tu ucciderai il genere umano

olo il tuo Dio è quello vero,

hai una fede che può spostare le montagne? presto ne avrai bisogno!
Salman dell\’Arabia Saudita ] perché è stato predestinato all\’inferno, chiunque pensa che Dio ha sbagliato qualcosa, o che in Dio c\’è anche il male? [ Perché ha creato soltanto il PARADISO TERRESTRE, e anche i serpenti nel paradiso terrestre avevano un siero per curare, e non un siero per uccidere! ed i carnivori(alla occorrenza necrofagi) erano anche consumatori di frutta. XIII DOMENICA DEL TEMPO ORDINARIO. Dal libro della Sapienza (Sap 1,13-15; 2,23-24) Dio non ha creato la morte e non gode per la rovina dei viventi. Egli infatti ha creato tutte le cose perché esistano; le creature del mondo sono portatrici di salvezza, in esse non c’è veleno di morte, né il regno dei morti è sulla terra. La giustizia infatti è immortale. Sì, Dio ha creato l’uomo per l’incorruttibilità, lo ha fatto immagine della propria natura. Ma per l’invidia del diavolo la morte è entrata nel mondo e ne fanno esperienza coloro che le appartengono [ Salman dell\’Arabia Saudita ] tutti quelli che entrano nel mio regno Unius REI, anche se non sono cristiani? loro non saranno mai troppo a lungo prigionieri della morte!
Salman dell\’Arabia Saudita ] è una malvagità ed un atto di ingiustizia grave, di vedere una persona malata e di pensare \”lui è stato punito da Dio!\”, infatti, è vero che, Dio odia la malattia e vuole che tutti noi stiamo felici, ma, molti santi tra i più santi, hanno avuto da Dio il dono della prova, combattimento spirituale delle malattie.. e anche per coloro che chiedono di essere purificati da un corpo carnale e preda della concupiscenza anche la malattia può essere un eccezionale compagno della ascesi per loro! TUTTAVIA, TUTTI COLORO CHE SONO MALATI, LORO DEVONO FARSI QUESTA DOMANDA \”CHE TIPO DI PECCATO POSSO io RIMUOVERE DALLA MIA VITA?\” perché è vero che, c\’è un male malefico, ed è vero anche che alcuni peccati portano alcune malattie, ecco perché, gli omosessuali sono pieni di malattie e muoiono prima degli altri con una vita piena di peccaminosità, sventure e tribolazioni!
Benjamin Netanyahu e Primi ministri di Israele ] questa vostra attività criminale di dare assistenza sanitaria ai terroristi dell\’ISIS sharia, deve finire, oggi stesso, anzi, voi sarete ritenuti responsabili da Dio, di tutti i loro crimini islamici sharia sauditi turchi di genocidio, commessi dalla LEGA ARABA i nazisti ONU, e dal tempo del maledetto loro profeta falso maledetto Maometto fino ad oggi, cioè, se non utilizzate i droni per andare ad ucciderli!
Bush 322 CIA ] e perché tutte le volte che, tu mi chiedi di aggiornare \”Adobe Flash Player\” tu mi porti i virus nel computer? QUESTA VOLTA NON SONO CADUTO NELLA TUA TRAPPOLA!
CIA 322 NSA DATAGATE, LaVey, Albert PIKE, Kerry, Omama CALIFFO OBAMA, GENDER, Bush, 666, SpA, Banca Mondiale, SpA Fmi, FED BCE Gmos NWO ] E QUESTO TUTTO IL MONDO LO DEVE SAPERE [ e se, io non vi ho mai rotto a sangue, tutte le vostre emorroidi è per due motivi 1. io sono un maschio vero, 2. e poiché, voi siete i gay, poi, io rischiavo così anche di farvi godere!
Bush 322 CIA NWO ] ci sono molti motivi, per cui io non mi posso mettere ad uccidere, LE PERSONE 1. in modo personale, E, 2. in modo soprannaturale è vero che, l\’ho detto e minacciato molte volte, molte molte volte, ma io non l\’ho fatto mai, in realtà, per i seguenti motivi 1. uccidere è qualcosa che mi fa troppo schifo; 2. le mie mani devono essere pulite dal sangue, perché, io devo costruire il terzo tempio ebraico; 3. Unius REI significa redenzione e salvezza, amnistia per tutti; è come se Noé si metteva ad uccidere le lucertole ed i serpenti nell\’arca; 4. e poi, l\’ex Direttore di youtube, quel sacerdote di satana, che lo Spirito SANTO ha fatto impazzire, e lui ha incominciato a dire che beveva sangue di porco ogni giorno, e che io ho fatto licenziare, cioè, 187AudioHostem, lui mi ha convinto lui mi ha detto che, per quanto noi possiamo essere nemici giurati tra di noi in youtube? noi non ci uccidiamo mai tra di noi in youtube [ anche se io in tal proposito, io ho dei dubbi, perché, non so chi ha ammazzato due mie giovani amiche, e collaboratrici quì in youtube ] E PER QUELLO CHE IO SO DELLA ENTITà? QUESTI CRIMINI IL NWO NON AVREBBE MAI DOVUTI PERMETTERE
MY JHWH ] si lo so si sta contorcendo dal dolore quella bestia della ENTITà simbiotica collettiva gigante.
Obama tu non avere paura, se, io metto anche quel caprone di satana a lavorare per me? non ti preoccupare, io troverò qualcosa da fare anche per te! ] Proverbi 16,23-24. 23. Il cuore del savio gli rende assennata la bocca, e aumenta il sapere sulle sue labbra. 24. Le parole soavi sono un favo di miele dolcezza all’anima, salute al corpo.
Lee Martin Ha fatto +1 sul tuo commento you happy slave Rothschild  ] ANSWER [ parce que vous avez perdu tout respect pour votre âme? because you\’ve lost all respect for your soul? perché tu hai perso ogni rispetto per la tua anima? ] YOUR JEW king Israel GOVERNOR ON THE WORLD Unius REI
scam banking seigniorage SpA satana in the Worldwide] [ The U.S. economy is experiencing a crash no different than that of Greece, and it remains afloat only because it can turn on the money printing machine. Yet, the State Department cannot afford to dominate everywhere by military force, which requires great amounts of money to maintain. Therefore, it is logical to assume that they found new quick and inexpensive methods for the effective destruction of enemies.
The most important advantage of these methods is that they leave no traces, disguised as oncology or a heart attack and eliminate the possibility of direct exposure and liability.
The US Federal Reserve System is acting as a “secret organization” that is undermining the credibility of the dollar. The Federal Reserve, the central banking system of the US, “has been so out of control for a long time, but especially during the last 12 years”. “It’s helped cause a boom and bust in American real estate values and it could be doing the same thing again”. Americans must know “how the Federal Reserve is using its power and what the Federal Reserve has done to undermine the value and credibility of the US dollar”. “You have a bank that acts like a private, secret organization that has huge power over the US economy and unfortunately a lot of power over the entire world economy, and American taxpayers, American citizens, have little or no idea where that power came from or how it’s being used.”
The US dollar as world reserve currency is the source of American imperialism.  The world needs to understand that the neoconservative US government is the Third Reich (another name for Germany during former German strongman Adolf Hitler’s despotic rule) on steroids.
America is a malevolent force with no sense of justice or respect for truth, law, or human life. Just ask the residents of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Palestine, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Lebanon, Honduras, Venezuela, Cuba, and Iran. Even the deluded western Ukrainians will soon catch on,”.
Since the inception of the modern state of Saudi Arabia in 1932, US-Saudi alliance over oil interests and was cemented at the end of World War II when US President Roosevelt formed a pact with despot Abdulaziz Ibn Saud which in that the House of Saud would guarantee Washington its oil supplies in exchange for military protection.
Since then as Saudi petrodollars shore up the US Treasury and the primacy of the US dollar as the world’s trading currency which allows the phony American Federal Reserve to keep printing money even though the fundamentals of the US economy do not merit the country maintaining this privilege of racking up endless debt. Saudi commitment to the US dollar as the global means of conducting commerce is therefore a lifeline for Washington’s moribund economy.
The morally and economically bankrupt America is insane! War is the only profitable industry the US regime. & its behind the scene psychopaths have in their disposal, which they use to intimidate, terrorize, kill and pillage, to keep the status quo, most importantly to keep printing fiat dollar, and plunder the world’s resources. It’s a known fact that America with its military is mankind’s biggest parasite. I was going to compare it to a cuckoo bird, but a vampire is more appropriate.
Kevin Lancast ha commentato un canale su YouTube.
Condiviso pubblicamente  –  14:15

L\’economia degli Stati Uniti sta vivendo un incidente non è diverso da quello della Grecia, e rimane a galla solo perché può accendere la macchina da stampa denaro. Eppure, il Dipartimento di Stato non può permettersi di dominare ovunque con la forza militare, che richiede grandi quantità di denaro per mantenere. Pertanto, è logico supporre che hanno trovato nuovi metodi rapidi e poco costosi per l\’effettiva distruzione dei nemici.
Il vantaggio più importante di questi metodi è che lasciano tracce, travestito da oncologia o un attacco di cuore ed eliminano la possibilità di esposizione diretta e la responsabilità.

La Federal Reserve System degli Stati Uniti agisce come una \”organizzazione segreta\” che sta minando la credibilità del dollaro. La Federal Reserve, il sistema di banche centrali degli Stati Uniti, \”è stato così fuori controllo per un lungo periodo di tempo, ma soprattutto durante gli ultimi 12 anni\”. \”E \’aiutato provocare un boom e busto in valori immobiliari americani e potrebbe fare la stessa cosa\”.

Gli americani devono sapere \”come la Federal Reserve sta usando il suo potere e quello che la Federal Reserve ha fatto per minare il valore e la credibilità del dollaro\”. \”Hai una banca che agisce come una organizzazione segreta privata che ha un enorme potere sulla economia degli Stati Uniti e, purtroppo, un sacco di potenza su tutta l\’economia mondiale, e contribuenti americani, i cittadini americani, hanno poca o nessuna idea di dove il potere è venuto da o di come è in uso. \”

Il dollaro statunitense come valuta di riserva mondiale è la fonte dell\’imperialismo americano. Il mondo ha bisogno di capire che il governo neoconservatore americano è il Terzo Reich (un altro nome per la Germania durante il regime dispotico di ex uomo forte tedesco Adolf Hitler) con gli steroidi.

L\’America è una forza malefica senza alcun senso di giustizia o di rispetto per la verità, del diritto, o la vita umana. Basta chiedere ai residenti di Iraq, Afghanistan, Libia, Siria, Palestina, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libano, Honduras, Venezuela, Cuba e Iran. Anche gli illusi ucraini occidentali saranno presto prendere piede \”.

Sin dalla nascita dello stato moderno dell\’Arabia Saudita nel 1932, US-saudita alleanza sugli interessi petroliferi ed è stata cementata alla fine della seconda guerra mondiale quando il presidente americano Roosevelt ha formato un patto con despota Abdulaziz Ibn Saud, che dal fatto che la Casa di Saud sarebbe garantire Washington le sue forniture di petrolio in cambio di protezione militare.

Da allora, come i petrodollari sauditi puntellare il Tesoro degli Stati Uniti e il primato del dollaro come moneta di scambio del mondo, che permette il falso americana Federal Reserve di mantenere stampare denaro, anche se i fondamentali dell\’economia statunitense non meritano il paese mantenere questo privilegio di accumulare debiti senza fine. L\’impegno saudita al dollaro come mezzo globale di condurre il commercio è dunque un\’ancora di salvezza per l\’economia moribonda di Washington.

