Three more cases in which Pakistani Christians accused of blasphemy

really with my faith I ruined criminals worldwide
04 febbraio 23:01. Siria Kerry barbaro uso barili esplosivi ( e i tuoi barili esplosivi sulle città italiane durante la seconda guerra mondiale erano civili? sapete il numero dei bambini piccoli negli asili che voi avete ucciso in Italia? ) NEW YORK [ e i tuoi kamicaze di al-Qaida sono civili? ] Il segretario di Stato americano John Kerry ha condannato \”l\’uso barbaro dei barili di esplosivo\” da parte del regime siriano ad Aleppo. \”Questo e\’ il vero volto del regime di Assad\” ha detto il capo della diplomazia americana ricordando anche \” il ricorso alla tortura di massa ( bugiardo non risulta a nessuno i tuoi islamisti torturano e tagliano la testa a tutti quelli che non accettano di essere salafiti. e la consegna di tutte le armi chimiche è impedito dai tuoi ) e organizzata l\’utilizzo delle armi chimiche ( bugiardo soltanto ai terroristi conviene l\’uso di armi chimiche ) e le comunità intere affamate impedendo ( bugiardo SATANISTA 322 è PROPRIO TUTTO IL CONTRARIO) il passaggio degli aiuti alle popolazioni che ne hanno bisogno\”.
Nairobi blitz contro i terroristi Al centro commerciale 68 morti. 22/09/2013. Nairobi è ancora un campo di battaglia. Il gruppo di mujaheddin che ha fatto irruzione sabato mattina all\’interno del centro commerciale Westgate giustiziando almeno 68 persone – secondo un ultimo bilancio della Croce Rossa – tiene ancora sotto scacco il Kenya. I terroristi non demordono e oppongono resistenza alle teste di cuoio aiutate da esperti israeliani americani e britannici che cercano di neutralizzarli con un nuovo blitz. Tra gli attentatori ci sarebbero anche tre americani. Lo riporta la Cnn citando alcune fonti dello stesso gruppo jihadista. Il Dipartimento di Stato e l\’Fbi starebbero indagando per accertare se l\’informazione sia vera. Secondo alcuni messaggi Twitter i tre americani sarebbero Ahmed Mohamed Isse 22 di St. Paul Abdifatah Osman Keenadiid 24 di Minneapolis e Gen Mustafe Noorudiin 27 di Kansas City. Gli ostaggi ancora in mano ai mujaheddin sarebbero una trentina. Tra le vittime si contano anche un nipote del presidente e sua moglie ha annunciato Uhuru Kenyatta aggiungendo che nel commando dei terroristi militano anche delle donne. Ma precisa il capo dello Stato l\’identificazione degli attentatori è ancora in corso nonostante la rivendicazione dei ribelli somali Shabaab legati ad al Qaida. Intanto il viceministro degli Esteri Marta Dassù ha reso noto che sono stati 13 gli italiani coinvolti nell\’attacco che «ora sono tutti in salvo». Che la tensione fosse sempre altissima anche oggi si era notato fin dalle prime ore del mattino con le notizie che giungevano dal Mall la presenza delle forze speciali dell\’esercito il fragore delle esplosioni e le urla dei disperati. Una vera e propria guerra. Frenetico il lavoro di medici e infermieri per curare gli oltre duecento feriti con gli ospedali stracolmi. Poco o nulla si sa della situazione all\’interno del centro commerciale. Restano al momento discordanti le versioni di testimoni e reporter – allontanati nel pomeriggio dalla struttura – che parlano di 10 se non addirittura 15 terroristi asserragliati dentro il Mall. E ricorrono sempre più insistenti le voci su un blitz finale con testimonianze che riferiscono di combattimenti nel centro commerciale tra i terroristi e le teste di cuoio kenyane aiutate da esperti Usa israeliani e britannici. Un testimone all\’ANSA ha detto di avere sentito una «forte esplosione» e di avere visto almeno «tre elicotteri sorvolare» il Westgate.
Scioccanti le testimonianze dei sopravvissuti come i cinque francesi riusciti a fuggire e ancora «sotto choc». «Due nostre connazionali sono state vigliaccamente giustiziate nel parcheggio del centro commerciale dove erano andate per fare shopping» ha detto la ministra per i francesi all\’estero He\’le\’ne Conway-Mouret in un\’intervista televisiva. L\’incubo al grande centro commerciale di Nairobi va avanti da sabato. L\’assalto dei terroristi è partito verso ora di pranzo quando il gruppo di mujaheddin è penetrato nel mall sparando all\’impazzata e colpendo numerosi ostaggi. In quel momento nel centro commerciale c\’erano oltre 1.000 persone molte famiglie con bambini gran parte delle quali sono state evacuate.
Il presidente americano Barack Obama ha avuto un colloquio telefonico con il presidente del Kenya al quale ha espresso le proprie condoglianze per l\’attacco terroristico ribadendo l\’appoggio degli Stati Uniti a Nairobi negli sforzi per portare davanti alla giustizia gli esecutori dell\’attacco.
