIORE! e tu non puoi venire da me fisicamente, perché io non sono 7miliardi di persone, ma, tu puoi leggere i miei articoli e, tu puoi trovare una comunione con i miei ideali! NON TEMERE: io non pretendo di modificare la tua religione o la tua identità!
QUALI diritti umani SHARIA genocidio nazisti, LA LEGA ARABA PUò RAPPRESENTARE IN ONU? che Sauditi hannno detto sull’altare di satana della CIA: “abbiamo fatto bene noi, a rifiutare di entrare anche noi in ONU, con Unius REI in giro? era molto pericoloso!”
dubito che, si possa parlare di politica o di finanza, o di economia, adeguatamente, perché questa è tutta una maçonnerie Rothschild: ALTO TRADIMENTO COSTITUZIONALE ] e se, FARISEI non fanno in fretta a Realizzare il regno delle Tribù di Israele in ARABIA SAUDITA? finiranno COME I PEZZENTI, dopo avere rubato per secoli TUTTO il genere umano, finiranno tutti con il culo per terra: TUTTI questi satanisti farisei del Talmud!
ma io non ho mai parlato di declino USA SpA Banche Centrali FED, infatti la vostra pirati bullismo predazione? è soltanto il declino di tutto il GENERE UMANO! SOLTANTO DIO VI PUò STERMINARE A TUTTI VOI, E NOI DEL REGNO DI DIO? CI STIAMO LAVORANDO! Obama: ‘Chi parla di declino America vende fantasia’
AFFERMATIVO! DIO NON VUOLE EMARGINARE NESSUNO, E LUI PARLA CONTINUAMENTE AL CUORE DI TUTTI I PECCATORI, E NOI SIAMO TUTTI PECCATORI! SOLTANTO CHE GUARDIAMO CON COMPASSIONE AI NOSTRI PECCATI, E CON DUREZZA AI PECCATI DEGLI ALTRI! Quello che è il delitto sociale e politico, per eccellenza, è un pensiero ideologico massimalista, e la pretesa dello Stato Massone Islamico Darwin GENDER: di parlare con categorie morali! “Corrotti perdono pudore e dignità, provino vergogna” Esce libro. “Mai emarginare i gay, ogni creatura è amata da Dio”
ORMAI è LA CATASTROFE! A COSA SERVONO 250 MILIONI DI MIGRANTI ENTRO IL 2060. Ci sono 24 milioni di disoccupati in Europa e 14 milioni di inattivi in Italia: servono davvero i migranti per pagare le pensioni?. Ecco le ragioni più plausibili dietro a un progetto scellerato:
l’apparato militare industriale USA, senza un nemico? fallisce! ECCO PERCHé LORO SONO 50 ANNI CHE NON DORMONO LA NOTTE PER INVENTARE DEI NEMICI! … è in questo modo, che hanno convinto i sauditi a creare al-Qaeda! e poi, è tutta una storia di delitti.. questa è una storia infinita infernale!
BUSH Clinton sauditi, turchi, FED SPA FMI, CIA NATO, SPA FARISEI, SISTEMA MASSONICO? è soltanto una questione di penne dell’unico Baal OWL!
LAGARDE in Ucraina? lei vi è andata insieme a MADRE TERESA DI CALCUTTA, e poi, per un fatale errore fortuito, al suo finco ha trovato la CIA i cecchini GOLPE a Maidan: e nessuno di loro è stato arrestato: perché avevano la immunità diplomatica!
Obama, ‘l’America è ancora il Paese più forte al mondo’ OK! MA DA QUALE PUNTO DI VISTA? 1. A FILMINI PORNOGRAFICI? è CERTAMENTE IL PIù FORTE! 2. A LEGIONI DI DEMONI E SATANISTI? è SICURAMENTE IL PIù FORTE? 3, AD ALLEATI NAZISTI PRAVY SECTOR E ISLAMICI TERRORISTI SHARIA? è SICURAMENTE IL PIù FORTE! 4. A STRAGI PER FUTILI MOTIVI? è SICURAMENTE IL PIù FORTE, 5. AD ABORTI E DIVORZI? è SICURAMENTE IL PIù FORTE! E L’ELENCO VERGOGNOSO? POTREBBE CONTINUARe Ancora a LUNGO! ma, se ci pensi? ha una buona protezione aerea, ma, nessuna nazione è così vulnerabile, per un corpo di marina da sbarco, che è la NAzione più facile da conquistare ed invadere!
islam sharia? è soltanto un genocidio ONU COSA è TUTTA QUESTA CASCIARA di cagnara? Vi sembra questa una notizia di ANSA? Starebbe a suo agio, su un giornale specializzato per questo genere di cose: per ADULTI, non su un pubblico servizio sovvenzionato da contribuenti! VOI AVETE PERSO IL SENSO DELLA MISURA! MA, VOI PENSATE A COME, noi POSSIAMO DARE SCANDOLO AD UN PEDOFILO POLIGAMO DI ISLAMICO ORGIA DOMESTICA? IN QUESTO MODO? VOI MI FATE SALTARE LA FRATELLANZA UNIVERSALE! voi RENDETE IMPOSSIBILE IL DIALOGO TRA ORIENTE ED OCCIDENTE E ALTRO CHE AMORE: “VOI REALIZZATE PROPRIO LA GUERRA MONDIALE!”
questo si che è un evento culturale importante: degno di ANSA GENDER ideologia: per la ideologia religione evoluzione darwin sodoma: regime bildenberg, un rito liturgico fondamentale ed essenziale: per celebrare: il NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE: new age SPA FED BCE: il Grande FRATELLO BUSH, ma, io ricordo che, una volta in mezzo ai cadaveri, si pregava, oggi, Satana si accontenta di altro, si fa letteratura pornogratica, perché, il nostro Stato? è un lenone! Lady Gaga nuda con boyfriend Taylor Kinney dopo aver fatto sesso, Il selfie shock: “Facciamo sesso per la pace, contro la violenza e il terrorismo”
Califfato Islamico ISIS LEGA takfiri galassia jihadista? è un terrorista erdogan hitler sharia, new ottomano impero!
Abd Allāh takfiro Saʿūd sharia hitler SAUDI ARABIA isis daesh is CIA NWO
mafia SPA BANCHE CENTRALI? è regime bildenberg massone, la più grande mafia occulta legalizzata della storia del genere umano!
datagate UK GEZABELE SECOND enter in my ADSL
[ ISRAEL VEDI CHE, UK SEGRET SERVICES HA INTERCETTATO LA MIA PRIMA CONNESSIONE CHIAVETTA E MI HA BLOCCATO! ] QUESTA è LA MIA SECONDA CONNESSIONE [SALMAN SHARIA SAUDI ARABIA TAKFIRO SUDAIRIO ] è vero che, io non ho Dio in tasca, ma, per quello che so io? lui di massacri su larga scala? ne ha già fatti parecchi!
my holy JHWH ] li senti? soffrono come bestie, tutte le bestie di satana, ma, nessuno di loro ha il coraggio di farsi vedere, come sono tutti nascosti dietro i loro computer, sono tutti gli assassini! NON NE AVERE PIETà!
“CAPUT ISRAELE PER LA TERZA VOLTA!” lo ha detto Rothschild il fariseo, ed io lo ho sentito, mente lui lo diceva!
“TUTTI PER UNO E UNO PER TUTTI”, è UN CODICE DI ONORE DEI CAVALIERI CRISTIANI, CHE DEI FARABUTTI MASSONI, TRADITORI E COMPLICI DI TORRE DI BABILONIA OCCHIO PIRAMIDE, DI LUCIFERO ROTHSCHILD ENTITà DEMONIACA: REGIME BILDENBERG? LORO NON HANNO, NESSUN DIRITTO DI APPELLARE PER LORO! IO LO GIURO: “QUESTA PROFANAZIONE CONTRO LA MIA REGALITà? IO, IL RE DI ISRAELE? IO VE LA FARò PAGARE! ” L’Estonia vuole ottenere la dislocazione permanente delle forze NATO nel paese, 12.01.2016, Ne ha parlato il Primo Ministro estone Taavi Roivas in un suo articolo dedicato agli obiettivi del governo nel 2016. L’articolo è stato pubblicato sull’influente Postimees. “Considero molto importante per il summit estivo della NATO (che si terrà a Varsavia l’8 e il 9 luglio) prendere una decisione sulla presenza permanente degli Alleati in Estonia e nei paesi vicini. Questo potrebbe essere un chiaro segnale che con i paesi della NATO non bisogna litigare, in quanto noi seguiamo il principio “uno per tutti, tutti per uno”, ha scritto Roivas nel suo articolo. Alla fine dello scorso anno in Estonia è arrivato dagli Stati Uniti il primo convoglio di mezzi militari pesanti. Sono state consegnate 40 unità tecniche, compresi 4 carri armati M1A2 Abrams, 10 veicoli corazzati Bradley e 3 semimoventi d’artiglieria Paladin e due veicoli per usi speciali:
ULTIME NOTIZIE:     16:57 L’Ucraina GOLPISTA E GENOCIDARIA, spenderà 500 milioni di dollari in armamenti [ E CHI LA MINACCIA? è LEI L’AGGRESSORE!
666 Seigniorage of Banking
Europa Unione, EU, ONU, USA, anticristo NATO ] voi state facendo il gioco sporco e mortale, della CIA NATO LEGA ARABA: per offendere umanesimo di Israele e Russia, CINA ecc.., ATTRAVERSO IL DELITTO UNIVERSALE DELLA SHARIA, ed ora dovete mettere sul piatto della bilancia i vostri cadaveri, perché, ISIS Daesh sono sauditi e turchi, i loro servizi segreti: E QUESTO NON è UN SEGRETO: per chiunque! VOI AVETE VISTO DILANIARE IL POPOLO IRACHENO E SIRIANO, avete assistito al soffocameto dei cristiani ATTRAVERSO IL TERRORISMO ISLAMICO DELLA CIA: in questi 30 anni, E VOI VI SIETE RALLEGRATI, anzi voi avete nascosto le notizie circa i martiri cristiani, per non offendere i vostri affari con gli islamici, e per disprezzo contro Gesù Cristo: perché voi siete la bestia di satana: voi siete l’anticristo! ISTANBUL, 12 GEN – Il Governo turco ha annunciato che almeno 9 vittime dell’attentato di un kamikaze questa mattina a Sultanamhet sono cittadini tedeschi.
LEGA ARABA ISLAMICI SHARIA ] che poi questa storia penosa, che Maometto è salito al cielo da Gerusalemme, 7 anni dopo la sua morte? è una delle poche cose che, fa divertire tutte le anime: disperati infelici, tribolate e dannate all’inferno! VOI ISLAMICI, VOI AVETE PORTATO INFAMIA SULL’ISLAM e voi avete profanato la Santità di Dio! Nessun islamico ha un pur minima speranza, di poter entrare in paradiso, la vostra speranza? è inutile!
LEGA ARABA ISLAMICI SHARIA ] perché, nella vostra iniquità, ed ipocrisia, voi pensate che io non devo lasciare vivere dietro di me, la esistenza di massoni farisei e satanisti, e poi, proprio io, io debba poter lasciare vivere degli assassini seriali, maniaci religiosi sharia come voi, convinti ancora di glorificare Dio per uccidere persone del tutto innocenti che voi chiamate infedeli.. CHE GLI INFEDELI? SIETE PROPRIO VOI CON IL VOSTRO MAOMETTO ALL’INFERNO!
IL FONDAMENTO GIURIDICO DI INDIPENDENZA E SOVRANITà DEI POPOLI, è STATO BRUTALIZZATO, DAI MASSONI BILDENBERG EUROPEI REGIME ROTHSCHILD SPA BANCHE CENTRALI, CHE IN NESSUN MODO DOVEVANO FARE ATTI DI VIOLENZA E TERRORISMO CONTRO LA POPOLAZIONE CIVILE! EUROPA DEVE RISPONDERE PER QUESTI DELITTI DI NAZISMO, CONTRO IL DIRITTO UNIVERSALE E INTERNAZIONALE A PROTEZIONE DELLA SOCIETà CIVILE! ]  Deputati della Crimea chiedono di fermare le azioni da genocidio dell’Ucraina, 13.01.2016(Il blocco energetico ed agroalimentare sono “una flagrante violazione dei diritti umani”, hanno affermato i deputati del Parlamento della Crimea. Chiedono di punire i responsabili dopo essersi rivolti a diversi tribunali internazionali. I deputati del Parlamento della Crimea hanno chiesto di fermare le azioni da genocidio da parte di Kiev, come quelle relative al blocco della penisola, e di punire i responsabili, si legge in una dichiarazione adottata nel corso della sessione di oggi. La Crimea e Sebastopoli sono entrate a far parte della Russia dopo un referendum condotto nel marzo nel 2014. Per la riunificazione con la Russia ha votato il 96,77% degli abitanti della Crimea e il 95,6% di Sebastopoli. Kiev e i Paesi occidentali hanno rifiutato di riconoscere la volontà popolare espressa tramite le urne ed hanno introdotto sanzioni contro la regione. Allo stesso tempo le autorità ucraine hanno chiuso completamente con la regione i collegamenti aerei, ferroviari e stradali. Inoltre hanno chiuso gli acquedotti e sospeso le forniture di cibo ed elettricità. Dalla metà di gennaio entrerà in vigore l’embargo commerciale parallelamente a misure restrittive in campo finanziario e al blocco marittimo e della rete mobile di telefonia.
I deputati ritengono che il blocco energetico e alimentare della penisola “sono un chiaro esempio di gravi violazioni dei diritti umani, azioni d’odio e genocidio che danneggiano la popolazione civile della Crimea.” Relativamente a questa situazione il Parlamento della Crimea ha chiesto ufficialmente al ministero degli Esteri della Federazione Russa assistenza politica, diplomatica e operativa per presentare denunce e mozioni all’Assemblea Generale e al Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite e agli organi interparlamentari della Comunità degli Stati Indipendenti (CSI), dell’Organizzazione per la sicurezza e la cooperazione in Europa (OSCE) e dell’Assemblea parlamentare del Consiglio d’Europa (PACE). I deputati ritengono che le autorità ucraine non facciano nulla per impedire il blocco della penisola ed abbiano violato i loro obblighi per impedire atti di genocidio, come si afferma nella Convenzione sul genocidio. La questione del blocco della Crimea, secondo loro, dovrebbe essere inclusa nell’ordine del giorno della riunione di emergenza del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite e diventare una priorità del Tribunale Internazionale. Inoltre i parlamentari hanno invitato la Procura Generale e il Comitato Investigativo della Federazione Russa a condurre un’indagine per atti di genocidio contro la Crimea da parte dei deputati del Parlamento ucraino Mustafa Dzhemilev e Refat Chubarov, promotori del blocco della penisola. I deputati hanno inoltre chiesto di indagare la creazione di gruppi terroristici al confine della Crimea con le regioni meridionali dell’Ucraina:

666SeigniorageofBank, 3 ore fa, /user/YouTube/discussion [ su, dai, ammettilo puttanella,] questo è l’unico commento, che, oggi è piaciuto a te, ed è l’unico commento visibile, per chi non ha i super poteri, dei servizi segreti! ecco perché, io me ne vado: con google+, perché, lui portare in evidenza, in visualizzazione, maggiori miei, commenti, che, non tu: “veramente tu sei una puttanella!”

Caricato in data 21/feb/2012. A Pakistani Christian woman convicted of blasphemy and sentenced to death has successfully appealed a court’s ruling, just as a petition demanding her release has reached over 500,000 signatures. Asia Noreen Bibi, whose case has received global interest, was sentenced to death by hanging in 2011 after spending more than a year in a Pakistani jail…. (Rescue

Caricato in data 06/set/2011 /watch?v=cLy5sp-c_TE [ ASIA BIBI ]
Edição: Ana Vieira | Fundação AIS. A história da Asia Bibi, que ganhou dimensão planetária, já levou inclusivamente o Papa Bento XVI a pedir a sua libertação, gesto que, associado ao amplo movimento de simpatia para com Asia Bibi, conseguiu para já adiar o enforcamento. Recorde-se que duas das vozes que ousaram defendê-la, o Governador Salman Taseer e o Ministro para as Minorias Shahbaz Bhatti, foram brutalmente assassinados. O apoio da Fundação AIS à divulgação deste livro insere-se na missão e área de acção da própria instituição. O ano passado, o Bispo Auxiliar de Lahore, no Paquistão, D. Sebastian Shaw esteve em Portugal, a convite da Fundação AIS e deu o seu também impressionante testemunho sobre a realidade da perseguição e as dificuldades por que passam os cristãos naquele país de maioria muçulmana. A Fundação AIS tem presente uma grande campanha de apoio a Asia Bibi e a todos os cristãos perseguidos pela sua fé. Trata-se de uma acção que visa recolher apoios materiais para estas comunidades religiosas, mas também de apelo à oração.
Ainda recentemente foi enviado ao Bispo do Paquistão um livro digital (You are not alone) com os nomes de todos os nossos benfeitores que participaram já nesta corrente de oração.
Também no Facebook a Fundação AIS tem vindo a dinamizar o grupo Salvem a Asia Bibi, que congrega já mais de 1.700 pessoas. Edição: Ana Vieira,

Pubblicato in data 15/set/2013. /watch?v=P6RSZIMVQfk… Um fotógrafo que não foi identificado fez imagens e uma narrativa breve, do que presenciou. A revista não confirmou, mas outras diversas afirmam que o motivo da morte deles foi sua fé. Eu vi uma cena de crueldade absoluta: um ser humano sendo tratado de uma maneira que nenhum ser humano jamais deveria ser tratado… Eu não sei quantos anos a vítima tinha, mas era jovem. Eles o forçaram a ficar de joelhos. Os rebeldes ao seu redor liam os seus ‘crimes’ listados em um pedaço de papel. Eles o cercaram. O jovem estava com as mãos atadas. Ele parecia congelado. Dois rebeldes sussurraram algo em seu ouvido e o jovem respondeu de uma forma inocente e triste, mas eu não conseguia entender o que ele disse… No momento da execução, os rebeldes agarraram sua garganta. O jovem reagiu, mas três ou quatro rebeldes conseguiram imobilizá-lo. Ele tentou proteger a garganta com as mãos, que ainda estavam amarradas. Tentou resistir, mas os rebeldes eram mais fortes e cortaram sua garganta. Depois, levantaram a cabeça. As pessoas aplaudiram. Todo mundo estava feliz porque a execução aconteceu — relatou o fotógrafo..

Pubblicato in data 13/dic/2012 [Libertad para Asia Bibi] /watch?v=MiIx4x6KwRw
Madrid, dic (EFE).- La familia de la paquistaní Asia Noreen Bibi, de 47 años y condenada por la ley islámica a morir en la horca por blasfemia, pedirá al Gobierno español que presione al de Pakistán para conseguir su liberación y le ofrezca asilo en España.

Pubblicato in data 19/giu/2013
In 2009, a Pakistani Christian lady by the name Asia Bibi was arrested and tried by the islamic court in Pakistan because some group of muslim women lied that she insulted prophet Muhammed. Consequent upon that, she was sentenced to death. All christians around the world must pray for the release of Asia Bibi and those other christians who are unjustly incarcerated or sentenced to death for their faith.Their pain, misery, death is ours. They are our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Caricato in data 02/set/2011 /watch?v=24_WcywlIS8
Please go to to sign the petition. Asia Bibi Call for mercy.mp4
Caricato in data 15/dic/2010
Sign The Petition to Help Save Asia Bibi’s Life:
This video is about Persecuted Pakistani Christian Asia Bibi. I give an overview and an update about her situation.
continuing the update from above….after the Pakistan Prime Minister announced that the government would not amend the law.
Salman Taseer, the former Governor of Punjab Province and advocate of Asia Bibi, was assassinated on Jan. 4 by his personal bodyguard, Mumtaz Qadri. Taseer had been commissioned by President Asif Ali Zardari to conduct a ministerial review of Asia Bibi’s case. He found the verdict unsound and recommended a presidential pardon. Qadri, who openly confessed to killing Taseer, told authorities he was angered by Taseer’s support for the proposed amendment to the blasphemy law and for Asia Bibi. Qadri was hailed a hero by his supporters, including a number of lawyers, who showered him with rose petals at his first court appearance.
Shahbaz Bhatti, another proponent of amending the blasphemy law, was killed on Mar. 2 by militant Islamic extremists. Bhatti, a Federal Minister and the only Christian in the Pakistani cabinet, worked on Asia Bibi’s behalf and spoke out against the blasphemy law. The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the murder of Bhatti. The assassins left leaflets at the scene of the attack which stated they killed him for being a blasphemer.
In light of these events, VOM contacts in Pakistan have expressed concern for Asia Bibi’s lawyer. He may be the next target, or he may refuse to represent her further due to the increasing danger.
Even if Asia Bibi’s sentence is overturned her safety in Pakistan is suspected. That’s because in Dec. 2010, a Muslim cleric offered a $5,800 reward to anyone who killed Asia Bibi in prison.
Asia’s husband, Ashiq Masih, and their children are constantly on the run in Pakistan due to death threats. Other vocal supporters of amending the blasphemy law have had to flee the country because of threats to them and their families.
Please take the time to pray for and write to Asia Bibi and the government officials in Pakistan. Login to the Be-A-Voice Network or go to Prisoner Alert to find Asia Bibi’s profile and contact information. Though there had been talk of moving Asia to another prison, we have not received confirmation that she has been moved. Therefore, please use the address provided in these links.
Again, we thank you for your love and support for the persecuted church. “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” (James 5:16b)
Serving the persecuted,
VOM Staff
Here is a link to an article about Asia. This is the same website you visit in order to send letters to Asia:…
Here is a link to a video by Asia Bibi’s husband imploring people to pray for his wife and to get the word about her situation:…
Please Visit: to help save an innocent woman’s life!
For Muslims please visit:
Please visit:

Pubblicato in data 10/nov/2013
Per favore pregare e non rimanete indifferenti per i perseguitati nel mondo, specie se cristiani!
Music: Jeff Buckley – Hallelujah
Pubblicato in data 09/gen/2013
per favore parlate al conducente – la parola della puntata è “straniero” – Flavio Insinna racconta la storia di Asia Bibi

Caricato in data 29/ago/2011 /watch?v=YKJAcGqQfwo
Asia Bibi: Mother Condemned to Die

Please help save Asia Bibi. She is going to be killed for her faith. We need 1,000,000 signatures to deliver to the Pakistani government. Spread the news all over the world!!!

Pakistan: Released Prisoner Prays for Asia Bibi. Sandul Bibi recently met with VOM friends in Pakistan to celebrate one year since her release from prison. Sandul was arrested in October, 2009, and falsely charged with tearing pages from the Quran. During the time of celebration Sandul and the other believers took time out to pray specifically for Asia Bibi, another Christian in Pakistan who is currently facing a death sentence for alleged blasphemy against Mohammed.
This video includes Sandul’s prayer for Asia, as well as her comments about Pakistan’s blasphemy laws that are so often used against Christians.

Pubblicato in data 24/ott/2013 [The Blessings of Persecution]
VOM’s Todd Nettleton was invited to speak at his home church—First Wesleyan Church in Bartlesville, OK—last Sunday as the church dedicated all three morning services to learning about and praying for persecuted Christians.
This video is from the second of the three services.
Churches in the US and around the world will commemorate the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP) on the first Sunday in November. The Voice of the Martyrs provides many resources—including a short film—to help your church plan for IDOP and effectively “Remember those in bonds” (Heb. 13:3) on this important day. Access all of the resources and learn more about IDOP at
Learn when a VOM speaker is coming to your area or request one at

Nigeria The young victims of Christian persecution. Pubblicato in data 25/apr/2013
The constant and ruthless attacks against Christians in Nigeria has left over 300 children at a Christian orphanage and school in Ogun State without one or both parents. Many of these kids witnessed unspeakable horrors and now bear emotional or physical scars. In this video, you’ll meet five of these children and see how The Voice of the Martyrs is helping provide them with education, a safe place to live, and new hope.

Caricato in data 16/dic/2008 Christian Persecution in Nigeria
BNMTelevision·34 video
During the recent persecution of Christians in Jos, Nigeria, thousands traveled to the nearby city of Kaduna for Bill Newman’s evangelistic meetings. Despite such suffering, we saw hundreds of courageous men, women, and children truly counting the cost and standing for Christ in the face of opposition.

Christians tortured and half-beheaded in Turkey /watch?v=jnhy_M3XSXI
Caricato in data 29/lug/2009
Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My names sake. And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:9-14)

Caricato in data 31/gen/2012 Malaysia: Christians, Tortured for Their Faith
Gary Lane of CBN News traveled to Kuala Lampur to investigate the government-sanctioned hostility against Christians. In his travels, he observed hidden “purification centers” where many Christians are held. These centers are known to beat and torture Christians.
Many Christians remain in hiding, avoiding the watchful eye of the Malaysian government. If caught, these Christians face severe treatment, beatings, and torture, in an attempt to reconvert them to Islam.
Despite this constant danger, many Christians remain bold, spreading the Gospel to others. Many non-believers are seeking the truth of the Scripture, and are hungry for the Word.
Please pray for Christians in Malaysia: they are in constant danger of harm or death. Remember that they are your brothers and sisters in Christ, and that you are bound with them.

Shafia’s Story – Persecution In Pakistan /watch?v=VPF5bYS2nbg
Caricato in data 06/nov/2009 /watch?v=iJUNCyml0gw
Shafia and her family are Christians in a place where Christ followers are considered profane. Islamic law says they are traitors to the Muslim faith, and can be killed.
Shafia’s brother was murdered. She was kidnapped and abused for four months. She was forced to work in a brick kiln for pennies a day.
But in the midst of her suffering, Shafia found hope in Jesus Christ, and the ability to forgive her abusers.
This video was created by The Voice of the Martyrs to tell Shafia’s story, and to call on American Christians to pray for our brothers and sisters who face persecution simply for being followers of Jesus.
Who will you pray for today?
For more information on Christian persecution, please visit

IDOP 2010: Salavat. This video, produced for The Voice of the Martyrs, shows the real stories of Christians in Uzbekistan, who suffer hardship and persecution as believers in Jesus Christ. /watch?v=oR8aiWuMjjY&list=PLC1F356D4D7EF52F8
This video was produced for the International Day of Prayer (IDOP) in 2010. To learn more about the International Day of Prayer, visit

Caricato in data 15/nov/2011 /watch?v=qz38KW3_wfI&list=PLC1F356D4D7EF52F8
From the time Padina was 4 years old, she followed every rule of Islam in an attempt to grow closer to Allah. But Padina could never reach Allah. “I never felt peace,” she said. “I would cry for hours to Allah, saying, ‘I am so far from you. I can never go into your presence.'” She felt depressed and hopeless.
So she made a plan to end her suffering. She and her terminally ill mother would take pills, turn on the gas in the kitchen and enter the presence of Allah as honored Muslims.
As Padina started to turn on the gas, she heard her mother’s TV in the living room. The words of a pastor on an illegal Christian satellite program grabbed her attention: “Why do you want to kill yourself tonight? Our God is so powerful that he can change your life. Give Jesus one week!”
Repulsed, Padina came up with a plan. “I will pretend to invite Jesus for one week in my life,” Padina thought. “I can embarrass Jesus and embarrass Christianity for the false religion that it is. In one week, I will call this television program and kill myself live on the program. That will disgrace the God of the infidels.”
The song featured at the end of this presentation was made specifically for this video. The song can be found on,, and iTunes under the title “You Hear Our Prayers (feat. Efra, Emily & Gary)”.
Muslim Converts to Christianity and Exposes the evils of the Cult of Islam
Caricato in data 19/feb/2011 Caricato in data 19/feb/2011
He heard a voice call his name and saw a vision of Christ. This was miraculous, because up until then, Kamal was a Muslim.
Young Christian girl flees for her life from her Muslim family. We all know punishment the evil cult of Islam demands for apostates don’t we?
Young Christian Girl Flees From Her Muslim Family
alanEDL·54 video
The Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD ! /watch?v=mtrtxW_64PU
Ethiopia: Violent Muslim IMAM Finds Jesus Christ

Caricato in data 11/feb/2008 Truth about islam from an ex-muslim lady
This video was online one time before, when it was the most discussed ever on youtube. But the halal-hippies of youtube removed it, because the western halal-hippies are too embarrassed about being from the west that they gave in to the claims of the fundamentalist muslims.
muslims can never take criticism. And for that i will continue to post the same banned islamic videos everyday. You muslims cannot censur the whole world. I dont hate islam, but i hate islamic censorship.

Painfull story of Asia Bibi
Peca Eu·5 video
Caricato in data 03/dic/2011
This is the painfull story of the pakistani Christian women Asia Bibi. There are many more stories like this. Many innocent Christians are in jail without any legal and moral help. Please watch this film and share it with your friend, and support you Christian community by giving your comments.

Rimsha case: Imam masjid Khalid Jadoon held
jeeveypak·906 video
Pubblicato in data 02/set/2012
Rimsha case: Imam masjid Khalid Jadoon held
Police have arrested ‘imam masjid’ (prayer leader in the mosque), Khalid Jadoon, accused of tampering with the evidence against Rimsha Maseeh, who has been in detention since she was allegedly found holding in her hand burnt pages with holy verses printed on them
Earlier an eyewitness, in his statement before the magistrate on Saturday, said that Khalid Jadoon rigged the evidence against Rimsha Maseeh.

According to Hafiz Muhammad Zubair, the eyewitness, he was observing Itekaf in the mosque when he learnt about the incident of alleged burning of pages with Quranic verses printed on them.

He said that Ammad, the complainant in the case, handed over the ashes of pages with Quranic verses on them to the Imam of the mosque Khalid Jadoon, who also added more pages to it.
The eyewitness further said in his statement that he himself along with two more Itekaf observers protested against this brazen act of fudging the evidence against the poor girl. He said that he and other eyewitnesses had asked Khalid Jadoon to present the real evidences against Rimsha.

Meanwhile, the religious scholar Tahir Ashrafi has asked the Ulema as to what kind of punishment Imams like Khalid Jadoon deserved.

Free Asia Bibi Now!
Everest John Alexander·155 video
Caricato in data 26/ago/2011 – Christian Wife and Mother Asia Bibi living in Pakistan has been sentenced to death for her Christian Beliefs! Please sign the petition to free Asia Bibi so she can be reunited with her husband and children. Thank you!

Asia Bibi is going to be executed soon for “insulting” the “Prophet” Muhammed. The Muslim clicks are rejoicing for this brutal action. Can you stand with Asia Bibi? Can you say no more injustice, insanity in the name of religion? can you say above all no more death?
Asia Bibi is a mother, a sister, and a wife.
please sign the petition for her @

Caricato in data 18/nov/2010
12PORTE – 18 novembre 2010: 12PORTE aderisce alla campagna promossa da TV2000, il canale televisivo dei cattolici italiani e all’appello del Santo Padre Benedetto XVI, per la liberazione di Asia Bibi, la donna cristiana, di 45 anni e madre di 5 figli, condannata a morte in Pakistan con l’accusa di blasfemia. La donna, com’è noto, aveva respinto le pressioni delle sue colleghe di lavoro perché si convertisse all’Islam e aveva difeso con forza le ragioni della propria fede cattolica. Picchiata e poi rinchiusa in carcere per oltre un anno, recentemente è stata condannata alla pena capitale da un tribunale del Punjab. In vista del passaggio del caso all’Alta Corte è necessaria una grande mobilitazione internazionale in nome della libertà religiosa, con l’obiettivo di salvare la vita e restituire la libertà a questa donna così coraggiosa e non solo della sua perché sono già 33 i cristiani uccisi pretestuosamente nei mesi scorsi in Pakistan: è importante accendere i riflettori dell’opinione pubblica sulle persecuzioni di cui sono vittime in tutto il mondo tanti cristiani a causa della loro fede. Caricato in data 14/mar/2010
Quello che i MEDIA non rivelano al mondo!!!
Perseguitati, ma non abbandonati; abbattuti, ma non distrutti
2Corinzi 4:9

Islamikando·216 video

Pubblicato in data 10/nov/2013
Il principale motore della persecuzione in Eritrea si chiama paranoia dittatoriale (sebbene il governo abbia una matrice marxista, questo termine è più appropriato di oppressione comunista). La popolazione cristiana dell’Eritrea è approssimativamente stimata intorno al 50%, così come il rimanente 50% è attribuito alla presenza musulmana. L’Eritrea ha tre forme di cristianesimo: 1) chiese storiche registrate, 2) credenti delle denominazioni storiche cristiane che hanno abbracciato un altro tipo di fede cristiana, 3) cristiani indipendenti. In questo documento i ‘cristiani indipendenti’ sono protestanti non tradizionali. Non sono stati evidenziati casi relativi a cristiani ex musulmani in Eritrea nel periodo in questione. Le comunità di cristiani appartenenti alle ultime due categorie spesso funzionano come chiese clandestine. L’Eritrea condivide un lungo confine con l’Etiopia, suo nemico storico col quale ha spesso avuto confronti violenti. Questa è una delle ragioni per le quali il governo considera i gruppi non sottoposto a stretto controllo come potenzialmente pericolosi per il regime. I cristiani delle chiese registrate possono essere controllati fino a un certo punto, i cristiani delle comunità clandestine, invece, non lo sono. Un ufficiale del governo una volta ha dichiarato pubblicamente che l’Eritrea ha tre nemici da combattere: (1) HIV/ Aids, (2) il regime in Etiopia e (3) i cristiani indipendenti. Questa è la ragione della pesante ostilità che affrontano i convertiti dalla chiesa cristiana storica e i cristiani indipendenti.
Continua su:…

Pubblicato in data 03/mag/2013 Uzbekistan- Cristiani perseguitati dai musulmani e ridotti alla fame
Questa è la storia vera di una uomo incarcerato per la fede in Gesù.
L’Uzbekistan è un paese per l’88% musulmano dove i cristiani sono perseguitati. Le autorità in Uzbekistan hanno avvertito le chiese locali di non permettere ai bambini di assistere alle loro riunioni di culto.

Caricato in data 17/ago/2011
If you would like to HELP Asia Bibi, her husband, her daughters please visit and SIGN the Petition. If you watch and feel sad, but do nothing, it will not help. If you watch and cry and do nothing, it will not help. Please Pray and Sign the Petition then ask others to do the same. May our ALL-Powerful Heavenly Father hear these prayers. Amen.
Pubblicato in data 15/dic/2012
No cometan el error de porque en un pais haya un gobierno conservador, etiquetar al pueblo como medievales o tercermundistas. En España estaba hace unos añicos la dictadura de Franco y no por ello los españoles eramos franquistas en general ni eramos nerdeandentales. Además, para los españoles de extrema derecha que dirán que nuestro pais es diferente, recordarles las noticias de varias personas con causas judiciales abiertas (uno por hacer una escultura de Franco) y otro por hacer el video de cómo cocinar un Cristo (el señor Javier Krahe). Y si aún se tienen más dudas, mirar los videos de “la españa profunda” de mi cuenta. La extrema derecha no sabe diferenciar al musulmán moderado del radical, para él todos los árabes son todos iguales y siempre los pinta como extremistas. Y esa es otra, se puede ser árabe y no ser musulmán (creyente de alá). No cataloguemos a nadie por su raza y su procedencia. Conozcamos a las personas una a una sin prejuzgarlas. No miremos las nacionalidades, miremos que hay personas detrás de ellas. A los de hazteoir les diría que sí, que mucho luchar contra el islam, sobre todo en su vertiende extremista, pero luego no se quejan de lo suyo, el cristianismo. Precisamente hazteoir no defiende los derechos de los homosexuales, precisamente, negandoles que se puedan casar ya que solo consideran matrimonio la unión de hombre y mujer.

27 gennaio, 07:30 #NEW #DELHI, [ gli schieramenti, sono già stati fatti, alcune, Nazioni incominaciano a muoversi, come, pirati, predoni, contro, lo schieramento nemico (come è il caso, della India, contro,la Italia) semplicemente perché, nella massoneria del 32°livello, hanno dato, per inevitabile, la guerra mondiale! ] Una delegazione del Parlamento italiano, è atterrata stamane a #New #Delhi, con un aereo speciale per incontrare i due marò #Massimiliano #Latorre e #Salvatore #Girone, arrestati in #India per l’uccisione di due pescatori. I parlamentari sono guidati dai presidenti delle #commissioni #Esteri di #Camera e #Senato. In mattinata è previsto il primo incontro con i due #fucilieri di #Marina nel complesso della sede #diplomatica #italiana, dove risiedono da circa un anno. [ con la esistenza dei #poteri #occulti, #massonici, la  gente, i popoli, non conoscono più, i motivi per cui devono morire, infatti, molti ebrei, nei campi di #sterminio #nazista, non sapevano di morire, per le colpe di #Rothschild ]

27 gennaio, 07:53. #NEW #YORK, [ #king #saudi #arabia, tu hai visto? tu non hai nessun rispetto, per il valore della vita umana! il fatto che sacrifichi i tuoi uomini migliori sullo altare di satana, compie il tuo servizio sacerdotale, gli #islamici si immolano, per purificare il territorio, dagli idolatri cristiani, e poi, la #LEGA #ARABA, che, finge di combattere gli islamici, gli stessi, che, finazia attraverso i servizi segreti, si siede sul genocidio dei cristiani, imponendo, per legge il suo nazismo religioso. Certo, rispetto alla perversione, che, ha portato alla seconda guerra mondiale, quella di questa guerra, è assasi più ipocrita, è più raffinata! ] Gli #Stati #Uniti hanno lanciato un attacco missilistico ( #drone) contro, uno dei leader del movimento #Shebab in #Somalia. Lo afferma un responsabile del #Dipartimento della #Difesa #americano,

27 gennaio, 13:22. #PALERMO, [ questo, io avevo, in mente, di voler dire, da molto tempo, se, il potere bancario e massonico, impedisce di ridurre lo stipendio, tutti coloro, che, percepiscono stipendi o pensioni, eccedenti i 10.000 euro, devono devolvere, il rimanente, esubero, in beneficenza, altrimenti, la vostra vità, non, potrà durare molto a lungo nella benevolenza! ] Oltre 30 mila dipendenti, e pensionati della Regione senza stipendi. Il bilancio non è ancora stato pubblicato in #Gazzetta, mentre l’impugnativa della finanziaria ha lasciato senza fondi enti e #consorzi #regionali, con, migliaia di persone, che, non sanno quando riceveranno il salario. #Rosario #Crocetta è a Roma, per incontrare Letta.

27 gennaio, 08:04 #KIEV, ] chi rompe paga! e se non hanno i soldi per pagare i danni, metteteli in carcere è buttate la chiave! [ La polizia ha “liberato” due sedi di amministrazioni regionali che erano state occupate dai manifestanti anti governativi a #Cherkassy e a #Sumy, rispettivamente #Ucraina centrale e nordorientale. Lo riferisce l’ufficio stampa delle rispettive procure regionali. Gli agenti hanno arrestato anche, oltre 10 persone.

27 gennaio, 08:12. king saudi arabia [ io ho i documenti, per poterlo dimostrare: io ho fatto costruire il muro, perché, ero stanco di vedere bambini israeliani, morire, dentro, i pulman scolastici che esplodevano. ] #TEL #AVIV, [ contrariamente, a quello che tutti pensano, i palestinesi, non combattono per la #Palestina, ma, per conquistare il mondo, cioè, combattono per la sharia, ma, se, tu fai condannare la sharia, poi, demoliano il muro e loro potranno andare ovunque, liberamente, io non credo, che, i confini degli Stati, hanno molta importanza, in realtà! ] Un ordigno è esploso oggi al passaggio, di una pattuglia militare israeliana, nei pressi del punto di valico di #Kissufim, ai margini della striscia di Gaza. lo riferiscono fonti #militari #israeliane secondo cui nell’attacco non si sono avute vittime. Si tratta, secondo le fonti, del secondo attentato, del genere questa settimana, nella stessa zona. Finora, nessuna rivendicazione, è giunta dai gruppi armati palestinesi. #king #saudi #arabia, non pensare di fare il furbo, con me, io dopo il secondo figlio? io chiudo le tube, anche, alle cagne! ovviamente, io sono la legge, universale, del taglione, chi uccide? lui anche deve essere ucciso, Perché, solo Dio, che, ha dato la vita, è il padrone di poterla togliere!

27 gennaio, 08:22. #ANKARA, [ ovviamente, i servizi segeti di #Erdogan il #salafita ottomano, saudita, wahhabita, non tollerano opposizioni. questo è un evidente omicidio politico, su commissione ] Una persona, è stata uccisa ed altre 7 ferite ieri sera in un quartiere popolare di Istanbul in un attacco, a mano armata, contro, una sede elettorale di un partito nazionalista, in vista di uno scrutinio comunale. Un responsabile per la stampa del Partito di azione nazionale ( #Mhp), la terza forza politica nel Parlamento turco, è morto durante l’attacco, avvenuto nel distretto di #Esenyurt poco dopo l’apertura di un ufficio per promuovere questa formazione prima del voto del prossimo marzo.

27 gennaio, 09:08. #L’AVANA, [ Papa Giovanni Paolo II, essendo sopravvissuto, miracolosamente, al nazismo, ed al comunismo, riteneva un grande dono di Dio, poter annunciae il Vangelo: liberamente. Quindi, non impugnava, la dottrina della chiesa, contro, la #Massoneria, e contro, il comunismo, cioè, contro: il potere costituito nel mondo, non usava, i documenti: e le scomuniche della Chiesa. ed è per lo stesso motivo, che, Papa, #Albino #Lucini, #Giovanni #Paolo I, è stato ucciso: subito, perché, lui non tollerava, il fumo di #satana, cioè, i #massoni #bildenberg, tra, i #cardinali, e tra, i #vescovi nel #Vaticano! ] Oltre, 100 dissidenti, soprattutto membri del movimento ‘Damas de blanco’, sono stati arrestati dalle autorità cubane alla vigilia di un vertice latinoamericano. Lo rende noto l’opposizione. Il dissidente #Guillermo #Fariñas ha detto di essere agli arresti domiciliari, da tre giorni, spiegando, che, il regime di #Raul #Castro, vuole impedirgli, di partecipare, a un forum di opposizione, che, si tiene parallelamente al vertice della Comunità degli stati #America #Latina e dei #Caraibi ( #Celac).

NEW DELHI, 27 gennaio, L’incontro, tra, la #delegazione di #parlamentari #italiani, e i due fucilieri di marina, Massimiliano Latorre e Salvatore Girone, è iniziato presso #ambasciata #italiana, a #New #Delhi. [ la situazione della #India, è così pericolosa, per la stessa India, che, io non ho più bisogno di insultare nessuno, perché, se, #Russia, #Cina, si opporranno, ad un embargo mondiale, contro, India, poi, dimostreranno loro, di avere optato, per la #terza #guerra #mondiale, quindi, l’infamia di questo crimine, non potrà più ricadere, sui #farisei anglo-americani, e sul #sistema #massonico ( come, è giusto che sia ), ma, proprio, le responsabilità cadranno, su di loro: #India, #Russia, #Cina! perché, questo sospetto, che, esiste un sola massoneria mondiale, è giustificato, dal fatto, che, esiste un solo #fondo #monetario #internazionale. ] “Siamo soldati, soldati italiani, dobbiamo soffrire con dignità”: lo ha detto il marò #Massimiliano #Latorre nel suo incontro a New Delhi, con, la delegazione dei parlamentari italiani. “Ci auguriamo di tornare con onore”. “Molti indiani, ci apprezzano e molti pregano per noi”, ha detto #Salvatore #Girone. Noi, hanno aggiunto i due #fucilieri “Ci aspettavamo da tanto la vostra iniziativa unitaria. Non immaginate quanto sia importante per noi questa missione, proprio per il suo carattere unitario”. Sulla vicenda dei #marò, il governo ha scelto, la linea “non degli urli, senza slabrature,con una posizione solida anche dal punto di vista giuridico: questa era la strada da seguire”. Così, il ministro degli #Esteri #Emma #Bonino a Radio24, secondo cui all’origine della vicenda ci sono anche “personaggi che, ora si agitano molto”. Un esempio? “La legge La #Russa, il cui decreto prevedeva la presenza, di militari, su navi civili, senza stabilire per bene le linee di comando, tutto questo, sarà utile rivederlo”.

27 gennaio, 10:52, #IL #CAIRO, [ #Arabia #Saudita, #Turchia, #sistema #massonico, hanno scelto di fare, il gioco sporco, contro, #Egitto, anche, ma, Israele è innocente, in tutta questa malvagità! ] [poi, è molto strano che, contro ogni logica, chi piange, i suoi morti, veramente innocenti, sono sempre, i martiri cristiani copti, ovviamente, non è un caso, ma, è il vero obiettivo, che, si vuole perseguire, il sommo sacerdote Maometto, si deve purificare, da tutti gli idolatri cristiani, prima di poter immolare #Israele, questa, è la strada, piena di ambiguità, ed ipocrisia, che, la #LEGA #ARABA, impedendo di criminalizzare la #sharia, ha dimostrato, di voler perseguire, fino in fondo, all’esito, perdi tutto, o tutto raddoppia, di una guerra mondiale mucleare, da fare, da giocare con astuzia orientale, a spese, dei due blocchi contrapposti. MA tra, le corna dei contendenti demoni, i popoli innocenti verranno sterminati, se non verrà annientato, il genere umano, non andranno persi, meno: di 6 miliardi di persone! ] E’ salito a 64 morti, il bilancio degli scontri, in #Egitto, sabato scorso. A questi si aggiungono i 22 di venerdì per un totale di 86, la maggior parte al Cairo, colpiti da armi da fuoco alla testa e al ventre. Nel bilancio particolarmente tragico per quanto riguarda gli scontri a #Giza, di sabato, ci sono, anche, le vittime – in gran parte agenti di polizia, dei quattro attentati dinamitardi di venerdì scorso che hanno scosso il cuore del Cairo.

27 gennaio, #MOSCA, [ i vigliacci pezzi di merda, si tirano indietro, dalle loro responsabilità, come se, ci sono sempre, i fessi, che, devono morire, per il loro benessere! devono essere penalizzati, nelle loro ambizioni sociali e lavorative! ] Nuova defezione di giurati al terzo processo, per l’omicidio della giornalista russa d’opposizione Anna Politkovskaia, avvenuto il sette ottobre 2006. Questa mattina cinque membri su 12 della giuria popolare non si sono presentati in aula a Mosca, informando il tribunale di non poter più partecipare, ma senza fornire dettagli. Subito sostituiti con giurati di riserva, il processo è proseguito con la lettura dei capi d’imputazione da parte dell’accusa.

27 gennaio, 11:16. #TOKYO, [ questa: è una legge universale, tutte le volte, che, viene violato: il diritto naturale: di una religione positiva: e pacifica: come, il cristianesimo? poi, è normale: che: si debba tutti vivere sempre, nel terrore! ovviamente, oggi questo terrore, per i criminali, è aumentato, perché, agisce Unius REI, conl i suoi angeli giustizieri! ] Il leader nordcoreano #Kim #Jong-un, ha ordinato l’esecuzione della famiglia, dello zio, ex tutore ed ex eminenza grigia, #Jang #Song-thaek, già giustiziato a dicembre, nonchè degli uomini a lui vicini. Lo scrive il Chosun Ilbo citando diverse fonti. Tra, le vittime ci sarebbero la sorella di Jang, #Jang #Kye-sun e suo marito #Jon #Yong-jin (ambasciatore a #Cuba), l’ambasciatore in #Malesia #Jang #Yong-chol, che è nipote di #Jang, oltre, ai suoi figli poco più che ventenni.

(sorry ANSA, ma, chi già, non conosce il fatto? non riesce a capire nulla, da quello, che, tu scrivi) – KIEV, “L’esistenza dell’Ucraina indipendente, è ora in pericolo”: lo sostiene il partito delle regioni, quello del presidente Ianukovich, che, ha chiesto al procuratore generale #Viktor #Pshonka di aprire immediatamente, un’inchiesta, sulle “azioni anti costituzionali” delle cosiddette #Rade (parlamenti, ndr) popolari e di perseguire i colpevoli.

27 gennaio, 12:37. #PECHINO, [ la Cina non può dimenticare, che, è del popolo la sovranità, e non del partito, per diventare anche loro i nazisti. ] L’attivista cinese, per i diritti umani Hu Jia, è stato fermato ieri dalla polizia cinese, dopo aver denunciato dai microfoni dell’emittente americana #Radio #Free #Asia ( #Rfa) la condanna a quattro anni di prigione inflitta all’avvocato anti-corruzione Xu Zhiyong. Lo hanno dichiarato fonti del dissenso oggi alla stessa Rfa. Secondo i dissidenti, Hu Jia potrebbe essere accusato dello stesso reato per il quale è stato condannato Xu, cioè l’aver preso iniziative per “disturbare l’ordine pubblico”.

01/27/2014. CHINA, se, noi non crediamo, in una base di valori comuni, sui diritti umani, e sul diritto internazionale, come, noi possiamo dire, che, non siamo responsabili, nel voler fare la terza guerra mondiale? ]] Xu Zhiyong gets four years as “last shred of China’s dignity” destroyed. For legal experts , the trial against the dissident is a betrayal of all of Xi Jinping’s sermons on reforms and the fight against corruption. Hu Jia, Xu supporter, was seized by the police. Xu was “too” popular: he had defended the parents of children involved in the poisoned milk scandal and demanded migrant children’s rights to go to school and in university. Beijing ( AsiaNews) – The four year prison sentence handed down against Xu Zhiyong, leader of the new citizens movement that had demanded a public disclosure of the Party leader’s assets, “has destroyed the last shred of dignity of the rule of law in China” . This was the great dissident ‘s comment after the sentence was handed down two days ago. Xu was tried on January 22 , behind closed doors and total media silence. New York based law professor Jerome Cohen, one of the world’s leading experts on Chinese law, says that “this case, with all the procedural violations and the lack of transparency, has been a repudiation of the party line “. In fact, last November, the Supreme Court has ordered judges to reduce the manipulation of justice, by ensuring open trials and witness protection. None of which happened. The four years sentence is also a public disavowal of President Xi Jinping’s proclamations and his fight against corruption. “Everything in this trial – said Cohen – has violated what the leader of China and the court have been preaching in the last year.” Although Xi continues to fight the corruption of high ranking officials, demanding they lead more sober lifestyles, that the Constitution and the law also be applies to Party members, the government also wants to stop the criticism from the outside protests and pressure from activists at all costs. Immediately after the judgment against Xu, another important dissident, Hu Jia , was taken by the police to a secret location ” provoking and stirring trouble “. Hu ‘s friends think that his seizure was due to Xu’s support for him with extensive debates on the internet. In addition to the complaints against the hidden assets ( and corrupt ) of Party leaders, Xu – a law professor at a university in Beijing – has supported the legal battles of Chinese families whose children had been poisoned with melamine-tainted milk and has always defended the right of migrant children to access school and university in the city where their parents work .
Many in China think that the government wanted to target Xu because of its growing popularity and his imposing presence in the world of social networking. Quattro anni a Xu Zhiyong: “distrutta l’ultima briciola di dignità della Cina”. di Wang Zhicheng. Per esperti legali, il processo contro il dissidente è un tradimento di tutte le prediche di Xi Jinping su riforme e lotta alla corruzione. Hu Jia, sostenitore di Xu, è stato sequestrato dalla polizia. Xu era “troppo” popolare: aveva difeso i genitori dei bambini avvelenati col latte alla melamina e chiesto il diritto dei figli dei migranti di andare a scuola e in università. Pechino (AsiaNews) – La sentenza di quattro anni di prigione contro Xu Zhiyong, leader del movimento dei Nuovi cittadini, che chiedeva di rendere pubbliche le ricchezze dei quadri del Partito, “ha distrutto l’ultimo briciolo di dignità dello stato di diritto in Cina”. E’ il commento del grande dissidente, dopo la sentenza emessa due giorni fa. Xu è stato processato lo scorso 22 gennaio, a porte chiuse, ed è rimasto in silenzio per tutte le sedute. Jerome Cohen, uno dei massimi esperti mondiali di legge cinese, accademico di New York, afferma che il processo di Xu mostra che “le violazioni nella procedura e la mancanza di trasparenza sono un ripudio della linea del partito”. In effetti, lo scorso novembre, la Corte suprema ha ordinato ai giudici di ridurre le manipolazioni della giustizia, assicurando processi aperti e garantendo alla difesa l’ascolto dei testimoni. Nulla di tutto questo è avvenuto. La sentenza di quattro anni è anche una pubblica sconfessione dei discorsi del presidente Xi Jinping e della sua lotta alla corruzione. “Tutto in questo processo – ha detto Cohen – viola quanto i leader della Cina vanno predicando da un anno”. Anche se Xi continua a combattere la corruzione di quadri, a domandare loro una vita più sobria, a esigere che la Costituzione e la legge sia applicata anche ai membri del Partito, il governo vuole a tutti i costi fermare le critiche dall’esterno, le proteste di piazza e le pressioni degli attivisti. Subito dopo la sentenza contro Xu, un altro importante dissidente, Hu Jia, è stato preso dalla polizia e portato in un luogo segreto “per aver provocato e creato disordini”. Gli amici di Hu pensano che il suo sequestro sia dovuto al sostegno da lui dato a Xu con ampi dibattiti su internet. Oltre alle denunce contro le ricchezze nascoste (e corrotte) dei capi del Partito, Xu – professore di legge in una università di Pechino – ha sostenuto le battaglie legali delle famiglie cinesi i cui figli erano stati avvelenati col latte alla melamina e ha sempre difeso il diritto dei figli di migranti di poter andare a scuola e in università nelle città dove i loro genitori lavorano. Molti in Cina pensano che il governo abbia voluto colpire Xu a causa della sua crescente popolarità e per la sua imponente presenza nel mondo dei social network.

CHINA, though, if, we do not believe, in a base of common values, human rights and international law, as we can say, that we are not responsible, in wanting to make a third world war? ]]
CHINA, sin embargo, si, no creemos que, en una base de valores comunes, de los derechos humanos, y, en el derecho internacional, ya que, podemos decir, que, no nos hacemos responsables, en el deseo, de hacer, una tercera guerra mundial ? ]] CHINA, obwohl, wenn wir nicht glauben, in einer Basis, der gemeinsamen Werte, der Menschenrechte und des Völkerrechts, so können wir sagen, dass wir nicht verantwortlich sind, zu wollen, zu machen, einen dritten Weltkrieg ? ]] КИТАЙ, хотя, если, мы не верим, в базе, общих ценностей, прав человека, и, международного права, а, можно сказать,, что, мы не несем ответственности, в желании, чтобы сделать, третья мировая война ? ]] 中國,不過,如果,我們不相信,在一個基地,共同的價值觀,人權,國際法,因為,我們可以說,那,我們不負責,在想要,做,第三次世界大戰? ]] 우리가 말할 수있는,로 중국, 그러나, 우리는, 우리가 제 3 세계 전쟁에게, 확인, 원하는에 책임을지지 않습니다,​​, 공통의 가치, 인권과 국제법,베이스, 믿을 수 없어 ? ] 我々が言うことができ、中国は、しかし、あれば、我々は、我々は第三次世界大戦を、作るために、望むで、責任を負いませんことを、共通の価値観、人権、そして、国際法の基本では、信じていない? ]]

01/25/2014. CHINA, certamente, il partito unico, è molto utile, se, si deve andare in guerra, ma, se, qualcuno pensa, che, questa volta, il genere umano potrebbe, non sopravvivere, alla sua malvagità, poi, tutti, e ognuno, devono rinunciare al proprio partito unico, sharia, imperialiasmo. io sono Unius REI, proprio, per questo. cioè, per proteggere i Governi, anche, con le armi, se, è necessario, in questo momento, di transizione. perché tutti coloro, che, aderiscono al Regno, saranno protetti dal regno, quindi, le regole universali, devono da tutti, essere rispettate, per poter godere di: prosperità, uguaglianza, giustizia, verità, pace e libertà. Liu Yuandong, activist who called for end of single party rule, on trial in Guangzhou. The founder of the Southern Street battles press censorship and for the disclosure of the leaderships’ assets. Wang Gongquan, a wealthy businessman and friend of dissidents has confessed “crimes” against public order. It is suspected that he was tortured. Messages of sympathy for those arrested posted online . Campaign to send greeting cards for Chinese New Year to the Nobel Laureate Liu Xiaobo. Guangzhou ( AsiaNews) – The trial of Liu Yuandong , 36, leader of a movement calling for an end of the single party rule in China ( see photo) began yesterday under massive security. Liu is charged with disturbing public order because with some of his companions urged people to demonstrate in the street and put up signs against the Communist Party monopoly of power. Liu is also accused of having supported the strike of journalists at Guangzhou’s Southern Weekly a year ago, when an editorial in the newspaper – which demanded reforms and democracy – was censored. Liu is the founder of the Southern Street which, although not widely followed, suffered a heavy repression, given that the government is afraid of it spreading. The group demands among other things that the Communist part leaders fight corruption and disclose their assets. Xu Zhiyong is currently on trial in Beijing for having made the same demand.  He is also being charged with disturbing public order. Xu is the recognized leader of the movement of new citizens. His supporters include Wang Gongquan, a successful businessman , very critical of the leadership. Wang , who was also arrested for having organized a petition in favor of Xu, has not been tried . But the website of the # 1 Intermediate Court in Beijing has published the news that he was found guilty along with Xu of having “incited and organized criminal activities such as gathering people to disturb the order in a public space”. According to some activists and human rights lawyers Wang ‘s confession was obtained under torture. Several observers believe that this series of trials against leaders of tiny groups is the Party attempts to implement a precept dating back to Deng Xiaoping, according to which the groups must be “weeded out before they take root”. The Communist Party’s main fear is that these groups become movements representing the discontent of civil society, tired of the corruption and injustices perpetrated by the party-state. A fact supporting this theory is that Xu and Wang’s trials are provoking an outpouring of sympathy online. Meanwhile , in Shanghai, hundreds of activists have launched a campaign to send greeting cards for Chinese New Year to the Nobel Laureate Liu Xiaobo, who is serving a sentence of 11 years in prison, Liu , 57, a fine literary critic and university professor, is among the drafters of Charter 08 , a manifesto for the implementation of human rights in China. For this reason – and for some pro-democracy articles published on the web – he was convicted of “inciting subversion of state power”. 25/01/2014 10:45, CINA. Liu Yuandong, attivista per la fine del Partito unico, sotto processo a Guangzhou. Il fondatore del Southern Street si è battuto contro la censura sui giornali e per la pubblicazione delle ricchezze della leadership. Wang Gongquan, ricco imprenditore e amico dei dissidenti ha confessato “crimini” contro l’ordine pubblico. Si sospetta sia stato torturato. Su internet messaggi di simpatia verso gli arrestati. Campagna per spedire i cartoline di auguri per il Nuovo anno cinese al Premio Nobel Liu Xiaobo. Guangzhou, Con enorme dispiego di personale di sicurezza, è iniziato ieri il processo contro Liu Yuandong, 36 anni, leader di un movimento che chiede la fine del Partito unico in Cina (v. foto). Liu è accusato di disturbo all’ordine pubblico perché insieme ad alcuni suoi compagni ha invitato persone a manifestare in strada e esporre cartelli contro il monopolio del potere del Partito comunista. Liu è anche accusato di aver sostenuto lo sciopero dei giornalisti del Southern Weekly di Guangzhou un anno fa, quando un editoriale del giornale – che domandava riforme e democrazia – è stato censurato. Liu è il fondatore del gruppo Southern Street che, pur non essendo molto numeroso, ha subito una pesante repressione, dato che il governo ne teme la diffusione. Fra le richieste del gruppo vi è pure quella che per combattere la corruzione, i leader del partito dovrebbero rendere pubbliche le loro ricchezze. Per la stessa richiesta, a Pechino in questi giorni si sta celebrando il processo contro Xu Zhiyong, anch’egli accusato di disturbo dell’ordine pubblico. Xu è il leader riconosciuto del movimento dei Nuovi cittadini. Fra i suoi sostenitori vi è Wang Gongquan, un imprenditore di successo, molto critico verso la leadership. Wang, anch’egli arrestato per aver organizzato una raccolta di firme a favore di Xu, non è stato processato. Ma il sito della Corte intermedia n.1 di Pechino ha diffuso la notizia che egli si è riconosciuto colpevole insieme a Xu di “aver organizzato e incitato ad attività criminali quali radunare persone per disturbare l’ordine in uno spazio pubblico”. Secondo alcuni attivisti e avvocati per i diritti umani la confessione di Wang è stata ottenuta sotto tortura. Secondo diversi osservatori, con questa serie di processi contro leader di gruppi minuscoli, il Partito sta attuando un precetto di Deng Xiaoping, secondo cui “occorre strappare l’erba cattiva quando è in germoglio”, prima che diventi una pianta impossibile da abbattere. Per il Partito comunista, questi gruppi rischiano di divenire dei movimenti che raccolgono tutto lo scontento della società civile, stanca della corruzione e delle ingiustizie perpetrate dal Partito-Stato. Un fatto da registrare è che su internet che, il processo di Xu e la situazione di Wang stanno riscuotendo la simpatia di molti blogger. Intanto, a Shanghai, centinaia di attivisti hanno lanciato una campagna per spedire cartoline di auguri per il Nuovo anno cinese al Premio Nobel Liu Xiaobo, che sta scontando una pena di 11 anni in carcere. Liu, 57 anni, un fine critico letterario e  professore universitario, è fra gli estensori di Carta 08, un manifesto per l’attuazione dei diritti umani in Cina. Per questo – e per alcuni articoli inneggianti alla democrazia, pubblicati sul web – egli è stato condannato per “incitamento alla sovversione contro il potere dello Stato”. Sua moglie Liu Xia, che ha il permesso di vedere il marito solo una volta al mese per pochissimo tempo e alla presenza di guardie, è agli arresti domiciliari.

CHINA, of course, the single party, is very useful, if: you have to go to war, but if anyone thinks: that: this time, the human race: could not survive, into their wickedness, then, everyone, and: everyone must give, go away up, their single party, sharia, imperialism. I’m a simple man Unius REI, coherent and linear, as: a child, just for this. that is, to protect governments, too, with weapons, if: it is necessary, at this time of transition. because, all those who: adhere: to the Kingdom, will be protected from: the kingdom, then, the universal rules, they must, by all, of: be respected, to be able: to enjoy prosperity, equality, justice, truth, peace and: freedom.

中国はもちろん、単独の当事者は、非常に便利ですが、次の場合は戦争に行かなければならないが、誰もが考えている場合:その:今回は、人類:、そして、彼らの邪悪に、生き残る皆、およびことができませんでした。誰もが、最大離れて行く、その一つの政党、シャリア、帝国主義を与えなければならない。これだけの子、私は、コヒーレントとリニア単純な男Unius REI、、ね。それは移行のこの時期に、必要である。場合には、武器を、あまりにも、政府を守るために、である。なぜなら、すべての人々:付着:王国から保護されます。王国、そして、普遍的ルールは、彼らは、すべてのことで、の必要があります:繁栄、平等、正義、真実を楽しむ:尊重されなければ、できるようにする、平和と:自由。

CHINA, por supuesto, el partido único, es muy útil, si: usted tiene que ir a la guerra, pero si alguien piensa: que: en esta ocasión, la raza humana: no podría sobrevivir, en su maldad, entonces, todo el mundo, y: todo el mundo debe dar, vete arriba, su partido único, la sharia, el imperialismo. Soy un hombre sencillo Unius REI, coherente y lineal, por ejemplo: un niño, sólo para esto. es decir, para proteger a los gobiernos, también, con las armas, si: es necesario, en este momento de transición. ya que, todos los que: se adhieren: al Reino, será protegida: el reino, pues, las reglas universales, deben, por todos, de: ser respetado, para poder: para disfrutar de la prosperidad, la igualdad, la justicia, la verdad , la paz y: la libertad.

КИТАЙ, конечно, одна партия, очень полезно, если: вы должны пойти на войну, но если кто-то думает: что: это время, человеческая раса: не могли выжить, в своих злодеяниях, то, все, и: каждый должен дать, уходи вверх, их единой партии, шариат, империализм. Я простой человек Unius REI, последовательной и линейная, как: ребенок, только для этого. то есть, для защиты правительства тоже с оружием, если: это необходимо, в это время перехода. потому что, все те, кто: придерживаться: в Королевстве, будет защищен от: царства, то, универсальные правила, они должны, по всему, из: уважать, чтобы быть в состоянии: наслаждаться процветания, равенства, справедливости, правды , мир и: свобода.

CHINE, bien sûr, le parti unique, est très utile, si vous devez aller à la guerre, mais si quelqu’un pense: que cette fois, la race humaine: impossible de survivre, dans leur méchanceté, alors, tout le monde, et: tout le monde doit donner, aller jusqu’à leur parti unique, la charia, l’impérialisme. Je suis un homme simple unius REI, cohérente et linéaire, comme suit: un enfant, juste pour cela. c’est, pour protéger les gouvernements, aussi, avec des armes, si: il est nécessaire, à cette époque de transition. parce que, tous ceux qui: adhérer: le Royaume, sera protégé contre: le royaume, alors, les règles universelles, elles doivent, par tous, de: être respecté, pour être en mesure: pour profiter de la prospérité, l’égalité, la justice, la vérité , la paix et: ​​la liberté.

الصين، بطبيعة الحال، وحزب واحد، أمر مفيد للغاية، إذا: لديك للذهاب إلى الحرب، ولكن إذا كان أي شخص يعتقد: أن: هذه المرة، للجنس البشري: لا يمكن البقاء على قيد الحياة، في شرهم، ثم، والجميع، و: الجميع يجب أن تعطي، حتى تزول، حزب واحد، والشريعة، الإمبريالية. أنا رجل بسيط الخط الفاصل بتصفح ومتماسكة والخطية، على النحو التالي: طفل، فقط لهذا الغرض. وهذا هو، لحماية الحكومات، أيضا، مع الأسلحة، إذا: من الضروري، في هذا الوقت من المرحلة الانتقالية. لأن كل الذين: تلتزم: إلى المملكة، وسوف تكون محمية من: المملكة، بعد ذلك، قواعد عالمية، فإنها يجب، من قبل الجميع، من: أن تحترم، لتكون قادرة: للتمتع الرخاء والمساواة والعدالة، والحقيقة والسلام و: الحرية.

666 youtube, 322 google, quando voi cercate, di carpire, in anticipo, con la vostra tecnologia aliena del cazzo, quello, che, io posso scrivere? mi vibra il monitor! perché voi usate, onde radio, per entrare, nel mio computer.
CHINA, il problema militare degli USA, non è soltanto, tecnologico, loro sono i poteri occulti, e, massonici, dei farisei anglo-americani, Spa, del FMI, e tu lo sai, loro sono diventati, anche, i poteri soprannaturali, degli aliens abductions, i satanisti cannibali, dei sacrifici umani, sullo altare di satana, quindi, io credo, che, non sia il caso, o l’interesse di nessuno, di voler fare questa guerra. ecco perché, tutti voi dovete fare quello che io dico, senza obiettare, semplicemente, perché, io sono: Unius REI, giustizia, verità, amore, uguaglianza, fratellanza, in forma umana! io sono l’unica potenza, che, i farisei anglo americani, non possano sconfiggere! ecco perché, per poter superare, questa minaccia, è indispensabile, che, tutte le 12 tribù di Israele, possano ritornare, dove hanno vissuto, i loro padri, cioè, nel deserto saudita!
E se, qualcuno, della confederazione, attraversa, una qualsiasi foma di problema: ggressione, sociale, economica, ecc.. io poi, non posso dire, questo non mi riguarda, perché, la confederazione è una mia responsabilità specifica! Quando c’è un regolamento, uguale per tutti, poi, proprio da quel regolamento ogni nazione ed ogni governo sarà tutelato! io sono un uomo senza ipocrisia!
Cina, E se, qualcuno, della confederazione, attraversa, una qualsiasi foma, di problema: aggressione, sociale, economica, ecc.. io poi, non posso dire, questo, non mi riguarda, non è un mio problema, perché, la confederazione, è una mia responsabilità specifica (se qualcuno manca di cibo, acqua, ecc.., poi, io troverò cibo, acqua, ecc..  necessarie, per lui)! Quando, c’è un regolamento universale, uguale per tutti, poi, proprio da quel regolamento, ogni nazione ed ogni governo, sarà tutelato, per attingere la sua protezione! io sono un uomo senza ipocrisia, dal cuore indiviso!

Youtube 666 , 322 google: fuck to you all, and your aliens abductions A.I.! when you are looking for , to steal , in advance , with your fucking alien technology , what, I can write ? you do vibrate the monitor ! because you used, radio waves, to enter into my computer .
CHINA , the problem of the U.S. military , is not only, technological , they are occult powers , and , Masonic Pharisees Anglo- Americans, Spa , IMF , and you know it , they have become , even , supernatural powers , of abductions aliens , cannibals, satanists , human sacrifice , on the altar of Satan , then , I believe, that, is not the case, or the interest of anyone, you want to make, this war. That’s why , all you have to do, is do all, that, I say , without, question , simply because I am : Unius REI, justice , truth, love , equality, fraternity , in human form ! I’m the only power that the Pharisees Anglo Americans, can not beat ! That’s why , in order to overcome this threat , it is essential that all 12 tribes of Israel, will return , where they lived , their fathers , that is, in the Saudi desert !
And if someone, into confederation: will be: attacked, crosses , any form, of problem, social, economic , etc. . I then , I can not say this , not me, not my problem , because the confederation , it is my responsibility to specification (if anyone in need of food , water, etc. .. then I’ll find food, water, etc. .. necessary for him) ! When there is a universal regulation , equal for all, then, just by that regulation, every nation and every government , will be protected , to draw his protection ! I am a man without hypocrisy , from undivided heart !

Youtube 666 , 322 google : baise à vous tous, et vos aliens abduction AI ! quand vous cherchez , à voler, à l’avance, avec votre technologie alien putain , ce que , je peux écrire ? vous faites vibrer l’écran ! parce que vous avez utilisé , les ondes radio , d’entrer dans mon ordinateur .
CHINE , le problème de l’armée américaine , n’est pas seulement , technologique , ils sont des puissances occultes , et , maçonniques pharisiens Anglo-Américains , Spa , le FMI, et vous le savez , ils sont devenus , même , des pouvoirs surnaturels , des enlèvements extraterrestres , cannibales , satanistes , sacrifices humains , sur l’autel de Satan , alors , je crois , que , ce n’est pas le cas , ou l’intérêt de personne , vous voulez faire , cette guerre . C’est pourquoi , tout ce que vous avez à faire , c’est faire tout ce que je dis , sans question , simplement parce que je suis : unius REI , justice , vérité, amour , égalité, fraternité , sous forme humaine ! Je suis le seul pouvoir que les pharisiens Anglo -Américains , ne peut pas battre ! C’est pourquoi , afin de surmonter cette menace , il est essentiel que l’ensemble des 12 tribus d’Israël , seront de retour , où ils ont vécu , leurs pères , c’est dans le désert saoudien !
Et si quelqu’un , dans la Confédération : sera : attaqué , croix , sous une forme quelconque , de problème , sociale , économique , etc . Je puis , je ne peux pas dire cela, pas moi, pas mon problème , car la confédération , il est de ma responsabilité de spécification ( si quelqu’un a besoin de nourriture, d’eau , etc .. puis je trouver de la nourriture , de l’eau , etc nécessaire pour lui … ) ! Quand il s’agit d’un règlement universel, égal pour tous, alors , juste par ce règlement , chaque nation et de chaque gouvernement , seront protégés , d’attirer sa protection ! Je suis un homme sans hypocrisie , de cœur sans partage !

Youtube 666 , 322 google : fuck an euch alle und eure Aliens Entführungen AI ! wenn Sie suchen, um zu stehlen, im Voraus , mit deinen verdammten Alien-Technologie suchen, was kann ich schreiben? Sie schwingen den Monitor zu tun! weil Sie verwendet , Radiowellen , um in meinen Computer ein.
CHINA , das Problem des US-Militärs , ist nicht nur , technologischen, sie okkulte Kräfte sind , und , Freimaurer Pharisäer Anglo-Amerikaner , Spa , IWF, und Sie wissen es , haben sie sich selbst , übernatürliche Kräfte , von Entführungen Aliens, Kannibalen , Satanisten , Menschenopfer auf dem Altar des Satans , dann , glaube ich, dass das nicht der Fall , oder das Interesse von jedermann , zu machen, diesen Krieg wollen. Deshalb ist alles, was Sie tun müssen , ist, alles tun , dass , sage ich, ohne Frage , nur weil ich bin: unius REI , Gerechtigkeit, Wahrheit, Liebe , Gleichheit, Brüderlichkeit , in menschlicher Gestalt ! Ich bin die einzige Macht, die die Pharisäer Anglo -Amerikaner, nicht schlagen ! Das ist, warum , um diese Bedrohung zu überwinden, ist es wichtig, dass alle 12 Stämme Israels, wird zurückkehren , wo sie lebten , ihrer Väter, das heißt, in der saudischen Wüste!
Und wenn jemand in Konföderation : angegriffen , Kreuze , jede Form von Problem -, Sozial -, Wirtschafts- , etc.: sein wird. Ich habe dann , kann ich nicht sagen, das , ich, nicht mein Problem , denn der Eidgenossenschaft , ist es nicht meine Aufgabe, Spezifikation ( wenn jemand in Not mit Lebensmitteln, Wasser , etc. .. dann werde ich Nahrung, Wasser , etc. zu finden … für ihn nötig) ! Wenn es eine universelle Regelung für alle gleich , dann nur mit dieser Verordnung , jeder Nation und jeder Regierung , geschützt werden , um seinen Schutz zu ziehen! Ich bin ein Mann ohne Heuchelei aus ungeteiltem Herzen !

Youtube 666, 322 google : fuck a todos ustedes, y tus extranjeros secuestros AI ! cuando usted está buscando, a robar, por adelantado, con su tecnología extraterrestre de mierda , ¿qué puedo escribir? lo hace vibrar el monitor! ya que utiliza ondas de radio , para entrar en mi equipo .
CHINA , el problema de los militares de EE.UU. , no es sólo , tecnológicos , son los poderes ocultos , y , masónicas fariseos angloamericanos , Spa , el FMI, y usted lo sabe , se han convertido , incluso , poderes sobrenaturales , de abducciones extraterrestres , caníbales , satanistas , los sacrificios humanos , en el altar de Satanás, entonces , creo, que no es el caso , o el interés de nadie, que quieren hacer , esta guerra. Por eso , todo lo que tienes que hacer, es hacer todo lo que te digo , y sin , pregunta, simplemente porque yo soy: Unius REI , la justicia, la verdad, el amor , la igualdad , la fraternidad , en forma humana ! Soy el único poder que los angloamericanos fariseos , no se puede superar ! Es por eso que , a fin de superar esta amenaza , es esencial que todas las 12 tribus de Israel, regresarán , donde vivían, sus padres, es decir, en el desierto de Arabia !
Y si alguien, en la confederación : será : atacaron , cruces, cualquier forma, de los problemas, sociales, económicos, etc . Entonces , yo no puedo decir esto , no yo , no es mi problema, porque la confederación , que es mi responsabilidad con la especificación (si cualquier persona en necesidad de comida, agua , etc .. entonces voy a encontrar comida, agua, etc … es necesario para él) ! Cuando existe una regulación universal, igual para todos, entonces, justo por dicho Reglamento, todas las naciones y todos los gobiernos , serán protegidos , para dibujar su protección ! Soy un hombre sin hipocresía , de corazón indiviso !

検索エンジン666 、 322 Googleは:あなたのすべて、およびあなたの宇宙人に性交のAIを誘拐!あなたのクソエイリアンの技術では、事前に、盗むために、探しているとき、私は何を書くことができますか?あなたは、モニターを振動させるか!あなたは私のコンピュータに入力するために、電波を使用したため。
中国は、米軍の問題だけでなく、技術、彼らはオカルトの力であり、フリーメーソンパリサイアングロアメリカ人、スパ、国際通貨基金(IMF) 、そしてあなたがそれを知って、彼らはなってきて、でも、超能力、拉致の外国人の、ある人食い人種、悪魔主義、人間の犠牲、サタンの祭壇の上に、そして、私は信じて、それは、ケースがないか、または誰の関心は、あなたは、この戦争を作りたい。それが理由です、あなたがしなければならないすべては、ですが、すべての操作を行い、私が言う、その質問、することなく、単にので、私服装: Unius REI 、正義、真実、愛、平等、友愛、人間の形にある!は、私はパリサイ人、アングロアメリカ人は、打つことができないだけのパワーだ!だからこそ、この脅威を克服するために、それは彼らが住んでいたイスラエルのすべての12の部族が、サウジアラビアの砂漠で、つまり、自分の父親を返すことが不可欠ですよ!
そして連合に誰かが、あれば:問題の攻撃を受け、十字架、どのような形態、社会、経済など:になります。私それから、私はこれを言うことができない、私ではなく、私の問題は、連合ので、 (仕様への私の責任ではないなどの食料、水、必要としている誰もが..私は食料、水などを見つけることができた場合···彼のために必要な) !すべての平等な普遍的な規則が存在する場合には、その後、ちょうどその規制、すべての国、すべての政府が、彼の保護を描画するために、保護されます!私は分割されていない心の底から、偽善のない男です!

يوتيوب 666، 322 جوجل : اللعنة لكم جميعا ، و عمليات الاختطاف الأجانب الخاص لمنظمة العفو الدولية ! عندما كنت تبحث عن ، لسرقة ، مقدما ، مع التكنولوجيا الغريبة سخيف الخاص بك، ما ، أستطيع أن أكتب ؟ كنت تفعل يهتز الشاشة ! لأنك تستخدم موجات الراديو ، للدخول في جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بي .
الصين ، ومشكلة الجيش الأمريكي، ليس فقط، التكنولوجية ، هم القوى غامض ، و الماسونية الفريسيين الأنجلو الأميركيين ، سبا، صندوق النقد الدولي، وأنت تعرف ذلك ، لأنها أصبحت ، حتى ، قوى خارقة للطبيعة ، من الاختطاف الأجانب، أكلة لحوم البشر ، عبدة الشيطان ، التضحية البشرية ، على مذبح الشيطان ، ثم ، في اعتقادي، أنه ليس هو الحال ، أو مصلحة أحد ، وتريد أن تجعل هذه الحرب . لهذا السبب ، كل ما عليك القيام به، هو تفعل كل شيء، أن أقول ، دون ، سؤال، ببساطة لأنني : الخط الفاصل بتصفح والعدالة و الحقيقة والمحبة والمساواة و الإخاء ، في شكل الإنسان ! أنا القوة الوحيدة التي الفريسيين الأنجلو الأميركيين ، لا يمكن للفوز ! لهذا السبب ، من أجل التغلب على هذا الخطر ، فمن الضروري أن جميع القبائل 12 من إسرائيل ، وسوف يعود ، حيث كانوا يعيشون ، آبائهم ، وهذا هو، في الصحراء السعودية !
و اذا كان شخص ما ، في كونفدرالية : سيكون : هاجم ، الصلبان ، بأي شكل من الأشكال ، من مشكلة والاجتماعية والاقتصادية ، وما إلى ذلك. وبعد ذلك ، لا أستطيع أن أقول هذا ، وليس لي ، وليس لي مشكلة ، لأن كونفدرالية ، فمن واجبي ان مواصفات ( إذا كان أي شخص في حاجة إلى الغذاء والماء ، الخ … بعد ذلك سوف تجد الغذاء والماء و غيرها … اللازمة له ) ! عندما يكون هناك تنظيم عالمي ، على قدم المساواة للجميع، ثم ، فقط من خلال تلك اللائحة ، كل أمة وكل حكومة ، وسوف تكون محمية ، لرسم حمايته ! أنا رجل بلا رياء ، من قلب غير مقسمة !

Rothschild, è per mancanza (di liquidità), del tuo denaro di satana, creato dal nulla, che, si sta fermando la economia! un mio amico è pieno di assegni, che, sono pezzi di carta, senza copertura, in questo modo, tutto lo indotto economico, si bloccherà! Non mi interessa, delle tue speculazioni (che hai stampato denaro cattivo, per 40 pianeti terra ), e delle speculazioni monetarie, di pochi tuoi amici, ti proibisco, di fare morire, le persone per questo!

king Saudi ARABIA, tu sei proprio sicuro, che, gli ebrei sono rimasti, nel tuo deserto: 40 anni: ed un giorno, soltanto perché, loro dovevano essere puniti? la tua teologia è merda! lol. infatti, 40 anni: ed un giorno, è il tempo: giuridicamente valido: e vincolante, per diventare i possessori padroni, di un territorio… e certo, tu non sei nella posizione di poter dire di: “no”, a Dio!