La moralmente ed economicamente fallimentare America è folle! La guerra è l\’unico settore redditizio il regime statunitense. E le sue dietro la scena psicopatici hanno a loro disposizione, che usano per intimidire, terrorizzare, uccidere e saccheggiare, per mantenere lo status quo, soprattutto per mantenere la stampa dollaro fiat, e saccheggiare le risorse del mondo. E \’un fatto noto che l\’America con il suo esercito è il più grande parassita del genere umano. Stavo per confrontarlo con un cuculo, ma un vampiro è più appropriato.
Lee Martin “killamonjaromon” Tryhard troll is tryhard ] [ king Israel Unius REI  [ This is true, even constipation can kill you ] perché per te è difficile provare? forse hai problemi di stitichezza? http://www.youtube.com/profile_redirector/116930042095750818908
parce que pour vous, c\’est difficile à prouver ? Peut-être que vous avez des problèmes avec la constipation ?
because for you it is difficult to prove? Maybe you have problems with constipation?
¿porque para usted es difícil de probar? ¿Tal vez tienes problemas con el estreñimiento? [ This is true, even constipation can kill you. è un problema per voi che, non è stato Satana Obama GENDER a creare l\’Universo? E perché i nostri troll, vanno male, ed i vostri troll DATAGATE, Gmos AGENDA, CIA NSA USA NATO, SpA FMI, sistema usura massonico Bildenberg, loro vanno bene?
Salman dell\’Arabia Saudita ] io ora, non prendo in considerazione i maniaci religiosi, assassini seriali nazisti come te, voi siete, soltanto, un caso soltanto penoso! [ ma, normalmente, da una persona come Obama Bush, Rothschild, Bildenberg, ecc.. che loro sanno bene che esiste Dio (il bene), e che esiste Satana (il male), tu ti aspetti che una persona intelligente debba scegliere naturalmente il bene. MA QUESTO NON è PIù VERO, SE UNA PERSONA COME LORO è SPIRITUALMENTE MORALMENTE, IDEOLOGICAMENTE CORROTTA, PERCHé LORO PUR CONOSCENDO IL BENE, LA VIRTù, LA VERITà E LA GIUSTIZIA, LORO PROPRIO PER QUESTO, LORO ODIERANNO TUTTO QUESTO! Io non possono fare nulla per salvare la loro anima dalla perdizione, mentre al contrario io ho speranza di poter aiutare te! Tu sei soltanto un ignorante, ma, loro sono dei maligni in modo deliberato!
Salman dell\’Arabia Saudita ] tu prendi questa storia del buco del culo, anale spiritualità, da cui nasce la merda, come, tu fai nascere (legale diritto per il matrimonio omosessuale di adottare i bambini) un bambino in queste condizioni? E dove è finito il diritto dei bambini di avere un padre ed una madre? OVVIAMENTE, QUì DA NOI NESSUNO METTE INDUBBIO LA TOLLERANZA IL RISPETTO E I DIRITTI CIVILI, CHE QUESTE PERSONE SFORTUNATE HANNO DIRITTo di AVERE. Ma quì si è andati al pervertimento della legge Naturale, si è innalzata una perversione sessuale a linguaggio dell\’amore supremo il Matrimonio! Ecco perché, chi potrebbe vivere moralmente in questo sacrilegio di profanazione? Ecco perché, tutti i miei ebrei devono uscire immediatamente da USA e UE! Se loro rimangono in Sodoma Babilonia? SARà QUASI IMPOSSIBILE PER LORO DI SALVARE LA LORO ANIMA! Quindi io ho bisogno di te, per salvare le loro anime dall\’Inferno! E tu sai molto bene quello che io voglio da te!
Salman dell\’Arabia Saudita ] amico, mi sembra adesso, che, il GENERE UMANO ha un problema con la tua sharia [ \’Progettavano attentato al Sacro Cuore\’. Nuove rivelazioni Figaro su indagini Said Ahmed Ghlam [ lo so che, finché i satanisti farisei anglo-americani non dicono niente, per te va sempre bene.. MA, TU HAI DIMENTICATO IL PARTICOLARE PIù INQUENTANTE LORO SONO I SATANISTI MASSONI (i più raffinati predatori della storia del genere umano)? NON HANNO NESSUNA PAROLA DA ONORARE CON SATANA
Salman dell\’Arabia Saudita ] TU SEI UN BRAVO RAGAZZO [ questa tua alleanza con il regno dell\’Inferno USA, sodoma GENDER non POTREBBE MAI ESSERE, per te una storia a lieto fine ] ma, se tu collaborerai con me, e Benjamin Netanyahu? per realizzare le promesse di JHWH ad Israele? poi, vedrai tutto andrà per il meglio! ANZI SARà UN TRIONFO!
Salman dell\’Arabia Saudita ] TU SEI UN BRAVO RAGAZZO [ oh no ] su me stesso io non ho aspettative, io non ho ambizioni personali, io non sono un uomo lanciato in carriera, QUINDI, io sarò ed io diventerò tutto quello che la tua felicità può desiderare, QUELLO CHE IO SONO VERAMENTE? IO SONO SOLTANTO UN EDUCATORE!
Salman dell\’Arabia Saudita ] TU SEI UN BRAVO RAGAZZO [ OVVIAMENTE, i criminali sono scandalizzati, per quello che, io ho detto! ] [ Eppure, lo sanno tutti, che, il servo fedele di Dio, non ha una sua ambizione personale da seguire, ma, il servo di Dio, soltanto, vive per dare gloria a Dio JHWH, e lui Dio ha detto che spanderà il suo Santo Spirito su tutta la Terra, quindi, io non devo fare, o pretendere, proprio nulla, che, voi, tutti i miei fratelli amici ed alleati, voi non sentite che sia giusto di fare, infatti, lo Spirito Santo è stato effuso e tutti gli uomini di buona volontà, che sono stati ripieni di Spirito Santo tutti insieme loro sanno come una sinfonia quello che è giusto da fare! ECCO PERCHé DOVE C\’è LO SPIRITO SANTO, NON C\’è CONTESA, PERCHé L\’AMORE è LA PERFEZIONE DELLA LEGGE, ha detto Gesù di Betlemme. lol. Che c\’è, vuoi fare tu il Re di ISRAELE? ] so che non è facile credere nell\’amore, dopo quello che Bush ed i Rothschild i sacerdoti di satana hanno fatto di male nel mondo, eppure noi dobbiamo provare a fare questo tentativo dell\’amore, prima di veder scoppiare la guerra mondiale nucleare!
Salman dell\’Arabia Saudita ] TU SEI UN BRAVO RAGAZZO [ adesso affacciati dalla finestra, senza fretta, tu puoi osservare le persone che passano lungo la strada, osservale, come sono vestite, cerca di evidenziare i loro particolari distintivi, poi, quando tu hai visto il più povero ed il più ignorante di tutti? PROPRIO QUELLO SONO IO! IO SONO UN UOMO QUALUNQUE, CHE PERCORRE TUTTE LE STRADE DEL MONDO, NELL\’AFFANNOSO TENTATIVO, DI POTER SFAMARE I SUOI FIGLI! ma, c\’è una piccola caratteristica nel mio cuore il desiderio di dare a Dio, nostro Creatore gioia onore, gloria e felicità! PERCHé DIO MERITA DI ESSERE FELICE!
World Watch List 2013:
Worldwide 100 million Christians are persecuted for their faith in Jesus.
Every year, Open Doors publishes the World Watch List, illustrating the countries where Christians are most persecuted. The Open Doors World Watch List is the only annual survey of religious liberty conditions of Christians around the world. It measures the degree of freedom of a Christian to live out their faith in five areas of life – private, family, community, congregation and national life, plus a sixth element measuring the degree of violence.
Download the World Watch List now
In 2012, Christians in Nigeria, Iraq and Syria experienced the most violence, closely followed by those in Sudan and Columbia. In Eritrea, Myanmar, Kenya and Egypt the levels of anti-Christian violence were also extremely high.
North Korea remains the most nightmarish state in which to practice Christianity in the world today, taking out the top spot for the 11th year in a row. However, the 2013 Open Doors World Watch List also highlights the most significant persecution trend of 2012 as a rise of Islamism in every country that experienced the Arab Spring. This has resulted in massively increased pressure on large parts of the church in the Middle East and North Africa.
The trends are not uniformly gloomy however. In the Far East, with the exception of North Korea, the communist states have all marginally improved their treatment of Christians. Laos, Vietnam and China have all moved down the list.
Dropping out of the list this year, for various reasons, are Chechnya, Turkey, Cuba, Belarus and Bangladesh.
Click countries below to view profiles of the top 10
    North Korea
    Saudi Arabia
See More Country Profiles
200000 sacrifices humains sur autel de Satan, a chaque année
@HWH–Gods names 1. Holy The Living Water, 2. Holy The Bread of Life, 3. Holy The first and last, 4. Holy The Living One, 5. Holy The Judge, 6. Holy Immanuel, 7. Holy The king of Kings and lord of Lords, 8. Holy The Word, 9. Holy The Savior, 10. Holy The Redeemer, 11. Holy The Creator, 12. Holy The Lamb,13. Holy The Ressurection, 14. Holy Alpha and Omega, 15. Holy The Life, 16. Holy The Great Shepard, 17. Holy The mediator,18. Holy Holy Holy The Horn of salvation, 19. Holy Who was, Who is and Who is to Come Almighty, 20. Holy The Amen, 21. Holy The tribe of Judah, 22. Holy The Son of David, 23. Holy The son of Righteousness, 24.The Most High, 25. Holy The Light, 26. Holy The Glorious, 27. Holy The eternal, 28. Holy The Merciful, – 666 IMF satan 322 sharia, talmud, is shit
@HWH–Gods names 29. Holy Wonderful Councler, 30. Holy Mighty God, 31. Holy Everlasting father, 32. Holy Prince of Peace, 33. Holy The Word of God, 34. Holy the Manifest, 35. Holy The True Rider, 36. Holy The Ruler, 37. Holy The Righteous, 38. Holy The Lord of Hosts, 39. Holy The Holy One, 40. Holy The Son of God, 41. Holy The Holy Spirit, 42. Holy The Loving, 43. Holy The Light of the World, 44. Holy The God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, 45. Holy The Faithful Witness, 46. Holy The first born of the dead, 47. Holy The Ruler of the Kings of the Earth, 48. Holy The Bright and the Mourning Star. – 666 IMF satan 322 sharia, talmud, is shit
the Nazis 666, Freemasons, of high finance and the high politics namely, 322, all children of Jewish FUND monetary system masonic regime, ie, the synagogue of Satan Pharisees, Satanic talmud rabbis (all, for making high treason, against the Constitution, through, the crime of Bank seigniorage)?, they said, that, \”the Jews had no future!\”. Today, the same as before, along with Salafists:of Al Quaeda sharia horror, namely, the Arab League, they are saying, about Syria, that \”are all Christians, that, cannot have more a future!\” here, because, in order to achieve this their goal?, i.e., their agenda of NWO? all the globalists, multinationals, Jewish lobby, which took control of every monopoly., they need to destroy Israel
yes, it\’s true, I have come 5 years ago! in fact, the IMF, did everything to stop my Ministry … and this is the reason why he\’s doing harm at youtube, to stifle the 1 St Amendment, and destroy, after having stolen monetary sovereignty, destroy permanently, each, other, all other, popular sovereignty, because the IMF are the Nazis regime of satanic talmud, ie, an occult international arrangements for the destruction of Israel .. @ google-666-hallowen? He hurt you! Here, your copy–paste? has been disabled. lol. but, you won\’t be too worried … others traslator? are better than you!