Dhimmi e la tassa per la \”liberta religiosa\”. sermone pronunciato dallo sceicco Marzouq Salem Al Ghamdi alla moschea Al-Rahmah di Mecca
Libertà religiosa in terra islamica. Mandato da La Lista del Giornale Lunedì 06 gennaio 2003 18:22 uur. Se gli infedeli vivono in mezzo ai musulmani secondo le condizioni stabilite dal Profeta non c\’è nulla di sbagliato purché paghino la Jizya (tassa di sottomissione) al Tesoro islamico. Le altre condizioni sono che non restaurino chiese o monasteri che non ricostruiscano quelle distrutte che nutrano per tre giorni qualunque musulmano che si presenti alla loro casa che cedano il posto quando un musulmano desidera sedersi che non imitino i musulmani nel modo di vestire di parlare o di vestire che non cavalchino cavalli né possiedano spade né altre armi; che non vendano vino che non mostrino la croce che non suonino le campane delle chiese che non alzino durante la voce durante la preghiera che si taglino i capelli sulla fronte così da essere facilmente identificabili che non incitino nessuno contro i musulmani e non colpiscano mai un musulmano… Se violano queste condizioni perderanno ogni protezione». sermone pronunciato dallo sceicco Marzouq Salem Al-Ghamdi alla moschea Al-Rahmah della Mecca The Middle East Media Research Institute. Special Report n.8 26 settembre 2002.
Femen lanciano le mutande contro l\’arcivescovo di Madrid Leggi di Più Spagna aborto. Femen lanciano mutande contro arcivescovo | [ no comment tutta la civiltà che i Bildenberg hanno voluto] febbraio 4 2014 Un gruppo di attiviste di Femen ha teso domenica sera un agguato all\’arcivescovo di Madrid Antonio Maria Rouco Varela che si stava recando a celebrare Messa alla chiesa di San Justo e Pastor. Le femministe hanno urlato «l\’aborto è sacro» e gettato indumenti intimi (mutande) contro l\’arcivescovo che non ha risposto alle provocazioni ed è entrato nell\’edificio. Non è la prima volta che i cattolici vengono presi di mira per la loro opposizione all\’aborto. Già il 24 dicembre in occasione della Messa di Natale nella parrocchia di San Félix a Sabadell vicino a Barcellona la funzione era stata interrotta dalle proteste degli abortisti. In Spagna il governo popolare di Mariano Rajoy ha presentato una riforma della legge sull\’interruzione di gravidanza a cui il precedente esecutivo del socialista Zapatero aveva allargato le maglie consentendo l\’aborto nelle prime 14 settimane anche per le minorenni. Un progetto di legge del ministro della Giustizia Alberto Ruiz Gallardon vuole ora limitare la possibilità di interruzione ai casi di violenza e grave rischio per la salute fisica e psichica della madre.
ISLAMIC EMPIRE GUILTY! House Panel Calls Armenian Genocide a Genocide — 100 years late
Armenian Genocide Jihad in Turkey 8 Comments Another stunning Obama rebuke. Armenian American groups have sought congressional affirmation of the murder of just under two million Armenian Christians by the Islamic Ottoman Empire as genocide for decades. See more at
ISLAMIC EMPIRE GUILTY! House Panel Calls Armenian Genocide a Genocide — 100 years late
Armenian Genocide Jihad in Turkey 8 Comments Another stunning Obama rebuke. Armenian American groups have sought congressional affirmation of the murder of just under two million Armenian Christians by the Islamic Ottoman Empire as genocide for decades. armenian_deathpits armenian-genocide-02.jpg The Islamic supremacists haven\’t infiltrated as deeply as they thought. \”Turkey a key Muslim ally of the United States angrily withdrew its U.S. ambassador Thursday after a congressional committee approved a resolution branding the World War I-era killing of Armenians a genocide.\” Turkey threatens …What? Another genocide? I guess as long as Turkey was pretending to be secular we pretended it wasn\’t genocide. But now that Turkey has returned to the dark side we don\’t have to lie for jihadis anymore. The inspired by the Armenian genocide. It was a genocide and the covering up of Islamic genocides must end. The committee\’s vote is difficult for an Islamophilic Obama. He campaigned on the promise that he would officially recognize the Armenian deaths as a genocide. As with all his other promises Obama lied and the administration reversed course as Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton acknowledged Thursday. \”Circumstances have changed in very significant ways\” Clinton told reporters traveling with her in Costa Rica. She said the United States supports a Swiss effort to resolve the historical dispute. \”We think that is the appropriate way to manage the problems that have stood in the way of normalization between the two countries\” Clinton said. Clinton said that the Obama administration is concerned the resolution could harm the talks between Turkey and Armenia. \”We do not believe that the full Congress will or should act upon that resolution and we have made that clear to all the parties involved\” she said. Man what an empty vassal that harridan has become. I might add there were no news stories on this. The USA Today article is the only one. And it is a giant story. [Headline rewrite mine] House panel confirms measure calling WWI-era killing of Armenians genocide over Turkey\’s protests USA Today hat tip Diane Turkey a key Muslim ally of the United States angrily withdrew its U.S. ambassador Thursday after a congressional committee approved a resolution branding the World War I-era killing of Armenians a genocide. The House Foreign Affairs Committee endorsed the resolution which Turkey sees as a historical affront over the objections of President Barack Obama. The 23-22 vote sends the measure to the full House where prospects for passage are uncertain. \”I declare such a decision that was taken with political concerns in mind to be an injustice to history and to the science of history\” Turkish President Abdullah Gul said in the capital Ankara. \”Turkey will not be responsible for the negative results that this event may lead to.