27/01/2014 PAKISTAN, [ quindi, condannare, rimuovere la sharia! ] Islamabad, migliaia di cristiani in marcia per la pace. Il vescovo: “Uniti contro la violenza”. Una fiaccolata nella capitale ha ricordato le vittime delle stragi e l’opera di un sacerdote in prima fila nella campagna per le vaccinazioni, scomparso di recente. Mons. Rufin Anthony parla di “bagno di sangue” che ha colpito anche “chiese e scuole”. Appello dei cittadini al governo e all’esercito: sradicare il terrorismo “alla radice”. [ quindi, condannare, rimuovere la sharia! ] 01/27/2014 19:02
PAKISTAN. Islamabad: as bishop calls for ‘unity against violence,” thousands of Christians march for peace. by Jibran Khan. A torchlight procession is held in the capital to remember the victims of violence and the work of a recently deceased priest who led a campaign for vaccination. As he commemorates the victims of bloody attacks against churches and schools, Bishop Rufin Anthony appeals to ordinary Pakistanis to stand with the government and the Armed Forces to “eradicate terrorism from the roots.” Islamabad (AsiaNews) – “In the past, we have witnessed actual bloodbaths. Churches and schools have been attacked, and we have lost loved ones in the war on terror.” Equally, “we stand firm with our Armed Forces who are fighting on the front line. We also stand by the government as it puts up a fierce fight” against violence and terror, said Mgr Rufin Anthony, bishop of Islamabad/Rawalpindi, who addressed Pakistan’s Christian community as it observed a day of prayer for peace across the country. The latest Catholic initiative is a response to the escalating wave of terror that has fallen on the nation and left scores of people dead in the first weeks of 2014. In the capital, thousands of people joined the candlelight vigil for peace.
During the rally, the prelate spoke about Fr Anwar Patras, a Pakistani priest who died last week and was buried in Mianwali District. With a lifetime of service in the dioceses of Rawalpindi and Attock, he led in the fields of education and health, especially raising awareness in a campaign for polio vaccination.
Since the start of the year, Islamic extremists and Pakistani Taliban have carried out at least ten major attacks across the country. For most Pakistanis, the time is for quick action, including a decisive military campaign “to eradicate terrorism from the roots”. “People live in fear,” said Fr John P Riaz, a priest from Rawalpindi. There is a lot of “uncertainty” about the future. People want only peace and security. “We pray for peace in the region because we want a future for the new generations,” he added, “a future free from fear.” On this occasion, the Christian community in Khyber Pukthunkhawa province also celebrated one hundred years of presence in Tribal Areas, despite the fact that they do not enjoy the same status as the rest of the local population and are not recognised as members of any tribe. Although Christians are loyal to tribal laws, “we are not accepted as part of the tribe where we live,” said Arshad John, a local Christian. “Christians are not allowed to take part in jirga (a local assembly of elders). We are aliens in our own land, a land which we have protected for more than a hundred years.” In fact, Christians are not allowed to build churches, and pastors and priests have to refrain from venturing into these areas because of the danger of abduction and murder. Just recently, a priest was kidnapped and released only after a large sum of money was paid. “It is ironic that Christians are not recognised even in Tribal Areas despite their loyalty,” said Fr James Ilyas, from the Diocese of Peshawar, where a Protestant church was attacked in September. In view of this, the Church continues to pray “for persecuted people”. With a population of more than 180 million people (97 per cent Muslim), Pakistan is the sixth most populous country in the world, the second largest Muslim nation after Indonesia. Hindus are 1.85 per cent, followed by Christians (1.6 per cent) and Sikhs (0.04 per cent). Violence against ethnic and religious minorities is commonplace across the country, with Shia Muslims and Christians as the main target, with things getting worse in recent years.

king Saudi ARABIA, colui che, crede, che, io sono un semplice youtuber, sarà colpito, ed anche, ucciso, dagli angeli: perché questo è: alto: tradimento! Infatti, io sono il più potente ministero politico, sollevato da Dio, in tutta la storia del Genere Umano, di me, parla la Bibbia, troppe volte, ma, poiché, io non: sono un religioso? io non: ho: mai preso appunti sistematici: di queste profezie, in realtà: non mi interessa, questo aspetto, perché, io sono la pura razionalità!

king Saudi ARABIA, è vero che, io ho letto la Bibbia, per anni, 2/3 ore al giorno, prima di avere questo minitero in youtube, ma, è anche vero che sono 6 anni, che, io ho smesso di leggere la Bibbia.. lol. e se, io leggo la Bibbia?, poi, io sono costretto: a ordinare ai miei ministri angeli: di uccidere milioni di criminai come te. ascolta: tu puoi leggere: i salmi dal 74. al 77. Sciocco, questa è la vera Parola di Dio, non: il tuo corano [ al Salmi 75:8. L’Eterno: ha in mano una coppa, ove spumeggia: un vino pien: di mistura drogata. Egli ne mesce; certo, tutti gli empi della terra, ne succeranno: e berranno le fecce, fino a impazzire .] dice: 8, Poiché l’Eterno ha in mano: una coppa di vino spumeggiante: pieno di veleno, ed egli ne mesce. Certamente, tutti gli empi della terra, ne scoleranno e berranno: fino alla feccia. [ e ti voglio ricordare, che, il calice, per Gesù rappresenta: la sua passione ] ed io credo, che, è arrivato per tutti voi, il momento di conoscere la sofferenza!

king Saudi ARABIA, e chi ha visto il vostro Allah? nessuno! perché, il vostro Allah, è la truffa di un demonio! e se, io Unius REI, io non dicevo: più volte, che, Allah è JHWH? poi, tu, insieme: a tutte le generazioni di musulmani, da Maometto ad oggi, voi sareste, tutti morti, senza speranza! ma, nella mia bontà, io ho voluto avere compasione: non di tutti voi, cioè, ma soltanto, di tutti i santi musulmani, che, sono stati, tra di voi, che, non si sono macchiati: le mani di sangue innocente, e di ogni ingiusta: predazione, per: colpa della tua merda: sharia, salafita, islamica, wahhabita, che tu hai finito di essere un massone di merda, per dire, anche al, cesso, io sono un pezzo di merda, senza speranza! [cesso, ie, water]

king saudi arabia, tu vuoi vedere, come, il tuo dio è falso, e come, io ti faccio morire, come un cane, insieme: a miliardi di criminali, assassini, razzisti, maniaci, insieme a te? Ecco: chi ha visto Dio, Certo: Dio: non: ha forma, ma, questo, non impedisce: ai profeti veri: di avere delle visioni. [ed: ovviamente, io che, non sono un profeta, io non ritengo di avere, mai avuto delle visioni, che, possono essere valide, per gli altri! ] Daniele 7,9. Io continuai a guardare finché furono collocati troni e l’Antico di giorni si assise. La sua veste: era bianca: come: la neve e i capelli: del suo capo erano come lana pura; il suo trono: era: come fiamme di fuoco: e le sue ruote: come fuoco ardente. 10. Un fiume di fuoco scorreva, uscendo dalla sua presenza; mille migliaia lo servivano: e miriadi di miriadi stavano: davanti a lui (uno soltanto, di tutti questi miei ministri? ha il potere di distruggere: il nostro pianeta! ). Il giudizio si tenne e i libri furono aperti. 11. Allora, io guardai a motivo delle cattive bestemmie, che, il corno proferiva: guardai finché: la bestia: fu uccisa, e il suo corpo distrutto: e gettato nel fuoco per essere arso. 12. Quanto alle altre bestie, il dominio fu loro tolto, ma: fu loro concesso un prolungamento, di vita per un periodo stabilito: di tempo. 13. Io guardavo nelle visioni notturne, ed ecco: sulle nubi del cielo venire: uno simile a un Figlio dell’uomo; egli giunse: fino all’Antico di giorni, e fu fatto avvicinare: a lui. 14. A lui fu dato dominio, gloria e regno, perché, tutti i popoli, nazioni e lingue: lo servissero; il suo dominio: è un dominio eterno, che, non passerà, e il suo regno, è un regno, che, non sarà mai distrutto». 15. «Quanto a me, Daniele, il mio spirito rimase addolorato nell’involucro del corpo: e le visioni della mia mente mi turbarono.

king saudi arabia, [un insegnamento teologico] chi è questo personaggio, di Daniele 10,9, certamente, 1. non è il Generale supremo degli angeli, cioè, Michele (il protettore del popolo di Daniele) a cui proprio lui ha ordinato di combatere, contro, il Re di Persia. 2. Certamente, non è Dio, perché, nessuna creatura potrebbe combattere, contro, Dio. Quindi, può essere soltanto il messia, umano degli ebrei! [ASCOLTA] daniele 10,5. alzai gli occhi e guardai, ed ecco, un uomo vestito di lino, con ai lombi, una cintura d’oro di Ufaz. 6. Il suo corpo era simile al topazio, la sua faccia aveva l’aspetto della folgore, i suoi occhi erano come torce fiammeggianti, le sue braccia e i suoi piedi parevano bronzo lucidato e il suono delle sue parole era come il rumore di una moltitudine. [CERTAMENTE, IL REGNO DI DIO È SCESO, IN MEZZO A VOI, CIOÈ, IN MEZZO A TUTTE LE VOSTRE MENZOGNE: IO SONO UNIUS REI!]

king saudi arabia, [ ecco, chi sono io: Unius REI, certamente, i tuoi alleati: alieni, Ogm demoni, nei dischi volanti, loro, non potranno salvare la tua vita, e il tuo regno, contro, di me! ed ovviamente, il mio ministrero, non può dipendere: dal mio corpo biologico, perché: io sono la fede, nella giustizia, che, ha il suo fondamento, nella giustizia di JHWH, che, è la fonte della forza!  ] Imminenza del castigo finale [ Apocalisse 10] [1] Vidi poi un altro angelo, possente, discendere dal cielo, avvolto in una nube, la fronte cinta: di un arcobaleno; aveva la faccia come: il sole: e le gambe come: colonne di fuoco. [2] Nella mano teneva un piccolo libro aperto (il Vangelo di Gesù Cristo, vero Dio e vero uomo ). Avendo posto, il piede destro, sul mare, e il sinistro sulla terra, [3] gridò a gran voce, come leone, che ruggisce. E quando ebbe gridato, i sette tuoni fecero udire la loro voce. [4] Dopochè, i sette tuoni, ebbero fatto udire la loro voce, io ero pronto a scrivere quando udii una voce dal cielo, che, mi disse: “Metti sotto sigillo quello, che, hanno detto i sette tuoni e non scriverlo”. [5] Allora l’angelo: Unius REI, che, io avevo visto, con un piede sul mare, e un piede sulla terra, alzò la destra, verso, il cielo [6] e giurò, per Colui, che, vive nei secoli dei secoli; che, ha creato cielo, terra, mare, e quanto, è in essi: ” Non vi sarà più indugio! [7] Nei giorni in cui il settimo angelo, farà udire, la sua voce e suonerà la tromba, allora, si compirà il mistero di Dio, come, egli ha annunziato ai suoi servi, i profeti”. #king #saudi #arabia, le tue mani, sono piene del sangue dei santi, ed è giunta, l’ora di fare vedere, quanti demoni e quante menzogne, sono dentro, alla tua menzogna religiosa, la tragedia, sta per giungere… correggiti, oppure, tu non potrai sopravvivere, alla tua stessa maledizione! in realtà, l’Islam potrebbe sopravvivere, alla tua criminalità, allora, tu non fare del male: al mio Islam, in modo: irreparabile!

king saudi arabia , [ here , who am I : Unius REI , of course, your allies : aliens, demons GMOs , in flying saucers , they will not be able to save your life, and, your kingdom, against me! and, of course , my ministry can not depend on , from my biological body , because I am the faith in justice , which has its foundation in the law of Yahweh , which is the source of strength! ] Imminence of the Final Punishment [Revelation 10] [ 1] And I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven , wrapped in a cloud, with boundary : a rainbow , his face was like the sun : and legs as: pillars of fire . [2] In his hand he held a small open book (the Gospel of Jesus Christ, true God and true man ) . By placing the right foot on the sea, and his left upon the earth, [3] cried with a loud voice, as a lion roars . And when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices . [4] after that, the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven , which said to me, “Seal up what, the seven thunders have said and do not write it ” . [5 ] Then, the angel Unius REI , which I had seen , with one foot on the sea and on the land raised his right hand toward the sky [6] and swore by Him who lives in ever and ever, who created heaven , earth, sea , and what is in them : “There will be no more delay [7] in the days when the seventh angel , will hear his voice and to sound, then, the mystery of God will be fulfilled as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. ” #king #saudi arabia , your hands are full of blood of the saints , and has come , the time to see how many demons and how many lies are inside your religious lie , the tragedy is about to arrive . .. correct yourself , or you will not be able to survive, to your own damn curse! in fact , Islam could survive against, your crime , then, you do not do hurt,  against: my Islam , so : in mode, so, irreparable !

27/01/2014 VATICANO. Papa: Giornata della memoria, “mai più si ripetano tali orrori, che costituiscono una vergogna per l’umanità” Lettera di Francesco al suo amico rabbino Skorka. Verrà letta al concerto “I violini della speranza”, in programma stasera a Roma. Suoneranno insieme, per la prima volta in Italia, dodici violini e un violoncello sopravvissuti alla Shoah, ciascuno con la sua storia drammatica, ritrovati e restaurati. [ tutte stronzate! la Sharia, lega araba, fa questi orrori: in Siria, e in tutto il mondo, ogni giorno! e che, dire dei satanisti americani?, e che dire dei satanisti: comunisti, indù, buddisti? ] voi state per morire: tutti come bestie: che: scendono allo inferno, strattonati da demoni, con uncini di fuco, urlando, in modo così straziante e disperato, che, non si può sostenere, per lo udito e per la vista!

01/27/2014 MALAYSIA – ISLAM. Molotov cocktails and banners against churches. Malaysian priest warns of escalating sectarian divisions. Two rudimentary bombs hurled at the Church of the Assumption in Padang overnight, only one exploded but caused no casualties or injuries. Yesterday derogatory banners hung outside three churches in the area . Fr. Lawrence : Catholics must be free to worship. Even Malaysia at risk of Islamization. 01/27/2014 INDIA. Card Gracias: Poverty and attacks on life threaten democracy in India. On the occasion of 65th Republic Day, the President of the Episcopal Conference illustrates the positive sides of the country, but also challenges to be overcome. On January 26, 1950 the Constitution came into force, based on “freedom, human dignity, secularism , justice, democracy and equality”, in compliance with “the diversity and the rights of minorities.” Among the problems to be solved “dehumanizing poverty , violence against women, attacks on life and environmental threats”. 27/01/2014. MALAYSIA – ISLAM. Molotov e slogan contro le chiese. Sacerdote malaysiano: Aumentano le divisioni confessionali, Nella notte due ordigni rudimentali scagliati contro la chiesa dell’Assunzione a Padang: solo una è esplosa ma non ha causato vittime. Ieri cartelli con frasi denigratorie all’esterno di tre chiese della zona. P. Lawrence: “I cattolici devono essere liberi di celebrare le funzioni. Anche in Malaysia rischio islamizzazione”. 27/01/2014 INDIA. Card. Gracias: Povertà e attacchi alla vita minacciano la democrazia dell’India. di Card. Oswald Gracias. In occasione della 65ma Festa della repubblica, il presidente della Conferenza episcopale illustra i lati positivi del Paese, ma anche le sfide da superare. Il 26 gennaio 1950 entrò in vigore la Costituzione, basata su “libertà, dignità umana, laicità, giustizia, democrazia e uguaglianza”, nel rispetto “della diversità e dei diritti delle minoranze”. Tra i problemi da risolvere “povertà disumanizzante, violenza sulle donne, attacchi contro la vita e minacce all’ecologia”.

[ open lettere to Arab league, Bildenberg, masonic system, esoteric agenda, Ogm,  Fmi, FED, ECb, Nwo, Bush 322, 666, Rothschild comunisti, fanatici, maniaci, crudele, parassiti, blasfemi, idolatri, ] ed il fatto, che, voi evete fatto: 1. una grande assemblea di demoni, 2. e che, la giustizia, non può vivere più sulla terra, questo, non è un problema, per me, ma, soltanto per voi! Romani 1 .. come sta scritto: Il giusto vivrà mediante la fede. 18. In realtà l’ira di Dio si rivela dal cielo, contro, ogni empietà e ogni ingiustizia di uomini, che, soffocano la verità nell’ingiustizia (teoria perpetua della evoluzione,  cioè, religione di ateismo ideologico), 19. poiché, ciò che di Dio si può conoscere è loro manifesto; Dio stesso lo ha loro manifestato. 20. Infatti, dalla creazione del mondo in poi, le sue perfezioni invisibili possono essere contemplate con l’intelletto nelle opere da lui compiute, come la sua eterna potenza e divinità; 21. essi sono dunque inescusabili, perché, pur conoscendo Dio, non gli hanno dato gloria né gli hanno reso grazie come a Dio, ma hanno vaneggiato nei loro ragionamenti e si è ottenebrata la loro mente ottusa. 22. Mentre si dichiaravano sapienti, sono diventati stolti 23 e hanno cambiato la gloria dell’incorruttibile Dio con l’immagine e la figura dell’uomo corruttibile, di uccelli, di quadrupedi e di rettili.
24. Perciò Dio li ha abbandonati all’impurità secondo i desideri del loro cuore, sì da disonorare fra di loro i propri corpi, 25 poiché essi hanno cambiato la verità di Dio con la menzogna e hanno venerato e adorato la creatura al posto del creatore, che è benedetto nei secoli. Amen. 26 Per questo Dio li ha abbandonati a passioni infami; le loro donne hanno cambiato i rapporti naturali in rapporti contro natura. 27. Egualmente anche gli uomini, lasciando il rapporto naturale con la donna, si sono accesi di passione gli uni per gli altri, commettendo atti ignominiosi uomini con uomini, ricevendo così in se stessi la punizione che s’addiceva al loro traviamento. 28. E poiché hanno disprezzato la conoscenza di Dio, Dio li ha abbandonati in balìa d’una intelligenza depravata, sicché commettono ciò che è indegno, 29. colmi come sono di ogni sorta di ingiustizia, di malvagità, di cupidigia, di malizia; pieni d’invidia, di omicidio, di rivalità, di frodi, di malignità; diffamatori, 30. maldicenti, nemici di Dio, oltraggiosi, superbi, fanfaroni, ingegnosi nel male, ribelli ai genitori, 31. insensati, sleali, senza cuore, senza misericordia. 32. E pur conoscendo il giudizio di Dio, che cioè gli autori di tali cose meritano la morte, non solo continuano a farle, ma anche approvano chi le fa.

Arab league, Bildenberg, masonic system, esoteric agenda, Ogm, Fmi,

666SeigniorageofBank, 3 ore fa, /user/YouTube/discussion [ su, dai, ammettilo puttanella,] questo è l\’unico commento, che, oggi è piaciuto a te, ed è l\’unico commento visibile, per chi non ha i super poteri, dei servizi segreti! ecco perché, io me ne vado con google+, perché, lui portare in evidenza, in visualizzazione, maggiori miei, commenti, che, non tu \”veramente tu sei una puttanella!\”

Caricato in data 21/feb/2012. A Pakistani Christian woman convicted of blasphemy and sentenced to death has successfully appealed a court\’s ruling, just as a petition demanding her release has reached over 500,000 signatures. Asia Noreen Bibi, whose case has received global interest, was sentenced to death by hanging in 2011 after spending more than a year in a Pakistani jail…. (Rescue

Caricato in data 06/set/2011 /watch?v=cLy5sp-c_TE [ ASIA BIBI ]
Edição Ana Vieira | Fundação AIS. A história da Asia Bibi, que ganhou dimensão planetária, já levou inclusivamente o Papa Bento XVI a pedir a sua libertação, gesto que, associado ao amplo movimento de simpatia para com Asia Bibi, conseguiu para já adiar o enforcamento. Recorde-se que duas das vozes que ousaram defendê-la, o Governador Salman Taseer e o Ministro para as Minorias Shahbaz Bhatti, foram brutalmente assassinados. O apoio da Fundação AIS à divulgação deste livro insere-se na missão e área de acção da própria instituição. O ano passado, o Bispo Auxiliar de Lahore, no Paquistão, D. Sebastian Shaw esteve em Portugal, a convite da Fundação AIS e deu o seu também impressionante testemunho sobre a realidade da perseguição e as dificuldades por que passam os cristãos naquele país de maioria muçulmana. A Fundação AIS tem presente uma grande campanha de apoio a Asia Bibi e a todos os cristãos perseguidos pela sua fé. Trata-se de uma acção que visa recolher apoios materiais para estas comunidades religiosas, mas também de apelo à oração.
Ainda recentemente foi enviado ao Bispo do Paquistão um livro digital (You are not alone) com os nomes de todos os nossos benfeitores que participaram já nesta corrente de oração.
Também no Facebook a Fundação AIS tem vindo a dinamizar o grupo Salvem a Asia Bibi, que congrega já mais de 1.700 pessoas. Edição Ana Vieira,

Pubblicato in data 15/set/2013. /watch?v=P6RSZIMVQfk… Um fotógrafo que não foi identificado fez imagens e uma narrativa breve, do que presenciou. A revista não confirmou, mas outras diversas afirmam que o motivo da morte deles foi sua fé. Eu vi uma cena de crueldade absoluta um ser humano sendo tratado de uma maneira que nenhum ser humano jamais deveria ser tratado… Eu não sei quantos anos a vítima tinha, mas era jovem. Eles o forçaram a ficar de joelhos. Os rebeldes ao seu redor liam os seus \’crimes\’ listados em um pedaço de papel. Eles o cercaram. O jovem estava com as mãos atadas. Ele parecia congelado. Dois rebeldes sussurraram algo em seu ouvido e o jovem respondeu de uma forma inocente e triste, mas eu não conseguia entender o que ele disse… No momento da execução, os rebeldes agarraram sua garganta. O jovem reagiu, mas três ou quatro rebeldes conseguiram imobilizá-lo. Ele tentou proteger a garganta com as mãos, que ainda estavam amarradas. Tentou resistir, mas os rebeldes eram mais fortes e cortaram sua garganta. Depois, levantaram a cabeça. As pessoas aplaudiram. Todo mundo estava feliz porque a execução aconteceu — relatou o fotógrafo..

Pubblicato in data 13/dic/2012 [Libertad para Asia Bibi] /watch?v=MiIx4x6KwRw
Madrid, dic (EFE).- La familia de la paquistaní Asia Noreen Bibi, de 47 años y condenada por la ley islámica a morir en la horca por blasfemia, pedirá al Gobierno español que presione al de Pakistán para conseguir su liberación y le ofrezca asilo en España.

Pubblicato in data 19/giu/2013
In 2009, a Pakistani Christian lady by the name Asia Bibi was arrested and tried by the islamic court in Pakistan because some group of muslim women lied that she insulted prophet Muhammed. Consequent upon that, she was sentenced to death. All christians around the world must pray for the release of Asia Bibi and those other christians who are unjustly incarcerated or sentenced to death for their faith.Their pain, misery, death is ours. They are our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Caricato in data 02/set/2011 /watch?v=24_WcywlIS8
Please go to to sign the petition. Asia Bibi Call for mercy.mp4
Caricato in data 15/dic/2010
Sign The Petition to Help Save Asia Bibi\’s Life:
This video is about Persecuted Pakistani Christian Asia Bibi. I give an overview and an update about her situation.
continuing the update from above….after the Pakistan Prime Minister announced that the government would not amend the law.
Salman Taseer, the former Governor of Punjab Province and advocate of Asia Bibi, was assassinated on Jan. 4 by his personal bodyguard, Mumtaz Qadri. Taseer had been commissioned by President Asif Ali Zardari to conduct a ministerial review of Asia Bibi\’s case. He found the verdict unsound and recommended a presidential pardon. Qadri, who openly confessed to killing Taseer, told authorities he was angered by Taseer\’s support for the proposed amendment to the blasphemy law and for Asia Bibi. Qadri was hailed a hero by his supporters, including a number of lawyers, who showered him with rose petals at his first court appearance.
Shahbaz Bhatti, another proponent of amending the blasphemy law, was killed on Mar. 2 by militant Islamic extremists. Bhatti, a Federal Minister and the only Christian in the Pakistani cabinet, worked on Asia Bibi\’s behalf and spoke out against the blasphemy law. The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the murder of Bhatti. The assassins left leaflets at the scene of the attack which stated they killed him for being a blasphemer.
In light of these events, VOM contacts in Pakistan have expressed concern for Asia Bibi\’s lawyer. He may be the next target, or he may refuse to represent her further due to the increasing danger.
Even if Asia Bibi\’s sentence is overturned her safety in Pakistan is suspected. That\’s because in Dec. 2010, a Muslim cleric offered a $5,800 reward to anyone who killed Asia Bibi in prison.
Asia\’s husband, Ashiq Masih, and their children are constantly on the run in Pakistan due to death threats. Other vocal supporters of amending the blasphemy law have had to flee the country because of threats to them and their families.
Please take the time to pray for and write to Asia Bibi and the government officials in Pakistan. Login to the Be-A-Voice Network or go to Prisoner Alert to find Asia Bibi\’s profile and contact information. Though there had been talk of moving Asia to another prison, we have not received confirmation that she has been moved. Therefore, please use the address provided in these links.
Again, we thank you for your love and support for the persecuted church. \”The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.\” (James 5:16b)
Serving the persecuted,
VOM Staff
Here is a link to an article about Asia. This is the same website you visit in order to send letters to Asia:…
Here is a link to a video by Asia Bibi\’s husband imploring people to pray for his wife and to get the word about her situation:…
Please Visit: to help save an innocent woman\’s life!
For Muslims please visit:
Please visit:

Pubblicato in data 10/nov/2013
Per favore pregare e non rimanete indifferenti per i perseguitati nel mondo, specie se cristiani!
Music Jeff Buckley – Hallelujah
Pubblicato in data 09/gen/2013
per favore parlate al conducente – la parola della puntata è \”straniero\” – Flavio Insinna racconta la storia di Asia Bibi

Caricato in data 29/ago/2011 /watch?v=YKJAcGqQfwo
Asia Bibi Mother Condemned to Die

Please help save Asia Bibi. She is going to be killed for her faith. We need 1,000,000 signatures to deliver to the Pakistani government. Spread the news all over the world!!!

Pakistan Released Prisoner Prays for Asia Bibi. Sandul Bibi recently met with VOM friends in Pakistan to celebrate one year since her release from prison. Sandul was arrested in October, 2009, and falsely charged with tearing pages from the Quran. During the time of celebration Sandul and the other believers took time out to pray specifically for Asia Bibi, another Christian in Pakistan who is currently facing a death sentence for alleged blasphemy against Mohammed.
This video includes Sandul\’s prayer for Asia, as well as her comments about Pakistan\’s blasphemy laws that are so often used against Christians.

Pubblicato in data 24/ott/2013 [The Blessings of Persecution]
VOM\’s Todd Nettleton was invited to speak at his home church—First Wesleyan Church in Bartlesville, OK—last Sunday as the church dedicated all three morning services to learning about and praying for persecuted Christians.
This video is from the second of the three services.
Churches in the US and around the world will commemorate the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP) on the first Sunday in November. The Voice of the Martyrs provides many resources—including a short film—to help your church plan for IDOP and effectively \”Remember those in bonds\” (Heb. 13:3) on this important day. Access all of the resources and learn more about IDOP at
Learn when a VOM speaker is coming to your area or request one at

Nigeria The young victims of Christian persecution. Pubblicato in data 25/apr/2013
The constant and ruthless attacks against Christians in Nigeria has left over 300 children at a Christian orphanage and school in Ogun State without one or both parents. Many of these kids witnessed unspeakable horrors and now bear emotional or physical scars. In this video, you\’ll meet five of these children and see how The Voice of the Martyrs is helping provide them with education, a safe place to live, and new hope.

Caricato in data 16/dic/2008 Christian Persecution in Nigeria
BNMTelevision·34 video
During the recent persecution of Christians in Jos, Nigeria, thousands traveled to the nearby city of Kaduna for Bill Newman\’s evangelistic meetings. Despite such suffering, we saw hundreds of courageous men, women, and children truly counting the cost and standing for Christ in the face of opposition.

Christians tortured and half-beheaded in Turkey /watch?v=jnhy_M3XSXI
Caricato in data 29/lug/2009
Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My names sake. And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:9-14)

Caricato in data 31/gen/2012 Malaysia Christians, Tortured for Their Faith
Gary Lane of CBN News traveled to Kuala Lampur to investigate the government-sanctioned hostility against Christians. In his travels, he observed hidden \”purification centers\” where many Christians are held. These centers are known to beat and torture Christians.
Many Christians remain in hiding, avoiding the watchful eye of the Malaysian government. If caught, these Christians face severe treatment, beatings, and torture, in an attempt to reconvert them to Islam.
Despite this constant danger, many Christians remain bold, spreading the Gospel to others. Many non-believers are seeking the truth of the Scripture, and are hungry for the Word.
Please pray for Christians in Malaysia they are in constant danger of harm or death. Remember that they are your brothers and sisters in Christ, and that you are bound with them.

Shafia\’s Story – Persecution In Pakistan /watch?v=VPF5bYS2nbg
Caricato in data 06/nov/2009 /watch?v=iJUNCyml0gw
Shafia and her family are Christians in a place where Christ followers are considered profane. Islamic law says they are traitors to the Muslim faith, and can be killed.
Shafia\’s brother was murdered. She was kidnapped and abused for four months. She was forced to work in a brick kiln for pennies a day.
But in the midst of her suffering, Shafia found hope in Jesus Christ, and the ability to forgive her abusers.
This video was created by The Voice of the Martyrs to tell Shafia\’s story, and to call on American Christians to pray for our brothers and sisters who face persecution simply for being followers of Jesus.
Who will you pray for today?
For more information on Christian persecution, please visit

IDOP 2010 Salavat. This video, produced for The Voice of the Martyrs, shows the real stories of Christians in Uzbekistan, who suffer hardship and persecution as believers in Jesus Christ. /watch?v=oR8aiWuMjjY&list=PLC1F356D4D7EF52F8
This video was produced for the International Day of Prayer (IDOP) in 2010. To learn more about the International Day of Prayer, visit

Caricato in data 15/nov/2011 /watch?v=qz38KW3_wfI&list=PLC1F356D4D7EF52F8
From the time Padina was 4 years old, she followed every rule of Islam in an attempt to grow closer to Allah. But Padina could never reach Allah. \”I never felt peace,\” she said. \”I would cry for hours to Allah, saying, \’I am so far from you. I can never go into your presence.\’\” She felt depressed and hopeless.
So she made a plan to end her suffering. She and her terminally ill mother would take pills, turn on the gas in the kitchen and enter the presence of Allah as honored Muslims.
As Padina started to turn on the gas, she heard her mother\’s TV in the living room. The words of a pastor on an illegal Christian satellite program grabbed her attention \”Why do you want to kill yourself tonight? Our God is so powerful that he can change your life. Give Jesus one week!\”
Repulsed, Padina came up with a plan. \”I will pretend to invite Jesus for one week in my life,\” Padina thought. \”I can embarrass Jesus and embarrass Christianity for the false religion that it is. In one week, I will call this television program and kill myself live on the program. That will disgrace the God of the infidels.\”
The song featured at the end of this presentation was made specifically for this video. The song can be found on,, and iTunes under the title \”You Hear Our Prayers (feat. Efra, Emily & Gary)\”.
Muslim Converts to Christianity and Exposes the evils of the Cult of Islam
Caricato in data 19/feb/2011 Caricato in data 19/feb/2011
He heard a voice call his name and saw a vision of Christ. This was miraculous, because up until then, Kamal was a Muslim.
Young Christian girl flees for her life from her Muslim family. We all know punishment the evil cult of Islam demands for apostates don\’t we?
Young Christian Girl Flees From Her Muslim Family
alanEDL·54 video
The Truth About Muhammad QURAN is a FRAUD ! /watch?v=mtrtxW_64PU
Ethiopia Violent Muslim IMAM Finds Jesus Christ

Caricato in data 11/feb/2008 Truth about islam from an ex-muslim lady
This video was online one time before, when it was the most discussed ever on youtube. But the halal-hippies of youtube removed it, because the western halal-hippies are too embarrassed about being from the west that they gave in to the claims of the fundamentalist muslims.
muslims can never take criticism. And for that i will continue to post the same banned islamic videos everyday. You muslims cannot censur the whole world. I dont hate islam, but i hate islamic censorship.

Painfull story of Asia Bibi
Peca Eu·5 video
Caricato in data 03/dic/2011
This is the painfull story of the pakistani Christian women Asia Bibi. There are many more stories like this. Many innocent Christians are in jail without any legal and moral help. Please watch this film and share it with your friend, and support you Christian community by giving your comments.

Rimsha case Imam masjid Khalid Jadoon held
jeeveypak·906 video
Pubblicato in data 02/set/2012
Rimsha case Imam masjid Khalid Jadoon held
Police have arrested \’imam masjid\’ (prayer leader in the mosque), Khalid Jadoon, accused of tampering with the evidence against Rimsha Maseeh, who has been in detention since she was allegedly found holding in her hand burnt pages with holy verses printed on them
Earlier an eyewitness, in his statement before the magistrate on Saturday, said that Khalid Jadoon rigged the evidence against Rimsha Maseeh.

According to Hafiz Muhammad Zubair, the eyewitness, he was observing Itekaf in the mosque when he learnt about the incident of alleged burning of pages with Quranic verses printed on them.

He said that Ammad, the complainant in the case, handed over the ashes of pages with Quranic verses on them to the Imam of the mosque Khalid Jadoon, who also added more pages to it.
The eyewitness further said in his statement that he himself along with two more Itekaf observers protested against this brazen act of fudging the evidence against the poor girl. He said that he and other eyewitnesses had asked Khalid Jadoon to present the real evidences against Rimsha.

Meanwhile, the religious scholar Tahir Ashrafi has asked the Ulema as to what kind of punishment Imams like Khalid Jadoon deserved.

Free Asia Bibi Now!
Everest John Alexander·155 video
Caricato in data 26/ago/2011 – Christian Wife and Mother Asia Bibi living in Pakistan has been sentenced to death for her Christian Beliefs! Please sign the petition to free Asia Bibi so she can be reunited with her husband and children. Thank you!

Asia Bibi is going to be executed soon for \”insulting\” the \”Prophet\” Muhammed. The Muslim clicks are rejoicing for this brutal action. Can you stand with Asia Bibi? Can you say no more injustice, insanity in the name of religion? can you say above all no more death?
Asia Bibi is a mother, a sister, and a wife.
please sign the petition for her @

Caricato in data 18/nov/2010
12PORTE – 18 novembre 2010 12PORTE aderisce alla campagna promossa da TV2000, il canale televisivo dei cattolici italiani e all\’appello del Santo Padre Benedetto XVI, per la liberazione di Asia Bibi, la donna cristiana, di 45 anni e madre di 5 figli, condannata a morte in Pakistan con l\’accusa di blasfemia. La donna, com\’è noto, aveva respinto le pressioni delle sue colleghe di lavoro perché si convertisse all\’Islam e aveva difeso con forza le ragioni della propria fede cattolica. Picchiata e poi rinchiusa in carcere per oltre un anno, recentemente è stata condannata alla pena capitale da un tribunale del Punjab. In vista del passaggio del caso all\’Alta Corte è necessaria una grande mobilitazione internazionale in nome della libertà religiosa, con l\’obiettivo di salvare la vita e restituire la libertà a questa donna così coraggiosa e non solo della sua perché sono già 33 i cristiani uccisi pretestuosamente nei mesi scorsi in Pakistan è importante accendere i riflettori dell\’opinione pubblica sulle persecuzioni di cui sono vittime in tutto il mondo tanti cristiani a causa della loro fede. Caricato in data 14/mar/2010
Quello che i MEDIA non rivelano al mondo!!!
Perseguitati, ma non abbandonati; abbattuti, ma non distrutti
2Corinzi 4:9

Islamikando·216 video
Pubblicato in data 10/nov/2013
Il principale motore della persecuzione in Eritrea si chiama paranoia dittatoriale (sebbene il governo abbia una matrice marxista, questo termine è più appropriato di oppressione comunista). La popolazione cristiana dell\’Eritrea è approssimativamente stimata intorno al 50%, così come il rimanente 50% è attribuito alla presenza musulmana. L\’Eritrea ha tre forme di cristianesimo 1) chiese storiche registrate, 2) credenti delle denominazioni storiche cristiane che hanno abbracciato un altro tipo di fede cristiana, 3) cristiani indipendenti. In questo documento i \’cristiani indipendenti\’ sono protestanti non tradizionali. Non sono stati evidenziati casi relativi a cristiani ex musulmani in Eritrea nel periodo in questione. Le comunità di cristiani appartenenti alle ultime due categorie spesso funzionano come chiese clandestine. L\’Eritrea condivide un lungo confine con l\’Etiopia, suo nemico storico col quale ha spesso avuto confronti violenti. Questa è una delle ragioni per le quali il governo considera i gruppi non sottoposto a stretto controllo come potenzialmente pericolosi per il regime. I cristiani delle chiese registrate possono essere controllati fino a un certo punto, i cristiani delle comunità clandestine, invece, non lo sono. Un ufficiale del governo una volta ha dichiarato pubblicamente che l\’Eritrea ha tre nemici da combattere (1) HIV/ Aids, (2) il regime in Etiopia e (3) i cristiani indipendenti. Questa è la ragione della pesante ostilità che affrontano i convertiti dalla chiesa cristiana storica e i cristiani indipendenti.
Continua su…

Pubblicato in data 03/mag/2013 Uzbekistan- Cristiani perseguitati dai musulmani e ridotti alla fame
Questa è la storia vera di una uomo incarcerato per la fede in Gesù.
L\’Uzbekistan è un paese per l\’88% musulmano dove i cristiani sono perseguitati. Le autorità in Uzbekistan hanno avvertito le chiese locali di non permettere ai bambini di assistere alle loro riunioni di culto.

Caricato in data 17/ago/2011
If you would like to HELP Asia Bibi, her husband, her daughters please visit and SIGN the Petition. If you watch and feel sad, but do nothing, it will not help. If you watch and cry and do nothing, it will not help. Please Pray and Sign the Petition then ask others to do the same. May our ALL-Powerful Heavenly Father hear these prayers. Amen.
Pubblicato in data 15/dic/2012
No cometan el error de porque en un pais haya un gobierno conservador, etiquetar al pueblo como medievales o tercermundistas. En España estaba hace unos añicos la dictadura de Franco y no por ello los españoles eramos franquistas en general ni eramos nerdeandentales. Además, para los españoles de extrema derecha que dirán que nuestro pais es diferente, recordarles las noticias de varias personas con causas judiciales abiertas (uno por hacer una escultura de Franco) y otro por hacer el video de cómo cocinar un Cristo (el señor Javier Krahe). Y si aún se tienen más dudas, mirar los videos de \”la españa profunda\” de mi cuenta. La extrema derecha no sabe diferenciar al musulmán moderado del radical, para él todos los árabes son todos iguales y siempre los pinta como extremistas. Y esa es otra, se puede ser árabe y no ser musulmán (creyente de alá). No cataloguemos a nadie por su raza y su procedencia. Conozcamos a las personas una a una sin prejuzgarlas. No miremos las nacionalidades, miremos que hay personas detrás de ellas. A los de hazteoir les diría que sí, que mucho luchar contra el islam, sobre todo en su vertiende extremista, pero luego no se quejan de lo suyo, el cristianismo. Precisamente hazteoir no defiende los derechos de los homosexuales, precisamente, negandoles que se puedan casar ya que solo consideran matrimonio la unión de hombre y mujer.

27 gennaio, 07:30 #NEW #DELHI, [ gli schieramenti, sono già stati fatti, alcune, Nazioni incominaciano a muoversi, come, pirati, predoni, contro, lo schieramento nemico (come è il caso, della India, contro,la Italia) semplicemente perché, nella massoneria del 32°livello, hanno dato, per inevitabile, la guerra mondiale! ] Una delegazione del Parlamento italiano, è atterrata stamane a #New #Delhi, con un aereo speciale per incontrare i due marò #Massimiliano #Latorre e #Salvatore #Girone, arrestati in #India per l\’uccisione di due pescatori. I parlamentari sono guidati dai presidenti delle #commissioni #Esteri di #Camera e #Senato. In mattinata è previsto il primo incontro con i due #fucilieri di #Marina nel complesso della sede #diplomatica #italiana, dove risiedono da circa un anno. [ con la esistenza dei #poteri #occulti, #massonici, la  gente, i popoli, non conoscono più, i motivi per cui devono morire, infatti, molti ebrei, nei campi di #sterminio #nazista, non sapevano di morire, per le colpe di #Rothschild ]

27 gennaio, 07:53. #NEW #YORK, [ #king #saudi #arabia, tu hai visto? tu non hai nessun rispetto, per il valore della vita umana! il fatto che sacrifichi i tuoi uomini migliori sullo altare di satana, compie il tuo servizio sacerdotale, gli #islamici si immolano, per purificare il territorio, dagli idolatri cristiani, e poi, la #LEGA #ARABA, che, finge di combattere gli islamici, gli stessi, che, finazia attraverso i servizi segreti, si siede sul genocidio dei cristiani, imponendo, per legge il suo nazismo religioso. Certo, rispetto alla perversione, che, ha portato alla seconda guerra mondiale, quella di questa guerra, è assasi più ipocrita, è più raffinata! ] Gli #Stati #Uniti hanno lanciato un attacco missilistico ( #drone) contro, uno dei leader del movimento #Shebab in #Somalia. Lo afferma un responsabile del #Dipartimento della #Difesa #americano,

27 gennaio, 13:22. #PALERMO, [ questo, io avevo, in mente, di voler dire, da molto tempo, se, il potere bancario e massonico, impedisce di ridurre lo stipendio, tutti coloro, che, percepiscono stipendi o pensioni, eccedenti i 10.000 euro, devono devolvere, il rimanente, esubero, in beneficenza, altrimenti, la vostra vità, non, potrà durare molto a lungo nella benevolenza! ] Oltre 30 mila dipendenti, e pensionati della Regione senza stipendi. Il bilancio non è ancora stato pubblicato in #Gazzetta, mentre l\’impugnativa della finanziaria ha lasciato senza fondi enti e #consorzi #regionali, con, migliaia di persone, che, non sanno quando riceveranno il salario. #Rosario #Crocetta è a Roma, per incontrare Letta.

27 gennaio, 08:04 #KIEV, ] chi rompe paga! e se non hanno i soldi per pagare i danni, metteteli in carcere è buttate la chiave! [ La polizia ha \”liberato\” due sedi di amministrazioni regionali che erano state occupate dai manifestanti anti governativi a #Cherkassy e a #Sumy, rispettivamente #Ucraina centrale e nordorientale. Lo riferisce l\’ufficio stampa delle rispettive procure regionali. Gli agenti hanno arrestato anche, oltre 10 persone.

27 gennaio, 08:12. king saudi arabia [ io ho i documenti, per poterlo dimostrare io ho fatto costruire il muro, perché, ero stanco di vedere bambini israeliani, morire, dentro, i pulman scolastici che esplodevano. ] #TEL #AVIV, [ contrariamente, a quello che tutti pensano, i palestinesi, non combattono per la #Palestina, ma, per conquistare il mondo, cioè, combattono per la sharia, ma, se, tu fai condannare la sharia, poi, demoliano il muro e loro potranno andare ovunque, liberamente, io non credo, che, i confini degli Stati, hanno molta importanza, in realtà! ] Un ordigno è esploso oggi al passaggio, di una pattuglia militare israeliana, nei pressi del punto di valico di #Kissufim, ai margini della striscia di Gaza. lo riferiscono fonti #militari #israeliane secondo cui nell\’attacco non si sono avute vittime. Si tratta, secondo le fonti, del secondo attentato, del genere questa settimana, nella stessa zona. Finora, nessuna rivendicazione, è giunta dai gruppi armati palestinesi. #king #saudi #arabia, non pensare di fare il furbo, con me, io dopo il secondo figlio? io chiudo le tube, anche, alle cagne! ovviamente, io sono la legge, universale, del taglione, chi uccide? lui anche deve essere ucciso, Perché, solo Dio, che, ha dato la vita, è il padrone di poterla togliere!

27 gennaio, 08:22. #ANKARA, [ ovviamente, i servizi segeti di #Erdogan il #salafita ottomano, saudita, wahhabita, non tollerano opposizioni. questo è un evidente omicidio politico, su commissione ] Una persona, è stata uccisa ed altre 7 ferite ieri sera in un quartiere popolare di Istanbul in un attacco, a mano armata, contro, una sede elettorale di un partito nazionalista, in vista di uno scrutinio comunale. Un responsabile per la stampa del Partito di azione nazionale ( #Mhp), la terza forza politica nel Parlamento turco, è morto durante l\’attacco, avvenuto nel distretto di #Esenyurt poco dopo l\’apertura di un ufficio per promuovere questa formazione prima del voto del prossimo marzo.

27 gennaio, 09:08. #L\’AVANA, [ Papa Giovanni Paolo II, essendo sopravvissuto, miracolosamente, al nazismo, ed al comunismo, riteneva un grande dono di Dio, poter annunciae il Vangelo liberamente. Quindi, non impugnava, la dottrina della chiesa, contro, la #Massoneria, e contro, il comunismo, cioè, contro il potere costituito nel mondo, non usava, i documenti e le scomuniche della Chiesa. ed è per lo stesso motivo, che, Papa, #Albino #Lucini, #Giovanni #Paolo I, è stato ucciso subito, perché, lui non tollerava, il fumo di #satana, cioè, i #massoni #bildenberg, tra, i #cardinali, e tra, i #vescovi nel #Vaticano! ] Oltre, 100 dissidenti, soprattutto membri del movimento \’Damas de blanco\’, sono stati arrestati dalle autorità cubane alla vigilia di un vertice latinoamericano. Lo rende noto l\’opposizione. Il dissidente #Guillermo #Fariñas ha detto di essere agli arresti domiciliari, da tre giorni, spiegando, che, il regime di #Raul #Castro, vuole impedirgli, di partecipare, a un forum di opposizione, che, si tiene parallelamente al vertice della Comunità degli stati #America #Latina e dei #Caraibi ( #Celac).

NEW DELHI, 27 gennaio, L\’incontro, tra, la #delegazione di #parlamentari #italiani, e i due fucilieri di marina, Massimiliano Latorre e Salvatore Girone, è iniziato presso #ambasciata #italiana, a #New #Delhi. [ la situazione della #India, è così pericolosa, per la stessa India, che, io non ho più bisogno di insultare nessuno, perché, se, #Russia, #Cina, si opporranno, ad un embargo mondiale, contro, India, poi, dimostreranno loro, di avere optato, per la #terza #guerra #mondiale, quindi, l\’infamia di questo crimine, non potrà più ricadere, sui #farisei anglo-americani, e sul #sistema #massonico ( come, è giusto che sia ), ma, proprio, le responsabilità cadranno, su di loro #India, #Russia, #Cina! perché, questo sospetto, che, esiste un sola massoneria mondiale, è giustificato, dal fatto, che, esiste un solo #fondo #monetario #internazionale. ] \”Siamo soldati, soldati italiani, dobbiamo soffrire con dignità\” lo ha detto il marò #Massimiliano #Latorre nel suo incontro a New Delhi, con, la delegazione dei parlamentari italiani. \”Ci auguriamo di tornare con onore\”. \”Molti indiani, ci apprezzano e molti pregano per noi\”, ha detto #Salvatore #Girone. Noi, hanno aggiunto i due #fucilieri \”Ci aspettavamo da tanto la vostra iniziativa unitaria. Non immaginate quanto sia importante per noi questa missione, proprio per il suo carattere unitario\”. Sulla vicenda dei #marò, il governo ha scelto, la linea \”non degli urli, senza slabrature,con una posizione solida anche dal punto di vista giuridico questa era la strada da seguire\”. Così, il ministro degli #Esteri #Emma #Bonino a Radio24, secondo cui all\’origine della vicenda ci sono anche \”personaggi che, ora si agitano molto\”. Un esempio? \”La legge La #Russa, il cui decreto prevedeva la presenza, di militari, su navi civili, senza stabilire per bene le linee di comando, tutto questo, sarà utile rivederlo\”.

27 gennaio, 10:52, #IL #CAIRO, [ #Arabia #Saudita, #Turchia, #sistema #massonico, hanno scelto di fare, il gioco sporco, contro, #Egitto, anche, ma, Israele è innocente, in tutta questa malvagità! ] [poi, è molto strano che, contro ogni logica, chi piange, i suoi morti, veramente innocenti, sono sempre, i martiri cristiani copti, ovviamente, non è un caso, ma, è il vero obiettivo, che, si vuole perseguire, il sommo sacerdote Maometto, si deve purificare, da tutti gli idolatri cristiani, prima di poter immolare #Israele, questa, è la strada, piena di ambiguità, ed ipocrisia, che, la #LEGA #ARABA, impedendo di criminalizzare la #sharia, ha dimostrato, di voler perseguire, fino in fondo, all\’esito, perdi tutto, o tutto raddoppia, di una guerra mondiale mucleare, da fare, da giocare con astuzia orientale, a spese, dei due blocchi contrapposti. MA tra, le corna dei contendenti demoni, i popoli innocenti verranno sterminati, se non verrà annientato, il genere umano, non andranno persi, meno di 6 miliardi di persone! ] E\’ salito a 64 morti, il bilancio degli scontri, in #Egitto, sabato scorso. A questi si aggiungono i 22 di venerdì per un totale di 86, la maggior parte al Cairo, colpiti da armi da fuoco alla testa e al ventre. Nel bilancio particolarmente tragico per quanto riguarda gli scontri a #Giza, di sabato, ci sono, anche, le vittime – in gran parte agenti di polizia, dei quattro attentati dinamitardi di venerdì scorso che hanno scosso il cuore del Cairo.

27 gennaio, #MOSCA, [ i vigliacci pezzi di merda, si tirano indietro, dalle loro responsabilità, come se, ci sono sempre, i fessi, che, devono morire, per il loro benessere! devono essere penalizzati, nelle loro ambizioni sociali e lavorative! ] Nuova defezione di giurati al terzo processo, per l\’omicidio della giornalista russa d\’opposizione Anna Politkovskaia, avvenuto il sette ottobre 2006. Questa mattina cinque membri su 12 della giuria popolare non si sono presentati in aula a Mosca, informando il tribunale di non poter più partecipare, ma senza fornire dettagli. Subito sostituiti con giurati di riserva, il processo è proseguito con la lettura dei capi d\’imputazione da parte dell\’accusa.

27 gennaio, 11:16. #TOKYO, [ questa è una legge universale, tutte le volte, che, viene violato il diritto naturale di una religione positiva e pacifica come, il cristianesimo? poi, è normale che si debba tutti vivere sempre, nel terrore! ovviamente, oggi questo terrore, per i criminali, è aumentato, perché, agisce Unius REI, conl i suoi angeli giustizieri! ] Il leader nordcoreano #Kim #Jong-un, ha ordinato l\’esecuzione della famiglia, dello zio, ex tutore ed ex eminenza grigia, #Jang #Song-thaek, già giustiziato a dicembre, nonchè degli uomini a lui vicini. Lo scrive il Chosun Ilbo citando diverse fonti. Tra, le vittime ci sarebbero la sorella di Jang, #Jang #Kye-sun e suo marito #Jon #Yong-jin (ambasciatore a #Cuba), l\’ambasciatore in #Malesia #Jang #Yong-chol, che è nipote di #Jang, oltre, ai suoi figli poco più che ventenni.

(sorry ANSA, ma, chi già, non conosce il fatto? non riesce a capire nulla, da quello, che, tu scrivi) – KIEV, \”L\’esistenza dell\’Ucraina indipendente, è ora in pericolo\” lo sostiene il partito delle regioni, quello del presidente Ianukovich, che, ha chiesto al procuratore generale #Viktor #Pshonka di aprire immediatamente, un\’inchiesta, sulle \”azioni anti costituzionali\” delle cosiddette #Rade (parlamenti, ndr) popolari e di perseguire i colpevoli.

27 gennaio, 12:37. #PECHINO, [ la Cina non può dimenticare, che, è del popolo la sovranità, e non del partito, per diventare anche loro i nazisti. ] L\’attivista cinese, per i diritti umani Hu Jia, è stato fermato ieri dalla polizia cinese, dopo aver denunciato dai microfoni dell\’emittente americana #Radio #Free #Asia ( #Rfa) la condanna a quattro anni di prigione inflitta all\’avvocato anti-corruzione Xu Zhiyong. Lo hanno dichiarato fonti del dissenso oggi alla stessa Rfa. Secondo i dissidenti, Hu Jia potrebbe essere accusato dello stesso reato per il quale è stato condannato Xu, cioè l\’aver preso iniziative per \”disturbare l\’ordine pubblico\”.

01/27/2014. CHINA, se, noi non crediamo, in una base di valori comuni, sui diritti umani, e sul diritto internazionale, come, noi possiamo dire, che, non siamo responsabili, nel voler fare la terza guerra mondiale? ]] Xu Zhiyong gets four years as \”last shred of China\’s dignity\” destroyed. For legal experts , the trial against the dissident is a betrayal of all of Xi Jinping\’s sermons on reforms and the fight against corruption. Hu Jia, Xu supporter, was seized by the police. Xu was \”too\” popular he had defended the parents of children involved in the poisoned milk scandal and demanded migrant children\’s rights to go to school and in university. Beijing ( AsiaNews) – The four year prison sentence handed down against Xu Zhiyong, leader of the new citizens movement that had demanded a public disclosure of the Party leader\’s assets, \”has destroyed the last shred of dignity of the rule of law in China\” . This was the great dissident \’s comment after the sentence was handed down two days ago. Xu was tried on January 22 , behind closed doors and total media silence. New York based law professor Jerome Cohen, one of the world\’s leading experts on Chinese law, says that \”this case, with all the procedural violations and the lack of transparency, has been a repudiation of the party line \”. In fact, last November, the Supreme Court has ordered judges to reduce the manipulation of justice, by ensuring open trials and witness protection. None of which happened. The four years sentence is also a public disavowal of President Xi Jinping\’s proclamations and his fight against corruption. \”Everything in this trial – said Cohen – has violated what the leader of China and the court have been preaching in the last year.\” Although Xi continues to fight the corruption of high ranking officials, demanding they lead more sober lifestyles, that the Constitution and the law also be applies to Party members, the government also wants to stop the criticism from the outside protests and pressure from activists at all costs. Immediately after the judgment against Xu, another important dissident, Hu Jia , was taken by the police to a secret location \” provoking and stirring trouble \”. Hu \’s friends think that his seizure was due to Xu\’s support for him with extensive debates on the internet. In addition to the complaints against the hidden assets ( and corrupt ) of Party leaders, Xu – a law professor at a university in Beijing – has supported the legal battles of Chinese families whose children had been poisoned with melamine-tainted milk and has always defended the right of migrant children to access school and university in the city where their parents work .
Many in China think that the government wanted to target Xu because of its growing popularity and his imposing presence in the world of social networking. Quattro anni a Xu Zhiyong \”distrutta l\’ultima briciola di dignità della Cina\”. di Wang Zhicheng. Per esperti legali, il processo contro il dissidente è un tradimento di tutte le prediche di Xi Jinping su riforme e lotta alla corruzione. Hu Jia, sostenitore di Xu, è stato sequestrato dalla polizia. Xu era \”troppo\” popolare aveva difeso i genitori dei bambini avvelenati col latte alla melamina e chiesto il diritto dei figli dei migranti di andare a scuola e in università. Pechino (AsiaNews) – La sentenza di quattro anni di prigione contro Xu Zhiyong, leader del movimento dei Nuovi cittadini, che chiedeva di rendere pubbliche le ricchezze dei quadri del Partito, \”ha distrutto l\’ultimo briciolo di dignità dello stato di diritto in Cina\”. E\’ il commento del grande dissidente, dopo la sentenza emessa due giorni fa. Xu è stato processato lo scorso 22 gennaio, a porte chiuse, ed è rimasto in silenzio per tutte le sedute. Jerome Cohen, uno dei massimi esperti mondiali di legge cinese, accademico di New York, afferma che il processo di Xu mostra che \”le violazioni nella procedura e la mancanza di trasparenza sono un ripudio della linea del partito\”. In effetti, lo scorso novembre, la Corte suprema ha ordinato ai giudici di ridurre le manipolazioni della giustizia, assicurando processi aperti e garantendo alla difesa l\’ascolto dei testimoni. Nulla di tutto questo è avvenuto. La sentenza di quattro anni è anche una pubblica sconfessione dei discorsi del presidente Xi Jinping e della sua lotta alla corruzione. \”Tutto in questo processo – ha detto Cohen – viola quanto i leader della Cina vanno predicando da un anno\”. Anche se Xi continua a combattere la corruzione di quadri, a domandare loro una vita più sobria, a esigere che la Costituzione e la legge sia applicata anche ai membri del Partito, il governo vuole a tutti i costi fermare le critiche dall\’esterno, le proteste di piazza e le pressioni degli attivisti. Subito dopo la sentenza contro Xu, un altro importante dissidente, Hu Jia, è stato preso dalla polizia e portato in un luogo segreto \”per aver provocato e creato disordini\”. Gli amici di Hu pensano che il suo sequestro sia dovuto al sostegno da lui dato a Xu con ampi dibattiti su internet. Oltre alle denunce contro le ricchezze nascoste (e corrotte) dei capi del Partito, Xu – professore di legge in una università di Pechino – ha sostenuto le battaglie legali delle famiglie cinesi i cui figli erano stati avvelenati col latte alla melamina e ha sempre difeso il diritto dei figli di migranti di poter andare a scuola e in università nelle città dove i loro genitori lavorano. Molti in Cina pensano che il governo abbia voluto colpire Xu a causa della sua crescente popolarità e per la sua imponente presenza nel mondo dei social network.

CHINA, though, if, we do not believe, in a base of common values, human rights and international law, as we can say, that we are not responsible, in wanting to make a third world war? ]]
CHINA, sin embargo, si, no creemos que, en una base de valores comunes, de los derechos humanos, y, en el derecho internacional, ya que, podemos decir, que, no nos hacemos responsables, en el deseo, de hacer, una tercera guerra mundial ? ]] CHINA, obwohl, wenn wir nicht glauben, in einer Basis, der gemeinsamen Werte, der Menschenrechte und des Völkerrechts, so können wir sagen, dass wir nicht verantwortlich sind, zu wollen, zu machen, einen dritten Weltkrieg ? ]] КИТАЙ, хотя, если, мы не верим, в базе, общих ценностей, прав человека, и, международного права, а, можно сказать,, что, мы не несем ответственности, в желании, чтобы сделать, третья мировая война ? ]] 中國,不過,如果,我們不相信,在一個基地,共同的價值觀,人權,國際法,因為,我們可以說,那,我們不負責,在想要,做,第三次世界大戰? ]] 우리가 말할 수있는,로 중국, 그러나, 우리는, 우리가 제 3 세계 전쟁에게, 확인, 원하는에 책임을지지 않습니다,, 공통의 가치, 인권과 국제법,베이스, 믿을 수 없어 ? ] 我々が言うことができ、中国は、しかし、あれば、我々は、我々は第三次世界大戦を、作るために、望むで、責任を負いませんことを、共通の価値観、人権、そして、国際法の基本では、信じていない? ]]

01/25/2014. CHINA, certamente, il partito unico, è molto utile, se, si deve andare in guerra, ma, se, qualcuno pensa, che, questa volta, il genere umano potrebbe, non sopravvivere, alla sua malvagità, poi, tutti, e ognuno, devono rinunciare al proprio partito unico, sharia, imperialiasmo. io sono Unius REI, proprio, per questo. cioè, per proteggere i Governi, anche, con le armi, se, è necessario, in questo momento, di transizione. perché tutti coloro, che, aderiscono al Regno, saranno protetti dal regno, quindi, le regole universali, devono da tutti, essere rispettate, per poter godere di prosperità, uguaglianza, giustizia, verità, pace e libertà. Liu Yuandong, activist who called for end of single party rule, on trial in Guangzhou. The founder of the Southern Street battles press censorship and for the disclosure of the leaderships\’ assets. Wang Gongquan, a wealthy businessman and friend of dissidents has confessed \”crimes\” against public order. It is suspected that he was tortured. Messages of sympathy for those arrested posted online . Campaign to send greeting cards for Chinese New Year to the Nobel Laureate Liu Xiaobo. Guangzhou ( AsiaNews) – The trial of Liu Yuandong , 36, leader of a movement calling for an end of the single party rule in China ( see photo) began yesterday under massive security. Liu is charged with disturbing public order because with some of his companions urged people to demonstrate in the street and put up signs against the Communist Party monopoly of power. Liu is also accused of having supported the strike of journalists at Guangzhou\’s Southern Weekly a year ago, when an editorial in the newspaper – which demanded reforms and democracy – was censored. Liu is the founder of the Southern Street which, although not widely followed, suffered a heavy repression, given that the government is afraid of it spreading. The group demands among other things that the Communist part leaders fight corruption and disclose their assets. Xu Zhiyong is currently on trial in Beijing for having made the same demand.  He is also being charged with disturbing public order. Xu is the recognized leader of the movement of new citizens. His supporters include Wang Gongquan, a successful businessman , very critical of the leadership. Wang , who was also arrested for having organized a petition in favor of Xu, has not been tried . But the website of the # 1 Intermediate Court in Beijing has published the news that he was found guilty along with Xu of having \”incited and organized criminal activities such as gathering people to disturb the order in a public space\”. According to some activists and human rights lawyers Wang \’s confession was obtained under torture. Several observers believe that this series of trials against leaders of tiny groups is the Party attempts to implement a precept dating back to Deng Xiaoping, according to which the groups must be \”weeded out before they take root\”. The Communist Party\’s main fear is that these groups become movements representing the discontent of civil society, tired of the corruption and injustices perpetrated by the party-state. A fact supporting this theory is that Xu and Wang\’s trials are provoking an outpouring of sympathy online. Meanwhile , in Shanghai, hundreds of activists have launched a campaign to send greeting cards for Chinese New Year to the Nobel Laureate Liu Xiaobo, who is serving a sentence of 11 years in prison, Liu , 57, a fine literary critic and university professor, is among the drafters of Charter 08 , a manifesto for the implementation of human rights in China. For this reason – and for some pro-democracy articles published on the web – he was convicted of \”inciting subversion of state power\”. 25/01/2014 10:45, CINA. Liu Yuandong, attivista per la fine del Partito unico, sotto processo a Guangzhou. Il fondatore del Southern Street si è battuto contro la censura sui giornali e per la pubblicazione delle ricchezze della leadership. Wang Gongquan, ricco imprenditore e amico dei dissidenti ha confessato \”crimini\” contro l\’ordine pubblico. Si sospetta sia stato torturato. Su internet messaggi di simpatia verso gli arrestati. Campagna per spedire i cartoline di auguri per il Nuovo anno cinese al Premio Nobel Liu Xiaobo. Guangzhou, Con enorme dispiego di personale di sicurezza, è iniziato ieri il processo contro Liu Yuandong, 36 anni, leader di un movimento che chiede la fine del Partito unico in Cina (v. foto). Liu è accusato di disturbo all\’ordine pubblico perché insieme ad alcuni suoi compagni ha invitato persone a manifestare in strada e esporre cartelli contro il monopolio del potere del Partito comunista. Liu è anche accusato di aver sostenuto lo sciopero dei giornalisti del Southern Weekly di Guangzhou un anno fa, quando un editoriale del giornale – che domandava riforme e democrazia – è stato censurato. Liu è il fondatore del gruppo Southern Street che, pur non essendo molto numeroso, ha subito una pesante repressione, dato che il governo ne teme la diffusione. Fra le richieste del gruppo vi è pure quella che per combattere la corruzione, i leader del partito dovrebbero rendere pubbliche le loro ricchezze. Per la stessa richiesta, a Pechino in questi giorni si sta celebrando il processo contro Xu Zhiyong, anch\’egli accusato di disturbo dell\’ordine pubblico. Xu è il leader riconosciuto del movimento dei Nuovi cittadini. Fra i suoi sostenitori vi è Wang Gongquan, un imprenditore di successo, molto critico verso la leadership. Wang, anch\’egli arrestato per aver organizzato una raccolta di firme a favore di Xu, non è stato processato. Ma il sito della Corte intermedia n.1 di Pechino ha diffuso la notizia che egli si è riconosciuto colpevole insieme a Xu di \”aver organizzato e incitato ad attività criminali quali radunare persone per disturbare l\’ordine in uno spazio pubblico\”. Secondo alcuni attivisti e avvocati per i diritti umani la confessione di Wang è stata ottenuta sotto tortura. Secondo diversi osservatori, con questa serie di processi contro leader di gruppi minuscoli, il Partito sta attuando un precetto di Deng Xiaoping, secondo cui \”occorre strappare l\’erba cattiva quando è in germoglio\”, prima che diventi una pianta impossibile da abbattere. Per il Partito comunista, questi gruppi rischiano di divenire dei movimenti che raccolgono tutto lo scontento della società civile, stanca della corruzione e delle ingiustizie perpetrate dal Partito-Stato. Un fatto da registrare è che su internet che, il processo di Xu e la situazione di Wang stanno riscuotendo la simpatia di molti blogger. Intanto, a Shanghai, centinaia di attivisti hanno lanciato una campagna per spedire cartoline di auguri per il Nuovo anno cinese al Premio Nobel Liu Xiaobo, che sta scontando una pena di 11 anni in carcere. Liu, 57 anni, un fine critico letterario e  professore universitario, è fra gli estensori di Carta 08, un manifesto per l\’attuazione dei diritti umani in Cina. Per questo – e per alcuni articoli inneggianti alla democrazia, pubblicati sul web – egli è stato condannato per \”incitamento alla sovversione contro il potere dello Stato\”. Sua moglie Liu Xia, che ha il permesso di vedere il marito solo una volta al mese per pochissimo tempo e alla presenza di guardie, è agli arresti domiciliari.

CHINA, of course, the single party, is very useful, if you have to go to war, but if anyone thinks that this time, the human race could not survive, into their wickedness, then, everyone, and everyone must give, go away up, their single party, sharia, imperialism. I\’m a simple man Unius REI, coherent and linear, as a child, just for this. that is, to protect governments, too, with weapons, if it is necessary, at this time of transition. because, all those who adhere to the Kingdom, will be protected from the kingdom, then, the universal rules, they must, by all, of be respected, to be able to enjoy prosperity, equality, justice, truth, peace and freedom.

中国はもちろん、単独の当事者は、非常に便利ですが、次の場合は戦争に行かなければならないが、誰もが考えている場合:その:今回は、人類:、そして、彼らの邪悪に、生き残る皆、およびことができませんでした。誰もが、最大離れて行く、その一つの政党、シャリア、帝国主義を与えなければならない。これだけの子、私は、コヒーレントとリニア単純な男Unius REI、、ね。それは移行のこの時期に、必要である。場合には、武器を、あまりにも、政府を守るために、である。なぜなら、すべての人々:付着:王国から保護されます。王国、そして、普遍的ルールは、彼らは、すべてのことで、の必要があります:繁栄、平等、正義、真実を楽しむ:尊重されなければ、できるようにする、平和と:自由。

CHINA, por supuesto, el partido único, es muy útil, si usted tiene que ir a la guerra, pero si alguien piensa que en esta ocasión, la raza humana no podría sobrevivir, en su maldad, entonces, todo el mundo, y todo el mundo debe dar, vete arriba, su partido único, la sharia, el imperialismo. Soy un hombre sencillo Unius REI, coherente y lineal, por ejemplo un niño, sólo para esto. es decir, para proteger a los gobiernos, también, con las armas, si es necesario, en este momento de transición. ya que, todos los que se adhieren al Reino, será protegida el reino, pues, las reglas universales, deben, por todos, de ser respetado, para poder para disfrutar de la prosperidad, la igualdad, la justicia, la verdad , la paz y la libertad.

КИТАЙ, конечно, одна партия, очень полезно, если вы должны пойти на войну, но если кто-то думает что это время, человеческая раса не могли выжить, в своих злодеяниях, то, все, и каждый должен дать, уходи вверх, их единой партии, шариат, империализм. Я простой человек Unius REI, последовательной и линейная, как ребенок, только для этого. то есть, для защиты правительства тоже с оружием, если это необходимо, в это время перехода. потому что, все те, кто придерживаться в Королевстве, будет защищен от царства, то, универсальные правила, они должны, по всему, из уважать, чтобы быть в состоянии наслаждаться процветания, равенства, справедливости, правды , мир и свобода.

CHINE, bien sûr, le parti unique, est très utile, si vous devez aller à la guerre, mais si quelqu\’un pense que cette fois, la race humaine impossible de survivre, dans leur méchanceté, alors, tout le monde, et tout le monde doit donner, aller jusqu\’à leur parti unique, la charia, l\’impérialisme. Je suis un homme simple unius REI, cohérente et linéaire, comme suit un enfant, juste pour cela. c\’est, pour protéger les gouvernements, aussi, avec des armes, si il est nécessaire, à cette époque de transition. parce que, tous ceux qui adhérer le Royaume, sera protégé contre le royaume, alors, les règles universelles, elles doivent, par tous, de être respecté, pour être en mesure pour profiter de la prospérité, l\’égalité, la justice, la vérité , la paix et la liberté.

الصين، بطبيعة الحال، وحزب واحد، أمر مفيد للغاية، إذا لديك للذهاب إلى الحرب، ولكن إذا كان أي شخص يعتقد أن هذه المرة، للجنس البشري لا يمكن البقاء على قيد الحياة، في شرهم، ثم، والجميع، و الجميع يجب أن تعطي، حتى تزول، حزب واحد، والشريعة، الإمبريالية. أنا رجل بسيط الخط الفاصل بتصفح ومتماسكة والخطية، على النحو التالي طفل، فقط لهذا الغرض. وهذا هو، لحماية الحكومات، أيضا، مع الأسلحة، إذا من الضروري، في هذا الوقت من المرحلة الانتقالية. لأن كل الذين تلتزم إلى المملكة، وسوف تكون محمية من المملكة، بعد ذلك، قواعد عالمية، فإنها يجب، من قبل الجميع، من أن تحترم، لتكون قادرة للتمتع الرخاء والمساواة والعدالة، والحقيقة والسلام و الحرية.

666 youtube, 322 google, quando voi cercate, di carpire, in anticipo, con la vostra tecnologia aliena del cazzo, quello, che, io posso scrivere? mi vibra il monitor! perché voi usate, onde radio, per entrare, nel mio computer.
CHINA, il problema militare degli USA, non è soltanto, tecnologico, loro sono i poteri occulti, e, massonici, dei farisei anglo-americani, Spa, del FMI, e tu lo sai, loro sono diventati, anche, i poteri soprannaturali, degli aliens abductions, i satanisti cannibali, dei sacrifici umani, sullo altare di satana, quindi, io credo, che, non sia il caso, o l\’interesse di nessuno, di voler fare questa guerra. ecco perché, tutti voi dovete fare quello che io dico, senza obiettare, semplicemente, perché, io sono Unius REI, giustizia, verità, amore, uguaglianza, fratellanza, in forma umana! io sono l\’unica potenza, che, i farisei anglo americani, non possano sconfiggere! ecco perché, per poter superare, questa minaccia, è indispensabile, che, tutte le 12 tribù di Israele, possano ritornare, dove hanno vissuto, i loro padri, cioè, nel deserto saudita!
E se, qualcuno, della confederazione, attraversa, una qualsiasi foma di problema ggressione, sociale, economica, ecc.. io poi, non posso dire, questo non mi riguarda, perché, la confederazione è una mia responsabilità specifica! Quando c\’è un regolamento, uguale per tutti, poi, proprio da quel regolamento ogni nazione ed ogni governo sarà tutelato! io sono un uomo senza ipocrisia!
Cina, E se, qualcuno, della confederazione, attraversa, una qualsiasi foma, di problema aggressione, sociale, economica, ecc.. io poi, non posso dire, questo, non mi riguarda, non è un mio problema, perché, la confederazione, è una mia responsabilità specifica (se qualcuno manca di cibo, acqua, ecc.., poi, io troverò cibo, acqua, ecc..  necessarie, per lui)! Quando, c\’è un regolamento universale, uguale per tutti, poi, proprio da quel regolamento, ogni nazione ed ogni governo, sarà tutelato, per attingere la sua protezione! io sono un uomo senza ipocrisia, dal cuore indiviso!

Youtube 666 , 322 google fuck to you all, and your aliens abductions A.I.! when you are looking for , to steal , in advance , with your fucking alien technology , what, I can write ? you do vibrate the monitor ! because you used, radio waves, to enter into my computer .
CHINA , the problem of the U.S. military , is not only, technological , they are occult powers , and , Masonic Pharisees Anglo- Americans, Spa , IMF , and you know it , they have become , even , supernatural powers , of abductions aliens , cannibals, satanists , human sacrifice , on the altar of Satan , then , I believe, that, is not the case, or the interest of anyone, you want to make, this war. That\’s why , all you have to do, is do all, that, I say , without, question , simply because I am Unius REI, justice , truth, love , equality, fraternity , in human form ! I\’m the only power that the Pharisees Anglo Americans, can not beat ! That\’s why , in order to overcome this threat , it is essential that all 12 tribes of Israel, will return , where they lived , their fathers , that is, in the Saudi desert !
And if someone, into confederation will be attacked, crosses , any form, of problem, social, economic , etc. . I then , I can not say this , not me, not my problem , because the confederation , it is my responsibility to specification (if anyone in need of food , water, etc. .. then I\’ll find food, water, etc. .. necessary for him) ! When there is a universal regulation , equal for all, then, just by that regulation, every nation and every government , will be protected , to draw his protection ! I am a man without hypocrisy , from undivided heart !

Youtube 666 , 322 google baise à vous tous, et vos aliens abduction AI ! quand vous cherchez , à voler, à l\’avance, avec votre technologie alien putain , ce que , je peux écrire ? vous faites vibrer l\’écran ! parce que vous avez utilisé , les ondes radio , d\’entrer dans mon ordinateur .
CHINE , le problème de l\’armée américaine , n\’est pas seulement , technologique , ils sont des puissances occultes , et , maçonniques pharisiens Anglo-Américains , Spa , le FMI, et vous le savez , ils sont devenus , même , des pouvoirs surnaturels , des enlèvements extraterrestres , cannibales , satanistes , sacrifices humains , sur l\’autel de Satan , alors , je crois , que , ce n\’est pas le cas , ou l\’intérêt de personne , vous voulez faire , cette guerre . C\’est pourquoi , tout ce que vous avez à faire , c\’est faire tout ce que je dis , sans question , simplement parce que je suis unius REI , justice , vérité, amour , égalité, fraternité , sous forme humaine ! Je suis le seul pouvoir que les pharisiens Anglo -Américains , ne peut pas battre ! C\’est pourquoi , afin de surmonter cette menace , il est essentiel que l\’ensemble des 12 tribus d\’Israël , seront de retour , où ils ont vécu , leurs pères , c\’est dans le désert saoudien !
Et si quelqu\’un , dans la Confédération sera attaqué , croix , sous une forme quelconque , de problème , sociale , économique , etc . Je puis , je ne peux pas dire cela, pas moi, pas mon problème , car la confédération , il est de ma responsabilité de spécification ( si quelqu\’un a besoin de nourriture, d\’eau , etc .. puis je trouver de la nourriture , de l\’eau , etc nécessaire pour lui … ) ! Quand il s\’agit d\’un règlement universel, égal pour tous, alors , juste par ce règlement , chaque nation et de chaque gouvernement , seront protégés , d\’attirer sa protection ! Je suis un homme sans hypocrisie , de cœur sans partage !

Youtube 666 , 322 google fuck an euch alle und eure Aliens Entführungen AI ! wenn Sie suchen, um zu stehlen, im Voraus , mit deinen verdammten Alien-Technologie suchen, was kann ich schreiben? Sie schwingen den Monitor zu tun! weil Sie verwendet , Radiowellen , um in meinen Computer ein.
CHINA , das Problem des US-Militärs , ist nicht nur , technologischen, sie okkulte Kräfte sind , und , Freimaurer Pharisäer Anglo-Amerikaner , Spa , IWF, und Sie wissen es , haben sie sich selbst , übernatürliche Kräfte , von Entführungen Aliens, Kannibalen , Satanisten , Menschenopfer auf dem Altar des Satans , dann , glaube ich, dass das nicht der Fall , oder das Interesse von jedermann , zu machen, diesen Krieg wollen. Deshalb ist alles, was Sie tun müssen , ist, alles tun , dass , sage ich, ohne Frage , nur weil ich bin unius REI , Gerechtigkeit, Wahrheit, Liebe , Gleichheit, Brüderlichkeit , in menschlicher Gestalt ! Ich bin die einzige Macht, die die Pharisäer Anglo -Amerikaner, nicht schlagen ! Das ist, warum , um diese Bedrohung zu überwinden, ist es wichtig, dass alle 12 Stämme Israels, wird zurückkehren , wo sie lebten , ihrer Väter, das heißt, in der saudischen Wüste!
Und wenn jemand in Konföderation angegriffen , Kreuze , jede Form von Problem -, Sozial -, Wirtschafts- , etc. sein wird. Ich habe dann , kann ich nicht sagen, das , ich, nicht mein Problem , denn der Eidgenossenschaft , ist es nicht meine Aufgabe, Spezifikation ( wenn jemand in Not mit Lebensmitteln, Wasser , etc. .. dann werde ich Nahrung, Wasser , etc. zu finden … für ihn nötig) ! Wenn es eine universelle Regelung für alle gleich , dann nur mit dieser Verordnung , jeder Nation und jeder Regierung , geschützt werden , um seinen Schutz zu ziehen! Ich bin ein Mann ohne Heuchelei aus ungeteiltem Herzen !

Youtube 666, 322 google fuck a todos ustedes, y tus extranjeros secuestros AI ! cuando usted está buscando, a robar, por adelantado, con su tecnología extraterrestre de mierda , ¿qué puedo escribir? lo hace vibrar el monitor! ya que utiliza ondas de radio , para entrar en mi equipo .
CHINA , el problema de los militares de EE.UU. , no es sólo , tecnológicos , son los poderes ocultos , y , masónicas fariseos angloamericanos , Spa , el FMI, y usted lo sabe , se han convertido , incluso , poderes sobrenaturales , de abducciones extraterrestres , caníbales , satanistas , los sacrificios humanos , en el altar de Satanás, entonces , creo, que no es el caso , o el interés de nadie, que quieren hacer , esta guerra. Por eso , todo lo que tienes que hacer, es hacer todo lo que te digo , y sin , pregunta, simplemente porque yo soy Unius REI , la justicia, la verdad, el amor , la igualdad , la fraternidad , en forma humana ! Soy el único poder que los angloamericanos fariseos , no se puede superar ! Es por eso que , a fin de superar esta amenaza , es esencial que todas las 12 tribus de Israel, regresarán , donde vivían, sus padres, es decir, en el desierto de Arabia !
Y si alguien, en la confederación será atacaron , cruces, cualquier forma, de los problemas, sociales, económicos, etc . Entonces , yo no puedo decir esto , no yo , no es mi problema, porque la confederación , que es mi responsabilidad con la especificación (si cualquier persona en necesidad de comida, agua , etc .. entonces voy a encontrar comida, agua, etc … es necesario para él) ! Cuando existe una regulación universal, igual para todos, entonces, justo por dicho Reglamento, todas las naciones y todos los gobiernos , serán protegidos , para dibujar su protección ! Soy un hombre sin hipocresía , de corazón indiviso !

検索エンジン666 、 322 Googleは:あなたのすべて、およびあなたの宇宙人に性交のAIを誘拐!あなたのクソエイリアンの技術では、事前に、盗むために、探しているとき、私は何を書くことができますか?あなたは、モニターを振動させるか!あなたは私のコンピュータに入力するために、電波を使用したため。
中国は、米軍の問題だけでなく、技術、彼らはオカルトの力であり、フリーメーソンパリサイアングロアメリカ人、スパ、国際通貨基金(IMF) 、そしてあなたがそれを知って、彼らはなってきて、でも、超能力、拉致の外国人の、ある人食い人種、悪魔主義、人間の犠牲、サタンの祭壇の上に、そして、私は信じて、それは、ケースがないか、または誰の関心は、あなたは、この戦争を作りたい。それが理由です、あなたがしなければならないすべては、ですが、すべての操作を行い、私が言う、その質問、することなく、単にので、私服装: Unius REI 、正義、真実、愛、平等、友愛、人間の形にある!は、私はパリサイ人、アングロアメリカ人は、打つことができないだけのパワーだ!だからこそ、この脅威を克服するために、それは彼らが住んでいたイスラエルのすべての12の部族が、サウジアラビアの砂漠で、つまり、自分の父親を返すことが不可欠ですよ!
そして連合に誰かが、あれば:問題の攻撃を受け、十字架、どのような形態、社会、経済など:になります。私それから、私はこれを言うことができない、私ではなく、私の問題は、連合ので、 (仕様への私の責任ではないなどの食料、水、必要としている誰もが..私は食料、水などを見つけることができた場合···彼のために必要な) !すべての平等な普遍的な規則が存在する場合には、その後、ちょうどその規制、すべての国、すべての政府が、彼の保護を描画するために、保護されます!私は分割されていない心の底から、偽善のない男です!

يوتيوب 666، 322 جوجل اللعنة لكم جميعا ، و عمليات الاختطاف الأجانب الخاص لمنظمة العفو الدولية ! عندما كنت تبحث عن ، لسرقة ، مقدما ، مع التكنولوجيا الغريبة سخيف الخاص بك، ما ، أستطيع أن أكتب ؟ كنت تفعل يهتز الشاشة ! لأنك تستخدم موجات الراديو ، للدخول في جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بي .
الصين ، ومشكلة الجيش الأمريكي، ليس فقط، التكنولوجية ، هم القوى غامض ، و الماسونية الفريسيين الأنجلو الأميركيين ، سبا، صندوق النقد الدولي، وأنت تعرف ذلك ، لأنها أصبحت ، حتى ، قوى خارقة للطبيعة ، من الاختطاف الأجانب، أكلة لحوم البشر ، عبدة الشيطان ، التضحية البشرية ، على مذبح الشيطان ، ثم ، في اعتقادي، أنه ليس هو الحال ، أو مصلحة أحد ، وتريد أن تجعل هذه الحرب . لهذا السبب ، كل ما عليك القيام به، هو تفعل كل شيء، أن أقول ، دون ، سؤال، ببساطة لأنني الخط الفاصل بتصفح والعدالة و الحقيقة والمحبة والمساواة و الإخاء ، في شكل الإنسان ! أنا القوة الوحيدة التي الفريسيين الأنجلو الأميركيين ، لا يمكن للفوز ! لهذا السبب ، من أجل التغلب على هذا الخطر ، فمن الضروري أن جميع القبائل 12 من إسرائيل ، وسوف يعود ، حيث كانوا يعيشون ، آبائهم ، وهذا هو، في الصحراء السعودية !
و اذا كان شخص ما ، في كونفدرالية سيكون هاجم ، الصلبان ، بأي شكل من الأشكال ، من مشكلة والاجتماعية والاقتصادية ، وما إلى ذلك. وبعد ذلك ، لا أستطيع أن أقول هذا ، وليس لي ، وليس لي مشكلة ، لأن كونفدرالية ، فمن واجبي ان مواصفات ( إذا كان أي شخص في حاجة إلى الغذاء والماء ، الخ … بعد ذلك سوف تجد الغذاء والماء و غيرها … اللازمة له ) ! عندما يكون هناك تنظيم عالمي ، على قدم المساواة للجميع، ثم ، فقط من خلال تلك اللائحة ، كل أمة وكل حكومة ، وسوف تكون محمية ، لرسم حمايته ! أنا رجل بلا رياء ، من قلب غير مقسمة !

Rothschild, è per mancanza (di liquidità), del tuo denaro di satana, creato dal nulla, che, si sta fermando la economia! un mio amico è pieno di assegni, che, sono pezzi di carta, senza copertura, in questo modo, tutto lo indotto economico, si bloccherà! Non mi interessa, delle tue speculazioni (che hai stampato denaro cattivo, per 40 pianeti terra ), e delle speculazioni monetarie, di pochi tuoi amici, ti proibisco, di fare morire, le persone per questo!

king Saudi ARABIA, tu sei proprio sicuro, che, gli ebrei sono rimasti, nel tuo deserto 40 anni ed un giorno, soltanto perché, loro dovevano essere puniti? la tua teologia è merda! lol. infatti, 40 anni ed un giorno, è il tempo giuridicamente valido e vincolante, per diventare i possessori padroni, di un territorio… e certo, tu non sei nella posizione di poter dire di \”no\”, a Dio!