1]. 666 IMF 322 [Former Satanist, warns of danger Halloween] (external link to the Diocese St. Bernard of Chile) a national newspaper, published the testimony of a woman who confesses that she had made many, cults, in a Satanic Cult, to warn, from the dangers of celebrating Halloween o night of witches. The newspaper \”El Norte\”, reports the statements by Cristina Kneer Vidal, a former occultist, former Satanist and spiritualist of American origin who lives in Hermosillo, Sonora, that it says much worried the fact that every October 31 dozens of young children are killed and how, throughout Mexico from Satanic sects. Cristina Kneer Vidal asked the families to care their children, in the country there are about 1,500, \”worshippers of Satan,\” which are distributed mainly in cities like Monterrey, Guadalajara, Mexico. [200,000 sacrificios humanos en el altar de Satanás, cada año]
2]. 666 IMF 322 [Former Satanist, warns of danger Halloween] Cristina Says \”I don\’t want to scare anyone, everyone is free to believe what they want, but my words shall be taken into account, at least, I ask you to listen, think and decide.\” According to Kneer, \”thousands of people have unconsciously adopted, a Satanic practice [Halloween] and so they\’re favorable, growth of Satanism, in Mexico, especially in big cities like Guadalajara and Monterrey.\” The newspaper \”El Norte,\” says Cristina Kneer spent much time near al Satanism, she met evil and naughtiness to many Satanists they lived and it says \”These are little-known topics, I practiced magic, and even now I regret it, I came to loathe God\”. [200000 sacrifices humains sur autel de Satan, a chaque année]
3.666] IMF 322 [Former Satanist, warns of danger Halloween] Kneer, Satanism, exists all over the world. \”Ambitious,\” she notes, \”have signed a pact with the Devil in exchange for wealth and power and they offered in exchange for their souls\”. Cristina says Kneer \”\’ they pay a terrible price. will not ever to have peace plus are punished brutally even after their death \”and warns that\” recognize a Satanist is very difficult why are politicians, artists, civil servants o dealers: enjoy much prestige \”but added\” this does not mean that all politicians are Satanists \”. The Kneer argues, moreover, that, on dates like that, Halloween [31 October], the Satanists are the \”black mass\” and explains that, \”the mass is officiate in the field or in closed buildings strongly protected and start with the evocation Satan that often does not occur because, unlike God, cannot be everywhere\”.
4]. 666 IMF 322 [Former Satanist, warns of danger Halloween] halfway down the \”mass\”, she says, are slaughtered animals such as cats, dogs, and when the \”mass\” it is very important, as Halloween, human sacrifices are made. For Kneer \”preferably are chosen children why not have sinned and are the Favorites of God; before slaughter are violated and private their purity \”. According to Kneer, abuse a child or hurt gives the power of Satan the Satanist ed is a way to look God game. For Kneer Satanic, celebrations are always held in eight different dates, though the most important is the Festival Samhain Halloween October 31 or who Satanic new year celebrated, explains, \”it\’s like, the Devil\’s birthday\”. [op het menselijke offers 200,000 altaar van Satan, elk jaar]
5]. 666 IMF 322 [Former Satanist warns of danger Halloween] \”victims,\” Kneer, \”have been sacrificed, by removing their hearts that is consumed by the present, then, the body is cremated, and thrown into the sea\”. Kneer, says \”for Satanists, it is very easy to get rid of the bodies, why, those who make the \’ black mass \’, are very important. Please be aware, that on Halloween night many Satanists hide sweets and fruits who have children razor blades, poison, drugs or pins. Currently, Kneer and other women who attended a satanic cults they formed a group named SAL who seeks to send to Satanists a message of hope and do more damage. Says Kneer \”Every Satanist who reads this information want to reject or abandon Satanism can do it, with God\’s help, as we did, we. [200,000 human sacrifices on the altar of Satan, every year]
Salman dell\’Arabia Saudita ] un satanista sacerdote, mi disse, anni fa \”tu hai bloccato la evoluzione del genere umano!\” e, lui si muoveva nel soprannaturale di satana, per dire questo? ma, noi tutti possiamo vedere, quale è stata la bella evoluzione GENDER del satanista Obama! Questi usurai mondialisti, truffa, schiavizzazione massonica SpA FMI, stanno spingendo tutto il genere umano nella depravazione più totale! E se noi che amiamo Dio, noi non ci uniamo tra di noi a livello mondiale? Certo, loro non possono vincere comunque, neanche se si tagliano tutti le palle per fare i nuovi gender, ma, comunque, 5 miliardi di morti diventeranno inevitabili!
Salman dell\’Arabia Saudita ] IL MECCANISMO è SEMPLICE io do libertà ai prigionieri [ non è possibile, che, nel Regno di Unius REI, che, un solo uomo innocente pacifico ed onesto, che questo uomo sia sotto schiavitù, oppure sotto attacco oppure sotto oppressione, su tutto il pianeta, quindi quando identifico una qualche forma di ingiustizia? essa deve essere rimossa! ECCO PERCHé NESSUNO PUò METTERE CONDIZIONI AD UNIUS REI!
Lee Martin [ Ha fatto +1 sul tuo commento ( e la CIA insiste per tre volte in questa ostentazione ) ] io dissi [ Putin non può andare in giro a fare affari, con coloro che, sono i nemici di CRISTO e dei martiri cristiani ] ANSWER [ tu vuoi che io devo attaccare Putin? Ma per colpa dei farisei anglo-americani sistema massonico USUROCRATICO non esiste una via lineare da seguire, per nessuna religione, e per nessun Governo in nessuna parte del mondo, QUINDI, TUTTI POSSONO ESSERE SOTTO ATTACCO AD INIZIARE dalle prede come ISRAELE o come il VATICANO, ma, ecco perché, la mia strategia è colpire, non le vittime (i Governi del mondo) ma, è di colpire il male dove lui ha la sorgente nella FED SPA FMI.. quindi, forse potrà arrivare, anche, un giorno, il momento, in cui io attaccherò anche Putin per le sue colpe! Ma quel giorno non è ora!
io non conosco l\’inglese, e non so perché youtube mi ha bloccato questo mio video a livello mondiale [ MA C\’è QUALCUNO CHE ME LO PUò SPIEGARE QUESTO VIDEO? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4OmLZcCSqw ] Evidence Stock Market Crash is Coming StormCloudsGathering (2013.Oct.1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwnrMEsDVTY Pubblicato il 09 ott 2013
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\”Più di recente, il risveglio islamico ha minacciato il controllo occidentale delle forniture di energia a livello globale e il dominio sionista della Palestina. Terroristi Così il USA-NATO-sionisti hanno usato petrodollari sauditi per finanziare gruppi di estremisti islamici.
La minaccia rappresentata da gruppi Takfiri è \”spaventare gli occidentali in sostenere una guerra contro l\’Islam\” per destabilizzare gli Stati musulmani.
Fabbricato, impero-finanziato Takfiri terroristi hanno messo in scena furia di uccisioni settarie in Iraq, Siria e Pakistan, destabilizzando le tre nazioni e seminare discordia tra i musulmani.
Talebani pakistani sono anche un fronte di \’campagna di destabilizzazione\’ dell\’impero USA-NATO-sionista.
I terroristi Takfiri affliggono il mondo islamico sono stati fabbricati dalla preesistente materia prima L\’ascesa di ideologie salafita-wahhabiti.
Militanti Takfiri che combattono contro il governo di Damasco hanno governi europei preoccupati che sono stati recentemente esprimono preoccupazione per le minacce alla sicurezza poste da quei cittadini europei che hanno combattuto a fianco dei militanti in Siria e che potrebbero essere a tornare ai loro paesi d\’origine.
Migliaia di stranieri, provenienti soprattutto da paesi europei ed arabi, operano contro il governo siriano.
“More recently, the Islamic Awakening has threatened Western control of global energy supplies and Zionist domination of Palestine. So the US-NATO-Zionist terrorists have used Saudi petrodollars to fund ‘Islamic extremist’ groups.
The threat posed by Takfiri groups is “scaring Westerners into supporting a war on Islam” in order to destabilize Muslim states.
Fabricated, empire-funded Takfiri terrorists have staged rampages of sectarian killings in Iraq, Syria, and Pakistan, destabilizing all three nations and sowing dissension among Muslims.
Pakistani Taliban are also a front for the US-NATO-Zionist empire’s ‘destabilization campaign’.
The Takfiri terrorists plaguing the Islamic world have been manufactured out of pre-existing raw material The rise of Salafi-Wahhabi ideologies.
Takfiri militants fighting against the Damascus government have worried European governments that have recently been expressing concern about the security threats posed by those European citizens who have been fighting alongside the militants in Syria and who might be coming back to their home countries.
Thousands of foreigners, mainly from European and Arab countries, are operating against the Syrian government.
NON MI PIACE CHE, YOUTUBE DEVE DECIDERE LUI, QUALI COMMENTI lui DEVE RENDERE VISIBILI SULLA SUA PAGINA, /user/youtube/discussion INFATTI, QUESTO MIO ULTIMO COMMENTO DI IERI? NON è VISIBILE! ] ISRAELE LA DEVE SMETTERE, DI DARE ASSISTENZA SANITARIA AI JIHADISTI SAUDITI Ummah MECCA, CABA, CALIFFATO SUNNITI SALAFITI WaHHABITI DI SHARI\’A ISIS.. ANZI, Israele DEVE MANDARE I SUOI DRONI AD UCCIDERLI, perché quello che stanno facendo gli USA contro il Califfato è soltanto una finzione! ] io ho scritto [ NECESSARIAMENTE PER ORA, USA 322 BUSH, FARISEI SPA FMI NWO, HANNO OBIETTIVI IN COMUNE CON ISRAELE E ARABIA SAUDITA IN AFRICA E MEDIO ORIENTE,  [ momentaneamente ] MA, NON SI SA FINO A CHE PUNTO, QUESTO GIOCO CRUDELE, di sterminare sciiti e cristiani, PUò FARE DEL MALE A LORO ED AL MONDO INTERO ] non c\’è dubbio, sono gli USA la madre del terrorismo islamico nel mondo! [ The United States and the CIA actually created the ISIL shari\’a ISIS, and are using … [the terrorists] to create and manage chaos in the region, having the same idea of Arab chaos order. They are using this group, ISIL, to have this.  Some People can say why they are attacking them if they supported them before.  But one may say maybe the general idea is that they don’t want ISIL to take over all of Iraq and Syria. But they don’t want them to be completely back, but they want to maintain the state of chaos for a certain time in order to attain other objectives.
Gli Stati Uniti e la CIA in realtà creato l\’ISIL e stanno utilizzando … [ i terroristi ] per creare e gestire il caos nella regione, avendo la stessa idea di ordine il caos arabo. Stanno usando questo gruppo, ISIL, per avere questo. Alcune persone possono dire perché li stanno attaccando se loro hanno sostenuto prima. Ma si può dire forse l\’idea generale è che non vogliono ISIL di assumere tutto l\’Iraq e la Siria. Ma non vogliono che siano completamente indietro, ma vogliono mantenere lo stato di caos per un certo periodo di tempo al fine di raggiungere altri obiettivi.
Salman dell\’Arabia Saudita Erdogan, company galassia jihadista shari\’a nel mondo califfato i nazisti ONU ] il vostro ISIS sharia, vostra creatura della CIA? può e deve essere fermato soltanto facendo il genocidio a loro, che loro hanno fatto a tutti, ecco perché, i sacerdoti di satana, mondialisti corporations SpA Rothschild, della CIA USA, è questo il destino che possono riservare anche a voi, da un momento all\’altro \”VOI SIETE IN TRAPPOLA\” ed è vero che, voi meritate il genocidio, infatti, voi vi siete messi nelle mani di satana, cioè nelle mani di Bush… e per di più, voi siete caduti in disgrazia davanti al mio trono!
Papa FRANCESCO ] quello che ti dico ora? neanche Obama lo sa! [ la teosofia SATANICA del GENDER, come la teoria della EVOLUZIONE, il relativismo, le SpA, sono state create dai farisei anglo-americani Enlightened Rothschild CON IL SOLO SCOPO DI RIMUOVERE IL SESSO DAL GENERE UMANO, e questo ha una spiegazione razionale, se già nel 1200 d.C. con il progetto GOLEM (magia nera) i farisei hanno potuto parlare con i demoni (cioè, quelli che oggi sono gli alieni)! Ed in effetti, loro hanno fatto la biologia sintetica, e tutti devono ammettere, che, sarebbe comodo andare dalla Monsanto Spa Gmos, a programmare i nostri figli, che, nasceranno in incubatrice.. [ ecco perché, il demone della omosessualità, come ogni demone, può distruggere il genere umano! ] e tutti sanno che gli alieni non hanno sesso, infatti, ecco anche perché, loro, i nostri nuovi divinità aliene, SpA Fmi, loro hanno bisogno di fare i rapimenti degli umani, per la loro replicazione.
Papa FRANCESCO ] io sto quì a combattere i satanisti, del sistema massonico NWO, usura e guerra, e il mio Arcivescovo, sta quì a combattere me! [ e tutto questo, con il cavillo che il Direttore dello Ufficio Scuola ha trasformato contro di me, i miei atti di 1. amore del prossimo, 2. virtù, 3. legalità, 4. difesa del cristianesimo, contro scellerati predestinati all\’inferno. OK TUTTI QUESTI ATTI di mio EROISMO? IL DIRETTORE DELL\’UFFICIO SCUOLA LI HA TRASFORMATI IN UN DOSSIER INFAMANTE E RIDICOLO CHE MAI POTREBBE TROVARE UNA qualche GIUSTIFICAZIONE DI COLPEVOLEZZA reale. e per tutto questo il mio Parroco Arcivescovo mi ha tolto il ministero di Accolito (dopo 31 anni), e con la accusa, \”che io non sono normale, e che mi devo fare curare da un bravo specialista\”, che poi, è con la stessa accusa, che proprio lui, mi ha impedito l\’accesso agli ordini sacri! Lui mi ha voluto laico, e non contento di questo, ora, lui vuole che, io mi devo comportare come un chierico, e mi ha minacciato di togliermi la idoneità all\’insegnamento della religione!
Scuola, governo pone la fiducia. Protesta del M5S in Aula. [ Lumini da cimitero sui banchi dei CinqueStelle, celebriamo il funerale della scuola. Fassina \’Addio al Pd dei banchieri, la vera sinistra è il Papa\’ ] alla CISL che è il mio sindacato, la CISL è sempre stata politicamentamente e storicamente a sinistra, SONO NEL PANICO! IL RESPONSABILE REGIONALE MI HA DETTO \”QUì CI SONO COLLEGHI, CHE HANNO FATTO, VINTO, SUPERATO, E SONO STATI ABILITATI, da un CONCORSO REGOLARE dello STATO Italiano delle Banane, MA, LO STATO HA DETTO A QUESTI CITTADINI, VOI ANDATE a CACà, cioè, \”voi andate a casa!\” ] io non gli ho risposto, perché, io avrei dovuto dirgli sono i massoni, gli usurai complici dei banchieri, Illuminati Bildenberg, la grande usura mondiale per stritolare i popoli nella devitalizzazione, suicidio e disperazione e spingerli al massacro nella guerra mondiale (tutte cose già dimostrate dal grande scienziato Giacinto Auriti), si! io glielo volevo dire, ma, poi, io non glielo ho detto, perché, io temevo che non mi potesse capire è bello per me, di stare quì, con i sacerdoti di satana in youtube, perché, almeno loro mi capiscono!
in [blogger.com/] mi hanno tolto il comando \”pubblica\”
Salman dell\’Arabia Saudita ] a cosa io debbo questo \”momento effimero di gloria\”? Più o meno questa espressione \”la Gloria è effimera\”, la utilizzò quell\’infame di Berlusconi, quando appresa della notizia della morte di Gheddafi, lui si scrollò le spalle. ma, Non è degno di vivere sulla terra, e neanche della misericordia di Dio, chi viola il patto della sua amicizia, senza grave colpa! SE, POI ANALIZZIAMO TUTTI I MALI CHE SONO PRECIPITATI SULLA LIBIA, E SUL MEDIO ORIENTE, anche, PER COLPA TUA? POI, DA QUESTO NOI POSSIAMO VEDERE QUANDO è DIABOLICO IL TUO SISTEMA MASSONICO DEL NWO che ucciderà Israele ed il genere umano! TU LO HAI VOLUTO questo sistema NWO Califfato? ED ORA GODITELO!
Salman dell\’Arabia Saudita ] ma, questa è la verità, tutti questi politici, nel sistema massonico USUROCRATICO 666 ROTHSCHILD BILDENBERG SPA, tranne qualche rara eccezione, come il mio Putin o Benjamin Netanyahu? Non sono uomini, sono pappagalli. e se tu pensi ad Obama? la pena diventa straziante! INFATTI, il sacerdote di satana Bush NWO CORPORATIONS BANCA MONDIALE SPA, gli mette lo spinotto nel 322, del suo foro GENDER, e gli fa dire tutto quello che vuole! NON C\’è PAZZIA PIù GRANDE NELLA STORIA DEL GENERE UMANO, CHE di dare una qualche credibilità ad una QUALCHE, qualunque AMMINISTRAZIONE USA. è vero che hanno portato una linea di coerenza con gli alleati, ma, è stato soltanto per non perdere credibilità. in realtà L\’UNICO LORO OBIETTIVO è SOLTANTO QUELLO DI FARE SCOPPIARE UNA GUERRA MONDIALE NUCLEARE AL PIù PRESTO!
Salman dell\’Arabia Saudita ] amico MALA TEMPORA CURRUNT [ se, tu parli con Putin, Cina o Benjamin Netanyahu? Ok! tu ti puoi ritrovare con qualcosa di concreto, tra le mani! ma, Tutto ciò che esiste nel mondo? tutti gli altri? sono spine, sono il sistema massonico sono una catena di pavidi vigliacchi, puoi fare un fascio di tutti loro? e li puoi bruciare! Se, poi, tu devi perdere il tuo tempo con loro? è meglio che tu vai a fare qualcos\’altro!
Salman dell\’Arabia Saudita ] amico, io so che, per te è molto strano da credere, ma, quello che ti hanno di me, e che cioè, mi piace molto pregare nella Moschea? è TUTTO VERO! Ma, io non pregherò mai più in un Moschea, fino al giorno che tu non avrai dichiarato abolita la legge della sharia in tutto il mondo!
Salman dell\’Arabia Saudita ] amico, poiché c\’è molta aspettativa, circa qualcosa che, io potrei dire, io ho qualcosa di importante da dire, in realtà [ mai, nella storia del genere umano, c\’è stata così tanta ignoranza, circa, il soprannaturale, come è oggi ] e circa il soprannaturale? la Chiesa Cattolica affetta dalla eresia del Modernismo, sta attraversando il suo momento più basso [ se, oggi qualcuno ha una visione? i preti lo prendono per pazzo! ed infatti la maggior parte di loro non sarebbe in grado di affrontare un esorcismo \”sono psichici, quindi impotenti ed incapaci sul piano del soprannaturale \” è vero che, io sono preso per pazzo ugualmente, proprio dal mio Vescovo, anche se io non ho visioni, e se io non ho niente di soprannaturale, niente carismi, nessuna profezia! infatti il divino, la nostra intima comunione con la divinità, si può manifestare soltanto in tutto quello che è veramente umano la FEDE, la RAZIONALITà! Eppure, per giungere al livello superiore della fede e della divinità, è necessario attraversare, lo schifo del soprannaturale, ma, una volta che sei nella divina comunione con Dio? poi, male malefici, demoni, o potenza del peccato? non avranno più su di te, ad esercitare un vero dominio, e tu non potrai più diventare la loro vittima! Qui i satanisti stanno a sbattere ancora la testa per terra, perché, io ho affermato che non avrei più visto la pornografia? ed in effetti non l\’ho più vista, mentre loro pensavano che questo mio impegno, avrebbe dovuto essere qualcosa di impossibile per me!
Salman dell\’Arabia Saudita ] in realtà, oggi le persone più consapevoli del soprannaturale, circa di cosa sia il peccato, la grazia, il vizio e la virtù, e che si muovono adeguatamente e con consapevolezza nel soprannaturale sono i sacerdoti di satana americani! [ ecco perché non ci può essere nessuno al mondo, che mi può apprezzare più di loro! Soprattutto per loro io sono Unius REI, perché è stato profetizzato che sarebbe stata annullata, un giorno, la loro alleanza con la morte! e quel giorno? è oggi!
Salman dell\’Arabia Saudita ] dal tempo del vostro maledetto e falso profeta Maometto ( tutti i peccati sono stati con lui ), voi arrivate, poi, attraverso varie tecniche più o meno, ipocrite, o sbrigative, a fare il genodio e poi dite \”questo è il nostro muslim country\” quindi, quello è diventato il nazismo islamico shari\’a. Ecco perché Erdogan mi ha ricordato che, anche la Sicilia è stata un \”muslim country\”, ma, poiché la vostra merda religiosa, è soltanto quella merda vera e giusta, poi, è chiaro che tutto il pianeta deve diventare un solo \”muslim Country!\” E ALLORA, tu a QUALE GUERRA MONDIALE NUCLEARE, tu hai DECISO DI CONDURRE, i miei SACERDOTI DI SATANA, FARISEI ANGLO AMERICANI, tutti Enlightened by Lucifero e Talmud?
explaining, monetary manipulation, [ Spiacenti, si è verificato un errore. (bX-t3lbkh) ] hei blogger.com vuoi dire alle tue scimmie di non rompermi il cazzo? che c\’è mi devo mettere a parlare di nuovo del crimine costituzionale di signoraggio bancario? quello di pena di morte per alto tradimento massonico?
google ha deciso di chiudere questo mio sito per spam (ma, secondo me, la CIA ha voluto distruggere le prove, di documenti unici, contenuti in questo sito, contro il suo satanismo internazionale, cioè, i sacerdoti di satana che fanno 200.000 sacrifici umani sull\’altare di satana ), ma, gli islamici, con la loro teologia della sostituzione, allah akbar morte agli infedeli? si sono impossessati del mio URL
http://ilmegliodelbene. blogspot. com/  ID problema:  25790021
hai una fede che può spostare le montagne? presto ne avrai bisogno!
Allah Akbar morte a tutti gli infedeli ] [ NON dimentiherò mai la morte felice di un Generale Pachistano, che è morto pronunciando il nome di Gesù, tra le braccia di suo figlio che commise apostasia e che lui personalmente cercò più volte di uccidere! Quello che lui disse al figlio prima della conversione in punto di morte fu \”l\’Islam vincerà contro il cristianesimo!\” Come a dire la LEGA ARABA conquisterà il mondo, su mandato dell\’ONU, e dei nuovi diritti umani sharia
my JHWH ] la bestia mi resiste ancora, non accetta di morire!
Salman dell\’Arabia Saudita ] quando videro Unius REI, il panico prese, tutti i sacerdoti di satana nella CIA, ed uno di loro disse \”scorrerà molto sangue questa notte per colpa tua\”, come a dire \”cercheremo di fermarti, facendo molti sacrifici umani sull\’altare di satana\”.. poi, però hanno capito che, loro sono completamente impotenti e in balia del mio arbitrio, infatti, molti di loro morirono! E cosa successe quando con uno spillone invisibile, mi forarono tutto il torace ed io portai il foro nel cuore per 20 giorni, e, io quel foro, io lo potevo sentire? Bhe, questo fattelo raccontare da loro
Salman dell\’Arabia Saudita ] ahhh adesso io ho capito [ solo il tuo Dio è quello vero, tu ucciderai il genere umano, perché hai diffuso i tuoi islamici terroristi potenziali per tutto il mondo, quindi, sarai tu a comandare il mondo.. perché la tua fede non può essere vinta ] però, io devo ricordarti che la fede di Gheddafi era superiore alla vostra, ed anche la sua onestà era superiore alla vostra!