\” Historians estimate that up to 1.5 million Armenians were killed by Ottoman Turks around the time of World War I an event widely viewed by scholars as the first genocide of the 20th century. Turkey denies that the deaths constituted genocide saying the toll has been inflated and those killed were victims of civil war and unrest. The reconciliation agreement reached in October between Turkey and Armenia calls for a panel to discuss \”the historical dimension\” of the killings. Turkey says U.S. lawmakers should stay out of the issue. The committee\’s vote is awkward for Obama who pledged as a presidential candidate to recognize the Armenian deaths as a genocide. The administration reversed course as Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton acknowledged Thursday. uPDATE Let us not forget the other Christian minorities who were massacred in the same way and for the same reason. Approximately 250000 Assyrian-Chaldeans were massacred as well as 250000 Greeks. Countless others were forcibly converted to Islam and \”turkified\” especially the young girls. Another thing we should remember about this period is that Greece itself was occupied by the Ottoman empire for centuries as well as Bulgaria and so on and this process has been going on for centuries. These nations were only freed because of WWI and the collapse of the Ottoman empire. This is a history we must not forget. OTHER \”eye-opening\” POST Video \”AGHET – The Genocide of Armenians Armenian Genocide Photos April 24th 2012 \”…The genocide of the Armenians was a jihad\” … for refusing to pay jizya 9:29 (protection poll tax) anylonger Thanks to Sheik Yer\’mami … AGHET has won the »Gold World Medal« at the The New York Film Festival (most important TV Festival worldwide) … »Grimme-Preis 2011« … NDR.DE/AGHET (Nordeutscher Rundfunk) 515 KB AGHET (English/German Description language) The annihilation of the Armenian people (minority in Muslim land) to die in the desert of Syria on starvation by the Ottoman Turkish Government from 1915-1923 for not paying jizyah (9:29) anylonger And the Armenians were accused from the dictator of Turkey Talat Pasa to had a conspiracy (plot) with the Russians who are waging war against Turkey in World War. To the coward sadist but \”Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful\” Allah Allah declares war on anybody who reject his Quran (e.g. pay jizya 9:29 or demand for usury i.e. riba) & Shari\’ah — Q. 7:103 8:12 \”(unbelievers) …Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them\” 59:7 Allah refers Muslims to take Mohammed\’s EXAMPLE which only comes through HIS HADITHS Turks Discover Armenian Genocide Armenian & Greek Genocide The world turned its head while large-scale \”religious cleansing\” took place 1:30 Sen. Obama (before his President election) \”For those who are not aware of it … a genocide did take place against the Armenian people\” 5:50 Now Obama hides cowardly the turth \”A break with such an economic & military NATO partner as the Turkey … USA don\’t want to risk\” 16:10 \”…The Armenians (Christians) have religious freedoms but they must pay high special protection poll tax (jizyah 9:29) and suffer discrimination\” …to live as dhimmis 2nd class citizens under Islamic rule THE ESSENCE of Islamic teachings (9 latest dictated chapter – Medina jihadi surahs) 9:29 \”FIGHT THOSE who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day (1.) nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger [Muhammad] (2.) nor acknowledge the religion of Truth [Islam] (even if they are) of the People of the Book [Bible] (3.) UNTIL they (only for Christians & Jews for \”corrupting\” the Bible) pay the Jizya [high protection poll tax page 166 vers. 2 \”…how mafia operates\”] WITH WILLING SUBMISSION and feel themselves SUBDUED.\” Starved children in the desert of Syria Death came as a release Poltically Incorrect Documentaries Kitman TV – The Armenian Genocide The Armenian Genocide of 1915 carried out by the Ottoman Empire is a historical fact. Despite Turkish denials it is unanimously verified by the International Association of Genocide Scholars and accepted by nations that uphold moral responsibility above political gain. \”What is the Armenian Genocide?\” Only THREE choices for kuffar according to Quran 9:29 1. Submit to Allah 2. Paying Jizyah protection tax (only for Christians & Jews for \”corrupting\” the Bible) & live as a Dhimmi (2nd class citizen) 3. or are in WAR with Islam and CAN BE KILLED (e. g. Genocide of Armenians refused to pay Jizyah any longer) Page 166 \”… this is how the Mafia operates\” Ali Sina\’s Challenge to ALL Muslims Also hiding from the traitor & politican Cem Özdemir (starting 01:09) … if the prophet did it (beheadings) so the mujahidin in Iraq who are beheading people are simply obeying the examples of the prophet. he (Muhammad) orderd the assassination of his several opponents and he behaved in general lika a typical 7th century warlord. The Problem is when this is transfered to the 21th century behavior the 21th context of behavior then what you get … are terrorists!\” Graphic video Beheadings with a knife of true & pious Muslims (Mujahideen) according to Quran 8:12 \”smite ye above their necks\” Please click two times first click mostly to the homepage (I don\’t understand!?) In this 1919 photo released by the Armenian National Archives shows victims of the \”Great Slaughter\” in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo. The sign reads Some of the Armenians who were killed and brought to the Armenian Relief Hospital during the massacre of Feb. 28th 1919 at Aleppo. Violence against Armenian centers in eastern regions of the dying Ottoman Empire spiked over the summer 1915. Hundreds of thousands of Armenians deemed subversive to the empire _ as many as 1.5 million by many accounts _ died in what is today eastern Turkey.Most were driven into the deserts of Syria and Iran over the mountains into the southern Caucasus into disease and starvation hounded and attacked by maurauding soldiers Turkish and others.(AP Photo/Armenian National Archives HO) Torture according to the \”noble\” Qur\’an Chapter 21 \”TEACHING ISLAM TO CHILDREN IS CHILD ABUSE\” 1.3 MB \”SHOW ISLAM NO RESPECT … It\’s all about the Koran stupid Kafir\” (Page 271) By An Unknown Kafir But Not Yet A Dhimmi (Q. 9:29) of Islam (Son of a 9/11 victim) \”A GOD OF ALL PEACE LOVE MERCY AND GOODNESS (A GOD OF MORAL PERFECTION) OR AN EVIL ALLAH (the ANTI GOD) OF EXTERMINATION GENOCIDE ASSASSINATION MURDER HATE TERROR TORTURE BRUTALITY SLAVERY RAPE. WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE? To Understand The Evil Of Islam Read the Hundreds of Articles Listed Below On This Website … It is the prime directive of Islam to conquer the world for Allah by whatever means necessary. The Koran is a declaration of open-ended war against the infidels. This war is permanent until all infidels have been converted to Islam or reduced to dhimmitude (institutionalized discrimination akin to slavery status) murdered or enslaved.