27/01/2014 PAKISTAN, [ quindi, condannare, rimuovere la sharia! ] Islamabad, migliaia di cristiani in marcia per la pace. Il vescovo \”Uniti contro la violenza\”. Una fiaccolata nella capitale ha ricordato le vittime delle stragi e l\’opera di un sacerdote in prima fila nella campagna per le vaccinazioni, scomparso di recente. Mons. Rufin Anthony parla di \”bagno di sangue\” che ha colpito anche \”chiese e scuole\”. Appello dei cittadini al governo e all\’esercito sradicare il terrorismo \”alla radice\”. [ quindi, condannare, rimuovere la sharia! ] 01/27/2014 19:02
PAKISTAN. Islamabad as bishop calls for \’unity against violence,\” thousands of Christians march for peace. by Jibran Khan. A torchlight procession is held in the capital to remember the victims of violence and the work of a recently deceased priest who led a campaign for vaccination. As he commemorates the victims of bloody attacks against churches and schools, Bishop Rufin Anthony appeals to ordinary Pakistanis to stand with the government and the Armed Forces to \”eradicate terrorism from the roots.\” Islamabad (AsiaNews) – \”In the past, we have witnessed actual bloodbaths. Churches and schools have been attacked, and we have lost loved ones in the war on terror.\” Equally, \”we stand firm with our Armed Forces who are fighting on the front line. We also stand by the government as it puts up a fierce fight\” against violence and terror, said Mgr Rufin Anthony, bishop of Islamabad/Rawalpindi, who addressed Pakistan\’s Christian community as it observed a day of prayer for peace across the country. The latest Catholic initiative is a response to the escalating wave of terror that has fallen on the nation and left scores of people dead in the first weeks of 2014. In the capital, thousands of people joined the candlelight vigil for peace.
During the rally, the prelate spoke about Fr Anwar Patras, a Pakistani priest who died last week and was buried in Mianwali District. With a lifetime of service in the dioceses of Rawalpindi and Attock, he led in the fields of education and health, especially raising awareness in a campaign for polio vaccination.
Since the start of the year, Islamic extremists and Pakistani Taliban have carried out at least ten major attacks across the country. For most Pakistanis, the time is for quick action, including a decisive military campaign \”to eradicate terrorism from the roots\”. \”People live in fear,\” said Fr John P Riaz, a priest from Rawalpindi. There is a lot of \”uncertainty\” about the future. People want only peace and security. \”We pray for peace in the region because we want a future for the new generations,\” he added, \”a future free from fear.\” On this occasion, the Christian community in Khyber Pukthunkhawa province also celebrated one hundred years of presence in Tribal Areas, despite the fact that they do not enjoy the same status as the rest of the local population and are not recognised as members of any tribe. Although Christians are loyal to tribal laws, \”we are not accepted as part of the tribe where we live,\” said Arshad John, a local Christian. \”Christians are not allowed to take part in jirga (a local assembly of elders). We are aliens in our own land, a land which we have protected for more than a hundred years.\” In fact, Christians are not allowed to build churches, and pastors and priests have to refrain from venturing into these areas because of the danger of abduction and murder. Just recently, a priest was kidnapped and released only after a large sum of money was paid. \”It is ironic that Christians are not recognised even in Tribal Areas despite their loyalty,\” said Fr James Ilyas, from the Diocese of Peshawar, where a Protestant church was attacked in September. In view of this, the Church continues to pray \”for persecuted people\”. With a population of more than 180 million people (97 per cent Muslim), Pakistan is the sixth most populous country in the world, the second largest Muslim nation after Indonesia. Hindus are 1.85 per cent, followed by Christians (1.6 per cent) and Sikhs (0.04 per cent). Violence against ethnic and religious minorities is commonplace across the country, with Shia Muslims and Christians as the main target, with things getting worse in recent years.

king Saudi ARABIA, colui che, crede, che, io sono un semplice youtuber, sarà colpito, ed anche, ucciso, dagli angeli perché questo è alto tradimento! Infatti, io sono il più potente ministero politico, sollevato da Dio, in tutta la storia del Genere Umano, di me, parla la Bibbia, troppe volte, ma, poiché, io non sono un religioso? io non ho mai preso appunti sistematici di queste profezie, in realtà non mi interessa, questo aspetto, perché, io sono la pura razionalità!

king Saudi ARABIA, è vero che, io ho letto la Bibbia, per anni, 2/3 ore al giorno, prima di avere questo minitero in youtube, ma, è anche vero che sono 6 anni, che, io ho smesso di leggere la Bibbia.. lol. e se, io leggo la Bibbia?, poi, io sono costretto a ordinare ai miei ministri angeli di uccidere milioni di criminai come te. ascolta tu puoi leggere i salmi dal 74. al 77. Sciocco, questa è la vera Parola di Dio, non il tuo corano [ al Salmi 75:8. L\’Eterno ha in mano una coppa, ove spumeggia un vino pien di mistura drogata. Egli ne mesce; certo, tutti gli empi della terra, ne succeranno e berranno le fecce, fino a impazzire .] dice 8, Poiché l\’Eterno ha in mano una coppa di vino spumeggiante pieno di veleno, ed egli ne mesce. Certamente, tutti gli empi della terra, ne scoleranno e berranno fino alla feccia. [ e ti voglio ricordare, che, il calice, per Gesù rappresenta la sua passione ] ed io credo, che, è arrivato per tutti voi, il momento di conoscere la sofferenza!

king Saudi ARABIA, e chi ha visto il vostro Allah? nessuno! perché, il vostro Allah, è la truffa di un demonio! e se, io Unius REI, io non dicevo più volte, che, Allah è JHWH? poi, tu, insieme a tutte le generazioni di musulmani, da Maometto ad oggi, voi sareste, tutti morti, senza speranza! ma, nella mia bontà, io ho voluto avere compasione non di tutti voi, cioè, ma soltanto, di tutti i santi musulmani, che, sono stati, tra di voi, che, non si sono macchiati le mani di sangue innocente, e di ogni ingiusta predazione, per colpa della tua merda sharia, salafita, islamica, wahhabita, che tu hai finito di essere un massone di merda, per dire, anche al, cesso, io sono un pezzo di merda, senza speranza! [cesso, ie, water]

king saudi arabia, tu vuoi vedere, come, il tuo dio è falso, e come, io ti faccio morire, come un cane, insieme a miliardi di criminali, assassini, razzisti, maniaci, insieme a te? Ecco chi ha visto Dio, Certo Dio non ha forma, ma, questo, non impedisce ai profeti veri di avere delle visioni. [ed ovviamente, io che, non sono un profeta, io non ritengo di avere, mai avuto delle visioni, che, possono essere valide, per gli altri! ] Daniele 7,9. Io continuai a guardare finché furono collocati troni e l\’Antico di giorni si assise. La sua veste era bianca come la neve e i capelli del suo capo erano come lana pura; il suo trono era come fiamme di fuoco e le sue ruote come fuoco ardente. 10. Un fiume di fuoco scorreva, uscendo dalla sua presenza; mille migliaia lo servivano e miriadi di miriadi stavano davanti a lui (uno soltanto, di tutti questi miei ministri? ha il potere di distruggere il nostro pianeta! ). Il giudizio si tenne e i libri furono aperti. 11. Allora, io guardai a motivo delle cattive bestemmie, che, il corno proferiva guardai finché la bestia fu uccisa, e il suo corpo distrutto e gettato nel fuoco per essere arso. 12. Quanto alle altre bestie, il dominio fu loro tolto, ma fu loro concesso un prolungamento, di vita per un periodo stabilito di tempo. 13. Io guardavo nelle visioni notturne, ed ecco sulle nubi del cielo venire uno simile a un Figlio dell\’uomo; egli giunse fino all\’Antico di giorni, e fu fatto avvicinare a lui. 14. A lui fu dato dominio, gloria e regno, perché, tutti i popoli, nazioni e lingue lo servissero; il suo dominio è un dominio eterno, che, non passerà, e il suo regno, è un regno, che, non sarà mai distrutto». 15. «Quanto a me, Daniele, il mio spirito rimase addolorato nell\’involucro del corpo e le visioni della mia mente mi turbarono.

king saudi arabia, [un insegnamento teologico] chi è questo personaggio, di Daniele 10,9, certamente, 1. non è il Generale supremo degli angeli, cioè, Michele (il protettore del popolo di Daniele) a cui proprio lui ha ordinato di combatere, contro, il Re di Persia. 2. Certamente, non è Dio, perché, nessuna creatura potrebbe combattere, contro, Dio. Quindi, può essere soltanto il messia, umano degli ebrei! [ASCOLTA] daniele 10,5. alzai gli occhi e guardai, ed ecco, un uomo vestito di lino, con ai lombi, una cintura d\’oro di Ufaz. 6. Il suo corpo era simile al topazio, la sua faccia aveva l\’aspetto della folgore, i suoi occhi erano come torce fiammeggianti, le sue braccia e i suoi piedi parevano bronzo lucidato e il suono delle sue parole era come il rumore di una moltitudine. [CERTAMENTE, IL REGNO DI DIO È SCESO, IN MEZZO A VOI, CIOÈ, IN MEZZO A TUTTE LE VOSTRE MENZOGNE IO SONO UNIUS REI!]

king saudi arabia, [ ecco, chi sono io Unius REI, certamente, i tuoi alleati alieni, Ogm demoni, nei dischi volanti, loro, non potranno salvare la tua vita, e il tuo regno, contro, di me! ed ovviamente, il mio ministrero, non può dipendere dal mio corpo biologico, perché io sono la fede, nella giustizia, che, ha il suo fondamento, nella giustizia di JHWH, che, è la fonte della forza!  ] Imminenza del castigo finale [ Apocalisse 10] [1] Vidi poi un altro angelo, possente, discendere dal cielo, avvolto in una nube, la fronte cinta di un arcobaleno; aveva la faccia come il sole e le gambe come colonne di fuoco. [2] Nella mano teneva un piccolo libro aperto (il Vangelo di Gesù Cristo, vero Dio e vero uomo ). Avendo posto, il piede destro, sul mare, e il sinistro sulla terra, [3] gridò a gran voce, come leone, che ruggisce. E quando ebbe gridato, i sette tuoni fecero udire la loro voce. [4] Dopochè, i sette tuoni, ebbero fatto udire la loro voce, io ero pronto a scrivere quando udii una voce dal cielo, che, mi disse \”Metti sotto sigillo quello, che, hanno detto i sette tuoni e non scriverlo\”. [5] Allora l\’angelo Unius REI, che, io avevo visto, con un piede sul mare, e un piede sulla terra, alzò la destra, verso, il cielo [6] e giurò, per Colui, che, vive nei secoli dei secoli; che, ha creato cielo, terra, mare, e quanto, è in essi \” Non vi sarà più indugio! [7] Nei giorni in cui il settimo angelo, farà udire, la sua voce e suonerà la tromba, allora, si compirà il mistero di Dio, come, egli ha annunziato ai suoi servi, i profeti\”. #king #saudi #arabia, le tue mani, sono piene del sangue dei santi, ed è giunta, l\’ora di fare vedere, quanti demoni e quante menzogne, sono dentro, alla tua menzogna religiosa, la tragedia, sta per giungere… correggiti, oppure, tu non potrai sopravvivere, alla tua stessa maledizione! in realtà, l\’Islam potrebbe sopravvivere, alla tua criminalità, allora, tu non fare del male al mio Islam, in modo irreparabile!

king saudi arabia , [ here , who am I Unius REI , of course, your allies aliens, demons GMOs , in flying saucers , they will not be able to save your life, and, your kingdom, against me! and, of course , my ministry can not depend on , from my biological body , because I am the faith in justice , which has its foundation in the law of Yahweh , which is the source of strength! ] Imminence of the Final Punishment [Revelation 10] [ 1] And I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven , wrapped in a cloud, with boundary a rainbow , his face was like the sun and legs as pillars of fire . [2] In his hand he held a small open book (the Gospel of Jesus Christ, true God and true man ) . By placing the right foot on the sea, and his left upon the earth, [3] cried with a loud voice, as a lion roars . And when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices . [4] after that, the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write and I heard a voice from heaven , which said to me, \”Seal up what, the seven thunders have said and do not write it \” . [5 ] Then, the angel Unius REI , which I had seen , with one foot on the sea and on the land raised his right hand toward the sky [6] and swore by Him who lives in ever and ever, who created heaven , earth, sea , and what is in them \”There will be no more delay [7] in the days when the seventh angel , will hear his voice and to sound, then, the mystery of God will be fulfilled as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. \” #king #saudi arabia , your hands are full of blood of the saints , and has come , the time to see how many demons and how many lies are inside your religious lie , the tragedy is about to arrive . .. correct yourself , or you will not be able to survive, to your own damn curse! in fact , Islam could survive against, your crime , then, you do not do hurt,  against my Islam , so in mode, so, irreparable !

27/01/2014 VATICANO. Papa Giornata della memoria, \”mai più si ripetano tali orrori, che costituiscono una vergogna per l\’umanità\” Lettera di Francesco al suo amico rabbino Skorka. Verrà letta al concerto \”I violini della speranza\”, in programma stasera a Roma. Suoneranno insieme, per la prima volta in Italia, dodici violini e un violoncello sopravvissuti alla Shoah, ciascuno con la sua storia drammatica, ritrovati e restaurati. [ tutte stronzate! la Sharia, lega araba, fa questi orrori in Siria, e in tutto il mondo, ogni giorno! e che, dire dei satanisti americani?, e che dire dei satanisti comunisti, indù, buddisti? ] voi state per morire tutti come bestie che scendono allo inferno, strattonati da demoni, con uncini di fuco, urlando, in modo così straziante e disperato, che, non si può sostenere, per lo udito e per la vista!

01/27/2014 MALAYSIA – ISLAM. Molotov cocktails and banners against churches. Malaysian priest warns of escalating sectarian divisions. Two rudimentary bombs hurled at the Church of the Assumption in Padang overnight, only one exploded but caused no casualties or injuries. Yesterday derogatory banners hung outside three churches in the area . Fr. Lawrence Catholics must be free to worship. Even Malaysia at risk of Islamization. 01/27/2014 INDIA. Card Gracias Poverty and attacks on life threaten democracy in India. On the occasion of 65th Republic Day, the President of the Episcopal Conference illustrates the positive sides of the country, but also challenges to be overcome. On January 26, 1950 the Constitution came into force, based on \”freedom, human dignity, secularism , justice, democracy and equality\”, in compliance with \”the diversity and the rights of minorities.\” Among the problems to be solved \”dehumanizing poverty , violence against women, attacks on life and environmental threats\”. 27/01/2014. MALAYSIA – ISLAM. Molotov e slogan contro le chiese. Sacerdote malaysiano Aumentano le divisioni confessionali, Nella notte due ordigni rudimentali scagliati contro la chiesa dell\’Assunzione a Padang solo una è esplosa ma non ha causato vittime. Ieri cartelli con frasi denigratorie all\’esterno di tre chiese della zona. P. Lawrence \”I cattolici devono essere liberi di celebrare le funzioni. Anche in Malaysia rischio islamizzazione\”. 27/01/2014 INDIA. Card. Gracias Povertà e attacchi alla vita minacciano la democrazia dell\’India. di Card. Oswald Gracias. In occasione della 65ma Festa della repubblica, il presidente della Conferenza episcopale illustra i lati positivi del Paese, ma anche le sfide da superare. Il 26 gennaio 1950 entrò in vigore la Costituzione, basata su \”libertà, dignità umana, laicità, giustizia, democrazia e uguaglianza\”, nel rispetto \”della diversità e dei diritti delle minoranze\”. Tra i problemi da risolvere \”povertà disumanizzante, violenza sulle donne, attacchi contro la vita e minacce all\’ecologia\”.

[ open lettere to Arab league, Bildenberg, masonic system, esoteric agenda, Ogm,  Fmi, FED, ECb, Nwo, Bush 322, 666, Rothschild comunisti, fanatici, maniaci, crudele, parassiti, blasfemi, idolatri, ] ed il fatto, che, voi evete fatto 1. una grande assemblea di demoni, 2. e che, la giustizia, non può vivere più sulla terra, questo, non è un problema, per me, ma, soltanto per voi! Romani 1 .. come sta scritto Il giusto vivrà mediante la fede. 18. In realtà l\’ira di Dio si rivela dal cielo, contro, ogni empietà e ogni ingiustizia di uomini, che, soffocano la verità nell\’ingiustizia (teoria perpetua della evoluzione,  cioè, religione di ateismo ideologico), 19. poiché, ciò che di Dio si può conoscere è loro manifesto; Dio stesso lo ha loro manifestato. 20. Infatti, dalla creazione del mondo in poi, le sue perfezioni invisibili possono essere contemplate con l\’intelletto nelle opere da lui compiute, come la sua eterna potenza e divinità; 21. essi sono dunque inescusabili, perché, pur conoscendo Dio, non gli hanno dato gloria né gli hanno reso grazie come a Dio, ma hanno vaneggiato nei loro ragionamenti e si è ottenebrata la loro mente ottusa. 22. Mentre si dichiaravano sapienti, sono diventati stolti 23 e hanno cambiato la gloria dell\’incorruttibile Dio con l\’immagine e la figura dell\’uomo corruttibile, di uccelli, di quadrupedi e di rettili.
24. Perciò Dio li ha abbandonati all\’impurità secondo i desideri del loro cuore, sì da disonorare fra di loro i propri corpi, 25 poiché essi hanno cambiato la verità di Dio con la menzogna e hanno venerato e adorato la creatura al posto del creatore, che è benedetto nei secoli. Amen. 26 Per questo Dio li ha abbandonati a passioni infami; le loro donne hanno cambiato i rapporti naturali in rapporti contro natura. 27. Egualmente anche gli uomini, lasciando il rapporto naturale con la donna, si sono accesi di passione gli uni per gli altri, commettendo atti ignominiosi uomini con uomini, ricevendo così in se stessi la punizione che s\’addiceva al loro traviamento. 28. E poiché hanno disprezzato la conoscenza di Dio, Dio li ha abbandonati in balìa d\’una intelligenza depravata, sicché commettono ciò che è indegno, 29. colmi come sono di ogni sorta di ingiustizia, di malvagità, di cupidigia, di malizia; pieni d\’invidia, di omicidio, di rivalità, di frodi, di malignità; diffamatori, 30. maldicenti, nemici di Dio, oltraggiosi, superbi, fanfaroni, ingegnosi nel male, ribelli ai genitori, 31. insensati, sleali, senza cuore, senza misericordia. 32. E pur conoscendo il giudizio di Dio, che cioè gli autori di tali cose meritano la morte, non solo continuano a farle, ma anche approvano chi le fa.

sexual predators Arab League

lamentarsi, respingere la mia proposta? è legittimo, se tu hai una TUA soluzione alla Guerra mondiale! E ALLORA TU VUOI SOSTITUIRE LA GUERRA MONDIALE CON CHE COSA?
GLI USA NON HANNO NESSUN DIRITTO DI: CUSTODIRE IN LOCALITà SEGRETE: 1. ALIENI, 2. IBRIDI TRA ANIMALI ED ESSERI UMANI, 3. UOMINI IN STATO CATATONICO ZOMBIES, 4. ecc.. SENZA IL PERMESSO DEL GENERE UMANO! 5. altresì, è proibito appropriarsi del genoma umano, per venderlo ,o modificarlo, senza il consenso delle Nazioni, la violazione di una queste clausole comporta la dichiarazione di guerra, automatica, di tutte le Nazioni del Mondo contro gli USA, in maniera automatica!

E perché io dovrei dirti di “no!” se, la mia felicità, come lo scopo della tua vita è la felicità? TU DIMOSTRAMI DI NON COMMETTERE UNA QUALCHE INGIUSTIZIA, PIUTTOSTO! oppure tu pensi di fare risultare ingiusto Unius REI? [ SATANISTI ALIENI VAMPIRI ] SE I FARISEI NON VANNO SUBITO IN ARABIA SAUDITA? GIURO CHE VI UCCIDO TUTTI! PERCHé QUALCUNO TI VOGLIA DICHIARARE COLPEVOLE DI QUALCOSA? POI, DOVREBBE CHIEDERE IL PERMESSO A ME, mentre, io ho concesso la amnistia assoluta per tutti i delitti commessi prima del mio regno, in favore di tutti i miei alleati!
ma poiché Maometto è uno dei tanti antiCristI? poi, come lui potrebbe stare in Paradiso? MA COME la tua fede, ti ha plasmato come una bestia di satana?! E CHI NON CREDE DI ESSERE COSì? VENGA SUBITO DA ME! ma, chi crede di essere diventato una bestia di satana? PROPRIO LUI DEVE VENIRE SUBITO DA ME: PRIMA CHE LO COLGA ANCHE LA MORTE ESTERIORE! e tu non puoi venire da me fisicamente, perché io non sono 7miliardi di persone, ma, tu puoi leggere i miei articoli e, tu puoi trovare una comunione con i miei ideali! NON TEMERE: io non pretendo di modificare la tua religione o la tua identità!
QUALI diritti umani SHARIA genocidio nazisti, LA LEGA ARABA PUò RAPPRESENTARE IN ONU? che Sauditi hannno detto sull’altare di satana della CIA: “abbiamo fatto bene noi, a rifiutare di entrare anche noi in ONU, con Unius REI in giro? era molto pericoloso!”
dubito che, si possa parlare di politica o di finanza, o di economia, adeguatamente, perché questa è tutta una maçonnerie Rothschild: ALTO TRADIMENTO COSTITUZIONALE ] e se, FARISEI non fanno in fretta a Realizzare il regno delle Tribù di Israele in ARABIA SAUDITA? finiranno COME I PEZZENTI, dopo avere rubato per secoli TUTTO il genere umano, finiranno tutti con il culo per terra: TUTTI questi satanisti farisei del Talmud!
ma io non ho mai parlato di declino USA SpA Banche Centrali FED, infatti la vostra pirati bullismo predazione? è soltanto il declino di tutto il GENERE UMANO! SOLTANTO DIO VI PUò STERMINARE A TUTTI VOI, E NOI DEL REGNO DI DIO? CI STIAMO LAVORANDO! Obama: ‘Chi parla di declino America vende fantasia’
AFFERMATIVO! DIO NON VUOLE EMARGINARE NESSUNO, E LUI PARLA CONTINUAMENTE AL CUORE DI TUTTI I PECCATORI, E NOI SIAMO TUTTI PECCATORI! SOLTANTO CHE GUARDIAMO CON COMPASSIONE AI NOSTRI PECCATI, E CON DUREZZA AI PECCATI DEGLI ALTRI! Quello che è il delitto sociale e politico, per eccellenza, è un pensiero ideologico massimalista, e la pretesa dello Stato Massone Islamico Darwin GENDER: di parlare con categorie morali! “Corrotti perdono pudore e dignità, provino vergogna” Esce libro. “Mai emarginare i gay, ogni creatura è amata da Dio”
ORMAI è LA CATASTROFE! A COSA SERVONO 250 MILIONI DI MIGRANTI ENTRO IL 2060. Ci sono 24 milioni di disoccupati in Europa e 14 milioni di inattivi in Italia: servono davvero i migranti per pagare le pensioni?. Ecco le ragioni più plausibili dietro a un progetto scellerato:
l’apparato militare industriale USA, senza un nemico? fallisce! ECCO PERCHé LORO SONO 50 ANNI CHE NON DORMONO LA NOTTE PER INVENTARE DEI NEMICI! … è in questo modo, che hanno convinto i sauditi a creare al-Qaeda! e poi, è tutta una storia di delitti.. questa è una storia infinita infernale!
BUSH Clinton sauditi, turchi, FED SPA FMI, CIA NATO, SPA FARISEI, SISTEMA MASSONICO? è soltanto una questione di penne dell’unico Baal OWL!
LAGARDE in Ucraina? lei vi è andata insieme a MADRE TERESA DI CALCUTTA, e poi, per un fatale errore fortuito, al suo finco ha trovato la CIA i cecchini GOLPE a Maidan: e nessuno di loro è stato arrestato: perché avevano la immunità diplomatica!
Obama, ‘l’America è ancora il Paese più forte al mondo’ OK! MA DA QUALE PUNTO DI VISTA? 1. A FILMINI PORNOGRAFICI? è CERTAMENTE IL PIù FORTE! 2. A LEGIONI DI DEMONI E SATANISTI? è SICURAMENTE IL PIù FORTE? 3, AD ALLEATI NAZISTI PRAVY SECTOR E ISLAMICI TERRORISTI SHARIA? è SICURAMENTE IL PIù FORTE! 4. A STRAGI PER FUTILI MOTIVI? è SICURAMENTE IL PIù FORTE, 5. AD ABORTI E DIVORZI? è SICURAMENTE IL PIù FORTE! E L’ELENCO VERGOGNOSO? POTREBBE CONTINUARe Ancora a LUNGO! ma, se ci pensi? ha una buona protezione aerea, ma, nessuna nazione è così vulnerabile, per un corpo di marina da sbarco, che è la NAzione più facile da conquistare ed invadere!
islam sharia? è soltanto un genocidio ONU COSA è TUTTA QUESTA CASCIARA di cagnara? Vi sembra questa una notizia di ANSA? Starebbe a suo agio, su un giornale specializzato per questo genere di cose: per ADULTI, non su un pubblico servizio sovvenzionato da contribuenti! VOI AVETE PERSO IL SENSO DELLA MISURA! MA, VOI PENSATE A COME, noi POSSIAMO DARE SCANDOLO AD UN PEDOFILO POLIGAMO DI ISLAMICO ORGIA DOMESTICA? IN QUESTO MODO? VOI MI FATE SALTARE LA FRATELLANZA UNIVERSALE! voi RENDETE IMPOSSIBILE IL DIALOGO TRA ORIENTE ED OCCIDENTE E ALTRO CHE AMORE: “VOI REALIZZATE PROPRIO LA GUERRA MONDIALE!”
questo si che è un evento culturale importante: degno di ANSA GENDER ideologia: per la ideologia religione evoluzione darwin sodoma: regime bildenberg, un rito liturgico fondamentale ed essenziale: per celebrare: il NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE: new age SPA FED BCE: il Grande FRATELLO BUSH, ma, io ricordo che, una volta in mezzo ai cadaveri, si pregava, oggi, Satana si accontenta di altro, si fa letteratura pornogratica, perché, il nostro Stato? è un lenone! Lady Gaga nuda con boyfriend Taylor Kinney dopo aver fatto sesso, Il selfie shock: “Facciamo sesso per la pace, contro la violenza e il terrorismo”
Califfato Islamico ISIS LEGA takfiri galassia jihadista? è un terrorista erdogan hitler sharia, new ottomano impero!
Abd Allāh takfiro Saʿūd sharia hitler SAUDI ARABIA isis daesh is CIA NWO
mafia SPA BANCHE CENTRALI? è regime bildenberg massone, la più grande mafia occulta legalizzata della storia del genere umano!
datagate UK GEZABELE SECOND enter in my ADSL
[ ISRAEL VEDI CHE, UK SEGRET SERVICES HA INTERCETTATO LA MIA PRIMA CONNESSIONE CHIAVETTA E MI HA BLOCCATO! ] QUESTA è LA MIA SECONDA CONNESSIONE [SALMAN SHARIA SAUDI ARABIA TAKFIRO SUDAIRIO ] è vero che, io non ho Dio in tasca, ma, per quello che so io? lui di massacri su larga scala? ne ha già fatti parecchi!
my holy JHWH ] li senti? soffrono come bestie, tutte le bestie di satana, ma, nessuno di loro ha il coraggio di farsi vedere, come sono tutti nascosti dietro i loro computer, sono tutti gli assassini! NON NE AVERE PIETà!
“CAPUT ISRAELE PER LA TERZA VOLTA!” lo ha detto Rothschild il fariseo, ed io lo ho sentito, mente lui lo diceva!
“TUTTI PER UNO E UNO PER TUTTI”, è UN CODICE DI ONORE DEI CAVALIERI CRISTIANI, CHE DEI FARABUTTI MASSONI, TRADITORI E COMPLICI DI TORRE DI BABILONIA OCCHIO PIRAMIDE, DI LUCIFERO ROTHSCHILD ENTITà DEMONIACA: REGIME BILDENBERG? LORO NON HANNO, NESSUN DIRITTO DI APPELLARE PER LORO! IO LO GIURO: “QUESTA PROFANAZIONE CONTRO LA MIA REGALITà? IO, IL RE DI ISRAELE? IO VE LA FARò PAGARE! ” L’Estonia vuole ottenere la dislocazione permanente delle forze NATO nel paese, 12.01.2016, Ne ha parlato il Primo Ministro estone Taavi Roivas in un suo articolo dedicato agli obiettivi del governo nel 2016. L’articolo è stato pubblicato sull’influente Postimees. “Considero molto importante per il summit estivo della NATO (che si terrà a Varsavia l’8 e il 9 luglio) prendere una decisione sulla presenza permanente degli Alleati in Estonia e nei paesi vicini. Questo potrebbe essere un chiaro segnale che con i paesi della NATO non bisogna litigare, in quanto noi seguiamo il principio “uno per tutti, tutti per uno”, ha scritto Roivas nel suo articolo. Alla fine dello scorso anno in Estonia è arrivato dagli Stati Uniti il primo convoglio di mezzi militari pesanti. Sono state consegnate 40 unità tecniche, compresi 4 carri armati M1A2 Abrams, 10 veicoli corazzati Bradley e 3 semimoventi d’artiglieria Paladin e due veicoli per usi speciali:
ULTIME NOTIZIE:     16:57 L’Ucraina GOLPISTA E GENOCIDARIA, spenderà 500 milioni di dollari in armamenti [ E CHI LA MINACCIA? è LEI L’AGGRESSORE!
666 Seigniorage of Banking
Europa Unione, EU, ONU, USA, anticristo NATO ] voi state facendo il gioco sporco e mortale, della CIA NATO LEGA ARABA: per offendere umanesimo di Israele e Russia, CINA ecc.., ATTRAVERSO IL DELITTO UNIVERSALE DELLA SHARIA, ed ora dovete mettere sul piatto della bilancia i vostri cadaveri, perché, ISIS Daesh sono sauditi e turchi, i loro servizi segreti: E QUESTO NON è UN SEGRETO: per chiunque! VOI AVETE VISTO DILANIARE IL POPOLO IRACHENO E SIRIANO, avete assistito al soffocameto dei cristiani ATTRAVERSO IL TERRORISMO ISLAMICO DELLA CIA: in questi 30 anni, E VOI VI SIETE RALLEGRATI, anzi voi avete nascosto le notizie circa i martiri cristiani, per non offendere i vostri affari con gli islamici, e per disprezzo contro Gesù Cristo: perché voi siete la bestia di satana: voi siete l’anticristo! ISTANBUL, 12 GEN – Il Governo turco ha annunciato che almeno 9 vittime dell’attentato di un kamikaze questa mattina a Sultanamhet sono cittadini tedeschi.
LEGA ARABA ISLAMICI SHARIA ] che poi questa storia penosa, che Maometto è salito al cielo da Gerusalemme, 7 anni dopo la sua morte? è una delle poche cose che, fa divertire tutte le anime: disperati infelici, tribolate e dannate all’inferno! VOI ISLAMICI, VOI AVETE PORTATO INFAMIA SULL’ISLAM e voi avete profanato la Santità di Dio! Nessun islamico ha un pur minima speranza, di poter entrare in paradiso, la vostra speranza? è inutile!
LEGA ARABA ISLAMICI SHARIA ] perché, nella vostra iniquità, ed ipocrisia, voi pensate che io non devo lasciare vivere dietro di me, la esistenza di massoni farisei e satanisti, e poi, proprio io, io debba poter lasciare vivere degli assassini seriali, maniaci religiosi sharia come voi, convinti ancora di glorificare Dio per uccidere persone del tutto innocenti che voi chiamate infedeli.. CHE GLI INFEDELI? SIETE PROPRIO VOI CON IL VOSTRO MAOMETTO ALL’INFERNO!
IL FONDAMENTO GIURIDICO DI INDIPENDENZA E SOVRANITà DEI POPOLI, è STATO BRUTALIZZATO, DAI MASSONI BILDENBERG EUROPEI REGIME ROTHSCHILD SPA BANCHE CENTRALI, CHE IN NESSUN MODO DOVEVANO FARE ATTI DI VIOLENZA E TERRORISMO CONTRO LA POPOLAZIONE CIVILE! EUROPA DEVE RISPONDERE PER QUESTI DELITTI DI NAZISMO, CONTRO IL DIRITTO UNIVERSALE E INTERNAZIONALE A PROTEZIONE DELLA SOCIETà CIVILE! ]  Deputati della Crimea chiedono di fermare le azioni da genocidio dell’Ucraina, 13.01.2016(Il blocco energetico ed agroalimentare sono “una flagrante violazione dei diritti umani”, hanno affermato i deputati del Parlamento della Crimea. Chiedono di punire i responsabili dopo essersi rivolti a diversi tribunali internazionali. I deputati del Parlamento della Crimea hanno chiesto di fermare le azioni da genocidio da parte di Kiev, come quelle relative al blocco della penisola, e di punire i responsabili, si legge in una dichiarazione adottata nel corso della sessione di oggi. La Crimea e Sebastopoli sono entrate a far parte della Russia dopo un referendum condotto nel marzo nel 2014. Per la riunificazione con la Russia ha votato il 96,77% degli abitanti della Crimea e il 95,6% di Sebastopoli. Kiev e i Paesi occidentali hanno rifiutato di riconoscere la volontà popolare espressa tramite le urne ed hanno introdotto sanzioni contro la regione. Allo stesso tempo le autorità ucraine hanno chiuso completamente con la regione i collegamenti aerei, ferroviari e stradali. Inoltre hanno chiuso gli acquedotti e sospeso le forniture di cibo ed elettricità. Dalla metà di gennaio entrerà in vigore l’embargo commerciale parallelamente a misure restrittive in campo finanziario e al blocco marittimo e della rete mobile di telefonia.
I deputati ritengono che il blocco energetico e alimentare della penisola “sono un chiaro esempio di gravi violazioni dei diritti umani, azioni d’odio e genocidio che danneggiano la popolazione civile della Crimea.” Relativamente a questa situazione il Parlamento della Crimea ha chiesto ufficialmente al ministero degli Esteri della Federazione Russa assistenza politica, diplomatica e operativa per presentare denunce e mozioni all’Assemblea Generale e al Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite e agli organi interparlamentari della Comunità degli Stati Indipendenti (CSI), dell’Organizzazione per la sicurezza e la cooperazione in Europa (OSCE) e dell’Assemblea parlamentare del Consiglio d’Europa (PACE). I deputati ritengono che le autorità ucraine non facciano nulla per impedire il blocco della penisola ed abbiano violato i loro obblighi per impedire atti di genocidio, come si afferma nella Convenzione sul genocidio. La questione del blocco della Crimea, secondo loro, dovrebbe essere inclusa nell’ordine del giorno della riunione di emergenza del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite e diventare una priorità del Tribunale Internazionale. Inoltre i parlamentari hanno invitato la Procura Generale e il Comitato Investigativo della Federazione Russa a condurre un’indagine per atti di genocidio contro la Crimea da parte dei deputati del Parlamento ucraino Mustafa Dzhemilev e Refat Chubarov, promotori del blocco della penisola. I deputati hanno inoltre chiesto di indagare la creazione di gruppi terroristici al confine della Crimea con le regioni meridionali dell’Ucraina: [all criminal too sharia, swine sexual predators pedophiles, rapists, imperialism, of Arab League, for worldwide caliphate,saudi arabia salafis, islamists, wahhabis, for dhimmi slavers] Insight: Boko Haram, taking to hills, seize slave ‘brides’

By Joe Brock. ABUJA Sun Nov 17, 2013 8:06am EST. Hajja, 19, who was kidnapped by al Qaeda-linked Islamist group Boko Haram, poses for a picture after an interview with Reuters in Abuja November 6, 2013. REUTERS/Joe Brock. Hajja, 19, who was kidnapped by al Qaeda-linked Islamist group Boko Haram, poses for a picture after an interview with Reuters in Abuja November 6, 2013. (Reuters) – In the gloom of a hilltop cave in Nigeria where she was held captive, Hajja had a knife pressed to her throat by a man who gave her a choice – convert to Islam or die.
Two gunmen from Boko Haram had seized the Christian teenager in July as she picked corn near her village in the Gwoza hills, a remote part of northeastern Nigeria where a six-month-old government offensive is struggling to contain an insurgency by the al Qaeda-linked Islamist group.
In a new development, Boko Haram is abducting Christian women whom it converts to Islam on pain of death and then forces into “marriage” with fighters – a tactic that recalls Joseph Kony’s Lord’s Resistance Army in the jungles of Uganda. The three months Hajja spent as the slave of a 14-strong guerrilla unit, cooking and cleaning for them before she escaped, give a rare glimpse into how the Islamists have changed tack in the face of Nigerian military pressure. “I can’t sleep when I think of being there,” the 19-year-old told Reuters, recounting forced mountain marches, rebel intelligence gathering – and watching her captors slit the throats of prisoners Hajja had helped lure into a trap. Nigerian security officials say the Islamists have pulled back after army assaults since May on their bases on the semi-desert plain and are now sheltering in the Mandara mountains, along the Cameroon border around the city of Gwoza. From the hills they have been launching increasingly deadly attacks. The rugged mountain terrain – as fellow al Qaeda allies found in Afghanistan – has proven an advantageous base for a movement that once styled itself the “Nigerian Taliban” and sees all non-Muslims as infidels who must convert or be killed. The United States designated Boko Haram a terrorist group on Wednesday. Western governments are increasingly concerned about the wider threat posed by the group, which wants to create an Islamic state in a religiously mixed country of 170 million and which has ties with al Qaeda’s north African wing. Hajja’s account of how Boko Haram has adapted and survived in recent months underlines the difficulties governments in the region face. The spread of the threat was underscored by the kidnap on Thursday of a French priest in Cameroon, an attack France believes may have involved Boko Haram. The following day, Nigerian troops raided a base for the group in the Gwoza hills. The army said it killed 29 Boko Haram fighters and was “closing in” on the rebels. FORCED TO CONVERT. The group, whose name broadly translates as “Western education is sinful”, has killed thousands during a four-year insurgency against the Nigerian state, targeting the police and armed forces as well as politicians and then turning on Christians in the predominantly Muslim north of the country. The military offensive launched in mid-May, and the fact that large numbers of civilian vigilantes have supported it, has triggered a fierce backlash against local people by Boko Haram. The militants have killed hundreds in the past few weeks, including in massacres of school children. The Islamists dragged Hajja along rocky mountain paths and slept in caves in the hills, a landscape unfamiliar to most Nigerian soldiers, recruited from the plains. She ceremonially converted to Islam, cooked for the men, carried ammunition during an attack on a police outpost and was about to be married to one of the insurgents before she managed to engineer a dramatic escape. She says she was not raped. “If I cried, they beat me. If I spoke, they beat me. They told me I must become a Muslim but I refused again and again,” Hajja told Reuters in an interview. Her family name is withheld to protect relatives still living in the Gwoza area. “They were about to slaughter me and one of them begged me not to resist and just before I had my throat slit I relented. They put a veil on me and made me read from the Koran,” she said in the Nigerian capital, Abuja, where she is now living. At least a dozen teenagers like her remain in captivity, Michael Yohanna, a councilor in Gwoza’s local government told Reuters. Some have married commanders, recalling Kony’s LRA, which abducted thousands of “wives” in a 20-year war in Uganda before a truce in 1986. Kony remains a fugitive. A man called Ibrahim Tada Nglayike led the group Hajja was with. On one mission, Hajja was sent to stand in a field near a village to attract the attention of civilians working with the army. When five men approached her, they were ambushed. “They took them back to a cave and tied them up. They cut their throats, one at a time,” Hajja said. “I thought my heart would burst out of my chest, because I was the bait.” Among those who did the killing was the Muslim wife of the leader Nglayike, the only other woman in the band of fighters. reuters verified Hajja’s account of having been abducted with independent figures in the region. Boko Haram shuns the media and none of its members could be contacted for comment. Hajja says the long-bearded insurgents lived a basic lifestyle, eating corn, millet and occasionally meat from animals they stole and which she slaughtered. The group, armed with AK-47 rifles and pistols stolen from police they killed, moved every day around the hills to avoid being tracked by the army and slept in the caves to shelter from the cold and for protection against air assaults. “They didn’t use phones but they had a radio,” Hajja said. “They would listen to BBC Hausa or Voice of America and jump and shout if they heard about Boko Haram attacks.” “TOOTHPASTE EFFECT” . Forced out of cities and semi-desert bases since Jonathan declared a state of emergency in May, the militants have mostly retreated to hills and forests on the Cameroon border. “It’s the toothpaste effect: squeeze one end and it comes out the other. They have proven resilient and are adapting faster than the military,” a Nigerian security source said. Army commanders denied Boko Haram had any control over the Gwoza mountains: “We are curtailing their activities and I can assure you that … the insurgency will soon be a thing of the past,” Lieutenant Colonel Adamu Garba Laka said. But a Nigerian general asked Cameroon this month for help in fighting Boko Haram, and the backlash against civilians has made the conflict deadlier than ever. According to one security source, in the five months after Jonathan declared a state of emergency in the northeast there were 1,708 deaths in 83 violent clashes, compared with 667 deaths from 117 incidents in the previous five months. Pushing the conflict into poor rural regions, like Gwoza, where Hajja was seized, runs the risk of radicalizing more disenchanted youths and drawing more people into the violence. “Gwoza has disintegrated. We have no schools, no hospitals, no government offices functioning,” said councilor Yohanna. “I worry that youths will take the law into their own hands. It will become a war between Christians and Muslims.” Insurgents moved freely through the hills and even into the town of Gwoza, Hajja said. Fighters made trips to collect cash, ammunition and weapons from the Sambisa Game Reserve, a forested region where Boko Haram has established camps. Informants, mostly farmers, would warn them of approaching army patrols, Hajja said, adding that the rebels also appeared to have sympathetic contacts among the troops – something Nigerian military commanders deny. “They know the area very well and many people help them because they are afraid or support their cause,” Hajja said. On once occasion, Boko Haram commanders were able travel from Maiduguri, the state capital on the plain north of Gwoza, to meet the guerrilla group in the hills. Hajja said her unit carried out dozens of attacks, killing police and anyone suspected of aiding authorities. The longer the insurgency goes on, President Goodluck Jonathan, a southern Christian, will come under increasing criticism from his northern opponents as elections in early 2015 draw closer. He risks growing resentment from a northern population who believe he is out of touch with their troubles. It is also becoming a drain on Africa’s second largest economy – Nigeria allocates a fifth of its budget for security. Hajja eventually escaped by feigning severe stomach pains. Thinking her too ill to flee, the insurgents sent her to hospital escorted only by an older woman. Once she was among other people, Hajja threatened to denounce the group to police, prompting the woman to abandon her and flee. “I finally tore off the veil and I cried,” Hajja said. “So many times I thought I’d die.”(Additional reporting by Isaac Abrak in Abuja and Ibrahim Mshelizza and Lanre Ola in Maiduguri; Editing by Tim Cocks and Alastair Macdonald). Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what’s Catching Our Eye. Iranians released two weeks early. Two Iranian Christians have been released from jail two weeks before the end of their sentences. Farhad Sabokrouh, pastor of the Assemblies of God Church in Ahwaz, and Naser Zamen-Dezfuli, were released on December 4, seven months after their incarceration for converting from Islam to Christianity, proselytising Muslims, and propagating against the Islamic regime through evangelism. Source: Mohabat News. Séléka attacks hospital in CAR. séléka forces attacked a hospital in the Central African Republic capital of Bangui on Friday, killing at least a dozen patients, Al Jazeera reports. Gunmen pulled patients from the hospital and shot them. The hospital has been abandoned. The attack occurred as additional French forces began deploying throughout the northwest sector of the country, as authorised by the United Nations Security Council vote on Thursday. 30,000 Eritreans abducted in five years. Around 30,000 Eritreans have been abducted since 2007 and taken to Egypt’s Sinai, where they face torture and ransom demands, according to a study presented to the European Parliament. The study, conducted by an Eritrean human rights activist and professors from a Dutch University, says more than $600m has been accrued from families in ransom payments. “[The hostages] are chained together without toilets or washing facilities and dehydrated, starved and deprived of sleep,” the report says. “They are subject to threats of death and organ harvesting… Those who attempt to escape are severely tortured.”
Source: BBC. Sharia law enforced in Libya. Libya has voted to make sharia law the basis of all legislation. Two years after the NATO-backed uprising that ousted Muammar Gaddafi, Libya is still in messy transition with no new constitution and its temporary assembly caught in deadlock between an Islamist party and political rivals. As in Tunisia and Egypt where autocratic leaders were ousted in the Arab Spring revolts, Libya has seen fierce debate over the role of Islam in its new democracy with the rise of hardline Islamists long oppressed by Gaddafi. “Islamic law is the source of legislation in Libya,” the General National Congress said in a statement after the vote on Wednesday (Dec. 4). “All state institutions need to comply with this.” Source: Reuters. Egypt’s draft constitution explained. Egypt’s Constituent Assembly declared on Monday that the draft of the country’s proposed new constitution is ready for public review. A popular vote is intended within 30 days of Monday’s release. What’s in it? The Washington, D.C.-based Atlantic Council has published a close study of the document, including a detailed examination of changes affecting religious freedom. In the draft, Islam remains the official state religion, and the principles of Sharia remain “the primary source of legislation”, though the document no longer contains language that defines those principles and instead leaves the matter to the courts. Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what’s Catching Our Eye. Peace efforts in Tanzania ‘useless’. Christian leaders in Tanzania have said peace efforts between Christians and Muslims in the country have proved useless after the recent burning of two churches. The torching of a Lutheran church in Korogwe and Evangelical Assemblies of God church in Kalalani have caused the union of church denominations in the Tanga region, in northeastern Tanzania, to reject the government’s peace platform, which requires Muslim and Christian leaders to discuss various religious issues, and to petition for something more effective. “The situation these days is not good,” said Dr Jothan Mwakimage, a bishop, who chaired the Christian group. “We need to come up with another peace committee to be set by ourselves because the government platform has failed to deal with the matter.” Chairperson of the defence and security committee, Chiku Gallawa, added: “Peace is important to all the people, regardless of their faith. Therefore, all of us must be responsible for ensuring that the peace we have prevails for the benefit of the present and future generations of this nation.” Source: Tanzania Daily News. Terrorist link to torched churches. Russia’s Tatarstan Republic is offering 1 million rubles ($30,000) for information relating to the recent torching of several Orthodox churches in the region. Four Orthodox churches were set on fire in the predominantly Muslim Republic in November and explosives were found in the city of Tuban Kama and the Aleksei district, reports Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. Investigators classified the attacks as vandalism and arson, but Tatarstan’s prosecutor-general insisted they should be investigated as terrorism. Seven Orthodox churches have been burnt down in the past six months. The Central Spiritual Board of Russian Muslims has condemned the arson attacks, saying: “There is no doubt that such action is an attempt to stir up sectarian discord and ethnic hatred”. Satellite evidence of CAR destruction. Human Rights Watch has released satellite images of the destruction caused during a recent attack on the village of Camp Bangui in the Central African Republic.
The images, recorded on the morning of November 23, show half the village burnt to the ground.
The New York-based rights organisation said it has collected detailed satellite evidence of arson attacks on 15 additional villages and towns across the Central African Republic.
The UN is preparing to send a peacekeeping force to the lawless country, after months of violence since the deposition of former president Francois Bozizé in March. Sudan ‘tramples’ on its people’s rights. The chairman of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, Robert George, says Sudan is continuing to fail to adhere to international religious freedom standards.
Through the imposition of Sharia law, George writes in the Washington Times that Sudan is a particularly difficult place for non-Muslims and for women. “The regime… continues to trample on the fundamental rights of its own people, including the right to freedom of religion or belief,” he writes. Christians ‘held’ in Syrian town. Following a reported Islamist invasion on the town of Deir Atieh in Syria, north of Damascus, Fides reports that Christians are being prevented from leaving.
“The militiamen examine the identification documents of those who intend to leave the city and retain those who have Christian names,” states Fides. ASIA/SYRIA – The village of Deir Atieh invaded by Islamists: Christians identified and detained. Damascus – Militants of Islamist factions have invaded the town of Deir Atieh, north of Damascus, spreading terror, death and destruction. As Fides sources in the Greek Orthodox Church report, the attack took place on 22 November. The militants entered the municipal hospital and took hostage the sick. The museum of Deir Atieh that welcomed thousands of works and precious archaeological finds was devastated. Mosques and churches were hit and damaged. Numerous homes were looted and civilians captured and used as human shields. The situation is particularly worrying for Christians. The population, about 25 thousand people, have begun to flee. The militiamen examine the identification documents of those who intend to leave the city and retain those who have Christian names. To be able to leave the village, a Greek Orthodox priest had to say he was married and present himself with a woman: he was allowed to go just because he had an Arab name and had no ancestry or Christian reference.Fr. F.H., who in a note sent to Fides requested anonymity for security reasons, pleads the international community and the Holy See to mobilize in order to arrange for the release of the hostages and save the village of Deir Atieh. It is not clear, notes the source of Fides, what prompted the armed gangs to penetrate the village. Even hundreds of people from Qara, another Syrian village in the mountains of Qalamoun, 90 km from Damascus had found refuge. In recent weeks, Qara had been attacked by Islamist fighters from the city of Arzal. Among the refugees of Qara, who moved to Deir Atieh, there is also the Greek-Catholic priest Father George Luis and all his parishioners.
Catching Our Eye, This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what’s Catching Our Eye.
Vatican rejects M.E without Christians. Pope Francis says the Vatican “will not resign itself to a Middle East without Christians”. In the wake of reports of millions of Christians fleeing the region, Pope Francis said he was concerned by “the situation of Christians, who suffer in a particularly severe way the consequences of tensions and conflicts in many parts of the Middle East”.
But he said he would not rest “while there are still men and women of any religion… whose future is stolen and are forced to become refugees”. Source: BBC. Burma on the road to religious freedom. Burma is moving towards greater interfaith freedom of expression, but challenges remain, according to Christian Solidarity Worldwide’s Benedict Rogers, writing for the Wall Street Journal. Rogers notes that, while the country has made great strides in recent years, there is an ongoing threat of ethnic and religious violence. However, he states that “the prospect of guns falling silent across Burma for the first time in over 65 years may be closer than ever”.
“But at the same time,” Rogers writes, “We heard testimonies of sexual violence, forced labour and religious discrimination from Chin Christians. Over the years, Chin state has suffered from a chronic lack of basic services, including infrastructure and medical care, thanks to the previous regime’s deliberate policy of subjugation. If real change is to be secured, policies based on ethnicity or religion must end.” Burma is predominantly Buddhist, but many of the non-Burmese ethnic nationalities have significant Christian populations, while Muslims may account for up to 10% of the population. Kony urged to surrender in CAR, The President of the Central African Republic (CAR) has been in contact with warlord Joseph Kony, head of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), urging him to surrender, reports Reuters. However, the African Union’s (AU) special envoy on the LRA told the UN that Kony has “used the negotiations as a window of opportunity” to relocate many of his fighters to north-eastern CAR. The AU has been hunting him since he went underground in 2005. Kony has been indicted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court for his two-decade-long guerrilla war against the Ugandan government. Kazakh pastor’s trial postponed, The court hearing for a Kazakh pastor detained since May has been pushed back again.
Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev, 67, pastor of Grace Protestant Church in Astana, is charged with the psychological manipulation of a member of his congregation through the use of a “red-coloured hallucinogenic drink”. Other members of the congregation say the drink is a harmless, non-alcoholic beverage used as part of the church’s Holy Communion – to represent the traditionally used, and symbolic, red wine. The pastor was supposed to learn his fate on Sunday (Nov. 17), but his son was informed that the hearing had been postponed. Askar Kashkumbayev was told that a new date will be confirmed on Friday (Nov. 22). No reason was given for the postponement.
Boko Haram targets Christian girls, Boko Haram is abducting Christian women, converting them to Islam on pain of death and then forcing them to marry its fighters, reports Reuters.
Reuters tells the story of 19-year-old Christian Hajja, who was abducted by the Islamist group in July and was then forced to work as their slave. Hajja converted to Islam, cooked for the men, carried ammunition during an attack on a police outpost and was about to be married to one of the insurgents when she managed to escape. “If I cried, they beat me. If I spoke, they beat me,” Hajja told Reuters. “They told me I must become a Muslim but I refused again and again. They were about to slaughter me and one of them begged me not to resist and just before I had my throat slit I relented. They put a veil on me and made me read from the Koran.” Malaysia’s ‘Allah’ impasse. Published: January 24, 2014 by Matt K. George. Christians remain adamant that their right to use ‘Allah’ is constitutional. Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on google_plusone_shareShare on redditMore Sharing Services. Should Malaysia’s Muslims alone be afforded the right to use the word ‘Allah’?Should Malaysia’s Muslims alone be afforded the right to use the word ‘Allah’?
Abu Emran / Flickr / Creative Commons. “God, what is your religion?” This cryptic question, spotted on a T-shirt at a packed public meeting on religious freedom in the Malaysian city of Petaling Jaya last week, sums up the enormity of Malaysia’s ‘Allah’ controversy.
The wearer was a Malay Muslim woman, according to The Malaysian Insider, demonstrating solidarity with the minority Christian population as tensions rise in the country over who can use the term ‘Allah’. The controversy – for which many Malaysian Christians blame the Government – has now reached a serious impasse. The Christian community remains adamant that the use of ‘Allah’ is their right, despite a ruling by the Court of Appeal last October that ‘Allah’ was exclusive to Malay Muslims. The word predates the birth of Islam and the ruling has been widely criticised by many other Muslim nations, and by the United Nations. About 64 per cent of Malaysia’s Christians come from the Borneo states of Sabah and Sarawak, where the term has been part of their vocabulary for more than 100 years. The indigenous populations of the two states, whose primary language is Bahasa Malay, claim the usage is their constitutional and spiritual right. The Malay Bible dates back to the 16th century and, as the government phases out English in favour of Bahasa Malay, more and more Christians observe their faith in Bahasa Malay. “All the churches are of one mind,” said Rev. Dr Hermen Shastri, the general secretary of the Council of Churches of Malaysia. “We are only defending our freedom to practise our religion as guaranteed under the Constitution.”
Nevertheless, Islamic conservatives have staged demonstrations outside churches, seized Bibles and continued to vilify the Catholic pastor, Rev. Lawrence Andrew, who took the issue to the courts.
In early January Andrew was questioned over charges of sedition, which drew international complaints, including a piece in The Wall Street Journal. The Malay Bible is titled ‘Alkitab’ in the local language, which means ‘The Book’.The Malay Bible is titled ‘Alkitab’ in the local language, which means ‘The Book’. World Watch Monitor. Following the raid on the Bible Society of Malaysia two weeks ago and the seizure of more than 300 Bibles in the Malay language, the Islamic Religious Department of the state of Selangor (JAIS) posted an advertisement in The Star, an English language newspaper, defending its actions. The National Fatwa Council, comprising the muftis, or Islamic scholars, of the states of Malaysia, publicly backed JAIS’s swoop in which they also arrested two officials of the Bible Society. These actions, in a country once renowned for multiracial harmony, go against the grain of a 10-point plan pronounced by the Government of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak in April 2011 to resolve the issue. The key element of the pledge emphasised that Christians are allowed to print, import and distribute Bibles, referred to as the ‘Alkitab’ (‘The Book’) in the Malay language. The Prime Minister has so far refrained from defending his policy, while churches have asked him to speak out and to rein in Islamic extremists. But many Christians say they fear Prime Minister Najib cannot be seen to capitulate on Christian usage of ‘Allah’, since it would give ammunition to his political enemies in his ruling United Malays National Organisation party (UMNO), who could seek to oust him from office. Since the party brands itself as the champion of Malay Muslim supremacy and the defender of Islam, it provides tacit support to JAIS and Muslim extremists within UMNO. The Prime Minister’s ambivalence is unhelpful, according to Rev. Shastri, who said: “The Government should remain consistent. It is the same Government that came out with the 10-point plan. It should also defend the Constitution.” The Methodist priest has called on Christian ministers in Government, such as Idris Jala, who was a key architect of the 10-point plan, to impress upon the Prime Minister the need to protect religious freedoms. The ‘Allah’ controversy began in 2007 when the Government banned The Herald, a Catholic weekly, from using the word. The Catholic Church contested the order and the High Court restored its constitutional right in 2009. The Government appealed that decision and in October 2013 a three-man Court of Appeal ruled that Malay Muslims had an exclusive copyright to the word ‘Allah’. Legal experts say the court’s decision is flawed and that its ruling, if ratified, should only apply to The Herald and not to other Christian literature, such as the Alkitab, or in liturgy. The Catholic Church has now filed an application for leave to appeal to the Federal Court, the highest legal authority in the land. Liberal Malaysians hope an enlarged bench of 13 judges, including the Chief Judge of the Borneo states, would adjudicate on the issue. The hearing is scheduled for March 5. Whether any court decision will appease the rival sides is debatable. “Nothing is changing,” said Bolly Lapok, Bishop of Kuching, the capital of Sarawak, and Archbishop of the Anglican Church of the Province of South-East Asia. “We won’t stop using the word ‘Allah’.” The right to freedom of worship was enshrined when Sarawak and Sabah joined Malaysia in 1963. Christian and political leaders in the two states have threatened to break away from the Malaysian union if the Government forces their hand on the ‘Allah’ issue.
Most Malaysians are against such an outcome. Given the lack of political will to end the deepening rift, an alternative suggestion was to invite the Rulers’ Council, comprising the nine hereditary Sultans, to convene and rule on the issue. The Ruler of the state of Negri Sembilan last week urged Malay Muslims to respect other religions and to live in harmony, regardless of race.
The Muslim Chief Minister of Sarawak, Taib Mahmud, is on record as saying that the use of ‘Allah’ is not a problem in the state and blames the central government for inciting intolerance and racism.
The Bible Society of Malaysia in Selangor.The Bible Society of Malaysia in Selangor.
World Watch Monitor. Political observers say that religious insecurities are being whipped up to defer attention away from the Government’s economic and political difficulties. The Government was recently forced to cut back on decades of subsidised petrol and sugar prices as the national debt has reached unsustainable levels. The inevitable rise in the cost of living has fuelled public anger and protests. The scheduled introduction of a Government Services Tax in April 2014 is set to further escalate the cost of goods. Public corruption, scandals, the lavish lifestyle of ministers and cohorts, and a lack of accountability have all severely damaged the Government’s record and the economy in a resource-rich nation. In this volatile mix of rising prices and protests, on top of the ‘Allah’ controversy, Christians are concerned. The Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM), in a statement last week, observed: “What we are witnessing is the mad scramble by any and every group to grab media attention… [but] the Christian community remains undaunted in the face of these and no doubt future incidents of this nature.” Rev. Dr Eu Hong Seng, chairman of the CFM, added: “We look to the courts of this land to protect, preserve and defend principles of our Federal Constitution.” Christians meanwhile have taken succour from progressive Muslim groups such as Sisters of Islam, which rallied to their support, distributing flowers outside a church where Islamists had planned to protest. For this act of solidarity, conservative Islamists demanded their arrests.
Other Muslim protagonists, such as Azmi Sharom, an outspoken law lecturer, point out that nowhere in the Qur’an does it say that ‘Allah’ is exclusive to Muslims. “Is [Islam] a religion that is so small in its worldview that it can approve of one community claiming the term for God for itself? Is Islam so lacking in common decency and compassion?” he said. Meanwhile, the former Law Minister Zaid Ibrahim blogged: “The unwillingness of UMNO leaders to find a peaceful solution to the ‘Allah’ issue is a clear sign of the march towards authoritarian rule. Invoking the name of God is just a ruse to gain support for a new dictatorship.” The wearer of the T-shirt posed a fundamental question. The ball is now in the court of the Malaysian Government to openly demonstrate that it subscribes to the ethos of its own Constitution, its own 10-point resolution, and that it will uphold freedom of religion for all. Related: Islamic authorities’ raid on Malaysian Bible Society questioned by state government. Malaysia’s ‘Allah’ ruling widely criticised. * Churches campaign ahead of Malaysia elections. Malaysia Set to Rule on Use of ‘Allah’ among Non-Muslims. UK Parliament is told Christianity is ‘most persecuted religion’. UK Parliament is told Christianity is ‘most persecuted religion’, Published: December 04, 2013. MPs also hear that one Christian is killed every 11 minutes. Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on google_plusone_shareShare on redditMore Sharing Services. The Bishop Moussa Coptic Church in Minya was destroyted by pro-Morsi supporters in Egypt, many of whom blamed Christians for his overthrow.The Bishop Moussa Coptic Church in Minya was destroyted by pro-Morsi supporters in Egypt, many of whom blamed Christians for his overthrow. David Degner, Getty Images. The plight of Christians around the world was discussed in a three-hour debate at the Houses of Parliament in London yesterday. Members of the House of Commons were told that the persecution of Christians is increasing, that one Christian is killed around every 11 minutes around the world, and that Christianity is the “most persecuted religion globally”. A long list of countries in which life as a Christian is most difficult was discussed, including Syria, North Korea, Eritrea, Nigeria, Iraq and Egypt. MP Jim Shannon said the persecution of Christians is “the biggest story in the world that has never been told”. He said that although the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, there are many countries in which these rights are not given. Shannon alleged that 200 million Christians will be persecuted for their faith this year, while he said that 500 million live in “dangerous neighbourhoods”. He added that in Syria Christians are “caught between opposing sides in the conflict”, and mentioned the “specific targeting” of Christian-dominated locations, such as Sadad and Maaloula. MP Sammy Wilson said that in Syria, “50,000 Christians have been cleared from the city of Homs”, while in Sudan two million Christians were killed by the regime over a 30-year period. He added: “Within the last month, hundreds of people, from Nigeria to Eritrea to Kazakhstan to China, have been arrested and put in prison simply because of their faith, and when they go into prison they are denied due process. They are denied access to lawyers. They are sometimes even denied knowledge of the charges facing them. They can languish in prison for a long time and in horrible conditions… This is not only happening in Muslim countries. From Morocco to Pakistan, Christians in Muslim countries are under threat, but it happens elsewhere too.” The recent comments of Baroness Warsi at a lecture in Washington were echoed, including her assertion that “the parts of the world where Christianity first spread is now seeing large sections of the Christian community leaving, and those that are remaining feeling persecuted”. MP Nigel Dodds said that the “persecution of Christians is not new”, but that it is “staggering” how many Christians are killed today. In Iraq, he noted the words of Canon Andrew White, who had said that Christians are “frightened even to walk to church because they might come under attack. All the churches are targets… We used to have 1.5 million Christians, now we have probably only 200,000 left… There are more Iraqi Christians in Chicago than there are here”. Sir Edward Leigh said the remaining number of Christians in Iraq was likely to be closer to 600,000, but that this was still a shocking figure and that “things have become much worse since the invasion”. “Within the last month, hundreds of people, from Nigeria to Eritrea to Kazakhstan to China, have been arrested and put in prison simply because of their faith.” MP Sammy Wilson. MP Rehman Chishti said: “I come from a Muslim background, and my father was an imam… I know it is absolutely right and proper to have a debate on the subject”. He called the persecution “completely and utterly unacceptable” and “a very sad state of affairs”. He also quoted his “good friend” the former Bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali: “He told me that the persecution of Christians was taking place in more than 130 of the 190 countries in the world at the moment”. During the debate, the oppression experienced by Christians in China and Malaysia were also highlighted and outlined. As the British Prime Minister is currently in China, MP David Rutley raised the issue of the sizeable Christian community in China, and asked about the potential establishment of a deeper inter-faith dialogue to engage the Chinese authorities with Christian groups. Meanwhile, a UK-based organisation has claimed that the number of countries posing an extreme risk to the human rights of their populations has risen by 70 per cent in the past five years. Risk analysis company Maplecroft (which researched 197 countries for its annual Human Rights Risk Atlas 2014) says that since 2008 the number has risen steeply from 20 to 34, predominantly comprised of countries in the Middle East and Africa. Syria tops the list, followed by Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Pakistan, Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq. Thu Jan 09, 2014 2:43. Syria: Survivor Recounts How Terrorists Beheaded a Youth on Homs-Marmarita Road. #TEHRAN ( #FNA) Terrorists opened fire on a car on the Homs-Marmarita road on Tuesday night and then attacked the two passengers, beheading one of them. Firas Badr Nader, who survived the attack, told SANA’s correspondent at Al-Bassel Hospital in Tartous that he and his friend Fadi Michael Matta were coming back from work in a hotel in Homs when five terrorists intercepted them and opened fire on the car. Nader said that he was shot and lost control of the car, causing it to crash, and as the terrorists approached the car he played dead, and then the terrorist dragged him and his friend out of the car and tied the latter’s hands. He then heard one of the terrorists instructing one of his accomplices to “slit his throat” at which point they decapitated Matta, then they stole all the documents and money they had and fled after trying to burn the car and failing. After he was sure that the terrorists had left, Nader opened his eyes and saw that Matta was lying down covered in blood and decapitated. He said he ran until he reached a friend’s house in al-Meshtaye area where he called the authorities, and an ambulance arrived soon at the scene of the crime and transported Nader to Al-Bassel Hospital and took Matta’s body to a hospital in Marmarita. Catching Our Eye. Kazakh pastor’s trial begins. The trial against 67-year-old Kazakh pastor Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev has started, eight months after his incarceration for allegedly “harming the health” of a member of his congregation. The pastor has also been accused of inciting hatred, propagating extremism and leading an organisation that harms others. If found guilty, he could face a lengthy prison term. Kashkumbayev denied all charges against him at a court hearing in Astana, the capital, on Jan. 22. The trial was adjourned until Jan. 31 to allow Kashkumbayev’s lawyer some time to study the case materials. Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what’s Catching Our Eye. Kazakh pastor’s trial begins. The trial against 67-year-old Kazakh pastor Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev has started, eight months after his incarceration for allegedly “harming the health” of a member of his congregation. The pastor has also been accused of inciting hatred, propagating extremism and leading an organisation that harms others. If found guilty, he could face a lengthy prison term. Kashkumbayev denied all charges against him at a court hearing in Astana, the capital, on Jan. 22. The trial was adjourned until Jan. 31 to allow Kashkumbayev’s lawyer some time to study the case materials. Source: Forum 18. Syrian Christian beheaded, A Christian man was beheaded last week as he drove home from work in Homs, reports Fars News. Fides confirms that Fadi Matanius Mattah, 34, was killed and his friend Firas Nader, 29, was wounded as armed jihadists opened fire on their car. A priest told Fides that, noting that Fadi was wearing a cross around his neck, they beheaded him. Afghan atheist scared of going home. An Afghan atheist has been granted asylum in the UK for ‘religious’ reasons, reports the BBC. Brought up a Muslim, the man has become an atheist after six years in the UK and claims he would face persecution and possibly a death sentence if he returned home. It is believed to be the first time someone has been granted asylum in the UK on the basis of their atheism. CAR crisis ‘far from over’ The crisis in the Central African Republic is far from over, despite the resignation of President Michel Djotodia, according to a local Catholic archbishop. “The shooting has ceased, but the tensions are still there,” said Nestor Desire Nongo-Aziagbia, archbishop of Bossangoa. “Resignation is a first step towards solving the crisis.” The archbishop added that politicians must now elect someone to “bring the people together”. Nearly one million people have been displaced since the beginning of the conflict in March. More than 100,000 are camped at Bangui’s airport, while others are sleeping in churches and mosques. Source: RNS. CAR President Djotodia resigns. Central African Republic’s first Muslim president Michel Djotodia has resigned from office at a regional summit aimed at ending the violence that has engulfed the country. Djotodia took power from former president Francois Bozizé in a coup in March last year, as head of the now-disbanded Séléka rebel forces. Séléka forces were accused of gross human rights abuses, including mass rape and murder, and of specifically targeting Christians. Violence has continued between the disbanded group and self-defence militias named anti-Balaka (anti-Machete). Christians had protested for Djotodia’s removal from power before Christmas. Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what’s Catching Our Eye. Herald boss investigated over ‘Allah’. The director of Malaysia’s Catholic Herald newspaper, at the centre of the storm regarding Christians’ use of the word ‘Allah’, is being investigated for comments made in an article on December 27 claiming Catholics have a right to use the word. Lawrence Andrew, who is also a Catholic priest, is being investigated for “sedition”, reports Fides. This follows the seizure by the country’s top Islamic authority, alongside police, of more than 330 Malaysian bibles from the Malaysian Bible Society last week because they used the word ‘Allah’ for God. The Islamic Religious Department claims the use of the word ‘Allah’ should be reserved for Muslims alone. In a separate development, the Malaysian government has moved to ban the country’s leading coalition of 54 human rights NGOs, COMANGO, which reported to the UN Human Rights’ Council Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in 2013. The government says most of these NGOs are ‘un-Islamic’ and un-registered. COMANGO says as a coalition entity, it is not itself bound by registration legislation. During the UPR, COMANGO called for its government to sign the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, of which Article 18 is about the rights of religious freedom. A representative of the Malaysian government defended its religious restrictions, saying they are in the interests of public order. Vatican to hold peace talks. The Vatican has scheduled a meeting for Jan. 13 to discuss the potential for a cease-fire in Syria, ahead of UN-backed peace talks in Geneva, planned to start on Jan. 24. Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo told Vatican Radio that a cessation of hostilities was vital “in order to allow humanitarian aid, to create humanitarian corridors that at the moment don’t exist, and the cessation of persecution against Christians and so-called interreligious martyrdom”. He said that Syria’s Christians fear they are being targeted systematically by Islamist rebels seeking to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The Vatican said Egyptian politician Mohamed El Baradei and American economist Jeffrey Sachs will attend the meeting. Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has also been invited. 30 killed in Plateau State violence. Around 30 people were killed and 25 others injured on Jan. 7 during an attack in Plateau State, in Central Nigeria. More than 40 houses were burnt down during the attack, which local media blamed on Fulani herdsmen. Much of the violence is blamed on land disputes between mainly Muslim Fulani herdsmen and the mainly Christian Berom farmers, reports the BBC, in the area where Nigeria’s predominantly Muslim north meets its Christian-majority south. Nanle Church update: 11 released. A number of Christians from Nanle County Church in Henan Province, China, have been released after almost two months in custody, although 13 are still being detained. Twenty-four church members were arrested in mid-November, including five church leaders, after a dispute over a piece of land on which the group hoped to build a new church. Source: China Aid. Iranian convert jailed for evangelism. An Iranian Christian convert has been sentenced to one year in prison for charges including evangelism. Hossein Saketi Aramsari was tried at the Revolutionary Court in Karaj, near Tehran. He was arrested in July of last year. Source: Mohabat News. Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what’s Catching Our Eye. Egypt’s President visits church. Egypt’s President has attended Christmas celebrations at Cairo’s Orthodox Cathedral: reported to be the first time in history that the President has done so. The gesture of solidarity comes at a poignant time for Egypt’s 10% Christian minority, who last year experienced their worst violence, at the hands of lslamists, for hundreds of years. (Source: RFI) Freed priest returns to France. Georges Vandenbeusch, the French priest held hostage for nearly seven weeks in Cameroon, returned to France on New Year’s Day. President Francois Hollande greeted the 42-year-old cleric at an Air Force base near Paris early on Jan. 1, after France Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius received him in the Cameroon capital of Yaounde. The Islamist militant group Boko Haram took responsibility for the kidnapping in November. Little has been revealed about the circumstances of his release, though the French government has said no ransom was paid. Source: BBc. Farsi speakers banned from church, A church in Tehran has become the latest to close its doors to Farsi speakers. St. Peter’s Evangelical Church in the Iranian capital is preventing speakers of the country’s official language from attending following pressure from government officials, reports Mohabat News. Armenians and Assyrians will be permitted to attend the church, but the IDs of all congregants will be passed on to the government, Mohabat adds. In May, the Central Assemblies of God church in Tehran was forced to cancel all services in the Farsi language or face permanent closure. Following this, Mansour Borji, advocacy officer for human-rights group Article 18, said: “I am certain that the AOG church in Tehran will not be the last. If the Iranian government manages to close this church, the few remaining churches that have Farsi-speaking services will follow.” Iranian converts arrested. Five Iranian converts to Christianity were arrested while celebrating Christmas together in Tehran, reports Mohabat News. Ahmad Bazyar, Fagheh Nasrollahi, Mastaneh Rastegari, Amir-Hossein Ne’matollahi and another man with the surname of Hosseini were arrested on Christmas Eve at Mr. Hosseini’s house and taken to an unknown location. Meanwhile Mohabat News reports that another Iranian Christian serving a six-year jail sentence in Karaj has written to the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights to complain after his family home was raided, with his wife and children at home. Behnam Irani wrote from prison: “[The] Islamic regime of Iran does not seem to be tired of persecuting the followers of non-Islamic faiths and is seeking to establish a religious dictatorship… Iranian authorities raided our homes and made the sweetness of Christmas bitter for us.” More Christians arrested in Nanle. Several more members of Nanle County Church in Henan Province in China have been arrested, China Aid reports. those reportedly detained include the youngest daughter of Pastor Zhang Shaojie, who was himself one of the 24 church members arrested last month. Seven of the 24 were reportedly released, but the whereabouts of the remaining 17 is unknown and they have been denied access to a lawyer. Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what’s Catching Our Eye. One of ‘worst ever’ years for Copts. Egypt’s Coptic Christians are undergoing some of the worst persecution of their 2000-year history, reports CBS News. in its flagship programme, ’60 Minutes’, CBS reports that Copts hoped Egypt’s revolution would improve their fortunes, but instead the last year has been “one of their worst ever”. CAR: Djotodia to speak to militias. Central African Republic President Michel Djotodia has offered to speak to the leaders of so-called “Christian” militias, reports the BBC, in attempt to deal with the worsening sectarian conflict. Speaking to French RFI radio, he said he was ready to “extend his hand”. A former rebel leader, Djotodia became the Christian majority country’s first Muslim leader after a coup in March. Meanwhile, the African Union has authorised increasing the number of troops deployed in the country to 6,000. An estimated 10 per cent of the CAR’s 4.6 million population have fled their homes since the beginning of the violence. Lawyers begin hunger strike
Fifteen lawyers who have been prevented from seeing their clients – a group of 24 Chinese Christians arrested in Henan Province earlier this month – have started a hunger strike outside the Nanle County Public Security Bureau. China Aid reports that of the 24 Christians detained, seven have been released, but 17 remain in custody and have been denied permission to see their lawyers. It is still unclear on what charges they are being detained. Retired Iranian pastor jailed. A retired Iranian pastor has been sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison.. rev. Vruir Avanessian, 61, who is of Armenian descent, was found guilty on Dec. 5 of anti-government activities and promotion of ideas contrary to the sanctity of the Islamic Republic of Iran. the pastor, who is reported to be unwell, has 20 days to appeal. Source: Mohabat News. Bishops arrested at Dalit protest. Bishops were arrested by police in India during a protest against the discrimination of the Christian Dalit minority. Archbishop Anil Couto of Delhi was among those arrested during the protest on Dec. 11. He and several other bishops were taken to a local police station and later released, reports UCA. Protestors were demanding a revamp of India’s constitution, which guarantees a reservation of government jobs and places in educational institutions for underprivileged classes, but Christians and Muslims among these classes are denied such benefits on the grounds that their religions do not recognise the caste system.

sharia, swine sexual predators pedophiles, rapists, imperialism, Arab League [all criminal too sharia, swine sexual predators pedophiles, rapists, imperialism, of Arab League, for worldwide caliphate,saudi arabia salafis, islamists, wahhabis, for dhimmi slavers] Insight: Boko Haram, taking to hills, seize slave \’brides\’

By Joe Brock. ABUJA Sun Nov 17, 2013 8:06am EST. Hajja, 19, who was kidnapped by al Qaeda-linked Islamist group Boko Haram, poses for a picture after an interview with Reuters in Abuja November 6, 2013. REUTERS/Joe Brock. Hajja, 19, who was kidnapped by al Qaeda-linked Islamist group Boko Haram, poses for a picture after an interview with Reuters in Abuja November 6, 2013. (Reuters) – In the gloom of a hilltop cave in Nigeria where she was held captive, Hajja had a knife pressed to her throat by a man who gave her a choice – convert to Islam or die.

Two gunmen from Boko Haram had seized the Christian teenager in July as she picked corn near her village in the Gwoza hills, a remote part of northeastern Nigeria where a six-month-old government offensive is struggling to contain an insurgency by the al Qaeda-linked Islamist group.

In a new development, Boko Haram is abducting Christian women whom it converts to Islam on pain of death and then forces into \”marriage\” with fighters – a tactic that recalls Joseph Kony\’s Lord\’s Resistance Army in the jungles of Uganda. The three months Hajja spent as the slave of a 14-strong guerrilla unit, cooking and cleaning for them before she escaped, give a rare glimpse into how the Islamists have changed tack in the face of Nigerian military pressure. \”I can\’t sleep when I think of being there,\” the 19-year-old told Reuters, recounting forced mountain marches, rebel intelligence gathering – and watching her captors slit the throats of prisoners Hajja had helped lure into a trap. Nigerian security officials say the Islamists have pulled back after army assaults since May on their bases on the semi-desert plain and are now sheltering in the Mandara mountains, along the Cameroon border around the city of Gwoza. From the hills they have been launching increasingly deadly attacks. The rugged mountain terrain – as fellow al Qaeda allies found in Afghanistan – has proven an advantageous base for a movement that once styled itself the \”Nigerian Taliban\” and sees all non-Muslims as infidels who must convert or be killed. The United States designated Boko Haram a terrorist group on Wednesday. Western governments are increasingly concerned about the wider threat posed by the group, which wants to create an Islamic state in a religiously mixed country of 170 million and which has ties with al Qaeda\’s north African wing. Hajja\’s account of how Boko Haram has adapted and survived in recent months underlines the difficulties governments in the region face. The spread of the threat was underscored by the kidnap on Thursday of a French priest in Cameroon, an attack France believes may have involved Boko Haram. The following day, Nigerian troops raided a base for the group in the Gwoza hills. The army said it killed 29 Boko Haram fighters and was \”closing in\” on the rebels. FORCED TO CONVERT. The group, whose name broadly translates as \”Western education is sinful\”, has killed thousands during a four-year insurgency against the Nigerian state, targeting the police and armed forces as well as politicians and then turning on Christians in the predominantly Muslim north of the country. The military offensive launched in mid-May, and the fact that large numbers of civilian vigilantes have supported it, has triggered a fierce backlash against local people by Boko Haram. The militants have killed hundreds in the past few weeks, including in massacres of school children. The Islamists dragged Hajja along rocky mountain paths and slept in caves in the hills, a landscape unfamiliar to most Nigerian soldiers, recruited from the plains. She ceremonially converted to Islam, cooked for the men, carried ammunition during an attack on a police outpost and was about to be married to one of the insurgents before she managed to engineer a dramatic escape. She says she was not raped. \”If I cried, they beat me. If I spoke, they beat me. They told me I must become a Muslim but I refused again and again,\” Hajja told Reuters in an interview. Her family name is withheld to protect relatives still living in the Gwoza area. \”They were about to slaughter me and one of them begged me not to resist and just before I had my throat slit I relented. They put a veil on me and made me read from the Koran,\” she said in the Nigerian capital, Abuja, where she is now living. At least a dozen teenagers like her remain in captivity, Michael Yohanna, a councilor in Gwoza\’s local government told Reuters. Some have married commanders, recalling Kony\’s LRA, which abducted thousands of \”wives\” in a 20-year war in Uganda before a truce in 1986. Kony remains a fugitive. A man called Ibrahim Tada Nglayike led the group Hajja was with. On one mission, Hajja was sent to stand in a field near a village to attract the attention of civilians working with the army. When five men approached her, they were ambushed. \”They took them back to a cave and tied them up. They cut their throats, one at a time,\” Hajja said. \”I thought my heart would burst out of my chest, because I was the bait.\” Among those who did the killing was the Muslim wife of the leader Nglayike, the only other woman in the band of fighters. reuters verified Hajja\’s account of having been abducted with independent figures in the region. Boko Haram shuns the media and none of its members could be contacted for comment. Hajja says the long-bearded insurgents lived a basic lifestyle, eating corn, millet and occasionally meat from animals they stole and which she slaughtered. The group, armed with AK-47 rifles and pistols stolen from police they killed, moved every day around the hills to avoid being tracked by the army and slept in the caves to shelter from the cold and for protection against air assaults. \”They didn\’t use phones but they had a radio,\” Hajja said. \”They would listen to BBC Hausa or Voice of America and jump and shout if they heard about Boko Haram attacks.\” \”TOOTHPASTE EFFECT\” . Forced out of cities and semi-desert bases since Jonathan declared a state of emergency in May, the militants have mostly retreated to hills and forests on the Cameroon border. \”It\’s the toothpaste effect: squeeze one end and it comes out the other. They have proven resilient and are adapting faster than the military,\” a Nigerian security source said. Army commanders denied Boko Haram had any control over the Gwoza mountains: \”We are curtailing their activities and I can assure you that … the insurgency will soon be a thing of the past,\” Lieutenant Colonel Adamu Garba Laka said. But a Nigerian general asked Cameroon this month for help in fighting Boko Haram, and the backlash against civilians has made the conflict deadlier than ever. According to one security source, in the five months after Jonathan declared a state of emergency in the northeast there were 1,708 deaths in 83 violent clashes, compared with 667 deaths from 117 incidents in the previous five months. Pushing the conflict into poor rural regions, like Gwoza, where Hajja was seized, runs the risk of radicalizing more disenchanted youths and drawing more people into the violence. \”Gwoza has disintegrated. We have no schools, no hospitals, no government offices functioning,\” said councilor Yohanna. \”I worry that youths will take the law into their own hands. It will become a war between Christians and Muslims.\” Insurgents moved freely through the hills and even into the town of Gwoza, Hajja said. Fighters made trips to collect cash, ammunition and weapons from the Sambisa Game Reserve, a forested region where Boko Haram has established camps. Informants, mostly farmers, would warn them of approaching army patrols, Hajja said, adding that the rebels also appeared to have sympathetic contacts among the troops – something Nigerian military commanders deny. \”They know the area very well and many people help them because they are afraid or support their cause,\” Hajja said. On once occasion, Boko Haram commanders were able travel from Maiduguri, the state capital on the plain north of Gwoza, to meet the guerrilla group in the hills. Hajja said her unit carried out dozens of attacks, killing police and anyone suspected of aiding authorities. The longer the insurgency goes on, President Goodluck Jonathan, a southern Christian, will come under increasing criticism from his northern opponents as elections in early 2015 draw closer. He risks growing resentment from a northern population who believe he is out of touch with their troubles. It is also becoming a drain on Africa\’s second largest economy – Nigeria allocates a fifth of its budget for security. Hajja eventually escaped by feigning severe stomach pains. Thinking her too ill to flee, the insurgents sent her to hospital escorted only by an older woman. Once she was among other people, Hajja threatened to denounce the group to police, prompting the woman to abandon her and flee. \”I finally tore off the veil and I cried,\” Hajja said. \”So many times I thought I\’d die.\”(Additional reporting by Isaac Abrak in Abuja and Ibrahim Mshelizza and Lanre Ola in Maiduguri; Editing by Tim Cocks and Alastair Macdonald). Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Iranians released two weeks early. Two Iranian Christians have been released from jail two weeks before the end of their sentences. Farhad Sabokrouh, pastor of the Assemblies of God Church in Ahwaz, and Naser Zamen-Dezfuli, were released on December 4, seven months after their incarceration for converting from Islam to Christianity, proselytising Muslims, and propagating against the Islamic regime through evangelism. Source: Mohabat News. Séléka attacks hospital in CAR. séléka forces attacked a hospital in the Central African Republic capital of Bangui on Friday, killing at least a dozen patients, Al Jazeera reports. Gunmen pulled patients from the hospital and shot them. The hospital has been abandoned. The attack occurred as additional French forces began deploying throughout the northwest sector of the country, as authorised by the United Nations Security Council vote on Thursday. 30,000 Eritreans abducted in five years. Around 30,000 Eritreans have been abducted since 2007 and taken to Egypt\’s Sinai, where they face torture and ransom demands, according to a study presented to the European Parliament. The study, conducted by an Eritrean human rights activist and professors from a Dutch University, says more than $600m has been accrued from families in ransom payments. \”[The hostages] are chained together without toilets or washing facilities and dehydrated, starved and deprived of sleep,\” the report says. \”They are subject to threats of death and organ harvesting… Those who attempt to escape are severely tortured.\”

Source: BBC. Sharia law enforced in Libya. Libya has voted to make sharia law the basis of all legislation. Two years after the NATO-backed uprising that ousted Muammar Gaddafi, Libya is still in messy transition with no new constitution and its temporary assembly caught in deadlock between an Islamist party and political rivals. As in Tunisia and Egypt where autocratic leaders were ousted in the Arab Spring revolts, Libya has seen fierce debate over the role of Islam in its new democracy with the rise of hardline Islamists long oppressed by Gaddafi. \”Islamic law is the source of legislation in Libya,\” the General National Congress said in a statement after the vote on Wednesday (Dec. 4). \”All state institutions need to comply with this.\” Source: Reuters. Egypt\’s draft constitution explained. Egypt\’s Constituent Assembly declared on Monday that the draft of the country\’s proposed new constitution is ready for public review. A popular vote is intended within 30 days of Monday\’s release. What\’s in it? The Washington, D.C.-based Atlantic Council has published a close study of the document, including a detailed examination of changes affecting religious freedom. In the draft, Islam remains the official state religion, and the principles of Sharia remain \”the primary source of legislation\”, though the document no longer contains language that defines those principles and instead leaves the matter to the courts. Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Peace efforts in Tanzania \’useless\’. Christian leaders in Tanzania have said peace efforts between Christians and Muslims in the country have proved useless after the recent burning of two churches. The torching of a Lutheran church in Korogwe and Evangelical Assemblies of God church in Kalalani have caused the union of church denominations in the Tanga region, in northeastern Tanzania, to reject the government\’s peace platform, which requires Muslim and Christian leaders to discuss various religious issues, and to petition for something more effective. \”The situation these days is not good,\” said Dr Jothan Mwakimage, a bishop, who chaired the Christian group. \”We need to come up with another peace committee to be set by ourselves because the government platform has failed to deal with the matter.\” Chairperson of the defence and security committee, Chiku Gallawa, added: \”Peace is important to all the people, regardless of their faith. Therefore, all of us must be responsible for ensuring that the peace we have prevails for the benefit of the present and future generations of this nation.\” Source: Tanzania Daily News. Terrorist link to torched churches. Russia\’s Tatarstan Republic is offering 1 million rubles ($30,000) for information relating to the recent torching of several Orthodox churches in the region. Four Orthodox churches were set on fire in the predominantly Muslim Republic in November and explosives were found in the city of Tuban Kama and the Aleksei district, reports Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. Investigators classified the attacks as vandalism and arson, but Tatarstan\’s prosecutor-general insisted they should be investigated as terrorism. Seven Orthodox churches have been burnt down in the past six months. The Central Spiritual Board of Russian Muslims has condemned the arson attacks, saying: \”There is no doubt that such action is an attempt to stir up sectarian discord and ethnic hatred\”. Satellite evidence of CAR destruction. Human Rights Watch has released satellite images of the destruction caused during a recent attack on the village of Camp Bangui in the Central African Republic.

The images, recorded on the morning of November 23, show half the village burnt to the ground.

The New York-based rights organisation said it has collected detailed satellite evidence of arson attacks on 15 additional villages and towns across the Central African Republic.

The UN is preparing to send a peacekeeping force to the lawless country, after months of violence since the deposition of former president Francois Bozizé in March. Sudan \’tramples\’ on its people\’s rights. The chairman of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, Robert George, says Sudan is continuing to fail to adhere to international religious freedom standards.

Through the imposition of Sharia law, George writes in the Washington Times that Sudan is a particularly difficult place for non-Muslims and for women. \”The regime… continues to trample on the fundamental rights of its own people, including the right to freedom of religion or belief,\” he writes. Christians \’held\’ in Syrian town. Following a reported Islamist invasion on the town of Deir Atieh in Syria, north of Damascus, Fides reports that Christians are being prevented from leaving.