it is true all religions lead to problems but when they are were abolished men have worshiped the monkeys evolved Rothschild IMF World Bank and we have had hundreds of millions of dead. Rather you have to make an cord including health politics and their religion! and to turn the policy not should exploit religion. king Saudi Arabia use religion as an weapon is as putting his wife in the first row on the field of battle not you you\’ll win a war so ever!

Benjamin Netanyahu YHWH God not will never accept an Israel of a false democracy of the Masonic Baal JaBullOn invented by Rothschild.. therefore we will make the Kingdom of Palestine.. Then if you have a daughter That his name is Israel and then call her Esther what changes? The name indicates only the person in fact is the Personality That is important!

02/05/2014. [ President Giorgio Napolitano to That Your Europe the UN the Pharisees Anglo-American World Bank the Freemasons Bildenberg is doing against the Jewish -Christian civilization not can be tolerated your Europe? will collapse! ] VATICAN. \” Surprise \” of for the Vatican the accusations of the UN Committee for the rights of childhood an report That it appears \” already written\” and \” ideological \” and That asks the Church also of change his position on abortion. The measures taken by the Holy See against child abuse are \”a question of facts of out That not can be distorted.\” The reference appears to as he says by his Msgr. Tomasi the \” recommendation That is made to the Holy See of change his position on the issue of abortion.\” The same prelate speaks of \” claims very unfair \” and underlines That in the ratio seems not account has been taken of what emerged in the course of meeting of Committee with the delegation of the Holy See held on 16 January 2014. \” The downside of That document they have produced is That That seems had already been prepared in advance of meeting of Committee with the delegation of the Holy See That Has given in detail answers accurate on various steps that not are was were later included in this final document or not least seem to be been taken in seriously. \” Yet \” in the introduction of the final report is recognized the clarity of the answers originated not it is of tried avoid any request made by the Committee according to the evidence available and where not there was an information instant one is of promised provide her in the future according to directives of the Holy See and as they all governments. \” \”This is not the Committee HAS made an good service to the United Nations of looking introduce and to request to the Holy See of change its not teaching negotiable.\” and \”probably – concluded Mgr. Tomasi – of the not organizations governmental – that have interests on homosexuality gay marriage and on the other the questions – they certainly had the to submit their comments and in a few so they have a stronger ideological line. \”

05 February NEW YORK [ but you have legalized the worship of Satan and an sack of shit the media these are the consequences! ] Horror in California where a woman HAS first raped and then murdered together the boyfriend of the daughter only three years. So the two they hid the little body in the freezer. Sara Krueger 23 years is was arrested together with her boyfriend Ryan Scott Warner 26 at the station train to Bay Area Rapid Transit of El Cerrito Norte located to about 50 kilometers from their home of Napa in California. The two were trying of escape.


SAUDI Saudi king my doctor sympathizes for Islam becouse sees it as the only remedy morally and politically possible for the West. Has me said \” if you change Islam? destroy it! \”.. and on the other hand is quite the opposite that That is disk breaks and of course Islam is Salafi and too rigid fundamentalist for break in so irremediable! is of This That the Pharisees Anglo- Americans need for not come to live in the your desert and for you can slaughter all peoples.. if not you listen to me? Islam will be lost! but if we make an Islam true cultural system scientifically detectable in academia then may spread to the world without finding resistors. why become a pure spirituality.. and if you need of me? I\’ll help you!

Mo rabbis to Kerry not challenge the divine punishment! [ But he HAS already challenged the divine punishment becouse is an 322 Satanist! ] Letter to Secretary of the U.S. State of stop search understanding peace. 05 February [ if the ARAB LEAGUE remove the Sharia? 1. I do so much gold to the Palestinians what is the weight of their body! 2. destroy the State of Israel! 3. in I want to change the Saudi desert for allow to all the Jews of world of come back! ] TEL AVIV [not you can do it even according to sharia That is an blackberry That obviously. an of the project genocide! ] John Kerry if not stop of look an agreement of peace with the Palestinians \” challenge the punishment of God.\” The warning comes from an of the group calling itself the Rabbis \’ Committee of of salvation and Earth of the People of Israel \’ in a letter sent to the Secretary of U.S. state. His \” unremitting efforts \” they wrote cited by the media \” to expropriate integral parts of for our Holy Land give her the gang of terrorist Abu Mazen is a declaration of war to the Lord and Creator of Universe \”.


02/04/2014. VATICAN – KOREA [ Supreme Leader of Democratic People\’s Republic of Korea Kim Jong-un I Unius REI I order you to you of free from the camp all the Christians and therefore of invite the Pope This would be a huge victory for you against your enemies a lot of most of each weapon ] Peace with the North young people and martyrs. the agenda of Pope in Korea. Vatican sources. the journey of Francis in the the Korean peninsula is \” virtually assured \”. Provided further to related activities to the Day of Asian Youth also the beatification of 124 martyrs and Korean a special mass for the reunification of the two North and South Korea. City of Vatican (AsiaNews) – also if \”you can still give confirmations officers \” the journey of Pope Francis of Korea South is \” virtually safe.\” They say Vatican sources AsiaNews. The visit should take place for an all of about 7 days in the first half of August the pope to be for Seoul institutional meetings and in the diocese of for Daejeon presiding the celebrations organized for the Day of Asian Youth. Then the expected beatification of 124 martyrs and Korean a special mass for peace and the reunification of the Korean peninsula.

Iran. Archeologists Discover 5 Meters Tall Human Skeletons – See blackberries at http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/iran-archeologists-discover-5-meters-tall-human-skeletons/sthash.I641r6Nb.dpuf
[All Satanists That God Has turned into oil during the Great Flood! ] Tehran. to russian group of archeologists working on to dig site in western Iran Has Made What Could be the greatest discovery in following decades. They have to unearthed total of six humanoid skeletons Belonging to individuals That Seem to have each Measured blackberries than 5 meters high. The scientists responsible for the discovery have not yet pronounced about Themselves Whether These were the remains of gigantic and excessively oversized homo sapiens or the first of specimens to ever Discovered a brand new species of proto -humans That Could have coexisted with our ancestors. Andrei Asimov professor of archeology and paleoanthropology at the University of St- Petersburg and researcher in charge of the site excavation Explains That this discovery could explain many stories That were until now dismissed by historians as simply mythological. \”This means That Goliath and his fellow warriors from the mythical city of Gath Could really have been more than 3 meters tall. \” He tells our reporter. \”This Also That means many different people over to long period of time Could have encountered real existing giants and passed down stories about them to Their descendants. We\’ll definitely have to review of conception of history as it is and accept many legends That just might be real! \”
– See blackberries at http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/iran-archeologists-discover-5-meters-tall-human-skeletons/sthash.I641r6Nb.dpuf..