This is a cold-hard reality for the hear-no-evil see-no-evil do-nothing-about-evil naive infidels of our time. …\” Chapter 55 \”JIHAD GENOCIDE OF THE ARMENIANS BY THE OTTOMAN TURKS\” (625 KB) Page 667 \”…respecting no surrender bayoneting the men to death. raping the women dashing their children against the rocks burning to ashes the villages from which they had fled.\” \’Der 90-minütige Dokumentarfilm \”Aghet\” (armenisch \”die Katastrophe\”) von Eric Friedler erzählt von einem der dunkelsten Kapitel des Ersten Weltkriegs dem Genozid an den Armeniern bei dem bis zu 15 Millionen Menschen im Osmanisch-Türkischen Reich starben. Dieser Völkermord wird allerdings bis heute von der Türkei als historische Tatsache nicht anerkannt und von der Welt weitgehend ignoriert. \”Aghet\” beschäftigt sich mit den politischen Motiven für das bis heute andauernde Schweigen. Für den Film wurde der Verlauf des Völkermordes aus zahlreichen historischen Quellen rekonstruiert. 23 Schauspieler wie Martina Gedeck Sylvester Groth Thomas Heinze Sandra Hüller Gottfried John Burghart Klaußner Joachim Król Peter Lohmeyer Ulrich Noethen Katharina Schüttler Charlotte Schwab Thomas Thieme und Ludwig Trepte verleihen lange verstorbenen Zeitzeugen Stimmen von beklemmender Authentizität.\’
05 febbraio Marò India no pena morte sì Sua Act ( LA BALISTICA DICE CHE SONO STATI IL SERVIZI SEGRETI DEL kERALA AD UCCIDERE I PESCATORI CATTOLICI SUL PESCHERECCIO SANT ANTONY il diavolo non fa i coperchi le armi dei marò erano armi sperimentali i proiettili che hanno ucciso sono di armi di ordinanza ) – ROMA Il ministero dell\’Interno indiano è d\’accordo che per il caso dei marò non sia invocata la pena di morte ma che sia comunque utilizzatala la legge antipirateria (Sua Act) che la prevede. Ora la questione passa al procuratore generale Vahanvati che dovrà quindi riuscire a risolvere tale discordanza. Oggi visita della Bonino in Libano e Gibuti Grasso è invece in Marocco.
La statistica dice che chi contrae un matrimonio religioso è meno afflitto da divorzio ed aborto. Il sacramento del matrimonio è potenza divina se viene alimentato dalla fede. Questo sacramento trasforma l\’essere interiore dell\’uomo perché la sessualità non è mai qualcosa di privatistico ma è il fondamento della civiltà e del tessuto sociale che può essere costruito soltanto sull\’amore. è anche per chi ha fede il linguaggio mistico della Chiesa che si prepara al suo incontro con Cristo. Quindi l\’amore vero santo e santificante è la natura ed il linguaggio di Dio ed apre al nuovo regno definitivo della Gerusalemme celeste. Ecco perché mai la sessualità può essere un evento individuale.