\”The militiamen examine the identification documents of those who intend to leave the city and retain those who have Christian names,\” states Fides. ASIA/SYRIA – The village of Deir Atieh invaded by Islamists: Christians identified and detained. Damascus – Militants of Islamist factions have invaded the town of Deir Atieh, north of Damascus, spreading terror, death and destruction. As Fides sources in the Greek Orthodox Church report, the attack took place on 22 November. The militants entered the municipal hospital and took hostage the sick. The museum of Deir Atieh that welcomed thousands of works and precious archaeological finds was devastated. Mosques and churches were hit and damaged. Numerous homes were looted and civilians captured and used as human shields. The situation is particularly worrying for Christians. The population, about 25 thousand people, have begun to flee. The militiamen examine the identification documents of those who intend to leave the city and retain those who have Christian names. To be able to leave the village, a Greek Orthodox priest had to say he was married and present himself with a woman: he was allowed to go just because he had an Arab name and had no ancestry or Christian reference.Fr. F.H., who in a note sent to Fides requested anonymity for security reasons, pleads the international community and the Holy See to mobilize in order to arrange for the release of the hostages and save the village of Deir Atieh. It is not clear, notes the source of Fides, what prompted the armed gangs to penetrate the village. Even hundreds of people from Qara, another Syrian village in the mountains of Qalamoun, 90 km from Damascus had found refuge. In recent weeks, Qara had been attacked by Islamist fighters from the city of Arzal. Among the refugees of Qara, who moved to Deir Atieh, there is also the Greek-Catholic priest Father George Luis and all his parishioners.

Catching Our Eye, This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye.

Vatican rejects M.E without Christians. Pope Francis says the Vatican \”will not resign itself to a Middle East without Christians\”. In the wake of reports of millions of Christians fleeing the region, Pope Francis said he was concerned by \”the situation of Christians, who suffer in a particularly severe way the consequences of tensions and conflicts in many parts of the Middle East\”.

But he said he would not rest \”while there are still men and women of any religion… whose future is stolen and are forced to become refugees\”. Source: BBC. Burma on the road to religious freedom. Burma is moving towards greater interfaith freedom of expression, but challenges remain, according to Christian Solidarity Worldwide\’s Benedict Rogers, writing for the Wall Street Journal. Rogers notes that, while the country has made great strides in recent years, there is an ongoing threat of ethnic and religious violence. However, he states that \”the prospect of guns falling silent across Burma for the first time in over 65 years may be closer than ever\”.

\”But at the same time,\” Rogers writes, \”We heard testimonies of sexual violence, forced labour and religious discrimination from Chin Christians. Over the years, Chin state has suffered from a chronic lack of basic services, including infrastructure and medical care, thanks to the previous regime\’s deliberate policy of subjugation. If real change is to be secured, policies based on ethnicity or religion must end.\” Burma is predominantly Buddhist, but many of the non-Burmese ethnic nationalities have significant Christian populations, while Muslims may account for up to 10% of the population. Kony urged to surrender in CAR, The President of the Central African Republic (CAR) has been in contact with warlord Joseph Kony, head of the Lord\’s Resistance Army (LRA), urging him to surrender, reports Reuters. However, the African Union\’s (AU) special envoy on the LRA told the UN that Kony has \”used the negotiations as a window of opportunity\” to relocate many of his fighters to north-eastern CAR. The AU has been hunting him since he went underground in 2005. Kony has been indicted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court for his two-decade-long guerrilla war against the Ugandan government. Kazakh pastor\’s trial postponed, The court hearing for a Kazakh pastor detained since May has been pushed back again.

Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev, 67, pastor of Grace Protestant Church in Astana, is charged with the psychological manipulation of a member of his congregation through the use of a \”red-coloured hallucinogenic drink\”. Other members of the congregation say the drink is a harmless, non-alcoholic beverage used as part of the church\’s Holy Communion – to represent the traditionally used, and symbolic, red wine. The pastor was supposed to learn his fate on Sunday (Nov. 17), but his son was informed that the hearing had been postponed. Askar Kashkumbayev was told that a new date will be confirmed on Friday (Nov. 22). No reason was given for the postponement.

Boko Haram targets Christian girls, Boko Haram is abducting Christian women, converting them to Islam on pain of death and then forcing them to marry its fighters, reports Reuters.

Reuters tells the story of 19-year-old Christian Hajja, who was abducted by the Islamist group in July and was then forced to work as their slave. Hajja converted to Islam, cooked for the men, carried ammunition during an attack on a police outpost and was about to be married to one of the insurgents when she managed to escape. \”If I cried, they beat me. If I spoke, they beat me,\” Hajja told Reuters. \”They told me I must become a Muslim but I refused again and again. They were about to slaughter me and one of them begged me not to resist and just before I had my throat slit I relented. They put a veil on me and made me read from the Koran.\” Malaysia\’s \’Allah\’ impasse. Published: January 24, 2014 by Matt K. George. Christians remain adamant that their right to use \’Allah\’ is constitutional. Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on google_plusone_shareShare on redditMore Sharing Services. Should Malaysia\’s Muslims alone be afforded the right to use the word \’Allah\’?Should Malaysia\’s Muslims alone be afforded the right to use the word \’Allah\’?

Abu Emran / Flickr / Creative Commons. \”God, what is your religion?\” This cryptic question, spotted on a T-shirt at a packed public meeting on religious freedom in the Malaysian city of Petaling Jaya last week, sums up the enormity of Malaysia\’s \’Allah\’ controversy.

The wearer was a Malay Muslim woman, according to The Malaysian Insider, demonstrating solidarity with the minority Christian population as tensions rise in the country over who can use the term \’Allah\’. The controversy – for which many Malaysian Christians blame the Government – has now reached a serious impasse. The Christian community remains adamant that the use of \’Allah\’ is their right, despite a ruling by the Court of Appeal last October that \’Allah\’ was exclusive to Malay Muslims. The word predates the birth of Islam and the ruling has been widely criticised by many other Muslim nations, and by the United Nations. About 64 per cent of Malaysia\’s Christians come from the Borneo states of Sabah and Sarawak, where the term has been part of their vocabulary for more than 100 years. The indigenous populations of the two states, whose primary language is Bahasa Malay, claim the usage is their constitutional and spiritual right. The Malay Bible dates back to the 16th century and, as the government phases out English in favour of Bahasa Malay, more and more Christians observe their faith in Bahasa Malay. \”All the churches are of one mind,\” said Rev. Dr Hermen Shastri, the general secretary of the Council of Churches of Malaysia. \”We are only defending our freedom to practise our religion as guaranteed under the Constitution.\”

Nevertheless, Islamic conservatives have staged demonstrations outside churches, seized Bibles and continued to vilify the Catholic pastor, Rev. Lawrence Andrew, who took the issue to the courts.

In early January Andrew was questioned over charges of sedition, which drew international complaints, including a piece in The Wall Street Journal. The Malay Bible is titled \’Alkitab\’ in the local language, which means \’The Book\’.The Malay Bible is titled \’Alkitab\’ in the local language, which means \’The Book\’. World Watch Monitor. Following the raid on the Bible Society of Malaysia two weeks ago and the seizure of more than 300 Bibles in the Malay language, the Islamic Religious Department of the state of Selangor (JAIS) posted an advertisement in The Star, an English language newspaper, defending its actions. The National Fatwa Council, comprising the muftis, or Islamic scholars, of the states of Malaysia, publicly backed JAIS\’s swoop in which they also arrested two officials of the Bible Society. These actions, in a country once renowned for multiracial harmony, go against the grain of a 10-point plan pronounced by the Government of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak in April 2011 to resolve the issue. The key element of the pledge emphasised that Christians are allowed to print, import and distribute Bibles, referred to as the \’Alkitab\’ (\’The Book\’) in the Malay language. The Prime Minister has so far refrained from defending his policy, while churches have asked him to speak out and to rein in Islamic extremists. But many Christians say they fear Prime Minister Najib cannot be seen to capitulate on Christian usage of \’Allah\’, since it would give ammunition to his political enemies in his ruling United Malays National Organisation party (UMNO), who could seek to oust him from office. Since the party brands itself as the champion of Malay Muslim supremacy and the defender of Islam, it provides tacit support to JAIS and Muslim extremists within UMNO. The Prime Minister\’s ambivalence is unhelpful, according to Rev. Shastri, who said: \”The Government should remain consistent. It is the same Government that came out with the 10-point plan. It should also defend the Constitution.\” The Methodist priest has called on Christian ministers in Government, such as Idris Jala, who was a key architect of the 10-point plan, to impress upon the Prime Minister the need to protect religious freedoms. The \’Allah\’ controversy began in 2007 when the Government banned The Herald, a Catholic weekly, from using the word. The Catholic Church contested the order and the High Court restored its constitutional right in 2009. The Government appealed that decision and in October 2013 a three-man Court of Appeal ruled that Malay Muslims had an exclusive copyright to the word \’Allah\’. Legal experts say the court\’s decision is flawed and that its ruling, if ratified, should only apply to The Herald and not to other Christian literature, such as the Alkitab, or in liturgy. The Catholic Church has now filed an application for leave to appeal to the Federal Court, the highest legal authority in the land. Liberal Malaysians hope an enlarged bench of 13 judges, including the Chief Judge of the Borneo states, would adjudicate on the issue. The hearing is scheduled for March 5. Whether any court decision will appease the rival sides is debatable. \”Nothing is changing,\” said Bolly Lapok, Bishop of Kuching, the capital of Sarawak, and Archbishop of the Anglican Church of the Province of South-East Asia. \”We won\’t stop using the word \’Allah\’.\” The right to freedom of worship was enshrined when Sarawak and Sabah joined Malaysia in 1963. Christian and political leaders in the two states have threatened to break away from the Malaysian union if the Government forces their hand on the \’Allah\’ issue.

Most Malaysians are against such an outcome. Given the lack of political will to end the deepening rift, an alternative suggestion was to invite the Rulers\’ Council, comprising the nine hereditary Sultans, to convene and rule on the issue. The Ruler of the state of Negri Sembilan last week urged Malay Muslims to respect other religions and to live in harmony, regardless of race.

The Muslim Chief Minister of Sarawak, Taib Mahmud, is on record as saying that the use of \’Allah\’ is not a problem in the state and blames the central government for inciting intolerance and racism.

The Bible Society of Malaysia in Selangor.The Bible Society of Malaysia in Selangor.

World Watch Monitor. Political observers say that religious insecurities are being whipped up to defer attention away from the Government\’s economic and political difficulties. The Government was recently forced to cut back on decades of subsidised petrol and sugar prices as the national debt has reached unsustainable levels. The inevitable rise in the cost of living has fuelled public anger and protests. The scheduled introduction of a Government Services Tax in April 2014 is set to further escalate the cost of goods. Public corruption, scandals, the lavish lifestyle of ministers and cohorts, and a lack of accountability have all severely damaged the Government\’s record and the economy in a resource-rich nation. In this volatile mix of rising prices and protests, on top of the \’Allah\’ controversy, Christians are concerned. The Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM), in a statement last week, observed: \”What we are witnessing is the mad scramble by any and every group to grab media attention… [but] the Christian community remains undaunted in the face of these and no doubt future incidents of this nature.\” Rev. Dr Eu Hong Seng, chairman of the CFM, added: \”We look to the courts of this land to protect, preserve and defend principles of our Federal Constitution.\” Christians meanwhile have taken succour from progressive Muslim groups such as Sisters of Islam, which rallied to their support, distributing flowers outside a church where Islamists had planned to protest. For this act of solidarity, conservative Islamists demanded their arrests.

Other Muslim protagonists, such as Azmi Sharom, an outspoken law lecturer, point out that nowhere in the Qur\’an does it say that \’Allah\’ is exclusive to Muslims. \”Is [Islam] a religion that is so small in its worldview that it can approve of one community claiming the term for God for itself? Is Islam so lacking in common decency and compassion?\” he said. Meanwhile, the former Law Minister Zaid Ibrahim blogged: \”The unwillingness of UMNO leaders to find a peaceful solution to the \’Allah\’ issue is a clear sign of the march towards authoritarian rule. Invoking the name of God is just a ruse to gain support for a new dictatorship.\” The wearer of the T-shirt posed a fundamental question. The ball is now in the court of the Malaysian Government to openly demonstrate that it subscribes to the ethos of its own Constitution, its own 10-point resolution, and that it will uphold freedom of religion for all. Related: Islamic authorities\’ raid on Malaysian Bible Society questioned by state government. Malaysia\’s \’Allah\’ ruling widely criticised. * Churches campaign ahead of Malaysia elections. Malaysia Set to Rule on Use of \’Allah\’ among Non-Muslims. UK Parliament is told Christianity is \’most persecuted religion\’. UK Parliament is told Christianity is \’most persecuted religion\’, Published: December 04, 2013. MPs also hear that one Christian is killed every 11 minutes. Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on google_plusone_shareShare on redditMore Sharing Services. The Bishop Moussa Coptic Church in Minya was destroyted by pro-Morsi supporters in Egypt, many of whom blamed Christians for his overthrow.The Bishop Moussa Coptic Church in Minya was destroyted by pro-Morsi supporters in Egypt, many of whom blamed Christians for his overthrow. David Degner, Getty Images. The plight of Christians around the world was discussed in a three-hour debate at the Houses of Parliament in London yesterday. Members of the House of Commons were told that the persecution of Christians is increasing, that one Christian is killed around every 11 minutes around the world, and that Christianity is the \”most persecuted religion globally\”. A long list of countries in which life as a Christian is most difficult was discussed, including Syria, North Korea, Eritrea, Nigeria, Iraq and Egypt. MP Jim Shannon said the persecution of Christians is \”the biggest story in the world that has never been told\”. He said that although the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, there are many countries in which these rights are not given. Shannon alleged that 200 million Christians will be persecuted for their faith this year, while he said that 500 million live in \”dangerous neighbourhoods\”. He added that in Syria Christians are \”caught between opposing sides in the conflict\”, and mentioned the \”specific targeting\” of Christian-dominated locations, such as Sadad and Maaloula. MP Sammy Wilson said that in Syria, \”50,000 Christians have been cleared from the city of Homs\”, while in Sudan two million Christians were killed by the regime over a 30-year period. He added: \”Within the last month, hundreds of people, from Nigeria to Eritrea to Kazakhstan to China, have been arrested and put in prison simply because of their faith, and when they go into prison they are denied due process. They are denied access to lawyers. They are sometimes even denied knowledge of the charges facing them. They can languish in prison for a long time and in horrible conditions… This is not only happening in Muslim countries. From Morocco to Pakistan, Christians in Muslim countries are under threat, but it happens elsewhere too.\” The recent comments of Baroness Warsi at a lecture in Washington were echoed, including her assertion that \”the parts of the world where Christianity first spread is now seeing large sections of the Christian community leaving, and those that are remaining feeling persecuted\”. MP Nigel Dodds said that the \”persecution of Christians is not new\”, but that it is \”staggering\” how many Christians are killed today. In Iraq, he noted the words of Canon Andrew White, who had said that Christians are \”frightened even to walk to church because they might come under attack. All the churches are targets… We used to have 1.5 million Christians, now we have probably only 200,000 left… There are more Iraqi Christians in Chicago than there are here\”. Sir Edward Leigh said the remaining number of Christians in Iraq was likely to be closer to 600,000, but that this was still a shocking figure and that \”things have become much worse since the invasion\”. \”Within the last month, hundreds of people, from Nigeria to Eritrea to Kazakhstan to China, have been arrested and put in prison simply because of their faith.\” MP Sammy Wilson. MP Rehman Chishti said: \”I come from a Muslim background, and my father was an imam… I know it is absolutely right and proper to have a debate on the subject\”. He called the persecution \”completely and utterly unacceptable\” and \”a very sad state of affairs\”. He also quoted his \”good friend\” the former Bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali: \”He told me that the persecution of Christians was taking place in more than 130 of the 190 countries in the world at the moment\”. During the debate, the oppression experienced by Christians in China and Malaysia were also highlighted and outlined. As the British Prime Minister is currently in China, MP David Rutley raised the issue of the sizeable Christian community in China, and asked about the potential establishment of a deeper inter-faith dialogue to engage the Chinese authorities with Christian groups. Meanwhile, a UK-based organisation has claimed that the number of countries posing an extreme risk to the human rights of their populations has risen by 70 per cent in the past five years. Risk analysis company Maplecroft (which researched 197 countries for its annual Human Rights Risk Atlas 2014) says that since 2008 the number has risen steeply from 20 to 34, predominantly comprised of countries in the Middle East and Africa. Syria tops the list, followed by Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Pakistan, Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq. Thu Jan 09, 2014 2:43. Syria: Survivor Recounts How Terrorists Beheaded a Youth on Homs-Marmarita Road. #TEHRAN ( #FNA) Terrorists opened fire on a car on the Homs-Marmarita road on Tuesday night and then attacked the two passengers, beheading one of them. Firas Badr Nader, who survived the attack, told SANA\’s correspondent at Al-Bassel Hospital in Tartous that he and his friend Fadi Michael Matta were coming back from work in a hotel in Homs when five terrorists intercepted them and opened fire on the car. Nader said that he was shot and lost control of the car, causing it to crash, and as the terrorists approached the car he played dead, and then the terrorist dragged him and his friend out of the car and tied the latter\’s hands. He then heard one of the terrorists instructing one of his accomplices to \”slit his throat\” at which point they decapitated Matta, then they stole all the documents and money they had and fled after trying to burn the car and failing. After he was sure that the terrorists had left, Nader opened his eyes and saw that Matta was lying down covered in blood and decapitated. He said he ran until he reached a friend\’s house in al-Meshtaye area where he called the authorities, and an ambulance arrived soon at the scene of the crime and transported Nader to Al-Bassel Hospital and took Matta\’s body to a hospital in Marmarita. Catching Our Eye. Kazakh pastor\’s trial begins. The trial against 67-year-old Kazakh pastor Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev has started, eight months after his incarceration for allegedly \”harming the health\” of a member of his congregation. The pastor has also been accused of inciting hatred, propagating extremism and leading an organisation that harms others. If found guilty, he could face a lengthy prison term. Kashkumbayev denied all charges against him at a court hearing in Astana, the capital, on Jan. 22. The trial was adjourned until Jan. 31 to allow Kashkumbayev\’s lawyer some time to study the case materials. Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Kazakh pastor\’s trial begins. The trial against 67-year-old Kazakh pastor Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev has started, eight months after his incarceration for allegedly \”harming the health\” of a member of his congregation. The pastor has also been accused of inciting hatred, propagating extremism and leading an organisation that harms others. If found guilty, he could face a lengthy prison term. Kashkumbayev denied all charges against him at a court hearing in Astana, the capital, on Jan. 22. The trial was adjourned until Jan. 31 to allow Kashkumbayev\’s lawyer some time to study the case materials. Source: Forum 18. Syrian Christian beheaded, A Christian man was beheaded last week as he drove home from work in Homs, reports Fars News. Fides confirms that Fadi Matanius Mattah, 34, was killed and his friend Firas Nader, 29, was wounded as armed jihadists opened fire on their car. A priest told Fides that, noting that Fadi was wearing a cross around his neck, they beheaded him. Afghan atheist scared of going home. An Afghan atheist has been granted asylum in the UK for \’religious\’ reasons, reports the BBC. Brought up a Muslim, the man has become an atheist after six years in the UK and claims he would face persecution and possibly a death sentence if he returned home. It is believed to be the first time someone has been granted asylum in the UK on the basis of their atheism. CAR crisis \’far from over\’ The crisis in the Central African Republic is far from over, despite the resignation of President Michel Djotodia, according to a local Catholic archbishop. \”The shooting has ceased, but the tensions are still there,\” said Nestor Desire Nongo-Aziagbia, archbishop of Bossangoa. \”Resignation is a first step towards solving the crisis.\” The archbishop added that politicians must now elect someone to \”bring the people together\”. Nearly one million people have been displaced since the beginning of the conflict in March. More than 100,000 are camped at Bangui\’s airport, while others are sleeping in churches and mosques. Source: RNS. CAR President Djotodia resigns. Central African Republic\’s first Muslim president Michel Djotodia has resigned from office at a regional summit aimed at ending the violence that has engulfed the country. Djotodia took power from former president Francois Bozizé in a coup in March last year, as head of the now-disbanded Séléka rebel forces. Séléka forces were accused of gross human rights abuses, including mass rape and murder, and of specifically targeting Christians. Violence has continued between the disbanded group and self-defence militias named anti-Balaka (anti-Machete). Christians had protested for Djotodia\’s removal from power before Christmas. Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Herald boss investigated over \’Allah\’. The director of Malaysia\’s Catholic Herald newspaper, at the centre of the storm regarding Christians\’ use of the word \’Allah\’, is being investigated for comments made in an article on December 27 claiming Catholics have a right to use the word. Lawrence Andrew, who is also a Catholic priest, is being investigated for \”sedition\”, reports Fides. This follows the seizure by the country\’s top Islamic authority, alongside police, of more than 330 Malaysian bibles from the Malaysian Bible Society last week because they used the word \’Allah\’ for God. The Islamic Religious Department claims the use of the word \’Allah\’ should be reserved for Muslims alone. In a separate development, the Malaysian government has moved to ban the country\’s leading coalition of 54 human rights NGOs, COMANGO, which reported to the UN Human Rights\’ Council Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in 2013. The government says most of these NGOs are \’un-Islamic\’ and un-registered. COMANGO says as a coalition entity, it is not itself bound by registration legislation. During the UPR, COMANGO called for its government to sign the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, of which Article 18 is about the rights of religious freedom. A representative of the Malaysian government defended its religious restrictions, saying they are in the interests of public order. Vatican to hold peace talks. The Vatican has scheduled a meeting for Jan. 13 to discuss the potential for a cease-fire in Syria, ahead of UN-backed peace talks in Geneva, planned to start on Jan. 24. Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo told Vatican Radio that a cessation of hostilities was vital \”in order to allow humanitarian aid, to create humanitarian corridors that at the moment don\’t exist, and the cessation of persecution against Christians and so-called interreligious martyrdom\”. He said that Syria\’s Christians fear they are being targeted systematically by Islamist rebels seeking to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The Vatican said Egyptian politician Mohamed El Baradei and American economist Jeffrey Sachs will attend the meeting. Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has also been invited. 30 killed in Plateau State violence. Around 30 people were killed and 25 others injured on Jan. 7 during an attack in Plateau State, in Central Nigeria. More than 40 houses were burnt down during the attack, which local media blamed on Fulani herdsmen. Much of the violence is blamed on land disputes between mainly Muslim Fulani herdsmen and the mainly Christian Berom farmers, reports the BBC, in the area where Nigeria\’s predominantly Muslim north meets its Christian-majority south. Nanle Church update: 11 released. A number of Christians from Nanle County Church in Henan Province, China, have been released after almost two months in custody, although 13 are still being detained. Twenty-four church members were arrested in mid-November, including five church leaders, after a dispute over a piece of land on which the group hoped to build a new church. Source: China Aid. Iranian convert jailed for evangelism. An Iranian Christian convert has been sentenced to one year in prison for charges including evangelism. Hossein Saketi Aramsari was tried at the Revolutionary Court in Karaj, near Tehran. He was arrested in July of last year. Source: Mohabat News. Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Egypt\’s President visits church. Egypt\’s President has attended Christmas celebrations at Cairo\’s Orthodox Cathedral: reported to be the first time in history that the President has done so. The gesture of solidarity comes at a poignant time for Egypt\’s 10% Christian minority, who last year experienced their worst violence, at the hands of lslamists, for hundreds of years. (Source: RFI) Freed priest returns to France. Georges Vandenbeusch, the French priest held hostage for nearly seven weeks in Cameroon, returned to France on New Year\’s Day. President Francois Hollande greeted the 42-year-old cleric at an Air Force base near Paris early on Jan. 1, after France Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius received him in the Cameroon capital of Yaounde. The Islamist militant group Boko Haram took responsibility for the kidnapping in November. Little has been revealed about the circumstances of his release, though the French government has said no ransom was paid. Source: BBc. Farsi speakers banned from church, A church in Tehran has become the latest to close its doors to Farsi speakers. St. Peter\’s Evangelical Church in the Iranian capital is preventing speakers of the country\’s official language from attending following pressure from government officials, reports Mohabat News. Armenians and Assyrians will be permitted to attend the church, but the IDs of all congregants will be passed on to the government, Mohabat adds. In May, the Central Assemblies of God church in Tehran was forced to cancel all services in the Farsi language or face permanent closure. Following this, Mansour Borji, advocacy officer for human-rights group Article 18, said: \”I am certain that the AOG church in Tehran will not be the last. If the Iranian government manages to close this church, the few remaining churches that have Farsi-speaking services will follow.\” Iranian converts arrested. Five Iranian converts to Christianity were arrested while celebrating Christmas together in Tehran, reports Mohabat News. Ahmad Bazyar, Fagheh Nasrollahi, Mastaneh Rastegari, Amir-Hossein Ne\’matollahi and another man with the surname of Hosseini were arrested on Christmas Eve at Mr. Hosseini\’s house and taken to an unknown location. Meanwhile Mohabat News reports that another Iranian Christian serving a six-year jail sentence in Karaj has written to the UN\’s High Commissioner for Human Rights to complain after his family home was raided, with his wife and children at home. Behnam Irani wrote from prison: \”[The] Islamic regime of Iran does not seem to be tired of persecuting the followers of non-Islamic faiths and is seeking to establish a religious dictatorship… Iranian authorities raided our homes and made the sweetness of Christmas bitter for us.\” More Christians arrested in Nanle. Several more members of Nanle County Church in Henan Province in China have been arrested, China Aid reports. those reportedly detained include the youngest daughter of Pastor Zhang Shaojie, who was himself one of the 24 church members arrested last month. Seven of the 24 were reportedly released, but the whereabouts of the remaining 17 is unknown and they have been denied access to a lawyer. Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. One of \’worst ever\’ years for Copts. Egypt\’s Coptic Christians are undergoing some of the worst persecution of their 2000-year history, reports CBS News. in its flagship programme, \’60 Minutes\’, CBS reports that Copts hoped Egypt\’s revolution would improve their fortunes, but instead the last year has been \”one of their worst ever\”. CAR: Djotodia to speak to militias. Central African Republic President Michel Djotodia has offered to speak to the leaders of so-called \”Christian\” militias, reports the BBC, in attempt to deal with the worsening sectarian conflict. Speaking to French RFI radio, he said he was ready to \”extend his hand\”. A former rebel leader, Djotodia became the Christian majority country\’s first Muslim leader after a coup in March. Meanwhile, the African Union has authorised increasing the number of troops deployed in the country to 6,000. An estimated 10 per cent of the CAR\’s 4.6 million population have fled their homes since the beginning of the violence. Lawyers begin hunger strike

Fifteen lawyers who have been prevented from seeing their clients – a group of 24 Chinese Christians arrested in Henan Province earlier this month – have started a hunger strike outside the Nanle County Public Security Bureau. China Aid reports that of the 24 Christians detained, seven have been released, but 17 remain in custody and have been denied permission to see their lawyers. It is still unclear on what charges they are being detained. Retired Iranian pastor jailed. A retired Iranian pastor has been sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison.. rev. Vruir Avanessian, 61, who is of Armenian descent, was found guilty on Dec. 5 of anti-government activities and promotion of ideas contrary to the sanctity of the Islamic Republic of Iran. the pastor, who is reported to be unwell, has 20 days to appeal. Source: Mohabat News. Bishops arrested at Dalit protest. Bishops were arrested by police in India during a protest against the discrimination of the Christian Dalit minority. Archbishop Anil Couto of Delhi was among those arrested during the protest on Dec. 11. He and several other bishops were taken to a local police station and later released, reports UCA. Protestors were demanding a revamp of India\’s constitution, which guarantees a reservation of government jobs and places in educational institutions for underprivileged classes, but Christians and Muslims among these classes are denied such benefits on the grounds that their religions do not recognise the caste system.

Christian Woman in Pakistan Freed after ‘Blasphemy’ Accusation [all criminal too sharia, swine sexual predators pedophiles, rapists, imperialism, of Arab League, for worldwide caliphate,saudi arabia salafis, islamists, wahhabis, for dhimmi slavers] Insight Boko Haram, taking to hills, seize slave \’brides\’
By Joe Brock. ABUJA Sun Nov 17, 2013 8:06am EST. Hajja, 19, who was kidnapped by al Qaeda-linked Islamist group Boko Haram, poses for a picture after an interview with Reuters in Abuja November 6, 2013. REUTERS/Joe Brock. Hajja, 19, who was kidnapped by al Qaeda-linked Islamist group Boko Haram, poses for a picture after an interview with Reuters in Abuja November 6, 2013. (Reuters) – In the gloom of a hilltop cave in Nigeria where she was held captive, Hajja had a knife pressed to her throat by a man who gave her a choice – convert to Islam or die.
Two gunmen from Boko Haram had seized the Christian teenager in July as she picked corn near her village in the Gwoza hills, a remote part of northeastern Nigeria where a six-month-old government offensive is struggling to contain an insurgency by the al Qaeda-linked Islamist group.
In a new development, Boko Haram is abducting Christian women whom it converts to Islam on pain of death and then forces into \”marriage\” with fighters – a tactic that recalls Joseph Kony\’s Lord\’s Resistance Army in the jungles of Uganda. The three months Hajja spent as the slave of a 14-strong guerrilla unit, cooking and cleaning for them before she escaped, give a rare glimpse into how the Islamists have changed tack in the face of Nigerian military pressure. \”I can\’t sleep when I think of being there,\” the 19-year-old told Reuters, recounting forced mountain marches, rebel intelligence gathering – and watching her captors slit the throats of prisoners Hajja had helped lure into a trap. Nigerian security officials say the Islamists have pulled back after army assaults since May on their bases on the semi-desert plain and are now sheltering in the Mandara mountains, along the Cameroon border around the city of Gwoza. From the hills they have been launching increasingly deadly attacks. The rugged mountain terrain – as fellow al Qaeda allies found in Afghanistan – has proven an advantageous base for a movement that once styled itself the \”Nigerian Taliban\” and sees all non-Muslims as infidels who must convert or be killed. The United States designated Boko Haram a terrorist group on Wednesday. Western governments are increasingly concerned about the wider threat posed by the group, which wants to create an Islamic state in a religiously mixed country of 170 million and which has ties with al Qaeda\’s north African wing. Hajja\’s account of how Boko Haram has adapted and survived in recent months underlines the difficulties governments in the region face. The spread of the threat was underscored by the kidnap on Thursday of a French priest in Cameroon, an attack France believes may have involved Boko Haram. The following day, Nigerian troops raided a base for the group in the Gwoza hills. The army said it killed 29 Boko Haram fighters and was \”closing in\” on the rebels. FORCED TO CONVERT. The group, whose name broadly translates as \”Western education is sinful\”, has killed thousands during a four-year insurgency against the Nigerian state, targeting the police and armed forces as well as politicians and then turning on Christians in the predominantly Muslim north of the country. The military offensive launched in mid-May, and the fact that large numbers of civilian vigilantes have supported it, has triggered a fierce backlash against local people by Boko Haram. The militants have killed hundreds in the past few weeks, including in massacres of school children. The Islamists dragged Hajja along rocky mountain paths and slept in caves in the hills, a landscape unfamiliar to most Nigerian soldiers, recruited from the plains. She ceremonially converted to Islam, cooked for the men, carried ammunition during an attack on a police outpost and was about to be married to one of the insurgents before she managed to engineer a dramatic escape. She says she was not raped. \”If I cried, they beat me. If I spoke, they beat me. They told me I must become a Muslim but I refused again and again,\” Hajja told Reuters in an interview. Her family name is withheld to protect relatives still living in the Gwoza area. \”They were about to slaughter me and one of them begged me not to resist and just before I had my throat slit I relented. They put a veil on me and made me read from the Koran,\” she said in the Nigerian capital, Abuja, where she is now living. At least a dozen teenagers like her remain in captivity, Michael Yohanna, a councilor in Gwoza\’s local government told Reuters. Some have married commanders, recalling Kony\’s LRA, which abducted thousands of \”wives\” in a 20-year war in Uganda before a truce in 1986. Kony remains a fugitive. A man called Ibrahim Tada Nglayike led the group Hajja was with. On one mission, Hajja was sent to stand in a field near a village to attract the attention of civilians working with the army. When five men approached her, they were ambushed. \”They took them back to a cave and tied them up. They cut their throats, one at a time,\” Hajja said. \”I thought my heart would burst out of my chest, because I was the bait.\” Among those who did the killing was the Muslim wife of the leader Nglayike, the only other woman in the band of fighters. reuters verified Hajja\’s account of having been abducted with independent figures in the region. Boko Haram shuns the media and none of its members could be contacted for comment. Hajja says the long-bearded insurgents lived a basic lifestyle, eating corn, millet and occasionally meat from animals they stole and which she slaughtered. The group, armed with AK-47 rifles and pistols stolen from police they killed, moved every day around the hills to avoid being tracked by the army and slept in the caves to shelter from the cold and for protection against air assaults. \”They didn\’t use phones but they had a radio,\” Hajja said. \”They would listen to BBC Hausa or Voice of America and jump and shout if they heard about Boko Haram attacks.\” \”TOOTHPASTE EFFECT\” . Forced out of cities and semi-desert bases since Jonathan declared a state of emergency in May, the militants have mostly retreated to hills and forests on the Cameroon border. \”It\’s the toothpaste effect squeeze one end and it comes out the other. They have proven resilient and are adapting faster than the military,\” a Nigerian security source said. Army commanders denied Boko Haram had any control over the Gwoza mountains \”We are curtailing their activities and I can assure you that … the insurgency will soon be a thing of the past,\” Lieutenant Colonel Adamu Garba Laka said. But a Nigerian general asked Cameroon this month for help in fighting Boko Haram, and the backlash against civilians has made the conflict deadlier than ever. According to one security source, in the five months after Jonathan declared a state of emergency in the northeast there were 1,708 deaths in 83 violent clashes, compared with 667 deaths from 117 incidents in the previous five months. Pushing the conflict into poor rural regions, like Gwoza, where Hajja was seized, runs the risk of radicalizing more disenchanted youths and drawing more people into the violence. \”Gwoza has disintegrated. We have no schools, no hospitals, no government offices functioning,\” said councilor Yohanna. \”I worry that youths will take the law into their own hands. It will become a war between Christians and Muslims.\” Insurgents moved freely through the hills and even into the town of Gwoza, Hajja said. Fighters made trips to collect cash, ammunition and weapons from the Sambisa Game Reserve, a forested region where Boko Haram has established camps. Informants, mostly farmers, would warn them of approaching army patrols, Hajja said, adding that the rebels also appeared to have sympathetic contacts among the troops – something Nigerian military commanders deny. \”They know the area very well and many people help them because they are afraid or support their cause,\” Hajja said. On once occasion, Boko Haram commanders were able travel from Maiduguri, the state capital on the plain north of Gwoza, to meet the guerrilla group in the hills. Hajja said her unit carried out dozens of attacks, killing police and anyone suspected of aiding authorities. The longer the insurgency goes on, President Goodluck Jonathan, a southern Christian, will come under increasing criticism from his northern opponents as elections in early 2015 draw closer. He risks growing resentment from a northern population who believe he is out of touch with their troubles. It is also becoming a drain on Africa\’s second largest economy – Nigeria allocates a fifth of its budget for security. Hajja eventually escaped by feigning severe stomach pains. Thinking her too ill to flee, the insurgents sent her to hospital escorted only by an older woman. Once she was among other people, Hajja threatened to denounce the group to police, prompting the woman to abandon her and flee. \”I finally tore off the veil and I cried,\” Hajja said. \”So many times I thought I\’d die.\”(Additional reporting by Isaac Abrak in Abuja and Ibrahim Mshelizza and Lanre Ola in Maiduguri; Editing by Tim Cocks and Alastair Macdonald). Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Iranians released two weeks early. Two Iranian Christians have been released from jail two weeks before the end of their sentences. Farhad Sabokrouh, pastor of the Assemblies of God Church in Ahwaz, and Naser Zamen-Dezfuli, were released on December 4, seven months after their incarceration for converting from Islam to Christianity, proselytising Muslims, and propagating against the Islamic regime through evangelism. Source Mohabat News. Séléka attacks hospital in CAR. séléka forces attacked a hospital in the Central African Republic capital of Bangui on Friday, killing at least a dozen patients, Al Jazeera reports. Gunmen pulled patients from the hospital and shot them. The hospital has been abandoned. The attack occurred as additional French forces began deploying throughout the northwest sector of the country, as authorised by the United Nations Security Council vote on Thursday. 30,000 Eritreans abducted in five years. Around 30,000 Eritreans have been abducted since 2007 and taken to Egypt\’s Sinai, where they face torture and ransom demands, according to a study presented to the European Parliament. The study, conducted by an Eritrean human rights activist and professors from a Dutch University, says more than $600m has been accrued from families in ransom payments. \”[The hostages] are chained together without toilets or washing facilities and dehydrated, starved and deprived of sleep,\” the report says. \”They are subject to threats of death and organ harvesting… Those who attempt to escape are severely tortured.\”
Source BBC. Sharia law enforced in Libya. Libya has voted to make sharia law the basis of all legislation. Two years after the NATO-backed uprising that ousted Muammar Gaddafi, Libya is still in messy transition with no new constitution and its temporary assembly caught in deadlock between an Islamist party and political rivals. As in Tunisia and Egypt where autocratic leaders were ousted in the Arab Spring revolts, Libya has seen fierce debate over the role of Islam in its new democracy with the rise of hardline Islamists long oppressed by Gaddafi. \”Islamic law is the source of legislation in Libya,\” the General National Congress said in a statement after the vote on Wednesday (Dec. 4). \”All state institutions need to comply with this.\” Source Reuters. Egypt\’s draft constitution explained. Egypt\’s Constituent Assembly declared on Monday that the draft of the country\’s proposed new constitution is ready for public review. A popular vote is intended within 30 days of Monday\’s release. What\’s in it? The Washington, D.C.-based Atlantic Council has published a close study of the document, including a detailed examination of changes affecting religious freedom. In the draft, Islam remains the official state religion, and the principles of Sharia remain \”the primary source of legislation\”, though the document no longer contains language that defines those principles and instead leaves the matter to the courts. Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Peace efforts in Tanzania \’useless\’. Christian leaders in Tanzania have said peace efforts between Christians and Muslims in the country have proved useless after the recent burning of two churches. The torching of a Lutheran church in Korogwe and Evangelical Assemblies of God church in Kalalani have caused the union of church denominations in the Tanga region, in northeastern Tanzania, to reject the government\’s peace platform, which requires Muslim and Christian leaders to discuss various religious issues, and to petition for something more effective. \”The situation these days is not good,\” said Dr Jothan Mwakimage, a bishop, who chaired the Christian group. \”We need to come up with another peace committee to be set by ourselves because the government platform has failed to deal with the matter.\” Chairperson of the defence and security committee, Chiku Gallawa, added \”Peace is important to all the people, regardless of their faith. Therefore, all of us must be responsible for ensuring that the peace we have prevails for the benefit of the present and future generations of this nation.\” Source Tanzania Daily News. Terrorist link to torched churches. Russia\’s Tatarstan Republic is offering 1 million rubles ($30,000) for information relating to the recent torching of several Orthodox churches in the region. Four Orthodox churches were set on fire in the predominantly Muslim Republic in November and explosives were found in the city of Tuban Kama and the Aleksei district, reports Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. Investigators classified the attacks as vandalism and arson, but Tatarstan\’s prosecutor-general insisted they should be investigated as terrorism. Seven Orthodox churches have been burnt down in the past six months. The Central Spiritual Board of Russian Muslims has condemned the arson attacks, saying \”There is no doubt that such action is an attempt to stir up sectarian discord and ethnic hatred\”. Satellite evidence of CAR destruction. Human Rights Watch has released satellite images of the destruction caused during a recent attack on the village of Camp Bangui in the Central African Republic.
The images, recorded on the morning of November 23, show half the village burnt to the ground.
The New York-based rights organisation said it has collected detailed satellite evidence of arson attacks on 15 additional villages and towns across the Central African Republic.
The UN is preparing to send a peacekeeping force to the lawless country, after months of violence since the deposition of former president Francois Bozizé in March. Sudan \’tramples\’ on its people\’s rights. The chairman of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, Robert George, says Sudan is continuing to fail to adhere to international religious freedom standards.
Through the imposition of Sharia law, George writes in the Washington Times that Sudan is a particularly difficult place for non-Muslims and for women. \”The regime… continues to trample on the fundamental rights of its own people, including the right to freedom of religion or belief,\” he writes. Christians \’held\’ in Syrian town. Following a reported Islamist invasion on the town of Deir Atieh in Syria, north of Damascus, Fides reports that Christians are being prevented from leaving.
\”The militiamen examine the identification documents of those who intend to leave the city and retain those who have Christian names,\” states Fides. ASIA/SYRIA – The village of Deir Atieh invaded by Islamists Christians identified and detained. Damascus – Militants of Islamist factions have invaded the town of Deir Atieh, north of Damascus, spreading terror, death and destruction. As Fides sources in the Greek Orthodox Church report, the attack took place on 22 November. The militants entered the municipal hospital and took hostage the sick. The museum of Deir Atieh that welcomed thousands of works and precious archaeological finds was devastated. Mosques and churches were hit and damaged. Numerous homes were looted and civilians captured and used as human shields. The situation is particularly worrying for Christians. The population, about 25 thousand people, have begun to flee. The militiamen examine the identification documents of those who intend to leave the city and retain those who have Christian names. To be able to leave the village, a Greek Orthodox priest had to say he was married and present himself with a woman he was allowed to go just because he had an Arab name and had no ancestry or Christian reference.Fr. F.H., who in a note sent to Fides requested anonymity for security reasons, pleads the international community and the Holy See to mobilize in order to arrange for the release of the hostages and save the village of Deir Atieh. It is not clear, notes the source of Fides, what prompted the armed gangs to penetrate the village. Even hundreds of people from Qara, another Syrian village in the mountains of Qalamoun, 90 km from Damascus had found refuge. In recent weeks, Qara had been attacked by Islamist fighters from the city of Arzal. Among the refugees of Qara, who moved to Deir Atieh, there is also the Greek-Catholic priest Father George Luis and all his parishioners.
Catching Our Eye, This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye.
Vatican rejects M.E without Christians. Pope Francis says the Vatican \”will not resign itself to a Middle East without Christians\”. In the wake of reports of millions of Christians fleeing the region, Pope Francis said he was concerned by \”the situation of Christians, who suffer in a particularly severe way the consequences of tensions and conflicts in many parts of the Middle East\”.
But he said he would not rest \”while there are still men and women of any religion… whose future is stolen and are forced to become refugees\”. Source BBC. Burma on the road to religious freedom. Burma is moving towards greater interfaith freedom of expression, but challenges remain, according to Christian Solidarity Worldwide\’s Benedict Rogers, writing for the Wall Street Journal. Rogers notes that, while the country has made great strides in recent years, there is an ongoing threat of ethnic and religious violence. However, he states that \”the prospect of guns falling silent across Burma for the first time in over 65 years may be closer than ever\”.
\”But at the same time,\” Rogers writes, \”We heard testimonies of sexual violence, forced labour and religious discrimination from Chin Christians. Over the years, Chin state has suffered from a chronic lack of basic services, including infrastructure and medical care, thanks to the previous regime\’s deliberate policy of subjugation. If real change is to be secured, policies based on ethnicity or religion must end.\” Burma is predominantly Buddhist, but many of the non-Burmese ethnic nationalities have significant Christian populations, while Muslims may account for up to 10% of the population. Kony urged to surrender in CAR, The President of the Central African Republic (CAR) has been in contact with warlord Joseph Kony, head of the Lord\’s Resistance Army (LRA), urging him to surrender, reports Reuters. However, the African Union\’s (AU) special envoy on the LRA told the UN that Kony has \”used the negotiations as a window of opportunity\” to relocate many of his fighters to north-eastern CAR. The AU has been hunting him since he went underground in 2005. Kony has been indicted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court for his two-decade-long guerrilla war against the Ugandan government. Kazakh pastor\’s trial postponed, The court hearing for a Kazakh pastor detained since May has been pushed back again.
Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev, 67, pastor of Grace Protestant Church in Astana, is charged with the psychological manipulation of a member of his congregation through the use of a \”red-coloured hallucinogenic drink\”. Other members of the congregation say the drink is a harmless, non-alcoholic beverage used as part of the church\’s Holy Communion – to represent the traditionally used, and symbolic, red wine. The pastor was supposed to learn his fate on Sunday (Nov. 17), but his son was informed that the hearing had been postponed. Askar Kashkumbayev was told that a new date will be confirmed on Friday (Nov. 22). No reason was given for the postponement.
Boko Haram targets Christian girls, Boko Haram is abducting Christian women, converting them to Islam on pain of death and then forcing them to marry its fighters, reports Reuters.
Reuters tells the story of 19-year-old Christian Hajja, who was abducted by the Islamist group in July and was then forced to work as their slave. Hajja converted to Islam, cooked for the men, carried ammunition during an attack on a police outpost and was about to be married to one of the insurgents when she managed to escape. \”If I cried, they beat me. If I spoke, they beat me,\” Hajja told Reuters. \”They told me I must become a Muslim but I refused again and again. They were about to slaughter me and one of them begged me not to resist and just before I had my throat slit I relented. They put a veil on me and made me read from the Koran.\” Malaysia\’s \’Allah\’ impasse. Published January 24, 2014 by Matt K. George. Christians remain adamant that their right to use \’Allah\’ is constitutional. Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on google_plusone_shareShare on redditMore Sharing Services. Should Malaysia\’s Muslims alone be afforded the right to use the word \’Allah\’?Should Malaysia\’s Muslims alone be afforded the right to use the word \’Allah\’?
Abu Emran / Flickr / Creative Commons. \”God, what is your religion?\” This cryptic question, spotted on a T-shirt at a packed public meeting on religious freedom in the Malaysian city of Petaling Jaya last week, sums up the enormity of Malaysia\’s \’Allah\’ controversy.
The wearer was a Malay Muslim woman, according to The Malaysian Insider, demonstrating solidarity with the minority Christian population as tensions rise in the country over who can use the term \’Allah\’. The controversy – for which many Malaysian Christians blame the Government – has now reached a serious impasse. The Christian community remains adamant that the use of \’Allah\’ is their right, despite a ruling by the Court of Appeal last October that \’Allah\’ was exclusive to Malay Muslims. The word predates the birth of Islam and the ruling has been widely criticised by many other Muslim nations, and by the United Nations. About 64 per cent of Malaysia\’s Christians come from the Borneo states of Sabah and Sarawak, where the term has been part of their vocabulary for more than 100 years. The indigenous populations of the two states, whose primary language is Bahasa Malay, claim the usage is their constitutional and spiritual right. The Malay Bible dates back to the 16th century and, as the government phases out English in favour of Bahasa Malay, more and more Christians observe their faith in Bahasa Malay. \”All the churches are of one mind,\” said Rev. Dr Hermen Shastri, the general secretary of the Council of Churches of Malaysia. \”We are only defending our freedom to practise our religion as guaranteed under the Constitution.\”
Nevertheless, Islamic conservatives have staged demonstrations outside churches, seized Bibles and continued to vilify the Catholic pastor, Rev. Lawrence Andrew, who took the issue to the courts.
In early January Andrew was questioned over charges of sedition, which drew international complaints, including a piece in The Wall Street Journal. The Malay Bible is titled \’Alkitab\’ in the local language, which means \’The Book\’.The Malay Bible is titled \’Alkitab\’ in the local language, which means \’The Book\’. World Watch Monitor. Following the raid on the Bible Society of Malaysia two weeks ago and the seizure of more than 300 Bibles in the Malay language, the Islamic Religious Department of the state of Selangor (JAIS) posted an advertisement in The Star, an English language newspaper, defending its actions. The National Fatwa Council, comprising the muftis, or Islamic scholars, of the states of Malaysia, publicly backed JAIS\’s swoop in which they also arrested two officials of the Bible Society. These actions, in a country once renowned for multiracial harmony, go against the grain of a 10-point plan pronounced by the Government of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak in April 2011 to resolve the issue. The key element of the pledge emphasised that Christians are allowed to print, import and distribute Bibles, referred to as the \’Alkitab\’ (\’The Book\’) in the Malay language. The Prime Minister has so far refrained from defending his policy, while churches have asked him to speak out and to rein in Islamic extremists. But many Christians say they fear Prime Minister Najib cannot be seen to capitulate on Christian usage of \’Allah\’, since it would give ammunition to his political enemies in his ruling United Malays National Organisation party (UMNO), who could seek to oust him from office. Since the party brands itself as the champion of Malay Muslim supremacy and the defender of Islam, it provides tacit support to JAIS and Muslim extremists within UMNO. The Prime Minister\’s ambivalence is unhelpful, according to Rev. Shastri, who said \”The Government should remain consistent. It is the same Government that came out with the 10-point plan. It should also defend the Constitution.\” The Methodist priest has called on Christian ministers in Government, such as Idris Jala, who was a key architect of the 10-point plan, to impress upon the Prime Minister the need to protect religious freedoms. The \’Allah\’ controversy began in 2007 when the Government banned The Herald, a Catholic weekly, from using the word. The Catholic Church contested the order and the High Court restored its constitutional right in 2009. The Government appealed that decision and in October 2013 a three-man Court of Appeal ruled that Malay Muslims had an exclusive copyright to the word \’Allah\’. Legal experts say the court\’s decision is flawed and that its ruling, if ratified, should only apply to The Herald and not to other Christian literature, such as the Alkitab, or in liturgy. The Catholic Church has now filed an application for leave to appeal to the Federal Court, the highest legal authority in the land. Liberal Malaysians hope an enlarged bench of 13 judges, including the Chief Judge of the Borneo states, would adjudicate on the issue. The hearing is scheduled for March 5. Whether any court decision will appease the rival sides is debatable. \”Nothing is changing,\” said Bolly Lapok, Bishop of Kuching, the capital of Sarawak, and Archbishop of the Anglican Church of the Province of South-East Asia. \”We won\’t stop using the word \’Allah\’.\” The right to freedom of worship was enshrined when Sarawak and Sabah joined Malaysia in 1963. Christian and political leaders in the two states have threatened to break away from the Malaysian union if the Government forces their hand on the \’Allah\’ issue.
Most Malaysians are against such an outcome. Given the lack of political will to end the deepening rift, an alternative suggestion was to invite the Rulers\’ Council, comprising the nine hereditary Sultans, to convene and rule on the issue. The Ruler of the state of Negri Sembilan last week urged Malay Muslims to respect other religions and to live in harmony, regardless of race.
The Muslim Chief Minister of Sarawak, Taib Mahmud, is on record as saying that the use of \’Allah\’ is not a problem in the state and blames the central government for inciting intolerance and racism.
The Bible Society of Malaysia in Selangor.The Bible Society of Malaysia in Selangor.
World Watch Monitor. Political observers say that religious insecurities are being whipped up to defer attention away from the Government\’s economic and political difficulties. The Government was recently forced to cut back on decades of subsidised petrol and sugar prices as the national debt has reached unsustainable levels. The inevitable rise in the cost of living has fuelled public anger and protests. The scheduled introduction of a Government Services Tax in April 2014 is set to further escalate the cost of goods. Public corruption, scandals, the lavish lifestyle of ministers and cohorts, and a lack of accountability have all severely damaged the Government\’s record and the economy in a resource-rich nation. In this volatile mix of rising prices and protests, on top of the \’Allah\’ controversy, Christians are concerned. The Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM), in a statement last week, observed \”What we are witnessing is the mad scramble by any and every group to grab media attention… [but] the Christian community remains undaunted in the face of these and no doubt future incidents of this nature.\” Rev. Dr Eu Hong Seng, chairman of the CFM, added \”We look to the courts of this land to protect, preserve and defend principles of our Federal Constitution.\” Christians meanwhile have taken succour from progressive Muslim groups such as Sisters of Islam, which rallied to their support, distributing flowers outside a church where Islamists had planned to protest. For this act of solidarity, conservative Islamists demanded their arrests.
Other Muslim protagonists, such as Azmi Sharom, an outspoken law lecturer, point out that nowhere in the Qur\’an does it say that \’Allah\’ is exclusive to Muslims. \”Is [Islam] a religion that is so small in its worldview that it can approve of one community claiming the term for God for itself? Is Islam so lacking in common decency and compassion?\” he said. Meanwhile, the former Law Minister Zaid Ibrahim blogged \”The unwillingness of UMNO leaders to find a peaceful solution to the \’Allah\’ issue is a clear sign of the march towards authoritarian rule. Invoking the name of God is just a ruse to gain support for a new dictatorship.\” The wearer of the T-shirt posed a fundamental question. The ball is now in the court of the Malaysian Government to openly demonstrate that it subscribes to the ethos of its own Constitution, its own 10-point resolution, and that it will uphold freedom of religion for all. Related Islamic authorities\’ raid on Malaysian Bible Society questioned by state government. Malaysia\’s \’Allah\’ ruling widely criticised. * Churches campaign ahead of Malaysia elections. Malaysia Set to Rule on Use of \’Allah\’ among Non-Muslims. UK Parliament is told Christianity is \’most persecuted religion\’. UK Parliament is told Christianity is \’most persecuted religion\’, Published December 04, 2013. MPs also hear that one Christian is killed every 11 minutes. Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on google_plusone_shareShare on redditMore Sharing Services. The Bishop Moussa Coptic Church in Minya was destroyted by pro-Morsi supporters in Egypt, many of whom blamed Christians for his overthrow.The Bishop Moussa Coptic Church in Minya was destroyted by pro-Morsi supporters in Egypt, many of whom blamed Christians for his overthrow. David Degner, Getty Images. The plight of Christians around the world was discussed in a three-hour debate at the Houses of Parliament in London yesterday. Members of the House of Commons were told that the persecution of Christians is increasing, that one Christian is killed around every 11 minutes around the world, and that Christianity is the \”most persecuted religion globally\”. A long list of countries in which life as a Christian is most difficult was discussed, including Syria, North Korea, Eritrea, Nigeria, Iraq and Egypt. MP Jim Shannon said the persecution of Christians is \”the biggest story in the world that has never been told\”. He said that although the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, there are many countries in which these rights are not given. Shannon alleged that 200 million Christians will be persecuted for their faith this year, while he said that 500 million live in \”dangerous neighbourhoods\”. He added that in Syria Christians are \”caught between opposing sides in the conflict\”, and mentioned the \”specific targeting\” of Christian-dominated locations, such as Sadad and Maaloula. MP Sammy Wilson said that in Syria, \”50,000 Christians have been cleared from the city of Homs\”, while in Sudan two million Christians were killed by the regime over a 30-year period. He added \”Within the last month, hundreds of people, from Nigeria to Eritrea to Kazakhstan to China, have been arrested and put in prison simply because of their faith, and when they go into prison they are denied due process. They are denied access to lawyers. They are sometimes even denied knowledge of the charges facing them. They can languish in prison for a long time and in horrible conditions… This is not only happening in Muslim countries. From Morocco to Pakistan, Christians in Muslim countries are under threat, but it happens elsewhere too.\” The recent comments of Baroness Warsi at a lecture in Washington were echoed, including her assertion that \”the parts of the world where Christianity first spread is now seeing large sections of the Christian community leaving, and those that are remaining feeling persecuted\”. MP Nigel Dodds said that the \”persecution of Christians is not new\”, but that it is \”staggering\” how many Christians are killed today. In Iraq, he noted the words of Canon Andrew White, who had said that Christians are \”frightened even to walk to church because they might come under attack. All the churches are targets… We used to have 1.5 million Christians, now we have probably only 200,000 left… There are more Iraqi Christians in Chicago than there are here\”. Sir Edward Leigh said the remaining number of Christians in Iraq was likely to be closer to 600,000, but that this was still a shocking figure and that \”things have become much worse since the invasion\”. \”Within the last month, hundreds of people, from Nigeria to Eritrea to Kazakhstan to China, have been arrested and put in prison simply because of their faith.\” MP Sammy Wilson. MP Rehman Chishti said \”I come from a Muslim background, and my father was an imam… I know it is absolutely right and proper to have a debate on the subject\”. He called the persecution \”completely and utterly unacceptable\” and \”a very sad state of affairs\”. He also quoted his \”good friend\” the former Bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali \”He told me that the persecution of Christians was taking place in more than 130 of the 190 countries in the world at the moment\”. During the debate, the oppression experienced by Christians in China and Malaysia were also highlighted and outlined. As the British Prime Minister is currently in China, MP David Rutley raised the issue of the sizeable Christian community in China, and asked about the potential establishment of a deeper inter-faith dialogue to engage the Chinese authorities with Christian groups. Meanwhile, a UK-based organisation has claimed that the number of countries posing an extreme risk to the human rights of their populations has risen by 70 per cent in the past five years. Risk analysis company Maplecroft (which researched 197 countries for its annual Human Rights Risk Atlas 2014) says that since 2008 the number has risen steeply from 20 to 34, predominantly comprised of countries in the Middle East and Africa. Syria tops the list, followed by Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Pakistan, Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq. Thu Jan 09, 2014 2:43. Syria Survivor Recounts How Terrorists Beheaded a Youth on Homs-Marmarita Road. #TEHRAN ( #FNA) Terrorists opened fire on a car on the Homs-Marmarita road on Tuesday night and then attacked the two passengers, beheading one of them. Firas Badr Nader, who survived the attack, told SANA\’s correspondent at Al-Bassel Hospital in Tartous that he and his friend Fadi Michael Matta were coming back from work in a hotel in Homs when five terrorists intercepted them and opened fire on the car. Nader said that he was shot and lost control of the car, causing it to crash, and as the terrorists approached the car he played dead, and then the terrorist dragged him and his friend out of the car and tied the latter\’s hands. He then heard one of the terrorists instructing one of his accomplices to \”slit his throat\” at which point they decapitated Matta, then they stole all the documents and money they had and fled after trying to burn the car and failing. After he was sure that the terrorists had left, Nader opened his eyes and saw that Matta was lying down covered in blood and decapitated. He said he ran until he reached a friend\’s house in al-Meshtaye area where he called the authorities, and an ambulance arrived soon at the scene of the crime and transported Nader to Al-Bassel Hospital and took Matta\’s body to a hospital in Marmarita. Catching Our Eye. Kazakh pastor\’s trial begins. The trial against 67-year-old Kazakh pastor Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev has started, eight months after his incarceration for allegedly \”harming the health\” of a member of his congregation. The pastor has also been accused of inciting hatred, propagating extremism and leading an organisation that harms others. If found guilty, he could face a lengthy prison term. Kashkumbayev denied all charges against him at a court hearing in Astana, the capital, on Jan. 22. The trial was adjourned until Jan. 31 to allow Kashkumbayev\’s lawyer some time to study the case materials. Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Kazakh pastor\’s trial begins. The trial against 67-year-old Kazakh pastor Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev has started, eight months after his incarceration for allegedly \”harming the health\” of a member of his congregation. The pastor has also been accused of inciting hatred, propagating extremism and leading an organisation that harms others. If found guilty, he could face a lengthy prison term. Kashkumbayev denied all charges against him at a court hearing in Astana, the capital, on Jan. 22. The trial was adjourned until Jan. 31 to allow Kashkumbayev\’s lawyer some time to study the case materials. Source Forum 18. Syrian Christian beheaded, A Christian man was beheaded last week as he drove home from work in Homs, reports Fars News. Fides confirms that Fadi Matanius Mattah, 34, was killed and his friend Firas Nader, 29, was wounded as armed jihadists opened fire on their car. A priest told Fides that, noting that Fadi was wearing a cross around his neck, they beheaded him. Afghan atheist scared of going home. An Afghan atheist has been granted asylum in the UK for \’religious\’ reasons, reports the BBC. Brought up a Muslim, the man has become an atheist after six years in the UK and claims he would face persecution and possibly a death sentence if he returned home. It is believed to be the first time someone has been granted asylum in the UK on the basis of their atheism. CAR crisis \’far from over\’ The crisis in the Central African Republic is far from over, despite the resignation of President Michel Djotodia, according to a local Catholic archbishop. \”The shooting has ceased, but the tensions are still there,\” said Nestor Desire Nongo-Aziagbia, archbishop of Bossangoa. \”Resignation is a first step towards solving the crisis.\” The archbishop added that politicians must now elect someone to \”bring the people together\”. Nearly one million people have been displaced since the beginning of the conflict in March. More than 100,000 are camped at Bangui\’s airport, while others are sleeping in churches and mosques. Source RNS. CAR President Djotodia resigns. Central African Republic\’s first Muslim president Michel Djotodia has resigned from office at a regional summit aimed at ending the violence that has engulfed the country. Djotodia took power from former president Francois Bozizé in a coup in March last year, as head of the now-disbanded Séléka rebel forces. Séléka forces were accused of gross human rights abuses, including mass rape and murder, and of specifically targeting Christians. Violence has continued between the disbanded group and self-defence militias named anti-Balaka (anti-Machete). Christians had protested for Djotodia\’s removal from power before Christmas. Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Herald boss investigated over \’Allah\’. The director of Malaysia\’s Catholic Herald newspaper, at the centre of the storm regarding Christians\’ use of the word \’Allah\’, is being investigated for comments made in an article on December 27 claiming Catholics have a right to use the word. Lawrence Andrew, who is also a Catholic priest, is being investigated for \”sedition\”, reports Fides. This follows the seizure by the country\’s top Islamic authority, alongside police, of more than 330 Malaysian bibles from the Malaysian Bible Society last week because they used the word \’Allah\’ for God. The Islamic Religious Department claims the use of the word \’Allah\’ should be reserved for Muslims alone. In a separate development, the Malaysian government has moved to ban the country\’s leading coalition of 54 human rights NGOs, COMANGO, which reported to the UN Human Rights\’ Council Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in 2013. The government says most of these NGOs are \’un-Islamic\’ and un-registered. COMANGO says as a coalition entity, it is not itself bound by registration legislation. During the UPR, COMANGO called for its government to sign the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, of which Article 18 is about the rights of religious freedom. A representative of the Malaysian government defended its religious restrictions, saying they are in the interests of public order. Vatican to hold peace talks. The Vatican has scheduled a meeting for Jan. 13 to discuss the potential for a cease-fire in Syria, ahead of UN-backed peace talks in Geneva, planned to start on Jan. 24. Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo told Vatican Radio that a cessation of hostilities was vital \”in order to allow humanitarian aid, to create humanitarian corridors that at the moment don\’t exist, and the cessation of persecution against Christians and so-called interreligious martyrdom\”. He said that Syria\’s Christians fear they are being targeted systematically by Islamist rebels seeking to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The Vatican said Egyptian politician Mohamed El Baradei and American economist Jeffrey Sachs will attend the meeting. Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has also been invited. 30 killed in Plateau State violence. Around 30 people were killed and 25 others injured on Jan. 7 during an attack in Plateau State, in Central Nigeria. More than 40 houses were burnt down during the attack, which local media blamed on Fulani herdsmen. Much of the violence is blamed on land disputes between mainly Muslim Fulani herdsmen and the mainly Christian Berom farmers, reports the BBC, in the area where Nigeria\’s predominantly Muslim north meets its Christian-majority south. Nanle Church update 11 released. A number of Christians from Nanle County Church in Henan Province, China, have been released after almost two months in custody, although 13 are still being detained. Twenty-four church members were arrested in mid-November, including five church leaders, after a dispute over a piece of land on which the group hoped to build a new church. Source China Aid. Iranian convert jailed for evangelism. An Iranian Christian convert has been sentenced to one year in prison for charges including evangelism. Hossein Saketi Aramsari was tried at the Revolutionary Court in Karaj, near Tehran. He was arrested in July of last year. Source Mohabat News. Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Egypt\’s President visits church. Egypt\’s President has attended Christmas celebrations at Cairo\’s Orthodox Cathedral reported to be the first time in history that the President has done so. The gesture of solidarity comes at a poignant time for Egypt\’s 10% Christian minority, who last year experienced their worst violence, at the hands of lslamists, for hundreds of years. (Source RFI) Freed priest returns to France. Georges Vandenbeusch, the French priest held hostage for nearly seven weeks in Cameroon, returned to France on New Year\’s Day. President Francois Hollande greeted the 42-year-old cleric at an Air Force base near Paris early on Jan. 1, after France Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius received him in the Cameroon capital of Yaounde. The Islamist militant group Boko Haram took responsibility for the kidnapping in November. Little has been revealed about the circumstances of his release, though the French government has said no ransom was paid. Source BBc. Farsi speakers banned from church, A church in Tehran has become the latest to close its doors to Farsi speakers. St. Peter\’s Evangelical Church in the Iranian capital is preventing speakers of the country\’s official language from attending following pressure from government officials, reports Mohabat News. Armenians and Assyrians will be permitted to attend the church, but the IDs of all congregants will be passed on to the government, Mohabat adds. In May, the Central Assemblies of God church in Tehran was forced to cancel all services in the Farsi language or face permanent closure. Following this, Mansour Borji, advocacy officer for human-rights group Article 18, said \”I am certain that the AOG church in Tehran will not be the last. If the Iranian government manages to close this church, the few remaining churches that have Farsi-speaking services will follow.\” Iranian converts arrested. Five Iranian converts to Christianity were arrested while celebrating Christmas together in Tehran, reports Mohabat News. Ahmad Bazyar, Fagheh Nasrollahi, Mastaneh Rastegari, Amir-Hossein Ne\’matollahi and another man with the surname of Hosseini were arrested on Christmas Eve at Mr. Hosseini\’s house and taken to an unknown location. Meanwhile Mohabat News reports that another Iranian Christian serving a six-year jail sentence in Karaj has written to the UN\’s High Commissioner for Human Rights to complain after his family home was raided, with his wife and children at home. Behnam Irani wrote from prison \”[The] Islamic regime of Iran does not seem to be tired of persecuting the followers of non-Islamic faiths and is seeking to establish a religious dictatorship… Iranian authorities raided our homes and made the sweetness of Christmas bitter for us.\” More Christians arrested in Nanle. Several more members of Nanle County Church in Henan Province in China have been arrested, China Aid reports. those reportedly detained include the youngest daughter of Pastor Zhang Shaojie, who was himself one of the 24 church members arrested last month. Seven of the 24 were reportedly released, but the whereabouts of the remaining 17 is unknown and they have been denied access to a lawyer. Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. One of \’worst ever\’ years for Copts. Egypt\’s Coptic Christians are undergoing some of the worst persecution of their 2000-year history, reports CBS News. in its flagship programme, \’60 Minutes\’, CBS reports that Copts hoped Egypt\’s revolution would improve their fortunes, but instead the last year has been \”one of their worst ever\”. CAR Djotodia to speak to militias. Central African Republic President Michel Djotodia has offered to speak to the leaders of so-called \”Christian\” militias, reports the BBC, in attempt to deal with the worsening sectarian conflict. Speaking to French RFI radio, he said he was ready to \”extend his hand\”. A former rebel leader, Djotodia became the Christian majority country\’s first Muslim leader after a coup in March. Meanwhile, the African Union has authorised increasing the number of troops deployed in the country to 6,000. An estimated 10 per cent of the CAR\’s 4.6 million population have fled their homes since the beginning of the violence. Lawyers begin hunger strike
Fifteen lawyers who have been prevented from seeing their clients – a group of 24 Chinese Christians arrested in Henan Province earlier this month – have started a hunger strike outside the Nanle County Public Security Bureau. China Aid reports that of the 24 Christians detained, seven have been released, but 17 remain in custody and have been denied permission to see their lawyers. It is still unclear on what charges they are being detained. Retired Iranian pastor jailed. A retired Iranian pastor has been sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison.. rev. Vruir Avanessian, 61, who is of Armenian descent, was found guilty on Dec. 5 of anti-government activities and promotion of ideas contrary to the sanctity of the Islamic Republic of Iran. the pastor, who is reported to be unwell, has 20 days to appeal. Source Mohabat News. Bishops arrested at Dalit protest. Bishops were arrested by police in India during a protest against the discrimination of the Christian Dalit minority. Archbishop Anil Couto of Delhi was among those arrested during the protest on Dec. 11. He and several other bishops were taken to a local police station and later released, reports UCA. Protestors were demanding a revamp of India\’s constitution, which guarantees a reservation of government jobs and places in educational institutions for underprivileged classes, but Christians and Muslims among these classes are denied such benefits on the grounds that their religions do not recognise the caste system.

sharia OGM swine Arab League

QUESTO È IL COMPLOTTO DI FARISEI E SALAFITI PER DISTRUGGERE ISRAELE EUROPA E RUSSIA! \”Caro Signor comprendo e condivido il Suo anelo per salvare il mondo ma… Nel giorno del giudizio avrò l\’assoluzione per insufficienza di prove a mio carico e siccome discendo da una famiglia di banchieri ebrei profitto personalmente del sistema del signoraggio. Che Allah la protegga! ] QUESTO È IL COMPLOTTO DI FARISEI E SALAFITI PER DISTRUGGERE ISRAELE EUROPA E RUSSIA!

ISRAELE ] tu mi dirai \”che se ne possono fare i satanisti della CIA di entrare nel tuo computer?\” [ ANSWER ] ci vengono ad adorare Satana nel mio computer ovviamente!. perché loro pensano che possa funzionare ed invece? non funziona perché Satana è un frocio!

my ISRAEL ] ok! adesso i sauditi salafiti devono spiegare a tutti i musulmani del mondo perché anche loro hanno deciso di diventare i sacerdoti di Satana nella CIA!

MY ISRAEL ] il secondo browser di UBUNTU funziona correttamente è questo firefox che mi hanno bloccato su blogger perché io penso necessita di maggiore memoria RAM infatti io ho articoli pesanti.. ORA se hanno fatto le orgie ed hanno adorato satana con il mio firefox senza il mio consenso? Questo non significa che è diventato il loro 666 dominio dei Salafiti Farisei nella CIA i cannibali zombies!

my ISRAEL ] QUINDI sono stati Rothschild e SALMAN con la forza del loro denaro che hanno detto alle Chiese di Satana \”voi avete diritto ad un vostro dominio!\” QUINDI È LA MASSONERIA CHE DOMINA IL MONDO e non i Parlamenti costituzionali che seguono la legge positiva!
NON C\’È MATERIA CONTRATTUALE \” TUTTE LE CHIESE CRISTIANE E TUTTE LE RELIGIONI CHE NON SCOMUNICANO COLORO CHE BENEDICONO I MATRIMONI GAY SONO AUTOMATICAMENTE SCOMUNICATE A LORO VOLTA QUINDI APRIAMO L\’ERA DELLA APOSTASIA DALLA FEDE DELLE CHIESE CRISTIANE! \” BERLINO 8 APR – A Berlino e nel Brandeburgo le coppie omosessuali potranno sposarsi proprio come quelle etero nella chiesa evangelica la decisione data quasi per scontata è prevista per domani quando il sinodo di Berlino-Brandeburgo e della slesiana Oberlausitz voteranno su questo tema. Fino ad ora nella chiesa evangelica le coppie omosessuali potevano ricevere una benedizione mentre non era possibile una cerimonia religiosa equiparata al matrimonio evangelico che comunque non è un sacramento come nella chiesa cattolica; il vincolo matrimoniale nella chiesa protestante può infatti essere sciolto. Berlino non è il primo Land ad affrontare questo passo. In Germania già in due regioni Assia e Renania-Palatinato la chiesa evangelica ha introdotto il rito matrimoniale per i gay.

QUESTO DI USA È UN ENNESIMO ATTO INFAMANTE IO TROVO DICHIARAZIONI CONTINUE CIRCA LA presunta INFERIORITÀ MILITARE di USA NEI CONFRONTI DELLA RUSSIA CHE queste dichiarazioni HANNO SEMPLICEMENTE DEL RIDICOLO SIA SUL PIANO TECNOLOGICO CHE NUMERICO! Gli USA come con la Seconda guerra mondiale faranno delle provocazioni militari (da tenere segrete) perché sia la Russia ( in questo caso ) ad apparire l\’AGGRESSORE! 07.04.2016 Usa “tecnicamente surclassati” da Mosca per potenza di fuoco Lo ha affermato il generale Mark Milley dello stato maggiore americano intervenendo davanti al comitato per le forze armate del Senato

che poi a differenza di USA la Russia non ha un interesse economico o ideologico nella realizzazione di una guerra! QUESTO DI USA È UN ENNESIMO ATTO INFAMANTE IO TROVO DICHIARAZIONI CONTINUE CIRCA LA presunta INFERIORITÀ MILITARE di USA NEI CONFRONTI DELLA RUSSIA

SYNNEK1 ha perso l\’equilibrio mentale ed è quindi stato licenziato come Direttore di youtube eppure lui è il satanista più intelligente educato e preparato del NWO perché questo è potuto avvenire? io ho fatto comprendere a lui una verità teologica e logica al tempo stesso! POICHÉ LA TUA INTELLIGENZA NON COMPRENDE L\’UNIVERSO nel suo scopo e nel suo insieme POI LA TUA INTELLIGENZA È IL TUO NEMICO PEGGIORE PERCHÉ LA TUA INTELLIGENZA nel suo limite TI CONDURRÀ A CERCARE DEI BENEFICI MATERIALI IMMEDIATI eppure la vita è veramente un miracolo dato che noi non siamo in grado di realizzare in laboratorio una sola cellula di un filo d\’erba! Evoluzione e Big Ben sono teorie senza conforto scientifico ipotesi senza dimostrazione QUINDI FINGERE DI ESSERE ATEI è vero RISOLVE TANTI PROBLEMI E RENDE LA VITA PIÙ SEMPLICE MA QUANDO IL GRATTACIELO DELLA TUA VITa TI CROLLERÀ ADDOSSO PERCHÉ TU LO HAI EDIFICATO SULLA \”SABBIA\” del RELATIVISMO invece di fondarlo sulla ROCCIA che è Cristo? Poi all\’inferno ti rimarranno un rimpianto infinito e una disperazione infinità. ma la DISTRUZIONE dello EQUILIBRIO MENTALE DI SYNNEK1 POTREBBE AVERLO SALVATO DALL\’INFERNO!
Ovviamente se tu puoi trovare un rabbino santo o un prete santo ( OPPURE UN MINISTRO SANTO DI OGNI ALTRA RELIGIONE ) che può comprendere intellettivamente quello che è il tuo satanismo in tutta la sua estensione e poi lui ti perdona? POI TU SARAI PERDONATO VERAMENTE ANCHE DA DIO! PERCHÉ È DIO CHE PERDONA ma tu non puoi sapere di essere stato perdonato se la tua espiazione e la tua conversione non hanno subito un processo completo nel più profondo del tuo cuore! NON TI SERVIRÀ A NIENTE CERCARE UN CARDINALE VESCOVO DI COGLIONE CHE È UN TUO COMPLICE E CHE LUI NON TI CAPISCE CIOÈ NON CAPISCE TUTTO IL MALE CHE TU HAI POTUTO FARE!


c\’è una guerra terribile nel mio computer (lenovo AMD E1 essential) tra UBUNTU e la CIA si Utuntu mi installa aggiornamenti ogni giorno ma non è riuscito a sboccarmi il blocco della memoria della RAM anche perché le lucertole mi hanno reso invisibile una partizione di 100Gb.. quindi ieri io pensavo che la colpa era di blogger ma mi sbagliavo! Mi hanno manomesso il computer portatile che questa mattina ho trovato completamente scarico perché la CiA me lo ha acceso durante la notte!

ISRAELE ] hai visto? come li minaccio poi mi sbloccano! ora sono sbloccato ma non ha interagito l\’aggiornamento di UBUNTU è la mia denuncia che ha interagito! MI BLOCCANO QUESTI CRIMINALI DELLA CIA!

Panama Papers quando il pesce puzza dalla testa. SI LA TESTA DEL SERPENTE DEMONIO TALMUD FARISEO ROTHSCHILD BILDENBERG SPA FMI FED ECC.. 07.04.2016( Quando ho aperto le news questa mattina mi è venuto da sorridere Putin fra coloro che nascondono i propri soldi nei paradisi fiscali. E ti pareva – ho pensato – ora ci manca solo che scoprano che è un pedofilo e il ritratto del grande babau sarà finalmente completato. Panama papers i media occidentali si sono accorti solo dei fatti legati alla Russia. La notizia dei Panama Papers infatti non avrebbe nulla di sconvolgente se non fosse per il risalto esagerato che si è voluto dare alla figura del leader russo all\’interno di questo presunto nuovo scandalo. Ma quando vedi che tutte le testate occidentali — dal New York Times alla BBC dall\’Espresso alla Cnn mettono tutti l\’accento su Vladimir Putin allora ti viene da sorridere è chiaro che si tratta di una operazione di discredito progettata a tavolino. La cosa divertente infatti è che tutte queste testate si danno un gran da fare per riempire la prima pagina con le foto dei vari personaggi coinvolti nello scandalo — da Cameron a Montezemolo da Messi a Jackie Chan — ma il primo in alto a sinistra è quasi sempre lui Vladimir Putin. Un\’altra cosa che salta all\’occhio in una rosa così forbita di grossi personaggi mondiali è la totale assenza di un qualunque nome americano di rilievo. È come se il Dipartimento di Stato avesse chiesto alla C.I.A. se avevano qualcosa di nuovo da poter utilizzare contro Putin e la C.I.A. avesse risposto \”Sì volendo qualcosa di succoso ce l\’abbiamo si tratta di una lista di grossi nomi mondiali che nascondono i propri soldi nei vari paradisi fiscali grazie ad una società panamense. Si potrebbe aggiungere anche Putin fra quei nomi\”. \”Va bene — avranno detto al Dipartimento di Stato — fatela circolare tramite i soliti canali ma prima state ben attenti a far sparire tutti i nomi degli americani coinvolti. Non vorremmo avere noie inutili in casa nostra.\” Panama Papers Controlleremo individui ed entità russe citata in documenti. Insomma la predominanza totale della figura di Putin da un lato e la totale assenza di grossi nomi americani dall\’altro porta automaticamente a sospettare che questa sia la classica operazione telecomandata da Washington per portare avanti la campagna di discredito contro il leader russo. La tragedia è che ora pur di stare al gioco i giornalisti di mezzo mondo fanno finta di credere che se davvero un uomo come Putin volesse nascondere i soldi dalle tasse sarebbe costretto a mettersi nelle mani di una qualunque holding di offshore panamense (pronta a ricattarlo in qualunque momento).
Queste cose le fanno gli industriali e i personaggi pubblici di mezzo mondo non le fanno gli ex-capi del KGB.
Originariamente pubblicato sul sito
L\’opinione dell\’autore può non coincidere con la posizione della redazione.
Panama Papers Cremlino La “Putinfobia” ha raggiunto nuove vette
L’ossessione dei media occidentali di contare i soldi di Putin
Wikileaks USA e Soros promotori dello scandalo “Panama Papers” per attaccare la Russia.


Milano giudice gay beccato a letto con zingaro minorenne condannato a 3 anni | Riscatto Nazionale. Si spiegano tante cose. Il già giudice del Tribunale di Sondrio tal Pietro Paci è stato condannato oggi a Milano a 3 anni di carcere per prostituzione.
mary cryss DOBBIAMO AVERE CHIARO IL QUADRO. La Cassazione ha sentenziato ieri affittare un utero è reato in Italia ma se lo affitti ucraino in Ucraina non è più reato. Alla faccia di quelli che in Senato (anche alcuni miei amici cattolici del Pd anche il mio amico Matteo Renzi) tromboneggiavano su mozioni per introdurre il \”reato universale\” dopo aver stralciato la stepchild adoption. Non è stato fatto niente il ddl Cirinnà si appresta a essere approvato anche alla Camera i tribunali marciano come schiacciasassi…

¡Buenos días lorenzo! La protección de la vida humana va en serio en Polonia. Negarse a adoptar las políticas de la Unión Europea para extender el aborto es algo más que una convicción personal de la primera ministra Beata Szydlo del partido Ley y Justicia. La movilización de buena parte de la sociedad por el derecho fundamental a la vida se ha convertido en un dolor de cabeza para Bruselas. ¡Como si la Comisión no tuviera ya bastante con el “no” de los holandeses al acuerdo con Ucrania el referéndum sobre la salida del Reino Unido o con la caótica gestión de la crisis de los refugiados! Más de cien periodistas de diarios canales de televisión y de radio han firmado una carta abierta dirigida a los diputados pidiéndoles que apoyen la iniciativa legislativa popular para proteger la vida humana desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural en todas las circunstancias y sin excepciones. Invocan el ejemplo histórico de Stanislawa Leszczynska una heroína polaca de los campos de la muerte que expuso su vida defendiendo a mujeres embarazadas y a sus bebés frente a los experimentos del médico nazi Joseph Mengele.
El Parlamento decidirá en los próximos días si admite una iniciativa legislativa popular presentada por la plataforma cívica Stop aborto que promueve una protección sin excepciones de la vida humana. La Conferencia Episcopal se ha sumado a la ofensiva del movimiento provida con una declaración leída el pasado domingo en todas las iglesias de un país que sigue siendo mayoritariamente católico. El Gobierno acaba de hacer un gesto reinstaurando la receta médica obligatoria para la llamada “píldora del día después” en contra de las directrices de la Unión Europea que en 2015 aprobó una norma para que este producto contraceptivo esté disponible sin prescripción incluso para niñas de 15 años.
La reforma del aborto –que en Polonia es legal bajo tres supuestos– no será fácil. Las represalias de la Unión Europea y la presión de los lobbies que rodean la industria del aborto y están bien implantados en Bruselas irán en aumento. La Comisión ya ha activado la Rule of Law Framework el mecanismo de supervisión democrática sobre Polonia una medida excepcional prevista en los tratados de la Unión que nunca se había adoptado hasta ahora y da a Bruselas el poder de evaluar los estándares democráticos en cada uno de los Estados miembro. El expediente puede acabar en sanciones o incluso en la suspensión de los derechos políticos de Polonia en el Consejo Europeo. Es curioso que el Colegio de Comisarios se preocupe tanto del Estado de Derecho en el único país de la Unión cuya sociedad intenta precisamente que el Estado de Derecho funcione para todos los seres humanos. Parafraseando a Woody Allen con la música de Wagner cuando Jean Claude Juncker oye hablar del aborto le entran ganas de invadir Polonia.

mary cryss ] con i soldi del nostro canone estorto ed imposto fanno la ideologia del GENDER [ Alessandro Cecchi paone è diventato il direttore di tg4..Neanche due giorni dopo il tg4 promuove e propaganda il gender Ecco il video
le scie chimiche producono l\’effetto serra e lo scioglimento dell\’ARTICO apre la strada ad appetiti economici di grande interesse quindi in questa zona le sanzioni (artefatto criminale USA) non contano! Russia “la situazione politica non ostacola il progetto di sviluppo nell\’Artico”
© Sputnik. 07.04.2016 Nonostante la situazione internazionale nel quadro della cooperazione nell\’Artico la Russia ha buoni rapporti sia con gli Stati Uniti che con gli altri Paesi ha riferito il rappresentante del Ministero delle Situazioni di Emergenza della Russia Igor Veselov.
Turchia “230 milioni $ il valore dell\’abuso edilizio della residenza di Erdogan” MA SE ERDOGAN CONQUISTA TUTTE LE NAZIONI DEL MEDITERRANEO? POI QUESTI SOLDI NON SONO STATI SPESI MALE! [ 07.04.2016( \”I costi per la costruzione di ulteriori locali adiacenti al palazzo presidenziale superano la cifra di 230 milioni di dollari\” – ha riferito all\’edizione turca di Sputnik l\’architetto Tezcan Karakuş Candan membro dell\’associazione degli Architetti di Turchia. Dal bilancio dello Stato turco sono stati stanziati 650 milioni di lire turche (circa 230 milioni di dollari) per la costruzione di ulteriori locali vicino alla residenza di nuova costruzione del presidente Erdogan.
La presidente della sezione di Ankara della Camera degli Architetti di Turchia Tezcan Karakuş Candan ha ricordato che la costruzione dei locali supplementari sarà realizzata sul territorio del parco \”Ataturk\” una zona protetta non edificabile.
In precedenza i rappresentanti della Camera degli Architetti avevano presentato ricorso al tribunale con l\’obbligo di imporre il divieto alla costruzione di nuovi locali del palazzo presidenziale in un parco ma la loro azione non ha avuto alcun effetto e i lavori di costruzione sono stati portati a termine. La Candan ha sottolineato che locali supplementari dovrebbero essere costruito su una superficie di 322mila metri quadri tanto quanto l\’intera residenza. \”La costruzione di questa portata non era affatto necessaria. Attualmente la residenza del presidente non è sfruttata nemmeno per metà della sua capacità. La costruzione di questa portata del palazzo presidenziale non aveva alcuna giustificazione oggettiva in termini di amministrazione e controllo del Paese. I lavori avvenivano sullo sfondo di un acceso dibattito sulla transizione ad un assetto presidenzialista dello Stato questo palazzo è stato costruito come un edificio che incarna il nuovo sistema del Paese. L\’area verde \”Ataturk\” è una zona protetta che è stata concessa dal fondatore della Repubblica in qualità di dono a tutti i turchi. In questa zona non si può costruire. Il terreno in cui si trova il bosco è stato acquistato da Ataturk nel 1925 col suo denaro dopodichè l\’ha trasformato in un parco forestale. Così questa zona è un patrimonio nazionale della Turchia un luogo dove vive la memorie del fondatore della Repubblica turca. Costruire su questo terreno detto in altri termini è una violazione dei diritti del popolo turco\”.