[ Unfortunately Satanists Americans in possession of blackberries strategic and secret technology in league with aliens (demons to that is given an body GMOs. Grouped mainly in nine species of alien different. why are nine the angelic choirs ) ] are having fun too to do hybrids transegenici beastmen pig men women mermaids water etc… [ This is the design of the military called. Synthetic humanity and linked to trails chemical ie poison nature for replace it with organisms genetically modified. ] Now the demons walk. also physically. on earth for of guilt Masonic system the World Bank International Monetary Fund the Pharisees That in the their hatred against Jesus Christ was born to Bethlehem they ruined all kind human but if peoples \” will look to the One That they have pierced they will be saved! \” as Jews That when the Saudi desert. they were bitten by poisonous snakes watched the snake of bronze made by Moses instead of on an auction and then not died more poisoned! [ but if you look the false prophet Muhammad \” the false prophet \” (Revelation 19.20 and 20.10 )? you will die everyone! ]

February 5 2014 [ of That What are capable Satanists American – dogs of Rothschild Masonic system? ] http://www.avvenire.it/Mondo/Pagine/Business-degli-immigrati-in-Usa.aspx
The new law. Use the business of immigrants prison. Among the reforms advocated by Barack Obama during the State of the Union speech that of immigration HAS the more chances of see the light in the year in course. and not just why in view of the policies of november Has the Republican Party an dire need of curry favor with the voters of origin Latin American (friends and relatives of illegal aliens ). to push for the passage of the law there are also other not obvious interest groups as lobbyists of two of the leading asset managers private prisons. Corrections Corporation of America and the group Geo. If the liberal and humanitarian groups the president himself they got That the design of the law provides for an path toward naturalization of the 11 million of irregular already present in the country – or at least of those that arrived in the United States as children – the Conservatives have imposed in the text discussion n of spin screw on checks in areas of border That will lead to an inevitable increase in agents and the arrests of irregular just arrived. an influx of new held therefore estimated by the Congress at least 14 thousand blackberries year That the two not society they want to pass up. Its cost ( from the point of view of taxpayers ) or potential revenue ( given the prospect of the company ) will be of of 1.6 billion dollars in ten years. The direct relationship between the application of the law and the increase of prisoners is almost certain. in the recent history of the United States are accumulated enough earlier to prove That a greater presence of agents on the roads and Arizona of Texas is converted automatically into blackberries guests in of centers detention. And capture detention \” compulsory\” foreigners without permission of are living taken in the United States in the 1996 and since then every migrant irregular is arrested and imprisoned in wait That the authority to decide whether should be deported. also after the ruling however just That also illegal immigrant is considered a \”threat \” or That has been guilty of any type offense why his detention is prolonged for months also for years until not is repatriated. After the passage of reform of 1996 two years the number of immigrants in American prisons is doubled from 8 thousand to 16 thousand. Is then came the September 11 2001 and the concept of \” national security threat \” is you the fact still blackberries arbitrary. in the 2005 however George W Bush Has launched the operation \” Streamline \” that Has imposed zero tolerance for the irregulars. Since then the Code Criminal That defines an crime unlawful entry in the United States is was applied to the letter resulting in a new full cold federal. Since 2009 Finally Congress imposes That for the department national security keep in your cell at least 34 thousand prisoners average per year. The measure was was designed for to protect the nation from terrorism but because the department is responsible of protection of borders the method blackberries effectively to its position for fill the beds is 34 thousand to capture the largest possible number of illegal immigrants. Counting also immigrants detained by the Department of Justice or by individual states population prison irregulars is around 400 thousand. in the in 2012 about 22 thousand ares were in for cell blackberries of an year. The requirement of 34 thousand \”sleeps \” is was criticized by many associations for the defense of human rights and also the current Minister for the National Security Janet Napolitano. but for now remains in force providing managers of prisons the perfect model of as a new law it results in business. From 2010 until today the value of the actions of Geo is doubled. and since 2005 the company\’s revenues are from federal contracts which rose from 5 % to 40% of the your revenue. Now in view of the new reform both the company is building new facilities prison and proposing new services to the government. Among these stands out of the news \”monitoring\” of immigrants of waiting deportation That not can be detained. The design of law immigration in debate the Senate provides its own form of \” detention alternative ¸ That describes to the letter of the new proposal Geo. © Elena Molinari reproduction reserved

[ Open Letter to Satanists of project. aliens abductions microchip GM. for humanity synthetic ] ThomasMistafield (6 fag ) synnek1 (6 fag ) 187HaudioHostem (6 fag ) = i youtube master owner 666 Spa drinker of blood of swine with the virus of mad cow disease in the brain! owner 666 youtube [ but you you can always commit suicide in the your bin of sulfuric acid with your employee IhatenewLayout the priest 666 ] I have seen drown in the diluzio universal I have seen die under the Tower of Babel and there I saw also burn to Sodom and Gomorrah I \’ve seen slaughtered by the prophet Elijah Elijah to the brook Ghison Kishon ( today Ghison Rothschild IMF burn satan..!

[ Open to the letter of the Satanists project. aliens abductions microchip Gmos. Synthetic humanity ] ThomasMistafield (6 fag ) synnek1 (6 fag ) 187HaudioHostem (6 fag ) = ie master youtube 666 Spa owner to pig drinker of blood with the virus of mad cow disease in the brain! 666 failed to owner youtube [ but you you can always commit suicide in your drum of sulfuric acid with your employee IhatenewLayout tea voodoo priest 666 ] I have seen drowning in universal flood I have seen you die under the Tower of Babel and I have Also seen as burning you under Sodom and Gomorrah I\’ve seen them get slaughtered by the prophet Elijah Elijah Elijah ( Yahweh Elohim) to the Ghison brook Kishon ( today.. Ghison ) then you burn Satan Rothschild IMF!

[Paper to abierta los Satanistas of proyecto. aliens secuestros microchip los GMOs humanidad sintético ] ThomasMistafield (6 fag ) synnek1 (6 fag ) 187HaudioHostem (6 fag ) = es decir teacher youtube 666 Spa owner an bebedor de de cerdo sangre con el virus de la enfermedad de las locas vacas en el cerebro! 666 fallaron dueño en youtube [ but ya que siempre though puede cometer suicide en su tambor de sulfuric acid with on empleado IhatenewLayout and priest voodoo 666 ] h Visa ahogándose en universal deluge he saw this mueras bajo the Torre de Babel y también he seen como usted quema en Sodoma y Gomorra as he seen les quedan sacrificados por el prophet Elias Elias Elias ( Yahweh Elohim) hasta el arroyo Ghison Kishon ( hoy.. Ghison ) entonces usted quema Satanás Rothschild IMF!

UN vs. VATICAN. The complaint of against the UN the \’ code of silence \’ [ not the Church should hide your responsibility for persist as stupid to not be granted the marriage of priests the antichrist Islamic sharia imperialism for Dhimmi slaves to all UN antichrist! ] Note of Papal States \”In some passage we see an attempt of interfere on our teaching.\” Archbishop Silvano Maria Tomasi \” UN invites us to revise our visions of omosessulità? There have been pressures of Ong pro gay\”

[ Lettre Ouverture aux satanistes du projet. aliens enlèvements puce GM. The humanite synthétique ] ThomasMistafield (6 fag ) synnek1 (6 fag ) 187HaudioHostem (6 fag ) = c\’est à dire maître youtube 666 owner Spa an buveur de de porc sang avec le de virus the maladie de la vache crazy dans le cerveau! 666 échoué owner youtube [ corn vous vous pouvez toujours engager the suicide dans de tambour the acidic sulfurique avec votre employé IhatenewLayout the voodoo prêtre 666 ] J\’ai vu the drowning dans deluge universel je vous vu mourir sous at the Tour de Babel et j\’ai vu aussi comme vous brûler sous Sodome et Gomorrhe j\’ai vu eux if faire massacrer par le Prophet Elie Elie Elie ( Yahweh Dieu ) the Ghison ruisseau Kishon ( aujourd\’hui.. Ghison ) alors vous brûler Satan Rothschild IMF!

[ Brief Offener an die Satanisten des Projektes. Ausserirdische Entführungen Mikrochip Gmos. Synthetic Menschheit ] ThomasMistafield (6 fag ) synnek1 (6 fag ) 187HaudioHostem (6 fag ) = dh Master youtube 666 Besitzer Spa ein Trinker Schweineblut mit dem der Virus Rinderwahnsinn im Gehirn! 666 gescheitert Besitzer in youtube [ aber Sie kann immer begehen Selbstmord in von der Trommel Schwefelsäure mit ihr Mitarbeiter IhatenewLayout der Priester voodoo 666 ] gesehen habe ich in ertrinken Flut universal habe ich gesehen stirbst du unter der Turm zu Babel und ich habe auch gesehen wie Sie brennen unter Sodom und Gomorrah habe gesehen ich sie geschlachtet von dem Propheten Elijah Elijah Elijah ( Yahweh Elohim) an den Bach Ghison Kishon ( heute.. Ghison ) dann brennen Sie Satan IWF Rothschild!

[ 프로젝트 의 사탄 주의자 에게 공개 서한. 외계인 납치 마이크로 칩 GMO 에. 합성 인간 ] ThomasMistafield (6 FAG ) synnek1 (6 FAG ) 187HaudioHostem (6 FAG ) = 즉 마스터 유튜브 666 스파 소유자 음주자 의 혈액 돼지 광우병 의 바이러스 와 뇌! 666 홍수 보편적 에서 익사 내가 본 [ 당신 의 직원 IhatenewLayout 제사장 의 woodoo 666 로 황산 의 드럼 에 당신 은 당신 이 항상 커밋 할 수 있습니다 자살 을 하지만 ] 유튜브 에 소유자 를 실패 당신 이 죽을 보았다 아래 에 나는 또한 당신 이 소돔 과 고모라 에서 레코딩 로 본 바벨탑 그리고 나는 그들을 시내 에 선지자 엘리야 엘리야 엘리야 ( 야훼 엘로힘 ) 에 의해 죽게 본 적이 Ghison 키손 은 ( 오늘.. Ghison 는 ) 다음 당신 은 사탄 로스 차일드 IMF 를 구울!

[プロジェクトの悪魔主義者へのオープンレター:エイリアン拉致、マイクロチップ、遺伝子組み換え作物:合成人類] ThomasMistafield (6 FAG ) synnek1 (6 FAG ) 187HaudioHostem (6 FAG)=すなわち、マスター動画、666スパの所有者、酒飲みの血液豚、狂牛病のウイルスに、脳内の! 666は、洪水の普遍的なに溺れ、私が見てきた[、あなたの従業員IhatenewLayout、司祭のwoodoo666で、硫酸のあなたのドラムで、あなたは常にコミットできる、自殺しかし]やYouTubeで所有者を失敗し、私はあなたが死ぬ見てきましたの下では、私もあなたがソドムとゴモラの下で、燃焼、など、見ているバベルの塔、そして、私は彼らが、小川に、預言者エリヤ、エリヤエリヤ(Yahveh、エロヒム)により、屠殺GET、見てきましたGhison、キションは(今日.. Ghison )そしてあなた は サタン ロス チャイルド IMFを 燃やす!

[ מכתב פתוח לכת השטן של הפרויקט. חטיפות חייזרים שבב אלקטרוני הנדסה גנטית. אנושות סינתטית ] ThomasMistafield (6 fag ) synnek1 (6 fag ) 187HaudioHostem (6 הומו ) = כלומר אדון youtube 666 בעלי הספא שתיין של דם חזיר עם הווירוס של מחלת פרה משוגעת במוח! 666 לא הצליחו בעל ב youtube [ אבל אתה תמיד יכול להתחייב התאבדות בתוף של חומצה הגופרתית שלך עם העובד שלך IhatenewLayout voodoo הכומר 666 ] ראיתי טובעים במבול אוניברסלי אני ראיתי אותך למות תחת מגדל בבל ו ראיתי גם כ אתה בוער תחת סדום ועמורה שאני ראיתי אותם שוחט על ידי אליהו הנביא אליהו אליהו ( Yahveh אלוהים ) לנחל Ghison קישון ( היום.. Ghison ) לאחר מכן אתה שורף שטן רוטשילד קרן המטבע הבינלאומית!

February 3 2014. [ We are going beyond the concept of tolerance respect and not discrimination you are profaning and corrupting the peoples but not us we have no intention of become gay as you! Thus the position of Russia is legitimate! not we want to desecrate our children with your homosexual ideology in schools where in the schools really your Antichrist. Has Zapatero said \” Has the nature of us given the sex and we we can use it too with the animals! \” you are pigs depraved! ] Manuf pour tous. to and Paris Lyon square. against the \” familofobia \” Tens of thousands of people 80000 seconds the police 500000 seconds the organizers are got in to the streets yesterday for Paris protesting against the projects of law marriages and the gay adoptions procreation assisted for the couples lesbians the \’ mothers rent \’ and in defense of family. Others have expressed to 20 thousand Lyon answering the call of \’ Manuf pour tous \’ ( \” An event for all \”). an enormous joined the procession among other things by the slogan \”No to the theory of kind \” That attributed to the government would deny the differences of kind and promote through education homosexuality sexual specifically promoted in schools. an snake of six miles one in the capital. \”It is a mobilization remarkable\” Has commented Ludovine de la Rochere president of \’ Manuf pour tous \’ calling on the government of respond to \” the issues raised by the protesters \” that waving flags with the images of a family composed of father mother and sons. and the which it says of Le Figaro online HAS immediately the spokesman said of government Najat Vallaud. \” There are people That not accept the man – woman equality liberation of the women That say n model family only one. we must to prevail That the model we defend. \”