Ma nei libri di storia che i farisei anglo-americani scriveranno dopo avere distrutto il genere umano nella prossima guerra mondiale che è funzionale a riprendere un nuovo ciclo monetario frutto di una moneta parassitaria venduta i popoli schivi ad interesse. Questo è il fondamento di ogni. malvagità ingiustizia predazione genocidio e di ogni degradazione morale. tuttavia nei libri di storia che i farisei anglo-americani Illuminati Spa Fmi Banca mondiale. scriveranno la colpa non sarà mai la loro e quindi sarà tutta colpa delle religioni ecco perché verrà innalzato il satanismo che potranno chiamare New Age ecc.. Quindi sarà il satanismo che apparirà come la forma più razionale meno distruttiva coerente di una civiltà pacificata. Ovviamente non è scritto da nessuna parte che il signoraggio bancario che i massoni hanno rubato per Rothschild con la fondazione della Banca di Inghilterra (1600) ha corrotto ogni religione ed ogni istituzione. Poiché c\’è un solo Fmi poi è logico che già esiste un solo governo mondiale che è stato chiamato nuovo ordine mondiale. Ecco perché l\’anticristo Obama metterà il micro-chip a tutti come è stato profetizzato in Apocalisse 13. Quindi chi ha voluto i campi di concentramento genocidi Shoah. Olocausto sono coloro che governano il mondo attraverso la loro struttura bancaria e massonica. ecco perché tutti questi lager genocidi orrori si ripresenteranno nuovamente. Dopotutto è questo che Kerry e Bush hanno giurato nella 322 \”nuocere a tutti popoli per conservare il potere.\”
la mia identità [ in realtà io non finirò mai di studiare la mia identità alla luce dello Spirito Santo perché la metafisica intuitiva e razionale dona a me delle forti capacità introspettive. Ovviamente tutto questo lavoro interiore vale soltanto per me stesso per la mia coscienza che è individuale quindi le mie riflessione autobiografiche non hanno un valore politico religioso teologico ] infatti la mia azione politica per la legge naturale o metafisica naturale ha una base universale perché è oggettiva razionale verificabile replicabile. Ecco perché io ritengo che la vita politica delle persone di tutto nel pianeta può essere vissuta legalmente soltanto indossando l\’abito dello agnostico e non l\’abito di qualche ideologia religione imperialismo ecc.. perché il politico si impegna per rendere felici i cittadini poi lui non può fare delle violenza alla coscienza delle persone. Quindi la mia fratellanza universale è fondata sulla legge naturale e parla un linguaggio razionale che è universalmente intellegibile.
05 February Marò India no death penalty yes His Act ( THE BALLISTIC SAYS THAT macaws UNITED THE SECRET SERVICES of KERALA TO KILL THE FISHERMEN CATHOLICS ON THE BOAT SAINT ANTONY not the devil he does lids the weapons of the Fascists were experimental weapons bullets which have killed are of arms of ordinance ) – ROME the Ministry of Interior is Indian agree that for the case of marines not is invoked penalty of death but That however is utilizzatala law Anti-Piracy ( His Act) That the plans. Now the question go to the prosecutor general Vahanvati That will then be able to resolve such disagreement. Today \’s visit Bonino and Lebanon Djibouti Fat is however in Morocco.

The statistics says that who contracts also religious marriage is less plagued by divorce and abortion. Of the sacrament marriage is divine power though is fueled by faith. This transforms the sacrament interior of man because not sexuality is never something of privatized but is the foundation of civilization and of social That may be built solely on love. is also for who HAS faith the mystical language of the Church which is preparing for his encounter with Christ. So love true holy and sanctifying is the nature and the language of God and opens the new final kingdom of Jerusalem the heavenly. That\’s why never sexuality may be an an individual event.

But in the books of history that the Pharisees Anglo- Americans write after having destroyed the genre human in the next world war that is functionally to return an new monetary cycle the result of a currency parasitic sold peoples shy at interest. This is the foundation of each. wickedness injustice predation and genocide of any degradation moral. However in the books of history that the Pharisees Anglo- Americans Illuminati Spa IMF World Bank. write blame not will never their and therefore it will be all your fault of the religions which is why Satanism will be raised which will be called New Age etc… So it will Satanism that will appear as the most rational form less destructive consistent of a peaceful civilization. Of course not is written anywhere that the bank seigniorage That the Freemasons have for stealing Rothschild with the founding of the Bank of England (1600) Has corrupted every religion and every institution. Because there is an only the IMF then is logical that already exists an one-world government that is it is called new order worldwide. That\’s why the Antichrist Obama put the micro-chip to all as is was prophesied in Revelation 13. So who HAS wanted the fields of concentration camps genocide the Holocaust. Holocaust are those who govern the world through their banking structure and Masonic. here because all of these camps genocide horrors will come back again. After all is this That Kerry and Bush have swore in 322 \” harm to all peoples for retain power. \”

my identity [in actually I do not I\’ll never of study my identity light of the Holy Spirit because the metaphysical intuitive and rational gives to me the strong introspection. Of course all this inner work that is only for me himself for my conscience that is individual then to my reflection autobiography not have an value political religious theological ] in fact my action policy for law natural or natural metaphysics HAS a basic universal because it is objective rational verifiable replicable. That\’s why I believe that the life of the policy people of all in the planet can be lived legally just wearing the dress of agnostic and not the dress of a few ideology religion imperialism etc… because the political engages for make happy citizens then not he can do of violence to conscience of people. So my universal brotherhood is founded on the law natural and speaks an rational language That is universally intelligible.