MY HOLY JHWH ] io sto rallentando perché è vero che io posso stressare i nemici ma non vorrei anche stressare gli amici!
Re [1-7814000011017] Contatta il servizio di supporto per i partner di YouTube 04/03/ wrote youtube ritiene che il mio sia stato bloccato a motivo dei seguenti video che sono stati penalizzati in questo canale ma io ritengo che questi video non possono essere di questo canale e che al massimo i satanisti della CIA loro hanno messo questi video nel mio canale per farmelo distruggere! youtube believes that my has been blocked because of the following video which were penalized in this channel but I believe that these videos can not be been in this channel and that at most the Satanists of the CIA they put these videos in my channel against me to destroy it! I work to save all the martyrs and to stave off World War III you how you can help me my brother? io lavoro per salvare tutti i martiri e per scongiurare la guerra mondiale tu in che modo puoi aiutare me tuo fratello? ============== Sono stati rimossi dal tuo account i seguenti video
\”Fatwa Posting photos pictures using social media\” all\’indirizzo
è stato rimosso a causa di una rivendicazione sul copyright da parte di NDTV (Rightster) in data 06/25/2014
\”Muslim Psycho Sami Osmakac arrested planned Tampa terror\” all\’indirizzo
è stato rimosso a causa di una rivendicazione sul copyright da parte di Scripps Local News in data 07/14/2014
\”Yemen no Incapable Banning Child Marriage Rape\” all\’indirizzo
è stato rimosso a causa di una rivendicazione sul copyright da parte di SBS Australia in data 09/23/2014
\”Pakistan DOES NOT Respect HINDU MINORITY\” all\’indirizzo
è stato rimosso a causa di una rivendicazione sul copyright da parte di SamaaTV in data 08/26/2015,,

POTREBBE ESSERE FORSE CHE È LO STATO MASSONE FRANCESE CHE FINANZIA I PEDOFILI? APPROFONDIAMO L\’ARGOMENTO IN FONDO A QUESTI ARTICOLI GENDER! ] [ La rinuncia della Francia all’ambasciatore gay in Vaticano. Hollande nomina il diplomatico Stefanini all’Unesco finisce così il braccio di ferro con la Santa Sede.
Sdoganato e imposto ufficialmente. signori uomini stamattina sotto la camicia non dimenticate di indossare la lingerie Victoria\’s Secrets possibilmente in seta nera e pizzo valencienne che occhieggi dalla suddetta lasciata sbottonata con premeditata negligenza e voi signore premuratevi di indossare un paio di mutande da uomo con tanto di apertura davanti per velocizzare le pratiche di minzione
attendiamo fiduciosi che anche a voi signori arrivi il mestruo perche\’ negare alle multinazionali il piacere…
Gucci il 2017 sarà l’anno delle sfilate ‘unisex’ La maison Gucci unificherà i flussi dell\’universo femminile con quello maschile in passerella. La prima sfilata double-gender si terrà nel 2017

PEDOFILIO FINANZIATA DALLO STATO ECCO IL VIDEO-TRAILER SCANDALOSO. C’è qualcosa di terribilmente marcio in questa società. E stavolta il marcio è davvero quel marcio stomacoso e disgustoso ai limiti dell’accettabile. PEDOFILIO FINANZIATA DALLO STATO ECCO IL VIDEO-TRAILER SCANDALOSO di Gabriela Dobrescu 26 marzo 2016. C’è qualcosa di terribilmente marcio in questa società. E stavolta il marcio è davvero quel marcio stomacoso e disgustoso ai limiti dell’accettabile in Francia come scrive Tommaso Scandroglio per „La Nuova Bussola” la pedofilia è „finanziata dallo Stato”. Premi un pedale ed un pene diventerà eretto. Premilo ancora ed eiaculerà. Non si tratta di un gadget di un pornoshop bensì di uno “strumento interattivo educativo” per bambini uno dei tanti presenti alla mostra “Zizi sexuel” che si tiene presso i padiglioni del Museo della Scienza e dell’Industria di Parigi. La parola francese “zizi” potrebbe essere da noi tradotta come “pisellino”. La mostra è rivolta ai bambini tra i 9 e 14 anni e vuole introdurre queste anime candide alla scoperta del sesso. Come se questi bambini una volta diventati ragazzini non diventeranno dei veri e propri sommozzatori nel mare magnum del sesso.
Dunque oltre al manichino che si eccita se il bimbo pigia un pedale – e così gli imberbi penseranno che schiacciarsi un piede sia la cosa più eccitante che esista – vi sono altre curiosità pedopornografiche. C’è una campana con moltissimi profilattici colorati e ben gonfiati una sagoma di una donna nuda senza testa dove le bambine possono metterci la loro di testa per provare l’”ebbrezza” di mostrarsi nude davanti a tutti un letto dove i bambini guardano scene di sesso. In una stanza poi c’è la possibilità di ascoltare la descrizione di cosa sia la masturbazione o l’omosessualità. In questa stanza è vietato l’ingresso degli adulti perché l’innocente non sa difendersi ma papà e mamma invece monterebbero su tutte le furie se sapessero cosa passa in quelle cuffie e dunque è bene tenerli a distanza.
Vi è poi un libretto fornito a tutti i piccoli visitatori in cui accanto a scene di sesso esplicito ci sono anche scene violente. Per gli insegnanti più puritani esiste invece un vademecum sulla mostra e al fine di preservarli dallo scandalo vi sono contenute affermazioni rassicuranti come «la pornografia non recherà disturbo in merito alle condotte della futura vita sessuale dei bambini».
Il ministero dell’Educazione ha patrocinato l’iniziativa finanziandola e si è premurato di invitare migliaia di classi a questa mostra o “mostro” spesso all’insaputa dei genitori. All’ombra della Torre Eiffel la pedofilia è affare di Stato. Naturalmente chi ha organizzato l’evento non trova nulla da ridire sui messaggi espliciti e pornografici a cui sono esposte le verdissime coscienze del giovane pubblico. «La mostra cerca di veicolare i valori essenziali e universali l’amore l’amicizia il consenso e l’uguaglianza tra l’uomo e la donna. Cerca di rispondere alle domande tipiche dei più piccoli come nascono i bambini che cosa è l’amore» ha spiegato la curatrice della mostra Maud Gouy. «Penso che sia importante» ha continuato la Gouy «che l’esposizione parli di omosessualità e che spieghi che gli insulti sessisti sono un reato. É una parte importante dell’educazione civica e alla sessualità. Chi viene alla mostra non troverà nulla di scioccante». E a proposito di reati l’associazione Sos Education ha lanciato una petizione contro questa esposizione anzi esibizione. Petizione che ha raccolto sin ora 35mila firme. Stessa aria di violenza psico-sessuale a danno dei minori la respiriamo a Trondheim in Norvegia. Presso l’istituto Breidablkk ai bambini di prima elementare è stato chiesto di scrivere sotto l’immagine di un elefante quale animale vedessero. Peccato che – e ci scuseranno i lettori per tanta crudezza di descrizione – l’elefante con la propria proboscide stia aspirando sperma dal pene eretto di un uomo nudo appoggiato a un albero di mele. Il compito era da fare a casa e a casa non pochi genitori sono saltati sulla loro sedia Ikea (che è svedese ma poco importa). Norvegesi liberal e disinibiti sì ma fino ad un certo punto. Henri Merge l’autrice del disegno ovviamente ha detto che non ne sapeva nulla che questo bozzetto come tanti altri è in rete e dunque a disposizione di tutti. Proprio tutti tanto che il ministro della Cultura realizzò tempo fa anche una mostra con questi disegni.
Morale della favola. I mostri esistono e stanno presso i ministeri dell’Educazione e nelle scuole. Pare banale sottolinearlo ma queste due vicende a tinte foschissime stanno a dimostrare che una lobby pedofila esiste eccome ed opera ormai alla luce del sole ed ad altissimi livelli. Dietro al pretesto di fare educazione sessuale ai bambini – intento già da censurare per mille motivi – si cela il vero intento corrompere i bambini abituarli alla sessualità precoce renderli disinibiti e quindi ridurli a prede sessuali per gli adulti. A furia di maneggiare peni finti vedere scene di sesso anche omosessuale toccare ed essere toccati guardare ed essere guardati maschietti e femminucce saranno stati cucinati a dovere pronti per essere divorati dai pedofili di Stato
teletubbies messaggio subliminale pornogafico Caricato il 27 lug 2008 teletubbies teletabbies messaggio subliminale porno attenti ai bambini…

NON ESISTE PIÙ UN LIMITE ETICO PER I RICCHI! MA AI POVERI I DIRITTI FONDAMENTALI NON POSSONO PIÙ ESSERE GARANTITI O ESSERE TUTELATI PERCHÉ LORO NON HANNO IL DENARO PER POTERSI DIFENDERE! ] MALEDETTI SPA FARISEI MASSONI SPA FME [ L’utero in affitto è da mesi un tema che scalda gli animi. Da un lato vi è chi sostiene che questa pratica rende le donne schiave e i bambini merce svilendo la dignità umana di entrambi e obbedendo a logiche di mercato che di ‘umano’ hanno poco o nulla. Dall’altra vi è chi non vede nulla di male nella possibilità di dare modo a tutte le persone – single coppie eterosessuali (sterili ma anche no) coppie omosessuali… – di vedere realizzato il proprio desiderio di maternità o paternità e che anzi considera la disponibilità della madri surrogate quasi un gesto altruistico. Sei un ProVita? Utero in affitto “Sì” contro utero in affitto “No” dunque. La confusione è tanta così come molti sono gli aspetti che spesso non vengono (volutamente?) presi in considerazione si pensi alla salute delle donne al diritto dei bambini a conoscere i propri genitori biologici e a crescere con una mamma e un papà alla selezione eugenetica degli embrioni alle lobby che girano attorno – come avvoltoi – a questo prolifico mercato di vite umane… e l’elenco potrebbe continuare. A fare un cattivo servizio alla verità proponendo agli italiani un servizio giornalistico incompleto e poco obiettivo ora ci si mette anche la televisione di Stato con un servizio di approfondimento mandato in onda nel corso del Tg2 serale del 31 marzo. Il servizio si apre con un’intervista della giornalista Giovanna Botteri a una donna – Mandy dell’Oregon – che si dice felice di essere una ‘mamma surrogata’ scelta compiuta spontaneamente per molte ragioni ma soprattutto perché – afferma la donna – “amo essere incinta e avere bambini“. Il discorso è fuorviante ed è facile cadere nella trappola di un falso altruismo “Guarda che brava si mette al servizio del prossimo…“. La donna sostiene infatti con volto sereno “Far nascere un bambino che non è legato a me in nessun modo (sic!) è la cosa più positiva che io possa fare nella vita- […] E’ stato come pensare di dare a uno dei miei migliori amici il regalo migliore possibile“. vita_mamma_papà_mano_neonato_bambino_utero-in-affitto Peccato che nessuno sottolinei almeno quattro aspetti che a un osservatore attento non possono non sfuggire in primo luogo il vuoto della donna intervistata che trova nella gravidanza un evidente palliativo per le sue ferite e che non riconosce minimamente il legame con la creatura che nutre e cresce nel suo grembo per nove mesi e che dà quindi alla luce con dolore; in seconda battuta il fatto che – perfettamente in linea con il pensiero denatalista oggi dominante – la donna e il marito hanno deciso a priori che avrebbero avuto posto solamente per due figli nel loro nucleo familiare (e se la seconda gravidanza fosse stata gemellare? Ne abortivano uno?); in terzo luogo il totale silenzio rispetto al bambino concepito e portato in grembo dalla donna nessuno considera i suoi sentimenti i suoi diritti… la sua dignità! infine la questione economica veramente si può credere che non vi sia un compenso per tutto questo? Dopo l’intervista-testimonianza il servizio cambia tono nel momento in cui viene dato spazio ad Assuntina Morresi membro del Comitato Nazionale di Bioetica organo che con tante altre persone e associazioni si esprime in maniera netta conto la pratica dell’utero in affitto. La Morresi è chiara “L’utero in affitto è un contratto con cui una donna si impegna a portare avanti una gravidanza e a cedere a terzi il bambino appena partorito. Quindi il suo corpo la sua persona e il bambino sono un oggetto di scambio. E questo a mio avviso è intollerabile“.
Peccato poi che il servizio non lasci spazio ad argomentazioni ulteriori e approfondimenti passando di netto a una subdola propaganda pro utero in affitto con la semplice argomentazione che sono ormai tante le coppie che vanno all’estero.
Subito dopo ecco il Tg2 sponsorizzare le adozioni gay – che in Italia stanno già passando grazie ai giudici (si veda qui e qui) – sfidando ogni evidenza scientifica nell’affermare che ci sono dei bambini che possono avere due mamme o due papà.
Insomma in Italia quello che è vietato per legge – si legga l’art. 12 della Legge 40/04 – viene sponsorizzato dalla televisione di Stato pagata dai cittadini. L’incoerenza è grande. Qualcuno con noi avrà il coraggio di indignarsi?
Report RAI3 CONFRONTING THE EVIDENCE Ita ] ORMAI IL DELITTO DI STATO DELL\’11-09 NON PUÒ PIÙ ESSERE NASCOSTO CERTO TUTTI I POLITICI DEL MONDO PAGHERANNO PER I LORO DELITTI! [ Pubblicato il 10 set 2014 ] Puntata speciale di Report dedicata a \”Confronting the evidence\” il primo filmato americano che mette in luce i punti oscuri sui fatti dell\’11 settembre. Dopo quanto è successo recentemente infatti abbiamo il fondato timore che non tutti avranno il tempo di vederlo dato che la Rai ha già bloccato un altro filmato “scomodo” di Report per motivi di copyright (come potete controllare cliccando qui) poco dopo che l’avevamo rilanciato. Niente di strano se non fosse che Youtube è pieno di video di Report caricati da decine e decine di utenti che però non vengono rimossi. Basta cercare “Milena Gabanelli Report” su YT per rendersene conto.
Anche in questo caso ciò che non viene detto e che pure è la diretta conseguenza di quanto esplicitamente affermato è gravissimo il più grande attentato terroristico mai avvenuto potrebbe essere stato causato da quei governi che dovrebbero proteggerci.
Questo significherebbe in parole povere che siamo governati da pazzi assassini squilibrati.
Autore del nuovo libro di 9/11 Truth è stato trovato morto con i suoi figli
L’ex pilota di linea Phillip Marshall ha trascorso molto tempo vicino a Santa Barbara lo scorso anno preparando the_big_bamboozle-marshall_philip-19006266-frntl2-194x300l’uscita del suo controverso libro sul complotto del 9/11 “The Big Bamboozle:. 9/11 e la Guerra al Terrore”
Durante il processo di editing e pre-marketing del libro Marshall ha espresso un certo livello di paranoia perché il suo lavoro di saggistica accusa l’amministrazione Bush di essere in combutta con la comunità dell’intelligence saudita nella formazione dei dirottatori morti utilizzati negli attacchi.
“Pensate a questo,” Marshall ha detto l’anno scorso in una dichiarazione scritta “La versione ufficiale di qualche fantasma (Osama bin Laden) in qualche grotta dall’altra parte del mondo che è riuscito a sconfiggere il nostro intero establishment militare sul suolo americano è assolutamente assurda.”
Marshall ha continuato a dire “La vera ragione è che l’attacco ha avuto successo a causa di un interno di stand-militare e una azione di formazione coordinata che ha preparato i dirottatori per voli aerei di linee commerciali pesanti. Abbiamo decine di documenti dell’FBI per dimostrare che questo addestramento al volo è stato condotto in California Florida e Arizona nei 18 mesi precedenti all’attacco. “ Il pilota veterano confidò che era preoccupato per il suo libro da 10 anni lo studio indipendente sul 9/11 e più di recente a quanto indicato ai sauditi e alla comunità di intelligence di Bush come i carnefici dell’attacco che ha battuto tutte le difese militari degli Stati Uniti l’11 settembre 2001. Marshall ha detto che sapeva che il suo libro avrebbe messo molte persone contro di lui.
A quando segue dalla relazione dello Sceriffo della contea i bambini stavano dormendo quando gli è stato sparato. Il pubblico ufficiale ha dichiarato che Macaila Marshall 14 e Alex Marshall 17 giacevano 6 piedi uno dall’altro in parti separate su un grande divano ad U in sezione. “La causa della morte è stata un unico colpo di pistola alla testa per tutti” ha detto il medico legale. Il cane di famiglia inoltre è stato trovato ucciso da un colpo di pistola in una camera da letto.
La madre dei bambini Sean Marshall era in viaggio per lavoro in Turchia al momento delle uccisioni. Il medico legale ha detto che è previsto l’arrivo nella zona presto per fare organizzare il funerale.
“Dopo un esauriente studio di 10 anni di questo attacco letale che ha usato aerei di linea Boeing pieni di passeggeri e membri dell’equipaggio compagni come missili guidati io sono al 100% convinto che una squadra segreta di agenti dei servizi segreti sauditi era la fonte delle risorse finanziarie logistiche e tattiche che la formazione diretta di volo essenziali per i dirottatori dell’11 / 9 per 18 mesi prima l’attacco “ scrive Marshall. “Questa conclusione è stata determinata sei anni fa e tutte le prove successive hanno fatto altro che confermare questa conclusione.”
L’anno scorso Marshall ha parlato alla trasmissione radiofonica nazionale Coast to Coast AM. Ha detto che l’intero episodio 9/11 era “una trovata politica per favorire il governo americano ombra che sta facendo affari come la comunità di intelligence degli Stati Uniti.”
IL CANONE RAI È UNA GRANDE INGIUSTIZIA LO STATO MASSONE NON SOLO GUADAGNA SULLA PUBBLICITÀ MA CI COSTRINGE A FINANZIARE CON I NOSTRI SOLDI LA IDEOLOGIA DEL GENDER PERCHÉ NON È POSSIBILE SOTTRARSI A QUESTA TASSA OBBLIGATORIA! ] [ CANONE RAI LA MOSSA VINCENTE DI UN NOTO AVVOCATO ECCO COME FARE A NON PAGARE. Già perché in primis il canone è un’imposta espropriativa (in pochi anni di pagamento l’ammontare dell’imposta pagata supera il valore dell’oggetto tassato). Inoltre secondo più fonti ed esperti non è legittima la pretesa di un pagamento inserito in una bolletta destinata ad altri servizi (nel caso specifico l’elettricità). Vi sono poi altre ed eterne questioni tutte italiane. Per esempio la Rai è la sola tv pubblica sovvenzionata da una tassa a fare affidamento sulla pubblicità per una percentuale pari al 43% dei suoi ricavi. In Gran Bretagna alla Bbc è addirittura vietato fare pubblicità.
Ed è in questo – avvelenato – contesto che si inserisce l’avvocato tributarista Luigi Piccarozzi che annuncia di avere già pronti nel suo ufficio un centinaio di di ricorsi contro il canone in bolletta. Un faldone pronto a trasformarsi in una vera e propria class action contro il pagamento dei 100 euro che scatterà nei programmi del governo e di Viale Mazzini nel mese di luglio. Insomma ci sono gli estremi per una causa collettiva contro Viale Mazzini e c’è da scommettere che saranno in molti a voler aderire all’iniziativa. Un’iniziativa che assicura l’avvocato Piccarozzi ha ottime possibilità di successo.
Tratto da
DOVE I CRIMINALI QUASI SEMPRE ISLAMICI SHARIA FANNO DEL MALE A PERSONE INNOCENTI! PERCHÉ OBAMA È MASSONE E ROTHSCHILD È FARISEO SATANISTA. ] [ Laos cristiani privati dei loro documenti Sintesi in un Paese fra i più poveri al mondo il \”libretto di famiglia” è il documento essenziale per la vita delle persone. Spesso i cristiani ne vengono privati e vivono in gravi difficoltà o per la paura delle autorità locali non dichiarano la loro fede. Teo (nome modificato) crede in Gesù Cristo. Per questo motivo il suo \”libretto di famiglia” è stato confiscato.
I libretti di famiglia sono documenti emanati dal Governo essenziali per il funzionamento della società in Laos. Sono sottili libricini blu con impressa sulla copertina un\’immagine del Paese e dal 1992 sono essenziali per lavorare per viaggiare e anche per poter mandare i bambini a scuola. Senza questo documento una famiglia di cristiani in Laos diventa semplicemente una famiglia di coloni e i suoi membri pur rimanendo cittadini laotiani perdono tutti i loro diritti.
Teo ha un piccolo negozio di alimentari che è la sua principale fonte di sostentamento ma opera illegalmente perché il suo libretto di famiglia gli è stato confiscato. \”Prego che i cristiani qui abbiano di che sostenersi\” condivide Teo. \”Sto pensando di creare una fattoria dove i cristiani possano lavorare insieme. Questa è una zona difficile per i cristiani ma credo che Dio stia operando. Se ci concentriamo solo su ciò che vediamo saremo scoraggiati”. \”Tutti i cristiani nel mio villaggio non hanno il loro libretto di famiglia\” ci ha detto il responsabile di una chiesa di una tribù del sud-est del Paese. \”I cristiani spesso vivono nel segreto. Praticano ancora sacrifici di animali perché se non lo fanno gli verrà chiesto di andarsene\”. Anche Mei Mei (nome modificato) è una credente e ha sperimentato la pressione del Governo laotiano. Dopo essere diventata cristiana ha condiviso il Vangelo con cinque giovani che si sono convertiti. \”A causa di questo sono stati espulsi dal loro villaggio\” ci spiega. \”Il capo del villaggio ha anche confiscato i loro libretti di famiglia. Tutto questo è successo a settembre dello scorso anno e i libretti non sono ancora stati restituiti loro. Molte volte io piango a causa dei sensi di colpa\” continua Mei \”Mi sento colpevole per quello che questi giovani stanno soffrendo\”. Mei ora vive in esilio in un villaggio a sei ore di distanza da casa sua. \”Non c\’è una chiesa nel nostro villaggio\” dice. \”Le persone del mio villaggio non consentono semplicemente al cristianesimo di esistere. I miei familiari vorrebbero accettare Gesù Cristo ma hanno paura delle reazioni delle autorità. Attualmente ci sono dieci cristiani nel mio villaggio ma non lo dichiarano apertamente perché hanno paura. Pregate che Dio doni loro il coraggio di vivere la loro fede”.

Presidente TERRORISTA SHARIA Erdogan minaccia la UE dei SATANISTI MASSONI ANTICRISTO MERCHEL GENDER PERCHÉ MAOMETTO UCCIDE I GAY! “Turchia può ritirarsi da accordo su profughi”. 07.04.2016 Intervenendo davanti le forze dell\’ordine ad Ankara il presidente turco Erdogan ha accusato Bruxelles di non rispettare le promesse sull\’accordo relativo ai profughi ed ha minacciato il ritiro della Turchia dal documento. \”Con i nostri fondi manteniamo quasi 3 milioni di persone (profughi siriani). Non c\’è ancora nulla di quello che ci ha promesso l\’Europa. Se l\’UE non rispetterà le sue promesse allora anche la Turchia non si atterrà all\’accordo. I Paesi che sono superiori a noi in termini economici non hanno mostrato la stessa superiorità umanamente\” — Erdogan ha detto segnala \”RIA Novosti\”.
Ha aggiunto che in base all\’accordo in materia di immigrazione tra la Turchia e l\’Unione Europea Bruxelles dovrebbe stanziare 6 miliardi di euro alla Turchia per l\’accoglienza dei profughi siriani.
I leader dei Paesi membri dell\’Unione Europea e il premier della Turchia Ahmet Davutoglu il 18 marzo avevano firmato un accordo per espellere tutti i clandestini che erano arrivati in Grecia attraverso la Turchia in cambio dell\’esenzione dal visto per i cittadini turchi 3 miliardi di euro e il trasferimento in Europa dei profughi siriani

CHI HA DETTO CHE ROTHSCHILD SPA FED lui DEVE STAMPARE E CREARE IL DENARO DAL NULLA E NOI SIAMO I SUOI SCHIAVI che gli dobbiamo pagare questo denaro ad interesse? ] [ Putin interviene al forum multimediale \”Fronte nazionale panrusso\” Mario Draghi Eurozona a rischio con nuovi shock. 07.04.2016) I dubbi del governatore nella prefazione al rapporto annuale della Bce per il 2015 prospettive economiche mondiali circondate da incertezza. La Bce vara nuove misure di stimolo. Dopo l\’allarme lanciato nelle ultime ore dalla Federal Reserve sui rischi che i recenti sviluppi economici globali fanno incombere sul 2016 anche la Bce avverte sull\’incertezza delle prospettive di crescita. Nella prefazione al rapporto annuale per il 2015 è il governatore Mario Draghi ad esprimere i dubbi sulla capacità di tenuta della zona euro in caso di nuovi shock per l\’economia mondiale. \”Dobbiamo fare i conti con l\’incertezza delle prospettive dell\’economia globale con continue forze disinflazionistiche e con la domanda su quale direzione prenderà l\’Europa e sulla sua capacità di affrontare nuovi contraccolpi\”. Il governatore ha ancora una volta ribadito che la Bce metterà in campo tutte le misure di politica monetaria necessarie per raggiungere la stabilità dei prezzi sottolineando però la necessità che anche le forze politiche agiscano nella stessa direzione. \”È importante che il risanamento di bilancio sia favorevole alla crescita — scrive Draghi — rendere il sistema tributario più favorevole alla crescita e limitare l\’evasione fiscale\”

si! la strategia sharia dei satanisti massoni comunisti farisei gender darwin le scimmie di sodoma! ] [ 07.04.2016 ] Opinioni \”Moriremo musulmani santità?\” A seguito delle recenti stragi in Francia e Belgio nonché dell’espansione dell’Isis in Medio Oriente e in vari paesi africani compresa la Libia anche il mainstream politically correct ha riconosciuto che non siamo alle prese con gesta di fanatici isolati ma con una strategia di espansione islamica diretta anche verso l’Europa

ebrei e cristiani innocenti sono ritornati nel tormento perché i farisei SpA FED Fmi i massoni Gender hanno pianificato di farli uccidere dagli islamici! 07/04/2016 – VATICANO. Per ebrei e cristiani “altro” è non solo il rifugiato ma anche il perseguitato per la fede
La visione de L’Altro dal punto di vista sia ebraico sia cattolico è stata al centro della XXIII riunione del Comitato internazionale di collegamento cattolico-ebraico. Nel corso dell’incontro si è anche esaminato situazioni nelle quali cattolici ed ebrei “attualmente si trovano nella situazione di essere ‘altri’. L’antisemitismo nei discorsi e nei fatti è riapparso in Europa ed altrove mentre la persecuzione di cristiani in misura notevole nella maggior parte del Vicino Oriente ed in parte dell’Africa ha raggiunto livelli che non si vedevano da tempo.

#SALMAN #SHARIA #SAUDI #ARABIA ] È VERO questa è la verità TU SEI NEL #NWO #666 #FED #FMI Gufo #Allah e tu puoi UCCIDERE IMPUNEMENTE TUTTI QUELLI CHE NON SONO #SALAFITI ED IO HO soltanto un COMPUTER del VALORE DI POCHI EURO! [ 07/04/2016 BANGLADESH Dhaka studente ucciso a colpi di machete per le sue idee contro l’estremismo islamico. Nazimuddin Samad aveva 28 anni e studiava Giurisprudenza alla Jagannath University. Gli amici lo descrivono come un coraggioso libero pensatore. Faceva parte del movimento Ganajagaran Mancha che difende i diritti dei blogger. Sulla sua pagina Facebook lo studente aveva criticato la deriva islamica del Paese. Dhaka (AsiaNews) – Nazimuddin Samad uno studente di Giurisprudenza di 28 anni è stato ucciso a colpi di machete e pistola per le sue idee contrarie al radicalismo islamico. L’omicidio è avvenuto intorno alle 8 di ieri sera in un incrocio molto trafficato nell’area di Sutrapur un quartiere storico della capitale del Bangladesh. Il ragazzo stava rincasando con degli amici dopo aver seguito i corsi alla Jagannath University dove era stato ammesso da pochi mesi. Gli amici hanno riferito che lo studente era un libero pensatore “coraggioso” e sosteneva la formazione di un Paese laico e rispettoso dei diritti umani. Faceva anche parte del Ganajagaran Mancha movimento per i diritti dei blogger. Alcuni testimoni hanno riferito che tre assalitori in motocicletta hanno avvicinato Nazimuddin presso l’incrocio di Ekrampur e hanno iniziato a colpirlo con dei machete. Poi gli hanno sparato un colpo di pistola alla testa per assicurarsi della morte. I testimoni hanno anche raccontato che mentre lo colpivano gli aggressori gridavano “Allahu Akbar” (Allah è grande). Nessuno ha ancora rivendicato la responsabilità del gesto ma la dinamica dell’incidente ricorda le modalità con cui sono stati uccisi altri quattro blogger assassinati per le loro idee “atee”. Da diverso tempo estremisti islamici prendono di mira liberi pensatori e attivisti democratici. Ahmed Rajib Haider è stato il primo blogger a essere ucciso nel 2013 per le sue idee “contrarie all’islam”. Dall’inizio del 2015 altri quattro blogger hanno perso la vita a febbraio Avijt Roy è stato assassinato vicino all’Università di Dhaka; a fine marzo nella capitale fondamentalisti musulmani hanno ammazzato a colpi di machete Oyasiqur Rahman; due mesi più tardi è stato il turno di Ananta Bijoy Das ucciso a Sylhet; l’ultimo Niloy Chakrabarti è stato giustiziato ad agosto in pieno giorno sotto gli occhi della madre e della sorella. Il 31 ottobre Faisal Arefin Dipan un editore dalle idee progressiste è stato ucciso a coltellate.
Nazimuddin era il figlio di Shamshul Haque ed era nato nell’area di Sylhet. Era un attivista del gruppo Ganajagaran Mancha che opera per la difesa del libero pensiero in Bangladesh e chiede la punizione per i criminali di guerra della lotta di Liberazione del 1971. Di recente sul suo profilo Facebook aveva scritto “Non appartengo a nessuna religione”. Sulla stessa piattaforma il giorno prima del suo omicidio aveva espresso preoccupazione per la deriva islamista del Paese e l’inazione del governo.

#SALMAN #SHARIA #SAUDI #ARABIA ] È VERO questa è la verità TU SEI NEL #NWO #666 #FED #FMI Gufo #Allah e tu puoi UCCIDERE IMPUNEMENTE TUTTI QUELLI CHE NON SONO #SALAFITI ED IO HO soltanto un COMPUTER del VALORE DI POCHI EURO! [ 03/11/2015 BANGLADESH ] Bangladesh dura condanna della Chiesa cattolica per l’omicidio di intellettuali laici Mons. Gervas Rozario denuncia l’assassinio dell’editore Dipan e il ferimento di un altro editore e tre blogger. Gli intellettuali sono presi di mira da fondamentalisti islamici per le loro idee democratiche. Dall’inizio del 2015 sono morti quattro blogger e molti sono fuggiti all’estero. Vescovo “Se non siamo attenti illuminati e sensibilizzati dai valori umani non riusciremo a fermare l’aumento delle violenze”.

31/03/2015 BANGLADESH. Dhaka un altro blogger ucciso a colpi di machete criticava l’islam radicale Md Oyasiqur Rahman Babu da tempo curava un sito di informazione contro le violazioni alle minoranze religiose in Bangladesh. Un commando di almeno tre persone lo ha ucciso per “punirlo” delle sue idee. La polizia conferma l’arresto di due assalitori.

06/12/2010 BANGLADESH Dhaka un ambulatorio delle \”suore blu\” per i poveri di qualsiasi religione. Le sorelle del Movimento contemplativo missionario di p. de Foucauld vanno negli slum in cerca di bisognosi e malati. Giovane mamma musulmana “Grazie alle medicine la fisioterapia e il loro amore mia figlia sta migliorando”.

03/04/2013 BANGLADESH Bangladesh arrestati tre blogger Hanno offeso l’islam. Gli attivisti rischiano fino a 10 anni di carcere e una multa di 10 milioni di taka (100mila euro). Proteste del movimento laico Shahbag “È una violazione alla libertà di parola e un insulto per la democrazia”. Nel Paese non esiste (ancora) una legge sulla blasfemia.

12/05/2015 BANGLADESH Bangladesh assassinato un altro blogger “anti-islam” è il terzo dal 2015. Quattro uomini hanno ucciso Ananta Bijoy Das con un machete. Era un attivista del Bangladesh Chhatra Union movimento politico democratico e scriveva sul blog Mukto Mona (“Libero pensiero”). Più volte ha criticato la deriva fondamentalista assunta dal Bangladesh negli ultimi due anni.

#SALMAN #SHARIA #Saudi #ARABIA #TALMUD #AIPAC #USA #SATANA #NWO #ERDOGAN #ISIS AL-NURSA #HORROR #BUSH #ROTHSCHILD #BILDENBER #MASONRY #LILIT #MARDUK #JABULLON #ALLAH ] OF COURSE Is TRUE this is the truth YOU ARE IN #NWO #666 #FED #FMI #Owl #Allah you can KILL impunity ALL THOSE THAT ARE NOT #SALAFITI AND I HAVE only a COMPUTER of FEW EURO! [ 04/07/2016 BANGLADESH Dhaka student hacked to death for his ideas against Islamic extremism Nazimuddin Samad was 28 years old and studied Law at the Jagannath University. Friends describe him as a brave free thinker. He was part of the Ganajagaran Mancha movement which defends the rights of bloggers. On his Facebook page the student had criticized the Islamic drift in the country. Dhaka (AsiaNews) – Nazimuddin Samad a 28 year-old law student was hacked to death and shot for his ideas contrary to Islamic radicalism. The murder took place around 8 pm last night at a busy intersection in the Sutrapur a historical district of the capital of Bangladesh. The young man was returning home with friends after attending courses offered by Jagannath University where he had been admitted a few months ago. Friends have reported that the student as a \”courageous\” free thinker who supported the formation of a secular country that respects human rights. He was also part of Ganajagaran Mancha a movement for bloggers’ rights. Some witnesses reported that three assailants on motorcycles approached Nazimuddin near the intersection of Ekrampur and started to attack him with machetes. Then they fired a gunshot to his head to make sure of his death. Witnesses also report that as they struck him the attackers shouted \”Allahu Akbar\” (God is great). No one has yet claimed responsibility for the act but the incident recalls the killing of four other bloggers murdered for their \”atheistic ideas\”. For some time Muslim extremists have been targeting free thinkers and democracy activists justifying their killing by calling their victims \”atheists\”. Ahmed Rajib Haider was the first blogger to be killed for his “anti-Islam\” ideas in 2013. So far this year four other bloggers have lost their lives. In February Avijt Roy was murdered near the University Dhaka; in late March also in the capital Muslim fundamentalists hacked to death Oyasiqur Rahman; two months later it was the turn of Ananta Bijoy Das who was murdered in Sylhet; and finally Niloy Chakrabarti was killed execution style in August in broad daylight under the eyes of his mother and sister. On October 31 Faisal Dipan Arefin a publisher with progressive ideas was stabbed to death. Nazimuddin was the son of Shamshul Haque and he was born in Sylhet. He was an activist of the Ganajagaran Mancha group which works for the defense of free thought in Bangladesh and calls for the punishment of war criminals from the struggle for liberation war of 1971. On his Facebook profile he wrote \”I do not belong to any religion\”. On the same platform the day before his murder he had expressed his concern about the Islamist drift of the country and the government inaction.
#SALMAN #SHARIA #Saudi #ARABIA #TALMUD #AIPAC #USA #SATANA #NWO #ERDOGAN #ISIS #AL-NURSA #HORROR #BUSH #NWO #ROTHSCHILD #BILDENBER #MASONRY #LILIT #MARDUK #JABULLON #ALLAH #Beelzebub ] OF COURSE Is TRUE this is the truth YOU ARE IN #NWO #666 #FED #FMI #Owl #Allah you can KILL impunity ALL THOSE THAT ARE NOT #SALAFITI AND I HAVE only a COMPUTER of FEW EURO! [ 07/04/2016 BANGLADESH Dacca estudiante asesinado a golpes de machete por sus ideas contra el extremismo islámico Nazimuddin Samad tenía 28 años y estudiaba Jurisprudencia en la Jagannath University. Los amigos lo describen como un valiente librepensador. Formaba parte del movimiento Ganajagaran Mancha que defiende los derechos de los bloggers. En su página de Facebook el estudiante había criticado la deriva islámica del país. Dacca (AsiaNews) – Nazimuddin Samad un estudiante de Jurisprudencia de 28 años de edad fue asesinado a golpes de machete y pistola por sus ideas contrarias al radicalismo islámico. El homicidio ocurrió alrededor de las 8 de ayer en un cruce de calles con mucho tráfico en el área de Sutrapur un barrio histórico de la capital de Bangladesh. El muchacho estaba regresando a casa con amigos suyos tras haber asistido a los cursos en la Jagannath University adonde fue admitido hace pocos meses. Los amigos refirieron que el estudiante era un librepensador “valiente” y que apoyaba la formación de un país laico y respetuoso de los derechos humanos. Formaba parte del Ganajagaran Mancha movimiento en defensa de los derechos humanos de los bloggers. Algunos testigos han informado que tres asaltantes en motocicleta se acercaron a Nazimuddin en el cruce de Ekrampur y comenzaron a golpearlo con machetes. Luego dispararon a su cabeza para asegurarse de su muerte. Los testigos también contaron que mientras lo golpeaban los agresores gritaban “Allahu Akbar” (Alá es grande). Nadie ha reivindicado aún la responsabilidad del gesto pero la dinámica del incidente recuerda la modalidad con la cual fueron asesinados otros cuatro bloggers a quienes dieron muerte por sus ideas “ateas”. Desde hace un tiempo que extremistas islámicos tienen en la mira a librepensadores y activistas democráticos. Ahmed Rajib Haider fue el primer blogger en ser asesinado en el 2013 por sus ideas “contrarias al islam”. Desde principios de 2015 otros cuatro bloggers han perdido la vida en febrero Avijt Roy fue asesinado cerca de la Universidad de Dacca; a fines de marzo en la capital fundamentalistas musulmanes mataron a golpes de machete a Oyasiqur Rahman; dos meses más tarde fue el turno de Ananta Bijoy Das muerto en Sylhet; el último Niloy Chakrabarti fue ajusticiado en agosto a plena luz del día ante la mirada de su madre y su hermana. El 31 de octubre Faisal Arefin Dipan un editor de ideas progresistas fue asesinado a cuchillazos.
Nazimuddin era hijo de Shamshul Haque y había nacido en el área de Sylhet. Era un activista del grupo Ganajagaran Mancha que opera para la defensa del liubre pensamiento en Bangladesh y pide el castigo de los criminales de guerra en la Lucha de Liberación de 1971. Recientemente en su perfil de Facebook había escrito “No pertenezco a ninguna religión”. En la misma plataforma el día anterior a su homicidio había expresado su preocupación por la deriva islamista del país y la inacción del gobierno.


#SALMAN #SHARIA #Saudi #ARABIA #TALMUD #AIPAC #USA #SATANA #NWO #ERDOGAN #ISIS #AL-NURSA #HORROR #BUSH #ROTHSCHILD #BILDENBERG #MASONRY #LILIT #MARDUK #JA BULL ON #ALLAH,] DE COURS est vrai ceci est la vérité vOUS ÊTES EN #NWO #666 #FED #FMI #Owl #Allah vous pouvez tuer l\’impunité TOUS CEUX QUI NE sONT PAS #SALAFITI ET JE DOIS seulement un ordinateur de l\’EURO FEW! [07.04.2016 BANGLADESH Dhaka étudiant piraté à mort pour ses idées contre l\’extrémisme islamique Nazimuddin Samad avait 28 ans et a étudié le droit à l\’Université de Jagannath. Amis le décrivent comme un libre penseur courageux. Il a fait partie du mouvement Ganajagaran Mancha qui défend les droits des blogueurs. Sur sa page Facebook l\’étudiant avait critiqué la dérive islamique dans le pays. Dhaka (AsiaNews) – Nazimuddin Samad un étudiant en droit de 28 ans a été piraté à mort et fusillé pour ses idées contraires au radicalisme islamique. Le assassiner a eu lieu vers 20 heures hier soir à un carrefour très fréquenté dans le Sutrapur un quartier historique de la capitale du Bangladesh. Le jeune homme rentrait chez lui avec des amis après avoir assisté à des cours offerts par l\’Université Jagannath où il avait été admis il y a quelques mois. Amis ont rapporté que l\’étudiant comme un libre penseur \”courageux\” qui ont soutenu la formation d\’un pays laïc qui respecte les droits de l\’homme. Il faisait également partie de Ganajagaran Mancha un mouvement pour les droits des blogueurs. Certains témoins ont rapporté que trois assaillants à moto ont approché Nazimuddin près de l\’intersection de Ekrampur et a commencé à l\’attaquer avec des machettes. Ensuite ils ont tiré un coup de feu à la tête pour être sûr de sa mort. Des témoins rapportent également que comme ils l\’ont frappé les assaillants ont crié \”Allahu Akbar\” (Dieu est grand). Personne n\’a encore revendiqué la responsabilité de l\’acte mais l\’incident rappelle l\’assassinat de quatre autres blogueurs assassinés pour leurs «idées athées». Depuis quelque temps des extrémistes musulmans ont pris pour cible les libres penseurs et militants de la démocratie ce qui justifie leur mise à mort en appelant leurs victimes \”athées\”. Ahmed Rajib Haider a été le premier blogueur à être tué pour ses idées \”anti-islam\” en 2013. Jusqu\’à présent cette année quatre autres blogueurs ont perdu la vie en Février Avijt Roy a été assassiné près de l\’Université de Dhaka;. À la fin Mars aussi dans la capitale les fondamentalistes musulmans piraté à mort Oyasiqur Rahman deux mois plus tard ce fut le tour de Ananta Bijoy Das qui a été assassiné à Sylhet et enfin Niloy Chakrabarti a été tué le style d\’exécution en Août en plein jour sous la les yeux de sa mère et sa sœur. le 31 Octobre Faisal Dipan Arefin un éditeur avec des idées progressistes a été poignardé à mort. Nazimuddin était le fils de Shamshul Haque et il est né à Sylhet. il était un militant du groupe Ganajagaran Mancha qui travaille pour la défense de la libre pensée au Bangladesh et appelle à la punition des criminels de guerre de la lutte pour la guerre de libération de 1971. sur son profil Facebook il écrit \”. Je ne suis pas à une religion\” sur la même plate-forme la jour avant son assassiner il avait exprimé sa préoccupation au sujet de la dérive islamiste du pays et l\’inaction du gouvernement.

#SALMAN #SHARIA #Saudi #ARABIA #TALMUD #AIPAC #USA #SATANA #NWO #ERDOGAN #ISIS # AL-NURSA #HORROR #BUSH #NWO #ROTHSCHILD #BILDENBER #MASONRY #LILIT #MARDUK #JABULLON #ALLAH #Beelzebub,] por supuesto es TRUE esta es la verdad NO sE ENCUENTRA EN #NWO # 666 #FED #FMI #Owl #Allah se puede matar a la impunidad TODOS LOS qUE NO SON #SALAFITI Y TENGO solamente en la computadora de la EURO pocos! [ 31/03/2015 BANGLADESH 31/03/2015 BANGLADESH ] Dhaka otro blogger muerto a machetazos criticaba al Islam radical
Md Oyasiqur Rahman Babu había mantenido durante mucho tiempo un sitio web especial de información en contra de violaciones de las minorías religiosas en Bangladesh. Un comando de al menos tres personas lo mató para \”castigar\” sus ideas. La policía confirmó la detención de dos asaltantes.

03/11/2015 BANGLADESH ] Bangladesh dura condena de la Iglesia católica por el homicidio de intelectuales laicos. Mons. Gervas Rozario denuncia el asesinato del editor Dipan y las heridas causadas a otro editor y tres blogger. Los intelectuales están en la mira de los fundamentalistas islámicos por sus ideas democráticas. Desde inicios de 2015 murieron cuatro blogger y muchos escaparon al exterior. Obispo “Si no estamos atentos iluminados y sensibilizados por los valores humanos no lograremos detener el aumento de la violencia”.

04/02/2014 BANGLADESH ] Bangladesh centenares de católicos piden justicia después del homicidio de Ovidio Marandy. La Adibashi Cultural Academy organizó una manifestación para pedir una investigación neutral y un justo proceso para los culpables. Son aún muchos los puntos obscuros sobre la muerte del hombre. Era un magistrado católico tribal encontrado muerto después de haber denunciado un ataque de algunos fundamentalistas islámicos.

21/05/2015 BANGLADESH ] Bangladesh extremistas islámicos amenazan de “justa muerte” a 10 intelectuales y blogger. La lista de las “próximas víctimas” fue redactada por el grupo fundamentalista “Al Kaida Ansarullah Bangla Team 13” y enviada a los “culpables”. En el país es emergencia seguridad ya 3 críticos del islam fueron asesinados a golpes de machete. Blogger católico “No me siento más seguro”.

12/05/2015 BANGLADESH ] Bangladesh asesinado otro blogger “anti islam” es el tercero en este año 2015. Cuatro hombres han asesinado a Ananta Bijoy Das con un machete. Era un activista del Bangladesh Chhatra Union movimiento político democrático y escribía en el blog Mukto Mona (“Pensamiento libre”). Muchas veces criticó la derivación fundamentalista asumida por Bangladesh en los últimos años.

#SALMAN #SHARIA #Saudi #ARABIA #TALMUD #AIPAC #USA #SATANA #NWO #ERDOGAN #ISIS # AL-NURSA #HORROR #BUSH #NWO #ROTHSCHILD #BILDENBER #MASONRY #LILIT #MARDUK #JABULLON #ALLAH #Beelzebub,] Natürlich ist TRUE das ist die Wahrheit SIE SIND IN #NWO # 666 #FED #FMI #Owl #Allah Sie ungestraft töten ALLE DIE NICHT #SALAFITI SIND UND ich habe nur ein Computer paar Euro! [ 08/08/2015 BANGLADESH
Bangladesh more religious violence another blogger critical of Islam killed. Niloy Chakrabarti was hacked to death with an ax in front of his sister and mother in their home in Khilgaon. He had long campaigned for the rights of minorities against religious fanaticism. Killers are thought to be Islamic extremists. He is the fourth blogger killed so far this year.

08/02/2007 INDONESIA ] Aceh ex-separatist leader sworn in as new governor. Irwandi Yusuf former spokesman of the Muslim separatist Free Aceh Movement was sworn in at a ceremony in the provincial capital in the presence of diplomats and members of the central government. His first objective is to re-launch the local economy that was devastated by the tsunami.

16/02/2016 13:53:00 BANGLADESH ] Bangladesh authorities close down book stand for insulting Islam. The stand belongs to Ba-DWIP publisher Prakashan who was participating in the annual book fair in Dhaka. The publishing house had \”Bitarka Islam\” (Debate on Islam) on display. The radicals claimed that the text contains disparaging statements against Islam and Muhammad. Writer \”In Bangladesh if someone kills a man he is not punished but if he says or writes something against Islam yes.\”

05/10/2015 BANGLADESH ] Dhaka according to Sheikh Hasina the Islamic state did not kill Caesar Tavella and Hoshi Kunio. In a press conference the Prime Minister states that there are no caliphate cells in Bangladesh and that the two murders are the work of the alliance between BNP (Nationalist Party) and Jamaat-e-Islami (Islamist organization). The Japanese 66 was killed less than a week after Caesar Tavella. Still doubt the motive. Kunio had recently converted to Islam.

15/02/2010 BANGLADESH ] Fighting polygamy woman castrates husband and then kills him. With a kitchen knife the woman cuts off her husband’s penis then stabs him to death. His physical abuse and his decision to take a new wife drove her to such action. Polygamy is legal in Bangladesh but is a rapidly waning social practice. Only 10 per cent of men have more than one wife.

#SALMAN، #SHARIA #Saudi #ARABIA، #TALMUD، #AIPAC، #USA، #SATANA #NWO، #ERDOGAN، #ISIS، #AL NURSA، #HORROR، #BUSH، #NWO، #ROTHSCHILD، #BILDENBER، #MASONRY، #LILIT، #MARDUK، #JABULLON، #ALLAH، #Beelzebub،] بالطبع، هذا صحيح، وهذا هو، والحقيقة أنت الآن في #NWO، #666، #FED، #FMI #Owl ، #Allah، يمكنك قتل والإفلات من العقاب، وجميع تلك التي ليست، #SALAFITI، وليس لدي سوى جهاز كمبيوتر، من، EURO قليلة! [ C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni ESORCISMO (Al segno + ci si fa il segno della croce) + In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritui Sancto Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo +. Amen!

Vadre Retro satana SALMAN SHARIA Saudi ARABIA [ CIA 666 UK I CANI DI GEZABELE SECOND ] FACCIAMO COSÌ poiché voi mi bloccate blogger? io vado a letto a dormire e voi salvate il genere umano dall\’olocausto nucleare al posto mio! ALLORA FACCIAMO COSÌ?

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in principio era il VERBO tutto è stato fatto per mezzo di LUI ed in vista di LUi quindi il Verbo è il senso di tutte le cose ] [ ECCO PERCHÉ CHI HA CREDUTO È STATO SALVATO E CHI NON HA CREDUTO È STATO CONDANNATO! ] anche perché se la tua vita non è costruita sulla roccia che è Cristo poi se non ti frana tutto prima? certo ti franerà tutto al momento della morte! QUINDI MORIRAI STRITOLATO DA TUTTE LE MENZOGNE CHE HANNO COSTRUITO LA TUA VITA ERRONEA! è vero \”la luce brilla nelle tenebre ma le tenebre non la hanno accolta\” perché le tenebre e le opere delle tenebre sono cattive!

oltre ad ESSERE la \”PAROLA\” o il \”VERBO\” di JHWH (chi la vuole sentire? la sente chi non la vuole sentire? non la sente! ok! questa è la democrazia) Gesù di Betlemme (casa del Re Davide) lui ha detto di se stesso di essere la Roccia! E QUESTA È UNA AFFERMAZIONE MINACCIOSA PERCHÉ LA ROCCIA OLTRE AD ESSERE IL FONDAMENTO sicuro di UNA COSTRUZIONE ETERNA DIVENTA anche QUALCOSA CONTRO CUI TU TI PUOI SFRACELLARE e qualcosa che ti può schiacciare! ecco perché è scritto che tutti i nemici di ISRAELE sono destinati a sfracellarsi perché questa è una ROCCIA TROPPO PESANTE DA POTER ESSERE SPOSTATA!

PERCHÉ GESÙ DI BETLEMME HA RINUNCIATO AL SUO TEMPO a fare il RE POLITICO DI ISRAELE? INFATTI. attraverso le genealogie paterne LUI ERA IL LEGITTIMO DISCENDENTE DI DAVIDE ED ATTRAVERSO LA SPADA AVREBBE POTUTO ATTERRIRE CHIUNQUE! ma adesso è chiaro a tutti adesso è chiaro \”lui voleva essere il RE nel cuore di tutti gli uomini e di tutte le donne!\” INFATTI IL RE DI ISRAELE CHE IO SONO? NON POTREBBE MAI ESSERE IL SENSO e IL SIGNIFICATO DI TUTTE LE COSE! anche se io mi farò amare da tutti come uomo lui il Cristo ha deciso di farsi amare da tutti come DIO JHWH!

e se qualcuno può separare la sua PAROLA(il Figlio) dalla sua voce(il soffio vitale) poi lui può dimostrare che Dio JHWH non è uno e trino.. e poiché io non sono l\’AGNELLO di Dio poi non ha importanza per me quante persone io farò mettere a morte prima di potermi sedere sul mio trono a GERUSALEMME come Re di ISRAELE!
FARISEI TALMUD FMI SPA E ISLAMICI SHARIA CORANO SI SONO TROVATI al termine del loro itinerario durante il loro interiore percorso di coscientizzazione si sono ritrovati INSIEME A BUSH SULL\’ALTARE DI SATANA PERCHÉ È SATANA IL LORO FONDATORE! QUESTA STORIA DELLA GALASSIA JIHADISTA (è una congiura della LEGA ARABA) È UNA RISULTANTE DEL NWO SpA FED PER PORTARE A SATANA TUTTE LE COSE! Daesh giustizia 175 operai rapiti. 08.04.2016 ( In precedenza è stato comunicato che i terroristi del Daesh avevano rapito almeno 300 operai della società Al Badia Cement nei pressi di Damasco ) ISLAM SHARIA NE RISPONDERÀ! ORMAI SAUDITI E AMERICANI SONO FARISEI E MASSONI SATANISTI UNA SOLA FAMIGLIA DI SATANA!
SE QUELL\’ASSASSINO DI CAMERON HA LA FACCIA DI CORNO DI UNA PROSTITUTA? POI VEDRETE CHE NON SI DIMETTERÀ! ANCHE PERCHÉ SATANISTI E MASSONI HANNO MINORE DIGNITÀ DI UNA PROSTITUTA! 08.04.2016 Le prime ammissioni del primo ministro britannico dopo una settimana di no comment alle domande sul coinvolgimento del padre nello scandalo Panama Papers. Il primo ministro britannico David Cameron ha ammesso di aver posseduto quote della Blairmore Investment Trust dopo aver smentito per giorni ogni possibile coinvolgimento suo o di suoi familiari nello scandalo scoppiato una settimana fa con la pubblicazione dei documenti dello studio panamense Mossack Fonseca.

SE LA POLIZIA NON COLLABORA È PERCHÉ È ERDOGAN IL DITTATORE CHE DEVE ESSERE ARRESTATO! ] [ 08.04.2016) La polizia turca si è rifiutata di indagare sull\’uccisione del pilota Oleg Peshkov. Inoltre gli investigatori sono d\’accordo sul fatto che il crimine per il quale la Russia accusa il militante Alparslan Celik è stato commesso sul territorio siriano.Le relazioni tra la Russia e la Turchia sono entrate in crisi dopo il 24 novembre 2015 quando un caccia turco F-16 ha abbattuto un bombardiere russo Su-24 in Siria. Il presidente Vladimir Putin ha definito l\’evento \”una pugnalata alle spalle\” dai complici dei terroristi e ha firmato un decreto sulle misure di sicurezza nazionale e misure economiche speciali contro la Turchia
è necessario essere diretti!] [ 08.04.2016. Russia-Nato Stoltenberg Entro due settimane ci sarà incontro del Consiglio a livello ambasciatori.] SOLTANTO UNIUS REI POTREBBE CREARE UN NUOVO FONDO MONETARIO MONDIALE! ma se non si vuole intronizzare Unius REI? è chiaro poi Rothschild pretenderà la guerra mondiale PER POTER REINTRODURRE UN NUOVO CICLO MONETARIO USUROCRATICO E PARASSITARIO DEVITALIZZATE GLI SCHIAVI DEI MASSONI quindi bisogna dire chiaramente che disintegrare la LEGA ARABA dei maomettani nazisti e malati mentali porterà al genere umano una sofferenza sostenibile e assai meno pericolosa che disintegrare Russia e CINA!

e chi abbiamo NOI al Governo delle NAZIONI (tranne qualche rara eccezione) sono tutti la feccia della feccia dell\’inferno! ECCO COSA SIGNIFICA QUANDO SI DICE \”I FARISEI TALMUD ENLIGHTENED SPa Fed TUTTO HANNO FONDATO SU SATANA! ] POI NESSUNO DOVREBBE CHIEDERE A MERKEL E MOGHERINI ED AI LORO PROTETTORI PERCHÉ AL DONBASS NON SI È CONCESSA LA INDIPENDENZA ED AL KOSOVO SI! [ Il nuovo presidente del Kosovo è Hashim Thaci detto \’la serpe\’. 08.04.2016 Si è tenuto aggi a Pristina l\’insediamento del quarto presidente del Kosovo Hashim Thaci. Alla cerimonia hanno partecipato più di mille ospiti stranieri provenienti da 50 paesi così come i diplomatici accreditati a Pristina dei paesi che hanno riconosciuto il Kosovo che nel 2008 ha dichiarato unilateralmente l\’indipendenza dalla Serbia. Hashim Thaci è soprannominato \”Serpe\” perché striscia fuori da ogni situazione. L\’ex Procuratore del Tribunale penale internazionale per la ex-Jugoslavia Carla del Ponte nel suo libro \”La caccia Io e i criminali di guerra\” ha scritto che Thaci è stato coinvolto nel traffico illegale di organi. Nel libro in particolare si afferma che nel 1999 circa 300 serbi e di altra nazionalità sono stati rapiti e portati nell\’Albania settentrionale dove sono stati rimossi i loro organi che sono stati poi inviati alle cliniche in tutta Europa. Il politico svizzero Dick Marty nel 2010 ha presentato la relazione del Consiglio d\’Europa su questo tema e Hashim Thaci ha promesso di fare causa ma non è andato oltre le parole. Infine nel rapporto del BND recentemente pubblicato da \”Wikileaks\” Thaci appare come un trafficante di armi di droga di parti umane e membro del gruppo Drenitskoy noto per i suoi crimini in Kosovo. Finora il Tribunale speciale per i crimini di guerra dell\’organizzazione terroristica Esercito di liberazione del Kosovo a Pristina è stato creato solo sulla carta tuttavia il presidente (che è ex primo ministro ex vice primo ministro e capo del ministero degli Esteri) non sa se compariranno di fronte ad esso i fondatori del gruppo. Il giornalista Zivojin Rakocevic dell\’enclave serba di Gracanica in Kosovo in un\’intervista a Sputnik ha affermato che \”ora l\’80% degli albanesi vogliono lasciare questo territorio che la NATO ha bombardato con proiettili all\’uranio impoverito e Thaci li finiva con le sue strutture criminali. Egli ha distrutto ogni possibilità di ritorno dei serbi nella regione ha attaccato la Chiesa ortodossa serba. Egli controlla i radicali islamici che possono irrompere sulla scena in qualsiasi momento. Ma il più grande risultato di Thaci è il fatto che sia diventato un legittimo importante e supportato amico della comunità internazionale e delle forze occidentali\”. Beljulj Becaj politologo albanese-kosovaro di Pristina in un\’intervista a Sputnik ha osservato che \”le persone ambigue diventato presidente a causa del sistema elettorale della \’prima persona\’ del tutto dannoso\” (il presidente in Kosovo è eletto dal Parlamento). \”Questo non è ciò di cui ha bisogno il Kosovo. Il Kosovo ha bisogno di un presidente che sia il portavoce di onestà di moralità e di giustizia\”. [all criminal too sharia swine sexual predators pedophiles rapists imperialism of Arab League for worldwide caliphate,saudi arabia salafis islamists wahhabis for dhimmi slavers] Insight Boko Haram taking to hills seize slave \’brides\’

By Joe Brock. ABUJA Sun Nov 17 2013 8:06am EST. Hajja 19 who was kidnapped by al Qaeda-linked Islamist group Boko Haram poses for a picture after an interview with Reuters in Abuja November 6 2013. REUTERS/Joe Brock. Hajja 19 who was kidnapped by al Qaeda-linked Islamist group Boko Haram poses for a picture after an interview with Reuters in Abuja November 6 2013. (Reuters) – In the gloom of a hilltop cave in Nigeria where she was held captive Hajja had a knife pressed to her throat by a man who gave her a choice – convert to Islam or die.

Two gunmen from Boko Haram had seized the Christian teenager in July as she picked corn near her village in the Gwoza hills a remote part of northeastern Nigeria where a six-month-old government offensive is struggling to contain an insurgency by the al Qaeda-linked Islamist group.

In a new development Boko Haram is abducting Christian women whom it converts to Islam on pain of death and then forces into \”marriage\” with fighters – a tactic that recalls Joseph Kony\’s Lord\’s Resistance Army in the jungles of Uganda. The three months Hajja spent as the slave of a 14-strong guerrilla unit cooking and cleaning for them before she escaped give a rare glimpse into how the Islamists have changed tack in the face of Nigerian military pressure. \”I can\’t sleep when I think of being there,\” the 19-year-old told Reuters recounting forced mountain marches rebel intelligence gathering – and watching her captors slit the throats of prisoners Hajja had helped lure into a trap. Nigerian security officials say the Islamists have pulled back after army assaults since May on their bases on the semi-desert plain and are now sheltering in the Mandara mountains along the Cameroon border around the city of Gwoza. From the hills they have been launching increasingly deadly attacks. The rugged mountain terrain – as fellow al Qaeda allies found in Afghanistan – has proven an advantageous base for a movement that once styled itself the \”Nigerian Taliban\” and sees all non-Muslims as infidels who must convert or be killed. The United States designated Boko Haram a terrorist group on Wednesday. Western governments are increasingly concerned about the wider threat posed by the group which wants to create an Islamic state in a religiously mixed country of 170 million and which has ties with al Qaeda\’s north African wing. Hajja\’s account of how Boko Haram has adapted and survived in recent months underlines the difficulties governments in the region face. The spread of the threat was underscored by the kidnap on Thursday of a French priest in Cameroon an attack France believes may have involved Boko Haram. The following day Nigerian troops raided a base for the group in the Gwoza hills. The army said it killed 29 Boko Haram fighters and was \”closing in\” on the rebels. FORCED TO CONVERT. The group whose name broadly translates as \”Western education is sinful\” has killed thousands during a four-year insurgency against the Nigerian state targeting the police and armed forces as well as politicians and then turning on Christians in the predominantly Muslim north of the country. The military offensive launched in mid-May and the fact that large numbers of civilian vigilantes have supported it has triggered a fierce backlash against local people by Boko Haram. The militants have killed hundreds in the past few weeks including in massacres of school children. The Islamists dragged Hajja along rocky mountain paths and slept in caves in the hills a landscape unfamiliar to most Nigerian soldiers recruited from the plains. She ceremonially converted to Islam cooked for the men carried ammunition during an attack on a police outpost and was about to be married to one of the insurgents before she managed to engineer a dramatic escape. She says she was not raped. \”If I cried they beat me. If I spoke they beat me. They told me I must become a Muslim but I refused again and again,\” Hajja told Reuters in an interview. Her family name is withheld to protect relatives still living in the Gwoza area. \”They were about to slaughter me and one of them begged me not to resist and just before I had my throat slit I relented. They put a veil on me and made me read from the Koran,\” she said in the Nigerian capital Abuja where she is now living. At least a dozen teenagers like her remain in captivity Michael Yohanna a councilor in Gwoza\’s local government told Reuters. Some have married commanders recalling Kony\’s LRA which abducted thousands of \”wives\” in a 20-year war in Uganda before a truce in 1986. Kony remains a fugitive. A man called Ibrahim Tada Nglayike led the group Hajja was with. On one mission Hajja was sent to stand in a field near a village to attract the attention of civilians working with the army. When five men approached her they were ambushed. \”They took them back to a cave and tied them up. They cut their throats one at a time,\” Hajja said. \”I thought my heart would burst out of my chest because I was the bait.\” Among those who did the killing was the Muslim wife of the leader Nglayike the only other woman in the band of fighters. reuters verified Hajja\’s account of having been abducted with independent figures in the region. Boko Haram shuns the media and none of its members could be contacted for comment. Hajja says the long-bearded insurgents lived a basic lifestyle eating corn millet and occasionally meat from animals they stole and which she slaughtered. The group armed with AK-47 rifles and pistols stolen from police they killed moved every day around the hills to avoid being tracked by the army and slept in the caves to shelter from the cold and for protection against air assaults. \”They didn\’t use phones but they had a radio,\” Hajja said. \”They would listen to BBC Hausa or Voice of America and jump and shout if they heard about Boko Haram attacks.\” \”TOOTHPASTE EFFECT\” Forced out of cities and semi-desert bases since Jonathan declared a state of emergency in May the militants have mostly retreated to hills and forests on the Cameroon border. \”It\’s the toothpaste effect squeeze one end and it comes out the other. They have proven resilient and are adapting faster than the military,\” a Nigerian security source said. Army commanders denied Boko Haram had any control over the Gwoza mountains \”We are curtailing their activities and I can assure you that.. the insurgency will soon be a thing of the past,\” Lieutenant Colonel Adamu Garba Laka said. But a Nigerian general asked Cameroon this month for help in fighting Boko Haram and the backlash against civilians has made the conflict deadlier than ever. According to one security source in the five months after Jonathan declared a state of emergency in the northeast there were 1,708 deaths in 83 violent clashes compared with 667 deaths from 117 incidents in the previous five months. Pushing the conflict into poor rural regions like Gwoza where Hajja was seized runs the risk of radicalizing more disenchanted youths and drawing more people into the violence. \”Gwoza has disintegrated. We have no schools no hospitals no government offices functioning,\” said councilor Yohanna. \”I worry that youths will take the law into their own hands. It will become a war between Christians and Muslims.\” Insurgents moved freely through the hills and even into the town of Gwoza Hajja said. Fighters made trips to collect cash ammunition and weapons from the Sambisa Game Reserve a forested region where Boko Haram has established camps. Informants mostly farmers would warn them of approaching army patrols Hajja said adding that the rebels also appeared to have sympathetic contacts among the troops – something Nigerian military commanders deny. \”They know the area very well and many people help them because they are afraid or support their cause,\” Hajja said. On once occasion Boko Haram commanders were able travel from Maiduguri the state capital on the plain north of Gwoza to meet the guerrilla group in the hills. Hajja said her unit carried out dozens of attacks killing police and anyone suspected of aiding authorities. The longer the insurgency goes on President Goodluck Jonathan a southern Christian will come under increasing criticism from his northern opponents as elections in early 2015 draw closer. He risks growing resentment from a northern population who believe he is out of touch with their troubles. It is also becoming a drain on Africa\’s second largest economy – Nigeria allocates a fifth of its budget for security. Hajja eventually escaped by feigning severe stomach pains. Thinking her too ill to flee the insurgents sent her to hospital escorted only by an older woman. Once she was among other people Hajja threatened to denounce the group to police prompting the woman to abandon her and flee. \”I finally tore off the veil and I cried,\” Hajja said. \”So many times I thought I\’d die.\”(Additional reporting by Isaac Abrak in Abuja and Ibrahim Mshelizza and Lanre Ola in Maiduguri; Editing by Tim Cocks and Alastair Macdonald). Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates quick takes and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Iranians released two weeks early. Two Iranian Christians have been released from jail two weeks before the end of their sentences. Farhad Sabokrouh pastor of the Assemblies of God Church in Ahwaz and Naser Zamen-Dezfuli were released on December 4 seven months after their incarceration for converting from Islam to Christianity proselytising Muslims and propagating against the Islamic regime through evangelism. Source Mohabat News. Séléka attacks hospital in CAR. séléka forces attacked a hospital in the Central African Republic capital of Bangui on Friday killing at least a dozen patients Al Jazeera reports. Gunmen pulled patients from the hospital and shot them. The hospital has been abandoned. The attack occurred as additional French forces began deploying throughout the northwest sector of the country as authorised by the United Nations Security Council vote on Thursday. 30,000 Eritreans abducted in five years. Around 30,000 Eritreans have been abducted since 2007 and taken to Egypt\’s Sinai where they face torture and ransom demands according to a study presented to the European Parliament. The study conducted by an Eritrean human rights activist and professors from a Dutch University says more than $600m has been accrued from families in ransom payments. \”[The hostages] are chained together without toilets or washing facilities and dehydrated starved and deprived of sleep,\” the report says. \”They are subject to threats of death and organ harvesting… Those who attempt to escape are severely tortured.\”

Source BBC. Sharia law enforced in Libya. Libya has voted to make sharia law the basis of all legislation. Two years after the NATO-backed uprising that ousted Muammar Gaddafi Libya is still in messy transition with no new constitution and its temporary assembly caught in deadlock between an Islamist party and political rivals. As in Tunisia and Egypt where autocratic leaders were ousted in the Arab Spring revolts Libya has seen fierce debate over the role of Islam in its new democracy with the rise of hardline Islamists long oppressed by Gaddafi. \”Islamic law is the source of legislation in Libya,\” the General National Congress said in a statement after the vote on Wednesday (Dec. 4). \”All state institutions need to comply with this.\” Source Reuters. Egypt\’s draft constitution explained. Egypt\’s Constituent Assembly declared on Monday that the draft of the country\’s proposed new constitution is ready for public review. A popular vote is intended within 30 days of Monday\’s release. What\’s in it? The Washington D.C.-based Atlantic Council has published a close study of the document including a detailed examination of changes affecting religious freedom. In the draft Islam remains the official state religion and the principles of Sharia remain \”the primary source of legislation\” though the document no longer contains language that defines those principles and instead leaves the matter to the courts. Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates quick takes and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Peace efforts in Tanzania \’useless\’. Christian leaders in Tanzania have said peace efforts between Christians and Muslims in the country have proved useless after the recent burning of two churches. The torching of a Lutheran church in Korogwe and Evangelical Assemblies of God church in Kalalani have caused the union of church denominations in the Tanga region in northeastern Tanzania to reject the government\’s peace platform which requires Muslim and Christian leaders to discuss various religious issues and to petition for something more effective. \”The situation these days is not good,\” said Dr Jothan Mwakimage a bishop who chaired the Christian group. \”We need to come up with another peace committee to be set by ourselves because the government platform has failed to deal with the matter.\” Chairperson of the defence and security committee Chiku Gallawa added \”Peace is important to all the people regardless of their faith. Therefore all of us must be responsible for ensuring that the peace we have prevails for the benefit of the present and future generations of this nation.\” Source Tanzania Daily News. Terrorist link to torched churches. Russia\’s Tatarstan Republic is offering 1 million rubles ($30,000) for information relating to the recent torching of several Orthodox churches in the region. Four Orthodox churches were set on fire in the predominantly Muslim Republic in November and explosives were found in the city of Tuban Kama and the Aleksei district reports Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. Investigators classified the attacks as vandalism and arson but Tatarstan\’s prosecutor-general insisted they should be investigated as terrorism. Seven Orthodox churches have been burnt down in the past six months. The Central Spiritual Board of Russian Muslims has condemned the arson attacks saying \”There is no doubt that such action is an attempt to stir up sectarian discord and ethnic hatred\”. Satellite evidence of CAR destruction. Human Rights Watch has released satellite images of the destruction caused during a recent attack on the village of Camp Bangui in the Central African Republic.

The images recorded on the morning of November 23 show half the village burnt to the ground.

The New York-based rights organisation said it has collected detailed satellite evidence of arson attacks on 15 additional villages and towns across the Central African Republic.

The UN is preparing to send a peacekeeping force to the lawless country after months of violence since the deposition of former president Francois Bozizé in March. Sudan \’tramples\’ on its people\’s rights. The chairman of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom Robert George says Sudan is continuing to fail to adhere to international religious freedom standards.

Through the imposition of Sharia law George writes in the Washington Times that Sudan is a particularly difficult place for non-Muslims and for women. \”The regime… continues to trample on the fundamental rights of its own people including the right to freedom of religion or belief,\” he writes. Christians \’held\’ in Syrian town. Following a reported Islamist invasion on the town of Deir Atieh in Syria north of Damascus Fides reports that Christians are being prevented from leaving.

\”The militiamen examine the identification documents of those who intend to leave the city and retain those who have Christian names,\” states Fides. ASIA/SYRIA – The village of Deir Atieh invaded by Islamists Christians identified and detained. Damascus – Militants of Islamist factions have invaded the town of Deir Atieh north of Damascus spreading terror death and destruction. As Fides sources in the Greek Orthodox Church report the attack took place on 22 November. The militants entered the municipal hospital and took hostage the sick. The museum of Deir Atieh that welcomed thousands of works and precious archaeological finds was devastated. Mosques and churches were hit and damaged. Numerous homes were looted and civilians captured and used as human shields. The situation is particularly worrying for Christians. The population about 25 thousand people have begun to flee. The militiamen examine the identification documents of those who intend to leave the city and retain those who have Christian names. To be able to leave the village a Greek Orthodox priest had to say he was married and present himself with a woman he was allowed to go just because he had an Arab name and had no ancestry or Christian reference.Fr. F.H. who in a note sent to Fides requested anonymity for security reasons pleads the international community and the Holy See to mobilize in order to arrange for the release of the hostages and save the village of Deir Atieh. It is not clear notes the source of Fides what prompted the armed gangs to penetrate the village. Even hundreds of people from Qara another Syrian village in the mountains of Qalamoun 90 km from Damascus had found refuge. In recent weeks Qara had been attacked by Islamist fighters from the city of Arzal. Among the refugees of Qara who moved to Deir Atieh there is also the Greek-Catholic priest Father George Luis and all his parishioners.

Catching Our Eye This is the place where we post news updates quick takes and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye.

Vatican rejects M.E without Christians. Pope Francis says the Vatican \”will not resign itself to a Middle East without Christians\”. In the wake of reports of millions of Christians fleeing the region Pope Francis said he was concerned by \”the situation of Christians who suffer in a particularly severe way the consequences of tensions and conflicts in many parts of the Middle East\”.

But he said he would not rest \”while there are still men and women of any religion… whose future is stolen and are forced to become refugees\”. Source BBC. Burma on the road to religious freedom. Burma is moving towards greater interfaith freedom of expression but challenges remain according to Christian Solidarity Worldwide\’s Benedict Rogers writing for the Wall Street Journal. Rogers notes that while the country has made great strides in recent years there is an ongoing threat of ethnic and religious violence. However he states that \”the prospect of guns falling silent across Burma for the first time in over 65 years may be closer than ever\”.

\”But at the same time,\” Rogers writes \”We heard testimonies of sexual violence forced labour and religious discrimination from Chin Christians. Over the years Chin state has suffered from a chronic lack of basic services including infrastructure and medical care thanks to the previous regime\’s deliberate policy of subjugation. If real change is to be secured policies based on ethnicity or religion must end.\” Burma is predominantly Buddhist but many of the non-Burmese ethnic nationalities have significant Christian populations while Muslims may account for up to 10% of the population. Kony urged to surrender in CAR The President of the Central African Republic (CAR) has been in contact with warlord Joseph Kony head of the Lord\’s Resistance Army (LRA) urging him to surrender reports Reuters. However the African Union\’s (AU) special envoy on the LRA told the UN that Kony has \”used the negotiations as a window of opportunity\” to relocate many of his fighters to north-eastern CAR. The AU has been hunting him since he went underground in 2005. Kony has been indicted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court for his two-decade-long guerrilla war against the Ugandan government. Kazakh pastor\’s trial postponed The court hearing for a Kazakh pastor detained since May has been pushed back again.

Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev 67 pastor of Grace Protestant Church in Astana is charged with the psychological manipulation of a member of his congregation through the use of a \”red-coloured hallucinogenic drink\”. Other members of the congregation say the drink is a harmless non-alcoholic beverage used as part of the church\’s Holy Communion – to represent the traditionally used and symbolic red wine. The pastor was supposed to learn his fate on Sunday (Nov. 17) but his son was informed that the hearing had been postponed. Askar Kashkumbayev was told that a new date will be confirmed on Friday (Nov. 22). No reason was given for the postponement.

Boko Haram targets Christian girls Boko Haram is abducting Christian women converting them to Islam on pain of death and then forcing them to marry its fighters reports Reuters.

Reuters tells the story of 19-year-old Christian Hajja who was abducted by the Islamist group in July and was then forced to work as their slave. Hajja converted to Islam cooked for the men carried ammunition during an attack on a police outpost and was about to be married to one of the insurgents when she managed to escape. \”If I cried they beat me. If I spoke they beat me,\” Hajja told Reuters. \”They told me I must become a Muslim but I refused again and again. They were about to slaughter me and one of them begged me not to resist and just before I had my throat slit I relented. They put a veil on me and made me read from the Koran.\” Malaysia\’s \’Allah\’ impasse. Published January 24 2014 by Matt K. George. Christians remain adamant that their right to use \’Allah\’ is constitutional. Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on google_plusone_shareShare on redditMore Sharing Services. Should Malaysia\’s Muslims alone be afforded the right to use the word \’Allah\’?Should Malaysia\’s Muslims alone be afforded the right to use the word \’Allah\’?

Abu Emran / Flickr / Creative Commons. \”God what is your religion?\” This cryptic question spotted on a T-shirt at a packed public meeting on religious freedom in the Malaysian city of Petaling Jaya last week sums up the enormity of Malaysia\’s \’Allah\’ controversy.

The wearer was a Malay Muslim woman according to The Malaysian Insider demonstrating solidarity with the minority Christian population as tensions rise in the country over who can use the term \’Allah\’. The controversy – for which many Malaysian Christians blame the Government – has now reached a serious impasse. The Christian community remains adamant that the use of \’Allah\’ is their right despite a ruling by the Court of Appeal last October that \’Allah\’ was exclusive to Malay Muslims. The word predates the birth of Islam and the ruling has been widely criticised by many other Muslim nations and by the United Nations. About 64 per cent of Malaysia\’s Christians come from the Borneo states of Sabah and Sarawak where the term has been part of their vocabulary for more than 100 years. The indigenous populations of the two states whose primary language is Bahasa Malay claim the usage is their constitutional and spiritual right. The Malay Bible dates back to the 16th century and as the government phases out English in favour of Bahasa Malay more and more Christians observe their faith in Bahasa Malay. \”All the churches are of one mind,\” said Rev. Dr Hermen Shastri the general secretary of the Council of Churches of Malaysia. \”We are only defending our freedom to practise our religion as guaranteed under the Constitution.\”

Nevertheless Islamic conservatives have staged demonstrations outside churches seized Bibles and continued to vilify the Catholic pastor Rev. Lawrence Andrew who took the issue to the courts.

In early January Andrew was questioned over charges of sedition which drew international complaints including a piece in The Wall Street Journal. The Malay Bible is titled \’Alkitab\’ in the local language which means \’The Book\’.The Malay Bible is titled \’Alkitab\’ in the local language which means \’The Book\’. World Watch Monitor. Following the raid on the Bible Society of Malaysia two weeks ago and the seizure of more than 300 Bibles in the Malay language the Islamic Religious Department of the state of Selangor (JAIS) posted an advertisement in The Star an English language newspaper defending its actions. The National Fatwa Council comprising the muftis or Islamic scholars of the states of Malaysia publicly backed JAIS\’s swoop in which they also arrested two officials of the Bible Society. These actions in a country once renowned for multiracial harmony go against the grain of a 10-point plan pronounced by the Government of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak in April 2011 to resolve the issue. The key element of the pledge emphasised that Christians are allowed to print import and distribute Bibles referred to as the \’Alkitab\’ (\’The Book\’) in the Malay language. The Prime Minister has so far refrained from defending his policy while churches have asked him to speak out and to rein in Islamic extremists. But many Christians say they fear Prime Minister Najib cannot be seen to capitulate on Christian usage of \’Allah\’ since it would give ammunition to his political enemies in his ruling United Malays National Organisation party (UMNO) who could seek to oust him from office. Since the party brands itself as the champion of Malay Muslim supremacy and the defender of Islam it provides tacit support to JAIS and Muslim extremists within UMNO. The Prime Minister\’s ambivalence is unhelpful according to Rev. Shastri who said \”The Government should remain consistent. It is the same Government that came out with the 10-point plan. It should also defend the Constitution.\” The Methodist priest has called on Christian ministers in Government such as Idris Jala who was a key architect of the 10-point plan to impress upon the Prime Minister the need to protect religious freedoms. The \’Allah\’ controversy began in 2007 when the Government banned The Herald a Catholic weekly from using the word. The Catholic Church contested the order and the High Court restored its constitutional right in 2009. The Government appealed that decision and in October 2013 a three-man Court of Appeal ruled that Malay Muslims had an exclusive copyright to the word \’Allah\’. Legal experts say the court\’s decision is flawed and that its ruling if ratified should only apply to The Herald and not to other Christian literature such as the Alkitab or in liturgy. The Catholic Church has now filed an application for leave to appeal to the Federal Court the highest legal authority in the land. Liberal Malaysians hope an enlarged bench of 13 judges including the Chief Judge of the Borneo states would adjudicate on the issue. The hearing is scheduled for March 5. Whether any court decision will appease the rival sides is debatable. \”Nothing is changing,\” said Bolly Lapok Bishop of Kuching the capital of Sarawak and Archbishop of the Anglican Church of the Province of South-East Asia. \”We won\’t stop using the word \’Allah\’.\” The right to freedom of worship was enshrined when Sarawak and Sabah joined Malaysia in 1963. Christian and political leaders in the two states have threatened to break away from the Malaysian union if the Government forces their hand on the \’Allah\’ issue.

Most Malaysians are against such an outcome. Given the lack of political will to end the deepening rift an alternative suggestion was to invite the Rulers\’ Council comprising the nine hereditary Sultans to convene and rule on the issue. The Ruler of the state of Negri Sembilan last week urged Malay Muslims to respect other religions and to live in harmony regardless of race.

The Muslim Chief Minister of Sarawak Taib Mahmud is on record as saying that the use of \’Allah\’ is not a problem in the state and blames the central government for inciting intolerance and racism.

The Bible Society of Malaysia in Selangor.The Bible Society of Malaysia in Selangor.

World Watch Monitor. Political observers say that religious insecurities are being whipped up to defer attention away from the Government\’s economic and political difficulties. The Government was recently forced to cut back on decades of subsidised petrol and sugar prices as the national debt has reached unsustainable levels. The inevitable rise in the cost of living has fuelled public anger and protests. The scheduled introduction of a Government Services Tax in April 2014 is set to further escalate the cost of goods. Public corruption scandals the lavish lifestyle of ministers and cohorts and a lack of accountability have all severely damaged the Government\’s record and the economy in a resource-rich nation. In this volatile mix of rising prices and protests on top of the \’Allah\’ controversy Christians are concerned. The Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) in a statement last week observed \”What we are witnessing is the mad scramble by any and every group to grab media attention… [but] the Christian community remains undaunted in the face of these and no doubt future incidents of this nature.\” Rev. Dr Eu Hong Seng chairman of the CFM added \”We look to the courts of this land to protect preserve and defend principles of our Federal Constitution.\” Christians meanwhile have taken succour from progressive Muslim groups such as Sisters of Islam which rallied to their support distributing flowers outside a church where Islamists had planned to protest. For this act of solidarity conservative Islamists demanded their arrests.