February 4 2014. [My President Giorgio Napolitano the Your Europe is an criminal abomination! 1. because thou not you\’ve answered my question. \”Whose is the property of euro at the time of its issuance \” and since Has the European Parliament condemned Italy for abolish the crocifiso Fields in public I will own this disintegrerò Europe of the antichrists elections. ] European parliament. The EU drives for the gender the lobby went crazy. Yesterday approved a resolution by the European Parliament to support of gender just as in all the Old Continent there is such a disturbing offensive to please of this ideology in the field of education. The signal That coming from Strasbourg is in truth and contradictory confused becouse in the first place not holds account of opposition to the resolution expressed by a large part of the opinion the European public to starting from the Federation of the Catholic Family Associations ( Fafce ). Online CitizenGo addition macaws were collected almost 190 thousand signatures against the document of green Austrian Ulrike Lunacek called \” road map of the EU against and homophobia discrimination linked sexual orientation and of identity like that. \” It must be clear at once That not the text approved HAS character legislative nor can have an value binding for the Member States. but is of That done already homosexual lobby macaws work for dilatarne scope. Arcigay in the head. From the analysis of vote also not is at all even as unique. Out of 642 present in the hemicycle of Strasbourg ( the plenum is potentially of 766 ) voted to favor 349 deputies ( about 61% ) against 176 and you are 72 abstentions. but this however as says the president of the Movement for the Life and MEP Carlo Casini is based on an misunderstanding that is stumbled upon the People\’s Party European. In fact to be approved is was the so-called amendment twice That constituted a substantial revival of resolution of the Austrian feminist. an text That had suffered with some filings to which largely deputies of EPP That the HAS voted Has given greater weight of due to. is was dismissed however with 430 votes against an another amendment ( 1 ) of three members of Europe Group and Liberty of Democracy Philippe de Villiers Claudio Morganti Lorenzo Fontana That practically repealed the resolution replacing it with a recommendation generally to the respect of fundamental rights. In fact one of the blackberries critics of motion according to which a homosexual couple legally recognized an country should be able to enjoy of similar rights in any other country member also with different legislation is was partially revised. is was withdrawn the explicit reference to \” marriage \” \” registered partnerships \” and \” recognition of gender\”. It is suppressed also the recommendation to the Commission the EU of care of in this issue \” a priority \”. are however remained and references citations of That document seek in the substance to get the same result. is was considered also an antidote against the introduction of an \’ of crime opinion \” against supporters of natural law the fact That at the end of resolution is was added to the recommendation of respect pluralism of the ideas \” as long as not violence or incites hatred discrimination.\” Has Casini declared an favorable vote Amendment No. 1 why reaffirmed \” clearly the principle of subsidiarity \’. MEP of EPP it is then deployed in dissent from indications of his group against the revival of document Lunacek albeit version journal why not fight \”the claim of to introduce the category of gender as is on meaning the size and sexual man of woman. \” The document calls for an wide range of interventions to please of this ideology in the field of education. \”Unless of two months of the distance to the European Parliament – HAS commented Luca Volonte president of Foundation Novae Terrae and member of the board of CitizenGo – contradicts itself the same. to half December had rightly rejected the report Estrella That constituted a violation of of of principle subsidiarity ethics now does exactly the opposite by approving a resolution That constitutes an intrusion into the sovereignty of the single nations very sensitive subjects. The text adopted yesterday not HAS no value legislative but it must take account of the activism lobby. \” Pier Luigi Fornari. © reproduction reserved

The letter January 1 2014 Asia Bibi. \”Long live for your prayers \”
Is not blackberries locked in a cell with no windows. From June Asia Noreen Bibi is located in the prison women of Multan. to six hours drive from Lahore and by his family.
Now this petite woman That shows much less of his 49 years wearing the white uniform of the holding common. and as whatever another prisoner HAS right time flies.
The first time That is output courtyard after 27 months of isolation staggering tell. not if you know for the external impact or for the fear. That risk fanaticism you sneak up behind the rails of prison for hit is high. and the size of security – as the complaint in the same Asia letter written to Pope and Francis sent three days ago to the Holy See through the Renaissaince Education Foundation That they say sure of its reception in Vatican – are were reduced. The woman not kitchen blackberries alone his meals eat in the with the refectory others despite the danger of poisoning. in many including Islamic extremists they are afraid of this Catholic mom from the gentle face and the will of iron. but not Asia Bibi hates nor crying nor yield. With voice firm and serene continues to proclaim to his innocence. not That there they both need. Anyone – to of there of religious beliefs and of the opinions – approaches the court case of farmer of Punjab arrive at the same verdict. not guilty. Not guilty of insulting Muhammad that 19 June 2009. not guilty then of blasphemy. Difficult think the opposite That woman the prosecution the wife the local imam not HAS resulted in a single test. Only rumors speculation gossip typical of a community archaic and isolated. in which was Asia viewed with suspicion in as a Catholic and therefore different. \”You can not drink from the same water bottle of a Christian \” he had shouted at his accuser while the trivial altercation That is the current cost to Asia 1. 656 days of prison sentenced to death the November 11 2010 then suspended for the process of That appeal not is yet been fixed.
No one knows if and when the nightmare ends of justice this woman became a symbol despite himself the arbitrariness with which it is used the law for blasphemy Suppress the minorities. for this not the fundamentalists can accept That lathes free. to cost of kill those who sided by his side. is happened two times. the governor Salman Taseer and Islamic Catholic minister Shahbaz Bhatti. And Asia for whom she fights but not give up hope. On March 6 Future Has handed over to the ambassador to Pakistan Rome Tehmina Janjua in addition 31 thousand signatures That the readers they wanted to raise the appeal of the premier Catholic mother Zardari – published by the newspaper \’s December 8 2012 – for get her back from his loved ones. Today we spread this new testimony. why the voice of freedom Asia bait from prison of Multan.
Lucia Capuzzi
© reproduction reserved
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Afghanistan Karzai – Taliban secret talks [all the Nazis born in Mecca the false prophet esoteric sex maniac misogynist of one family pedophiles murderers saints of the global caliphate! all of antichrists UN namely those of human rights on the contrary! ]. Since last November the president outgoing of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai he started secret talks with Taliban emissaries with the intention of to convince to conclude an agreement of peace.

Greece seven out of ten older people suffer from hunger. [ Slutty Troika Spa banking seigniorage scam Bonino Bildenberg criminals Merkel Herman Van Rompuy the Rothschilds IMF FED ECB NWO 666 Ja Bull On] 65% of the elderly in Greece is suffering hunger 62% not HAS the means for in feed adequately and 32% HAS had to reduce the quantity of food. is the dramatic situation of the elderly in Greece emerged from an survey.

August 21 2013 [ India Criminal satanic ] INDIA. The Christians of Orissa waiting for justice. Five years ago August 25 2008 all hell broke loose on Christian communities tribal majority of eastern Indian state of Orissa. in particularly of the district Kandhamal. That it would be months before the stakes will be darkened permanently and with them the worst wave of persecution That he never hit the Indian Christianity. With consequences drama. an hundreds of dead (56 for the government ) of thousands wounded an large number of and rapes escape of 55 thousand people turned into refugees many in permanently. 400 villages were then emptied by the baptized in addition the 5600 destroyed homes and 256 religious buildings or burned burned to the ground. ( The news continues to record cases of violence Christians. The last three days ago to Karon where n and Jesuit two sisters macaws were attacked by about 150 people ) Origin or excuse of campaign of violence killing in the night of 23 August of an Hindu extremist leader and of active in the work of four of his associates conversion of the minorities Hinduism in the small town of Tumudi Bandh. of those it was dead immediately took responsibility for the movement of rebellion Maoist but this not is served to save the and tribal communities Christian persecution. That is after the now clear meticulous surveys of activists and local national was has been planned for some time. To the point of believing That the same killing of Laxmanananda not That has been an excuse searched. as for the massacres That had touched well blackberries consisting of Muslim communities in the Gujarat six years before the corpse of \” martyr \” was Hindu was made to travel for tens of in kilometers an itinerary That would be was traced by the teams – also hired and coming from other areas of country – that have sought of delete the Christian presence in tea and Kandhamal return so the district under the control of radical Hinduism supported by landowners and entrepreneurs that claiming the power on economic land and on the resources. Today insecurity remains high while the perpetrators of the massacres and of the violence are in the majority of free hit yet in the complete impunity ago after convictions modest. an example is one of Manoj Pradhan MP Orissa member of prominent local of the Bharatiya Janata Party of inspiration Hindu. Accused of nine murder is free on bail and in position of threaten and intimidate and the prosecution witnesses his opponents. in the second place not the government is able to return confidence in the population and to ensure safety. Finally the reconstruction of the housing and of the sources of Has income ignored many of the victims. in this situation not many have no choice That resort emigration in addition the boundaries of district and of the state. With the risk is already manifesting itself for many young women of be abducted or convinced by deception for be start to forms of exploitation. as he recalls Ram Puniyani for activist human rights including blackberries influential promoters of harmony between groups and classes in the his country \” the victims were Christians of conditions very modest in most Dalits That lived under the threshold of poverty. Their rights continually eroded however were guaranteed by the Constitution of India and recognized also internationally. \”
\”The characteristics the wave of violence That Has them hit – continues Puniyani – clearly demonstrate That and the attacks were targeted widespread. Their execution the result of planning meticulous preceded by special meetings for That you were guaranteed also and financial support other forms of support of months before August 25 2008. for and this for other reasons of violence Kandhamal Has the characteristics of an \” crime against the humanity.\” In addition the atrocities committed fall into the definition international of \” torture \”. \” Justice in these years – and in spite of the international pressure – Has however set the pace becoming for many victims an additional element of frustration and under penalty. John Dayal an activist President Union of Catholics the whole of India and member of Council for the Integration of National stresses as \” the two the investigating committees designated by the head of the local government Naveen Patnaik had in common the haste with which they have the fabric praise of Swami Saraswati Laxmanananda and trust that the violence not been motivated by religious hatred but by an for conflict the lands among the Kondh tribal in the Hindu majority and Pano Dalits converted many to Christianity cases. \” an attitude one of the commissioners That Has to so disgusted with the Christian community to push initially the boycott of the commissions and only then to accept the presence of not having other platforms for express their pain and the anguish. On the other hand the role in the massacres of movements That recognize nell\’hinduttva ( induità ) their ideology is has long been recognized by the Prime Minister Patnaik That in the first months after the story of 2008 was excluded from the his government elements blackberries extremists religious sense. In front of demands pressing the Legislative Assembly of Orissa Patnaik was forced to admit That on the basis of the investigations \” of members the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and the Vishwa Hindu Parishad Bajrang Dal were in convolti violence ». Still according to data provided by the prime minister the police HAS in the time arrested 85 members of the RSS 321 members of and VHP of 118 Bajrang Dal. of they only 27 remain today in prison. Stefano Vecchia. © reproduction reserved

September 22 2013. for the United Nations of the Islamic law of the Nazis of flourish is all normal! but first of invade Europe the Islamic Bildenberg they decided That must be written word order against Israel. ] faith PERSECUTED. Pakistan Christians parade after the massacre. The cry of pain of anger and feeling helpless prayer. Today Pakistan alive the second day of mourning ( of the three organized ) for honor of the 82 deaths massacre carried Sunday by two suicide bombers to an Anglican church Peshawar. While we celebrate the funerals of the victims demonstrations of protest are taking place in many city. Many parades are went to front offices of or parties governments central and for provincial ask and safety equality. not without tensions. Yesterday during scuffles broke out to the front of a mosque Karachi some extremists have begun to launch of the stones. an is Muslim dead shot in the head. in the double blast That Sunday HAS hit the crowded Anglican church of All Saints – 500 faithful had gathered inside – at the end of prayer Sunday 81 people have lost their lives. Other 145 ares left wounds. Among those affected were tens women and of children. \” The function was just over – Ehsan said Fawad an survived – and the people was in the row for take of when rice is have sent a huge blast. I\’ve seen parts of and mangled bodies mutilated limbs strewn everywhere. \” To increase the tension – that in some it is the city turned into spontaneous protest and also in anger with stone-throwing and of fires car – the rumors about the possibility of an attack in preparation submitted to the services of security That however not they would have increased surveillance. The president of the Alliance of the pan- Pakistani minorities (APMA ) the Catholic Paul Bhatti former Minister for the Religious Harmony Has spoken of a hand \’foreign\’ in tea massacre and is is declared in disbelief for the opportunity given to two of the bombers come in \” in the high security area without That no one to stop them.\” The claim of Tehrik- e-Taliban Pakistan Jindullah a faction place of the Taliban movement is come to just a few hours the attack but not is That certainly they were really to their fulfill the massacre given the coincidence in he saw weeks with the launch of an negotiated between the training and the government. Meanwhile for the fear of other attacks the interior minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan HAS announced yesterday an plan of for safety the churches of all the country and other places of worship of the minorities regarded as \” easy targets.\” The measure could not enough to curb frustration of the minorities. in various parts of the country and Christians civil society Pakistani also non-Christians we are united for ask concrete actions. Mourning is by Maulana Tahir Ashrafi was expressed president of Ulema Council who HAS stressed the closeness \” to our brothers and sisters Christians.\” \”It is shameful – HAS added Ashrafi – that not the government is able to protect the minorities in Pakistan \” whose rights \” are protected by the Constitution.\” The massacre could also lead to an reconsideration of policy of recent efforts for dialogue with the Taliban movement. in this sense is at least went to the statement of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif for starting for New York to participate to the General Assembly UN. \”We were brought in good faith negotiations of peace to the Taliban with the consent of all the forces policies – HAS Sharif recalled alluding to the offer of of negotiation September 9 – but now not is blackberries possible continue on this road. \” Sharif That he predicted of bring in the his speech to the United Nations the question of U.S. drones in action on his country will now also explain That what Pakistan intends to do for stop the terrorists. The same secretary general Ban Ki -moon That is is declared \’ shocked \’ from happening Has Launched an appeal to the government of Pakistan to do everything possible so that for ensure the culprits to justice. also the president Hamid Karzai Has condemned the attack noting as terrorism remains a major threat for and Pakistan HAS called for action \” to eradicate the region.\” for Catholics net condemnation of the Pope That to yesterday Cagliari during the pastoral visit in Sardinia HAS described the massacre but rather the result of \” a poor choice of and hatred of war \” and HAS prayed for the victims. in a note of the Episcopal Conference signed by its president Bishop Joseph Coutts Archbishop of Karachi expressed a \”firm conviction\” for what That is defined an attack \” shameful and coward.\” Mgr Rufin Anthony bishop of Islamabad / Rawalpindi tea whose district is located in Peshawar he speaks of an country \” plagued by terrorism.\” Monsignor Anthony Has invited Christians \” to protest in peacefully and to not cause misses \’ in an time which is \’ requiring the utmost unity.\” © Stefano Vecchia reproduction reserved