really with my faith I ruined criminals worldwide

04 February 23:01. Syria Kerry barbaric use explosive barrels ( and your explosive barrels on Italian cities during the second world war were civilians? Know the number of young children in kindergartens that you have killed in Italy? ) NEW YORK [ and your kamicaze of al- Qaida macaws civilians? ] The Secretary of State John Kerry HAS condemned the \” barbaric use of the barrels of explosive \” by of regime Syrian Aleppo. \” This is \’ the true face of regime of Assad \” Has say the head of American diplomacy remembering \” the use of torture mass ( liar not it is to no one your Islamists torture and to cut off the head That all those not accept of well Salafis. and the delivery of all the chemical weapons is prevented from yours) and organized the use of chemical weapons ( liar only agrees to the terrorists the use of chemical weapons ) and the entire communities hungry preventing ( liar 322 satanist is ITS ALL tHE CONTRARY ) the transition aid to populations That I have need. \”

Nairobi blitz against terrorists at the mall 68 dead. 09/22/2013. Nairobi is still an the field of battle. The group of mujahideen That HAS raided Saturday morning inside of mall Westgate executing at least 68 people – according to n the last budget of the Cross Red – holding still under attack Kenya. Terrorists not give up and to resist heads of leather aided by experts from Israeli and American British That seeking of neutralize with an new blitz. Among the bombers there would be three Americans. This was reported by CNN citing several sources of the same jihadist group. The Department of and State the FBI WOULD for investigating detecting if the information is true. According to some Twitter posts the three Americans would Ahmed Mohamed Isse 22 of St. Paul Abdifatah Keenadiid Osman 24 of Minneapolis and Gen Mustafe Noorudiin 27 of Kansas City. The hostages still in hand to the mujaheddin would be thirty. Among the victims there are also an nephew of president and his wife Has announced Uhuru Kenyatta adding That in commando terrorists also militate of women. but says the head of the state the identification of the attackers is still on course despite the claim the Somali Shabaab rebels linked to al Qaeda. Meanwhile the Deputy Foreign Minister Marta Dassù Has That made known macaws 13 Italians were involved in the attack That \”now are in all safe.\” That the tension was always very high also since the day it was noted first hours of morning with news That came from the Mall the presence of the forces army special the roar the explosions and the screams of the desperate. A true and proper to war. Frantic work of doctors and nurses for cure more than two hundred hospitals overflowing with wounded. Little or nothing is known of the situation inside of shopping center. Remain at the conflicting versions of and witnesses reporters – rephrased the afternoon of the property – that speak of if 10 not even 15 terrorists holed up inside the Mall. and increasingly use more insistent voices of n blitz final with testimonies That report of fighting shopping center between the terrorists and the heads of leather Kenyan assisted by experts from the U.S. and Israelis Brits. an witness ANSA HAS said of have heard a \” loud explosion \” and of have since at least \”three helicopters fly over \” the Westgate.
The shocking witnesses survivors like five the French were able to escape and still \” in shock.\” \”Two our countrymen are you are cowardly executed in of parking shopping center where they were going for do shopping \” Has for the minister said the French abroad He\’le \’ I Conway Mouret – in a television interview. The nightmare at large mall of Nairobi has been going on since Saturday. The attack of the terrorists is to party now of lunch when the group of is mujahideen penetrated mall and firing wildly striking several hostages. in that moment the mall there were over 1000 people many families with children most of which are were evacuated.
The President Barack Obama Has had an telephone conversation with the president of Kenya which HAS expressed own condolences for the terrorist attack and reaffirmed its support to the United States in Nairobi efforts for carry to justice the perpetrators of the attack.

Dhimmis and the fee for the \” religious freedom \”. sermon delivered by Sheikh Marzouq Salem Al Ghamdi to the mosque of Al- Rahmah Makkah

Religious freedom Islamic land. Mandate from the list of Newspaper Monday January 6 2003 18:22 uur. If the infidels live in among Muslims according to the conditions laid down by the Prophet not there is nothing of wrong long as they pay the Jizya ( tax of submission ) to the Islamic Treasury. The other conditions are That not restaurino churches or monasteries That not rebuild those destroyed That for nurture three days any Muslim That is present at their home That give way when an Muslim want to sit That not imitate the Muslims so of dress of speech or of dress That not set riders horses nor possess swords or other weapons ; That not sell wine that not show the cross that not the sounding bells of churches that not raise during the voice during the prayer that is to cut the hair on the forehead so as to be easily identifiable That not incite anyone against Muslims and not never hit an the Muslim… If you violate these conditions they will lose any protection. \” sermon delivered by Sheikh Marzouq Salem Al – Ghamdi Al- Rahmah Mosque of Mecca The Middle East Media Research Institute. Special Report 8 September 26 2002.

Femen the launch underpants against the archbishop of Madrid Laws of More Spain abortion. Femen launch knickers against Archbishop | [ no comment That all civilization the Bildenberg have wanted ] February 4 2014 an group of activists of Has Femen tense Sunday evening an lurking within \’ Archbishop of Madrid Antonio Maria Rouco Varela That on his way to celebrate Mass at the church of San Justo and Pastor. The feminists have yelled \” abortion is sacred \” and thrown undergarments ( panties ) against the archbishop That not HAS answered and is provocative entered the building. not is That the first time Catholics are taken of intended for their opposition to abortion. On 24 December on the occasion of the Mass of Christmas in the parish of San Félix to Sabadell close to Barcelona the function was interrupted by protests abortionists. in Spain the popular government of Mariano Rajoy Has presented a reform of the law on the interruption of to pregnancy to which the previous executive of socialist Zapatero had broadened mesh allowing abortion in first 14 weeks even for the minors. an of the project law of Justice Minister Alberto Ruiz Gallardon wants time limit the possibility of interruption in cases of and violence serious risk for the health and physical psychological mother.