Other Muslim protagonists such as Azmi Sharom an outspoken law lecturer point out that nowhere in the Qur\’an does it say that \’Allah\’ is exclusive to Muslims. \”Is [Islam] a religion that is so small in its worldview that it can approve of one community claiming the term for God for itself? Is Islam so lacking in common decency and compassion?\” he said. Meanwhile the former Law Minister Zaid Ibrahim blogged \”The unwillingness of UMNO leaders to find a peaceful solution to the \’Allah\’ issue is a clear sign of the march towards authoritarian rule. Invoking the name of God is just a ruse to gain support for a new dictatorship.\” The wearer of the T-shirt posed a fundamental question. The ball is now in the court of the Malaysian Government to openly demonstrate that it subscribes to the ethos of its own Constitution its own 10-point resolution and that it will uphold freedom of religion for all. Related Islamic authorities\’ raid on Malaysian Bible Society questioned by state government. Malaysia\’s \’Allah\’ ruling widely criticised. * Churches campaign ahead of Malaysia elections. Malaysia Set to Rule on Use of \’Allah\’ among Non-Muslims. UK Parliament is told Christianity is \’most persecuted religion\’. UK Parliament is told Christianity is \’most persecuted religion\’ Published December 04 2013. MPs also hear that one Christian is killed every 11 minutes. Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on google_plusone_shareShare on redditMore Sharing Services. The Bishop Moussa Coptic Church in Minya was destroyted by pro-Morsi supporters in Egypt many of whom blamed Christians for his overthrow.The Bishop Moussa Coptic Church in Minya was destroyted by pro-Morsi supporters in Egypt many of whom blamed Christians for his overthrow. David Degner Getty Images. The plight of Christians around the world was discussed in a three-hour debate at the Houses of Parliament in London yesterday. Members of the House of Commons were told that the persecution of Christians is increasing that one Christian is killed around every 11 minutes around the world and that Christianity is the \”most persecuted religion globally\”. A long list of countries in which life as a Christian is most difficult was discussed including Syria North Korea Eritrea Nigeria Iraq and Egypt. MP Jim Shannon said the persecution of Christians is \”the biggest story in the world that has never been told\”. He said that although the right to freedom of thought conscience and religion is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights there are many countries in which these rights are not given. Shannon alleged that 200 million Christians will be persecuted for their faith this year while he said that 500 million live in \”dangerous neighbourhoods\”. He added that in Syria Christians are \”caught between opposing sides in the conflict\” and mentioned the \”specific targeting\” of Christian-dominated locations such as Sadad and Maaloula. MP Sammy Wilson said that in Syria \”50,000 Christians have been cleared from the city of Homs\” while in Sudan two million Christians were killed by the regime over a 30-year period. He added \”Within the last month hundreds of people from Nigeria to Eritrea to Kazakhstan to China have been arrested and put in prison simply because of their faith and when they go into prison they are denied due process. They are denied access to lawyers. They are sometimes even denied knowledge of the charges facing them. They can languish in prison for a long time and in horrible conditions… This is not only happening in Muslim countries. From Morocco to Pakistan Christians in Muslim countries are under threat but it happens elsewhere too.\” The recent comments of Baroness Warsi at a lecture in Washington were echoed including her assertion that \”the parts of the world where Christianity first spread is now seeing large sections of the Christian community leaving and those that are remaining feeling persecuted\”. MP Nigel Dodds said that the \”persecution of Christians is not new\” but that it is \”staggering\” how many Christians are killed today. In Iraq he noted the words of Canon Andrew White who had said that Christians are \”frightened even to walk to church because they might come under attack. All the churches are targets… We used to have 1.5 million Christians now we have probably only 200,000 left… There are more Iraqi Christians in Chicago than there are here\”. Sir Edward Leigh said the remaining number of Christians in Iraq was likely to be closer to 600,000 but that this was still a shocking figure and that \”things have become much worse since the invasion\”. \”Within the last month hundreds of people from Nigeria to Eritrea to Kazakhstan to China have been arrested and put in prison simply because of their faith.\” MP Sammy Wilson. MP Rehman Chishti said \”I come from a Muslim background and my father was an imam… I know it is absolutely right and proper to have a debate on the subject\”. He called the persecution \”completely and utterly unacceptable\” and \”a very sad state of affairs\”. He also quoted his \”good friend\” the former Bishop of Rochester Michael Nazir-Ali \”He told me that the persecution of Christians was taking place in more than 130 of the 190 countries in the world at the moment\”. During the debate the oppression experienced by Christians in China and Malaysia were also highlighted and outlined. As the British Prime Minister is currently in China MP David Rutley raised the issue of the sizeable Christian community in China and asked about the potential establishment of a deeper inter-faith dialogue to engage the Chinese authorities with Christian groups. Meanwhile a UK-based organisation has claimed that the number of countries posing an extreme risk to the human rights of their populations has risen by 70 per cent in the past five years. Risk analysis company Maplecroft (which researched 197 countries for its annual Human Rights Risk Atlas 2014) says that since 2008 the number has risen steeply from 20 to 34 predominantly comprised of countries in the Middle East and Africa. Syria tops the list followed by Sudan the Democratic Republic of Congo Pakistan Somalia Afghanistan and Iraq. Thu Jan 09 2014 2:43. Syria Survivor Recounts How Terrorists Beheaded a Youth on Homs-Marmarita Road. #TEHRAN ( #FNA) Terrorists opened fire on a car on the Homs-Marmarita road on Tuesday night and then attacked the two passengers beheading one of them. Firas Badr Nader who survived the attack told SANA\’s correspondent at Al-Bassel Hospital in Tartous that he and his friend Fadi Michael Matta were coming back from work in a hotel in Homs when five terrorists intercepted them and opened fire on the car. Nader said that he was shot and lost control of the car causing it to crash and as the terrorists approached the car he played dead and then the terrorist dragged him and his friend out of the car and tied the latter\’s hands. He then heard one of the terrorists instructing one of his accomplices to \”slit his throat\” at which point they decapitated Matta then they stole all the documents and money they had and fled after trying to burn the car and failing. After he was sure that the terrorists had left Nader opened his eyes and saw that Matta was lying down covered in blood and decapitated. He said he ran until he reached a friend\’s house in al-Meshtaye area where he called the authorities and an ambulance arrived soon at the scene of the crime and transported Nader to Al-Bassel Hospital and took Matta\’s body to a hospital in Marmarita. Catching Our Eye. Kazakh pastor\’s trial begins. The trial against 67-year-old Kazakh pastor Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev has started eight months after his incarceration for allegedly \”harming the health\” of a member of his congregation. The pastor has also been accused of inciting hatred propagating extremism and leading an organisation that harms others. If found guilty he could face a lengthy prison term. Kashkumbayev denied all charges against him at a court hearing in Astana the capital on Jan. 22. The trial was adjourned until Jan. 31 to allow Kashkumbayev\’s lawyer some time to study the case materials. Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates quick takes and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Kazakh pastor\’s trial begins. The trial against 67-year-old Kazakh pastor Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev has started eight months after his incarceration for allegedly \”harming the health\” of a member of his congregation. The pastor has also been accused of inciting hatred propagating extremism and leading an organisation that harms others. If found guilty he could face a lengthy prison term. Kashkumbayev denied all charges against him at a court hearing in Astana the capital on Jan. 22. The trial was adjourned until Jan. 31 to allow Kashkumbayev\’s lawyer some time to study the case materials. Source Forum 18. Syrian Christian beheaded A Christian man was beheaded last week as he drove home from work in Homs reports Fars News. Fides confirms that Fadi Matanius Mattah 34 was killed and his friend Firas Nader 29 was wounded as armed jihadists opened fire on their car. A priest told Fides that noting that Fadi was wearing a cross around his neck they beheaded him. Afghan atheist scared of going home. An Afghan atheist has been granted asylum in the UK for \’religious\’ reasons reports the BBC. Brought up a Muslim the man has become an atheist after six years in the UK and claims he would face persecution and possibly a death sentence if he returned home. It is believed to be the first time someone has been granted asylum in the UK on the basis of their atheism. CAR crisis \’far from over\’ The crisis in the Central African Republic is far from over despite the resignation of President Michel Djotodia according to a local Catholic archbishop. \”The shooting has ceased but the tensions are still there,\” said Nestor Desire Nongo-Aziagbia archbishop of Bossangoa. \”Resignation is a first step towards solving the crisis.\” The archbishop added that politicians must now elect someone to \”bring the people together\”. Nearly one million people have been displaced since the beginning of the conflict in March. More than 100,000 are camped at Bangui\’s airport while others are sleeping in churches and mosques. Source RNS. CAR President Djotodia resigns. Central African Republic\’s first Muslim president Michel Djotodia has resigned from office at a regional summit aimed at ending the violence that has engulfed the country. Djotodia took power from former president Francois Bozizé in a coup in March last year as head of the now-disbanded Séléka rebel forces. Séléka forces were accused of gross human rights abuses including mass rape and murder and of specifically targeting Christians. Violence has continued between the disbanded group and self-defence militias named anti-Balaka (anti-Machete). Christians had protested for Djotodia\’s removal from power before Christmas. Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates quick takes and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Herald boss investigated over \’Allah\’. The director of Malaysia\’s Catholic Herald newspaper at the centre of the storm regarding Christians\’ use of the word \’Allah\’ is being investigated for comments made in an article on December 27 claiming Catholics have a right to use the word. Lawrence Andrew who is also a Catholic priest is being investigated for \”sedition\” reports Fides. This follows the seizure by the country\’s top Islamic authority alongside police of more than 330 Malaysian bibles from the Malaysian Bible Society last week because they used the word \’Allah\’ for God. The Islamic Religious Department claims the use of the word \’Allah\’ should be reserved for Muslims alone. In a separate development the Malaysian government has moved to ban the country\’s leading coalition of 54 human rights NGOs COMANGO which reported to the UN Human Rights\’ Council Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in 2013. The government says most of these NGOs are \’un-Islamic\’ and un-registered. COMANGO says as a coalition entity it is not itself bound by registration legislation. During the UPR COMANGO called for its government to sign the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of which Article 18 is about the rights of religious freedom. A representative of the Malaysian government defended its religious restrictions saying they are in the interests of public order. Vatican to hold peace talks. The Vatican has scheduled a meeting for Jan. 13 to discuss the potential for a cease-fire in Syria ahead of UN-backed peace talks in Geneva planned to start on Jan. 24. Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo told Vatican Radio that a cessation of hostilities was vital \”in order to allow humanitarian aid to create humanitarian corridors that at the moment don\’t exist and the cessation of persecution against Christians and so-called interreligious martyrdom\”. He said that Syria\’s Christians fear they are being targeted systematically by Islamist rebels seeking to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The Vatican said Egyptian politician Mohamed El Baradei and American economist Jeffrey Sachs will attend the meeting. Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has also been invited. 30 killed in Plateau State violence. Around 30 people were killed and 25 others injured on Jan. 7 during an attack in Plateau State in Central Nigeria. More than 40 houses were burnt down during the attack which local media blamed on Fulani herdsmen. Much of the violence is blamed on land disputes between mainly Muslim Fulani herdsmen and the mainly Christian Berom farmers reports the BBC in the area where Nigeria\’s predominantly Muslim north meets its Christian-majority south. Nanle Church update 11 released. A number of Christians from Nanle County Church in Henan Province China have been released after almost two months in custody although 13 are still being detained. Twenty-four church members were arrested in mid-November including five church leaders after a dispute over a piece of land on which the group hoped to build a new church. Source China Aid. Iranian convert jailed for evangelism. An Iranian Christian convert has been sentenced to one year in prison for charges including evangelism. Hossein Saketi Aramsari was tried at the Revolutionary Court in Karaj near Tehran. He was arrested in July of last year. Source Mohabat News. Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates quick takes and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. Egypt\’s President visits church. Egypt\’s President has attended Christmas celebrations at Cairo\’s Orthodox Cathedral reported to be the first time in history that the President has done so. The gesture of solidarity comes at a poignant time for Egypt\’s 10% Christian minority who last year experienced their worst violence at the hands of lslamists for hundreds of years. (Source RFI) Freed priest returns to France. Georges Vandenbeusch the French priest held hostage for nearly seven weeks in Cameroon returned to France on New Year\’s Day. President Francois Hollande greeted the 42-year-old cleric at an Air Force base near Paris early on Jan. 1 after France Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius received him in the Cameroon capital of Yaounde. The Islamist militant group Boko Haram took responsibility for the kidnapping in November. Little has been revealed about the circumstances of his release though the French government has said no ransom was paid. Source BBc. Farsi speakers banned from church A church in Tehran has become the latest to close its doors to Farsi speakers. St. Peter\’s Evangelical Church in the Iranian capital is preventing speakers of the country\’s official language from attending following pressure from government officials reports Mohabat News. Armenians and Assyrians will be permitted to attend the church but the IDs of all congregants will be passed on to the government Mohabat adds. In May the Central Assemblies of God church in Tehran was forced to cancel all services in the Farsi language or face permanent closure. Following this Mansour Borji advocacy officer for human-rights group Article 18 said \”I am certain that the AOG church in Tehran will not be the last. If the Iranian government manages to close this church the few remaining churches that have Farsi-speaking services will follow.\” Iranian converts arrested. Five Iranian converts to Christianity were arrested while celebrating Christmas together in Tehran reports Mohabat News. Ahmad Bazyar Fagheh Nasrollahi Mastaneh Rastegari Amir-Hossein Ne\’matollahi and another man with the surname of Hosseini were arrested on Christmas Eve at Mr. Hosseini\’s house and taken to an unknown location. Meanwhile Mohabat News reports that another Iranian Christian serving a six-year jail sentence in Karaj has written to the UN\’s High Commissioner for Human Rights to complain after his family home was raided with his wife and children at home. Behnam Irani wrote from prison \”[The] Islamic regime of Iran does not seem to be tired of persecuting the followers of non-Islamic faiths and is seeking to establish a religious dictatorship… Iranian authorities raided our homes and made the sweetness of Christmas bitter for us.\” More Christians arrested in Nanle. Several more members of Nanle County Church in Henan Province in China have been arrested China Aid reports. those reportedly detained include the youngest daughter of Pastor Zhang Shaojie who was himself one of the 24 church members arrested last month. Seven of the 24 were reportedly released but the whereabouts of the remaining 17 is unknown and they have been denied access to a lawyer. Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates quick takes and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what\’s Catching Our Eye. One of \’worst ever\’ years for Copts. Egypt\’s Coptic Christians are undergoing some of the worst persecution of their 2000-year history reports CBS News. in its flagship programme \’60 Minutes\’ CBS reports that Copts hoped Egypt\’s revolution would improve their fortunes but instead the last year has been \”one of their worst ever\”. CAR Djotodia to speak to militias. Central African Republic President Michel Djotodia has offered to speak to the leaders of so-called \”Christian\” militias reports the BBC in attempt to deal with the worsening sectarian conflict. Speaking to French RFI radio he said he was ready to \”extend his hand\”. A former rebel leader Djotodia became the Christian majority country\’s first Muslim leader after a coup in March. Meanwhile the African Union has authorised increasing the number of troops deployed in the country to 6,000. An estimated 10 per cent of the CAR\’s 4.6 million population have fled their homes since the beginning of the violence. Lawyers begin hunger strike

Fifteen lawyers who have been prevented from seeing their clients – a group of 24 Chinese Christians arrested in Henan Province earlier this month – have started a hunger strike outside the Nanle County Public Security Bureau. China Aid reports that of the 24 Christians detained seven have been released but 17 remain in custody and have been denied permission to see their lawyers. It is still unclear on what charges they are being detained. Retired Iranian pastor jailed. A retired Iranian pastor has been sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison.. rev. Vruir Avanessian 61 who is of Armenian descent was found guilty on Dec. 5 of anti-government activities and promotion of ideas contrary to the sanctity of the Islamic Republic of Iran. the pastor who is reported to be unwell has 20 days to appeal. Source Mohabat News. Bishops arrested at Dalit protest. Bishops were arrested by police in India during a protest against the discrimination of the Christian Dalit minority. Archbishop Anil Couto of Delhi was among those arrested during the protest on Dec. 11. He and several other bishops were taken to a local police station and later released reports UCA. Protestors were demanding a revamp of India\’s constitution which guarantees a reservation of government jobs and places in educational institutions for underprivileged classes but Christians and Muslims among these classes are denied such benefits on the grounds that their religions do not recognise the caste system.

innocent Christian Persecution

lamentarsi, respingere la mia proposta? è legittimo, se tu hai una TUA soluzione alla Guerra mondiale! E ALLORA TU VUOI SOSTITUIRE LA GUERRA MONDIALE CON CHE COSA?
GLI USA NON HANNO NESSUN DIRITTO DI: CUSTODIRE IN LOCALITà SEGRETE: 1. ALIENI, 2. IBRIDI TRA ANIMALI ED ESSERI UMANI, 3. UOMINI IN STATO CATATONICO ZOMBIES, 4. ecc.. SENZA IL PERMESSO DEL GENERE UMANO! 5. altresì, è proibito appropriarsi del genoma umano, per venderlo ,o modificarlo, senza il consenso delle Nazioni, la violazione di una queste clausole comporta la dichiarazione di guerra, automatica, di tutte le Nazioni del Mondo contro gli USA, in maniera automatica!

E perché io dovrei dirti di “no!” se, la mia felicità, come lo scopo della tua vita è la felicità? TU DIMOSTRAMI DI NON COMMETTERE UNA QUALCHE INGIUSTIZIA, PIUTTOSTO! oppure tu pensi di fare risultare ingiusto Unius REI? [ SATANISTI ALIENI VAMPIRI ] SE I FARISEI NON VANNO SUBITO IN ARABIA SAUDITA? GIURO CHE VI UCCIDO TUTTI! PERCHé QUALCUNO TI VOGLIA DICHIARARE COLPEVOLE DI QUALCOSA? POI, DOVREBBE CHIEDERE IL PERMESSO A ME, mentre, io ho concesso la amnistia assoluta per tutti i delitti commessi prima del mio regno, in favore di tutti i miei alleati!
ma poiché Maometto è uno dei tanti antiCristI? poi, come lui potrebbe stare in Paradiso? MA COME la tua fede, ti ha plasmato come una bestia di satana?! E CHI NON CREDE DI ESSERE COSì? VENGA SUBITO DA ME! ma, chi crede di essere diventato una bestia di satana? PROPRIO LUI DEVE VENIRE SUBITO DA ME: PRIMA CHE LO COLGA ANCHE LA MORTE ESTERIORE! e tu non puoi venire da me fisicamente, perché io non sono 7miliardi di persone, ma, tu puoi leggere i miei articoli e, tu puoi trovare una comunione con i miei ideali! NON TEMERE: io non pretendo di modificare la tua religione o la tua identità!
QUALI diritti umani SHARIA genocidio nazisti, LA LEGA ARABA PUò RAPPRESENTARE IN ONU? che Sauditi hannno detto sull’altare di satana della CIA: “abbiamo fatto bene noi, a rifiutare di entrare anche noi in ONU, con Unius REI in giro? era molto pericoloso!”
dubito che, si possa parlare di politica o di finanza, o di economia, adeguatamente, perché questa è tutta una maçonnerie Rothschild: ALTO TRADIMENTO COSTITUZIONALE ] e se, FARISEI non fanno in fretta a Realizzare il regno delle Tribù di Israele in ARABIA SAUDITA? finiranno COME I PEZZENTI, dopo avere rubato per secoli TUTTO il genere umano, finiranno tutti con il culo per terra: TUTTI questi satanisti farisei del Talmud!
ma io non ho mai parlato di declino USA SpA Banche Centrali FED, infatti la vostra pirati bullismo predazione? è soltanto il declino di tutto il GENERE UMANO! SOLTANTO DIO VI PUò STERMINARE A TUTTI VOI, E NOI DEL REGNO DI DIO? CI STIAMO LAVORANDO! Obama: ‘Chi parla di declino America vende fantasia’
AFFERMATIVO! DIO NON VUOLE EMARGINARE NESSUNO, E LUI PARLA CONTINUAMENTE AL CUORE DI TUTTI I PECCATORI, E NOI SIAMO TUTTI PECCATORI! SOLTANTO CHE GUARDIAMO CON COMPASSIONE AI NOSTRI PECCATI, E CON DUREZZA AI PECCATI DEGLI ALTRI! Quello che è il delitto sociale e politico, per eccellenza, è un pensiero ideologico massimalista, e la pretesa dello Stato Massone Islamico Darwin GENDER: di parlare con categorie morali! “Corrotti perdono pudore e dignità, provino vergogna” Esce libro. “Mai emarginare i gay, ogni creatura è amata da Dio”
ORMAI è LA CATASTROFE! A COSA SERVONO 250 MILIONI DI MIGRANTI ENTRO IL 2060. Ci sono 24 milioni di disoccupati in Europa e 14 milioni di inattivi in Italia: servono davvero i migranti per pagare le pensioni?. Ecco le ragioni più plausibili dietro a un progetto scellerato:
l’apparato militare industriale USA, senza un nemico? fallisce! ECCO PERCHé LORO SONO 50 ANNI CHE NON DORMONO LA NOTTE PER INVENTARE DEI NEMICI! … è in questo modo, che hanno convinto i sauditi a creare al-Qaeda! e poi, è tutta una storia di delitti.. questa è una storia infinita infernale!
BUSH Clinton sauditi, turchi, FED SPA FMI, CIA NATO, SPA FARISEI, SISTEMA MASSONICO? è soltanto una questione di penne dell’unico Baal OWL!
LAGARDE in Ucraina? lei vi è andata insieme a MADRE TERESA DI CALCUTTA, e poi, per un fatale errore fortuito, al suo finco ha trovato la CIA i cecchini GOLPE a Maidan: e nessuno di loro è stato arrestato: perché avevano la immunità diplomatica!
Obama, ‘l’America è ancora il Paese più forte al mondo’ OK! MA DA QUALE PUNTO DI VISTA? 1. A FILMINI PORNOGRAFICI? è CERTAMENTE IL PIù FORTE! 2. A LEGIONI DI DEMONI E SATANISTI? è SICURAMENTE IL PIù FORTE? 3, AD ALLEATI NAZISTI PRAVY SECTOR E ISLAMICI TERRORISTI SHARIA? è SICURAMENTE IL PIù FORTE! 4. A STRAGI PER FUTILI MOTIVI? è SICURAMENTE IL PIù FORTE, 5. AD ABORTI E DIVORZI? è SICURAMENTE IL PIù FORTE! E L’ELENCO VERGOGNOSO? POTREBBE CONTINUARe Ancora a LUNGO! ma, se ci pensi? ha una buona protezione aerea, ma, nessuna nazione è così vulnerabile, per un corpo di marina da sbarco, che è la NAzione più facile da conquistare ed invadere!
islam sharia? è soltanto un genocidio ONU COSA è TUTTA QUESTA CASCIARA di cagnara? Vi sembra questa una notizia di ANSA? Starebbe a suo agio, su un giornale specializzato per questo genere di cose: per ADULTI, non su un pubblico servizio sovvenzionato da contribuenti! VOI AVETE PERSO IL SENSO DELLA MISURA! MA, VOI PENSATE A COME, noi POSSIAMO DARE SCANDOLO AD UN PEDOFILO POLIGAMO DI ISLAMICO ORGIA DOMESTICA? IN QUESTO MODO? VOI MI FATE SALTARE LA FRATELLANZA UNIVERSALE! voi RENDETE IMPOSSIBILE IL DIALOGO TRA ORIENTE ED OCCIDENTE E ALTRO CHE AMORE: “VOI REALIZZATE PROPRIO LA GUERRA MONDIALE!”
questo si che è un evento culturale importante: degno di ANSA GENDER ideologia: per la ideologia religione evoluzione darwin sodoma: regime bildenberg, un rito liturgico fondamentale ed essenziale: per celebrare: il NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE: new age SPA FED BCE: il Grande FRATELLO BUSH, ma, io ricordo che, una volta in mezzo ai cadaveri, si pregava, oggi, Satana si accontenta di altro, si fa letteratura pornogratica, perché, il nostro Stato? è un lenone! Lady Gaga nuda con boyfriend Taylor Kinney dopo aver fatto sesso, Il selfie shock: “Facciamo sesso per la pace, contro la violenza e il terrorismo”
Califfato Islamico ISIS LEGA takfiri galassia jihadista? è un terrorista erdogan hitler sharia, new ottomano impero!
Abd Allāh takfiro Saʿūd sharia hitler SAUDI ARABIA isis daesh is CIA NWO
mafia SPA BANCHE CENTRALI? è regime bildenberg massone, la più grande mafia occulta legalizzata della storia del genere umano!
datagate UK GEZABELE SECOND enter in my ADSL
[ ISRAEL VEDI CHE, UK SEGRET SERVICES HA INTERCETTATO LA MIA PRIMA CONNESSIONE CHIAVETTA E MI HA BLOCCATO! ] QUESTA è LA MIA SECONDA CONNESSIONE [SALMAN SHARIA SAUDI ARABIA TAKFIRO SUDAIRIO ] è vero che, io non ho Dio in tasca, ma, per quello che so io? lui di massacri su larga scala? ne ha già fatti parecchi!
my holy JHWH ] li senti? soffrono come bestie, tutte le bestie di satana, ma, nessuno di loro ha il coraggio di farsi vedere, come sono tutti nascosti dietro i loro computer, sono tutti gli assassini! NON NE AVERE PIETà!
“CAPUT ISRAELE PER LA TERZA VOLTA!” lo ha detto Rothschild il fariseo, ed io lo ho sentito, mente lui lo diceva!
“TUTTI PER UNO E UNO PER TUTTI”, è UN CODICE DI ONORE DEI CAVALIERI CRISTIANI, CHE DEI FARABUTTI MASSONI, TRADITORI E COMPLICI DI TORRE DI BABILONIA OCCHIO PIRAMIDE, DI LUCIFERO ROTHSCHILD ENTITà DEMONIACA: REGIME BILDENBERG? LORO NON HANNO, NESSUN DIRITTO DI APPELLARE PER LORO! IO LO GIURO: “QUESTA PROFANAZIONE CONTRO LA MIA REGALITà? IO, IL RE DI ISRAELE? IO VE LA FARò PAGARE! ” L’Estonia vuole ottenere la dislocazione permanente delle forze NATO nel paese, 12.01.2016, Ne ha parlato il Primo Ministro estone Taavi Roivas in un suo articolo dedicato agli obiettivi del governo nel 2016. L’articolo è stato pubblicato sull’influente Postimees. “Considero molto importante per il summit estivo della NATO (che si terrà a Varsavia l’8 e il 9 luglio) prendere una decisione sulla presenza permanente degli Alleati in Estonia e nei paesi vicini. Questo potrebbe essere un chiaro segnale che con i paesi della NATO non bisogna litigare, in quanto noi seguiamo il principio “uno per tutti, tutti per uno”, ha scritto Roivas nel suo articolo. Alla fine dello scorso anno in Estonia è arrivato dagli Stati Uniti il primo convoglio di mezzi militari pesanti. Sono state consegnate 40 unità tecniche, compresi 4 carri armati M1A2 Abrams, 10 veicoli corazzati Bradley e 3 semimoventi d’artiglieria Paladin e due veicoli per usi speciali:
ULTIME NOTIZIE:     16:57 L’Ucraina GOLPISTA E GENOCIDARIA, spenderà 500 milioni di dollari in armamenti [ E CHI LA MINACCIA? è LEI L’AGGRESSORE!
666 Seigniorage of Banking
Europa Unione, EU, ONU, USA, anticristo NATO ] voi state facendo il gioco sporco e mortale, della CIA NATO LEGA ARABA: per offendere umanesimo di Israele e Russia, CINA ecc.., ATTRAVERSO IL DELITTO UNIVERSALE DELLA SHARIA, ed ora dovete mettere sul piatto della bilancia i vostri cadaveri, perché, ISIS Daesh sono sauditi e turchi, i loro servizi segreti: E QUESTO NON è UN SEGRETO: per chiunque! VOI AVETE VISTO DILANIARE IL POPOLO IRACHENO E SIRIANO, avete assistito al soffocameto dei cristiani ATTRAVERSO IL TERRORISMO ISLAMICO DELLA CIA: in questi 30 anni, E VOI VI SIETE RALLEGRATI, anzi voi avete nascosto le notizie circa i martiri cristiani, per non offendere i vostri affari con gli islamici, e per disprezzo contro Gesù Cristo: perché voi siete la bestia di satana: voi siete l’anticristo! ISTANBUL, 12 GEN – Il Governo turco ha annunciato che almeno 9 vittime dell’attentato di un kamikaze questa mattina a Sultanamhet sono cittadini tedeschi.
LEGA ARABA ISLAMICI SHARIA ] che poi questa storia penosa, che Maometto è salito al cielo da Gerusalemme, 7 anni dopo la sua morte? è una delle poche cose che, fa divertire tutte le anime: disperati infelici, tribolate e dannate all’inferno! VOI ISLAMICI, VOI AVETE PORTATO INFAMIA SULL’ISLAM e voi avete profanato la Santità di Dio! Nessun islamico ha un pur minima speranza, di poter entrare in paradiso, la vostra speranza? è inutile!
LEGA ARABA ISLAMICI SHARIA ] perché, nella vostra iniquità, ed ipocrisia, voi pensate che io non devo lasciare vivere dietro di me, la esistenza di massoni farisei e satanisti, e poi, proprio io, io debba poter lasciare vivere degli assassini seriali, maniaci religiosi sharia come voi, convinti ancora di glorificare Dio per uccidere persone del tutto innocenti che voi chiamate infedeli.. CHE GLI INFEDELI? SIETE PROPRIO VOI CON IL VOSTRO MAOMETTO ALL’INFERNO!
IL FONDAMENTO GIURIDICO DI INDIPENDENZA E SOVRANITà DEI POPOLI, è STATO BRUTALIZZATO, DAI MASSONI BILDENBERG EUROPEI REGIME ROTHSCHILD SPA BANCHE CENTRALI, CHE IN NESSUN MODO DOVEVANO FARE ATTI DI VIOLENZA E TERRORISMO CONTRO LA POPOLAZIONE CIVILE! EUROPA DEVE RISPONDERE PER QUESTI DELITTI DI NAZISMO, CONTRO IL DIRITTO UNIVERSALE E INTERNAZIONALE A PROTEZIONE DELLA SOCIETà CIVILE! ]  Deputati della Crimea chiedono di fermare le azioni da genocidio dell’Ucraina, 13.01.2016(Il blocco energetico ed agroalimentare sono “una flagrante violazione dei diritti umani”, hanno affermato i deputati del Parlamento della Crimea. Chiedono di punire i responsabili dopo essersi rivolti a diversi tribunali internazionali. I deputati del Parlamento della Crimea hanno chiesto di fermare le azioni da genocidio da parte di Kiev, come quelle relative al blocco della penisola, e di punire i responsabili, si legge in una dichiarazione adottata nel corso della sessione di oggi. La Crimea e Sebastopoli sono entrate a far parte della Russia dopo un referendum condotto nel marzo nel 2014. Per la riunificazione con la Russia ha votato il 96,77% degli abitanti della Crimea e il 95,6% di Sebastopoli. Kiev e i Paesi occidentali hanno rifiutato di riconoscere la volontà popolare espressa tramite le urne ed hanno introdotto sanzioni contro la regione. Allo stesso tempo le autorità ucraine hanno chiuso completamente con la regione i collegamenti aerei, ferroviari e stradali. Inoltre hanno chiuso gli acquedotti e sospeso le forniture di cibo ed elettricità. Dalla metà di gennaio entrerà in vigore l’embargo commerciale parallelamente a misure restrittive in campo finanziario e al blocco marittimo e della rete mobile di telefonia.
I deputati ritengono che il blocco energetico e alimentare della penisola “sono un chiaro esempio di gravi violazioni dei diritti umani, azioni d’odio e genocidio che danneggiano la popolazione civile della Crimea.” Relativamente a questa situazione il Parlamento della Crimea ha chiesto ufficialmente al ministero degli Esteri della Federazione Russa assistenza politica, diplomatica e operativa per presentare denunce e mozioni all’Assemblea Generale e al Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite e agli organi interparlamentari della Comunità degli Stati Indipendenti (CSI), dell’Organizzazione per la sicurezza e la cooperazione in Europa (OSCE) e dell’Assemblea parlamentare del Consiglio d’Europa (PACE). I deputati ritengono che le autorità ucraine non facciano nulla per impedire il blocco della penisola ed abbiano violato i loro obblighi per impedire atti di genocidio, come si afferma nella Convenzione sul genocidio. La questione del blocco della Crimea, secondo loro, dovrebbe essere inclusa nell’ordine del giorno della riunione di emergenza del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite e diventare una priorità del Tribunale Internazionale. Inoltre i parlamentari hanno invitato la Procura Generale e il Comitato Investigativo della Federazione Russa a condurre un’indagine per atti di genocidio contro la Crimea da parte dei deputati del Parlamento ucraino Mustafa Dzhemilev e Refat Chubarov, promotori del blocco della penisola. I deputati hanno inoltre chiesto di indagare la creazione di gruppi terroristici al confine della Crimea con le regioni meridionali dell’Ucraina:

Theology of Persecution for innocent christinas martyrs ] chi fa del male a persone innocenti, lui dichiara al mondo di servire e di adorare il demonio in ogni modo. [World Watch List Countries. most criminal country: [ all friends of ONU ] North Korea, Somalia Syria Iraq Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Maldives, Pakistan, Iran Yemen, Sudan Eritrea, Libya Nigeria Uzbekistan Central African Rep. Ethiopia Vietnam Qatar, Turkmenistan, Laos Egypt, Myanmar (Burma), Brunei Colombia, Jordan Oman India Sri Lanka. Tunisia Bhutan, Algeria Mali, Palestinian Territories, United Arab Emirates, Mauritania, China Kuwait, Kazakhstan Malaysia, Bahrain Comoros, Kenya, Morocco, Tajikistan, Djibouti, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Tanzania, Niger.] [ Matthew 5:10-12 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. For almost 60 years Open Doors has worked in the world’s most oppressive and restrictive countries, strengthening Christians to stand strong in the face of persecution and equipping them to shine Christ’s light in these places. These believers stand strong, despite the many obstacles that they face. What are some of the things that we can we learn from their faith? There is something about hardship that allows us to know God deeply. When times get really tough, we discover more about who God is and how He works. Christians who have endured persecution for their faith, know this well. There are no easy answers for why God allows his followers to face suffering. However, the lives of persecuted Christians reveal that even when things look out of control believers can rest secure, knowing that God is still in control. He is able to give courage, peace and even joy to stand strong through the storm. It is through these storms that believers discover God’s love in new and powerful ways. Standing Strong Through The Storm is the curriculum that Open Doors uses to help Christians stand strong in the face of persecution. There are six theological and biblical lessons from this curriculum: 1. Sometimes you need to build yourself a cell
Be still, and know that I am God—Psalms 46:10. One Chinese church leader, who spent 23 years in prison, once said this to Christians who did not face persecution: I was pushed into a cell, but you have to push yourself into one. You have no time to know God. You need to build yourself a cell, so you can do for yourself what persecution did for me—simplify your life and know God.” It is vital that we spend time with God, to grow in Him, so we are prepared to stand strong in the face of persecution. 2. God keeps secrets. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts—Isaiah 55:8-9. There have been countless stories of persecuted Christians who have died without seeing the fruits of their labor. However, God know all that has been and all that is to come. Our labor is not in vein, it is in His hands.
3. Weakness is a direct path to power. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong—2 Corinthians 12:10. An Egyptian Christian reflected on the way he was treated when he converted to Christ:. “In great suffering you discover a different Jesus than you do in normal life… Pain and suffering bring up to the surface all the weak points of your personality. In my weakest state, I had an incredible realization that Jesus loved me even right then.” True empowerment does not come from human means, but through Christ alone. It often takes being at our weakest point to realize this. 4. Overcoming is greater than deliverance. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. —Romans 12:21. Persecuted Christians, no matter what country they are from, do not ask us to pray that persecution would end, but rather ask us to pray that they stand strong through the persecution. They do not wish to be delivered from the persecution, but rather ask us to pray that they would be able to overcome the trials that they are facing in a way that is honoring to God.
5. Extreme hurt requires extreme forgiveness. And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” And they cast lots to divide his garments—Luke 23:34. A Christian widow from Iran said: “I only had hatred in my heart for my enemies who had murdered my husband. But one day a miracle happened. God taught me how I could love my enemies… I had been praying for this, even though on the deepest level I didn’t want it to happen. Gradually, through a process of ups and downs, God answered this prayer.” The only way we can get through extreme hurt is by forgiving people as Christ did. 6. Prayer is the ultimate fellowship. Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering—Hebrews 13:3. Many persecuted Christians often feel isolated and alone, since they are unable to fellowship with other believers. However, prayers from Christians half a world away have brought the same amount of encouragement that fellowship would have for these persecuted Christians. Prayer is vital—not only as a direct line to God, but as a way to encourage our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world. 1 Corinthians 12:26 tells us that we are one body—when one member suffers, we all suffer. When one member is lifted up, we all rejoice. The persecuted church and the church in the free world are not two separate entities, but rather are one body. The persecuted church needs the free church to support them and most importantly to lift them up in prayer. The church in the free world learns lessons from the persecuted who have stood strong in the face of persecution. Christ is the head of the body and uses both churches in unique and powerful ways. World Watch List Countries. most criminal country: [ all friends of ONU ] North Korea. Somalia Syria Iraq Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Maldives, Pakistan, Iran Yemen, Sudan Eritrea, Libya Nigeria Uzbekistan Central African Rep. Ethiopia Vietnam Qatar, Turkmenistan, Laos Egypt Myanmar (Burma), Brunei Colombia, Jordan Oman India Sri Lanka. Tunisia Bhutan, Algeria Mali, Palestinian Territories, United Arab Emirates, Mauritania, China Kuwait, Kazakhstan Malaysia, Bahrain Comoros, Kenya, Morocco, Tajikistan, Djibouti, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Tanzania, Niger.
Baghdad Christmas bombings kill 37. Dec 30 2013 Church spokesman says reports of Christian deaths ‘false’
Central African Republic Christians petition for President’s removal. Dec 24 2013. They also want removal of Chadian forces; Muslims demand exit of French troops
Read More. Christmas excitement marred by insecurity for Pakistani Christians after deadly year of attacks
Dec 23 2013. Solidarity with Muslim neighbours the sole highlight of turbulent year
Read More. Chinese Christians’ lawyers attacked in presence of foreign TV crew
Dec 20 2013.  
Whereabouts of 17 Nanle church members still unknown; families in fear
Read More
Iraqi Archbishop calls on West to ‘open eyes’ to Christians’ Middle East exodus
Dec 18 2013. Chaldean Catholic Head says Christians are ‘integral part of national Arab tissue’
Prince Charles criticises ‘organised persecution’ of Middle East Christians
Dec 18 2013
Muslim–Christian relationship in danger of being ‘destroyed’, says Prince
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Turkey blacklists foreign evangelist without explanation
Dec 17 2013
Another US citizen takes case against government after authorities fail to renew residency
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Pakistani Christian on blasphemy charge speaks out from jail
Dec 16 2013
He says police arrested his family to force his return, then later tried to kill him
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Three pastors among dead in Central African Republic
Dec 13 2013
Religious nature of conflict grows more apparent, as ex-Séléka rebels and anti-Balaka clash
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Egyptian convert arrested for ‘inciting sectarian strife’
Dec 13 2013
Bishoy Armeya had sued Egypt to change his religion
Scores killed in Central African Republic
Dec 11 2013
Sectarian violence continues despite expanded military presence
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Malaysia’s ‘Allah’ ruling widely criticised
Dec 11 2013
Church leaders call decision to limit use of ‘Allah’ to Muslims ‘repugnant’
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Rumor of tryst triggers anti-Christian violence in Egypt village
Dec 09 2013
One killed; homes burned in trouble-plagued province
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Pakistan’s churches increase security after Peshawar blasts
Dec 06 2013
Officer dies guarding another church in Peshawar
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UN endorses more military in Central African Republic
Dec 05 2013
Mandate is to restore security for civilians.
Nigeria’s Boko Haram strikes again in Cameroon
Dec 04 2013. Missionary killed, churches torched around time of French priest’s kidnapping
Read More . UK Parliament is told Christianity is ‘most persecuted religion’
Dec 04 2013
MPs also hear that one Christian is killed every 11 minutes
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12 nuns ‘abducted’ as rebels recapture Maaloula
Dec 03 2013
Three other women also abducted; Mother Superior says all ‘fine and safe’
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Chinese church protests against arrest of 23 members
Dec 03 2013
Lawyers prevented from seeing detainees; leaders’ whereabouts unknown
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Pressure mounts on UN to refer Syria ‘war crimes’ to ICC
Dec 02 2013
Human Rights Watch calls for UN to address atrocities against Christians.
Dozens killed in fresh attacks in central Nigeria
Nov 29 2013
Four Christian-dominated villages decimated; Muslim tribe suspected of attacks
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Vigilante group formed in Bangladesh to stop Christian activities
Nov 29 2013
Two months after church construction halted, committee wants complete end to Christian influence
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Kenyan bishop hurt in clash with local tribe
Nov 27 2013
Three members of congregation also hurt in attempt to retrieve abducted member
Read More
Church welcomes US designation of Boko Haram as Foreign Terrorist Organisation
Nov 15 2013
Splinter group Ansaru also classified as ‘terrorists’ One of the major organisations representing Christians in Nigeria has welcomed the US State Department’s announcement on Nov 13 that it has …
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All eyes on Sri Lanka as Commonwealth summit begins
Nov 15 2013
Some world leaders boycott summit, citing human rights abuses Sri Lanka’s human rights record has been questioned as a Commonwealth summit takes place in Colombo.Several Commonwealth leaders have …
 Christians face extinction in Middle East, warns UK Minister
Nov 15 2013
 Baroness Warsi says the situation for Christians has become a global crisisA UK Foreign Office Minister has warned that Christians in some parts of the world face extinction because of violence …
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Turkish pastor arrested on human trafficking accusations
Nov 15 2013
Pastor says deliberate plot was hatched to discredit his churchA Turkish Protestant pastor arrested by police in the Black Sea province of Samsun this week is accused of involvement in prostitution …
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Number of Christian martyrs continues to cause debate
Nov 13 2013
Estimates range from between 1,200 to 100,000 per yearThe debate over the precise number of Christians martyred each year continues.In May, a Vatican spokesman told the United Nations Human Rights …
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China asks Church for help with social care
Nov 11 2013
Church to play major role in caring for increasingly elderly population The Chinese government has welcomed the role of the Church in providing social care in the country.China’s leaders have been …
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Iran’s nuclear programme ‘distracting’ world from rights abuses
Nov 08 2013
 Nobel winner Shirin Ebadi calls EU, US to focus on minorities’ plight An Iranian Nobel Prize-winner has warned EU and US officials that Iran’s nuclear programme is distracting them from addressing …
Radical Islamists ‘control much of northern Syria’
Nov 07 2013
 A new survey of Syrian towns by CNN suggests that much of northern Syria has come under the control of radical Islamist groups. CNN claims that Islamist militants, led by a group called the …
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Youth leader killed in Tanzania church attack
Nov 06 2013
 Bishop asks for protection as another church is attacked in northern Tanzania Another Christian leader in northern Tanzania has been killed in what appears to be a targeted attack, with two other …
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Iranian Christian jailed for 10 years freed
Nov 05 2013
 An Iranian Christian sentenced to 10 years in prison has been released after three months. Mostafa Bordbar, 27, was released Nov. 3 from Tehran’s Evin Prison after charges of participating in an …
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Vietnamese Catholics jailed despite protests
Nov 01 2013
 Two Vietnamese Catholics whose arrest led to protests last month have been handed jail terms. Nguyen Van Hai, 43, and Ngo Van Khoi, 53, were ordered on Oct. 23 to serve six and seven months, …
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Christian woman dies in Eritrean jail, as prisoner of conscience
Nov 01 2013
 An Eritrean Christian woman has become the latest known prisoner of conscience to have died in Eritrea. The death of Wehazit Berhane Debesai, who was in her thirties, comes amidst renewed …
Christian woman dies in Eritrean jail, as prisoner of conscience
Nov 01 2013
Shipping containers, such as these photographed in South Sudan, are used as makeshift prison cells in neighbouring Eritrea. Wehazit Berhane Debesai died during the week of Oct. 14 in an Eritrea prison, though it was not reported if she was being held in a shipping containter.
An Eritrean Christian woman has become the latest known prisoner of conscience to have died in Eritrea.
The death of Wehazit Berhane Debesai, who was in her thirties, comes amidst renewed condemnation of Eritrea’s human rights abuses by the United Nations and NGOs.
 Debesai died during the week of Oct. 14 of pneumonia, following a year of imprisonment in harsh conditions, where she was denied access to medical treatment because she refused to denounce her Christian beliefs.
Debesai’s death also coincided with the arrest of around 70 Christians at a prayer gathering in Asmara, the capital.
These arrests bring to nearly 300 the number of Christians known to have been taken into custody this year in what local Christians have called the most serious campaign against the Eritrean Church yet.
This follows the deaths earlier this month of around 380 mostly Eritrean and Somali migrants as they attempted to flee to Europe in ill-equipped vessels, crossing the Mediterranean from Libya.
The United Nations’ special rapporteur on human rights in Eritrea, Sheila Keetharuth, recently told the General Assembly that human rights abuses in Eritrea are causing “countless Eritreans to desert from their positions and flee the country”. Eritreans are second only to Syrians in terms of the number of those who have fled to Italy by sea up to 30 September this year (UN figures). “It demonstrates the desperation of those who decide to flee, despite the extreme dangers along escape routes and an unknown future,” said Keetharuth.
 UN figures claim that between 2,000 and 3,000 people are fleeing Eritrea every month despite a “shoot-to-kill policy” for those who attempt to leave. More than 300,000 Eritreans are believed to have fled the country in the past decade.
 Keetharuth said the most serious violations include a lack of freedom of expression, assembly, religious belief and movement; extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, extended incommunicado detention, torture and indefinite national service.
 Eritrea’s ambassador to the UN, Arya Desta, rejected these claims, saying they were being used as a “tool of political pressure” for making “unfair and unjust” sanctions. He also denied the implementation of a shoot-to-kill policy.
 Debesai had been taking part in national service when she was arrested last year for her involvement in Christian activities outside of the government-sanctioned Orthodox, Catholic and Evangelical Lutheran church groups.
 Debesai, who was engaged to be married, was then kept incommunicado in Adi Quala, near the Ethiopian border.
 Her fiancé Yohannes was arrested on the same day and also held in Adi Quala.
 A representative of Open Doors, a charity that works with Christians under pressure for their faith, said that many Christian men and women are being held in underground dungeons, metal shipping containers and military detention centres.
 “They face exposure, hard labour and insufficient food, water and hygiene. They are regularly denied medical treatment for malaria and pneumonia contracted while in prison or diseases like diabetes, hypertension or cancer that they may have arrived with,” said the representative.
A number of rights organisations, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, have condemned Eritrea’s human rights record. Amnesty International claims that Eritrea’s prisons are filled with “thousands of political prisoners, locked up without ever being charged with a crime, many of whom are never heard from again”.
At least 10,000 political prisoners have been imprisoned since 1993, claims the organisation, and many die in detention as a result of “torture, appalling conditions or suicide”.
Speaking to the BBC World Service in the aftermath of the first Eritrean deaths off the island of Lampedusa, Gaiam Ciprian of London’s South Bank University said that every Eritrean between 16 and 40 has to do national service, and since there is no effective de-mobilisation, so no-one really leaves it.
He also said the Eritrean economy has virtually collapsed.
Source:World Watch Monitor
Iranians jailed for ‘house church’ attendance
Oct 30 2013
Christians lose appeals against incarceration for meeting together to pray Four Iranian Christians jailed for attending a ‘house church’ have lost their judicial appeals. Mojtaba Seyyed Alaedin …
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Two pastors killed in Kenya
Oct 29 2013
Perpetrators must be arrested and security increased, say church leaders Two pastors from southern coastal towns in Kenya were killed last weekend in separate attacks. Charles Mathole, a leader of …
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One third of Syrian Christians have gone, says cleric
Oct 24 2013
Patriarch claims more than 450,000 have fled, but opinions vary Almost a third of Syria’s Christians have left since the start of the civil war, according to one of the country’s senior clerics. …
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Clerics call on UN military force to secure Central African Republic
Oct 23 2013
In joint statement, Christian leaders warn of ‘interfaith civil war’ The leaders of the Central African Republic’s 4 million Christians have issued a joint plea for military help to disarm a …
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Northern Iraq no longer safe for Christians
Oct 22 2013
Once a relative safe haven, Kurdish north is becoming increasingly dangerous An increase in violence against Christians in northern Iraq has increased the flow of Christians leaving the country. …
Bajrang Dal pressure villagers to leave Christianity
Oct 16 2013
Nationalist Hindu group destroys church, threatens believers For much of the year, Christians in the central India village of Taragaon have been enduring pressure to abandon their religion. In …
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Indian Christians sentenced to life terms will appeal
Oct 15 2013. No evidence to warrant convictions, lawyers say India’s churches are urging an appeal of the lifetime sentences handed down on Oct. 3 to seven men convicted for the 2008 murder of a prominent Hindu …
Read More. Iran ‘abuses’ Christians’ national and international rights
Oct 14 2013
Christians are jailed, tortured and prevented from meeting together Iran’s continued mistreatment of its Christian minority was raised at a recent meeting of the United Nations Human Rights …
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African migrants risk lives to flee war and persecution
Oct 10 2013
Freedom to choose faith one factor driving them into smugglers’ boatsThe latest tragic incident of hundreds of African migrants drowning in European waters tells a wider story.Scratch beneath the …
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Tension high as Mombasa Muslims protest cleric’s murder
Oct 09 2013
Murder causes riots in days after siege of Westgate Shopping Centre in NairobiTension remains high in Kenya’s port city of Mombasa after riots in protest at the murder of a prominent Muslim cleric on … Leaving home
Oct 07 2013. A couple of days after she fled Syria for Turkey, a colleague sent me a message.”Dear Nuri, this is a court that the extremists established in my city, Lattakia, in the [Syrian] village of Kansabba. … Read More
Promised legal reforms disappoint Turkey’s religious minorities
Oct 04 2013. Latest reforms positive but inadequate, say minority groupsThe Turkish government’s long-awaited “democratisation package” of reform laws announced this week has met with considerable disappointment …
Read More . Boko Haram killing spree claims 110 Nigerians
Oct 01 2013. the militant Islamist sect Boko Haram is suspected of killing at least 110 people of various faiths across Nigeria during the past week, prompting the country’s top Catholic bishop to declare the … Read More. Iran releases 2 Christians, but many more still imprisoned
Sep 20 2013. Prisoners freed on eve of President’s UN addressTwo Christian women were among a number of prisoners of conscience released in Iran, ahead of new President Hassan Rouhani’s first address to the UN … Read More. After the storm. Sep 20 2013. A few days on from the Egyptian army’s re-establishment of state control over Delga in Minya province, the country’s Coptic Christians are beginning to reveal the extent of their sufferings at the …
Interfaith conflict threatens to engulf Central African Republic
Sep 18 2013. Evangelical Alliance leader risks arrest to condemn violence; President disbands rebelsClashes between Christians and Muslims in the northwest of the Central African Republic (CAR) have increased …
Read More. Catholic priest victim of latest Zanzibar acid attack
Sep 17 2013. Fifth such attack on the island since NovemberAn elderly Catholic priest has been the victim of an acid attack in Zanzibar.Amselmo Mwangamba was attacked on Friday (September 13) and is now in … Read More. Egyptian army breaks Islamist grip on Delga
Sep 16 2013. Since the Aug. 14 wave of anti-Christian violence that swept over Egypt, the Christians of Delga have complained they had been abandoned by government security forces. Many of their churches and …
Read More. Vietnamese police crush protests against Catholics’ imprisonment
Sep 13 2013. Dozens injured, as police use tear gas, batons and police dogsAround 40 people have been injured in Vietnam during a protest against the 3-month detention of two Catholics on minor charges.The protest … Read More. Christians flee Pakistani village after pastor accused of blasphemy. Sep 12 2013. Dozens of Christian families have fled from their homes in a village near Lahore after a pastor was accused of blasphemy against the Prophet Muhammad.In a discussion with a Muslim man on August 24, … Christian woman raped and murdered in Madhya Pradesh
Sep 10 2013. Four men were today convicted of the fatal gang rape of a medical student in Delhi – a story that has grabbed the world’s attention. Meanwhile, a little further south, the case of a Christian woman … Read More. Moroccan Christian jailed for evangelizing
Sep 09 2013. Mohamed el Baldi convicted for ‘shaking the faith’ of MuslimsA Moroccan Christian man has been jailed for two-and-a-half years and fined for evangelizing.Mohamed el Baldi, 34, from the town of Ain …
Read More. Pastor taken hostage in Philippines rebel attack. Sep 09 2013. A pastor has been taken hostage and several Christians are among the many injured in an attack by a rebel group in the Philippines.The Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) is suspected of carrying …
Read More. Maldives elections unlikely to improve religious freedom
Sep 06 2013. Tourist hotspot the only place where being non-Muslim is illegalKnown for its golden sands and crystal waters, the Maldives is perhaps not the first country that springs to mind when one considers … Read More. Renewed day by day. Sep 04 2013. A photographic journey into the destruction, and resilience, of Egypt’s churchesPhoto: Miriam, a member of Bishop Moussa Coptic Church in Minya, absorbs the destruction caused Aug 14 by pro-Morsi …
Download. Christian woman raped and murdered in Madhya Pradesh
Sep 10 2013. The bed where the woman’s body was found. Courtesy: World Watch Monitor. Four men were today convicted of the fatal gang rape of a medical student in Delhi – a story that has grabbed the world’s attention. Meanwhile, a little further south, the case of a Christian woman who suffered the same fate has gone relatively unnoticed.. The 30-year-old was raped and killed on August 29 in Bakoudi village in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh.
The woman, whose name has not been released to protect her family’s security and privacy, was found the next morning by her mother-in-law.
Witnesses told World Watch Monitor she had suffered multiple stab wounds to her torso and had been strangled with her own sari.
Two suspects, both Hindus, have been arrested. Mahesh Dohre, 23, who worked with the victim’s husband, and Durgesh Potfode, 25, are residents of Bakoudi. They have both been released. It is unclear whether they will face further official charges. The local Christian community has been shocked by the event and expressed concerns about its vulnerability to local authorities. It is uncertain whether the attack took place because of the woman’s faith, but Christian women often report threats in the area. Christians comprise a tiny fraction of the population of Madhya Pradesh (the 2001 census put the figure at around 170,000 people, or 0.3%) and just 2.3% of the total population of India (2011 census).
In the vast and diverse country, Christians often live freely. However, India ranks among the 50 countries where life as a Christian is most difficult, according to Open Doors International, a global ministry that serves Christians who are pressured because of their faith. The country is No. 31 on Open Doors’ 2013 World Watch List, largely because of a streak of Hindu nationalism, or Hindutva, that envisions India as a purely Hindu state. Source:World Watch Monitor. Dozens of ‘noisy’ churches silenced in Cameroon. Sep 03 2013. Government continues crackdown on Pentecostal movementThe government of Cameroon has ordered the closure of dozens of churches in an attempt to put an end to what it considers to be anarchy among some …
Read More. 40 Pakistani Christian families face hunger after Gojra elopement dispute
Sep 02 2013. Christian minority targeted after Muslim girl elopes with Christian manLast month was the fourth anniversary of one of the worst outbreaks of violence against Pakistan’s minority Christian community … Read More. North Korea rescinds invitation to U.S. envoy
Aug 30 2013. Diplomatic trip to free Kenneth Bae is offNorth Korea has rescinded its invitation to a special U.S. envoy who had planned to visit Pyongyang with hopes of bringing jailed American Kenneth Bae .. Read More. Viewpoint: A troubling call from Syria
Aug 29 2013. Nuri Kino is a Sweden-based independent investigative reporter, filmmaker, author, Middle East and human-rights analyst. His report, titled “The Camp,” which examined the construction of a massive … Read More Court case hangs over Indonesian pastor
Aug 26 2013. Pastor says he was the victim, as human rights group questions police logicPastor says he was the victim, as human rights group questions police logicAn Indonesian pastor remains in a tortured .. Italian priest still unaccounted for in Syria. Aug 22 2013. Fr. Dall’Oglio reported abducted last month, now presumed deadConflicting reports are emerging about the whereabouts and welfare of an Italian Jesuit priest who went missing almost one month …
Rimsha accused goes free. Aug 21 2013
Cleric acquitted due to ‘insufficient evidence’Photo: Rights activist Basharat Khokhar, left; Mizrak Masih, centre; daughter Rimsha, right, in early 2013, after her release.The Muslim cleric suspected … Read More . What caused Syria’s civil war?
Aug 16 2013. Revd. Nadim NassarThroughout its history, ancient and modern, Syria has played host to ethnic and religious minorities living together very much in harmony.Syria, in the original sense of what … Churches across Egypt attacked
Aug 14 2013. Photo: Coptic Kids at St. George in Sohag, Egypt – after church was attacked by Morsi supportersNumerous Christian churches across Egypt were attacked on Wednesday by mobs angered by the military’s …
Read More. In Egypt, Christian anxieties mount as Islamist hostility increases
Aug 13 2013. Coptic Pope cancels public appearancesPhoto: A burned truck is part of the damage caused Aug. 3 by a 4,000-person anti-Christian mob in Bani Ahmed, Egypt.Mass no longer is being celebrated at The … Italian priest still unaccounted for in Syria
Aug 22 2013. Fr. Dall’Oglio reported abducted last month, now presumed dead
Fr. Paolo Dall’Oglio, pictured in his native Italy in 2012.
Conflicting reports are emerging about the whereabouts and welfare of an Italian Jesuit priest who went missing almost one month ago.
Reuters reported on July 29 that Fr. Paolo Dall’Oglio had been abducted by Islamists with links to al-Qaeda in the northern Syrian city of ar-Raqqah, but the Vatican would not confirm the news.
Now, as various reports claim the priest has been killed, the Vatican remains tight-lipped.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported last week that the priest had been killed, but retracted its statement on Monday, Aug. 19.
The rights organisation said sources close to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, or ISIS, which claimed it has kidnaped Dall’Oglio, said he was still alive. ISIS has yet to make a statement.
No side refuting the report that Father Paolo was killed has shown any evidence to prove that he is alive, despite their empty assurances,” said a statement released by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
The group called for “solid evidence” to be given, such as a recent video proving that he is alive, and a statement from a “clear and honest” member of the Syrian opposition.
Any harm inflicted on Father Paolo is harm inflicted on the Syrian revolution and on the Syrian peoples’ freedoms and dignity,” SOHR said.
No side refuting the report that Father Paolo was killed has shown any evidence to prove that he is alive, despite their empty assurances.”–Syrian Observatory for Human Rights
A Jesuit spokesperson earlier this month expressed “deep worry” about the fate of Dall’Oglio.
Italian Foreign Minister Emma Bonino said: “We are still groping in the dark”.
Dall’Oglio worked in Syria for more than 30 years, and described his work as “promoting Islamic-Christian harmony-building”. He was expelled last year after speaking out against President Bashar al-Assad and helping victims of the civil war. Since then, he has been working predominantly in Europe. On July 22, he posted an online petition asking Pope Francis to advocate on behalf of suffering Syrians.
However, his stance has been controversial for many Syrian Christian leaders. Nadim Nassar, the only Syrian Anglican priest, told World Watch Monitor: “Any attempt to politicise the voice of Christians in Syria is wrong, and devastating for them, because it weakens them”.
Meanwhile, there is nothing new to report about the two Syrian bishops – Yohanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yaziji – kidnapped four months ago.
Metropolitan Timotheus Matta Fadil Alkhouri, patriarchal Assistant for the Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch, urged members of the press and politicians to refrain from speculation.
Every week some politician or some journalist pulls out some story on the two Metropolitan Bishops of Aleppo kidnapped,” he told Fides. “But so far they have always been unverifiable deductions. The reality is that… we do not know who kidnapped them.”
Source: World Watch Monitor. What caused Syria’s civil war?
Aug 16 2013. Revd. Nadim Nassar. Photo: Revd. Nadim Nassar
Throughout its history, ancient and modern, Syria has played host to ethnic and religious minorities living together very much in harmony.
Syria, in the original sense of what is now known as “Greater Syria”, encompassed much of the Levant – today’s states of Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan, plus a portion of Turkey. This is the cradle of the three major monotheistic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam; two were born in Syria, and Islam found its way there very early in its existence.
Its geopolitical position brought Syria to the attention of many different superpowers and, sadly, it has often been a battleground for these foreign powers. Throughout millennia of occupation and recent decades of independence, the minorities in Syria have always stayed true to their homeland: they played a major role in the liberation from the Ottomans after more than 500 years of oppression, and from the French Mandate in the twentieth century, leading to independence in 1946.
Christians, Druze, Alawites, Kurds and other, smaller minorities worked hand in hand with the majority Sunnis to secure the liberation of Syria from all foreign occupation.
In 1970 the political situation in Syria took a dramatic turn when a faction of military leaders who were Alawites – an Islamic sect – took power. After many centuries in which the Syrians had been ruled by outsiders, they now found themselves ruled by one of their own minorities.
For years Syrians hoped that the Assads, the ruling family, would bring stability and freedom after the troubled 1950s and 60s, during which a series of coups d’états pushed the country into uncertainty and military conflict. In 1973, just three years after he seized power, Hafez al-Assad joined with Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat in a new major war against Israel. The Soviet Union supplied Egypt and Syria with arms, while the United States of America backed Israel. This disastrous war damaged relations throughout the Middle East and achieved little for Syria.
Before the region could recover, civil war engulfed Syria’s southern neighbour, Lebanon. The superpowers and regional powers, including Syria, used their allies in Lebanon to wage their own proxy wars in the midst of the 17-year-long Lebanese Civil War. This act by the ruling minority dragged Syria into the heart of the bloodshed through indirect and direct military intervention.
At this time, President Hafez al-Assad focused most of his energy on foreign politics, especially the on-going conflict with Israel, and left Syria to be run mainly by members of his family and the Intelligence Services.
Trade with the rest of the world was tightly controlled by the Assad regime, and many benefitted from the Lebanese Civil War through establishing smuggling rings and black markets across the Syrian-Lebanese border – with the support of many of those in power; this was the beginning of the awful corruption that has infected Syria.
In an extremely closed economy, smuggling became the norm – even fruit, vegetables and daily products like butter, tea, sugar, bananas and tissues had to be smuggled into Syria from Lebanon and Jordan.
The corruption deepened as time went on, creating a new upper class of people from all religions who took advantage of the situation and got closer to the Alawite regime in order to further their business.
This squeezed the traditional middle class and deprived them of much of their income, fomenting anger and hostility towards the regime and towards Alawites in general.
“What is happening in Syria today is not merely the result of a minority ruling a majority. Some of those who are supported by external powers would like the conflict to be seen in this way, but the changes the people seek have nothing to do with Assad coming from a minority.” –Revd. Nadim Nassar
The regime maintained its hold on power through the usual measures employed by a dictatorship: eliminating dissent through censoring the media, silencing opponents and critics, preventing free speech and denying political expression.
That created an atmosphere of fear and resentment of the Alawites and the Assad family in particular.
In the early eighties the Assad regime killed tens of thousands in the western city of Hama to silence the uprising of a Sunni group, the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood had been terrorising parts of Syria through assassination and bombing.
This brutal act did not end the Syrian people’s resentment against the regime but merely drove it deeper underground where it would smoulder under the fist of the regime.
When Hafez al-Assad died in 2000, his second son, Bashar, an ophthalmologist living in London, inherited the Presidency.
The people hoped that a young President, who studied in the West and who had married an intelligent and charming Syrian-British woman, could change the situation which his father had created. Many people were almost euphorically optimistic – they saw Bashar as an open-minded, well-travelled reformer.
Indeed, Bashar al-Assad began to restore proper international trade and he started to reform the country, but everything quickly slipped back to the old corrupt ways. Most of the promises of change that Bashar made in his inauguration speech evaporated.
For most Syrians, religion was not a source of tension and conflict. I have always had dear Muslim, Alawite and Druze friends, and differences in belief were never an issue.
Sadly this has now changed in my homeland. Sectarianism was not a part of a Syrian lifestyle until recently. It has been imported by foreign religious fanatics.
The conflict in Syria began as a protest against the corruption that blighted every aspect of people’s lives and the lack of freedom; the people demanded radical reforms in how Syria was governed.
The lack of response to these demands was followed by severe and sustained military action against those who protested, and this violence drove some in the opposition to seek help from foreign governments in the region. Many of these governments are keen to shatter the age-old alliance between Syria and Iran, and the fall of the Assad regime would help them greatly; for this reason, they offered military and financial aid to the opposition but only on the condition that the “new Syria” would cut links with Iran and with Hezbollah in South Lebanon.
Some religious leaders outside Syria then called for a Sunni uprising against the minorities – with the Alawites being at the top of the list. Sadly, Christians are also on that list because they are wrongly seen as having been protected by the Alawites.
As the conflict continued, this new sectarianism spread; it became popular because it legitimised violence against others – even those who were not part of the regime. The regime’s acts of war against its own people across Syria only encouraged further resentment against the regime and the Alawites.
What is happening in Syria today is not merely the result of a minority ruling a majority. Some of those who are supported by external powers would like the conflict to be seen in this way, but the changes the people seek have nothing to do with Assad coming from a minority.
The change the Syrians desire with all their hearts is the change from oppression to freedom, from corruption to the rule of law, from dictatorship to democracy. This change would be to the great benefit of all Syrians. Source: World Watch Monitor. Churches across Egypt attacked, Aug 14 2013
Coptic Kids at St. George in Sohag, Egypt – after church was attacked by Morsi supporters
Photo: Coptic Kids at St. George in Sohag, Egypt – after church was attacked by Morsi supporters
Numerous Christian churches across Egypt were attacked on Wednesday by mobs angered by the military’s armed crackdown on protesters in Cairo. The official death toll has passed 500; a state of emergency and curfew are in effect. St George’s Cathedral. Sohag. Southern Egypt just burnt by Muslim Brotherhood supporters.. Photo: St George’s Cathedral. Sohag, Southern Egypt just burnt by Muslim Brotherhood supporters.
Watani International provided the following tally of assaults on Christian churches and other buildings: Three churches and six buildings at the monastery of the Holy Virgin and Anba Abra’am in Dalga, Minya, Upper Egypt. The church of Mar-Mina in the district of Abu-Hilal in the town of Minya. The bishopric church of Mar-Girgis (St George) in Sohag, Upper Egypt (video below)
The church of the Holy Virgin in Nazla, Fayoum, Lower Egypt. The Baptist church in Beni-Mazar, Minya. Coptic-owned shops in Gumhouriya Street in Assiut, Upper Egypt. The Good Shepherd School in Suez. The Fransiscan School in Suez. Bible Society of Egypt bookstore in Fayoum. The church of al-Amir Tawadros (St Theodore) in Fayoum. The church of the Holy Virgin in the district of Abu-Hilal in the town of Minya. The Catholic church of St Mark, Minya. The Jesuit church in Abu-Hilal, Minya. The church of Mar-Morqos (St Mark) and its community centre, Sohag
18 houses of Coptic families in Dalga, Minya, including the home of Father Angaelus Melek of the Holy Virgin and Anba Abra’am’s· The Evangelical church on Nassara Street in Abu-Hilal, Minya. The church of Anba Moussa al-Aswad in Minya. Coptic-owned shops, pharmacies, and a doctor’s clinic in Minya (photo below) Photo of fire set in a shop owned by coptic citizen in El minya governorate upper Egypt. Photo: Fire set in a shop owned by coptic citizen in El minya governorate upper Egypt. The Jesuit church in Minya (attacked, not burned)
The St Fatima Basilica in Cairo (attacked, not burned)
St Joseph’s School in Minya (attacked, not burned)
The Nile boat al-Dahabiya, owned by the Evangelical Church in Minya
Coptic-owned shops, pharmacy, and hotels on Karnak Street and Cleopatra Street in Luxor (attacked and looted)
The church of Mar-Girgis (St George) in Wasta (attacked)
The church of St Michael on Nemeis Street in Assiut, Upper Egypt
The Adventist church in Assiut; the pastor and his wife were both kidnapped
The Greek church in Suez. The church of Mar-Girgis in Assiut
Coptic houses on Qulta Street in Assiut attacked
The church of Mar-Girgis (St George) in Arish, North Sina
The church of St Dimiana and the Evangelical church in the village of Zerbi in Fayoum
The offices of the Evangelical foundation in Minya, and those of Umm al-Nour in Beni-Mazar, Minya. The church of Anba Antonius in Kerdassa, Giza
The bishopric church in Etfeeh, Giza. A church burning in Sohag, multiple angles
Photo: A church burning in Sohag, multiple angles.
Additionally, the Bible Society of Egypt reported that another of its bookstores, in Minya, was burned. Source: World Watch Monitor

innocent christinas martyrs World Watch List, Christian Persecution

Theology of Persecution for innocent christinas martyrs ] chi fa del male a persone innocenti, lui dichiara al mondo di servire e di adorare il demonio in ogni modo. [World Watch List Countries. most criminal country [ all friends of ONU ] North Korea, Somalia Syria Iraq Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Maldives, Pakistan, Iran Yemen, Sudan Eritrea, Libya Nigeria Uzbekistan Central African Rep. Ethiopia Vietnam Qatar, Turkmenistan, Laos Egypt, Myanmar (Burma), Brunei Colombia, Jordan Oman India Sri Lanka. Tunisia Bhutan, Algeria Mali, Palestinian Territories, United Arab Emirates, Mauritania, China Kuwait, Kazakhstan Malaysia, Bahrain Comoros, Kenya, Morocco, Tajikistan, Djibouti, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Tanzania, Niger.] [ Matthew 5:10-12 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. For almost 60 years Open Doors has worked in the world\’s most oppressive and restrictive countries, strengthening Christians to stand strong in the face of persecution and equipping them to shine Christ\’s light in these places. These believers stand strong, despite the many obstacles that they face. What are some of the things that we can we learn from their faith? There is something about hardship that allows us to know God deeply. When times get really tough, we discover more about who God is and how He works. Christians who have endured persecution for their faith, know this well. There are no easy answers for why God allows his followers to face suffering. However, the lives of persecuted Christians reveal that even when things look out of control believers can rest secure, knowing that God is still in control. He is able to give courage, peace and even joy to stand strong through the storm. It is through these storms that believers discover God\’s love in new and powerful ways. Standing Strong Through The Storm is the curriculum that Open Doors uses to help Christians stand strong in the face of persecution. There are six theological and biblical lessons from this curriculum 1. Sometimes you need to build yourself a cell
Be still, and know that I am God—Psalms 46:10. One Chinese church leader, who spent 23 years in prison, once said this to Christians who did not face persecution I was pushed into a cell, but you have to push yourself into one. You have no time to know God. You need to build yourself a cell, so you can do for yourself what persecution did for me—simplify your life and know God.\” It is vital that we spend time with God, to grow in Him, so we are prepared to stand strong in the face of persecution. 2. God keeps secrets. \”For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,\” declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts—Isaiah 55:8-9. There have been countless stories of persecuted Christians who have died without seeing the fruits of their labor. However, God know all that has been and all that is to come. Our labor is not in vein, it is in His hands.
3. Weakness is a direct path to power. That is why, for Christ\’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong—2 Corinthians 12:10. An Egyptian Christian reflected on the way he was treated when he converted to Christ:. \”In great suffering you discover a different Jesus than you do in normal life… Pain and suffering bring up to the surface all the weak points of your personality. In my weakest state, I had an incredible realization that Jesus loved me even right then.\” True empowerment does not come from human means, but through Christ alone. It often takes being at our weakest point to realize this. 4. Overcoming is greater than deliverance. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. —Romans 12:21. Persecuted Christians, no matter what country they are from, do not ask us to pray that persecution would end, but rather ask us to pray that they stand strong through the persecution. They do not wish to be delivered from the persecution, but rather ask us to pray that they would be able to overcome the trials that they are facing in a way that is honoring to God.
5. Extreme hurt requires extreme forgiveness. And Jesus said, \”Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.\” And they cast lots to divide his garments—Luke 23:34. A Christian widow from Iran said \”I only had hatred in my heart for my enemies who had murdered my husband. But one day a miracle happened. God taught me how I could love my enemies… I had been praying for this, even though on the deepest level I didn\’t want it to happen. Gradually, through a process of ups and downs, God answered this prayer.\” The only way we can get through extreme hurt is by forgiving people as Christ did. 6. Prayer is the ultimate fellowship. Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering—Hebrews 13:3. Many persecuted Christians often feel isolated and alone, since they are unable to fellowship with other believers. However, prayers from Christians half a world away have brought the same amount of encouragement that fellowship would have for these persecuted Christians. Prayer is vital—not only as a direct line to God, but as a way to encourage our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world. 1 Corinthians 12:26 tells us that we are one body—when one member suffers, we all suffer. When one member is lifted up, we all rejoice. The persecuted church and the church in the free world are not two separate entities, but rather are one body. The persecuted church needs the free church to support them and most importantly to lift them up in prayer. The church in the free world learns lessons from the persecuted who have stood strong in the face of persecution. Christ is the head of the body and uses both churches in unique and powerful ways. World Watch List Countries. most criminal country [ all friends of ONU ] North Korea. Somalia Syria Iraq Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Maldives, Pakistan, Iran Yemen, Sudan Eritrea, Libya Nigeria Uzbekistan Central African Rep. Ethiopia Vietnam Qatar, Turkmenistan, Laos Egypt Myanmar (Burma), Brunei Colombia, Jordan Oman India Sri Lanka. Tunisia Bhutan, Algeria Mali, Palestinian Territories, United Arab Emirates, Mauritania, China Kuwait, Kazakhstan Malaysia, Bahrain Comoros, Kenya, Morocco, Tajikistan, Djibouti, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Tanzania, Niger.
Baghdad Christmas bombings kill 37. Dec 30 2013 Church spokesman says reports of Christian deaths \’false\’
Central African Republic Christians petition for President\’s removal. Dec 24 2013. They also want removal of Chadian forces; Muslims demand exit of French troops
Read More. Christmas excitement marred by insecurity for Pakistani Christians after deadly year of attacks
Dec 23 2013. Solidarity with Muslim neighbours the sole highlight of turbulent year
Read More. Chinese Christians\’ lawyers attacked in presence of foreign TV crew
Dec 20 2013.  
Whereabouts of 17 Nanle church members still unknown; families in fear
Read More
Iraqi Archbishop calls on West to \’open eyes\’ to Christians\’ Middle East exodus
Dec 18 2013. Chaldean Catholic Head says Christians are \’integral part of national Arab tissue\’
Prince Charles criticises \’organised persecution\’ of Middle East Christians
Dec 18 2013
Muslim–Christian relationship in danger of being \’destroyed\’, says Prince
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Turkey blacklists foreign evangelist without explanation
Dec 17 2013
Another US citizen takes case against government after authorities fail to renew residency
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Pakistani Christian on blasphemy charge speaks out from jail
Dec 16 2013
He says police arrested his family to force his return, then later tried to kill him
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Three pastors among dead in Central African Republic
Dec 13 2013
Religious nature of conflict grows more apparent, as ex-Séléka rebels and anti-Balaka clash
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Egyptian convert arrested for \’inciting sectarian strife\’
Dec 13 2013
Bishoy Armeya had sued Egypt to change his religion
Scores killed in Central African Republic
Dec 11 2013
Sectarian violence continues despite expanded military presence
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Malaysia\’s \’Allah\’ ruling widely criticised
Dec 11 2013
Church leaders call decision to limit use of \’Allah\’ to Muslims \’repugnant\’
Read More
Rumor of tryst triggers anti-Christian violence in Egypt village
Dec 09 2013
One killed; homes burned in trouble-plagued province
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Pakistan\’s churches increase security after Peshawar blasts
Dec 06 2013
Officer dies guarding another church in Peshawar
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UN endorses more military in Central African Republic
Dec 05 2013
Mandate is to restore security for civilians.
Nigeria\’s Boko Haram strikes again in Cameroon
Dec 04 2013. Missionary killed, churches torched around time of French priest\’s kidnapping
Read More . UK Parliament is told Christianity is \’most persecuted religion\’
Dec 04 2013
MPs also hear that one Christian is killed every 11 minutes
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12 nuns \’abducted\’ as rebels recapture Maaloula
Dec 03 2013
Three other women also abducted; Mother Superior says all \’fine and safe\’
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Chinese church protests against arrest of 23 members
Dec 03 2013
Lawyers prevented from seeing detainees; leaders\’ whereabouts unknown
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Pressure mounts on UN to refer Syria \’war crimes\’ to ICC
Dec 02 2013
Human Rights Watch calls for UN to address atrocities against Christians.
Dozens killed in fresh attacks in central Nigeria
Nov 29 2013
Four Christian-dominated villages decimated; Muslim tribe suspected of attacks
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Vigilante group formed in Bangladesh to stop Christian activities
Nov 29 2013
Two months after church construction halted, committee wants complete end to Christian influence
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Kenyan bishop hurt in clash with local tribe
Nov 27 2013
Three members of congregation also hurt in attempt to retrieve abducted member
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Church welcomes US designation of Boko Haram as Foreign Terrorist Organisation
Nov 15 2013
Splinter group Ansaru also classified as \’terrorists\’ One of the major organisations representing Christians in Nigeria has welcomed the US State Department\’s announcement on Nov 13 that it has …
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All eyes on Sri Lanka as Commonwealth summit begins
Nov 15 2013
Some world leaders boycott summit, citing human rights abuses Sri Lanka\’s human rights record has been questioned as a Commonwealth summit takes place in Colombo.Several Commonwealth leaders have …
 Christians face extinction in Middle East, warns UK Minister
Nov 15 2013
 Baroness Warsi says the situation for Christians has become a global crisisA UK Foreign Office Minister has warned that Christians in some parts of the world face extinction because of violence …
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Turkish pastor arrested on human trafficking accusations
Nov 15 2013
Pastor says deliberate plot was hatched to discredit his churchA Turkish Protestant pastor arrested by police in the Black Sea province of Samsun this week is accused of involvement in prostitution …
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Number of Christian martyrs continues to cause debate
Nov 13 2013
Estimates range from between 1,200 to 100,000 per yearThe debate over the precise number of Christians martyred each year continues.In May, a Vatican spokesman told the United Nations Human Rights …
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China asks Church for help with social care
Nov 11 2013
Church to play major role in caring for increasingly elderly population The Chinese government has welcomed the role of the Church in providing social care in the country.China\’s leaders have been …
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Iran\’s nuclear programme \’distracting\’ world from rights abuses
Nov 08 2013
 Nobel winner Shirin Ebadi calls EU, US to focus on minorities\’ plight An Iranian Nobel Prize-winner has warned EU and US officials that Iran\’s nuclear programme is distracting them from addressing …
Radical Islamists \’control much of northern Syria\’
Nov 07 2013
 A new survey of Syrian towns by CNN suggests that much of northern Syria has come under the control of radical Islamist groups. CNN claims that Islamist militants, led by a group called the …
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Youth leader killed in Tanzania church attack
Nov 06 2013
 Bishop asks for protection as another church is attacked in northern Tanzania Another Christian leader in northern Tanzania has been killed in what appears to be a targeted attack, with two other …
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Iranian Christian jailed for 10 years freed
Nov 05 2013
 An Iranian Christian sentenced to 10 years in prison has been released after three months. Mostafa Bordbar, 27, was released Nov. 3 from Tehran\’s Evin Prison after charges of participating in an …
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Vietnamese Catholics jailed despite protests
Nov 01 2013
 Two Vietnamese Catholics whose arrest led to protests last month have been handed jail terms. Nguyen Van Hai, 43, and Ngo Van Khoi, 53, were ordered on Oct. 23 to serve six and seven months, …
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Christian woman dies in Eritrean jail, as prisoner of conscience
Nov 01 2013
 An Eritrean Christian woman has become the latest known prisoner of conscience to have died in Eritrea. The death of Wehazit Berhane Debesai, who was in her thirties, comes amidst renewed …
Christian woman dies in Eritrean jail, as prisoner of conscience
Nov 01 2013
Shipping containers, such as these photographed in South Sudan, are used as makeshift prison cells in neighbouring Eritrea. Wehazit Berhane Debesai died during the week of Oct. 14 in an Eritrea prison, though it was not reported if she was being held in a shipping containter.
An Eritrean Christian woman has become the latest known prisoner of conscience to have died in Eritrea.
The death of Wehazit Berhane Debesai, who was in her thirties, comes amidst renewed condemnation of Eritrea\’s human rights abuses by the United Nations and NGOs.
 Debesai died during the week of Oct. 14 of pneumonia, following a year of imprisonment in harsh conditions, where she was denied access to medical treatment because she refused to denounce her Christian beliefs.
Debesai\’s death also coincided with the arrest of around 70 Christians at a prayer gathering in Asmara, the capital.
These arrests bring to nearly 300 the number of Christians known to have been taken into custody this year in what local Christians have called the most serious campaign against the Eritrean Church yet.
This follows the deaths earlier this month of around 380 mostly Eritrean and Somali migrants as they attempted to flee to Europe in ill-equipped vessels, crossing the Mediterranean from Libya.
The United Nations\’ special rapporteur on human rights in Eritrea, Sheila Keetharuth, recently told the General Assembly that human rights abuses in Eritrea are causing \”countless Eritreans to desert from their positions and flee the country\”. Eritreans are second only to Syrians in terms of the number of those who have fled to Italy by sea up to 30 September this year (UN figures). \”It demonstrates the desperation of those who decide to flee, despite the extreme dangers along escape routes and an unknown future,\” said Keetharuth.
 UN figures claim that between 2,000 and 3,000 people are fleeing Eritrea every month despite a \”shoot-to-kill policy\” for those who attempt to leave. More than 300,000 Eritreans are believed to have fled the country in the past decade.
 Keetharuth said the most serious violations include a lack of freedom of expression, assembly, religious belief and movement; extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, extended incommunicado detention, torture and indefinite national service.
 Eritrea\’s ambassador to the UN, Arya Desta, rejected these claims, saying they were being used as a \”tool of political pressure\” for making \”unfair and unjust\” sanctions. He also denied the implementation of a shoot-to-kill policy.
 Debesai had been taking part in national service when she was arrested last year for her involvement in Christian activities outside of the government-sanctioned Orthodox, Catholic and Evangelical Lutheran church groups.
 Debesai, who was engaged to be married, was then kept incommunicado in Adi Quala, near the Ethiopian border.
 Her fiancé Yohannes was arrested on the same day and also held in Adi Quala.
 A representative of Open Doors, a charity that works with Christians under pressure for their faith, said that many Christian men and women are being held in underground dungeons, metal shipping containers and military detention centres.
 \”They face exposure, hard labour and insufficient food, water and hygiene. They are regularly denied medical treatment for malaria and pneumonia contracted while in prison or diseases like diabetes, hypertension or cancer that they may have arrived with,\” said the representative.
A number of rights organisations, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, have condemned Eritrea\’s human rights record. Amnesty International claims that Eritrea\’s prisons are filled with \”thousands of political prisoners, locked up without ever being charged with a crime, many of whom are never heard from again\”.
At least 10,000 political prisoners have been imprisoned since 1993, claims the organisation, and many die in detention as a result of \”torture, appalling conditions or suicide\”.
Speaking to the BBC World Service in the aftermath of the first Eritrean deaths off the island of Lampedusa, Gaiam Ciprian of London\’s South Bank University said that every Eritrean between 16 and 40 has to do national service, and since there is no effective de-mobilisation, so no-one really leaves it.
He also said the Eritrean economy has virtually collapsed.
Source:World Watch Monitor
Iranians jailed for \’house church\’ attendance
Oct 30 2013
Christians lose appeals against incarceration for meeting together to pray Four Iranian Christians jailed for attending a \’house church\’ have lost their judicial appeals. Mojtaba Seyyed Alaedin …
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Two pastors killed in Kenya
Oct 29 2013
Perpetrators must be arrested and security increased, say church leaders Two pastors from southern coastal towns in Kenya were killed last weekend in separate attacks. Charles Mathole, a leader of …
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One third of Syrian Christians have gone, says cleric
Oct 24 2013
Patriarch claims more than 450,000 have fled, but opinions vary Almost a third of Syria\’s Christians have left since the start of the civil war, according to one of the country\’s senior clerics. …
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Clerics call on UN military force to secure Central African Republic
Oct 23 2013
In joint statement, Christian leaders warn of \’interfaith civil war\’ The leaders of the Central African Republic\’s 4 million Christians have issued a joint plea for military help to disarm a …
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Northern Iraq no longer safe for Christians
Oct 22 2013
Once a relative safe haven, Kurdish north is becoming increasingly dangerous An increase in violence against Christians in northern Iraq has increased the flow of Christians leaving the country. …
Bajrang Dal pressure villagers to leave Christianity
Oct 16 2013
Nationalist Hindu group destroys church, threatens believers For much of the year, Christians in the central India village of Taragaon have been enduring pressure to abandon their religion. In …
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Indian Christians sentenced to life terms will appeal
Oct 15 2013. No evidence to warrant convictions, lawyers say India\’s churches are urging an appeal of the lifetime sentences handed down on Oct. 3 to seven men convicted for the 2008 murder of a prominent Hindu …
Read More. Iran \’abuses\’ Christians\’ national and international rights
Oct 14 2013
Christians are jailed, tortured and prevented from meeting together Iran\’s continued mistreatment of its Christian minority was raised at a recent meeting of the United Nations Human Rights …
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African migrants risk lives to flee war and persecution
Oct 10 2013
Freedom to choose faith one factor driving them into smugglers\’ boatsThe latest tragic incident of hundreds of African migrants drowning in European waters tells a wider story.Scratch beneath the …
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Tension high as Mombasa Muslims protest cleric\’s murder
Oct 09 2013
Murder causes riots in days after siege of Westgate Shopping Centre in NairobiTension remains high in Kenya\’s port city of Mombasa after riots in protest at the murder of a prominent Muslim cleric on … Leaving home
Oct 07 2013. A couple of days after she fled Syria for Turkey, a colleague sent me a message.\”Dear Nuri, this is a court that the extremists established in my city, Lattakia, in the [Syrian] village of Kansabba. … Read More
Promised legal reforms disappoint Turkey\’s religious minorities
Oct 04 2013. Latest reforms positive but inadequate, say minority groupsThe Turkish government\’s long-awaited \”democratisation package\” of reform laws announced this week has met with considerable disappointment …
Read More . Boko Haram killing spree claims 110 Nigerians
Oct 01 2013. the militant Islamist sect Boko Haram is suspected of killing at least 110 people of various faiths across Nigeria during the past week, prompting the country\’s top Catholic bishop to declare the … Read More. Iran releases 2 Christians, but many more still imprisoned
Sep 20 2013. Prisoners freed on eve of President\’s UN addressTwo Christian women were among a number of prisoners of conscience released in Iran, ahead of new President Hassan Rouhani\’s first address to the UN … Read More. After the storm. Sep 20 2013. A few days on from the Egyptian army\’s re-establishment of state control over Delga in Minya province, the country\’s Coptic Christians are beginning to reveal the extent of their sufferings at the …
Interfaith conflict threatens to engulf Central African Republic
Sep 18 2013. Evangelical Alliance leader risks arrest to condemn violence; President disbands rebelsClashes between Christians and Muslims in the northwest of the Central African Republic (CAR) have increased …
Read More. Catholic priest victim of latest Zanzibar acid attack
Sep 17 2013. Fifth such attack on the island since NovemberAn elderly Catholic priest has been the victim of an acid attack in Zanzibar.Amselmo Mwangamba was attacked on Friday (September 13) and is now in … Read More. Egyptian army breaks Islamist grip on Delga
Sep 16 2013. Since the Aug. 14 wave of anti-Christian violence that swept over Egypt, the Christians of Delga have complained they had been abandoned by government security forces. Many of their churches and …
Read More. Vietnamese police crush protests against Catholics\’ imprisonment
Sep 13 2013. Dozens injured, as police use tear gas, batons and police dogsAround 40 people have been injured in Vietnam during a protest against the 3-month detention of two Catholics on minor charges.The protest … Read More. Christians flee Pakistani village after pastor accused of blasphemy. Sep 12 2013. Dozens of Christian families have fled from their homes in a village near Lahore after a pastor was accused of blasphemy against the Prophet Muhammad.In a discussion with a Muslim man on August 24, … Christian woman raped and murdered in Madhya Pradesh
Sep 10 2013. Four men were today convicted of the fatal gang rape of a medical student in Delhi – a story that has grabbed the world\’s attention. Meanwhile, a little further south, the case of a Christian woman … Read More. Moroccan Christian jailed for evangelizing
Sep 09 2013. Mohamed el Baldi convicted for \’shaking the faith\’ of MuslimsA Moroccan Christian man has been jailed for two-and-a-half years and fined for evangelizing.Mohamed el Baldi, 34, from the town of Ain …
Read More. Pastor taken hostage in Philippines rebel attack. Sep 09 2013. A pastor has been taken hostage and several Christians are among the many injured in an attack by a rebel group in the Philippines.The Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) is suspected of carrying …
Read More. Maldives elections unlikely to improve religious freedom
Sep 06 2013. Tourist hotspot the only place where being non-Muslim is illegalKnown for its golden sands and crystal waters, the Maldives is perhaps not the first country that springs to mind when one considers … Read More. Renewed day by day. Sep 04 2013. A photographic journey into the destruction, and resilience, of Egypt\’s churchesPhoto Miriam, a member of Bishop Moussa Coptic Church in Minya, absorbs the destruction caused Aug 14 by pro-Morsi …
Download. Christian woman raped and murdered in Madhya Pradesh
Sep 10 2013. The bed where the woman\’s body was found. Courtesy World Watch Monitor. Four men were today convicted of the fatal gang rape of a medical student in Delhi – a story that has grabbed the world\’s attention. Meanwhile, a little further south, the case of a Christian woman who suffered the same fate has gone relatively unnoticed.. The 30-year-old was raped and killed on August 29 in Bakoudi village in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh.
The woman, whose name has not been released to protect her family\’s security and privacy, was found the next morning by her mother-in-law.
Witnesses told World Watch Monitor she had suffered multiple stab wounds to her torso and had been strangled with her own sari.
Two suspects, both Hindus, have been arrested. Mahesh Dohre, 23, who worked with the victim\’s husband, and Durgesh Potfode, 25, are residents of Bakoudi. They have both been released. It is unclear whether they will face further official charges. The local Christian community has been shocked by the event and expressed concerns about its vulnerability to local authorities. It is uncertain whether the attack took place because of the woman\’s faith, but Christian women often report threats in the area. Christians comprise a tiny fraction of the population of Madhya Pradesh (the 2001 census put the figure at around 170,000 people, or 0.3%) and just 2.3% of the total population of India (2011 census).
In the vast and diverse country, Christians often live freely. However, India ranks among the 50 countries where life as a Christian is most difficult, according to Open Doors International, a global ministry that serves Christians who are pressured because of their faith. The country is No. 31 on Open Doors\’ 2013 World Watch List, largely because of a streak of Hindu nationalism, or Hindutva, that envisions India as a purely Hindu state. Source:World Watch Monitor. Dozens of \’noisy\’ churches silenced in Cameroon. Sep 03 2013. Government continues crackdown on Pentecostal movementThe government of Cameroon has ordered the closure of dozens of churches in an attempt to put an end to what it considers to be anarchy among some …
Read More. 40 Pakistani Christian families face hunger after Gojra elopement dispute
Sep 02 2013. Christian minority targeted after Muslim girl elopes with Christian manLast month was the fourth anniversary of one of the worst outbreaks of violence against Pakistan\’s minority Christian community … Read More. North Korea rescinds invitation to U.S. envoy
Aug 30 2013. Diplomatic trip to free Kenneth Bae is offNorth Korea has rescinded its invitation to a special U.S. envoy who had planned to visit Pyongyang with hopes of bringing jailed American Kenneth Bae .. Read More. Viewpoint A troubling call from Syria
Aug 29 2013. Nuri Kino is a Sweden-based independent investigative reporter, filmmaker, author, Middle East and human-rights analyst. His report, titled \”The Camp,\” which examined the construction of a massive … Read More Court case hangs over Indonesian pastor
Aug 26 2013. Pastor says he was the victim, as human rights group questions police logicPastor says he was the victim, as human rights group questions police logicAn Indonesian pastor remains in a tortured .. Italian priest still unaccounted for in Syria. Aug 22 2013. Fr. Dall\’Oglio reported abducted last month, now presumed deadConflicting reports are emerging about the whereabouts and welfare of an Italian Jesuit priest who went missing almost one month …
Rimsha accused goes free. Aug 21 2013
Cleric acquitted due to \’insufficient evidence\’Photo Rights activist Basharat Khokhar, left; Mizrak Masih, centre; daughter Rimsha, right, in early 2013, after her release.The Muslim cleric suspected … Read More . What caused Syria\’s civil war?
Aug 16 2013. Revd. Nadim NassarThroughout its history, ancient and modern, Syria has played host to ethnic and religious minorities living together very much in harmony.Syria, in the original sense of what … Churches across Egypt attacked
Aug 14 2013. Photo Coptic Kids at St. George in Sohag, Egypt – after church was attacked by Morsi supportersNumerous Christian churches across Egypt were attacked on Wednesday by mobs angered by the military\’s …
Read More. In Egypt, Christian anxieties mount as Islamist hostility increases
Aug 13 2013. Coptic Pope cancels public appearancesPhoto A burned truck is part of the damage caused Aug. 3 by a 4,000-person anti-Christian mob in Bani Ahmed, Egypt.Mass no longer is being celebrated at The … Italian priest still unaccounted for in Syria
Aug 22 2013. Fr. Dall\’Oglio reported abducted last month, now presumed dead
Fr. Paolo Dall\’Oglio, pictured in his native Italy in 2012.
Conflicting reports are emerging about the whereabouts and welfare of an Italian Jesuit priest who went missing almost one month ago.
Reuters reported on July 29 that Fr. Paolo Dall\’Oglio had been abducted by Islamists with links to al-Qaeda in the northern Syrian city of ar-Raqqah, but the Vatican would not confirm the news.
Now, as various reports claim the priest has been killed, the Vatican remains tight-lipped.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported last week that the priest had been killed, but retracted its statement on Monday, Aug. 19.
The rights organisation said sources close to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, or ISIS, which claimed it has kidnaped Dall\’Oglio, said he was still alive. ISIS has yet to make a statement.
\”No side refuting the report that Father Paolo was killed has shown any evidence to prove that he is alive, despite their empty assurances,\” said a statement released by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
The group called for \”solid evidence\” to be given, such as a recent video proving that he is alive, and a statement from a \”clear and honest\” member of the Syrian opposition.
\”Any harm inflicted on Father Paolo is harm inflicted on the Syrian revolution and on the Syrian peoples\’ freedoms and dignity,\” SOHR said.
\”No side refuting the report that Father Paolo was killed has shown any evidence to prove that he is alive, despite their empty assurances.\”–Syrian Observatory for Human Rights
A Jesuit spokesperson earlier this month expressed \”deep worry\” about the fate of Dall\’Oglio.
Italian Foreign Minister Emma Bonino said \”We are still groping in the dark\”.
Dall\’Oglio worked in Syria for more than 30 years, and described his work as \”promoting Islamic-Christian harmony-building\”. He was expelled last year after speaking out against President Bashar al-Assad and helping victims of the civil war. Since then, he has been working predominantly in Europe. On July 22, he posted an online petition asking Pope Francis to advocate on behalf of suffering Syrians.
However, his stance has been controversial for many Syrian Christian leaders. Nadim Nassar, the only Syrian Anglican priest, told World Watch Monitor \”Any attempt to politicise the voice of Christians in Syria is wrong, and devastating for them, because it weakens them\”.
Meanwhile, there is nothing new to report about the two Syrian bishops – Yohanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yaziji – kidnapped four months ago.
Metropolitan Timotheus Matta Fadil Alkhouri, patriarchal Assistant for the Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch, urged members of the press and politicians to refrain from speculation.
\”Every week some politician or some journalist pulls out some story on the two Metropolitan Bishops of Aleppo kidnapped,\” he told Fides. \”But so far they have always been unverifiable deductions. The reality is that… we do not know who kidnapped them.\”
Source World Watch Monitor. What caused Syria\’s civil war?
Aug 16 2013. Revd. Nadim Nassar. Photo Revd. Nadim Nassar
Throughout its history, ancient and modern, Syria has played host to ethnic and religious minorities living together very much in harmony.
Syria, in the original sense of what is now known as \”Greater Syria\”, encompassed much of the Levant – today\’s states of Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan, plus a portion of Turkey. This is the cradle of the three major monotheistic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam; two were born in Syria, and Islam found its way there very early in its existence.
Its geopolitical position brought Syria to the attention of many different superpowers and, sadly, it has often been a battleground for these foreign powers. Throughout millennia of occupation and recent decades of independence, the minorities in Syria have always stayed true to their homeland they played a major role in the liberation from the Ottomans after more than 500 years of oppression, and from the French Mandate in the twentieth century, leading to independence in 1946.
Christians, Druze, Alawites, Kurds and other, smaller minorities worked hand in hand with the majority Sunnis to secure the liberation of Syria from all foreign occupation.
In 1970 the political situation in Syria took a dramatic turn when a faction of military leaders who were Alawites – an Islamic sect – took power. After many centuries in which the Syrians had been ruled by outsiders, they now found themselves ruled by one of their own minorities.
For years Syrians hoped that the Assads, the ruling family, would bring stability and freedom after the troubled 1950s and 60s, during which a series of coups d\’états pushed the country into uncertainty and military conflict. In 1973, just three years after he seized power, Hafez al-Assad joined with Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat in a new major war against Israel. The Soviet Union supplied Egypt and Syria with arms, while the United States of America backed Israel. This disastrous war damaged relations throughout the Middle East and achieved little for Syria.
Before the region could recover, civil war engulfed Syria\’s southern neighbour, Lebanon. The superpowers and regional powers, including Syria, used their allies in Lebanon to wage their own proxy wars in the midst of the 17-year-long Lebanese Civil War. This act by the ruling minority dragged Syria into the heart of the bloodshed through indirect and direct military intervention.
At this time, President Hafez al-Assad focused most of his energy on foreign politics, especially the on-going conflict with Israel, and left Syria to be run mainly by members of his family and the Intelligence Services.
Trade with the rest of the world was tightly controlled by the Assad regime, and many benefitted from the Lebanese Civil War through establishing smuggling rings and black markets across the Syrian-Lebanese border – with the support of many of those in power; this was the beginning of the awful corruption that has infected Syria.
In an extremely closed economy, smuggling became the norm – even fruit, vegetables and daily products like butter, tea, sugar, bananas and tissues had to be smuggled into Syria from Lebanon and Jordan.
The corruption deepened as time went on, creating a new upper class of people from all religions who took advantage of the situation and got closer to the Alawite regime in order to further their business.
This squeezed the traditional middle class and deprived them of much of their income, fomenting anger and hostility towards the regime and towards Alawites in general.
\”What is happening in Syria today is not merely the result of a minority ruling a majority. Some of those who are supported by external powers would like the conflict to be seen in this way, but the changes the people seek have nothing to do with Assad coming from a minority.\” –Revd. Nadim Nassar
The regime maintained its hold on power through the usual measures employed by a dictatorship eliminating dissent through censoring the media, silencing opponents and critics, preventing free speech and denying political expression.
That created an atmosphere of fear and resentment of the Alawites and the Assad family in particular.
In the early eighties the Assad regime killed tens of thousands in the western city of Hama to silence the uprising of a Sunni group, the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood had been terrorising parts of Syria through assassination and bombing.
This brutal act did not end the Syrian people\’s resentment against the regime but merely drove it deeper underground where it would smoulder under the fist of the regime.
When Hafez al-Assad died in 2000, his second son, Bashar, an ophthalmologist living in London, inherited the Presidency.
The people hoped that a young President, who studied in the West and who had married an intelligent and charming Syrian-British woman, could change the situation which his father had created. Many people were almost euphorically optimistic – they saw Bashar as an open-minded, well-travelled reformer.
Indeed, Bashar al-Assad began to restore proper international trade and he started to reform the country, but everything quickly slipped back to the old corrupt ways. Most of the promises of change that Bashar made in his inauguration speech evaporated.
For most Syrians, religion was not a source of tension and conflict. I have always had dear Muslim, Alawite and Druze friends, and differences in belief were never an issue.
Sadly this has now changed in my homeland. Sectarianism was not a part of a Syrian lifestyle until recently. It has been imported by foreign religious fanatics.
The conflict in Syria began as a protest against the corruption that blighted every aspect of people\’s lives and the lack of freedom; the people demanded radical reforms in how Syria was governed.
The lack of response to these demands was followed by severe and sustained military action against those who protested, and this violence drove some in the opposition to seek help from foreign governments in the region. Many of these governments are keen to shatter the age-old alliance between Syria and Iran, and the fall of the Assad regime would help them greatly; for this reason, they offered military and financial aid to the opposition but only on the condition that the \”new Syria\” would cut links with Iran and with Hezbollah in South Lebanon.
Some religious leaders outside Syria then called for a Sunni uprising against the minorities – with the Alawites being at the top of the list. Sadly, Christians are also on that list because they are wrongly seen as having been protected by the Alawites.
As the conflict continued, this new sectarianism spread; it became popular because it legitimised violence against others – even those who were not part of the regime. The regime\’s acts of war against its own people across Syria only encouraged further resentment against the regime and the Alawites.
What is happening in Syria today is not merely the result of a minority ruling a majority. Some of those who are supported by external powers would like the conflict to be seen in this way, but the changes the people seek have nothing to do with Assad coming from a minority.
The change the Syrians desire with all their hearts is the change from oppression to freedom, from corruption to the rule of law, from dictatorship to democracy. This change would be to the great benefit of all Syrians. Source World Watch Monitor. Churches across Egypt attacked, Aug 14 2013
Coptic Kids at St. George in Sohag, Egypt – after church was attacked by Morsi supporters
Photo Coptic Kids at St. George in Sohag, Egypt – after church was attacked by Morsi supporters
Numerous Christian churches across Egypt were attacked on Wednesday by mobs angered by the military\’s armed crackdown on protesters in Cairo. The official death toll has passed 500; a state of emergency and curfew are in effect. St George\’s Cathedral. Sohag. Southern Egypt just burnt by Muslim Brotherhood supporters.. Photo St George\’s Cathedral. Sohag, Southern Egypt just burnt by Muslim Brotherhood supporters.
Watani International provided the following tally of assaults on Christian churches and other buildings Three churches and six buildings at the monastery of the Holy Virgin and Anba Abra\’am in Dalga, Minya, Upper Egypt. The church of Mar-Mina in the district of Abu-Hilal in the town of Minya. The bishopric church of Mar-Girgis (St George) in Sohag, Upper Egypt (video below)
The church of the Holy Virgin in Nazla, Fayoum, Lower Egypt. The Baptist church in Beni-Mazar, Minya. Coptic-owned shops in Gumhouriya Street in Assiut, Upper Egypt. The Good Shepherd School in Suez. The Fransiscan School in Suez. Bible Society of Egypt bookstore in Fayoum. The church of al-Amir Tawadros (St Theodore) in Fayoum. The church of the Holy Virgin in the district of Abu-Hilal in the town of Minya. The Catholic church of St Mark, Minya. The Jesuit church in Abu-Hilal, Minya. The church of Mar-Morqos (St Mark) and its community centre, Sohag
18 houses of Coptic families in Dalga, Minya, including the home of Father Angaelus Melek of the Holy Virgin and Anba Abra\’am\’s· The Evangelical church on Nassara Street in Abu-Hilal, Minya. The church of Anba Moussa al-Aswad in Minya. Coptic-owned shops, pharmacies, and a doctor\’s clinic in Minya (photo below) Photo of fire set in a shop owned by coptic citizen in El minya governorate upper Egypt. Photo Fire set in a shop owned by coptic citizen in El minya governorate upper Egypt. The Jesuit church in Minya (attacked, not burned)
The St Fatima Basilica in Cairo (attacked, not burned)
St Joseph\’s School in Minya (attacked, not burned)
The Nile boat al-Dahabiya, owned by the Evangelical Church in Minya
Coptic-owned shops, pharmacy, and hotels on Karnak Street and Cleopatra Street in Luxor (attacked and looted)
The church of Mar-Girgis (St George) in Wasta (attacked)
The church of St Michael on Nemeis Street in Assiut, Upper Egypt
The Adventist church in Assiut; the pastor and his wife were both kidnapped
The Greek church in Suez. The church of Mar-Girgis in Assiut
Coptic houses on Qulta Street in Assiut attacked
The church of Mar-Girgis (St George) in Arish, North Sina
The church of St Dimiana and the Evangelical church in the village of Zerbi in Fayoum
The offices of the Evangelical foundation in Minya, and those of Umm al-Nour in Beni-Mazar, Minya. The church of Anba Antonius in Kerdassa, Giza
The bishopric church in Etfeeh, Giza. A church burning in Sohag, multiple angles
Photo A church burning in Sohag, multiple angles.
Additionally, the Bible Society of Egypt reported that another of its bookstores, in Minya, was burned. Source World Watch Monitor