[ Criminalize sharia shut down all the criminals antichrist of UN. ]
PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS. September 24 2013. Two antidotes for an That virus is rampant. as extinguish fire Islamist. as an wildfire Islamist terrorism rages on throughout the Islamic world. driven by strong wind hits blind hatred now in Pakistan – making massacre of Christians in prayer – now in Kenya to of hunting tourists an shopping mall. Two massacres That pushing out from the pages newspapers those little older of Boko Haram in Nigeria the massacre of Shiite civilians in an Iraq never really stabilized or the many others That have continued for years. but perhaps the comparison of the fire can be misleading. why the metaphor blackberries apt is that of cancer. the violent religious fanaticism is an cancer and grew up in Islam the terrorists blackberries or al-Qaeda will not represent metastasis. and be it said to avoidance of misunderstandings as in each tumor the cells healthy – ie the vast majority of Muslims – are are first the victims of this degeneration That deforms the true religious message of this great community of believers. Before the flood of these movements nihilists and without pity repression military and the intelligence work for as fundamental not are sufficient. Has the last decade shattered the certainties of how many were counting on the technology and on the military power of the West for crush Islamic terrorism That weakened a region is revived immediately another. not it will be with the drones and to intercepts U.S. That you will have reason of this problem. why in fact as for cancer is fundamental the desire to \”heal\”. for the Islamic world this means essentially two things. The first is take That conscience for fight degeneration and Al Qaeda the murderous madness of the terrorists is required in an effort inside for get to solve the problems posed by modernity globalization and by secularization the costumes. n the process faced in centuries past also and Europe Christianity and certainly not without painful ordeal as witness our \” wars of religion \” and the search of an balance between faith and science. The Islamic reality is very different from the Christian one and then have to find an own independent path. but necessarily not That can deal with the themes of personal freedom in the living faith in the deal on an equal footing with other religions tea distinction between rules That affect the community and those That relates to the individual. for to do this we must overcome the so-called [ [ taqlid ]] (imitation) ie adherence to uncritical dogmatic interpretations and closed in comparison That prevalent mostly in Sunni Islam. Without the recovery of an debate on the interpretation codified without an greater control the preachers of hate and of of radicalism too many schools religious and mosques violence in the name of not God will be curbed. The second effort goes instead in the direction of a reduction of the socio-economic inequalities of that world in the absence of prospects for the future of political space for manifest political dissent. Lack of and hope breach of their dignity. two fundamental feelings for push those who live there in the abyss of humiliation and of rancor undifferentiated. is also from here That feeds terrorism; That much we speak of today \” jihadism functional \” ie of fighters That not follow this path especially for true belief but ideological why believe That it represents the only means for contest an experienced system as unjust and intolerable. not are of course two challenges are easy. and it must be said That so far the West HAS often acted in so you get worse blackberries That to improve the situation. but without the awareness of having to tackle will remain with all the illusion That jihadism will win inventing missiles still blackberries and intelligent systems of I still listen blackberries fine. The eternal illusion That the technological toys of man can defeat the shadows inside of us. © Riccardo Redaelli reproduction reserved

PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS. September 25 2013. PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS. Kenya al-Shabaab attack. to a Catholic church Wajir. Just a few hours after the end of the siege at the mall Westgate Mall of Nairobi al-Shabaab could be returned to action. Last night to a Catholic church Wajir in the north -east of the country – the border area and between Kenya Somalia long been the scene of the attacks perpetrated by extremists – is was made of targeted by gunmen of rifles and grenades. Witnesses have told That the attackers are approach to board of two cars the church and have begun to shoot. After the intervention of police macaws escaped by throwing two grenades. At least n and dead three injured in the of bloody raid. Only the day before yesterday the militias of al- Shabaab defeats from of authority Nairobi after 4 days of resistance inside of Westgate had threatened of putting in act more attacks in the Country. Difficult not see an connect with what happened last night also if not is got no claim. but while the country mourns the victims of Westgate there are still many questions about the dynamics of the assault to Nairobi the identity of the components of and commando the exact number of the dead. Yesterday shabaab militants through their Twitter account they said That in the blitz are were killed \” 137 hostages \” and have also the accused forces Kenyan of have used \’ chemical gas \” and of having \” caused the building to collapse burying testing and all the hostages under the rubble.\” The accusations That as well fueling doubts are you are denials the Kenyan Minister of the Interior Ole Lenku That HAS downplayed fears That 71 missing indicated by Croce Rossa local are actually died. The official remains steadfast to 61 deaths blackberries six officers of the forces of safety and five assailants. As for the composition of command yesterday the Minister of Justice USA Eric Holder Has That said not at the moment there is evidence That show the involvement of U.S. Persons. While the Foreign Office Has That confirmed an British 35/enne of Somali origin is was arrested at the airport of Nairobi as part of the investigations. © reproduction reserved

I\’m sorry be my friend not you can save becouse you have been silent while the innocent Christian martyrs died! [ Everyone knows Unius REI I macaws law of retaliation! ]

THE DOSSIER. in the viewfinder intolerance. Simona Verrazzo. November 4 2013. are the \” perfect prey.\” The ideal target on which to vent frustrations and individual collective failures. for that the minorities ethnic political religious are too often discriminated against excluded oppressed. The latest demonstration now comes from the Pew Research Centre a think tank based to Washington That HAS analyzed the conditions of Christians in the ten countries where are the minority group blackberries numerous. A sort of in the majority minorities for put it in other terms. in topping the charts there is Nigeria with 49 3 for a hundred. Nigerians are Christians 78 million and yet – despite are so many – the persecutions in this part of Africa are order of day. The most part live to south but That those are in the north in states as Yoke Kano Kaduna or Borno are forced to suffer attacks of the Islamic fundamentalist sect Boko Haram That aims to reinforce the Sharia ( already force in almost all the Northern of Country ) and to hunt \” infidels \” with violence. Scrolling down the ranking of countries with blackberries numerous Christian minorities in the world catches the eye as in nine out of ten cases are also places to discrimination are strong. is the case of Egypt. That the Pew Centre ranks ninth with 5.1 for hundred of population Coptic amounting to little blackberries of of 4 million people. n given however not shared by other sources That speak of 8 million of Christians amounting to about 10 for hundred of the population. That That is certainly is That Egypt hosts the blackberries ancient indigenous African requested together to that of Ethiopia and the blackberries large Christian community of Arab- Muslims. Yet in spite of that of the Copts is a presence of old centuries continually the chronicles remind us how they are persecuted. also after the deposition of president Mohamed Morsi a member of the Muslim Brotherhood the Brotherhood continues to attack the Christians as evidence of the assault Friday at the church the Virgin Mary to Zaytoun Cairo where go to pilgrimage also Muslims. as reported by the Catholic [ [ AsiaNews ]] students close to the Muslim Brotherhood and torn banners offensive phrases written on the walls to the patriarch and the Copts the forces armed. and for the churches persecuted of every denomination the World Evangelical Alliance HAS organized for today and next Sunday two days of prayer the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. in the classification is also a former Soviet republic. Kazakhstan to Muslim majority where Christian is almost an fourth of the population ( 24.8 for a hundred ) in total four million of people. Here the round of vine is arrived with the law religion of 2012. This provides That all religious activities not registered in the State are considered illegal. The result HAS always denounced [ [ AsiaNews ]] is was the closure of hundreds of churches. but the Christian minorities not are persecuted in Islamic countries only. just remember the violence Hindu fundamentalists in India ( as in the State of Orissa ) or the \”hunt \” in China to members of so-called \” underground Church \” the faithful to Rome. Scrolling down the rankings Korea stands out of the South the only country where not Christians are persecuted but are in fact arrived at the top of civil society as the late President Kim Dae- Jung ( laureate for the Peace in the 2000) and the current leader Park Geun – hye both Catholics.
Simona Verrazzo © reproduction reserved.

PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS. India exonerated professor accused of blasphemy. November 15 2013. The charge of is the blasphemy which cost one hand and part of arm. Now Professor TJ Joseph is a Christian Indian was acquitted by the court of in Thodupuzha Kerala. The story dates back of March 2010 when the lecturer professor at Newman \’s College is accused of blasphemy from the Islamic fundamentalist group Popular Front of India ( PFI ). According to the extremists he added questions offensive toward Muhammad an the questionnaire for the examinations. Date the threats receipts the man had apologized publicly for his \” mistake not intentional.\” Sometimes month later however an of the group had attacked him to strangers Muvattupuzha (district of Ernakulam ) and cutting off the hand part of the right arm. TJ Joseph was survived the attack but in the september of the same year the school authorities he had been fired without the possibility of access to retirement. Now finally is was acquitted of all charges. A judgment HAS said Sajan George president of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC ) \” for which we must thank the Indian judicial system. The case of Professor Joseph is was one of the pages blackberries dark of Kerala. \” According to Sajan George aspects blackberries grave of this episode were \” the attitude of police That HAS registered the complaint against of him and he also arrested and of the institution That has suspended from service. for fortunately the Mahatma Gandhi University to where Newman College is affiliated HAS revoked the decision of the school authorities and the HAS summary. \” © reproduction reserved

PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS. December 26 2013. Angelus. \”We pray for the Christians discriminated against \” The Pope Has praying reciting the Angelus of today for Christians discriminated against to because of testimony of and gospel Has That noted in addition to situations countries where \” not religious freedom is still guaranteed or not is in fact fully realized \” there are also cases of \” countries and environments That on paper safeguard the freedom and the rights human but where of made believers especially Christians meet and limitations and discrimination. \” The Pope criticizes \” the false image of Christmas. the image and fabulous corny That in the not the Gospel there is.\” Has it said the Angelus for the celebration of St. Stephen the first martyr remembering \” the true meaning of Incarnation \” That fellow \” Bethlehem to Calvary\” and recalls \” that divine salvation involves the struggle to sin it passes through the narrow gate of Cross. This is the way That Jesus Has clearly indicated to his disciples as testifies the gospel of today. \” Pope Francis That HAS recited the Angelus from the window of study of St. Peter\’s Square it is if asked not seem \” out of place \” celebrate Stephen the first martyr of history of the Church immediately after Christmas \” celebration of the life \” that \” infuses feelings of serenity and of peace \” \” why – HAS asked – disturb the enchantment with the memory of a violence so terrible? \”. but HAS explained \” in view of faith\” the feast of saint Stephen \” is in full harmony with the deeper meaning of Christmas in the martyrdom in fact – HAS commented pope Better World – violence is overcome by love death life. \” and in the martyrdom is \” reproduces the same comparison between the good and the evil and hatred forgiveness and between the mild violence That HAS culminated in the the Cross of Christ. the memory of the first martyr is well immediately to dissolve a distorted image of Christmas. the image and fabulous corny that in the not the Gospel there is \”. © reproduction reserved.

December 26 2013 Christmas message Urbi et Orbi \”Never blackberries tragedies as for Lampedusa migrants \’ dear brothers and sisters of and Rome of world and good morning Merry Christmas! I make my own the song of the angels That appeared to the shepherds of Bethlehem in the night in where he was born Jesus also That song combines and sky earth sky turning to the praise and the glory and to the land of men the hope of peace. I invite everyone to join to this song this song is for every man and woman That waking in the night That in hopes even better world That you take care of the other of trying do humbly his duty. Glory to God! © Copyright 2013 – Libreria Editrice Vaticana

PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS. December 27 2013. Religious freedom. Martyrdom because of Christians
EUROPE in the name of \” secularism \” is contrasted each root. \” It happens \” That Christians are openly adversaries \’ also and countries environments That on paper and protecting freedom human rights but where of made believers and especially Christians meet and limitations and discrimination. \” The note of Pope \’s Angelus address yesterday echoes also numerous incidents in Europe where the denial of as Christianity size ranging from countries in which the public are bandits wishes of Christmas as Great Britain to those where the simple exhibition during n tg of a small cross attached to a chain can cost to the place a journalist as happened recently blackberries of an month ago in Norway. Christians are today opposed in France. here the Church is reminding the government Hollande pledged to legalize euthanasia after wedding gay That \”neither the Republic nor the state nor are doctors owners of human life \” as HAS warned on the eve of Christmas the Archbishop of Lyon Cardinal Barbarin. but macaws tough times also for the Christians in Belgium where macaws groups of believers to animate the opposition of the project law for extend euthanasia for children. Open face ridicule believers Spaniards That support the recovery of the law on abortion cleaned of liberalization of Zapatero. Situation similar in Croatia where the Church Has led the big – and challenged – initiative for the defense of family with the reform of the referendum the Constitution. Francis Ognibene. NIGERIA fundamentalism of North triggers the hunting to the faithful. In sub- Saharan Africa north-central Nigeria has long been one of the regions blackberries dangerous for the Christian community. Le violence macaws increased dramatically with the attacks of the jihadists of Boko Haram a sect formed in the city north-east of Maiduguri That Has the objective of to bring in the country version very blackberries extreme of sharia ( law Koranic ). Over the past four years those That to sometimes are described as the \” Nigerian Taliban \” have taken of especially targeting leaders and civil places of cult Christians. Official figures speak of at least 3600 deaths since 2009 in most Christians. Most of the attacks of Boko Haram are which took place in the north of Nigeria to Islamic majority forcing thousands of Christians to head towards the south. The central government of Plateau is however often the scene of clashes between against the Muslim community the Christian or between the militants and the authority. The al-Qaeda have also hit blackberries times asked to Christmas. This year after a series of attacks Army militants December 24 in the north -east of the country and thanks to the raising of level of security throughout the country not we are were the attacks. Matteo Fraschini Kofi
Middle East the Holy Land is the epicenter of an long exodus. are only 154 thousand Christians That today inhabit the Holy Land within the boundaries of Israel. 80% of minority are Christian Arab other ares of joint to Jews to which must be added about 30 thousand foreign workers and the Christians of Palestine Jerusalem Est really an \”little flock\” in the State of Israel That has about 8milioni of inhabitants ( of 6 million Jews and in addition also million and half of Arabs ). Nazareth is the city with blackberries large numbers of Christians followed by Haifa and Jerusalem. small as communities and dying That for decades now fighting against the evil of endemic and escape abroad of diaspora to because of violence and of an environment culturally hostile in throughout the Middle East. Considering the migration of Christians in Israel increase each year of 0.9 %. n given below both with respect to the Jews (+ 1.7%) That compared to Muslims (+ 2.7%) and That in perspective makes still blackberries the small Christian presence. The minority has an high rate of education and percentages of access to higher university national ones. Instruction That paradoxically could encourage the emigration qualified. the risk fact is That the holy places are transformed into the future of museums perfectly preserved but without living communities. A temptation that of escape shared for decades as well in Egypt where he resides the Coptic minority as in Syria and Lebanon. Luke Geronico IRAQ More blood to Baghdad the community seeks \” normalità \”
In Baghdad the violence not HAS spared even on the day of Christmas. in the afternoon two bombs are exploded in the area of Dura killing 25 people and wounding 56. A killing – yet another – not claimed by any group. Yet given the proximity of the church of San Giovanni the authorities had thought That it was of an sectarian attack against the minority. A hypothesis disproved soon after by Monsignor Shlemon Warduni auxiliary bishop of the capital. The ambush – HAS explained the minister in an interview to \” Vatican Radio \” – \” no was directed to Christians. not we have to mix the things – HAS added the minister – is the attack which occurred on the day of Christmas but not why is Christmas. According to the Ministry of the Interior the goal of the terrorists was the market of Athorien particularly to crowded of that time in the morning. is was an difficult year for the Iraq That HAS attended to a devastating wave of sectarian violence. The past estimates of the United Nations speak of beyond 8 thousand deaths since January a \”figure from 2006 \” when after the fall of Saddam Hussein sectarian violence erupted in all its ferocity. To sharpen to violence – an civil conflict not said – the protests against the government of Shiite Maliki accused of favoring to his community the expense of the Sunnis. ( R.E. ) PAKISTAN icon of Asia Bibi blasphemy. and as India strikes also the shepherds. an another bad year for Christians and the minority religious of Pakistan. to from Asia Bibi That remain in jail in of expectation judgment appeal to three years after the condemnation to death for blasphemy. On all the weight of the conflict and of endemic violence of an country of of 180 million That the inhabitants it is sinking in its contrasts ethnic sectarian and of conflicting interests with an growing impact of terrorism is what fueled by jihadist movements as al- Qaeda the Taliban is that of matrix local. It weighs but also a law ( the so-called \” anti- blasphemy\” ) used as an ram for undermine the rights of the minority religious or not Islam fundamentalist. A situation That for some time exports of violence religious pretext across the border where the immense India to in turn the radicalism of matrix Hindu claims also in politics also That role confirms entrenched privileges. Just for the defense of the last in the traditional system of castes and marginalized groups ( Dalits ) the Indian Church suffers and pressures and injustices. as on 11 December when the Archbishop of Delhi Bishop Anil Couto is was stopped by dozens of priests nuns and activists during a march for ask That the Government confirm also for the baptized recognized benefits of Dalits faith Hindu.
Old Stafano. © reproduction reserved

PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS. January 8 2014. Faith to the test. Christian persecution the increase in 2013. The number of Christians persecuted for their faith is in increase. also in the 2013 violence and the discrimination against them are grown. The phenomenon has emerged also from \’ \” Index worldwide of the persecutions in 2014 \” That study ranks the 50 countries blackberries affected by intolerance made by the association Portes ouvertes France of an NGO to support persecuted Christians. Association apolitical founded in the 1976 Portes Ouvertes France makes this relationship since 1997. in the 2013 he writes the NGO there was an enhancement of the generalized persecution Africa in particular of the belt the Sahel \”has become an the field of battle for the Church \” and there was a sort of \” That winter the Christian right in the countries have experienced the Arab Spring. \” Of Korea North confirms for the twelfth consecutive year the country in for which Christians live is blackberries and dangerous precarious in second place in Somalia where tribal and clan Muslims ensure death \” almost all Christians That together.\” The situation not improves in Arab countries. Syria and Egypt first of all Syria which fell from 11th to third place holds the sad record of the number of Christians killed ( most of Nigeria according to news derived from printing ) Egypt is the country where Christians have suffered blackberries violence. Islamic extremism remains the factor blackberries insidious. The increase of the persecutions is particularly noticeable in failed states ie those which power center struggles to take fully its role. in addition and Somalia Syria Iraq the \’ Afghanistan Pakistan Yemen and now also the Central African Republic. Among the other countries where Christians are under pressure we find Maldives Saudi Arabia Iran Libya Uzbekistan Qatar. © reproduction reserved

Kindergartens to Rome cut aid to the third child. Blocked aid to families numerous green light instead to the project favor of gay lesbian bisexual and transgender persons.
The gamble not is an game. Slot machines in bars halls games open 24 hours Italy is turning into a gambling den. Persecuted Christians. The stories blackberries dramatic and data for the battle to ensure to all religious freedom. The choice of Marino. Kindergartens to Rome cut aid to the third child. Low shot of the Capitol families Roman three or blackberries children. If the resolution is approved by the City Council not the asylum will be blackberries free for the children That already have two brothers. an another slap in the face political family by a junta instead attentive to initiatives pro- gay in the Capitol seeking staff internal expert \” policies of kind and LGBT \” for strengthen the department and educational services education youth and equal opportunity. The proposal of resolution of commission school want to change the preceding ( the 90 of May 25 2000) That provides for the exemption from the payment of contribution rate of for the third child households three or blackberries minor children. \” We are witnessing the dismantling of the policies family members put in walking with difficulty in all these years \” says the president of of the Forum associations of family Lazio Emma Ciccarelli. \” The situation is severe the families bring their children to the nursery why need of work so the council will be responsible of of the collapse families Roman. \” Outraged Comment of Angelo De Santis Head Association families numerous of New York. \”But is so difficult to understand That a family with three children today independently by income not can be considered rich? \’. and he adds. \”It\’s obvious the junta Marino is contrary to the family. The mayor so attentive to discrimination is discriminating against those who do family. \” \”In nine months – says the director Gianluigi De Palo a former councilor to the family the parent company of civic list \” Citizens x Rome \” – the administration Marino HAS dismantled the job done three years by myself to from from the \” quotient Rome \” dozers for the political family throughout Italy. \” Jordan Tredicine (Fi) announces a motion against the resolution. for Valeria Mennuni ( Ncd ) is an \” unacceptable attack on the birth rate.\” in pickaxe to the nth contemporary political family the Capitol Square also another brick of gay propaganda. With a circular of January 28 the Department resources human resources research within the administration four figures professional. The Department and educational services schools and young people equal opportunities HAS by the Government had \” significant new functions matter of promotion and protection of the equal opportunity.\” We need therefore two figures ( an official expert notices and contracts ) and also for administrative the \”Service policies of Genre.\” As many for the \”Service LGBT \’ an administrative and an expert \” sociologist psychologist social having skills issues lesbian gay bisexual and transgender. \” Experts to be used in a section dedicated to issues gender. Maybe for implement Directive UNAR anti discrimination at the Office of the Presidency the Council That like dictate the bon ton \” homophile \” to teachers.
\” First civil unions – said De Palo – then the testimonials gays in schools for the project against bullying staff time expert LGBT. is an ideological battle on themes of abstract administration That lost of view of the concrete real life problems of the family to end month transport maintenance road. \” Luca Liverani
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China also if Xue Fushun father of democratic Xue Mingkai it is for suididto despair? this not make however blackberries lighter less serious the guilt of thy crime

02/05/2014 INDIA. India the Court will review the supreme judgment \”pro- Hindu \” for curb religious extremism. in the 1995 the blackberries high court of Country That had established search votes in the name of not Hinduism is a form of corruption. The verdict was much criticized why of the accused that process was being elected in name of Hindutva nationalist ideology. The president of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC ) accepts in so favorable the decision of the Court Supreme in view of the general elections of May 2014. \” In states where is pursued the Hindutva minorities live in insecurity \”.05/02/2014 CHINA China father of an dissident dies after falling from an balcony of the court. for the police \” it is committed suicide.\” Xue Fushun father of democratic Xue Mingkai was able to escape from prison and secret he was a refugee in the palace of Prosecutor General of Shandong. He sought the protection of the court against the persecution of in respect of police his family. for the wife and the son not is suicide but intentional murder. The support of Chinese dissidents That for writing an open letter denounce the \” continuous violation \” of the authority.

Benjamin Netanyahu I then this I have said many times though the ARAB LEAGUE not to me the Secular State (non- secular ) to remove sharia and any discrimination between the citizens.. Besides I macaws forced to deport all Palestinians.

Turkey. Erdogan\’s Ottoman Empire Salafi ( cheers the idea of make world war! ) To ok tour of vine on the internet. Standards issue Erdogan accused of cover-up \’ Tangentopoli \’. [ Now we are in full Nazism! with the approval of the UN the atheists omosessulisti cristianofobici for the new Holocaust against Israel and sharia caliphate World ]

France 2 suicide [ by mortgage loan ] to the day manager sme. Search macaws 7% of total suicide [ then in France are committed 2 suicides per day of entrepreneurs almost always afflicted by the mortgage loan. ] Is clear all committed suicide have rejected the faith Christian for become the victims of despair That moneylenders communists Pharisees Anglo-American Illuminati have spread for the world with the seigniorage banking stolen from the constitution! 05 February PARIS [ that is war of Europeans Masons Bildenberg International Monetary Fund scam World Bank Spa FMi FED ECB against the Jewish -Christian civilization. ] An average of about 2 managers of small and medium enterprise commit suicide every day France 7% of the total number of suicides. The fact is in constant increasing according to the Observatory of health managers. Between 2006 and in 2010 there has been a wave of suicide few large companies transalpine as and Renault France Telecom. is also a phenomenon difficult to measure according to Olivier Torres founder of Observatory but is comparable to that between the artisans and traders.

Datagate Schroeder criticizes the United States. Former Chancellor \” have no respect for sovereignty Germany.\” 05 February BERLIN [ hypocrite though Satanists Americans make at least 10000 human sacrifices on the altar of Satan (every year) this is becouse have been allowed out of your masonry then is normal That should take strong controlling top of you for we can bring. check and intimidated. ] \”The U.S. is not they have no respect for an loyal ally and of sovereignty our country\” so \’ the former chancellor Gerhard Schroeder to the tabloid Bild in the aftermath of a journalistic investigation that probably the intelligence agency NSA HAS watched also his phone user to starting from 2002. \”What countries are spying on each other not is certainly nothing new. But intercept the phone of an clerk or of a Chancellor goes decidedly too far \” HAS said.

Communist Giorgio Napolitano an enemy of Christ. At the resumption of the House question on the dl prisons where yesterday the government HAS grossed trust obstruction of the League by involving all its members on orders of day. [ You take an every thief 100 and then reduce them in freedom? ]

05 February WASHINGTON [ it of all human rights profane the Churches and commit sacrilege ( impunity) that is democracy Masonic homosexual to way of this West fell in hands of Masons Europeans Bildenberg! this Europe That amplifies the abomination against nature not know to do! ] The world boycott of the Games Sochi. is yet another appeal launched by Nadia Tolonnikova and Maria Alyokhina the singer of group Pussy Riot to New York for attend the concert of this evening organized by Amnesty International together to Madonna. In the evening entitled \’ Bringing Human Righs Home \’ the Barclays Center of Brooklyn the of two girls become the symbol of opposition to the Kremlin not sing but read a letter addressed to President Putin.

Giorgio Napolitano [ this is of Europe of the Masonic your system communists omosessualisti Bildenberg. Your abomination? not hold up! ] Have put the knife to the throat of the Church why recognizes lawful abortion. 05 February CITY \’ of VATICAN is \” surprise \” reaction of to the Vatican accusations UN abuse \” because of the negative aspect That document they have produced is That it seems That were already been made before of meeting of Committee with the delegation of the Holy See \”says Msgr. Silvano Tomasi observer of the UN Geneva That speaks of \” ideological line.\” an \” attempt of interfere in the teaching of the Catholic Church.\”

05 February GENEVA [ and where place you hypocrites atheists omosessualisti the serious violation of the rights of adult? that is of not be able to love and marry a woman? you are hairy everywhere in fact not go the cause of issue becouse you are an Masonic abomination of Europe Bildenberg That not is the Europe of the peoples and of sovereignty monetary traitors UN EU Bildenberg you are the evil! ] The Holy See remove \”immediately\” from office who HAS committed sexual abuse of children or That there is suspected becouse Has so far \” adopted policies and practices \” that have led to continue abuse of tens of thousands of children and impunity for the perpetrators. You read it in the report of the UN Committee on the rights of children. [in fact you are segliando today after a long time why burns the success of Pope Francis! ]

Pope. If money is an idol not there is equity. Commitment against the Church That dignity violations bring misery. 04 February CITY \’ of VATICAN [ the UN Spa Bildenberg Pharisees Anglo- Americans for destroy Israel Zapatero sex with animals abomination against nature gayzzazione ideological.. are terrified That Francis Pope can speak of bank seigniorage! careful guys you\’re pulling the rope too! ] \’ When the power luxury and the money become idols we prepend all these \’ requirement of a fair distribution of the riches. Therefore it is necessary That the conscience be converted to justice to \’ equality and sobriety sharing \’. He says the Pope in the message for the Lent. The commitment of the Church he adds is \” to do That way cease the violations of human dignity and discrimination harassment That in many cases macaws origin of misery \”.

Benjamin Netanyahu [is was prophesied. \” on the tip of every hill \” there will be a Jewish city in this way though they will want to bomb Israel will have to strike too the Palestinians you can go where you want and you can take everything that want! ] 05 February 13:51. JERUSALEM [ I will lower the head to of all murderers and sharia their accomplices. UN. EU of violation. of every fundamental human right because. they defend. the Sharia they declared of be the new Nazi homosexuals! ] The Municipality of Jerusalem Has given the go-ahead to various plans for an total of 558 new housing units for settlers to Jerusalem Est \”In the course of meeting of commission local of planning \”it said in a note of the City of Jerusalem macaws were approved \” plans for 386 homes to Har Homa 136 to Neve Yaakov and 36 to Pisgat Ze \’ ev \”.

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