ISLAMIC EMPIRE GUILTY! House Panel Calls Armenian Genocide to Genocide – 100 years late
Armenian Genocide Jihad in Turkey 8 Comments Another stunning rebuke Obama. Armenian American groups have sought congressional affirmation of the murder of just under two million Armenian Christians by the Islamic Ottoman Empire as genocide for following decades. See blackberries at
ISLAMIC EMPIRE GUILTY! House Panel Calls Armenian Genocide to Genocide – 100 years late
Armenian Genocide Jihad in Turkey 8 Comments Another stunning rebuke Obama. Armenian American groups have sought congressional affirmation of the murder of just under two million Armenian Christians by the Islamic Ottoman Empire as genocide for following decades. armenian_deathpits armenian – genocide -02.jpg The Islamic supremacists have not infiltrated as deeply as they thought. \”Turkey to key Muslim ally of the United States angrily withdrew its us ambassador to after Thursday congressional committee to approved the resolution branding World War I -era killing of Armenians to genocide. \” Turkey Threatens… What? Another genocide? I guess as long as Turkey was pretending to be secular we pretended it was not genocide. But Now That Turkey Has returned to the dark side we do not have to lie for jihadis anymore. The inspired by the Armenian genocide. It was to genocide and the covering -up of Islamic genocides must end. The committee \’s vote is difficult for an Islamophilic Obama. He campaigned on the promised That he would officially Recognize tea Armenian deaths as a genocide. As with all His other promises Obama lied and the administration reversed course as Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton acknowledged Thursday. \” Circumstances have changed in very significant ways \” Clinton Told reporters traveling with her in Costa Rica She said the United States supports to Swiss effort to resolve the historical disputes. \”We the think- That is appropriate way to manage tea That have problems stood in the way of normalization between the two countries \” Clinton said. Clinton Said That the Obama administration is the Concerned Could harm the resolution talks between Turkey and Armenia. \”We do not believe That the full Congress will act upon or Should That resolution and we have made That the clear to all parties involved- \” she said. Man what an empty vassal That Has become harridan. might I add there were no news stories on this. The USA Today article is the only one. And it is to giant story. [ Headline rewrite mines ] House panel Confirms measure calling WWI -era killing of Armenians genocide over Turkey \’s protests USA Today hat tip Diane Turkey to key Muslim ally of the United States angrily withdrew ITS U.S. ambassador Thursday after to congressional committee to approved the resolution branding World War I- era killing of Armenians to genocide. The House Foreign Affairs Committee endorsed the resolution Which sees Turkey as to historical affront over-the President of Objections Barack Obama. The 23-22 vote sends the measure to the full House where prospects for passage macaws uncertain. \” I declare to longer available That decision was taken with Concerns in politics mind to be an injustice to history and to the science of history \”Turkish President Abdullah Gul said in the capital Ankara. \” Turkey will not be responsible for the negative results That may lead to this event. \” Historians estimate that up to 1.5 million Armenians were killed by Ottoman Turks around the time of World War I an event Widely viewed by scholars as the first genocide of the 20th century. Turkey denies That the deaths constituted genocide saying the toll Has Been and Those inflated were killed victims of civil war and unrest. The reconciliation agreement reached in October between Turkey and Armenia calls for to panel to discuss \” the historical dimension\” of the killings. Turkey says U.S. lawmakers should stay out of the issue. The committee \’s vote is awkward for Obama who Pledged as to presidential candidates to Recognize tea Armenian deaths as to genocide. The administration reversed course as Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton acknowledged Thursday. UPDATE Let us not forget the other Christian minorities who were were massacred in the same and for the way same reason. Approximately 250000 Assyrian – Chaldeans were massacred as well as 250000 Greeks. Countless others were forcibly converted to Islam and \” turkified \” especially the young girls. Another thing we Should remember about this period is that Greece itself was occupied by the Ottoman empire for centuries as well as Bulgaria and so on and this process Has been going on for centuries. These nations were only freed Because of WWI and the collapse of the Ottoman empire. This is to history we must not forget. OTHER \” eye-opening \” POST Video \” AGHET – The Genocide of Armenians Armenian Genocide Photos April 24th 2012\”… The the genocidal of the was to Armenians jihad \” Refusing to pay for… 9:29 jizya ( poll tax protection ) anylonger Thanks to Sheik Yer\’mami… Has won the AGHET \” Gold World Medal \” at the The New York Film Festival (most important worldwide TV Festival )… » Grimme -Preis 2011«… NDR.DE / AGHET ( Nordeutscher Rundfunk ) 515 KB AGHET ( Inglese / German Description language) The of the annihilation Armenian people ( in the minority Muslim land) to die in the desert of Syria on by the starvation Ottoman Turkish Government from 1915-1923 for not paying jizyah ( 9:29 ) anylonger And the Armenians were from the accused dictator of Turkey to Talat Pasa had to conspiracy (plot ) with tea Russians who are in waging war against Turkey World War. to the coward sadist but \” Oft – Forgiving Most Merciful \” Allah Allah Declares war on anybody who reject His Quran (eg pay jizya 9:29 or demand for usury ie riba) & Shari\’ah – Q. 7:103 8:12 \” ( unbelievers )… Therefore strike off Their heads and strike off every fingertip of them\” 59:7 Allah Refers to