innocent christinas martyrs World Christian Persecution

QUESTO È IL COMPLOTTO DI FARISEI E SALAFITI PER DISTRUGGERE ISRAELE EUROPA E RUSSIA! \”Caro Signor comprendo e condivido il Suo anelo per salvare il mondo ma… Nel giorno del giudizio avrò l\’assoluzione per insufficienza di prove a mio carico e siccome discendo da una famiglia di banchieri ebrei profitto personalmente del sistema del signoraggio. Che Allah la protegga! ] QUESTO È IL COMPLOTTO DI FARISEI E SALAFITI PER DISTRUGGERE ISRAELE EUROPA E RUSSIA!

ISRAELE ] tu mi dirai \”che se ne possono fare i satanisti della CIA di entrare nel tuo computer?\” [ ANSWER ] ci vengono ad adorare Satana nel mio computer ovviamente!. perché loro pensano che possa funzionare ed invece? non funziona perché Satana è un frocio!

my ISRAEL ] ok! adesso i sauditi salafiti devono spiegare a tutti i musulmani del mondo perché anche loro hanno deciso di diventare i sacerdoti di Satana nella CIA!

MY ISRAEL ] il secondo browser di UBUNTU funziona correttamente è questo firefox che mi hanno bloccato su blogger perché io penso necessita di maggiore memoria RAM infatti io ho articoli pesanti.. ORA se hanno fatto le orgie ed hanno adorato satana con il mio firefox senza il mio consenso? Questo non significa che è diventato il loro 666 dominio dei Salafiti Farisei nella CIA i cannibali zombies!

my ISRAEL ] QUINDI sono stati Rothschild e SALMAN con la forza del loro denaro che hanno detto alle Chiese di Satana \”voi avete diritto ad un vostro dominio!\” QUINDI È LA MASSONERIA CHE DOMINA IL MONDO e non i Parlamenti costituzionali che seguono la legge positiva!
NON C\’È MATERIA CONTRATTUALE \” TUTTE LE CHIESE CRISTIANE E TUTTE LE RELIGIONI CHE NON SCOMUNICANO COLORO CHE BENEDICONO I MATRIMONI GAY SONO AUTOMATICAMENTE SCOMUNICATE A LORO VOLTA QUINDI APRIAMO L\’ERA DELLA APOSTASIA DALLA FEDE DELLE CHIESE CRISTIANE! \” BERLINO 8 APR – A Berlino e nel Brandeburgo le coppie omosessuali potranno sposarsi proprio come quelle etero nella chiesa evangelica la decisione data quasi per scontata è prevista per domani quando il sinodo di Berlino-Brandeburgo e della slesiana Oberlausitz voteranno su questo tema. Fino ad ora nella chiesa evangelica le coppie omosessuali potevano ricevere una benedizione mentre non era possibile una cerimonia religiosa equiparata al matrimonio evangelico che comunque non è un sacramento come nella chiesa cattolica; il vincolo matrimoniale nella chiesa protestante può infatti essere sciolto. Berlino non è il primo Land ad affrontare questo passo. In Germania già in due regioni Assia e Renania-Palatinato la chiesa evangelica ha introdotto il rito matrimoniale per i gay.

#sharia #sALMAN Tu dimmi quante Chiese sei riuscito a bruciare in questi ultimi 30 anni!

QUESTO DI USA È UN ENNESIMO ATTO INFAMANTE IO TROVO DICHIARAZIONI CONTINUE CIRCA LA presunta INFERIORITÀ MILITARE di USA NEI CONFRONTI DELLA RUSSIA CHE queste dichiarazioni HANNO SEMPLICEMENTE DEL RIDICOLO SIA SUL PIANO TECNOLOGICO CHE NUMERICO! Gli USA come con la Seconda guerra mondiale faranno delle provocazioni militari (da tenere segrete) perché sia la Russia ( in questo caso ) ad apparire l\’AGGRESSORE! 07.04.2016 Usa “tecnicamente surclassati” da Mosca per potenza di fuoco Lo ha affermato il generale Mark Milley dello stato maggiore americano intervenendo davanti al comitato per le forze armate del Senato

che poi a differenza di USA la Russia non ha un interesse economico o ideologico nella realizzazione di una guerra! QUESTO DI USA È UN ENNESIMO ATTO INFAMANTE IO TROVO DICHIARAZIONI CONTINUE CIRCA LA presunta INFERIORITÀ MILITARE di USA NEI CONFRONTI DELLA RUSSIA

SYNNEK1 ha perso l\’equilibrio mentale ed è quindi stato licenziato come Direttore di youtube eppure lui è il satanista più intelligente educato e preparato del NWO perché questo è potuto avvenire? io ho fatto comprendere a lui una verità teologica e logica al tempo stesso! POICHÉ LA TUA INTELLIGENZA NON COMPRENDE L\’UNIVERSO nel suo scopo e nel suo insieme POI LA TUA INTELLIGENZA È IL TUO NEMICO PEGGIORE PERCHÉ LA TUA INTELLIGENZA nel suo limite TI CONDURRÀ A CERCARE DEI BENEFICI MATERIALI IMMEDIATI eppure la vita è veramente un miracolo dato che noi non siamo in grado di realizzare in laboratorio una sola cellula di un filo d\’erba! Evoluzione e Big Ben sono teorie senza conforto scientifico ipotesi senza dimostrazione QUINDI FINGERE DI ESSERE ATEI è vero RISOLVE TANTI PROBLEMI E RENDE LA VITA PIÙ SEMPLICE MA QUANDO IL GRATTACIELO DELLA TUA VITa TI CROLLERÀ ADDOSSO PERCHÉ TU LO HAI EDIFICATO SULLA \”SABBIA\” del RELATIVISMO invece di fondarlo sulla ROCCIA che è Cristo? Poi all\’inferno ti rimarranno un rimpianto infinito e una disperazione infinità. ma la DISTRUZIONE dello EQUILIBRIO MENTALE DI SYNNEK1 POTREBBE AVERLO SALVATO DALL\’INFERNO!
Ovviamente se tu puoi trovare un rabbino santo o un prete santo ( OPPURE UN MINISTRO SANTO DI OGNI ALTRA RELIGIONE ) che può comprendere intellettivamente quello che è il tuo satanismo in tutta la sua estensione e poi lui ti perdona? POI TU SARAI PERDONATO VERAMENTE ANCHE DA DIO! PERCHÉ È DIO CHE PERDONA ma tu non puoi sapere di essere stato perdonato se la tua espiazione e la tua conversione non hanno subito un processo completo nel più profondo del tuo cuore! NON TI SERVIRÀ A NIENTE CERCARE UN CARDINALE VESCOVO DI COGLIONE CHE È UN TUO COMPLICE E CHE LUI NON TI CAPISCE CIOÈ NON CAPISCE TUTTO IL MALE CHE TU HAI POTUTO FARE!


c\’è una guerra terribile nel mio computer (lenovo AMD E1 essential) tra UBUNTU e la CIA si Utuntu mi installa aggiornamenti ogni giorno ma non è riuscito a sboccarmi il blocco della memoria della RAM anche perché le lucertole mi hanno reso invisibile una partizione di 100Gb.. quindi ieri io pensavo che la colpa era di blogger ma mi sbagliavo! Mi hanno manomesso il computer portatile che questa mattina ho trovato completamente scarico perché la CiA me lo ha acceso durante la notte!

ISRAELE ] hai visto? come li minaccio poi mi sbloccano! ora sono sbloccato ma non ha interagito l\’aggiornamento di UBUNTU è la mia denuncia che ha interagito! MI BLOCCANO QUESTI CRIMINALI DELLA CIA!

Panama Papers quando il pesce puzza dalla testa. SI LA TESTA DEL SERPENTE DEMONIO TALMUD FARISEO ROTHSCHILD BILDENBERG SPA FMI FED ECC.. 07.04.2016( Quando ho aperto le news questa mattina mi è venuto da sorridere Putin fra coloro che nascondono i propri soldi nei paradisi fiscali. E ti pareva – ho pensato – ora ci manca solo che scoprano che è un pedofilo e il ritratto del grande babau sarà finalmente completato. Panama papers i media occidentali si sono accorti solo dei fatti legati alla Russia. La notizia dei Panama Papers infatti non avrebbe nulla di sconvolgente se non fosse per il risalto esagerato che si è voluto dare alla figura del leader russo all\’interno di questo presunto nuovo scandalo. Ma quando vedi che tutte le testate occidentali — dal New York Times alla BBC dall\’Espresso alla Cnn mettono tutti l\’accento su Vladimir Putin allora ti viene da sorridere è chiaro che si tratta di una operazione di discredito progettata a tavolino. La cosa divertente infatti è che tutte queste testate si danno un gran da fare per riempire la prima pagina con le foto dei vari personaggi coinvolti nello scandalo — da Cameron a Montezemolo da Messi a Jackie Chan — ma il primo in alto a sinistra è quasi sempre lui Vladimir Putin. Un\’altra cosa che salta all\’occhio in una rosa così forbita di grossi personaggi mondiali è la totale assenza di un qualunque nome americano di rilievo. È come se il Dipartimento di Stato avesse chiesto alla C.I.A. se avevano qualcosa di nuovo da poter utilizzare contro Putin e la C.I.A. avesse risposto \”Sì volendo qualcosa di succoso ce l\’abbiamo si tratta di una lista di grossi nomi mondiali che nascondono i propri soldi nei vari paradisi fiscali grazie ad una società panamense. Si potrebbe aggiungere anche Putin fra quei nomi\”. \”Va bene — avranno detto al Dipartimento di Stato — fatela circolare tramite i soliti canali ma prima state ben attenti a far sparire tutti i nomi degli americani coinvolti. Non vorremmo avere noie inutili in casa nostra.\” Panama Papers Controlleremo individui ed entità russe citata in documenti. Insomma la predominanza totale della figura di Putin da un lato e la totale assenza di grossi nomi americani dall\’altro porta automaticamente a sospettare che questa sia la classica operazione telecomandata da Washington per portare avanti la campagna di discredito contro il leader russo. La tragedia è che ora pur di stare al gioco i giornalisti di mezzo mondo fanno finta di credere che se davvero un uomo come Putin volesse nascondere i soldi dalle tasse sarebbe costretto a mettersi nelle mani di una qualunque holding di offshore panamense (pronta a ricattarlo in qualunque momento).
Queste cose le fanno gli industriali e i personaggi pubblici di mezzo mondo non le fanno gli ex-capi del KGB.
Originariamente pubblicato sul sito
L\’opinione dell\’autore può non coincidere con la posizione della redazione.
Panama Papers Cremlino La “Putinfobia” ha raggiunto nuove vette
L’ossessione dei media occidentali di contare i soldi di Putin
Wikileaks USA e Soros promotori dello scandalo “Panama Papers” per attaccare la Russia.


Milano giudice gay beccato a letto con zingaro minorenne condannato a 3 anni | Riscatto Nazionale. Si spiegano tante cose. Il già giudice del Tribunale di Sondrio tal Pietro Paci è stato condannato oggi a Milano a 3 anni di carcere per prostituzione.
mary cryss DOBBIAMO AVERE CHIARO IL QUADRO. La Cassazione ha sentenziato ieri affittare un utero è reato in Italia ma se lo affitti ucraino in Ucraina non è più reato. Alla faccia di quelli che in Senato (anche alcuni miei amici cattolici del Pd anche il mio amico Matteo Renzi) tromboneggiavano su mozioni per introdurre il \”reato universale\” dopo aver stralciato la stepchild adoption. Non è stato fatto niente il ddl Cirinnà si appresta a essere approvato anche alla Camera i tribunali marciano come schiacciasassi…

¡Buenos días lorenzo! La protección de la vida humana va en serio en Polonia. Negarse a adoptar las políticas de la Unión Europea para extender el aborto es algo más que una convicción personal de la primera ministra Beata Szydlo del partido Ley y Justicia. La movilización de buena parte de la sociedad por el derecho fundamental a la vida se ha convertido en un dolor de cabeza para Bruselas. ¡Como si la Comisión no tuviera ya bastante con el “no” de los holandeses al acuerdo con Ucrania el referéndum sobre la salida del Reino Unido o con la caótica gestión de la crisis de los refugiados! Más de cien periodistas de diarios canales de televisión y de radio han firmado una carta abierta dirigida a los diputados pidiéndoles que apoyen la iniciativa legislativa popular para proteger la vida humana desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural en todas las circunstancias y sin excepciones. Invocan el ejemplo histórico de Stanislawa Leszczynska una heroína polaca de los campos de la muerte que expuso su vida defendiendo a mujeres embarazadas y a sus bebés frente a los experimentos del médico nazi Joseph Mengele.
El Parlamento decidirá en los próximos días si admite una iniciativa legislativa popular presentada por la plataforma cívica Stop aborto que promueve una protección sin excepciones de la vida humana. La Conferencia Episcopal se ha sumado a la ofensiva del movimiento provida con una declaración leída el pasado domingo en todas las iglesias de un país que sigue siendo mayoritariamente católico. El Gobierno acaba de hacer un gesto reinstaurando la receta médica obligatoria para la llamada “píldora del día después” en contra de las directrices de la Unión Europea que en 2015 aprobó una norma para que este producto contraceptivo esté disponible sin prescripción incluso para niñas de 15 años.
La reforma del aborto –que en Polonia es legal bajo tres supuestos– no será fácil. Las represalias de la Unión Europea y la presión de los lobbies que rodean la industria del aborto y están bien implantados en Bruselas irán en aumento. La Comisión ya ha activado la Rule of Law Framework el mecanismo de supervisión democrática sobre Polonia una medida excepcional prevista en los tratados de la Unión que nunca se había adoptado hasta ahora y da a Bruselas el poder de evaluar los estándares democráticos en cada uno de los Estados miembro. El expediente puede acabar en sanciones o incluso en la suspensión de los derechos políticos de Polonia en el Consejo Europeo. Es curioso que el Colegio de Comisarios se preocupe tanto del Estado de Derecho en el único país de la Unión cuya sociedad intenta precisamente que el Estado de Derecho funcione para todos los seres humanos. Parafraseando a Woody Allen con la música de Wagner cuando Jean Claude Juncker oye hablar del aborto le entran ganas de invadir Polonia.

mary cryss ] con i soldi del nostro canone estorto ed imposto fanno la ideologia del GENDER [ Alessandro Cecchi paone è diventato il direttore di tg4..Neanche due giorni dopo il tg4 promuove e propaganda il gender Ecco il video
le scie chimiche producono l\’effetto serra e lo scioglimento dell\’ARTICO apre la strada ad appetiti economici di grande interesse quindi in questa zona le sanzioni (artefatto criminale USA) non contano! Russia “la situazione politica non ostacola il progetto di sviluppo nell\’Artico”
© Sputnik. 07.04.2016 Nonostante la situazione internazionale nel quadro della cooperazione nell\’Artico la Russia ha buoni rapporti sia con gli Stati Uniti che con gli altri Paesi ha riferito il rappresentante del Ministero delle Situazioni di Emergenza della Russia Igor Veselov.
Turchia “230 milioni $ il valore dell\’abuso edilizio della residenza di Erdogan” MA SE ERDOGAN CONQUISTA TUTTE LE NAZIONI DEL MEDITERRANEO? POI QUESTI SOLDI NON SONO STATI SPESI MALE! [ 07.04.2016( \”I costi per la costruzione di ulteriori locali adiacenti al palazzo presidenziale superano la cifra di 230 milioni di dollari\” – ha riferito all\’edizione turca di Sputnik l\’architetto Tezcan Karakuş Candan membro dell\’associazione degli Architetti di Turchia. Dal bilancio dello Stato turco sono stati stanziati 650 milioni di lire turche (circa 230 milioni di dollari) per la costruzione di ulteriori locali vicino alla residenza di nuova costruzione del presidente Erdogan.
La presidente della sezione di Ankara della Camera degli Architetti di Turchia Tezcan Karakuş Candan ha ricordato che la costruzione dei locali supplementari sarà realizzata sul territorio del parco \”Ataturk\” una zona protetta non edificabile.
In precedenza i rappresentanti della Camera degli Architetti avevano presentato ricorso al tribunale con l\’obbligo di imporre il divieto alla costruzione di nuovi locali del palazzo presidenziale in un parco ma la loro azione non ha avuto alcun effetto e i lavori di costruzione sono stati portati a termine. La Candan ha sottolineato che locali supplementari dovrebbero essere costruito su una superficie di 322mila metri quadri tanto quanto l\’intera residenza. \”La costruzione di questa portata non era affatto necessaria. Attualmente la residenza del presidente non è sfruttata nemmeno per metà della sua capacità. La costruzione di questa portata del palazzo presidenziale non aveva alcuna giustificazione oggettiva in termini di amministrazione e controllo del Paese. I lavori avvenivano sullo sfondo di un acceso dibattito sulla transizione ad un assetto presidenzialista dello Stato questo palazzo è stato costruito come un edificio che incarna il nuovo sistema del Paese. L\’area verde \”Ataturk\” è una zona protetta che è stata concessa dal fondatore della Repubblica in qualità di dono a tutti i turchi. In questa zona non si può costruire. Il terreno in cui si trova il bosco è stato acquistato da Ataturk nel 1925 col suo denaro dopodichè l\’ha trasformato in un parco forestale. Così questa zona è un patrimonio nazionale della Turchia un luogo dove vive la memorie del fondatore della Repubblica turca. Costruire su questo terreno detto in altri termini è una violazione dei diritti del popolo turco\”.


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POTREBBE ESSERE FORSE CHE È LO STATO MASSONE FRANCESE CHE FINANZIA I PEDOFILI? APPROFONDIAMO L\’ARGOMENTO IN FONDO A QUESTI ARTICOLI GENDER! ] [ La rinuncia della Francia all’ambasciatore gay in Vaticano. Hollande nomina il diplomatico Stefanini all’Unesco finisce così il braccio di ferro con la Santa Sede.
Sdoganato e imposto ufficialmente. signori uomini stamattina sotto la camicia non dimenticate di indossare la lingerie Victoria\’s Secrets possibilmente in seta nera e pizzo valencienne che occhieggi dalla suddetta lasciata sbottonata con premeditata negligenza e voi signore premuratevi di indossare un paio di mutande da uomo con tanto di apertura davanti per velocizzare le pratiche di minzione
attendiamo fiduciosi che anche a voi signori arrivi il mestruo perche\’ negare alle multinazionali il piacere…
Gucci il 2017 sarà l’anno delle sfilate ‘unisex’ La maison Gucci unificherà i flussi dell\’universo femminile con quello maschile in passerella. La prima sfilata double-gender si terrà nel 2017

PEDOFILIO FINANZIATA DALLO STATO ECCO IL VIDEO-TRAILER SCANDALOSO. C’è qualcosa di terribilmente marcio in questa società. E stavolta il marcio è davvero quel marcio stomacoso e disgustoso ai limiti dell’accettabile. PEDOFILIO FINANZIATA DALLO STATO ECCO IL VIDEO-TRAILER SCANDALOSO di Gabriela Dobrescu 26 marzo 2016. C’è qualcosa di terribilmente marcio in questa società. E stavolta il marcio è davvero quel marcio stomacoso e disgustoso ai limiti dell’accettabile in Francia come scrive Tommaso Scandroglio per „La Nuova Bussola” la pedofilia è „finanziata dallo Stato”. Premi un pedale ed un pene diventerà eretto. Premilo ancora ed eiaculerà. Non si tratta di un gadget di un pornoshop bensì di uno “strumento interattivo educativo” per bambini uno dei tanti presenti alla mostra “Zizi sexuel” che si tiene presso i padiglioni del Museo della Scienza e dell’Industria di Parigi. La parola francese “zizi” potrebbe essere da noi tradotta come “pisellino”. La mostra è rivolta ai bambini tra i 9 e 14 anni e vuole introdurre queste anime candide alla scoperta del sesso. Come se questi bambini una volta diventati ragazzini non diventeranno dei veri e propri sommozzatori nel mare magnum del sesso.
Dunque oltre al manichino che si eccita se il bimbo pigia un pedale – e così gli imberbi penseranno che schiacciarsi un piede sia la cosa più eccitante che esista – vi sono altre curiosità pedopornografiche. C’è una campana con moltissimi profilattici colorati e ben gonfiati una sagoma di una donna nuda senza testa dove le bambine possono metterci la loro di testa per provare l’”ebbrezza” di mostrarsi nude davanti a tutti un letto dove i bambini guardano scene di sesso. In una stanza poi c’è la possibilità di ascoltare la descrizione di cosa sia la masturbazione o l’omosessualità. In questa stanza è vietato l’ingresso degli adulti perché l’innocente non sa difendersi ma papà e mamma invece monterebbero su tutte le furie se sapessero cosa passa in quelle cuffie e dunque è bene tenerli a distanza.
Vi è poi un libretto fornito a tutti i piccoli visitatori in cui accanto a scene di sesso esplicito ci sono anche scene violente. Per gli insegnanti più puritani esiste invece un vademecum sulla mostra e al fine di preservarli dallo scandalo vi sono contenute affermazioni rassicuranti come «la pornografia non recherà disturbo in merito alle condotte della futura vita sessuale dei bambini».
Il ministero dell’Educazione ha patrocinato l’iniziativa finanziandola e si è premurato di invitare migliaia di classi a questa mostra o “mostro” spesso all’insaputa dei genitori. All’ombra della Torre Eiffel la pedofilia è affare di Stato. Naturalmente chi ha organizzato l’evento non trova nulla da ridire sui messaggi espliciti e pornografici a cui sono esposte le verdissime coscienze del giovane pubblico. «La mostra cerca di veicolare i valori essenziali e universali l’amore l’amicizia il consenso e l’uguaglianza tra l’uomo e la donna. Cerca di rispondere alle domande tipiche dei più piccoli come nascono i bambini che cosa è l’amore» ha spiegato la curatrice della mostra Maud Gouy. «Penso che sia importante» ha continuato la Gouy «che l’esposizione parli di omosessualità e che spieghi che gli insulti sessisti sono un reato. É una parte importante dell’educazione civica e alla sessualità. Chi viene alla mostra non troverà nulla di scioccante». E a proposito di reati l’associazione Sos Education ha lanciato una petizione contro questa esposizione anzi esibizione. Petizione che ha raccolto sin ora 35mila firme. Stessa aria di violenza psico-sessuale a danno dei minori la respiriamo a Trondheim in Norvegia. Presso l’istituto Breidablkk ai bambini di prima elementare è stato chiesto di scrivere sotto l’immagine di un elefante quale animale vedessero. Peccato che – e ci scuseranno i lettori per tanta crudezza di descrizione – l’elefante con la propria proboscide stia aspirando sperma dal pene eretto di un uomo nudo appoggiato a un albero di mele. Il compito era da fare a casa e a casa non pochi genitori sono saltati sulla loro sedia Ikea (che è svedese ma poco importa). Norvegesi liberal e disinibiti sì ma fino ad un certo punto. Henri Merge l’autrice del disegno ovviamente ha detto che non ne sapeva nulla che questo bozzetto come tanti altri è in rete e dunque a disposizione di tutti. Proprio tutti tanto che il ministro della Cultura realizzò tempo fa anche una mostra con questi disegni.
Morale della favola. I mostri esistono e stanno presso i ministeri dell’Educazione e nelle scuole. Pare banale sottolinearlo ma queste due vicende a tinte foschissime stanno a dimostrare che una lobby pedofila esiste eccome ed opera ormai alla luce del sole ed ad altissimi livelli. Dietro al pretesto di fare educazione sessuale ai bambini – intento già da censurare per mille motivi – si cela il vero intento corrompere i bambini abituarli alla sessualità precoce renderli disinibiti e quindi ridurli a prede sessuali per gli adulti. A furia di maneggiare peni finti vedere scene di sesso anche omosessuale toccare ed essere toccati guardare ed essere guardati maschietti e femminucce saranno stati cucinati a dovere pronti per essere divorati dai pedofili di Stato
teletubbies messaggio subliminale pornogafico Caricato il 27 lug 2008 teletubbies teletabbies messaggio subliminale porno attenti ai bambini…

NON ESISTE PIÙ UN LIMITE ETICO PER I RICCHI! MA AI POVERI I DIRITTI FONDAMENTALI NON POSSONO PIÙ ESSERE GARANTITI O ESSERE TUTELATI PERCHÉ LORO NON HANNO IL DENARO PER POTERSI DIFENDERE! ] MALEDETTI SPA FARISEI MASSONI SPA FME [ L’utero in affitto è da mesi un tema che scalda gli animi. Da un lato vi è chi sostiene che questa pratica rende le donne schiave e i bambini merce svilendo la dignità umana di entrambi e obbedendo a logiche di mercato che di ‘umano’ hanno poco o nulla. Dall’altra vi è chi non vede nulla di male nella possibilità di dare modo a tutte le persone – single coppie eterosessuali (sterili ma anche no) coppie omosessuali… – di vedere realizzato il proprio desiderio di maternità o paternità e che anzi considera la disponibilità della madri surrogate quasi un gesto altruistico. Sei un ProVita? Utero in affitto “Sì” contro utero in affitto “No” dunque. La confusione è tanta così come molti sono gli aspetti che spesso non vengono (volutamente?) presi in considerazione si pensi alla salute delle donne al diritto dei bambini a conoscere i propri genitori biologici e a crescere con una mamma e un papà alla selezione eugenetica degli embrioni alle lobby che girano attorno – come avvoltoi – a questo prolifico mercato di vite umane… e l’elenco potrebbe continuare. A fare un cattivo servizio alla verità proponendo agli italiani un servizio giornalistico incompleto e poco obiettivo ora ci si mette anche la televisione di Stato con un servizio di approfondimento mandato in onda nel corso del Tg2 serale del 31 marzo. Il servizio si apre con un’intervista della giornalista Giovanna Botteri a una donna – Mandy dell’Oregon – che si dice felice di essere una ‘mamma surrogata’ scelta compiuta spontaneamente per molte ragioni ma soprattutto perché – afferma la donna – “amo essere incinta e avere bambini“. Il discorso è fuorviante ed è facile cadere nella trappola di un falso altruismo “Guarda che brava si mette al servizio del prossimo…“. La donna sostiene infatti con volto sereno “Far nascere un bambino che non è legato a me in nessun modo (sic!) è la cosa più positiva che io possa fare nella vita- […] E’ stato come pensare di dare a uno dei miei migliori amici il regalo migliore possibile“. vita_mamma_papà_mano_neonato_bambino_utero-in-affitto Peccato che nessuno sottolinei almeno quattro aspetti che a un osservatore attento non possono non sfuggire in primo luogo il vuoto della donna intervistata che trova nella gravidanza un evidente palliativo per le sue ferite e che non riconosce minimamente il legame con la creatura che nutre e cresce nel suo grembo per nove mesi e che dà quindi alla luce con dolore; in seconda battuta il fatto che – perfettamente in linea con il pensiero denatalista oggi dominante – la donna e il marito hanno deciso a priori che avrebbero avuto posto solamente per due figli nel loro nucleo familiare (e se la seconda gravidanza fosse stata gemellare? Ne abortivano uno?); in terzo luogo il totale silenzio rispetto al bambino concepito e portato in grembo dalla donna nessuno considera i suoi sentimenti i suoi diritti… la sua dignità! infine la questione economica veramente si può credere che non vi sia un compenso per tutto questo? Dopo l’intervista-testimonianza il servizio cambia tono nel momento in cui viene dato spazio ad Assuntina Morresi membro del Comitato Nazionale di Bioetica organo che con tante altre persone e associazioni si esprime in maniera netta conto la pratica dell’utero in affitto. La Morresi è chiara “L’utero in affitto è un contratto con cui una donna si impegna a portare avanti una gravidanza e a cedere a terzi il bambino appena partorito. Quindi il suo corpo la sua persona e il bambino sono un oggetto di scambio. E questo a mio avviso è intollerabile“.
Peccato poi che il servizio non lasci spazio ad argomentazioni ulteriori e approfondimenti passando di netto a una subdola propaganda pro utero in affitto con la semplice argomentazione che sono ormai tante le coppie che vanno all’estero.
Subito dopo ecco il Tg2 sponsorizzare le adozioni gay – che in Italia stanno già passando grazie ai giudici (si veda qui e qui) – sfidando ogni evidenza scientifica nell’affermare che ci sono dei bambini che possono avere due mamme o due papà.
Insomma in Italia quello che è vietato per legge – si legga l’art. 12 della Legge 40/04 – viene sponsorizzato dalla televisione di Stato pagata dai cittadini. L’incoerenza è grande. Qualcuno con noi avrà il coraggio di indignarsi?
Report RAI3 CONFRONTING THE EVIDENCE Ita ] ORMAI IL DELITTO DI STATO DELL\’11-09 NON PUÒ PIÙ ESSERE NASCOSTO CERTO TUTTI I POLITICI DEL MONDO PAGHERANNO PER I LORO DELITTI! [ Pubblicato il 10 set 2014 ] Puntata speciale di Report dedicata a \”Confronting the evidence\” il primo filmato americano che mette in luce i punti oscuri sui fatti dell\’11 settembre. Dopo quanto è successo recentemente infatti abbiamo il fondato timore che non tutti avranno il tempo di vederlo dato che la Rai ha già bloccato un altro filmato “scomodo” di Report per motivi di copyright (come potete controllare cliccando qui) poco dopo che l’avevamo rilanciato. Niente di strano se non fosse che Youtube è pieno di video di Report caricati da decine e decine di utenti che però non vengono rimossi. Basta cercare “Milena Gabanelli Report” su YT per rendersene conto.
Anche in questo caso ciò che non viene detto e che pure è la diretta conseguenza di quanto esplicitamente affermato è gravissimo il più grande attentato terroristico mai avvenuto potrebbe essere stato causato da quei governi che dovrebbero proteggerci.
Questo significherebbe in parole povere che siamo governati da pazzi assassini squilibrati.
Autore del nuovo libro di 9/11 Truth è stato trovato morto con i suoi figli
L’ex pilota di linea Phillip Marshall ha trascorso molto tempo vicino a Santa Barbara lo scorso anno preparando the_big_bamboozle-marshall_philip-19006266-frntl2-194x300l’uscita del suo controverso libro sul complotto del 9/11 “The Big Bamboozle:. 9/11 e la Guerra al Terrore”
Durante il processo di editing e pre-marketing del libro Marshall ha espresso un certo livello di paranoia perché il suo lavoro di saggistica accusa l’amministrazione Bush di essere in combutta con la comunità dell’intelligence saudita nella formazione dei dirottatori morti utilizzati negli attacchi.
“Pensate a questo,” Marshall ha detto l’anno scorso in una dichiarazione scritta “La versione ufficiale di qualche fantasma (Osama bin Laden) in qualche grotta dall’altra parte del mondo che è riuscito a sconfiggere il nostro intero establishment militare sul suolo americano è assolutamente assurda.”
Marshall ha continuato a dire “La vera ragione è che l’attacco ha avuto successo a causa di un interno di stand-militare e una azione di formazione coordinata che ha preparato i dirottatori per voli aerei di linee commerciali pesanti. Abbiamo decine di documenti dell’FBI per dimostrare che questo addestramento al volo è stato condotto in California Florida e Arizona nei 18 mesi precedenti all’attacco. “ Il pilota veterano confidò che era preoccupato per il suo libro da 10 anni lo studio indipendente sul 9/11 e più di recente a quanto indicato ai sauditi e alla comunità di intelligence di Bush come i carnefici dell’attacco che ha battuto tutte le difese militari degli Stati Uniti l’11 settembre 2001. Marshall ha detto che sapeva che il suo libro avrebbe messo molte persone contro di lui.
A quando segue dalla relazione dello Sceriffo della contea i bambini stavano dormendo quando gli è stato sparato. Il pubblico ufficiale ha dichiarato che Macaila Marshall 14 e Alex Marshall 17 giacevano 6 piedi uno dall’altro in parti separate su un grande divano ad U in sezione. “La causa della morte è stata un unico colpo di pistola alla testa per tutti” ha detto il medico legale. Il cane di famiglia inoltre è stato trovato ucciso da un colpo di pistola in una camera da letto.
La madre dei bambini Sean Marshall era in viaggio per lavoro in Turchia al momento delle uccisioni. Il medico legale ha detto che è previsto l’arrivo nella zona presto per fare organizzare il funerale.
“Dopo un esauriente studio di 10 anni di questo attacco letale che ha usato aerei di linea Boeing pieni di passeggeri e membri dell’equipaggio compagni come missili guidati io sono al 100% convinto che una squadra segreta di agenti dei servizi segreti sauditi era la fonte delle risorse finanziarie logistiche e tattiche che la formazione diretta di volo essenziali per i dirottatori dell’11 / 9 per 18 mesi prima l’attacco “ scrive Marshall. “Questa conclusione è stata determinata sei anni fa e tutte le prove successive hanno fatto altro che confermare questa conclusione.”
L’anno scorso Marshall ha parlato alla trasmissione radiofonica nazionale Coast to Coast AM. Ha detto che l’intero episodio 9/11 era “una trovata politica per favorire il governo americano ombra che sta facendo affari come la comunità di intelligence degli Stati Uniti.”
IL CANONE RAI È UNA GRANDE INGIUSTIZIA LO STATO MASSONE NON SOLO GUADAGNA SULLA PUBBLICITÀ MA CI COSTRINGE A FINANZIARE CON I NOSTRI SOLDI LA IDEOLOGIA DEL GENDER PERCHÉ NON È POSSIBILE SOTTRARSI A QUESTA TASSA OBBLIGATORIA! ] [ CANONE RAI LA MOSSA VINCENTE DI UN NOTO AVVOCATO ECCO COME FARE A NON PAGARE. Già perché in primis il canone è un’imposta espropriativa (in pochi anni di pagamento l’ammontare dell’imposta pagata supera il valore dell’oggetto tassato). Inoltre secondo più fonti ed esperti non è legittima la pretesa di un pagamento inserito in una bolletta destinata ad altri servizi (nel caso specifico l’elettricità). Vi sono poi altre ed eterne questioni tutte italiane. Per esempio la Rai è la sola tv pubblica sovvenzionata da una tassa a fare affidamento sulla pubblicità per una percentuale pari al 43% dei suoi ricavi. In Gran Bretagna alla Bbc è addirittura vietato fare pubblicità.
Ed è in questo – avvelenato – contesto che si inserisce l’avvocato tributarista Luigi Piccarozzi che annuncia di avere già pronti nel suo ufficio un centinaio di di ricorsi contro il canone in bolletta. Un faldone pronto a trasformarsi in una vera e propria class action contro il pagamento dei 100 euro che scatterà nei programmi del governo e di Viale Mazzini nel mese di luglio. Insomma ci sono gli estremi per una causa collettiva contro Viale Mazzini e c’è da scommettere che saranno in molti a voler aderire all’iniziativa. Un’iniziativa che assicura l’avvocato Piccarozzi ha ottime possibilità di successo.
Tratto da
DOVE I CRIMINALI QUASI SEMPRE ISLAMICI SHARIA FANNO DEL MALE A PERSONE INNOCENTI! PERCHÉ OBAMA È MASSONE E ROTHSCHILD È FARISEO SATANISTA. ] [ Laos cristiani privati dei loro documenti Sintesi in un Paese fra i più poveri al mondo il \”libretto di famiglia” è il documento essenziale per la vita delle persone. Spesso i cristiani ne vengono privati e vivono in gravi difficoltà o per la paura delle autorità locali non dichiarano la loro fede. Teo (nome modificato) crede in Gesù Cristo. Per questo motivo il suo \”libretto di famiglia” è stato confiscato.
I libretti di famiglia sono documenti emanati dal Governo essenziali per il funzionamento della società in Laos. Sono sottili libricini blu con impressa sulla copertina un\’immagine del Paese e dal 1992 sono essenziali per lavorare per viaggiare e anche per poter mandare i bambini a scuola. Senza questo documento una famiglia di cristiani in Laos diventa semplicemente una famiglia di coloni e i suoi membri pur rimanendo cittadini laotiani perdono tutti i loro diritti.
Teo ha un piccolo negozio di alimentari che è la sua principale fonte di sostentamento ma opera illegalmente perché il suo libretto di famiglia gli è stato confiscato. \”Prego che i cristiani qui abbiano di che sostenersi\” condivide Teo. \”Sto pensando di creare una fattoria dove i cristiani possano lavorare insieme. Questa è una zona difficile per i cristiani ma credo che Dio stia operando. Se ci concentriamo solo su ciò che vediamo saremo scoraggiati”. \”Tutti i cristiani nel mio villaggio non hanno il loro libretto di famiglia\” ci ha detto il responsabile di una chiesa di una tribù del sud-est del Paese. \”I cristiani spesso vivono nel segreto. Praticano ancora sacrifici di animali perché se non lo fanno gli verrà chiesto di andarsene\”. Anche Mei Mei (nome modificato) è una credente e ha sperimentato la pressione del Governo laotiano. Dopo essere diventata cristiana ha condiviso il Vangelo con cinque giovani che si sono convertiti. \”A causa di questo sono stati espulsi dal loro villaggio\” ci spiega. \”Il capo del villaggio ha anche confiscato i loro libretti di famiglia. Tutto questo è successo a settembre dello scorso anno e i libretti non sono ancora stati restituiti loro. Molte volte io piango a causa dei sensi di colpa\” continua Mei \”Mi sento colpevole per quello che questi giovani stanno soffrendo\”. Mei ora vive in esilio in un villaggio a sei ore di distanza da casa sua. \”Non c\’è una chiesa nel nostro villaggio\” dice. \”Le persone del mio villaggio non consentono semplicemente al cristianesimo di esistere. I miei familiari vorrebbero accettare Gesù Cristo ma hanno paura delle reazioni delle autorità. Attualmente ci sono dieci cristiani nel mio villaggio ma non lo dichiarano apertamente perché hanno paura. Pregate che Dio doni loro il coraggio di vivere la loro fede”.

Presidente TERRORISTA SHARIA Erdogan minaccia la UE dei SATANISTI MASSONI ANTICRISTO MERCHEL GENDER PERCHÉ MAOMETTO UCCIDE I GAY! “Turchia può ritirarsi da accordo su profughi”. 07.04.2016 Intervenendo davanti le forze dell\’ordine ad Ankara il presidente turco Erdogan ha accusato Bruxelles di non rispettare le promesse sull\’accordo relativo ai profughi ed ha minacciato il ritiro della Turchia dal documento. \”Con i nostri fondi manteniamo quasi 3 milioni di persone (profughi siriani). Non c\’è ancora nulla di quello che ci ha promesso l\’Europa. Se l\’UE non rispetterà le sue promesse allora anche la Turchia non si atterrà all\’accordo. I Paesi che sono superiori a noi in termini economici non hanno mostrato la stessa superiorità umanamente\” — Erdogan ha detto segnala \”RIA Novosti\”.
Ha aggiunto che in base all\’accordo in materia di immigrazione tra la Turchia e l\’Unione Europea Bruxelles dovrebbe stanziare 6 miliardi di euro alla Turchia per l\’accoglienza dei profughi siriani.
I leader dei Paesi membri dell\’Unione Europea e il premier della Turchia Ahmet Davutoglu il 18 marzo avevano firmato un accordo per espellere tutti i clandestini che erano arrivati in Grecia attraverso la Turchia in cambio dell\’esenzione dal visto per i cittadini turchi 3 miliardi di euro e il trasferimento in Europa dei profughi siriani

CHI HA DETTO CHE ROTHSCHILD SPA FED lui DEVE STAMPARE E CREARE IL DENARO DAL NULLA E NOI SIAMO I SUOI SCHIAVI che gli dobbiamo pagare questo denaro ad interesse? ] [ Putin interviene al forum multimediale \”Fronte nazionale panrusso\” Mario Draghi Eurozona a rischio con nuovi shock. 07.04.2016) I dubbi del governatore nella prefazione al rapporto annuale della Bce per il 2015 prospettive economiche mondiali circondate da incertezza. La Bce vara nuove misure di stimolo. Dopo l\’allarme lanciato nelle ultime ore dalla Federal Reserve sui rischi che i recenti sviluppi economici globali fanno incombere sul 2016 anche la Bce avverte sull\’incertezza delle prospettive di crescita. Nella prefazione al rapporto annuale per il 2015 è il governatore Mario Draghi ad esprimere i dubbi sulla capacità di tenuta della zona euro in caso di nuovi shock per l\’economia mondiale. \”Dobbiamo fare i conti con l\’incertezza delle prospettive dell\’economia globale con continue forze disinflazionistiche e con la domanda su quale direzione prenderà l\’Europa e sulla sua capacità di affrontare nuovi contraccolpi\”. Il governatore ha ancora una volta ribadito che la Bce metterà in campo tutte le misure di politica monetaria necessarie per raggiungere la stabilità dei prezzi sottolineando però la necessità che anche le forze politiche agiscano nella stessa direzione. \”È importante che il risanamento di bilancio sia favorevole alla crescita — scrive Draghi — rendere il sistema tributario più favorevole alla crescita e limitare l\’evasione fiscale\”

si! la strategia sharia dei satanisti massoni comunisti farisei gender darwin le scimmie di sodoma! ] [ 07.04.2016 ] Opinioni \”Moriremo musulmani santità?\” A seguito delle recenti stragi in Francia e Belgio nonché dell’espansione dell’Isis in Medio Oriente e in vari paesi africani compresa la Libia anche il mainstream politically correct ha riconosciuto che non siamo alle prese con gesta di fanatici isolati ma con una strategia di espansione islamica diretta anche verso l’Europa

ebrei e cristiani innocenti sono ritornati nel tormento perché i farisei SpA FED Fmi i massoni Gender hanno pianificato di farli uccidere dagli islamici! 07/04/2016 – VATICANO. Per ebrei e cristiani “altro” è non solo il rifugiato ma anche il perseguitato per la fede
La visione de L’Altro dal punto di vista sia ebraico sia cattolico è stata al centro della XXIII riunione del Comitato internazionale di collegamento cattolico-ebraico. Nel corso dell’incontro si è anche esaminato situazioni nelle quali cattolici ed ebrei “attualmente si trovano nella situazione di essere ‘altri’. L’antisemitismo nei discorsi e nei fatti è riapparso in Europa ed altrove mentre la persecuzione di cristiani in misura notevole nella maggior parte del Vicino Oriente ed in parte dell’Africa ha raggiunto livelli che non si vedevano da tempo.

#SALMAN #SHARIA #SAUDI #ARABIA ] È VERO questa è la verità TU SEI NEL #NWO #666 #FED #FMI Gufo #Allah e tu puoi UCCIDERE IMPUNEMENTE TUTTI QUELLI CHE NON SONO #SALAFITI ED IO HO soltanto un COMPUTER del VALORE DI POCHI EURO! [ 07/04/2016 BANGLADESH Dhaka studente ucciso a colpi di machete per le sue idee contro l’estremismo islamico. Nazimuddin Samad aveva 28 anni e studiava Giurisprudenza alla Jagannath University. Gli amici lo descrivono come un coraggioso libero pensatore. Faceva parte del movimento Ganajagaran Mancha che difende i diritti dei blogger. Sulla sua pagina Facebook lo studente aveva criticato la deriva islamica del Paese. Dhaka (AsiaNews) – Nazimuddin Samad uno studente di Giurisprudenza di 28 anni è stato ucciso a colpi di machete e pistola per le sue idee contrarie al radicalismo islamico. L’omicidio è avvenuto intorno alle 8 di ieri sera in un incrocio molto trafficato nell’area di Sutrapur un quartiere storico della capitale del Bangladesh. Il ragazzo stava rincasando con degli amici dopo aver seguito i corsi alla Jagannath University dove era stato ammesso da pochi mesi. Gli amici hanno riferito che lo studente era un libero pensatore “coraggioso” e sosteneva la formazione di un Paese laico e rispettoso dei diritti umani. Faceva anche parte del Ganajagaran Mancha movimento per i diritti dei blogger. Alcuni testimoni hanno riferito che tre assalitori in motocicletta hanno avvicinato Nazimuddin presso l’incrocio di Ekrampur e hanno iniziato a colpirlo con dei machete. Poi gli hanno sparato un colpo di pistola alla testa per assicurarsi della morte. I testimoni hanno anche raccontato che mentre lo colpivano gli aggressori gridavano “Allahu Akbar” (Allah è grande). Nessuno ha ancora rivendicato la responsabilità del gesto ma la dinamica dell’incidente ricorda le modalità con cui sono stati uccisi altri quattro blogger assassinati per le loro idee “atee”. Da diverso tempo estremisti islamici prendono di mira liberi pensatori e attivisti democratici. Ahmed Rajib Haider è stato il primo blogger a essere ucciso nel 2013 per le sue idee “contrarie all’islam”. Dall’inizio del 2015 altri quattro blogger hanno perso la vita a febbraio Avijt Roy è stato assassinato vicino all’Università di Dhaka; a fine marzo nella capitale fondamentalisti musulmani hanno ammazzato a colpi di machete Oyasiqur Rahman; due mesi più tardi è stato il turno di Ananta Bijoy Das ucciso a Sylhet; l’ultimo Niloy Chakrabarti è stato giustiziato ad agosto in pieno giorno sotto gli occhi della madre e della sorella. Il 31 ottobre Faisal Arefin Dipan un editore dalle idee progressiste è stato ucciso a coltellate.
Nazimuddin era il figlio di Shamshul Haque ed era nato nell’area di Sylhet. Era un attivista del gruppo Ganajagaran Mancha che opera per la difesa del libero pensiero in Bangladesh e chiede la punizione per i criminali di guerra della lotta di Liberazione del 1971. Di recente sul suo profilo Facebook aveva scritto “Non appartengo a nessuna religione”. Sulla stessa piattaforma il giorno prima del suo omicidio aveva espresso preoccupazione per la deriva islamista del Paese e l’inazione del governo.

#SALMAN #SHARIA #SAUDI #ARABIA ] È VERO questa è la verità TU SEI NEL #NWO #666 #FED #FMI Gufo #Allah e tu puoi UCCIDERE IMPUNEMENTE TUTTI QUELLI CHE NON SONO #SALAFITI ED IO HO soltanto un COMPUTER del VALORE DI POCHI EURO! [ 03/11/2015 BANGLADESH ] Bangladesh dura condanna della Chiesa cattolica per l’omicidio di intellettuali laici Mons. Gervas Rozario denuncia l’assassinio dell’editore Dipan e il ferimento di un altro editore e tre blogger. Gli intellettuali sono presi di mira da fondamentalisti islamici per le loro idee democratiche. Dall’inizio del 2015 sono morti quattro blogger e molti sono fuggiti all’estero. Vescovo “Se non siamo attenti illuminati e sensibilizzati dai valori umani non riusciremo a fermare l’aumento delle violenze”.

31/03/2015 BANGLADESH. Dhaka un altro blogger ucciso a colpi di machete criticava l’islam radicale Md Oyasiqur Rahman Babu da tempo curava un sito di informazione contro le violazioni alle minoranze religiose in Bangladesh. Un commando di almeno tre persone lo ha ucciso per “punirlo” delle sue idee. La polizia conferma l’arresto di due assalitori.

06/12/2010 BANGLADESH Dhaka un ambulatorio delle \”suore blu\” per i poveri di qualsiasi religione. Le sorelle del Movimento contemplativo missionario di p. de Foucauld vanno negli slum in cerca di bisognosi e malati. Giovane mamma musulmana “Grazie alle medicine la fisioterapia e il loro amore mia figlia sta migliorando”.

03/04/2013 BANGLADESH Bangladesh arrestati tre blogger Hanno offeso l’islam. Gli attivisti rischiano fino a 10 anni di carcere e una multa di 10 milioni di taka (100mila euro). Proteste del movimento laico Shahbag “È una violazione alla libertà di parola e un insulto per la democrazia”. Nel Paese non esiste (ancora) una legge sulla blasfemia.

12/05/2015 BANGLADESH Bangladesh assassinato un altro blogger “anti-islam” è il terzo dal 2015. Quattro uomini hanno ucciso Ananta Bijoy Das con un machete. Era un attivista del Bangladesh Chhatra Union movimento politico democratico e scriveva sul blog Mukto Mona (“Libero pensiero”). Più volte ha criticato la deriva fondamentalista assunta dal Bangladesh negli ultimi due anni.

#SALMAN #SHARIA #Saudi #ARABIA #TALMUD #AIPAC #USA #SATANA #NWO #ERDOGAN #ISIS AL-NURSA #HORROR #BUSH #ROTHSCHILD #BILDENBER #MASONRY #LILIT #MARDUK #JABULLON #ALLAH ] OF COURSE Is TRUE this is the truth YOU ARE IN #NWO #666 #FED #FMI #Owl #Allah you can KILL impunity ALL THOSE THAT ARE NOT #SALAFITI AND I HAVE only a COMPUTER of FEW EURO! [ 04/07/2016 BANGLADESH Dhaka student hacked to death for his ideas against Islamic extremism Nazimuddin Samad was 28 years old and studied Law at the Jagannath University. Friends describe him as a brave free thinker. He was part of the Ganajagaran Mancha movement which defends the rights of bloggers. On his Facebook page the student had criticized the Islamic drift in the country. Dhaka (AsiaNews) – Nazimuddin Samad a 28 year-old law student was hacked to death and shot for his ideas contrary to Islamic radicalism. The murder took place around 8 pm last night at a busy intersection in the Sutrapur a historical district of the capital of Bangladesh. The young man was returning home with friends after attending courses offered by Jagannath University where he had been admitted a few months ago. Friends have reported that the student as a \”courageous\” free thinker who supported the formation of a secular country that respects human rights. He was also part of Ganajagaran Mancha a movement for bloggers’ rights. Some witnesses reported that three assailants on motorcycles approached Nazimuddin near the intersection of Ekrampur and started to attack him with machetes. Then they fired a gunshot to his head to make sure of his death. Witnesses also report that as they struck him the attackers shouted \”Allahu Akbar\” (God is great). No one has yet claimed responsibility for the act but the incident recalls the killing of four other bloggers murdered for their \”atheistic ideas\”. For some time Muslim extremists have been targeting free thinkers and democracy activists justifying their killing by calling their victims \”atheists\”. Ahmed Rajib Haider was the first blogger to be killed for his “anti-Islam\” ideas in 2013. So far this year four other bloggers have lost their lives. In February Avijt Roy was murdered near the University Dhaka; in late March also in the capital Muslim fundamentalists hacked to death Oyasiqur Rahman; two months later it was the turn of Ananta Bijoy Das who was murdered in Sylhet; and finally Niloy Chakrabarti was killed execution style in August in broad daylight under the eyes of his mother and sister. On October 31 Faisal Dipan Arefin a publisher with progressive ideas was stabbed to death. Nazimuddin was the son of Shamshul Haque and he was born in Sylhet. He was an activist of the Ganajagaran Mancha group which works for the defense of free thought in Bangladesh and calls for the punishment of war criminals from the struggle for liberation war of 1971. On his Facebook profile he wrote \”I do not belong to any religion\”. On the same platform the day before his murder he had expressed his concern about the Islamist drift of the country and the government inaction.
#SALMAN #SHARIA #Saudi #ARABIA #TALMUD #AIPAC #USA #SATANA #NWO #ERDOGAN #ISIS #AL-NURSA #HORROR #BUSH #NWO #ROTHSCHILD #BILDENBER #MASONRY #LILIT #MARDUK #JABULLON #ALLAH #Beelzebub ] OF COURSE Is TRUE this is the truth YOU ARE IN #NWO #666 #FED #FMI #Owl #Allah you can KILL impunity ALL THOSE THAT ARE NOT #SALAFITI AND I HAVE only a COMPUTER of FEW EURO! [ 07/04/2016 BANGLADESH Dacca estudiante asesinado a golpes de machete por sus ideas contra el extremismo islámico Nazimuddin Samad tenía 28 años y estudiaba Jurisprudencia en la Jagannath University. Los amigos lo describen como un valiente librepensador. Formaba parte del movimiento Ganajagaran Mancha que defiende los derechos de los bloggers. En su página de Facebook el estudiante había criticado la deriva islámica del país. Dacca (AsiaNews) – Nazimuddin Samad un estudiante de Jurisprudencia de 28 años de edad fue asesinado a golpes de machete y pistola por sus ideas contrarias al radicalismo islámico. El homicidio ocurrió alrededor de las 8 de ayer en un cruce de calles con mucho tráfico en el área de Sutrapur un barrio histórico de la capital de Bangladesh. El muchacho estaba regresando a casa con amigos suyos tras haber asistido a los cursos en la Jagannath University adonde fue admitido hace pocos meses. Los amigos refirieron que el estudiante era un librepensador “valiente” y que apoyaba la formación de un país laico y respetuoso de los derechos humanos. Formaba parte del Ganajagaran Mancha movimiento en defensa de los derechos humanos de los bloggers. Algunos testigos han informado que tres asaltantes en motocicleta se acercaron a Nazimuddin en el cruce de Ekrampur y comenzaron a golpearlo con machetes. Luego dispararon a su cabeza para asegurarse de su muerte. Los testigos también contaron que mientras lo golpeaban los agresores gritaban “Allahu Akbar” (Alá es grande). Nadie ha reivindicado aún la responsabilidad del gesto pero la dinámica del incidente recuerda la modalidad con la cual fueron asesinados otros cuatro bloggers a quienes dieron muerte por sus ideas “ateas”. Desde hace un tiempo que extremistas islámicos tienen en la mira a librepensadores y activistas democráticos. Ahmed Rajib Haider fue el primer blogger en ser asesinado en el 2013 por sus ideas “contrarias al islam”. Desde principios de 2015 otros cuatro bloggers han perdido la vida en febrero Avijt Roy fue asesinado cerca de la Universidad de Dacca; a fines de marzo en la capital fundamentalistas musulmanes mataron a golpes de machete a Oyasiqur Rahman; dos meses más tarde fue el turno de Ananta Bijoy Das muerto en Sylhet; el último Niloy Chakrabarti fue ajusticiado en agosto a plena luz del día ante la mirada de su madre y su hermana. El 31 de octubre Faisal Arefin Dipan un editor de ideas progresistas fue asesinado a cuchillazos.
Nazimuddin era hijo de Shamshul Haque y había nacido en el área de Sylhet. Era un activista del grupo Ganajagaran Mancha que opera para la defensa del liubre pensamiento en Bangladesh y pide el castigo de los criminales de guerra en la Lucha de Liberación de 1971. Recientemente en su perfil de Facebook había escrito “No pertenezco a ninguna religión”. En la misma plataforma el día anterior a su homicidio había expresado su preocupación por la deriva islamista del país y la inacción del gobierno.


#SALMAN #SHARIA #Saudi #ARABIA #TALMUD #AIPAC #USA #SATANA #NWO #ERDOGAN #ISIS #AL-NURSA #HORROR #BUSH #ROTHSCHILD #BILDENBERG #MASONRY #LILIT #MARDUK #JA BULL ON #ALLAH,] DE COURS est vrai ceci est la vérité vOUS ÊTES EN #NWO #666 #FED #FMI #Owl #Allah vous pouvez tuer l\’impunité TOUS CEUX QUI NE sONT PAS #SALAFITI ET JE DOIS seulement un ordinateur de l\’EURO FEW! [07.04.2016 BANGLADESH Dhaka étudiant piraté à mort pour ses idées contre l\’extrémisme islamique Nazimuddin Samad avait 28 ans et a étudié le droit à l\’Université de Jagannath. Amis le décrivent comme un libre penseur courageux. Il a fait partie du mouvement Ganajagaran Mancha qui défend les droits des blogueurs. Sur sa page Facebook l\’étudiant avait critiqué la dérive islamique dans le pays. Dhaka (AsiaNews) – Nazimuddin Samad un étudiant en droit de 28 ans a été piraté à mort et fusillé pour ses idées contraires au radicalisme islamique. Le assassiner a eu lieu vers 20 heures hier soir à un carrefour très fréquenté dans le Sutrapur un quartier historique de la capitale du Bangladesh. Le jeune homme rentrait chez lui avec des amis après avoir assisté à des cours offerts par l\’Université Jagannath où il avait été admis il y a quelques mois. Amis ont rapporté que l\’étudiant comme un libre penseur \”courageux\” qui ont soutenu la formation d\’un pays laïc qui respecte les droits de l\’homme. Il faisait également partie de Ganajagaran Mancha un mouvement pour les droits des blogueurs. Certains témoins ont rapporté que trois assaillants à moto ont approché Nazimuddin près de l\’intersection de Ekrampur et a commencé à l\’attaquer avec des machettes. Ensuite ils ont tiré un coup de feu à la tête pour être sûr de sa mort. Des témoins rapportent également que comme ils l\’ont frappé les assaillants ont crié \”Allahu Akbar\” (Dieu est grand). Personne n\’a encore revendiqué la responsabilité de l\’acte mais l\’incident rappelle l\’assassinat de quatre autres blogueurs assassinés pour leurs «idées athées». Depuis quelque temps des extrémistes musulmans ont pris pour cible les libres penseurs et militants de la démocratie ce qui justifie leur mise à mort en appelant leurs victimes \”athées\”. Ahmed Rajib Haider a été le premier blogueur à être tué pour ses idées \”anti-islam\” en 2013. Jusqu\’à présent cette année quatre autres blogueurs ont perdu la vie en Février Avijt Roy a été assassiné près de l\’Université de Dhaka;. À la fin Mars aussi dans la capitale les fondamentalistes musulmans piraté à mort Oyasiqur Rahman deux mois plus tard ce fut le tour de Ananta Bijoy Das qui a été assassiné à Sylhet et enfin Niloy Chakrabarti a été tué le style d\’exécution en Août en plein jour sous la les yeux de sa mère et sa sœur. le 31 Octobre Faisal Dipan Arefin un éditeur avec des idées progressistes a été poignardé à mort. Nazimuddin était le fils de Shamshul Haque et il est né à Sylhet. il était un militant du groupe Ganajagaran Mancha qui travaille pour la défense de la libre pensée au Bangladesh et appelle à la punition des criminels de guerre de la lutte pour la guerre de libération de 1971. sur son profil Facebook il écrit \”. Je ne suis pas à une religion\” sur la même plate-forme la jour avant son assassiner il avait exprimé sa préoccupation au sujet de la dérive islamiste du pays et l\’inaction du gouvernement.

#SALMAN #SHARIA #Saudi #ARABIA #TALMUD #AIPAC #USA #SATANA #NWO #ERDOGAN #ISIS # AL-NURSA #HORROR #BUSH #NWO #ROTHSCHILD #BILDENBER #MASONRY #LILIT #MARDUK #JABULLON #ALLAH #Beelzebub,] por supuesto es TRUE esta es la verdad NO sE ENCUENTRA EN #NWO # 666 #FED #FMI #Owl #Allah se puede matar a la impunidad TODOS LOS qUE NO SON #SALAFITI Y TENGO solamente en la computadora de la EURO pocos! [ 31/03/2015 BANGLADESH 31/03/2015 BANGLADESH ] Dhaka otro blogger muerto a machetazos criticaba al Islam radical
Md Oyasiqur Rahman Babu había mantenido durante mucho tiempo un sitio web especial de información en contra de violaciones de las minorías religiosas en Bangladesh. Un comando de al menos tres personas lo mató para \”castigar\” sus ideas. La policía confirmó la detención de dos asaltantes.

03/11/2015 BANGLADESH ] Bangladesh dura condena de la Iglesia católica por el homicidio de intelectuales laicos. Mons. Gervas Rozario denuncia el asesinato del editor Dipan y las heridas causadas a otro editor y tres blogger. Los intelectuales están en la mira de los fundamentalistas islámicos por sus ideas democráticas. Desde inicios de 2015 murieron cuatro blogger y muchos escaparon al exterior. Obispo “Si no estamos atentos iluminados y sensibilizados por los valores humanos no lograremos detener el aumento de la violencia”.

04/02/2014 BANGLADESH ] Bangladesh centenares de católicos piden justicia después del homicidio de Ovidio Marandy. La Adibashi Cultural Academy organizó una manifestación para pedir una investigación neutral y un justo proceso para los culpables. Son aún muchos los puntos obscuros sobre la muerte del hombre. Era un magistrado católico tribal encontrado muerto después de haber denunciado un ataque de algunos fundamentalistas islámicos.

21/05/2015 BANGLADESH ] Bangladesh extremistas islámicos amenazan de “justa muerte” a 10 intelectuales y blogger. La lista de las “próximas víctimas” fue redactada por el grupo fundamentalista “Al Kaida Ansarullah Bangla Team 13” y enviada a los “culpables”. En el país es emergencia seguridad ya 3 críticos del islam fueron asesinados a golpes de machete. Blogger católico “No me siento más seguro”.

12/05/2015 BANGLADESH ] Bangladesh asesinado otro blogger “anti islam” es el tercero en este año 2015. Cuatro hombres han asesinado a Ananta Bijoy Das con un machete. Era un activista del Bangladesh Chhatra Union movimiento político democrático y escribía en el blog Mukto Mona (“Pensamiento libre”). Muchas veces criticó la derivación fundamentalista asumida por Bangladesh en los últimos años.

#SALMAN #SHARIA #Saudi #ARABIA #TALMUD #AIPAC #USA #SATANA #NWO #ERDOGAN #ISIS # AL-NURSA #HORROR #BUSH #NWO #ROTHSCHILD #BILDENBER #MASONRY #LILIT #MARDUK #JABULLON #ALLAH #Beelzebub,] Natürlich ist TRUE das ist die Wahrheit SIE SIND IN #NWO # 666 #FED #FMI #Owl #Allah Sie ungestraft töten ALLE DIE NICHT #SALAFITI SIND UND ich habe nur ein Computer paar Euro! [ 08/08/2015 BANGLADESH
Bangladesh more religious violence another blogger critical of Islam killed. Niloy Chakrabarti was hacked to death with an ax in front of his sister and mother in their home in Khilgaon. He had long campaigned for the rights of minorities against religious fanaticism. Killers are thought to be Islamic extremists. He is the fourth blogger killed so far this year.

08/02/2007 INDONESIA ] Aceh ex-separatist leader sworn in as new governor. Irwandi Yusuf former spokesman of the Muslim separatist Free Aceh Movement was sworn in at a ceremony in the provincial capital in the presence of diplomats and members of the central government. His first objective is to re-launch the local economy that was devastated by the tsunami.

16/02/2016 13:53:00 BANGLADESH ] Bangladesh authorities close down book stand for insulting Islam. The stand belongs to Ba-DWIP publisher Prakashan who was participating in the annual book fair in Dhaka. The publishing house had \”Bitarka Islam\” (Debate on Islam) on display. The radicals claimed that the text contains disparaging statements against Islam and Muhammad. Writer \”In Bangladesh if someone kills a man he is not punished but if he says or writes something against Islam yes.\”

05/10/2015 BANGLADESH ] Dhaka according to Sheikh Hasina the Islamic state did not kill Caesar Tavella and Hoshi Kunio. In a press conference the Prime Minister states that there are no caliphate cells in Bangladesh and that the two murders are the work of the alliance between BNP (Nationalist Party) and Jamaat-e-Islami (Islamist organization). The Japanese 66 was killed less than a week after Caesar Tavella. Still doubt the motive. Kunio had recently converted to Islam.

15/02/2010 BANGLADESH ] Fighting polygamy woman castrates husband and then kills him. With a kitchen knife the woman cuts off her husband’s penis then stabs him to death. His physical abuse and his decision to take a new wife drove her to such action. Polygamy is legal in Bangladesh but is a rapidly waning social practice. Only 10 per cent of men have more than one wife.

#SALMAN، #SHARIA #Saudi #ARABIA، #TALMUD، #AIPAC، #USA، #SATANA #NWO، #ERDOGAN، #ISIS، #AL NURSA، #HORROR، #BUSH، #NWO، #ROTHSCHILD، #BILDENBER، #MASONRY، #LILIT، #MARDUK، #JABULLON، #ALLAH، #Beelzebub،] بالطبع، هذا صحيح، وهذا هو، والحقيقة أنت الآن في #NWO، #666، #FED، #FMI #Owl ، #Allah، يمكنك قتل والإفلات من العقاب، وجميع تلك التي ليست، #SALAFITI، وليس لدي سوى جهاز كمبيوتر، من، EURO قليلة! [ C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni ESORCISMO (Al segno + ci si fa il segno della croce) + In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritui Sancto Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo +. Amen!

Vadre Retro satana SALMAN SHARIA Saudi ARABIA [ CIA 666 UK I CANI DI GEZABELE SECOND ] FACCIAMO COSÌ poiché voi mi bloccate blogger? io vado a letto a dormire e voi salvate il genere umano dall\’olocausto nucleare al posto mio! ALLORA FACCIAMO COSÌ?

SIGNORI E SIGNORE ECCO A VOI I MAOMETTATI MALATI DI TESTA! Pakistani Christians in Thailand given temporary ID cards April 6 2016 Last month World Watch Monitor reported that there are about 11,500 Pakistanis seeking asylum in Thailand a 51 per cent increase from the previous year; all are classified as Christians in a recent report to the UK Parliament. Many of..
Pakistan Asylum Seekers Immigration Refugee Convention United Nations
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in principio era il VERBO tutto è stato fatto per mezzo di LUI ed in vista di LUi quindi il Verbo è il senso di tutte le cose ] [ ECCO PERCHÉ CHI HA CREDUTO È STATO SALVATO E CHI NON HA CREDUTO È STATO CONDANNATO! ] anche perché se la tua vita non è costruita sulla roccia che è Cristo poi se non ti frana tutto prima? certo ti franerà tutto al momento della morte! QUINDI MORIRAI STRITOLATO DA TUTTE LE MENZOGNE CHE HANNO COSTRUITO LA TUA VITA ERRONEA! è vero \”la luce brilla nelle tenebre ma le tenebre non la hanno accolta\” perché le tenebre e le opere delle tenebre sono cattive!

oltre ad ESSERE la \”PAROLA\” o il \”VERBO\” di JHWH (chi la vuole sentire? la sente chi non la vuole sentire? non la sente! ok! questa è la democrazia) Gesù di Betlemme (casa del Re Davide) lui ha detto di se stesso di essere la Roccia! E QUESTA È UNA AFFERMAZIONE MINACCIOSA PERCHÉ LA ROCCIA OLTRE AD ESSERE IL FONDAMENTO sicuro di UNA COSTRUZIONE ETERNA DIVENTA anche QUALCOSA CONTRO CUI TU TI PUOI SFRACELLARE e qualcosa che ti può schiacciare! ecco perché è scritto che tutti i nemici di ISRAELE sono destinati a sfracellarsi perché questa è una ROCCIA TROPPO PESANTE DA POTER ESSERE SPOSTATA!

PERCHÉ GESÙ DI BETLEMME HA RINUNCIATO AL SUO TEMPO a fare il RE POLITICO DI ISRAELE? INFATTI. attraverso le genealogie paterne LUI ERA IL LEGITTIMO DISCENDENTE DI DAVIDE ED ATTRAVERSO LA SPADA AVREBBE POTUTO ATTERRIRE CHIUNQUE! ma adesso è chiaro a tutti adesso è chiaro \”lui voleva essere il RE nel cuore di tutti gli uomini e di tutte le donne!\” INFATTI IL RE DI ISRAELE CHE IO SONO? NON POTREBBE MAI ESSERE IL SENSO e IL SIGNIFICATO DI TUTTE LE COSE! anche se io mi farò amare da tutti come uomo lui il Cristo ha deciso di farsi amare da tutti come DIO JHWH!

e se qualcuno può separare la sua PAROLA(il Figlio) dalla sua voce(il soffio vitale) poi lui può dimostrare che Dio JHWH non è uno e trino.. e poiché io non sono l\’AGNELLO di Dio poi non ha importanza per me quante persone io farò mettere a morte prima di potermi sedere sul mio trono a GERUSALEMME come Re di ISRAELE!
FARISEI TALMUD FMI SPA E ISLAMICI SHARIA CORANO SI SONO TROVATI al termine del loro itinerario durante il loro interiore percorso di coscientizzazione si sono ritrovati INSIEME A BUSH SULL\’ALTARE DI SATANA PERCHÉ È SATANA IL LORO FONDATORE! QUESTA STORIA DELLA GALASSIA JIHADISTA (è una congiura della LEGA ARABA) È UNA RISULTANTE DEL NWO SpA FED PER PORTARE A SATANA TUTTE LE COSE! Daesh giustizia 175 operai rapiti. 08.04.2016 ( In precedenza è stato comunicato che i terroristi del Daesh avevano rapito almeno 300 operai della società Al Badia Cement nei pressi di Damasco ) ISLAM SHARIA NE RISPONDERÀ! ORMAI SAUDITI E AMERICANI SONO FARISEI E MASSONI SATANISTI UNA SOLA FAMIGLIA DI SATANA!
SE QUELL\’ASSASSINO DI CAMERON HA LA FACCIA DI CORNO DI UNA PROSTITUTA? POI VEDRETE CHE NON SI DIMETTERÀ! ANCHE PERCHÉ SATANISTI E MASSONI HANNO MINORE DIGNITÀ DI UNA PROSTITUTA! 08.04.2016 Le prime ammissioni del primo ministro britannico dopo una settimana di no comment alle domande sul coinvolgimento del padre nello scandalo Panama Papers. Il primo ministro britannico David Cameron ha ammesso di aver posseduto quote della Blairmore Investment Trust dopo aver smentito per giorni ogni possibile coinvolgimento suo o di suoi familiari nello scandalo scoppiato una settimana fa con la pubblicazione dei documenti dello studio panamense Mossack Fonseca.

SE LA POLIZIA NON COLLABORA È PERCHÉ È ERDOGAN IL DITTATORE CHE DEVE ESSERE ARRESTATO! ] [ 08.04.2016) La polizia turca si è rifiutata di indagare sull\’uccisione del pilota Oleg Peshkov. Inoltre gli investigatori sono d\’accordo sul fatto che il crimine per il quale la Russia accusa il militante Alparslan Celik è stato commesso sul territorio siriano.Le relazioni tra la Russia e la Turchia sono entrate in crisi dopo il 24 novembre 2015 quando un caccia turco F-16 ha abbattuto un bombardiere russo Su-24 in Siria. Il presidente Vladimir Putin ha definito l\’evento \”una pugnalata alle spalle\” dai complici dei terroristi e ha firmato un decreto sulle misure di sicurezza nazionale e misure economiche speciali contro la Turchia
è necessario essere diretti!] [ 08.04.2016. Russia-Nato Stoltenberg Entro due settimane ci sarà incontro del Consiglio a livello ambasciatori.] SOLTANTO UNIUS REI POTREBBE CREARE UN NUOVO FONDO MONETARIO MONDIALE! ma se non si vuole intronizzare Unius REI? è chiaro poi Rothschild pretenderà la guerra mondiale PER POTER REINTRODURRE UN NUOVO CICLO MONETARIO USUROCRATICO E PARASSITARIO DEVITALIZZATE GLI SCHIAVI DEI MASSONI quindi bisogna dire chiaramente che disintegrare la LEGA ARABA dei maomettani nazisti e malati mentali porterà al genere umano una sofferenza sostenibile e assai meno pericolosa che disintegrare Russia e CINA!

e chi abbiamo NOI al Governo delle NAZIONI (tranne qualche rara eccezione) sono tutti la feccia della feccia dell\’inferno! ECCO COSA SIGNIFICA QUANDO SI DICE \”I FARISEI TALMUD ENLIGHTENED SPa Fed TUTTO HANNO FONDATO SU SATANA! ] POI NESSUNO DOVREBBE CHIEDERE A MERKEL E MOGHERINI ED AI LORO PROTETTORI PERCHÉ AL DONBASS NON SI È CONCESSA LA INDIPENDENZA ED AL KOSOVO SI! [ Il nuovo presidente del Kosovo è Hashim Thaci detto \’la serpe\’. 08.04.2016 Si è tenuto aggi a Pristina l\’insediamento del quarto presidente del Kosovo Hashim Thaci. Alla cerimonia hanno partecipato più di mille ospiti stranieri provenienti da 50 paesi così come i diplomatici accreditati a Pristina dei paesi che hanno riconosciuto il Kosovo che nel 2008 ha dichiarato unilateralmente l\’indipendenza dalla Serbia. Hashim Thaci è soprannominato \”Serpe\” perché striscia fuori da ogni situazione. L\’ex Procuratore del Tribunale penale internazionale per la ex-Jugoslavia Carla del Ponte nel suo libro \”La caccia Io e i criminali di guerra\” ha scritto che Thaci è stato coinvolto nel traffico illegale di organi. Nel libro in particolare si afferma che nel 1999 circa 300 serbi e di altra nazionalità sono stati rapiti e portati nell\’Albania settentrionale dove sono stati rimossi i loro organi che sono stati poi inviati alle cliniche in tutta Europa. Il politico svizzero Dick Marty nel 2010 ha presentato la relazione del Consiglio d\’Europa su questo tema e Hashim Thaci ha promesso di fare causa ma non è andato oltre le parole. Infine nel rapporto del BND recentemente pubblicato da \”Wikileaks\” Thaci appare come un trafficante di armi di droga di parti umane e membro del gruppo Drenitskoy noto per i suoi crimini in Kosovo. Finora il Tribunale speciale per i crimini di guerra dell\’organizzazione terroristica Esercito di liberazione del Kosovo a Pristina è stato creato solo sulla carta tuttavia il presidente (che è ex primo ministro ex vice primo ministro e capo del ministero degli Esteri) non sa se compariranno di fronte ad esso i fondatori del gruppo. Il giornalista Zivojin Rakocevic dell\’enclave serba di Gracanica in Kosovo in un\’intervista a Sputnik ha affermato che \”ora l\’80% degli albanesi vogliono lasciare questo territorio che la NATO ha bombardato con proiettili all\’uranio impoverito e Thaci li finiva con le sue strutture criminali. Egli ha distrutto ogni possibilità di ritorno dei serbi nella regione ha attaccato la Chiesa ortodossa serba. Egli controlla i radicali islamici che possono irrompere sulla scena in qualsiasi momento. Ma il più grande risultato di Thaci è il fatto che sia diventato un legittimo importante e supportato amico della comunità internazionale e delle forze occidentali\”. Beljulj Becaj politologo albanese-kosovaro di Pristina in un\’intervista a Sputnik ha osservato che \”le persone ambigue diventato presidente a causa del sistema elettorale della \’prima persona\’ del tutto dannoso\” (il presidente in Kosovo è eletto dal Parlamento). \”Questo non è ciò di cui ha bisogno il Kosovo. Il Kosovo ha bisogno di un presidente che sia il portavoce di onestà di moralità e di giustizia\”.

Theology of Persecution for innocent christinas martyrs ] chi fa del male a persone innocenti lui dichiara al mondo di servire e di adorare il demonio in ogni modo. [World Watch List Countries. most criminal country [ all friends of ONU ] North Korea Somalia Syria Iraq Afghanistan Saudi Arabia Maldives Pakistan Iran Yemen Sudan Eritrea Libya Nigeria Uzbekistan Central African Rep. Ethiopia Vietnam Qatar Turkmenistan Laos Egypt Myanmar (Burma) Brunei Colombia Jordan Oman India Sri Lanka. Tunisia Bhutan Algeria Mali Palestinian Territories United Arab Emirates Mauritania China Kuwait Kazakhstan Malaysia Bahrain Comoros Kenya Morocco Tajikistan Djibouti Indonesia Bangladesh Tanzania Niger.] [ Matthew 5:10-12 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad because great is your reward in heaven for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. For almost 60 years Open Doors has worked in the world\’s most oppressive and restrictive countries strengthening Christians to stand strong in the face of persecution and equipping them to shine Christ\’s light in these places. These believers stand strong despite the many obstacles that they face. What are some of the things that we can we learn from their faith? There is something about hardship that allows us to know God deeply. When times get really tough we discover more about who God is and how He works. Christians who have endured persecution for their faith know this well. There are no easy answers for why God allows his followers to face suffering. However the lives of persecuted Christians reveal that even when things look out of control believers can rest secure knowing that God is still in control. He is able to give courage peace and even joy to stand strong through the storm. It is through these storms that believers discover God\’s love in new and powerful ways. Standing Strong Through The Storm is the curriculum that Open Doors uses to help Christians stand strong in the face of persecution. There are six theological and biblical lessons from this curriculum 1. Sometimes you need to build yourself a cell

Be still and know that I am God—Psalms 46:10. One Chinese church leader who spent 23 years in prison once said this to Christians who did not face persecution I was pushed into a cell but you have to push yourself into one. You have no time to know God. You need to build yourself a cell so you can do for yourself what persecution did for me—simplify your life and know God.\” It is vital that we spend time with God to grow in Him so we are prepared to stand strong in the face of persecution. 2. God keeps secrets. \”For my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways,\” declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts—Isaiah 55:8-9. There have been countless stories of persecuted Christians who have died without seeing the fruits of their labor. However God know all that has been and all that is to come. Our labor is not in vein it is in His hands.

3. Weakness is a direct path to power. That is why for Christ\’s sake I delight in weaknesses in insults in hardships in persecutions in difficulties. For when I am weak then I am strong—2 Corinthians 12:10. An Egyptian Christian reflected on the way he was treated when he converted to Christ:. \”In great suffering you discover a different Jesus than you do in normal life… Pain and suffering bring up to the surface all the weak points of your personality. In my weakest state I had an incredible realization that Jesus loved me even right then.\” True empowerment does not come from human means but through Christ alone. It often takes being at our weakest point to realize this. 4. Overcoming is greater than deliverance. Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good. —Romans 12:21. Persecuted Christians no matter what country they are from do not ask us to pray that persecution would end but rather ask us to pray that they stand strong through the persecution. They do not wish to be delivered from the persecution but rather ask us to pray that they would be able to overcome the trials that they are facing in a way that is honoring to God.

5. Extreme hurt requires extreme forgiveness. And Jesus said \”Father forgive them for they know not what they do.\” And they cast lots to divide his garments—Luke 23:34. A Christian widow from Iran said \”I only had hatred in my heart for my enemies who had murdered my husband. But one day a miracle happened. God taught me how I could love my enemies… I had been praying for this even though on the deepest level I didn\’t want it to happen. Gradually through a process of ups and downs God answered this prayer.\” The only way we can get through extreme hurt is by forgiving people as Christ did. 6. Prayer is the ultimate fellowship. Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering—Hebrews 13:3. Many persecuted Christians often feel isolated and alone since they are unable to fellowship with other believers. However prayers from Christians half a world away have brought the same amount of encouragement that fellowship would have for these persecuted Christians. Prayer is vital—not only as a direct line to God but as a way to encourage our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world. 1 Corinthians 12:26 tells us that we are one body—when one member suffers we all suffer. When one member is lifted up we all rejoice. The persecuted church and the church in the free world are not two separate entities but rather are one body. The persecuted church needs the free church to support them and most importantly to lift them up in prayer. The church in the free world learns lessons from the persecuted who have stood strong in the face of persecution. Christ is the head of the body and uses both churches in unique and powerful ways. World Watch List Countries. most criminal country [ all friends of ONU ] North Korea. Somalia Syria Iraq Afghanistan Saudi Arabia Maldives Pakistan Iran Yemen Sudan Eritrea Libya Nigeria Uzbekistan Central African Rep. Ethiopia Vietnam Qatar Turkmenistan Laos Egypt Myanmar (Burma) Brunei Colombia Jordan Oman India Sri Lanka. Tunisia Bhutan Algeria Mali Palestinian Territories United Arab Emirates Mauritania China Kuwait Kazakhstan Malaysia Bahrain Comoros Kenya Morocco Tajikistan Djibouti Indonesia Bangladesh Tanzania Niger.

Baghdad Christmas bombings kill 37. Dec 30 2013 Church spokesman says reports of Christian deaths \’false\’

Central African Republic Christians petition for President\’s removal. Dec 24 2013. They also want removal of Chadian forces; Muslims demand exit of French troops

Read More. Christmas excitement marred by insecurity for Pakistani Christians after deadly year of attacks

Dec 23 2013. Solidarity with Muslim neighbours the sole highlight of turbulent year

Read More. Chinese Christians\’ lawyers attacked in presence of foreign TV crew

Dec 20 2013.

Whereabouts of 17 Nanle church members still unknown; families in fear

Iraqi Archbishop calls on West to \’open eyes\’ to Christians\’ Middle East exodus

Dec 18 2013. Chaldean Catholic Head says Christians are \’integral part of national Arab tissue\’

Prince Charles criticises \’organised persecution\’ of Middle East Christians

Dec 18 2013

Muslim–Christian relationship in danger of being \’destroyed\’ says Prince

Turkey blacklists foreign evangelist without explanation

Dec 17 2013

Another US citizen takes case against government after authorities fail to renew residency

Pakistani Christian on blasphemy charge speaks out from jail

Dec 16 2013

He says police arrested his family to force his return then later tried to kill him

Three pastors among dead in Central African Republic

Dec 13 2013

Religious nature of conflict grows more apparent as ex-Séléka rebels and anti-Balaka clash

Egyptian convert arrested for \’inciting sectarian strife\’

Dec 13 2013

Bishoy Armeya had sued Egypt to change his religion

Scores killed in Central African Republic

Dec 11 2013

Sectarian violence continues despite expanded military presence

Malaysia\’s \’Allah\’ ruling widely criticised

Dec 11 2013

Church leaders call decision to limit use of \’Allah\’ to Muslims \’repugnant\’

Rumor of tryst triggers anti-Christian violence in Egypt village

Dec 09 2013

One killed; homes burned in trouble-plagued province

Pakistan\’s churches increase security after Peshawar blasts

Dec 06 2013

Officer dies guarding another church in Peshawar

UN endorses more military in Central African Republic

Dec 05 2013

Mandate is to restore security for civilians.

Nigeria\’s Boko Haram strikes again in Cameroon

Dec 04 2013. Missionary killed churches torched around time of French priest\’s kidnapping

Read More UK Parliament is told Christianity is \’most persecuted religion\’

Dec 04 2013

MPs also hear that one Christian is killed every 11 minutes

12 nuns \’abducted\’ as rebels recapture Maaloula

Dec 03 2013

Three other women also abducted; Mother Superior says all \’fine and safe\’

Chinese church protests against arrest of 23 members

Dec 03 2013

Lawyers prevented from seeing detainees; leaders\’ whereabouts unknown

Pressure mounts on UN to refer Syria \’war crimes\’ to ICC

Dec 02 2013

Human Rights Watch calls for UN to address atrocities against Christians.

Dozens killed in fresh attacks in central Nigeria

Nov 29 2013

Four Christian-dominated villages decimated; Muslim tribe suspected of attacks

Vigilante group formed in Bangladesh to stop Christian activities

Nov 29 2013

Two months after church construction halted committee wants complete end to Christian influence

Kenyan bishop hurt in clash with local tribe

Nov 27 2013

Three members of congregation also hurt in attempt to retrieve abducted member

Church welcomes US designation of Boko Haram as Foreign Terrorist Organisation

Nov 15 2013

Splinter group Ansaru also classified as \’terrorists\’ One of the major organisations representing Christians in Nigeria has welcomed the US State Department\’s announcement on Nov 13 that it has..

All eyes on Sri Lanka as Commonwealth summit begins

Nov 15 2013

Some world leaders boycott summit citing human rights abuses Sri Lanka\’s human rights record has been questioned as a Commonwealth summit takes place in Colombo.Several Commonwealth leaders have..

Christians face extinction in Middle East warns UK Minister

Nov 15 2013

Baroness Warsi says the situation for Christians has become a global crisisA UK Foreign Office Minister has warned that Christians in some parts of the world face extinction because of violence..

Turkish pastor arrested on human trafficking accusations

Nov 15 2013

Pastor says deliberate plot was hatched to discredit his churchA Turkish Protestant pastor arrested by police in the Black Sea province of Samsun this week is accused of involvement in prostitution..

Number of Christian martyrs continues to cause debate

Nov 13 2013

Estimates range from between 1,200 to 100,000 per yearThe debate over the precise number of Christians martyred each year continues.In May a Vatican spokesman told the United Nations Human Rights..

China asks Church for help with social care

Nov 11 2013

Church to play major role in caring for increasingly elderly population The Chinese government has welcomed the role of the Church in providing social care in the country.China\’s leaders have been..

Iran\’s nuclear programme \’distracting\’ world from rights abuses

Nov 08 2013

Nobel winner Shirin Ebadi calls EU US to focus on minorities\’ plight An Iranian Nobel Prize-winner has warned EU and US officials that Iran\’s nuclear programme is distracting them from addressing …

Radical Islamists \’control much of northern Syria\’

Nov 07 2013

A new survey of Syrian towns by CNN suggests that much of northern Syria has come under the control of radical Islamist groups. CNN claims that Islamist militants led by a group called the..

Youth leader killed in Tanzania church attack

Nov 06 2013

Bishop asks for protection as another church is attacked in northern Tanzania Another Christian leader in northern Tanzania has been killed in what appears to be a targeted attack with two other..

Iranian Christian jailed for 10 years freed

Nov 05 2013

An Iranian Christian sentenced to 10 years in prison has been released after three months. Mostafa Bordbar 27 was released Nov. 3 from Tehran\’s Evin Prison after charges of participating in an..

Vietnamese Catholics jailed despite protests

Nov 01 2013

Two Vietnamese Catholics whose arrest led to protests last month have been handed jail terms. Nguyen Van Hai 43 and Ngo Van Khoi 53 were ordered on Oct. 23 to serve six and seven months..

Christian woman dies in Eritrean jail as prisoner of conscience

Nov 01 2013

An Eritrean Christian woman has become the latest known prisoner of conscience to have died in Eritrea. The death of Wehazit Berhane Debesai who was in her thirties comes amidst renewed..


Christian woman dies in Eritrean jail as prisoner of conscience

Nov 01 2013

Shipping containers such as these photographed in South Sudan are used as makeshift prison cells in neighbouring Eritrea. Wehazit Berhane Debesai died during the week of Oct. 14 in an Eritrea prison though it was not reported if she was being held in a shipping containter.

An Eritrean Christian woman has become the latest known prisoner of conscience to have died in Eritrea.

The death of Wehazit Berhane Debesai who was in her thirties comes amidst renewed condemnation of Eritrea\’s human rights abuses by the United Nations and NGOs.

Debesai died during the week of Oct. 14 of pneumonia following a year of imprisonment in harsh conditions where she was denied access to medical treatment because she refused to denounce her Christian beliefs.

Debesai\’s death also coincided with the arrest of around 70 Christians at a prayer gathering in Asmara the capital.

These arrests bring to nearly 300 the number of Christians known to have been taken into custody this year in what local Christians have called the most serious campaign against the Eritrean Church yet.

This follows the deaths earlier this month of around 380 mostly Eritrean and Somali migrants as they attempted to flee to Europe in ill-equipped vessels crossing the Mediterranean from Libya.

The United Nations\’ special rapporteur on human rights in Eritrea Sheila Keetharuth recently told the General Assembly that human rights abuses in Eritrea are causing \”countless Eritreans to desert from their positions and flee the country\”. Eritreans are second only to Syrians in terms of the number of those who have fled to Italy by sea up to 30 September this year (UN figures). \”It demonstrates the desperation of those who decide to flee despite the extreme dangers along escape routes and an unknown future,\” said Keetharuth.

UN figures claim that between 2,000 and 3,000 people are fleeing Eritrea every month despite a \”shoot-to-kill policy\” for those who attempt to leave. More than 300,000 Eritreans are believed to have fled the country in the past decade.

Keetharuth said the most serious violations include a lack of freedom of expression assembly religious belief and movement; extrajudicial killings enforced disappearances extended incommunicado detention torture and indefinite national service.

Eritrea\’s ambassador to the UN Arya Desta rejected these claims saying they were being used as a \”tool of political pressure\” for making \”unfair and unjust\” sanctions. He also denied the implementation of a shoot-to-kill policy.

Debesai had been taking part in national service when she was arrested last year for her involvement in Christian activities outside of the government-sanctioned Orthodox Catholic and Evangelical Lutheran church groups.

Debesai who was engaged to be married was then kept incommunicado in Adi Quala near the Ethiopian border.

Her fiancé Yohannes was arrested on the same day and also held in Adi Quala.

A representative of Open Doors a charity that works with Christians under pressure for their faith said that many Christian men and women are being held in underground dungeons metal shipping containers and military detention centres.

\”They face exposure hard labour and insufficient food water and hygiene. They are regularly denied medical treatment for malaria and pneumonia contracted while in prison or diseases like diabetes hypertension or cancer that they may have arrived with,\” said the representative.

A number of rights organisations including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have condemned Eritrea\’s human rights record. Amnesty International claims that Eritrea\’s prisons are filled with \”thousands of political prisoners locked up without ever being charged with a crime many of whom are never heard from again\”.

At least 10,000 political prisoners have been imprisoned since 1993 claims the organisation and many die in detention as a result of \”torture appalling conditions or suicide\”.

Speaking to the BBC World Service in the aftermath of the first Eritrean deaths off the island of Lampedusa Gaiam Ciprian of London\’s South Bank University said that every Eritrean between 16 and 40 has to do national service and since there is no effective de-mobilisation so no-one really leaves it.

He also said the Eritrean economy has virtually collapsed.

Source:World Watch Monitor

Iranians jailed for \’house church\’ attendance

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One third of Syrian Christians have gone says cleric

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Patriarch claims more than 450,000 have fled but opinions vary Almost a third of Syria\’s Christians have left since the start of the civil war according to one of the country\’s senior clerics…

Clerics call on UN military force to secure Central African Republic

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Northern Iraq no longer safe for Christians

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Once a relative safe haven Kurdish north is becoming increasingly dangerous An increase in violence against Christians in northern Iraq has increased the flow of Christians leaving the country…

Bajrang Dal pressure villagers to leave Christianity

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Nationalist Hindu group destroys church threatens believers For much of the year Christians in the central India village of Taragaon have been enduring pressure to abandon their religion. In..

Indian Christians sentenced to life terms will appeal

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Read More. Iran \’abuses\’ Christians\’ national and international rights

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Christians are jailed tortured and prevented from meeting together Iran\’s continued mistreatment of its Christian minority was raised at a recent meeting of the United Nations Human Rights..

African migrants risk lives to flee war and persecution

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Tension high as Mombasa Muslims protest cleric\’s murder

Oct 09 2013

Murder causes riots in days after siege of Westgate Shopping Centre in NairobiTension remains high in Kenya\’s port city of Mombasa after riots in protest at the murder of a prominent Muslim cleric on … Leaving home

Oct 07 2013. A couple of days after she fled Syria for Turkey a colleague sent me a message.\”Dear Nuri this is a court that the extremists established in my city Lattakia in the [Syrian] village of Kansabba. …
Promised legal reforms disappoint Turkey\’s religious minorities

Oct 04 2013. Latest reforms positive but inadequate say minority groupsThe Turkish government\’s long-awaited \”democratisation package\” of reform laws announced this week has met with considerable disappointment..

Read More Boko Haram killing spree claims 110 Nigerians

Oct 01 2013. the militant Islamist sect Boko Haram is suspected of killing at least 110 people of various faiths across Nigeria during the past week prompting the country\’s top Catholic bishop to declare the … Read More. Iran releases 2 Christians but many more still imprisoned

Sep 20 2013. Prisoners freed on eve of President\’s UN addressTwo Christian women were among a number of prisoners of conscience released in Iran ahead of new President Hassan Rouhani\’s first address to the UN … Read More. After the storm. Sep 20 2013. A few days on from the Egyptian army\’s re-establishment of state control over Delga in Minya province the country\’s Coptic Christians are beginning to reveal the extent of their sufferings at the …

Interfaith conflict threatens to engulf Central African Republic

Sep 18 2013. Evangelical Alliance leader risks arrest to condemn violence; President disbands rebelsClashes between Christians and Muslims in the northwest of the Central African Republic (CAR) have increased..

Read More. Catholic priest victim of latest Zanzibar acid attack

Sep 17 2013. Fifth such attack on the island since NovemberAn elderly Catholic priest has been the victim of an acid attack in Zanzibar.Amselmo Mwangamba was attacked on Friday (September 13) and is now in … Read More. Egyptian army breaks Islamist grip on Delga

Sep 16 2013. Since the Aug. 14 wave of anti-Christian violence that swept over Egypt the Christians of Delga have complained they had been abandoned by government security forces. Many of their churches and..

Read More. Vietnamese police crush protests against Catholics\’ imprisonment

Sep 13 2013. Dozens injured as police use tear gas batons and police dogsAround 40 people have been injured in Vietnam during a protest against the 3-month detention of two Catholics on minor charges.The protest … Read More. Christians flee Pakistani village after pastor accused of blasphemy. Sep 12 2013. Dozens of Christian families have fled from their homes in a village near Lahore after a pastor was accused of blasphemy against the Prophet Muhammad.In a discussion with a Muslim man on August 24 … Christian woman raped and murdered in Madhya Pradesh

Sep 10 2013. Four men were today convicted of the fatal gang rape of a medical student in Delhi – a story that has grabbed the world\’s attention. Meanwhile a little further south the case of a Christian woman … Read More. Moroccan Christian jailed for evangelizing

Sep 09 2013. Mohamed el Baldi convicted for \’shaking the faith\’ of MuslimsA Moroccan Christian man has been jailed for two-and-a-half years and fined for evangelizing.Mohamed el Baldi 34 from the town of Ain..

Read More. Pastor taken hostage in Philippines rebel attack. Sep 09 2013. A pastor has been taken hostage and several Christians are among the many injured in an attack by a rebel group in the Philippines.The Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) is suspected of carrying..

Read More. Maldives elections unlikely to improve religious freedom

Sep 06 2013. Tourist hotspot the only place where being non-Muslim is illegalKnown for its golden sands and crystal waters the Maldives is perhaps not the first country that springs to mind when one considers … Read More. Renewed day by day. Sep 04 2013. A photographic journey into the destruction and resilience of Egypt\’s churchesPhoto Miriam a member of Bishop Moussa Coptic Church in Minya absorbs the destruction caused Aug 14 by pro-Morsi..

Download. Christian woman raped and murdered in Madhya Pradesh

Sep 10 2013. The bed where the woman\’s body was found. Courtesy World Watch Monitor. Four men were today convicted of the fatal gang rape of a medical student in Delhi – a story that has grabbed the world\’s attention. Meanwhile a little further south the case of a Christian woman who suffered the same fate has gone relatively unnoticed.. The 30-year-old was raped and killed on August 29 in Bakoudi village in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh.

The woman whose name has not been released to protect her family\’s security and privacy was found the next morning by her mother-in-law.

Witnesses told World Watch Monitor she had suffered multiple stab wounds to her torso and had been strangled with her own sari.

Two suspects both Hindus have been arrested. Mahesh Dohre 23 who worked with the victim\’s husband and Durgesh Potfode 25 are residents of Bakoudi. They have both been released. It is unclear whether they will face further official charges. The local Christian community has been shocked by the event and expressed concerns about its vulnerability to local authorities. It is uncertain whether the attack took place because of the woman\’s faith but Christian women often report threats in the area. Christians comprise a tiny fraction of the population of Madhya Pradesh (the 2001 census put the figure at around 170,000 people or 0.3%) and just 2.3% of the total population of India (2011 census).

In the vast and diverse country Christians often live freely. However India ranks among the 50 countries where life as a Christian is most difficult according to Open Doors International a global ministry that serves Christians who are pressured because of their faith. The country is No. 31 on Open Doors\’ 2013 World Watch List largely because of a streak of Hindu nationalism or Hindutva that envisions India as a purely Hindu state. Source:World Watch Monitor. Dozens of \’noisy\’ churches silenced in Cameroon. Sep 03 2013. Government continues crackdown on Pentecostal movementThe government of Cameroon has ordered the closure of dozens of churches in an attempt to put an end to what it considers to be anarchy among some..

Read More. 40 Pakistani Christian families face hunger after Gojra elopement dispute

Sep 02 2013. Christian minority targeted after Muslim girl elopes with Christian manLast month was the fourth anniversary of one of the worst outbreaks of violence against Pakistan\’s minority Christian community … Read More. North Korea rescinds invitation to U.S. envoy

Aug 30 2013. Diplomatic trip to free Kenneth Bae is offNorth Korea has rescinded its invitation to a special U.S. envoy who had planned to visit Pyongyang with hopes of bringing jailed American Kenneth Bae. Read More. Viewpoint A troubling call from Syria

Aug 29 2013. Nuri Kino is a Sweden-based independent investigative reporter filmmaker author Middle East and human-rights analyst. His report titled \”The Camp,\” which examined the construction of a massive … Read More Court case hangs over Indonesian pastor

Aug 26 2013. Pastor says he was the victim as human rights group questions police logicPastor says he was the victim as human rights group questions police logicAn Indonesian pastor remains in a tortured. Italian priest still unaccounted for in Syria. Aug 22 2013. Fr. Dall\’Oglio reported abducted last month now presumed deadConflicting reports are emerging about the whereabouts and welfare of an Italian Jesuit priest who went missing almost one month..

Rimsha accused goes free. Aug 21 2013

Cleric acquitted due to \’insufficient evidence\’Photo Rights activist Basharat Khokhar left; Mizrak Masih centre; daughter Rimsha right in early 2013 after her release.The Muslim cleric suspected … Read More What caused Syria\’s civil war?

Aug 16 2013. Revd. Nadim NassarThroughout its history ancient and modern Syria has played host to ethnic and religious minorities living together very much in harmony.Syria in the original sense of what … Churches across Egypt attacked

Aug 14 2013. Photo Coptic Kids at St. George in Sohag Egypt – after church was attacked by Morsi supportersNumerous Christian churches across Egypt were attacked on Wednesday by mobs angered by the military\’s..

Read More. In Egypt Christian anxieties mount as Islamist hostility increases

Aug 13 2013. Coptic Pope cancels public appearancesPhoto A burned truck is part of the damage caused Aug. 3 by a 4,000-person anti-Christian mob in Bani Ahmed Egypt.Mass no longer is being celebrated at The … Italian priest still unaccounted for in Syria

Aug 22 2013. Fr. Dall\’Oglio reported abducted last month now presumed dead

Fr. Paolo Dall\’Oglio pictured in his native Italy in 2012.

Conflicting reports are emerging about the whereabouts and welfare of an Italian Jesuit priest who went missing almost one month ago.

Reuters reported on July 29 that Fr. Paolo Dall\’Oglio had been abducted by Islamists with links to al-Qaeda in the northern Syrian city of ar-Raqqah but the Vatican would not confirm the news.

Now as various reports claim the priest has been killed the Vatican remains tight-lipped.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported last week that the priest had been killed but retracted its statement on Monday Aug. 19.

The rights organisation said sources close to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham or ISIS which claimed it has kidnaped Dall\’Oglio said he was still alive. ISIS has yet to make a statement.

\”No side refuting the report that Father Paolo was killed has shown any evidence to prove that he is alive despite their empty assurances,\” said a statement released by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The group called for \”solid evidence\” to be given such as a recent video proving that he is alive and a statement from a \”clear and honest\” member of the Syrian opposition.

\”Any harm inflicted on Father Paolo is harm inflicted on the Syrian revolution and on the Syrian peoples\’ freedoms and dignity,\” SOHR said.

\”No side refuting the report that Father Paolo was killed has shown any evidence to prove that he is alive despite their empty assurances.\”–Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

A Jesuit spokesperson earlier this month expressed \”deep worry\” about the fate of Dall\’Oglio.

Italian Foreign Minister Emma Bonino said \”We are still groping in the dark\”.

Dall\’Oglio worked in Syria for more than 30 years and described his work as \”promoting Islamic-Christian harmony-building\”. He was expelled last year after speaking out against President Bashar al-Assad and helping victims of the civil war. Since then he has been working predominantly in Europe. On July 22 he posted an online petition asking Pope Francis to advocate on behalf of suffering Syrians.

However his stance has been controversial for many Syrian Christian leaders. Nadim Nassar the only Syrian Anglican priest told World Watch Monitor \”Any attempt to politicise the voice of Christians in Syria is wrong and devastating for them because it weakens them\”.

Meanwhile there is nothing new to report about the two Syrian bishops – Yohanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yaziji – kidnapped four months ago.

Metropolitan Timotheus Matta Fadil Alkhouri patriarchal Assistant for the Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch urged members of the press and politicians to refrain from speculation.

\”Every week some politician or some journalist pulls out some story on the two Metropolitan Bishops of Aleppo kidnapped,\” he told Fides. \”But so far they have always been unverifiable deductions. The reality is that… we do not know who kidnapped them.\”

Source World Watch Monitor. What caused Syria\’s civil war?

Aug 16 2013. Revd. Nadim Nassar. Photo Revd. Nadim Nassar

Throughout its history ancient and modern Syria has played host to ethnic and religious minorities living together very much in harmony.

Syria in the original sense of what is now known as \”Greater Syria\” encompassed much of the Levant – today\’s states of Syria Lebanon Israel and Jordan plus a portion of Turkey. This is the cradle of the three major monotheistic religions Judaism Christianity and Islam; two were born in Syria and Islam found its way there very early in its existence.

Its geopolitical position brought Syria to the attention of many different superpowers and sadly it has often been a battleground for these foreign powers. Throughout millennia of occupation and recent decades of independence the minorities in Syria have always stayed true to their homeland they played a major role in the liberation from the Ottomans after more than 500 years of oppression and from the French Mandate in the twentieth century leading to independence in 1946.

Christians Druze Alawites Kurds and other smaller minorities worked hand in hand with the majority Sunnis to secure the liberation of Syria from all foreign occupation.

In 1970 the political situation in Syria took a dramatic turn when a faction of military leaders who were Alawites – an Islamic sect – took power. After many centuries in which the Syrians had been ruled by outsiders they now found themselves ruled by one of their own minorities.

For years Syrians hoped that the Assads the ruling family would bring stability and freedom after the troubled 1950s and 60s during which a series of coups d\’états pushed the country into uncertainty and military conflict. In 1973 just three years after he seized power Hafez al-Assad joined with Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat in a new major war against Israel. The Soviet Union supplied Egypt and Syria with arms while the United States of America backed Israel. This disastrous war damaged relations throughout the Middle East and achieved little for Syria.

Before the region could recover civil war engulfed Syria\’s southern neighbour Lebanon. The superpowers and regional powers including Syria used their allies in Lebanon to wage their own proxy wars in the midst of the 17-year-long Lebanese Civil War. This act by the ruling minority dragged Syria into the heart of the bloodshed through indirect and direct military intervention.

At this time President Hafez al-Assad focused most of his energy on foreign politics especially the on-going conflict with Israel and left Syria to be run mainly by members of his family and the Intelligence Services.

Trade with the rest of the world was tightly controlled by the Assad regime and many benefitted from the Lebanese Civil War through establishing smuggling rings and black markets across the Syrian-Lebanese border – with the support of many of those in power; this was the beginning of the awful corruption that has infected Syria.

In an extremely closed economy smuggling became the norm – even fruit vegetables and daily products like butter tea sugar bananas and tissues had to be smuggled into Syria from Lebanon and Jordan.

The corruption deepened as time went on creating a new upper class of people from all religions who took advantage of the situation and got closer to the Alawite regime in order to further their business.

This squeezed the traditional middle class and deprived them of much of their income fomenting anger and hostility towards the regime and towards Alawites in general.

\”What is happening in Syria today is not merely the result of a minority ruling a majority. Some of those who are supported by external powers would like the conflict to be seen in this way but the changes the people seek have nothing to do with Assad coming from a minority.\” –Revd. Nadim Nassar

The regime maintained its hold on power through the usual measures employed by a dictatorship eliminating dissent through censoring the media silencing opponents and critics preventing free speech and denying political expression.

That created an atmosphere of fear and resentment of the Alawites and the Assad family in particular.

In the early eighties the Assad regime killed tens of thousands in the western city of Hama to silence the uprising of a Sunni group the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood had been terrorising parts of Syria through assassination and bombing.

This brutal act did not end the Syrian people\’s resentment against the regime but merely drove it deeper underground where it would smoulder under the fist of the regime.

When Hafez al-Assad died in 2000 his second son Bashar an ophthalmologist living in London inherited the Presidency.

The people hoped that a young President who studied in the West and who had married an intelligent and charming Syrian-British woman could change the situation which his father had created. Many people were almost euphorically optimistic – they saw Bashar as an open-minded well-travelled reformer.

Indeed Bashar al-Assad began to restore proper international trade and he started to reform the country but everything quickly slipped back to the old corrupt ways. Most of the promises of change that Bashar made in his inauguration speech evaporated.

For most Syrians religion was not a source of tension and conflict. I have always had dear Muslim Alawite and Druze friends and differences in belief were never an issue.

Sadly this has now changed in my homeland. Sectarianism was not a part of a Syrian lifestyle until recently. It has been imported by foreign religious fanatics.

The conflict in Syria began as a protest against the corruption that blighted every aspect of people\’s lives and the lack of freedom; the people demanded radical reforms in how Syria was governed.

The lack of response to these demands was followed by severe and sustained military action against those who protested and this violence drove some in the opposition to seek help from foreign governments in the region. Many of these governments are keen to shatter the age-old alliance between Syria and Iran and the fall of the Assad regime would help them greatly; for this reason they offered military and financial aid to the opposition but only on the condition that the \”new Syria\” would cut links with Iran and with Hezbollah in South Lebanon.

Some religious leaders outside Syria then called for a Sunni uprising against the minorities – with the Alawites being at the top of the list. Sadly Christians are also on that list because they are wrongly seen as having been protected by the Alawites.

As the conflict continued this new sectarianism spread; it became popular because it legitimised violence against others – even those who were not part of the regime. The regime\’s acts of war against its own people across Syria only encouraged further resentment against the regime and the Alawites.

What is happening in Syria today is not merely the result of a minority ruling a majority. Some of those who are supported by external powers would like the conflict to be seen in this way but the changes the people seek have nothing to do with Assad coming from a minority.

The change the Syrians desire with all their hearts is the change from oppression to freedom from corruption to the rule of law from dictatorship to democracy. This change would be to the great benefit of all Syrians. Source World Watch Monitor. Churches across Egypt attacked Aug 14 2013

Coptic Kids at St. George in Sohag Egypt – after church was attacked by Morsi supporters

Photo Coptic Kids at St. George in Sohag Egypt – after church was attacked by Morsi supporters

Numerous Christian churches across Egypt were attacked on Wednesday by mobs angered by the military\’s armed crackdown on protesters in Cairo. The official death toll has passed 500; a state of emergency and curfew are in effect. St George\’s Cathedral. Sohag. Southern Egypt just burnt by Muslim Brotherhood supporters.. Photo St George\’s Cathedral. Sohag Southern Egypt just burnt by Muslim Brotherhood supporters.

Watani International provided the following tally of assaults on Christian churches and other buildings Three churches and six buildings at the monastery of the Holy Virgin and Anba Abra\’am in Dalga Minya Upper Egypt. The church of Mar-Mina in the district of Abu-Hilal in the town of Minya. The bishopric church of Mar-Girgis (St George) in Sohag Upper Egypt (video below)

The church of the Holy Virgin in Nazla Fayoum Lower Egypt. The Baptist church in Beni-Mazar Minya. Coptic-owned shops in Gumhouriya Street in Assiut Upper Egypt. The Good Shepherd School in Suez. The Fransiscan School in Suez. Bible Society of Egypt bookstore in Fayoum. The church of al-Amir Tawadros (St Theodore) in Fayoum. The church of the Holy Virgin in the district of Abu-Hilal in the town of Minya. The Catholic church of St Mark Minya. The Jesuit church in Abu-Hilal Minya. The church of Mar-Morqos (St Mark) and its community centre Sohag

18 houses of Coptic families in Dalga Minya including the home of Father Angaelus Melek of the Holy Virgin and Anba Abra\’am\’s· The Evangelical church on Nassara Street in Abu-Hilal Minya. The church of Anba Moussa al-Aswad in Minya. Coptic-owned shops pharmacies and a doctor\’s clinic in Minya (photo below) Photo of fire set in a shop owned by coptic citizen in El minya governorate upper Egypt. Photo Fire set in a shop owned by coptic citizen in El minya governorate upper Egypt. The Jesuit church in Minya (attacked not burned)

The St Fatima Basilica in Cairo (attacked not burned)

St Joseph\’s School in Minya (attacked not burned)

The Nile boat al-Dahabiya owned by the Evangelical Church in Minya

Coptic-owned shops pharmacy and hotels on Karnak Street and Cleopatra Street in Luxor (attacked and looted)

The church of Mar-Girgis (St George) in Wasta (attacked)

The church of St Michael on Nemeis Street in Assiut Upper Egypt

The Adventist church in Assiut; the pastor and his wife were both kidnapped

The Greek church in Suez. The church of Mar-Girgis in Assiut

Coptic houses on Qulta Street in Assiut attacked

The church of Mar-Girgis (St George) in Arish North Sina

The church of St Dimiana and the Evangelical church in the village of Zerbi in Fayoum

The offices of the Evangelical foundation in Minya and those of Umm al-Nour in Beni-Mazar Minya. The church of Anba Antonius in Kerdassa Giza

The bishopric church in Etfeeh Giza. A church burning in Sohag multiple angles

Photo A church burning in Sohag multiple angles.

Additionally the Bible Society of Egypt reported that another of its bookstores in Minya was burned. Source World Watch Monitor

World Christian Persecution

lamentarsi, respingere la mia proposta? è legittimo, se tu hai una TUA soluzione alla Guerra mondiale! E ALLORA TU VUOI SOSTITUIRE LA GUERRA MONDIALE CON CHE COSA?
GLI USA NON HANNO NESSUN DIRITTO DI: CUSTODIRE IN LOCALITà SEGRETE: 1. ALIENI, 2. IBRIDI TRA ANIMALI ED ESSERI UMANI, 3. UOMINI IN STATO CATATONICO ZOMBIES, 4. ecc.. SENZA IL PERMESSO DEL GENERE UMANO! 5. altresì, è proibito appropriarsi del genoma umano, per venderlo ,o modificarlo, senza il consenso delle Nazioni, la violazione di una queste clausole comporta la dichiarazione di guerra, automatica, di tutte le Nazioni del Mondo contro gli USA, in maniera automatica!

E perché io dovrei dirti di “no!” se, la mia felicità, come lo scopo della tua vita è la felicità? TU DIMOSTRAMI DI NON COMMETTERE UNA QUALCHE INGIUSTIZIA, PIUTTOSTO! oppure tu pensi di fare risultare ingiusto Unius REI? [ SATANISTI ALIENI VAMPIRI ] SE I FARISEI NON VANNO SUBITO IN ARABIA SAUDITA? GIURO CHE VI UCCIDO TUTTI! PERCHé QUALCUNO TI VOGLIA DICHIARARE COLPEVOLE DI QUALCOSA? POI, DOVREBBE CHIEDERE IL PERMESSO A ME, mentre, io ho concesso la amnistia assoluta per tutti i delitti commessi prima del mio regno, in favore di tutti i miei alleati!
ma poiché Maometto è uno dei tanti antiCristI? poi, come lui potrebbe stare in Paradiso? MA COME la tua fede, ti ha plasmato come una bestia di satana?! E CHI NON CREDE DI ESSERE COSì? VENGA SUBITO DA ME! ma, chi crede di essere diventato una bestia di satana? PROPRIO LUI DEVE VENIRE SUBITO DA ME: PRIMA CHE LO COLGA ANCHE LA MORTE ESTERIORE! e tu non puoi venire da me fisicamente, perché io non sono 7miliardi di persone, ma, tu puoi leggere i miei articoli e, tu puoi trovare una comunione con i miei ideali! NON TEMERE: io non pretendo di modificare la tua religione o la tua identità!
QUALI diritti umani SHARIA genocidio nazisti, LA LEGA ARABA PUò RAPPRESENTARE IN ONU? che Sauditi hannno detto sull’altare di satana della CIA: “abbiamo fatto bene noi, a rifiutare di entrare anche noi in ONU, con Unius REI in giro? era molto pericoloso!”
dubito che, si possa parlare di politica o di finanza, o di economia, adeguatamente, perché questa è tutta una maçonnerie Rothschild: ALTO TRADIMENTO COSTITUZIONALE ] e se, FARISEI non fanno in fretta a Realizzare il regno delle Tribù di Israele in ARABIA SAUDITA? finiranno COME I PEZZENTI, dopo avere rubato per secoli TUTTO il genere umano, finiranno tutti con il culo per terra: TUTTI questi satanisti farisei del Talmud!
ma io non ho mai parlato di declino USA SpA Banche Centrali FED, infatti la vostra pirati bullismo predazione? è soltanto il declino di tutto il GENERE UMANO! SOLTANTO DIO VI PUò STERMINARE A TUTTI VOI, E NOI DEL REGNO DI DIO? CI STIAMO LAVORANDO! Obama: ‘Chi parla di declino America vende fantasia’
AFFERMATIVO! DIO NON VUOLE EMARGINARE NESSUNO, E LUI PARLA CONTINUAMENTE AL CUORE DI TUTTI I PECCATORI, E NOI SIAMO TUTTI PECCATORI! SOLTANTO CHE GUARDIAMO CON COMPASSIONE AI NOSTRI PECCATI, E CON DUREZZA AI PECCATI DEGLI ALTRI! Quello che è il delitto sociale e politico, per eccellenza, è un pensiero ideologico massimalista, e la pretesa dello Stato Massone Islamico Darwin GENDER: di parlare con categorie morali! “Corrotti perdono pudore e dignità, provino vergogna” Esce libro. “Mai emarginare i gay, ogni creatura è amata da Dio”
ORMAI è LA CATASTROFE! A COSA SERVONO 250 MILIONI DI MIGRANTI ENTRO IL 2060. Ci sono 24 milioni di disoccupati in Europa e 14 milioni di inattivi in Italia: servono davvero i migranti per pagare le pensioni?. Ecco le ragioni più plausibili dietro a un progetto scellerato:
l’apparato militare industriale USA, senza un nemico? fallisce! ECCO PERCHé LORO SONO 50 ANNI CHE NON DORMONO LA NOTTE PER INVENTARE DEI NEMICI! … è in questo modo, che hanno convinto i sauditi a creare al-Qaeda! e poi, è tutta una storia di delitti.. questa è una storia infinita infernale!
BUSH Clinton sauditi, turchi, FED SPA FMI, CIA NATO, SPA FARISEI, SISTEMA MASSONICO? è soltanto una questione di penne dell’unico Baal OWL!
LAGARDE in Ucraina? lei vi è andata insieme a MADRE TERESA DI CALCUTTA, e poi, per un fatale errore fortuito, al suo finco ha trovato la CIA i cecchini GOLPE a Maidan: e nessuno di loro è stato arrestato: perché avevano la immunità diplomatica!
Obama, ‘l’America è ancora il Paese più forte al mondo’ OK! MA DA QUALE PUNTO DI VISTA? 1. A FILMINI PORNOGRAFICI? è CERTAMENTE IL PIù FORTE! 2. A LEGIONI DI DEMONI E SATANISTI? è SICURAMENTE IL PIù FORTE? 3, AD ALLEATI NAZISTI PRAVY SECTOR E ISLAMICI TERRORISTI SHARIA? è SICURAMENTE IL PIù FORTE! 4. A STRAGI PER FUTILI MOTIVI? è SICURAMENTE IL PIù FORTE, 5. AD ABORTI E DIVORZI? è SICURAMENTE IL PIù FORTE! E L’ELENCO VERGOGNOSO? POTREBBE CONTINUARe Ancora a LUNGO! ma, se ci pensi? ha una buona protezione aerea, ma, nessuna nazione è così vulnerabile, per un corpo di marina da sbarco, che è la NAzione più facile da conquistare ed invadere!
islam sharia? è soltanto un genocidio ONU COSA è TUTTA QUESTA CASCIARA di cagnara? Vi sembra questa una notizia di ANSA? Starebbe a suo agio, su un giornale specializzato per questo genere di cose: per ADULTI, non su un pubblico servizio sovvenzionato da contribuenti! VOI AVETE PERSO IL SENSO DELLA MISURA! MA, VOI PENSATE A COME, noi POSSIAMO DARE SCANDOLO AD UN PEDOFILO POLIGAMO DI ISLAMICO ORGIA DOMESTICA? IN QUESTO MODO? VOI MI FATE SALTARE LA FRATELLANZA UNIVERSALE! voi RENDETE IMPOSSIBILE IL DIALOGO TRA ORIENTE ED OCCIDENTE E ALTRO CHE AMORE: “VOI REALIZZATE PROPRIO LA GUERRA MONDIALE!”
questo si che è un evento culturale importante: degno di ANSA GENDER ideologia: per la ideologia religione evoluzione darwin sodoma: regime bildenberg, un rito liturgico fondamentale ed essenziale: per celebrare: il NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE: new age SPA FED BCE: il Grande FRATELLO BUSH, ma, io ricordo che, una volta in mezzo ai cadaveri, si pregava, oggi, Satana si accontenta di altro, si fa letteratura pornogratica, perché, il nostro Stato? è un lenone! Lady Gaga nuda con boyfriend Taylor Kinney dopo aver fatto sesso, Il selfie shock: “Facciamo sesso per la pace, contro la violenza e il terrorismo”
Califfato Islamico ISIS LEGA takfiri galassia jihadista? è un terrorista erdogan hitler sharia, new ottomano impero!
Abd Allāh takfiro Saʿūd sharia hitler SAUDI ARABIA isis daesh is CIA NWO
mafia SPA BANCHE CENTRALI? è regime bildenberg massone, la più grande mafia occulta legalizzata della storia del genere umano!
datagate UK GEZABELE SECOND enter in my ADSL
[ ISRAEL VEDI CHE, UK SEGRET SERVICES HA INTERCETTATO LA MIA PRIMA CONNESSIONE CHIAVETTA E MI HA BLOCCATO! ] QUESTA è LA MIA SECONDA CONNESSIONE [SALMAN SHARIA SAUDI ARABIA TAKFIRO SUDAIRIO ] è vero che, io non ho Dio in tasca, ma, per quello che so io? lui di massacri su larga scala? ne ha già fatti parecchi!
my holy JHWH ] li senti? soffrono come bestie, tutte le bestie di satana, ma, nessuno di loro ha il coraggio di farsi vedere, come sono tutti nascosti dietro i loro computer, sono tutti gli assassini! NON NE AVERE PIETà!
“CAPUT ISRAELE PER LA TERZA VOLTA!” lo ha detto Rothschild il fariseo, ed io lo ho sentito, mente lui lo diceva!
“TUTTI PER UNO E UNO PER TUTTI”, è UN CODICE DI ONORE DEI CAVALIERI CRISTIANI, CHE DEI FARABUTTI MASSONI, TRADITORI E COMPLICI DI TORRE DI BABILONIA OCCHIO PIRAMIDE, DI LUCIFERO ROTHSCHILD ENTITà DEMONIACA: REGIME BILDENBERG? LORO NON HANNO, NESSUN DIRITTO DI APPELLARE PER LORO! IO LO GIURO: “QUESTA PROFANAZIONE CONTRO LA MIA REGALITà? IO, IL RE DI ISRAELE? IO VE LA FARò PAGARE! ” L’Estonia vuole ottenere la dislocazione permanente delle forze NATO nel paese, 12.01.2016, Ne ha parlato il Primo Ministro estone Taavi Roivas in un suo articolo dedicato agli obiettivi del governo nel 2016. L’articolo è stato pubblicato sull’influente Postimees. “Considero molto importante per il summit estivo della NATO (che si terrà a Varsavia l’8 e il 9 luglio) prendere una decisione sulla presenza permanente degli Alleati in Estonia e nei paesi vicini. Questo potrebbe essere un chiaro segnale che con i paesi della NATO non bisogna litigare, in quanto noi seguiamo il principio “uno per tutti, tutti per uno”, ha scritto Roivas nel suo articolo. Alla fine dello scorso anno in Estonia è arrivato dagli Stati Uniti il primo convoglio di mezzi militari pesanti. Sono state consegnate 40 unità tecniche, compresi 4 carri armati M1A2 Abrams, 10 veicoli corazzati Bradley e 3 semimoventi d’artiglieria Paladin e due veicoli per usi speciali:
ULTIME NOTIZIE:     16:57 L’Ucraina GOLPISTA E GENOCIDARIA, spenderà 500 milioni di dollari in armamenti [ E CHI LA MINACCIA? è LEI L’AGGRESSORE!
666 Seigniorage of Banking
Europa Unione, EU, ONU, USA, anticristo NATO ] voi state facendo il gioco sporco e mortale, della CIA NATO LEGA ARABA: per offendere umanesimo di Israele e Russia, CINA ecc.., ATTRAVERSO IL DELITTO UNIVERSALE DELLA SHARIA, ed ora dovete mettere sul piatto della bilancia i vostri cadaveri, perché, ISIS Daesh sono sauditi e turchi, i loro servizi segreti: E QUESTO NON è UN SEGRETO: per chiunque! VOI AVETE VISTO DILANIARE IL POPOLO IRACHENO E SIRIANO, avete assistito al soffocameto dei cristiani ATTRAVERSO IL TERRORISMO ISLAMICO DELLA CIA: in questi 30 anni, E VOI VI SIETE RALLEGRATI, anzi voi avete nascosto le notizie circa i martiri cristiani, per non offendere i vostri affari con gli islamici, e per disprezzo contro Gesù Cristo: perché voi siete la bestia di satana: voi siete l’anticristo! ISTANBUL, 12 GEN – Il Governo turco ha annunciato che almeno 9 vittime dell’attentato di un kamikaze questa mattina a Sultanamhet sono cittadini tedeschi.
LEGA ARABA ISLAMICI SHARIA ] che poi questa storia penosa, che Maometto è salito al cielo da Gerusalemme, 7 anni dopo la sua morte? è una delle poche cose che, fa divertire tutte le anime: disperati infelici, tribolate e dannate all’inferno! VOI ISLAMICI, VOI AVETE PORTATO INFAMIA SULL’ISLAM e voi avete profanato la Santità di Dio! Nessun islamico ha un pur minima speranza, di poter entrare in paradiso, la vostra speranza? è inutile!
LEGA ARABA ISLAMICI SHARIA ] perché, nella vostra iniquità, ed ipocrisia, voi pensate che io non devo lasciare vivere dietro di me, la esistenza di massoni farisei e satanisti, e poi, proprio io, io debba poter lasciare vivere degli assassini seriali, maniaci religiosi sharia come voi, convinti ancora di glorificare Dio per uccidere persone del tutto innocenti che voi chiamate infedeli.. CHE GLI INFEDELI? SIETE PROPRIO VOI CON IL VOSTRO MAOMETTO ALL’INFERNO!
IL FONDAMENTO GIURIDICO DI INDIPENDENZA E SOVRANITà DEI POPOLI, è STATO BRUTALIZZATO, DAI MASSONI BILDENBERG EUROPEI REGIME ROTHSCHILD SPA BANCHE CENTRALI, CHE IN NESSUN MODO DOVEVANO FARE ATTI DI VIOLENZA E TERRORISMO CONTRO LA POPOLAZIONE CIVILE! EUROPA DEVE RISPONDERE PER QUESTI DELITTI DI NAZISMO, CONTRO IL DIRITTO UNIVERSALE E INTERNAZIONALE A PROTEZIONE DELLA SOCIETà CIVILE! ]  Deputati della Crimea chiedono di fermare le azioni da genocidio dell’Ucraina, 13.01.2016(Il blocco energetico ed agroalimentare sono “una flagrante violazione dei diritti umani”, hanno affermato i deputati del Parlamento della Crimea. Chiedono di punire i responsabili dopo essersi rivolti a diversi tribunali internazionali. I deputati del Parlamento della Crimea hanno chiesto di fermare le azioni da genocidio da parte di Kiev, come quelle relative al blocco della penisola, e di punire i responsabili, si legge in una dichiarazione adottata nel corso della sessione di oggi. La Crimea e Sebastopoli sono entrate a far parte della Russia dopo un referendum condotto nel marzo nel 2014. Per la riunificazione con la Russia ha votato il 96,77% degli abitanti della Crimea e il 95,6% di Sebastopoli. Kiev e i Paesi occidentali hanno rifiutato di riconoscere la volontà popolare espressa tramite le urne ed hanno introdotto sanzioni contro la regione. Allo stesso tempo le autorità ucraine hanno chiuso completamente con la regione i collegamenti aerei, ferroviari e stradali. Inoltre hanno chiuso gli acquedotti e sospeso le forniture di cibo ed elettricità. Dalla metà di gennaio entrerà in vigore l’embargo commerciale parallelamente a misure restrittive in campo finanziario e al blocco marittimo e della rete mobile di telefonia.
I deputati ritengono che il blocco energetico e alimentare della penisola “sono un chiaro esempio di gravi violazioni dei diritti umani, azioni d’odio e genocidio che danneggiano la popolazione civile della Crimea.” Relativamente a questa situazione il Parlamento della Crimea ha chiesto ufficialmente al ministero degli Esteri della Federazione Russa assistenza politica, diplomatica e operativa per presentare denunce e mozioni all’Assemblea Generale e al Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite e agli organi interparlamentari della Comunità degli Stati Indipendenti (CSI), dell’Organizzazione per la sicurezza e la cooperazione in Europa (OSCE) e dell’Assemblea parlamentare del Consiglio d’Europa (PACE). I deputati ritengono che le autorità ucraine non facciano nulla per impedire il blocco della penisola ed abbiano violato i loro obblighi per impedire atti di genocidio, come si afferma nella Convenzione sul genocidio. La questione del blocco della Crimea, secondo loro, dovrebbe essere inclusa nell’ordine del giorno della riunione di emergenza del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite e diventare una priorità del Tribunale Internazionale. Inoltre i parlamentari hanno invitato la Procura Generale e il Comitato Investigativo della Federazione Russa a condurre un’indagine per atti di genocidio contro la Crimea da parte dei deputati del Parlamento ucraino Mustafa Dzhemilev e Refat Chubarov, promotori del blocco della penisola. I deputati hanno inoltre chiesto di indagare la creazione di gruppi terroristici al confine della Crimea con le regioni meridionali dell’Ucraina:

 World Watch List

We are a non-profit organization working in the most oppressive countries, providing Bibles and literature, media, leadership training, socio-economic development and ensuring prayer, presence and advocacy for Persecuted Christians.
We strive to raise awareness of global persecution, mobilising prayer, support and action among the Christians around the world. Every year, we publish our World Watch List which ranks countries by the severity of persecution. Learn more about World Watch List and how Open Doors ranks countries of persecution.
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About Christian Persecution
“Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.” Article 18, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Christian Persecution
Christian Persecution is any hostility, experienced from the world, as a result of one’s identification with Christ. From verbal harassment to hostile feelings, attitudes and actions, believers in areas with severe religious restrictions pay a heavy price for their faith. Beatings, physical torture, confinement, isolation, rape, severe punishment, imprisonment, slavery, discrimination in education and in employment, and even death are just few examples they experience on the daily basis.
According to The Pew Research Center, over 75% of the world’s population live in areas with severe religious restrictions. Many of these people are Christians. Also, according to the United States Department of State, Christians in more than 60 countries face persecution from their governments or surrounding neighbors simply because of their belief in the person of Jesus Christ.
Map of countries, where Christian Persecution is the worst.
In the United States, it’s easy for believers to take for granted the rights they so regularly enjoy. From praying and worshiping in public to attending Sunday worship services, practice of one’s faith is generally accepted in America.
But this isn’t the case in many nations such as North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Mali, Syria, etc. in which religion, itself, is banned or where one faith system is permitted and touted, with all others being continually denigrated. The persecution is so severe in many localities, Christians are systematically targeted and mistreated because of their religious beliefs. According to The Pew Research Center, The Economist, Christians today are the most persecuted religious group in the world.
Every year, we release our annual “World Watch List,” a ranking of 50 countries that exposes the places Christians are most persecuted across the globe. World Watch List includes individuals in all Christian denominations within an entire nation.
Index of Christian Persecution in the most unfriendly countries.
According to this graph, the statistic shows the index of the persecution of Christians in the top unfriendly countries around the world 2013. North Korea is the country with the strongest suppression of Christians with an index value of 87.The survey for the World Watch List included various aspects of religious freedom: the legal and official status of Christians, the actual situation of Christians living in the country, regulations from the state as well as factors that can undermine the freedom of religion in a country.
The cross (still standing) after the church in Cirebeum (Indonesia) was bulldozed by authorities.
There are variety of reasons why Christians are persecuted. One of the reason it occurs, is when severe abuse of Christians takes place under the authoritarian government. In the case of North Korea and other Communist countries, authoritarian governments seek to control all religious thought and expression as part of a more comprehensive determination to control all aspects of political and civic life. These governments regard some religious groups as enemies of the state because they hold religious beliefs that may challenge loyalty to the rulers.
Another reason why Christians are persecuted is hostility towards nontraditional and minority religious groups. For example, in Niger more than 98 percent of the population are Muslims and hostility comes more from society than from the government. Historically, Islam in West Africa has been moderate, but in the last 20 years dozens of Islamic associations have emerged, like the Izala movement which aims to restrict the freedom of ‘deviant Muslims’ and minority religious groups like Christians.
The lack of basic human rights is another significant part of persecution in some countries. For instance, in Eritrea violations such as lack of freedom of expression, assembly, religious belief and movement; extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, extended incommunicado detention, torture and indefinite national service cause many Eritreans to flee the country.
Freedom of religion, like all freedoms of thought and expression, are inherent. Our beliefs help define who we are and serve as a foundation for what we contribute to our societies. However, today many people liver under governments that abuse or restrict freedom of religion. Christians in such areas suffer deeply, and are denied basic freedoms that humans should be entitled to.
In 1948 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This declaration came as a result of the treatment of the Jews in Nazi Germany. The document states that every person is entitled to basic human rights. This reaffirmed the dignity and worth of all human beings no matter what a person’s race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or other status.
In 1966, the United Nations developed the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights in addtion to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 18 of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights focuses on four elements of religious freedom:
Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right shall include freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice, and freedom, either individually or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching.
No one shall be subject to coercion which would impair his freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice.
Freedom to manifest one’s religion or beliefs may be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary to protect public safety, order, health, or morals or the fundamental rights and freedoms of others.
The States Parties to the present Covenant undertake to have respect for the liberty of parents and, when applicable, legal guardians to ensure the religious and moral education of their children in conformity with their own convictions
The Bible calls us to be advocates of human rights. Psalm 82:3 says “Stand up for those who are weak and for those whose fathers have died. See to it that those who are poor and those who are beaten down are treated fairly.” As Christians we need to see that all people are entitled to basic human rights.
As Christians in the free world, we are to take stand for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ. It is a simple matter of compassion and justice to speak up for the suffering (Zechariah 7:9, Luke 11:42, Matthew 25:35-36). In following Christ’s example, we are to show mercy to those who are suffering, especially those in the household of faith (I Corinthians 12:26-27).
Pray Alongside the Women of Laos
Posted on January 24, 2014 by Janelle in Countries, Stories
Laos*Representative photo used to protect identity.
Although marginalized and looked down upon in some countries, women often have a surprisingly important voice within their families. They’re the ones instilling values into their children, and husbands often take their wives opinions into consideration. When a wife and mother places her faith in Jesus, it can be a catalyst for the entire family. Getting the gospel to women is such an important task around the world. In spite of gender discrimination in countries like Laos, God is truly working mightily in this area. Let’s take a closer look:
Women in Laos have always been considered inferior to men. Most of them work without rest, on top of fulfilling domestic demands, only to constantly prove their worth. In fact, as Buddhists, they believe the only way for a woman to enter ultimate enlightenment is for her to be reborn as a man.
For Christian women living away from big cities, life is much harder. Because the government champions Buddhism, these women practice their faith in the shadows. Once their faith is exposed, however, they are stripped of their properties, disowned by their parents, and even beaten by their husbands.
These are the stories of real women, whose names have been changed for their protection.
Onaona loves her husband, Kahoku. She desires for him to know Jesus, but he laughs at the idea of accepting Him in his life. Whenever Onaona tries to share the gospel with him, they just end up fighting. Kahoku despises Onaona’s faith so much, that he reports her to the police whenever a pastor visits their home. Pray that God strengthens Onaona and opens Kahoku’s heart to believe in the Lord Jesus.
Kina, Laina, and Iwalani try to keep their families together. They invite their husbands to church, and succeed at some point, but their husbands go back to their old ways. They have become stricter, prohibiting them from attending church activities without permission. Worse, they torture Kina, Laina, and Iwalani who have declared their faith in Christ. Pray for God’s comfort for Kina, Laina, and Iwalani. Pray that their testimonies will reveal God to their families, especially to their husbands.
Dea wants to attend church services, but her husband Mong, who’s addicted to alcohol and drugs, pushes her to work on Sundays. Dea cuts grass and harvests from the fields while Mong gets further intoxicated. Ask the Lord to give her strength to fulfil her duties as a homemaker while learning more about God. Pray that Mong would encounter Jesus and be freed from the bondage of his addictions.
One of the reasons why Kena can’t bring her family to church is poverty. Her husband and children keep on convincing her that church is a waste of resources, and that they are hungry enough as it is. Kena’s salary as a school principal has been delayed for four months. Pray for provision for Kena and her family.
Jeanitha is new to the Christian faith. She finds it difficult to fully let go of the rituals she has grown up with. Sometimes, she still invokes spirits and seeks advice from fortune tellers. When she loses objects, or when animals in her care are missing, she consults shamans, or witchdoctors. Some of her fellow Christians offer meals to spirits when their loved ones die. Lift Jeanitha and those who share her struggles to the Lord. Pray for God to give them courage and boldness to trust in Him alone, that they may be redeemed from their old ways and be renewed in Christ day by day.
Let Your Light Shine, Egypt!
On fire. Bold. Young. These are words that describe the current church in Egypt. They are in love with Jesus, and desire to make His name known. With its strategic geographical location in the Middle East, Egyptian believers have the potential to be world changers in this unstable time. An Egyptian Christian and father shares about his experience in his local church, and how they specifically are changing Egypt with the gospel:
On December 31st, my family and I walked down a busy street in our over-populated neighborhood to church. The atmosphere was festive as many clearly identified Christians made their own ways cheerfully to their churches. Everybody seemed happy and hopeful for a better year that was about to start shortly.
Of all the church services of the year, this New Year’s Eve service is usually the year’s most attended service by Egypt’s large Christian community. Unusual security procedures had been taken by the police and army forces, however, to protect the gatherings of Christians during and after the New Year’s Eve services. This was prompted after rumors that radical Muslims were planning to attack churches and Christians that night, in revenge for supporting the army leadership in the ousting of former president Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood regime.
Yet, the joy of the Lord and the cheerful atmosphere of the night did not manage to completely eliminate my human weakness and inner hidden concerns as a father and a husband. I wondered in my heart: “Is it really safe to take my family to church tonight? What if a bomb goes off outside our church? What if a crazy terrorist sneaks into our church?”
The theme of the service that night was taken from Mathew 5:13-16. This passage was announced to be the motto for our church in 2014: “You are the salt of the earth…You are the light of the world…Let your light shine!”
Half an hour before midnight, Pastor Gamil* gave his last sermon of the year. Pastor Gamil explained how needed our live testimony is nowadays to reach out to our neighbors and colleagues who are increasingly wondering, “Who is the real God?” He also gave some simple applications on how everyone can live as salt and light in everyday life situations on an individual basis, and also as a congregation.
Pastor then surprised all of us with an initiative. He said: “Last week, I visited our local police station to request a special permission for our church to go out to the main road, set up a small stage and perform a Christmas service.”
“We will sing Christmas songs, including some Bible readings about the truth of Jesus, to proclaim the truth of God’s love openly in our neighborhood,” he added. My heart rejoiced with the fact that my local church is going to creatively reach out to our troubled community with the love of God, and that we will openly reveal our identity as a church that cares for the lost.
I was then awakened from my deep thoughts by the pastor’s voice explaining a special symbolic activity that was to wrap up the special service. Small candles were handed out to everyone. The church’s lights were turned off, and the elders slowly lit the first candles, as we all shared our light with the remaining unlit candles.
“Shine on me and my family, Jesus,” I prayed. It was a wonderful spirit of unity and love that gathered all of us together, seeking God’s face to lead us into the New Year, giving us the perseverance to live as faithful witnesses, even if we have to continue to suffer to keep our faith.
*Name changed to protect his identity.
God, we thank You for the boldness You have gifted this church with. We pray that they focus on You and Your purposes during this new year, and not what their flesh cries out to tell them. We know, Jesus, that whenever anyone steps out boldly for you, the Enemy attacks them even greater. We ask for You to protect and guide this church as they engage their community. We praise you for the work that has already been done here, but we know there are greater things to be done in Egypt. We pray all this in Jesus’ holy name, Amen.
Alimjan Yimiti Physically Unwell
Posted on January 21, 2014 by Daniel in Stories
012114-china-odusaAlimjan Yimiti, a Uyghur Christian imprisoned in China, is reportedly ill, though his exact medical condition is unknown. The former house church leader was sentenced in 2009 to 15 years in prison for allegedly “instigating separatism and revealing state secrets.” Those close to the case maintain that he was imprisoned because of his Christian faith and witness among the Uyghur people. They assert that there was never any proof of wrongdoing, and that Yimiti, an agricultural worker, would not have had access to state secrets.
Minority Christians in the autonomous region of Xinjiang, where the Uyghur people reside, continue to face ongoing persecution in contrast to some easing for Christians in other parts of China. A Turkic tribe divided into many clans, the vast majority of Uyghurs are Muslim, and each clan strives to preserve its Islamic identity. According to a July 29, 2012 Open Doors (OD) report, prepared by the program coordinator for minorities, says that Christians from ethnic minority groups in China are caught between a rock and a hard place. “There is persecution from one’s environment,” he explained, “especially family members, but the government plays a part, too. What may happen is that minority leaders complain to [the majority] Han officials, and because they do not want any civil unrest, they may act against the convert.”
“Christians have to meet in small groups and in secret,” shares the OD program coordinator. “The government wants to uncover anything that is being done in secret. For instance, they call on people to let them know when they see people pulling their window shades during the day. These measures target opposition groups, but also house churches. The government wants to prevent any activity that may cause social unrest.”
Prison life has held many challenges for Alimjan, though he reportedly generally does well considering the conditions. He is allowed to see only one visitor for 20 minutes per month, as is customary in Chinese prisons. Usually his wife, Gulnur, or his mother visits him. Gulnur and the children have also faced numerous difficulties during Alimjan’s time in prison. Family members blamed Gulnur for Alimjan’s imprisonment, and she suffered from depression for a time, but fortunately it has lifted. As the family’s sole breadwinner now, she runs a small business. Recent problems with a business partner have caused her a lot of additional stress. Please continue to pray for Alimjan and Gulnur.
Father, as Alimjan suffers in prison, innocent of the crimes for which he is accused, we pray Your hand of healing and protection to rest upon him. Grant him opportunities to share the gospel with other inmates and to minister the Word to other believers that this time might not be in vain. Strengthen his wife, Gulnur, as she provides for her family, and grant her wisdom in these current conflicts with a business partner. Wash over them both with Your peace that is greater than all of their troubles. In the name of Jesus, in whom we place all our trust, Amen.
Central African Republic: Conditions at Refugee Camps “Shocking”
Posted on January 21, 2014 by Daniel in Stories
012114-car-odusaChristians gathered for worship on Jan 12, in the refugee camp at CAR’s Bangui Airport. An Open Doors (OD) co-worker reported joining them for worship and communion in the midst of appalling conditions. He witnessed firsthand the desperate circumstances that aid agencies, including the UN humanitarian agency, have been reporting from CAR. The UN humanitarian agency reported increasing food and clean water shortages, and fears that tougher times are ahead as many people have lost their livelihoods and don’t have seed for the next planting season. “People live like real animals. There is no latrine. People are living in over-crowded conditions,” reported the co-worker.
Aid agencies estimate that at least 1 million people, about a fifth of the population, have been displaced by the violence in CAR. OD visited two of the camps scattered around Bangui from Jan 11-12. “There are 57 refugee sites in the city of Bangui. At the airport, there are at least 100,000 people. I went there this morning to worship and pray with the Christians who gathered there after victimization by ex-Seleka forces,” wrote the OD co-worker.
He noted that tension permeated the atmosphere in the camps.
“The airport site inspires fear. Among the refugees there are members of anti-Balaka groups and also Muslims who disguise themselves as people of peace and then throw grenades among Christians.”
Following the Jan 10 resignation of the interim president and the prime minister, the newly appointed interim president Alexandre-Ferdinand Nguendet issued a stern statement, saying, “The chaos is over; the pillaging is over, the revenge attacks are over.”
Though violence continued over the weekend, by Jan 13, the atmosphere had reportedly calmed down some. The countless refugees across the country welcome the indications of the political will to end the crisis. However, bringing peace to CAR will be no easy task. Open Doors, in partnership with the local church, continues to call on the United Nations Security Council to approve the launch of a full-scale peacekeeping operation in CAR, which appeared this year on the World Watch List for the first time, ranking 16.
Considering the tremendously difficult circumstances Christians are facing, it is praiseworthy that the OD co-worker found them gathered for worship in the two refugee camps he visited. Though encouraged by their faithfulness, this OD worker, unnamed for his security, remains overwhelmed by the immense needs of those he met. “I have met many pastors who have been victimized who are in dire need of assistance. Our discreet assistance to others previously has made a big difference and I hope that we can make the same difference for these pastors I recently met.”
Father, as we lift up yet one more nation on the continent of Africa caught up in conflict, we pray for Christians in the Central African Republic as they face this wave of persecution. We pray Your protection over the thousands who are living in horrific conditions at the refugee camps. Provide for their temporal needs and protect them from those who would destroy them. Pour out Your blessing upon them as they worship You even in the midst of fear and trauma. Strengthen the pastors who are in need of assistance that Open Doors workers might find safe ways to help. Soften the hearts of the nation’s leaders and accomplish a work of reconciliation among them. In the name of Jesus, who is our strength when we are weak, Amen.
South Sudan in Turmoil
Posted on January 21, 2014 by Daniel in Stories
012114-sudan-odusaLess than three years after South Sudan voted for independence, a power struggle is rocking the world’s youngest nation, resulting in extensive fighting since Dec 15. According to Al-Jazeera, the conflict between forces loyal to South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir, and a coalition of army defectors and ethnic militia loyal to Riek Machar, has already left at least 1,000 dead and 400,000 displaced. Most of the fighting has been concentrated around the oil-rich border areas. The rebels took the cities of Bentiu and Bor, but the government took back Bentiu earlier this month while continuing a campaign for Bor. Fighting remains fierce throughout the region.
Meanwhile, peace talks in Addis Ababa seem to be stalling, though efforts to arrange a cease-fire agreement by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) regional bloc are continuing. Donald Booth, US special envoy for Sudan and South Sudan, reportedly met with Riek Machar over the Jan 11-12 weekend and with Salva Kiir the following Monday.
So far Open Door’s Emmanuel Christian College in Goli has not been directly touched by the violence. However, we expect that many of the students from northern affected areas will be unable to make it for the start of the new term. The local team is doing all they can to arrange for the students’ safe passage to the center.
Father, we lift up this new nation, the Republic of South Sudan, who as a people set out to make their nation one that brings honor to You. As they now face internal conflict among the political forces, we pray for the negotiation process that soon there will be peace and reconciliation. As we consider these people who not so long ago suffered unthinkable atrocities from their countrymen to the north, we pray Your grace to be a soothing balm to heal the trauma of this new conflict. Protect innocent lives caught in the crossfire. We thank You for the many Christians who serve You there, and pray Your protection over them. Grant wisdom and discernment to church leaders as they guide Your people through this trying time. We pray for the students enrolled in Emmanuel Christian College, that You might provide safe travels for those who are still on the road. As they are trained up, use them, Lord to be ministers of reconciliation among the variety of ethnic groups they represent. In the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, Amen.
Bomb Scare for Congregation in Mali
Posted on January 21, 2014 by Daniel in Stories
012114-mali-odusaDisaster was narrowly averted for a local congregation in Gao, Mali, on Jan 12, when military personnel patrolling the area that Sunday morning discovered explosives behind one of the doors of their meeting place. After police ushered frightened parishioners to safety, French army personnel were able to safely diffuse the devices.
In 2012, Mali seemed to be another state on the verge of succumbing to an Islamic takeover. But in January 2013, the French military intervened and helped to stabilize the situation, at least temporarily. Sadly, for the Christian community, the infrastructure of Christianity in the north has been largely destroyed. Believers who are slowly trickling back to the north are forced to meet in school classrooms because churches have been either looted or destroyed. An Open Doors representative in the area comments, “Building up a Christian presence again will be difficult, and the Christians who fled the north are afraid to return.”
Even though most Malian Christians, who make up less than 5% of the population, live in the southern region, they still feel threatened by Islamists in the north and fear a new uprising.
This month’s bomb threat has left church members shaken, but thankful for God’s protection. Please pray for this small community of believers.
We thank You, Father, for protecting this Christian community that has suffered so greatly in recent years. Continue to protect them not only as they suffer for their faith in Christ, but also as they live in fear of bandits who continue to be a threat in Gao. We pray for Your sustaining grace to these believers as they seek to live lives that honor You, and demonstrate the presence of Christ in them in the midst of these difficulties. Give them opportunities to share the gospel of Christ with their Muslim neighbors. In the name of Jesus, our sustainer and provider, Amen.
World Watch List Challenge- 2 Somalia
Posted on January 20, 2014 by Janelle in Countries, Stories
After many years of anarchy, elections last September paved the way for greater stability and growth in Somalia. The decreased violence, coupled with increased successes in the internationally supported fight to drive out al Shabaab Islamist insurgents, greatly improved the atmosphere in Somalia. This did not necessarily bring freedom for the church, but it did bring some welcomed consistency, and created “space” for increased discipleship – albeit still under great secrecy.
However, the atmosphere is changing rapidly.
The newly installed Somali government is increasingly challenged in its efforts to maintain stability. It was expected that President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud would stamp out notorious clan politics, corruption and the “stubborn Islamist insurgency” of al Shabaab. But observers say his inexperienced government lacks funds and also the authority to get the job done. Additionally, in the absence of clear instruction from the provisional constitution, the government is battling to find a way to divide power between the center and the regions.
Al Shabaab, in what they called their “Ramadan Offensive”, went to great lengths to warn the government of President Mohamud not to underestimate the insurgents’ power and influence. The month of fasting saw several attacks in Mogadishu.
The Somali constitution continues to see Islam as the sole religion in the country, and the Quran and the Sunnah as the main source of the law within the country.
Kevin McMahan
• 6 days ago
Heavenly Father, thank You for the Somali people and for Your promise that we will be worshiping alongside them in Heaven. You know the plight of the people there far better than I do; just seems like a never-ending state of conflict that uproots people’s lives and that kills and injures. Father, I draw comfort this morning from knowing that no one loves the Somali people more than You do. That somehow, some way, You will glorify Yourself in Somalia, and that You will make good out of the evil that is perpetrated on Your children there. Thank You, Father, for Your promises. May Your Holy Spirit bring those promises to the forefront of the mind of those who are suffering for Your Son. May they hear Your still small voice guiding their next steps. Father, I pray that You turn this country that has vaulted to 2 on the WWL into a shining light and beacon of Your great love and that through Somalia, many are drawn to the Kingdom. I ask these things in the Name above all names, the King above all kings, The Lord above all lords, Your Precious Son, My Savior, and Savior of the world, Jesus. Amen.
Literacy Draws Woman to Christ
Posted on January 17, 2014 by Janelle in Countries, Stories
Ever wonder about the real lives and people that are being affected through Open Doors’ literacy programs? Here we meet Zohra*, a woman from Bangladesh whose life was forever changed by the opportunity to learn to read, and ultimately, read about the One who created her.
My name is Zohra, and I am 30 years old. I’m married to Mateen, a laborer, and we have a ten year old daughter, Anamika. I was born in a Muslim family in Bangladesh. Our society expects women to stay at home. Though the government strives to educate young girls, family tradition and economic limitations force them to drop out. Eventually, when they reach their teens, they are set up for marriage.
Because my family forced me to stop schooling when I was very young, I thought my dream of becoming a valuable part of society would never be fulfilled. I always knew about the importance of education, and I really wanted to get a diploma. But, true to tradition, my family married me off to Mateen when I was 15. Mateen didn’t go to school either.
That was before I met Sharinah, a literacy teacher. Sharinah and I became good friends, and we shared our lives with one another. Some tears and laughter and many stories later, Sharinah sat down with me and shared the most important story of all – the story of Jesus Christ.
I didn’t know how to read, so Sharinah would read the Bible to me. She would read about miracles, healings, suffering and joy. She would read about Jesus’s love and sacrifice, about how He came into the world to save us from sin and death. I would listen and imagine, and cling to her every word.
Sharinah’s stories were wonderful. Because of them, I surrendered my life to Christ. With that decision came the desire to proclaim my faith, and I was baptized not long after. I wanted Mateen to know Christ too, but I couldn’t read the Bible to him. I prayed, and God answered. In January 2013, Sharinah started literacy classes near my home.
In class, we would always start and end with a prayer. Sharinah, now my teacher, would show us pictures as she presented Bible stories. We would learn the alphabet, try to pronounce, spell and discover meanings behind unfamiliar words.
I can read the Bible now. God truly answers prayers. I’m still a bit slow, but it is my great joy to finally be able to read all those stories about Jesus to my husband. We can manage our home better, because I’ve also learned how to add and subtract. Now, we can be more conscious of our family expenses.
Spiritually, I have never been better. I praise God for how He has allowed me to savor His Word. With it, He continually teaches me to be patient and forgiving. Now, I don’t easily get upset. Peace has come into my household, because we no longer fight over petty things.
My neighbors have also noticed the change in me and my family. Other women now come to me to seek advice about family matters. I try to be a good example to them and I advise them to be patient, too, just as how the Lord has taught me.
*Names have been changed to protect the believers in this testimony.
Prayer Points:
Pray that Zohra and her family continue to grow in their faith in Jesus.
Praise God for Sharinah’s life and ministry. Continue to pray for Christian workers like her; that they will be diligent and encouraged in their vocation, and that more people would know Christ through their example.
Zohra hopes that her husband and neighbors will also benefit from the literacy classes. Please pray that more programs like this will open near her home, and for the Lord to provide for them.
World Watch List Challenge 1 North Korea
Posted on January 13, 2014 by Janelle in Countries, Stories
North Korea
There is no other country in the world where Christians are so fiercely persecuted because of their faith. Like other North Koreans, Christians live under one of the most oppressive regimes in recent history. They have to deal with corrupt officials, horrific policies, natural disasters, diseases, and starvation. On top of all this, they must hide their decision to follow Christ.
The regime is anti-Christian for two main reasons:
All other religions are seen as harmful to North Korea’s Juche ideology, which stresses the importance of man’s self-reliance. Because the people are forced to worship their leaders, there is simply no room for other gods.
Christianity is the religion of North Korea’s enemies. Christians are seen as spies of the “imperialist Americans” and the “treacherous South Koreans.” North Koreans are told that Christians use religion to poison their “glorious nation.” As a result of this, the church has been completely pushed underground. It consists of 200,000 – 400,000 believers. Of these, between 50,000 – 70,000 are held in Nazi-like concentration camps and prisons.
“Christians have to teach their children the principles of the gospel without using words such as God, Jesus or the Bible,” shares Chin Ho, a Christian from North Korea. “They make up stories with Christian values. Once the children are old enough to keep their faith secret, the parents explain to them the full gospel. This usually happens when the children are between ten and fifteen years old.”
Despite being the most difficult place to be a Christian, the underground church in North Korea continues to grow- even in the prison camps.
*Names, photographs and other information have been changed for security purposes