Muslims take Mohammed \’s EXAMPLE Which comes only through HIS Hadiths Turks Discover Armenian Genocide Armenian & Greek Genocide The world ITS head turned while large-scale \”religious cleansing \” Took place 1:30 Sen. Obama (before His election President ) \” For Those who are not aware of it… to genocide did take place against the Armenian people \” 5:50 Now Obama hides the cowardly turth \”A break with an economic & military longer available as the NATO partners Turkey… USA do not want to risk \” 16:10 \”… The Armenians ( Christians ) have religious freedoms but they must pay special protection high poll tax ( jizyah 9:29 ) and suffer discrimination \”… to live as dhimmis 2nd class citizens under Islamic rule THe Essence of Islamic Teachings ( latest dictated chapter 9 – Medina jihadi surahs ) 9:29 \” FIGHT THOSE who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day (1.) nor hold That forbidden Which hath Been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger [ Muhammad ] (2.) nor acknowledge the religion of Truth [ Islam ] (even if they ares) of the People of the Book [ Bible ] (3.) UNTIL they ( only for Christians & Jews for \” corrupting \” the Bible ) the pay Jizya [ poll tax high protection page 166 vers. 2 \”… how Mafia Operates \” ] WITH WILLING SUBMISSION and feel SUBDUED Themselves. \” Starved children in the desert of Syria Death came as to release Poltically Incorrect Documentaries Kitman TV – The Armenian Genocide Genocide1915. info The Armenian Genocide 1915 of the carried out by the Ottoman Empire is to historical fact. Despite Turkish denials it is unanimously verified by the International Association of Genocide Scholars and accepted by nations That uphold moral responsibility above political gain. \” What is the Armenian Genocide? \” Only three choices for kuffar according to Functional Quran 9:29 1. Submit to Allah 2. Paying Jizyah protection tax ( only for Christians & Jews for \” corrupting \” the Bible) & live as to Dhimmi (2nd class citizen ) 3. ago are in WAR with Islam and CAN Well KILLED (eg Genocide of Armenians refused any longer to pay Jizyah ) Page 166 \”… this is how the Mafia Operates \” Ali Sina \’s Challenge to ALL Muslims Also hiding from the traitor & politican Cem Özdemir ( starting 1:09 )… if the prophet did it ( beheadings ) I know the mujahidin Iraq who are Beheading people macaws simply Obeying the examples of the prophet. he ( Muhammad ) the orderd several assassination of His Opponents and he behaved in general lika to typical 7th century warlord. The Problem is When this is transfered to the 21th century behavior the 21th context of behavior then what you get… are terrorists! \”Graphic video with beheadings to knife of true & pious Muslims ( Mujahideen ) according to Functional Quran 8:12 \” smite y above Their necks \” Please click two times mostly to the first click the homepage ( I do not understand!? ) in this 1919 photo released by the National Archives shows Armenian victims of the \” Great Slaughter \” in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo. The sign reads Some of the Armenians who were killed and Brought to the Armenian Relief Hospital During tea massacre of Feb. 28th 1919 at Aleppo. Violence against Armenian centers in eastern regions of the dying Ottoman Empire over the spiked summer 1915. Hundreds of Thousands of Armenians deemed subversive to the empire _ as many as 1.5 million by many accounts _ died in what is today eastern Turkey.Most were driven into the deserts of Syria and Iran over-the into the mountains southern Caucasus into disease and starvation hounded and Attacked by maurauding soldiers Turkish and others. (AP Photo / Armenian National Archives HO) Torture according to Functional tea \”noble \” Qur\’an Chapter 21 \” TEACHING ISLAM tO CHILDREN IS CHILD ABUSE \” 1.3 MB \” SHOW ISLAM NO RESPECT… It\’s all about the Koran stupid kafir \” ( Page 271 ) By An Unknown kafir But Not Yet to Dhimmi ( Q. 9:29 ) of Islam (Son of to 9/11 victims ) \” A GOD OF ALL PEACE LOVE MERCY AND GOODNESS (A GOD OF MORAL PERFECTION ) OR AN EVIL ALLAH (the ANTI GOD) OF Extermination GENOCIDE ASSASSINATION MURDER HATE TERROR tORTURE BRUTALITY SLAVERY RAPE. WHERE IS THe OUTRAGE? To Understand The Evil Read the of Islam Hundreds of Articles Listed Below On This Website… It is the first directive of Islam to conquer the world for Allah by whatever means necessary. The is to Koran declaration of open-ended war against the infidels. This war is permanent until all infidels have Been converted to Islam or reduced to dhimmitude ( institutionalized discrimination akin to slavery status ) murdered or enslaved.
This is to for the cold -hard reality hear- no -evil see- no -evil do-nothing -about -evil naive infidels of our time…. \”Chapter 55\” JIHAD Genocide THe OF BY THe Armenians OTTOMAN TURKS \” (625 KB) Page 667 \”… Respecting no surrender bayoneting the men to death. the raping women dashing Their children against the rocks burning to ashes the Which from villages they had fled. \” \’ Der 90 – minütige Dokumentarfilm \” Aghet \” ( armenisch \” die Katastrophe \” ) von Eric Friedler erzählt von einem der dunkelsten Kapitel des Ersten Weltkriegs an den dem Genozid Armeniern bei dem bis zu 15 Millionen Menschen im – osmanisch Türkischen Reich starben. Völkermord dieser wird allerdings bis heute von der Türkei als historische Tatsache anerkannt und nicht von der Welt weitgehend ignoriert. \” Aghet \” beschäftigt sich mit den politischen Motiven für das bis heute andauernde Schweigen. Wurde für den Film Völkermordes aus der des Verlauf zahlreichen historischen Quellen rekonstruiert. 23 Schauspieler wie Martina Gedeck Sylvester Groth Thomas Heinze Sandra Hüller Gottfried John Burghart Klaussner Joachim Król Peter Lohmeyer Ulrich Noethen Katharina Schuettler Charlotte Schwab Thomas Thieme und Ludwig Trepte verleihen lange verstorbenen Zeitzeugen Stimmen von beklemmender Authentizität. \’

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